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r ' T.HJB EVENING WORLD, W EjDflESDAY,,, APRIL 26, 1,M 2. Is Youip ttilome a " Museum Off Taste amid Aroma"? How Not to Adcerihc Your Cooking Told To-Morrow by Mrs. Christine Frederick iQkn a New Love V-t Ami Old Heartaclhe? fcacf Me diMccr n Sophie Irene Loeb'a Article on This Page To-Morrow V r Why South's Jjjllet Mainly Milk, Oatmeal, JBaw Prunes: Candy Only ' After Lunch Goes tO Bed ."Every Night at 6.30-ls our"Years Old and Now ,.a Visitor in New York. By Ruth Snyder. OspyrlcM, 1922 (New Tork Evenlnf World) Wjr into uuiiomtns v. pun yoara ago tho mysUcal. omaglcal doors of Fairyland opened, and through the wide opened portals' thousands of grace- wl frt I f.fl 1 1r AAn..MM -1. t ....a .1 ...... "" "U'" WHSU danced. In and out through tho clouds they pranced until thoy came to .the City of New Orleans, La. SVord had coma to thorn that another Cicero Said It, V ' By Neal R. O'Hara Ati-rOM RnminWniilH TlttPr inyuia rcomdu wuuiu unci More Than a DOUble-0 if " . , H6 Lamped PrOgreSS aS cu D.m.n ' ,OI IC n ds r l ujji cjocu. 1ht, 1922 (Nw rom Evening World) or r i-wuH.iuii EGARDLE33 of statistics, acous- iivl hvster " an ii - les, tno worm is n o t slipping backward. Don't let n.,n,iiv .nr. mons Kid that progress Is hoofing ln re- verso and earth Is twirling wttly a neat back epln. Wo aro not going to the dogs Absolutely not. Mr. Gallagher. We aro simply keeping pace with the greyhounds. Rome declined and then d eyed. But that was Romo' faitlt. Ws decline nothing. W A aro a race of grabbers. Grab food on run. Grab drink on hip. Grab l6hes on credit. We live fait, die fast.' What could be faster tfcnn that? If old customs seem to change. that doesn't mean we are decadent Wfl are Simply irauuit, um for. new head lights, aureiy, mai rnurlr nf nrocress! Nothing OUr incentors did but what can be Im proved upon. They gave us the Con stitution. Wo decorated It with nine teen amendments. They gave us thirteen original Colonics. We padded Tetn with thlrty-flve dry States. They left us a heritage of red blood, white hearts and blue skies. And all we've got, left of that Is red tape, white rlbboners and blue laws. If that ain't progress, eurlaps are Jewelry. Wa do things different from older set. Years back, when poppet- wat flying kites, they used to claim we chased the almighty ?. Now all the world knowa we do no tiich thing'. What we chase now la tho almighty R. Wo are " a tplrited nation, a rettlots race. - Oldttlmo robbers had a passion for watches. Now they lean to chain tores. It proves that time changes all things but telephone service. Yo(J still get two wrong numbers for a dims. In days when motormen drove r i,tw MARIK LOOIlt BOBB. MWWvliis. Vtreet cars with a whip, average had t floupjo la bras. " Champion SIMPLE RULES FOLLOWED BY MARY LOUISE baby had come to this earth of our - J to uii inc. BM au unw u ".w could. So llttlo Mary Louise Dobh was laden with all the gift" they were thin to hrin. hnrhpaith beautiful able to bring her health, tteauunu brown eyes, round red cheeks, dim- pled knees and everything. k tA nMitv rvtn mm mnn hflmn In notice that this baby was favored of the gods, that she was wonderfully beautiful, not only In face but In form. Bo It chanced that In tho gathering I m. . hMnn 11IH.I.U3 " """O their babies and discuss their charms Mary Louise Bobb always won out And now to-day In nor baby Ilka hands sho holds the awards of sixteen Prize 6 Temporal 0 Mores!" but It Means a Whole Lot was eight leaps before boudoir drama grabbed parking space on Broadway, Avcrae actor of this season and next haa t0 doubla ln braa3 Usda ttna curtain calls In pajamas. Those were ripe old times when Thespians, mu- slclans and virtuosi with grace and dignity sauntered on Rlalto. But actors, singers and orchestras to-day have quit Broadwny and gono lu for uroaucasung. Any one oi era wouia rather play ono night In WJZ (New- ark) than havo a forty-week run In Tlmes Square. Morse, Be" nnJ Marconi are old mnsters now. Wcstlnghouse grnbs off the spotlight. The bunch that controls tho airbrake la now con- trollinsr th nlr. Rnrtlnirmnhv! Swept mtlRln fllln trin hrrwt. hedtttriA stories come down the chimney and after-dinner weather reports aro served not from family llgntning rod. What wondors have Nature and Maxims of a By Marguerite Mooers Marshall CoprliM. 1022 (New Tork Evening World), by Preu Publishing Oo A girl fnay marry the man with a past because she is curious, but . ., ... a wise woman marries him because she knows he is not curious any longer! ' ... ..... . . t i VPN a really nice man Is likely to think that a good home where sho r lias to do all the work a kind hushandi-who oxpectB her to wait on him 1 some dear little children Indeed, you mlcht call them "expensive" arv cuuufiji iu uiuau uuy wuiiiuu pcriccuy nappy, The only husband worse than the Is the one who nevar tells her n lie Men can't thlnirs." And . .. IKIOVM UilUUIJI several States! " Tt rmiirt ha warm moral glow by refusing to drink what Is probably wood alcohol, or by but her lips refused to cqnsolo be refuelng to make lovo to what Is probably equally dangerous. cause her own heart failed her. When, against all the warnings pf his friends, a man determines to fpHow subject and seemed vas happy as If his own lino In a lovo affair, what, he really means to follow li tho line of her own engagement had been ru least resistance, morod. t.' f That evening alio was not surprised The cynic Is merely the person who understands that under any other when she received a telephone call name a temptation wouldn't bo onel 'rom Spafford saying ho would I'kc to call. Heaven may get the credit for making marriages, but, in bringing off To-morrow Spafford Explaint an That most of them. 'Pxctcnso la Heaven's Baby " Won Baby Contests given tn ew Orleans -552" 5 SJiitu. Mary ju!,,,, cam0 t0 NOw York. Now she 8 frolicking around oiir big city, and who knows what new laurels aw awaiting her In this cltyl mu M wnatovcr ,n tno worij did Bho cal t0 give her apoh round rosy cheeks sho replied To whc othep Bobb a8genteai "That's right;" she said. "Mary Louise cats very little. Milk Is prac- tlcally her only diet ana lias been. For her breakfast I give her bran H nlmol Ir. ...! nnrllnn. .. -I, prun Vhen T at noon I allow her a little bit more than this. But she Is never very hungry. As to candy, she likes that very muoh ana I give It to her moderately. Tho doctors and Mary Louise has been under their guidance since she was born agreo that candy Is good for the child who plays around all day. But she Is very funny about hei candy. I only let her eat candy after Junch and sho will ONLY cat It then. If she Is given a piece of candy she saves it until after lunch, or clso asks me If she may eat It at tho time. She won't ask any one else." "But it Is to rogular living that I attribute tho general, good health of Mary Louise." Mrs. Bobb explained. "Sho Is supposed to go to bed at 6.20 and' she DOES. That Is the main thing in bringing up a child. Regu lar hours." Mary Loulso Just then decided that she was being neglected in conversa tional Hries and chimed In: "I went up In an aeroplane tho other day with tho 'Flying Parson.' " When asked If sho wasn't afraid, sho scornfully puckered up her chubby nose and laughed: "No. Why should I -bo?" Mary Louise, -then, is not only hap pily beautiful but beautifully happy More To-Day genius performed! But ' best and most wonderful part of radiography Is that no messages can bo sent col- lect Electricity, like movies and boot- legging Industry, Is In Its swaddling clothes. Now Stelnmetz Is brewing own private thunderbolts to put on market and compete with showers and cloudbursts this summer. Stelny presses ceuuioia muion ana i.uuo.uuu volts leap from hither to yon. That's what you call service. Onebolt of h'ome-browed lightning that can do work of 30 000 gkwej bomb t0Bser8! And In old days a guy that was sore threw bricks! Success will be thor- ough and complcto when Stelny In- vents electric nuts to nt on both ends of tho bolt. But need we name further torchlighti In parade of progress? Need we list further antidotes to dull life? Natur answers "No!" Modern Maid one who never tells his wlfo the truth os for Instance, about her perennial youiniuincss, or tier good looks, or ms 'iernme loneli ness when she goes away for the summer! understand why women "brood over over women can't understand why men brood so little that, two months after ono of them has been the Ideal love one dreams of In one's instructions as wdl as a light nourish- e , ner n very J"" 'ur! dreesl m, a his season and at any t'vent them going to moving pk refused by a irlrl. he can nronose to another and really teens. There Is some mistake, some lug diet. The wrlnkleH on tho face quantity If the water Is to i be utcfl fpr """'"K l"'8 u'"u' ,',',; or to be on the street without mWm ,U However connden, of" wife's devotion, no man can neip regisierjng aarK suspicion wncn sue biiuwb l it ,..n. ...i.i. .V... ai l. f th. ... . . . , . lUUJMJUr WIUl IIIU .....o ..w m ntm tn h. . mnn. TTa enn iret UD little side -kick! T 16 Contests BOBB'S MOTHER, And she can sins. When asked to :"Uncl J08h Bh domUrre1 a "No, t think 'A Long. Long: Tra la tho host song In town" and forth- vrith brok Into song. When Mary Loulso was ono year g &y twenty.tnrc0 doctors to be the best baby In Now Orleans hecauso of tho following measurements: WEIGHT 27H pounds. HEIGHT 30V4 Inches. CHEST MEASUREMENT 19 Inches. HEAD 19 Inches. Thts prize was awardod for beauty. .'" "? - lntcl,eot' development ana measure ", we Bee tnat th8 t)ttln fatrcs wno pmnced so gayly through the cjouas wero unusually generous to mtlc Mary Louise Bobb. "MARGIE The Love Story of a New York Working Girl By Caroline Crawford MAISIE SPRINGS A 8URPRISE. M ARQ1B and her mother entered their tiny three-room apart ment with -happy faces and plenty of color In their checks. That Sunday had been a very eventful one for them. Frank Spafford had showered his attentions upon both mother and daughter, and their spin In his motor and dinner later at tho quaint llttlo roadhouse proved a high light, an oasl3 In their drah life. "Margie, I told you not to aim too high, not to havo too many Ideals about a Prince Charming," confessed little Mrs. Mlndon.-"but I really bo llevo this Frank Spafford is your prince I am glad, after all, that you refused to run' about with that necktie clerk whom Malsle wanted to bring here. Of course; It may Just be tlrat Mr. Spafford feels sorry for us and was trying to give us a little trip Into the country, but when I saw you two So happy together I folt that he really cared for you." "Of course he cares for me," laughed Mcrgle with a proud little toss of- her head. "I don't think he will ask me to marry htm for some time. Hp Is one of those men who are bound up In their work, and then, he Is young; but ho knows in his heart that I am his ideal g.rl. just as ho Is my Ideal man." Monday morning Marglo took her place at tho glove counter with re- newed lntercBt tho Joy of Bprln5 and lovo In her veins, hilt one glance nt Malslo told her that something was quite wrong with that usually optimistic young person. "You poor dear," said Malsle, as she held out her hands to Margie. "Mo7 Why, what on cartn are you sympathizing with mo for?" asked Marglo, thoroughly astonished. "Haven't you Seen this?" Malslo drcw forti, a clipping, a small one. but one which sent tho blood to Mar- gle's faco. It read: "It has been learned that J. D wmttlng is to mnia a villa nt iiuni lngton, L. I., and the architect Is Frank Sm' tho clover yount so ciety man. It is rumored that young Spafford Is engaged to Mr. Whlttlng's daughter, Leila, and that tho father Is giving the villa to tho young couple as a wedding present." "I didn't seo the thing becaus mother and I were not reading papers yesterday." declared Marglo In a cold queer little voice not at all llko lie: own. "Wo were with Mr. Spafford yesterday In his machine going over tho site down at Long Island upon which he Is to build." "The horrid, horrid traitor!" gasped Malsle. How could he bo so unkind i vi ;uui u nui nine, Slii. US lu ilium he C0U,j treat you B0 we ono moment and then announce his en- gagemcnt to a swell dame that very day." nut m iltwn enemmnnt!" rnrri,ii gle. who had now regained hr voice m ";r,r.s;:r rTi: It Is rumored.' I can't believe It and I won't belleve,lt. 1 had a 'dream day yesterday. I was ha?,P.'erJ.!ia!LeV.fJ l J? my "fe' .tol1 ,ma aJ. ..uuv .0 iiur iiiuunuru, .,u loved his work, and vd both spoke or TVJJT 'ZMltoT?. farsn v tmnm n a t ..hi I ' , Ui. MnlKl n pVpiI iii. th. unnnl- wh ' " ...,'...9 Margie had flung to the floor and restored It- to her pocketbook. Sho a looked at Martin with hlir. kind eyes. Dut Margie refused to discuss the Awkward Situation. , Can YdU BTZ7 7C-, V ' . J ! X, i a rr- - J VL 7d sepr) A4S suym Look Your Best By Doris Copyright, 1022 (New York Evening. D' EAR Miai Doscheri I am a constant reader of yeur articles and would like- you to advise me what can be done for my wrinkled faco. Under my eyes I have heavy line. On one side of my faoe opposite m y mouth I. have two lines and on the other side of my face when I hold mv down. Wllll.ll ,.. to do as I do a lot of writing, I have one long line which projects sideways. I am thirty years old. I feel very muoh discouraged at timet as they make me leok older than thirty. Do you advise ben zoin put in the water when wash ing face? MARGARET C. You look older than you really are becnuae von hnvn nllnwed vour body to settle and your blood to stagnate. t,i reme,1y ytematic ercise. a thorough rubdown of the entire body arier mo natn and deep Dreaming VXOrCM PeraMy outdoors. Thirty is the time when you should' look your . .,, - Wl" d'SaPPear rrOpOrt,0n M yU hu"d UP your general health., but lo- . lu mlM nFth. .Lin I. wnMar. uu 1 1 uuinii f. in nn riiiii ii in I h uieczn ui . . v.v. HnM w , . .... . fU stimulant. Dear Mitt Doscheri Won't you. please tell mo what to do for blackheads? My faco it covered with thtm and I have tried everything but to no avail. When I ute powder my tkin al ways looks. 'rough. I clean my skin every night with cleansing cream and wash with soap. DISCOURAGED. Since. your akin, is rouu as well aa Beat It ! Doscher World) by Preu Publlttilnf Co. having blackheads, a thorough scrub bing with a' flesh brush nnd a mild efoap will help. Then apply a good skin food and msjiMiKo. Remove this and wash the face In worm, water. In . U .. 1 1 .1 ,.,-. the morning use cold wuter. Dear Mist Doscheri I am twelve years old, weigh about 130 pounds and arn about 5 feet 2 Inches tall. I am very anxious to get thin, but did hot follow up, your exerciser when they wero published. Can you tell me a simple diet by which In two or three months I can be nor- mal? X. Y. Z. You aro verv tall for VOUr ae and quite a bit overweight. Avoid candy, entire neighborhood, rushed to tho "This is the third time thla gang cake, Ice cream and too much broad Police Court to find Mr. Jarr and Mr. ster has been arrested for beating and, and butter and eat plenty of fruits Rangle were arraigned on charges of robbing little children. Judge, Your and vegetables and you will see a ro- disorderly conduct causing a crowd to Ponor," said the complaining pollc ductlon In your weight. collect, destruction of property, call- man. t ' ' ' i i A tall man with long soap-lockM J and with an air or Melancholy pros TSE yoTti a natter?" asked the Police Magistrate "If Your Honor pleases," said lha OopTTttht. 1K3. (New Tork Evenln, World) by Press Puhll.hlnf Co. melancholy man. "I am HJam HusK. , , . .... (Imtrlct agent for the 'Welfare Up-r-RINCJ preens should be fully used require only)out ten minutes to ft Movementt. TntB young man.' at this seiison of the year. Phy- slclans recommend these on ao- "t of. their tonic qualities If the m4y Wved dflcl0U8 Balaa8. 8plnsch. . U"?'"'ZZZ ;S?"'a PJE!!b M lP net ful V. " ' " . vwiH i MnSrwiMvZ. JJ htnphH rwfnr rhnnnlnir cook bcn WancnM Delore cnopping, COOK, wiwuu tvw hwmk bwih-wh Arrange on platter and cover with slices of hard boiled efer. o' , ,, com water, aua.u uu uu uiuuiuin ur . - . . Dtnd.lion.. dry on cloln and BCt ln col(J pIac0. parents and that Our society take These are obtainable In fields and Thinly sliced or chopped radishes give the c hlld Into our '""tody, are now very tender. As they con- a pleasing flavor. Finely chopped ' It looks as though w will get fll tain valuable, properties of potash and young onions or scalllona aro consld- with tho thanks of the court, but salts they aro an excellent spring eted delicious In watercress salad by that our children will be sent to tha tonlo. The objectionable bitter taste thoso who like onion flavor. To pre- penitentiary for life because wo took; can be overcome by using Jafge quon- pare the salad place crisp leaves In a them out and bought them toy gam titles of boiling water and changing chilled salad bowl or on Individual balloons and let them enjoy them this once while cooking. A bit of Uik- plates. Cover with finely cut hard selves, whispered Mr. Rang!. , in.. n.:, n.iriVt in tho tint water will boiled egg and the radish or onion, "Maybe you re right, said Mr. also help. Cook dandelions same as (plnab. If, young and frcoh it will 3Sm - By Maurice Ketten The Jarr By Roy L. Oopxrisfct. IBM (Wen Tork Bnlna Werldi, by Prste PabUstuos Oo. MR. JARIl and his friend Jonn tog out tho Police and Fire Depart W. Itonglo and little Willie and ments, and misbehavior generally; pmm. jnrr nmi uttiB Jnhnnv throUch Mr. iatT's having thrown an ami Mrv iinmrin miirht hnvn lieen taken to the Police Court In the police . . . . . I . ., automob.Ho patrol wagon ' and dls- to utt.e tirnna Jarr. rne aieei nw es charged without a stain. on their char- the umbrella had made a short-drapers had not a dozen nclghbo.-s cult, and everything else enumerated nishod to Mrs. Jarr and Mrs: Rangle hart followed. and harrowed the souls of those ladles There woa a previous case on trlalf, with various distorted stories of theft, a young tough of twenty, wus robbery, and rioting, which their hus- charged with having knocked down n bands and children hod either been little boy of eight and having takoa guilty of or the victims the neigh- filty cents from tho child, the latter bore were not surd which but some having been sent to the grocery store), were Inclined to believe It was both. by his mother, when the tough had Mrs. Jaf-r and Mrs. Rangte, In grief uid p.Trltempnt. fnltmvnil hv nltnnat thn cook Beet tops and fawiss cnara, wmcn win como a lime later on. aro oWrt prepared In the same way Greon 8alad. Salads aro usually served with ono - ' " 7 .n,i HHni i,o0 spring day's when one has that tired feeling, nothing Is more refreshing than h. erisn ereen salad. It Is advls. ... . ,,H .. -hen sen-ed with the piquant French Mellon, lettuce, watercress, fl.ld salad, endive and romalno are al ex swwi, enoiw wu reuioiiio wi h ' ' cellent salad greens. In preparing these tho leaves should be carefully separated and thoroughly washed In .IT...-. i. then pour over mis me trencn areas- Inf.. 1 Family McCardell umbrella ud among the elcctno wires; to free a toy gas balloon belonging1 . 1 1 . t ' n rmmn 1.. Th. HVlUnf knocked him down and taken tb ninne V. nfire ne llUjtcated tne yoUng toug'a. .., , , . .1 . victim irf iotn ncrcdtty aria environment." brisk business-like appearance, now ?ame forward. "Please. Tour Iftnnn aha "I tana Vlattln Honor." she cried. "I am district visitor . and court Inspector tor. th- Society of Social Censors, and It ta ua my duty to guard children on the street from evil Influences, end ta 'leTy Th'e EnoV'ih. ch.lTVSvl 'npeateC against permitting him to play tn ,nc "treeta or to havo money In his f,-"6"1.0"'0 thth v"" unfortunate. I ask that you permit me to enter chartres aeralnst tha jarr, no one is safe from retonawa and upUtura .heaa Aaya. . . . 4 4& '. 1 4 "t