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39n ; :' "' ' ' - "T ' 'the EVENING WOELD, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1022. 23 d a m j- y Gregory W. Spurr, War Veteran SAY PASSPORTS ARE FALSE. Ilrportudon llearln To-rf for ' Aliened Crooks. A hearlnc will t ulTen to-day at Bill! Island 'In tli deportation proceed Ings against Charles Gran) Lawaon, alia Hobba. and llueh (lowland, alia Hamilton CIclRhton Hndlcy. They aro charged with entering tlio United 8tatea xrtth false passports and also are wantrd by Scotland Vard. accordlnu to the po lice here, tor questioning concerning oil stock transactions. They wore arresiea wnen Mrs. Row land reported to the police they had obtained Urge sums of money In Eu rope, She will be a witness against her husband to-day. She said last night he had planned to desert her and she waa virtually penniless. According to the police. Hobbo was accompanied here by the wife of a London merchant from whom he ob tained t0.00U. S. I. FERRY RATE EXTENDED. Reduced Charges Continue CntU Dee. St. It ! Toted. Following the Transit Commission's protest the Sinking Fund Commission Toted yesterday to extend at least until Dee. 11 the present reduced ferry charges on commutation tickets of the Staten Island Itapld Trnnslt Compnny. The railroad company has agreed to continue its old rate to South Ferry. The Sinking Fund acted after Commis sioner of Plant and Structures Whalen hnrt said thai Blnce Jrn. t. 1!I07. no au thority had existed to Issue tickets at reduced rates. Many Staten Island resi dents were present to protest the in crease the Commissioner had scheduled to take effect May 1. BRONX DEMOCRATS SPLIT. Unable to Select Leader to Snoceed Trlamvlrate. Members of the Bronx County Demo cratic Commute In meeting last nleht MISS JEAN ARMOUR DUNLOP an w aasrvanp. remcnr nr vassar i -ran- tiate And Yale Man Is Announced. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dainlop of yack. on Hudson and this city an- LP MAN TO HEAD VASSAR. a s i'U u tu-c a bjb as eraae tuc thirst Half of 1i2223 Year nntmrement msj made to-dnv nf Ihn itjon of Prof. George H. Nettleton of University as Acting President of 'assar College for the first half of the fndfm1c vear 1922-23 In the Alifnra .... nvn nf president lienrv xtotiin Mnn. rucKen. J'rof. Nettleton, wbo Is Chairman of . ...... a. Til. V'nuonp llnwtA " ' T wlll assume his duties next fall. r MnccracKcn will sail for Eumn. ily 1 with his family, to remain for semester of educational research. OA8I1 TIK1 TO "DIIUMK'S" IMG, JI1DDL.BTOWN. N. V.. April -fr et New urgh. chained with In- klion, attempted to apo from ill a I'oucv .eutujiiurifra reveuled lial he had ' 274 21. most of --Men to Gregory Waterman Spurr, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. E- W. Spurr of Bpar- klll, N. Y. Miss Dunlop was graduated from Vossar In 1919. Mr. Spurr went to Yale and In 1917 ho enlisted In the Safe Milk Fer Infants & hnlkb MOCOOrJNQ French Army, and later joined the ru-u.. , 6th Field Artillery, 1st Division. A QtUCk bUDCIl at ttOme.UmCC, and E. F. He Is a member of the Tno , Fountains. At for HORUCICS, Club of New York. No date has neen set for the wedding'. were unable to ncrcc on a leader to take tho place ot tlio trlumvlrato that lias been In control since tho death of Arthur II. Murpliy. Charles F. Murphy has decreed that the triumvirate must go. Edward J, Flynn, Stephen A. Nugent and Thomas 11. O'Ncll, Its members, have their In dividual backers, but none Is strong enough to win a majority vote. probability, will be brought !n at the next meeting. Tho man who Is most talked of Is William C. IJcrgcn, a big builder, who Is a personal friend ot Tammany trader Murphy. TIIK I,AST BT11AW. (From ths Loulsvllls Courler-Journsl. Something called a julep, but non Intoxicating. Is being sold, tint rfn. naturcd alcohol was put on the markoL ino rcsuu is uiai an ouuiacr, in an next wo aonaiurou julep. I &kni& IaitaUoBS& Substitutes m.STLE ONVIDSNTIAZ special Purchase Jul a rcs of iood lack bay!s( in f sortasity quUUy tsksa ajTsattgs ol saaklti si to offer yon tliets WON DERFUL FULL CUT DIAMONDS a 18 KT. WHITE GOLD HANDMADE M0UHT1NCS at tit tuipractdeottd pries of $33.50; only $1 weekly. Jewelry ot every descrip tion Here on smalt werVy nhyventa. And belter rallies tksa In srot riiuli tore. J 1374 BROAD WAV I UOUKS AUOVB 37T11 8T. Send for oor Frte lUnstrsted Catalor. Open Dally Until 6 P. M. Saturday I'ntll 9 1' i iJouE please everyone with Domino Sywxp. Its rare sweet Flavor oP suar cane makes it particularly popular as a table spread-and it ' adds the final delicious taste to many cooked dishes and desserts. Every day in the year Domino Syrup will add delightfully to your menu. Golden SyniP Made Ijy the refinars of Domino Cane Sugars ? Orinulsteo American Sugar defining Company "Sweeten it with Domino" Granulated. Tablet. Powdered, Confectioneri, Brown.. Golden Syrup DEPENRBLB I00RC0VEMN6& Rugs.Carpets ana JLitt oleums At Important Savings! We are showing rugs of unusual ' beauty and quality that wo challenge you to match anywhere else at any thing like our prices. Examine these rugs carefully, note their rich colors, the close weave, the deep pile. Then you'll appreciate the bigness of the values that our prices represent. A Wonderful roup of Worsted Wool Seamless 9x12 Brussels Rugs - 15 00 In the most pleasing selection of Patterns. An Extremely Low trice on a Large Group ot All Wool Seamless 9x12 Fringed Wilton Velvet Very latest QQ.00 Seamless, all designs and colors, OsJ Wool Rugs Fine Seamless Axminsters MOM, HUGS tS ALL. SIZES 0x12 8.3x10.6 7.6x9 ex 33.00 3Q.0O 26 22-00 IX BTUNNINO ORIENTAL PATTERNS. Imported Grass Rugs at J Price A very Interesting selection of beautiful patterns Heavy quality, close woven, long wearing rugs. vxiz sxiu exu These are extra 4.BI7.8 $4.98 $3.98 $3.50 $2.50 LINOLEUMS Inlaid Linoleum, I19 l-39 Vs In a Complete Hoe of Totteras. Best Mskeo Yards Wide. CongoleumRugs 4.6x9 $2.98 OTHER MAKK9 SxtS 6x9 4.6x9 6x8 $5.98 $2.98 $2.25 $1.49 New Process Floor Covering In all the latest linoleum patterns. Absolutely waterproof ; r cut from full rolls; per square yard e STORIC OI-1SN UNTIL S I. M. SATURDAY l'repsld Mall Orders Promptly Filled. NewYorii. Floor Covering Co. NEW YORK STORE: I BROOKLYN STOREi' 26 East 42D ST. 60 FLATBUSH AVE. Ncnr Fifth Ave. Near Livingston. Entire2aFloor 15 W 34a'St-i (BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE AND BROADWAY, OPP. WALDORF HOTEL) Tho World's Largest 2d, Floor Clothing Institution IN NEWARK i 807-813 BROAD ST. Between Market St. and Branford PI.) ' A A! 1 "SENIOR" Open Daily Till 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M. "JUNIOR" P tJ IK1 ejisssjiiji ssjp smi if mu, iiiry-israagMryMswrssssstsoxssssssssa-s w a a H a sa m t. k h ia i vw w t. jr oxoxu 7 Ch ain. FREE To every nurchaiirr of Ihl HkIi srade. 31-Jewel ILLINOIS m will elvu. abnolutlv PttRM . hamliuime Kold-rilled Knife and flue Waldemnr Chain, retulstlon XVTien you l.uv from Kixr.AV Vori'.'H Clrcatcat Credit Jcivnln l-.tBh llMlinicnt . you aro nlwava aur. ti peltlnv cm ily what ou want at leas than you i.oy el. wiirri! ah iraiiBacuons mrlctly conflilentlal. FOITP" Ie l.uxe Calaloir ahowlnr ru ,.. , . wnazlne value In Watches, Dla . usncr, aik ior uaiaiog o. w-OW. Diamonds From $25 to $1,000 Store Open Eieninji I'ntilS stWTf il'Yr'tifl Hilled THIS couroN Willi vou FIN LAY JEWELRY CO. Drot. W.MO. 511 St. to take advtntan of our Illr ll.riraln U'.lrh ffer, I am iaytng 1 1.00 and 111 pay you 11.00 a week until m total of $12.90 la paid. 1GS0L16CU ijROADW'AY.NEV YORK Drlwren Slat, and S2d bt. J ddreas. REAL ESTATE. HEAL ESTATE. YEAR ROUND BUNGALOWS BELOW COST EAST FLATBUSH East 51st Street, between Avenues "H" and "I", BROOKLYN TAX EXEMPT Ideal four-room bungalow. Pipclcss furnace, bath, water, gas and electricity, laundry in cellar. Plot 25x100. Space for garage. Special price for the next two weeks $4,750. $750 down, balance on easy monthly payments. Reached by Utica Avenue trolley from the Eastern Parkway Express Station of the Interboro Subway. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SATURDAY AND SUNDAY WM. E. HARMON & CO., Inc. No. 261 Broadway New York City T! 'ii.ii'! Barclay G5f0 If you can't find what you want in our huge assortments of nationally famous brands of clothes, it simply isn't to be had in New York ! Choose from over 30,000 men's and young men's all-wool Spring Suits Wtni&ZPairatFends TOPCOATS At Guaranteed Savings of s10 to $20! Do you know that this mammotli 2d floor institution carries tremendous assortments of the identical brands of clothing featured by the most select specialty shops in New York ? Do you know that, regardless of the price you want to pay whether it be $20 or $50, or any price " in between that you can get precisely what you want here at a saving of $10 to $20? Nowhere else under one roof will you find such a tremendous variety of nationally famous brands or such a complete selection of styles, fabrics and pat terns as are shown here. 1 and 2 Pants Sport & Sack Suits 30 M n's& Young Men's In 1, 2, 3 and 4 but ton, single and double breasted mode's, from the most extreme to the most conser vative styles. Worsteds, Cheviots, Cassimeres, Serges, Tweeds, Flannels, Homespuns, etc. Pencil stripes, Chalk lines, Overplaids, Club Checks, Nothing Missing. We Fit the Hard to Fit ! , Stouts, Short Stouts, Lona Stouts Slims, Shorts All Sizes Up to 52 We maintain an entirely separate department of extra size garments catering exclusively to the hard-to-fit. We carry the largest stock of extra sizes in -New York. 15 W. 34th St. Entire 2d Floor Opposite Waldort Hotel NEWARK Store: Entire 2d Floor VLSC STORES IN PHILADELPHIA AND BUFFALO 1 I 'ill' CtT Of 9 D ) Cs I I Ti; qui 'oto uruuu di, i gi 1 L r-J I V1V ' 'Mi