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- v' j' .y TEE EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, MAY- 4, 1922. 9 HUMAN FLY CLIMBS 35 FEE! AND ROBS HOIf 7,000 r Detectives Watch Dr. Hel . muth's Apartment to See If Burglar Returns for Silver. That "human fly" burglar who operated on tbo upper west eld la believed to-day to have transferred his operations further downtown. A thief using similar methods, It ha? just been learned, got property worth $7,000 from tho home of Dr. William ,Tod Hclmuth In tho Alwyn Apart ments, No. 182 West 58tU Street, ten days ago. Tho burglar got In through a win dow thlrty-flvo feet from the ground In the rear of tho building. There Is evidence that tho robbor had an ac complice. The $7,000 estimate was Dr. Helmuth's. Others in tho apart ment house thought $40,000 was nearer tho valuo of tho loot. Thero are no tiro escapes on tho rear 'of tho building, and the entrance' to the ground floor Is barred. It Is believed ono man stood on tho other's shoulders and reached a ledgo, then went up the walls by his lingers and toes. Dr. Helmuth, with his wlfo and daughter, occupies tho frrst two floors. t Tho night of tho robbery tho family wcro downstairs until before mid night When they went up they found windows open and bureaus and closets ransacked. Everything valuablo that could easily bo carried was taken. Valuablo silverware, evi dently too heavy for rqmoval, was left Mrs. Helmuth and her daughter have been nervous slnco tho robbory from fear tho burglars would come back for the silver, and last night do tcctlves woro 'posted In the neighbor hood watching for them. "(JOT oi;t wiirv oiinEimu to my HUSIIAM). Justice Gavcgan, In the Bronx Su preme Court to-day, reserved decision In the uncontested suit for a separation brought by Mrs. Alice Scluiltz of No. 133 St. Ann's Avenue. Mrs. Schultz wns the only witness. She raid her hus band, Cnrl S., a manufacturer of dental Supplies, after six years of married life, .on Aug. 14, 1920, told her lie had an affinity nnd cared for her no longer and she could fret out. Mrs- Sclmllz who Is twenty-four and very pretty, nam sue "got om. CAHAN TALK STIRS GARMENT WORKERS Delegates Still Agitated Over Editor's Attack on Communism. CLEVELAND, May 4. Tho attack of Abraham Cahan, editor of tho Jowlsh Dally Forward and virtual founder of tho Interntlonal Ladles' Garment Workers' Union, on Com munist activity within union ranks Is still agitating delegates to tho six teenth Jjl-onnlnl convention of that body here. Mr. Cohan's address camo after the unscntlng of Hyman Shelly, a New York Communist leader. Mr. Cahan paid particular attention to those Communists ho said were "working for capitalists whllo mem bers of the union." He declared they did this becauso they wero disgruntled over failure to gain control. Ho also praised Benjamin Schleslnger, who threatened to resign as President of of tho International, due chiefly to the assaults of tho Comnrunlsts, and said: "What is wanted now to save your organization is absoluto unity. Stick together, bury your hatchets and try to understand the man who is run ning your union. Try to understand what Is going on In his soul. Ho Is not a happy man. He Is not sure that It Is possible to conduct your union under these conditions." This Event Also at NEWARK STORE Broad Street and s West Park This Event Also at BROOKLYN STORE . Fulton Street Near Hoyt West 34th Street Thru to 35th Street Sale of $25.00 to $39.75 Coats, Wraps & Silk Capes Higher Priced Models Reduced from Stock Together with a Special Purchase At the Very low Price $10.75 We repeat These Are Actual $25.00, $35.00 & $39.75 Values Featuring swagger sport models of latest designing and including wide flowing capes of Canton silk crepe with caracul collars and beautiful wrap effects for dressy wear. Canton Silk- Crepe Herringbone Double Faced Plaids Tricotin es Twills Sport Mixtures Velour de Laines Delightful in their smart Spring col ors, silk linings and fine quality. In all sizes for women and misses. Vote in the Motion Picture Popularity Contest and help" the Association tor Improving the Condition ot the Poor Kmericaoremost Specialists- QPPENHEIM,(MllNS:ff 34th Street, New York To Close Out Friday 350 Girls' Coats and Capes Sizes 6 to 16 Years Reduce from 25.00 29.75 35.00 9.75 Jaunty polo and sport models, graceful Wraps and circular Capes of Camel's Hair; Plaids, Tweeds, Bolivia, Chinchilla Herringbones and Alixtures. PLEAD NOT GULITY OF WIRETAPPING Indictments Chame Four With Cutting in on Tele- v phone to "Get" Doctor. Warren Lcsllo, a lawyer, of No. 2 Rector Street; John Sutter, a detec tive sergeant; James T. Shaw, a taxi driver, and' Walter Schmidt, a steam ship company official of White Plains, pleaded not guilty in tho County Court at St. George, S. I., to-day on Indictments charging them with wire tapping. They were given flvo days to change- tho plea and wcro held In $2,600 ball each. v It Is charged that tho four tapped the telephone wire of Dr. Charles C. Allers, a St. Gcdrgo physician, on the night of Jan. 31, 1920, In order to get Information for tho use of his wife, who was suing him for a sepa ration, which she nftorward obtaThed. GERMAN SHIP'S BUST OF KAISER FOUND IN JUNK Vatcrland's Decoration Found in Storage Yard to Go at Auction. From a mountain of Junk In tho storage yards at Wilson Point, South Norwalk, Conn., tho tho Shipping Hoard Emergency Fleet Corporation has dug up a bronzo bust which bears the In scription: "Wllhelm II., Doutschcr Kaiser, Koenlg v. PreUBsen." When tho onetime Vaterland started May IB, 1914, on her maiden voyngo tho bust of tho Kaiser was ono of her most ad mired decorations. It has been scrubbed until It glistens, and will bo put up at an auction ,of odds and ends ot Shipping Board stuff on May 15 at 10 A. M. on tho premises. Help to speed up the amemralbeirslhup drive for the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York. I SL Alttttan $c din. The Men's Shoe Dep'jt specially features, in the regular stock: Men's Baflta Oxfords amd High Shoes (sizes up to 12) in the newest models and inmost fashionable leathers for street, dress and sports wear to 15, per pair Menu's Oolf Oxfords lAf" , 1 in the most desirable models 'and -leathers' (including, at the higher price, an English model with special sole) at $9.50 to 14. per pair Men's Engflislh RSdiinig Boots of tan or black calfskin . at $35.00 per pair (Sixth Floor) jttlabteon Suenue- JftrVfj 3bemte 34tfj mib 35tlj'gtreet( JJeUi iJorfc Dress Sandal r 1 St These arc SHOOKIDS They arc all leather. On little feet they wear and wear. n Sizes - 6 8 ' 'lift, a aft. 7 Patent Leather 3- 65 4- 35 5- 35 Tan Grain $3.50 a.85 3-35 4.25' Pearl Elk $3-45 3- 95 4- 65 5.65 The Oxford Tan Russia Calfskin Sizes 6-8 . $3.85 8ft.11 '4.35 11ft. a V 4.85 3'2' 7 S 5-95 Children's Imported all-white Socks Ty JiS" Mercerized lisle,, full fashioned. X ' Witl1 ribbed cuffs of various colors. rAM MEYER 1 MXJ BS Sumn td on Shoe Mni Sundard of Mfiit 47 West 34 St ..New York BROOKLYN -JQOFUI.TON ST. NEWAIIK M9 BROAD ST. J5 SUNDAY WORL-O WANTS WORK MONDAY WOW r-F-C?e Stem Brothers West 42nd St. Between jth and 6th oAyenucs) West 43rd St CUT LENGTHS of SILKS CLEARANCE SALE Substantial Reductions from Former Prices. . Lengths suitable for Blouses, Dresses, Negligees, Skirts and various other purposes. The accumulation of the past season's - business. Wrjces Ringing from (JSC1 to 395 7ar Crepes Printed Silks Sport Silks Pongee Satins Novelty Silks Georgettes Black Silks SILK DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR. ' 0 o Exceptional Price. Reductions -in A Sale of Women's Strap Pumps $7.85 (Heretofore priced up to $13.50) Pumps that are distinctively of this season, reflecting "with slender grace all the footnotes of this spring, tn the matter or straps and two tone effects. Cuban heels and the high Louis heel, which steps again into favor now that skirt lengths are longer. TQN CALF PUMPS in four different styles: Cuban heels; one and two strap effects with either buttons or buckles; one tan and beige combination. BLACK PUMPS in two 'styles a plain black calf model with two1 straps v and black patent leather combined with gray. 1 . 'GRAY SUEDE DRESS PUMPS in two styles. High Lotus heels. Stern Brothers WEST FORTY-SECOND STREET . and . WEST, FORTY-THIRD STREET Men's.Athletic UNDERGARMENTS Complete new assortments in all the desired qualities. Tailored to measurements which ensure the maximum of comfort. Union Suits of .good, strong nainsook; well tail ored garments ; sleeveless and knee length. Suit: 95c Balbriggan Shirts and Union Suits o f extra Drawers - Shirts with' , lKtte Md tri . half or long sleeves. Draw- r ers in regular or stout sixes madras; tailored; sleeveless (reinforced). Each : and knee length. Sui : 75c $1.95 Men's Imported & Domestic Golf Hose Very Specially Priced for this Sale at . . .. $1,95 Such excellent quality, smartly colored Golf Hose at this price is indeed a rare opportunity Desirable ribbed effects in Grays, Camel's Hair color, Brawn and Green Heather Mixtures with effectively patterned cuffs. Other" English and Scotch Woolen , Golf Hose in plain, colors and Heather Mixtures at prices ranging from a ft w O c i V $2.95 to-595 --O Men's' Tan or Black Calfskin Oxfords and High Shoes 'Presenting Unsurpassed Purchasing Opportunities at thiT Notably Low;Price'o? . $5.50 PEJl PATR VM1 new, comfortable, and highly desirable footwear, which will ful fill a multitude of Summer needs. ,The two styles illustrated above are typical (xamples of the ration f moddsicUdcd. 'J- ! r . -4 ' til 1 188 ST"