Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, .SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922. Bays for the STAGE AND SCREEN FAVORITES WHO WILL BE SEEN NEXT WEEK AT THE THEATRES AMUSEMENTg. NEW AMSTERDAM 1 Matln Bat. at 1. RUSSIAN rSJS TO-DAY MAT. at S. "I)EMON.,r TO-MOIIT at t. "SMsaCltUVCIIKA." Coming" eek v Ws N American comedy by O. C. .'.-"A Xugrnt and Elliott Nupcnt m ... .v. . called I'Kempy" will do pro duced on Mortday night nt tho Ucl- Jniont Theatre. Grant Mitchell heads i i, a cuol uiai (uso iuuuuca liuiua iwiui "''Helen Carew, nuth Nueent, Jessie V'Crcim'ettc.' Robert Lee Allen and the 'valithom. Tha ttnrv rnnrrrnfl n votltie "jramAa who tries vainly to force her way ,io ariiauc neurits. .'Xlehlnln'," with Milton Nobles In tho tltlo role, cornea to the Bronx J? Opera llousc. A Tho stock company at Keith's Al ls hantbra Theatre will present "Twin $ Hods,' Margaret Muyo's farco. f The National Vaudeylllo Artists' an- t nual benefit will take place to-mor. row nlfht with big bills at the Hippo drome and Manhattan Opera House. Change of Bills In Vaudeville ' PALA.CE Healdlno attractions will be Bessie Clayton and other dancers In "The Box 'Party," Qua Edwarda's revue "A Fountain of Youth." Will M. Cressy and Blanche Dayno In "Without a Will There's a Way." and Ruth Royo and W. C. Fields In "An Episode on the Links." RIVERSIDE The Santos and Hayes ' Revuo, Harriet Rempel in "The Heart of a Clown," tho Udb Pender Troupe and Herschcl Hunlcre will be on the bill. EIGHTY-FIRST STREET THEA TRE In tho vaudeville list will bo Ed Gallaeher and Al Shcan, Donald Kerr and Effle Weston, Emmet Ryan and Ethel Honklns. Tho screen will lhow i"8lster8." FORDHAM For tho first half of the week tho bill will tncludo Dr. William B. Thompson, Imhof, Corcenc and company and Kramer nnd Uoyle. rpt....... III Un f f saret Young. Walters and Walters artd Harry -Hayden. MOSS'S BROADWAY THEATRE The bill will lncludo U. S. Jazz Band, Bert Baker In "Prevarication," Howard and Sadler, Mel Klee, Burt and Roscdalo, and the photoplay "His Back Against the Wall." COLISEUM Stnrtlng tho week will be Princess Wahletka In nn ex hibition 'of clairvoyant power, Fanny and Kitty Wa,tson in "Hospitality, ' Jean Granesc in songu, und Irene Can tie on the screen In "No Trespassing." With Princess Wahletka the list half 'of the wftAlf will lift Imhnf .inrl Hn. yTrenc, joo Browning and tho pliotp- P'ay oiBicra. ! 4.,.' FRANKLIN Bill Bailey, 'Lynn , Cowan and Eatcllo Davis in "A Little production" will head tho bill the ; llrst half of tho week, with tho screen -'showing t!jjy Old Kentucky Home," :,Thursduy will bring' Al Herman, . I'rcssler nnd Klqlss and the 111m play .Lj-Siatcrs." ; ; REGENT Joo Cook, Toney IIom- r-Jiikcll, Alexander Brothers nnd Evelyn, sfruKl "My Old Kentucky Home" will lu JPsfeatures tho first half of the week TiS'Tlicn. will come Jean Gravcse, Haw- Vithbrno and Cook, 'Indoor Sports" and "Sisters." PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE jf&For tho first ho)f of The week there KfSvlH ' be Mark McDcrmott. Hurry :4Uangaon. i rnnKie main ana oiners SOn Thursday tho bill changes to Joo sTCook, Ernest R. Ball, Coley and SSaxon, Colts Brothers and Alexander Brothers and Evelyn. S 2SD STREET THEATRE Mrs iEvu Fay, Bernard nnd Garry, Una fCluyton, and "My Old Kentucky f'Home" will 1o among tho attractions the Xlrst half dt the week. Then will .como' Senator Murphy, Stevens and roweii una "sisters. land Mercedra, Welch, Mcalcy and iMontrose, Josle Roonoy and "My Old Kentucky Homo" start tho weok. Be- ppinnmr Thursday mere win no Dia Saiond and Brcnnan, Valentino Vox, fand "Sisters. SS1JSTH STREET THE1.VTRE With Ipitho same picture plays will bo Thclma .aria jiazie vmii-, ocnuiur aiurpny, uie fRunaway Four, and Wells, Virginia (.'and West. i M IJEW'S STATE TI3E5ATRE 1 viio aviiu.iiutio mob linn ipf the week Will bo Mario Stoddard In isongs and comedy, a re-uo called y'Aruiabelle," and Alice Lake on the screen In "Kisses." Changes on .Thursday, Include "Dancing Shoes," ftucker and Winifred, and the film EUay, "Smilln' Through," with Norma tTalmadge. r " tNew Offerings On the Screen CRITERION "Missing Husbands." an adaptation ot i-ierre ucnoivs novel "L'Atlantldo," begins an cn- gagement this afternoon. I The story Is laid In tho Sahara t'?She i Is a descendant of Cllto. tho mother of Atlas and beloved of Nep- t'une. Many explorers have come to 'the kingdom of Atlantis, but none have returned to civilization. Morungo "(BJid Salnt-Avlt, taking refuge from Mho intense neat, see "Antlnea" en- ,' graved upon the walls of a cave. '.They follow the markings and enter Sjrij-,inB oomaiu oi me wucen wnom none fij'ean resist. The cast includes Htacla jplSSLNapIerkowska, Marie Louise Tribe, tu , J"ean Angelo, Georges Melchton and .other French players. There will also M. n'bo "Battling Torchy," "Danse . fArabe" and (he Criterion Magazine, .The musia programme openH with i .Offenbach's "Orpheus in the Under- ivoria." j. nl ALTO Jack Holt and Bobo fffi uanieis win oe seen in "iNortii or tne iltlo Grande," a pictured version of j.vtnglo E. Roe's story. The action 4, centres around tiro horses stolen during a raid in which the ranch owner Is killed. His son became the leader of a hand pledged to make, war on tho outlaws. Other features will be "Suwlng a Lady In Half," Harry Pollard In "Light Showers," a music film and tho Rlalto Magazine Thomas'H "Mlgnon" overture will be Playwl by tho orchcstrn,,and MhiIrc North, contralto, Rlalto debut. STRAND Tho ' chief attraction will bo Constance Talmadge In "Tho Primitive Lover," an adaptation of Edgar Selwyn's "The Divorcee." A ydung wlfo w?io lots her fancy turn to gallant romance of bygone days finds herself contrasting her prnctl- fnl- ""Wnd with a former loror ic (in ucii liuiu u nuuiu Amer can ex pedition. Supplementary flims and concert numlicrs programme. complete CENTRAL THEATRE To-morrow afternoon, "Tho Trap." with Lou Clianey asfits star, will bo brought back. Additional features Include n ,0i'!nthcr Pu8ll(-"." IN THE REALM OF MUSIC ) By. Frank H. Warren. Tho Russian singers nt tho New Amsterdam Theatre last evening udded Tschalkowsky's thrco-nct opera, "Eugen Onegln." to their growing list and appeared to satisfy one of their largest uudlences. This work, with Its "lyric scones," as the composer termed them, - was llrst given In America in March, 1920, by the Met ropolitan Company without noticeably stirring tho operatic current. The three principals on that occasion were Mips Muzlo and Messrs. Mnrtinelll und Do Luca. The story of the Is tuken from the Russlun poet Push kin ,und is autobiographical In con tent. Tschnlliowsky has set 'it to music that, ns a rule, lucks the ex pected nutlonal flavor as to color nnd rhytlmiB. It is not easy 'to attach this score to tho composer of thoso WlWPhonles that have the town by the ears. Excepting for tho choruses, In which tho sjngcrs fell down badly, and tno playing ot the orchestra tho hcoi-o muklng too heuvy demands upon tno wcuk stung nectlon tho tier foniianco was us, satisfactory iuj ono AMUSEMENTS. (WINTER GARDEN M,h Hl ,1,5'' Kv"- 8 llin Ull UHI1UCI1 MATINKU TO-I1AV. EDDIE CANTOR ,N "MAKE IT SNAPPY" Willi .VAN TO-MORROW NIGHT C 0 N C ERT AMVAYN TIIK ItKMT I-ITS.I1AV HNTHIITAI.NMU.vr IN NKW YtlltK. 1ANDERBILT tjikatkk. w. ih st. MATINEE TO-DAY 2.45. UV,,. U...,(l. Mly Stanley A Ufllljr 1JUWIIIUIII Houghton. (HINDI.!: WAKF.Sl. nRfiU C.CATC .-FOII AM, $2 wiiviii ukniu ITltrOUMANCKS AQTflR Tliftt., Mi b U'w HOlUn Matlnera Wed. i ay. S30. and Bat. S.S0. Cot urn In BRONXEXPRESS MATIM.i; 1U-DAV. E!v. 8.S0. Hats. PfllJCnY Wert 4Ut Bt. Thura. 4 Sat. X.SO UUfflCUl ivi. Hry. r.lU4. EE EUCEXE O'NEILL'S -THE HAIRY APE," Plymouth, If. 45th St. Eiti. S.fS. Tkuri. & Sal. 2.45. "MRS. WHIFFErj AS GAY AND ENGAGING AS EVER." Tlmea. MATINKU TO-DAY . WWOAHIUCK.CB W.35. ilti.Thur'irlat PI AYrinllSF Weil 4bth Bt, rLAInUUOt Mali Wed nd 8at., 2.S0. 'Up The Ladder' I ITTI C IHI.Allth. W 411 liiiul. juit, To-m'w A Wed, ai .au ht Year I 1IKST KATS U.IUI, i.rn i.i: Thea hl'RC'L Tl'EM. .MAT. .t0 Dotolevaky1 'The Idiots With Tiein.-ndout ESTKLLE I'lay I.NttOOI) Heatnald Pole. Maraaret Mower It Orla.Catt mm w " m a am nnnirr r film and a prologueicalled "Springtime In tho North Woods," with singing by Arthur Albro. C.VPJTOL Patsy Ruth Miller In "Watch Your Step" will ibo the screen feature. Orchestral and vocal music, together with a ballet, will round out the bill. CAMEO Betty Blyllie In "His Wife's Husband" is to be held over for a second week. ' could expect from a band of wander ing minstrels. What tho principals lacked in voice und dramatic tcch nliuo they made up 'for In zeal and native lire. They were all letter per fect and a sudden change In the cast disclosed that the artists can shift front one role -to another with Musco vite facility. Marie Mushir as Tatl- ana, the leading female part, Imcknl a bit of good singing by a nice display of composurp when, with .10 Inter ruption In her principal nrla, who llfitrd u blazing candle sliado from Its sup port, dropped it to the floor nnd stamped out the flumes. She was tho least concerned peraon, apparently, In the auditorium. There arc two performances to-day. Rubinstein's "Demon" this uftcrndon and "Sncgourotchka" The Snow Maiden to-hlght. ' William G. Guard, publicity di rector for thn.MotiopoIltan Opeta, was saying gocxlby yesterday afternoon to his muny operutlc followers, 'prepara tory to sailing" for Italy to-day. Oluscppo Argentina, tho tenor who was rescued from a laundry, as told recently In Thu Evening World, will make his initial public appearance to- morrow night at Town Hull. AMUSEMENTS. RrNT RY Tlx-. 02d Cent. Park Weit un i Ev g 0 JU(Si Wt,d an.d Bjt Tenu KoIa Jamea Uarton Marlon Orean In The ROSE of STAMBOUL KVfiS. IJ.tCi:iT BAT.) 80c. lo $S.8. 9HIIRFRT Thta.. 4lth..V. of D'y. Evs.8.20. watineei Wtd. and Sat.. ii.SO FRANCES! TAYLOR ".1 THE HOTEL WHITE ' HOLMES MOUSE PRFFHUIPU VIIIiieo tlirn. 4th St. t 7th Av JjllCCnWIUH a,tS0. Mt..Thr.8at.2.30 Ulevernt Cpmr dy lull LT(,'ri of tho Ucuaoir OiL,JLiE, 1 ILU "Kept Ilia Audience Ijiuelilnf." Herald, PDIUPCCC Wcit 311th Bt. Kllnoy U37D. minUCOO Evp, 8.3o. ilato.Wcd.t Sat, 2.30 TheRED GERANIUM J ITU ct Thea., W. of ll'way. Eva. 8.30. ft 111 01 Matlneea Thura. and Sat. S.30. tr.ClL LUAN and CLKU JIAVIIKLI) THE BLUSHING BRIDE 4 St. Kva. 8.3(1. Wed. and Sat., 2.30 APIljll ?inchii MONTMARTRE SIXWVN TIIHATUK, W. 4d St, Kta.$:.SO. .MaU.Wrd.SHnt.f i. No llliber UARlMfcY UERNAKl) and ALEXANDER CARR ir a new comedy. rAHTNKUS AGAIN," Uy.MoniaKUGlaiI.Jule KckertGoo,1man RIT7 THKATIIB, W IIC 1IAT1NKK8 W 48th V.w n.:in. 2.30 V'ed. nnd Hal. THE ADVERTISING 0F KATE MATINKK TO.llAV ..H1" E SCAWTO Mate. Wed. " sYt. 48THSIi Evea.Tso. Matlneti Thuri. 8at. The NEST With LUCILE WATSON l YRIp id St., Meat ot II way. l:vi. e ao. LiniU Matlneea Wed. and Sat., 1.30. The Weat Mulral Comedy In Town. t HAT.OMALP' iAHl Brj.1554. Era t. 8.30 Mti WED. &SAT -rnt(iAbHth74Bt.E.8.a6.Mta.thur..BiX l tUi MONTH. TIIK MUSICAL TMUMril MARIOLAINE m : Dutch Visitor Surprised We Have No Air Pas senger Service. By Roger Batchclder "I am surprised to find tho United Stntes bqhind other countries in air craft," asserted W. H. Van Gessel of The Hague, who is at the Astor. "In must European countries one can fly from city to city, catching an air plane on regular schedule, just as one does a train here. From Holland we havo an airplane malt service to Den mark, England, Germany, Belgium nnd France, nnd nlr travel to those countries is quite as common. "Ono "of my follow countrymen, H. Boerner, has patented a new plane which will fly from 50,000 to 80,000 feet ljlgti, and will travel much faster than any of those of Uhe present day. lie expects soon to fly from England to N w York In one day.'' IT'S UP TO THE WOMEN. "I believe that tho salvation of the world and the fJturo depfls more upon women than upon men," said Mrs. L. Stuart Houston, President of the International Sunshine Society in Cuba, who has arrived In New York. Mrs. Houston, who was born In Cuba, AMUSEMENTS. Mai n Fllinlt's,y. Eva.8.30 mibnn tiuutis j,aUnui., Wed. & Sat. 2.30. RMAli.lomis in THE AM BEAU GOLDFISH With W1I.TON I,ACKAYC. lUDlQCAnfiD 4Uth. nr.U'y. Uvenlni 8.30 AMDAdOAUUn Matlneea Wed. t Sat. 2 31 BLOSSOM TIME The Oreateat Muilcal nit al Ageel L0N6ACRE Weet 4Rlh 6t. Kvenlnss S.25. Mala. TO-DAY Wid. 2.2... ETHEL LEYEY In " i l 15 A V si A n i: i, T,,u;renR.'. i"udy ESTELLE WINWOOD DCDIini 11 Thea.,42d St.,W.of n'y.Kva.8.30, nCrUuLIb jUt. wed. and Sat. at 2.30 CITIURC .Weat 42d Stieet. Uenlnci, 8 3U CLIIrtUC Mats. Wed. and Bat., ii;iniiMi;Tffli jux-. ".j.v... 42d St. ThIcv IJallv dMafc. AKULIU 3tM.3U.Prlce23oto "MARY SCORES." BOL AND Tribune "SMARTLY COMEDY." WRITTEN Sun. V, btL WVf I'rrr "LA DCLmuni Mat. To.dav M French Tliea.Co. FlnlTlme lnleneh BELLE AVENTURE" l.n.t Week Next Monday KEMPY wllh firant Mitchell R I mil Th. Wtat 45th St. Eva. 8.30 B,JU0 Matlneea Wedrteaday & Sat. 2.30 1' DOVER ROADT BOOTH Weit 45th Evei.. 8.30 Mate. Wed. H.i sn MIl.XE'S NEW COMEDY THE ABOUT BLAYDS with o. p. i mo n re and ALEXANDRA CARLISLE. man-led on American citizen and has Just come here from Baltimore, where she attended the Convention of the League pf Women Voters. "Women havo higher Ideals," she went on. "They are more Interested In the Individuals of the human race, und have more time than men to de vole to the betterment ot the world." SIR WILLIAM AYKROYD HERE. At the Biltmore Is Sir William Aykroyd, who Is here from England and knows everything almut carpets that Is worth knowing. He Is Vice AMUSEMENTS. Theatres Under Direction of Hugo Riesenfeld CRITERION BROADWAY AND 44th STREET The Sensation of Paris running one full year MISSING HUSBANDS Adapted by Jacques Feyder from . PIERRE BENOIT'S Novel "L'ATLANTIDE" Awarded the Grand Prix by the French Academy A Metro-Super Special BATTLING TORCHY" Comedy Music Film "DANSE ARABE" RIVOLI Held over for a Second Week GLORIA SWANSON In "BEYOND THE ROCKS" By ELINOR GLYN author of "Three Weeks" and "The Great Moment" with RODOLPH VALENTINO A Paramount Picture BUSTER K EATON Comedy, "The Paleface," Victorina Krigher Prima Ballerina Moscow Grand Opera Flotow's "Alessandro Stradella" Overture RIVOLI CONCERT ORCHESTRA Frederick Stahlberf and Emanuel Baer Conducting RIALTO Jack Holt In "NORTH OF. THE RIO GRANDF" A Paramount Picture "Sawing a Lady in Half" "Snub" Pollard Comedy AMPICO Tschnlkowsky Concerto Music Film "Aiablan Duet" In Trlzma CVor Ambrolsc Thomas' 'Mlgnon-' Overture FAMOUS RIALTO ORCHESTRA Hato Rititnltld and Jottrh Littau Condactinf MTJ 3D WEEK markable Presentation a -a.a-a,. I of Up-to-date ..... Extravaoania Ana vauaevinei Funniest snow in rowni "SHOULD HAVK NO DIFFICULTY KEEPINQ THE COLUMBIA FILLED THBOUQH THE SUMMER MONTHS." .Null. Twlre Dally, Sfate Two Werlca In AiHnnrc. moUln I'rnnlttrd, Chairman of T. F. Firth & Sons, Ltd., ot Hrlghousc, Hcckmondwikc, nnd Is n director of the British Dye stuffs Corporation. FARTHEST FROM HOME. The "New Yorker for a Day or 7'ieo" icio is from home to day in 1j. Jfonic, who is al the Commodore. His home town, Uonu Uong, in about 10,500 miles from liroadway. $50,000 YACHT BURNED. Amnilii, Owned by J. A. Moltrn nncT, DcNlroj cil With Itontlimixc. The power yacht Amado. owned by J. Adolf Mollenatier, susrar capitalist, was destroyed by fire yesterday with its toathouso on the country place ot the AMUSEMENTS. BROADWAY and 49th Street Beginning Tomorrow TIMES SQUARE Beginning Tomorrow Bebe Daniels "SXAPI'V. AMl'MNU. I.K.. AMI Al.TOdKTIlKn I'l.UASl.Mi." un. IH1T1 - Bhtf Wl r' . owner at Uayshore, L. I. Total loss c-f the handsomely .fitted vessel taa placed at $50,000 and $5,000 for the boathouse. Purchased flVe years ago, the yacht was used during the war by officers of the Navy Yard for harbor Inspection. The Amado's dimension -were: length, 1 0 feet; beam. 13; draught, 3. She had two 200-horse power gasoline engines. She developed a &peod of 20 miles un Hour. Origin of the fire was not discov ered. The owner nnd his wife, return Ing from New York, arrived just as the boathouse burst into flames. Th"! ves sel had not been taken out of winter storage. Mr. iMollenaiier opened his Hay Shore home on May 1. $250.00 Will Be Paid tq the Man Brave Enough to Endure SOLITARY CONFINEMENT for One Week in Cell 64 on the Lower Deck of the CONVICT SHIP Now at the Battery The "Prisoner", will be ironed in leg chains, fed on bread and water, have but one hour out of twenty-four for exercise, 'and live and sleep on the floor of the Cell in the same manner that real prisoners were treated in the old days. Apply by Mail Only No Personal Applications will be considered. A-ddrcM Manager CONVICT SHIP The Battery, New York AMUSEMENTS. n ocyryuty-,viuE &.n auibe films r J jii. :. iiciw.vici) & intiK I.YN C'l.AltK, ll.M.lrj ,V Salt, hully & HiHJKlitiai, "Srnatur" .Murphj, arrru & O'llrlrn. lioslfr tit l.uli. I lli.lyrt VERA GORDON in 'THE GOOD PROVIDER' & HUl'ltKMi: VAl'llEVILI.K. nuuiK uXuTt & co., cooaXN & OABKV, NOI.A ST. CLAIMS CO., JUAN llAltlllOK, otliern. l: T II K I. V L A V T O N In J lilt TUB 1IRI KNSK, UW1S i I)ODV. J. J. CLIP. .rOHO. IIAHIIIKT IIEMI'KL i tu i jiiuu si wiiiTIS. ollia. V I'' If A 41 fl 1. II kl jrjvjraLj hi "Till! UUIID I'll!) VlDUlt. DANCE Terrace Garden PAI ATF f.Sth 9.. nr. Lexlnatnn Ave. Dancing IJva. 7.30 to 12.30. HunduyM. ...i) tu 1.30, CONTINUOUS UANClNd. Private Leons Day or Evening. Now on Summer Schedule. No Extra Charge for Dancing-. i.oi:wt- tate "4r.rfiri Cun.11 AM to 13 I'M AIL 30e S.r I IH0MAS MEIGIUNin The Uaihtloi Daddy' SALLY MbLOS, ArihurAlriandri 4Cu. ni A Wciton Cn.otl CAPITfll J0HN BARRYMORE D'naj at SI St. Capitol Grand Orch. LAST TIMHS TO-IJAY. n. s. Moii CAMEO 43, nr. U'Kay. Tyramld Picture! Traa-nt BETTY BLYTHE ln "Hit Wife'i Huiband" Opan 9.S A, 11. Pop. rrleia. TO-MORROW MATINEE AND NIGHT B.F.KEITH'S CetetaMSUHDAYConcerlj PRODIOIOVBLY PLEA81XQ PROOttAlt: TI!U i.nms t HAND. rnANKUS IIKATII, WILLIAMS ft WOLFUS. LIL LIAN WALKElt ft CO. (acreen-a sreateat Ingenue In peraon), IIA11HY J. CO NILE Y ft CO.. WKLL9. VIROLNIA ft WEST (two aallora and a tlrl), Burm t Lorraine, Mack A La Hue. othera and Jullua Lena berg'a Ilarmonlata. CUDIDC ll'way and 40th St. Evea., 8.20. CMrlnC Matlneea Wed. and Bat. at S.S0. in THE earl Carroll 'WdUvT:. Joieph Cawthorn and Lillian Lorraine In I U II M lk d A MUSICAL COMEDY SENSATION. I IDCDTV Weit 42d Bt. Evea. at BM. LIULIII I Mati. Wed. and Sat. at 2.(0. II II u (lh Hmm Hiyss Otto Kmir JBDSON, Weat 44th St. TU MONTH 1 Mata. Wed. and Sat. " U"'" The RUBICON! With VIOLET OEMTNG. tB""-4av B VCEUMaea I kit J I afflkkwD U JU- SQAWTYS LAST 2 TIMES mam CAST OT OartAMOOrOCMMi VUXPVCDanfVn Uwoy, 33St. Evea. 8.30. nNllmCnDUUnXn Last Mat. To-day 2.30. "BULLDOG DRUMMOND" With A. E. MATTHEWS. LAST 2 TIME. DCI ICPfl Weat 44th St. Evea. at 6.Z0. DCLAOUU Mat:. Thurs. and Sat. at S.0. DAVID DELASCO Preeente LENORE ULRICas KIKI C 0 A 7 C C Weat 42d St. Kves. at S.SQ. r II A L C C Mats. Wed. & Sat. at 2.2. Broadrait Thta to Your Friends: "THE NIGHT CALL" Is the ltadlo-Mjstery Hit! C(l R T 48111 st- Ienlnsa at S.20. U n I Matlneea Wed. and Sat. at 2.20. wallaceEDDINGER-maryNASH in "CAPTAIN APPLEJACK" GOOD MORNING DEARIE MUSICAL COMEltY SENSATION at tho CI linC H'ay 40th St. Uvea, at 8.25. DLUUL MATINBES Wed. &. Hat. at 2.20. UHCIP ROY WJ5 St.Ury.l470.Ev.8.13 aharp MUOlU DUA Matlneea Wed. tt Sat. at 2.15. IRVING BERLIN'S "MUSIC BOX REVUE" "Beet mualo show ever made In America." SAM H. HARRIS Slate, Wed. "Sat.. 2.18. SIXCYLINDERLOVE W"h EHNEST TltUEX. CQn QT Muilc Hall, bet. ll'way &. Cent. 00U 01 t 1. v. Cvca. 8.S0. Mats. Sat. 2.30 SHUFFLE ALONG Hate Yoij Seen EDITH STENCEH? THE DANCING CARNIVAL St. NICHOLAS RINK, 69 W. 6&th St. Dancing Every Day in the Year, 2.30 P. M. to 12.30. LARGE CORPS OF INSTRUC TORS on hand at all times for lesiona. I'rlialf nr on the lloor. C O M II DANCH TO TUB II U H T D A N (.' B. MIT8I0 IN M1W 'YOItK. Roller Skating 2 Sesaiona Daily Aft. & Eve. New Skates! Splendid l loor. vcnuiaiion. Dancine. Roller Skatlne. Ollllardi. The Dancing Carnival ' wr'SStK STjJ".K fl BEGINNING I n A Fi U TO-MORROW ll'uay .( 47 Kt J()Si;-M M. SCIIENCK rretcnts Constance Talmadge In Her Iatcst ricturu 'The Primitive Lover' A 1TIIT NATIONAL ATI ItACTION. LAST TI.MESTO.DAY. D. W. GRIFFITH'S "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" Bronx Opera Houieffl .JZ WILLIAM HODGE AMUSEMENTS. S PII-IGHT .17751. SUBWAY STATIOMr'rv urn OPENS TO-NIGHT 6n II JOIN THE r. Mi niO l'AIIADE. STEEPLECHASE SCSf.v SOW OPEN ram OIM'OSITK WEST t.WH ST. PEHIir. ,IW OI'EN-M NEW A TTK ACTIONS. BROOKLYN. 0,nA,n 'ORPHANS OF daSU THE STORM Htfular Strand Frkta No THE PEWrECT root