Newspaper Page Text
so THE 1VEWING WOKLD, WEDNEBDAT, APRIL it, 192. SSB ' CONSTABLE KILLED WHILE TAKING PART IN RAID BY KU KLUX Eos Angeles Jury Says Dead if 'Man Was MemDer of r Masked Mob. XX3 AJJOEUBS, April 88. Hie Coroncr'a Jury which haa been Inquir ing Into the facta surrounding the killing of Constable 1C B. Kosher jaln by another policeman while the constable was taking port In a raid of masked men Saturday night haa returned a verdict that Mosher came to his death while a member of a masked mob "presumably Instigated and directed by the members of the K. iL K." ' William 8. Coburn, Grand Gob lin of the Klan, testified that he did not bollovo the raiders were Klansmon. He said that when he got to the scone he gave the 'Grand Goblin Blgnnl' and got no response. The verdict sold: "Melford D. Mosher came to his death from a gunshot wound In flicted by Marshal FYank Woerner, in pursuit of hla duty, while Mosher was acting as a member of an Illegal masked and armed mob, presumably Instigated and directed by members of the Ku Klux Klan. "Wo recommend the District Attor ney convene a Grand Jury of this county to Investigate the matter fur ther, and tftke necessary steps to prosecute the perpetrators of thin crime.'.' Witnesses , testified that plans for he attack wore mado Friday night at a meeting held In an undertaking chapel. At this meeting several took n "preliminary oath," which one wit ness described as the first step toward Joining the Ku Klux Klan. N. E. Baker, "Klcagle," or organ ber for the Ku Klux Klan, attended lhp meeting and was present during tho raid tho following night. TRAVELLED 11,000 MILES FOR 10 MINUTES' TALK. Australian MakeaCoatract With Rachmaninoff on Maurctanta for Tonr Nest Season. it lacked ten minutes of the Cunard liner Mauretanla's sailing time yester day, when J. M. Trent, an Australian concert manager, perspiring and ex- haiiated. staggered up tho gang-plank. 114 thouted loudly for Sergei Rachman inoff, the famous Russian pianist. Three minutes later he discovered the musician on an upper deck and thrust BOY HURT AS AUTO DERAILS L. I. TRAIN 1 L Youth Struck at Crossing Where Uncle and Brother Met Death. John A. wicks, slxtcon, son of Charles wicks, a farmer of West- bury, L. I drovo an automobllo on the tracks of tho tong Inland Rail rood at the Glen Cove Road crossing to-day just In front of tho Wading River express. Tho -auto wm carried along 300 feet and tho front trucks of the locomotive went off the rails and grounded along tho track bed. There Is a sharp embankment at this point, but the cngino did not plunge off. Wicks was taken to Nassau Hos pital at Mtneola with a fractured skull and may die. The accident was wit nessed by the boy's father, who was at the farmhouse nearby. Fifteen years ago tho boy's uncle, Nicholas Luhra, was killed at the same cross ing, and last winter his brother! Charles Wicks Jr., was killed near the same place by a department store automobile. The Wading River express was de layed about an hour while a new en gine was brought and the tracks re 35 NEW YORK CITIES TO SAVE DAYLIGHT Summer Time Will Go in Effect Ncrtt Sunday, Morning at 2 VClock. The following clUes In New York Slate will bo governed by Daylight Saving time after 2 o'clock next Sun day morning: Albany, Amsterdam, Cohoes, Ful ton, Geneva, Glen Cove, Glens Falls, Glovorsvllle, Hudson, Johnstown, Kingston, Lackawanna, Llttlo Falls, Iockport, Mechanlcsvllle, Mount Ver-t non, Now Rochclle, New York, New burgh, Mlddletown, Niagara Falls, Oneida, Plattsburg, Port Jcrvls, Poughkcepsle, Rensselaer, Rome Saratoga? Schenectady, Sherrilt, Troy, Utlca, Watervllet, Whlto Plains and Yonkers. Should the plan be adopted In Buf falo It will also be effcctlvo in the clUes of Tonawanda and North Tona won da. ORPHANS TAUGHT TO STEAL IS CHARGE Woman in Whose Care New Jersey Plrfced Wards Is Held. Six orphan children from bU months to tfllrteen years old who had been Intrusted by the New Jersey Stato Board of Chlldrcns'' Guardians to the care, of Mrs. Catherine Roche on nor farm near aianasquan are a .osper into nis nana. iiacnmaninoti I nm n in thn custody or the imam scanned It. A pen was produced, and Blnco thB unt of Mrs. Roche m ahit" raUln? 0,9 documnt WM charges ,of possessing stolen goods t was a 130.000 contract for Rach-1 mantnnfT fn In AltHtrnll. I dlen tO Steal. season. His mission carried out, Trent I It Is charged that the oldest of the breathed a sigh of relief and said: I orphans, John McOermott, was "I came 11.000 miles to get that slgna-1 tauaht to steal various thlnga from Jure. I arrived last night Rachman-1 the homo of Thomas Lanahan, where ' 111VV4, lAtusu uv w vuiiu . lis I1ULDI. 1 If. T.U ... a a Mmm As . m ..rnrifllixr si., til a.... ,, I OlIO. aUIVilO O UUUfelllOt , MtUt Js Ul TDIISie OCT AUCAn HDDII Oft "ocira uonieu w.o cnarges ana umiKJ guniiLMunrniL ou. tried to fix the blame exclusively on 1 I h hnv. MhA waii hlri In 1200 hv - ?oron juatlbo of the Peace Longitreet. Schedules on Daylight Savins;, STOCK QUOTATIONS Atama Ktprsis,. Air rtumely p(.. Alas Itutitr ... Alaska Gold .... Alaska Junrau . AIU C'nalmcr . Am lloneh Ms.. Am Ilraha Shoe Opan. . tK i , It H , lit ,' MK . 49 Coincident with the change to daylight I BARNET EPSTEIN HELD avlng time, which will bo made April SO by New York city and the metropoli tan district Including Asbuny Park. Long Dranch and, other resorts en the North Jersey coast, the Pennsylvania Railroad will make a general chance In its time tables. , Local trains carrying commuters In arid out of New York will be1 advanced One hour, the same as last year. Little or no change will be muds In FOR DEATH OF THREE Effort Made to Show He Didn't Own Burned fremlsrjs. Burnet Epstein, accused of homicide through criminal negligence resulting In Am Cn 4A Am Car a r pf.. 110 Am Drug Bynd... 0U Am let 10S Am te pt SO Am iDtematlonil. 8 Am Untfti Oil.. 33 H Am Locomollre... 11SH Allied Chem Wti Am fUfttr ntor TK Am Bhlp a Com.. IS Am Hm a lUt.... 07 S Am UM Kdy ... SOH Am Bufir "6. Am Hum Tobacco S4S Am T T 123H Am Tobacco 139H Am Tob eti n.... ISA Am Chicle 13 m La Franca... 12V4 Am W W pf.. 8014 Am Wool P1M Am Wool pf .... 104H Am Zlno 10ii Am Zlnr pf .... 43 Anaconda MVl Aiiio Dry Oooda . 67 H Aamclated Oil .. 1M Atchlaon Ry .... 101 U AUMnon ny pf . 01. AM Itlrm All .. tU Atl Oulf W I S2H Atlantic rrult ,. 4tt llaldwln Loco .. 116 Vi Ball a Ohio .... 48 Barn. dale A ... MM Dalopllaa Hlnlnf. 1U uarnadata D .... S4 Steel ! lleth Bteel D .... TTH D'klyn Hap Tran 23 D It T ctfn .... 1DM D'klyn Union Oaa 10OH Broun Bhoo 49 . Duma Ilroa A ..134 Burna Broa II .. 40K Butte Cop 4 Zinc. Butte Hup 20U Ilutterlck Co .... MH Caddo Cent Oil .. 13 Calif racking ... SO Calif retroleum.. B5'A Carson Hill Cold. 13tt Can Pad no 14211 Central Leather.. S7K Cerro De Patcor. 87 Certain-Teed Prod 43H Chea Ohio 65 "4 Chic A Alton By. OU Chic m 4 Bt r nn 28 Chic M Bt P pf 45 Chlo It I A Pac. 40 H a n I is pc pf 83K O It 1 P T p pf 06 Chlo at Weatem.. S Chic Gt Wet pf.. ,22 H Chic N W By.. TSU Chile Copper .... 10 U Chlno Copper Coca-Cola ... Col Fuel a Iron.. Sltt Col Bouthcm... B2U Col Oaa Eleo.. 88 U Columbia Orapho. M Comp Tab 4 llecTTOH Conaol Cigar . 21 V4 Con.ol Oaa 1ITU Oonaol Textile ... Con Int-Oal Mlu.. TU Conaol Distributers M Oosden Oil 41 V, Corn Products i.. 104 Crucible Bteel ... (14 Crucible Bteel pf. 08 Cuba Cane Sugar 10 Cuba Cane. Bug pf S3 Chic a B 111 n.... i Chlo a E 111 pt n 02 Cuban Am Bug.. 22U Davison Chem .. C1H ' De Beers Mining 21 Del Hudson .. 121 Eleo Star Bat ... ITS Elkhorn Coal ... 31 Eleo Blor Bat.. 172 Elk Coat 31 End.-Johnson .... 83 Erls 14H Erie, 1st pf 24 H Erie. 2d pf 18 Kalrbank 20 Fam Players .... 82 VI Flsk flubber .... 10 PrMiMrt Tax..... lllfc Ocn Aaphsilt .... 04 en Motor 13H Gen Motor, pf.... T0i Goodrich 411i Granby Mining .. 20 Grt Northern pf. 7S Great Nor Or .. 4t Gulf Btatea Btetl 83 Kaberrliaw Eleo.. 2 tooiton Oil T8 107M High. Mt4 48Ti 18 i m B1H 4H 61 48 110 U 108 80 4H MS 1IBH MK 7H 13H tin 39 78H 84H 123H 180H 184 12U 12U SI S1H 108 18U 43 cm 118 torn 01 H 4U. 2K 4H 116 48 B4 1H 38 T4 78 23 10 100H 184 41 30 27 13 80 60 13 142 87 87 45 03 0 C8 45 40 83 00 -8U 22 75 10 28 28 07 B7 tho death of Mrs. Laurcne Helm and her two children when fire destroyed IHupp Motors .. Ih. I.v..i. . .. a. Mr... .k Illinois central mrousn iram sorvico in naamngion ana I k.M .... n-A i,. Q,..k ri..i.n I Terrace, was held for the a rand Jury KL. "r..4 V f.r. nk. t VS:r. I to-day by Magistrate McQuade In express, the late night' train from Nw H1"1" Heights Court. Dal!- of , Cons Corp. m.,.k..k ' iu k. . a a 1 110.000 was continued.' 1 1 rnn nn JUIH lu .(.iiuuiim mi, W VUlBllliGU I ... Indlahoma Ttef .. Indian ruflnlng,. Inspiration Copper one hour, leaving New York 10.80 P. M.. railroad or standard time; 11.30 P. It, city time. In Cons Corp Pf Inter Mer Marin 4 7 40 8 0U 23 3 .. BANKING AND FINANCIAL. Most Complete Book ever published on trading procedure, dealing solely with market and dividend poiibilitiea of New York Curb stocks. Jusf off the press. THmTY-ElGHT PAGES troa oa request. Not pouible la this space for adequate description of con tents and purposes of this important pade tot lav stars and traders. RESERVE a 'copT sd sec for Tourlf, no cJWo or otiVgal on CaB. pbacM as write Tones &. Baker Mtmbm Ncuiyork CurbMarluM DlrtetPiteatsWUe Ktv Tent Catesaa Seetea rkU4elMa rimsartk Detteh ahlataes Persies Three New York Offices CM Firth Aes-Tat. Mur. HIU 71 tU Fafah Ae. Tel. Mad. Sq. 1377 M Broad St. TaL Broad 71(0 Mr. Kpiteln's attorney, Louis Falant. attempted to show that his client wasinttr Mer Mar pf not the owner of me property and I inter Nickel j.. therefore not responsible. Through old I inrinclble Oil ..: 1B deeds It was sotignt It) prove tho prop- I island Oil H erty was owned by a corporation. Mag- (iron J'roducts.... 29 latrate Mcuu&de, however, refused toljoneaTea i42 consider this line of argument, declar-lint Comb Em..,. 26 Ing that, as a committing Magistrate, I Kanaaa City Bo.. 80 the evidence represented warranted him Kansas city Bo pt 00 In hording Mr. llpstetn for the action of I Kelly SprlnsfleM. Bl the Q rand Jury. ASSOCIATED PRESS RE-ELECTaOFFICERS Ktleey Wheel iKennecott Copper Keystone Tire Laclede Oaa I Lackawanna Steel Lake Kris 'a V rrk. nM r. nl...tnN e it.. 1 . Mt " ' ' ' .... v. ... " I Loew'a Inn. dated Press to-day re-elected officers I Louis a Maahvllli and executive Committee members aatMan Elevated Unllnva. PrvuManl. tTrnntl II. Nnn.l Onari Washington Star; first Vice President, I uarlln-ltockwell' Herbert tr. uunnison, Brooklyn Kagiej lMathleaon A WUs second Vice President, Stuart II. Terry, Adrian (Mich.) Telegram: Secretary land Counsellor, Melville E. Stone; As slstant Becretary and ueneral Manager, Frederick Roy Martin; Treasurer, J. It Touatt. Executive Committee: Charles Hop kins Clark, Hartford Courant: Charles I A. Rook, Pittsburgh Dispatch; W. U I McLean, Philadelphia Bulletin; Frank IB. Noyes, Washington Star; Adolph S. lOchs, New York Timet; John It Rathom, Providence Journal, and Vic Itory F. Lawson, Chlcgo Dally News 100 11 21 T 10 17 62 18 120 Bl ami 81 U 18 SO 68 20 18U ac llaxwelt Motor A Maxwell Motor u Slclntire P Mines May Dept Stores 120 Mexican Petrol . 180 Miami Copper .. 28 Middle Btatta Oil 14 Mldvale Sleel .. Minn ami. ... Mo, Kan ft Tex .. Mo Pacific) Mo Padfto pt ,. Mont Ward Montana Power . National Acme .. Nat lilt Mex 2d . National Conduit. Nat Cnam a Btp National Lead .. Nevada' Consol . N Y Central S8 12 11 25 68 22 70 21 0 a 42 02 16 00 84 38 28 Norfolk Woet. 107 JNTERE8T A DIVIDEND NOTICES. The Amevican Exchange National Bank 7 ' New Tork, Aprlt S3. 1022. At a meetlnx of tha Hoard of Directors nf this Bank, held to-day, a quarterly dividend .4-Three and One-Half per cent, on the .aaflta.1 stock was declared, payable May I, ' jaft, to stockholders of record at the close of business April 27, ltd. AX,TaW B. TAIXtlUf. Oaahltr. WILL DANCE TO UAtHO MIIKIO. Odlcers of the lOSth Field Art Ilia ry will hold t,helr first reunion supper-dance In th armory, at Franklin Avenue and 186th Street, the Bronx, at 8.30 ths eve. nlng. Dancing will be by radio as a re suit of ah extension built by Capt. XVttl lam 13. Stonebrtdge to the ballroom. An attempt will be made to rebroadcast for talnment to be provided at the armory I Ofc,5 nJZlu yir ih. r-i.r rnii?. ninp lun n'liwan vivhw" who was a member of the 106th when. It was the old Second Battery, will be a guest of honor, with Brig. Oens. Qeorge A. WIngate end te Witt R. Weld. Col. Robert V. Marshall and Ueut. Col. Frank C. Spencer will head the Enter talnmen Committee and Major Frank It. Illnes, Chairman of the Officers' As soclatlon, haa beeu In charge of ar rangements, IN T Dock ..... N V. N 11 t H.. IN Y. Ont, W. I North Padflo Owane ltbltUns Ohio 11 a u Post urn Cereal .. raclflc Develop C Patlfle Oas .... I'arlflo Oil Pan-Amar Tsl .,. ran-Amsr Pet n. Penn It II Peon Seaboard St 78 18 33 13 72 12 IX te 63 'i M 41 10 81 B2 89 B 70 27 117 13 7 43 104 64 88 10 55, 8S 04 32 61 32 121 172 21 173 31 85 ' 14 34 10 20 82 10 17 C4 13 70 41 2 75 41 82 2 70 10 107 4 7 41 0 24 83 10 18 U 20 42 26 30 B0 Bt 106 32 22 67 B7 18 63 18 120 51 30 31 10 IS 68 20 18 120 131 2S 13 38 V 11 23 00 21 70 21 6 3 42 02 16 00 4 28 23 107 76 Low. 66 48 18 1 Bt 48 110 6 108 80 46 83 116 66 7 18 B7 39 71 84 122 130 133 13 12 80 01 106 43 03 66 114 100 01 8 (3 4 116 47 13 1 34 74 77 22 10 100 48 183 40 28 26 12 80 03 18 143 sire 87 43 63 27 44 45 83 00 8 22 76 18 28 67 31 03 88 4 78 27 116 18 7 Last. I Open. 06 I People's Oa 87 48 I Pare Marquette.. 30 IS IPhllada Company. 80 I rhllltps Petroleum 40 1 lllerea Arrow .... 34 til I fierce Arrow pf.. 46 46 I Perce Oil 10 t I Pittsburgh Coal.. 63 48 I ntts a West Va. 83 110 I Pond Creek Coal. 33 6 I Pressed Steel Car 83U 106 I Pullman Company 138 80 I Pure Oil 83 U 40 I Prod A (tenners. (6 33 I Hay Copper 18 113 I Heading 78 66 I Reading 2d pf. ... 43 7 I np Iron a Steel. 07 18 I Rep Iron Bt pf 83. 07 I Royal Dutch N T 61 .10 I Pierce Oil nf 60 70 I Bt L A San Fran 80 34 I fit L A Southwest S3 121 I Bt L A South pf. 43 130riaxon Motors ... 3 133 I Bea board Air Line 8 12 I Seaboard Air L pf 13 12 I Bears-Roebuck .. 7644 31 IBeneca Copper 13 H 01 flhell TAT 46 106 I Sinclair Oil 33 10 IBkus-Oheff Bteel. 43 43 I Southern Pactflo. 00 S3Bouthern Ry .... 33 86 I Southern Ry pf.. U 113 I Stand Oil of N J. 170 100 I Stand Oil N J pf 114 DIH I Stewart-Werner . 41 IStromberc 66 83 IStudsbaker 123 4 I Submarine Dost.. 8 116Buperlor Oil B 47 ITexaa Golf Bulp.. 43 84 Term Oop A Chem 11 1U I Texas Company . 43 33 ITexaa A Padflo. 33 74 I Tex A Pao Coal. 38 78 I Third Avenue ... 23 32 iTobaoco Products. 70 13 ITranscon Oil .... 11 Traneue-Wllllame. 41 Union Bag. A Pap 63 Union Oil 21 Union Pacific ... 138 100 48 133 41 28 27 12 80 06 13 142 37 87 43 63 0 27 44 43 03 86 8 22 70 18 niii. 67 30 30 41 24 46 10 63 8 23 83 138 84 M 16 78 48 60 63 63 63 80 81 48 8 8 18 77 13 46 32 43 00 33 68 180 113 41 66 138 8 44 11 46 83 28 33 70 11 41 03 31 138 . 76 83 143 8 16 83 31 35 01 63 60 Union Pad f la pf. 76 United Alloy .... 34 United Fruit .... 143 United Food Prod 6 Uu Ry lnv Co..- . 16 Un Ity lnv On pf 83 Un Retail Stores. 61 UIOI Pipe.... S3 U S Ind Alcohol.. 40 U S Realty A Imp 63 U B Rubber.;.... 63 U B Rub 1st pt.. 103, 104 U B BmeJters 40 40 U B Steel -. 06 V S Bteel pf 120 Utah Copper .... C3 Utah Securities... 17 Vanadium Steel.. 42 Va Imi O A C. 03 Vivaudoa lr Wabash 10 Wabash pf A ...-31 41 103 63 8 18 3314 13 18 13 73 00 63 66 41 10 13 33 33 B2 83 61 31 121 173 20 173 20 83 14 24 16 SO 83 18 17 64 13 70 41- 36 74 41 82 2 77 19 107 4 7 40 8 0 23 '83 10 18 29 43 26 39 88 B0 100 31 21 67 ee 17 62 17 130 4!) 88 31 13 2 63 10 18 130 130 14 87 13 11 34 38 33 70 21 6 8 41 03 16 00 83 37 28 107 76 3 18 38 13 SB 80 B 78 27 110 13 7 43 103 63 83 16 83 83 04 08 120 06 17 42 63 13 10 82 21 U' 18 20 23 61 08 63 Low. 67 80 88 40 24 40 10 03 84 33 83 138 83 83 16 77 46 B7 83 61 60 80 83 48 8 8 18 76 13 46 83 43 00 35 68 170 114 40 ,86 131. 8 6 43 11 43 84 23 34 70 11 41 03 21 188 78 84 142 8 16 03 81 S3 40 03 65 103 40 08 120 63 17 43Jf 63 18 10 33 31 10 20 23 61 08 62 U I Wabash pt B.... 31 cm! wooer a lieu ... ish w aiaryrd zd pr. so West Pae Corp... 23 West Pac Corp pf 61 Weatem Union .. 08 Wastlnrhouse . ... 62 Wheeling A LB. 10 10 -10 Wheel A L IS pf. 21 22 White Motor .... 48 48 Whit OU 10 10 Wlckwlra Bteel ..16 10 Willys-Overland . 8 8 Wilson A Co....'. 49 40 Worth Pump .... B2 32 Worth Pump pf B 74 74 !1 48 10 13 6 49 02 74 Last. 87 son 88 41 24 46 10 63 84 33 83 126 84 33 16 77 48 C8 65 62 63 80 S3 48 3 8 13 77 13 46 83 06 28 63 180 115 40 66 123 8 6 44 11 46 83 38 24 70 11 41 oa 31 138 76 85 142 8 16 32 61 33 60 63 68 104 40 08 120 66 17 43 63 13 10 S3 31 16 20 23 01 08 62 10 23 48 10 16 8 40 r.2 74 o 22 CI 33 131 173 21 172 21 88 14 24 16 20 83 18 17 G4 12 70 41 24 74 41 82 3 70 10 107 4 7 40 8 6 24 83 10 18 50 42 26 n 61" 106 81 53 07 07 18 63 17 150 60 30 31 10 50 03 10 13 120 131 23 13 37 12 11 24 34 21 70 21 6U 8 41 01 16 80 33 23 28 LIBERTY BONDS. Liberty 8 Via opened 99.66, off .10; 1st Ua 99.81, up .00; 2d 99.70, up 04; 3d 99.90, off .04: 4th 99.92; Vlo- tory, 4Kb 100.70. CURB. Opened steady. Clt. Sery. Bs, 23 Vi: Carib. 5S; RU. Candy, 6, 8. O. Ind. up U: Marac., 23, oft ft; InU. Pet., 19V4 to 19. up to Ang. Am. Oil, 20; Mrrt,, 12, up M; Radio Com., C to & Vh, unchanged to up H; Salt Crk. Prod., IS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE OPENED EASIER. Sterling demand, 4.42 1-16; cablet". 4.42 7-16, off 0-16. French franca de mand, .0921 1-2; cables, .0922, off .0008. Lire demand, .0532 1-2; cables. 0633, off , .0006. Belgian francs de mand. .0(46 1-2; cables, .0847, off 0010. Marks demand and cables. 0015, off .0002 1-2. Drachma, demand, 046S; cables, .0455, unchanged. Swiss francs demand, .1944; cables, .1946, unchanged. Guilders demand, .3795; cables, .38, unchanged, resetas de mand, .1551; cables, .1553. off .0007 8wedlsh kr. demand, .2593; ' cables, 2598, oft .0005. Norwegian kr. de- mand,,1894; cables, .1899, up .0011 Danish kr. demand, .2115; cables. 2120, oft .0005. MOB DRIVER OF TRUCK. Reacrvca Called tm Protect Maw. tVheM Veblple Killed Chin. It required the combined efforts last night of the reserves of the Fifth Street Station to protect from a threatening crowd a driver, Charles Smith of -No. 500 Cast 13th Street, whose truck had killed Carlo Lanso. three, of No. 632 Bast 13th Street, as he was playing In front of No. 434 East 11th Street. Smith Jumped from his truck and car ried the' child to a nearby drug store, where an ambulanfo from Ilellevua Hos pltal was ealletl. When reserves ar rived they had to fight their way to the drug store and form two lines through which Smith and the child entered the ambulance. At the hospital the child was pronounced to have been Instantly killed. Hmltn was locked up on technical charge of homicide. ASKS $25,000 FOR BEAUTY. 72 13 73 ta 63 06 41 10 Actress and Madel Saye Ilermatolo- Klst Spoiled Her Pac. 'ATLANTIC CrrV, April 23 Charging that her baality has been ruined, and her occupation of actresa and artists' model destroyed, Mlia Mary Edwards of No. 2111 Honeywell Avenue, New York, has filed a suit In the Supreme Court for $25,000 damages from Charles 107 ly. Holden, proprietor of a beauty shop at No. 123 South Maryland Avenue. here. Miss Edwards, known under her stage name of May Bdwarda, was a member of the Zlegfeld "Follies" In 1917. and posed tor a Philadelphia artist for She alleges that 76 8 18 3 13 72 J3 73 tOVi 63 66 41 number of pictures. Holden "guaranteed to remove a "small line or wrinkle from her face, beneath the eye.' Her face since has been swollen. Inflamed and discolored, anal 10 I she has suffered Intense pain, ahs says. I 'V'Jk,i'! i'.lt-? 1.1 'i ;''''''.' .'J! n'-l'j ' '-"j " . '- i v t ' u ,-! '.I as. :. ' " ;i : J'.' 1 i. 1 -' Jsal A LETTER. N Tallente's table, when he entered his rooms that night, lay tho letter for which he had craved. He opened II almost fiercely. The few lines seemed like a message of hope: Don't laugh at me, dear friend, but am coming to London for a week or two, to my little house In Charles street. I don'tkbow exactly when. You will find time to come and see me? JANE. The night waa bright and dry and there were still crowds about Leices ter Square. Piccadilly Circle and Pic cadilly Itself. As ho walked, he look ed Into the faces of the women who passed him by, struggling against his old abhorrence as against one of tho sickly offshoots of oa overeclectlc epicureanism. They typified not vlco but weakness, the uphappy result of man's Inevitable revolt ngalnst unnat ural laws. Vet even then tho mingled purity and prlggistincBS encouraged by years of repression forbade any vital change In his sentiments. The toler ation for which he sought, when it made its grudging appearance, was mingled with dislike and distrust. He breathed more freely as ho turned into the quieter street In hlch his rooms wero situated, pass ing them by, however, crossing Cur- zon Street and embarking upon a brief pllgrlmago which had become al most a nightly one. Within a very few minutes he paused before a cer tain number In a street even more se cluded than his own'. At last the thing which he had so greatly antici pated hod happened. There were lights In the houso from top to bot tom. Jano had arrived. He walked back and forth several times. Tho music In his blood, stirred already by the wine he had drunk and the revival of old memories, moved a new and more wonderful tune. He knew now, without any possibility of self deception, exactly what he hod been waiting for, exactly where all his thoughts and hopes for the future wore centred. Was she there now7 he wondered, gazing at the windows like a moon-struck boy. He lingered about and fato was kind to him. Ji. limousine swung around the cor ner and pulled up in, front of tho door few minutes later. The footman on tho box sprang down. Ho heard her voice as she said "goodby" to somo one. The car roiiea Bmootniy away. She crossed the pavement with an involuntary glance at tho tall, pproachlng figure. "Jane!" he exclaimed. She stood quite still, with the latch key In her hand. The car was out of sight now and they seemed to be at most alone In tho Btreet. At first there was something almost unfamil iar in her rather startled face, her colffured hair, her bare neck with Its collar of diamonds. There was a mo ment of suspense. Then he saw some thing flash into her eyes and he was glad to bo there. 'You7" she exciaimea. breathlessly. He plunged Into explanations. "My rooms are close by hero in Clarges Sreet," he told hor. "I was walking home from the club and saw you step out of tha car." "How couia you Know mat. i was coming to-day?" she anked. "I only telephoned Alice after I arrived." "To tell you tne trutn, ne con fessed, "I" have got Into tho habit of, walking this way home, In case wejl, to-night I have my reward." She turned tho key in tne tatcn ana pushed the door open. "You must come in, sne invneu. "Isn't It too late?" "What docs that matter so long as ask you?" Ha followed her gladly Into the hall, closing the door behind him. That wretched ewltcn is some where near here," she said, feeling nlnne tho wall. Har nngcrs suaueniy mz nm aim stayed passive In his grasp. She turned a llttlo around as she re-Jlzed the nearness or mm. Jane," ho wnisperca, "I nave warn. m.r vnif BO much." 7i"or a single moment sno rraiou i hi arms a wonaerrui moment, incx pllcable, voluptuous, stirring him to the very depths. Then she slipped ,.,. Her fingers sought the wall once more and the place was flooded with light. "You must come in uero ior a mo ment," she said, opnning tne nearest door. "I Bho-i' not ask you to share mv milk, ana l am atraia i aon t Know Where to EC you lllBKoy uuu mmu,- but you can llgnt n cigarette ana just tell me how things are and when you r coming to see me.- He followeu ncr into a comroriame little INSTALMENT NO. 0. WHO'S WHO IN THE STORY. ANDREW TALLENTE, cxabinct Minister, who has refused a peerage to go with the Democrats, much to the disappointment of his wife. STELLA TALLENTE, whom he orders out of the house after dis covering her intrigue with TONY PALLISER, his secretary, who mysteriously disappears after a quarrel with I allentc. 1 LADY JANE, of a neighboring estate, who is a great inspiration to ' Tafiente. DARTREY, hermit politician and writer, leader of the Democrats. MILLER, Socialist M. PT, unfriendly to Tallente. HORLOCK, Prime Minister. Tallente cannot resist noine to Lady lane. There is a swift moment of happiness when he kisses. She is alarmed at her own heart. Tallente has a tilt with the Prime Minister. He meets LADY ALICE MOUNTGARRON, sister of Lady Jane. W "HIS QOOD ANQEL AND HIS INSTINCT OF RESPONSIBILITY PROMPTED HIS STUDIED FAREWELL." little apartment, furnished In mid Victorian fashion, but with an easy chair drawn up to the brlghUy burn ing fire. On a table near was a glass of milk and some biscuits. The cr mlno cloak slipped from her shoul ders. She stood with one foot upon tho fender, half turned toward him. His eyes rested upon-hor, filled with a great hunger. "Well7" she queried. "You are wonderful," he murmured. 8he laughed and for a moment ber eyes fell. Hut, my dear man," she said. "I don't want compliments. I want to know the news." There Is none," he answered. "We are marking time while Horlock digs his own grave. You have been amusing yourself?" Indifferently. I dined tho other night with Dartrey, to-night at the Sheridan Club. The most exciting thing In the twenty-four hours has been my nightly pilgrimage around here." "How idiotic!" she laughed. "8up posing you hod not1 happened to meet mo? You could scarcely have rung my bell at this hour of the night." "I should have been content to have seen the lights and to have known you had arrived." "You dear man.'she exclaimed, with a sudden smile, a smile of entire and sweet friendliness. "I like the thought of your doing that. It Is something to know that one Is wel come, when one breaks away from the routine of one's life, as I have." "Tell mo why you have done It?1 he asked. Rho looked back Into the fire. "Everything was going a little wrong," she explained, "one of my farmers waa troublesome, and tht snow has stopped work and hunting, We lost thirty of, our best ewes last week. I found I was getting out of temper with, everybody and every thing, so I suddenly remembered that J I had an emptyhouse here and came BP." 'To tho city of adventures," ne murmured. ' She shruireed her shoulders. "London has nover seemed like that to me. I find It generally a very ugly and a very sordid place, where I am hedged In with relaUves, generally wanting me to do the thing I loathe. You have really no news for me, then?" "None, except tliat I am glad to see you. "When will you come and have a long talk?" 'Will you dine with mo to-morrow night?" he begged eHgorly. "In tho afternoon I have committee meetings. Thursday afternoon you could como down to tho House, If you 'cared to." "Of course I should, but hadn't you better dine here?" she suggested, vi can ask Alice and another man." "I want to see you alone," he In sisted, "for the first umo, at any rate." "Then will you take me to that little place you told me of In Soho?" she suggested. "I don't want a whole crowd to know that I am In town'Juat yet. Don't think that It sounds vain, but people have such a liaoit ot al most carrying ono oft one's feet. I want to prowl about London and do ordinary things. One or two theatres, perhaps, but no dinner parties. I shan't stay long, I don't suppose. As soon aa hear; that the snow has gone and that terrible north wind has died away, I know I shall be wanting to get back." "You are very consclenUous about your work there," he complained "Don't you over realize that you may have an even more Important mission hero?" For a single moment she seemed troubled. Her manner, when she spoke, had lost something of its calm graciousncRS. "Really?" she said. "Well, you must tell me all about It to-moTTcaw night. I shall wear a hat and ye must nbt order the dinner beforehand. I don't mind your ordering the table, because I like a corner, but we must sail Into the place Just like any other two wanderers. It Is agreed?" He bunt over her flna-eni. Ills srootf angel and his Instinct of sensibility which was always appraising her atU- tudq toward him, prompted bis stud- lea farewell. You will let yourself out?" sh begged. "I have taken oft my cloak and I could not face the wind." "Of course," he answered. "I shall. call for you at a quarter to ( to morrow night. I only wish I could -f make you understand what It mea&sJb. to havo that to look forward to." W- 'If you can matte me believe that" she answered gravely, "perhaps I flmll be glad that I have come." TETE-A-TETE. NE leaned back In her chati. drow oft her gloves and looked around her with an appreciative smile. Sho had somehow the eubtla air of being even more pleased .with herself and her surroundings Khan Bhe was willing to admit. Every table in the restaurant was occupied. The waiters wero busy; there was nn air of gayety. A faint smell of cookery hung about the place and Its clients were undeniably a curious mixture ot tho bourgeois and theatrical. Never theless, ihe was porfectly content and smiled her greetings to tho great Monsieur GeorgeC who himself brought their menu. "We want the best of your ordinary dishes," Tallente told hlro, "and r- m ember that we do not come net exjecUng Itltz specialties or a Bavoy- chef- d'oeuvre. We want thosa speoUsW hors d'oeuvres which you know all about, a sole grilled a la Malson, a. plalnly roasted chicken with an endive! salad. The sweets are your affair. Tba . savoury must bo a cheese aoutQA. And for wine" He broke off and looked across tns table. Jano smiled apologetically. "YouwIH never bring me ono again," she declared. 1 want scimrg. champagne." ' I never felt more like it myscir, ho agreed. "The Pommery, George, slightly Iced, an aperitif now, and the. dinner can take Its course, we will linger over tho mora d oeuvres and tts are In no hurry." George departed and Tallente smiled. across at his companion. It wis a wonderful moment this. His steady succcss of tho last few months, th'' triumph of the afternoon had never brought him one of the thrills which wero In his pulses at that moment, not, one Iota, of the pleasurable sense of well-being which waa 'warming his veins. The new menace which had sud denly thrown its shadow, acroshis j path was forgotten. Governments might come or go. 'ai career be madej; or broken upon the wheel. He was alone with Jane. She looked out upon the gay room with its voluptuous air. Its nanyr couples and UtUe parties carrees withy the friendly and sympathetic interest of ono who finds herself in agreeable surroundings and whose only desire Is to como Into touch with them. He.r plain black gown, her simple hat with Its single quill, tne pearls wnicn were her sole adornment, all seemed part of her. She appeared wholly uncon scious of the admiration she excited. She who was sometimes Inclined, perrib haps, to carry herself a little haugh tlly in her mother's drawing room was hero only anxious to share In tha genial atmosphere of friendliness which the general tone of her sur roundings seemedto demand. "Well, what was tho final result or your efforts toward companionship T" she Inquired, after they had praised the chicken enthusiastically and tha wave of service had momentarily; ebbed kltchenward. "They have led me to only one con clusion," he answered swiftly. "Which Is?" "That If you remain on Exmoor and I In Westminster the affairs of this country ore not likely, to pros per." She laughed softly. "As though I made any, real differ encel" Then she saw a transformed mas. The Arm mouth suddenly softened, the keen bright eyes glowed. A light shone out of his worn face which few had ever seen there. "You make all the difference," whispered. "You can save me from the rocks. I have discovered very, late In life, too late, many would say, that I cannot build the temples of Ute w)th hands and brain alone, Uvea though the time be short and I have, so little to offer, I am your greedy, suitor. I want help, J want sympa thy, I want love." " (To Be Continued.) Edith M. Hull's Romance of the Desert The Best "Best Seller" of years 300 Pages of Love and Thrills - - - THE SHEIK Begins Next Monday, May 1 in - TI4E EVENING WORLD Don't Miss the First Chapter WILL SEEK PIRATE GOLD. Conp7 Formed to Ileoover rrras- nre oa cope May. Upb MAY, N. J., April 1 A syn dicate to recover "pirate gold" Is being formed nere. ccuruins 10 jay ju. necay. Cape May business man. Its organizer. There are tkousandB of dollars' worth i 11. " - . a , -i . , of ROld n 1110 iiu vi a ajianisn ydsvci -.hi.h tank off Turtln Cut Inlet a cen taury ago. according to Mr. Mccay. V Tha vessel. )" Matlxnnrros, was manned by pirates n mule from soulh waters to New York. Mr. Mecay aid and a gale drove the ship on the shoal, about savon nJlcs north of Cap May, . FINE 4 $400 FOR UNFIT FOOD i Peter McClees. a poultry commktslon merchant of No. S00 Washington Street, waa fined 200 by Magistrate Harris In Municipal Term Court yesterday for having ?S8 pounds of poultry unfit for consumption. . Charles Checlaccs of No. I9J1 Third Avenue was fined 1100 for offering unfit candy for sale. n, Allium of No. 19S Washington Street was fined M for posaesslng 183 pounds of unfit turkey. .lohn Proa of No. 2 West 38th d . nned 850 for offering .38 pounds ot spoiled kippersd herrings ior SEM.ORS PLAN $175,000 GIFT FOR PRINCETON PIUNCKTON. April This year's graduating class "at Princeton is raising a fund of 1175,000 In the form of In surance, the payments on the policies to be made each year by; the members and tho total sum to be available as a gift to Princeton In 1841. Of the quota (185,000 has been sub scribed, and the committee expects to reach Its total by the end of this week. This form of class memorial started here In 1815. This, year's gift is almost twice as large as any In the past. MEET AFTER 20 YEARS. ( fVor the first time in twenty years two old time actors who appeared to gether in the cast of the original pro duction of "The Two Orphans" .met yesterday at the Hotel Astor at tha eleventh anniversary celebration of the Stage Children's Fund. They were Kate Claxton and F. F. Mackay. After the luncheon and dance, at tended by men and women of the staje and others Interested In the welfare , . , , . .LIU... 1.1 T.l t f lira. Rvusall Bassstt and others aataw .;i;-x.i.V';."