Newspaper Page Text
. ; THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, T922. We Sell Merchandise of Taste and Quality at Lowest-in-the-City Prices For Cash Onlj Herald Square New York e . "-r-S5l, 6 A Sale of 7,356 Bungalow Aprons Regular and Extra Sizes 89c Well-made of durable fabrics, these arc unusually at-, tractive aprons for so small a price. A Bungalow apron of checked gingham, trimmed with rick-rack braid and buttons. Slip-over style. Regular sizes only. In pink, blue, brown, green, lavender, and black and white checks. Illustrated, A. B Chambray bungalow apron, slip-over style buttoned on shoulders; pockets, belt and neck trimmed with neat rick-rack braid. Pink, lavender, green and (blue. In misses' sizes, 16 to 18 years, and women's regular sizes. Illustrated, B. " C Extra size bungalow aprons, button-back model with belt all around. Blue, pink, lavender, green, brown, black and white checks finished with bindings. Illustrated, C. jj Third rioor. Ilrar. Another Special Offering of Imported Chenille Dotted Veilings, 29c, 59c, 89c yard We have secured an additional shipment of the unusual veilings, we offered for sale last week. Those who weren't able to bdy as many smart veilings as they should have liked, may get them in this new collection. At 29c Hexagonal mesh with dainty chenille dots. Navy, black, brown, black with Copenhagen, 0 taupe with Copenhagen. At 59c and 89c The tiny chenille real French dot on a fine hairline mesh; most of these have 23 to 28 rows of dot:,. In a wide range of colors, including flesh with black, beige with brown, taupe with blue, magpie, black or brown. Usually 89c and $1.09 yard. Main Floor, 34th Street. 600 Net Peter Pan and Tuxedo Guimpes Exceptionally Low Priced at 89c Net guimpes with full bodies. Collars and vestees trimmed with Valenciennes and Ven ise laces, some have pretty frilly ruffles, others are more tailored but just as.effective to wear with a dark spring suit. In cream color only. jg Main Floor, Center, Hroadwaj. It's Time Again for Khaki Flapper Suits for Boys They're' the togs boys like to wear cool, comfortable, not too easily soiled, and not easily torn. Styles for little boys and big boys. Two-piece Model, $2.19 For boys o B to 16. The blouse is a sport model, with open collar, short sleeves end two dandy big pockets. The short, wide trousers have belt loops. Well made and finished. One-piece Model, $1.88 A regular Dickens model in this durable fabric, it is an ideal play-suit for the little fellow who still enjoys making mud pics. It has a belt of khaki, sport collar and short leeves. Size 3 to JO years. Jirjlljnj Second Floor, Jtth Street, Hear A Sale of 489 Silk Dresses for Women and Misses J-PS Exceptional Values $9k jfirJr Unusual Styles J) Materials: Faille CantonCrepe , Satin Canton Printed Crepe de Chine and Foulards Styles: A and B come in Women's sizes only C, D. E, F and G come in both Misses' and Women's sizes Street dresses and afternoon frocks well finished and nicely made, which will lend an air of spring, smartness to the wearer at a price that means economy. The assortment is composed of the seven styles illustrated. Women 's Sizes: 36 to 46 Colors: Navy, black, Mohawk, gray, periwinkle, white and beige. In the foulards, navy and white, black and white, and brown and white In the printed crepe, white and rose, Copenhagen and white, tan and blue, red and white or orchid and white. i jJSQPB Third Flow. 34th Street, Bear. Misses ' Sizes: 14, 16 and 18 An Opportune Purchase Permitd Us to Offer 250 Pint Vacuum Bottles (A Well-Known American Make) $1.14 This remarkable price is due to a special purchase. , The bottles are well made; the case is enameled metal with cap and shoulder of nickel. A shock absorber , saves the glass container 'from sever (shocks. BfcS73 -' c,Dt,r- Imported Super-Weave Wiltons Which include many excellent copies of Orientals. 27 inches by 54 inches, $11.24 36 inches by 72 inches, $19.24 4 feet 6 inche by 7 feet 6 inches. , $34.50 6 feet 9 inches by 9 feet, $67.50 9 feet by 10 feet 6 inches, $93.25 9 feet by 12 feet, $106.00 9 feet by 15 feet. $136.00 11 feet 3 inches by 13 feet 6 inche, $149.00 11 feet 3 inches by 15 feet, $166.00 These rugs have been made to our special order and the patterns are exclusive with us in Greater New York. They have a worsted surface, are closely woven, and their designs are taken from the Oriental. The actual copies of Orientals are so faithfully done that it is difficult to tell them apart. We have these rugs to match in all sizes to 9 by 12, and in some instances larger. Imported Mohair Rugs They have furled centers and wide band borders. In solid tones, as light blue, dark blue, rose, mulberry green, brown, mahogany, tan, taupe, canary, green and black. IB inches by 36 inches, 21 inches by 36 inches, 24 inches by 48 inches, 27 Inches by 54 inchei, ju inencs oy ry incnes, 36 inches by 72 inches, $3.96 $1.84 $7.09 $9.14 $11.24 $14.48 Imported Fleece Rugs A novelty rug of very heavy pile. IB inches by 36 Inches, 20 inches by 64 inches, In attractive colors. $3.89 $11.89 Fourth Floor, Frost. 1,300 Yards of Wide Fancy Ribbons $ 98c yard Our Usual Prices $1.49 to $2.49 Widths: 6H to 10 Inches. Ribbons of such heavy, rich, silken pssibilities that we know many women are going to devise clever ways of using them. , They are in two-color ef fects with gleaming luxuri ous patterns of flowers, leaves and birds. Whole hats of this ribbon are very smart with tailored suits or sport clothes. And what beautiful sashes and fancy work they make. -Main Floor, 31th ft. It ear. Merchandise Advertised Here on Sale Tomorrow, Unless Otherwise Stated Feather Hats $2.34 Becoming feather hats combined with silk visca braid and trimmed with soft floating ostrich sprays in any number of fetching spring models. The colors are especially pleasing including periwinkle, ' canna, jade, bonfire, tile blue, gray and several darker colors. ' Flower and Feather Dept., Second Floor, Stth Street. 16-Button Length Mousquetaire Glfice Gloves $2.59 Oversewn seams, three clasps at wrist. In black and white fijfgffto Main Floor, Center, Broadn-ar. In the Misses' Own Section Misses' and Children's Middies 89c This dressing coolly and'comfortably for summer school and camp is quite a prob'em until one discovers mid dies like these for '89c. They are made of unbleached muslin wth short sleeves and a sailor collar. White Peter Pan or sailor collar, cuff button and short sleeves. Sizes 6 to 20. (Qfaffigt Third Floor, Center, Hear. 6,000 Yards of Gingham and Tissue Gingham 42c yard Our Former Prices, 47c to 64c yard A well-known quality of well-wearing ginghams and tissue ginghams, in all the attractive colors and color combina tions that have made these fabrics popular for year round apparel. Their gaiety of hue and adaptability of pattern have made them favorites for house-dresses, summer frocks, chil dren's togs, and charming summer draperies'. 31 and 36 inches. Heeond Floor, Center An Exceptional Purchase Women's Novelty Silk Sport Skirts Specially Priced $8.94 A special purchase this, of sport skirts for the coming summer all this season's novelty silks and in all the season's bright and cheerful colorings. There are six different models from which to make one's selection, including box pleated and plain tailored styles which range in size from 27- to 32 -inch waist bands. jjjj Third Floor. 31th Street. 1 11 Silver-Plated Tableware Every Piece Reduced in price. All plated on nickel silver. These attractive pieces, artistic in design and lustrous finish, suitable for one's home or as gifts, may be had at prices almost or quite as moderate as china or porcelain. The trade-mark, E P N S Electro Plated on Nickel Silver is your guarantee of quality. $3.24 Sandwich Trays, at tractively pierced, with handle. $4.24 Fruit or Salad Bowls, 3i Inchei long, in especially pleasing Colonial detlgn. $4.24 Chop Plates, 12 inches In diam cr in simple fluted pattern. jjjjyg lln Floor, llrouUuu, $2.44 Pierced Pic Hates with Pyrex glass lining. $3.96 Stalnl:i Steel Dinner Knives In sets of six. These knives have French-shaped blade. with sliver-plated handles, and absolutely will not rust or stain from fruit meat or vegetables. -.39 t 1 ' 4 2B