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" R 0 1 -Ji- mm in J m m. uuue uiueia wvuiuaii d in cm When She Appears in Knickers Court Witnesses Aghast as Jurist Declares Feminine Garb a Nuisance A Masquare, He Calls It. CHATTANOOGA, Oct. 4 (Copyright). "A woman wearing knicker bockers Is a nuisance." This was the decision of City Julge Martin A. Fleming when court proceedings had been Interrupted by tho advent of a figure which calmly took a scat on the front row of benches. It waa that of a woman garbed in knickerbockers and puttees, and carrying a derby hat. Prisoners tit tered, while all eyes ware turned on her, but she was calm and very much unconcerned. The Juilcre lookorl her over. a.D-fr parently at flrat could not believe hU eyes. Then he frowned and turned to tho clerk: k "Make out a warrant for tliatwom Lh, sho Is creating a nuisance," he oeclared. The wojnan, Mrs. Ed Frlddell, hero In attendance with a street fair con cession, was amazed and dumbfound ed. Bho had come to court called as a witness In another case. "Madam," demanded the Judge. "may I ask why you come to court garbed In such attire?" "I have no other clothing than '.these," she replied. "These are wom- :i'a clothing, ladles' knickers, to be xaet. and everybody wears them." (jl'Tou say you have no other "Nothing else, except two slips and hesitated to come to court In slips I can see no harm In wearing knickers In this or any other court," and she turned around like a model displaying a style. That's enough," hastily declared tho Judge. "I've stood for this ;ew freedom pretty long and overlooked n great many things, but I do want some mark of discrimination between a man and a woman retained. There is u State law in Tennessee ngalnt n woman masquerading in men's cloth ing. You are committing a nuisufnc and are under arrest." The case awaits final dlsposi'Ion and there Is warm debate in Chatta nooga among the women. Mrs. Frld dell insl&ts sho will wear a slip when sho return to court. BECOMES BRIDE OF FORMER BRITISH AERO LIEUTENANT MU Anelracn TleTrlett Wedded to Gcnricc E. Abliat. Miss Anglesea Hewlett, daughter of J. Monroe Hewlett, was married to George E. Abbot yesterday after noon at Rockhall, the old Hewlett homestead, Lawrenco, L. I. The cere mony, which was performed by tho Rev. William A. Sparks, wns fol lowed by a large reception. Miss Josephine Do Holding was maid of honor. J. Radford Abbot was his brother's best man. DAuoiiTnrt knows NOTimo or i,awson's wiiEJiK.uioirrS. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 4. Mrs. Henry McOall, Thomas' V. Lawson'fc daughter, who lives on a ranch near Prlncvllle, Ore., said last night that the first news sho had of her father's financial reverses was the news despatches. She did not know he was missing and had no hint of his coming to Oregon, sho said. The ranch is on the Crooked Hlver In Eastern Oregon, in extremely iso Inted country. IHBESIjSIHI Nanny Battles Three Bulldogs, Kills One, but Finally Loses Hundreds Watch Bronx Struggle Which Ends Because of Overwhelming Odds. Bess, a big nanny goat, owner un known, according to the police records, attempted to assert the feminine pre rogative of. having her own way last night and It cost her life. Militant feminism, attempting t& override th.i masculine brute by sheer strength of mind, was pulled down and laid low by superior numbers, but only utter u gallant Amazonian struggle which roused hundreds of tenants from tene ments for blocks in tho vicinity of 140th Street and Canal Place, the Dronx. Hess, according to 'the best Informa tion, lived somewhere in the neighbor hood of 144th Street and College Ave- MRS. ROLAND D DOANE. ftW7WW iy CAHrttlt. STVSM. The marriage of Mlsa Rosalind Lalmbcer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Lalmbeer Jr., to Roland Dudley Doano took place last evening in the West End Collegiate Church, Dr. Henry E. Cobb officiating. Following the ceremony a small reception was held at the home of the bride's par ents, No. 105 West 86th Street. Mrs. Frederick K. I'ulsucr Jr. was matron of honor, and Miss Eva Jacoby maid of honor Charles La 34a STREET ififtfiJlVtmu JBvoadwau Announce for 1 THURSDA Y Remarkable Purchase & Sale 630 Silk and Cloth Frocks Copies of Successful Models Selling at 29.50, 39.75 and up to 59.50 ii 14.75 A Wonderful Collection of New Autumn Models for Street, Afternoon and Dinner Wear EVERY smart phase of the mode the cir cular skirt, the draped skirt, the bell sleeve, the long waistline and the irregular hemline. Materials of exceptional quality Canton Crepe, Crepe Romaine and Poiret Twill and work manship of equal merit. For the many occa sions of a busy season, these are ideal frocks, as becoming as they are smart. Women's and misses' sizes. Colors: Cocoa, Brown, Navy Blue, Black and Smart Combinations. The Entire Third Floor Devoted to Sale mont Post was best man. Mr. Doane Is tho son of Mrs. Howard Freeman Doano and the lato Prof. Doane. Ho served In Krancc as First Lieutenant, Ryal Flying Corps, 73d Aero Squadron B. B. F. Mr. and Mrs. Doano will rcsido at No. 500 Wost 111th Street. nue, tho Uronx. Her home was, how ever, only a sort of base from which to start the trips which took her for blocks around the neighborhood, where hc was known and petted by the resi dents. Hess could roam Into anyone's yard and be sure of having her fore head scratched affectionately. It is the opinion of some who wit nessed the battle between Ress and her slayers Inst nlffht that the world or that part of the Bronx she Rtrnyed about In was hers. Last night when she round a placo to which she wun forbidden entrance she could not be ttevo ft, and for the sake of principle made an Issue of the point nnd con sequently a martyr of herself. The place where Itcss met her death wns In the yard of nn automobile re pair shop. No. 31 8 Canul Place. In i packing case in tho rear of the yard, which faces on Cnnal Place, live three doughty canine brothers Pete, Jess ind Tip large bulldogs and worth their weight In gold as wntch-dogs. The gate is not locked at night. The Intruder may enter If he dare. Ress, on one of her usual trips about her little world, came to the entrance of the yard nnd started to enter. Pete, who was alone, growled out a threat No stranger, man nor beast, had ever come there at nisht nnd, as far an Tete was concerned, no one -would, not even Hess. Hut Iless had her mind made up. Sho went In, Just to show Pete whew to get off, and the battle wns on. Peto sprang at Hess, and tless, whoso long sharp horns were no mean weapon, held her ground. The dog sprnng again and again, Bess's horn.i drawing blood each time. Round nnd round her dnshed the dog, trying to catch her off guard to sink his teeth Into a throat hold from which the death of either would be tho only re lease. Ress, her feet close together, spun with him, the long horns provid ing n formidable defense. Pete nnd Ress's battle-cries could be heard for blocks nnd brought sleepers from their beds to watch tho Btrugglo None dared enter the yard to stop th combatants. Pete's brothers.'Jess nnd Tip, on a nocturnnl prowl about the neighborhood, also heard the sound of battle and dashed for home, but to.) Intc to miv Pete. As he whirled about Ress he slipped. He wns off balance Just a second, but In that time Ress stepped In quickly, tensed her body like a steel spring, nnd drove her horns with her full weight behind thorn through Peto's body, killing him In stnntly. Jess and Tip plunged through the yard gate at the same moment nnd flung themselves upon Ress. Tho odds wore too great. For fifteen minutes longer Ress fought the two newcom ers, but sho had only one pnlr of horns, and one pair of eyes. They pulled hei down at lait, nnd ns she fell, Still fighting gamely, they lunged for hor throat. And tho battle was over In a few minutes. Someone had telephoned the Alexnn der Avenue Police .Station and Lieut. Cramer sent Patrolman Kdward Vltall to the battleground. Ry the time Vltall got there tho excltemont wns over and tho hundreds of spectators were returning to their homes and to bed. Rcss's body lay In tho yard not far from Pete's, and Jess nnd Tip lay panting beside her. Vltall made u brief, cold report of the incident and turned' it Into his station for entry on the records, Tho dogs were owned by Caldwell nnd Hrown, proprietors of the nnto re pair shop. PRESIDENT MONROE'S OLD HOME THREATENED WITH DESTRUCTION The old rrvltlencc at No. 6J Prince Street In which rrcltlent Monroe lived and died was threatened with destruc tion by flro only to-day when a blme wa dlovovcred In tamo rubbish on tho ccond floor. That floor is uicd ns a carpenter shop by U. .1. Ourley. Firemen extinguished the blace before much dam age wns done. The old house recently was pur chased by the Sulcrave Institute and Is to be restored to Its original condition. These plans were Instigated by a com mittee of cltliehs headed by Police Com missioner KnrlghL A tablet netting forth that the house was tho home of Presi dent Monroe was placed on tho front of the building In 101 by the Scenls His toric Preservation Society. ONE I -must have at ImstfOQOOO H supporters in NcwyifrkCkif H I Spf ctonf rf by m aMmn I of Nmw York. Stem Brothers West 42nd Street (Between jth and 6th Avenues) West 43rd Street Continuing Our Important 'Value-Giving Sale of Fine Persian and Chinese Rugs Rugs of every size, 'every color combination, and almost every weave are. included in this timely event. SMany are entirely new rugs, marked at very special prices-others have been taken from our regular stock and radically reduced Persian Sarouk and Kir- manshah Average sire 9x12 ft. Kirmans, Usually $650, at $495 Sarouks, Usually $873, at $690 Persian Mahal -Average size 9x12. Usually S350. Now $265 7x10. Usually $223. Now $168 Persian Hall Strips Sizes 3 to 4 feet wide by 10.0 to 14.8 long. $45 $55 $65 Chinese Rugs Richly embossed in the Empire blue and gold colorings. Average size 9x12. Usually $0 $265 8xio. Usually $293, Now $175 (Other size at proportionately low prices) Persian Mossoul, "Shiraz and Hamadam " Rugs Average size 3.6x6.6 . . . $49.50 Persian Dozar Lelihan Rugs Average size 4.0x6.6 $85 to $100 Scatter Size Persian Rugs $29.50 In Beloochistan, Shirvan, and Carabagh weaves. Large size Persian Rugs marked at one-half off original prices. A Complete Display oNew Cretonnes For Windows, for covering many articles around the home, for the making of a house dress here are patterns in such a veritable myriad of colors as will delight you. American-made Cretonnes are especially attractive, at prices ranging from 55c UP t0 $100 Per varc (All are 36 inches wide). English Cretonnes (AU recently imported). Widths ranging from 31 up to 30 inches, and priced very reasonable. Dotted and Figured Marquisettes For curtains and panels. In striped, dotted, and figured A(n Dotted and figured designs, effects. White and ivory. Yd. T'V'C in pink, blue and gold. Yard DvC UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT FOURTH FLOOR. SEASONABLE BED COVERINGS JUST as good-looking, too, as they are "comfy" and when you see their excellent quality and feel their fine texture, you will readily appreciate their moderately low prices. Single and double sizes. ALL-WOOL PINK and BLUE BLANKETS. $10.95 12.75 16.50 PLAIDS and a variety of Colored BLANKETS. $10.50 13.95 16.75 COMFORTABLES FIGURED SILKOLINE Plain bordered effects, cotton filled . . each $3,95 PRINTED CAMBRIC With plain borders, wool filled .... each 6.5Q in I MUSLIN SHEETS Single Three-quarter Double Hemmed 95c 1.35 1.55 Hemst'd 1.35 1.55 1.75 MUSLIN PILLOW CASES 42x36 43x36 50x36 Hemmed 28c . 32c 35c Hemst'd 38c 42c 45c O Box-pleated or plain models, beautifully, tailored and finished. In such colors as blue and white, "blue and tan, black and white, and brown and tan. Waistbands 26 to 40. Third Floor. 'Designed by experts especially for STERN BROTHERS after a thorough study of the American woman's needs and expressing the actual genius of line characteristic of their skilled French makers: "Classique" CORSETS Represent an artistic Parisian workmanship which endows them with lasting beauty through a long service, and are especially designed to give those flat straight lines demanded by the new silhouette. Models for small, medium, or extremely large figures, in styles for every occasion. Topless and low top corsets. Also step-in styles in flesh satin or in .the new coral color. Broches, striped toile fabrics, silk brocades, satins -the materials are eoually as beautiful as the workmanship. In flesh, white and coral. SECOND FLOOR. Hand-scalloped, Hand-embroidered and Lace Trimmed Decorative Linens Luncheon Sets of pure linen with picot lace edge, with drawn work, and dainty designs in colored embroidery, com prising 6 plate mats and 1 runner, (j-piece t,- 0 $12.75 Set of 13 pieces, comprising 6 plate and 6 - finger bowl doilies, and one centerpiece. Set, $1050 Filet Lace Trimmed Luncheon Sets of 13 pieces; pure linen centers, with effective Madeira em- . broidery sct, $900 REAL MADEIRA LINENS Centerpieces Each, $1.95, 2.25 Tray Covers Each, 35c, 50c Luncheon Sets, 13 pieces . . Ser, $4.85, 7.50 Afternoon Tea Napkins . . . Doz., $5.75, 6.75 Guest Towels Each $1.00, L75 Boudoir Cushion Covers . . . Each, 95c, 1.95 Tea and Luncheon Cloths . . Each, 6.50, 11.50 Irish Pure Linen Tea Napkins Hem stitched Per doz. $3.25, 4.50 MAIN FLOOR TABLES. Ill the BEAUTY SHOP Visitors will find it a decided pleasure to view the luxurious surroundings and avail themselves of the expert services in this great rendezvous of beauty. fMinicuristt, Hairdressers, Permanent Wavers, and beauty Specialists all at your command in the Beauty Shop on the Fourth Floor. Women's Separate Skirts j tn r st.t rtfrt AMttif?M n Most Exceptionally Priced at $750 Autumn brings many added needs for the separate skirt, and these, in new fabrics as well as in L: f-ii i new vuiur tuiauinacions, give aeciaea smartness ana w versatility to any wardrobe. ' 1