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"id THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, MAY :922. 7' 1 IK 1 M 1. W7ia Is Meant by "Lowest Verified Price Elsewhere'' When We Say It You find the phrase frequently in our advertising for instance: Sale ot Eyeglass Frames, $2.74 Lowest Verified Price Elsewhere, $4.00 You find it occasionally, too, in the advertising of other stores here and there in Greater New York. But the difference is that at Macy's it always means just one thing and never anything else. When we use it, it means that shoppers from our own Comparison Shopping Bureau have priced the identical or equivalent article at the leading stores in Greater New York andt that the price we quote as the "lowest price elsewhere" has thus been verified with all the sincerity and accuracy of which we are capable. Which is just another of the rnany safeguards that we provide for patrons who shop here in America's Leading Department Store. v- We Sell Merchandise of Taste and Quality at Lowest-in-thc-City Prices For Cash Only Exceptional Values in Girls' Taffeta Frocks; $7.44 Dresses that will delight a girl the very instant she sees ihem and that will continue to delight her throughout a long period of wear for aside from being made of cool and comfortable taffeta they are sprayed with silk applique flowers in charming manner. Simple gathered skirt models, in navy and brown. Sizes 6 to 14. ' JuVafO-'lh,rd "loor 3Jh Street, Center. For the Important Events of Communion or Confirmation Blue Serge Suits For Boys $12.74 to $24.74 Made of fine, all-wool, fast navy serge, that fact is of interest to Mother, for she knows.they will wear well. "Well tailored with two pairs of trousers" and that is what Buddy wants to know about these suits. They are real values and there are many models from which to select, in sizes which range from 8 to 18 years. Second floor, 34th 8treet, Hear. Here Are More of These' Popular Ready -to -Wear Hats For Girls $1.98 The dash and smartness of big sister's "collegiate" hat translated into a Milan hemp hat for a littler girl to wear. The brim rolls off the face, of course, in the approved style, and is banded with a grosgraln ribbon. The season's favorites. 3753 Second Floor, 31th Street, Center. Folding Garden Bench Priced Very Low $1.69 Substantial and priced low enough so that you can buy two or three and place them at strategic points in your garden. Made of Oak with the slats varnished in natural color and the supports and braces painted red. 42 inches long. There is another style at $1.98 The Cool and Spacious Restaurant There is an air of leisure in our restaurant that will be a pleasant relief after the rush in the hot streets eight floors below. rrjjjj Expreu Iterator, 33th Street, Side. Colored Silk Sun-and-'Rain Umbrellas Herald Square New York Wm li Winer l I ir- spring . .tgf I w Wmr Lfl Suits SiJ for Ofctt ill 4J $6.44 ITltll v xnWMF $39.75 W $4.96 The Better Kind An unusual opportunity to provide oneself with a good silk umbrella at a moderate price. Of fine all silk taffeta with tape edge, Bakelite tips and stubs ends. A great variety of handles in Bake, lite or selected woods, some hand-carved, and all equip ped with the convenient side-strap or ring. In garnet, navy, purple, green and brown. yasjra Mln Tloor, nroadway. Sale of Unusual Value Wide All Silk Imported Moire Ribbon 49c yd. Our usual price 98c 714 inches wide Crisp, lustrous moire of a weight which sug gests "quality" at once. In pearl gray, Copen hagen, turquoise, sand, jade, white, rouge, orange, henna, negre, main, navy, also black. Rasm Mln rr. 3iih st Center, Main floor, 31th Street. Baby Clothes Made of the same fine ma terial just as carefully as you want your youngest's tiny clothes to be and inci dentally priced so that it will be less expensive for you to buy than to make them. Hand Crocheted Sacquet, 69c Made v of soft white wool, and trimmed with touches of pink or blue. Hand-made Sweaters, $2.79 In slip-on or coat styles knitted of light yams colors are pink, blue and buff. Sues 2 to 4 years. Japanese Quilts, $2.69 Of pink or blue hand-embroidered silk. Sizes 27x36 inches. Hx&a -Thlrd 33th Street, near. Real Cowhide Boston Bags . $2.34 For books for parcels for one's week-end necessities, the Boston bag is a neat compact carry-all, practical as well as convenient. 14- 15- and 16-inch sizes in brown or black. Tweed Sport Skirts fo r Women Mostly tailored some fringed all with pockets and large buttons, these sport skirts of novelty fabrics take a place in the summer wardrobe which nothing else could fill. Six different models there are, in colors which range from pastel shades to darker colors. Sizes 27- to 32-inch waistbands. 333 Third" Floor, 31th Street, Hear.'' A Special Purchase of , Women's Navy Tricotine Suits $24. 74 Exceptional opportunity is offered Saturday to pur chase smart suits in the much wanted navy trico tine, at so low a price a3 $24.74 due to a quite un usual purchase. 36-inch coats, plain or self strapped, are featured in this sale while every one of the three models has that severe trimness which proclaims it to be copied from some very high priced suit. All are lined with soft silk. Sizes 36 to 42. fijB&Q Third Floor, 3llh Street, Hear. Clothes that lift you out of the rank and file of the Bioadway crowd. You are net just one ot those piesent, but one of THE ones present. Dignity with diversity conservatively stylish. Every good color. Blues, grays and browns. Many fancy tweed and homespun mixtures; fine worsteds and unfinished worsteds, cassimeres and serges. Sizes to meet all requirements. Other Spring Suits From $24.75 to $49,75 fltospo -Fifth Floor, rront. Cigar Special, $2,24 Box of 50 For the man who likes a good smoke. A Tampa made cigar of Connecticut shade grown and Havana Filler, making a mild, blended cigar. Packed, fifty to a box. fljfrjg Main and Fifth Floon, 35th Street. Front. Men's Oxfords, $7.94 An offering of several very desirable styles in Men's Low Shoes at the above price is worthy of your interest. Tan or Black calfskin; medium or round toe; also black vici kid. t9 ES&TO M,n Floor Balcony, 33th Street, near. Special Sale of 500 Oval "Grandmother" Rugs 18 inches by 36 inches $1.04 A gift from Colonial days when small "scatter" rugs were much in vogue. To-day you can gain a unique effect by using two or three of these rugs in a room. They are ideal to place in front of a settee, or a dresser, or in the bathroom. Wherever the floor sees hard service, use the braided Grandmother rug. Made of Cretonnes and other attractive materials; sold below re placement cost. Imported Japanese Rush Rugs 4 it.6 in. x 7 ft., 8 ft. x 10 ft., $12.74 6 in., $5.34 9 ft. x 12 ft., $17.24 6 ft. x9fl., $8.54 Made in the color of natural rush straw, with attractive band borders in brown, blue, or natural, or entirely in the solid natural color. Splendid rugs for the porch, for rooms in the country,- for the sea shore cottage. JEjTO Fourth Moor, Front, Hand-Cars for Boys Three tSizes at Special Prices Out-door play-time is here and speed's the thing for the lucky boy who owns a red hand-car like this. No. 1 26-ln. frame, $3.94 No. 2 30-in. frame, $4.94 No. 3 36-in. frame, 15.94 Other hand-cars, some with ball bearings, and equipped with a motor-coaster brake and steering wheel, $6.94 and $24.74 For the smaller boy this KJdobike is in order. It improves on the walking-car by having pedals like a velocipede. Very welt made, with rubber tires, Special, at $3.96 Fifth Floor, 39th Street, Crater. Metal Pencils, 79c Always sharp always at hand, conveniently clipped into one's vest pdeket, or on a ribbon about one!g neck no wonder the metal pencil has come to stay. This kind is fitted with an eraser as well as six extra leads and repels as well as propels (which means that the lead may be pushed back into the pencil if it is too long). ffeXQPQ Main Floor, . 33th (street. Bear J $1.39 for Freezers That Make Velvety Ice Cream 2-quart capacity Pretty reasonable for a good freezer, isn't it? This type is modeled after a more expensive one which we carry regularly in our stock. We introduce it this year for the first time. The tub is of heavy galvanized sheeting; the cream container is solidly built with a heavy nickeled cover; gears are substantially made and protected by a casing. ' But the dasher is mainly responsible for the good ice cream. It has strong wooden blades which scrape the sides of the container, thereby insuring evenly frozen cream. Popular "Hits" in Sheet Music 19 cents a copy Mo-Na-Lu Carolina Itolllng Stonet While Miami Dreama Little lied School HOuia You Can Have Every Light oa Broadway 'Gin, 'Gin, 'fllnny Shore Mttle Urey (sweetheart ot Mine Angel Child Mario Jut a Little Loe gong "MMer" Gallagher and "Mltter" (thean In Mayllme I Learned to Lote tly the' Old Ohio Shore Some Bunny Day Iloll on Slltery Moon Georgia Koto .Who Itrlleted In YouT Tick Ma Up and Lay Me Down Lo-La-La Tell Her at Twilight Old Fathloned Girl A collection of fifty famoui popular copyrighted aonge. In eluding moat ot the old (0 rite zva cory. rfUj Fourth Floor, 31th Street, Hear. Merchandise Advertised Here on Sale Tomorrow, Unless Otherwise Stated For Your Summer Camp or Bungalow Table Model Phonographs At Less Than the Cost of Manufacture $19.89 14 inches high, 18J inches wide, 21 inches deep. It is very similar In type, size, construction and tonal quality to nationally - known phbnographs which are on sale here at $67.50. Come In and let us play both of them for you. Play a All Records Finished in genuine mahogany; golden or fumed oak. A double spring motor plays five 10-inch selections at one winding. It has a 12-Inch turn table and a universal tone-arm which plays all records. Each phonograph guaranteed by us for one year. Record Cabinets, Specially Priced at $19.89 Widdlcomb Console Phonographs, $129.00 and $189.00 Formerly $211.00 and $242.00. Puritan Upright Phonographs, $47.75 to $169.00 Formerly $77.50 to $319.00 Jttijto "i Floor, 3ilb Street, Hear. 0 iTnTrmrniifniTnrinwwAvrAWA tea" '