Newspaper Page Text
4, .9 11 "ft,.,1 m THE EVENING WORLDS SraVICE y Cpt. ftoif. Scoficld Wood. If, F. c, M, c, Croix da Querra with Wtr plmt fprrnerly Commander 117th MiMdron, Royal Alf Forces.) 1 ..tLvfMQ IN GOLD FOR AMATEURS, you are Interested In radio ond .tte aet that la as eood Uie next fe-ltow'a, here ia an an Bwicement that yrtll bo of Interest to ,uu, jur, i. w, jfucpignani, wno ia man . azlMr director d the, Kmr Vnr nin , anorr which la elated tp open at tho 71at awfiment Armory on May 22, stated ,Ht one of the features of the ahorr - will be a prlxe exhibition of radio re eetrtn; aeta constructed by amateurs. ; Frieea ararcKatlna; f 6(K In cold frill be' awarded to entries (coring; the moat 'points. The Judges frill be men In the Industry whoso names will be an nounced later. An amateur for tha purpose of this contest Is defined as any person who is not enBtLpea -directly or Indirectly In the manufacture, production or sole of radio apparatus for commercial pur ' poses. Any Amateur may entir as many seta a he. or she desires. Entries will be judgol on the point system, tuo entry receiving the treal ' est "numbor of points wilt be awarded the first prize, next highest second iirlxe, and so oni s Efficiency of reception ........... .SO points Appearances 10 points Simplicity of operation ,,....,..10 points Wrlri and connection!.,. ....... .10 points Kcenamlcal eon 10 points lfook-u? dtttsn, i,...,,..,.10 points Prizes will be divided ea follows, Tlrst prize , tlOO In gold -Second prize $75 In gold Third prits . JW In gold Fourth nrlto , $30 In gold nttn to louncenin eacn in goia ISh to 84th prists,. ...S3 each In gold 5 In addition to the above prizes 'special prize of 150 In gold will- bo ;s.ward?d the entry receiving the great est numo;r ui voios irum loose in " tendance at the sl)0W. A DRY CELL VACUUM TUBE. Undoubtedly the greatest drawback to the continued uso of the' vacuum tubo receiving sot Is the Initial cost of it six-volt storage battery and tho con tlnued handling of this unwieldy object incidental to recharging, to eay nothing of tho cost of this operation. Tno tuDcs il general uso q-day draw from S to i' watts, .making the use of dry cell lotteries almost prohibitive because, of their short service period. There is, of course, the alternative; of stepping down tho housa Ughtlne current by means of trasfonrier, Vftlch ts Just about as expensive' as the .storago battery and presents some problems that may prove costly to one not, familiar wlU the operation of this1 .'Instrument. BuiIncM men and scientists, realizing these facts and knowing the reluctance jOt 'tha eeneral public' to pay high prices for .what aoeme" to bo Incidental or auxiliary Apparatus, wt to work and i produced a ruff tubo. This tube will 1 vnbvlte the necessity pt "the expensive I itorage, baiter es an,d rectifying trans-' 1 formers and jrfref 'efficient economlo end- lengthy service wth the ordinary - dry, cell baltoor. The ordinary tube . can .bo operated on dry cell batteries, but tho demands of a G-watt tube use up a aet of dry cells ao .quickly that they soon run" Into real money if con tinuous service Is attempted with thorn. The new tube which makes the use of a. storage battery unnecessary has ' been developed by H. M. ,Ityder, an V electrical engineer, Tills tubo Js similar In shape 10 the radlotron UV203, but la THE EVENING WORLD RADIO CLUB t A ftjplication For Mnbcrdup - . . FlUNTED URNAMB FIHJ8T. r"T5T 'ratfM m . . vw aTTREET, TOWN, STATU. living -St,,.;. . . ... , .BroadcMtinj Set. . . ' ft .Typ mi . :.... .Locatkm . .mh. . . . Call Lettr . . . ; Date. . ..,,. mmam wf rV. fcyiM.fra on!T Muum'ii'Ywt'iB told trr, COLUMN considerably amallor than most tubes, ana is ruled with a "fool-proof" base, The base la designed to prevent It be- ins; accidentally placed In a socket up plled by a 6-volt current and thereby having Its filament burned out. An other feature of the design of the base I- to prevent tho accidental connecting; of th) plate potentials to the filament terminals. The filament requires but 1.1 volts to operate and uses 0.2 ampere continu ously. This represents a power con sumption of less thati one-quarter watt a compard to' tho 3 to 5 watts In tho ordinary V. T. filament, Kor till a reason It la possible to operate the filament from a single dry cell and avoid the greater expense and trouble Incidental to the use of the storage battery. In addition another advantage Ik a plate that gives exceptional re sults with a single 2JH-vo1t "D" bat tery. A plate potential of 30 .volts la all that la necessary whero utmost signal strength In reaulred. A hlsrher voUnjte than this is nover necessary, and It. Is seldom-that 22 volts la needed. The tube U hard so that the plate voltago adjustment Is not critical. Ooeratlng this new tube with a No, 6 dry cell battery for one hour a day the battery can be used for three months, a total of about 100 hours, Two No. 4 dry cells In parallel under tho same conditions win give service for about forty hours, and one No. dry cell battery will servo for about fifteen hour This will give you a good Idea of how long a battery will last in service with the new tube, The foregoing gives an Idea of tho 1 noselhlllUea of the adarjUSUIty of this tube for a portable recelvinc set. Tnero is already evidence that thousands of radio seta are to be taken to camp aur- Intr tho coming summer In splto of the limitations Imposed by a heavy 6 volt storago battery. The "dry cell' tubo now makes It posslblo and prac tical for a camping party to carry receiving set of small dimensions and weight, and of sufficient range to keep; In touch with the outside worm tnrougn the present radiophone broadcasting which has become general, The advantaged, however, are not .limited to the portable outfit.. In the home a dry cell is always aesiranie in preference to a storage battery, not only from the standpoint of economy. but because the dry cell may be located conveniently In any place and in 'ad dition does away with the objectionable fumes which are forever diffusing from the acid of a storago battery, It is logical to ask how this great decrease In filament power consump tion has been accomplished. The do sln of every essential elerdent In the tube contributes to this end. The flle.- ment id of nlatinum about one-eighth as thkft as the finest tissue paper, and one-hundredth of an Inch wide. This, la coated with a thin layer of certain oxides with the result that a apsciaJ form of Wehnelt cathode la formed, This filament la weidea to ena sup ports for easy assemblage ana Is kept in position by the ata oi & specialty constructed and very flexible spring, The spring enables the mament to move freely In ease of severe Jar, but other wise to be held firmly in place. This forma an exceedingly rugged structure for bo delicate a atrip, tub gnu ana plate are of the common forme, except that very amall and exact dimensions are used. The assembly, is centred about the electric welding machine and this operation has been refined to a very ih degree to make, possible "ch products as are represented in thi tube. The final operation in obtaining ans a I m Fleischmann's fresh yeast increases the action of the intestines HUNDREDS of men and women have aU ready found freo dem frota ktxatJves by eating Kleiachroainn'B fresh yetwt. Doctors are now agreed that proper elimination of waste matter should be brought about by food. One doctor comes right out and states plainly that the discriminate use of cathartics is one of the camseu of constipation. Physicians all over the country are recommending FJeisch marin's fresh yeast because it is a fresh food, rich in those elo. raents which keep the intestines healthy. Try it out for yourself, Begin today by adding 2 or 3 calces of Flchmann's Yeast to your everyday diet, Keep it up and see how normally and regularly your intestines act You can get Fleischmann's Yeast fresh daily from your grocer. this tube la performed by the exhaust system. Hero special apparatus and special schedules havo tycen developed to make possible a tuba of high quality and uniformity. In operation, the low voltage and power requirements of this tubo innkc certain precautions necessary to tho uninitiated user. The filament opr-r ates at a low red heat Instead of at tho brilliant point to which user of tho tungsten filament tubes arc ' accus tomcd. If a 6-volt batterer were used to isupply tho power to the filament o this new tube, using only the usual ohm rheostat In series, the life of th filament would be very silort. The re slstonce of tho rheostat would not bo sufficient to cut the current down to the proper value. At a bright yellow heal this filament will deteriorate rapidly oven though the Inexperienced eye may consider It to be operating at a con servatlve temperature. It is since aary. therefore, until Uie operator well acquainted with the tube, that he take special precaution to maintain the filament current at the lowest valu consistent with good signal strength The filament gives no warning what ever when It Is being abused by too rrruch current; there Is no noise In tho DhonnJ or the brightening of tho light when the operating current Is execsslva, The responsibility lies wltlt tho opera tor In making the proper rheostat ad luatments unless a ballast lamp Is used, If Uicuie simple Instructions ere carried out the user of these tubes will find that tie has a new daico which will not only make good radio operation more economical but will enable htm to enjoy it with much less attention to accessories and in places where he had not thought it possible to carry a set. c QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Arthur Dolan, lUchmond Hill, N. T. "Will til e following, when used In con Junction with a 100-foot utnglo wire aerial 38 feet high, glvo the name or better results than thou obtainable with the various crystal sets retalllnn from $25 to $35 varlocoupler, variable condenser, fixed condenser, crystal do tector, 2,000 Ohm phone?1 If these are preferable to the seta, mentioned above, I wOuid greatly appreciate your ndvij- Ing me as to how these parts should be hooked up." Answer The set you mention will give better results than the made up aeta and will -cost con siderably less. Tho hook-up you want wiu appear in a qay or' no. W J Z (Newark) 360 Metres ' Features for the day: Musla every hour" from 11 A. M. to 6 tr ' Agricultural reports at 12 If. and b Arlington official time at 11.55 to 12 M. and r. ai. to 10 p. M. Shipping news at 2.0S P. II. Weathor reports at 11 A. M.. 12 if.. P. Ih and 10.01 P. M. T.OO P. M. "Man In the Moon" atnrte. tc jMewarK Sunday call. 7.J0 P. M. Concert by the Plllnlnn Orchestra from tho 3. S. Lono star State. The largest and probably the Jlth Edition of the Famous WIRELESS COURSE Ih '20 Letiont by S. Cerntbach H. W. Secor A. Letcarboura Rsvlstd to mstt the many impor tant changes which liia ocurrln Radio Telugraphy and Telephony.. Much valuaol data and Illustrations concerning tho Vacuum Tubes have, boon added. Contains modern ampli fication cticults of practical worth. The .beginner nnd central student of radio will find this course of great value In obtain ni tha neces sary fundamentals t this sclrnca. Site 1lt Inches ICO pares 30 lltaatratlans M Tables Beantlfully Bond In Cloth $.2S l'or most book stores, radio supply starts, or order direct. Experiesenter Publuhing Co; ' tJ3 Faltoa Street New Ytrk City 91 Radio $i You will have lota of tun making yotlf Radio racelvlng aat with thla almpla aet of charts,, diagrams and Instructions. Amatlntly easy to understand It's all Plalniaa day. 8ond a dollar and gat your The B. L. Instruction Bureau I THE' EVENING WORLD, most novel orchestra on any vessel ply ing tho seven seas of lite' world is that nboard tha steamship iono Star Htuto of the United 8tati!s Mtio, Which runs between New JTork and Huropean ports. This orchestra ts composed of twenty two Filipino-youths, all of them veter ans of the United 8taten Navy service during the World War. Tho rcpertolto of the Filipino Orchestra Is a broad one, ranging from natlvo pieces to grand opera selections. The Instruments used by the men are entirely of the string variety, nnd tho cffecU they obtain In playing Hawaiian pieces are strangely appealing, Tlje Filipino Orchestra was brought Into being through tho efforts of Capt. Frank T. Burkhart, Commander of the Lone Rtar State. Several of the boys had nerved under Capt. Burkhart during his service us an officer In the United States Navy; Capt Ilttrkhart, upon tak ing command of tho Lono Star State, de termined that his passengers should be provided with he beat music obtainable, and no began the work of assembling the orchestra. The boys are all fitted out In white uniforms and red sashes and havo be- come known aa "Ilurkhart's Trouba- dours." They are a keen lot of musi cians to say the least, and many of ,tlio elections which mey piay they learned from listening to phonographlo records. Not only do tho passengers aboard the Lone Star State get tho benefit of this wonderful orchestra, but throurh the wireioss tne concerts are broadcaat In miaocean to ships that oasa In the nlrht. 11.00 P. M. During an intermission of the concert given by tho FtllDlnos. nnanclat letter. "Tho Trend of Business uonaitiom.v will be read bv D. Wyckoff, editor of the Magazine of Wall Street, 9.00 P. M. Recital bv Visa riemnillnA urauon, American coloratura sonrano. irom jvict'liorson, Kan., -Who studied un der the eminent local teacher and com, poser. Maestro Buzti-Peccla. Her pro, gramme will consist of English, Italian, French, Spanish, German and Norwe gian songs. 9.4S P. -M. tsolf Fisne. Ivrla baritone. lormeriy or Munich Opera Company ProgTammo: ".Fruhllngsgtaube," Schu bert: "Forrclle." Schubert: "Erlkon!' Schubert, In German: "Sweet Love, Now i Must Leave Thee." in Enir Ish. R. Straunsi "Dreaming In the Twilight," R. Strauss. In English: '.'Itenee's sonar from un Hallo in Maschera." In Italian; Vcrdl "Aria" from "RIgoletto." Verdi, in Ital Ian, D K A (Pittsburgh) . 340 Metres 3.30 P. M.. and at flfteen-mlnut Ini.r. vals thereafter Baseball scores. 7.00 P. M. Baseball scores. News. 7.80 "The Brahmen, tho Tlrer nn.i the Jackal," a bedtime story for the children. 7.45 Government market reports) and report of the New Tork Stock E. change. 8,00 -Baseball, scores. Address h-v .T. Rogers Flanhory".' President of thn American Vanadium Corporation. "The worm or a Boy," oy Dr. Georire J. Fisher. Deputy Chief Scout ExecuUvn. Boy Scouts of America. "Commercial Engineering." by Dr. Thomas Stockham Imported Direct Radio Enthusiasts 200 Headsets (2,000 tihmV) For Use With Radio Receiving" Sets At a Very Low Price $9.94 This is the first time we have been able to offer imported phones at such a low price. Admirable mechanical construction and splendid appearance. ( E&WX Baaowant, 35th Street, rraot Herald Square AMUSEMENTS. Celebrating Third of a t-antury Annivarsas-r. 10 ALL-STAR ACTS fKIni a featorj VVeeki, IUca ax ivemer in -un ma Bcarioia." llarrett A Cuneen, Roaa A Moon, oths. Dorothy Datton In "The Crimson nhall.n..." CfiiXnTtXfiNtrTrimaTTjr i ITOIUBI WEEK. Dorothy Dalton In "Tha Crlm- eon Challenge" and Buprama . .uupvum. Joe Darcty, Mma. Hermann A Co.. Springtime, Burks A Uurkt. Clifton A De Rex, oths. ana ihjkuthy DALTON In inr.i.nimauM t;IIALIJ5NGE riTlAMlD'8 Great Heart irama. All mar Cast, Meata Blue, Slgrld Helni qnl.t, Luey Fas. Stats 35e to 83c. PCUTD1I TUC1TDC 47 St.. ULmuni. nun i lit n,.1T , arawiiai Appiaranva A-vcnings AtaiUSW Bels A BlUj. Quirk JnNavjljrBkeUli. TAFtfcfOMX niDITn Lai! .C?C.ir7f3UAVTicri V 'ii''"ait SI at. 0 '' v. FRIDAY,' APRIL . Bnker, Ph. D., Koerotary of tho Carncrjle institute or Technology.-, 8.Z0 V. M.-Mualc. '' Musical programme by Anna Lois Kt- well, reader: Henry Relnert. pianist! Ionian a. w.oou, soprano; M. u. Uard ner. accompanist: ilias Martha llankln violin: James Iteed Potter, second violin: Miss Mary Gordon, accompanist, MAkYoui Own RADIO Our Patterns hiake the building of a radio ret' as .simple as A II C Fall directions aril- complete In structions with vblu-prlnta and drawlnta are Included in every pattern; Ho rlmpln that any one can underatand, them. Tou sava money by, "bdjldlng your own.'V Pattern No. I Complete Short Ware ReteneralireSet Conilstlng of B pages explanatory dlreetlon pamphlet, two full alia blue-prints (10x21 Inches), Com plete In heavy- Bxlz en- r?i -elope, per aat prepaid,... "OUC Pattern No. 2 Detector and amplifier Units .CohstsUng o'ti pages explanatory direction pamphlet and two full site blue-prlnta (ItxlTH Inehss)., Complete in heavy 8113 Cat anrelopa, per aat' prepaid.. OlC More Than 25,666 SeW in One Menth Order Direct by Mail Or For Sale at All Radio Store CoKoHatsa Raft. Call Bosk Co.a, PtaUl, 98 Park Place, New YerkCity 1 '( A FrpmVFrarice for' New Y6rk AMUSEMENTS. Paramount Pictures R IALTO THOMAS UFIRHAH ' In "The Bachcl.r Daddj" Square, Famous Itlalto Orchestra DIVOLI WALLACE REID In "Auks fee CGaW lU'war at 4th St WtoII' Concert Orchestra. I CRITERION SffiSBlSr' "Reported Missing Starring OWEN MOOREf ensmaajistr and blaiM ITU BIG WEEK Sm(iD fn-SMILIN'THRqUQH". wtBm oiuLiiiajay urcn. f Diana Manners MTiie GterlMJAdwnUire' "pito! Grand Orch. IheRatiioRe- ceiver -with the seven poiiitsijf E superiorittj. I SEETTATVOim I SBALXsXS H . .VjsasssW POtB 6 1 BKm Vtm He. e A M v Slesaitrvs - Catlsaai H KfteaCakaaaa aatasd 9 ton i LAaiAj 28, : : . . AM.ufiEMgNT. r j. . ,, AMUSEMENTS, . . ; AMU8EMENT9. uiutcd ninncu r.mii su t n . Kv..a.ia a ii in i kii finuuun Mts.Tut...l-hur 8al.2.-J0 B FiiniP RuUTflR 19 tUUIt UMfllUn MAKE IT SNAPPY Willi KAN IIAI.niHI.V. ASTOR Thea.. 45th t B'y. Kv. 30. llts.Wtd.aBllt.Z.EO AMBASSADOR i,nr.ll-y. Circle 87S2.EVS. BLOSSOM TIME V Greatest Bfnaleal IUt at Ages I BOOTH West 40th. Eves., 8.30. Mt. wrfi a. n. "on M1IJTF8 NEW COM15UI TIIB TRUTH ABOUT BLAYDS With O. r. mXtllK' and i' A LEX AND It A CARLISLE QTH Thea., nr. B'y. Eva.8.S0.LA6T 3 3ylLkst Mat. To-m'w 2.J0.TIMK8. h Mmihtiiin Man aiiwuiituin mull BUckmrr Arthur . Heoi'lm rketents ff NEtLL'S ittel ivcceis, " THE HAIRY APE," Plymouth, W. 45th St.. Eiit: 8.45. Meh. Thitrs., Sat 2.45. PliVUniKC West 41th St. Eves., S.'80. rLAlHUUOC Mala. Wad. aad HaL. 2.M. Op Jlie Ladder' Tint BBNWATION OF THE WORLD. I nuRinnc wt 4ith Bt. Evs. at 8.30. LUnUtUIlt Mailneoa Wed. A Sat. 2J0. THANK-U. BEST SEATS $2.50 at BOTH THEATRES I ITTI P ilEATRB, W. 44th St. Ers. 8.30. LI 1 1 Lb Matinees Wed. A Bat. at 2.30. mc pt YEAR VAHOERBILT aWpSS CHARLOTTE "LE1TY GREpRWOOD 'V PEPPER" -MATINEE TO-M'W IJO. ' w aaiaaaBa .,, T.m,,rrow. ,Last1Teek. 3d Pert s-To-n'tt 8.30.TomwMat.AEvc. EMPIRE B'way and 40th St. Eves.,- 8( Mats. Wed. and Sat. at 2.20. r In r THE F'H A 7 C C -West 45d Bt. Eves: at 8.20. rnAitt . BTRBT MAT. TO-M'W 2.10. The rUyersT Assembly, Inc., rreseat THE NIGHT CALL EARL CARROLL Thea., 7 Av. A.60 Bt. Last Mat. To-mor'w JmtJkctme .30. Evenings 8.30. LAHI WEEK. Delicious Kew .Musical Comedy." World. LIBERTY Went 42d St. Eves, at 8.20. Mats. Wed. and Sat. at 2.20. "Tothe Ladiesr SsrSs A .New Camedyby the Aotharsaf "Dnley. IfDDSON, West 44th St on unuTU Mafa. Wfd. and Bat. U mUHIR The RUBICON! With VIOLET ITEMING.. fmm vrns 7 oOtWI Cirri! BCM-J2LLY aaaCAST OT OOHAK1 OOMeiAM nriinw nil I rmo 124 W.43d Sf. Eves. 8.1S Last Mat. TQ-MOR'W. ncnni miULcnou,Bt Mat, tq-mor-w, I1IIDCTTC TlVlflD LAST 3 LAunti it inikuii Tunts. In J. Hartley "The NATIONAL ANTHEM Manners' uiflitnnnniFD D'wayj38 8t. Eves. 8.: M1lllM.nDUUIVf:n Mats. Wed. A Bat. 2.30. "BULLDOG DRUMMOHD'' "A Real Melodrama." with A.E.Matthews DEI ICPO West 44th Bt. Eves, at 8.30. ptLAOllU Mats. Thurs. and Bat. at 2,'M. DAV1I1 BELASCO Presents LENORE DLRIO KIKI C ODT West 48th Bt. Evenings at 8.20. U II I Matinees WeiL. A Bat. at 2.20. WALLACE EDDINGER MARY NASH IN "CAPTAIN APPLEJACK" GOOD HORNING DEARIE MUSICAL .COMEDY SENSATION at tha CI fine H'way A 40th Bt. Eves, at 8.25. OLUOC, MATINEES Wed. A Sat. at 2.20. illlCIPBnV W.458t.Bry.f470.Ev.8.15 sharp MUdlu BUA Matinees Wed: A Sat. at 2,15. Sas'WIO BOX REVUE" "Rest muilo show ever made In Amarlea." CU U U1RRIC W. 42d Bt. Eves.. 8.13; 0AM .Hi HAnnlO Mats. Wad.. A Bat., 2.15 SIX CYLINDER LOVE , With ERNEST TRUEX., "CQIl CT Muslo Uall, bet. B'ttay A Cent. 00U Oil p. w.u Eves. 8.30. Mats. Bat. 2.S0 SHUFFLEALONGS8 Eitra Mldnltht' ratfarroaace Wrd. at )L3( I. LAST '4 TIMES I Final Perfortiiaace Neit Saturday Night. MADISON SQ. GAR.DEW uaity, 2.1BA 8.10. Doors opes nourenf kR N 11 M 5 D AILEV iTHESHOWOF lO.OCO WOKDES Clean t lo Eaol Cauress ot Freaks. .dnusJon to.- Krtrrtiilnc, Ino. seats i anal , war.ln. tOa. to 13.00. according to loca , lion. WillUrtn, una onT Children, under 12 reduced Drieea all Mati.uespi. Bat., to 11.10 .seats, and1 over. Branch ticket offices (No auans In nrlcee) Olmbel Bret.. It. II. Macv.A Co. IUIIV .1 ' X)ffa"Week Only DRnha'I.VU i i r t j IHENT lltlsa- laiiat.t IllL-OT IViiik a"n si.. . i . : I -NOW OPIiy W NEW ATTBACHONB. BRONX OPERA HOUSE 14D BCA'Sd AV. fop.Prleas. Mats. Wed. ABat: Ti BBBBSa mxm I MARGARET-AHucS RFHTIinV Thea..,i:d A Cant. Park West, UklllUHl HH' fi ft mmA Urn. Tessa Koita James IJarton Marlon araea In The ROSE of STAMBOUL Kvtis. rcxcnrr sat.), soe. to ini SIIH'S CQIh 5T a 7th av. Era. m. slWtaVWII V vwm Wl I Next Mt. To-m'w 2.30 In Da Wolf MONTMARTRE A PLAY OF PUNCHES MORA RAYM " w- Bt- RT- "-so- nUIW UfllCO Mats. Wad. and Bat. 2.30. RFI UllHT Thea., W. 48 Bt. Ets.8.30 iVhMnVII Mats. Thura. M, flat. Vt Till rrencn xneaire ua. (In Franeb), 'U RAFALE' . Kext-Weeki LE RBTOUB' DCDIIOt in.Tha.2d BL.W.of n'TXv..8JJ0 flLI UHLIU '.lataJ W.d. and Hat. at 2.10. 11 TIWCP VTest 42d Street. Erenlnts, 8.SJ. CLIinOC Mala. Wed. and Hal.. OM MillMSIMIraBI 48THST, Eo. 1 Matinees Thura. A Bat, lNEST A 'HI IfM Theatre, West 45th Bt. Eves. 8.30. WIJUU Xlatlnaaa Wdnraita anif n. n on DOVER ROAD with CMS CHERRY fiUOAOatRST,44St.Kv.8.0.Mti.1-hur.ASat. U THE MIIHinAI. Tnuuiprr - TUB MUSICAL. TRIU1I MARJOLAINE With I.F.VNOX l-AWLE. nrs:8.30., Mais.. pnUtnV Wet lst Bt! "I WAS THRILLED." Dai Id RelascA. SEATS NOW OX SALE W A cbmt VVOPCNSCAl r CUINNINO SUNDAY APT. APRIL 30 popular phicis y Ihousajid. Kvzs fMAbJEY TRAP" fie LCATH8R PUSHERS a ii ii i ii a i i a. ssi,-ains---p-jiiJssaMi-.Tjniiaji THE FIRST TIME ATPOKMB mm BEGINNING SUNDAV AT REGULAR STRAND PRICES CMFFITHS MIGHTIEST PRODUCTION ' mm WHtHC TO OO WTO riov TO OCT TUgpg) uUy OMiuiita trom t'jar ai. N.. 11., tool Cnal Bt., 0 P. M.: West 132d Bt", 0.SU I. Ii. Dua Albany 6 o'clock following morning. Direct Rail connections to all Solnts jKorth, Bast and West, 'are, fl.50 one wan Itoond Trip. EAPItIiS8 FltKIGIIT 8IC11VICE-Antes Carried. Shipments received ior Albany, Troy and points on tha Delaware A Hudson It B, aqd Boston A Maine R. It. BDDSON NAVIGATION COMFANT Wlddlaton 8. norland, Itecelver. TV BOSTOH'62 METROPOLITAN LINE Via Cape Cod Canal Connecting at Boston (or Portland, RocUland,Banor, Yarmouth. N.S. , .Steamers leas Pier 18 N. U. (ft. Murray St.), Nem Tork, Dally, Includ ing Sundays, at 0 P. V. Telejaiona areiay now. ERN STEAHSMIP LINES BOAT I.KAVK8 DATTRItV ' S.S0 A. M.. B.30 P. M. Hate. .3U A. M.. F.M.-Buns., 9.30 A.U., i, 0.80, B.3 P.M. F TflE PilRLlC WAMTtlUM WHO Fill TDM that..w.S bVin, a nrnT, Ti Km wJTf -1 WfM ksVs r.PTC ... or iiroaaway I 5C? T 1 SIGHT SEEING YACHT BATTBItV PARK FIEIt. Searcn Ofm April atb, 2.S2 P. M. Trip s-aJ Tt I II Oli Mats. Thura. and Bat. CECIL LEAH ""1 CLE0 MAYFIEL ?Tho BLUSHING BRIDE SHUBERT ::txYioi'- FRANCES I TAYLOR . THE ifOTEL WHITE I HOLMES MOUSE IYRIP. d St.. W. ot D'way. Evs. 8.30, LIIIIU Matinees Wed. and flat., .30. The Best Mnsleal Camedy la Taw a. was aw aw i ,i i, i ii j i, maiQHiii; StLWYH THEA.. W. 4Id Bt. Eycs.. 8.ja - - wen. ana eai. at 2.20. Jasepb Cawlhara and Lillian Larralaa la A MUSICAL COMEDY SENSATION? Mores to Karl Carroll Thea. Next Monday. fiRPENWIRH VHAAUB THEA. Eva. aso. unccnniun jiaT, to-morrow CANDIDA LAST 3 TIMES. By BERNARD SHAW. GRlkt. 41st it. W. oi B wsj Bry. 1554. Era. 8J0 Mils. WED. & SAT API1I I fl w-12 st TWICE DAILY, flrULLU 3 t 8.S0. Prices ZSo to It. ft.V'iST0nK MOTION riCTCHE III' THE CHANG1NO WORLdT MATLVKK TO-M'W tM FULTON ih8i-w't GAIETY THEATRE B'way A 46th St. Tremendous Midnight Perform ance Tomorrow (Sat.) Night OFFICIAL OPENING OF MOTION PICTURE POPULARITY CONTEST At which the following Stars will make Personal Appearances Mary Anderson Lucy For Richard Barthelmess Ann Forrest Theda Bara , Billie Doto Johnny Hinca Creighton Hal Zeena Keefe Crauford Kent Doris Kenyoa Mae Murray Seena Owen Edward Earle Conway Tearla Monte Blue Miriam BattisU Constance Binney Betty Blytho . Miriam Cooper Marion Daviei DoraJdina Rubye De Reiner Corinne Griffith Madge Evans William Standing Mary Thurman AND BIG MUSICAL COMEDY PROGRAM BY NEW YORK'S MOST POPULAR STARS TICKITTS O.V SALIl TO-DAY AT BOX OFFICES AND AM, TICKBT AUlaiCIES, PIIICES SI TO SJ. COLUMBIA ?''r'rrf: Dallyinurlesqus. iV.s. tul2.18 A 8.1o.pop.Prtcts Billy Watson C03L BEGINNINQ SlZXT ra-AvlV AnaunJ AIJHTJJISIKK RUN Slioivl btdim !CLARK and MeCULLOUCH Presents I in "CHUCKLES of 1922" SEATS NOW ON BALE. O MEW8 Con.llA.M. to 13 P.M. Aft., 30c Night SOc PRISCILLA DEAN In "Wild naney." CORE'S CELEBRITIES Bits of Donee lilts. Dernard AScarth.otha. BROOKLYN. T N O It M A IalmadgE 'Smilin' Through' Cbas. Chanlla 'Tar Da." FOR SALE. Algerian Watch tSDiaiiMndCp. TWO OFSTAntS HTOKESi a MsUtenLane I 503 Fifth Are. raorlh Flaar. I EDJr"nfJ?0.l8' yTake Clevatar. Tel. Cart MOT. 1 Tel. vSfertBt'aaaa c Daeuras immeaiata posiaa- alen. Dlamonda (26 to 13,000 arras to suit your convenience. Ma emplayar'a reference. Largs aasort ment; soods fuaranteed: atririw eanf Idarltlal ; no red tape. Call or wrtie: open UMll 6. or (AMERICAN DIAMOND WATCH CO Men's Clothing on Credit I $1 UIMN-51 WEEKLY WV BrniN suits. "Jkhcoats. Sc.. HAMH.TON-SIAItTIN C) . Tallar. HI Proadirar. Knt klkYS'a. DIAMONDS WATCHES AND ipi Mac jKur SU rzzr.rJ-Vm' fmt awe murx i.Zz.m UuSiaa,.L 5 wMSy DUJr,i50 Dlmmi WnS -""w. ii inasT D HIHEItray HjllM ECfeU J'y. B:8.M. mo-Mira ti-wu Mutm.,, xVad; and Bat. RMAIunntU in THE AMBEAU GOLDFISH With 'WILTON LACKAXB, cs-xg---.-i" v- ii illl'IJ a m sT.i I n -i N 1 1 1 r r ah aa YJ MA HIT" VI Brooklyn 1 1 iia MjywlmrJi. V IP 1 7 4: aBBaSaSaSawawa BMsJpasasaaaaaJBsVBBBH