Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1922. Wll ' SSMeaj WWII Loving Cup Is Presented to Pavowa by Fellow Artists. o ftv FVanb H. Warwn. &IN THE REALM OF MUSIC ) tfrr.' XMher eocond cvcnlntr'a entertain- ift. 'wnAwfc at f at mnAtltan flnrn HomV Anna ravlowa and bar band of dancers cave tho two act ballet "Glidl,' tmiBlo by Adam and accnery by Urban. Tho audience liked the ' pantomimed story and Mmo. Pav Iowa, by her graceful poses and one "or two "stunta that looked now for .' ber, frequently atlrrcd her ipoctatorn , ' to punctuate tho ballet with applause. , rollowlntr tho ballet tho Russian star ;iwaaitha centra of an unexpected cerepqny. Urolher and sister cx . ponents of the danclnr art patherod em the staso and presented tier with a lovlnc cup In recognition, aa Ruth BU Denis, who did the talking, ei . plained, of Mmc Pavlowa's position jn ine neia or her art ana or mo wont ' she baa done In unfolding; to America She fiorlcs of the danco aa a means ,y. of expression. Others In tho picture ?- ' were Roshanara, Rosina Oalll, Messrs. 'Blm4and Choltf, and children from v ihevarlous looaJ schools of dancing, Huffing the cup to her Mmo. Pav Iowa finding her KngUsh tnsccuro, re plied by distributing- kUaes: outward and vlslblo signs of her appreciation. , Inside the cup nothing. There will bo two performances to- ' , 'da v 1 he Philharmonic Society, to cete bn te Its eightieth anniversary, will to . ; . nig it. In Carnegie Hall, give Deetho 'j vei 'a first and ninth symphonies, tin ' ' dei' the direction of Wlllcm Mengot ; tei)s. The ninth symphony will have , ' thej,assl8trnce of tho Oratorio Society' r chdrua and Florence Illnkle, Mcrlo " MSock, Lambert Murphy and Royal Dakmun. I Bruno Walter, conductor of tho Mil f' ' nlcp Opera, will conduct three con (' '. certs of tho New York Symphony Or chestra next season, r "The New York CcRtraJ Choral So t . Clc4y, assisted by PJlar-Morin and company, win give a musical .ana ara 'motto entertainment to-morrow eve ntide In the Y. VV. a A. hall, 63d Stseet and Lexington Avenue. The Russian CI rand Opera. Com. t ( oiure i our r 0ppenheim.lun$& FULTON STREET-BROOKLYN Announce Tomorrow, as a Further Introduction to the New Department A Remarkable Hand Bag Offering Featuring Unsurpassable Values In Bags of the Latest -Vogue Newest Shaped Ultra Smart VANITY BAGS Pekin Moire Silk One of tho season's newest models, In black and navy; double cord handle with two tassels; fitted with inside com partment, mirrow and powder puff. Rose, gray and changeable silk lining. 3.95 Very Special Offer Envelope Bags In fine Black Satin Striped Moire; square or round flaps; 14 kt. gold top mountings; purse and mirror. An Extraordinary Value 1.95 pnny, which, under the direction of Loo KcodorotT, left itussia in and slnco has been visiting tho pnn clpal cities of the Orlcn and Is now In Chicago, will give a limited season at tho New Amsterdam Theatre be ginning May S. In tho first week's repertoire are "Ruasalka" or "Mer maid," Rlmsky-Korsakoff's "Tsar's Hrldo," Tschalkowsky's "Piquo Dame." "Doris Ckidunoff," "Eugcn Onottfn," Rubinstein's "Demon" and "Snegourotchka." Tho company con sists of principals, chorus, orchestra and ballet gathered from the principal theatres of Petrograd, Mobcowv and other cities. H. MORGENTHAU JR., EDITOR. Host mt Former Ambassador Bora the American Aarrlcnlf urlst. Henry Morgenthau jr., only son of Henry Morgenthau, former Ambassador to Turkey, yesterday purchased the American Agriculturist, the oldest farm paper In the Bait and oldest but one In the United States, from Charles Cape hart, Edwin D. Do Witt and Thomas A. tlarrott of this city. He will devote hit entire time to the publication, through which he plans to protect tho Interests ot American agriculture. Mr. Morgenthau (studied agriculture ut Cornell University and owns a 1,005 ncre dairy,' fruit and general crop farm CREDIT TERMS $3.00 Down oa $30 75 100 150 200 300 B.00 7J50 10.00 15.00 23.00 r" TByECTXTWiJa VfncK"t)in,T. , Knameled Contlnuoue pD.t nA .ieilS ' lien apilns and Maltrcaa Bet. . . 7(10.73 ud 4-re. Ilcdroora Bulla. complat.,.l2a up IMDlnt Bollea la all llnlebaa..... .1160 op Dlnins Tab'i. nod 4 Chairs 131. CO up UraMara, Chlllonlera. Tables, I)da, Ao. EVKHTIHINO ron nta IIOMB. opici iiATi itiUi kvkmInus Near 1011b U. Mtatlon S3d HI. .-.ilmaj million t blorka away. :BROOKLYN: run m aaiety. rnone Triangle 4700 lt I m mm HAND BAGS Black Patent Leather Distinctive envelope models in Black Patent leather, lined with light colored silk; fitted with purse and mirror; mounted with 14 kt. gold top clips or corners and Marcassito trimmings. Tax Additional Imported Hand Made Baps Bags of r,ere and Ustinditt hcauly, fashioned of Moire Silks lOiih Mqrcassite blmmtnss; handJoolcd creations by distinguished artists, as Kern, Muscuraud, Breton, Massey, Coipel, Legeas and Wagner. In Dutchess County. N. T., where he has a larse herd of pure bred Ilolatelna. headed by Uutchland Colantha Sir Inka. He has an orchard of more than ,000 trees and is one or the largest growers of alfalfa In his section. The elder Mr. Morgenthau Intends to spend next oummer In Europe and to write weekly letters to thq American Agriculturist. Upon his return he will make his ofllce with his son and assist In developing the publication. EthtHnd Terry In 'Tor Oood aea Saks'' at the Lyric, sarin "I bare tried a good many rrrnma, but I want ron la know that I much it r e f e r Nsonan'a ;imon Cream and alrraja ree em- mend II to my rrlrnds." Yoa, to, mil fie Charmed With Noonan '& Lemon Cream rouit creams in one , An astringent, bleaching, cleansing Cold Cream. 7.V the Jart 35c the tuba. Por aalf by Urirtt'a Prug 8tora, D. Altman Ca., Hnk Co., Abraham A Btrana and othrr dralera. RPBOI A , THURS. md FRI. ONLY ELGIN STUBAMUNE! 17 Jewel Watch I A Fine, Accurate TlmtpleceJ Tnoi ougniy uuaraniwa. ' lo lvionuii) To Pay And no Advance over the standard I AMU nr.e or S33.I No Kmuluyer's Inference. J f..H A 1.1 ral.ln, AA nnl request. Maiden Lane Trices. 4.50 Tax Additional Immml OH SOY? H &H HONEY Very Special Offer Envelope Bags PcWn Striped Moiro Silk, tasseled handle; 14 kt. gold top mountings; chan'gepurae and mirror. A Remarkable Value 2.58 uSalc at three Brooklyn Stores? 1329-1331 BROADWAY Vrr flate Ara., DltUOKLY.f. FULTON ST. cor. of BRIDGE ST. otHoiitJhSubmq Mian BrookSqm EXCEPTIONAL VALUE THURSDAY Apparel for Stout Women GARMENTS SKILLFULLY FA SHIONED TO PRODUCE SLENDERIZING LINES Women who are patrons of our "Slout Deparlmenr and are familiar with the Splendid Styles and Quality of our Garments, will ap- predate such excellent values as these. ti Stout" Modish Dresses Dressy or tailored models of Canton Crepe, Tricoline, Taffelta and Crepe de Chine in navy, black, tan and gray. Styles that lertd slen derness and grace. Effective trimmings. 18 .75 25 Stout" Coals and Wraps .. Wide is the selection, charming are the t lines, desirable in every respect are the materials and tailorings. Of Sporlscloth, , Tweeds, Herringbone, Roshanara, .Poiret Twill and Velour. Sport, dressy cape and wrappy styles. 16 .so 25 "Slout" Tailored Suits Newest Spring models. All hand tailored, silk lined. Best quality materials of Poiret Twill, Tricoline, Piqueline, and Cordine. Braided, embroidered and plain tailored styles. These are rare values at timely offering of .which every stout woman should take advantage. 29 39so 4500 Three Live in your own home make your rent pay for it. Learn how at the 4th Annual Own Your Home Show. See the complete exhibit which shows how to. finance, plan, select building, site, plan the land scape and furnish a modern" home. See the Biu tif ul Home Convenient built on tho floor, completely furnished. Open Daily 11 4810-4812 FIFTH AVE. IVfl. ISth and 4th Ota., HBOOKXTO. .00 3500 .00 39 V II' if Brooklyn Stores A. M. to 11 JVM. AMUSEMENT. " Mutlneea Waa. and Bat. urMi DnmtiPfin . Tho flnliiliQli IIUIIIUUUll HID IIUIUIIUll Will) WILTON LAL'KAIK, iw.tfH UUL J'V 'I MM IVMlx Partj AMBASSADOR Clrl ;M.Eva. tSLUSSOM TIME TheOrealaal Maaltal nil f Astat LYRIC aid St., W of it-hit. iSrs. ,30. Matln Wfd and Bat., J.J10 TBa Pral MB.kaJ Cmatdf la Town. WHITESIDE WAYHfllKF w u(n bi. Ee.. 'Up The Ladder & MAT. To.DAV 0 CIIITnU h St.. I UklUII lieneflt rcrtaruancc 8UO. Era.. April 3. mUfiAHRP West 48th 8t. Era. at 8 30. LUHOAbnt Uat.. Wed. and Sat. at 2.30. THANK-U 1EST SEaTS V. 50 t EOT" THEATRES I ITTI C TIIBATTIE, W 44th St Bvs. 8.30. kMlu. u.inna WmI. and Sit. at I3U. m ihc jst YEAR THE SENSATION OF TUB CUDinC -O'way and 40lh 81. Kves.. 8.20. tMrlnC uats Wad. and Bat. at 3.20 In THE FRAZEE 2KtT0-HIGBTATB.2O Tt. rimTCra Aaaambls. Iac rnatal THE NIGHT CALL .RSJIXiPpc??. EARL CARROLL. 'l...m Uallclooa New Musical Comedy. World. I IDCRTV Weat 45d Bt. Era, at 8.20. LlDtnll jiaia. Wad. and Bat, at 2.20. 'TothaLadiosl'srK A New Comedy y t Atttnora of -Dnley." IIBD9DN, Waal 44th BU 3D MONTH M Mats. Wad. and Bat u mvntu The RUBICON! aCatUTOBtt&e Til fiUTM eadAST 0T OX HENRY MILLER'S .filil LAuRETTt TAT L u timeh 1? ' rtl" "Th NATIONAL ANTHEM SlMOO Va KNICKERBOCKER iSSti- "BULLDOG DRUMM0NQ" A Baal Melodrama.- with A. tC Matthews nriicpn Weal 44th St. Ks. at J.M. UCLAduU ,MAts. Thura. and Sat. t J.20. LENORivULRlCElKl - Anv Tv,,t 48th St. Branlnis at 8.80 0 ORT Millneis Wed. Bat. at 850. -. .... &!: ...n alAC WALLACE tUUIrtout n-Ai "" WmaeJr.iu IBfUCIIPIfW "bAriAIH JWTWrwrx GOOD MORNING DEARIE MI MICAL CUMpOV 8tSATI0N At th. GLOBE gTY&?JStiS: MUSIC BOX inWff SfcUSiC BOX REVUE "Daat mtudc ahow arr tnaja In America.' samTharris MVoi. St. V& SIX CYLINDER LOVE With ERNEST TKTgCX. h"in tT M"-le Ilflll. xU H'way Caol. 630 ST. p"w. Bias :M.Um Bat 1.S0 ShUFFLLtALONCig 'U1CES .IV a&. j wo, Exira HldolxtU rrrformanre Tanlta U-TtO rrttAUio's Great Heart Uraraa. AU ntar Canl. UtnU Wua, hlarld Hvlmaulat. Lliey fax. Beats Sic to He. fCUTD4t TUCITDC 41 St.. IVraonal Appaatanoa Eraotats axainew Bttx A MOy Quirk la Novelty Bketch. iii inn n'wavlTi-aa DaolxiDilrMaotla. UULUMOM A 4llh(x.lo A KlS.IPop.Prtcaa Billy Watson A.N l J IIIB COMPANY. AJUJSl HEHT .ni pt. - u. ii laoitk in., t ksKi ,-CKW aT A (WAJW a-ra 4J HRtN M With VIOLET I1KMINO. , LIU sfW a" nifty tejaujJUJEJ fAU IMt'ulilTU" V NOW OPEN M AMUSEMENTS. A ST OR OPENING TO-NIGHT AT 8,20 MR.t.MJu.caaiRM h ltU4.i, lllk31JI.l Ml. MONTMARTRE TBB PLJLY Of PUNOUfiai NORA BAYES Mats Wad and Bt.'li'o. 41st St. W o B'way Drj. 1554 Era. 8J9 Mats. WED. &S Vi lli Wll Thtatra, Waal 43th St. Bvaa...S.20 UIJUU atlnefi Wcdnaaday and Sat. 2.80 DOVER ROAD viiLi CHAS CHERRY CCIWVU TI1EA.. W 4Zi St. Bve 8.20 OCLTIin Mi. Wed. and Sat at 7.20. il.trph CnWthorn and Lillian Larrnlnr In A UlIftlflAl. COHltDV flENSATIIIS. I Mim U Csrl Carroll Thta. Nnl Monday. AtlJti QT Thtatra. I Matlner Wed.. rOlll dli ev,. I Thura. A Sat. "eNESTk ' MAT. TO-M'W J.00 - !iHerfa.To-nst,Tom'w 8.00, Tom'w Mt.2.00 LAST WBKK. Mats. Thura. and Bat. RflflTH Wen 43th. Ev.... 8.30 OUUin Mai,. Wed. A 'gat 2.M MILNE'S NI5W COMEI1V THE about BLAYDS With U. P. Ili:'.(iIK and ALEXANUItA CARLISLE BUOAUlIUnST.4Sl.Ev.8.20.Mt.Thur.taat. THE Ml'SlCAL TRIUMI'U MAR10LAINE mth LENNOX I'Atvi.n. OQTII ?T Thea., nr. n'y. Eva.8 30.LABT 8 Wd III Mala. Wed. '4 .'4 Sat. 2.30.ITI4IES. 'Mountain Man With Sidney liWkmer LAST 8 TIMES Final Performance Next Satnrda Nlaht. MADISON SQ. GARDEN Dally, 2.104 8.18. Doors open hour earlier AR NUN t? BAILEY (THE SHOW OF 10.000 WONDERS (ilsmatlo Zoo i Comma of Freaka. dralaIoa to I. rrytblnff Inc. aeata and war tax. 60c to $3.00. according to loca tlon. Children under 12 reduced 'Urlees all Mats., except Bat., to 81,10 avata and over, urancn ticxet otnrea (ro aavanc In prlrea) fllmbel Rroa., II. II. Mnrv ft Co. MAY 1 ?tnh atT ShBt. BROOKLYN K'WWa ' ' EATftll-Ftl VsT j Clbratins Third of a Century Anniversary. JO ALL-STAR ACTS iBYfeZSiflMl Celebrating Third ot a Century Anniversary MARION DAVIES In "BEAUTY'S WORTH" A Sl'PltUME VAUDEVILLE. Paramount Pictures RIALTO 1 Times h Ths Bae!o Didd Square Famous ttlalto Orchestra PIVOLI WALLACE REID Pf. It'll! MlT at 49th St. nivoll Concert Orchestra. Sisters' ItDNIt IVHiARI and UlodV LeaUe 4TU BIO WEEK- fJAPITOLM V tly at Bt at. Capltc iana Manners GtoHoa Ad'pnture Capitol Grand Orch. aiflttl DAl'UNU! rULL.ltll. VAN M'HKNCK. I'AUL WHITE MAN & tlltCII.. GCU. LK MAI HE. VKTEKAN8 tIF VA. ItlirrY. I'LAN.NAGAN ft MUHIIlMi. utnera. BRONX OPERA HOUSE 140 St. A ltd At. Pop. Prices. Mats.Wed.A8at uiDniDrTiuriiu'H .-inn FOR SALE. DIAMONDS WATCHES .Virafnmoonftkmttxrut m V1 isw unnidU'W xa BaPaliiapitf xv srr.vnvv.17. WEP8T2POQgAP0Vi:37".Sr A STORE-NOT AN OFFICE CREDIT Awrican Watch tSDiamondCb. TWO nrHTAIRH STIIIIES: n n..j , I 5113 KHh .re i-Tl Eatranre an ltd St. faailt Fine. Tan Klrtatar. liter Hrhiillr'a. I Flltht Up. tat. Cft MOT. I Tel. Vaadrrbllt StW diamonds rpenrr 1 RCrVAH1 35&JSrmS&Ssi $1 Weekly Bvs 50 uiimond Ring $2 Weekly Buy $100 Dian ond Ring MirrHUltlUTAN. 47 WEST 4tD STREET. K rAAVEfi mm Kax'Al AMUSEMENTS. PCUTIIDV Thta.. U2d 4 Cant Park w. ULnlUnl Kva. .20 Mats. Wad and Sal Teana Koata Jarrles Oarton Ma-in rt' i l Tho ROSE ot STAMBOUL KVOB. tEXCKIT 9AT.I Mt. . A4TU ?T Thea.. W of ll'way. Ka X HmrlOl Mai. Thura and Sal t .10 CECIL LEAN and CLEO MA FIELD In THE BLUSH NG BRIDE HIM UflUTThta., W. 48 St. Era 8.30 .UtLMUni Mats. Thura. A Sat. 2.30 TkAaalraa fn In Crainrh k III I DICIICII ny HEN-ni Ln nHlHLL UEUNBTEIW CUIIRFRT Thea., 44th, W. of ll'y, Evs.8.10. onUDCni Matmeea Wed and Sat.. 2.20. FRANCES TAYLOR ,., THE HOTEL . WHITE HOLMES MOUSE nCPIIRI lli Thea..4Jd SL.W.of n'y.Evs.8.30. tlCrUDLIU Mat, Wfd ,nd BM Wl 20. f TINRP Wt"1 2d Street. Evenlnts. 8.OT VANDERBILT TKf wed81'-.'; CHARLOTTE A3S5 "LETTY GREENWOOD V PEPPER" Artno It piiru presents tfor.Vt O'NEILLS trtat mucccu, 'THE HAIRY APE. Plymouth. W. 45th St.. f M 8.4i 17,, T"-tM. 5-rf. ? 5. SOTO PETlFOTtMANCK TO.N10ITT. TIMES: "Aa entertaining a play of Ita kind an has come thla way In a long time. Extremely erltlni. Tba ticket broker's drliihl." WOULD t "A rare. CTeepy ar fair. If really arts too. Will be holding; audlrnrra in a ery romortable Miaptnaa ar aoroa time to come. IDni I n W.42 St. TWICE DAILY. ArULLU 3 1 8.30. Prices 25c to 11. Ivlliri'lM.jL'Jalll'JlsW A FEATURE MOTION PICTURE OF THE CIIANOINO WORLD. CRITERION THE FASTEST SCREEN STORY OF THE YEAR LEWIS J. 6ELZN1CK''Preaeits REPORTED MISSING' "' STABBINQ r ,, OWEN MOORE Directed by HENRY "uSoiiliH. Critics Have Saidt "Riotous merriment In Beperted Hlaalnc. TUnaa. One Ilka Doac Fairbanks rued to make." Tribun. "A new alUtada reeacd far talh peed action. "Mall. TTm speetatar wttl lansb hlmaelf Into apaama." Herald. rBOORAM PRESENTATTON BY nOOO RIESE.NFKLD. Trraonal Appearance by PAULINE OA RON at P. at DANCE Nlcfetty at Uta NKW r A L CO N A D E S Ballroom Calorabiia Are. aad Men 8a. Pca'rnivai. 5f ton 1 Kro-MURROW EVENINO;! CONTirUOVS DANCING With World's Bast Dane Music by Vbm ORIGINAL -raTEMPUIS FIVE" aad Rawonl'a eWIHy Orebeatra. DOSTESeJES AND UtSTRDCTORS. LADIES 55c 1 bsrlndlag GENTS 75c Tax. NO CHARGE FOR DANCING. MATINI'.KH-KAT.. SrN. aad nilLIIIATS I ft f .KiviM imio os a rtmuarr cutKMto.l tB.F.KETTH HEVDUHEHS fclMTtV. UAXTONti 'tfOH THE PEl-EIM'as , SMILIN'THHOU.r I'y ft 47 aC Straad Sympbany Ore h. O IXIIAVS ajTATF uw, Bntl 'IAI C 45th SI. Con. 11 12 P.M. AIL SOc Nbt 50r lrTYCOMfONfa ThKlrrenTcmptaUeV IUUILL6 t Hall NT Clayton A Lennlsttha BuatarKaaton Comady BROOKLYN MAItlt X no r1aT"Tpr 1 ALMADGEt 'Smi'in' Through' rhnK. rhaptln "Pay Day Brooklyn JHE WORLD prints more Busi ness Opportunities than all the other New York morning news papers added together. BiTAJll.J ' ' n XTRAN New Hand Dag Dept. Main Floor iiiiMsHfjiHniKsWVrWVsiHA W aft H