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9 T H E EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, A'PRIL 27, 1922. War Heroes into GimtAitistr rrt urnin fift'ref Exhibition by Soldier Pupils of the 'New York Society of Illustrators Headed by Charles Dana Gibson By Will B. Johnstone. m "tan polish" sketches, also shows some charming docoruttva landscapes. Joseph St. Amand's pastels aro facile and earned high praise of Al- Society of Illustrators' bert K. Sterner. Arthur Nugent, a cartoonist; Dick Qlllls, holding Its first exhibition water oolorlst; Thomas Skinner. jfCsMTUfct, ISIS (Nw York Erenlnf World) f by rrai pamuiung co. St, I School for Disabled soldiers promising the French Lesion of Honor, Is di rector of the school and Chairman of tho School Committee, consisting of Charles Dana dlbson, Edward Pen field, C. II. Falls, Hay Grcenleaf. D. A. Wilson, George Illlan, Frederick nichardson, acorge Barse and Wll- tf.'... Centre, No. g of pupils work at tba Art adopt In oils; John Qocmatt, Claude Horn Obcrhardt East SSth Street. Woodruff, Charles van Ettcn. Orlando After tho Society of Illustrators' At the suggestion of me society 01 uirvcra and It. A. Ueauconclnl aro war record, In donating their services janiBatratora, Charles Dana Gibson, some of the many talcntca exhibitors, for war posters and their wonderful President Emeritus, tho Veteran Bu- Tho school Is located at No. J70 Sev- success In Instructing tho disabled reau of tho United States Govern- cnth Avonuo, In tho Pcnn Terminal soldiers. let It not bo said that tho "raent opened this unique aid school Building. 1 little over a real ago. Through this aohool tho disabled -;;herocs of the lato war artistically ln ' 'Jcllned aro provided with free art edu v'tjeation. the school being conducted by ; tho Society of Illustrators, whoso U- rjllhrafjiil mmhnrit f-4vA their valU- m ' j able services as Instructors gratis. A 15The slxty-flvo soldler-boy' pupils ft' are sow showing some 300 or moro "pictures, the excellence of which Is f'othlng short of amaxtng. Their lis" .work shows that thoy have received :xical Instruction the illustrators have S enthusiastically given them instrua- money couldn't buy. ffi The great minister, Talleyrand, A Judged tba characters of bis callers by, the Tt(etnrH thftv choso to look at in i'j tssr 7 tlal souls were attracted by pastoral scenes and Ignored the military paint- A'Oiin that drew the attain Hnn of ipeacwuii xnis exjuoiuoa uar o oui war subjects In the soldlor boys' plo- gtium except a few monotones show tlag dull shell flares, executed at the ;!v,y front with color Improvised out of fetan boot-polish used by officers. , "Tho boys are too near the war- to Sjpalnt It as yet," said Charles B- Falls, Imaeter deooratlvo Instructor of tho Illustrators, wbo iu a Santa Claus vtwlth bis tlmo whfcn' the boys are con- Ten years from now they. Ewlll do It. I,. James F. McAlcer, who did sub marine work on the TJ. 8. S. Har- vard with the Vincent Astor group, k shows a series of primitive percherons galloping in whimsical abandon or &4"ulded by Joyous cavemen. Ills Primitive Polo Match" sings with rugged action. Llfo has accepted a Is-"' ; series of bis quaint conceptions. K Walter Vanderburgh, a Now York boy wbo won the Croix de Guerro In the last German drive at the second Battle of tho Marne, should be cited again for bis reckless bravery In tack- ling every, mcdlurn that strikes his fancy. 1 Xjeon Benard, cx-Jfalno woodsman, if? i wbo was the most desperately wounded of , all this outfit, having been gassed, f Beared by liquid flro and pierced with sixty-seven pieces of shrapnel (and can now do ten feet in the standing Jump) is one of the most remarkable .'Jpuplls in the school. He shows a stunning nude, a decorativo linoleum engraving. Harry Clmlno, Italian. 'Albanian and half Irish, combines the 5vbest artlstlo qualities of tho three rAtraces In bis decorative designs, run- 'ynnc neck and neck with Sol Hemh. ; dorter's black and whites. Keneth Fuller Camp, ttoy C. Strong v' ;nd Harry Homan (who "works under ;ean Cornwell, newly elected Prcal f ',4ent of the Illustrators and America's . foremost Illustrator) exhibit oil paint ings that are professional to the last degree. Camp, wbo has forgotten Us serial number, remembers his Ber yl oe repartee, however. When Virgil -.K. Pyle, who was hanging his clever composition of Brooklyn Bridge, told i be was in the 27th Division, CaraD ysjssrked. "Why didn't you belong to Mriearmyr , i ' if. W. A. Jtogors. member of society is without a purpose. T'" .-. tt.RggZ-. I IHV ! i W HlHE'iMSf itiH i f ill ii v ;r , - - rir--, m-. 'ssii i t ill kiwi i '-w cwiffE. Li ess.. -immr 'Wurmuy- vm nn1 "izsy i in ii s s njc ,rc" if i 'mvi h ""wsjMHsxdr'v m iv ui i - ; i s,jf,wsmm mmmr. ui,b. witjisishsk t. . cw vc-r-vs t Xoosard, 331 Btmoason. who I did W!Wl.jr-Mi