Newspaper Page Text
He'd Give All H s For the One Who John L, St. Clair Liked No. 2 the Best of All . , ' "A -Good, Square Girl." POUailkEEPSIE, April 28. "Which wlfo do-' you llko best, and xrtiyv:" a correspondent naked -John Lawrence St. Clair" of rthn ulletred twelve wives ns ho leaned ngalnst a wlhdow framo In'tne Dutchess Count)' Jail. M Be laughed. "But." I perslated. "you must llki. one better than any ot llie others. "Women aro always. -Interested in- lrnnuritln nrhv n mnn lllticil nnp rmt tlculur woman better than another, ."Tell me, was -It' tho .prettiest o the niftiest droeser or the young- otr "No,- sho waartft the youngest ana Bhe wasn't ttjo promest,"" he said, with a reminiscent look In his eyes "She wasn't so very young and sht; wasn't so very pretty. But she was cn the level. She. was a telegraph operator with the Postal ih "Gluucea. tor (No. 2 m the list). She was i good, square gtrl unci always on the levelv and f I' cilfild have' her back, I'd give all the others lor her." "All twelve?" ' asked. "That's newspapef ntihk." ho re torted. There weren't twelve." "Well, all eleven?" I persisted. "There- wore only four." he said, "one tn Boston, one in Gloucester, one In Fltchlmrg tnd the ono I married here a few weeks ago, and they all went back on me but .he one In Gloucester. "Why. there was that Ilttlo Velmn Tarfj I worked on the railroad night and day to" buy her things, I gave that kid everything she wanted and worked sixteen hours a day some days to do It. And I don't oven know where Bhe Is. She ran. away while I wan lnervlce overseas, and even though 1 asked the police to try and find her when I came back, unci went to her another, they didn't know anything about her, and she never came back." "TJeri. you think women may be Bray .deqelvers too. do you?" He dfdnkt get the Innuendo, how ever, and insweml seriously: "Well, what am I to think? My last, wife." the young widow ) married nere Ih poughkeepsje only a few weeks ago, beat it as soon as trouble loomed cn thr horizon. I told her to go and get my monoy and then she could help me. She got the money. ll right, but she breezed by. Vcs. one left town' and my money (eft with her." There'a nothing vindictive about St Clair: he V the dehonulr. Irresponsible type, Ho doesn't seem to think he's committing any crime In hnvtng ov eral wives at the same time. It Is only, of, the gtrl who was "on the level" .that he speaks iwtth recret. The others he ,nhu3 his 'ejwuldnrs. as If to trarJyithaUho guve-as-good as he got. - j 'I've been all over- the country." he continued. "There have been lots of girls, but I went through only foil ceremonies. That's-.All. I remember, anyway," St. Clair's memory falls when he tries to recall many things. Ho wan hell shocked while tn action at Chn-teau-Thlerry, but savs little about his bravery When the police took his I T CS 7111m-AT A XI J. DiUiYliin 3t4Ave.&84!iSt r i rlMiBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTraw'sl All Our apply alio V i Subway Two Blocks Away; 84th 3d Avenue Door. 3-Piece Cane Panelled Living Room Suite, $100 y a. !t J-F'll'- HMHI lrOT al t)(l bl'lTn, Oune panrjs, innhu.iiiiy fin- trSv Qtl I ishrd frames, upiiolstereil In velour, with I tlyag s5Fe5ZZ?tsi mmm B pllliiuv nnd roll to mate 111 $JO0'CO S?52VSVffif, K2. EnglanderDoutleDa-Bed lod. Food Com-SfA a tg FinUhrd in MalioSohy ;-. fifl f partment; !!. AX complete with niattreia e liiiiraieci, at . unci spring; na illustrated " MOtpR TUCK DELIVF.HIES EVERYWHERE 3" AE & Many Wives Was on Ihe Level measurements to-day thoy found he ad a huge scar on his abdomen, tho result of shrapnot wounds. It Is easy to understand why women find St, Clnlr attractive. It Is 'his easy assurunce, his nonchalance, his -nan of the world attitude that makes ilm likable, and he was In the nimy To this lost InipiW-jitlun, that It wns his uniform that lured, dt. Clair look xccptlon. "It wasn't tho uniform, he said. t Carat $ Spurkfinj Blue White .The itrrntrst offer n made In till or hot Olllfr Illy I our ofrrr to rfnm! pi.rv rent jpu inlil If ou can duplicate one of thene dlnnionds In liny other Jewelry stare for If tllltn dfilthle niir nrtre. Tn n,ni, tn n Hint till I not an Idle advertUenient, anybody. iu miiurr nno, (tin uuy one or tlitMj Uui tUORd rlnir unit tnlrn It r!!t In jeweler, and If he will show one anywhere an near a Kood roll LESS THAN DtlUIILIS, wk wii.i. itiyL'Ni) i:vi:nv :i:nt of mu.m;, i;ierjnodr huylnK diamond nimndayi llBM a oerfect rlirht In trnnur thnt lliey are positively getting full talue for the money. We Hell on the nmallest possible martin of profit consilient Willi business principle. Hear in mind that they are blue while diamond and not rhrup yellow or off tolor diamond. There are sorral hundred to spirit from, and juu wlil be xurprlned and plentcd when you nee them. We mark all prices of our diamond In plain figure, and also rUe the accurate weights and tell you all about the quality, etc. For over it yeur we hate ninde every effort to sell our diamond nt the lowest price possible, and today we nre known from Canada to Mexico and from orean to ocean for. jcltlnir rrfatrr vnlur In dlnmond than any other diamond importer In Ihe United State, helling;, direct to the consumer. (1TIIKH brKCIAL UAIlfiAINS. S-VI. .. . .. N,w Former Helcht. Description. I'rlce. Irlrr. vi 1 1. i ine nnrrau ss.l.oo 't. Weil Proportioned. . S.tO.00 ' Ct. Itrllliant Color.. M-1.00 I CI. Wonderful Vnlue .. S'ln.OO lVfcl'l. Very Wide Spread S.12.00 One ft. i:ceptlnnal Value. .fioi.oo 1 1-10 ft. Fine Tut Htone.... $139.00 IVi Ct. Fine Pprrnd SG3.00 $40.00 no.oci 1KV-..OI $i;i ii $90.tKI m.on $3V)0i $100 IK) zvu t. Oond rilii" rlnr t"ft ni stem 1 Ct. Very Ilrllllnnt $170.00 7SO0 I l-lfi Ct. Fine llllle White. .. .$103.00 $175 00 ZYt Ct. Wnnderful Value.. JIUj.CIO $7.1 ci. When )ou buy a diamond at our establish ment. jou nre ilven a bill of sale, which ilenrly Mate Hint you can etchanre It for a hiclier priced diamond, nnd we will allow you the full price you paid any time within two yenr. We have nothing to conceal from you. No trick of tr't- n. s.nirnt n v lend you. Over a million dollar worth of rilAmnn'ls, evcy one mt-k il l1nv ! the welRht nnd price, ran be keen here, and It I worth Kolni many mile to sre. Not a day toe by that thousands of people do not tot'toiook at our window display of din. monfls. Vmi owe It to yourttelf to find out what It mean to buy from diamond Im porter al Ir-s than wholesale price, when the onnortunity I offered, NOTi: r.ACIl DIAMOND CAN HE T.X- ni.N;r.D ron tiik n u, rntciiAsic I'ltlt'H ANY TIJI15 WITHIN TWO YJ!A,rt8 B.GUTTERSONS 170 massau ?TN.Y. gv?a.t J I J Ar Park Row and N.vi3r I I I I Goods Marked in Plain Figures Liberal Credit Terms to Long Iiland, New Jersey and Connecticut. i mm 88 ,86th Street Crotttown Cart, Buie and i Street "L" Station at Corner; 9 84m ST. Saturday Candy Combination .59 One-half pound of Milk Chocolate Covered Cherries and pound box of Gum Sweets Last Also s TODAY 850 Misses' Dresses 14.66 Reg. Values 22.73 to 33.73 10 attractive mod els (of which only 4 are pictured). Fabrics are can ton crepe, geor gette crepe, crepe de chine, rosha nara crepe and krepeknit. Colors are French rote, French blue, peri winkle, henna and other new shades and combinations as well as navy and black. Silk and bead erab'y panels, and self strapping. Sizes 14 to 20 jts. Boys' Spring Suits Were $16.50 13.50 Remarkably large assortment of high grade suits in cassimeres, tweeds, cheviots and homespuns. Every wanted new style and shade. 8 to 18 years. Boys' Suits now styles, in chev iots, cassimeres, tweeds and home spuns, in checks, herringbones, stripes and fancy mixtures, featur ing the finest qualities and patterns of the season. Every suit has tivo pairs of trousers. Styles include sport and regulation models with golf or knicker trousers 8 to 18 years were 622.(50 1G.50 Boys' Confirmation Suits Of navy blue serge finely tailored full assortments of 5t ib 7.94 to 24.50 Young Men's Suits gray, brown and heather mixtures single or .'ouble breasted full and half lined some with two pairs of trousers oi w o fl values $27.50 to 932.30.. lO.OO Dept. Now Located Adjoining Double Faced 10-inch Records - - .49 can be played on I Mr. Balls stirr. Sir. Shcnn. 1034 1049 Attn llubr Tick St. tTn nml f T Mr rs jis v , , IIUHII 111 IHSiriMMW. Aa Old riishloucsl Ctrl. 1050 j 1051 1052 1053 j 104C 1038 1024) Uttlr Orry 8wtlirart of Mine. II7 llie noppiurc (irnrtln. Hyfont. California. Maun Ulcer. jhr' a Mrun JH. Muscle shoals lllue. Murlr. Just a l.ltllr Vat Sous. 'Oln, 'Gin, Otnnj Khort. Those Day Arc Ottr, Thr Slirlk of Arahf. When Buclclliu Sndln. Gaelic Records - .85 Specials in Sheet Music THE EVENING- .WOLPrEIDAY, APRIL 28, 1922. s - s, Day Special Values in New Apparel and Housekeepers' T6MORROW 571 Boys' Two Trouter.Suits a fine assortment of well tailored tweeds, cheviot and cassimeres, in gray, tan, brown and heather mixtures. Coats are sport style, with in verted or box plait alpuca lining trousers are fully lined 8 to 17 years were $14.50 11. SO Boys' Suits Cheviot;, twcedi. cassimeres und homespun in lull .selection of overplaicU, herring bone., chicks, stripes anil ffti c cs majority have extra trousers 9 to 18 years were 812.50.8.75 Young Men's Blue Serge Suits navy blue serge and unf.nished worsted suits, In large assortment new Soring styles, featuring single and double breasted models sixes 32 to 38 21. 50 New Building, Third Floor any phonograph. 1044 Dior Old Southland. ! Ansel Child. Grann, You're My Mammy' lluminy. I My Mummy KnoMs. Kcranre Illcrr Moon. Carolina Itolllos; btont Clrlblribln. One, Two, Thrrt, l'oar. Vlriinla nines. lloii.iloo.Jloo. Trll llrr at Tulllslit. Ail That I Nerd 1, u While Miami Drricms. Don't Leate Me Mummy. 1033 1055 2041 1045 1034 j 1035 j 1037 1039 Ooodhya Hhanihat, Hmllln'. Wanna, How How lllue. FOURTEEN I'M .MHEEf hounJtd END of MONTH THRIFT 17IE ANNUAL GINGHAM Untrimmed Sport Hats Special, 1,35 imported Italian Taaat and Wool Hat In Sport Color Ostrich Quills sport colors wore .75 OS Black Lacquered Quills special 28 and .38 Eagle Quills were ,45 ttu Lily of Va ley Wreaths were $1.15 .8S Tailored Gingham Blomes Were $2.94, 2.45 Several styles in fine quality clucked gingham with white pip ings or tcillop frills red, blue, green and orcliicl checks l'etcr Pan, shawl and tuxedo collars. Handkerchiefs Gingham Handkerchiefs pretty novelty handkerchiefs in red, blue, lavender, yellow, green and tan chicks of various sires daintily hemstitched were .14 etch lO .55 Half Doz. Men's Irish Linen Handkerchiefs fine quality initial elaborate Japanese embroidery were .74 each .OO Women's Irish Linen Handker chiefs dainty wreath initial were $3.00 half dozen 2. DO Boys Furnishings Boys' Overalls solid blue or tan with red or blue trimming low neck and short sleeves 2 to 0 years . were .05 to $1.09 ' Boys' Blouses fancy white madras ntckbani style 8 to 13 years were .o; 8 Children's Bath Robes pretty floral and plaid blanket designs neck and girdle cords 12 to 10 years were $4.04 ti.A-i were $0.48 3.94 Boys' Caps fancy tweeds or all wool navy serges were $1.48 1. 1W One-Knot Silk Ribbonzine Fringe Smart for Capes, Coats and Dresses 0 inches 1 lO wide Special 10 12 inches 1 A.7 wide Special ! Books For Boy 8 and Girls Special 23 Rugby Series The Girls and I Under the Lone Star Captured by Zulus Three Young Women The Fortune Hunters of the Phil ippines The Sweet Content. Of Interest to Grown-ups Lambskin Library Series O-l, each oO 1 Limited Quantity Mahogany Compotes and Candlesticks Special 3.65 Set Attractive sets compris ing Compote and two Candlesticks are an addi tion to the summer din ing table. Desk Lamps ivory, gold or bronre finish QIC Special O.IO Cutlery Specials for Saturday Imported Steel Scissors 3 to 11 inches were .118 and .07 32 Shears -0 to I) inches full nickel finish well-known mske were $1.25 . .8 Salad Sets- imported shell were 137 . . . .13 (,See Pages 14, 16 and 17 for 1811 WEST OF FIFTH AVE TODAY TOMORROW 6270 GIRLS' TUB DRESSES 1.04 Reg. values $1.74 and $1.94 1 A great variety of pretty styles in checked and plaid ginghams, plain colored- chambrays. Models illustrated represent only a few of the many attractive styles in the sale. Sizes 7 to 14 years. Junior Misses' Sample Dresses Special, 14.50 Krepe-Knit, Taffeta and Crepe de Chtne Frocks, in a variety of individual styles, of becomingly youthful designs. Sizes 12 to 17 years. Junior Misses9 Tan Camel's Hair Coats Were $19.73. Model with raglan shoulders, four pockets and inverted plait in back, lined through out with silk. Herringbone Coats are also included. Sizes 13 to 17 years Junior Misses' Gingham Frocks For Last Day of Gingham Week Imported gingham lnrge selection of attractive new C fZ7 styles sizes 12 to 17 years were $7.47 OeO I Special Purchase Fox Scarfs Value $33.50 25.00 Golden Brown and Taupe Squirrel Chokers light nnd dark shades large full. furred skins were $13.75 . Two-Skin Mink Scarfs-, were $33.50 -fine Radium Silk Lingerie Sets Vests and Step-ins Were $5.28 each 4.37 Heavy quality flesh color radium nilk with lattice work trimming of orchid gingham check silk. Radium Silk Sets- Vests and Step-ins with elaborate hemstitched designs and embroidered French knots peach, orchid, flesh, light blue and white ' O 07 were t.x'ti cacli aesl Other Hcarn Adertising. 15.00 9.75 quality dark skins 28.75 85; New and Relocated Departments Sltow the growing power of this store SALES WEEK T4 Needs Glove Silk Camisolec 1.00 Were $1.32 'Of Aft mt,l f r t .... ui giuve tiiK camhalci In attractive tal- 91 tared ttylei, reduced In price ( in order to bo cleared out. " CJoto Silk Vists bodce lopsi1 flesh or orchid , were $1.07 1.51 Glov. Silk Bloomers to match'' vests well reinforced w 807.. 2.2-1, Men's Reis Athletic Union Suits .85 Were $1.15 A perfect fitting suit, tn email check weave, that la et- peclally comfortable and cool for Summer wear. Sleeve leit, and knee length. All fixe. I Otis Knit Union Suits short sleeves knee length ath'etie style, or short sleeves and ankle length white or ecru Special 1.31 Sweaters and Scarfs End -of -the -Month Thrift1 Sales beginning of summer c MportB combine In bargain for the woman who' appre ciate! these good values. Pur. Silk Slip-on Sweaters fancy ribbed weave jockey red. green, orchid, white, peacock,, navy and beige were 814.78 13.34 Imported Wool Sweaters tuxedo" and slip-on styles brush wool or fibre silk trimming ' were 98.48 5.04 Imported Sweaters tuxedo aa'd, slip-on styles .. were 3.85 3.04 Mohair Sllp-on Sweaters-? various colors with Roman stripe. border were 94.04 4.24 Fibre Silk Scarfs Roman stripes were er.u i;. Corsets " Light Weisht Coutil Corsets , were 94.00 1.24'' Coutil Corsets low bust with enV broidery trimminR also styles with, elastic top ' ' ! were 9.fi0 1.84i Pink Broche Corset elastic top- long hip were 94.00 2. 74. Fin. Coutil Corsets medium lorri bust elastic inserts in back , were 93.00 2.14 TOYS I For the Summer Vacation Specially Priced -, Large Sail Boats with three masts and four lifeboats ' 1 brightly painted were .07. .78; f -DacIu..!. :, L !- . . oaro iu ungub colors were .44 84' Sand Seta nine pieces dished naiL shoveL sieve and wlrin can Da in ted were 81.07.. .fl I Sand Motor Seta Urge size paiUlb shovel and motor assorted . colors were 91.00,,..... .75 Baby Dolls moving eyes short haired wigs were .44 lO A Special List of Toiletries for Saturday 25 ct. Pompcian Talcum Powders 17 54 ct. Ivory Tint Combs... .40 $2.23 Ivory Tint Mirrors. . LOG; $1.23 Ivory TintHalr Brushes .06 S1.E4 Ivory Tint Hair r" Brushes 1.23: 9G ct. Ivory Tint Powder if Boxes 84 93 ct. Ivory Tint Hair ' ' Receivers . 8'li S1.4G Ivory Tint Photo . Frames 1.0T 40 ct. Ivory Tint Jewel Boxes 30: 50 ct. Hind's Honey and Almond, Cream 84. Hodgmsn'sNo. 77 Red Rub- her Fountain Syringes rapid' flow bold 2 quirts...,, .1.40 1 ' , Cj V 4'o'S A . :4 1 I 4 41 1' c 'as (