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THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, MAY 1022. 'FEDERAL INQUIRY OF STEEL MERGER VOTED BY SENATE LaFallette Resolution Calling for Investigation Adopted Monopoly Feared. WASHINGTON, May 12. Federal Inquiry Ino reported plnns for a mer ger of a number of the lngrcst Inde pendent steel concerns. Including the. Bethlehem and Lackawanna com- i panics, was ordered to-dny by the i Senate, In adopting a resolution of ? Senator La Follette, Republican, WIs- iconstn, calling upon the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commls ! slon to take steps designed to prevent I the combination. i Adoption of the resolution followed n extended address by Senator La "Follette attacking the proposed com jbtnatlon, which he said would give It land the United States Steel Corpora jtlon virtually complete domination lover the steel Industry. UnanlmouH (consent was given for Immediate con sideration of tho resolution and there (was little other discussion. Imerger report ! ' boosts stocks Quotations Skyrocket When Absorption of Bethlehem S is Announced- ' Statements Issued In ofllclal iuar Iters last night that tho Bethlehem 'flteel Company and the Lackawanna Bteel Company were to be consoll . da ted resulted In a wild market dem onstration In the Luckawanna's stock this moaning. Rabid speculation' spread to shares of other Independent ateel companies and numerous high marks lor the year were registered. Deforo tho financial district gained knowledge yesterday that the Bethle hem and Lackawanna Companies were to merge, the stock, of the latter sold at D7 1-2. Within -the last few min utes of trading yesterday It Jumped to (5 3-4. This morning It opened at 73, rose to 75, fell back to 71, then quickly roared to above 78, for a gain or more than 21 points over tho low f yesterday. Otner Independent ttoel stocks rose from two to four points. While terms of the. consolidation will not officially bo made publlo until next week, It was stated to-day In quarters considered reliable that stockholders of tho Lackawanna Company will be given In. exchange for each share of their, stock, two-thirds of a share of Bethlehem Steel "IV Ptock and one third of n share of Bethlehem Steel 7 per cent, preferrcdi POLICE EMPTY GUNS AT FLEEING THUGS Pair Two Mrs. Mosher a Merry Widow Now; Mine. Calve Adopts Her as Protege Also Show Power to Do It, Chamberlain Tells Women's Meeting. LONDON, May 18 (Associated Press) Austen Chamberlain, Government leader In tho House of Commons, ad dressing a mass meeting of Unionist women here this afternoon, declared tho tlmo had come when pie Govern ment might expect tho Irish signa tories of tho Anglo-Irish treaty not only to show good faith to, but also the power to do It. Effort Sails Next Month to Study for Grand Opera Roles as Guest in Diva's Chateau. Steel $1,050 in 11 Cash and Gems in Brooklyn. , young men put revolvers across tho bar conducted by Anthony iHader qf No.. 010 18th Avenue, Brooklyn, this afternoon, drove him1 Into his cellar, took a 1700 diamond pin .from his finger and went Up and took $350 from the cash register. Mr. Kader called through the cellar win dow to his son, William, who made Vigorous uso of a police whistle. Policemen McOowan and Kirk, on duty at a school crossing two blocks .-away, tried to Intercept tho fugitives, , who climbed Into an automobile and drove oft while the policemen emptied their revolvora at them. They ca , caped. H FOREIGN DRAFTS SOLD ARE NO GOOD, IS CHARGE Several !. T. Hank Complained of to State Department. District Attorney Banton to-day be gan an Inquiry Into complaints to' tho State Department that several Now fork banks have been selling foreign exchange drafts on German nnd Aus- . man nanus in wnlcn they have no r accounts. 1 J. Klahr Huddle. American Counsel at Hamburg, wrote the State Deparl- ment. It was announced, that mony naturalized Americans visiting Ger many havo suffered, and tho Dcnart 4 ment has Informed the District Attor ney that many residents here who have sent drafts to relatives have complained the drafts havo not bcf.n honored. George McLaughlin, Stato Superintendent of Banks, is assisting the District Attorney, who expects to present tho matter to the Orand Jury . MORSE TRAILED DAILY BY U. S. DETECTIVES As tho result of half an hour's ac quaintance, Mrs. Juliet Mosher, a young widow who lives with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Griffith ot No. 670 Park Avenue, will sail fOt Krunco early next month, to bo tho guest and pupil of Mmc. Emma Calve at Iter chateau In Southern Trance. Mmo. Calve, who lias" refused nun- drcds of pupils thlb season, was In stantly captivated by tho personality and voice of ydung Mrs. Mosher And declared her to be tho Idecl type foi grand opera roles, such as "Mlml" and "Madatna Butterfly." "It seoms almost too good to be true," said Mrs. Mosher, who is a small person with golden hair and brown , eyes, to a reporter for Tho World yesterday, "I had heard Mine. Calve and ad mired her enormously. 'If I could only study with that woman, I thought but having no letters of In troduction It was ages before I could screw up my courage to ask her to hear me. I went to her apartment Monday at tea time, with my accom panist, Mrs. Grace Marshall Bowden. There was Mine. Calve, surrounded bv DLENESS ON DECREASE THROUGHOUT NATION IllBraest Gain In Employment in April Since (First or Year. WASHINGTON, May 12. April has shown the greatest gain In employment throughout tho coutnry o fany month since the first of the year, E. E. Hunt, Secretary ,of the President's conference on unemployment, declared to-day. Employment, he said, is showing a stcadyand sustained gain, April reports being the most encouraging' of the year and Indicate the upward trend of In dustry and business. Ileports from thirty-four States ana the DUtrlct of Columbia showed that for every 100 lobs listed during the month there were ICO applicants as against 113 In March, 205 in February and 22C in January. This is a decrease oi 33 per cent, over tho number applying for work the first tour months of the year. Home Not f Seek Seclusion at Old ,. Vr-t Arretted. BATH, Me., May 12 (Copyright). j Charles IV. Morse, seeking seclusion - once more from a host of pursuers, has ome back to Ms old home here, where they declared a holiday and burned red lire years ago when he was released s trom the Federal Penitentiary In At lanta. He has forsaken his residence In New York and come here to spend pos albly bis last days among old friend ana well wishers. His refuse Is not undisturbed, how ever, for Mr. Morse Is under constant surveillance of special agents of the De- . panment of Justice. They note hla tall ers and evry time ne saunters out for a stroll, or motors over to Brunswick r down to Portland, a detective trail him and reports to Chief Duma, every twenty-four hours, what Morse has been doing. He has not been taken Into cus tody on the New York bench warrants. trunks, ready to go to Europo to morrow. Feeling distinctly nervous I sang a group of little French songs. After that It was all decided In a mln'ite. "Mrae. Calve Insisted that I spend the summer as her guest with one other Amo i glrl whom sho 1 is askejd. She told" me that I should p e to sing In cssra, which 'wi great surprise, for I have always thought I had c-!y a concert volpo. It! la like a glorl "J dream ray feet nurdly touched the ground when I left Mme. Calve's aulto at the Savoy." Mrs. Mosher sold that she had studied a Utile moro than two years) with Oscar Slegel and Herbert With ers poon. Her "studies were Inter rupted, she said, by her debut In so ciety and her marloge to Dr. Burr Burton Mosher of Brooklyn, who was killed a year and three months ago in an automobile accident. She has been singing professionally as soloist with tho Beethoven Society and under Kurt Schlndlcr at Metropolitan con certs. It will be at least two years, sho feels, before she Is ready to sins in New York. Irish Will Make On Mere for Peace. DUBLIN, May 12. Another peace effort la to be mads by the Unity Committee of the Dall Klreann. When tho reports of both parties' repre sentatives were presented they were accompanied by a motion for ad journment of the Dall until Wednes day to give the committee oppor tunity to meet again. This meeting was fixed for to-mor row.. The Dall agrcoa to the adjourn ment and the truco conditions were accordingly continued for a week. The prospect to-day Is that 'a compromise agreement will be' reached Saturday to .vhlch the bulk of the political Republican leaders will sub scribe. The last ditch lrreconcll- ablea will be let to carry on their extremist war policy. These will probably muster ten or twelve votes In the Dall. From a reading of the committee's eports, It appears that when the political leaders failed to agree :hoy called In a group ot army officers, led by. Commandants Hcgarty and Breen, to devlvse a formula satisfac tory to both sides. Not flvo soldiers, .it five lawyers were what the situ ation demanded, the officers said, but ey went to ork. As a tesult they submitted as a basis agreemont a document which recommended uncontested elections and a coalition Government which would command the confidence of the people thereafter. In a preamble thty declared this agreement Is nec essary because the people want peace and the treaty and that a majority of the Dal) voted for tho latter. SAID THEY FOUND BONDS WORTH $40,000 ON ROAD Stolen (From Hllmont. J. Y.. Dank In SSIOO.OOO Itobbery. BOSTON, May 12 Bonds valued at f.40.000 found in the possession of Mack Kline and Harry Manlff, arrested here last Wednesday, were stolen from the Phllmont National Bank at hllmPont, N. V., on the night of March 22 this year, the police learned to-day. It was said the loot from that robbery amounted to more than 3200,000. Kline and Manlff, both residents of Revere, were arrested in the ofllce of a broker who reported that they had re quested a loan of 175,000, offering 1100,- 000 ot bonds as collateral. heW'n taken Into custody they had bonds valued at flO.000 and said they found them on the highway between Revere and Horn- ervllle In June of last year. GIVEN 10 TO 20 YEARS FOR ROBBING WATCHMAN Three Men Sent to glno Slnar for 2,325 llold-np In November. Judge Rosalaky, In General Sessions, to-day sentenced three men to Sing Sing for from ten to twenty years for rob blng Stralkl Haiirlsz, a night watch man, No. 590 Water Street, ot S2.32S last November. Alexander Koren, twenty-seven. No, 73 Suffolk Street; Frank Olkskik, thirty nine, No. 119 Broome Street, and John ICuzolnlk, thirty-six. No. 10 Cannon Street, were convicted on the charge last night. MAN lll'HT UV At'TO III!TIFILI) The man who was struck by an auto, mobile at 117th Street and Seventh Ave. nue, late yesterday, was identmed as Harry Kaplan, thlrty-flve. of No. 117 West 117th street, at Harlem Hospital to-day. BROOKLYN MAKES THE BEST SHOES Haverhill Company Wins Suit Despite Inferiority Implied by Witness. A scaled verdict opened to-day by Justice Callaghan gave $43,915 to Frank J. Bcodley, head of the Brad ley Shoo Company of Haverhill, Mass., against Charles B. Wethey of tho Chrles' B. Wethey Shoe Company )f No. 78 Rcade Stroet, Manhattan. Bradley sued to recover 350,000, claim ing tho defendant had violated a con tract. Bradley shipped shoes to the Wethey Shoe Company, according to the testimony; part wore returned and the suit followed. Frank Westcott ot Westcott and Whltmore Shoo Com pany, a witness for defendant, was asked as an expert, as to the quality ot the returned snoes. 'They are not Brooklyn shoes?" said tho witness. What do you mean by that?1 questioned the Court. "Well, your Honor," he replied Brooklyn makes the best grade of women's shoes. It Is tho standard for the best shoe." "Well, I am certainly glad to hear that," said Justice Callaghan. He lives In Brooklyn. SCHOOL HEADS RESIGN IN POWDERED NOSE ROW i Parents Voir, Approval of Puff and Short Skirts. SANTA ROSA. Calif., May 12. A controversy over whether Mrs. E, Thornberry-CIose, Principal of the Rlncon Valley School, should resign liecauso she powders her noae and wears her skirt eight Inches from tho floor, has resulted In the res irna tlon ot two of the three school trustees. Mrs. Thornberry-CIose was asked to resign, but refused until a poll of the school parents was taken. The poll sustained ner n to a. NEW BILLVOULD PAY HALF BONUS AT START WASHINGTON, May ii,X substl tute foe the pending Soldier Bonus Bill was Introduced to-day by Senator Bur- sum, New Mexico, This bill follows the general outline of the McCumber bill but provides for immediate payment of 64, per cent, of he adjusted service compensation and the isuance of certificates of Indebted neas bearing 3 1-2 per cent. Interestf due Sept. 30, 1327, tor the unpaid paianoe. , RISH ARE WARN ED OSHOWGQODFAITH N SIGNING TREATY GOOD ADVERTISING NECESSARY TO GET LOANS, SAYS BANKER Greatest St. Louis Bank Built Up by Use of News papers, He Tells Ad. Men. The Now York Council of the Am erican Association of Advertising A.genclcs held a largely attended luncheon at noon to-day In tho Pcnn- ylvanla Hotel. Tho speakers wero John O. Lonsdale, President of tho National Hank of Commerce of St. Louis and John T. Pratt, attorney andllrcctor of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Tlaltroad. Mr. Lonsdalo traced tho progress of banking advertls'ng from tho days when banks published only their periodical statements In tho newspa pers, to tho presont time, when the most successful banks are among the largest users of newspaper space. I believe In advertising with my whole heart and soul," he said. "In St. Louts I have built up one of the nation's largest banks, and advertis ing, backed by the goods, as It al ways must be, has been an Important factor." The modern banker, the speaker said, bears a much closer relation to the commercial life of his community than the banker of recent years. In every case where business Is In need of funds tho modern hanker Investi gates not only the assets and dlabll- Itles. but the firm's advertising methods and plans, because the bank er knows that even the best goods and management cannot attract cus tomers without Intelligent adver tising. ASKS TO RESTORE STATUS OF N. Y.,'N. H. & H. ROAD Coanarl PRINCETON TO HAVE 10-STORY CLUB HERE Fesri Absorption , Some TrnnU I. Inc. E. J. Buckland', Vice President and counsel for the N. Y N. H. & H. R. R., began an argument to-day before Fed eral Judge Mayer on the petition to nnul the dissolution decree handed down Oct. 17, 1911. Attorney General Dnngherty was In court. Mr. Buckland dwelt on the necessity for the community of interest between the Boston .& Maine and tntf New York New Haven. He said he had been Informed that the New York Central was to take over tho Boston & Maine and he had laid the matter before the Attorney General, with whom ha. had had two conferences In Boston. He did ot say what the Attorney General said. but stated it was subsequent to theire conferences he hda made his applica tion for the annulment of the decree. He said the community of Interest In New Bngland demanded 'the protection of its principal railroads as the absor bltlon of either by a trunk line would seriously affect New England .Interests and militate against trade by New CnEland through the Panama Canal. The necessity of the two lines being In accord on through business was em phasized. lans Filed To-Day for New4 $150,000 Structure and $40,000 Alterations on Old Building. Plans have been filed with the Building Department for tho new ten-story home ot the Princeton Club at No. 39 East 39th Street, to cost 3160,000, and to mako alterations to the four-story dwelling at the north west corner of Park Avenue and 29th Street at a cost of 310,000. In tho new building will be a dining room, club room, oquosn courts, witn dressing and lounge rooms, and from the seventh to the tenth, Inclusive, bedrooms. Tho altered building on the corner will contain a cafe and library, dining room, card room and library on the first floor and bedrooms on tho sec ond, third and fourth floors. Aymar Embury 2d Is tho architect. RIVATE FIRE ALARM TO COST $10 A YEAR City Haa Bern Ilr.ertvlnRr Tto Ileve- nue From 0,000 Doxrs. The Board ot Estimate decided to day to charge 310 a year for each mas ter private fire alarm station installed In private buildings. This chargo is subject to revision, however, In the event It is proved In a report by Com mlssloner ot Accounts Hlrshfleld that the 310 chargo Is confiscatory. Arthur J. Baldwin, who has appeared as a legal adviser of Charles F. Mur phy, leader ot Tammany Hall, repro sented the National District Telegrapn Company, and declared an equitable rate for that company would be 32 year. Fire commissioner urennor sooke for the 310 fee. He declared tnere are 6,000 private fire boxes In this city from which the city has received no revenue. ROBBED CLUBMEN PICK HOLDUPS IN "GALLERY Two, Said to Have Records. Ileia in UTa Itobbery. Detectives Cavanaugh and Govern of the Ralph Avenue Station, Brooklyn yesterday arrested Harry Tonler, twen ty-flve years old, who said he lives at No. 2003 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, and John Haughey, twenty-nine years old, of No. 216 Tenth Avenue, Manhattan. In a robbery last Sunday at the point of revolvers or memoers of the Gates Loan Association, No. lzto Broadway. Brook lyn, money and Jewelry valued at 31,273 was taxen irom lourteen victims. The detectives had taken three club members to Police Headquarters. Man hattan. where, according to the police. they picxea me picture or Tonlen as likeness ot one of the hold-ups arid one said to ce itaugney as another. Tonler, the detectives say. Is now out on ball -on a recent Brooklyn Indict' ment, charging him with grand lar ceny. The men will probably be ar r signed In Gates Avenue Court. Brooklyn to-aay. by DEER MENACE TO AUTOS IN JERSEY FOREST FIRES Another Nrsr Cape Mar Threat ene Honsea In Its I'ntli. (Special to Th Evening World.) CAPE MAY. N. J.. May 12. Another forest fire burned all yesterday after noon and last night between Woodbine and Mount Ploasant.1 on the "West Jersey and Seashore Railroad. Besldents ' oi Woodbine and fire fighters from all over Dennis Township prevented the fire from burning several houses In the path of the flames. Game Warden William Steele of Cape May Court House said this afternoon that if the forest fires In Cape May and Atlantic Counties continue there, will be little name left next fall. He said deer near Woodbine. Belle Plain and Tucka hoe had been seen along the roadways and had become dangerous to automo biles; On tho Mays Landing-Pleasant vllle Road a deer was killed by an auto mobile, tho Impact of which nearly wrecked the car. WIFE GETS REHEARING IN $200,000 BALM SUIT Oallfornla Supreme Conrt Grants Plea of Tlieosophlcal Leaders' Accuser. SAN FRANCISCO, May 12. The State Supreme Court yesterday granted a hearing of the action for 3290,000 brought against Mme. Katherlne Ting' ley, Supreme Leader of the Inter national Brotherhood and Thoosophlcal Society, by Mrs. Irene M. Mohn, after the Trial Court had declared against, and the District Court of Appeals, for Mrs. Tlngley. Mrs. Tlngley was charged by Mrs, Mohn with having alienated the af fections of her husband. Dr. George F. Mohn, and the Trial Court awarded her 3100,000 in April, 1021. THe. District Court reversed the Judgement. Mrs Mohn appealed to the Supremo Court THREE BOYS ARE HELD IN VACATION. BURGLARY YonnBsters, All 14, Charred With Attempting; to Itob Grocery Store, John Murray, No. E66 Eleventh Ave. nue, and William Duff, No. 582 Eleventh Avenue, both fourteen, were ordered sent to tho Catholic Protectory, and John Vtcellck, also fourteen, No. 566 Eleventh Avenue, was ordered held by the Children's Society for a further examination next Friday when they were arraigned to-day before Judge Franklin C. lloyt in Children s Court, charged with burglary. The three were arcrstcd parly to-day I na grocery store at No, 677 Ninth Avenue. They had plied groceries in the middle of the floor. It was nlleged which tney Intended' taking from tho place to sell for money with which to take a vacation inp to Niagara, JzOnSBY "DrlY AOHXTS" SEIZED BOTTLED GOODS. Prohibition agents under Robert Sid ney of the Newark District, to-day raioea inn saioon oi Alexander Clements, Newark Avenue and Grove Street, Jersey City, Bottles said to con tain beer and ale, valued at 1900, were seixea mere, out mo crowa aid not In terfere. ine agents alao raided the saloon oi jonn i: cassiay, opposite, but found no liquor there nor at Fred uonung soioon, at iiuuon ana Cen CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS High. AJax Rubbtr .... 17 Aluka Gold .... Vi Alaaka Juneau . 1 Allls-Chalmera .. mi Allls-Chalmera pt OH Am Arr Chem .. Mil Am Deet Sugar.. 30 Am Doch Mag... -H',4 Am Can iiii Am Car Found IM',4 Am Cotton Oil... 25 Am Drug 8ynd... BU Am Hide 4 b.... IB Am Hide A I pt.. 07K Am Ice 104 K Am Ice pt SOW Am International. 4ti Am Linseed Oil... 32H Arn Locomotive .. Allied Chem 00 H Am Safety Itazor. OH Am Ship a Com. HM Am Smelt & tlef. 584 Am Smelt a n pi 07H Am Steel Fdry... 3M m Sugar 74S Am Burnt Tob'ae.. 33H Am Tel & Tel.... 121K Am Tobacco .... lWi Am Tobae pf new 101 Am Tobacco eta D 1J6V Am Chicle ...J.. 13 Am La France... 12 Ti Am Radiator .... 88 Austin Nlchola .. 25 H Am Wool 01 Am Wool pt 100 Am Zinc 18U Am Zlna pt 43 H Anaconda B3U Abio Dry Goods.. 54 Atsoclated Oil ... lSOVi Atchlaon Ry .... 00 H Atchison Ryp (... 01 Atl Ooaat Line... 100H Atl Gulf A W I.. 33 Atl Oult A W I pf 24H Atlantic Fruit ... 4 Paldwln Loco ... Usli Halt Ohio 48K Halt Ohio pf.. 60H Uareadale A 43U Ilatopllaa Mining. IK Darnsdale II 324 Doth Steel 70 lieth Steel 8 p e.. 114 Dcth Steel H 8211 Bklyn H Tran.... 26S Rklyn R hran ctfa 22H Dklyn Unton das. 102 Ilrown Shoe 40 nurna Bros A ... 133H Durns Ilroj B ... 40i Butte Cop & Zinc AH Butte, & Superior. 31 U Butterlck Co .... 20W Brunswick Term . 4 Caddo Cent Oil .. 2 Calif Tacking ... 70 Calif Petroleum . MS Canadian Pacific. 140H Central Leather . 37tt Cerro De l'aaco.. 37 Central heath pt. .17 Chandler Motora . 73Ti Chea & Ohio (U Chic & Alton By, 8 Chic & Alton pf.. 10(4 M 4 St Paul... 23V M A St P vf.. 42H Chlr. R I A Pac. 4314 C n I ft T 6 pf pf 81 C H I A I 7 pc pf 05H Chi Great Weat.. 84 Chi Great XV pf.. 21U Chi ft North Hy.. 73H Chile Copper .... 10V4 Chlno Copper .... 28 Cluett A Pcabody M Coca-Cola B8 Col Fuel ft Iron.. S3',i Col A Southern.. 4 id Col Gas ft Electric 87 S Columbia Grapho. 4H Comp Tab ft Reo 86U Conaol Cigar .... 27K Conaol Gas 116K Conaol Textile ... Con Int-Cal Mln. Cont Can Cosden Oil Corn Producta ... Corn Trod pf ... Crucible Steel ... Crucible Steel pf. Cuba Cane Sug. .. Cuba Cane Sug pf Chi ft K III W.... Cuban Am Sugar Cuban Am S pf.. Davlaon Chem.... De Beera Mln.... Del ft Hudson.... Del L ft W Detroit Edison... 13 8 6.H4 4314 10114 110 75T4 0414 1314 33 H 3714 2114 94 B8T4, 20i 121 Vi 117 107 Dome Mines 2714 Rlec Stor Bat.... 171 nilrtorn, Coal 1014 Endlcotf-Johnson.. 82 Erie 1314 Erie 1st pf 21U Erie 2d pf 14V4 Famous Players.. 81 Fam Players pf. . 04 Fisher Body .... 118 Flsk Rubber .... 1SK Freeport Texas .. 1014 General Asphalt.. BIS Oaston Wll Wig. S General Cigar ... 71 General Electric. 165 General Motor ... 124 Gen Motor deb .. 04 Gen Motora 8 p c 8114 Goodrich 4014 Granby Mining .. 28 Vi Gray ft Davis ... 1714 Gt North pf ..... 74S Great Nor Ore . 4114 Greene Cananes, . 30 li Gulf States Bteel. 86V4 Haberahaw Elee . 214 Hydraulic Steel .. 8tt Hendee 20 Houston Oil .... 7814 Hupp Motor 18V4 Illinois Cent .... 10414 Imllahoma Ref ... 4i4 Indian Ret 8H Inspiration Cop.. 4014 Int Con Corp .... 8 Int Con Corp pf.. BU Inter Arr Corp... 11 Int Agr Corp pf.. 40 Inter Harvester .. 07 H Inter Taper BlVi Inter 'Mer Marine 2314 Int Mer Mar pf.. 82 li Inter Nickel 1774 Invincible Oil Island Oil Iron Products ... Jewel Tea Jewel Tea pt .... Jonea Tea Int Comb Eng .. Kansas City So Kan City Bo. pf Kelly Springfield Kennocott Cop .. Keystone Tire ... Kresgc 130 Laclede Gas 82 Lack Bteel ...... 784 Lee Rub ft Tire 3314 Lehigh Wiley ... Loews Inc Loft Ino Lortlard Lima Loco Man Elevated.... Man Bhlrt Martin Tarry Martin-Rockwell.. Maxwell Mot A.. Maxwell Mot 11 .. Mclnt I' Mines... Mexican Het,,..., Miami Copper ... mame mates uu 17M IS 3214 21 T1V4 4214 26 S 27 H 67 BOH 3314 22 H etV4 10 1314 150 108 K BOH 40 31 20 72H 22 14 18 ,130(4 sat Mldvale Steel .... 38 H Minn A Bt L,,,, 11 LOW. 1014 4 IS 4814 0714 3814 3814 43 S 47 158 2314 6VI 15 66H 10214 8014 43S 3314 113 034 014 101, 50 071i 37 78 32 12114 138T4 10014 138 12 12 0514 23 01 106 18 43 62 53 J4 121 00 01 100 35 24 3!i 114 45 60 44 1 3114 76 114 78 23 22 101 45 133 39 6 30 20 4 12 79 5.1 I301i SO 37 37 72 04 8 15T4 B 41 42 80 03 811 21 7314 19 27 54 60 82 47 87 4 04 37 110 13 7 64 42 99 lift 68 04 15 33 VI 37 20 93 06 20 121 116 107 27 171 10 81 12 21 14 70 04 115 18 18 61 14 71 162 13 04 81 40 20 10 74 30 30 81 2 7 20 77 17 103 . 4 8 30 2 6 10 40 00 40 22 81 16 17 14 30 20 09 42 23 26 B7 49 32 2t 139 70 Tl 33 61 15 13 148 108 50 30 30 20 68 20 17 127 26 14 86 11 Nit Last. Chge. 17 1S 48 98 38 39 41 47 168 23 BVi 15 67 104 80 44 2 VI 14 2 S 1 32 114 1 V4 14 High. Mo Kan A Tex.. 11 Mo Pacific 23 Mo Pacific pf ,, 65 Mont Ward 21 Montana Power ,, 72 Mulllns Body ... 30 Nat R R Mex 2d. 6 Nat Biscuit 145 Nat Enam A Stp, 40 at Lead 03 Nevada Conaol .. 16 Now Orl'ns T"M 03 N T Airbrake.... 70 New York Central 89 New York Dock.. 35 NY Nil AH.... 29 N Y Ont ft W.... 20 Norfolk A West.. 105 0014 6 17 58 97 38 Northern Pacific. Oklahoma TAR Ontario Silver .. Orpheum Circuit,. Otis Elevator ... 74 82 Hi 121 13a 2 Otis Bteel 15 Owens Bottling... 33 Ohio BAB 12 100 136 12 12 07 23 91 104 18 43 53 64 1 H? V4 H I) 121 4 90 91 100 35 24 3 116 46 60 1 Postum Cereal Pac Dev Corp. Paclflo Gaa . raclflc Oil (w ran-Amer Pet .. Pan-Am Uet B. . Penn R R Penn Seaboard Bt People's Gas .... Per Marquette . Fhllada Com . . . Phillips Pet .... Pierce Arrow . . . Pierce Arrow pf Pierce Oil Pittsburgh Coal . Pitta ft W Va... Pond Creek Coal. Pressed Steel Carl Pullman Co Punta Aleg Sug. Pure Oil Pub Serv of N J Prod ft Refiners, 44 1 31 114 77 .3 111 I 2'i 81' 2 25 "4 224 1 101 46 133 40 6 30 26 4 12 70 66 140 37 37 37 73 63 8 15 25 42 43 81 03 6 21 73 19 28 54 57 T4 ' 1 1 S 1 114 1 2 S3U 3 47 87 4 68 27 118 13 7 65 43 101 ne 74 5 04 1 15 33 37 20 04 58 20 121 110 107 27 171 19 82 13 21 14 80 94 110 18 18 01 71 162 12 04 81 40 28 17 74 41 1 30 84 2 2 8 20 78 18 103 4 8 40 8 8 11 40 07 60 23 82 1774 17 1 3 1 1 32 1 21 71 2 42 20 27 BT 60 83 21 189 1 70 1 78 12 33 01 16 IS 150 2 108 1 60 30 31 20 08 3 22 2 18 ' 130 2 28 : 14 38 i H .' 75 3 8 0 137 77 10 70 05 63 57 40 12 ,86 31 88 43 21 42 11 63 33 20 79 132 40 33 87 87 Rail Steel Bprlngs ICO Ray Copper 16 Reading 77 Reading 1st pf .. 44 Remington Type . 33 Iteploglc Steel ... 83 Rep Iron A Steel. 08 Itep Iron A S pt. 00 Republic Motor .. 8 Royal Dutch N Y 03 Pierce Oil pf.... 69 Bt Joseph Lead.. 14 Bt L A San Tran 28 St L A Bo West. 29 Bt L A Bo W pf. 40 Santa Cec Bugar. 4 Baxon Motors . . . 3 Seaboard Air Line 0 Seaboard A L pf. 10 Sears-Roebuck . . 74 Seneca Copper ... 13 Sinclair Oil .12 Sloss-Shcff Steel.. 40 Southern Pacific. 00 Southern Ry . . . . 24 Southern Ry pf.. 50 Stand Oil of N J. 188 Bt Oil of N J pf. 115 Stewart-Warner. . 40 Btromberg 53 Studebaker 118 Submarine Boat.. 5 Superior Oil 7 Superior Bteel ... 30 Texas Gulf Bulp.. 42 Tenn Cop A Chem 11 Texaa Company . . 48 Texas ft Pacific 32 Tex A Pac Coal.. 29 Third Avenue .... 23 Tobacco Producta 08 Transron Oil .... 14 Transue ft Wma.. 43 Union Oil 22 Union Pacific 137 Union raclflc pf. 74 United Alloy 39 United Drug 72 Un Drug 1st pf.. 45 United Krult 128 United Food Prod 5 Un Ry Inv Co.... 16 Un Retail Stores.. 68 U B O I Pipe... 38 U 8 C I Pipe pf 60 U B Ind Alcohol 40 U S rtelty ft Im 07 U 8 Rubber .... 04 U 8 Rub 1st pt. 103 U 8 Smelters.,.. 30 U 8 Bteel 98 V 8 Steel pf 11B14 Utah Copper .... 05 Utah Securities .. lTVi Vanadium Steel.. 48, Va Caro Ch 33 Va Caro Ch pf... 77 Va Iron G ft O. . 68 Vlvaudou 13 Wabash 10 Wabash pf A.... 30 Weber ft Hell.... 13 W Maryland 10 W Tac Corp 21 West Union 97 Weattnghouse .... 02 Wheel ft L E .... 11 Wheel ALE pt. 21 White Motor 47 White, Oil 10 Wlckwlre Steel Wlllys-Overl .... Wlllya-Overl pf.. Wilson A Co ... Woolworth pt .. Worth Pump 21 8 38 46 120 51 Total sales, 1,313,600. Low. 11 22 55 20 70 30 5 148 40 02 10 03 70 ' 88 34 28 20 103 74 2 8 20 130 14 33 10 76 9H 00 03 62 65 40 11 86 30 38 42 19 38 10 63 34 20 78 120 89 82 87 86 100 18 77 44 83 31 04 00 8 02 60 14 28 28 40 4 3 0 m 73 12 31 41 HO 23 60 185 115 38 31 114 4 TS 33 42 . li 46 31 28 22 07 4 13 42 21 137 74 36 71 45 128 '4 16 65 33 61) 47 67 63 103 39 09 ,118 04 17 46 31 73 64 13 10 30 14 10 20 07 81 11 21 47 10 18 7 38 44 120 51 Net Last. Chge. 11 22 y, 65 21 72 1 80 8 145 40 1 02 16 03 H 70 89 34 1 0 , 20 Wall St. 103 74 3 8 20 137 15 33 12 77 10 69 04 83 1 1 14 1 S 67 1 40 12 1 80 H 30 38 48 20 40 1 11 63 35 1 20 1 78 1 121 2 40 1 S3 1 ' 'By R. R. Batson. Steel stocks wero practically the whole market to-day. Ofllclal ad nilnslon that tho Lackawanna Steel Company Is to be consolidated witli tho Bethlehem resulted In a pyro tcchnlcal display In all tho Inde pendent steel shares and In Lack awanna in particular. Transactions totalled approximately 1,300,000 shares. Steel shares were rMTinnn'ilitn fni Al t.a .mam of this turn-ovor. T.nr1aurnrinn fnao frit ri tynlii r9 Ha U than twenty-one points, compared with tho low of yesterday. Bethle hem Steel "B" stock advanced more than three points above yesterday's close; Crucible more than five points, and other steels showed pro portionate gains. The cose with which steel stocks rose Into new high ground for the year encouraged bull demonstrations in various other groups. Oils wereHjfev. marked up 'rather briskly; motors became in good demand and In the miscellaneous Industrial list gains of two points or more wore quite common. V4 1 14 87 37 100 16 77 44 33 1 83 68 1 90 1 8 63 60 1 14 28 28 40 4 3 0 10 73 1 13 31 40 90 24 J6 188 116 40 53 118 S 5 . 1 1 114 1 4 - 7'4 36 2 The unexpected announcement ot the merger between the Bethlehem arid Lackawanna Companies resulted In the well known Wall Street rumor factory working at full blast. According to gossip not only is very steel company whose shares are listed on tho Exchange to be In cluded In a merger, but plans are under way to consolidate various motor companies, sugar1 companies, oil concerns and not even the rail roads were neglected by tho rumor mongers. The one definite announcement made. nnMn Irrwr tl.nt i.l , V. . T.f- I lehem and Lackawanna was thatS the proposed merger between the I Plerco Arrow and Lafayette Motor j Companies has been definitely abandoned. This resulted In a drop of nearly 5 points in Pierce Arrow preferred. Decision of Congress to adopt tho pro posal of Senator La Follette and In vestigate the proposed merger of six i of the independent steel companies j was not regarded seriously, and at 1 no tlmo did It seem to have marketW effect. The merger between Bethle- hem and Lackawanna will not, It is believed, bo Included In tho proposed Investigation. 42 lit! 48 31 T 14 23' 08 H4 14 1 43 2 22 137 1 74 14 39 72 43 128 6 1514 68 35 69 49 '67 3 3 3 s 4- S 2 1 Hi 63 4 103 1 39 98 1 118 04 17 '48 32 1 74 2 68 4 13 10 30T4 14 10 21 07 02 11 21 47 10 20 2 8 S8 li 45 1 120 6i n LIBERTY BOND8 AT 2.30 P. M. 3s 09.36 00.24 09.32 2d 4s 99.50 99.50 99.50 1st 4 11 99.88 .09.70 09.84 2d 4s 09.64 99.50 99.60 3d 4s 99.88 99.78 09.84 4th 4s 09.94 99.80 00.02 Victory 3s 100.02 100.02 100.02 4 100.60 100.54 100.58 FOREIGN DEMAND AT 2. 46 P. M Sterling, demand, 4.44 1-8;- cables, 4.44 1-2, off 1-4. French francs, do mand, .0909; cables, .0909 1-2, off .0004. Lire, demand, 0624 1-2; cables, '.0525, off .0005 1-2. Belgian francs, demand, .0829 1-2; cables, .0830, off .0004 1-2. Marks, .0034 7-8, up ,0000 8-8. Greek drachma, demand, ,0428; cables, 0430, up .0005. Swiss francs, demand, .1928; cables, .1980, unchanged. Guilders, demand .3862; cables, .3867, up .0011. Pesetas, demand, .1564; cables, ,1556, un changed. Sweden kronen, demand .2666; cables, .2670, up .0010. Nor way kronen, demand, .1863; cableh .1868, unchanged. Denmark kronen demand, .2130; cables, .2J35, up .0005, COP SAYS THEY LOADED TWO BARRELS ALCOHOL Deny Two Arrested In Brooklyn Charge. Michael Nevlns, thirty, head of the Nevlns Cooperage Company, No. 1160 Grand Street, Brooklyn, and Charles Cunning, twenty-nine. No. 166 Engert Street, Brooklyn, were arrested yester day. The arrests were made by detective Paul Zucker of Police Headquarters Manhattan, who sajd he saw (he two men load two .barrels of alcohol on truck before the Grand Street address, Both men deny the charge. The statement of Attorney General Daugherty that he advocated tho dissolution decreo affecting New Haven bo modified to the extent that the company bo permitted to vote its stock In the Boston and Maine at tho meeting to bo held next Tuesday, whllo considered fav- l orable to the former company, has I been discounted marketwlse. Another proposed Congressional In vestigation which failed to perturb tho financial district was that con cerning tho recent advances in gax ollne prices. Whllo gnsollno prices have been In creased about 4 cents a gallon, fur thcr advances will soon be ordered.l according to yell Informed Wall Street opinion, and market commit ments in the 'Standard OH shares nnd'ln shares of companies with large gasollno production are being based on these expectations. During the last hour the market was 1 1 .1 ..vnM .n ... t Vi f n n .1 n Vinm-it amount of profit taking, but this was well absorbed, and in final dealings prices rose to new highs for tho day. Steel Industrials wero churned up in a manner that bespoke conslderaul courage on the part of pools. Lackawanna roso to a new top ai 78 3-4, Crucible showed a net gal of 7 points, and act.vo bull specu lation extended to coal stocks caulpments and practically all othe groups, with the exception of rails and coppers. The speculation was aided In part by easier money conditions. The re newal rate for call funds was re duced to 3 3-4 per cent, and later In the day was reduced to 3 1-2 per cent. Tho foreign exchange markets, cot ton and wheat failed to develop ma terial change. WOOD ALCOHOL VICTIM HAD TAKEN PLEDGES Patrick J. Munley, forty, of No. 2271 Bast 88th Street, was found unconscious at 88th Street and Third Avenue, early to-day and taken to the City Hospital, vhi-re It was said he apparently was suffering from wood alcohol polsonlngJ He Is exDected to recover. The police said In his pocket wastt "nledira card" DromUIne not to drink. . V S FIXll SLAYIBR MtDTFALLY DIM KICIE.NT. James Joyce, twenty-seven, con' vlcted of murder In tho llrst degre for the slaying of 'Adam Zlttel, a Lon Island City store keeper on July 1, 1920, and reprieved wnlie in tne aeatn nous at Sine Sing, was neia to do mental! Incompetent to-aay in a report bud mltted to Judge Burt J, Humphrey 1 Ouaena County Court, Long Island City, Jhy PI". wuura uoairey, oi uung isinn nitvt jnsenn uanzBr, oi wenmont 11111. ttnd Maton O. Smedley. of Elm burst, assistant to tho Commissioner o: Corrections. If the report is approved Joyce will be taken to a State hospital ('POTATO" CAItfiO SinZBD AMU winsiusY. billed as containing potatoes, left Newt Orleans six weeks ago for Chicago anafc after wandering around the country! was caugnt in a Kederal Frohlblttonl net when It was found to-day that there were 160 barrels of whiskey ln- side. Each contained a thin layer ofl potatoes at' tne top. Federal agents chased the car to Logans port, Ind.,1 where all trace apparently was lost. It reached Chicago last night. 1 i