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Image provided by: The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation
Newspaper Page Text
1' THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1922 : ARABS DOPE FISH ' WITH OPIUM TO t MAKE EASY CATCH ; .When Fish Float Stupe- fied, Natives Take Tlicm, Using Skin Boats. l LONDON. April IB. S A hovel way of catching fish 1 by Arabs vrna described by Llout. ' Commander A. S. Klwcll-Sutton ta relating tho 'work of the Brit- bh Runboata on tho River Tigris ftbovo Bagxlad. The natives there, ho Bald, had a ground bait of lumps of dough containing a small quantity of opium. Tho fish swolowcd that and, becoming stupefied, floated about with their whlto bellies up permost. Arabs went In pursuit of them on blown-out nheepsklns which they manoeuvred with their foot, the hands being' free to hold tho landing not. TO RENEW BECK INQUIRY. WfjBka Say Report on Oklahoma KllliBK Overlooked Some rhutfi WASHINGTON', May 3. Secretary Weeks la dtiaatlsned with tho report I f the Board of Army Officers which blTtatlgatod the killing of Lieut. Col. Paul Ward nock by Judge Jean I. Day tm bis home at Oklahoma City. Acting on the odvlco of tho Judge Advocate General's office, Mr. Weeks Will send back the report for further I Investigation. He sold to-day that It I Indicate the board tailed to look Into! certain phases of the killing which had I been discussed In letters received here. TheTBSSM WEST AIDS TO ftAIR BEAUTY EAUTVUL fcaif be Mie at! mm betsltfal. 1 b mdtmi Ur tu ckarm ihrnwi & mole utejei We Softa Slumeo. Wt I .trie CutIcti aed We Hair , Wert Prodacto bring witi :mtck am cfteth aad mtn of aceeaqwMug jh ben- Net. bk year rktihriM and tarn- Wtot Hair Carl era umijruiwl la PHato Uaa ra, nvauac aawuvs 'S3 own. vm - Ctar of B .iOm mtmt mte Maa Ik raaula. "let-.1 Wast Ml ip. v v art 1MQ I taatad hm&An h&Jr. r. afanid with trg urtrs BOThM U Um Mt. Twtaa ii ii in Alt ffao Cop or rrts IMfi 2 for 25c Wart ProdHe' flr . oSU frwt dtiac(i or moHy TBADSMABX. SOFTEX SHAMPOO HAW CURLERS HAIR NETS WOT EUCntlC HAM QIWM. C. naadtUUa, Pa, few TV Mi IH lnaacy Let Cutknra Be Tour Beauty Doctor Store Hours 9 to 5:30 Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor When the humid pall hangs upon the city In summer the A. I. C, I. sends thousands of weakly children to the invigorating air of the mountains and tho sea. Gim bel Brothers 32ND STREET BROADWAY &3RD STREET NEW YORK CITY Shop . By' Mail . Through Our Mail Order Department For Other Glmbcl News Sec Page 12 Enter -May with Blossom Hats Red, Like the Cherries-to-Be : White, Like Magnolias That Are : or Beguilingly Beige 8.75 TO $14.75 Enter May, with blossom hats. Marguerites, the larger the smarter. Quaint nosegays of cowslips. Silver-white as the May moon gardenias. On leghorns; on felts; on satin-sheen straws. But If You Prefer the Paris-liked Fruit May Brings That Too Including a Par ticularly Alluring Kind of Georgette Grape GIMBELS Third Floor Absolute Clearance of Spring fashions Radical Reductions Below Former Prices Wo men's Cantons, Georgette, Rosh nnAtrrn anara, Crepe de Chine, FROCKS Crepe Knit, Tricolette. 100 Frocks Reduced to $15.00 800 Frocks Reduced to $18.00 100 Frocks Reduced to $29.50 100 Frocks Reduced to $39.50 Women 8 , COATS For Sports, Dress and All Occasions; New Fashions and Colors. 35 Wraps and Coats, Now $19.50, $25.00 79,Wrap3 and Coats, Now $39.50, $45.00 30 Wraps and Coats, Now $59.50, $69.50 14 Wraps and Coats, Now $85.00, $97.50 Women' 8 and Tricotines, Homespuns, Twills, Tweeds, ci Crepes in Two and Three Piece Cape and Ml8Se8 bUltS Coat Models, Now $17.50, $25, $33, $45 SweaterszS'" BOO Wool Slip-ons, J1.95 to $3.89 260 Silks and Fibre Silks, S3.95 to $8.95 Whys Grcy Squirrel 1 ' Chokers, ?8.50 2 Skin Fitch Scarfs, Now $10 Natural Mink Scarfs, Now $25 Blue Wolf Scarfs, Now $12.50 OK"1- Misses' Pleated Prunella Skirts, Now $10.75 Sports Satin Skirts, Now $7.95 Blouses Hand-made Batiste, $1.85 Filet-trim Georgette, $3.95 TrlcoletteTunics,$3.95 Tricolette Overblouse, $1.95 Gingham and Linen trimmed Voiles, $1.45 All Sizes 34 to 44: Not in Esery Style s Misses Coats Dress: Tailored and Sports Modes. Canton Crepes, Rosh anaras, Shawsheen Bc livias, English cloths, Velours, Reduced to $15 to $45 GIMBELS FASHION Misses' Frocks Dress: Tailored and Sports Modes. Georgettes, Printed Crepe, Taffetas, Can ton Crepes, Lace and Canton, Crepe knits. Reduced to $15 to $29.50 SHOPS Third Floor Girls 100 Coats, Now $10.00 60 Coats, Now $12.75 40 Coats, Now $14.75 68 Dresses, Now $7.95 42 Dresses, Now $10.00 20 Dresses, Now $1.95 All Sizes 6 to 17: Not in Etery Style Deeply Reducing Japanese China with Coin Gold Bands 41-Piece Dinner Sets : $14.45 12,750 Pieces Imported; Thin; Transparent Genuine Coin Gold Borders Handles A r $ Coin Gold in thin transparent china with genuine coin gold band and handles. A practical combination for six persons. 6 luncheon plates; 0 dessert plates; 6 soup plates; 6 tea cups and saucers; one meat platter; vegetable dish; sugar and cream. Bread and Butter Plates, 18c Dessert Plates - - - 29c Luncheon Plates - - - 39c Tea Cups and Saucers - 29c Fruit Saucers - - - - 18c Sugar and Cream - - $1.00 GIMBELS CHINA SHOP-Flfth Floor $98862 FUR t Go for $64 NITURE 896.5 Entire New York Furniture Exposition Sample Line Northern Furniture Co. New Two-tone Wood Effects. New Enamel Deco rated Finish. New Designs in Fine Furniture. Also 67 Gimbel Floor Sample Bedroom : Dining Room Living Room Suites This Furniture Can Be CHARGED on Our Liberal Deferred Payment Plan. Dintyg Room Suites WERE NOW 10 Piece Italian Walnut Veneer Dining Room Suite $1,150 $750 10 Piece Walnut Veneer Dining Suite - $1,250 $625 10 Piece Walnut Veneer Dining Suite - $920 $460 10 Piece Walnut Veneer Dining Suite - $950 $650 10 Piece Walnut Veneer Dining Suite - $600 $345 10 Piece Walnut Veneer Dining Suite - $800 $600 lOPieco Solid Quartered Oak Dining Suite - -- $460 $197 l6 Piece Mahogany Veneer Dining Room Suite - - - - - - - $950 $475 lOPieco Combination Walnut Dining Room Suite $750 $495 10 Piece Walnut Veneer Dining Suite; glass tops - - $800 $595 10 Piece Walnut Veneer Dining Suite - $1,050 $675 10 Piece Mahogany. Veneer Dining Suite $500 . $250. 10 Piece Walnut Veneer Dining Room ' Suite $570 $285 10 Piece Mahogany Veneer Dining Room Suite - - - - $650 $325 Living Room Suites WERE NOW ( It1 Ifllll Irmril 1 tl This-dLO-Piece Dining Suite Regularly Selling for $480 Duotone dusty walnut dining room suite; Queen Anne design; 72 inch buffet, with large sized silver drawer. Enclosed china closet. 45x60 inch extension table, extending to 8 feet. Five side and one arm chair, covered in a good grade of tapestry $360 3 Piece Li vine Room. Suite: combina tion tapestry and mohair - - - $600 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in tapestry - -- -- -- - $450 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered In tapestry - -- -- -- - $450 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in tapestry - -- -- -- - $550 3 Pieco Living Room Suite; covered in silk velours $460 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in velours - -- -- -- - $750 4 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in tinsel tapestry - - - - - - $1,100 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered In velours - -- -- -- - $625 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in velours - -- -- -- - $600 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in tapestry $380 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in mohair - -- -- -- - $850 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered In tapestry or velours - - - - $250 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in frieze $1,150 3 Piece Living Room Suite; covered in tinsel tapestry ------ $1,050 Bedroom Suites 4 Piece Mahogany Veneer Bedroom Suite 4 Pieco Walnut or Mahogany Veneer Bedroom Suite ------- 4 Piece Walnut or Mahogany Veneer Bedroom Suite ------- 4 Piece French Walnut Bedroom Suite (veneered) - -- -- -- - 4 Piece Mahogany Veneer Bedroom Suite 4 Piece Mahogany or Walnut Veneer Bedroom Suite ------ 6 Piece Walnut Veneer Decorated Bedroom Suite ------ 6 ,Piece Mahogany Veneer Bedroom Suite 4 Piece Mahogany Veneer Bedroom Suite 8 Piece Decorated Bedroom Suite -11 Piece Decorated Bedroom Suite -8 Piece Decorated Bedroom Suite - 10 Pieco Mahogany Veneer Bedroom Suite - -- -- $350 $225 $260 $387.50 $345 $375 $685 ' $362.50 $450 $190 $637.50 $149 i $750 $787.50 This 3-Piece Living Room Suite Regularly Selling for $450 3-piece upholstered living room suite. High-grade figured tapestry. Sofa and 2 overstuffed chairs. Finely constructed. Web bottoms and back. Loose spring cushion seats WERE NOW $350 $175 $440 $220 $250 $180 $375 $286 $275 $199 $740 N $370 $750 $495 $800 $450 v $500 $315 $950 $715 $1,100 $795 ' $800 $595 i $1,275 $637.50 ',ki .,. !,;., i- 'i'-'!"-3.- , ' -i i " I , : I v lllllllH'" ' "' '" ' ' ' '" '' ' ' This 8-Piece-Bedroom Suite Regularly Selling for $440 8 pieces in French gray enamel. Glass-topped. Louis XVI design. 60 inch dresser; full-sized vanity; chifforobe; full-sized bow-nd bed. Chair, rocker, bench and night-stand GIMBELS FURNITURE SHOP Seventh Floor $330 Brooklyn, Long Island and New Jersey. Customers Direct to Gimbels via Tubes and Subways: