Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26. 1922. 10 ftoy Burglars Try fo Crack Safes As They Saw It Done in the Movies Fail Twice, but Third Attempt Yields $275 and Orgy of Candy, and More Movies Follow. Motion pictures, showing tho cuss with which cracksmen open safes, nnd floshly novels Inspired them to seek an easy way to tret money for buying Jce cream and candy and seeing other movlo shows, Dectectlvca Denny, Mc- Paimn anil flnitlanft ki 1 11 thV Wflffi tnM tnJnv Ihn Iva vntiniror bovs before they arraigned Earl Elliott, idxttcn, colored, No. S56 Atlantic Avo hue, Brooklyn, In the Adams Street ifcourt on n burglary charge, George jOeorollnotas, thirteen, No. 290 Pncl jflc Street, and Albert Hansen, twelve, INo. 336 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, In the Children's Court. Two revolvers woro stolen early jEaster morning from tho office of Rues jBros., school contractors. No. 789 At lantic Avenue, and the safo was un successfully attacked with a sledge hammer. Tho burglars escaped through tho skylight through which jthey had entered when frightened by policemen. Elliott denied having anything to do with tho burglary or with two others which the poltco say tho other boys confessed. On March 11, the detectives wore told, tho tinsmith shop of T. D. LUtridgc, No. 4S1H Atlantic Avenue, was entered, but the safe was too strong to bo broken by amateura. The safo of Thomau Kingsley, No. 784 Atlantic Avenue, proved more trnctabla on Feb. 25, and after open ing It tho boys obtained 1275, the de tectives say they were told. A feast of candy and Ico cream and an orgy of movies followed. Two other boys, Stanley Austin and Wilson Carter, now In tho New York City Reformatory, wcro named by Hansen and Ocorollnolas as mcmbors of tho youthful gong of burglars, tho detectives say. Austin and Carter were sent away after tho Brooklyn Times ofDco was broken Into last February. INTER-TRAIN PHONE MESSAGES POSSIBLE Status; Car Steward, nmllo Fun, Equipping Two Cam on II Iff Poor, J CINCINNATI, O., April 26 (Copy, right). Inter-train telephone communi cation while trains are In motion is a possibility. Fletcher II. Mies, steward pn a Big Four Mm' led. running between Canclnnatl and Cleveland, la developing the plan. Officials of the road are back ing blm and consider success assured, piles has a radio license. He Is equip ping two cars for experimental pur poses. ! lilies Is operating a temporary re 'celvlng set now on his car. With tho train at top speed passengers can 'listen In" pn concerts as If In thler own homes. Seats are at a premium when he tvnes In. Te anrsrati is located cn the top of tho buffet, the batterliis In cabinets underneath. An amplifying horn Is used and the sounds are heard In the furthest corner ot the car. I : JDKJtTIFIES BODY OF DROWNED DAUGHTER. Mrs. Frances Affleck, No. 50 West 177th Street, at the Morgue to-day, Identified the body found in the Harlem River at Spuyeten Duyvll last Sunday as that of her daughter, Grace A. Af fleck, thirty-three. Miss Affleck had been employed ns bookkeeper by tho American Tobacco Company. Accord ing to Mrs. Affleck, her daughter had been HI and was despondent. SAYS LAMPORT HOLT WON'T MAKE fUHTIIBR CUT. David Cook, American representa tive lof the Lamport & Holt Steam ship Lines, denied to-day the report that his line will make a reduction In passenger rates to South America to compete with tho rates announced by the United States Shipping Board. "As far as wo are concerned, there will be no more said by Lamport A Holt In re gard to Mr. Lasker's action," said Mr. Cook. "As far as I know, there will be no cut made by us." nUI-MIER PAOHITCII HURT IS AUTO AOCIDKNT. WASHINGTON, April 2G Slight In juries wcro sustained yestorday by Premier Pachltch of Serbia In a collision In Belgrade between his automobile and a street car, the Serbian Legation was advised to-day. Marvelous! Famous Musicians havo conferred this tribute upon hearing the perfect combination of Voice and Player Piano accompaniment rendered by The Apollo-phone. MHMMWV Mpojijohone The Player -Piano with a Voice So exquisite Is tho combination of voice with Fiaycr-iisno accompaniment that you are held spellbound by the wonderful performance. The Apollo-phone is the greatest musical achiercmcnt in an age of wonders and offers unlimited musical possibilities, j A very fine Player-Piano in appearance, a talking machine of excellent make is so cleverly concealed you are unaware of its existence until you hear the wonderful combination of singer and master pianist playing in flawless unison. Plsjer-Plano and Talking Machine synchronliod to play together, and each a distinct Instrument, to be played separately If you desire; vet this Instrument Is priced no more than you would expect to pay for a good PJajer-riano. Your Player-Piano or Talking Machine Accepted In Exchange. FREE DAILY CONCERTS WUllLITZEIl AUDITOI11UM 12.15 1 JO and 3.004.30 P. M. Soloists: ThU Week Louis Von Herbert, Pianist Charles Gu&lieri, Violinist Ch. C. Parkyn, 'Cellist Com In. No Ticket Required. The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. Pianos Vlctrolas Musical Instruments 120 West 42d Street Between Broadway and Cth Are. Phone Bryant 8140 Hi lt Usable U Call. Mall Thli Cwipon. WURLITZER, 120 West 42d St Kindly send m furthtr dttalls retardim th wonderful Apollo phono. Address , Nam Open Evenings Until 10 o'clock SENT TO HOSPITAL INSTEAD OF TO JAIL Heroic Soldier Saved From Prison Through Conviction Due to War Service. Two Deputy Sheriffs, half carried, half draRfffd Patrick J. Kccnnn, twents -client, of No. 219 West 66th Street, beforo Justice Finch I. tho criminal branch of tho Supremo Court to-day. Kecnan Is In tho last stages of tulicrculosls. Ho was ar raigned for attempted burglary. PO' lice records showed thnt Kecnan had heretofore led a blameless life. Ho had gone to tlio war, taken part In four battles, was wounded twice, and gassed, from which tuberculosis rv suited. ABslMant District Attorney Dono hue told Justice Finch thaat ho did not think any good .would bo accom pllshed by Bonding Kecnan to Jail. Ho recommended that ho bo dls. charged on his own recognizance and sent to Bcllevuo Hospital. "That Is tho right spirit," said Jus tice Flnoh, who so ordered. Kecnan was taken In chargo of by sevoral sympathetic persons, placed In a taxicab and taken to tho hos pital. DOY KILLED IX (FALL FROM SCIKlM. BUS. Robert Trlplcr. aged seven, son of I Mr, and Mrs. Harold Trlpler, of No. 4881 Soutti Field Boulevard, Biting- vllle. Stalcn Island, tried to board a moving school bus near his home to day. He lost his bnlance after reach Ing the steps and feu backwards, strlk Ing two lower steps, and landing on the back of his head In tho rond. He died at Klchmond Momoslnl Hospital at Princess nay or fractured skull. TWO DAYS' SLEEP CURES GIRL OF STAGE FEVER ncme Hysterical When Father Itefuted to Let Her tie Hyp notist's Subject, After qualifying ns a good subject for a hypnotist. Miss Dorothy Ford, six-teen-ycar-old daughter of Edward Ford of No. 62S Dloomfleld Avenue. Hoboken. became so hysterical she had to be'glvcn a sleeping powacr mat caused two days slumber. Sho and a girl friend answered an nil- vertlsement of a for subjects. Tho hypnotist couldn't do anything with tho other girl, but Dorothy said ho hyp notized her and hired her to go on the stage wlUi him. When her father ob. Jected sho becamo hysterical, and he called In the family doctor, who admin- Idtercd medlclno that kept her aslcon two days. Sho Is now nonnal, un harmed, and tho hypnotist can't bo found. The THREE WEST AIDS TO HAIR BEAUTY lAUTIFUL hair can be made still acre beautiful, and neglected hair can attain a new fullness and charm through the simple use of tyest Softex Shampoo, West Elec tric Curlers and West Hair Nets. West Products bring within your reach an effective and gratifying means of accomplishing the beau tiful coiffures you' covet. Li West 1 sfsn.fts, (with and Wl tkrat SofUl t, MUD ciaanur ana innr orator; works qnlckiy tnt enaar lather sad rlnsaa. rasdllr. Impartuir lustre and softs, Itavtaf us hair to nana. isj,ffcst ll.SS per West Hair Curlers arrwnirpMd ta prododar a iartns wbt. nvsiras aarares own. Wt nor hair la (if. Uea minute without hut by Ibis slmnlr urn acne. Ctard of 3 1V Card ( B SOo Tha nam WRST n Ttrr carter tdcnUll' id ronuu. 1 Blurt r ! nsir w West M!dst Curlers Cm ( 4 IO m win. -u r HAIR NET StcaditTBotvrilrani Msd i ntrs ionr uind of leld ha msa hilr. r fo-r4 with tw extra ntshas U U Ml. Twtc atrlllia4. 11 Shoals Cap r Friaf Shapt 2 for 25c- -t aim lor Xte. Wttt rTodnels r tola ritft an sksolut f warastss Mllsaetlaa r oc XBASE MA ILK. SOFTEX SHAMPOO HAIR CURLERS HAIR NETS EMINSJIM I II I U At Oood Xir Bttryuhrrt WEST EUCTRIC UAUt CURIER CO. PMisjt'.hu r. Mtw to Oflctt MS BnaaVif I Guticura Soap isah s A IS IDEAL- For the Hands Iim fMalMMl Til I If M i if I tm VWtjlM DENIES PROJECT FOR WESTCHESTER CITY Cnnimlsalnn Only Sreklna Connty Improvements any II. n. Darrctt, Henry It. Uarrett of White Plains, Chairman of tho Westchester County Government Commission, has given out a statement dcnylnK that plans for a Greater Westchester City havo been considered. Ho says the commission Is simply Investigating CWunty Government with a view to suggesting Improvements and economy. PAPERMAKERS WILL , NOT TAKE WAGE CUT The strike voto taken by tho Inter national Hrotherhooil of Pnpermakers was overwhelmingly acceDtanei- of wage reductions proposed by manu- farturcrs or news print paper. Jeremiah T. Carey, President of the Brotherhood, made this announcement at R conference with tho manufacturers here to-day. TROLLEYS and trains car ry more germs than they do people. Increase your Immunity against contagious disease avoid colds and breakdowns by taking that blood-maker and tissue builder BOVININE The Food Tonic 181 Of All Drualtti sBlBBBBalssM Stern Brothers i West Forty-Second Street cAnJ West FortyThird Street 5000 yards Imported Dress Ginghams Excellent quality. Checks, Overchecks and other desirable color, combinations. Pcr Yard: 48C 52 ins, wide Regularly 75c yard COTTON DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT-SECOND PLOOR. O O For Immediate Clearance od Special Group of MISSES' SILK FROCKS Heretofore Priced up to $69.50 v NOW $3475 (Sizes i4l i6y 18 years) Frocks of taffeta with flutings and ruffles and quaint velvet ribbon and nosegays. Frocks of crepe de Chine, featuring long flowing lines and a variation of sddom seen styles. Frocks of Canton crepe, some of them copies of imports, one with lovely long pointed drapery, . and another in two-tone combinations. Frocks for street wear or afternoon wear. Frocks for almost every event of the young girl's life, from luncheon to sundown. And, above all, frocks that she will love. oA nuide selection, but in many instances, only one of a .kind. o4n Exceptional Reduction Sale Thursday Women's Tailored Tweed Suits All taken from" regular stock and marked in this event at the exceedingly low price ot $35.00 ' Heretofore priced up to $58.00 Imparted and American tweeds various models, various colorings, and all beautifully silk lined. The kind of suits that stand out surely from the great throng of tweeds that one sees everywhere, for theirs is a distinction so tailortd-in that it can't be imitated at this prjceit can only be duplicated at prices far higher. Art authentic foundation for -the Spring and Summer Silhouette is exemplified in the complete presentation of AMERICAN -MADE corsets So many styles, so many attractive materials, and so loyal in line to the smartest decrees of the hour, that the discriminating American Woman will recognize in them her ideals in corsetry. Typical of the Beauty of This Display : CB a la SPIRITE CORSETS Quality of workmanship, united with the best materials and expert designing, characterize this entire assortment. Iri silk brocade, cotton broche or coutiL MODERATE PRICES THROUGHOUT. in L ATHLETIC CORSETS for the hours of sport or the dance. Straight back and hip effect $2.00 tO 7.50 Are Your Little Ones Happy? YOUR child may grow up with oil the foot ills that curse grown folks If the shoes are wrong when tender feet are forming. Why risk your child's foot health? It Is so unnecessary. At any of the Blyn Stores you can get Blyn-Plan Shoes scientifically constructed to help the child's feet grow properly. That is why physicians recommend them. They wear exceedingly well. Provo it on the child who is hardest on shoes. Because of quantity sales you pay ess for each pair. Bring in the children to-day. Shown Above: 7040 Girls' Patent Leather in step strap pump. Perforated tip, rubber heel. Sires 6 to 8 S2.S0 Sizes 11 to 2 $3.50 Sizes 8 to 11 3.00 Sizes 2J to V 4.00 Oh BknShoe ut doion'the family Sho eMl B TVKST SIDB STOItlM. 1A1 West 34th St. 252-224 West 125th St. th Avo. and 27th Ht. 8th Av 39th L 40th Sts. 63 Warren St. B nAST BIDE STORES. 3d Ave. and 122d St. 3d Ave., 8(!th 87th Sts. 3d Av., 150th & l.'.lat Sts. 1 (irt-102 102 3d Ave., nr. 13th St. New Shopping Centre Store 161 W. 34th St. A few doors West of Macy's 1 3 IIROOK1.YN STORES: All Stores Open Saturday Evenings 442-444 Klllton St.. Opp. Ilrldge St., near Iloyt. Broadway, nr.Oreene Av, nroadway, nr. Park Av NEWARK STORES. 68U Uroad Street. 100 Market Street. Shoe Delivered FREE to Any Part of the World. lud TESTED to hold a weight of eighty pounds. Strong enough to tie up a big package, neat enough for a dainty package, that's why LUDLOW TWINE is the all-purpose twine for home use. And so convenient. The handy package eliminates the bother of tangles and snarls. It's more conveni ent than saving old scraps. Tough, strong, durable, LUDLOW TWINE Is made of jute from Bengal, India polished smooth, not waxed so that it will slip through your fingers easily. Ask your dealer for it. c: 25 lowTwine WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Henry Gads Corporation I The M. J. Grady Company, Inc. Hoffman-Corr Mfg. Company I Charles F. Hubba a Company Geo. W. Millar & Co., Inc. I J. P. Nawrath & Co., Inc. Wilkinson Brothers & Co., Inc. D. S. Walton A Co. D. P. Wlnne Co., Inc. SUNDAY WORLD WANTS WORK MONDAY WONDERS M4rMt QUmr LAWctWrtmJPH.X, ftUU.,Mu.