OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1841-1842, May 11, 1841, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030212/1841-05-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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?itn 3ntclligcr.ee.
Reported for tiie ? ?-York Tnhune.
Board or A?ntxxit -TW. board cotrreaed -?? ?'?g
pursuant to ad ournxnem. The (oSc^iruj busmess ?? ?-*
Council with rfre veorks on toe Ftr.rui o: J'.Jy
url>'<'- ^ . , . ,- , hai for medical services v.
Of Dr. Dwieht for payment of a r?ti.-o.
the 3d DLstr: M Watch H^- ,adve :o U;f VJ?net>sk>n
Of H. Arents asking for ? bearing i
a. a maaiber of Kneine Co. No-L h-j.i.-j ftrnwtsi Com
Of Ward B. Howard, agent, of the Higfalajid Granu Co?.
Mdv offeriLw furn?h Granite free of expense to erect a wharf.
P OfChS J. Huhbs for (.ayaentfaf a da:?, for contract on
tlte 4th Avenue . - .... . _, ??
Of Dr. William Jones tor payment of i bid at the 5th
tri? Waich House. ... . ..,?..
Of Jo-epii Waitehead and otherato have sinken lots Riled in
between 2d ^ -5'1 stree,s neir Arenoe B
Report*.?Ir. favor of correcting the tax of Kiiza Davi i - - ?
In favor of the transfer Of s.tniry tsa.'Ke: stanrt-?i i pte ..
In favor of relieving James B.arhsvjck fror: tax?adopted.
Report in favor of settincapart the easterly and w \ p:er
at Pike flip for the use of tb? -.?.??tim':.-*: ? ? a-. :ga:i:.g Ka-'
River from and alter the 1st May l-<4i!?adopte i.
Alderman smith then offered a Resolution that after the pe
riod named in the above resolution tue Common Council will
not grant exclusive privileges to steamb rats naviaating the hast
River, uf any wharf or pier w en of Pike flip. This, after de?
bate, was laid on the tal?!e.
Adverse to relieving H. L. Pierson, Anna Horr.i-ig. James
Reed, and Mary Bryan from tax?ad-rj
Petition of A. Rock wood and others for permission te con?
strue: a sewer in 10th street, 000 feet east of the C:r. Avenue to
the sewer in the said Avenue, at their own expense?adopted.
Of X. R. Walsh, for repair;:.; A::..:;. -tr?-e: fr >r:: Broadway
to hfercer street?adopted.
Report in favor of paying, no: exceeding ?iOO. to Joun A.
King, for injuries to his none and waggon oy tailing into a hole
at night in Whitehall-street, made in laying down water pipes?
Adverse to :he report of the Board of Assistance !??r ar. ap?
plication to the Legislature for a law to rest magisterial powers
on the Members of die Board of Assistant Aldermen?adopted
Adverse to the extension of Tompkrna .-tree: from Rivington
to Staun ton-street, and discharging the commit.?; dop ted.
In favor of permitting Eli Hart and Gold Hort to extend their
pier, near the foot 'if Dey-street, ii-'o feet into the Nor:!. River,
at their own expense?adopted.
In favor of regulating and p:i\:::?; Washington-street from
Rector to Msrris-street, and <-.e.-t.-?i .? ewer i.i-M"rr.
from Washington-street to tiie River?adopted.
In favor of reducing the taxes of D. Burti. and I-aac Conck
ling for a bulkhead, between 16th and lTtii streets, from *.')(? to
/ In favor of discharging the Committee from the consideration
of the petition of John O. Doimell. for an investigation into the
la favor of paying to X. Chabert ?'M> 1-2; paid f?r the redemp?
tion of a lot >o!il for assessment in 1838?adopted.
In favor of paying to Henry Leake at tlie rate of Si 00 a -.ear
for services performed by him as Health Warden uf the iOik
Ward for die lust two ycar.s?adopted.
Adverse to granting to Samuel Goodwin the rigiit to endo e
the triangular piece of ground bounded by Hudson, Heed and
Chapel-streets, and to construct an artificial fountain thereon, at
his own expense, during the pleasure of the Common Council
non-concurring with the Board of Assistants?adopted.
Adverse to further legislation tor requiring bakers to makeup
their loaves at a 'ixcJ weight and discharging the Committee?
In favor of discharging the Committee from the further con?
sideration of the resolution for investigating the truth of certain
allege 1 abuses practiced ky some of the Officers of the Alms
House departn.ent. in taking an i using the property of the Cor?
poration, which abuses have subsequently been corrected?re?
ferred back to the Committee.
In faver of. extending Soudi-strcet by building a bulk-head
across Walnut street. Ac. : adopted.
Concurring with the Board of Assistants in favor of the < j:::>
(roller being permitted to barrow moneys from time to time, at
not exceeding G percent, to meet the current disbursements:
A preamble and resolution v.u. presented by Aid Cooper 1:1
reference to the change in the Common School System proposed
by the Secretary of State, and assertiug that the calculations of
the said Secretary are founded in error as regards this city, and
requesting hiin to make further inquiry on the subject: adopted.
Resolutions.?For inquiring whether'the Screw Dock Com
puny have not forfeited their privileges .:. relation to tilling wp
certain slips: referred.
Inquiring into the expediency of extending (lie pier of the foot
of Pike-8trecl: referred.
The Board adjourned to half-past 10 o'clock on Taes lay-morn?
Board of Asmstaxts.?This B tard uie! last evening, und
disposed of the following business, viz :
A message-was received front the Mir >r approving of sun?
dry ordintinces and resolution- ? ordered on file.
Report*,?Concurring with tin- Board of Aldermen ..i appro
priating S-.'iUd for the repair of the dock a: the foot of bl.st street
Non concurring with the Board of Aldermen in their report in
favor of building a bulk-bead at the foot of 70th -?roe-. for the
reason thai the street is not regulated : adopted.
Xou concurring; with the Board of Aldermen in their report
in favor of leasing lot Xo. 191 of Commons Lands to William
Vandewater for hve years, for ;: year and tiie taxes: nega?
tived, and the report of the Board ol Aldermen agreed to.
In favor of giving notice to the owners Of iota ::old for taxes :
Concurring w ith the Board of Aldermen in permitting the
Harlem River Canal Companv to proceed with their coutein
plated improvements : adopted.
Petition of Mr. Henry to supply fire works to the Corporation
?u the 4th of July next ? laid oh tue taid".
Concurringwita the other Board in favor of filling iow lands
nt and near Harlem: adopted.
The Report of this Beard in favor of removing the rails of
the Harle.-.: Railroad below 1 Ith street was taken up and dis?
cussed by Assistant Aid. Adams. Underwood axd Davies against
the deport, und Mr. Prcsi lent Lee and Assistant Aid. Ward in
favor of it. It was stated by Assistant Aid. Underwood that
those who remonstrated against the removal of the rails were
as ten to one of those who pctionc i for the removal. The Re.
port was adopted, and also one of the resolutions, - to 7. when,
before die question was taken on the other resolution, Assistant
Aid. Davies moved t? lay the who'..- subject oh the table, which
was. adopted, 6 to 7, mid the w hole subject was luition the table.
In favor of selling to Mr. Sandford a lot of ground corner of I
King and West streets for $5,876,.:. concurrence with the Board
of Aldermen: adopted:
Ordinance authorizing the Comptroller t.-> borrow, at not ex?
ceeding b per ccuu, from time to time, such 8>.ms of money as
nay I <? necessary for the current disbursements of the city
Cot", t oy Common Plkas.?Calen larfortkis day, May 11.?
Ketsi 19, 79, 80. 81, 76, lot. 10?, 132, 136, i.".4 165,168,178,
190 198, 2S28, 832, 854; 1, 67. 7:.. iis, 172, 872, Csl. 108 10.V
116, 135, 191. 195, -.'04. 013. 237, 245, 861, 317. 3ol. 69, 4- ;>7
66 !?.=?. 137. 14s, 151; 197, 202, 283, 2i5.
CincfiT Court,?Calendar for this dav, May Nes 16
1J. 24, ?9, 26, 07?, gg, 3, s, 6. 85, SI.
OoVmX: or GeNZRAI. sxssio.vs.?Monday, before tiie lie
oorder, Judges Lynch and Noah, and Aldermen Nichols and
Mr. .1. B. La forge, acting .is District Attorney, called all
the eases on the calendar, a ? .ire or llsorc. an.'. :i? wiaiesses np
Bearing in behalf of the prosecution in either, no trial could be
had. and the Jury were discharged for tiie day.
The following recognizances wore forfeited, via : Thomas B.
Hart, indicted (or jn-tit larceny, charged with stealing ten i-vke:
bibles and thirteen numbers of n pamphlet entitled ' Tl e Mys
terious Marriage;' James B. Hart, inuicted for an assault and
battery on Palxier ; James Hubbell', assault and battery on Pa:
rick Coyle. William Day. assault nad batten on Jacob <i Day,
and John Williams and Willta::: Stevenson t- : n?sault and b it
tery on David Ten Byck, for non-attendance to answer
The Recorder remarked to the acting District Attoraev dia:
the continued non-attendance oftbe whsesses an the n mofthe
people in Court to testify, which had been the case for several
day* during the frcsen: term, was a crjiar c- i*. that:::?.-.: *.e re?
dressed. It interrupted the progress of the business of the
Court, which could not proceed without them, and an efficient
remedy must be anplied to cure the growing evil
The affidavits ot the officersi setrnhg the subpoenas must be
taken against um defaulting witnesses bv the DlStri \-eruev
and proceedmga instituted against them tV tlieir defaults Ti:e
Co:in was not able to get along with their business un ter this
stare of things, and it wastneir intention to take tl e a ist effi
cient measures io correct the evil ::;a; exUtecL
Tue Cour: then adjourned.
CoriiT or Ovkr and Tsxstxrt:.?Before Judge Edwards
and Aldermen Benson and Purdy.
Tiie District Attorney apjseare-d in Court .\i:i. his witnesses
rendy to proceed with the tr:ai of Ezra \Vhhe for murder, the
co'.itisel lor the accused being also ready I.; cor..-e :ue:ice. h.iu
ever, of the terms of office oftbe Aldermen ;>n the bench expir
ing on Tuesday. ;this day) at 12 o'clock, a d?Scruhy was :..-.er
pos>d in the way of proceeding; and. to prevent any quest) ?
?.-Ising hereafter in regsuxt to the Court bei:::: et rrectlj and law
fully constituted, HU Jlooor Judge Edwards declined avaki
any'order in the case until the newly elected Aldermen sh( .
be sw-oro inm office, and the Court thereupon adjottrtied to 1
o'clock this ?lay.
Auructed by curiosity, a va.,: crowd was collected, which ren?
dered ingress to and egress from the Cour: Boom almost i:::pos
Gobo.th'? ?rricz.?Li the ease of the sailor who fell eff
! live dock in? the river a: tie foot of G-cci-enseur street on et:.T
j day ajerain-r and was drowned, a? mentioned is oir paper ot
j yesterday, the following ad linonal particulars were elicited by
I the Coroner's Inquest. The name of the deceased, who wai a
i mulatto, it ap:>e-jred: was Benjamin L'dell, aged aboot J7, a na
I live of Lon; Island. He was a hand on board the .-.loop Elias
; Kicks, German, inav.er, and was intemperate ir. his habits. Kc
[ was inebriated oa Sunday morwing as early a- 7 o'clock, when
he took bis sent or. the e<3r?* of the dock, in company with a man
j named John Ja:ais<?:: v-er whose lep the deceased placed ?:s
feet in l reckless rruuener He -*a3 cautioned to take 'are or he
w-v.;ld fall in. bet replied " Never mind," and a fe-* nnmttes
pitched he=*'long crT the wharf, striking his head against the
sloop :j which h~ belonsred and wi, then precipitat-rtf into the
; water and drowned. Kiforts were made to rescue h:rr.. bnt in
a:n, and his body ?3* not recovered until late on Sundaj u
' ternoor.. Verdic i:*::.e J..ry. that be carr.e to his -ieath by ae
eid?ntai drowning
Reported for the New York Tribune.
Asroa Hbtrsr.?C W Ricketson, Pirt-b^rffiC Near.*. Cincinnati; r
Rvan Phils. W A Fo-ter. >lo; J T A-Ian.-. Bo-ioni J C Whitridee. N
Bedford; Mr Valentine; A Ponti, Italy, Mr Valeatiae, do; A Dnrand,
H?-. r?: ii Davis, ir. Syracuse; P Outwaterjr, do; J A Gate?. Horner: i
K Sevtt, dot J C Boyd, Albanr; C B Lansing, uo: W HunfceU, Conan
aaigua; B Wilson, LI; Mr Hatche, Albany; Dr Chase, NHamptFS
Newell, Lynn.
r!Tv Hotel??S Slope. Marhlehead; S Colt, NJ; C U 3ra:raro.
? Bo-ton: Mr'ir^?'d?. Phiiao: .' Sharp. Del; J Boyle. DSN; EJ P:x!ey.
I>!uo; ? R Thr.ejp, Auburn: T V How jr. do; A *.i Frveland, !iu.i.-or.. C
, Livingston, b>. A Livingston, do; W Livingston, do; J Sutherland.dot
? \V M Gregory. Albany; W M Hawthorne, LI; C Trav-?. NJ; ? Rob
? inson, N Y; H Bent--.' Key West
Americ ..s.-H F Aanoit PhU; A Her..-/!:*'.. NOrl;S Ward. NY; P. B
. Ton-lee, Wisconsin; C C Alcer, Stockbridce; J Murray. Chicaso.
Franklin House.?T Johnston. Cincinnati; N Norn.-, do: Mr Whin*
' field, PoTteeptia, B D Steele, Nen P.nituwiefc; J Walker Rockawaj
: A Ainsworth,Ohio; JS Hathe-.v.-, Painesvills; M II Davis, Lockport;
, W T Hicok, Homer; 0 Eble, Canajoharie; BHodskia, Canton; J E
' Whipple, Lansingbargh; D Humphrey, Albany; J H Doughty, do; A
j J Sls-usi, Cincimmti; J B Vahdervoort, NY; V. T Hoyt, Ct H R Ss r
) man, Pekeeptie; E P Cowles, Hudson.
! Howaao'Se-J Gonder, Sang Sing; JF Ma>tt. Prim P Isles; L H
I Jameson, Virginia; H L Robinson, Delhi; L Hr.ru Geo; J Clark, S 1 .
i D Gregg, Chuicothe; J H Cousins, Bangor; T Lyman, \':: J B4 oWi,
1 Tennsssee; J Reul.-tone, PhD?; E D W Robinson, do; il r>-->:tt. do;
. R D W-.t-.m, Coxsackie; C W Graham, Ctica; PVanEverj Mid
[ gaa; S Lyon, Cahandaisua; PSexton, Palmv ra: J K Walker 1?, Mr
Jacobson, NOrl; H PAVeod, ?>-.-tf-.rd: A Barney, Jericho: A Bout
well, Hudson; A Ainsworth; Ohio; J I. Barney, Canada; Z Butler, Lock
port; O Sprague, Trov; SW Stanley, Geneva; E Wilder, Mamaro
ueck: V M Watkiai Newburgh; A N Eaton, BaflaJ?; M Sm ?,-up. << .
shea; J Marsh, do; TS Satterlce, Elmira; A Pope, Mobile; .'S-iott,
PhBa; FM Kuhn, Dnn-ville; M Halstead, do; ABHjI!, I tica. JL
1 Whit.nr. P.'nlai H 3 Lovell, Bath.
1 Pbabl-street House^-G W Adams, AJam*' Mills; 0 D Rirtlett,
I Towaada; J tj Laasiag -r. do W Hit< a, Bait; A BulkLy, IU; Col J Mc
I llv.nne. Columbn-; J C l.an-n.e. Otteco: .1 .1 Tiirller. ('leieland. J W
Graham, Kaverhill; W H Keeler.South Her? W 11 Ripley, Bait; D
Ripb-v.de; JSuUivaa,doi TS Hubbard, dot JMcClure.jr. Giraado;
I R G Triscott, LoweB; J Mc Bride, Ohio; G Wilsen. Owego; N Pratt,
.1..; M M Sprague, Pavilion; Vt I) Collar, Wyoming; 0 Hunt Bath, It
Lane, do. II Arrvi Ohio; M ABertoa, P (iib-os; A M.rzai,. Woosten
I) s T.tn-. Cayuga; A McCully, MassDJon; W TerriU, do. C Earlc, Sy
rai use; J Walter, Hat ana.
Lovejov's.?G Butler, Newark; H Estes; L Kim?, Amberst; H Hunt
iag, Boston; s Williams, NJ. P Brewer, CnadiUa; DKardia, l.e..n a 1
rille, S R Potter. Potterbollow; II li Babcock, UnadiUaaoko; A Have..
Moukreal;S Hinckley, Lewis; C S < u\ler. Essex ca; J J Hunt. Jpffer
I -on; HC Clark, Fredom'a; J B M.xldard. E-scv co; SCalleti. Eh.-.a
I betbtown; A Wilder, do: J C Van Epps, Rochester; S H Bailey, Coo
1 perstowa; G Potter, Middlcville; A Brastoajr, Buffalo; F W Farnam,
Troy; S Smith. Br.h.k;e.rt; W MeFarlime. Gotland; C S Horton M
bany; (1 Hemming, Ithaca; L Pr.itf: M Smith, Kenneberk.
Merchant's.?H Klint, NB; S rtos.,-,lu-, New V.,\u. J F Marklej ,
Columbia; C M Brswn, Belridere; WH Ueavers, Henderson; C w
Horton. Chester; S Swayae, do; S C Bna.it. Fort Plains; J Phillip?.
Newark;ACWarmaker.NJ;AGriffis,Montrose; CDtJnffi.-, da; J
i .IS Warmaker, NJ: 0 P Warmaker. NJ; N P Clark, Hoaesdalc; T E
) Grier.do; D D Prvne, Sheffield; Ret <; H Fisher, Hudson; J Clarke,
I Phil, R K Dimmick, Milford. ,
I'. S. Hotel.?S Wood, Oh o, C D Hine, Norwich; R P Cook, Gl
Falls;? L Robinson, Prov; D S Hunt. ?SN; E J Ludom, Ph la; .' \\
Rnvnton. South Coventry; J II Coley, Nllavea; A s Prince.
a HtSTORICVl. bai.lvo_C" hon. r. m. CUAHLTOn.
'T teas amidst a scene of lilnixl,
4 >n n hroriit autumnal day,
When misfortune like a flood
Swept o::r fuirc-t hopes away;
"T w.i< >:i Savannah's plain,
fin the spot we lovo so well,
Amidst heaps of-gnllant slain,
That the daring~jAsrER fell.
He iia.i borne Mm in the fi"hi
Like n s.sldi.'r in !ii> prime.
Like n bold and stalwart knight
Of the glorious bitten time;
An l unharmed by snl.ro blow.
And untbi i ??! by leaden luill.
He had battled with the foe
'Til! he heard the trumpet's call.
Ht:t !?.<? turned him at the sound,
For he knew the strife was o'er?
That in vain 011 Freedom's <rr,,iIm|
Iia.i hor children shed their trorv ;
So be slowly turned away
With the remnant nf th<> imnii,
Wim amid the bloedy fniv
Had escaped the focmon's hand.
lt'-t his Banner r.-mriit his eye
As it trailed upon the dust,
And lie saw Iiis comrade die
Ere he yielded up his trust;
"? To the rescue!" lmid he crio.l.
??To die rescue, gallant men.'"
And bedashed into the tide
Of the battle stream again;
Then fierce tie contest rose
O'er it- field of broidered gold,
A::d the blood i>f friends and foes
Stained alike its silken fold ;
But. unheeding wound an*l blow,
!!?? has snati:hed it midst the strife,
I le has borne it from the foe?
But its ransom is his lite.
?? To my father take my sword,"
thus the dying hero said.
??Teli him that my latest word
Was a bl ?sing on !ii> head;
Th tt when Death had seized my frame
And uplifted was hiv dart.
That 1 ne'er forgot the name
That was dearest to my heart.
"Tell h:r whose favor gave
This (air Banner to our band.
That 1 died us folds to save
From the foe's polluting hand;
And >t all my comrades hear,
When my form lies cold in death,
That tiieir ft lend remained sincere
To his last, expiring breath."
It ? as thus ihm ,1 as ter fell,
Neatfa tliav hriglit autumnal sky:
Has a stone been reared to tell
Where he laid him down to die f
To the rescue, spirits l>o!d !
To the rvs.-ue, gallant men!
Let the mai Lie page unfold
All his daring deeds again. Ma-nolix
As I.VTKEZSTt>C G.>.sy.tD.?We once saw a countrv bov
standing opposite his father's barn, very particularly engaged
in trying to i.-isult the echo of his own voice, as follows:
Boy. Hallo, old sntxer' what d' ye think of the weather 7
Echo. The weather'
Boy. ies. the weather?is it going to rain ?
Echo. Going to rain.
Boy. I thought -o. How "s your ma ?
Echo. Your ma *
Boy. No, not my ran. but your mat
Echo. Fcstrraa?
Boy. I guess you 're deaf: ska' n't I speak louder ?
Echo. Spe?s. louder.
Boy. Well, then : a hog is u h-vg, and so axe you.'
Echo. So artf you !
Boy. So am L
Echo. So am I.
" rhero, darn it! " said the boy, turning for home, ?? we
re pits now. I know'd I V. ketch him in the end."
Glvck.?Nothing cot:!.1, kindle tiia fancy of this composer,
oi ? \ visit to a ;rr.-.-n meadow. His Dortithv must perforce
:"*r r,a::" higged ?ii?ter. and a botde of sparkline
'"."^ bo. l'1^' w hLs side; and thus, warmed by the
*? ^ lb,>.*u:' <-nd his fcvoritc wine, he poured Verth
- a , : ti,e mos, ?rijimnt of his intmirndons. How wofullv
i. ? e some ot tee w rit-rs of hisHfe been mistaken. In'-,
pircu by Iphigema torsooth; ??nsense, it was bv the r,^ 1
utne> o! a tresh-made Lnycock. '
MR. JAPOB B. WARL4?W ke<-p. constantly hind a Jar-?
aioortaeat of Grae-ne* at ?-- st-we, ctrser ,?f Watt, and Sulh
lan-streets, which he offers for sale to tu. rasternen sad the pubUs
rsa-nily. w?a ?M confi^MC? tha: iaey are as cae.ip iad a.-. wefl
leiected.as aav is the cite. ?4 if
boi led a*i? platers' brass.
FIRST RATE artici- ofRo?!r.l an.i Plut?r.- Bra.--, cv i!*ay. be
found st JAMES ?;. HOFFET, IS Prio* street, near w?-ier.
at tie h>w?*t market jmej*. Likewise a ve--7 sap'.-:>.- irtiele at
Cooper* Era**._
FFI4 e t haik!*.-1 v - ? " ? ' 1 the United
S?3-o- slso cheaper thancsabe purchased ilsewhere.
K !>'<*"? Pafe-ar Cj-ur Warero*m. VTI 3r-?i,iny.
N. [>.?*or?: mkh?j? Chaw, hare tue celebrated r-Hory setnau .ad
balance -V-_ag Im
Ay.;.- -SMITH re-peetftlly iafocaxs his friend* .n-f customers,
thai he has rem ores from No. >J W illianisetI to N? 53 J->aa
.'.ro*:. S?3 Iu
GENTLEMEN risittng New-York will Sad 1 ??: ind pleasant
.... GRAHAM HOUSE. Ne.63 B.- lay street; where
ampieao wmsdatioa* are ax ail the ir ????? t4 for transient Boarders,
.let .r.'.e-i ?t n:>Jerat? p.-k-s. by tae laj orweck. Nj i'.r.o ,s'
Tob*-:? or Alcohol ?:i! l?e found to taia'. the atmosphere. V B. A
few perjna.vti* Boar I era 31 be :-k a. ?.Os\S ELL GOSS.
New-York. April 17th, IcMl. tf_
BOARI>l>C-l few
with U-anl and pleasant r-.-oms in a vry n-*iit";. -::\i:ion. it. the
irpper part of th? riry. Also, a r-ntlerr.ar. and h:.-wire. Persons ap
pivin? soon can >;aie a choice of rooms. Endeavors wBI be nsed tu
sc re them i pleasant hire.*. Far forth-.- particulars, apply a: 1?
Nassau-street Satisfactory references <*ill S- ni?ea sad r??piir-<i.
?OAEDIXi.-K i- r resdri iceensasedatsd
with genteel Board in a private family. Apply at II Chatham
street._rn* tf
MS 1.1. R007I .\r*I> WATER I'OWER TO
I,ET.?At the Mahogna> M ' V.-.- Farms from .I ?
twenty-fire horse power. The Milli? eleven tsiles from New-York,
and accessible bv water. Far flirts ;r particul sn pure of
>!. M. BONNEL, Wen ,',-:a-. or of
ml Of :. A F. COPCCLT, 343 Fraaklia-ttreet, New-York.
Vf>?0 TO IO.D1M? DOI.I.tK?.
\PERSON with 1 cash apttal rf from s-.s-i to >: 1,000, and
??? !?nz to Lot ?-: ;t in a safe bnsiaess; riehiii . ? fair j.ro.-r. and
receive collateral security for the ..:< ?-?:.:-..?t. ?.?.?;; pi.-r.-e .eii.--?.
I A. B. r.. a: the orT:.:e of this pep.--, mi -? te ?'.: ire x taten iew may
j be bad, when a fall explanation c m l?? ai:en. m7 tf
THE I.t>l OMOTI. :
" V A N K E E CARD 1' R E S St"
1 q AVfi 70 NASSAfASTREET >.--i?->r;\.John pr tseve
D? r> ; if Card*, at pr ftnsm ?175 per lOOtTup?
wards. i.Mlw
Tili: REV. l*'il. BARRY'S A< *.!>! il
TS REMOVED froa 15 Hu ray-strsei to d ? -?<? - ?? ind very
J. commodions Rooms over the New-^ irk " ? ? a, III Preadway,
Roe Lockwood's BuiUing. !*upilsprep?red for Colleite, the ronnt
;r.z House, >r fur aa;. oftae athe osefal and I 01 orablr oecnpations of
life, under the care ofinstrnctors of the first character ami repecta
biHty. Mr. N-'.-irt. Iar? Prii:-x"t : -il;-l- ?'i- . !? :: ? ? ?.-? ii: iie
chief Assistant.
N. H?The modern Language* be taught '-. mi-t-v- ?f the
fir-: staSiling in :!i" c:ty. t.iS I ?
11 rIIlT.r. may be obtained UaiversaKst Books, Pamphlets, Ac. of
ff .-vry ?ie-,-nption. wholesale and retail. Alse, published si
the same Establishment, th* Universalist Union aar! the (few-York
Christian Messenger, in defence of the views held by VniversalUts,
tii- f?rm?- it *-i 50 ;>.-r annsm, an 1 the btter V:. Single eop.?f
the latter six rents.
A Review, by the Rev. T. J. Sj-?- er ofR .... I". HatfieUPs lat ?
ork, ?? fctnii ersaiism ns t: i?, or Text-Booh ?>:' K niern tiniversalism,"
i ntrv publishing in these ;ia;te-. j??
IUST PUBLISHED, at .130 Fulton-street, between Nassau st. add
TALKS." -i hijhfy interesting lit:!- fr ? r. r .? p-n jtMlr- C M
S-.wv a, neatly bound ih muslin. PriceSOc ????
The: New-Yorker, Brother Jonathan, Nee World Evening; Signa
Ladies' Repository, Ac. Ac. have expr tsseJ themselves in the high?
est term.- of approbation of this w irk ->iS
i; WALKER, 113 Fulton street,has jusl published i handsome
Li* volume "of T?O.pages, the Addreiees and Messages iftiie Presi?
dents of the I aii ??! State?, from Washiagtoa's to H irrison' ? Inaugu?
ral Address, together with the Declaration of Independence, ami Con?
stitution of tin- United State.-, with the Amendments. The t**.;. i- m
dispexsable ta tbo Statesmaa aad Politician, u : ..> library can be
complete * ithout it.
'Hi' I-'or those who may ?i-h it, tii" publisher h i- sat up a ? p irat
editioti, with a highly finished Portrait by J. Ii dpin, Es^. and ? non
pohti-ai memoir of our lat- lam-'utcl President at! I lmT l!mV"
-.3>I?I.K<; flowers, r
QPRIXG FLOWERS?A series ol benui . ... r. - . >t:-.
? EoOAKToy, Editress -?f :Ke Rose "? Skajioh, published, >.i l
far -ale at 110 Fiiliun-tr. Pre-. .." ? - _aStl
no pearl sriti::-::. n v.
T A V I. O ? A 4 L i: ?i E \ T
Would, respectfully, e.,|i the attention of Merchants and others, to
th-ir st-?, k Books, Pap-r. Blank-work, Quills, h.h. Binders' Stock,
which they oiler at the lowest prices roa ca*m. atO-tf
III TI T'S- mkroh a.NTJ?' [MAGAZINE,
Pabli.-hed Monthly....SSpierannum, m .i.l^in^".
nV rXECMAM HINT. KBlTOR AND ntOPBIETOB, 146 rvt.'Toit-sT. s. v.
rpiIIS P.-r:.-)> al i. detot-d "v.-i-j.-iel; :?> tu.- int-rests ind want*of
? the bu.-ine . community, and in thi- respect differs in it- charac?
ter from any M igazinc cr.h-r in thiscoontrj or Europe. It :., latend
ed t?!>- literally at:.l t-uly a u~-fu) work.
It. contents embrace every subject connected with Commerce and
Political Economy. Riograpbieal Sketches ?:' eminenl merchants,
aod Essays from the ablest pens, o-i Banking, Navtgstion, Munufsc.
tures, Insurance, Trade, Commerce and Mercantile L iw, including
important decision* in the different courts in the Ui ited States and
England,form part efthe content? of each number; together with
official repiot. ofall neu C mm - i d Regulatioi - and Treaties.
The Merchants' Magazine t- also the r-jforauth. ntie Sintis
tical infonnatioa of Foreign and Domestic Trade ind Commerce,
Baukiop. etc. collected fmm official suurci?. ia~i ckusified in table*
valuable for present and future reference. alii Im
HjlHEOLOGIGAL DISCUSSION, betweei Ezra Stiles Ely, D. D.
A Pra*byterian, and Abel C. Thomas, Eniversaltst?oa .n>: *.,rk
?shouU I?-- in the hands of every one.
Exposrnosi a Nu Dermcs oi (JmvEassxtsx, by Rev. i. I?. WiHiani
son?a higkly valusble work.
Asr AxctrstENT roa CimisTLsNtTT, bj Rev. I. D. Williamson?a p .
pulsr works?every disbelii ver i<i Christianity >i: laid read this work.
Tan Umvsssalist Manual, or Book of P syers, by Rev. Menzies
Rayner?should !>e in ever-, family.
Lettebs to W.r. ?Ki>wM.FE. D. B. in rovien of hit Lectures against
Uaiversalisai, by Rev. T. J. Sawyar.
Letteks to Rev. Entri? F. Hatfielo. ra review of his Sermon- en
the 95th of Matthew?by R--.. B. it. Hallo k.
Lcttezs to Rev. Stephen Remington, in .-e1:.-. of b? Lectures
against Univorsalism.
Notes Atcolt.t.usTitArios'sor t.-is PAaaaLCs, by R-v. Thomas Whit
L:ri: or Rev. John Mvwit, one of to first Preash :rs of UaiversaJ.
ism in America.
With a great variety of other Universalis! P..?,k-. Pamphlets, dec
for sale wholes.!*, ?l the 17NTVERSAL1ST ;;? m >h ESTABLISH.
MUNT. ! ui I . :r - t hetwee? B.-.,a.i?iv and Nassau. a2fl
i COMMISSION PAPER WAKKIHU'SK.?The Sub-crilier- are cwn
stand a r..nur every description of Paper *u.:..: ;^,ey uifer j?r
sale in lot- to suit purchasers, isomh the most reasonable terra... Anvu;
Un'ir extensit s ao-i.-tnieHt are the following, ?i/..
SO reatru Newspaper -I bj fi
?X) do do 20 br j7
40? do do 24 W 5S
200 do do 85by40
300 do do Sg by 42
2-JO da Ah 2--;i,v47
1o0 4a 4o 3..' le." 41
1200 do ae-lsum printing
500 do d* au-1 aai." uo
4<W do asiorted coie.-ed paper
5?U do euv^lopc psper
Fine a nd supernne Flat Caps
do <Jo cut, plaia ar. I ruled
do do Letter do
Dem; and medium Writine pat?-r
Cloth paper. 21 .. \*l -a- v ii ?;iu 36 x 40
Hardcore paper. Is" x 23. 1? x 24, ai-1 20 x 30
II ingmg ?s?: VVmppiag ps;wr of Tar.o-:- sizes
Neu.papei of any -:se um- to or.:er ir n?rt iw(,ce.
Feb.-YAC ti_E ROW A Co. So Maiden fuirs?
e< oxoyj* : economy :
a si.-ne*! re-p-e'.;iliy solicit the altenrloe of tM PubRe to
BiacuiVurej by f,..?. andc/which hundred* have been sold -?:thii>
tne last two sr. -uta- in this city. Ali ?.., ,v> 1=j .,?..!
Bduaowledge their superiority for lish: over oil o:.;er L-?iiis_.i
?mcb the great demaud for then: is e ideace. The] giTe a* moeh
I-Chl SI fftrrt Gas Hursisr?. aad ti.e eXl ... Firry rEB CEM- ? ?ss
than the expense of gas.
,.TZ? f>ubI,c 0ia .-?e them in asc at tht *tor* t?f the sobscribers \o
.1? r u.toa .-?-v-t, aad r-jlereace- -?:i: be :a those who hav?
taera in Use
The sub-cr.Vrs aL-o offer to :he Pubu, | ?
Th- d?s*rvediy birh reputation whisth tin.- Ovv. e=-o-.- - this e tv
and country, resun--. I no c-ram. at. Tut. u well known ae beiar ?n
penc-r tj an;, otn.-r 0?ei: in th- c.eactry. I: i- -.i: irui-p-a-ai/ a-,,
cle in h uise-ke?Hnr. The Public arc eaatfoaed s?m nurehasla
On^^^t^n^^^TlS^r *?aean ^ Unsen
Ou-a--. bu: fiose raadc by the subscribers
v ?Vi f . ^m'< MYERS * ro. 143 Ful:02 sr.
N. B-?The prices oftae Lnuoa Oven, have been reduced from ??.,
onginsi pnee, One Dollar on each *w. ^ TjO tf
I>K. J. <;. UEtVETT,
I .K SPRTNG-STRECT, near We rter, formerl, sfBostot, _
i ' 1 rw'-r- c""fiue.l to Dtslceauaon, Sprains, Hi? Di_
Rhruraats-m. tute S?eH.nr-. dimsed and curved Spiuei v<*7- c
Hons. Stiffness, sn t ?rokoess of the- limbs in ~r.-nL
Dr. IV, system is founded on the principle of ti<- cci-bryed Swee?
oi the E-stwarJ. ItetVruase* jiv.i aa appLca?sc tu Dr. H. aSf lm*
ti 4. FARM, with cotniertable boaldiMT? rood fence and frurt.
* srichettt stock, in exshani-e for H-or-eii and Lot? m an
J"^;ini)ro'i.it leeatiou: rented h-t year at 7 to S per tent, on
prase. Addr?-. Cultivattr. -w-ta-e paid, at noet-od.ee. New
York iSescribsiiZ proeertT, tecarjoa, price. Axe; ?ill meet attention
Situated m the Township of Weat Orange and.County -t
bees' eoe^aiaiag fart* acre*, or more if ? anted, suitably dr
i hied inte Meado?, P! ? tea ..ad Wood Land. *ith a I tree House and
it,-, and Fnrit of all k.nd.-. Said Farm u m a good ?t?te of eultira
t;>;:. An indisputable title :-id possession gwen immediately. Abo,
asrever-failin* wefl ?f ?ater uear the dor; also, tw-? fine springs.
-rf! sell hi! stock, bor-?. co?,. bo-, wagoas ami tarmmc utfin
?I-. The distance from Newark to said farm t* ??_mi.Mthe
staxercsUleadinxto Beriagttoae ?>?>?? Mormwwa. and in sight ..t
New-York. Pavrn.-i.ts easj : s p irt mar lay h*r hve years or more.
For further nartK-i-lsr-. enquire of .
HENRY PRIEST, IU Oraiige-.Heel. Newark.
V n.?Or would es.-baa?? for Newark properts. aill
Ft oAo.ni :
HODGES. Eeo., Seeretan of the Willi: meborg lire Ineor
?r.e- Company, -? the OSce .u" the Company, in Graud-.-ir. rt. u-ar
Fiat-street, in Willi o.-.-bu-c. *?*
offic e to Let. .
The spleadid Basement Rooms in the Merchant. tv? hange,
?corner of WaR aad Uanorer-otraet*. Apply to Mr. Pearron,
oS?' of the Compaav, corner Hanover and Exchange Place, or to
,S9 tf J. WINCHESTER. Ann-strret.
to i. et.
Th- third story of the re.r buil.ling No. 19 Ann-street It
'is an?, of the best Rooms in the cits for a Printing officu, or any
light business, ;?-tr.c ieihtrd on three ,-ide-. Kent jl.'wi. Apply to
i29 ri H. GREELEY. or J. WINCHESTER, 3B Amt-t.
InUtUctMatderelopententand Personal Beauty considered
:k -.onneetion xith Dr. Felix Gouraud'i Depilatory
THHSculpcnr, who.-- study i-1" Itsit ite the exquisite workm utohip
of nature, portrays in his model ofthe human form, a broad and
elevated turehcad. TUi- dereJopemeul is aotonly conaooant wirh.b.u
sonaetimes aeeeosary to' the possession inf a high order of mental fac
..'.?i If a fine :? ehead is a mark of iateUect it i? no less a? essential
element af personal beauty ; and it of luiperta.wc t.? thosw, and there
are n -:n such, possesscdof this prominrnl feature, though obscured
bytha encroachments of a too luxurious growth-of hair, to remove
that portion of an excresence ? hb k tends, ui their case, oalj t.< defonu.
Th;? can be done safely. speedily, effectual!) . and if used in act oodaace
with directions, without the least iacoBveatcnse, b) Dk FsdtxGou
'rail.'.'.- Depilatory Powders, Th" furze ofthe lip, when annoying, or
the >h.>rt hair o>"i tie- back of a lady's tie. k. wlien too apparent?the
hair af t mole, or th? beard, ? hen high upon the cheek, may all be re
, moved, and eventuaUy the roots destroyed, ky the use of this prepara- i
Manufactured bj Dr. EELK GOSRAUD, s"7; Walker street, one
door from Broadway*, and for sale in this city only there. Price $1
' per bottle.
Note.?As r.rv.ier-. parportiag :>> prmlui e the tffm' of these, have
be-.a and are >r .11 -obi in the city at some perfumeries ami drag .-tores,
it... proper to unarm the public that suck ir? not Dr. 'i'' manufacture
Purchaser- - in ????? the tir.-tiaratmii te-t \l if rv.|uired.
New-York?G. I? Brown,Utica. JaredGray, Poughkeepsie.
Persnevlranis?Mrs. Brown. T6 Chestnut ?t. Phlladelpkia.
Marvin-. I?Mr.. S. baper, 33 Baltimore -t. Balaimore.
Vrrjnoa?Frazier. opp. Dr. Plammer's Church, RichmandL
Nassachnsettj?J. E. Field .v E. J. Bull, Lee.
Cot aecticut?E. C. Ferre. Midilletown. W Faalkaar.'Nonrich.
District of Cclumbia?s. Parker, Peaasy:?auia Avenue, l^-toren
?Jth aad i''tii streets.
Dealer, (applied on Ub-'ral terms. Siagle bottles ?est by mail.
L " letter- u:u-t '?>?? po-t-pabl. .nr!'-lm
Barber'. Itcb, Eczema, Blotched Foe. Pimples, Itch, or Seal.
Psoriasis, Palmrsria. and Other diseases of the skin, are safelv, certaiu
ly, aad expeditioiish -ir.-.s i.v t:-., ose ofSANDS'S CELEBRATED
REMED, FOR SALT RHEUM, which have now I.a thoroughly
tested :n rising i\ thousand didereut . without having failed in
any, -.. here ,iire. tions h n- been attended to. Every person aiflllcted
: ?ith either oft hi above diseases. i? invited to make immediate use of
this i bluattle remedy. and get cure l ?ithout delay.
The . -ire in ill cases is-warranteil. We .-elect t!ie followinr ex?
tracts from certifie it a as et idence of its wonderful enlcai j i
Mr.. Morgan ? Chrk, ofNew-Yorlr, basjusi been cured of a severe
r and lung standing r..fS .lt Rheum. lu her certificate, she says:
" I tried various populai medicines, ind was under the care of two
eminent physiciam,but my complaint ballied th. ir -kill. After noti'
? ! the extraordin?r} cure of Mr-. Chapman, No. T'j Chntham-stroct,
I was induced to purchase ome ofthe remedy. Immediately mi ap?
plyingit, 1 began to recover, and am now entirely well." The case
of Klizabet'j Spear,of Bellingham, Mass., a lads of Ttvears of age,
is tra'y an interesting one i one box nod ImiiiIc of the (fompound hot*
tract of Sarsaparilla removed the disease, ami made a perfect cure,
liter having b.: ..??'?'? more thaa twentj years Mr-. Alunra
Gardner, of Norwich, Cl, was perfectly cured", after the disease had
existed for twenty-five years, in its worst form. Edwin Porter, mer
'i? if Fall r.;\-r. Mass., Joseph ?'1 ire. No. 2W Washington-street,
N. Y.t John Parker, (Sinner, of Sfaten Island, and numerous others,
have jii i?.,.a perlei tly cured by this imsi wonderfal medicine.
Prep u ed md - ?: i at * bolesale aad retail, by A. R A- D. Sands, 79
md 100 Fulton-street, and 71 East Brnodway, N. Y. Sold also bt II.
It imI- A C. Alban- ; E Trivett, Poughkeepsie; J. Ml Patten, N. ?
Have:.; E. W. Bull, Hartford; J. A. Wadsworth. Providence; Um.
Brown, is; VVasbiutrton-street, Boston; and by Druggists generally
i.-? theprineipal i ?vn> m the United St ile?. Price SI.
N. B.?.Verch ii-t supplied on tic mosl liberal terms. ml? las
1/ >i:: Vwghs, Colds, Asthmo, V. hooping Cough, Shorti.of Breath
I .al all \ ?'.-.. ins of the Heart ami Langs, lending to CWNSUMP
riON. Reader, y?u have tried manj medicines for your cold. Have
you hadabottbi . N'i'A ILL'S PECTORAL HONEY OF LIVER.
W( IRT : Try :;. It is assuradly the best mesKcine ever ottered to the
public. The testimonial, tendered aad the hiirli eulogiunss given this
last winter from those-scho have taken it. attest at once its superior
virtue. I: is from tin- cause that we are induced to make it ... p.>pU.
lar as possible, though it has increasingly received the public appro?
bation amount in; tbaboat fifty thousand bottles per annum No puff
or advertisement bus done this to hoax on the sufferer a watery col
? orad solution, and inellScacious meylicsne, thereby hastening adiseai ?? to
its fata] termination?the puff: alone sustaining the hopes of the pa?
tient, Oil'.:! holies are /ore.
The preparation ofthe Honey of Liverwort is solely composed of
vesetable ingredioats simple ia their nature; out in combination not
only . .:? ui ite ! I. r imeve th- immediate diseasa, but to invigorate the
lyatem generally. No m'dw?c eier offered to the publie cau be said
to have restored to health so groat a number of persons ineonsump
? tue comp) nut-.... NawiU's PecloraLHooey.of Liverwort It should
be kept iu ;.U lUmRias, to administer upon the fir-t symptom of'eold or
cough, a. inattention and neglect are the causes of numbers I -?iug
ih-*r especially in consumptive cases.
This medicine, offered to the public at the low price of Two Shil?
ling?, ? > a.iblo to all. For sale it the principal Depot, Cl Madison
.'? eoru.-r ofCatberine. Retailed by most of the principal Drag.
gists in the city, ami one in every principal city throughout the l'm
_'_all? If
Liverwort Pleurisy Root; has during the pant two years gain
?? I .? reputation ... th cure of consumption never before acquired by
any medn i;.e. All other rem-iric" have Jone or are fa-l itni?s inn.
disuse. The publie have found that nothing but tili? Balsnm can be
depended upou in curing diseases of the bine-. With this medh .i a
. you ar..- safe, ?'? ithoul it yon must r<- dize the worst. If yon have ? on
sumption and are making up your mind what t<> take, remember.your
life :.?;,.?.;. ,?: % our eh.i'li.:mv mdi.ine but the Balsam of
Hoarhound Liverwort and Pb-u-iry Root. :m J /our doom i- vale I.
Choose e. and you ...*?* -.if-'.
RAISING BLOOD md Bad Cough CuredV?Dr. A.'ltm'- Balsam
stands high in the estimation of the pubtic for curing all affei-non--.f
? ? ? e?pe ? dlj consumption, raising blood an I protracti d cough.
TbisBnb-am gives immediate relief; a short tun- effects an enure
cjr-. Let the sick try it aid they vs. st I rejoice.
OPINION OF Tili: FACULTY.?Disea."the Lungs.
Dr. Allen, Dear Sir; I have prescribed your Balsam of Hoarhound,
Liverwort md Pleurisy Hoot, in severe coughs end consumption, and
1 it has proved effectual after other remedies bad faded, lam glad to
fit .1 i alu ible i medicii ?? without any deleterious or tmrcotte iugre
' dients. I entertain a high opinion of your Balsam, and -hall continue
; to recommend it to in., patients. Yours, truly,
C. PRESTON, Physician, New-York city,
i by E. M.GUION, corner ofthe Bowery and Grand streets; Dt
\\. :.iI--a srtb, I'r'ji ideuce. .,o.
nil. ?, kapix's TRCSSJES AN? ?ITPPORT
ERjs.?These InstrumenU bare received the decided appro
I batiou ofthe fii -? mi die d men in thi. country. The iaveator has re.
I csived the folloa inz te timeniali .n the Medical Journal:
Heis-Ymrk Journal ofMaticint und Surgtrfytke Eduor remarks.)
; - We hate taken paiui to inquire of tb? be-t authorities, as to the
I 'p'1"-1 afiDr. C's apparatus, and tiaJ Ujcn atjch approved by (bepro
(Botton Medical and Surg?ai Journal]
? -n-. Chapins Supporter and Truss; J..hn It. Chapin, M. D? of
?>-?'?<-?'.?. th- certainly -how, linmrif to b- a man of urn
I ehan?al agonoitj ; the workmanship, too, i. faultleas.
OtS.-e I .l 'r j.tor ? t. -.-t. - ,
j-_m? 4m
?NO. 4 I?J> if s js
=~ >"!1;-r"' - -?d eatrsi i m ' Charge, reasonable. alC-lv
dav. - 1 - ? ? '< - ?o <-?->ci? at a.e-in ofthat
are - u 1 iontherr> by erotsad Sa^rofRi bert a I * D,k-*;'
mbn ufta tc front aad r?ar e ,. ;, taV '.' ?r'r .contaiamr.
tenet* on esc* ?de . ,,. , $ ?'T? >?;?.-.* .??! in
whi th ? i rivuese of the said alb n-\ 1t-fty-g-.-..
Braed-ay to tl,? reVet'the^ti? from East
Dated 30th April. 1*11. f-*^
N. B.?The sa.4 prenS?? ? ^ Guardi..?.
latretrnthepreardses ^ Pt-rchased atpnrate sale: In
The above Conpanv ?rc prepared t-? receive and for???s;
FREIGHT AND fassev'jers VTE8T to all 1 sets an the
ErieCanal. Laxes Huronasm Michigan, and on ike Ohio and W?.
beeh and Erie Casals, on the mo?? fevoranie tenns. 1 unoies tm.
~! m. ?,..;. um] Hervhunt- will il to tnio- .?of?fe Realist
tbeirOtSce, ??S Broadstreet ASieombool ? llsorl daii* atoPR.
from Uc foot efCcetbusdt street, .nJ three Canal Boots a sup-ru*
- i a- mill be -tarted daily from Al-any. r or . retgfct: or l von ap
ply to
vull ia>?ik a CO 103 Brood street, N. i.
it \J TOAfLINSON& CO. Aaboa; % I
J INES CHAPPELL a CO. Rocneoter, N. V
A. R. C08B A. CO. Buffalo, >. Y.
- Proprietors,
COrtB. OATMAN A CO. Cfei . ? ?
PA\ IS A SMITH. Portsmouth, Oh
DORR. WEBB St. CO. Dotroit, Mi
/ - 6 I ? Kjr\ 6 / - ? *
SouftiArA'.-A address :tie ecr. are :,-?;, and die,
en one snort nsur; but tikU tMteft strfite* ;.t? cys,
Ltves tong upon Lite enaid; lA* fatkfitl sight
Engraves the kruneledgt with a beittn of ivghl."
K. TGWNDROW, Proteose? of Stenography, we iW mos? re.
. tfully announce t? In* friend, ana ike public in general,
opened the above establishment, a here he purposes ieaeh
xn) part of the
other* ...e than
idusl* !?> * ions
estplatoiag wie
,' of teaching the.
announce t>? In? friend*
thM be u:is opened the above e*tabli*Siment,
ins bis own peculiar and highly appro rod method of writing s.i n>
H?xu; Uj means of which, the evict werds.of pi ? public speaker
may bo recorded a* pronounced, ami preserved ia a legible forai, eo
to lie read .it any future period wish the u*.. ??' degree of ?? ?e and
facilil) ?then fere, ill. ka.lie- aad Genlleni ? ho feel .icirousta
treaaare up for future study and improvement the ::i ia* excellent ser
bmos and valuable lectures, which they max h? h from time tu fime,
have ni>? i favorable opportunity nfaceuiriug ? prw ti il< at area a? a
theoretical acquaintance with this trul> interest inj rndveej u-efoi
accomplishmen L
Lessons given .u Schools and Proste Fjiu '
City ami it- neiMtv uheii desired.
J_ " The terms of instruction, (a hich cannot pri
satisfactory,)' together with the names of I hose im
Mr. T. is permitted t? refer, ran be Un*c 1- lpplyl ig t ? h*m ?aj
above, where he ?> ill at all times take great pie
peculiarities of his system el Short-Hand, and
same, to such as si ij lh?"or iuiu with a visit.
Young Gentlemen who are anxious to qualifj t! 'nisei ves to re?
port for the pre?, or teach flu- valuable and popul ir science, am es
peciall* united to call, ar verj lattering inducements can be offered
to those ?h.i Mim- be di?po-e<l to engage ih eitli ?- pus .:. ?SR lm
i on i: a > ?> s r. E.
r.Vthe bNilding ki mm as the COLUM?
It! IX II ILL, 3 Cran I .t. the
most spacious ? heii ? ikt and rel i i SALES
ROOM in the United States, t:<e Urgest
-k:md l~--t selected ? ?? . tm nl ?f Ladies',
^Misses'and Children iSHOEScxslusively,
ttern, width, color, shape iod ma erial ula
n manufacture. We would inform ihota
hebe- ? ho iwve formerly been compelled to so b> Br Midway ?ud else
ohere, Ib.tl thej are under tlte necessity'eldoing sot ?5ui :or;aad
we invite them to "come anil see," and save from two eight shillings
per pair, and be better served, without ihe data} - and .b-appoiat
meats attending being measured.
We would also say, that having from t.? 900 persons in our em?
ploy, .nid having!.a tor a number of years the Largo* ( manufacturers
in tmerica, that onr work i. well known, approved of and ..-cht
afti r. in every market where good work is sold. The citiz-::- of New
York, Brooklyn, WilHaasshurgh, und the surrounding country, are ra
spectfully solicited to call and examine b?r themselves; Wholesate
and retail dealers Ihr city and country trade, will Had it to their *d
vautaga to call before purchasing, as not only quality and quantity,
but prices, shall make u a treat inducement
their \arirtie
railed for,
ii.??:??? im
'i ENT, using iMily
5 ? eifsts, of neall
sice, to perform all
xr^K or
lbs., ?ith
jr-''1,1-^ a the weighing,
A i S osi: Quaste
1 j O wce to t
irirmrrr.t--* C , .Ik.
g^gaaJB ^^^^StsESa'i
lower I?am for ounc
is base and distinct
in tins respect ? ill b
the ili-b repri
is and part- of an 0ai ics
Attached is a balance U
ifoun4 very convenseat t
??I in the cut, each seals i
3? tr-eigl
tj i lie greatest aecu
? r i. j The upper
be i'i i- marked for
ponnds only,?the
Eas a mark and ty ura
ir- a plate or box. and
retailers. laadditiea
provided with a -tronif
s. Neat and com
turn titan th? old
iron plate, nearly tint; either can be u-cd ;il pic
part in appearance,?rery accurate,?taking la
style of even beams and chains,?avoiding all tiis inconv?Dieace"ef
chains aad I. weights; moveaMe at pleasure and sombiaing aB
ihe-e advantages, ire offered at u very re isonable price, by
a23 1m THEODORE WALSH, 111 Front sr. oor.ofWaB,
rpilIS IS PBINCIPALLY an Egyptiai
I Doctor Segur iu Ibis form. It i? a
Mc Heine, Introduced by
fact important to lie under
stood, in estimating happiness as well a- health, that in 0.? pr.nl
.-tute ofsociet) a large portion of our sufferings, both bed> and mind,
af of Dj .),,?).ti,-, harm ter and ?ri"in.
When, fniin indigostion and other can---, nourishment m t.'tc sys?
tem becomes deficient ami vital energy is reduced t > a point ?her?
it-c om,niv is disturbed b> languid or unnatural art,on. dyspeptic
symptokis begin lobi |>crccptible in irestl.wilhoul pain, m-l paia
without apparent i iusi ; and requiring aid reaching beyond theenect
ta the original cause.
For all tins das* of i ases, this modii ine has been four 1 to be ? vsry
appropriate ami ?im.fill remedy.
It-1 baracter and sHecl may be estimal ?.! m s.?:.. mensur? from Its
unusual .md peculiar properties,
l. ltsmosl perfect etfocl is expenenceil ?h.-u tdn a in.I a. tin? m
connection with the food,
?J. Nourishment is generali) increased during Its use.
3. Thr longer it i- used the Uss is required to produce the *amo
I sfTect
I ThcfoUowing certifotal it selected, which it
(irons the superior efVcm j of this raluable mediehi
thought amply
' New-Y'oag, Sept 91, l-io.
Messrs. A. It. \ D. Sands Gent:?For eight years I-was under
I the care of ill if-re at j.'n -iei ms, some of them the most distinguished,
and in-, co nplainl banled all their -kill. 1 was eonsid ire I bs some to
be laborine under the liver complaint and by others to be under a
-low but certain ilei lin -. M> .listr?. was so great at nine-, that death
it-If would n..r have I.nan unwelcome n.it-r. Every thing I eat
1 r^"""1 -r, ,t distress, and at times I spit Mood In large i|uantities, aad
looked upon myself as a . indidate for uiether world: Tlirough rour
advice I was induced toglve Dr. Segues Pills a trial. I eetmnenced
taking them after each n.a?;. and after the first fe d let found my
distrcs* relieved. I continued their ase graifu . . diminishing the
quantity until I come to do slthout them, and the '.-tr.? had en?
tirely b ft me. It i. nearly a year since I reeoi >r d W) health?and it
u my advice us all who arc similarly afBieted, to u-e this excellsat
n dicine. 1 am yours, sincerely.
, , . ELIZA REYNOLDS. 143 Broome-st
Sold at wholesale md retail, by A.B. Ac. D.S . Is Dmegists V.. 79
and I i) Lidt iu-t,--er, ??| ;?; Ka.t Broad*. ,*. m? lm
' To be haj a.''--3 u.-.nd-streel, bolween Ludlow 3?.j M
Essex Market. 11
rpHTS article Li a >?*? Inveutiem, for the pnrpo.f Baking It
? ,A ,;"-' w? ?. *e Uat season,wiU,,^rsj rue,,m t the
narch. en to v bom u fa ** only gives, entire latisf* tion, but they
I ,c 1V" -\ "^ir.s Bread, Mea?s. t edding... p,e, and < lakes to a i harm.
: i a-?3i.ta?e, Uni, Ov?n .??ver the old pjar. are?
??? . oi.oai; and .luraJ.ility Cff 1u ?f>ast/u .tiolt, the cost of this
.??'???'? half the old make.
, i ':""[ ?" .'!* ':; f!,,M *f** Oven, (h.-r.irs. ? ? dil ; the ,.ar
Bun ? t t?1 u "Jt Wlth STvater Cscilstv. and ?OI in danger of
r id ?. .". - nf v?n*ement being such that mV person can
?I--. , : '?'.'?.Vr! '?- ?W'Wioa and management.
i??. ; .'.V'f e*P*u*0 of fuel it consume-, together with the
/'k' 1 ?>b0r quired, and its compact form make, it a dc
? hat on ? r ""nt:""!'?.:oU, aad fully .at^f n torv t.. the sukseritier.
Tb- Or ..? aal prop 0see Ores to bo had of the subscriber.
Wh- A ' ^ERHlLL,:a?Oro?d -top,. F.*?g Market.
X ? "!" 1,0 ?^LfMy "?eivod and,.?oally attended
_J'- ow ?ven* re;, .,-ed at the thortct notice. ' ?2? lm
. ?. RYERifj ??ii.i.j,
* i 'nl < ;~ , ' uad ?*???. W IM Filtoe^t V Y.
\\ 'mV- " : ' ? !'r'-'"^ "??"??MI.. ? .:? U. :r f ;vor. These
11 PILLS stand ummled tn their benefk oil effra in the rarmus
diseasr.. im-ident S? the human ryrtsa XT Try them, r* ^
^U J- WINCMESTER, n Aun-st

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