Newspaper Page Text
THE E.VENINQ WORLD, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1922. km ... f at i.1. 4 ia -i ft. DANCING "DON'TS" SENT BY CARD TO TEANECK COUPLES Instructions in Propriety for Offenders at Public and Private Affairs. Couples who danco Indiscreetly at publto or private dances at Teancck, N. J., receive cards which tell their faults. If they do nol change their style after the first card they cot a second which reads: "Discontinue dancing." These cards were designed re cently after clergymen and others In Teancck had denounced Jazz. The cards are distributed to floor managers at all public dances and to hosts at private affairs. They read: "1. Too close position not per mitted. "2. Change your style of danc ing. "3. Gentlemen should extend left arm outward. "4. Rest your left hand on gen iHilWfaABsl . bs m mw-m m tmt m IsxBxBbW " sm - m avwsw THIS IS CLEAN-UP WEEK! It Is a Sure Bet That This Friday, Saturday and Monday You Will Clean Up by Making Your Purchase Here I Unheard ot Bargains I Complete Set of De Luxe Fixtures for 8-Room House Imposing snd superbly finished snd in special lengths to suit Individual home requirement ezactly at shown EDISON Style Lamps g asfo 20 to 40 WATT gO"" TCdlaan IS. MyPrJ CO watt 43 tS watt (nitrogen) 83 IS watt (nitrogen) is 104 watt (nitrogen) Il.oo too watt (nitrogen) , x.eo 100 watt (nitrogen)..,,. 3.00 ..JO JJ .48 .60 11.10 1.80 Turns tUetfioud, Va'veless Percolsto Reg. 7 .S3 iron liiTiiHi 0nl Sep Q.S8 Mil Orders Filled Upon Re.-eipt o' Pri KiMi:ki'jy!);iai :i: w n Keep Down Your Furnishing Expense! Porcelotd Side leer EXTRA LARUE SIZE Hygienics Solid Oak Porceloid Food Compart- )V98 Bicnii ai iiius', at. .7. . . 3U 3-Pieee Upholstered Living Room Suite With Fireside Chair and loot cushions, upholstered Si 1 A. 50 in Tapestry or Valour-, indestructible springs in seats I I rl and backs; 3 piece, as illustrated, at Kroehler Daven-o Sofa Bed Mahogany finished frames, upholstered in imitation leather) makes a full size bed when open (this docs J i n ,75 not include mattress). As s-Lal illustrated, at..f - OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS Ik MOTUK TKUCK DCLIi;UV J tleman's right shoulder. "S. Do not s'.do shuffle. "t. Cease freakish movoments of the body.' Tho person In cliargo of the danco checks off a number on the card when he finds a violation and hands It to tho couple. Ho far few protest have beon made by dancers.' STAB JEWS IN POLISH RIOT. American Alio Ilrportetl Injured In Mnr Hay OntbrraU. DANZId, May 6 (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). Numbers of Jewlih workmen were stabbed and hundreds of others badly beaten during the May Day cele bration In Warsaw, when their labor meeting was attacked by students of the RoswoJ rarty, reinforced by mem bers of the rollih Socialist Party. according to advices from Warsaw. Tho trouble Vegan wnlta Dr. Schlp- per. Socialist Deputy, waa speaking In Polish. Listeners began heckling the speaker, who was unablo to pacify the crowd and yielded to another orator, who likewise failed In appeals for peace, tho crowd finally falling upon the Jew ish workmen. It Is reported that Jo seph Brody, an American citizen, also was Injured. m a . w m avii jti i. 17 Table Lamp Ilan or Electricity. 110 Value Indirect Fixture, Gas or Jretrlclty 2 .98 Our stock is a striking dem onstration that "the most dol lars do NOT make the most beautiful home.' For a modest outlay it is, possible in our store to select tasteful, mod ern and lasting home-furnishings that will make your home the envy of your friends and your own pride. Furthermore, there is our generous credit for your use if you wish it CREDIT Generously, if Desired Sligh Mae Chifforobe In Mahogany, Sr,sTa.98 f59 as illustrated. at. tesutifu! I Elertrie. iMiho.anv Bouddl - I SBUWU " 1 USE BABY APE TO LURE ITS MOTHER TO DEATH Men Srarrhlnsr for it.caprd Sim ian Tie Offspring; Xcsr Illdlna- IMaee. BAN FHANCISCO. May 6. Mother love U pitted against Jungle freedom In the chase to capture or kill Sally, a fe mnlo ape, which has been frightening residents near Sutro Park since Its es cape from a sideshow at Ocean Oeach. Tho ape left her nlne-months-oldo offspring- when sho picked the lock of her cago and swung Into the trees of Sutro I'ark. The tittle ape has boen tied to a stake near the thicket where the mother Is thought to be hiding since po licemen with shotguns combed the park yejterday. Near the little ape has been set a trap baited with raw eggs, an ape delicacy. Officers have been Instructed to shoot to kill If they sight Sally, as she Is said to be dangerous. The ap Is between threo and four feet tall. """NEW YORK BROOKLYN BRONX NEWARK" RITCHIE' Cornell 138 West 23d St. And AH Our Other Stores Offering An Entirely New Selection of Spring and Summer Woolens MEN'S SUITS CUSTOM TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE We will make your Suit in any style you select and assure you of Perfect Satisfaction $ 2o THE AVERAGE MERCHANT TAILOR WOULD HAVE TO ASK YOU $40 TO $50 FOR EQUAL QUALITY NEW YORK STORES: mi Brosdwsy, BeL 37th snd 38th Sis. 1514 Third Are., Nssr 8SthSL 251 Eighth Are., Near Hi St 691 Eighth Ave., Bet 43d & 44th Sts. 2331 Eighth Ave., 1 door sbove 125tb 138 West 23d St, Bet 6th & 7th A vs. Open Saturday SaVsVHHaafaHaTaaTaTal Lift stops pain, All I..... iiaco liny CALIFORNIA POLO CLUB TIED UP BY N. Y. WRIT rronerfr In Ban Mateo Belied nn Attachment Acaln.t Illch Owner. BAN FRANCISCO, May E. Ponies, polo paraphernalia, equipment, clubhouse and grounds of tho fashionable San Mateo Polo Club to-day were made the subjects of a Sheriff's attachment. Tho club Is the property of George Gordon Moore, formorly of Detroit, traction magnate nnd millionaire, and the attach ment was tho result of a Judgment sgalnst him In favor of the Equitable Trust Company of New York, rendered by the Supreme Court ot New York State. Telegraphlo notice ot the Judg ment was given attorneys here. Moore Is In New York City. Mrs. Moore and members of the doIo club expressed surprise at the attach ment and the belief that It would soon be lifted, as Moore's finances are In ex cellent condition, they said. BROOKLYN: BRONX: 408 Eut 149th St, Near 3d Ave. NEWARK: 116 Msrkst St, Nesr Brosd St uppoalto Newark Theatre. Evening Off Corns With the Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Just a drop of Frcezone on a sore, touchy corn that corn ironi hurfintr. then shortly you lift that bothersome corn right out, root and all. No no soreness. You'll laugl kinds of corns nnd painful cal i.-.i t . i . . uii uunuiu ui cci loosen right up and fall off. Truly magic! Frttsone u the remarkable tlktr ditcoiery of a Cincinnati gmiu. Try itl A'o humbugl Bottles of Freezone coit only a few cents at Drue Stores. CnAXGE IX HAnlUMAX BASIC. Hubert F. Thomas has resigned as s Vlco President of the Itarrlman Na tional Dunk to become financial analyst and adviser to large corporations. He was with the bank three years and previously was Assistant Bank Exam mtr. fnrmpr nftftlfltnnt (a)iIa . - - i.- . 1 1 . -. ...... . m ucBI elected n Vlco President, and Atnon oulKa, rrcsiaeni 01 a. ouiKa & Co., has been appointed a member of ths Advisory uoaru 01 uiq uanx.' bmytuse sage lea aC vOTT ran turn frrav tAA 1 X hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth'i Sage and Sulphur (Tom pound' at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, im proved by the addition of other ingredients, are told an nually, says a well-known druggist here, because it dark ens the hair so naturally and evenly that -no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, be cause after one or two appli cations the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuri antly dark and beautiful This is the age of youth. Gray-haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. mm i Carat $ Spsrklinr 98 Blue While la prore mat inn is net an Idle adver tisement) anybody, no matter who, can buy one of these diamond rlnra and take It direct to their own jewrler for appraisal. U he will .h. m. An n vis h.r. r. .. r a k rAnri FUlt LESS THAN DOlini-K OUK rRlCK, iirv win. nviri'vn ifviritv f1lv, . HV YOUR MOKRV. As we have prevtonslr ex plained In this newspaper, we are offering a special lot of blue white dlamonda at Ima Ulan nail Ol llicir rem tkiuc. imi - until Haturdny at 0 V. M. onlr. Baeb diamond In this lot Is rnt with a Wlae spreaa or sarinre iwr amtier nriiimnft, in the new Improved American war. We ansr- . . 1 k. M. 1. 1 1 A riM MA. .MlfllM Win i"i ... " w.un nw..v. w uu them with cheap yellow or other off-colored diamonds. Wt have all welghta from U of a carat to 2 carats at S9S.00 per carat. They are easily worth IZS0.00 per carat and we will refund yonr money If any other dealer will duplicate them under Stoo.00 per carat. each clearly marked with full welxht and rrlce and quality In plain flsuree. Too owe I to yourself to call and Inspect them, to nnd out what It means to buy direct from diamond Importers nt a snvlor from 40 to 100. These diamonds are act In men's nnd ladles' It rnrnt solid (old rlnts. WRITE FOR BIG JEWELRY CATALOG. OTHER SPECIAL BARGAINS Carat. Nw Former -... Ii.untnll.n. Price. Price. 20.00 $35.00 IS. 00 175.00 $72.00 $123.00 $ltfl.00 $200.fl() $117.00 $200.00 $101.00 $17.ri.V0 $108.00 $300.lM $13t,00 $200.00 $139.00 $200.00 $300.00 $4S0.00 .tl Carat BLUE WIJITK. .39 Carat ulms !!!! .89 f'arat III.11E WHITE .11 Carat BLUE WHITE 11 Carat BLUE WHITE 43 Carat BLUE WHITE 6S Carat BLUE WHITE l.M Carat BLUE Wll"K .05 enrat nuuis ";" !l0 Carat BLUE WHITE . .wiii ttiiuAun CAN BE EX C II AN (1EI) R THE FULL fURCIIASE CyAff'vK. .riTIIIN TWO VKA11H. t'l(ll.r. t .... - . RCUiTER&SUNS. ........ SI KM OS0ltTS J70 NASSAU 3I..I1.T. euivju Ar Park Row and Nassau 51: PANTS SALE Manufacturer Cloaing Out 10,000 Pairs Pants $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 UP Match up your suits with an extra pair of pants. mock conslats of the finest woollens, wor. ateda, cashmeres, In I... tt fit mnv m.n Bale solnr on Now at 5 Delancey Street Near uowcry All "Lost and round" article advertised In Ths World or reported to "Lost and Tounl Bureau." Room 10S World Bulldtn. villi bo listed for thirty days. These llsta can b. sen at any of The World's Offices. "Lost and round" adv.rtlsemeata can b left at anv The World's Advertising Agencies, or can he telephoned dlroctl, to The WorM Call 4000 Bookman. N.w York, or Brooklyn Office. 4100 Main. It IHflHHBfettblBaxHT JMBBBff.iiiLtMaMlTaalSMaam- aasxlssaxlsaaaxlssaai FLOOR FINISH r "x J lUfcr V&z- ICuanixe awow.crscAaxxwernsBs. M lt ... New Jersey Office. 340 THOMAS C. DUNHAM 68 Murray St., New York MANHATTAN DEALER!) Abraham Brothera. 28 W. 24th fit. Benx-Intermann-Oranett, Inc., 248 3d Av. Thoa. O. Dunham. 68 Murray flt. Elco Hdwe. Co., 1141 Second Av. II. Elkln t Bon. 2134 Eighth Ave. Geo. E. Ellis. 377 Third Ave. Evans Bros., 1429 Fifth Ave. John J, Finn. 01 W. 37lh 8t. W. Oarber Bon. 1407 Third Are. UenJ. darn a Co., 1U04 Third Av. Bnnlamln Glllssplo Co., 728 Third Ave. Philip Ollck, 443 W. 126th Bt. II. It. Oreenberger, 1148 Broadway. E. rau anovic. iztf? nrsi Ave. U. K. Kurs, 314 First Ave. David Mayer, 2313 Third Av. F. W. Merk'Oo., 350 W. 42d St. Wta. O. Maucb. S82 Elrhth Av, J. Middleman, 3200 Broadway. Baul Mlrken Co.. 125 Fourth Ave. . J. C. Mortimer. C89 Amsterdam Ave. a Ukvld Nathanson, 1293 Amsterdam Av. J. jxewnian, uuo intra av. B. Nicholson, 982 Blxth Ave. Haul Oraolek, 4S3 Amsterdam Av. Ittverslde Hdwe. Co., 2875 Broadway Both Broa., 027 Slh Ave. M. Itubln, 11M0 Amsterdam Ave. A. Bernenxa, 304 Bleecker Bt. Bchep A Ooldbladt, 047 Columbus Av. I. tl. Simpson lldwe. Co.. 328 Amsttr dam Ave. D. M. Btahl, 106 W. 28th Bt. P. Bleln. 1838 Second Ave. Herman Young, 848 Lenox Ave. I. Zev, 215 Columbus Av. IIHO.NX DliAI. UltS Armstrong a At wood, 2582 Third Ave. Uuach Bro.. 3000 Third Av. J. II. Klsner, 4233 Third Ave. ICvans Uros., 1004 Westchester Ave. 1L Schrank. 2300 Arthur Ave. A. Wilkes Co., 2384 Jerome Av. 8. W. Williamson Hdwe. Co.. 383$ Whit Plains Av. IIUUOKLVN DKALEItS II. J. Atkinson, 1384 Broadway J. Bersman. 1324 Fulton at. I. Bregman. 3015 Church Av. Wis. Brereton. 4 Fifth Ave. Herman Broer. 5518 Third Av. John A. Budd. 354 Lewis Ave. Uutte-Terwllllger Co.. 302 Fulton St. B B. Catey. 745 Franalln Ave. Oarl Kramer, SU22 Third Av. S"a Catuna. 1310 King. Highway Jamea Clark t Bon, t)86 Nostrand Ave. Cowaea It Kober. 571 Wythe Av. AlDrt'Dtl.y. 304 Seventh Av. t U Dibble" BensW ne, Island AT. VV.B Dudley. 204 Broadway Economy Kxihange, 8108 18th Av. J? Eglaf. 760K Thirteenth Av. A Ferguson. 6010 Church Av. A F?ledmn. 0509 Twentieth Av. W.- II. Olt;r. TM No.trar.el A.. n i HnuiiH i n i W I t niB.ztjr. jo i "' i oolaberg. 133 8eventh Ave. oollatder X Bchllpp. 1522 Broadway i Kberi. .191 Watbush Av.. j" a arennfll Pt. Btor. 97 rtjtburt Av. Hart Knicht. 1874 Nostrand Avfc n HeVr. 184 Fifth Av. B Jacobson. 815 Wilson Av. v V K Johnson. 2300 Coney Island Av. iiin komlnkowlts. 4413 18Ut Av. G V? Kua5. lnd.rrolton Jay Sta.-. 11(13 Pulton BC irviAi .uavii- a.uriv. S'(i5.i,i,. 17 IMfth Mulllgaii l2 lllgwawn AV. J'k giQpe lliwe. Co.. 259 8eventh antla AfL JhS lH UlteU. 430 Myrtle Ave. J iViVn a. 883 Fre.h'l'ond ltd. Ji v McVeigh, 1804 Av. M. i. ..!. 8rt.'i Klatbuah Av. Av. Stains as it brings out the natural From the can to the worn surface nothing to mix. That's all when you give color life and beauty to old things with Kyanlze. Stains and varnishes at a singte stroke. Eight handsome permanent colors from Light Oak to Dark Mahogany. Clear Varnish it you choose. Waterproof absolutely. So tough that gritty heels can not scratch it white. Made to endure abuse on floors Kyanlze Floor Finish is for that very reason ideal for furniture and woodwork. On to-day dry to-morrow. Years of faithful service ahead. HERE'S OUR TRIAL OFFER TO YOU Cut out thla advertisement, brine It to the store of any ot tho dealers be low and pay 15 cents for a food brush to apply the Uyaolie. You will re celva free of charm a quarter-pint can of Kyanlto Floor Finish; enousn to finish a chair or amall table. Choice of 8 color. anufactured by BOSTON VARNISH COMPANY At 3Sth fit. Hillside Ave., Nutley. Wholesale Distributors EVANS BROS. 1004 Westchester Av., Bronx DEALERS. J, Peter, 898 Nostrand Are. Petersen Bros., 7905 Third Ave. Theo. T. Peterson, 998 Fulton 8k ltorc Bros., 523 Itogera Ave. F. D. Pitts & Son. 0810 Fifth Ave. Platz Bros., Forest A Gates Ave. Oeo. W. Plaut. Neptune Ave., Cor. W. 2d St.. Coney Island. George Pool A Bon, Inc., 72 Fulton St. Barney Prluker, 788 Broadway It. J, Quail, 4420 18th Ave. il. Robin. 281 Kings Highway Jamea Ruddlman. (183 Third Ave. p. i nunn. su Atlantic Ave. nyan Paint A Sup. Co.. Nostrand and Atlantic Aves. Geo. J. Bchalk. 1BT3 Fulton St. Bel Bite, 2220 80th Bt. Sol. 8ellgman, 5702 Seventh Av. II. G. C. Bemonlte. 830 Galea Av. 11. Hi Smith. 444 Seventh Ave. A. Soman, 900 Fulton St. Shapiro A Plaka, 3728 18th At. Bplklns ft Fletechmann, 3008 Fifth Av. llnice Stickle, Ave. U and Lake Bt. John Takakjlan, 98 Seventh Ave. Paul Tarplman. 593 Vand.rbllt Av. It. Tbomaa's Son, 341 Court 8L 8. D. Tllln, 06 Dltmas Av. I. Warglser, 2342 Myrtle Ave. Bdward Welaa, 830 Manhattan Ave. A. Wllklna, Fourth Ave., Cor. 93d Bt n. B. Wohle. 4719 Fifth Av. QUEENS CO. DEALEim Astoria, W. J. Frer, 178 Flushing Av. Hlinhurat, Victor 11. Weber l-.r nockawar. II. Miller. Whlt. St. Flushing, Elsenstadt Broa., Washington ana union ma. Long laland Branch. ' ' Corona, x. l. llollls. J. B. Cusack Jamaica. W. F. 8heehan, 291 Fulton St. Long Island City, Joe. J. Ball. 044 Tenth Ave., Btelnway; B. B. Brlnker Hdwe. Co.. 235 Btelnway Ave., Oreenblatt Bros,, 300 Jackson Ave. T. H. a G. W. Snedeker, 12 Jackson Ave. Queene. A. Bhaptro Richmond Hill. J. J: Lake A Bon, Jamaica Av.., cor. 118th St. A. M. Lubash A Bon, 2373 Jamaica Ave. Fred Wald, 11402 Atlantic, Ave. . Woodhaven, J. Kaplan A Sons, 8048 Jamaica Ave. B. Ltigt, 910U Jamaica Are. LONG ISLAND UEALKIIS Amltrvllla. Wood Lbr. Co. Baldwin, W. J. Bragow llellmore. Dean A Seaman Heliport. D Albln Cedarhurat. L. Simons A Bon College Point, A. Kessler, 402 IStli St. Bast lslip, U. Howard Kastport. Thomas F. .Lachau Floral Park, I. Pleaser. Freeport, A. Blegel Co. Good Ground, F. W. Jackson A Boo Great Neck, Iltcka Bros. Hempstead. E. P. Hawkins Locust Valley, Downing Brothers Lynbrook. M. L. Levlson Mlneola, Latham Bros. Hardware Co. Patchogue, A. ft P. Jurgenssn Port Jeffereon, Loper Brother Port Washington. Baylaa Pharmacy. Illvarhaad, II. Nelsou Smith ' Ilockvlll. Centre, C. D. Combes Est. Bag Harbor, P. Ballen Bayvlll.. Nelson Strom Beaford, Ira It. L'llommedleu Utony Brook, D. T. Baylea A Bon ItlCtTMtlND CO, DEA1.EKH. Great Kills. B. A. B. Bchanksnburt Midland Beach, M. M. Bchaefer A Sons New Dorp. 11. B. La Vaud Jr. Pleasant Plains. Arthur A. F. Bertaeh. 0310 Amboy lload Port Itlrhmood, It. O. Van Name Itosebank, M. Cohen. 1255 Bay St. Ave Biapieton, u. vv. uecaer, oov m. Stmt, trrftttmui Ajrswuaa, varnishes beauty of the wood - v. Telephone Fltz .Roy 69M Telephone Nutley 1234 OEO. POOL A 80N 72 Fulton St., Brooklyn Tompklnsrllle, William VoAdam. 334 Bay St. Tottenvllle, Peto A Boyd. Mathewaon A Wilbur W. Brighton, II. W. Koenlg, 1877 Rich. mond Terrace West New Brighton, Joseph Btaudlngar IVESTCIIBSTEU CO. DKALK1U1 Baldwin Place. D. B. Baaaatt Chappaqua, John Walsh Croton Falls, O. IL Clark Crotoo-on-lludson, Miller A MeCsil Katonah, Geo. A. Teed Marnaroneck. B. O. Brr Larcnmont. it. u. ueecner Mount Klsco. Cox A Fish Mount Vernon, Stephen A Bon Mt. Vernon Hardware A 8upply Ox. 124 Bo. Fourth Ava. New Itochelle, National Hardware Oo. Oaslnlng. Barlow A Co., Ellsworth Grant Paeksklll, McPhlUlps A Vaugnncy. IT Division St. Pleasantvllle, Cornell Lumber Co. Port Cheater, Wm. Wolf Tarrytown, Cramer A McCuteheon Co. White Plains. E, A. Wllaey Yonkere, A. Sklar, 78 Rlverdal Torktown Ileiahta, Mekeel Bros. NEW JEII8KT HUDSON CO. DEALERS Arlington. Fred Bubl Bayonne, II. Beanlck. (157 Broadway W. B. Wlllenaky. 459 Ave. O ' Outtenberr, Wm. Thuemmel, 40 Bargsa Una Ave. Uoboken, Oeo. Cox A Sons Anton F. Mlsho, 80S Washington M. Jersey city. is. Bcnimmei. ow j.resy n. Louis Bray, 34 Central Ave. J. II. Cook A Son, 1154 Summit AT. II. Horde., 732 Wert Side Ave. Geo. It. KanouM A Co., 810 OommuaJ. paw Ave. Ti. Levlton,.S98 Ocean Ave. Tale Perkel, 723 W. Newark Av. Clarence O. Bheldon. 283 Jackson Av. A. Zltsrsteln. S13 Grove Bt BEIIGEN CO. DEALERS Bergenfleld, John Robn. Washlngtoa Carlstadt, IIniy Petrt Eat. Closter, Demaraat Bro. Co. Englewood, Wm. V. Tllton Hackensack, George Da Bans A Boa Hackenaack Coal ft I -umber Co. Lynhurat,- Geo. IL Babcock. S04 RUft Itoad Oakland. Lloyd A McNomee. Park Ridge, O. E. T.rhun RamMy. Chas. R. BhodM Itlver Edge, River Edg Coal Tjesbsr Rutherford, J. II. Owen, Inc. Tenafly. a Demareet A Co. Westwood, Wr st wood Coal A let. Oa ESSEX CO. DEAXEU Belleville, Oeo. Datty A Bon, 183 Wast Ington Bt. Bloomfleld. Halllnan Bros., 888 Broad Bt, East Orange. East Orang Hardware OOw. 47 Main St; E. L. Karig, 1EI North Park St J. II. Lindsay, 87 Fourth Av. James II. Owsn. Inc.. 407A Oentral At. O. F. Werner. Jr., Main Bt. lrvlngton. Wm. Trie A Boa. 1848 Bprta. field Bt. Livingston. Btlerle Bros. Maplewood, H. V. Fraentiel. Mlllburn. Harvey T. Tiger. 20 Bprtna Bt. Montctalr. Montclalr De. Oo. i Newark, Robert Cook, 272 Washington G. L. Klmmerle A Bro.. 581 Bprlngtlald Arthur NongeaMr, 601 Clinton A vs. Wm. Ru1nky. 72 Washington BL ' F. O. Bchlather. 1020 B. Orang Ava. O. Schneider, 432 Orang Bt. A A Blppel, 41 Market Bt. Nutley, Charier B. Johns, 184 Chataejt Oraos. Orang. Hardware Co.. 23! Mala Verona, Vtm. Konwlaer. 7. . ?J ,-4- j1' - .jaMiiiiiifswaim iiifc.'o-Jt5u-.... i