Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1922, 18' 1 r m Sisters Identify Slain Girl " Taw. IIam Tfe AAA ww ntfanvvsifrvs-l Unnil Recognize in Built-Up Bust Lillian White, Long Sought, Who Was Murdered in Mountain. Two women who lone rind sough vainly to learn the fnto ot their sis- tcr, Lillian White, twenty-four, who disappeared last September from the State Institution tor tlio Fceblo Minded at Letchworth Valloy, walked Into a room last night prepared by Grant Williams, formerly I'ollco Lieu tenant In charge of tho Bureau of Missing Persons. The sisters are Mrs. Fasqualo Cupertino, No. 206 Sunnyside Avenue, and Mrs. Rose Oorcn, No. ox Throop Avenue, Brook lyn. They cried out at tho bust on a pedestal: "It is Lillian, the poor girl I" The bust and ace had been built up by Williams from the skele ton and skull found by boys hunting flowers on Havcrstraw Mountain, April 16. A wisp of hair gavo a clue to Its color and tezturo and a wig of reddish shado covered the re constructed head last night. Tho eyes were decided from tho hair and other Indications of com plexion to be dark bluo-black. Tho skull formation indicated Irish ex traction, and this guided tho hand of tho rebullder ot human faces. Murder as tho cause of the girl's death was another revelation of the work of tho expert In locating the missing and Identifying the almost, unidentifiable. He reported fracture of the skull on top and marks of tho blows of a metal instrument on tem ple and forehead. The sisters ot the dead girl found a marvellous resem blance ill the reassembled structure to her actual appearance In life. Lillian White was sent to the In stitution, which is many miles from the placo her body was found, that she might attend tho special school there for thoso of feeble mind. In Free sample box of Chiclets every time you meet the Girl in the Orange Taml struction she could not obtain c1b where. Grant Williams has won fame bo foro for his work In rebuilding human skulls and faces. Ills first famoiis case was the reconstruction around an old-faBhloncd coffee pot of tho head of a man, long dead, found In tho woods. Williams Identified him, and keeping that se cret confronted tho man, suspected of his murder, with tho reconstructed head and bust. Tho murderer was crazed at tho sight and confessed. DR. JOS. N. McCORMACK, PARALYZED AND DYING Has Written Ilealth Um far Nearly Ertrr State. LOUISVILLE. Ky., May 4. Dr. Joseph N. McCormack, soventy-slr, an outstanding figure In American medi cine, Is near death here from paralysis, accompanied by cerebral hemorrhages. Hlnci 1(88 ho has written the laws on health and medical education' far prac tically every State In the Union. Ho wim the leader In tho fight on cholern. In 1S88, for which ho was thanked by President Cleveland. lie attended dov. William CJocbcl when he was assassinated at Frankfort In 1900. nn.i.iKS iiotf.l ni.HNP fSFFEE Fsto ed in the hole's tnd home jLW xl that u.-ve food coffee. afFaffltj (2 OUT IT FIIKMI FHOM T1IK WIIOLK SALE IIOAHTKK IN S Ml. LOTH (Dean or Ground) Delivered Within 3SO Mltea at 3V Lh. piample Mlaed Tea (I lb. or niore),lg" Hatl.fartlen guaranteed or Money Hack, flprn Hatarday t'nlll S.HO V. M. GILLIES COFFEE CO. m Wa.hlnston St.. at 11rk I'l.. N. V. r. I'honr Rnrrlay S37. 1U 33 Tear.. fall 01 SIIICLL OH, AOIJ.tT I) IS MIES CON CISIONS. Copyrlsht, 1923 (New fork Evening World), by I'rees lul1lhtn Company. UHNOA. May 4. Wlioovor sprcml stories nbotit tlio Bhcll oil Interests FURNITURE GOING AT ANY PRICE Largest selection of Furniture for Every Room ever shown in the City. Every article advertised on display, plainly marked one price be your own salesman 20,000 sq. ft. devoted entirely to furniture display. 32 CARLOALS AT NO REGARD TO COST MUST HAVE CASH DINING ROOM SUITES regardless of cost to manufacturer $79 to $500 Living Room Suites Bed Room Suites 325 atrlpped to tho last 170 almost given away, punny, $49 to $425. S98 to $450. Be Your Own Salesman Every Piece Plainly Marke'd Odd pieces and genuine rattan and willow furniture at same reductions. Special prices on rugs, phonographs, lamps. gateleg iodics, ua-Deds. ,ngiander touch beds, $15.50. 2,000 Ice Boxes S ana srees Furnish Your Home for i;vi:iiytiiino von tub iiomr, nnl-ro are requested to do their limped "tu,cia Inr atnd buying only on Monday. Free delivery within 100 miles. Goods held till wanted. Open daily from 8 tto 6: Monday and Saturday 'till 9 P. AT. I. 300-302-304 W. 124th St. You Can't Miss It! West of 8th Avenue. PHONE MORNINOfllDn 3t!5. m-m-m-m they melt in your mouth wholesome just sugar coated gum zestful three dandy flavors Peppermint Tutti-Fruttl Spearmint 10 for 5c iclets the delicious candy coated chewing gum having aliened a snips agreement wltli tlio Soviets Is "no friend of Ureal Drltaln. tlio Soviets or liumnnlty." Ko snys Col. J. N. Iioylc, tho Shell rep resentative. In denying tlio contract. . vmihu. VI nr. iiuit. Hi. n Ju.t arrlvrdl 33 different styles 8-50 up are on display In our, snotvraoma, larladlng the famous While Front. the Cost of One Room American Chicle Co. .oo ROUND TRIP Washington ON Baltimore SUNDAY, MAY 7 SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVU Eastern Standard Tim New York (ranrllSta.) .0H4 Stopping at Newark. Etlrabeth and New Brunswick. Arrives natilmora 4.BS A. M. " Wathln.ton S.53 A. H. nalurnlnd LaTa ' .Waehlngton - - 4.SSK llaltlmoro S.SS( TkleitMuteFiUir leeeeilaf emttWa y UT SIMlUt UCUKJIOKJ, Ssadeis Mir II. Jm 4 sad Is. Pennsylvania System fix R..I. tWtrMdnr Uakad It's Nerve Force from Nuxated Iron that helps mate STRONG, MAGNET. IC, FORCEFUL MEN, who male their orer-irtastering presence felt the moment they enter a room. NUXATED IRON contains the principal chemical con- ftiuuum ui aciive iivinc nerve rorce in a form which most nearly resembles that In the brain und nerve cells ot man. It also contains organic Iron like the iron In your blood and like tho Iron tn spinach, lentils and apples. Organlo Iron ..l.lina 11m nn.l 1 -. - M . tv..... ....v. f.cnir oi ncn red blood means rnoro nriro force, so that Nuxated Iron not only feeds what mlcht hi termed nrtlfltlnl " - - uvia zorce to the ncrvo cells, but It stimulates the blood to manufacture o rreatly In. nr.ifl).l HUnDlV Of new tinrJU . . " lurce. it .mi urn wpiik. nervnit. n. j ' ' i.,(l nf Kllratnl Imn ."ct iti. In twn wnrkfi1 Mmn vm. . i - . : ' ... it linn InrrnHAil vnni nd mudo you feol better and stronger n pvcrv Wliv. volir mnnnv will h. M funded. Hold by ull dnisclsts. Advt. Tomorrow! Alright A vecetable aperient, adde lone ana elror ta the dlreetive and ellmlnam aTttem, Imprnves the apM tlte, relieves Sick iieaoaerie and Bil iousness, rarr acts ConsUpatlan. sod Tor over I Oyearsi T KWl Une-thlrd the rrfutar doae, LaaTBaK JHbTss sSaAb fif aaun Ilia pa I PROPOSALS. ikvitatiiiv tii f'nNTHArrroRN. INSPKCTION HIlKt) INCIXJHUHB VOH THE WHITE I'LAINH llOAU IIAI'IU -ulAnDJI HAII.HUAU. Healed bide nr nronosals for the eonstrue Hon of Inclodurw for an Innpeetlon shed and Us appurtcnanrea In the IWrth Htreet Yard of Itouta No. 18, part of the While ria,lns Itoad Itapld Transit rullroad, will be re reived bv the Transit Commission of the Hlale of New York (herelaafter railed the "CommiMsion ; on feenair 01 ma iuy 01 new York, at the orrice or in i;ommiion ai No. 411 Lafayette Htreet. Iloroush of Man' hattan. New York City, until, the lClh day of May, u.'. si eleven ininy (ii.oUj oriock A. 01.. ai wnirn nine ana niace or i a laier date to Ui fUi-d by the Commlttlon, the propoealH will be publlrly opened. The said Inanectlon 8hed and Its appurte nanrea aro In the IsOth Blreet Yard, located In the Horoucn or ino tirons. exirnains over and alonr City property, bounded on the Mouth by East lKOth Mtreet. on the Weet by Hronx Tark, and on the North and East by the main line of the White i'lalna Itoad Kapia irannjl itaurDao, Tha Inspection Hhrd Incloeure Is to built of brick, concrete and steel. Rtructural teei nae. in cenerai. peen prnviaeo and erected and most of the foundations built under another contract, The coniracior must complete tne work within twelve (121 months from the delivery of the contract. A tuner description 01 ma work ann other renulrements. provisions and specification! are liven In tha Information for Contractors ana in ine torms ot contract, oona ana ran tractor's proposal, and In tha contrsct draw. nn. un c i are 10 Lie aeemea a Dan or tmi invitation, and copies of which may be In. spected snd purchased at said office of the Commission. Tha rfce Dt or bias win M sunieet to th. requirements specified In said Information for contractors. New lork, April si, ivss. TflANHIT COMMIBBIO.V. Tty OKOHai: McANSjNV, Chairman, JAMKH D. WALKElt. iiecretary. AMUSEMENTS. CAPITOL " t1 ft Hi mi "Too Much Buttneu Hpeelal Maslc Week Frrm. U'y at Slat. Cspltol Grand Orchestra, S5S JOHN BARRYMORE "S? am HFHT 7inu tbii 'ia. tn is a-f t rri 1 1 jf yrnr Ul l UD' V HU1 n( e"CVll. wow org? do msw ai nACTiois3 CHARITY. PALACE THEATRE courtTEsr E K Al.lil:t THIS SATURDAY NIGHT GALA MIDNIGHT SHOW Stars from the Motion Picture Screen from the Broadway Hits and from the Leading Vaudeville Circuits, all t oll 1 in: A. I. r. v. UCUCtb, tliH,VX BALE XUWA. fmfa: MM r AMUSEMENTS. WlHTCR ftlRrtCtl th Bt, A u t. ms..:o. -"- Matinees 1 i Thurs. A Bat. EDDIE CANTOR MAKE IT SNAPPY with man UAurr.niN. euiinrnr W. of n'r. rsve. U.lln... M. nd flat. 5.20. FRANCES I TAYLOR THE HOTEL WHITE I HOLMES Comedy MUUuC Arthur Ihpltlni prutntt EUGENE .. "THF. UNEILL'S trtm jucccu. HAIRY APE? Plumcuih. W. 45A Si. Eta. MS. Man. Tkm,. & Set 2.4S. SENSATIONAL f Ma.MRS.CbBURN Dp'' sF A wartAu Dl 1VUMICC Wsst th Bt. Eves. S-SO. lUIIIIUUUb Mats. Wed. and Bat,, I.SO. 'UpThe Ladder' INT MAT. TO-IIAY t.2 MAT. HATUIIDAY S.3B wssuMNsm i Hem 'tsaga I (1NRIRRF We" S Uv' a0- I ITTI C West 4 Bt. Eves. J0. LUntlAUnC L..t Mat. Bat. 2.30. SUgeJ LIULL ,.. & Bat o 30 THANK-U Li,, pe It YEAR LAST 4 TIMES Smith. Frank Crirsn's Comtiy Sctttm l-Best Seata S2.S0 ) I Best Seata 2.S0 J Rlinil Theatre, West t3lh Bt. Eves. 1.30. HUVU Matinees Wednesday and Hat. S.30. I DOVER R0AD?S CllDIDC D'way and 40th St. Eves., 8.30. CMrinC Matinees Wed. A Sat. at 2.20. in THE FrjITCC West 4!d Bt. Eves, at 8.20. nAf.CC Mats. Wed. A Bat. at 2.20. Broadcast this Is your rrleadsi ThcNIGHTCALL' Is the Badls-Mystery Hit! HELEN fc!PARl'3eM TMTiMr. tJstra(t sNtN TMe 8ati8r8gcii fooi- EARL CARROLL Joseph rawtliora and Lillian Lorraine In THE BLUE KITTEN I inCDTY Wsst 42d 8t. . Eves, at 8.20. LIBtnll Mats. Wed. and Bat. at 2.20. TotheLadies!' rs New Cemedy by the Authors ot "Dulcy." UDBON. West 44th Bt. ATU UnUTU I Mats. Wed. and Bat. 'HH MUnin The RUBICON! With VIOLET IlEMTNO, aaatCACr CT I KNICKERBOCKER 1 "m! t s.' Wed!" Abat. "BULLDOG DRUMMOND" A neal Melodrama." with A. E. Matthews DCI ICPfl Wast 44th BL Eves, at 8.20. DCUtOUU Vsts. Thurs. and Bat. at 2,20, DAVID BELABCO I'reeenta LENOREULRICasKIKI CnnT West 4IU BL Evenings at 8.20. U II I Matinee. Wed. and Bat. at 2.20. WALLACE IDDINGEK MARY NASI 1N "CAPTAIN APPLEJACK" GOOD MORNING DEARIE MUSICAL COMEDY SENSATION at lb CI nOC D'way A 44tn BL Eve., at 8.23. DLUDC MATINEES Wed. A Bat, at 2.20. Illicit nnY W.4S Bt.llrr.WO.Ev.8.15 sharp MUOlU SUAMsttnees Wed. A OaL at 2.1S. Sins "MUSIC BOX REVUE" "Best muste show aver made In America." Pill U U1DQIC W. 42d BL Ere.. 8.15. SAM Hi IIAnniO Mats. Wed. A Bat.. 2.IS SIXCYLINDERLOVE wrrn ebnest tbcex. ein CT MustesJ Ball. bat'. D'war A Cent. DOU o v.yr, Evss. 8.30. Mats. B.t. 2.S0 SHUFFLE ALONG l8 nave Yau Neea EDITH SrENCEUT ' ATBEGULAD' STDArtO P0ICE3 K nuiseitlPPITUrff Hi 'ifffitJnt tas OOOBS OPEN AT NOOfl aka. Paramount Pictures R IVOLI "The Mm From Home" B'war at 40 Bt. with JAM EH KJBKWOOD luvolt Concert Orchestra. D1ALT0 Wallace Reid Times In "Across the Continent" Bquara. raroons ttlalta Orchestra I II II II III il 1 18s II saM M I if ll i niHaWwVA wMrlKOH trTTHe GeoA vrovtcler ril IIMRI A U v.a)fTvloo Uallr.iroiMjIar a t 4jlh s ao A g .llctl. CLARK and McCULLOUGH in "CHUCKLES of 192' ED. WY AMUSEMENTS. PFMTIIPV Thea.. d A Cant. I'ark West, bcniuni Bra. i.SO. Mats. Wed. and Bat. Teeea Koita James Uarton Marlon Orten la The ROSE of STAMBOUL RVOS. (EXCEPT RAT.) Mfl. Is iM. 4ATH Thea., W. of D'war. Evs. t.K. . ' 'ts. Thure. and flat. CKCn. LEAN and CLKO MAVKIEI.U THE BLUSHING BRIDE BL "-'""" Matinees wea. Wed. A Bat. 2.SO. OSSOM TIME The Orcateet Muilral nit at A test nnnTII West esth. Eves., S.SO. DUUIII ju, Wed 4 R a38J MILNE'S NEW COUISUV TUB Ib blayds With O. r. HEOOIK and ALEXANDRA OARLDLE. NOVELTY C6r)EDV successor 'ASTORL 45Me. BWAM EViB'30 nlAT. WED. & SA AQTU CT Thwtre. Mstlnsss TUIII Wit Eves. 8.30. Thurs, 4 Set. Th NEST With LUCILE WATSON BRUAUIIUIt.ST.4tSt.Ev.t.20.Mta.Thur.A3aL THE MUSICAL THIUMl'H MARJOLAINE With LENNOX TAWLE. EQUITY ANNUAL SHOW I I BENEFIT ACTORS EQUITY ASSOCIATION THIRD ANNUAL SHOW ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY THIS YEAR The Thrill of the Season 100 Leading Men 100 Leading Women EQUITY CHORUS OF 200 MOST MARVELOUS SPECTACLE EVER STAGED ANYWHERE ENTIRELY NEW AND NOVEL PROGRAMME EQUITY ORCHESTRA OF 45 1 TJNDEIl TIIK DIRECTION OP VICTOR BARAVALLE and FRANK TOURS SEATS NOW AT BOX OFFICE, 9 A. M Veterans of Variety. Hen Welch. Drown A Whlttaker. Julia K.I- I .IV. JS Unit "Htinntln. r&S8ea3tl Throush a Woman," Orecn A ' liurneu. Toto Hammer Co. REX BEACH'S Romance, "FAIR LADY," and Bupreme VaudrTllta. Sliding Billy Watson nice A Werner. Morris A Bhaw, others A Max reach's "Fair I.ady." Krederlck V. Bowers. Ksrrell Tsylor Trto. Ilsldwln Dlalr Co., Kaber A llurnett, miles- pis uirl, oiners. jieur lily tne in jair Luy." BROOKLYN. MARK ssa. FANrOlTIToiisf'S s TRANlr'THEGOOD PROVIDER" ffreater than llnmareaaus nnooKLVN r.oiroaoioisis,iiauei,urcD. OCEAN TRAVEL. NTKAMER MANDALAY Special Trips to Atlantic Highlands and return SUNDAY, MAY 7th Also Haturday and Kunday May 13 A It. Leavtm Ilattery Landlne Atlantic lllshlands 0.30 A.M. I. B0, ft I'.M.llI A.M B. B.45 P.M. (Dayllcht Having Time.) Music Dancing Refreshments Farei 00 rente each way. Telephone Droad KtO and 6034. 7 BOSTON '6 METKOPOLTTAN LKVE Via Cap Cod Canal ' Ceantotlol at Doiton (or Portlano Rockland, Usnor.Yartnouth,N.8 Mteamrr leatea Iter la. N, IL (It Murray HI.). New York, dally. In rludlnr Hundara. at fi 1. M. tDavllchl tailor Time), Trlepboos llarriay Mitt. EASTERN STEAMSIIP LINES innanN nfvr.n night linf.a. n.llv ..lllnas troni I'ter :2. N. It. Koot Csnsl Bt., P. . (Dsyllittt fiavlnf Time) West I32d Bt., 6..10 1. M. Direct rsll con neetlons ai Asny io an points. Eiprr.. Freltht Neryire Aula. Carried, IIUDKON NAVIflATHIN COMl'ANi, Mlddlrton H, liorland, lte-elver I.KAtKM HATTKItV a an a ti. r..:tij v. u. h.i.. u.ju a. ai 2, S.30 P.M. Huns., Wu A.M.. t, 60. " SIGHT SEEING YACHT TOCUIST," Around New Tork. Lecturer. Lvs. jJatury Dtiix luXO. Itl.Braid ttU. l HaJ V sW 1 . 1 in AMUSEMENTS. Usvlaa rillall'e'. Eti.S.50. i ,T"""" Matlnesa Wsd. and Bat, u,l K0IAHUS1B I In t 11 C. AMBEAU I GOLDFISH IVIIh llll Til V l AfKlVR. Nhl.VVTK ItiliATlllW". tlTftL Ets.s.ZO. Mats. weu. rial. x.xv. 1IAKNEY UEKNARU and ALEXANDER CARR in a new comedy, "lMUTNEIIS AflAlrf." UyMontafueCllsssAJuleiKckerlUoodman n&'MONTMARTRE too Tlwj UflBA HAVE? Tliea., W, U Bt. Evs. 8.80. nUnA OA I CO Mat,. Wed. and Bat., 3.30. MATINHirTO.llAV .3C. Eves. 8.30. Mats. PnUPIlV West 41st Bt. Thurs. A Bat. B.IIO UUMCUI Tel. Ilry. 0ID I Ynifi -d w' nt U'way. Evs. 8.&0.' LlnlU Matinees Wed.and Bat., 2.S0. The llest Miulial Comedj In Town. Q alslTnmsT 4HtSt. W. of BVy NARJr Brj.l5G4. ET..8J9. " Msts.WED.4SAT. VAnUCnDILI Lat Mallneu Haturday 2.30. CHARLOTTE L'k "LETTY GREENW00D3Tt,,1 PEPPER" RCDIinl IP Thea.,42d Ht.7W.ot U,y.Evs.8.0.' ntrUDLIU MM,. wed. and Bat. at 9.841. CITIUCC Wt st" d" Street. Evenings, 8.S0. CLIMDC Msts. Wed. and Hat.. 3.80. EVS llrlltdOVi Mla.Tliurs.aBat.21 VM AdotnhKlanher'snrrulMyeterylll "It rrnlly gets you." World. "t Hhawsjnr 1 I'rlce" Ev. World rmrruvUnMlVILLAaE tiusa. evs. GREENWICH Mats. TO-IIAY A Bat. S.SO. rexfermanees 1 G TB (11 1 0 TS Btrtndberr. Next" B I L L E T E D A Bkllful Comedy. wren DCllinUT Thoa., W. 48 Bt. Evs. 8.30 i DCLMUm Mats. Thurs. A Bet. 3.30 1'rench Theatre Co. In French. IE RETOUR La Delle Arenlura a nni s ra 42d Bt, Twice Dally. APOLLO St8.S0.rrlces3Bctoit METROPOLITAN NEXT SUNDAY EVE. MAY 7th, at 8 v TO 6 P. M. CONTINUOUS' IIAJ4s,HI0NIOHT Arternaaas, . , .Ms Mint Mo VAUDEVILLE wPROrOPlAYS OUMUO uon y THUOA MAE MURR.Y "FASCINATION" VsiJon & Perri' Destilte Morrell Scxtetle, Seymour & Ystes & Others bAill anJ GI Lst JsIslvnsMiUTTr -111 nut v BRONX OPERA HOUSE! I4U Ht. A M Av. ron. Prices. Mats.Wed.ASat.l JANE COWL FOR 8 ALE. DIAMONDS WATCHES ( ns a tu.Mi7:??,.Vl SfMn mBRrtAxnFffttt aiam riAuiiMuni. t n ir niT H IR0AlWAy W aEPila poor Apovt J7"jr I A STORE-NOT AN OFFiCe ATcwWatch(SDwmondCe. TWO CrhTAIHM HTHIIKH. 6Msidn Lsns , 501 Hlh Ave. Fourth Floor. pSlX'rfE Ji9s,"t' Take Elevator. ni,t itp. Tel. Curt. M7. I Tel. Vandrrbllt MIL 1? DOWNI 'ACT Secure. Immediate possession. I V Diamonds K3 to 33.000 Terms to suit your convsnlsnce. No employer's refer.nre.. I.srsk . aortment; cnods tuaranteedf strlot I or wrlta. Open upttl tl. lAMERICAJi DIAMOND WATCH Cft lyi-etMaidrn Key yw-ff m&MnMns CREDIT WATCHKI AND O" riNK JIWBLRY I in ivai a"" vf''i DIAMONDS CASH Oil C4WDIT l'JWPW AC nncc r.r.i I Mamonjd Cutlers 49 Msldea Last HELP WANTED MALE. CLAIM INVLHTICIATOn wanted, with Insur. am- 'umpauy ciperltnco, psrtlculerly aulomoblls liability, ttc.i stats see. m.rrl. oi slnrte, eiperltrm, address and phone num. WOAOWAVl ai 4A (', 'ttuiiKHtrnm !fl i rAMEOrSiste a ssaP sf rm im dwm mw sa. n-a. n m imHTHJotcrecHo PS! i i9lt WUUI a UiJr U. iAvfta SSU Mm I ;- A . i. ... I J . .i r . -Jjjj - . - Tt """ i