Newspaper Page Text
0 ' 1 MISS DEMAREST TO BE THE BRIDE OF LT. GEORGE BURTON Ml 3 CHABiOrrre GARDNER DEMABEST- Sqe Is Younger Sister of Lady v Alastair Levison-Gower, 1 le s i a War Veteran. Mrs. Warren Demaresti announces the engagement of her daughter, Charlotte Gardner Domareat, to Qebrgo Burton of New York and Paris. Miss Demurest Is the younsent sister dC.Lady Alastair Leveson-Gower. Mr. Burton Is the son of Mrs. Fred erick Housman, No. 765 Park Avenue. -VHo served as a Lieutenant In the World War. NONE OF 600 SAMPLES PROVES PURE WHISKEY BUFFALO. N. Y.. April 2C Out of GOO samples of liquor analyzed In the last month, not one was pure Whiskey. .Acity Chemist 11. M. Hill reported to- 'day "Some Jay I expect to examine a sarr "i d I ml i r-1 . unadulterated whiskey, but that day hasn't yet arrived. IJr. Hill said. Most of the samples were seized by police and Prohibition agents and many bore' Canadian labels. Free delivery CHURCH WILL BURN ITS $60,000 MORTGAGE tlrilrnril I'rrljj trrlnn Will He Dl Marcd Vrv of Vvht To-Mnnl, Thu Bedford Presbyteilati Church. Noatrand Avenue and Dean Street. Brooklyn, will burn Us mortgage and n deficit note at the unnual meeting to- nlslit, "The mortgage is for JGO.000 and the note for J',000, but the money has been raised to pay them both and free tho church from debt. The financial burden was undertaken 1909, when ground was broken for the present bulldlnc. The final drive to clear away the obligations was made this spring with entlro success, although the largest contribution by one Individ ual at onc.tlmo was $1,000. Now It Is stated that tho church If not only freo from debt but free from any Immediate prospect of new obliga tions, since subscriptions are already In hand covering the burget. The Rev. Dr. t3. Edward Voting Is tho pastor nVSIVI'B!l nADIO ISUITOHS GUESTS OK KI.RCTIUC COSIIMKV. lladlo editors of New York newspaper were guests of tho Western Electric Company at Us plant. No. 437 Weal Street, yesterday, when Edward B. Craft, chief engineer of the company, dlxcussed the development ami posslbll ties of tho radio. Moving pictures and tadlo, he said, might bo expected to find a basis of common opcrntlon It n means can be devised for Uio produc tion of volume of sound. Corns? just say Bluejay to your druggist Stop$ Pain Instantly The simplest way to end a corn is 'Slue-jay. A touch stops the pain in stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out Made in two forms a colorless, clear liquid (one drop does it I) and in extra thin plasters. Use whichever form you prefer, plaster or the liquid the action is the same. Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory- Sold by all druggists. SI I I i Furniture of Cane, Willow and Rattan Easy chairs that are not merely hulky but really easy. Lounge chairs, Settees, Tables, Stools, Plant Stands and a dozen other kinds of furniture smartly designed; stained or enamelled or decorated in colors appropriate to their surroundings. Convenient little bridge chairs light and easy to handle, yet strong i and comfortable. While all of the Summer and out-of-door furniture is extremely reasonable in price, it is made to last. It doesn't squeak, or split and catch in frocks or coats ; it doesn't "sway." Fine sturdy upstanding out-door furniture all of it; and yet again light. Settees from 40.75 to 8128.25 Chaise Lounges from 33.25 to 92 Tables from U4.75 to 878 Chairs from 10 to 84 Floor and Desk Lamps from 815.75 to 850.75 Desks from 842 to 878 W. & J. FIFTH AVENUE AND 47TH to all thlpplng point in the V. THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL DETECTIVE CONVICTED OFLISTENING IN." Head of Senr Agency Knnntl flnlllr of Tapping Telephone. A Jury in Supremo Court yesterJay returned a verdict of guilty ngatnst Andrew Scnes, head of the Scnus De 1872 Golden Anniversary Year 1922 BloomingdaleS 59ili to JHO JiS'rcc I exingum to lhi'd t venue Let the Greenhouse Supply Your Garden and Farm Needs Fruit trees, 89c, $1.G9 and $2.69 each. Included nro pear, apple, peach, plum, quince and cherry trees. Flowering shrubs, Rose of Sharon, deutzia, forsythia, bush honeysuckle, hydrangea, white and purple lilac, spirea, snowball, snow berry, etc, 39c, 69c and 89c. Park Lawn Seeds, 29c and 39c qt.; $3.75-$5 half bushel, $7-?9.50 bushel. Vegetable and flower weds, 5c and JOc pkg.' or in bulk. Dahlia roots, 19c each. Flowering bulbs canncs,' tube-roses and gladiolus, 5c each. Cinnamon vine, Madeira vine, elephant's ears, oxalis, iris, peonies, rhubarb, asparagus, hardy phlox, etc., at low prices. Clematis pamculata, Boston Ivy, English Ivy, etc. California privet, 12c and 19c each; $5 and $9 a hundred, or bundlo of 25 for $1.75 and $2.75. Climbing roses in many varieties, 69c each. ' Currants, red, white and black, 2 year old Purple Wisteria, 98c ea. 49c each. Blackberries, 39c each- Rose bushes, 29c each. Raspberries, 29c each. 2 years old grapevine, 49c. Fertilizer and insecticides. Genuine Government Steel Helmets, made into -hanging porch baskets for flowers, 29c each. Two Combination Offers Combination of Six Flowering Shrubs and Six Rose Bushes for $3.00 1 Rose of Sharon, 1 forsythia, 1 honeysuckle bush, 1 hardy hydran gea, 1 spirea, 1 deutzia, 2 crimson ramblers, 2 Dorothy Perkins, 1 American Beauty, 1 Ophelia. Summer flowering bulbs and seeds, consisting of 6 high grade dahlias, 12 gladioli, G cannas, 6 irises and 6 tube-rose bulbs, with 12 pack ages of flowering seeds $1.50. None Sent C. O. D. Don't Miss This Opportunity Get a coupon from our cut flower shop, which entitles the holder to 10 discount on all purchases in our greenhouses on the roof during the month of April. Given Away Free A Dorothy Perkins and Crimson Rambler with every purchase of $2 or moro made in our greenhouse. SLOANE' STREET, NEW YORKCITY S. STORE HOURS: 9:00 A. M. tective Bureau, No. 135 Broadwy whol was tried on an indictment charging I wire-tapping. v Benes was convicted of "listening In" on telephone messages of the Mprsol Shipbuilding Company. George Ander- on. who was first convicted for tho I offense, was sentence to a term of one I to 5:00 P. M. BloomingdaleS Every Item in This Sale Below Cost, At Cost and Slightly Above Cost Men's Summer Underwear, 39c Fine bleached cotton union suits or shirts and drawers. Shirts are in athletic style pull over and knee drawers. Union suits are knee length and sleeveless. All sizes. Main Floor Mercerized Socks for Men 24c Highly mercerized, rein forced heels and double soles. Black, gray and cordovan. Men's Onyx Thread Silk Socks, 43c Reinforced heels and doublo soles. All first quality and will give wearer satisfaction. Black and colors. Main Floor Collegiate Scarfs, $2.15 58 inches long, 9 inches wide and with 7H inch knotted fringe. Collegiate Scarfs, $1,39 Roman striped, 68 inches long, 7 inches wide. Knotted fringe 7H inches long. Main Floor Laces and Embroideries Valenciennes Edgcs.Jnscr llons and Beadings in variety of widths and patterns, round and diamond meshes. French importations. 4c yd., 12 yd. piece 39c. Chant Illy Flouncing, all silk scalloped border. 85c y.d. Real Fllct Edges and Bands, 4 to 4H inches wide Large range of patterns, 85c yd. Real Filel Edges mid Bands, in attractive lot of patterns. 6 to 7 inches wide. $1.05 yd. Real Chinese Filet Laces, Edges and Insertions. M to inches wide.. 15c yd. Spanish Allovcr Luces, in beautiful blue and brown scroll designs. $1.42 yd. Embroidery Edges and In sertions of dainty designs, in great variety of patterns. Cambric, Swiss and nainsook materials in assorted widths. 8 He yd. JJaln Floor Japanese Blue Print Toweling 18 inches wide. Desirable for summer draperies. 20-yard piece $3. 16c yard. Main Floor Hair Floor Brooms, $1.39 Hair Floor Brooms of extra quality hair, 14-inch polish block. 26, 1932. 59 II i ' i liO I'll vntBfcr LEXI.nGi i t' IhD VKiNUr; A nniversary Only 3 More Days Men's Silk Striped Madras Shirts 2,400 new silk striped shirts of excellent quality midras. New patterns in a large, assortment of colorings. Perfectly tailored and full cut, also finished with unshrinkable neck bands. Sizes 13 Yj. to 17. Hloomlnpdale't Stain Floor. 200 Sample Dresses llloominedale'i Handkerchiefs Women's imported sports handkerchiefs. Guaranteed fast colors. Newest patterns. 7c each. 80c dor. Women's all-linen Initial handkerchiefs, sheer quality, with script initial, embroidered with ring; 6 for 79c Women's pure linen sheer quality handkerchiefs. Ji-Inch hemstitched border. He each. 51.25 dozen Women's colored initio' handkerchiefs, pretty script in" itial with floral design. Frencli hems. 8c each. 00c dozen Women's softly finished appenzell effect handkrrchicf, one corner embroidery, butter fly or floral designs. 15c each. $1.75 doz. Men's all-linen handker chiefs, script initial, beautifully embroidered, with wide corded woven border. G to box, $2.38 ifain Floor Crystal Coffee Mills, 79c Most approved wall stylo; with glass cylinder that holds one pound coffee. $1.49 For Girls $2-95 Attractive, youthful dresses of linens, fine ging hams; dotted voiles' b the season's favorite colors and styles. Mostly one of a kind all dresses that were made to sell for two to three times the low price we have set. Sizes 6 to 14 years. An unusual opportunity. Second Floor Dolls, $1.79 Dolls that walk and say "mamma." 18 inches tall. Dressed in gingham rompers and shoes. Third Floor Metal Collapsi ble Day Bed $8.50 Full 2 ft. 6 in. width. Com plete with Spring. Cotton mattress with Valanco covered in Cretonne Outfit also in cludes pillow and bolster. Fourth Floor MetalBeds$3.98 White or ivory enamel, with 1 l-lii inch continuous posts. Headboard 52 inches high. To be had in 3-0, 4-0 or full size. Fourth Floor Boys' Wash Suits 88c Of Peggy doth. Oliver Twist and Middy. Short sleeves. Sizes 2 to 6 years. APttlL 20, 1922 -1 Sale 1 Boys' and Girls' Cotton Socks,8c Imported socks with white grounds and fancy tops. Va- Second Floor Girls' and Boys , Union Suits 39c Union suits for girls are made low neck and with no sleeves and finished in bloomer style. Sizes from 4 to 11 years. For boys the suits are fine ribbed cotton waist suits. Slzea 2 to 12 years. Main Floor JYL Women's Union Suits, 39c Bleached cotton suits with French ' heck ' bands. Rein forced legs, I com or tight knee. Regular and extra sizes. Main Floor Imported Steel Shears, 39c Shears for dressmakers and homekeepers. Sizes 6 Hi 7 and 8 inches; including manicure, embroidery, cuticle and pocket scissors. Made of forged steel, nickel finished. Each pair warranted. Main Floor AutomobileTool Boxes, $1.68 Heavy steel box. nicely Japanned. Yale lock. Automobile Lug gage Carriers,$1.66 For the automobile easy to fasten on the running board. Holds securely. Automobile Stop Lights, $1.18 Prevent accidents complete, ready to install on your car. Third Floor Strollers for Baby, $8.95 Fibre reed body with leath erette hood. Adjustable back and foot rest. In two colors gray or ivory. Third Floor 9 1 A- Be I ill 1 atfaf