Newspaper Page Text
t THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1922. DUBLIN AND ULSTER K.4 Br 'ft, , y f v. OV RNMENTSNEAR E I SPLIT ON RAILWAYS to Co-operate With North in an Inquiry. criminals of the middle pnrt of the city ef whom twp brothers wore chiefs. He was permitted to go with members or tha band on robber raids and wutch their work and act as "lookout," Mr. Murphy Bald. Slnbery lenrncd thnt th leaders of the "hold-up syndl eata" as they called themselves, had sub-chiefs to whom- certain districts allotted. Within "their own tor Her" these sub-chiefs made thel wb Dlans nnd carried them out. call iWon the brothers. Slabery's friends, for advice or aid when the enterprise was large enough to warrant It There was no trespassing by ' ah'' South AllIlOUIKeS It IS Unable V4 UUQ UIVkllLI unit" v. ..-. other except by armnRement approved bjfthe main chiefs. Tile punishment for trespassing wns a beating, which did not necessarily stop short 01 mur. mtA. w.iw nf th Nlnrtpnnth NELFA8T. April 2G (Associated Street cigar store was tho task set itcss). a urracn uciwccn mo uuu Jor. Capt fJlabcry to test his qualM-1 tin and Belfast Oovernmerits, which rations for full Initiation into me or- uiter political quarters declare may jtanlxatlon Mr. Murphy said. Mem- a,80 cnta a 'mvlun ot tho London bora Of tho band. Including one ori-.t i. .inimrnt tM two brother chiefs, were on watch li--,,. i,., Jhn PrnvUinnni (tnvnrnment routsldo "to watch him do his sturr. ln Dublin this afternoon announcing iie nau neon toia mat it no wuru u. -i t i unable to co-oocrate n in tnc suited help would bo sent to him. I neirast Government In. an Inquiry ln- Hts story was verified, after ins ar-ito tho Irish railways. rest arid confession to Coughlln and I Tho seriousness of tile general situ JRoddy', by the appearance of the per-lntlon between tho two governments Hons through whom tho aid had been is1 indicated by a telegram from rtromlsed. Michael Collins, head of tho Pro "Throuch Cant. Slnbory's frank nnd I visional Government, to Hlr James Vaanly rencntanco and his bravery. I Craig, the Ulster Premier, ahld Mr. Murphy, "the pollco have a). "All hero are ngreed ll is impossible 'ready learned all the Inside history of to make any further progress until six of tho principal robberies to which I the vital clauses of the London agree they were absolutely without a cluolmcnt are fulfilled by you,"1 said col 6r tho hopo of 11 clue. Nino persons I Una In this telegram dated April. 22 E-V.- thave been arrested, with sulllclent evl-1 "They consider your attitude icgnrtl ft,', .denoc to Inmiro convictions. There Ing prisoners on most unsatisfactory ' altl V, ik m ,it,,- rMnnt, mnm nrrA.ta I nA ahIImiId nt nnnin urltl, t tin I 1.UI WW ,.., ..I..,. lt,wl ..a........ I ..till Jtl ' UbWtU ...a.. ..... AA-'The confidenco of tho District At-1 letter and spirit of the agreement and itorney that tho outbreak of crime has your failure to agree to Investigation -been suppressed and the machinery I of cases under Clnuso V., as most .'back of It broken Is duo to capt. unreasonable." (Clause V. of tho 'Ulabery, London agreement of March 30, pro- w MBut," continued Mr. Murphy to vlded for establishment of n committee .the 'court. "1 hesitate to recommend I in Helfdst, with equal numbers of that he go free. His life on tho street I Catholics and Protestants, to hear and iia-not worth a snap of tho fingers. I Investigate complaints of Intimidation ,Evcn ln tho Tombs death threats outrages, Ac.) tand thoro Is no doubt they were mado I DUBLIN. April IB (Associated tin' earnest have como to him." Press). When the Irish Peace Con "I rcfuso to take tho responsibility ference was resumed this morning item the District Attorney," said Jus- threo labor dclcgatos wore In attend- tlce finch. "I shall do what tho DIs-1 nncc In addition to tho Free Htaters, Yrlct Attorney recommends." I Hepubllcans and mediators who havo Mr. Olcott then offered to under-1 attended tho previous sessions, fako tho protection of Capt, Slabery's Tho labor delegates were Aldermen tlfn'-tv mwlnir thnt lin wns iruarded O'Hrlcn. Thomas Johnson nnd Cathal Until he could bo made Bafo nt borne O'Shannon. Their presence was taken place out of town whero tho District in, uiai acnmta peace pro a.,.,, it,n riin nn,n,i in I posals Would bo submitted, rmmni.inn it, him Mr MnrJ Michael ColllnB and Arthur Griffith phy- approved tho offer and Justice represented tho Provisional Fre , State llnch naroled him. nostoonlng son- Ooyernment and, Eamon Do Valohl t -1 i, imi. and cathal Urjigh (Charles uurgcssj tSr.v n, n"' ' " ,h the rtopubllcans. The others present -i..r r T f.7rm n. WOT Lord Mayor O'Neill of Dublin opportunity to go freo far rrom New I, Archblanop yrn0( Ul0 Bponsor8 " unQerwona lo ,0,unT ",H """ of the conference, nnd Stephen UNICES. iH'Mnr,,, r,t I lmnrli-U "ino jusucea oi Dpecmi dcbhiuiis ,P,,n fr0 .,(inii,i min fho TOflC n similar arrangement wneii i ,,.- i, .. nitlniirnwl KrJif- np lorroor iiiiuni mub mn uuui until Saturday, K3fr 10 00 on!ncea ,Ior "vlnF n The labor leaders In tho Interval jrerqiver jn ms posreraion win uiiiu consUt wth tho other sections 0Iiv!;(1JD,jeO'. ... of tho conference -acariton was ncio in i,uuu uau wuen i nminv, no. i arralRned before Magistrate Simpson I n ir,,i.,n.. .." i n ft l. . . . I X'li 1AIUIUI I VCT UIO lit 1 t I V V llivwo tn trie uomos uoun. ms iignienvas ure rognonnihi,, for tho mnSsnCro of held In 110,000 bond. Carlton said lit r.ihniim'in rt.ifn.t Arthur rtrimiii ,fck the sole , owner, , having paid ?,000 Ilfesldcnt of DM Ermnn, charged dh vuu pu ui when tho Sinn Fein Parliament re crew WHS oei ireq. .,i it. nrnulnnH hnrn this afternoon. Former Anna Gould Reconciled To Duke and Calls Off Divorce HELD AS PERJURER ,ON HIS REFUSAL TO Qrlfflth, In a spocch In favor of the I treaty with Great uritaln and the Free state, declared insurgents in I tho South aggravated and, Incited PICK OUT GUNMAN "?,Z0" tn.,m,urderous ropr,8a,8 ,n LONDON, April 26 (Associated , Victim of Hold-Up Declines to S-MM laentlly Alan Me IWICC HaU I tho Irish Itcpubllcan Army was shot A rr iKfd I and killed near liandon, County 6ork I to-day, the Central News reports, Joseph Pinto, No. 3(7 Klton Street, I Commandant O'Neill was accom j3rooklyn, was ordored under arrest I ponying other odlcers and officials on ini a ensrro or nenury uv Aiainsiravo i dutv to a rnrmnouso some aisuince jCelsmar In New Jersey Avenue CCurt from the town and was fired at point lo'-day after he had refused to identify I blank without warning. A momber L man whom ho had twice previously I of tho farmer's family was arrested, jdentlrled as one of threo gunmen fif.2,B5bS i5'.00Th? 2 NEW ENGLAND MILLS (rata held him without boll for, tho Oraod Jury on a short nffldavlt tdwrgtos perjury. ' Wfter tho rebbery Clro Adabolo of ttoUS Third Avenue was arrested In a.'coal bin ln the cellar of No. (34 jlishdrtcks Street. After Pinto's com- IN STRIKE ARE BOMBED One Itlaat Tears Hole In Hoof, l,ut Damage Is Hllglit PAWTUCKET, It. I., April 26. Two exploalons In textile mills occurred dur- Walnt two days later, tho other " th Pol,cs "y borabs wer ifcharge was set asldo. When Pinto Reclined to Identify him this morning, Adabolo was re-arrested and held tvlthout ball on the chargo of break ing and entering. Cong sentences f or crimes of violence 'fridges Ra1skr and Hanenao Show jta Mmst to Robbers. Judto Itosalsky In General Settlonsl Bodr Foand Near Bloomfleld. H. J et off, The flrst was at the JencKes Spinning Company. It tore a hole In tha roof. A few minutes later there was a heavy blast at the Crown Manufacturing Com oany. in South Attleboro. The damage in dom esse was aiisiiu cni,iujrva ui both Dlsnts are amone the 10.000 textile operatives on strike In ntiode island. SCHOOLBOY OF SIXTEEN KILLS SELF WITH PISTOL ioday sentenced Joseph Martin of No. IM West 42d Street to Sing Sing for (even years. Martin, with tour convic tions, was charged with carrying a re- fOTdr. He attempted to holdup a trol ;'.J6n Cernan of No. CI West th tltrrfct went to Klnr Hlnc for frflm seven nQ n" t0 ffteen years for robbing Edward Perlmutler. a chauffeur. J6Ph Hayes, a Negro, of No. 1157 Uadlaon vAvenue, received ten years for 'tugtorr. He robbed the home of Robert Iron. No. Hi BL Nicholas Avenue. VJuita Mancuso sent Joseph l"radlllonl to-Elpg Sing for from seven and a half That of Oliver Dally. The body of the young man found suicide In Watsesslng Park. Dloomfleld N, J was Identified last night as that of Oliver Dally, eighteen, of No. i; Valley Road, e student In the sophomore class In the West Orange High School, Ovcrstudy Is given as the cause of the young man s act. bIbbbbbbbbbbbbii J MINERS CHARGE OPERATORS HAVE GUNMEN IN COURT Operators Also Assert Wit nesses Are Being Intimidated by Armed Men. CHAW.ES TOWN. W. Va., April 26. Charges that gunmen ot the coal I operators nro Intimidating ocionso I witnesses- In tho court room heroi where West Virginia mtrfers aro on trial for alleged treason, murder andj I assault growing out of tllo Logan County mine war last summer, wore made by defenso attorneys to-day The charges of tho miners came after Prosecuting Attorney Belcher objected to furnishing a list of Stato witnCKHCs, on tho giounds thnt "a numler of Stato witnesses nre being Intimidated." Dofcnse counsel Mason then hurled back at the Stato the charge that It was "operators' men" who wore armed for Intimidation purposes "We are able to show, if necessary. that It is the wtlnesses for the defense who are being Intimidated," he said. "Thero aro armed men in the court loom now and there havo been armed men hero at every nesslon." CIIAHLES TOWN. W. Va., April 26 (Associated Press). The trial oT NEW TARIFF BILL TEXAS DEATH LIST . DOUBLES RATES FROM FLOOD GROWS SAYS SIMONS 48 NOW MISSING Would Lead to Higher Cost of Of These 36 Are at Fort Living, More Monopoly, and Worth River Falling- Unemployment. , J Windstorm Kills 1. i WASHINGTON, April 26. The Ad- FORT WORTH, Texas, April 26 ministration Tariff Bill, if passed In I (Associated Press). Forty-eight per- Its present form, will lead to higher I sons are dead or missing in tho Trln costs of living, reduced production, I Ity River flood horo, a revised list to- unemployment and further monopoll- I day Indicated ration or American inuusincs, Ben- Tll0 11., nciu,ift(1. Frt Worth. ator Simmons of North Carolina, the I,. . , , ... .,.. inm(; i iVn tariff flirht. wlrty-Blx m 1 s a I n g ; Breckenrldge, .Ttw, . .,.. i ,!, D-. three reported drowned; Grand Pral "'-7.:,''.. . , . He. four missing: Palmer, two report necVlon Wnco' ! and abroad." Senator Slmmn, said. ttniS ?ZZ?AS mnUcs It perfectly clear that It, was, " .V" " framed with a vlow to maintaining -'"-" -""""' n.PBBnt nrlrpu nml lo enable tho in-I' " "Sit rinstrlpR which It nrotects to further advance thebc excessively high prices esu" "i yesruuy s oveniow. was without Incurring tho rlBlc of foreign I started at daylight when squads competition. I were sent out to comb tho districts 1, think there can be no doubt, ne I whero flood waters had begun to re cede. The unofficial death list still stands nt twenty. The Trinity Itlvor had fallen to 33.4 feet at 8 A. M. Tho lowest: In twenty-four hours, after a sharp rise ess. of i'. TSLLEY RAND added, "that tho potential rates of this bill are almost If not quite double those of the piesent law." Henatoi Simmons asserted that tnc rule manifestly adopted and fol lowed" by tho Finance Commlttco In illrnff tho night. This Is only three lixmg rates -violates every ineuij ui ifcot nhove tho flood stage, prlnclplo of protection heretofore ad- I The flood Is far from cltv.wlrfp William Blizzard, mlno union onlclai vocatca or prociaimea i m -"'"- although extensive scctidns on the and alleged leader in disturbances In P'0 ot protection, including tho Re- northwest nnd southeast sides, known the coal fields of Kanawha, Boone, publican Party In this country, and, a3 North Fortn Worth Ar)lngton and Logan Counties, on a charge of "u'lhf.n7 "eights, and Sycamore, about twen- lr,, was exnected to-dav to meet Pwers conferred upon tho President. ly.flve s mre m aro lnundntcd Early to-day streets In tho business section were flooded to the curbs HOUSE BONUS PLAN LITTLE CHANGED BY , Continued froth First Pago.) Plan, 25 per cent, bo added to the total amount on tho face of tho cer- I tiflcate, this being tho equivalent' of 414 per cent. Interest compounded ln j twenty years. Tho Legion counters j with tho suggestion that It bo made 40 per cent. 1 Seventh, under tho Houso bill theVn loans upon certificates would be made at tho banks. Tho Senate committee would permit a sorvlco man to borrow from tho Government "25 per cent, the first year, 30 per cent, the second year and SO per cent, tho third year. In creasing 5 por cent, each year until jt matures. Tho borrowers would, ot course1, pay 4 per cent. Interest. The" legion hasn't taken sides, but would probably prefer tho borrowing to do done through tho banks as proposed In tho House measure. OLICE SHOTS HALT RUM RUNNERS IN BAY; mor eut;,; makes fixing almost as much a b0TheC lriarwrrolTurae,aywl P-ronago as'tho d.str.butlon of Ked- again to-day when Judge J. M. Woods c V.rn T ' Sew York N,vy Yard nnd of aeroplane. " "2" V , ' "PcAkor loancu anu operated oy wcauny rr8i-ii- ....... ,..v,,.... ... dents of Plattsburg. Watertown and formation requentcd by the defense ln Ogdensburg, who resent the lawlessness til0 cns0 of William Blizzard, an of- witn wn eh nnmF ninnprn rnivG avur. . .... .,.11. .1 t , 1 ...... ... . - -- I nnpr 1 1 1 111,' IIMIIHII ill; IIIJlllVID, 111' .... . . . . . , , , .. . . . : ------ uuon in trauo. .noi to equalize on UlCtetl lor ircusuil. , h,l ,.n ,w of nmlurtlnn Court adjourned until to-morrow, , T, , . ... , j,, when the prosecution will present a ference8 basetl on co,ti plui a muion. USt Ol IUUUI UI11UI1S UIICHU IV llu.Vh to flnanco the number of launches obtained from the I run tliclr communities. INES IMPOSED ON 108 PATROLMEN Continued from First Pago.) XI) SIOV1IC8 SUNDAY IN nOSISVII.I.R Movie fans reildlng In the Roaevllle section ot Newark will have to leave Jo fifteen years for robbing William their neighborhood to enjoy Sunday tettrrv. imllor. Jomnh Iloanrln. whn I Sltcmoon snows in mo luiuro. An or- tided In the robbery, Is doing eighteen "'r ns wn issuco projuuiiing nunaay tears. I motion piciuru snows n tno section, t. BREAKS CLAY F1PE AFTER SMOKING IT FORTY.TWQ YEARS Printer Drops It on the Floor, Closing What Is Believed a Record. MIDDLETOWN. N. Y., April :. What Is believed to be a clay pipe reoord for the United States, If not for the world, Is held by Henry Heath, printer of Ellen vlllo. He smoked one pipe for .forty two years each day while at work Until It fell on the floor Monday and was shattered. The pipe was purchased by Heath following tho discovery by his father that ha was smoking cigarettes. stream by tho launch and then the John F, Hylan convoyed It to Pier A. The cargo was transferred to tho Har bor Pollco Station and filled all avail able floor spaco there. The tally was 1,000 bags of Calvert Rye ur l.BUt cases or at to-day's prevailing mark figure, buyer at the water front t make his own delivery, S90.00U wortl at,J60 a case- .Some of the pollcemei. oh 'tho unloading Job exploited ttu capture on tno oasis or, a value 01 $150 a case. From among the pris oners a Jeering voice mode comment: 'S150 a case, your eye! That may bo some cop's Idea of what It's worth, but there's other cops that know a blamed sight bettor." A rush Into the group of prisoners was made to Identify tho irreverent one, but ho did not disclose himself, Besides Carlton, those held were Albert O'Connor of 673 58th 8treet Brooklyn, engineer, ana tnese mem bers" Of tho crow, all of whomn-after consultation, agreed that they "lived at the Mills Hotel": James Foster. James Donahue,' Albert Swanson and James Cailan. ' Carlton said ho took the cargo from the threh-mosted schooner Al fred Thompson off Montauk Point at 6.30 A. M. yesterday morning, and was told to deliver It "somewhere on i he tiiuoKlyn waterfront. He had forgotten tho exact spot, he said. Among other things which Prohbi Hon enforcement endcavorers know and cannot seem to prove In court Is that big shipments of Calvert Rye are being made from Baltimore by water to this port- The process avoids tho perils of official or robber seizures In railway br' motor truck transportation. It Is also reported that It Is easier to get out contraband from the Baltimore waterfront ware houses on tho water side than from tho doors which open on tha city streets. Deen thought was also expended at Prohibition headquarters on the possibility that Capt. Mathlas Stan ley Clarke's converted submarine chaser Fldus. which was "over- whelmed apd robbed by pirates off Montauk Sunday morning early on her way from Bermuda to Montreal let Cant. Clarke tell It may have paused awhlje off Baltimore on her way un the cai, Problem for Izxy Einstein, when not otherwise employpd: "How much would 'agents,' going aboard an 'out side transfer boat' to take oft 1,500 cases ot rye. be. willing to pay for 230 cases- of Halg & Haig scotch con sighed to Montreal at 130 a case?" Magistrate Simpson In the Tombs Court held Carlton, who acknowledged ownership ot the Ideal, In 31,000 ball for tho Grand Jury. The boat was put under 310.000 bond. The members of the crew wero discharged. section of the bill," the continued, "undoubtedly gives the definition of the principle upon which rates are made, ami it Is tho difference In condition of compe- furnlshcd march.' money able profit equally accorded to the do mestic producer and tho foreign pro ducer. Not to equalize differences In Intrinsic value at all, but to measure tho differences In competition in from tho heavy rains. Sentries with rifles were almost atone on the streets early to-day Thero were 250 American Legion men co-operating with the, police Mayor E. R. Cockrell has denied that tho levees had becn.dynamltcd, as asserted by Chairman McCain of the Leveo Board. D. L,. Lewis, City Engineer, declared that It broke under the pressure of the flood. MINERS TO MEET -rTT r K nr-M- C Tfl rAV trade. That Is to fix it rate which UrciVA 1 VIW I , brin UI) thc forcicner'a nrlce to Record Number to Lose Pay for Petty Infractions Indicates Tighter Discipline. In the publication yesterday of special order? Imposing flnes upon 108 1 EfTorts Will Be Made to Settle m-tbera or tne-pouco rorco or ,n- Anthracite Strike at iracuuns ot rules, wiu Bi-trn u iisuiru i . Ing of the reins of discipline which Conference, n. Deen jorccosi in reconi oruero 13- 1 ,.,,.., , ,,,. , ,w,i, sued by Police Commissioner Enrlght. " - Tho list Is the largest mado public In striko will begin late this nfternoon at a long time. tho Union League Club, according to " ,hB nrnM ' rfirt ,n Twn nfflMM tvnr flnA.1 fwn Havfl'l . ... - . . . , . . ,, I ..v . .. ....-v. uu.u 1 ,'niiin ni nrrnv. vini, 1'resiuRnL 01 liih pay each for failure to "prevent, dls-,T .. , ... ,.,, , , cover or import a burglary." while i"""r one loses two days pay for having 1 me uiruiorB, in raiiunoo m uibibi- 'faMled to prevent a burglary In a I ent demanas or union ornciais, agreea Jewelry store." I to meet to-day to discuss wages after Five patrolmon attached to the 23d I the sudden postponement yesterday, Precinct lose two days' pay each for I The men, he admitted, aro restive over playing poker In the dormitory of the I tho "marking time" policy of tho op- station house. Ono officer loses one I orators and unless progress Is made day's pay, because while assigned to I tho union will adopt more aggressive raided promises to prevent Immoral I tucttcs. dancing ho "did allow an Immoral I The operators, ln their headquarters dance by flvo dancers." Many of tho at the Pennsylvania Hotel, persisted lines are imposed because tno oincers 1 to-day In refusing to seo newspaper men, even to confirm Mr. Murray's statement the conference would be resumed this afternoon. Thc latter. after ridiculing reports of separate Stato agreements, expressed complete HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES could not be found on post or were seen coming trom ouuaings. Of one patrolman who Is fined one day's pay tho record reads: "Whllo assigned to raided premises, was seen m u wuBct uoming a ygfacUon with the progress of the nroriwaia aro bottle contalnln, amber colored , ,h ,,"M m prop?sa 8 ro' the price at which the American pro ducer sells hlB product In tho Ameri can market, without any reference to what part of that price represents production cost and how much of It represents profit. "The theory ot the tariff toll! Is that however high the selling price of the American article Is, however ex. that prlco may be, tho price of the foielgn article Is to be raised so us to make the two articles competitive." ALLIES TO DEMAND RUSSIANS END ALL EVASIONS AT ONCE Continued from First Page.) liquid." strike in the bituminous field. He re fused to comment upon President Harding's proposed plan of ending tne Nntlon-wldo strike. DIES IN FALL FROM PENCILS AND PENS HOLD UP TRAIN Babylon Commuters Get Cold Dinner as Result of Great Chirographical Race. Most of the lawyers, bankers, pro fessional and business men who com muieu on mo .uuu irui.i A mm bout nf(y year8 oW( , from tne Pennsylvania aiauon last . ,)ose pockct waa ,ound nn ,donUfl Victim Rplievprl tn Rt PharlM ferencos , , 1 1 ne 1 ransportatiun west, an insurance Agent, Living n Elizabeth. night arrived at their homes In Rock- vllle Centre, Freeport, Babylon, &c. very late and very Indignant. The train's conductor held down the speed while, officials obtained trom each pas senger his signature on a blank pad of paper to compare It with the signa ture upon his commutation ticket. And what caused a small slzod riot In cation card bearing the name Chariea eiJ!,e.LP-ropo,,U f a ,3'' I UUUUWWVUI llMttl, p. west ana tne naaress wo. 60 Head Ti, French delegation expressed Street, Elizabeth, N. J., was Instantly approval of the categorical questions killed Just before noon to-day, when Piopared for the Russians, although h. jumped or tel. from a window or rfUTL Ten the roof of tho Tribune Building, stronger. It was said. If Lloyd down a light shaft. He crashed George's plan brought the Russians through a skylight and a steel netting. f-r. HID ANA UNIVcRS TT NINE r y . I FLAYS WAScDA Tit GAME. mWTft A -.-II 41 Tti V V n 1 1 ntitvtn I tetwaen the nines of Waseda Unlver- ' l(fy" and Indiana University played kee to-day ended In an eleven-Inning fie.' X to 1. the gamo being called on tocount or asrkness. Tbe adore: R. Jr. E. araaadi University 1 S 1 natitta University 1 S 4 TAKES POISON i1 STATION. I!t I'ISJIN. llsris aontalea. twenty-four years '. 4..wto refused Information about her- . it ..M. ...... I In tt. p.nn.vlvanla Q, Uon lost nlcht. Bhe was taken to the '; parte ot Or. Van Dyke, at lid Street ' kjKr'Mgbtti Avenue, who said she had ' iaJM pctaon. In her handbag was s '( ' SpaaUh cigned 77our friend. a;n" Ebe was taken (yjueuevue. each car was the announcement thnt I breaking practically every bone In his tho performance would bo repeated on I body. ATromlnekt la'wyVn'cirNo. 3. of -. 'nc" arose and an ninced to his fellow N- 7-1 1 sPruce Street, dealers In suffering passengers that delaying the I shoe specialties, heard the crash of rtusso-German Treaty that Infringes train tor mum u vn o ib6 falling body and found the man unon tho Treaty of Versailles." Pres. and aavieea win tneir Bignmg dAad when tney extricated him from (dent Mlllerand of Franco declared ln ouii.a iw . -. j 5 " the .entangling frayed steel netUng, ciarea inv i.w "T, ".I w" Patrolman 'Martin Keefe of the Oak Zl11. ' 'a", W, Street Station called an ambulance . - -m Volunteer Honnltnl steaa " nore Tho tomA m nla kela ,nd(. wore throats to sue tho railroad. I . . thftt ,vas nn n' , , (tmnlnvM. DV tno OlohA TnHmnltv Company. He was about thlrty-rtvo Kerensky's riUST ItACD Claltnlnci for thref-vtar olds and upward; nil urlonjs Munibo Jumbo 1 1 T "War Wbl.!. 112 -- 'Spring S"i -.. 107 M MldnlRhl Storlf -wnaieuono 7! 'Caiitrs ... CO Ororgc Waihlngton... Jugllnt 11.... 77 ' rretender It'-' Ti 1ST -Satana 107 H i ., 1-.,,, 1 n- , 1 i.ivju t,wis .....a, a. ivi 100 n.unra 01 63" 1-oreat Quen V Also ellglhle Dnr .i 103 hi) 'Slnx Gold 04 111 '.Vidian 112 100 I.uky airl OS C"i 'rerlgourdtno 10T SEtXJNO ItACB Purne: maiden to-year- old lilies ; our furlongs. muex. wngni aKIrlt l.adv lit im Kllmlirth llean Ill i"H Carmen Pantages 114 ftl'api'llon IN WlndlKO 11 J 00 I'anaaaln , 1H 09 Rollsii lit 1SS Kllialxth Urie 114 m Ethereal Dluc 114 aWllaon und Salmon entry. Tllftin ItACl Purse: or maiden three- year-olds and upward! ono mile and seventy yaros. jnucx. icihmi. 103 aLolllpop 100 144 Coolgardlo 1ul 144 Vitamin lOi 1T2 aillgh Magi Hl 1K Hickory 101 Domingo lift 14 1 nStur Jesler KM 123 Vineyard lll FlylnK Cloud 115 aBalubrla Stable and Hons entry. FIFTH ItACB The Frolic Turse; threu- yeaMld lilies ; ono mile and seventy yards. index. wemma 124 Yashmak Ill 120 Houlettu 101 87' Last Effort 102 OS All Fair Ill 05 (trace. Slayers IOU 190. Maryland Itellfi 102 124 I'relude 100 13T Caretaker 1W mr-rii tiapr Tho Grenleh HandtcaD: three-year-olds and upward; six fui lungs. 118" aLlon d'Or J2g Cromwell 1"T 130 ablllldur , joy 117 Trevelyan ion 100 Carmandale lis trot Vlhrntt. DO aJ. K. It. ftoss entry. bThrea pounds claimed for rider. nivrii mnr Th nad o Handli'iin: tor lhre.yer-old and upward; one mllo and a sixteenth. . . Index. (1315 aPonlfaco U Ullly Psrton 101 (81) Slippery Kim (1241 abMuttlklns 00 jeg i 101 (1031 Olympus 107 til l.llvvnnn OAVS OT aJ. K. b. Itoss entry. bThree -poundi to terms, well and good, tho French claimed for .,., year-olds and upward; one and three-six. terntn mues Index. V While some members of tho Amer ican Legion who come from Industrial communities aro not particularly In terested In land scttletpent, thero arc thousands of cx-servlce men from tho Wcsl who wiint It. Tho Amorl cun Legion convention went on record In fuvor of five ways of compensation and one ot theso was reclamation, so It Is difficult for (he Legion leaders to agree to eliminate reclamation, though II would 'not be surp-lslng If tho Pennte committee finally did so. Thc Legion has made It clear to tha committee that It wants to seo made as attractive as .xjsslblc tho produc tive features of the bill nnd for this reason recommends that homo and land uld and the twenty year certif icates Iks made worth 40 per cent, more than the amounts due If ccr-) tlflcates of credit are selected bv ser-a , .vlco men. Similarly the vocational aid plan as etnbnur.d ln the Houso bill Is preferred by the Legion. As to tho financing ot tho cash features of the bill, the Legion main tains It should not suggest to Con gress the way the revenue should bo raised. The Legion men understand the British Government will pay Its Interest this year and that, when a part has been applied to sinking rund," the remainder can be used for general purposes Including the obligations ot tlie Bonus net. lyiEA'S LOVE JlEY DRY FINDS questions To-day's are designed to find out. The Russians will bo required to answer promptly and In as plain lan. guage as that In which the queries are framed. Meanwhile, tho various commissions of Mio conference are Mntlnnlnv tn Antt nut tnwnrrl 1 Klo U INC. DUILUINU agreements or are laying tho bases for further and more detailed con. Commission, for Instance, nas called for an Inter' national railroad conference. The financial sub. division proposed nn In ternational meeting to discuss a con sortlum scheme for Russia, having Continued from First Page.1 j .i nan. Ste n's attorney, cnnea attention to his client and referred to him ns a broken-hearted wreck due to the false friendship of Kane and tho breaking un of IiIr home. The denunciation of Kano oy me attorney for Stein was severe He nictured him as getting the confidence of Stein nnd betraying that confidence. The defendant was continued on tho stand when court opened this mornlnir nnd there were many resi dents of Lyndliurst, tho homo of tho Kancs and Steins, ln court. Kane denied all wrong-doing, Ho said he had lent money to heri a nn not .if mercy becauso Stein did not have the manhood to ask ror ll himself and had sent his wife. Ho ndmittcd Introducing lier to a photographer that she might have her pictures taken for the managers when she tried to get Into the movies. hut denied ho paid for them. AS a rn rpssilltr her at tho parties that were referred to. ho said ho probably nutted her on tho back of tne snoui- der, as It was a habit ho had. Kano also denied having Bliown airs. Stein his bank books, as she testlfled, whlc.h showed him to be worth $61,000. His Interest in her, he explained, was solely becauso she was a friend of his wife and Mrs. Kane nad oeen Kina to her. said. If not, France herself would probably havo to take Independent I action PHILLIPPBVILLE, Algeria, April 26 (United Prcaa). "The Allies have agreed to nullify any part of the I a speech hero 'to-day. Weight. ...113 ..10T ... 104 ... 101 ... Ill ... 107 ... 103 ... l ... Ill . . HKi UNIDENTIFIED MAN U. S. AGENTS, TO STOP ALL SMUGGLING AT CANADIAN BORDER William Williams. In charge of special rents of the Customs service here, ad- in(ttoU to-day that under orders from Elmer Dover lie had sent twenty-Aye men of.'hla" bureau to tho Canadian border Bunday. They went singly or In small groups und took atatlon at Ogdensburg, Malono, Mooors and Rouses 1'olnU Their duties are to stop smuggling. The Treasury Department has learned that with the stimulation to rejource- fulness and speed given to the trade of smuggling by the big revenues ot bootleccers. all aorta of dutiable ar ticle are ndw -coining over the border 1,1 truck convoys, narcotics not Deing the leaat valuable. The new customs cordon will co-operate with the Prohibitum enforcement olScer. and will nave ttie uae of a FIVE RUSSIANS ARRESTED IN GENOA Itfll.I.F.n ON STH AVP year? ld nnd wc" dressed. ... - I At the onuses of this company. No. 18 Liberty Street, It waa said thnt rii-iuffi-iir nf Antn ArrM.erl Aftor I Charles P. West had desk room In ' 1 i. . nt !, . i ... me uimva v mo -Aiiicrii-un nurety Company, No. n& Broadway, of 132 DarkTIHI ... 13! Smart Honey . 118 I.udy l.liltan . 118 'Joan of Arc. 140 Clean none .. (1311) 'Episode 133' Fiuzey l Weary i 132' 'Tan Son .... gcrt Uouquet ,141 iDn...! Apprentice allowance of 9 pounds claimed Weather clear. Trm.K last HAVRE DE' GRACE SELEC- TIONS. Tiinn TRACK. HAVRE DJ3 OllAtll'.. Secretary I md., Aprn 26. Tho Evening World se lections for1 to-morrow's racos aro oa follows: .. . v FIRST RACE Forest, yuecn. .uumuu Accident at 61st Street Crossing. Charles Rich, executive manager of the National City Bank, was motor ing? down Fifth Avenue to-day with which Arthur West, a brother, was one of tne vice residents. Former Among Prisoners Had Plans of Soviet Hotel LONDON. April 2 - (Associated hbCB-Carmen Panla r oss). Five Russians. Including Ih-ii..; niizabeth Besn. Kolinsky's former secretary, Hons I THIRD HACB Coolgardlo, Salubrln Savlnkoff, were arrested in uenoa by rtoss Knlry, Flying Cloua, the Italian pollco on nunuay. says a TOUUTH RAC13 Caretaker, Yasli Preludo. ItAOE Vibrato. Itoss Kiury, trnnvcil WAR him 1 1'if ms despatch to tho Dally Herald. Sav- mnk. Prelud, "wlDOTM Ukoff arrived in n-, rtlaaolutlon to.rlav t, h, IMIIIC Otld Willi a "b'-u aOD. rIXth RACE-OlymPUS. Slippery his wife and two otner women, on ,ust,ce D.lehantv of th irci, ana.u,a Pu ,Z Y',l, " t3m. Ho Entry, ... ... .1 " - - " i n-ininni linn n i iiij ui mv mwh-i ul i onitHKiTti is their way to the Metropolitan Club eroes' Lafayette Memorial Fund. Inc.. 1, tho Russian Soviet delegation U0,,7 Dark Hill, for luncheon, when their car struck a I upon tho petition of a majority of Its ,n:"" r B0"' " . man who had stepped from tho curb a "?,?.r'V Tina .C .. 'L"f- "nV: Tho correspondent says that Sav. lie: WENT TO nEPKNT at Gist Street. 'n. tand w, rZr.Tr, ' inkoff. sinco tho Bolshevist revolu. nUT STAVED TO 8TI3AL Another car took the victim to I relief of dliabled soldiers, war omhona tlon In Russia, has been tne cnior PHlLADELrillA. April ze. --con trinv.r irnnijt. hut hn n. it..rf i widows and other dcnpnrtrntR nf I tint, iimn Ihfl French Government I vlcted on a charga of picking th The body has not been Identified. I ceased soiaicra, The man was about 66 years old, grey hair and moustache, blue suit, urey 1 1,,,, hat. Pierre Medevlelle, chauffeur for Mr. tutu, was ...... . . I . 1 1 . . I V. n ... V. I I . . V- A In.,. and the Bucccslon o, anti-uoianevisi ii;a:i oi .. i ,7i. . , i , .i,nt n month nr 1 was Kneei ng at prayer, jonn uurns SL hf ZnZ LondoTcl.?!,"" "XZ lsxslivs v,u, -.,,. laoisis aoon i - . .. . . , di . - iiMt.ini. 1 j-... v. . tTii.. headaches cauud from rM. a 1 mnstiltatlon With Prime .Minister I nnrr,. inr.1i tii from Ills Docket. Rurna tonlo laxative and irm dtstroyer. The I i inv.i runn-a and Viscount Curzon. aftlH he had been drlnklnc and had jrone ..nulno beari of B. w. Qrova. ,,,V(ffn Minister. - Into the church "to repent." KW-ASU. . " w.. . . e aura you get The V-e- on A rrads Mara Adyt.on page 12 OIE1D. ' CIlASK. MAKY B CAM 1'IIKL.L rUNEltAL CMUItCII. WKdnnsday. 3 P. M. IflEWV. MAItlE CAMrDEM. rUNEHAL C1IUUCII. Ttiutsday, II A. M. MHItltlTT.-MAny CAMPUELL TOMTntAI. ClIUUCH. Thursday. 3PM PKTKKS. On April 13, 1022, In Brooklyn. N. Y., In her 20tn year, LOUISE BTEll LINO, daughter of W. Blerllntt and Marlon t, Petera. funeral ser-tc will b private. It la requsttd that no flowers bv sent. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. When Death Occurs CairColumbus 8200 FRANK E CAMPBELL "Qht 3fuBtmI etwrch inc. MOU'tieTAalAMl Broaiwayat 66 St I1IWJI11I"JIJJ.UI11I