Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, MAY Zt 1922. .A1 t . . v. , r fw'tltn fxpeclcd mtrprlso ntlncl; by tho other Bide, ..After tlicy had returned und talked to Mm. Stlllmnu, n closo friend who had In-n nt tho conferonco said l '"They uoem to linvc stolen soino let ters." But with thin knowledtri to distress , hr, Mra. Stlllmnn'M self possession nnd even temper on the witness stand wcro Iho wondor ot ull those, nt tho hearing. MRS. STILLMAN MOST REMARK ABLE WITNESS. David N. Cnrvnlho, who lias studied tin; drama of the luw courta keenlj in scores of cnHCH In which ho linn n vital Intercut .described Mrs. Still man, to-day as "tho most remarkable witness I over toiw In my life." "It was oppnrent to mc, when Col. Hand was asking her questions with which to establish a baMs for tlie testimony Leigh was to bo called to give," Mr. Cnrvnlho said, "that she knew what tho questloni wcro for. Sho met thent with n ernclons Htnlle. Col. Hand told her ho desired ppeci mens of her handwrltliur In certain sentences. A little box of pen point and nn assortment of holders was of fered to her. " 'I Uko a stub pen,' -die said, as sho took tho box, very much as though sho had been telling ono sho liked cream or lemon In her ten. She picked tho points over. Having one to her liking, sho titled It to a holder. Then sho smilingly asked for a match. Sho lighted It and burned tho lacnicr coat off the metal of tho point, so the Ink would flow more evenly. With a grave courteous smllo sho looked up for direction ns to what to write. "It wus brcjith-tnklng to mc. I for tho moment, forgot my own part of tho coso In my admiration ot the woman. Never, In pcorcs of trials, liavo I ever seen a witness do u thins Uko that I" After tho hearing was closed, Mrs. Stillman, who had been In Judge Mack'e olllco whllo Leigh was testi fying, and had been kept Informed of what ho was saying, tdiowcd little moro perturbation than when sho was testifying: theto was Just a percep-1 Pleasantvlllo. Como In tho week when tlblo flaro of Indignation In her Blanco I tlicro Is only Guy. Cot off at. liar and voice. I mon and como soon and lovo so J can Beauvais, Accused of Selling Letters; Detective Who Got Them JILTED NURS E POISONS HERSELF FIGHTS DOCTORS Resists Efi'orls in Hospital to Save Her, Protesting Rigljt to End Life. "It Is no surprise to mc," sho Raid. go on this tcrrtblo lorioly road a llttlo "Vnttilnr- from 4 tint al.ln .if tl.n rn.n longer. 1 Will ion you ODOUT. mo WOrK could surprise mc. They light with 'nlt,10r when I sco xou. Como soon gold. They paid S15.000 for four worthless scraps of paper. I am not troubled by tho evidence of their frnmo-up detectives." Mrs.- Stillman said she had not writ ten tho letters. Her lawyers did not tnko tho Intro duction of tho evidence so cheerfully. Tlicy came out worn looking, though J ud go Muck Bald: "They closed their caso with a blaze of glory, but would huto to pay $15,000 for that blaze." Thn extent tn whirh tii t,rr.iininn had a hot bath and am In bed; but I nf n .,, i.. 4i. .,. ...... I jtisi naa o wnio you a loner, j ncre r..inni .... . ,.., , , I never will bo and thoro never has been aui.iiivu pecuitu lu iitTW jauiv I'll , I ... ... Bronnnn nnH Itr n-Tlrlnn It J,n,l ny 0" kO yOTl. I I6V0 CVCry pore occurred to them that they would he of ,0"r "lt,n IT0V ",c ,fentrt'eroun2 rrnrmnt hv n int,m,n thnt nM. you stand on. I love you better each day, and every day shows mo how "Lotiesomo, ' AWAIU." (Deslgno of four-leaf clovor drawn with pen and near It a largo cross, and underneath tho largo cross a lt-, tlo cross.) ASKS "WHEN CAN WE BE MAR RIED?" Tho fourth fetter Introduced read: "Saturday, July 12. "Dcrfr Darling: Tho woddlng Is over nnd It Is 12.45 P. M.. and I hnvo Just confronted by a statement thnt Beau vols, who hao for months had direc tion ot tho tens ot thousands of dol lars spent by Mrs. Stillman In collect ing witnesses In the Cr.nndlan woods, had turned traitor to ihcm. Mrs.. Stillman Instructed her coun sel to close tho case. Sho said she was well satisfied with tho ascend ancy of her n'ldo of tho caso, aa In dicated by tho knowledge that the Leigh testimony and tho letters wero tho strongest material Mr. Stlllman's lawyers had In rcscryo. TENDER POSTSCRIPT TO UN PRINTED LETTER. foolish It Is to Ilvo without you. I lovo you beyond words. I lovo you forevor and over. Through thin world on to all tho others. I want you more than anything on this earth. My Uccauso sho had been "Jilted by a physician," whoso namo.sho refused to divulge. Miss Emlo nonnlck, or Russell, thirty years old, who de scribed herself ns a graduato nurse nnd a stenographer, of "somowhero In West Eighth Street," took fifty grains of veronal at Fifth Avcnuoand Kth Street early to-day. Sho then telephoned Miss Lucille Marshall, a friend, living nt No. 10 West Eighth Street, that aho had taken poison and urged her to hurry becauso sho wnntod to "tell something before I dlo." Miss nonnlck, surrounded by a puz zled crowd, was leaning against storo window when Miss Marshall ar rived In a taxlcab. Tho nurse was taken into tho taxi and rushed to Now Vork Hospital, where, declaring her llfo was her own to do with as she cboBo, sho refused aid. When force was nttemptcd sho fought and kicked off doctors, order lies, pollco and others, nnd throw tho (!,iunpiihTOod Ap p. t , emergency ward In an uproar. "I'm not going to take treatment," sho ln- I Histntl. 1'lnally thoy persuaded her to go to Ucllevue, nnd after "she arrived there In n taxlcab sho renowed her protests nn serine tho BtOmacIl DUniD. but was too weak to resist further. Doctors said sho had taken enough poison to kill a dozen porsons. When rellovcd of tho polBon sho said she was going out. Sho was warned sho might collapso at any minute, but replied: 'I don't care. If I don t collapse from that I'll tako something that will malto mo." Sho said then that her name wnfl "Emlo Russell," and she was a stenographer. Tho physician sho mentioned sho said, lived in West 69th Street, and sho had worked for him for soven jcars. ' Thero Is no physician In tho houso sho mention ed. Miss Marshall took her from Bellevuo In a taxlcab. itmmiiiiHn itiiiiiiiiiiiiin EDMUND LEIGH. (Copyright, Keyntonp.) 442 ARE SENTENCEP IN ONE DAY TO 180 YEARS IN JAIL Bunton Suys 820 Cases Were Disposed of Since April 17. District Attorney Ilanton, In sum mlng up to-day his untl-crimo wave I crusade April 17, pointed out Beauvats said: "There nro red Ink Imnrks on It." nut I showed him that undo said last night, 'An wo get olaerl those wero printed on tho notes. Then It doesn't so much matter wherd wol Dcnuvals chowed tho letters. Ho told are. but who wo aro 'with.' You may me that I would never get out of havo written mo, but I haven't had town alive If I doublo-crosBOd him. I ono letter since I got back from Mont- told him that he'd get tho money. I real. My dear. I lovo you so. Every finally cavo Shenn tho money, and ono to-day was flattering mo, nnd It ncauvals gave Shean tho letters, and that yesterday ulono 42 pcrkons were was so empty. Tho touch of your we both watched Shean. ncauvals sentenced to an aggregate of 180 years dear hand In mine, how It would rest thon said; "It anything goes wrong I and I months In Jail. In (lencral Sch mo. When will you bo down, dear, I yon won't go out of town nllvo." Holslons Judge Nott led with u total of and When can wo irot married? That I nnlntpfl nut tliren nf hl.q mon wlin Imlnr.iL vomt Imnnftnl. Then camo i.nO eXniOllS lO XnO pUrCliaSO Ot I, nil T think nf. when nothing Will nll worn nrntxhtnrr mn. 1 T,,,!,ru nmil.liv M-ttll fill.. Koenlir i "i ci a r i "umuvrc u evor.tako mo away. Write mc. dear. Tho witness 'said that tho group with 13. Crnln with St. Mclntyrc with r . i , , Waa 1 . how you are. won't youT I am so then went to tho bank and met Mr. 5 und Muluucon 1. In Hio Criminal postscript of u letter which was not tIre1 of overyUiIng so tired I Just Horsey In a room there. Tho witness Part of tho Supremo Court Justice iiiiiuuviu. I want to rest and rest in your dear I toatlf .! flint 1i Intrnrliiro.l Shnnn in Mnrni ImnrmiMl 7 vears and JUHt rn Chicago Police Not Baffling Labor but Hired Assassins, Wires Fifzmorris fo Evening World "T" Certain Unions Controlled by Thugs Through Bribes and Violence, Says Police Chief in Special Statement. RED FLAG FLOATS OVER FIVE GREAT E IRISH CREAM RES Seized by Different the Workers in Cities in "In- fly Charles Fitzinorris. Chief of tho Chicago 1'ollco Force. By Telegraph to tho Editor of Tho Evening World. CIIICAQO, May 13. When organized criminals acsasslnato two police men, dangerously wound a third and explodo dynamito bombs in three! bulldlnes m Chicago within a few hours nnd under tho cover of night, it is a terest of Community." llKLi'-AST, May IS (Associated Press). Tho employees of tho Cleoves creamery factory nt Car Hek-nn-Kutr nnd Its liinncli pu ( fPtt. challcngo to me luitra m - iin:iiiiy, .iuninei, ivnocKiong and accent. H Is a declaration of war and has been ncccptcd ns sucn. ino Mallow took over thn planls to-day Chicago Pollco Department Btampod . nut anarchv during tho famous Hay- "7 . a. as a result of the failure of negotln tlons with their employers logardlng wngcH. The red Hag was hoisted nt all these places. Theso employees of the Tlppcrary nrancti issued n proclamation declaring that tho owners ot the plant had amassed a profit of more than 1,000,- 000 during tho war and that now they wanted to reduce- tho workers' wages by one-third. Therefore, said tho proclamation, tho employees had taken control themselves In tho Inter est of tho workers and fanners of the general community. EMIL HOLLY FAILS IN ANNAPOLIS TEST . . . i it ...111 .in It npnln maih't noi? auu ii. i - ........ . 1 . n r. n mailer wnuv um i-uoi. Por several years pasi a Bans ui professional thugs navo biuuuuhjt gained cxccutlvo control of a numbdr of fhlcngo labor unions. Through in timidation and violence incy nuvu worked their way into tho inner coun cils of certain unions until they havo beenmo absolute dictators of tho terms on which a man may work, for whom ho mav work, when nnd whero. This gilp Is so tight thn,! by systematic blackmail of workers and their em ployee allko they havo accumulated largo sums of money, which thoy havo used In brlboty and corruption on a tealo so enormous that they have been almost Immuno from successful prosecution. The function of every municipal pollco organization Is to enforco tho law and preserve order. As an arm of civic government Is has no concern with the merits of tho disputes be tween employers and workers, but It cannot under any clrcumstanco lg noro tho destruction of llfo and prop el ty. Tho rank and fllo of the unions In Chicago, far from opposing tho steps to crush terrorism, aro behind the Pollco Department. Tho war In which tho Chicago Pollco Department 13 engaged to-day . not a war tinon organized labor. It is n. war nnon hired assassins, nald vandals and unscrupulous blackmailers. Within twentv-fou'r hours of tho I of Ilolley to meet the mental tests latest outrages 150 alleged labor leaders, among them many professional was of such n character that he could sluggers, bombors nnd blackmailers, wcro under arrest. Within less than not nave lutuier constucrauon as threo days "nig Tim" Murphy. Pred Mader and Cornelius (Con) I. Shea candidate. aro under Indictment and held without ball on charges of murder. Several Tho examination papers arc market others nro also under Indictment on various charges growing out of the by three otlicers who do not know tho samo conspiracy. Murphy Is tho President of tho Gas IIouso Workers' names of the candidates. Only 03 of Union, has been arrested Bcores of times and Is under conviction In tho I the C7D candidates who took the April Federal Court for conspiracy to rob tho United States malls. I examinations were successful. Out Mader recently was elected President of the Chicago Bulltllng Trades of seventy-four enlisted men exnm- Councll. Ho la an cx-convlct. having served In Jollct Penitentiary follow- lined twenty-seven wcio successful .Ani'iMin. nt nnn.nimr... in nhtntn innniti hv threats. Shea Is also a :onvlct, who served in Sing Sing and first gained prominence In Chlcago'3 O'BRIEN NAMES $100,000 labor circles aB head of tho Chcago Packing IIouso icamsiors union in 1904 In a strike marked by bloodshed and riot, In Its fight to hold theso men in custody tho Pollco Department ha3 ocen seriously handicapped by a veritable deluge of writs of habeas corpus. Pollco ollicers to-day havo been compelled to rush prisoners from court i-nnm tn rnurtmom to respond to writs, somo of which were ODininea oy law yors unknown to tho prisoners themselves nnd unablo to identify their own clients riTZ.MORRii. Young Negro Appointed lo Nuvul Academy by Ansorgc Cannot. Enter. (SpM-tat tn Tlic lining Wnrld.) ANNAPOLIS, Md., May 13. Pub Ucatiou of the results of tho exam ination of candidates for admission to tho United States Naval Academy In April show that Kmll T. Ilolley. the Negro youth nominated by Repre sentative Ansnrgo of tho Western Harlem District ot New York City fulled in tho mental test. Inquirers wcio told that the failure T POLLS HAIR OF POLICEWOMAN N LIVELY SCRAP Shade of Aunt Jemima .Puts" Up Game Fight as Deteo tives Seize Her. AS HUDSON TUBE PRICE Cnriivrntlou ('ininiirl Op Ii o n c ARrceninit Mailr liy Trunlt Cotnliiftlnii. Corporation Counsel O'llrlen an nounced to-ilav that ho will onnose Tho superb organization of the Chicago Crime Commission, Its won-!,. , ,,,,. ., ,,,, . edrful system of criminal records accumulated within tho past threo years ,,, r-nmmii,n ..A.i , ir,i and tho prestige of its personnel aro of tho greatest aid tp tho department , Munlmttan InlIwav relll,vo In preventing wholesale deliveries of theso prisoners trom Jan. . .. nmHUnt tho ,.,. t0 ...,,, Tho Citizens' Committeo to enforce tho Landls Award, tho Chicago Ah- I nnmmtiv rnr thr. fmnctiis.. Tim soclatlon of Commerco and tho Chicago Crime Commission havo spoken I ,-,. n,,.ni u rnr tr.n nan x-m,. i,-,,i through their proper officials on behalf of the citizens of Chicago, pledging on .. cross income of Si 000 000 Tho to tho Pollco Dcpa tmcnt and tho State s Attorney tho solid support of the I Corporation Counsel believes it should ommunlty. In tho past forty-clgnt hours, with tho known loaders of tha U,,, $ioo,000. onsnlracv under lock and key, robberies, burglaries nnd other crimes lm-1 Tim rrnnr'hk mnn nxriun nf mediately dropped to a llguru which Is negliglblo from tho standpoint ot tile lle (rom Christopher to 33d Street, pollco administration of Chicago's size. With this support behind It the Tho oiiginal terms of tho franchise. Chicago Police Department in lawful manner Is ready to meet tho issue. called for $9,000 a year. This ugree- Expcnslvcly clad women, and men In evening dress, attending a scanco at No. 282 West 70th Street, fled last night when the "materialized shodo of Aunt Jemima" sailed Into n. wom an spectator and pulled her ho:r ama tho director of tho affair fought Uvo men. Tho woman was Policewoman Gcnovlovo McLiiughlan and tho raen wero Detectives Andrew McLaughJan not related to tho policewoman) ana William Ilaako of Inspector Uolan'a squad. Posing ns students of psycJil cal research thoy bought tickets for tho scanco at $1 each, they said. They arrested Mrs. Anna HartmanV wife of John L. Hartman, a chiro practor, living at that address; Mrs. Anna Morlnrlty ot No. 35 Hamilton Street, Brooklyn, who, they Bay, sold them tho tickets at tlio door, ana jur. nnd Mrs. William Hcilly Thompson of No. 152 West S2d Street. Mr. Thompson was director of tho sconco. Mrs. Thompson, whom ho describes ns Llttlo Kvn, was tho medium. He calls himself "Itov." and their homo Is in Kvansvlllo, O. Aunt Jemima, who was captured by, Policewoman McLaughlan and taken to tho Night Court, wus Llttlo Eva. Thoro was somo Jazz music, then tho lights wore switched and all but ona at tho front and Llttlo Eva went Into a "trnnce." "Sho's about to materialize," an nounced tho director. 'Don't touch the ectoplasm. It might kill her." A whlto figure appeared from the curtain. "Does any ono rccognlzo tho spirit of a dear departed?" asked tho di rector. "Is that you, Aunt Jemima?" cried Policewoman McLaughlan. "Yes, tny dear. Is your husband, Bob, hero?" Ho wasn't, and anyway his nams Isn't Dob. But Mrs. McLauc'iIan aroso and Introduced Detcctivo Mc- :iughlan as Bob. "Bob," said tho spirit, "I rccog nlzo you. You will bo very success ful." Then Dotecttvo Haako switched on tho lights. Tho scrap and arrests followed. In tho Night Court Magistrato Ober- agcr held them In $1,000 ball each for trial May 16 tn West Side Court. They wero charged with "acccptlns money for fortuno telling which waa not true." DON'T ALIENATE U. S., BALFOUR WARNS EUROPE "P. 8. Wrlto mo often. I lovo tho arms. It frightens mo when I don't . jr. Horsey nnd that tho lattor had I Martin 4 years 10 months. nrown siamp, ana go ntop into mo neur from you. Lot mo hear soon, hooked over tho letters, back and Klnco April 17th District Attorney wooas ana unaun anu cream lor me, oil, my dear, I am dead for you Just front, and said "All right." has disposed of 826 cases. Theie were jl.ibh up uiiu uiuhu iv como dead. Prior to' this nofereo dlcasori had 270 coses of crimes of violence pending o"v u Burry ujr wurus. rrouuio, YOUil KATHITIUU. niled out thq so-called "confession" then: to-day there are 127. In dlspos uear. wo an can do mat ana jubii "butiiI.iv Itntim. n-iiiii -i tmnmn I in. .r vt 1 num thin w,k Mi- ttnntim umiK wimi you navo Boi iu iubiik una .,auy i,ns just been n. ltd Is lovely, to havo written to her husband. .Iiirtrn coined 10S over tho Incoming calendar. t , . i r t - . ... ,- -- ' , mi. uu u im uuiuiu 1 ituio iuu hut nlwava when Im hot Mo wilts ulr'.l.n.n,, i,t,i Hint thn mnmn,.lnniinn earth. All tho beaut v He nut Into my I n.i I ,..,i 1 i. L. " . - tt ' ' imviu. 1 wii n 11 priviiufieii uuiiiiiiuiiiuuiidh oe- 1 . . yi. j soul, Joy and tho uopo. "Good morning dearest darling tu-een a husband and wife. hl do. 0 t till in h(friT1 Tho next letter was reported to bavo dear ,,,. naraii0iie that of Justice vinr. UIV -"i' Tho namo "Knthlthlo" signed to this schauHer. I letter means "Fair Flower." lteforo adjourning, counsel agreed read "Monday: "Darling Freddie How I lovo you I'Qul , ,,-nnn crno to communicate with Mr. Gleason bo und all the good things you aro part! . ' foro next Wodnesilay. advising him of; tho wonderful bluo sea and tho waves: everything that la nllvo and LETTERS. $500,000 TO ROUND-UP WAR DEFRAUDERS whether any further evidence would iilL'h tool the stand nflor cross-I be Introduced before ho begins to for overythlng that, is pcaco.. I longed for 1 -vn,inr,.i,.,, f y,r. Kintmnti had mulato bin vardlct you so last nlglit and I waa so tireil becn comr,tetod. He told of going to uiiu 1 iuok jour uuuung cup iu aiocp Montreal May C In nccordanco with with llko tho children do. and then I Instructions from Mr. Httllman's weni to sleep. 1 am just acau for counHe, no snld he met Beauvais In you. I nn Just sick of tho rich, a ,e.,tattrant tho day ho arrived and lonely, rotten world. I want to bo Hi.w il)m Mav 8. but did not J 1 . V. ., 1 1 . 1. 1 ' ' ' Uiujcu null uiiu piay nun juu. i .nnl In lilm ullhrr in. The St 111 num. mi mu imru iniiinii iu lutn. t fn(tn lawyers had expected to pay nave 10 oe a iiiye naraer or 1 wouic nl)out ,5 000 for t)in letters. urcun. i nun bu iu lumc m yuu iu- tim. r.,,1,1 i,n met 11 "newsnaner day nnd be comforted. I want to ba mn" n, lnmes Hhonn tn Mnn- comforted. I want to bo comforted. tren, ,iy npp0mtl,.nt. Shean said When I am with you I want to com fort you, because I am so hnppv. Hut to-day I am so lonely. want to feel your hand nnd bellevo you nro all thnt Ileauvuls wanted ?2.'.000 for Just ono letter. Shean noted as go-tetween. running from Leigh to lleauvals, Leigh said, with nfferH. countor I have to bellevo In. I want to be offorB ,, c'op,CI1 of ,hfi ,UprH , , comforted, Somohow I feel that tho best T do Is so poor." I delivered. On one occasion when Shean talkod with I.elgh In Shean's ino next missivo anegen 10 navo room Beauvais listened from a closet. I i.,t ihnn miit to tho Siiuitn with ih.. oeen neni uy jura. Hiiiunun iu win t li mi l he found out afterward. lemicfct thill emtiilly nwiily net on I rulde was on noto paper, with "2731 whn rnnvlneil tho lettei-H could ulven it there, ro that Piemaenl Hiu- Vark Avenue," which was bnco tho not t, had for less thun S1B.000. Leigh ding can Mgn It before the end of next Htlliman home, Tne signature Haid he telephoned lo New York tn P"' I. A ... - ' If ...... n..1 D In.llnn A . . . . . . ... ..I ,i .T.. v.i"u,.u, 10. uuioiiiniigo norwy or mc ue uineey I ci'inDCO'C dl-t mnn Cfloc for ".My heart." Tlie lettor was as 1 tCirnll firm and Mr. llor.iey camo to - " j j tow. Montreal. AS PHOTOS ARE TAKEN -pearest i-reaaio: Leich said ho had ono of bin own "Your InBt letter of Nov. R was a nicn following him ull the time and mn. llninhlcton Onlrr (Myiiinlr great comrori to me. Tlip otner lei- that lleauvals had i-evenil uplcs about Srnrelinl for 1 1 1 MUkIiiit l.lnnet, ter hurt nna women mq a lot. 1 nt ull times when they met. thought you would be In Monday, so "lleauvals said that ho wanted my that I Bont Hud to meet you, nlso assurance to tell IiIh story," tho wit Kelly, at Harmon for tho day train CH3 testified, "lleauvals said that I am tired, dear, but your last letter . irs stlllman's nttornoys know that rested mo a lot. I don't want to wrlto a uuckar.o of letters ho ncwoHsed had In tho captain's eubln till inornlm: A Boxing Glove Or an Automat rnitedStalcs Supreme Court Called un lo Settle I m portnut Point WASHINGTON, May 13. The Su premo Court bus been asked by petition Wed by a Baltimore manu facturlng company to apply Its pro found leurnlng to solving tlie question of what Is an oulja boatd Tho Federal Government, with that lack of sentimentality for which it noted nnd with tho bluntnetis of tlK tax collector, has drtermliied such boards 11 ro pioperly to be classed sporting goods" along with tenmu racquets, snow shoes, boxing gloves liascball bats, golf clubs, footballs nnd similar articles. Tho Baltimore company therefore has asked thn court to determine whether tho Iward Is, as the company claims' to be, "a grade of motor automatism, Involving considerabl Cant. A. is. lianiDleton of tlm I ""'" Whllo Btar Incr Olympic hai ordered "", "ol bi'oiwhk k"'i!', nunjeci 10 u a Hcurcli of tho ship in llio hope of find-1 tax of 10 per cent. ing his pel unnei, joey. When photograptis were being taken lliiiiar lii I'naa II 1 1 1 Miiiiiln, Willi (liilek Ai-llon In Scnntr. WASIUNOTON, Mny 13. The dillnlto inovo In tho ciunpiilim to louiul up nnd pixisecuto war defraiidem came to-diiy when tho Houso Appioprliitlon Committeo favorably reported a bill giving the Deportment of Justice rpocltil JIOO.OOO graft proserutlon fund. Tho money l needed, neeordlng to At torney General UaliKheity, to employ extra InvetllRiuors 111111 counsel The bill will bu passed In lhc Housn much, us I don't trust the malls orlien ,.fe,j nn,i timt should say that Joc'i wll "uvor nu" lH'n the people In the Post Office but t these letters were among those taken l1cw !t "ml '" "t T." I said thnt 1 would tell in u cage, seen slmv. Bovc'rul weeks ago dipt, llumbleton found tho bird In tho hold, very sick. If the boards are nut exactly what It claims, the manufacturer eo'ntondK a large part of tlniHO made by them lire, of n smnll size, Intended for tho use of children, and lor taxing pur poses that part uf their product at havo bocn only perfectly happy whonlat that time, Wlin yuu 111 HIU ucuu Mum veil. 4-vuvu-I tun Klnrv ' 1.. ... .. ,. ...i. . .. ..-.. tng that I ever said to you have I over LIED TO BEAUVAIS, DETECTIVE uMn with him ever since, havinir it least, without regard to what tho taken back, 1 lovo you In spite of all 1 ADMITS run of hU quurttrs. I highest court In tho land may havp to your faults nnd mistakes. in -. . I say ubout tho larger boards, should lovo tliero Is nothing to forget, but 1 1 Q. Then ou lied to Benuvals? A. wist.1, li.VOWN NKWbpai'iju 31 v. be classed us children's toyn. lovo you for your good, to make yoiilYM, I lied to him In order to accom- uiny, I The United States DistiVt Cuurt at flrow, to make you suffer, for leallpllMh my point. NOIIKOLK. May 13 Chailrs ltcil-1 Baltimore and the circuit Couit of lQV8 Is greater than pain. I otn nut I. Q. You'd have lold nn Un to is 1 vrlctc Manslniry. elxly-ei ii. Journalist, I Appeals for the Fourth Circuit took wen, liven um! can i uu uiiiii VI II uin turn uiirmr ,. iu u mull ui llic , u( ft ueill liuspllul lift lllfclll uflerl ll "' ,, '" ' illiefl"!' HI .is I want you to bo-my pHdo. I atu I chanirter of Brauyals. J KUstalne.J um elalm .lm' the boat. uick cr everytning anu ovfit-y ono. mi w- " wnnien ine money? A lie I lmr:..a vutix,r was l.lwitltl.U vlihtly m, I ',v,", ,,t u,r l,lH PinpoKi s. n ono really loves mo uui you and tnoiwaniea to ste tr, nna l counted it f,-tW York und WushliiKtmi. Ilu was at K''dle?.i of wimtetur uko other iior children. I as.ll Nov. :i or 22. Come lover. lleauvals iald "That's marked I ono tlinu on thu cUllorlil stuff uf tho tons might make of iiiem, to ad tpena . lew (Uys v4Ui mt at'monay." I told him that It wam't. J'tw lor a baa. idasacd as "sportlns eckxU DETECTIVES CATCJ-I MAN AFTER HOLDUP Cries of Victim in 98th Stieet Lead to R tiling Chase. Thomas MeGulrc, nineteen, No. 789 Columbus Avenue, was held In "110,000 ball In the West Side Court to-dny on charge of lobbery. Ho was arrchte'd illy this mornliur after an exciting chaso over roof.i In West D8th Street. Tho complaint is by George Dwyer, o. COO West 103d Street. Ho said ho was stopped in front of No. 43 West SSlli Stntt by McGuiic, who skeil for money. When Dwycr lo limed, it is chuigcil, Jlcuuuc strucK him with n milk bottle. Dwycr's shots brought Detectives Fitzgerald, Trojan and Davis, just as McGulio Joined a roup of men In front of No. CI. Tlio group run inio mo nuiiuing. i ne uo--i tcctlvcH llred pevurul shots und fol lowed to tho rool. There all the fugitives vanished but McGulio, who was found behind a chimney. Tho pollco say ho was iden tified by Dwyer. nient explied four years ago. CLEARY GUILTY OF ARSON CHARGE ARMED MEN ON GUARD AT MURDER HEARING Brooklyn Itoadhouse Fire May Cost Owner 25 Year Sentence. A Jury In Justice MacCrntc's part of tho Supremo Court In Brooklyn late last night convicted James J. Clcary, forty-eight, of No. 335 WcU 57th Street. Manhattan, of arson in tho I hero to-day with armed deputlees sta second degree. Ho was remanded for tol-d about tho chamber to prevent Slnrtllnur Tr.ntlniniijr I'rnlietod Mudrnl'n Trlnl Okla., .May 13 (As sociated Press). Preliminary hearing ot Larl K. Gordon, Government student ut the Oklahoma A. & If. College, charged with muider In connection with the shooting of Beckham Cobb, an other student, began In District Court Help Yonrselvrs First When Aslc- Inir, Aid, Lord Tells Nations. Or.NlSVA. May 13 (Associated Press). Lord Balfour warned tho nations of Europts to-day thnt they would loso hat prestige they Have In America un less In making appeals for aid they show somo indication ot trying to help themselves. Lord Balfour's warning was voiced In connection with discussion by tha Council of tho League of Nations this forenoon of tho American Belief Ad ministration offer to feed Russian ref ugees In Constantinople. DELAWARE TO SEND STUDENTS TO EUROPE sentence next Thursday, Clcary owned a roudhouso nt Kings Highway nnd Clarendon Hoad, Brook lyn, In which tlicro was a fire Sept 12, 1920. Firemen responding to tho alarm extinguished thu flames quickly and discovered bovorul "tlmo plants" comnoscd of candles on paper plo plates, uncorked bottles of gasoline and' TWO SEVERELY BURNED shoddy materluls which cnuso nro to jj FIREHOUSE BLAZE travel quickly. Clcary was not there at the tlmo. Ho I Volunteer ('nniimiiy's llendqunrters any possible demonstration. Contradictory statements that tho hearing would result In startling do tails being brought to light about on alleged Insult which Mrs. Cobb claims Gordon offered her and which is said to have resulted In tho shooting wcro madij by attorneys for Mra. Cobb and counsel lor Gordon. ORDERS 'SHOOT TO KILL,' POLICE SLAY TWO THUGS Clilenno I'ntroliiinn Mint In Untile Willi Holdup. CHICAGO, May 13. rollco turned tho tables In tho war with gunmen early to-day. "Shoot to kill" orders of Chief of Pollco Charles Fltzrhorrjs brought results when policemen killed two highwaymen. Policeman Kearnoy Drlscoll killed John Brodu, nineteen, following a hold-up. Brodn tried to shoot tho officer, but Drlscoll beat him on tho draw. An unidentified robber was shot to death by Policeman Patrick O'Connell during an attempted hold up. o'Conucll was shot in the shoul der. Both men killed wcio Identified by men who had been robbed. GARMENT WORKERS RE-ELECT SCHLESINGER ! , In I lie I'reslilriiey of I'nlnn fur Tmii Vfr, CLBVBLANB, O., May 13.--Benjamin Soliti'illKf.'i 4' N'ew Yoili was iv-ilpt.t,.,j 1'ivsi b ut i'f i In. IniiM-iuitloivil Liidi Ginii'iit Wim'Vt Union in tn-dny't wkIiiii or in,, union h s.xteenili lilrmdal eiiiivtntliin hmu. Mr. Sohleslntinr nuveplcd Hie I'resl deucy lor in a yearn. bought tho premises In October, 1919, Insured tho building for $12,250 and tho contents for $3,400. Arson in tho second degrco Is punishable by twenty- five years In prison. BOOTLEGGERS KILL MAN IN THE STREET nt lliniilllnn, V J,, llestruycil liy l-'lamoN. (KimtIuI tn Til I'wnltiB Woild.) ASBCltY PAItK. N. J, Jlay 13. Two volunteer lire men were severely burned early to-day when a blaze that was caused by defective wiring de Hroed-the flrnliouse nt Hamilton, N J., three miles west of here. Thosa burned were oremun Walter V. Tillan T?:.. TO Q1inl From Allto- Pf ""' Hamilton Klre Company, and B lure ii anois i iom nuw (. Jpllffi I)ropi.letor ot hv KCtltTill fctorc at Victim Passing Boy. I K!l ..t V'nl'ni Wnnnrl it Hamilton. UIUUI1U ilk iv.i.1111 Th0 ,( os was morn than $10,000, In eluding damage to tho Brockway o -' J I i-ompauy's lire truck and the honin of Km net Bcllazlsta, twenty-two year Jellff. lire companies from Asbury .. . . i,u nf No.. 179 Hamll- I'arK aim wesi rovo were called ton Avenue. Brooklyn, was standing ln JOCKEY STRETCH DIES front of No. 7ti liapeiyeu oncti, lyn, lost night when nn automobile with ne men drew up nnd tho occupants ol tho car opened Hro on him. Twelve shots wcru llred and ltcPa'Ist.'i fell doad with four bullets In his tody. Michael I'lorcntlno, sixteen ycart old of No. 13 ltapclycn Street, who was passing, was bhot In tho leg. Vftcr killing Bcllazlita the men niaim off In the automobile. The pollco say thu affray trow vut of bootlcgslng. They know who did thn shooting. kii,i,i: T?Thf inv.iv. lMld Iloffnijii. rorty-flw." ol No. i2S liid .Street, n track waikir f..i Hie imeiboimfmi l-ap'd Transit eom pan, was Ullhd by a subway train 1 1 ho . one Island City tube. Jim night. Another truck 'th cscapd injury. ' AS RESULT OF INJURIES Dentil lir Arelilt-iil I .SieilrohnNt- 'liner nt I'lmlleii ' BALTI.MOIti:. Md . May 13. -Jockey A. Hlretch. who -fell when Hedslart, his mount, stumbled at the fiftli Jump i the second race at I'linlico racjo true yesieruuy. uien in inn iiaiiiinoro liei iiral Hospital to-day as u result of ii Juries. iho Jockey was pinned und the horse and was removed from the track unconscious. tnte Plnnn in Meet Kxianilun ot V. S. Kurelnn Itrlatlnns. NKWAItK, Del., May 13. Dr. Walter Hulllhcn, President of tho University of Delaware, to-day announced that tho service citizens of' Dclawnro bad voted tho necessary funds to send students to Europe for a year's foreign study. Tho plan has been approved ny sec retary of Commerco Hoover. It alms ultimately to provide a great reservoir of college-trained men familiar with tho languages snd commercial usages of foreign countries to meet mo neeaa ot expansion of American foreign relations. ritM.IK UllOIir.S, KII.M ACT11ESS SKCVIIKSI DIVOUCE. LOS ANGBL.DS. Cal., May 13. Billla Uliodes, motion picture actress. In pri vate llfo Lavitla Jobclmann, was granted a dlvorco hero yesterday trom William it. .tobelmann. press agent, whom sn charged with haying slapped her. hav ing been rudo und addicted lo imoxi- cants. She was tho widow or William (".Imlni: B 11 1 Parsons, motion pic ture uctor, who left her J150.000. I'AH AfiUAY MIXISTHItS linsinx. lUIENOS AIBES, May 13. Tho dis turbed political situation ln Paraguay has resulted In tho resignation of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Finance and Justice, nnd tho President has np polntoJ new Ministers, says a despatch. ci.ot i)ii;ht vi.oons iiiiistou imiSTOL. 'a.-Tenn.. May 13. Dam- uko estimated at JGdO.OOO was caused In Bristol and vicinity lasi nigni ny nooa tmters from Beaver Creek, caused by a cloudburst near Waldon, Ya. DIED. wit.Ti-n r. CAMrriKU. 'in. NKHAL CllUnoit. B'ay, Otlth it., oa Saturday, 2 V. 21. ,11'IHii: HIMU' M.U'llIS himm:i.. ii iiimii c si:. MIAMI. Klu.. May 13. Jinlgo 11 lliauiilng. Ill the Circuit Court, Iiiih dl iluallDtd himself as n siding Judge in the furthcoming Dial of IMsar U. Kra- dy Chicago nutoninbilo man, who is ! rim liUouu t! us cliinutr. cuauicl or ctbin cliarged wnn uie murucr oi nia w uii-" a local hotel luit i'cLruaxy. ' Notice to Advertisers IrlT idiertUlu ipw wry wl rrlti ortfm for rlitirr the nrik da lluniini World or ?ha JWMilnii Worlti il'l ! r SI. tb day prtTfiHiu i-uMiratloii ran i in.tnrj un!r it iptff niir permit tnd In tdf of itivlpt it Th World Utlitt. fopy roatilninr euatinuiti to Lai de by Thr World d?'J' uurertlnd by 1 I, ii. ntspUr dvtriis4ic tvp- mrs fpr Surpit infnl Section ot Tli Suoday World wu.t b rtivvi b I I' M ThurnJiy prt-i-dlitj puhlici lion iiid rfleif inut tw rwet-fed by 2 11, FrlUij. t'c I' -onUtnlitr ensrating. tn be mtlq by Tne World uiuni 6 rtcciuj Tl-undiy notu. hwidiy Mi In t-bert eon Pf ffry TtMch Yn not bft-a retired ot 1 M. rrtdn. tnd ni i.txnf roji) wMrb tii no brrn rfr-rlm tn tbi pLibJtritlor nfflc ht 1 1' M. VVldty. ind notilf flit rt Ion order. iut icvlr--1 In I' M Trtdiy. n III lie owlticj r. ct-ndittmi-- r- iljldl? in tiit ordvr uf lau.t recelu rd (oUtlre leltiiej prdrr. 4 i-tln con) or frrtcr1 rflen-d titer thin l prutlditl hoe. whtn mii1ted will not m ta ?HE WORLDS - A ngMriisritiiinViT " 'z::zr-