T R E T RI?T new-york,~Tri^?T^mor ^ For City Intel K geil cc r?ee ??? .?f -" i" ?lTTiie Railroad train Ion ET New? Expec reo.?j?* ?r-rr . '|f' passenger* Boston foe this CUj on W edi.es/iny ew .. , r ,se Krht-bouse, which they sup remarked a large ??mdc oB ??- ??- , , . j j r .re-imboat. The telegraph h-ul made posed to or-mc from a ?reamo 1 no signal prior to the starting of the train ; yet. as the we* therwas tLick and hazy, this was not ioconsistcnt with the supposition thnr this stroke pror.rdod from the steamship BritaS-via, of Cunard's line, which, having been soventeer dnyioot from Liverpool, was past due at Boston and hourly expected. If this rcai the Britannia, as we believe, her pupers will be here this mummer at an early hour ; in which ease an Lx tra containing the intelligence brought by her will be speedih issued from th',* office. It will not )?? a botched up. illegible, Boston-matr,.fi>rtured affair, but made up from our own ad? vices and ?ndfcr our own supervision. Neither shttii we di] out a few paragraphs at random from ihc English papers, and rash them to press with the silly vanity of being out first. We trust our friends will bear us iu mind. A'. Jl. We sl a'l not prell nd u? have run a Special Expr - from London to Liverpool with papers a day Laer than our neighbors, unill we can show a copy when challenged. Alex. McLiod was brought before the Supreme Court yes. terday morn.- , in the custody of the Sheriff of/Ningara Co., and the tearing of the argument in h:s case postponed til! Saturday week, 011 account of the absence of Judge Bronson ?a full ti being desirable on the derision of a oue?lion involving such important consequences. Bv the way, there is current n misapprehension with re? gard to Mr. Joshua A. Spencer's connection with McLcod's business. Several papers have spoken of Mr. S. as appear? ing as oounsol for McLeod <>n behalf of the L'.iite.i States, or in Iiis capacity as U. S. District Attorney. Such is not the fart. He was retained as counsel Ibi MeLcod before his ap? pointment I'K.VNjYt.VAMA?Import,int.?The ? Heven no nnd Relief bill,' pnss? d by both branches of tin* Legislature and vetoed by the Governor, has sioce passed both House* by a Consti? tutional majority, nnd is now a law. We have nlready ehronisled its passing the Senate by 17 to We ran now announce that at '1 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon it was taken up iu the House and, after nti animated debate, passed by a round majority: Yeas ?Ii; Nay* 2~?a -trong two-thirds in thtf nSirio.twve. So the bill has become a law, in defiance of the Governor's veto. This important bill was drawn up by William V. Johns ton, the Conservative .Member from Armstrong. The affirm? ative votes were cr.-t by 1" Whigs. .\L-. Johnston, Conserva? tive, and Messrs. Cartrighl and Wriitiit of Luzerne, Gamble of Lycoming, Douglass and Ch irch of Crawford. Gillis of Jefferson, Holeman of Vcnango, Horton of Northumberland, May of York, Lusk of Susqnehannn, Snydcr of Columbia, Weaver of Schuylkill, and Beal (13) of the Opposition patty voting lor'it. The Nays were of course cast by Loco-Foci s. Mr. Horton of Norththnberland ran out Mr. {logins^ the late Member from that County, ??< the ground that he was not Loco-Foco enough. Ileiloes nni seem to besovcry strongly infected with the virus Himself. Several Van Buren Mem? bers, who wished that the bill shoidd pass, but did i;<>t like to veto for it, dodged the question, as their brethren in the S?'nn!o had ?ln ady done. This important bill contains ;i great variety of provisions? most of them salutary and beneficent, h perm::- the Banks to issue Small Note-; relieves them for live years from all special penalties lor thcii suspension of Specie Payments, (but not f:Ol the ordinary liabilities of debtors nnd reme? dies oi orcditors,) ami requires them to contribute in due proportion to a loan to relieve the State from its existing em? barrassments. Its provisions for Bank Urform generally are thorough and excellent. It is in fact a complete reorganiza tion and renovation of tho Bunking System, and, if faithfully enforced, will soon raise the currenny <>i" that State from the slough into which it has temporarily fallen. Wc may gi\e?i further synopsis hereafter. At.adama.?The Legislature of Vlabama convened in K< tra Session on the 19th idt. in obedience to n requisition of the Governor. The old officers of course continued. Gov. Bagby on tlia same day tmnatnittod u short Message, which, after stating that the object of the call was the enactment of a law providing for a Special Flection for Members of Con gross in scasen for the Extra Session, proceeds to inveigh against ihecall of on Extra Session by President Harrison us needless and intended to facilitate unwarrantable projects. Be osacrts that no reason is assigned for it but the derange meat of the Currency, which -'has perhaps with equal justice "been assigned a.- the cause of all the public and private ?'misfortunes, railroad and steamboat accidents, that have *'taken place since the guardian genius of a United States " Bank has been withdrawn from u?." &c. In th- same spirit, ho denounces the appointment to 'high offices' bv ?resident Harrison of " those whose delibcratclv farmed. " well settled, long clieri-hed and often repeated political ?'opinions upon subjects of vital importance are known to Ui " at war with the rights nnd interests ?f the Southern People, " the principles of democratic republican government, and "tho true theory of the Constitution." He spcctnllv assail* tho appointment t? "one of the highest offices" of a man (Mr. Webster is intended) "who exerted bis great talents iu ''opposition tv> the honor ana interest of his Countrv in tin "darkest hour of her peril." Wo make no comment. The Governor tells the Legislature that it would be best to nmke the change of tune for < leering Members of Congress permanent, so that the Stau- -bail not again bo exposed to the hazard of being unrepresented in any future Kxtrn Ses sion ; and concludes by hinting that they would do wall to despatch this business promptly and not take up avy othor. This Message wa- received by the Whig Members with great indignation, and they resisted the motion to print it, ? characterising it a< disgraceful to the character of tli-- State. The motion to print 2,009 copies prevailed: Yeas.50; Na>* 39; three Opposition Members, seven Whigs absent* onlv two Whigs voting in the affirmative. The Legislature hud done D( thing ut she date of o:;r last advices, (the 20th.) A Bank bill, and a bill to extend the ^speKsion, had been offered; and ? Mr. Hutchinson (Whig) had mtroduced a bill to repeal the Gencrai ticket l..w and return to the old system of oteering by District,. Of course this will be voted down. No day for holding the Special Election had even been suggested in cither House DCP Iu the case of The People v.*. Jame* B: Gtenln-orth tho Recorder yesterday delivered the opinion of the Court 0 the demurrer, sustaining the indictment found iicait.-t Gl< . worth under the Common Law and quashing the several t- - dictmcnts nndor the statute. Mr. Justice Lynch also gave a concurring Opinion. So Glcatworth's trial tuav b-_* expected to take pluce sik>:i. See our City Intelligence. bO1" We trust our readers will not over!-ok die-facts and considerations it: favor'"of encouraging tncC?'t CBX or StLK, which are embodied in tiu* Spcceh of .Mr. VTars on the Erst pare. They are of hi h Nati ? al import. Syracuse has elected Whig (.'barter officers bv ICO ma? jority. The contest was Mcst atiimati L . RADICAL REFORM. To the KditOT of the Tr.hmt Sir: Incommeu with thiasand* of others. r?troporti>d the Whig parly during the recent content from a conricrion that their principles were Democratic. The spirt: of tnc age is Reform. * I' eras this which hurled from power the late Ad- , ministration. 'T is this which will continue to sweep over the kind, overpowering ever, obstacle which impedes :t? pre grcss. The a-rendatry of :i:e Whigs det-cxtis upon their keeping pace with it. Look at Society a> at present orzanizod. D >"* the pros? pect fill us with joy? Rather do we not behold on- series of fraud, tyranny a'td misrule? Is there no rrw.m for reform fa re i Wnai i. Wealth ? Is it not a command of Lahor ? . The proposition seemsscTf-cvidcnL One generation cannot ratln-r products of the earth safSdent to support another. Rouses fall into deea-. and require tobe rebuilt, and s* with, every other species of property. Yet we see men inherit:.g wealth,?that is the command of Labor,?from t'.eir asm lorf. a- though one generation had the right to do the ub-r of its successor, and could bestow it upon whom i: pleased. I win not enter into an extended argument, but express the?e views merely to ca'l attention to the matter. It may be said that Soc ie ty has thu- continued since its first existence. nn?i that it is not possible to be changed, or if so that the b.net'it of a cha-i-;e w?u!d be uncertain: Dm it is not loag since De? mocracy awoke from its elutn';er of c?i'turies. Its shackles have not all fallen oST, its giant strength lias not been fully aroused. Uut each year impart* to it new strength, axd will j continue v> do so till it reigns triumphant through the earth. Will the Whig r'ir;.v *ttem4 t to stem the torrent! If so, it? defeat is inevitable. It will be overwhelmed. But if it take- hold of principles firmly implanted in the heart* of the great majority, it will Im- borne along triumphant, though the wind* Wow ai d the raia lall, for its foundation will be buii: on a rock. Dy publishing these lew hasty lines ynu will gratify many ol your readers, and if the sub ject i* not unpleasant. I should l>e happy to continue ne discussion. Equality. Remarks on ihr above. Our unknown friend who has favored us with the above communication will see, in the cheerfulness ?iifc which v*e publish it, Hh evidence of our entire willingness to open our Columns to the proper and pertinent discussion of all great questions bearing to the Intellectual. Moral or Social well being of mankind. We trust he will give us credit for an nnxicty as sincere and ardent n* hi* ?wa to do whatever -:,a.! seem to I?t in our power for the alleviation of ihr miser; -* and the increase of the happiness ol our fellow-men. Vet he must pardon us ihs suggestion ibnt every proposi? tion for change i- not the harbinger of improvement. It is a very easy thing to see that great evils exist: it is vastly more difficult to suggest propci and cf?cieut remedies. M.: ny men have spent their lives declaiming against existing and grievous abuses, yet effected no good whatever because the rcmedica they propose d wer,- mi-taken andworthless. There are many now at work, pecking away ?t the ibvfl of some great truth, like a geslin at a cocoa-nut, yet accomplishing nothings?advancing nothing, because they hare begun wrong, This waste of energy is deplorable. Our correspondent premises that the world i* full of ine? quality, injustice and suffering, whieh may and should be greatly ameliorated if not entirely removed.?So far, we heartily agree with him.? He thinks that the discovery and application of remedies for these evils oug'jt.t ? tvgres, a huge -hare of public attention.?Perfectly right.?He tirgi* that the. Whig [.arty, if it would maintain i-. ascendancy, mu*t be liberal, devoted to the cause of Human Improvement and the clcvati in of the depressed and suffering classes of the community?in oilier word*, that it tuu*t be Democratic in spirit and purpose, and not merely in name and empty word*. ?Most certainly : for tie* tro have ever contended. W< agree therefore with regard to the great radical diseases of the body politic, and the spirit in which thoy should bo :r tat eil: let us now consider the remedy ho proposes: Putting his idea into plain, straight-forward language, we understand him to deny the right of inheritance, or of one man to enjoy what another has earned. He holds thai So? cial evil would We annihilated by abolishing the legal right of a lying ma:s to transmit his property by will or descent t?? his children or other heirs. anJ enacting that the State shall be the general heir of all who die possessing property. 1 his, if we understand him, is his remedy ; and t.? it we have two strong objection-: Fir-t, it is unjust; ?ecoti.iiv.it would /rove i at once inefficient and most pernicious. We will consider lirst the injustice of the proposition. To j go back t.> first principles?nur friend wii! not deny, wo trust, | the right of every man in a state of nature to the rish he | catche - from the ocean, to the hut he builds with drift-wood j from its shore, and in the corn he rear- in ?umo secluded val- ' ley in tke wilderness?in other words, to the legitimate fruit- ! I of his industry and ski!!. So far. ivc trust our friend will! I agree with us, and would not hesitate to pronounce anv ruio who should wrest these fruits of bis industry from that man, j whether by violence, fear ur fraud, a villain and a robber. Let as now f<,~?"'Vtj one sj, p : A. B. and G D. are me- I ebonies of the Ciiy cf New York. I'y working steadily ten j honrs a da) and living economically, each may avoid erabar- I nustnetit, and bring up bis family in comfort, ami -end them j into the world well educated ami as well qualified to gain n [ livcini?od as their fathers before them. This is as much as i I their children have a right to denned of them. A. B does . j it, asd dies at the age of sixty, leaving his children as well I I off'as the mass of people around them?better, fact, than j ! a majority of their fellow citizens: But C D. chooses to do more. Instead of ten he chut* - to work twelve house a day, ccoxomtziiig bis expense* in pro. I portion. He appropriates mo extra laboi?01 the tvutis of it, which is the same tiling?to the building atal furnishing of an excellent, commodious house, which he completes and moves into at forty years of age. Who will soy ilia: be a id those he chooses to have with him luve not a clear nataiii ' and moral right to the use and enjoyment i t that house I j Who does net fee] that it would be Krone for any body,even ' j the Sta:e, to *ay to him. "Sir. that house is larger than yon I " need. Move \our trumpery into one-half of it. and let A. j J " B. and bis family have the oth r " ' Indeed, our correspondent does not seem to deny the right I j of.every man to enjoy the fruits ?f hi* labor *s long as he lives. WcH: let us suppose that C. D. 1-.stead of living to sixty, die* at forty. ju>t as his house is completed, leaving a widow and a family of helpless y,.':*_- children. I? their; t ight annulled by hi> death .' D;! not the deceased husbaml I and parent work for them a.- well as for himself J Did be ! not surely intend that they should enjoy the fruits of bis la- | bor! D i they u-t need the house a* much as?ye*, mucu more than, they did wjsile he was living ' W ?aid not hi. death be embittered by the thought that it deprived the; i of all resource i'"t anaUowau?c from thu State, and turned them out of their beloved, accustorxod home .'?We are constrained to answer these qHcstions in the affirmative, and to regard any attempt to abolish the inheritance of property a* eaii ueatly unjust. The iitcjjicier.cy of this project is ta o-gr mi id equally clear. Men living under s'.i.-h a law would be cbndnua ty git i away their property to their wives, children, brothers, and friei I*. All manner of deception and chicanery would be practiced to evade the. requisition. Generally, when a mau ; ^'Cll you would find jumebody else had a claim on his pro : p=rry. Ijsw and lawyers would have, their u..:ut? full d.ter ; mining the valtrfitj of these claim*. L^'rviduui rights to , ro pert) wo 'I in generally unsettled and insecure. But worse than this, Industry u,,d Enterjirisc would have received a fjual blow. Wh . would toil a id sweat to acquire pnipeny I which all the world would 01 might equsily r:.j.,y' Whti wouid ; :.: uks -r hi-dges with the moral certain y bat a - . bis caiidreo but the Suu> wuuld e joy die beaefita ' U ho would fau?d and clear and improve for every body eoaaliy to enjov ? A few -right: be: with the larger number th? senri mcnt would bo. " Le: us ea: as-2 drink, for to-morrow we die.'" N'o: our friend has no: hit upon a :ru? remedy for the disorder* the body politic. Let him think farther and "-Tv agiin. iHF T^r F.nn-.-.ir Tattler picked a quarrel with as with? out a single word or shadow of provocation. I: :?'t assailed n* in an article in which a cbnractnnstie SufT-v-iacry nf man? ner was made to cover the mo-i rancorous and deadly insinu? ation* r.rainst ocr conduct end our bepnr. Wc simply bat plamply?(for we have no taste for socb theme* and can spare wo room for round about work with them] repelled the in? sinuated slander* ef The Tattler T'-.a: piper then a!tu,?id through a coiurna in a manner which we-ild haw disgra? ced its coadjutor the Herald, accused as of" prevarication." 'tergiversation,' 'falsehood,! fblackguardism,' 'unfairness,' twilled u* ef * CinihaTiisin,' ' Brisbnno?m," twice styled us an 1 ex-gentleman,' fee. .*c*. To this attack w?> replied yes ;? rdaj?whether in the proper sy:ri: and manneror otherwise Ourselves will not decide. That must end ear cirSroversv as ... tb? contrnversy has end>sd our intercourse w-.tn ine managers i of The TntrJcr. Hnvinr never boen so wantonly assailed j or so grossly abused before, ctther ky friend cr foe, our amazement a: this attack exceeds aven nur regret. It* ibis quarrel were no: prent tdttatcd and the occa-i-n for it soc-ht. it is certainly unaccountable. We leave our assailant* 10 tho sympathies they have developed ar.J the associations they have chosen, and shall p:ir"?&vor not :". trouble tbem farther. Thc-r artk, ie of yesterday require* as answer. Merchandize and Trainee of' Sew-Yarh.?In conformity I with tho requirements of a law passed by the Legislature at ?its last session, ike Secretary of this 5taf-.- bus transmitted to ; that body n statement of the quantity and value of the Mer? chandize, Previsions and Produce inspected in this State J during the past year, condensed from the reports of the in- \ \ spectors, weigher- and measurers throughout the State. The '? Secretary's Report forms an octavo volume of 73 pages: we | ! present below an abstract of its wo-i important and interest it : statements. I be Evening Journal remarks truly that tho document " present* a highly flattering view of the am-urt and i value i if the products of this State. ?nd -hows that, whatever : embarrassments may temporarily occur, ?* sr.;[ have an in I exhaustible mine of wealth, in eur arricultnral productions, | that will at all times pour its untold treasures into the cotter* of our proud ami prosperous commonwealth." It should be noted that more than two hundred inspectnrs, Sec. have neg > lectcd to make returns dnring the year. The following is the amount and value of the several products inspected during . ih ? year IS JO : Quantity. I'alue. Clrurand Men). .!,07J,K)e |.M. Jin.MT.TOO te Beef. 53.46*7 ?? 4i...7l7 on fori . 85jSB4 ?? 4,I9A793 ne l'?t t-h.-s.11.453,90 lbs. .V>6.!1| Cl j Penrla-lie.- .I(i.i?;,..V.?> ?? ?81,072 n; I Manufactured line Salt.3,093335 hush 340,903 55 j H>h and Liver Oil. . 584M2 rails 33,454 00 Lumber of all kinds.45,649,241 feel 1,'tlo.gi:. 53 ; Staves and llending. 5,447,560 pieces 191,439 S3 Flax Seed. 2,901} tierce* 31.914 50 Herring and Shad . I'l*? hbU 654T 09 ! (Quercitron It.irk. 475 hfcils N'o value reported. Hides nndSkins..'t.4"7.:i?ej lb. 323,933 IS Sole Leather .11,688,16] ?? 2r096?54 11 j llop?. X6JSX - , -K3ia 0? '? ..rid >->rt. and damaged... IS.'Jl.'. ?? j, .*v if- f Domestic distilled Spirits .f..:8*7.:4S enlts 1,601,584 23 Loaf Tobacco.18,997,100 lbs 1,843,638 ie? Total.value.*sV.:t7:i.?47 e7 I Dedui t Leaf Tobacco.* i.*L&48,G38 no i Balance.*??,.V!?.;e?) c7 ; This -how* an amoant of more than twenty-two millions and a half of dollars, the value o-f inspected article, for the ! most part produced in this State. It is ?-iid, moreover, that ! not one-tenth t f the products which conic into market are in e cted ; the law requiring only the inspection of such as arc exported out of the United State*. The following statement exhibits the number of busrnds of grain imported into the City of New-York during the past veur BwShtV,. Butkelt. Wheat. S01JOSflReans.-. 3231 , Rv<* . 614,4971. Pea*. ?.I ?80 Corn .t,l95^53f{Flsxssed . 590 I iin-.1,373339] Timothy Seeds.1.73') i Barle v. 149,9151, Rice.. 2311 Malt . 05,310; Oil Meal.. 5,-j The amount of grain exported from New-York is as follows: ' UhASent to EnrUuul. HiuheL: Wheat.450,193 353,7ld Oats. 143,966 Rye. r,9.!i:tl io.il Parley. 49.i'.9 Corn . 5*J.7-d 54,i;V.? Malt '.. 15,31a There were weighed in the City of New-York 27,909,40*1 ! lbs. of mcrchandiTC : aggregate value of i-h ? same, $14,452,? 3r;ii 15. Ul ihv Flour. i!ic following quantities were inspected at ; the following places: Places. BuU. I'nlur. Vow-York.1,974,974 99,158,163 i^ Albsuy. 17i>. 4?5 >19.ri:?) 1-0 Troy. g7.3?9 I3?.e49 (W It..ehester. 7.6.V? .*f ).?J1 J (h) Buflnlo. SS.-W 91,3-a oa Of ib.- Lumber, twice a* much was inspected in Albany County a.* in all oth r part* of the State. The tine Salt was manufactured a: the following places : ?oVsA/'s. i Swma. 1,107,835 Syracuse. .rr24.4t.l Liverpool. ?*'*3,9'?5 j ?jeddes. 187,664 j Aggrcgste...2,63a;i3j N :- suggestions are mode by the Inspectors with re? ference to improving tht* quality of the articles inspected ; .. ihey have interest for tho-e only who are concerned in the manufacture or production of the several article* we Omit liieni entirely. SirindHag in Ketc-Orleant.?The Xew-Orleans pap,-r* ol the i"th U!T. give net.tin:* of the operations of two swind Urs in that, city namod Clmntbirrs and Mackey, *nm.- few mouths since, which will go far toward explaining th- great irjHiU recently perpetrated with such ' distinguished succesi' j in this city, at Philadelphia, L -uisviHe and Cincinnati. Their m-de ol procedure would seen :? have bc-n remarkably in- ; ?;? :.;o:?s a* weli as impudent. In tie course of business Ma tk y obtained ftotu tho N. t>. Commercial Bank two cer? tificates of depositc?one for it'ii), the o;l1vr for$1,009. Tiiat for S ?0 be altered to $1,000. On his prcsr-nti-ig ir. the nav .ng teller rufus,>d :? pay i:, sayJog it '.a, not in the hand-wri- 1 ting -f th'. receiving teller, who, on being railed, at ftr-t said ft was nut in hi* writing. Mackey, laughing, said to him? : " What' deny your own band-writing ? Do a't you remember I having given mo Uiat certitLa:u the day of its date ? Refer to your W,wk>." This was done, and the dale, acsnbttr and amount of the certificate wx-re found to agree. The money j was paid, and n-:h:ng more then thou, hf rJ,out it. Thegs-n- ' ?tine c. r.incate for $1,000 was retained by ? and . supposed to have bt-.a altered to a much larger anio....: s.nd I -old. .Mackey afterward go: several ?rjier certiheates from i ia:?e Ba::k on specie deposhes, which have all been uiicred; and the Cash'er ti alr? ady advised of seven which ' were never nagorJnxcd bv the B.tak. Oue foe $13,000 was sold at L juisv !o ; one for $13.0r $i!,OJ0; and one a: New-York for $23 000* bean le "tii.-rs mk recollected. The Picayune says that pHr3nh haa mah* rate of Merest upon tomp. rary loans from seven to six per cent. After a slight debate, the Committee res- and re? ported. The bill for Bridging the Hudson then camo up, but before acv actiov was taken the House adjourned. On Wednesday, sundry peririons were presented, and. <>n motion of Mr. Poor, the Ho?-r proceeded to the considera? tion of the Select Committee's re pert on the Common School bill. It was amended s- as to require the proposed journal, devoted to the cause of education, to bo published monthly. An amendment was adopted, directing that all real estate lia? ble to taxation for.town and county purposes shall be taxed for Corrrsnon School purposes. Mr. Culver moved as amend? ment, permitting all p?rsor.s. male or female, owning real rs tatc n the district -to vote at the sehool meeting:?slightly debated and lost: Ayes 35 : Nays 61. Several other amend meat- w ore offered, and some unimportant era- adopted. Several bills were read a third time and passed. The bill on Capital Banishment was ordered to a Select Committee. The bill for the construetion of a Kaiirond from Batavia t? Buffalo wa< referred :o Committee of the Whole. The bill concerning Election* was ordered toaSeloct Committee, as were al-? than 30,000 persons. She has been on the stocks *:*<-? A?-u?t. ls:tfl-a period of twenty-one month-, daring which time about one hundred men have Seen steadily employed upon her. Her extr-me length is feet?some twelve feet mere than that of the great ship Pcnn svWaaia; and she is said t* be one of the finest specimens ?I naval architecture aver bntlt. Her tonnage is 2,280 ; her ex? treme width sixty-six, and her depth of liebi twenty-two (bet. She ba? thirty wrought-iron water tanks, ard two magazine* impervious to water. Her frame is of live oak. (irmly se? cured by trasses and boits: the engines are secured together by massive cast-irov framing, in the Gothic style; the boilers are of copper, strongly braced, weighing each about or).009 lbs., and are to be proved to a pressure of thirty pounds to each square inch of surface; the cylinders have scu.-n feet -troke; ihr lever beams?two for onch engine?are of east ir?H. weighing each 1-.*)*).< wound-: and the paddle wheel, sh.iit-. cranks, connecting rolls, cross tends, ifcc. arc immense masses ol a-rongA'-iron, forged at the West Point Foundrv at Cold Spring, in thi. State. Th ? vessel is intended to run v between 7 and o'Oii tons of coal, which will suffice for about twenty-five days" steaming. She i.' pierced with twenty-six ports in all, but will carry only eighteen guns: two ten inch Paixhan guns forward, currying sln,t of one hundred pounds weight, and rhe other -ixteen of eight inch bore, throwing sixty-four [?Mind bail-. AH her guns are to In." placed upper or TMisiu deck. Her complement of men will be about twe hundred. Tnu Natioxal Fast.?The recommendation of Presi? dent Tyler that Friday, th* I4tb hist., '.e observed as a day of National Fasting by the People of the U. States, in view of the lo-s of their late lamented President, appears to r?1 ceivc a hearty and universal concurrence. 6ov. Kent has issued a Proclamation uniting in tho recommendation, and th" Episcopal, Presbyterian and other denomination! have already concuircd through their proper authorities. The solemn occasion will be very generally commemorated. From Florida.?Letters received at Charleston, S. C. :>'>m St. Augustine to the 'g.'id of April, represent l!ie war as by no means terminated. Haleck'TuatenKggte had not come in as was promised, and there was somo suspicion that Coa-coo-chcc would afce back out, Company K. :M Artil? lery, linder the command of Lt. Boyd, was at St. Augustine on the -1st, nnd shortly after proceeded up the North River. The scoops are intended for the establishing of a post abuiil 18 miles North of that city. Numerous Indian fnes wer? observed along the coast. The health of Lieut. Rankin. whe so nobly distinguished himself in the expeditions into the everglades, is very feeble. Passengers from the South repre? sent the Indians as still in the oountry, and prepared for fur? ther mi-chief. Lieut. Arnold, who was seriously injured at 1'ilatka. \: much better. Charles F. Mitchell, late M. C. was not found at Mon? treal by the. Police ofB :ers win went there post-haste in quest of him. He hail escaped. A Fire at .\,-irmari;>', .V. //., i r ike out on Tuesday morn? ing in a block of buildings, owned by W. Smith, andoecunicd by Kelsey and Rundictr, merchants, '/.. I). Grcighton P. M. and several others. The goods of K. R.. the contents of tho Post Office, and some other valuables were destroyed and the buildings much damaged. Loss $15,000. Sorthern Travel.?Intercourse with Canada is n/w follv reestablished. The Railroad cars between St. Johns and La prairie have commenced running, and the Meant ferry-boat Princess Victoria has commenced plying a- usual between the latter place and Montreal. Several steamboats have also arrived at Montreal from Quebec. SlTThe steam barque Ctattiox, fitted up with Ericsson's propellers; arrived a: Havana ia 8 days and 10 hours from this City. This is certainly a most satisfactory experiment. aPP?INTMEXT? BY THE GOVERNOR INB SENATE. Lewis ?-v-r.lt. ..f Montgomery fr.iuaty, take Major General of the nth Dnristoa i>t Infantry, nr.- J. Hliscnennerliorn, rew-nied. i-; -? nu- UiaS-, jr_ mt Delaware Coenty, t. b? Brigade laspector of tfaeetn ungade new) ofCavalry. Beery S. v ..n.iereo.??. of rUnsaelaer County,to be Hri-ade Insnee n.r ..i tae 8th Brigade at lafantry, vice J. J. Vide, elect- d liri- ?'li.-r ljener.U. 8 Lmpoktaxt frou Nxw-GtExsr>a.-eBy ?.it of Havana, we learn that on the 9th of January, Gen. Herran,command? ing >he Government troops of New-Grenada, gained a deci? sive victory over is body of insurgenis, represented to have J. . ,? strong-, under Generals Gonxaler. and Pittrio. ar a pla ? 1 .- .led AratOca- Many were killed, and about 1.000 a en j :Ks iners, among whom were several chiefs and officer* ol tin 1- ? ion-. Other advantages were subsequently ob? tained by ?: Government troops at different points, and it was supposed Lnatthe insurgent Province, would -00:1 lie reduced to subje tdon. In fact. geVera] of th. m were already reorganized u^der authoriries aopofoxed by the Geherai Gov? ernment. Gen. Heron, by the last accounts, bad aUut 4,9t/n men ?tderb comi 1 in tb< Province of Pfim?Ions:,stjSl there were al-o-g.iwu g-.. - - - ;r.e,?s - nder V,-p.,, in Po ' tor-,,, a-?jcanaaral o., the winde iL ot -he Magdalena, were said not toexc.1 LOOO^nen ; those ;:? a mdid by ( .,! ? Ve?a and Loper. kavIri? been rout, en the nine day (Jan. 9rh) with the battle of Aratoce* In coiisequence of overture, made tB Qen. Herran by Gen. ' - ana, the_former was about to proceed to Ocana, with ofbl -'-]' 01 C9vCUa* u r,"-'""r'":"?-''- withont fortlwr entisiSo CJuaroaibf Cammerse. By th? .Mwinng^SoHihfra Maii. KT This morning's Mail brings :..>ti.:ug additional from Kentucky. In Virginia the Elution irf^icLaugblin (Whig) in F?> ette and Nicholas. b.t a small majority, is eon?nned. "U* Wo mentioned yesterday the recent tl faJca?onof two bank wtlicer? in New Orleans. The Beo says that th.- ook-B Keeper ha? ret absconded?as wa* stated:?the ovehinj Teller has disappeared, bat the Book-Keeper i? still in tbe City. _m ZT Mr. Ford, the Whi; delegate elect fr?re StaJord Co.. Va., is rapid!? rerov.-rimr from the injury ho received a few dnvs since, by a fail from u bridge. Xj* Up wants of $20,000 reward has been offered by tirCJry Authorities and private citizens of St. Leu.* lor th.-di?c?,cry of the execrable villains who perpetrated tho recent murder ous outrage in thai City. Rapftrry.?Tkr Dry C*mI>. .. Arnold ia Phrt ndelphiu was eutered on Wednesday night, and tnuiee by boring holes in the back window shutter aj,d jap? ping the bolt back. $ef*ri?ed to liave been deposited there by somw malignant villain subsequent to tin- loading. S3" The Pennsylvania Legislature finally adjourned on Tuesday laut, at 11 o'clock. P. M. Tho Whig Members issued an Address to the People of Pennsylvania on the con? dition and policy of the State, and particularly tho exercise of:!:* Veto Power bv Governor Porter. r. >'. Bank.?At the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia vestetday, 100 -Lares ?. S. Bank, at CO days sight, sold at 16 . do. cosh. 17 1 0. and Cr. do. 17 5-8. At the launch of the Mississippi on Wednesday the picb pockets reaped a full harvest. I" one srowd three gentle men were robbed of nearly one thousand doil.ns.. APPOINT>rr.VT-? BY TITS POSTMASTER GENERAL. PriLO C. FciKR, of Michigan, to bo Second Assistant Postmaster General. Jens S. Skjmxkr, of Maryland, to be Thud Assijtmjj '? Postmaster Get era!. i Third and Ixist Day's Races.?Tho lowering aspect *f I the heavens yesterday deterred many from attending tse ; races, vet throughout the (la) the weVthcr was agreeable and i the sport excellent. The rain that fell during the previoui night made the course ver;. heavy, and the desirable truck for the contending horses was thin farthest from the rail}-, so that in judging of the tune ??! th" disibivnt hearn, allowance iiiu-t be ma le, not only for th* sticky mud in which thenics run, but for the extra distance' which they actually wcrU. , The follow ing ure tho returns of the running : First race.?Produce sweepstakes, confined to the get of Imp. Trustee. Five subscribers, :;t $300 each; $100 ft. Mile heats. A. P. Hamlin'sb.c. Tammany, out of Camilla, by Henry.. 8 1 1 J. Stevens'* ch c. T. mpest, wut of .lauette. (own sisK>r to Sir Charles,).? 2 2 J. U."Coster'sch. c. out of Gulnare.:J dis. Time 1:07.1?2:06. Track very heavy. Second race.?Jockey Club, Purse *'iM. Three mile I heats. Club Weights. ' S. I.ami's (Wm. Gikbons's) ch. f. Fashion, by Imp. Trustee, out of Bonnets o' Blue by Si r Charles, -1 yrs. old.1 1 lt. f.. Stevens's Imp. b. m. Sylphide, by Emilius, out of Polly Hopkins, 5 yrs. old. ...'.5 2 .1. H. Van Mater's'ch.h. Prospect,by Menmouth Eclipse, ?l im by Expedition', ?> yrs; old.2 3 Maj. Win. Jones's gr. f. Fteelfoot, by Imp. Barefoot,out of Dove by Dun*-, 4 yr... old.4 4 I). W. Jones's ch. c. Meridian, by Imp. Barefoot, out of Raise Peyton's dam, ?! yrs. old.3 dr. .1. Smith's ch. h. Bluff, by Gohauna, out of Blank, 5 yr*. old. dr. Time 6:03?ir.ti') Track very heavy. STT Mr. Mclsheimer, a student of Pennsylvania College, left Gettysburg, in that State, on fsot for Shippcnburg, somo miles distant, in the midst of a severe snow-storm. Nothing more was heard.if him lor several weeks; but on the39th uit. a dead body, supposed to 1?: his. wa* discovered about Eve miles fnwri the plane of Iiis d wtinatten. DC/"* There was n firo in Bottomly Factory Villago L>-iccs let, Muss, on Tuesday night, which de*rroycd ilrreu lunotr buildings, ami other property to the value of $lU,uyu. In surod. Auuivcrxarii-^ in .\ew-Vorlt. Sunday Evening, Mny 9?New-York. City Bible Society; Breadaay Tabernaele, 7j. A.ldre.? by Dr.!>mui,ii;, of A.b.ay. Monday, Muy 10?American Seamen's Friend Society; Uroodway rabernacle, "4, p. m. Tcr.-OAV, May It?American Anti-Slavery Soclett ; ItroeUar Tib U M l-, l() A. VI. ' ' American Temperance Ifnion.Murray-st.Church, 10 ?.n New-York and American Sunday School I nion. I'rotu *iea?.3 p. h.; Brundwaj Tabernacle, 7J p.m. loung Men's National Temperance Convention, IVarl-jt. Church, i r. vi. Foreign Evangelical Soi* <\. Mercer ? Church,7} s.u. American ami Foreign An'i SI nery >,,. 1( tv, n,urdi cor? ner of rath.mac and Madison.streets, 7) p.st, American Female Moral lie form Society, Dr. Pattoa'r Chnreb, Spring-sL, *i p. x. WeosEsDav, Mas 12?American Tract society; Tabernaele, 10s.v. Meeting of Liberated Afrieanoi Tabernacle, 5 s. x. Assent- .ii Koma Mis>i m irv Society : Tabernacle, 7] r.e. .N.V. Colonization Soc . t> ; Middle Dutefa Church,7jP.st. Thoosdsv, May 13?American Bible S* icty; Tabernacle, .'0 ?,*. Amer.eau Education s.- ty ; Tabern i< le, 7j' p. m. FaioXY, May 11?New-York Academy.of Sacred .'.!u-ic ; Taberassk, .} r. st. Key. K. N. Kt-K. Albany, will deliver a Cilcey on the late President Harrison. Satcuuv, May ?American Roard of Commissioners for f*orer*s Misaioos; Tale rnncle, 10 m. M( > \ EY MA U K ET. H:ti,% nt the HtccU Cxcbaiise, ^fny ?. 100 shares V3 Bank. It?'MM) share* Uech?nic?' IJaak. 91 SO do do-.rrt-!( I?' ;,) do Piienix Bk..h60di 7> 100 Ho do.cash Iu; :.') do do .cash 73 ,?' u- ,!o .a -v 16 : 35 do ButeJiera'A l>rov'? IM ] f **.bl5d* 10. 7 do Beak of Suite" N Y 90 *? *>?. 151 5 , ,t -. j. SI2.000 do do IS48; at 99. 'V ?10,000 ladiina P.-ii^-, ,t >;. $15,0Oil do do al 'a. ft*?,000 do do, Sierliu.'. at ~f>. I The eale? .ho* a ?l&cli?tj from v--;..r.lay of J to i per teut