Newspaper Page Text
TBE , EVENING. WORID, , WE D N.E 8 .AgftIL, 2 6,,, 1922. World News in Brief LOCAL. . We Maritime Aoclatlon haH author ized Urn Incrcaio In Its membership from 1.J00 to l.00. t Dartmouth Collego denies that Kay C. Collins, under sontenco of death In King Bins, ever was a student there. Mrs. Hester Smith was convicted of assault In the second degree yesterday by a Jury at Mlncnla for shooting James Bannister, Westbury stain dealer. Construction work on several largo buildings la tied up at Elizabeth by a strike bl unlo'n carpenters and electri cians In sympathy with plumbers and ptpsflUcri). The New Tork City Federation of WontbfVsiClub will open Its fifty-eighth .convention May 3 nt-thc Astor, JjuLloIin.'W. liavls.. former Ambaseadof to Trfbat Ilrltalni lectured last evening be fore the. American Geographical Society on jpe ynifUarded Boundary. t Mri and Mrs; Samuel Redfern Of No 1014 Hancock" Street, Brooklyn, announce the tiriBnteni(jnt of their daughter. Miss Bessie; icnaiern, 10 ranK jsowin currlor. Th krihtfaconventlon of the Tall Ce dar 5f Cabancnv ft- Masonic order, bn tgjni to-dajr In Newark with 6,000 attend- The fttreot Fair In Park Avenue, tio- .glhnlnAr May 16. for the Association for the Aid Of Crippled Children, will, havo French open-air markets, Washington Height Chapter. Daugh ters of the American, Revolution, will hold Its annual meeting Friday at Wash ington Headquarters, 150th Street, near Amsterdam Avenue. Xexf- Tork Division of tho United ' Daughters of tho "Confederacy will give a luncheon for the Preirident-ticnrnil. Hrs.JLIvlngRton n. Schuyler, at tho Btlt-J more Saturday,. The National Soloty of New England Women will hold Its congress at the Hotel Astor on May 3, 4 and 5. The Chatham and Phcnlx National Bank has bought tho Grand Street branch of tho Guaranty Trust Company. "I'he thirty-first annual meeting of tho Consumers' league of Nuw York will lie held at the Cosmopolitan Club. No.' 133 East 40th Street, to-morrow afternoon. Mrs. Jeanne Marguerite G.rcen, widow of Warren l. Green, for mrfny jcura President of the American Bank Note Ikimpany, was married to Elliott De :olf yesterday. The Cunard Una has obtained a Ger westbound from Continental and British porta to the United States. A letter from Russia, delivered to Louts Krausd, printer, of No. 1416 Bry ant Avenue, Bronx, yesterday, bore 30, 00 rubles worth of stamps, onco cost ing 118,000. The Rev. Dr. Charles E. Jefferson, pastor of Broadway Tabernacle, sailed yesterday for England to exchange put pits with the Rev. Frederick Norwood of the dty Tcmplo of London, A centennial oak from Grant's Farm near St, I.oills will bo planted, near hi' tomb to-morrow by tho American For estry Association to mark the 100th an nlversary of his birth. The Bergen County, Grand Jury of Hackensack yesterday Indicted Martin KhliT.i for tho murder of his wife and seven-year-old sort at Woqdbfldo. More than 2,H(T will .attend tho 86V-, enth annual spring luncheon of the Theatre Assembly on Saturday at the Hotel Astor. Yale Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs will hold their nnnual concert at the Hotel Astor May 5. A concert will bo given by the Bow doln. Collego Musical Clubs, under the auspices of the Maine Society of New York ut Delnjonlco'a to-morrow evening. .Children of families prominent In so ciety, all girls, will' glyo'classlcal dances In the' Plaza ballroom for the benefit of tho Skin and Cancer Hospital. Social Service to-morrow aitcmoon. John Mossat. thirty-seven, of No. 264 West 25th Street, committed sulctdo by Inhaling Illuminating gas at his resi dence Nicholas' Velanc, eight, of No. First Avenuo, died at .Mount Sinai Hos pital to-day. He was struck by an au tomobile Monday. Thomas Bell, forty-seven, address un known, died suddenly In tho street at Broadwuy and 28d Street to-day. npart and' reassembling a Drowning machiho gun whllo blindfolded In one minute and twenty-flve seconds. More than 12,000 Knights Tompln'r, clad In full rcgnllo, marched through the downtown .section of New Orleans tMiforo a crowd estimated at 200,000.' Almost two days1 overdue, tho Asia of. tho Fabro Line, lighting her way through three storms, has docked at Provldenco with eighty-two passen gers, Including American tourists. Gov Everett J. Lake, Dr. John T Black, Htate Health Commissioner nd Dr. Albert B. Meredith, Com nlwtlonor of Education, confcrml af lartfonl on tho Connecticut small pox situation. Tho Governor urged Tioro concerted and definite efforts. Victor J. Miller of St. Louis, who wentlv asserted that vice clubs, ex isted at Soldan High .flohool aid Was tmnliln to substantiate: tlio. charge, has Seen deposed as President of tto' Board f Police commissioners, t . Officer of 'the Connecticut National Guard, It U announced, are wlllnc to accept as a record tho achievement of sergi. ueorgo u wuvw? y it rA rimsscinblinir. n Bronvnlng machine $un while blindfolded In one mlmtto and wenty-nvc seconus. Almost two days overdue, tho Asia of the Fabro Line, fighting her way through three storms, ft," docked at Providence with eighty-two passengors including American tourists. 'uerntt i. Lake. Dr.- John T. Dlack, State Health Commissioner, ant r Ait,..rt it. .Meredith. Commlfslonei of 'Education, conferred, atllirtford on the Connecticut smallpox euuaiion, Tne dovtrnol- urged more concertea am Mnri. than 11.000 Knights Terhplai clad In full 'regalia, marched through tho downtown section of "Now- Orleans before a' crdwd, estimated at zoo.vuu. FOREIGN. Atatutlcs show that tho number of unemployed In Italy Is 676.284t of whom 110,61 are women. The total Is S0.53S less than? for tho previous month, says a Romo'cablei oiirn wilhAlmlna has nretcrlbeu for ih rtnv.l rmirt at Tlia Hague live weeks of deep mourning and five -weeks of. half mourning for Grand Duchess May of Mecklenburg, motnor 01 w Prlnco Consort, who died 'at tho Royal Palace at The Hague on Suturaay. DOMESTIC Victor J. Miller of St. Louis, who recently assorted that vice clubs e,x lsted at Soldan High School und wa unable to substantiate the charge, lias liecn deposed as President of the Board of Police Commissioners. Officers of tho Connecticut National Guard, it la announced, are willing t accept ns a record the achievemen' man license to carry German passengers ot Sergt. George R. Davlcs of tnk'n Safe Milk For Intsda & IaralkU NO COOKING Th "Food - Drink" for All Agea. Quick Ltinch at Home, Office, and Fountains. Atk for horuck-s. jJIAYoid laitatioos&Snbstitatti Dale to $A due to a v it j.' r 1 .ail . 1 - . v. v hl 1 III J Kormrlw . in 11 1 sail iii x .isisis 1 f 1 r are ' and WIFE, II. L, TAKES POItJOS. Mr.. 'Jimu 11. Bradle. fifty-three. Kiln of the head of the Packard Autr Renting Company, No. 210 West 4Sd Street, was louna unconscious oy ncr husband last night In the .bedroom Of thlr home at No. 202 West 73th StrcDt. having taken fourteen grains of bichlo ride of 'mercury. At Roorfevelt Hospital .was ssld her cnancas or recover) were slim, WN 0 long time. Bradley, has been ill TOOTH FOUND SHOWS NEW APEi SPECIES Genus of Nebraska Ppssil , More Closely Resembles Human Than, Any Heretofore Discovered. ! Washington, April 20. The previous cxlstcnco on this continent of a new genus and spo dlcs of prlmato much more r closely resembling tho human typo than It docs any knqwn species uf ape," although distinct from cthcr, Is believed to havo been established by the recent discov ery of a small tooth In tho fnunal deposits of Nebraska, according to , a paper read at the concluding bcsslon here of tho National Acad emy of Sciences by Dr Henry V. , Osborn of the American Museum 1 of, Natural History, A number of authorities, " for. Osbpm said, agreed with hit de duction that the ' discovery ' had established tho. exlstcnco in tho pliocene berlod. of k "mw and Independent typj)!' ot anthropoid, or mun-llko. animal. 1 Entire credit tor tie discovery, lie Mid, flanged to Harold J. , Cook, a1 .consulting geologist pf Agalc, Neb. NEEDLE GAVE HER LOCKJAW. TRENTON; N. ).. Xprll J Mrs. Prank Winder of No. iii Cuyler Avs hue, this city, Is In ,yie ITflycllnlo Hos pital, Philadelphia, undergoing treat ment as a result ot n broVbn needl having lodged In iier Jaw while ill vas tfi a dentist's chair here fsw days ago. She Is said to be In a serious condition Mrs. Winder was having a tooth fllUd when a needttt In the. dentist's drill napped oft; Efforts, to dlslodra It from her Jaw. were unavlllng. Later her Jaw became locked and It .has been neces sary tp roiort, to artlflcjal feeding. DYE FADED CURTAINS, SKIRT . SWEATER, DRESS OR COAT IN "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions' go ' simple any woman can dye or tint her old worn, faded things new. Even If she has never dyed before, she can put n rich fadeless color Into shabby skirts, dresses, waists,' coats, (' stockings, sweaters, Coverings, draperies, hang ings, everything! Day Diamond Dyes no other kind then perfect horde dyeing' is guaranteed. Just te)l, your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether It Is linen, cotton or mixed " goods. Diamond Dyes never streak-, spot, fade or run. Advt SUNDAY WORLD WANTS WORK MONDAY WONDERS t Our Dolicv absolute satisfaction t vou. cuarantee. merchandise, one price to all. hon est and fair treatment, covering a period oj twentv-two vcars has re- mcnted the natronaee of Brenner Bros, and increased it to the extent of necessitating an addition of the entire hnilrl mo- next to our present location. uur beautiful IScwSnnntr Stock without- re serve is yours at themost drastic reductions to escape handling, dust and risk ofdamage. Sale starts at once In the very beginning of the season. COATS in the season's favored materials, and with that distinction of line and clever ness of style that characterize superb tailoring. CAPES were never more acceptable. Designers have achieved stunning creations that flatteringly youthful -in their lines I graceful tn-thtir swing. WRAPS sdroitlv designed in" Fohion's mntt hi. witching manner; with fur and fringe and hiavy crepe silk linings to give them . indefinable' elegance. SUITS 'that portray the spirit of spring. New stitches and charming adaptations of the mode to make them fascinating and becoming. DRESSES delightfully varied and altogether charm ng in their expression of the mode. In the rich crepe silks and other new weaves that are vastly attractive. SO Division. Street HOW TO OCT Tlinnn- Take 2d or 3d Ave nue "l" to Chatam Square or Subway to City Hall and walk north two minutes to Division Street Any Man, Woman or Child can icu uu wncre eto. oil umsion street Is. jl6thanira id Silk Jantrni. Caracul'eollar. llk fringed bottom. SAtJS pbici: WEST FQRTVrSECPNC), TREET vW- WEST F6RTY-T1IRD . STREET A Very Special. Purchase enables us to offer complete suites or separate pieces of Living Room Furniture at ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF LESS , than this season's regular prices All dependable Furniture from one of America's noted manufacturers. Distinguished throughout by its excellent construction and well-selected tapestry, velour or cretonne coverings. j.fV. LIVING ROOM SUITE ilfustraJj) in tdbettni. f r . -----v , -f Aytyf velour or damask, with reversible cushions . . . , . .: $130 Odd Davenports in tapestry and vejour t , .. . . . . . Odd Arm-Chairs in tapestry, velour or damask . ,... Odd Wing Chairs in tapestry, velour or damask. ..... Vassar Arm-Chairs in tapestry, velour or damask reversible cushions, 1 Vassar Arm-Chairs in cretonne - . Chaise Lounges in cretonne'.. -.- . . Arm-Chairs suitable for hall or living room,'.'... : r'. $60.00 $30.00 $35.00 $18.75 $15.00 $33.50 $22.50 Odd Benches with upholstered seats in tapestry, velour and damask $27.50 LAMPS FOR EVERY PURPOSE Companionable in its beauty, the glow of a carefully chosen lamp gives personality to a whole room- Each of the lamps , offered in this selection is artistically designed to add -a bright note of beauty to the home. Enameled Boudoir Lamps in ivory, rose, blue and French gray with a contrasting 10 inch oval Georgette shade 6r Mahogany finish with a 10 inch Silk j shade in various colors Complete with bulb and holder . ..... CpO. Mahogany Finish Table Lamp,i5 in. high, 1 light with 16 in. wicker silk lined shade in rose, blue, r orange, complete with bulb 3 5 . Artistic Iron Boudoir Lamp with an adjustable arm 12 inch decorated glaci shade Complete with bulb .... 9,75 Wilton and Axminster Rugs Complete, new assortments at Greatly Lowered Prices. A variety of effective designs suitable-for every requirement of the modem home, SEAMLESS WILTON VELVET RUGS Heavy quality. Blue, Taupe, Gray and Rose; slightly shaded; one-tone borders. Size 9x12 feet . . $42.50' Size 8x10 J feet . . $40.00 Heavy Wilton Velvet Figured Rugs, ' Size 9x12 ft. seamless. Persian and Chinese designs and colors, 433 & 4250 Seamless Axminster Rugs $45.00 and 54.00 Heavy quality. Size 9x12 ft. SCATTER SIZES, many to match above .Si 36x70 inches . $6.75 to 9.75 I Size 27x54 inches . $3.75 and 4.75 Dependable Suit Cases For the Summer Vacation andaAllthe-year'tmnd , Use at 'Prices that Offer Exceptional Savings. So sturdily built as to give long and competent service, these suit cases add practical good looks to their ready convenience. Enamel Duck Suit Cases with tray 9 inches deep; reinforced corners; cretonne lining; ifei gZf short straps, each, ... , CpT jU Jiraps atl aroumd, $4.85 Real Cowhide Suit Cases with straps all around; remtorcea corners; line 26 and 28 inches, eich. reinforced corners; Jinen lined; 24, (fciC OC .... Kpyjt Men's Black Suit Cases of real Cowhide q or Walrus grain leather. Leather lined. ".JV MAIN FLOOR. '1 Swinging Couch Hammocks Sial at $18,50 With or without adjustable heads. These comfort able swinging couch fuunmoeks may be had in blue, green, gray, yellow or whte striped "duck or cretonne. Regular or spring seats. Awnings . . . $5.75 Stands . . . $4.75 UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT FOURTH FLOOR. Ruffled Marquisette Curtains With tie-backs of same material. Very Special at $295 P" P!r Transparent and airy in appearance. Choice of four different size dots. 2J yards long; In white only. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENTFOURTH"4 FLOOR. Introducing the STERN BROTHERS Vacuum Cleaner Recommended for its reliability. Serviceable because of its simplicity and distinguished by its exceptionally low price of $32.00 (Attachments $6.50 extra) Made, for us exclusively and bearing our own guarantee, this vacuum cleaner is so flexible and light in weight, so smooth to run and so easy to move about, that it makes housecleaning a pleasure rather than an effort. Efficient, durable and; so moderately priced as to make it a necessity rather than a luxury. All in all, the. STERN VACUUM CLEANER is one of the most noteworthy values to be found anywhere at this price. ' On Sale Fifth and Sixth Floors, tic f a IS V O v? l '3 H !3 t r