Newspaper Page Text
WW" 'FKf!" CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS THE EVENING WORLD, TU E SPAY, : .Ininii nim nrnnrr Inr-n nnnii MAY 1922. Hlsh. tama Gxprtii... CJH AdT numly ,...4 ITU Mix nubbtr 17H Alaska Gold U Alaska Junsau ... IM AlllfChslmtrs ... AV, AUll-Cltttmtrs r. PS Am Arr Chm..., 40 Am fleet (Sugar.. 394 Am Uosch Mi... 41 Am Urske Bhov.. ooy Am Can 4'ti Am Can pt lOiy Am Car It Kdry.. Ml Am Car Virypt HH!i Am Cotton Oil... 20 H Am Dnif Syn... Mi Am 1-iprm .... IDflli Am lllda A Leath IIS Am II A Lesth lit 07i Am lea 103 Am International. 4IH Am Untied Oil.. HOH Am Locomotive .. lll'i A1IM Cliem .... OOii Am Bafity llaxor M Ar.l Bhlp & Coin.. 17Vi Am Hm A lief... t.8!4 Am am A Hef pf. 98U Am Bteel Kdry,. 29 Am Sugar ...... TI Am Bugar .f.... J03U Am Etimatra Tob SS'.i Am Tel A Tel... Am Tobacco .... 1(3 H Am Tob pf new.. 101 H Am Tob eta II... 13SH Am Chicle ...... IS Am I.a franca.. 1JH Am tladlator .... OS Am Water WIS 12H Austin Nichols ... SOU Am Wool o:H Am Wool pt 103 Am Writ Paper pt St Am Zlna 151, Am Kino pf 4ly Anaconda 63 U Aato Dry Ooods. . M Aaaoclated Oil ... 123, Atchison Ity looy Atchison Ity pt .. 91 11 Atl ISIrm A All .. 3 All Coaat Line .. 101 ft Atl Cult A W 1.. MM AtlOAWIpt.. 25 ty Atlantlo fruit ... -Hi Baldwin Loco ... US Ualduln Loco pt. 112K Halt A Ohio 47 Halt A Ohio pt.. 60 H Darn.dalo A .... M Uatopllaa Mining. 1 lUrnsdalc II 83'.; Ueth Steel 73Vi Beth Bteel II 78 llooth f liherlea . 7 Bktyn Hap Tran. 2JH llktyn llap T eta 2 Bklyn Union Gae 104 V, Ilruwn fllioc 4111 Iluroa tlroa A.... lSSVi Purns Hroa D.... 05 Dulle Cop A Z... till Butte A Superior. 30 Uutterl-k Co ... . 27 Caddo Cent Oil... M'i Callt Tacking .... 78 H Calif retrolen)... 8J, Calif l'etrel pf.... . Canadian raclflc. 141 U Central Leather, 7H Central Leath pt. 704 Cent R 11 ol N J 111 Cerro De I'asco., 10'4 Chandler Motors.. 73 Chee A Ohio WU Chi A Alton Ity,. f Chi A Alton pf... 17 '1 CM A HI t'..,.. Sfttt O XI A 8 1 P Pf... 43 Chi lneu Tool.... 00 lj on 1 1 r....... 43ji C n JAP 0 p o pf 81 C UP 7 p 0 pf 0JU Cble Ct Wcitrrn 8Vi Chle Gt Weat pt. 31 H Chle A N W By. 74 K Chile Copper .... 30'.4 China Copper .... 29 1 Clutt A Peabody 5ft Coca-Cola My Col Fuel A Iron. 33l Col A Southern.. 48 Col Gai A nine., 6$ Columbia Grapho sH Uomn Tab A' Beo 7214 Coniol Gaa 11VH Oonaol Textile ... UK Con Int-Csl Mln., 8H Cent Can t 04 Coniol Dlstrlb ... Coeden Oil 43 H Corn Products ... 101 H Corn ProducU pf. 110V4 Crucible Steel ... C3 Crucible 8teel pf. 94 Ouba Cane Sugar. 13S Cuba Cane Bug pt 3214 Chi A E III n..., to Chi A H III pt n. B"K Cuban Amer Bug SIU Davison Chemical COM. Se Beer Mining 2114 Del Lack A Weat 117H Detroit Edison Dome Minn .... XI so 8 tor Bat... ISlkhorn Coal .. Bndltott Johnson. Erie Brla lt pt,.,.,, Erie 3d pf...,... Famous rlay pt. Famous Players. Fed Mln A 8m.. Ulnar Body .... Tlsll Rubber .... Freeport Tstsa ,. Qn Asphalt . . . . Qitton. WII.A W 107 S7H UtU 20 U wi 33 IS 0414 81 H 12U 118 Htt lt K Gen Cigar 72 Gen Else 1M Gen Motor ...... 13U Qen Motor deb... 8414 Oen Mot 8 p o... 83 Goodrich 40U Goodrich Pf,.,... 6911 Granby Mining,.. 37 Gray A Davis..,. 1014 Great Northern pf WU areet Nor Ore.., 39 H Cuan Sugar ... 11 Gulf State Steel 14 llablrahiw Bled., 2H Hydraulic Steel,. 74 Handle 30 Houston Oil 80 V4 Hupp Motors 1114 Homeetake Mining T3 HUnoU Central... 109 Indlahoma lUfln,. 444 Indian lleflnlnc, I Inspiration Copper 41 U Inter Com Corp.. 314 In Cons Oorp pf. ( Inter Agrl Corp.. I1V4 In Agr Corp pf,t 4014 Inter Harvester ,, M Inter Paper 81H Inter Mer Marine. 34Vi In Mer Marina pf, 11 H Inter Nickel 17 H Invincible Oil II Island Oil 1U Iron Products ,,, 301 Jewel Tea ,. 0V4 Jewel Tea pf f Jones Tft ....... 42H kg Comb Enc ,.. 34 Kansas City So , J714 lUn City So pf.. H Xelly Springfield MT4 Kelaey Wheel 10IV4 Keanecott Cop .. 3314 Keystone Tire ... 3114 Kims , 13 !i Low. OJtt IT llltt (4 114 4314 U7T4 3ll4 MM 4814 nos 47 i(n; ioo 1IRH 2514 854 13014 14H CfiK 103K 44 8JU 111 0374 71. 17 8714 S14 38 73U 10114 3314 1214 14214 lbl 33814 121a 12H 93 124 2314 9m 10014 3314 II. 43 MH 84 V4 12114 00 H 9114 3T4 10114 35 S 23W 4 11411 11314 4814 6014 4814 1 S3 7814 7714 T 34H 31 104 44T4 133 H 8914 Oil 39 V4 37 1314 7814 aJri 07 141 son 70 183 8614 7214 8414 l lltt 3314 43U 03 3i; 81 93U 8H 2114 74 10U 37 U 83 8314 33 ! 48 8714. H 11714 18U T14 es 14 4314 on 118 07 94 1814 S3U 8714 21 88 30M 11844 11)7 3714 no 3014 nu isu 3214 15 1414 T4 13V4 UT 1814 1814 114 14 H 18144 13H 94 8114 4014 8914 3814 114 H 8814 11 1114 314 714 39 1714 1114 13 0414 444 VI 40 314 nii 1114 4014 08 DO Lest, OSH 17 17 14 114 48l 9714 S94 3S11 4814 (U14 47U 10l inou linu 3JH 814 l.KIU 1114 liilH llU 41 8141 114 .6614 714 17U Net Chge. 4- 14 1H High. lxjtv'a Ino 18H lxft Inn 1814 I Loose Wilt LAN Lima Loco , Marksy Company. Man 10lentiil .... Man Shirt j Martin I'arry , . 4714 11814 1W14 98 81 4014 8114 U Marlln-Itock 30 - 14 "4 - U - 14 - 1 - m - 114 - H - u - 1 S714 - 14 03 8914 74 10214 31 li 12114 1424 101 13811 1214 1311 93 1314 3314 9114 - !a 10814 14 - H 'I !i - U 11 3 11 IVi V 14 1 14 14 14 14 li U 14 14 14 H li 83H II 434 82H 83 12H4 W74 9114 114 10174 - 3314 3314 414 118 11314 4811 6014 4 -f 114 1 - 14 J 'i 7114 - IH II - H 7 3814 li 33 14 104 1 40K - H 11414 1 4014 - !4 814 H 3H t 37 13H 7!4 y Max Motor A.,., Mai Motor II.,.. Mctntre V Mines May Irit Stores. Mux Petroleum .. Miami Copper. ... Mid States Oil.,, Mldvale Htlel Minn A St L Mo Kan A Tel.. Mn Kan A Tex pf Mo I'aelfis Mo Pacific pf,.., Mont Ward Montana Power . Mutllns Body .... Mln B P A H B M National Acme. . . Nat B II Mex 2d. Nalonal lllscut ,. National Conduit, Nat Enam A Utp, National lad ... Nevada 'Conaol , . N Orleans T A 81 N T Arbrake .... New York Central Nuw York Dock., N Y N II A M... if V Ont A Weil. Norfolk A Went.. Noithern Pacific. Nova Bcotla Bteel Oklahoma P A It. Orpheum Circuit,, Otis Elcvntbr 70 H 3114 18H 11814 130S 284 14H 8714 II) mi; 1114 5014 88 11 22 4 72 3114 r.CH 10'4 iVi 14tf 314 8914 0(14 18H ti" 77 0014 3314 90S 3714 107 704 2714 314 31 140 Otis Steel 1414 Owene Bottling Ohio 11 A u Poetum Cereal ... Pacific. Dev Corp, Pacific Ge l'aclflo Oil "!.. I'an-Am Petroleum I'an-Am Pet B,. Prnii II It I'enn Seaboard St People's Gas ,,,, Pere Marquette,. 3814 1314 7914 1014 71 03 6314 Ad 4114 1014 7 81 H Phlla Co 39 Phillips Pet Pierce Arrow,.,, riere Arrow pf., pierce Oil Pittsburgh Coal,, pitta A W Va.,,. Pond Creek Coal Prsse4 Steel Car Pullman Co .... Punta Ales Bug,. Pur Oil ,,, 1Mb 8 of N J... Prod A net 4314 3214 1114 81 11314 31 731, 13314 .40 831, 8914 S8U Mil -97 111 38H 70 13 8814 7314 114 C3 Hi 17'4 -3614 4214 -t H R1 14 4314 -T M 8114 0314 84 3114 74 1 - li. 14 3 314 14 1 14 14 7014 14 1H 3714 13 8714 23S 48 8714 414 11814 184 8 06 14 43 10014 1 11014 68 04 1814 8114 81 87 VS 2111 H t 8814 t 1014 U 117 114 107 14 3714 1WU U 3014 14 84.14 Hi 1V4 14 33 H 15 0414 8014 1314 117 IH 18H 14 HX 614 i M 73 166 4- SU 1114 U 04 114 8114 Vi 40H 4 89H V4 3814 4 16H 1 74U 14 M14 IH M H 831i 4 3H 714 30 t 1le H 18H H 13 10414 414 U - 40 314 814 11U 40H 94 Ball Steel Springs 10014 Bay Copper , 1414 Beading 7111 Heading 1st pf .. 43 Heading 3d pt ... 4014 Ileplogle Steel ... 2314 nep Iron A Bteel 8314 Bep IAS pf..,, 8914 Republic Motor... 814 lloyal Dutch ti T. 51i Pierce Oil pf 60 St Joieph Lead... 13 Pt L A San .'ran, S014 St L k'Boulhweet 3914 St U A South Pf.. 4714 Santa Ceo Sugar., 414 Saxon Motors 314 SeaM Air Line.,. 7 Sears-Roebuck.... 7314 Seneca Copper.,,, 134 Shell T A T 47 Sinclair Oil 3214 SloesSheft Steel . 44 Southern Pacific. 914 Southern Ry 3414 Southern Ry pf... 8714 Stand Olll of N J 189 Stan Oil of N J pf 114 Stewart-Warner . 394 Stromberg ....... 8414 Studebaker 11914 Submarine Boat.. 014 Superior Oil ..... 8 Texas Gulf A Bulp 4314 Twin Cop A Chem Texas Company.. Texas A Pacific. Tex A Pm Oeal.. Third A venue . . . Tidewater Oil Tobacco Products. UlTranncon Oil 1:74 UlTranaue A Wll'nts 4014 '.4 I Twin City Rapid., 4814 HI Union U A Paper 14 1 Union Oil Hi Union Pacing 1Unlon Paclflo pf. HI United Alloy .... Unit Drug lit pf Unt4 Prult United Pood Prod Un Ry lnv Co... Un Ry lnv Co pt Un Retail Stores U B C I Pipe,,,, U B O I line pf. U S Express .... U 8 Ind Alee ... U B Realty A Im. U B Rubber .... U 8 Rubber 1st pf 108 U B Smelters .., 1414 U 8 Steel 9114 U B Bteel pt .... 11814 Utah Copper .... 6414 Utah Securities.. 1814 Vanadium Steel . Va Caro Chem... Va Caro Chem pt 14 lift 48 SI 3914 2314 136 6714 63 3314 1174 7414 3a4 43 140 BU 1614 3114 0214 3414 C114 eii 49 6914 84V4 4714 16 Va Iron O 0,.,., 84 Vlvxdou 184 Wabash 114 Wabash pt 8114 Wabaah pt I) .. 21 Weber A Hell,... 134 Will Msryland... 11 W Maryland 3d pt 30 Wait Pac Corp.. 33 Weat Pac Corp pf 6314 Wcstsrn Union. 4. 98 Weitlnghouse ... S3 Wheeling ALB. 1214 Wheel A L B pf 324 White Motor .... 41 White Oil 104 Wlckwlre Steel,.. 17 Willys-Overland . 8 Wlllys-Overl'd pf 10 Wilson A Co 48 Wpolworth 189 Worth Punp .... 81 Worth Pump pb B 19 Total sales, 1,063,300. Low. 16. UH 40 UB14 loo 92 14 3011 40 S04 20 CI 2014 II 117 1281 ' 2814 1414 .1614 12-4 Hie 1114 3314 83 14 314 71 3H14 6914 1H1A 0i 14(1 2'.i 3014 9214 1014 07 78 604 33 2114 87 14 100 V4 7314 2014 :i 2014 13814 1414 3614 1314 7714 914 71 tllH 63 034 4114 1014 64U 014 38 4114 5!H 4314 I0W 03 3K 3014 71 12114 t 13 17 H 17 0JV4 1414 T414 43 48 314 C44 6014 814 634 8914 15 2314 3814 47 W 3'4 614 13 4614 ..J! 90 Vi 344 864 186 1164 39H C3 11814 411 7 43 lltt 4li 33 284 31 138 66 13V4 ; 4014 48 64 S3 11714 74V4 33 45 1UU 414 1614 3114 B114' 3314 6114 014 4IV4 6714 6114 1044 80 7H 11114 66 17H 4814 UH 7714 84 1914 1014 81 31 Hit 104 1IV4 21H 6014 974 6114 114 32 41H 10 uvt 714 H 43U 160 63 19 Nit Ijvlt. ChsM. 1614 - n 13H U 46 3 11854 4 108 IVi 92Ti -f 4 30S - S 40 3014 Hi 30 34 6114 Vi S0H 14 1B"4 117 2 ,lt45, up .0003. I'tMtsj, demand, .1662; cablcfl, .16S4, tip .0001. Hwed lah kronen, demand, .1(76) coblos, .3510, unchnnsed. Norweglnn kronen, demand, .1873; cabled, .1178, up .0001. Danish kronen, demand, .3130; cables, .2125, unchanged. 5 111 rlliML ULbKt E THAT DISSOLVES T HE SUGAR TRUS T 14 14 li 14 14 13014 2814 144 .1644 1214 im 1114 2314 no 14 2111 71 3014 0914 -1911 Mi -140 314 3914 t'314 1 lli Ii7 70 3 BOH 14 33 80 37 V4 10014 7514 20 U 3H 3014 13914 1414 8614 1214 78V4 9H - 71 BIU 6114 - 14 8314 14 4114 104 8814 14 Sl4 4 8814 - H 4IV4 1 3214 H 4214 - JTl 11 - 14 6314 14 OT 14 V0H - VI 7814 IH 1214 114 1914 8114 17'i IH 8774 11 100 1 16V4 - H 1IU - ti 46 li 48 1144 - 114 644 Vi 8814 814 V4 64 1U 59M 1 16 ,0.i -38 47H -314 8W Wall St. uossip 1 ! 114 14 14 4 1 '.i 34 14 li VI By R. R. Batton. Dutlng- thn bi enter part of the Boston to-day the Block market had a dis tinctively heavy undertone). An. nouncement of the fniluro of Car. pentor Caffry & t:o coming on top of the fnlliirc of Pont llros. & Co. yesterday wits lined as tho basis of connlderabla ppeculatlve HelllnK, Today's fulltne was iciatlvelr unim portant, that in, tho oQinrnlttmcntfl of th firm wcie not extensive but It leaulled In the spread of reports Involving the standing of other hounes. These leports seem to bo without the sllghtefit foundation, ynt for a time they had a notlccablo market effect. During final trading the lint rallied under the leadership of New Haven, whlcri wo to a new high mark for the year, but net losses ranging from good-sired fractions to nhout two points wer eganeral at the cIoho. There wna little In tho news of the day outside of the failure of Carpen. der, Caffry A Co. to Influence spcc ulutive sentiment, uuslnens news wns mostly of a routine nature. There was a distinctly better feeling regarding th e Genoa Conference. Lat In the session despatches told of a poKslble agreement betwen Mel glum and Franc and other confer ence participants regarding ques. tions In dispute which have threat ened a rupture. These advices stimulated the foreign exchange markets. Demand sterling rose to 14.41 1-4 an dPrench francs rose 9 13 points to 0.10 cents per franc Combination Was Broken Up While Testimony in Case Was Being Taken. Tho Until decreo In the dissolution of the Sugar Trust was handed down to-dny In tho Fcdoral District Court by Judges Hogcrs, Hough and Man ton. Tho decree perpetually enjoins the Amorlcan (Uigur Heflnlng Com puny, the Nutlonul Sugar neflulng Company of New Jersey, the Great Western Hugur Company and tho Michigan Sugar Company from "fur. tlier commission of any of tho actH described in tho petition for dissolu tion, filed Nov. 29, 1010) tho effect of which would be to prevent full and free competition." The couit rofcrred In tho fact that the defendants, whllo tho action wns ponding und while testimony u-os Uiken In vail oils parts of the United .States, actually had dissolved the combination which was dcscrlled as In restraint of trade. Tho caso never was brought to trial. The American Sugar Itednlng Com pony Is enjoined from uoqulrlng mote than the 25 per cent, of stock It re tained after relinquishing control of tho National Company und from using the stock for voting uny Impairment or reatrulnt pf competition, it is also enjoined against electing any official of the Natlonul Company as an officer or director of Its own corporation. Jloth companies nre directed to form no further combination to fix prices of sugar. Similar piovislons respeutlng tho American Sugar Itefinlng Company and Its relations with the other de fendants also nre In the decree. lTiLro hril lillULU IRIMIO STAND TO DEFEND $1 2,600,000 ACTION SOUND ESTATE GIVEN FOR PARK Testifies in Suit Brought by! Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railroad 'Receivers. Efforts of Senator La Kolletta to have a Congressional Investigation of the proposed merger of six of the large Independent Bteel companies were a matter of amusement rather than concern. If tho merger Is consummated, the new company will not have nearly aa firm a grip on the steel industry as the United States fttcel Corpora tion, yet the Supremo Court has de clared that the steel corporations Is not a combination In restraint of trade. SCIIOOI.GIIU, K1I.I.UD nv Ili lO TRUCK. Amelia Mogerauer. nine, of No. 216 Kast 25th Street, was killed by an auto truck at Second Avenue and 20th Street wlillo sue was returning to school, dur ing the noon recess to-dav. The chauffeur, William Schllng. twenty- six, of No. 112 Cypress Avenue, Bronx, was arrested. Ooorge .). Gould was called to tho witness stand shortly beforo noon to day in the suit brought against lilm and Myron T. Herrlck by tho re celvers of the Wabash nttsburgh Terminal Railroad for $12, GOO, 000. He resumed the Htund this afternoon The suit concerns the organization of the Wabash Pittsburgh Termlnnl Hailioud by the Pittsburgh und Toledo syndicate, of which Gould nnd Hor lick wcie members. The action was filed In 1910 and finally went to trial last year but after proceeding for ten days, the trial was suspended und not resumed until late yesterday. The plaintiffs are attacking the syn dlcate's payment to Washington K Connor of Jl.OOOiQOO for delivering control of the Wheeling and I-ake Kt-io Railroad, as well as the syndl rate's purchase of the stock of the Wheeling and lako Erie, for approxi mately 84,200.000. Mr. Gould was questioned at length concerning these financial transactions. Mr. Gould 1h represented by Former Senator Edgar T. Urackett and Wil liam Wallace Jr. Morgan J. O'Brien represents Mr. Herrlck. while Louis Marshall appears for the piaintiix. New liochcllc Gift Cannot Be Used for Picnics or Bathing. Th will of the late Samuel Freder ick Cowdrey who died on April ld filed to-day with tho Surrogate at White Plains, bequeathe to the city of New Rochelle the 200,000 estata occupied by Mr. Cowdrey on Daven port Neck, for park purposes., Mr. Cowdrey Inherited the estate from his aunt, draco Thome who died In 1918. She willed the estate to him In trust, with the provision that It was to go to the city of New Rochtlle at his death. Miss Thome also left an endowment fund of 50,000 for tho maintenance of the pakr which, unde rtho provisions of tho bequest. Is not to lio used for picnic or bathing purposes, It la sur rounded by the park-like estates of the Iselins ond other millionaire New York families. of tho Sunremo Court on a charge of defrauding an automobile lnsuranco company. Mr. Klar rcDorted to tho do lice that his car had been stolen last! February. When It was recovered the men accused of stoallng It said they hnd been engaged by Mr. ldar for that pur pose. The attorney for Mr. Klar pointed out that the amount of the Insurance col lected was less than the market value of the car second-hand. In Tony Red Calfflktn "BATHING SUIT" PARSON FAILS TO SHOW AT TRIAL 14 H 14 11 li u u M U 14 li in 114 T3 J3U a:i 81 H 4314 01 241s 5T 187 118 3ft li 03 118K 8 14 Tli H UH 1H 3H 15 Vi M 188 T 1214 40tt 4814 64 S 18TU H 74H 14 38U IH 43 14 13014 214 4T4 H 1614 SIU BIU 84 WU 614 40 ei 84 104 30 8714 118H 8814 "H 48 - U n - w TT14 IH C4 UT4 10U am 21 1414 1014 1844 0014 SH 2V4 1H4 - 82 4T14 1014 IT 8 80 43U --. IH 1W - H M 14 1 1 There was direct relation between the I strength of New Haven and efforts of the company to regain for Itself Its voting privileges In Boston and Matno and other properties In which It has a large stock interest. It Is understood that tho Department of Justice Is etrongly Inclined to grant the company's application to have Its rights restored, Steel shares wcro comparatively inac tive, although the monthly tonnage report of the United States Steel Corporation will be Issued to-mor row at noon, and It Is expected to show a heavy Increase In orders on hand, although output of the com pany during April e averaged very closo to 75 per cent, of capacity. United States Steel as well as shares of the independent companies were unable to get above the closing figures1 01 yesterday, The statement of President Teagle of the Standard Oil Company of Now Jersey regarding tho results of ne gotiations with Mexican Govern ment officials caused early specula tive buying of Mexican Petroleum und kindred shares and they showed fractional gains early In the session while the rest of the market was heaviest. But strength was not maintained nnd they sold down with 14 U 14 11 U V4 U H There was slightly easier tendency In the call money market, with In creased offerings of funds at the 4 per cent. 1 The cotton market lost half of the gain of 92 a bale registered yester day, u rains were firm. BANKING AND FINANCIAL. Hi H 14 H 14 14 14 214 H 14 H 14 14 Iodide On Leek Bteel ,,. Uake Erie it W.. Vtf) Bub Tire., Labis VaUer 00 14 C2H 23 81 "H ITU 1 28 8014 63 40H 33H 3T11 88 M14 101 S3 14 2214 19 T214 8814 33 W14 8014 2314 8311 1TH M 1U 30 W14 CO V4 13H 3TH 88 81 101 8314 M 138 T4 H 14 14 14 14 H 14 U H V4 14 14 3 li IH BU - 14 1814 14 3314 ?i 8114 LIBERTY BONDS. Liberty 8 l-:i opened 19.40; 2d 4i4p, I9.B0, up ,01) Id, II.IOi 4th. 99.11, off .02; Victory 4 t4s, 100,61. rOKElQN EXCHANQE OPENED EA81EU. eierllng, demand, 4.41 3.4) cables, 4.44 J.I, up l.l. French francs, de iimim, .vsvti; caoies, .0809 1-3, un .0001 j-j. Lire, demand, .0129 J.Jj cables, ,08io, up ,0001 1.4. Belgian franca, demand, ,0i:i; oanles. ,oiz 1.:, up .0004 J.J. Marks. de mand, ,0034 1-2, up .0001 . Greek drachma, demand, .0151; cables, ,04.8, unchanged. Swiss rranes, ds mand, .1929) cables, .1921, off,. 0002. uuitoers, aemana, 8840; 1Um, New York Curb Market Stocks Latest News and Quotations Ordeta executed for large or imull lots CALL AT ONB OP OUH v NSW YORK OFFICES Madison Square 223 Fifth Avenue PHONB-MsdUon Sq.-J377 42nd Street 505 Fifth Avenue niONB-Munsy HU1-7U0 Downtown 50 Bread Street r HONE-Dtosd - 7 1 50 Tones & Baker icmbcri NeuiMnfe Curb Marin Ask for' "Immton & Traders Guide" new 36 p8 book r pabllihsd run on eteauBer A Most Extraordinary Sale of Men's High GradeClothing Without exception, this is the most remarkable oppor tunity men have ever had in high grade cIol ,-s. The clothes in this sale were made by Hickcy-Freeman Company of Rochester, New York, a firm whose reputation for the highest standard of tailoring and style is known throughout the United States. It is a most unusual tiling for clothes of this character to be offered, not to say anything of the tremendous sacrifices at which you can buy them at this sale. The most remarkable purchase enables us to offer 1 Hickey-Jreeman Clothes For. Men Rochester YORK- SUITS TUXEDOS FULL DRESS SUITS CUT-AWAY COATS and VESTS Every Garment strictly perfect and every garment bearing the name of a high data retail men's clothing shop, for whom these garments were originally made. Furthermore, the original price tag ia on every garment. We offer them At40t50OFF Regular Retail Prices Notwithstanding the fact that we arc retiring from business, we could not let this purchase go by, because it enabled us to offer the public values at a par with those we present with our great retir ing from business sale, and at the same time enable us to widen the scope of our offerjngs. Here Is what the sale comprises; Hlckey-Freeman $50 and $60 Suits .50 $27 .so Hlckey-Freeman $65 and $75 Suits $37.50 $45 .00 Hickey-Freeman $75 Tuxedos p37 Hickoy-Freeman $95 Tuxedos f47 00 Hickey-Freeman $75 Cut-away $yjC Coats and Vt We cannot lay too much stress on the high quality of the tailor ing and cloth of these clothe. Those who are familiar with Hlckey-Freeman garments vrlll need no further suggestlona to take advantage of this aale, and we advise every man thinking of buying a fine suit to come here and see for himself what amaxlng valuea we present. Samuel Blum Sale at Our Wholesale Manufacturing Factory, 740 BROADWAY at AST0R PLACE TAKE ELEVATOR TO SIXTH FLOOR lluil Accepted Ser lcc--nittcr War lln lleen Wnete'l Over Ulm. L'AWTON, Okla., May 9. The RV. Thomas J. Irwin, "bnthlng suit par son." over whom a bitter feud was waged In the First Presbyterian Church here, failed to appear to-day when n Judicial Commlsnlon of the El Reno Trosbytery met to try him on charges of "conduct unbecoming a minister." He had accepted service and waived all citations. FREED OF DEFRAUDING AUTO INSURANCE CO. Klar Was Clmrceil With AnktiiK Men to Slrnl Ills Cnr. ' Darnct Klar, real estate operator of No. 3 west 29th street, was acquitted to-day by a Jury in the Criminal Branch 111 lit III ill a mm 7 III m in in The "MALL" Good-looking and without extreme lines, describes this manly blucher oxford. A carefully constructed Rice & Hutchins low shoe SIGNET MEN'S SHOPS IJducator Shots for the Whole rarullj. 1 M i. at No, C East WhSt.atl3i5 B'wj Und St. at 137 West HSlh St. at US U'ett 150th St. at Third Ate. Brooklyn. 55Z f'ultm No Charge for Alterations Formerly up to $35 3117 Suits Fabrics Worsteds Serges Flannels Cheviots Tweeds Cassimeres Sizes Models LButton 2- Button 3- Button 4- Button Single Breasted Double Breasted Sport and Conservative 32 to 52 793 Topcoats Fabrics Gabardines Knitcloths Tweeds Oxfords Extra Extra Extra Models Raglan Form-fitting Box Coat Chesterfield Fitters Salesmen Tailors 3755 Men's Trousers Formerly $7, $8, $9 Wc have cut these trousers from the same fine fabrics as we used in our Spring clothes. Thej are all-wool and splendidly tailored. NoW CjQtXitrt to Ifv York Utn and Boyi Moe Levy Son 110125 Walker Street SHt'" 173 Broadway Cortlqndt St 1 SCOTld 409 Eastl49hSt.2'iffl Floor If r 4