Newspaper Page Text
A1 m ' THE EVENING WORLD, WE 9 ; : ; : i DNESD'AY, APRIL 26, 1922. FRENCH VETERANS OPEN BUSY DAY FOR MISS POPE ENGAGED TO REV. DR. CARTER, MOTHER ANNOUNCES MARSHAL JOFFRE Reception at Armory First of Four Marne Defender Will Attend. The Association of French Veterans of the World War jravo a reception and review to Joseph Jacques Ccsare Joffro, Marshal of Franco and do fender of the Marno, at the Seventh Regiment Armory at 10.20 o'clock to day. From tho sreetlns of bis former comrades the Marshal went to a re ception at the homo of Mrs. Wlllard Straight at No. 1150 Fifth Avenue, where he was greeted by the members at the French American Union for Open Air Sohools In France. Among thoso who' escorted the Marshal to his box in tho armory was Alfred Lallemahd, seventy-flve years' old. President of the French Brother hood of the War of 1870.' He served is a non-commissioned officer In the Franco-Prussian, War, In which Mar shal Joffre was a Lieutenant, and wore three decorations on his breast. Others in the escort were Felix Levy, founder and President of the French Maternal Society; Albert Blum, Pres ident of the General Association of Alsace-Lorraine Societies, of tho United States; Theodore Seltzer, Vice-President of the French Hospi tal, and Paul Duron, President of the French-American Banking Cor poration. ' The Marshal was roundly cheered by the crowd of more than a thousand which had assembled at the armor. There were several speeches and the Marshal was presented with a great cluster of roses. Tho French leader was the guest of friends at luncheon at the Union Club and at 8.30 o'clock waa to re view a parade of a provisional brigade of the New York National Guard from the balcony of the '.irtny and Navy Club at No. 112 Central Park I South, with Major Gen. Robert Lee Bullard. U. 8. A.; Captain C. T. Vogelsang, U. S. N.; Mayor Hylan, and many representatives of the city and State. The club arranged the third recep tion of tho day for "Papa" Joffre after the parade, giving him Just time to get to his hotel to go to dinner at the home of Prof. William Hilllgan Sloane, historian and Presi dent of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, at No. 10 West 8th Street. After the dinner, the fourth recep .tion waa at the Forty-seventh Street Theatre, which has been engaged by Miss Anne. Morgan of the Committee for Devastated France, for a gala performance by the Russian Chauve Sauria Company. MI33 MIRIAM A. POPs. She Is Minister's Daughter and He Is Secretary of New York .Bible Society. Mrs. William BIgelow Pope of Ann Arbor, Mich., announces the encage- r r -x Summer Modes 1 fr Stout Women PS'pring and Summer Modes 1 LINES of grace, augmented by the latest of Pari slenne creations, form the keynote of LANE BRYANT'S new Spring and Summer modes. Each origination Is fashioned In the inimitable Lane Bryony manner, assur ing the STOUT WOMAN of the utmost In charm and at tractiveness. Size Up to SS Butt Chic Tailleurs 39.75 to ICS. 00 Smart Frocks 39.75 to 125.00 Coats & Wraps 39.75 to 165.00 New Skirts 8.95 to 29.50 Dainty Blouses 3.95 to 69.60 Footwear 10.00 to 15.00 Jjine f)vuav it is Braj coniUestlcka urflh cut crystal priams. fair i$J0. CONJOINED with good taste you find fair prices. And these twain, at Ovington's apply to more gifts than you could ever expect to'find. ' OVINGTON'S Tfi QUI Shop ofFMhAnnua" Fifth Avenua at 39th Street ment . ir daughter. Miss Mlrtrtn nliV I'ope. to Qr. Oort;o Wttllnm Vuiim- or ttits city. Miss tipp Is the mi'iEhtcr (if the late Itev 'A'llllntn IlKelow Top;, and no hei mother's mI tin Is itslntcd to Bishop McCabe. Shn was graduated from a Westttn college itnd later did graduate work at Cilifrabla University. Dr. Cnriei' has degrees from Wes .loynii, Yale and New York Universi ties, and. held a fellowship nt Oxford. He Is a mcmbor of Beta Thcta PI fratortilty and of the Old Colony and University Clubs For several years' he was acting pastor of Grace Re formed Church In Brooklyn, and for fifteen years has been (ienera) Sec retary of tho New York Bible Society. BROKER REARRESTED ON BUCKETING CHARGE David 11. Iiandfll Held Vav Op rratlons In Ilochenter, David B. Randell, broker, now out on 3.300 ball charged with "buckettlnr." was arrested last- night on a Rochester warrant charging similar operations In that city. Ilandell waa arrested here last month on complaint of Alfred A. Herman, No. 250 West 88th Street, who charged mis appropriation of 88,800. Ilandell then opened two offices In Rochester under the firm name of ilandell, Slmon-j & Trinkler. Henry Brown, a farmer of Bloomfletd, N. J., chartftd he lost $16,000 In bonds to the Arm. The other partners are out on $1,000 ball each. HIS SPECIALTY , STEALING COATS FROM RAILWAYS lias Served Twenty-Three Years for, This and Gets Four Years More. LONDON, April s. William Whitman has spent twenty, threo years In prison and has Just been sentenced to an other four years alt for stealing coats. If he were well-to-do ho mlRht bo termod a kleptomaniac, not responsible for his acts, but as he is Just a very ordinary sort of carpenter he grocs to Jail every time ho Is caught. He beg-on stealing coats in 1882, and says he cannot help taking thenv This last t!ms ha stole two mackintoshes from the store of tho Metropolitan Railway Com pany. Almost Invariably' It Is , from a railway company that he . takes tho coats. Ordinary coats present a temptation, but those? owned by railway companies seem to possess an ' Irresistible attrac tion for him. NURSD ntCVO M OBM THIEF. Charted with having stolen a diamond ring worth 8800 from David Lamont of No. S:0Weat 8M Street, about Christ mas time. 1818. MUs Elizabeth C. Kelly, a nurse, thirty-seven yew's old, wits held yesterday by Magistrate Levlno in the West Side Court In 88.000 ball for examination to-morrow morning. v Special for tomorrow (Thursday) Misses9 Hand-tailored Suits off the finer type w3M present exceptloiniaflfly good value at $62o(0) ' Some of these Suits, made to sell at a much higher price, are costume models (consisting of frock with coat-or cape en suite); others are coat-and-skirt models. (Second Floor) A Special Offering- Thursday nericcdsoremost Specialists . QPPENHE1M.0LUNS &Q 34th Street New York Women' 8 and Misses' Coats and Capes In the Season's Newest Modes Much Below Regular Value 45.00 Graceful wrap-like Coats 'with wide French sleeves, developed of soft, rich fabrics, Tricotine and Twill. Handsome Capes of Silk and Cloth. Women' 8 .Coat Dept. 2nd Floor COOPER HEWITT NURSE IS ARRESTED HERE Kellr, AVlio Snr.l Wlil.-vr In I'arla, Accutn! Ir llankrr of Theft. "Was Rltiabeth Kelly, who. iuirsM I'tter Cooper Hewitt during his last 111 -new In Parts, and later created a sen sation by tiriiiKlnr suit there against Mrs. Hewitt for alleged defamation of character. Is under 85,000 ball hero to day on a charre of havlnr' atnlnn an 8800 diamond ring from the home of David D. Lamont, banker. No. ISO West 82d Btrcet. while cmployod thcro as a nurse in 1915. Miss Kelly returned to Now Tork r cently to have the body of her mother, who died four weeks ago, taken to Canada, and waa arrested lit an under taking establishment yesterday. She nntv Ilvrs nt No. 350 West tCtli Street. 3ho la, alivced to have pawned th ring Htnl turned tho ticket over to a nomun for a loan. Mr. L.ninont recov ered the ring, Detective Kartey. who arrested Miss Kelly, said she declared It was a "frame-up." TltVST 8.VTV1TIOJV SOMKTIMGS. ST. LOVIS. April 28 Woman's In tuition la guesswork, F. K. Fehlman, President of the New Tork Advartlslng Club, here. told tho Chamber of Commerce Ite sold it falls half the time. ANTZEN Quality SH0E: FOR WOMEN embrace every whim of footwear fashion, in which distinctiveness is fully expressed. Ourl untqe showing is submitted for the approval of womeaj who demand and irppredate the finer points in which our footwear excels. ' j "A good foot-rule for YOU west the Jantsen Shoe,?' ,Uk far Onr " "Th Aaoae t th t!lf T" nu BKAPfuiiiin uvk oti.v bvuus 660 SIXTH AVE. Near CotUm BMlmakrrs urrr sa Tears. 38 TH ST. " Maw Task. r,h ! 1 ' l FIFTH AVENUE Charge Purchases will appear on Bills tendered June 1st James McCneery & Go. 34TH STREET A Clearance Sale of in Japanese legends Rock Crysttl It the emblem of the perfected toul of man. The Buddhists believe that after the cremation of taints or holy men tiny gem-like pellett, apparently of pure crystal, are found in their allies. These, they believc are their catfoff toult a proof that they have attained a per fected itate. In Buddhist temples , and in the homes of taintly Buddhitta ' these tiny soul-jewels are encased in caikets cut from ice-clear crysta, and are greatly venerated. By the way, we are displaying a daz zling array of wedding pifts of Rock Crystal, a shining example of which is a large, beautifully cut vate, priced at 23.50. Mendel . Trunks Famous for their quality Greatly Reduced! .Thete Mendel Trunks are built for durabiiity and good appearance of only quality materials. This sale affords tho opportunity to buy your summer trunk, souud in construction, at an amazingly low price. Full-size Wardrobe Trunk, black fibre covering, black fibre binding, fancy figured doth lining; 4 drawers, locking adjustable clothes retainer, shoe pock ets, spring lock and draw bolts. formerly 32.00, 21.00 Full-size Wardrobe Trunk, reipforced. lift top construction, covering of blue, binding maroon; 5 drawers, laundry bag, thoe pockets, locking bar. formerly 50.00, 39.50 Full-size Wardrobe Trunk, equipped with draw locking device, electric iron attachment, twin-lever lock, black fin ished fibre covering and blue water grained fabric leather lining. formerly 87.50, 57.00 Black fibre covered full size Wardrobe Trunk, black fibre binding, fancy cre tonne lining; 4 drawers, top drawer sub divided, bottom has hat form. Shoe pockets, locking adjustable clothes re tainer, snap spring and draw bolts. 27.50 formerly 45.00 (Fifth Floor) 44 Master-Made FURNITURE 0 Every Item Advertised is. Reduced 50 or More; r - It so rare an occurrence to be able to secure furniture of. "master-made" construction and quality at Half Price that those who have thought at all of purchasing furniture at some future time should not miss this unusual chance to buy. Complete suites as well as separate pieces arc yicludcd in this clearance. For Im mediate Delivery Only. t P m eS -mi . . Hfe .4 ' ! j - . aii 250 Dining Room Chairs, were 18.00 For Clearance 6.75- Dining Room, Suites () 695.00 Ten-piece Dining Roorrj Suie, combination Walnut. .".337.50 (j) 184.00 Six-piece Mahcgany Breakfast Room Suites, Buffet, Extension Drop Leaf Table and four Chairs. 87.50- () 437.50 Tcn-piccc Dining Room Suite, combination Walnut. .195.00 () 875.00 Tcn-piecc Walnut Dining Robm Suite, Italian model. 437.50 Chamber Suites (r) 595.00. Four-piece Mahogany Chamber Suite . .287.50 (3) 168.00 Four-piece Walnut Chamber Suites 84.00 (2) 395.00 Four-piece Walnut Chamber Suites 197.50 . () 1670.00 Ten-piece Walnut Chamber Suite 795.00 (2) 225.00 Four-piece Chamber Suites, combination Walnut.' . . . 112.50 () 242.50 Four-piece 'Ivory Enameled Chamber Suite, ha'nd decorated. 120.00 (x) 275.00 Four-piece Chamber Suite, combination Walnut. . . .137.50 t 1 Library Suites () 675.00 Three-piece VelourLibrary Suite J ... .295.00 () 875.GO Three-piece Mohair Library Suite 375.00 (r), 325.00 Three-piece Library Suite, combination Tapestry and Vclour. 162.50 Separate Pieces (id) 49.50 Davenport Tables, com bination Walnut. 19.50 24) 15.00 Mahogany step-over Chair Tables. 5.00 (j) 34-5 Mahogany Music Cabi nets. 16.50 (1) 135.00 Buffet, combination Wal nut. 59.50 (2) 84.00 Mahogany Toilet Tables. 35.00 () 39-5 Mahogany Bed 19.75 (p) 49.50 Davenport Tables, Ma hogany. 19.50 (10) 24-50 Golden Oak Tea Wagons. 12.00 (6) 23.00 Mahogany End Tables..l0.00 (j) 45.00 Mahogany Fern Stands. 22.50 () 49.00 Mahogany Library Table. 24.50 ()39-5oMahoganyTca Wagons. 19.75 (d) 39.50 Walnut Tea Wagons. 19.75 (3) 49-5 Mahogany Decorated Dav enport Tables. 24.75 (j) 30.00 Mahogany Fern Stands. 15.00 (2) n8'.oo Mahogany Bookcases. 57.50 (55) 18.00 Mahogany Windsor Chairs each, 9.09 Mahogany and Rockers. (J) 49.50 lablcs. (12) Tables. Gate Leg 24.59 Gate Let? 18.56 Gato Le; 22.51 Gate Lee 24.7S Gato Le; 29J Davenport 35.09 (18) 15.00 Mahogany nd Tables. 7.59 (d) 29.50 Mahogany and Cane Rockers, Vclour Seats. t 19.69 (4) 30.00 Mahogany End Tables. 13.59 (7) 32-50 Four-post Beds....... 16.09 0) 39'5 Four-post Beds. ,V. . .19.59 (J) TablcV (5) Tables, (5) Tables, (4) Tables, 37.00 Mahogany 45.00 Mahogany 49.50 Mahogany 59.50 Mahogany 92.00" Walnut In addition to the items advertised there are other sets and 'separate pieces some reduced more than jo and some less than 50, . v , (SEVENTH FLOOR) 4 W WW I Sf 'I it' ' 1 ft .at 1 ' a r