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THE EVENING WOULD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1923. GUROYA ARRAIGNED WAY DEATH OF G!RL BY FRIGHT Police Not to Release Ex- Soldier Arrested When Body Was Found. Cunt, nnndalls. In chaw of tlie ",irueaxui'ii ml u; i" -' lion, nam lu-uuy up " tako th'o responsibility for tho release n Innocent of Wasslll Guroya, tho former soldier found In tho room ad- KSj,- Joining tho washroom nt No. 177 East jfI, -Houston Street In which tho body of flvo-yeur-old I.Illtan uivner was xouna fe-'. early ycslorday morning, "We shall arralcn tho youth before WtiH ;.Markct Court." said Capt. Knndalts, rA. "and present the findings of tho mod- Si... . teal esamlner that tho child had low S" ImIU.. nrA nnnnrnntlV AA flOm fright tho statement of the Qrtolnno 'Mjy that ho heard sounds as ot JEJBI ,uarrel and a child crying in uuroya s b2 -Iroom at 8 o'clock, four hours before 1tho body was found and seven hours be latter the little girl was last seen by . 1 - I M.I,BI. fnr.ta W't..',' . rt . . ..... MIIHta1 mwA nttWHlfMll t uooui viuruyit a wivuuu uiiu characteristics. It la for tho Mafrls J Irate, to say what wo aro to do about A- 'Guroya. f t "Tho Investigation will not JdrODDed. We Intend before wo are Ihroujrh to find whore Lillian was all iho time she was missing; whether ft '''Bho had an experience which fright- V ened her to death; whether she was caucht in a vacant apartment and, fJt unablo to get out, was so scared that Sr. ., . - 1... .. a . i. . sno aiea, ana no uccupani ui wiu oom. finding hor and fearing an V '.accusation, placed her body In tho waihoom. We are going to tho bot tom of tho matter." Capt. rtandall said that Paul Collnsky, who sublet the room to Ouroya, had been visiting In Passaic N. J., and had pioved lio had not been In New York since Sunday. , SHATTUCKS SAIL TO HUNT GEM THIEF Believe Chief of Kobber Band FlcJ to Europe With Most of Jewels. To recuperate from the shock and ordeal they underwent when the band of Apaches bound and gagged them In their homo on April 2nd, Albert H. Shattuck, retired banker, of No, 19 Washington Square North, and his wlfo salted for Europo Saturday. Mr. Shattuck, It was said, Intends to en list tho aid of detectives of Scotland Yard and the French forces to run down Henri nollat, alleged leader of the bandits, who Is believed to bo In Europo disposing of tho $70,000 worth of the $40,000 In Jewelry taken from tho Shattuck homo by tho bandlta two of whom wero capturotfr Since tho robbery Mr. Shattuck had visited Police Headquarters soveral times. Last Friday he called and held a long consultation with Pollco Com mlsitloner Enright and Inspector John D. Coughlln, at which, It was learned yesterday, Mr. Shattuck was In structed what to do when ho, and his wife reached Europe. DOCTOR OFFERS AUTO TO THIEF WHO STOLE IT Will Add Itmard If Intrument. nnd Acconnta Are netnrned. Dr. Samuel Rolnhardt will glady pre terit his new Ford car to the man who stole It and add a substantial reward If the thief will return tho bag of surgical Instruments and the account book show ing $1,000 owed him by utlca patients. It had taken Dr. Itelnhardt years to col loci the Instruments. Dr. Itelnhardt and his brother-lnlaw arrived In the new sedan from Utlca yeiUrd&y, the doctor having opened an omen at No. 230 K.p Street, Brooklyn. Tliry stopped at Tenth Street and Sec ond Avenue for a cup of coffee and left the car at the curb. It was gone when they came out. GARLANDS REUNITED BY BIRTH OF A S,ON Eccentric Millionaire Discards Free Love Theory and Rejoins Wife. UOSTO.V, April 2. Tho birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gar land has resulted In a rt-conciliation between the young millionaire and his wife, whom ho loft for an affinity. Young Oarland was tho subject of much comment when he renounced an Inheritance ot $1,000,000 because ho had not earned It. Later he felt ho owed It to his family to accept tho forluno. Thon he met Mlas Lillian Conrad, a Philadelphia art student. They de clared they were meant for caoh other and could not let tho conventions of a bourgeois society keep thorn apart. Garland made his home In a shack In tho North Carver woods, while his wife lived at their house In Dedbara. To-day It was learned that the young man bad been living part of the time recently at nis wire's Dome. ,A. Fciir Offer For those wearing strong, disfigur ing lenses, we gurantee to duplicate the prescription In the new Thin Lite Lenses and not only reduce the thickness by more than one-third, but make the vision clearer and de crease tendency towards eye strain, filSingcr Optoiretmt and OpticlH 109 nreadirsr. Manhattan MmllMn AreH lUrleni 60S W. Ill St., WMh. II(U. -S1 iToipoci AT.. rmx Open Pntll 9 P. M. jfrankUn Simon & Co Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Streets Will Close. Out Tomorrow WOMEN'S AND1. MISSES'- Sports skirts 9.75 1 Regular Prices SW to S18.7S SHOTS IN AUTO RACE WAKE tUP APTHORP Policeman in Taxi Chases Party Three Times Around West End Block at 3 A. M. Patrolman Thompson saw thre men spstdlng down Broadway In a limou sine it I A. II. to-day knocking down traffic regulation stanchions as It wab Mod toward 77th Street. Thombson Jumpod Into the street and shouted to the driver to stop. Instead, with an added burst of speed, he turned and started for West End Avenue. Thompson Jumped Into a taxlo&b and gave chase. The big Apthorp apart ment house occupies the entire block. and three times around the block the racers went whllo Thompson emptied his pistol at the fugitives. The whole neighborhood was aroused. Suddenly the driver ran up on the sidewalk at 78th Street and West End Avenue. The car struck a stone fence and turned over, spilling tho four men. thnken. Thty said they were Walter Oary. Warren McOloskey and William I'lanct, all of Elmhurst. McRloskey said he had borrowed 'the car from his em ployer, the McCarthy Trucking Com PHtiy of Astoria. ANOTHER WALL STREET BOMB VICTIM DIES Darns Snflered In Hxptnalon Kill F. D. Super, t.nmtier Sinn. The funeral of Frederick Davcy Sopor, sixty- three, who died Monday from burns suffered In the Wall Street bomb explosion In September, 1910, was held last night at nis nomo, no, 1190 Dean Street. Brooklyn. He was an official of the Santa Clara Lumber Com pany, In Manhattan. Ho wan born In Jersey City, his father, the late Capt. Edward Soper, having been In the Civil War. 'Ho was n member of the old Brooklyn League Club and a brother of William E. doner. He was a member of the Ama teur Billiard and Crescent Athletic TRIED TO ROB C. 6c O. OFFICE ON BROADWAY They were locked up, bruised and Clubs. Ho was unmarried. The offices of the Chesapeake and Ohio Batlroad Company, on the thirty-first floor of No. 61 Broadway, were entered by burglars Monday night and a number ot desks In the office were ransacked. Thm aam offl was entered In a sim ilar manner five years ago, and after scouring the combination or one 01 xne safes tho pilferers stole $10 In change which belonged to one o ftho bookkeep ers and had been put In the safe with some record books. It Is presumed that sneak thieves srot Into the office Monday night, saw the record safes and went through tho desks In search 01 tne com blnatlons. TAXlOAB VICTIM MrTIFIED. Tho bodv of tho man who died nU French Hospital on Monday after being struck by o. taxlcab at Broadway and 34th Btroot. was Identified to-day as that of Harry llubln. thirty-five years old. a carnentei. f No. lZfi Herzel Street. Brooklyn The Identification was made by a brother. JLondon-Made CheNille Skirts London-Made Fringed Tweed Skirts Skirts, of Imported or Domestic Fabrics EXCHANGES VO CREDITS FEMININE- SKIRT SHOP Fourth Floor ' !4 mt West 42nd St. Qtwtm th and 6th cAvenua) West 43rd St. m 1 6NptabU Values for ttursday and Friday in Men's Negligee Shirts AIL superior quality, perfectly tailored shirts in an extensive variety of decidedly attractive striped effects. Qroup I. Shirts of Woven Madras, Russian Cords, and other ' desirable fabrics. White or Fancy. $185 each (Regular $3.00 ' Values) Qroup II. Extra Fine Woven, Madras and distinctive Satin' striped materials. $265 each (Regularly up to $4.50) Included in both the- ethane sale groups are White Cheviot Shirts ivith button-down collar and pocket. FUR STORAGE 'Remodding and Repairing. MURRAY HILL 7300 BONWIT TELLER &XQ FlrTH AVENUE AT 33 STREET An Important Reduction Sale THURSDAY WOMEN'S. TAILORED GOWNS OF FINE TWILL FABRICS 65.00 Formerly 78.00 to 125.00 INDIVIDUAL Bonwit Teller & Co. types of Tailored Gowns representative of the highest type of workmanship) featuring unique applications of rippled ribbon, fine Ukrainian cross-stitch hand embroidery, or unadorned models. COLORS: Navy Blue, Sable, Black FABRICS: Piqtitfiei Piquetine, Poiret Twill " " "TT"""" " A GROUP OF. TWILL GOWNS 45.00 With Hand Embroidered Rosharara Crepe Sleeves WOMEN'S GOWNS Second Floor Exceptional Values! MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Spring Suits 1 $37.00 We wish to emphasize the fact that this, is absolutely new spring merchandise not a job lot, seconds, or inferior in any respect. Suits exceptionally well tailored from exceptional1 quality fabrics and marked at an exceptionally low price. A price which is actually lower "than present day wholesale cost. The manu facturer, one of the foremost in the country, made this event possible by his hearty co-operation, even making the suits from specially selected new spring fabrics and according to our own rigid specifications topping this off with a special price. This Is an event few men can afford to miss. A complete range of sires. EXTRA TROUSERS, $8.00 Extra Trousers may be obtained with many of the above suits. Charg Purchases will apptar on bills rmdtrtd June 1st. sthavenub jgmes McCreery &Co.3sth8treet SECOND FLOOR-USE THE SPECIAL FIFTH AVENUE ENTRANCE James McCreery & Co. FIFTH AVENUE 34TH STREET Another New Assortment! Semi-Made Lace Dresses n-5o Another group of these splendid values has arrived in many attractive spring shades. Nothing is so practical and economical for the seashore and country resort as these semi-made dresses of lace. All they require for completion is a little finishing, a silk underslip and perhaps a girdle or flower ornament. A charming costume fash ioned of one piece of lace, at a marvelously low price. The demand for these dresses has been enormous. Black Navy Blue Dark Brown Tan Mastic Periwinkle Cornflower Blue Orchid' Cream Silver Gray Henna Jade Rose An abundance of Black, Brown and Navy. Main Floor) Crepe Satin Underslips For Lace or Other Sheer Gowns Very Specially Priced Underslips (or Costume Slips, as they have come to be called) fashioned ot excellent quality Crepe Satin in exquisite colorings have been specially priced to comple ment our offering of Lace Dresses described above. 5.95 7.95 Straight-line Models - - - -Shirrtd-at-hip Models - 'Sizes 34 to 44. (Special Booth on Main Floor) The Nan s Shop Express Elevators to Tenth Floor Special Selling of Men's Half Hose and Neckwear The half hose and neckwear featured" in this event have been selected from our regular stock, and represent substantial price concessions. $1 TC Fine quality 6f silk half hose, full ' Xv).J fashioned. In black only. ' Q C Imported black English lisle -half hose. ODC Full fashioned. Mercerized lisle half hose.full fashioned in cordovan, navy, suede, tan, purple. Mercerized lisle half hose, full fashioned black only. Sizes 9' to 11. Neckwear, 1.35 Imported and domestic silk four-in-hands in fine brocaded, figured and striped silks. 55c 25c Lord & Taylor 38th Street ' FIFTH AVENUE 39lh Street i 71