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LI, 1U 11:; IK'. IE If Is fe ll 1W: p5 . I BARTHOU LEAVES, GENOA FOR PARIS TO SEE POINCARE French Envov Has Confer cnceAVith Lloyd George Will Return Sunday. GENOA, atny 2 (Associated Tress). Vice Premier Unrtliou, licad ot the JWnch dclcwitlon at tho Kconomlc Conference, left for Paris nt 11.1 'clock this morning for & confcrcnco with Premier Polncaro ana the Cabl nat. He Is expected back Sunday or Monday morning. Before leaving ho conferred Tilth Prima Minister IJoyd George at the Villa Do Albertls. Tho atmosphero of tho meeting was said to be most cordial. Mr. Lloyd George, It Is understood Impressed again upon his French col league hla view or tho desirability that a meeting of the signatories of the Treaty of Versailles bo held at tho earliest possible moment In some Mediterranean town. It. Darthou's reported decision not . t return before tho end of tho week wa In view of tho status of tho Huh- , Stan negotiations, It was talJ. The Russian reply to tho memorandum the AUIca will present Is not expected be fore Monday. Tho most Important question to Ihj talked over by M. Uarthou and his chief, it is understood, is that of France's attitude on tho non-aggrcs-' slon agreement proposed by Lloyd George. Numerous drafts arc said to hare been composed toy various dclo- . gates, and theso drafts "liavo all been pat In the pot and are being boiled to- gtthcr," as one English leader dc- . scribed It. Whether M. Polncaro' will consent to a meeting of the signatories of the Treaty of Versailles to discuss German reparations before May 31 is another babject for discussion. The sub-commission on Russian af fairs was to meet this aflcrnNa for final approval of tho memorandum to tho Husslans, tho details ot which wnrn com iiletril Into last nlnlit. Tho memorandum will piolmlily bo sent to tho Husslans later in mc uay. Tho document provides among de- (nlln fin mtjilillnlimnllt of a. mixed arbitral comii, sslun for controlling tho debts owed to holders or Iiussian Government bunds, tho chairman of which would bo named by Chief Juo tlco Taft of tho United States Su premo Court. Mixed tribunals woum bo pet up to deal with tho question of the property of foreigners In ltus aln wlilch linn hoen nationalized. Ttrlifliini nlnnft was against tho lat ter feature, France nbandonlng her objection to ureal uruain s project. The Uelglnns Insisted on restitution of nationalized property to Its lor nicr owners. PORT CHESTER LEGION TO BURN HONOR ROLL Trmpornr- Ilonril to lie Cremated on Tfr.comtlnn Da)'. The Tort Chester American IxsRlon post will celebrate Decoration Day by pub licly burning tho largo honor roll board Which 1m stood in Jioerty fiquaro lor four year. Tho cremation ot mo noaru, wiucn bears the name of 1.000 men who en tered tho war from Port Chester, has been determined upon as tho most fit ting dKloltlou of tlio memorial, wiucn was of temporary construction and tms juffercd from tho effects of exposure. A permanent memorial is pianncu, RESCUES WOMAN IN FLAMING FLAT Drags Unconscious Woman From Apartment Swept by Blaze. Aithur Klncson, n chauffeur of No 910 Prosocct Avenue, saw Binoko Issu. Ing from the windows of an apartment on tho fourth floor ot Shirley Court , tfta.i 3trnM nnil Vrnanect Avenue at 10 o'clock to-duy promptly turned In un alarm and shinned up tho tire escape. In tho flat ho found lln, Henco Schwartz, forty years old, un conscious on tho floor of tho dining room. Into which flames were sweep ing from tho kitchen, which was com pletely nflamc. I'lncson dragged Mrs. Hchwartz to tho Urn escape and lowered her to the third floor, where, with tho assistance of volunteers, sho wns taken Into an apartment npd thenco carried"' to tho street. It wus found sho had fainted from fright. Tho flro was 'confined by Ilia firemen lo tho Schwartz npuit- mcnt. Klneson's prompt action prob ably saved Mis. Schwartz's life, ns tho cntlro flat was in names when tho firemen arrived. ii Shrimp Salad hgg balml Vegetable Snltul Potato Salad Club Sandwich Cole Slaw and others Watch our advertising we'll tell 'you how to make many delightful dishes with Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise Four sisct, 12c, 30c, 50c, 95c , p n HEUM4M " I BLUE BIBBOHl MAYONNAISE The wide-mouth, teren-tqp gin jart have many household ue. Buy your Dia mond! from FINLAY. New Yorlc'i lirgeit Jewelry Credit Shop. Uc our better ivttem of confidential, I Convent ent credit. A email firtt payment tecum imme diate pOSPCR slon. Trunn- irtloiiR Rttlcdy I curirideniiui fl 1 ' ir rivi Avrv i V. I'.vrrv i l j rnmnnn 1 perfect in cut and of a beauti ful, rare, blue-white color. Send for our FREE Book of Gems. 98 pages filled with ths most amazing values, in Dia monds, Watches and Jewelry. Ask for Copj No. tT-MO. Store open evening until 9 r. M. mmmxsaa. 1650-lf DRO.nVvA'. NEW YORK Between fits! and 8:I BL. r A Week of Furniture Values That Impressively Demonstrate the Spear Policy of Guaranteed Lowest-in-the-City Prices DOMESTIC RUGS At Lowest-in-the-City Prices 1,i 9x12 Fringed Almeda Velvet Rugs... $92.50 6.3x10.6.... $88.50 6x9. $59.75 Fringed Turk estan Velvet Rug 9xl. $58.75 8J1IO.6 $55.75 Doth Fringed Wilton Rugs 9x12 $115.00 8.3x10.6.. $108.75 9 x 12 Velvet Rugs (not fringed) $38.50 9x12 Tapestry Rugs. $18.75 8.3x10.6.;.... $17.75 Store At this Demonstration Sale, Spear offers home makers a worth-while opportunity1 to purchase Dining Room, Bedroom, Living Room, Kitchen Furniture and Rugs, Carpets and Linoleum at unheard-of prices. You may pay for your pur chases, usual, on Spear's Liberal Credit Terms 20 cash, and the balance over a period of 3, 6, 9, 12 or even 18 months; as convenient. You Pay 20 Cash---The Balance as Convenient 250 Yards of 8-4Linoleums Werepricedupto$1.75peryard 69cmnd89c. SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES At Lowest-in-the-City Prices SPEAR'S ALL-COTTON MATTRESS, in all i'ue. f7 7C p. inc. DtmomtrationSale Price Cash, $1.55 SANITARY METAL SPRINCS-wovcn wire or link fabric; all size. Dtmonitration s At? ,jr Q'o Sale Price IpC). 43 Cash, $1.29 . Doth Stores These Metal Bed Prices Truly Demonstrate Spear Leadership ALL-STEEL BED. tn Ivory Enamel; Linch potts, 5-16-inch filler. ALL SIZES. None to Dealcri. THIS METAL BED C1 QC Py 20 BtlowWholeleCoat7 7 D Cash, 99c Both StoreM f ii ii ii irvv I IVORY ENAMEL ALL-STEEL BED, -inch pot, I -inch filler. ALL SIZES gQ a e- Pay 20 N0W$O.45cmM1.69 SAME BED, American Walnut ftnuh. None to Dealer ftc OC P" 20 i7ot Store JpV.VO Cash, $1.99 Choice of Walnut or Mahogany finiih with Bronze Medallioni or Ivory with Blue Medallions. 2-inch Pt and I -inch filler, all lixe. THIS METAL BED JJ 1 C jr c p ,nc Half Regular Price li.3 Cath & Doth Stores Not Only Lowest Prices But Easiest Terms of Credit QUEEN ANNE PERIOD VANITY Dreuers. in Aster ion Walnut or Ma hofasy fis'uh; made to sell at $150, Demonstration Sale Price as low as $39.50 Ca'sn , $7.90 JSth Street Store Only 22-26 W.34th Street Dining Room Furniture at Lowesl-in-tke-City Prices roUR,PlECE LOUIS XVI. DINING ROOM SUITE, beautifully f iniihed in Ameri can Walnut, with front and top of guaranteed five-ply veneer. All interior are of rich Mahogany. Coniitti of 66-inch puffet, China Cloiet, 54 or 48-inch Dining Table with learn, and Encloted Server. (Chair citra.) Sold separately a follow: Buffet. $59.75; Serving Table, $22.50; Chins Clout, $39.75; Dinbg Table, $34.75. The four Piece. &-t cC 1 C p. WP DEMONSTRATION SALE PRICE 130.D py 20 Both Stores Ca,n' ?31'35 WOOD BEDSTEADS, in Mthogany. Antique Ivory. Golden Oak and Ameri can Walnut finiih. Demonstration Sale Price as low as $9.75 Cash, $1.93 16th Street Store Only wad Pi mm 6 th Ave. at 16th Street . Meet Pat Valdo of the Ringling Bros.-Barnum &. Bailey Circus. He likes Chiclets you'll like them tool So peppy and delightful! Free sample box when you see the Girl in the Orange Tarn. lB glgSBsPBBBBBBH tgK MkltKk " j '"' IggggV tB gggggggggj ggggggggggggggggK WfHaX r - V gggggggggggggM ggggggkW T... .... i v Peppermint Tutti-frutti Spearmint. 10 for 5C the delicious . candy coated chewing gum American Chicle Co. III Bin ft JLUJU One of the Thousand Window Bakeries . Just look at the windows 2500 of them in the entire building. That's why we call it the Thousand Window Bakery. We invite you to come and see this bakery with all the sunshine, the white-tiled ovens, and the white-uniformed bakers. It is like your own clean kitchen on a large scale. ' Over sixty-five million Sunshine Biscuits are baked in this one bakery every day. Over three hundred different kinds. Grocers have a great many kinds to choose from, appetizingly shown in Sunshine Display Racks. Look for them and get acquainted with the tempting assortment. , Branthtt i Over 100 Ciliet 1 I ifiif Biscuit ! J BAUMANN 'BRO 3tAve.& 84 St. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures Our Liberal Credit Terms apply also to Long Island, New Jeney and Connecticut. 86th Street Crotstown Car, Bue and Subway Two Block Away; 84th Street "L" Station at Corner; 3d Avenue Cars Pa Door. 4-Piece American Walnut Dining Room Suite A Louis XVI. Period American Walnut Dining Room Suite, con- I tilting; of. Buffet, China Cloiet, Serving Chet and Dining Table, 44x54 inches, 6-foot extension; Chair, with C f .fin genuine leather eati, extra; four piece, a illuitrated I ix iLLKU UVlUi DiVmuUsCij WHAT TOO Slllui WOBLO "WAKX" XD. Will, TIM) rr !.i..J'irrff:.L .erngcraior I cngianaer nea uoucn Complete, with .pring and $1 R.75 Cb1jen!Ul $2T98 I m.ttre.., covered In denim. 10 a. illu.trated , I I MOTOR TRUCK DELIVERIES EVERYWHERE