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I'M II I II ! Ml I H I Mil umiimm.mmmimmlmm rSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVR i 'SnsWlBlHsWSBlaYjTCVnBHfnsVjHHM'iaBSsKH RHK-1 . ' ' I I I PI HI II HI WW W i IllPflMMlIll I TZ THBHI rjr'T 'VW -V'S -i'V i I I II 1 1 111 i III I III Mil Ml III H IH ii i ' H I IIW I'll'WMMIMMiMHBllMW'lll'sl Ill ' 'I 'J 7 19 ft, ft i r- lv.; i n 8 i ! I .St-;'.1 1 HE EVE f MAN'S CLAIMS ALSE, SAYS REAM HEIRESS'S LAWYER fement V-V Had Wife Disproved Before Marriage V?SsHerfi. Attorney Declares. 1 ' 1 " S Clarence B. Mitchell, attorney for Mrs. Vonslatakoy-Vonslatsky, former ly Mrs. Marlon Buckingham Ream Stephens, one of the heirs to the Nor man B. Ream millions, declared tp-day ta his offlcc. No. 40 Wall Street, that iftbero wna no vostlgo of truth In the claims made by a young: woman In Furls, According to cable reports, that Mhe Is tho wife of VonslaUkoy-Vonsl-Mtsky, the marriage having: occurrod ita 1820. lie further Intimated strongly that Mrs. Renm-Stephens knew all .about the existence of this young wo Sraan before her own marriage to Mr. KV.-V. In this city last February. i' "The claims made by this woman t MUb 11119, . lu X IIUVV UIUUO 2 complete Investigation of them." "Did you know of them before Mrs. .m-8tcphens married Mr. Vonslat- oy-Vonslatnky?" he was asked by Evening World reporter. Yes, wo knew of them before that." f "Woro they Investigated at that HmeT" jfr "They were, and we aro not worry- iUsg about them In the least." 5, Later, to make the position of the V-V s more clear, Mr. Mltclioll made this formal statement: "Mr. Vonalatsky-Vonslataky wishes S 'emphatically to dony that he lias any wife other than ,the lady, who was .Mrs. Ream-Stephens, he married In New York. Tho history of the woman billing horself Mrs. V-V is well known In Paris where, for several years, Bhe has been registered and Hying as un . married under tho narde of Mouron Sdcy, which Is now used by her father. though the latter is a Russian from ouron, whose, real name, la Qoure- Itch. Mr.. V-V met the daughter Jn the Iracn, but they have never lived to- ther as husband and wife, nor until v has the woman ever claimed to married. "Grossly' exaggerated and unwar- ted press reports as to Mrs. V-V responsible for the recent undeslr- ile notoriety to which sho and Mr. -V have been subjected. The civil nd ecclesiastical courts are ope nto he Goufevltch woman if she has been nged." Mr. and Mrs. Vonstatskoy-Vonslat- who make their homo at Ridley 'ark, near Philadelphia, ho being em- toyed in the Baldwin Locomotive Vorks, came to this city, yesterday consul i nr. oiiicnen. xney lei n known then that they wero not any way disturbed by the Paris blegrams. The cablegram from Parts totd of Mme. Voniatskoy who says she was SZBorrlcd to Anas tone In the Russian feathedral at Yalta, In the Crimea, In Mt:o and that the marrlnge Is still waausoived, despite the claim that o cerempny was illegal because the ide had never been baptized. The port also said that Mme. Voniatskoy a communicaica witn mo Itussiun thollo Metropolitan In America King Tor an Investigation of what avers la. v.-V. s second marriage. s r8. .FpRflYTXIR flTIM. VBIIT tMM Mrs. Qraoe Strnchan Foreyihe, As joclate'. Superintendent of Schools, who innusuira uuimu di m spine imme- Eiy niier ner eioeiion. is still far recovery. Her physicians are un to state when she will be shl m kssume her duties. She Is in a plaster sssi ana oongea 10 ue on her back. An tperatlon may be necessary to replace sruona vi usaa oona, out It is Hoped mny ni nToiara. jf K fMfctsssw I , ' " ' Latest Picture of Mme. Joffre By Evening World Photographer MOTHER OF 2 HALTED HERE AS AN ELOPER NING WORLD,. WE DN E S D A Y , APRIL Less Than Wholesale 5 We Do Not Misrepresent Our Reduction Are Bona Fide Eight pieces in American Walnut, 72-inch Buffet, 46x60 Oblong Tabic, 5 Tapestry Seat Side Chairs, 1 Tapestry Seat Arm Chair. Every piece beautifully deiigncd and splendidly flniihed. This is not cheap furniture and i mtnufsctured by one of the belt Grind Rtpidt factories Poiittvely made 70 rn to sell for $525.00. Our prlcelor quick clearance ?1 IO.OU Thli it, without a doubt, a value without parallel and you hould act quickly, at we have only 19 of these suitei. The above exampje ! but one of the many sacrifice! we are now making, in ordtr that we may quickly reduce our alocki. Bod Room, Living Room and -other Dining Room Suites all radically reduced The WRIGHT-FOX CCUna 9"ll East 37th Street, near Fifth Avenue New York City Kimericak foremost Specialists Qppenheim5llinsG) 34th Street, New York Will Place on Special Sale Thursday 3500 Pairs Women's Fashionable Novelty Low Shoes Taken from Regular Stock 1 Sale Price 6.75 Beige or Gray Suede, in Com ' bination with Patent Leather. All-over Patent Leather, Brown Calf or Kidskin. Cuban, Louis, Collegiate or Military Heels. Also on Sale in our Brooklyn and Newark Stores . - Taken Prom Slilp With Children nncl Youth from nnrna. Arm. When tho etcamihlp Vanarl of the Lamport & .Holt Lino docked yester day at Hobokcn from Uuenos Ayrea. Department of Justlco atcenta held at tho request' of tho pollco of that dty two passengers, Mrs. Itcglna W. Grossman, about thirty years old, and Volka Llsnevskl, a young man' who Is said to have a largo' barber shop there. According to officials tho couple were eloping. Mrs. Orossman had her Him Cuilua, six. and her daughter Fannie, four, with hor. Bhe said there was absolutely no truth In the charge as she had permission of her husband to make the trip. Bhe said she was on her way to visit her mother at No. 237 Spring Street, Uuffalo. Llsnevskl said ho, was to visit an uncle In Brooklyn and scarcely knew Mrs. Orossman. Mrs. Orossman, with her children unil Msnovskl wero token to Ellis Island. ,! 15 SILESIA FUGITIVES DEMANDED BY ALLIES PARIS, April 21 (Associated Pren), The Allied Council of Ambassadors to-day handed a note to Dr. Wllhelm Mayer, the German Ambassador here demttndlnK that the Oerman Govern ment hand over at once some fif teen Individuals for Whom warrants have been Issued In connection with tho hnnd grenade attack on the French barracks In I'etersdorf, Upper Silesia, 3 fonth iiko. The Counclt asks that the Individ uals desired be delivered to the Inter n w .,,..., in hi uppui riiletfla. The requsltloned men took refuge In Oermany after the attack on Feb, 1, In which two French soldiers were killed and 25 wounded. GITLOW IN LINE-UP . ON SECOND INDICTMENT Cx-Assemblyman ftelrsrd Ball and I llenrraited, Benjamin Olttow, former Assembly, mail, who, twenty-elfttit months ao. was sentenced to from (Ire to ten year In Sing Slmt for criminal anarchy, was In the line-up at rollce Headquarters to-day, under arrest .pending arraign ment on a second .Indictment, tor which hp will "iter be arraigned. Friends who saw him to-day harJty recognized him. They said he must have lost sixty pound In weight, all. low was released yesterday In J7.500 bull pendlns an appeal on an order signed by Judge Cardota of the Court of Appeals,, but was rearrested at the prison gates. FRANCE PiJVCES BAN ON ISADORA DUNCAN fa Aianng- Thnse nprcted of Inoc ulation With "Soviet Virus." PAIU8. April 21. The French Gov eminent has placed a ban on all dsncers. writers and adorn who have "hoeh Inoculated with the Horlet virus" While aiiesta of the- Moscow regime. nd 11 Isadora Duncan, the dancer, trios to mum irora .Moscow oeiore in oovier Government la odlclally recognised she will be barred. Mile. OUa Bpesslra, dancer, now In tendon, Is the (lrs( victim of the ruling, flht says she Is not a B6Uhvlst, but the French say she accetped a subsidy while danelno n Moscow and Fetto grad. She toured America as a child dancer under Serge de Dlaghlliift. PRIMROSE SILK STORES FIFTH AVENUE AT 88TH STtlEET Just Arrived! And jiist in time for an inexpensive extra little frock for the warm days, an other shipment of fascinating new 'Flat'CrepeChine.2.65 . In , thirty "awfully smart" ntw colors, and waits and Mack. i The latest thing for summer wear, says Paris. And look at the price 1 As usual, the lowest in New York for the finest quality silk. Our cash policy docs that no expensive credit organization It's the new merchandising way 1 Tel. Murray Hill 0420 1 CHARGE PURCHASES MADE ON THE 27th, 28th OR 29th OF THIS MONTH WILL APPEAR ON BILLS RENDERED JUNE 1st. Eifth Avenue at 35th Street N. Y. Establsihed 1879 THURSDAY IMPORTANT REDUCTIONS in Women's 'Dresses' Suits Wraps 5.00 to 40.00 Saving On Every Garment Limited Quantities All sizes but not in every style 75 Navy and Black Tailleurs Mostly Large Sizes 39.50 4930 59.50 Heretofore 49.50 to 79.50 50 Navy Tailored Cloth Dresses 35.00 .Heretofore 49.50 to 69.50 . . a 25 Tweed or Sponjgeen Dresses 25o00 Heretofore 35.00 and 39.50 20 Spongeen and Jersey Dresses 20.00 Heretofore 25.00 and 27.50 118 Coats, Capes and Wraps - Heretofore 49.50 to S9.50 3800 & 4800 t Heretofore 7X00 to. 110.00 6500 & 7500 Heretofore 95.00 to 125.00 Q500 & 95 00 NONE C..O.D, TJO RETURNS Worth Coats ,ahd Wraps Illustrate the Mode at Superlative Values For Women and Misses ' Poiret Twill Coats at 35.00 Several models with braid or tassel trimming. Examples of value in the true Worth Standard. Every coat especially well tailored and fully silk lined adaptable for everyday or dress wear. New Veldyne Coats 50.OO Exemplifying the ultra smart at a moderate price. These coats will be as attractive for summer vacation wear as they are now in town. In all the seasonable colors lined with crepe silks. Ho Connection With Airy Other Establishment In the World THIRTY-FOURTH STREET oA Sale Tweed Suits at 2250 When Wor,th says "Sale," Women and Misses are prepared for values that surpass the usual high standard maintained by' Worth. This is a Sale. The values are most ex traordinary. The suits arc unusual at 22.50. New Suits, New Modes New. Colors For the very reason that the tweed suit is so popular this season, it is impor tant that yours be well cut. Well tai lored and distin guished by the new little touches that make for smartness. Women and Misses will find in this group smax;t new ' suits of soft tweeds in all the -Season's new shades. Coats may be choosen several lengths every one beauti fully silk lined. No Connection With Any Other Establithment in the Work) f H THIRTY-FOURTH STREET 5- ... V . M , ( . jo. ... .-