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The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, October 03, 1922, Final Edition, Image 18

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Regular CAPITAL PRIZE8 for th Btit StorUs of the Wk to B Distributed Among
DAILY Prlte Winners Other Than The to Whom tho Ford Cirs aro Awarded I FIRST,
100 8ECOND, $50 THIRD, f25, FOURTH, 10.
On a bargain counter at a shoe store,
in 34th Street to-day I saw a shoe. I
nicea, but I could not find Its mate.
The salesgirl offered to find It for mo
If the one I had chosen fit. It fit per
fectly, and I wan walking about In It
when I w another woman accompa'
nled by a salesgirl wearing He mate the
name as I was. The salesgirl with her
had offered to completo tho pair for
her alto. Then started a debate a to
who should have the other shoo. Finally
one of the salesgirls suggested wo to
a coin. She flipped a quarter and I
loit. Mri. F. K. llamlll, No. 211 Lex
ington Avenue.
Be on Watch fur till" (irntlrinnn.
My twin babies mid t depend for our
support upon my earnings as u public
stenographer, which calling I have fol
lowed at No. 182 East I23d Street slnco
the death of my husband. This alter
' noon shortly after I had drawn $23 of
my hard-earned money with which to
pay ourtioard, a llttlo tragedy occurred
In my office on the second Moor. I was
busily at work when tho telephone rang
and a voice said: "This Is the olTlco of
tho New York Central Railroad on tho
fifth floor. A telegram addressed to you
haa been erroneously delivered to us,
I'leaae come right up und get It."
Naturally, I went, leaving myJoor and
desk open. I "studied, h rat" when the
people upstairs said they knew nothing
of the phone message, so l hurried back
to ray ofllco, where 1 discovered thu S25
had been stolen. Tho thief had even
taken nlno pennies from tho purse. In
the midst of my tears ovor tho loss of
my very, very hard earned money, 1
noticed that my little alarm clock was
mlsslnt also. Well, probably he'll need
time when ho does time MHH, ANNA
H. ALBRIGHT, No. 81 E. 123th St.
On tho D.. J. & W. 7.50 train this
morning a man got on nt Passaic so
engrostcd with hi nowmiaper that he
tripped over a valise III the alslo be
side my seat, llo got mad, and with
an oath kicked tho vnllse out upon the
platform. Then he started to "bawl me
out." A protty girl retrieved tho valise,
and walking up to tho man gave him a
resounding step In the face, In addition
to a calling down. It was her valise.
J. W, Smith, No. 153 East 86th Streot.
A taxi was parked beside the curb on
tho south side of 125th Street, between
I.enox and Fifth Avenues. I saw h
number of well-dressed men receiving,
money from another In the taxi. I
thought It was n paymaster paying off.
Ho It was. but not the kind I thought.
I mado Inquiries nnd learned that the
man In the taxi was paying oft and re
ceiving bets. Adolph Salzman, No. 67
East 101st Street.
The street Js being paved at Bank and
Hudson Streets and the stones aro piled
on the edge, of thn sidewalk alongside
n post on which there Is a letter lox
I saw a llttlo girl with n letter In her
hand stand a mlnuto under tho box,
gazing ut tho mall slot, which was far
above her head. Then she began takln
stones from the pllo and arranging then
In a pile of her own against the post
When sho had mado a sufficiently hlgt
mound sho climbed up on It, put hei
letter In the box and climbed down
What was mora remarkable was thai
sho afterward demolished the pile she
had built, returning to their original
places the stones sho had used.
Timothy Keating, No. 257 West Tenth
Last night is I was leaving a friend's houso In OGth Street I
heard some one across tho way singing tho Toreador song from "Car
men." Looking over I saw that tho singer was gesticulating as ho
ang. Another man was tieated In a big chair with his eyes on the
lnger. When the latter finished, his audlenco of ono applauded vigor
ously and the singer bowed to tho right and to tho left as If acknowl
edging the plaudits of thousands. Miss Llano Pholoun, No. 706 Third
TO maka this new feature even more entertaining and interesting Special Prizes are to be awarded Daily and Weekly.
Ona Dollar is paid for every item printed; the prizes are in addition. Send them to "What Did You See?" Editor, Evening
$25; SECOND CASH PRIZE, $10; THIRP CASH PRIZE, $5. TEN PRIZES of $2 each for next best stories
If you wltnese irlou aeeldent, the outbreak of what threaten to be a Bid flro, or knew of any other BIQ newi story, telephone Beekmsn
4000 and aik for the CITY EDITOR of Tho Evenlno World. Liberal awards for first big new. BE SURE OF YOUR FACT8.
la doii.savi.no.
Yesterday on Ilutland rtoad I saw
three small boys devlso an easy means
of breaking up a sugar barrel so they
could carry tho staves home. They wero
rolling the barrel along the street when
an autotruck hove In sight. They simply
rolled the barrel In front of the truck
und the trick was accomplished. Theo
dore Humes, No. 385 Hawthorne Htrcct,
At Atlantic and Flatbush Avenues
there Is a clock which, although thou
sands ot pussersby consult Its time, still
adhered to daylight saving time late
laat week. I saw one young man glance
at the clock, compare his watch with It.
and, evidently believing his watch to be
an hour slow, set Its hands ahead- J. P.
Busby, No. 348 47th Street, Brooklyn.
As I was leaving the houno to do
some shopping this morning my mother
asked me to loan her $10 for a few days.
Bom grapes were thn last of my pifr
chaies. but when I started to pay for
them I found my hand bag had been re
moved from. Its strap, which still hung
on fny arm. But there was llttlo money
left In It for the thief, who did not know
I had loaned 110 to my mother, Roue
nolttacher, No. 66 East lOUt Street.
In New Jersey on a biking trip to-day
I saw a sign In front of a little old
fashioned church near Fort Lee. It was
an immense sign and had on It in black
letters: "Don't Walt to Come to Church
in a, Hearsel Attend Our Services."
Lawrence H. Traubncr, No. 216 West
100th Street.
sin lr.uuiv.
To-day while traffic was halted at La
fayette and Canal Street 1 saw Sir
Harry Lauder In an automobile survey
ing the passers-by. It was tho first tlmo
I had seen him In twelve years. On his
head rested his Balmoral bonnet. Spec
tacles were perched on his nose. His
famous, cheery smile was absent, but
lie talked earnestly. But It was good
In these dark days of Prohibition to ree
a real bit of Scotch.-. JC H., New York.
iiDi;n police EscoriT,
At 29th Street and Broadway to-day I
saw1 a peculiar parade. It was bended bv
n Pollco Department flivver. Tho flivver
-was followed by six pushcarts loaded
with pears, and in tho rear marched
a policeman on foot to keep them In
line. J. V. S., New York.
one hundred axi fifty worms.
My little girl nnd two of her
friend), each of them ten years old,
were busy writing school compost
(Ion on "Fire Prevention." When
they finished, I, as usual, read icAat
they had written. At the end of one
composition come fo this: "Al
ways clean- your teeth and wash
your face and handt beore going to
bed." When I asked the author
what this had to do with fire pre
vention the child replied: "We had
to have a composition ISO .word
long and I couldn't fMnfc of any
thing more about fire." Mrs,' J. K.
Zcman, No. ill Kat 771a Btrect.
A young man entered tho drug store
nt Broadway nnd 142d Street, whera I
happened to be to-day, stepped Into the
teiepnono tooth, called a number and
then nsked the person at the other end
to "hold the wire." Ho then walked to
the soda fountain, bought an Ico cream
cono and returned to the booth, proper
Ij prepared for what he apparently
thought would bo a long and warm ses
sion. C. William Ullrich. No. 1789 Un
derclift Avenue.
The men of the Fire Department
would havo had a hard time of It with
a blazo In Tenth Avenue, between 23th
and 30th Streets, If 'they had encount
ered what I saw to-day. There was a
freight train along tho avenue between
those streets that stayed blocked for
half an hour. Two mall carriers were
waiting to get through, too, and they
would have had to walk around the
train to ina'.ie dellverlos on the other
side of It. James Bolgcr, No, !
I found four old men the centre of
attraction of a crowd surrounding the
bench on which they sat In Fort Greene
Park Saturday evening. The Hged men
were contesting two games of checkers
ana onlookers were rooting for the va
rious players. Clinton II. Burton, No
4CS Pacific Street, Brooklyn.
A number of small bootblacks who
charge but a nickel compete with the
stands where higher price are charged
near the Williamsburg Bridge Plata,
Brooklyn. To-day I saw ona of these
youngsters plant a rickety chair close
to tho Post Office Building and when a
customer seated himself hand him n
newspaper to rend while he polished hi
shoes. A constant succession of cus
tom kept him busy all day. AVIIllam 11.
Hendrlckson, No, 23S Broadway, Brooklyn.
Two of my neighbors' children
were playing In front of tho houso
last evening when suddenly one be
gan to cry and went home. In a
few moments his mother emerged
and spoke to her son's playmate,
whereupon he set up a howl antl
sought mamma. The second mother
appeared, there were words, and
then there was a fight that lasted
nearly half an hour.. This evening
the samn two children were playing
peacefully together in front of tht
house. N. . Jlalkan, No. SOS Ocean
rarkway, llrooklyn.
I saw n small dog ono of whoso fore
foet wan caught In the small hole of
a manhole cover at -Nth Street and tfith
Avenue. Before I could get to tho Buf
fering 'animal to releaso It an outomo
blle truck and two automobiles had
nearly run it down, swerving nsldn nt
the critical moment. Then I noticed
tho dog was stuffed with sawdust nnd
that some children who had "planted"
It thcro were dancing In glee. Jean
Slegel, No. 1551 4tth Street. Brooklyn.
A neighbor whose face was jwollcn
passed mo tills morning Jure as 1
reached home. She was on lirr way to
the dentist's and I told her 1 had Jmt
conic from a dentist's office, mcutlorlng
Dr. Smith and giving Ids number on
11th Avenue. "That's rtrange." she
returned. "I'm going to the sums ad
dress, but the dentist's name. Is Dr.
Walkln." Later in thn day 1 passed the
dentist's sign, which read: Dr. .1.
Smith. Dentist. Walk In." F. L. Mad
den, No. 40 Seclcy Street, Brooklyn.
Just before noon on Sunday I was motoring through ono ot tho
South Shoro, Long Island, towns, whon Uio car was hold up for a
fow minutes in a traffic jam. Wo stopped in front of a beautiful
house, with a wide and spacious lawn. On tho lawn, pushing a heavy
mower, was a gray haired man of about seventy. On' tho veranda
of tho house trere no less than fifteen persons, all well dressed,
looking down at the old gentleman giving the prass a trim. Ono of
the town cops happening near, I asked him who tho old man was.
To my astonishment he was tho owner of tho place. Tho well
dressed crowd on tho veranda were the regular Sunday visitors from
the city, waiting for tho dinner boll. E. A. O'Neill, No. 46D Fifth
Avenue, llrooklyn.
The boys of East G8th Street havo devised n new practical joke.
They erect a dummy, sometimes quite a work of art, usually to rep
resent' woman with a basket on her arm. At each side Is fastened
& long-string, sometimes two or three of them, and at night the boys,
holding opposite ends of tho string, stand on either side of tho flgure
until an automobile comes along. As the ear approaches nearer, the
gang sets up a cry of "Look out, lady," "Watch out for the car,
Missus," and the like, tho strlngH of the dummy are pulled, tho poor
lady" topples to tho ground and a frightened driver puts on tho
emergency brake Just as his car touches tho prostrato woman.
D. Miller, No. 330 East 5Sth Street.
There is no c'jargo of any kind for taking part in The Evening
World's "What Did You Seo To-day?" competition. Send no money
with your letters. Pay no money to any one under any circum
stances. PERSONAL calls are made on Ford winners ONLY, It
your contribution is adjudged worthy of the automobile the re
porter who calls upon you will carry Evening World credentials.
Ask to see them. In case of doubt, telephono to tho City Editor
of The Evening World.
Every effort Is mado to print tho more meritorious' contribu
tions. Write on matters likely to be of general Interest. "Locate"
the Incident. Tell WHERE tho thing happened. And "keep on
Thinking I could steal a march on
other golfers through the chango In day
light saving time I arrived nt the pub
lic golf course, called the Mosholu links
at 5.80 o'clock Sunday morning. I
found fifty golfers already assembled
there with the same thought In their
minds. By the time the starter arrived
shortly after six o'clock there wen
about 150 golfers waiting to play. Tip
last of them wouldn't be able to ilrlv.
oft for four hours. It wasn't light
enough to play until after 6.30 o'clock
I had to watt an hour and half befort
I could start. I played eighteen lioW
whlch required four hours. My wife
who signed up at P. 40, couldn't start
until 2.45. Sho had only twelve holes
played at 6.16 o'clock, when she had to
stop on account of darkness. It seemed
to me that with the popularity of golf
the City should make all the unused land
above Woodlawn available for links so
that more people might enjoy them
selves outdoor. James E. Sinclair, No
2735 Creston 'Avenue, Bronx.
This afternoon from the platform of
an "L" train leaving the Battery I suw
nytng from the rear or tho (,'unard
Building a bluo flag with tho wonts,
"Bon Voyage" on It. In the same win
dow were some people waving their
hands In bon voyage to what must have
been an outgoing boat. J. H. Hodklus,
No. 303 E. 157th Street,
At noon yesterday on the sea wull at
the Battery I saw n number of people
rent binoculars from the man Jn that
business there and look toward the
Hudson, Suddenly somo one yelled
"Here she comes!" There was a great
rush for glasses. In a few minutes tho
man had rented all of them, and all
eyes and glasses were focused on the
RH. Mauretanla as fhe came steaming
down the river. J. H. Hosklns, No. 303
13. 157th Street, Bronx.
We had been trying for ten minutes
to cross Park Avenue at 80th Street
a woman and her baby, two other
women and myself. Thcro was no traf
Ac policeman and It seemed there would
never be a break In the traffic, when
suddenly a chauffeur driving a largo
machine turned so that no other ma
chine could pass him, thus halting all
traffic, and motioned us to cross. Mrs.
Damroth, No. 469 St. Ann's Avenue
At Fifth Avenue and tilth Street
to-day I saw what at first I mistook
o be a kitchen stove on wheels. It
turned out to be a swict potato
roaster on wheels. Hmoke teas rom
ing from the stovepipe stack. Wood
was piled higher than th vendor's
lad, ready for use. Thv stove had
three drawers, slmlliir In bureau
drawers, to keep the potatoes tinim.
Hill Seidel, A'o. JM liast lth
Street, Bronx.
With tho afternoon at my disposal, I walked through a part ot
Corona which I do not often havo occasion to visit. Turning from
tho main street onto a dirt road my attention was attracted by tho
banging of a blacksmith's hammer, nnd soon 1 reached his Bhop. Tho
rude smithy, the forge, tho anvil nnd the smith himself formed a
picture of Longfollow's Immortal poem. Tho chestnut tree, to bo
sure, was missing, but not so tho children. A number of them, fresh
from school, grouped In the doorway to watch the laboring black
smith. When they departed I walked on too, thankful for the privi
lege I had enjoyed. Rudolph Kopf, No. 42 Lurtlng Avonue.
Tho woman who washes for my next
door neighbor usually reaches her house
at 8.30 A. M., but the McWay after
daylight saving died for the year I no
ticed tho neighbor's wash was on the
lino nt 8.30. Later she told me the
washwoman knew that the hands of her
clock should bo moved when sho retired
Sunday night, but had moved them an
hour forward Instead of backward and
had reached her work at 6.30 Monday
morning, before my neighbor was out of
bed. Mrs. V. A. McDonald, No. 621
Tenth Street, College Point.
While driving yesterday on Bockaway
Boulevard, near my home, I had much
ado to avoid running Into a car imme
diately In front of me that was stopped
suddenly without giving mo any warn
ing. I was obliged to swing to the side-
of the road, where I stopped with the
Intention of saying somo things to the
chauffeur. But lust then I noticed n
young woman wheeling a baby carriage
in front of the other car. "Thank you:
jou'ro a gentiemun," she called to the
driver, and I saw he had stopped for a
very sufficient reason. Joseph C. Hart-
man, No. 1256 102d Street, wooanaven.
After finishing their 'luncheon at n
tablo near mine In a 34th Streot restau
rant, two ladles opened their handbags
simultaneously, and then their faces ex
pressed consternation. Ono said she
had left her money in her studio, and
the other had barely enough to tip the
waitress. So ono had to remain while
tho other hurried to her studio to get
money. Mrs. It. Jeller, No. 9 Boule
vard, Whltcstonc.
On Jamaica Avenue, nt TVosMno
fon Street, Jamaica, I saw a crowd
gathered yesterday about three girls
who, I was informed, were being in
itiated Into a freternity. One of the
glils was dressed like a four-year-old
and was ridln,o a kiddie .car.
Another, reprMenttnp an Infant, had
a feeding bottle in a carriage, and the
third was a nurse, pushing the car
liage. Jfrs. T. It. Jlanna, No. H
Islington Place, Hillside, Jamaica.
On the bus from Forestville to Mlners-
vlllo a few days ago, I was surprised to
seo two young goats standing on the
floor of tho vehicle. TJiey were in
chargo of a man nnd his son, but the
man paid fares only ror hlmseir and the
boy. The goats, which had somo diftl-c-ulty
In maintaining their footing when
tho bus passed over some rocky roads
md down steep hills, rode free. Mary
C. Stetierriagel, No. 9712 123th Streot,
lllchmond Hill.
This morning, after waiting for a
half hour for one of tho traction trol
leys, I saw a enow plough following u
car, evidently getting Into trim for the
winter. Hazel Blermann, No. 47 Lin
den Avenue, South Ozone Park, L. I.
All motorists have off days, and to
day was ours. We were Just fixing out
last blowout on a hill near Roslyn, L. I.,
and dad was scratching his head and
expressing his thoughts about motoring
In general, when down tho hill came a
flock of about 30 goats. They parked
on all sides of the car and stood stupid
ly wagging their beards and looking at
tho repair work and they sure got
what remained of dad's goat. James J.
Travers Jr., No. 45 Brltton Ave., Elm
hurst. , ,
To-day In u Fulton Street department
store I saw u. man literally lying down
on his Job. He was painting the mould
ing of recently Installed clectrlo wiring,
and was flat on his back on top of s
show caJo reaching nearly to the. cell
ing. W. T, Bascom, No. 3373 Fulton
St., Woodhaven.
A two-year-old boy wandered
away from his home near us and
was taken by strangers to a Bor
den's milk station. The child's
father found him there, being en
tertained by cmployres, who offered
him various grades of milk to drink.
All of tkem tcere refused. "Why
didn't you drink the milk, sonny"
asked his father. "Tuase dey
haven't dod any stove," replied the
young man, who was accustomed to
having his milk warmed. Mrs.
Minna D. Stephenson, No. 10iH SOth
Avenue, Richmond Hill.
Yesterday's Special Prizes
Ford Car
MISS 13. D. LEWIS, Falrview Avenuo, Port Washington, L. I.
(Winners of Ford Trim please report Immediately to City Editor,
Krening World, fur Identification.)
First Cash Prize, $25
AL RUEUEL, No. 60iJ Elton Street, Brooklyn.
Second Cash Prize, $10
GEORGE II1LLER, No. 372 West 120th Street.
Third Cajft Prize, $5
DETTY GILSON, No. 236 East Fourth Street, Flatbuah.
Ten Priies of $2 Each
EST ELLA LOOMIS, No. 250 West 94th Street.
W. P. ADAMS, No. Ill Broadway.
MARION SIMNCKKN, No. G1S West 53d 8trcct.
JOHN J. O'DONNEI.L, No. 93 Lexington Avenue,
MARGARET T. CUNNINGHAM, No. 175 East 8th Street.
IRVING SOUKI.MAN. No. 218 Bench Street. Rockaway Beach.
WILLIAM WKIKHKRG, No. 768 East 165th Streot, Dronx.
MEYER DEMHY, No. 1052 Grant Avenue. Bronx.
E. J. SLATER, South Highland Avenue, Osslnlng.
F. EDWARDS, No. 262 Main Street. Nyack.
Read to-day's stories. Pick the ones you think are best.
Winners will be announced in this evening's Night Pictorial
(Green Sheet) edition and in other editions To-Morrow,
To-day while waiting outside of
Staten Island hospital I saw a man
drive up, get out of an almost new cai
and start dusting It with a rag. Hi
spent about 20 minutes on the task.
Then ho went into the building and
came, out In a few minutes with a
young woman who carried a brand new
baby. Lydla Richards, No. 228 Fisher
Avenue, Tottcnvllle, S. I.
There was a very pretty wedding
in my garden Saturday afternoon,
even though tho costumes were un
usual for such a ceremony. The
bride, a neighbor's IKtle girl of
three, wore a curtain for a veil, and
the groom, my two-year-old son,
had on an old shirt of his father's
and an old masquerade hat. The
minister was my ten-year-old sister,
who wore an old coat, hat, glasses
and a collar turned backward. The
couple were very thoroughly mar-
tried, for they went through tht
ceremony four times, the bride car
rying a bouquet of flowers gathered
in the garden. Mrs. Lillian Brown,
No. S09 Broad Street, Btapleton, 8. 1.
MENT. A family of four dad. mother and
two boys of six and eight sat next me
on the ferryboat Richmond yesterday.
and no machine gun over shot bullets
faster than those boys fired questions.
As we passed the Statue of Liberty
dad was Interrogated as to the old girl
herself, her torch, what mado elec
tricity and finally (by the smaller boy)
whether she could swim, -mat siumpea
dad. Mrs. E. A. Brust, No. 402 St.
Mark's Place, Tompklnsvllle, staten
At 2 o'clock in tho morning I was sound asleep and drcaminff'C
robbers. All of a sudden I was wide awake. I heard somona
prowling about on the front porch, Ave steps up from tho street.' 4
windows always are wide open at the top, but they cannot be open
from tho outside. The head of the bed Is at the wlndowsl
Hanging on the bedpost I keep a policeman's club. I reached foi
tho club, stepped out of bed and Just as I touched the floor saw
hand and forearm reaching over the top of the window. I saw1
man's head and shoulders. A cap was pulled well down over hid
head. (My wife was snoring.) I loaped, meaning to bring the cHill
down on the follow'B bean with all my might, nnd tripped over 'ibi
stool Mrs. B. places beside the bed every night with the alarm Cl
on it. Stool, clock and I tumbled all over the floor with a terribT
noise. I heard the thud of my burglar, as he dropped from the wit
dow and mado off. My wife woke up complaining about the noise
I cursed tho clock and I cursed tho stool, but to-day I am glad' '
turned out as it did, for it the old locust had landed there woull
havo been a dead body on our front porch. N. J Bolger, No.
West 20th Street, Bayonne, N. J.
This morning whllo standlnr on the
platform of .the Mount Klsco Railroad
Station, where a number of laborers are
collected dally In a motor truck for
their Jpbs, I saw one had left his pacU
ago of lunch. A driver volunteered to
take It to him. While he was away,
the laborer came looking for his lunch
and when told It was being taken to
him he started for tho Job again. Then
tho driver returned with the lunch,
saying ho could not find the laborer. I
don't know how many trips It took be
fore the laborer got his lunch, or even
whether he had lunch. F. W. Mock
ridge, No. M Mogor Avenue, Mount
ulsco, N. Y.
As a friend and I were turning shore
ward In a canoe In Crystal Lake at
Eagle Rock last Sunday we heard
splashes and gurgles, and saw two
young men clinging to an overturned
canoe. They appeared in no particular
danger, and my friend, who loves a
Joke, thought It would be fun to kid
them. "Is the water wet?" he shouted.
One of the men thought he would let
my friend answer his own question, for.
swimming over to our canoe, he
grabbed It and spilled us out. Wo not
only got a soaking, but when wo
reached shore after belnr rescued we
found our carfare had fallen from our
pockets while we were In the lake, and
we had to hoof It home. FRANK MAN
NINO, No. 402 Valley St., Orange. N. J.
On the Hudson River yesterday I saw
a large, fiat barge loaded with Irish
confetti plied up high. The barge's
name was the Shamrock and sho was
being towed by the Patrick McOlurl of
the Shamrock Towing Company. This
Is tho first Irish battleship I ever saw
sailing on the Hudson loaded with am
munitions. William E. Chaplin, No. 140
Third Street, Union HIM N. J.
For quite a while I had been fix
near the mouth of Mount Slnat Han
without much luck, when two fell!
came up and dipped Into the wateij
the very spot where 1 had been '
gllng. They hauled up six bottfl
real beer. Did I get any? I did
Harry Q. Homan, Mount Sinai, Lt
On Richmond Avenue last Wednesday
I saw a crowd of men, women and chil
dren chasing a monkey. The animal
became infuriated when a man tried f
throw a blanket over it, and bit the
mon's arm and scratched his face. A
passing baker, who appeared to be up
on monkeysh nes. stopped his trucK. got
down, made friends with Jocko, which
soon was perchod on his shoulder, una
then climbed back on th truck. A po
liceman, who was on tho truck, tied a
nleee of roDO around tho monk's neck
and directed tho baker to drive to the
station house. Mrs. Vincent J. Ajeno,
No. 68 Van Name Avenue, Mariners
Harbor, S. I.
Whllo making collections to-day near
Charleston. S. 1.. I noticed an applo tree
bearing fruit and blossoms at the same
time. The owner kindly gave mo som
of the tlowers. William J. Jones. No.
4S Llkbon l'liioe. Grant City, S. I.
I saw a display of true patriotism
aa I left School No. 7 after voting- at
the primaries. I saW a woman leave
her three children outside, one ot them
In a baby carriage, and go Inside to
cast her vote. After she had performed
her duty as a citizen she again became
a mother and proceeded on her way
with the children. Mrs. W. T. alio!,
No. 192 State St., Perth Amboy, N. J.
The series of ball games between
teams representing Freehold. Long
Branch nnd Red Bank are creating as
much excitement among residents of
Monmouth County as the World Series
wilt awaken among New Yorkers. Thou
sands of dollars changed hands here
Saturday when Red Bank won from
Freehold but lost to Long Branch. For
three weeks the Interest will continue
at fever heat. C. D. McLean, No, 195
West Front St. Red Bank, N. J.
I saw about thirty small boys last
evening parading the streets of this
town and carrying banners urging
voters to cast their ballots for a cer
tain candidate for Councilman. They
were, banging on their mothers' dish
pans and surely got a lot of atten
tion. Stanley II. Lehigh, No. Its
Liberty Street, Bloomfteld, N. J,
I saw a sailboat to-day Just roundlnc
a point near Jones' Inlet In Hempstead
uay. a gooa oreeze was blowing, Tho
sail was filled and the boat apparently
moved forward swiftly. An hour later
tne eaiiDoat, still with the full sail
was in almost tne same position. It
had advanced hardly any. The ex
planation lies In the fact that the tide
near Jones' inlet Is very swift, mnnin.
v mo ruie oi irom eignt to ten miles
an nour. -rne noat was sailing with the'
wind but against the tide. so. althourh
actually sailing forward, It wsa being
nuriin uacn ny me iioe so mat it made
no progress at an. Mildred Hurley, No,
207 Grand Avenue, Baldwin, L. I.
My class in Latin was asked, after!
the word "luna" was explained asi
referring to tne moon, fo use Eng
lish words and bring in the wordi
luna. some or tne words
gested by pupils were Luna Park,
lunatic, tuny. "Now, what do yo
mean wnen you say 'luny't" .
asKea, ana one pupil, with a
chievous twinkle in his eye, no
fo his left-hand neighbor and pil
out: "Like him." W. L. Jlartma
No. 40 Irving ton Avenue, Bourn
Orange, N. J.
Whllo walking along the Pa
River at Mountain View, N. J., a
a young couplo cooking their did
over a campflre. Coffee was boll
meat was being fried and tho "tal
was set on a poncho spread on I
ground. Doth wore otitlng clothe.
moro noteworthy than thta wass .. I
hammock swung, betweep two tr
which slept a baby. He was
peacefully, and neither the nojitd
uiu wuuua nor m parents conversa
disturbed him. E. E. Budd, Leona
N. J.
After the baseball game at the'
urounas tms afternoon I saw a
step up to a refreshment stand
corner of St. Nicholas Avenue, and(
Street accompanied by two compan
tic asKea tne price of an oranges
Satisfied with the answer he clank
down a nickel and asked for "one'gli
wun tnree straws." A klndly-f
middle-aged man, observing the
ceedings, said to the proprietor: '
maxe it tnree. Tnese reilows are, go
ror a glass apiece. Three bora
were. Industriously drinking orancea
and when they had finished one of I
raised his cap to his benefactor
said: "Thanks, mister) You're
right sport," William McCabe. Pou
aeepsie, n. x.
I aw to-day on West Street, bit
Franklin and Chamber Streets,'
sands of boxes of grapes and hun
of buyers. Indeed, there were sot
there was no room on the sldewafki
pedestrians. Dealers with stained
aprons got more stain on them hair
the grapes. Tho boxes dripped oMer
sldewalKs. These grapes were gdo
jelly at least and It seemed thatl
families Intended to havo quite
It this winter. C. B. Webb,
Linden Street, Tenafly, N. J.
In the 33d Street station of the.
T. In Manhattan to-day I saw a
woman hurrying toward a train
had but one door open. Just a
waa aoout to step aboard It ocoul
to her that she had forgot somet
She smilingly asked the guard to "1
a minute" and ran over to the no
stand. There she bought a newsps
ana came back. The guard walte.
til she got aboard and then close!
door. Mrs. Frank Keefe, No. 13 PerM
Street, Winated, Conn.
Two women were standing In front!
a store window on Main Street in
was a display of fine winter blanke
They were discoursing upon the evlds
quality of the blanket when I saw
put out' her hand to feel the thlcknl
and quality of .the wool.o.W
fingers came Into contact with
she drew away. Dorothy Lovli
32 Shapley Street, New London,
Nine out ot ten of tho automobile
ties I saw yesterday had their side
tains up while the members of tht Pa
wore winter wraps. The unfortund
who had started early In the moral
hoping the sun would make' jflrlv
comroriaoie, were coming nome i
the face from cold. James Wllsin,
413 North Avenue, Dunelien.'N., J.
In Long Island Sound at Eaton's Neck Point, out beyond liunl
ington Bay, I saw a school of porpoises. They wore big fellows, and
were Jumping half way out of the water as if they were playing' 1
Nearby two men were fishing from a small boat, apparently unafraid
and unconcerned. Nearer shore there were three women In swlm-l
mlng. Each was keeping ono eye on the porpoise's and none cared
to venture too far out. Up on the shore a man nt a roadside stand
was calling "Hot dogs, ten cents!" Qeofge Jersch, No. 311, jlOtb
street, college point, l. i.
i-ii-.. cvm veil
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