Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING- WORLD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1922. 0 it. I; i iVV,i,, if Maxwell Only Car Shown at the til " Gum- Ynur-Home 9 9 Exoosition -Maxwell Toaxx jjyThe Maxwell Motor Car lias been !onceled tho hlsli honor of belns se lected as the exclusive- automobile bo exhibited at tho "Own-Your-Jlomo Exposition," which Is beliiR 1 litld at tho 69th Regiment Armory, ijl'llarry J. Do Bear, President and General Manager of tho Maxwell Chalmers Distributing Corporation U very much delighted when hi jfecelved word from tho commlttei In' puafge of the exposition that tht Jiixwcll had been the one car In the finUre automobile Industry solccleo io; represent all of motordom. jl'It, was very gratifying to us In deed," said Mr. Do Bear, "as we know that tho Maxwell car Is tho loglca. DODGE BROTHERS CHIEFS ADVANCE. ; Jftheaon Becomes Vice President, S'i Jflcliols I Gettr.ral Sale y Manager. Several Important changes In the executive personnel are announced by Sodge llrothers. C. W. Matheson has been advanced from Genoral Sales Man ager to Vice President In charge of sales; John A. Nichols Jr., promoted from director of Held operations to General Sales Manager; John H. Gor don from New York d, strict represen tative to director of dlttrlbutlon. Mr. Oordon succeeds J. E. French, who listened to lake over tho Dodge Brothers dealership In San Francisco,. Tishero he maintained his headquarters for sever! years as Dodge Brothers' district representative. 5As announced several weeks ago. 'George Harrison Pticrps also left the organization and U now engaged in tho advet Using business for himself. tCOLT, OVERLAND EASTERN kt, SALES MANAGbn, KbSIUNS. lt-3 yjWllllaxn I Colt, for nearly five years ixrlslon Manager of Willys-Overland, $C in the Eastern district, with head Starters In this city, has resigned, Effective Mav 1. to become the l'resl- 'rin anil netlvn head of the Overland !l?tV)vldet!e Company. Willys-Overland JHfstributer for Ithode Island, which 'sonccrn he established and financed iibout a year ago. jt-itr, Colt Is one of the best known Men In the automobile business. Prior feints association with Willys-Overland for clrht years President of the Colt-Stratton Company, distributers of Odge motor cars In, the metropolitan istrlct. Keep your blouses fresh and new, says Max Held wash them this 'way sU 1x0 ra to type for tho mon living In tho coun try or suburim. "That tho automobile ban actually become a part of every day life to many pcoplo hns been proved by the very great numtior of cars which huv Imcn purchased for uso In their dall, pursuits. "One of tho most notable Instances of this Is with tho suburbanites am1 iiftnt in atnnll towns contigu ous to the largo centres. While then Is In most cases a regular train Bcneu- In nnlnlnlnml Ul ITinllV riCODlC liaVI moved tho country to cscapo clt: congestion, that train travel is otter overcrowded and for these people tho rmlnhllHlllMl Itself Armltf n a nmitint TT1 P.1 n H of COT! V(! V - nnco from homo to odlco and ofllco to home." NEW LEXINGTON MOREL ON MARKET. Tho Lexington Motor Company of Connoravlllq, tnd.. Is out with the an nouncement of a new flve-paesengei touting model at $1,743. According to the announcement, the price on this new "Series 22" Is 2240 less than the lowest previous price on a Lexington motor car oqulpped with tho Anstcd engine, including tho Moore multiple exhaust system, which saves fuel and adds power, and Is an exclusive Islington feature, patented by John C. Moore', chief engineer. Tho Ansted engine has been refined and Improved In many respects. Another. salient feature Is the frame design. Thlr incorporates the "doublo triangular cen tre cross-member" on which a patent is pending. Tho Lexington factory claims that their frame construction tj superior to anything on the market In sturdlnesa and stiffness, adding mate rially to the life of the car. Riding comfort has been achieved by using front and rear eeml-elllptic springs of exceptional length. Tho front springs are thirty-eight Inches long and two Inches wide, and the rear springs iro fifty-nine Inches long and two-and-we-quarter inches wide. CADILLAC COMPANY SETS SALES RECORD. Exceptionally encouraging news on the revival of business Is to be found In the report just Issued by the Cadillac Motor Car Company. This company has completed the best January, February and March business In tti- twenty years' experience. This fact Is attributed to tho unusual success won oy the new Type 81 Cadillac cars, backed by the car's long estab lished reputation for dependability and good service. DURANT PLANS BIG PRODUCTION FOR 1923. Durnnt factories will build a mini. mum of 200,000 motor cars In 1121, no- coidinc 'o a ni's'nge Issued to stock holders by President W. U. Durant of Durant Motors, Inc. Mr. Durani points out that the rec ord for Durant plants during the first six month operating period 10.sU cars manufactured and shipped is moie than have ever ben prodUcod b my other concern In the history of the Industry during the first six months' perming per loo. After outlining the company's plans for 1923. Mr. Durant refers to the no Star car, tho latest Durant achieve ment "Your company," he says, "hai entered Into contracts with the Stat Motor Company of NW Tork. Star Motor Company of Michigan and the Uar Motor Company of California, to produce In the plants of your Ulvl ilonal companies and under the same management n minimum of 120.000 four-cylinder, five-passenger car to sell at I3t8." NEW PACKARD MAKES HIT. With cloto to GOO pcoplo visiting the New York showrooms on the first day of Packard showing of Its new Slnelo Six model, and an tne otlicr branches rcDortlng similar activity: with a tota record of seventy-six sales within nine hours of llo first public exhibition, the new Hlngle Six, longer, lower and more nowcrful than Its predecessor, may truly he snld to have had nn enthusias tic reception. Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We itate tt as our honest belief that the tobaccos uted in Cheiterneld are of finer quality (and hence of better taite) than In any other cigarette at the" price. Ligttt & Mytn Ttbacn Ct. Whether itf a youthful button-up-the-back Peter Pan with an air of simple smartness or the merest frou-frou of sheerness and frills, your blouse must be the. smart blouse of the moment. And you must let it keep that last little nicety of correctness. For careless wash ing will just as surely ruin a fine French 2L oth W GRAY CAR READY FOR' THE MARKET. Frank I. Kllniensmlth. I'rnsfilshi of the Gray Motors Corporation and for merly Ford executive, tflcn trBMi,t and Treasurer, writes Albert Hirst, ths New Tork distributer of the now Gray Car, that tho Gray Motor Corporation naa completed a financing. All production and assembly of tho nttw Gray for tho present will bo In Do trolt. where tho present plant has a cupaclty of 2S0 motors and 100 chaskes. Assembly plants will bo established In i or, uosion ana l'hllaaelphla by Lciuiimur. the touring car will weigh about 1,100 pounds.- Tllo wheel base Is 100 incnes ana artillery wood wheels have been substituted for the disc wheels. The touring car will have a one-man top. F. F. Beall. former'vice President of the Packard Motor Car Company, will have entire charge of production, and D. Tfrnrir rinnnar. frmdt. In .1 - 1 1 branch production for tho Ford Motor company, win do in charge of sales. RE0 SPEED WAGON MAKES GOOD IN SOUTH AFRICA. It Is rather a far cry from the United States to South Africa, and when George Stowe. General Manacer nf tiu Iteo Company of New York, received a tciici Hum uviiuiiiivBuurB saying u speed wagon had won a motor truck competition ho grow rather enthusiastic. The rvont was decided In the T. A. C. stsHsBfSBsflsHssK Vnesteriiela CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended, Batiste with its trig collars and cuffs as it will the mannishly-tailored silk shirt or the dressier crepe de Chine. All that you need to make your pretty blouses last is the gentle Lux laundering. The grocer, druggist or department store has Lux. Lever Bros. Co., Cambridge, Mass. und" bil the Very""7 ' ommerrlal vehicle trials. The Heo car fnrrl.l a lit load of 3.H0 pounils. main tained a net speed of more ttinn iluhteen miles pr lioui fur 410 miles ....... -.1 ...nllna nonaiimnttnn of inu pihiu ." - " U.J nine" pci h.iiw"! IN NEW YORK TO-DAY. Jutlce liOdgc. dance. Pennsylvania. evening. Collego 'tlement, bridge, Pennsyl vania. A. K. F. Postal Agents, dinner, cnnylvnnla, evening. Heth Abraham Hospital, bridge, Pejnn- jilviinla. General Contractors' Association, neeting, Pennsylvania. Accountants' Club, meeting, Pcnnsyl- .anla, 8 P. M. National City Company, dance, Penn- avlv.'inlfl. Manufacturing Perfumers' Association of ,the United States, convention, Ullt unre. 11 A. M. American Guild of Banjolsts. dinner. Astor. 7 P. M. American Newspaper Publishers' As sociation, convention, Waldorf-Astoria. nil dny. American Welding Society, meeting. Engineering Societies' Building, No. 29 West 33111 sircei, ju A. M. Church of tho Healing Christ, meet- InK. Waldorf-Astoria, S P. M. St, Gabriel's Church, entertainment and oance, w aiaon-Asiona, s i: j. Associated Press, directors' meeting, Waldorf-Astoria, 10 A. M. Charter Chapter, D. U., meeting, waldori-ABiorm, 2 tr. 31. Klwanls Club, luncheon. McAlpIn, 5.30 I". i- 7. I'll phi, danoo, McAlpln, I P. M. Decoratlva Art Club, dance, McAI- Pin. I P, M, WoMiasday Atlornoon Club, luncheon. McAlpln. 1 P. M. The American Qulld of M. C. B., dinner, Astor, 7 P. M. Drgroa of Pocohontas, Loyal Order of lied Men, supper, Astor, 11 P, M. Maynooth Alumni Association, dinner, Astor. 7 PM. flslva neglna Council No. 2. K. of C, dinner, Astor. 7 P. M. Children's Welfare League, luncheon, Astor, 1 P. M. Welfare Bureau, of the Police De partment, dinner-dance, Astor, 7 P. M. The Publishers of tho unneu Males, An Adventure in Flavor! HAMS 6 BACON "A little higher in priceBUTf mmvmr mmm AUMANN&C II rjSSSSsMSB iiiprriBai 750-752 8i-hAve. Our Easy Payment Plan Applies t., - & . j ii w rurnisn Aparxmcnis inu nwiucs on mrcmy hi hium..,j , ....... ALL QOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIQURE8. OPEN MONDAY AND 8ATURDAY EVENINQS. 10-PIEOE QUEEN ANNE AMERICAN WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE Duffet, China Closet, Serving Chest and Dining Table, (1 nn en 48. Inch, 6 ft. extension) 1 Arm and 5 Side Chairs; uphol- V I HiS,,OU stered in genuine leather; 10 pieces, as Illustrated w Columbia Qrafonolas from $30 Up on Our Easy Payment Plan. May Columbia Records on Sale. $1,00 weekly delivers to your home a New Home Sewing Machine. We carry a complete line. 4-PIECE AMERICAN WALNUT Period Bedroom sune, consisting 01 orester, enmorooe, v s g Toilet Tible snd Dov.end Bed1 4 plrcn, as lllustr-teH. nt v Atth St. dinner to former Postmaster Will H. Hays, Commodore, 7 P. M. Drown University Club In Now Tork. foncert and dance. Commodore, 8 P. M. Dellevue Training School for Nursoi. graduation exercises, No. 440 East 2(!th urcet. 1,30 P. M. Now Tork Spring Horse Show, Ditr land's Riding Academy, No. 5 West J6tfc Street. Palestine Orphans, benefit rummage ale. No. 307 Eighth Avenue. New Tork Leaguo of Girls' Clubs, flower carnival. No. IS East 60th Stroot; Republican Club of the 16th Assem bly District, beefsteak dinner, "S. s. Flotilla," 54th Street and Cth Avenue, evening. Promise yourself tonight that tomorrow you will step from the beaten path and try some thing new for dinner. Promise yourself to buy an old-fashioned Ferris Ham. Boil it, bake it or roast it. We promise you the de light of a flavor that can't be de scribed. Famous for sixty years. Ferris Bacon equally delicious. If your butcher can't supply you, write for name of butcher who can. F. A. FERRIS & COMPANY, Inc. NEW YORK FERRIS Go Home and Don't Worry Saturday night closing-time. Put on your coat, turn the key. Home with out any misgivings. Your McClellan is on the job. Clean, dry cold circulating through the refrigerator . . . Monday morning. Open the shop. Your McClellan is still on the job. Stock of meats in perfect condition. Tempera ture still the same. You can't afford to be without McClellan. Simple no complicated machinery, Conven ient diy cold unen you man! it. Economical less than one-third the cost of ice. A postal for more information, prices, etc No obligation, of course. A. H. WITT P29 First Ave., New ork City jJissH Corner 46ib St. Everywhere Within 150 Miles ef N. V. i,f.i.i.. .a Dium.nlL I I tr- MOTOR TRUCK OELIV ERICS FREE WITHIN 100 MILES OF NEW YORK. SUITE Louis XVI. tf1 rff Kf mmw SAY Dn.VTlI WAS DUD TO WOOTJ AlyCOIIOI. I'OISOMNC. n tivcatlgatlon Is being made Into tho death of Austin M.idden, sixty years f No, 368 West 2Jth Street, at Dellevue Hospital to-eiay. peatti, ae cjrdlng to the hospital physicians, was caused by wood alcohol poisoning. Mad den was admitted to the hospital last night. He was driven there in a taxi' cab. Ask Yourself what it is about oysters and clams, fish baked or broiled, chowders and gravies, or a plate of baked beans that makes them so palatable. Isn't it that dash of wf7 i l ' n SOLD 3KGU511 STVL auce MADE IN U..S. A. At Grocers and Dilicateiien Stores E. Pritchird, 327 Sprinr St.. T. ! TIry)OURH025- 1 I'M.?, Hit IMIONK I iur Mileftinuii Willi luiiifitfMe L..u Knninlrn. a.P!fft slin Covers Made to order any size, large select if duatproot ere , o n n e s . and Intnftlltl: thrunk ' I n d I n g , ols A Vnlue ntpment Just deV sso u,.,.lv tn-rlo v 9 Rcuphohtcrcd 5 Piece I in tap estry ur leatherette silk gimp; p r Ings In. 1 e r t e d ; rames p o I -hid (like a i'w) I 25S i.s--i.s-s-s--sjJ,Ti-sa.i CoinnsT Li' i. cirv 257FLATBU.H ivt. A I Tin m m i Say Ben-Gay at any drug store amd you will set a tube of the original ms French Baumc 13engu6 (Analg- slque), use as follows t apply hot wet cloth to cheek, then rub Baume on cheek and a small amount on the sunt repeat until relieved. Keep a tube handy for Headache. THOS. LEEM1NC & CO.. NEW YORK Earliest history shows that the Indians realized the medical value 01 spruce Gum in the treatment of coughs, colds, hoarstness and Inflammatory conditions of the throat. The Spruce Gum in combination with other vej tV1 mrriiranti of nroven value form 4 the basis of the60years of success of Blemuh mart me penecx appcuuicc 01 new complexion. Permanent and temporan skin troubles are effectively concealed. Reduces unnatural color and corrects Sreasy (kins. Itishty antUepac f IK. ..VW.f CJm L rEWP. T. HOPWN9A SON. New York Notice to Advertisers UlipliT idirrtlilnj J rap; md rtlftw entan for rllhfr tf aces dn Uornlui Woild or Thl Ui.nlnii World it rfceiifl nr 4 I". U. Ih flr rirrctdlos publlriUon tao be lnwrtrd oolr sa space mar pcrmA and In order uf receipt at Tb WurKI Offlce. Coax ronlalntna entrarlnzi to b4 Nnt A tasde by Tat World mun be rtctlKd b 1 P. U. Iilaplar adrtrtlrlni tine ropi for the Supple ment Section' of Tbv Sunday World rouit bs r red riy 1 P M Tbunday prroedliif publlcs tlon and release mnst m recelred by 2 P. af. Frldai Con I'ontalnlor enararlngi to be roads by Tbe Woild muu be roctlied b' Tburadsy noon. Sundar Jlaln Sheet ropi, tTpo copy which aaa sot bren rco Ired 0) I p. l. Friday, and en trailm ropy wblrti haa not been recelred lo.ths fubllcatlnn nfftce hy 1 p t, Frldar. and rMHltlre nsenlon orders not reerlrrii by P. Friday, will be omitted as cwidltlotia require rljldly Is tbe oidrr of latest receipt sod potitlee rclrsae order. Dtirlay copy or orders relessed lattr than si .iroilded shore. hrn omitted wUl not sens to fj rn dltoouuti ct any character, contract oe otasn (I vA hum THE WORZD a' .J8 efereg"fjggrJ llltllWa