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THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1922. 10 DEMOCRATIC PARTY A ID APPEARING Fl MIDDLE WEST G. O. P. Also Losine Its Label Radicals and Mod erates Now in Ascendancy. FUSION RULES TICKETS Old Lines Forgotten as Ex pediency Unites Many Political Faiths. Thit 1$ the toventh of a aeries of polit ical turveyi of the outlook of ooth parties in Jfovember being written ov 3fr, Lawrence on a tour of the coun try. By David Lawrence. (Sptelal Correspondent of Tho Eve ning World. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 4 (Copyright). What boa become of the Democratic Party? To answer this question one must ask another: What la becoming of the Republican i -rtyT Co: -der tho situation In three neighboring States Wisconsin, Min nesota and North Dakota. In the first the Democrat!! didn't poll(enoueh Totes In the primary to get a place on tho tlckot as provided In Wisconsin law. In Minnesota the Democrats have been third for the last two years, hav ing been superseded by tho Non partisan League, now known offici ally hero tho Farmer-Labor Party. And It Is low conceded that this autumn the Kurmor.Labor candidates will finish second and tho Democrats third. In North Dakota tho Democrats have been able to keep a semblance of party organization by tho help ot those Republicans who dtsllko the Non-Partisan League's capturo of the label Republican. The old-line parties, or rather the old labels, are merely matters of legal form. There are two parties moderates and radicals. Democrats who found they couldn't uso their ballots to good effect In ono party went over to tho Republican Party, and the, latter Is lop-hoavy. Tho old Hue Republicans are uncomfortable, because Inside their own party they aro now In tho minority In Wisconsin, and It's nip and tuck in Minnesota and North Dakota for possession of the party machinery. Fusion of tho moderates for Re publicans and Democrats will combine In emergencies of this Kind is going on openly. People of llko way of thinking will Join with oach other Against radicalism, and radlcalo v ho belle vp that In union there Is strength will combine under one party label. Unquestionably, radical Democrat by the thousands helped La.Follette In Wisconsin and are now enrolled as Republicans. Most of tho so-called radicalism arises on the farm and Is one method of voicing dlssutlsfacllon with .he economic! situation which puts wheal below a dollar a bushel. This Is tha region where tho "farm bloc" gathers Its following, but curiously enough tho "farm bloc," as It Is known In tho United fjtates Senate and as Its sup porters here rovcal their programmes, is a conservative Institution compared with tho Socialistic groups of farm radicals who follow tho Non-Partlsai) League doctrine. Although Wall Street and Eastern opinion generally looku upon the "farm bloc" ns a dangerous proposi tion In American politics, tho truth is tho "farm bloc" Is one way of preventing something worse, namely tho Non-Partisan League. Consider Krank D. Kellogg, United States Senator from Minnesota and a candidate for re-olectlon. For years he wan tied up with corporato Inter ests as a lawyer. His whole back ground Is one of conservatism. He lii tho last man In tho world who could be accused of radicalism. Yet hi Is a le&lor In the "farm bloc" and Is being attacked au "too conserva tive" by the farmer-labor candidate for tho United States Senate. Queer things aro happening In thl part of the world. Here Is Repre sentative Volstead, author of tin most wlrtslv ndvcrUjed law In a generation. n line hard for re-election. The "wets" are pouring monty and workers Into hi district. It matters not that Volstead's opponent 1b as dry an the Sahara 'the point Is to beat V.olBtead nnd revive the despairing thirst of "wts" throughout the land Another unique Congressional light Is that of Representative Keller, Re publican, who Introduced the resolu tion to Impeach Attorney Uencrai Diugherty for his Injunction against the rallvy shopmen. The regt '.ar Republican organization has with drawn Its support from Keller and n said to ba quietly helping Peter Cody, a Democrat, ana aiso a wot. General dissatisfaction with KcllerV record stirred the old line Re publicans against him. So, with Republicans fighting Re-1 publicans and Democrats Jolnlifg lnl tho quarrel, the old Democratic Party la vanishing hereabouts. It flirted so aeWhnt with the Farmer-Labor I Purty, but the latter thought their I label better than "Democrat." Political evolution Is working to the I disadvantage of both of the old labels. It Is only a question of tlmo whenl both labels will be prosed In State elections or will become as meaning less nationally as tho label "Republi can" when applied to Mayor Thomp- son of Chicago or "Democrat" when used to designate Mayor Hylan of New York City. GIRL CRIES FOR HELP, MAN IS ARRESTED Chunres Autoist Kicked Her, Then Threw Her Into Street. Policeman Bowerfeldt of the Ralph Avenue Station and Special Deputy Sheriff Max Zamesfeld ran to Granite Street, near Oushwlck Avenue, Brook lyn, In response to screams early to-day nnd found Edna Merrltt, twenty-two. No. 1498 Bushwick Avenue, Injured near an automobile. She said the man in the car, who de scribed himself a Albert Yerkes. No. 1295 Herkimer Street, had kicked her In tho abdomen and thrown her to the street. On her complaint he was lock ed up on a charge of assault. She Insisted she was not hurt enough to call an ambulance and went home, but an hour later her condition became serious and she was taken to BUshwtck Hospital with possible Internal Injuries. To Our Employees As Our New Building Nears Completion: WEST ,25T- STREET, To: Our-co-Worker B: You are the mouth-piecee-of October 3, .3922. vM.BaumQteino.. TV. r ' i tfW'u vii t try m. c WIXC- Home T. If Di i . Persona, contact with our j.w is true poii , i " is true WP' eol Pendable merchandi J "t that is not sii fc 3owe8t Possible ?f than merchaise a greater tUnS ' lastic. Be Ousinee,. r'JU at your - thf usineoe is vTTv.:0"088 Q c gooa?ij2 "eoc. is vV,."-."080 our of Work with ub ' not f e inTBe pa;t fS?-" be assured that ice wi bR liborny1:0"' '.ithfta' Cordially yeur, Pre. . '. ' . . . . f , EitstUiheS 188$ West 125th Street, Between 7th and 8th Avenue Uptown's Biggest and Best Store McCreery 65th Anniversary Sale Men's MADRAS SHIRTS IK 2-15 Af:er the Sale, $3.00 Carefully cut and well tailored of fine Woven, Corded or Fibre Striped Madras in an unusual assortment of good looking patterns and color combinations. Sizes 14 to 17H. NECKTIES 85 After' the, Sale, $1.50 Four-in-hands made of fine silk in a wide range of the most desirable fall shades and designs. UNION SUITS After the Sale, $2.00 Made of medium weight cotton in white; short or long sleeves with full length legs. GLOVES I-65 Affer the Sale, $2.00 These are of selected Tan Capeskih. are good" looking and will wear well. They ' have spear point backs. UNION SUITS $0.85 After the Sale, $4.00 Made of a cotton and wool mixture in a season able weight that will wear well. Natural color. FINE SILK HALF HOSE 1 25 These are full fashioned half hose of extra weight thread! silk a quality that will give satisfactory wear. Colors are Cordovan, Navy Blue, Gray and Black. All sizes. After the Sale, $2.00. FIFTH AVENUE James McCreery & Co. 34TH STREET Main Floor m A Jw9 m M MJWm MM Aspirin SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin Unless you see the name "Buyer" on package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-twp years and proved safe by millions for colds, headache, toothache, earache, neuralgia, lumbago, rheumatism, neu ritis, and for pain in general. Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bnycr Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldestct of Sallcyllcacld. For Acidity or Bile your atommch h npMf Take Beecham's Pills act as a splendid tonic to the digestive organs. They remove acidity and fermentation and excess of bile from the stomach and bowels and promote the secretion of the gastric juices. In thus correcting morbid conditions and stimulat ing the digestive processes Beecham's Pills naturally have an excellent effect upon the general health. If you have lost your ap. Setita or are suffering from nauM, aCek eadache, constipation, or giddiness Beecham's Seld merytekwr sVi btim Pills MSe-40 pllh x 50e-90pllU It Makes Little Difference What You Need , , A World "Want," Ad. WM Go und Find It STORE OPEN 9 TO 5:30 Founded 1827 FOURTEENTH STREET WEST OF FIFTH AVE. THURSDAY FRIDAY Special Purchase Women's Regular & Extra Size Flannelette Night Dresses 1.78 Value $2.10 We were fortunate in getting this lot at quite a good price concession and so can offer you unusual savings. The quality is the best and styles dainty and well made. Models are pink and blue striped, and trimmed with ribbon and scalloping. Second Floor and Extra Sire Dept. Third Floor THURSDAY FRIDAY Special Purchase Knit Skirts Regular and extra sizes .68 Value $1.18 Gray and white scalloped edge. Second Floor 'and Extra Size Dept. Third Floor - i Saa Paga,B end 31 lav ether Haarn AdvartUtaf.