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lifer Chickens Have No Home Now But Jail " Sirs. Coyne's 900, Dispossessed, ' Pat Queens Sheriff in Awk ward Dilemma. What rights has n chlcUcu under tho law when Its owner Ih cllspos sctacd from property which It has been oqcupylng? Tills, multiplied by 900, la tho question confronting Sher iff Wagner of Queens. At jll o'clock he had decided the chicken would havo to remain In his custody, and ut noon ho was wrest I0n7 with tho problem as to whether, when It was In his charge, Its place was In the civil or criminal Jail. Judgo Humphrey yesterday directed that Mrs. Kathcriito II. Wctmoro bo Stven possession of property sho pur chased ut a foreclosure sale In 1918 and which Is occupied by Mrs. Urldgct tfoync. The property is In Wickes Street, near Jamaica Avenue, and Mrs. Coyne ha 900 chickens. Deputy Sheriff Ksslg has to dlspos ess these chickens. Some of them are only a few weeks old and tho law is Very strict about children that uge being separated from mothers. As coon the Sheriff removes tho chickens he must tako caro of them unless Mrs. Coyne agrees to. Sho la standing on what sho considers her legul rights and Is holding him responsible. Besides, It tho chickens nro put in Jll, who is going to feed them? The Sheriff gets a per diem allowance for feeding prisoners and If a chicken be comes a prisoner tho question arises, U the Sheriff to get tho per diem allowance for its feed at the same rato a for other prisoners? lOURAUD LAWYER PLACED ON TRIAL Oldmixon and Private Detective Charged With Lxtortion in Alienation Suit John C. Oldmixon, lawyer, of No. Broadway, ana David Ostro. .1 rivato detective. No. llfi West 39th fetrect. were placed on trial before Jus tice Klnch in the criminal branch of the Supremo Court to-day on charges of extortion. The complaint is by Mrs. Kllzabeth Schlll, No. 67 West 109th Street, wife of Bruno Schlll, formerly secretary to Mme. Almee Crocker Gouraud, wealthy divorcee. The charges are based on method they are nlleged to havo used In an effort to slop a suit brought by Mrs. Schlll against Mine. Gouraud for alienation of her husband's affections. "We shall prove," BSid Assistant' District Attorney Donohuc, "that Ostrfa and Oldmixon forced Mrs. Schlll to discontinue her suit by preying upon her Hear that she and her husband wou$ bo Imprisoned for blackmail. you.tiI tiiiu:ti:.m;i poi.ici: 31 an. William Devme, fcuventcen, of No. 'Mp Madison Street, Brooklyn, charged with refusing to "move on" when so ordered by Patrolman August Itantt, and with saying to the policeman "I'll got you yet." wns committed to the Now York City Reformatory to-day by Magistrate Folwell. A probation of ficer reported that Dcvlne had been committed twlco to tho Catholic Pro tectory and had escaped once and had been returned there, ito had a dis charge from tho United States Army mado out to Corporat Clarence A. Dol dlitie, nnd woro an American Legion button which ho wild had been given to him by a friend. BQHN REFRIGERATORS Only Ten Days More of Special Prices I'lic savings or $25 to $33, applying to four Bolin Snnltor Refrigerators, will continue only until May 6th. These splendid Refrig erators, with the 8-laycr Insulatlonnnd many other exclusive features, keep food in perfect condition with very little Ice. Bohn Refrigerator Shop 5 Eit 46th St., New York Strstia nidi. VanderbUt 1917 Th Uluitrtd Hef rix.rtor. Si b 10 by M InehM, wu 1100.00. No I6S.O0, ' ' Kills Moths PREVENTS MOTH DAMAGE for ono full year GUARANTEED! "Just Spray" Al Drug, Dept. and Grocery Stores. MOTh PROOF PRODUCTS CORP. 100 Broad St. New Vork Telephone, liowllnc Green 7007. THE EVENING WORLD, vWEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 6, 1922. 19 Silk Linedand Fringed Tricot hie Cape $25 ffl Smart Capes Unusual Value $10 to $50 Silk Capes, featuring fringed effects in the finest Canton Crepe and Rosha nara, as low as $15 ! Cloth Coats and Capes of best quality Pqiret Twill and Tricotine, only $10.05! Many sport models in soft finished Tweeds, Camel's If air and Herringbones; excep tional values at $16.05 1 HAMILTON MATERIALS Are of a Quality Usually Found in Garments That Sell at Almost Double the Price! I 500 New Silk Frocks 5it. lslH.Hr Silk Dresses effectively trimmed with beads, lace or ribbon in the newest mode ! Dresses for sport wear in Crepe Knit or Eoiret Twill combined with Canton. A variety of Cape Dresses in Tweeds, Cantons, Rosha nara, etc. Excellent values moderately priced! n mi Beaded Silk Canton Crepe Dress $19.95 HAMILTON GARMENT CO, 307 Fifth Avenue, Near 31st Street rVJ FUR STORAGE Vaults on the premises Absolute protection BROADWAY at Ninth Street Store Hours: 9 to S.30 Formerly A. T. Stetcart 5,000 Yards of Fashionable Printed All-Silk Voile The Soft Velvety Moonlight on the Waters of .Lake Captivea gives a royal setting to the home of the Tarpon, the kings of the sunlit seas and the queers of the nights when the moon is at its full. Where else besides Mont Blanc or the Jungfrau are there such sunsets ami sun rises as here".' The other morning the sun's little finger lifted itself silently out of the water and a great red bail swiftly rolled up into the cloudless sky. The winds of the night roughened the waters of the lake, and as the waves rose and fell tho sun shining through them made a path of liquid red to the little cabin window, as if to beckon one to a morn ing walk' In the light and all the way through the new day. Signed) April 26, 1922. New Curtains make smiles Didn't you once upon a time make funny pictures on your slate of the frowning house and the smiling house, the frowns and the smiles depending on whether doorways and windows had their corners turned up or down? With its new spring cur tains your house will turn up all the corners of its windows. From Scotland Madras curtains in dainty borders with figured centres. Valances o match. 53,25 to $8.75 pair, Madras curtains with pink, pale green, blue, gold, tan and brown colors woven in dado, border and all-over figured de signs in one, two or three-tone combinations on the cream ground. - Colors arc tub and -un-fast. M.75 to $12.50 pair. From England Dainty net curtains, fresh and crisp as a spring morning. Fin ished with plain hems or with dainty lace edges. ?1.95 to $6.50 pair. France, too Spotted nets in large and small figure1!, plain and ruffled. $12.50 to $14.50 pair. Switzerland's gift is curtains of dainty cmbro;-' dered Brussels net. 57 to $14.50 pair. Made in U. S. A. Ruffled curtains in 22 differ ent styles, musljn, swiss, lace, filet net, voile, marquisette, scrim, grenadine plain and figured. $1.65 to $11.50 pair. The Avenue of Draperies. Fourth Gallery, New Building COWHIDE Oxford Bags, $5.50 18 in. bags of grain cow hide, in black cobra grain and smooth brown finish, leather lined. Sewed cor ner protectors. Hat Boxes, S5, $5.50 Enamel cloth, good graUe. 18x9 and 18x12 in. 45. 20x9 and 20x12 in. $5.50. Week-end cases to match the 24 in. size at 55; the 26 in. size at $5.50; 28 in size, 56. Street Floor, Old Building. Downitalri Store, New Building. Player-piano Music Rolls 60c for a number of SI Im perial rolls, including "Angel Child," "Just a Little Love Song," "Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down, Cutie," from "Tho Blue Kitten." 50c for 75c "synchronized" rolls, including "Say It With Music." "The Sheik," "Song of India," "Three o'clock in tho Morning." Flrt Gallery, New Building. "0k XLfhlorThP Russian Frocks for Girls That is frocks made in the Russian fashion by Russian emigrees now in New York. They strike a different note, and who shall say that girls of 6 to 12 are not sensibly appreciative of some thing new and uncommon ! nsr : crepe. Simple, with the peasant stitchery done in brilliant colors and odd designs. Whlu(, blue or maize cotton crepe 515, 517.50, 519.50. Navy blue or white crepc-de-chine $22.50. Girls Knickerbocker Suits Becoming, stright-line frocks, lace at throat or button over shoulders. Perfectly tailored "knicker-, bocker are finished with fitted cuffs at the knees. $12.50 to $19.50. Jersey or linen, 512.50; jersey combined with flannel, or diagonal tweed, 515; flannel, $19.50. Plain colors, checks or effective combinations. ip length circular capes to match stiits, $10.75 Second Floor, Old Building. i Women's Twill Suits, $38 a very Special price Beautifully tailored suits of the finest twill in navy blue and black a few with the smart white hair-line stripes. Lined with crepe-de-chine and nand-finished. They show the new long jackets and the slen der becoming silhouette possible only in a well made tailleur. Slightly fitted or straight, to be worn with or without belts, jackets varying in interesting detail of collar line, pocket and sleeves. Second Floor, Old Building. The "Mimi" Cape, $32.50 ' A very smart circular cape of twill cord nearly four yards wide for Miss 14 to 20. It has attained a remarkable degree of success since its debut but a few weeks ago. Bindings and tie of grosgrain ribbon emphasize the grace of its youthful Tines. Navy blue or black, lined with navy blue, beige, gray radium silk. . The New "Mimi" Suit . Navy blue twill cord, softly I tailored to maintain the straight-line silhouette. $49.50. Red flannel bindings and a nar row red leather belt introduce a pleasing note of bright color to the carefully cut jackets. Hand fin ished lining is of gray crepe dc chine. Second Floor, Old Building Hats for formal occasions Black and brown predominate in the collection of delightful hats of this type which the Millinery Salon is presenting for spring and summer $16 to $40. ... For dancing there are lace-draped mushroom hats that mdo the eyes in a piquant fashion. Oftentimes a gleaming ornament of rhinestones, a cluster of exotic fruit, or a colorful rose add the last perfect finish to the picture. Second Floor, Old Building. 4& I I I II mil VWl IB m Piano Salons Flnt Gallery, New Bldg. Lawn Mowers are now in demand Here they are high wheel, low wheel, ball-bowing, plain-bearing; 12 in. to 24 in.; $9.50 to $26.25. Lawn trimmers. Grass catch ers. Bakes. . Everything for tho lawn. Seventh Qallery, New Building Spring Topcoats for Boys Chilly days in spring, cool days and evenings at the seashore or in the mountains demand spring coats for boy s. Come Thursday and make your selection from a rare stock of smart, comfortable coats. 3 to 10 years $7 to 515. 12 to 18 years $19.50 to 530 Some fine imported materials For those who prefer very superior, exclusive topcoat styles tor boys thero is a most inter cstlng choice at 521.75 up. Street Floor, New Building. Boys' Oxfords, $4.75 were $6 last year Made of tan and black leather with heavy welted soles, medium wide toes. Very comfortable. Built on a last to specially suit the growing boy. Blind eyelets, metal plugs in heel. Sizes 1 to G. Sizes 11 to 13 VS $4.25. Street Floor, New Building. Reed. $24.50 Fifty baby carriages, like the one pictured. Pullman style. $35 grade. Has all the improved at tachments any baby car riage can have. Reversible gear, rubber tired nutless wheels, tubular push handles, hood and body. Lined with good grade of corduroy. Third Qallery, New Building. Get the Winter Dust Out HOOVER it beats as it sweeps as it cleans the electric cleaner which makes Spring house-cleaning a recreation instead of a task. Removes light sur face dirt, clinging litter, embedded grit. Baby Hoover, $52.50. Hoover Special, $65. Air attachments for dusting, cleaning, etc, 515. PREMIER Electric cleaner, air-cooled motor, $42.50. Special cleaning attachments, $10. Seventh Gallery, New Building. Today's $3.50 grade Thursday--$L85 yd. All silk voiles printed (and t Fashion says Printed Silks) smartly striped with satin, which have the sheer delicacy of Georgette crepe with the added merit of being practically indestructible. Exquisite colorings T The selection of designs is extensive the new ones for summery afternoon g6wns of charming softness all-over patterns in small or large figures on light or dark grounds. Shadowy effects in the beautiful Persian colorings so much favored by Paris arc particularly delightful. Indeed, we cannot begin to tell you all wc would like to about these silks you must see them to ap preciate how wonderful they arc at the price. 40 inches wide. Thunday, In the Silk Rotunda, Street Floor, Old Building. Sale of 9 x 12 Rugs Worsted Velvet Rugs, seamless . . , Axminstcr Rugs, sewed Grade .$65.00 . 52.50 Fale Price $45.00 37.50 One of New York's largest wholesalers moved. We moved these 9x12 ft. rugs, saving him trouble and expense and got them at a good saving. The worsted velvets are (1) two-toned effects in rose, blue, green and gray, with band borders to match, and (2) -Oriental colors and designs, finished with linen fringe. The Axminsters arc high pile rugs of a standard well known make. Third Qallery, New Building. More Good Linen News The linens are as pure as linen is made ' The prices are lower than elsewhere Breakfast and Dinner-sized Napkins 175 doz., heavy all linen, size 19x19 in. at $3.75 doz. 185 doz., heavy all linen, size 20x20 in. at $5.75 doz. 162 doz., all linen, good grade, 22x22 in. at $4.75 doz. 375 doz., extra good quality, 22x22 in. at $7.50 doz. 87 doz., heavy, very special, 24x24 in.-at $9.75 dcz. Pure Linen Table Damask 550 yards of 69 in. Several good designs, $1.65 yard. 465 yds. 70 in. bleached and silver bleached $2.50 yd. 300 yds. of 63 in. ex,tra heavy homespun silver bleached at $2.95 yard. 450 yds. of 72 in. extra heavy homespun silver bleached at $3.35 yard. . Pure White Irish Dress Linen 1000 yds. 36 in., suitable for dresses and fancy em broidery at 80c a yardi Hemstitched Pillow Cases and Sheets 100 pair pure linen cases, 221236 in. at $2.75 pair. 125 pr. heavy, pure linen sheets, 70x96 in. at $12.50 pr. Hemstitched Tea Cloths and Napkins 450 cloths, 45x45 in., pansy and rose pattern, $2.75 ea. 300 doz. napkins, 13x13 in., plain linen, beautifully boxed, $5 dozen. First Floor, Old Building. If you want a Cedar Chest Vftii will ho BiirnviQnrl fn find whnfr nn nf f rnnf i vn IJiW-la nw der-the-bed-box on rollers, 9 in. high, 48 in. long and 23 in. wiae, you may nave ior zi.zd. While chests of 36 in. 42 in. and 48 in. lengths, with or without trays, await the privilege of lending their aromatic fragrance and their beautiful color to your room, and their protection to your furs and woolens. $15.25 to $38. Fourth Qallery, New BulWlng Made-to -Measure Suits Plenty of Variety Fully Guaranteed $45 to $65 grades. . . . $37.50 rTHE Spring Sale of Used Pianos offers rare choice of instruments for Sum- mer homes. Used upright pianos, $75 up player-pianos, $345 up grand pianos, $495. Twenty newly re-conditioned pianos added to the Sale this morning. Plain blues, blacks, fancy patterns and plenty ,of everything. A good way to start the Spring and Summer season, because it gives every man a chance to have the kind of suit he wants. Our $45 to $65 fabrics made to your individual meas urements guaranteed by US. Broadway, cor. Eighth. 3