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. , . j. -' v if- .cwmm:"- 'w tBw w .w. " utw w I'fiHMMmHnnv wni.rafTnmi' vrBBH ml . t ,.twfi,t"i.'' & t i '.-THE WORLD, mwTrnd'niw ir 'rr ok inns ' urn mill if ROBBERS HOLD UP RUM TRUCK AT CITY 1 HALL IN HOBOKEN fceize Five Barrels of Whiskey in Front of Police Head-- -( quarters. MOTORISTS SEE MAN TAKE DEATH PLUNGE Leap qrflreo men In a tourlnp car stold Utj ' barrels of whiskey directly jn front of Hoboken City Hall, -which houses Police Headquarters, lato yes terday afternoon. Tlio truck was movlnsr along at a . good rate when tho mot6r car drew nlongsldo and one of the men In It hailed tho driver, Joseph Santanlello, No. 'B Centre Market Place, Manhat tan! He was ordered to stop his ve hicle. At tho same time another man sot out of tho automobilo threw back his coat to display a badge, and .directed Santanlello to descend from his sen! 4 "Say, you think, you're getting away tolth4 murder, don't you?" the man asked. Santanlello, dismayed by tho badge, irmdo no reply. Then he was com manded to get into the .touring car, whllo the man with tho badge climbed to the truck scat and started oft with all. tho speed tho heavy vehicle could muster. Tho automobilo also drove off and half a mile out of Hoboken It was slowed, down. Santanlello was made' to get out. Then It went' on FRAUD SOLD "LOVE" PILLS. Copyritht (New York Gvenlne World) by, Press rubllililng Company. 1822. BERLJN, May 21. August Konka, oracle and healer, was convicted of fraud In a Berlin court yesterday. He sold magic pills which ho claimed kept husbands at homo and rounltcd quar relling lovers. Until tho police 'so rudely Interfered Konka was amassing a fortune. s From. Willis Avenue Bridge to Abutment 00 Feet Below. An unidentified man about twenty years' old last night Jumped .from the Willis Avenue Bridge, .which extends over the Harlem River from 125th Street and First Avenue to 133d Strcot and Southern Boulevard. AutomoblUsfs crossing the bridge heard the man utter a cry and saw blm throw 1ils cap to tho roadway, mount the rail andijump off. He struck an abutment at the base of theridge sixty test oeiow ana rauea into ine river. Patrolman Thomas .Qleason of the TJusi I20tli .Street Station was called by inn bridge tender, Michael Hafferty.t of No. GUI East 135th Street, and notified tho Harbor Squad, which searched for tho body. PINCHOT CAMPAIGN MAIL . FOUND DUMPED IN CREEK. Past jOfllce Department Starts In-, qntry After Large Dandles of Cards Are, (Found. " PHILADELPHIA, May 25. Discovery of large bundles Of Plnchot advertising in Mahanoy Creek. Schuylkill County, which was reported to tho Post Office Department, resulted to-day in an In. vesication by Federal Post Office in spectors, which is expected to lead' to several arrests. The advertlslnc was mailed at Phila' delphla. Approximately' 2,500,000 post cards, were sent out by the Plnchot Camoalirn Commltteo from May 8 to 13, Local committees were advised the cards had been mailed and were asked to After word came, from Glrardvllfe. Schuylkill County, close to the home of State Senator Robert D. Heaton, that the cards had not been delivered, large bundles were found In Mahanoy Crech. POit Office Inspectors to-day could at tach no blame to tho local Post Office authorities. Glrardvllle Is in Stato Treasurer Sny der's home county, which, despite Iran tic efforts by Aalter supporters, was carried by the forester. MADE! SUIIE OP DEATH BY OAS. Alfred Leonard, twenty-two years old, of No. 1860 Eighth Avenue, was found dead in his home last night with a tube from a gas Jet In his mouth and a carpet bag pulled over his head. Emll Leonard, his father, returning home. noticed an odor of gas and discovered his son's body. J. S. WOULD DISCUSS WATERWAYS TREATY Secretary Hughes Gives Out Word Note Has Been bent ' to British. WASHINGTON, May 26. -- An an nouncement Issued to-day, by; Secre tary Hughes, Is as follows i The Secretary; of Stato, on May 17, 1922, sent to the British Ambas sador a note stating that tho United State Government would bo glad to tako up with tho Canadian Govern ment tho,'negotlaton of a treaty look ing to deepening bf tho waterway which would enablo ocean-going ships to reach the Great Lakes. "ThS department understands that this noto has been" forwarded to the '(Canadian Government. No answer hai as yet' been received' America's foremost Specialists" QPPENHEIM.LLINS&(g 34lh Street New York v A Special Offering Friday 3500 Pairs Women's Pure Silk Hose Values to 1.50 95c Chiffon Weight in Black and Colors. Heavier Weights in Black, White and Colors, some with Contrasting Embroidered Clox. I J America's Rremost Specialist 0ppenheim.6llins 34th Street New York' ' Also on Sale Friday Japanese Hand-Embroidered Crepe Kimonos (Full Cut Motels) Beautifully embroider ed and finished with ' fringed -sash. Copen, rose, pink and blue. Remarkably Low Priced 1 .85 Also Women's Satin Boudoir. Slippers Quilted Satin, in black, Rose, Copen blue and or chid. Soles of real leather. 1.35 Pair HEAVY SENTENCES IN DRY LAW CASES Three Years in Prison and $11,000 Fjnes'for former Attorney; CINCINNATI, May 25. Georgo H Remus, former Chicago attorney, and seven ' associates, sentenced last week I to Federal Penitentiary on charges 'of conspiracy to violate tho' Volstead aat, were found guilty of maintaining a nuisance .on tho Dater farm, near hers, In United States District Court late last night. ' It was charged that large quantities of liquor had Changed hands Illegally at the farm. Judge Peck immediately passed sen-1 tence, Remus getting the, maximum, one year in Jail and a fine of $1,000 and costs. Tho others were giVen lesser I Jail, sentences and each was fined. As a result of the two convictions, Remus will Serve three ytian and, pay, fines' of $11,000. , , 'F4NKIN SIMOXQ tMEN'S SHOTS . . i j . Closing Out Friday and Saturday N 375 Pairs Men's 'Low Shoes Held in Stock at $9 and $10 To be pleased at ': ' $7 ' r ' 1 Some shoes were, recently advertised in this city as reduced from $ 1.2.00, which were not equal even to our $9.00 grarje. So you can figure what a buy these $9 and $10 shoes are at Seven-and-a-half. It's a rareopportunity. Bx M Thtt Evmtt AUo'atl, MkmF - Tho EvmU Alto wjSi j&rt Ihjl NEWARK STORE I A rm dti J&Mr OF BROOKLYN BTORElt M Bread Stroet and I mf& MmwMj&j M MTW W Fulton Sired 191 ill &Jffi lill WAoo 9f. rpw'm . or1. CT .Jb! '"pHEBecretofOvinK- J .;.-. f MB jfflL 'iBt y JL ton's reputation for H ' - ' ' ' Vu mBK ' t always having excellent" j . ' IZ1 td. kB U in what tjicy reject as it wu A Y Ik. N JS3iKS MMl N UVINGTON o O MMZ, WM flfflt . X' Pvri ZA wiZi . mi 4tg ?-ULflH. - ; 11 ,N' U Expensive Creations PJ Actual Values Wm FIFTH AVENUt Mctt's Shops West 38th and 37th Streets Street Level' V Special Decoration Day Issue of. a Limited Number of Men's and Young Men's Hatid'Tailored Suits oAt the Unique 'Price of ' ' '.$39.00 This offering is analago'us with an issue of bonds, 111 which the underwriters get theirs at $39.00, and the latecomers 'buy at the market. It is fxr-you to decide whether or'not yuu want to get in on it before the market goes up.' Thev are strictly regular stock, designed in two, three and four-button models, and hand-tailored m blue or gray mixtures and. herringbones, and we urge immediate com mitments (before the issue is disposed of. i 39.00 up to Decoration Daf All orders after ' that At the Market!" W5 FIFTH AVENUE Men's Shops West 38th and 37th Streets Street Level. Special Purchase and Sale Exquisitely Beaded Blouses CANNAJADEMOHA JVKSAND NA VYETC. $ Of Heavy Quality . Crepe, de Chine Exact replicas of the more expensive blouses1 duplicating the motifs 'and ' artistic all-over designs of Paris impor tations. Overblousc and ty-on, mbdclsi , Cut steel beads and colorful b,eads round, square and V ncckljnes, three quarter and. short sleeves. Compari sons -will prove this price the lowest. Fibre & Mohair Sweaters Very Smart for Sport Wear Attractive new slip-on sweaters, combining the effectiveness of Mohair with the durability of Fibre thread. Lovelv woven O0 r. 1 1 4 tl TT rinI."a Tn iifrimllinof inna' nf tmr nnnr nlnni inmTnio I Crepe Sport Skirts Fashion's Favorite New Fabrics . w8 . 1 . Ior Decoration Day you will surely require one of theselovely new Crepe Sport Skirts ! Self-striped and figured designs, in wrap-about and novelty button-trimmed models. Specials FTj1N1(LM SMtCOV' MEN'S SHOTS Closing Out Friday and Saturday .Mes $300' & $400 Shirts of Custom Materials Imported from France at L,. Rich in coloring, unusual in pattern, and taken from our private custom stock and tauorea in a manner tnat snows tne custom, influence of custom materials. No special reason for it. Just want jto start something! FIFTH AVENUE Men's Shops West 38th and 37th StreetsStreet Level 1 I '-4,