Newspaper Page Text
BY HO R A CE ^ R E E L E V. PBICE o\j: CEi\T. the xeWtYOJsK tbisuse Wol be published orcry mor :.t nr, (Sundays nc?pt<-d,, at No. :*) Ann-street, New-York, Aai delivered to City Subset IIa ?- f..r Oar Out ;?.r copy. Mail Subscriber*! *l per annum in advance otherwise TO THE ADVERTISING PT/BLIQ. [a'-tbe hope of seenrin? a wide and "'??r;'T.i[ Advertising patronage; t*efiv>r. ..four friend* will he inserted till further notice at tlie fol? lowing reduced rut-., viz.; f<'r EACH of 1"srrlvc lines or le ? over i? , fii t in., rl ....... 50 ct?. J)o. i. ii -ill.n! iiwrtn.ii. S-> " .:T)) f.i-**ix insert.s, or one week.*1 ?><* j, rTwenty.uvei . .mom! ....*?.> OO Longer Advertisements it equally favorable rales. K r Five In;--*. U i.T the hU'.w r: Two ? . o:i.--firjrih of IsW sates?payable in all ease* in advance. CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, CI5KAI? DRY ??ODS... tt.fOtt ?><?? 0110?Unl. rpliK .:- rilier? ??- il I .??>.:. ?. ifulh call the attention of the Ln ! dir*t :o tlieir cheap and cctedSi oi l>r> Goexln, ?srbicli ib'-t ".'Ft for sale as cheap irs any otiter establishment in the fcit; Just received n beautifnl assortiueat of Kali River andMcrri tautPrints, from sil a I-. f York Tick; Is....II unilion Stripes, Is. Kl? v !ie.| and liKiv.ji'.l Muslin, front *>d :? I?. Bleat li damask Table Lincu, flue quality, i !? 3-fi per yard. H-l Muslin de Laiue Shawls, very fine, ouly $3,00. ?? JC All other Goods equally low. Please to call at 300 Second .tre.-t. GORENFLO a trftJTSCHER'S C'hvup Hi } (?oori? Store. DEPOT OF FANCY DREWS ARTICLES. fcjILK IMi ? i! r\ SCARFS, AM? CRAY ATS. in .. sr> il i-nrie jn tv >t patterns. Ch.aSt Co'i superior GLOVES,Ac., receiv- ! ?J !>y re. - di arrivals, are rod for -id' at reasonable prices, by W3L T.JENNINGS, late Lvnde St Jennings,' S3 Broadway, [Ann rican Floicl.] <;.. tiemen aiay in future depend upon finding ..t this establishment ap...-! l-sortmtnt of Fancy l?re?- Articles, which will tie offered ?: Such prices as- mast offei inducements to purchasers in view:of the psunl i harpos f..r the same style of ::.Is. m il if | I J. iV. ?V S. BARKER, in tirand street, liavc just re? ceived, in addition to their former larre slock, sevcra thousand dol? lars >rth of Silks, Challies, Mousaeline ile Laine*. Bombazines, Tag lieoi -, rs .: Silk and Satin Sli.c.vl-, British and French Print*, together ?u-it ii a'.Teal ninety of Dome.tic G.1-. -ellu.i' at s really1 reduced !'""" a9Btf REMOVA J.. jr GR1SWOLD St CO. respectfullj inform their friends and the publii thai tlo v lusve removed from lle-ir ?I? ?land. tili Maiden Bjne. to 53 Liberty, comer of N tssau-strect, where they will keep for ?>-. at the lowest market price: fori isb, a geucrul assortment of AMERICAN am? FOKEIGM DRY GOODS. Thev now offer for sale the following : 40 hales No. 5 to lOcotlouj urn, 4-4,5-4 and 6-4 Cauton matting i S? do do I? to 21 do " do Ingrain carpeting, Vcniltwi do Paper hangings, Russia diapers, "a do carpet warp, &si do cotton liatls, brl do do wicl., its' do d? twine, j Woolen yarns. ISO do I.Ik mid white wadding Worsted" d? While knitting cotton Turltej- red do Spool thread: I Bine do See Sec ml In CASH SYSTEM. L r. s 'c ii. ;:s o i. n t: s a c o. inr PEARL-STREET, A UK l nl\ receiving from \ui lion run! elsewhere constant supplies J\ aid fasl Vi'AP:,!-: AMI fancv COOCS, which I.. .. ight wilt CASH, are offered to country Uni ell} raeeehanu at unusually U?v? prices for CASIL They invite | on; w:i- wish to gel a great many <i.I- for a small sum of money, ^examine their present uuequallod Slock. a!7lf CIITEA1* MlJ-SiM. RECErVED This Day, from auction, .00 jo-rev mC new and very nrh Silks, jast imported fui city trule, comprising a very desi (ble issortiueiit. Ladies ?ishin; to purchase silks, can have by calling :.t t>-| i.'rnm! >t. tnreo stock to make th-'i selections from. Mud the ,.? "ill satisfy trwhucaU of their cheapi. J. W. St S. llARKEK. a?O tf cheap : ?-ss3-:ai? :: ^ ;?PLENDID ASSORTMENT of French snd American Paper JL II ...rin?- a.1.1 Bordci -. for sale at tie' United States Paper II mg; sj ami Baud Bvx VVareli iuse, fSZ Canal-street, near Broada-uy, New jrk. ?purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine for them hfits. Rooms papered in the neatest manner. ?pOlm JOSIM'A Itltll'.VN. IV. fan il ?tre.-t. STkAI' SiTOCK '->(? readv IT1AOE LINEN / MAM FACTORY^-The subscrilair would respectfully cull the jiiiti.>i. of In. friend. .' M.W SPRING assurtmenl of oik.. Scarfs, Ready .11.. le laueua und Pocke! Handkerchiefs, all of ?i'li ne has newly [iiirclin-od for cash, aud pledges himself to 11 as 1? .- an? other store in the citv. SAMUEL TORRAXS, ?>! riudson-streei. WS, B ?Slocks, wholesale, at reduced prices. ral5 2w* Ihteetbk?:??. ?ss?i?f? : ?.am? calicoen. ?\0MESTICS ire selling at 1 ? prices at J. W. St S. BARKER'S \> SSel Grand -"? ? Sh?. inn-, yard wide. id. Veryheavy,Sd. If yard wide tOd. Fiue koneShirtiags, 7.1 Vcn line. li)*'. Mi rrimack. Dnver.aiid Full Iti Ivei Prints, Oil, 7.1. lOd ami I- per yard, wtirrauted fast colors. m-'O tf pAitiPETlrVC?'rhe Sali criber apprise the Public in .' v erT:.and hi- fr:--in!s and iip-tou n |.e..,.le i:i/>e tieular, that lit ba.. >?:; !i..:i.t at %T7t! ilud-ou, (beta cell Kinc uid llamuicrsley streets,) a f very neat and well selected tiasortinent of Carpets, which in conse ? of reduced expenses lie cau auord to soli at price- that cannot fail to-give mtisfactiou to theniost econcauicaL come asd ssf. aiH tar THOM \s DORSET. MKS. .'?2. NCISri.TZ. II.TILLINERY \M? I \N> Y STORE, No. h \Y liam-streel, ill near Bcekman. Ladies l>!t! SS CAI'S. made to order; Crimp work constantly en hand or urn!.- ;it the shortest notice. Mi? Im am) PI, ate rs' rjJ?a^.*?. \FIRST RATE article ofKollcdand Plan :- Brass, ran alwavs be ;.; at JAMES G. MOFFET, f-'l Priaci street, near Wo?stor, at the lowest market prices. Likewise a verj superior article of Cooper's lira? aS? tf FA H lt\ <?? EtOCERIES. R. JACOB '?? WARLOW keeps coastantl: on hau! a large assortment of Groceries at bis st?re. . v.: i of Watts and Sulli rau -tre?:-. a hu h he otFcn .'<?.- sale to Ids customc s and the public Senerally, with the confidence t'iat they arc a- cheap and a- well tele ? - i a- any in the .-.!?.. ml tf crockery l\ib cjlass. iOO BOWERY. MERR1TTS A PAGE sr.- opening .it their -tore.. No.. 100 Bawery and S35 Gra d-street, n full ind splendid a-sortment of the above goods, . t'i. lal !si pattern., which they will ,e|| at prices ?. :! worthy :': ? attention <>i the puMic. Also, Britannia War . p: ued Fa-: irs, Ac m20 Imis" \1 0 FFICE ClKsVISS.?A new article, tbi best in thi United States, also che <] er that can be pun based else* here. KING'S Patcat Chair Wa nroora, 4~4 Broadway. N- I> r-S >me of these Chairs have ine i ? tebrat .! :.?t.irr action and baUiM -:it. t " _oQ im OCJIillEK COATS, etc.?Cheek Giashara, whit.- and sT* brow; Linea C it . Pti n and \ .-.:-. in all the new stvlos of c.m>.i-. For Kale, ready mode, atAJJ9 Britadwav. mJ-.'tf_' W. 1-'. JENNINGS; l it' Lynde a J nain;-. i.- at U a!ti;tl\si ,tl .,, .. t?!iY tsOOt? ?I BARKfRS. in Gracd .'.r- et. Ail in waat..,?; cheaji livtxl* will do well to try diis note:! est iblishment ail.) tf pET, i?. k? E.VS .-?l 'S ???::-'. 53 its.?Leghorn and vi Straw II .t- of everv description cl laedur dved and pressed a (kshioBable shape, al I.. PIGNOLETS Dyinr Establishmct, I- -' 1". No." Barclay.or4g; P'ari-st. BearCbathau. rpABIsX K.ASVICM AM? FORBCS.-A . I sortmem, just received Irom the manufnetures ut SheSeULEn ij rutnd.c I for sale at unusual loa prices, at the Hardware -? re '?; ' bivLdOB-street ' miV pRrXTED i. -vi irraated fasl ..... rs awl I'arii a Jl Qufictare nt eixhtecn pence, at ?23 BlRD&iVLL a Iti RROUGHS. IM Grand st ear. r.-.,tre. IITATTirVC^At Ustyeca's price*. notwit.iM .' i?I atCnninn. A eeaera! assortment,5-4 and C-4 si 150Grand I s-?"? '? nitre, bj ltl!.!?.- \ 1.1. a P.! ttK< >l <:;?>. \ ?? 1 Kt.V. It Itt.I) SSIEETSTi'd. it Is. per i:- il >? v/- t k... BIRDSaLL Jc BURROUGHS. 15? Gray' cor. Centre dlkached : iinl - - - : ?.: \\k o7l. iu lots ii j jl? -o,t i- ?,-....... ..... E. \V. VAN VOOKHI-s. 14-Front st. m.V PLORBTTA P?PKR ?'batese'niii ture.foi ; I salo hy CKIXXELL. M1NTURN Si CO^TS SoutWt. m24 ^ISl.A HUM; FELT- IWes, suitable for ship use Ibi o nlobt GRINNELU M1NTURN a ( u.. :- S-uth-.t. ?r.'4 SI 111. CLOTH -700 packs Russia, assorted i GRLNNELL, H1STURN a CO^ > South-st i dewire >oii to aaderntaad tlie true pri to GENTLE."?!! \ or TASTE \.\f> FASHION*.?MAGNE, TAILOR, IT-; U d.l.l \M-sTl! KKT, respectfully announces [o (he gentlemen of New-York that be is nermMieiitly located is above, where, he flatters himself ft .-. baviag had several years personal experience in tUe French Metropolis, and devoting h? personal attention to bis w,,:*. be will be able to make fashionable clothing as cheap for cash invariably, and as pcrieet as can be procured in the Country. Tuaiikt'ul for pari favor-, he suhl it.- a coatiiiaanca of patronag*. a-j- jm nOVT'S FASHIONABLE TAILOKfNG K? TAISLISHMKNT, No. l-l Willum-st*eet, one door from Spruce-street, New-York. Gentlemen wishing clothes ?ill be furnish? ed at the following low pricese?Warranted to lit and equal in work mauship to any in tlie , ity. A call from all tl. a llo wish t? purchase will be thankfully received. Dress C0 .1-, from.Utofd.1) Pantaloons, from.jtoJlO Frock Coats.I? ?? ??lVcsts... ' ,; Coats made and trimiiict! in the tir-t -t\|e Dress Coats, fro.i.7to$W Pantaloons Frnrk Coat-.- - II V. -t-. TEK.HS CASH. ? T theOld Stand, in Grand-street, No. Ml. II. P. OSBORN 4 -'4 BROTHER h?v? always on hand a ?eil selected assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting*, which on the above terms they will make up iuto Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, nt price which must they think) e?re a seeoiu!, ail. Their work lie done by she best of workmen, and they do not intend to be a whit behind tiie best in stele. Both departments, of making and cutting being attended to by them personally, tk.y are certaiu of giving satisfaction to those wh ? may cull. Tlsey will m +.< fineCoats from $$14, of blue, blue black, and ?11 the fan ? colored Cloths ; and impcr fine Dress and Frock Coats, fmm >l*i to $34, f nai the best nt wool dyed Saxony, hnjicriul, blue, l>! > ?? black, olivci ?nd im isilde green, und all the other fancy shades of West of England Clollis, which are selected with a particular reference to selling for cash. Also, Caasimere Pantaloons, f. om fine to extra fine, for y" to >- 50 : Vests, from ?>! to i'-i. Cutting w ill !,?? attended to personally by nne of the firm, a ho w ill devote Mpeei il care it. being done well. * II. P. OSBORN .v BROTHER, Bel.s Pitt and Willst, at mlO If! Grand-sti, junction of East Broadwav. ?7T??ERI?A.*V TASTE AGAI.V?T FUREIGi> rl HUMBUG.?! i ILWELL a BREVOORT, Merchant Tailors, No. ''j Fultoo-strect, between William and Gold-streets, take the present opportunity of informing fheir customers and the public, that they have just received a supply nf West of England uid French Cloth. Also, a larce selection of single milled; doe-skin Cassimeres, London Twecde, Gambn.-. Drills, .Ve.. ,v.-. Also, a large variety of Vestilics, superior iu <|aaiity and patterns to any tJiey Lave ever offered, all solei led from tlie I itesi imporuitioiis. They wi-u it to lie understood t'.at their business is condncted c\ < In- vcly on the Cash principle, and that they do uol promise to take ofFfifVenii, to enly or twenty-fii ?? per cent., but on exan?uation, it ?ill !>?? found t . it their prices are less than Iii.thai make such pn lensions, for they irr compelled to i barge al an enormous rate to make i!i" ,!i count; luit any body w itli eoiamon sei.ran see that is only a bait to catch the pnlilic, which they feel nlsove usiug. A couple of first rate pantaloon m ikers ?ante,!. min Im ALFRED smith, Merchant TAJ S.O?:. I3fl FUI.TO.N-ftTRF.ET, has . on hand a well selected assortment of Cloths,Cassimeres ind V?ttings, suited jo the season, which he offers t? make up for the public generally in tin- very best manner, at extremely low prices for Casii on delivery. a?&ly HATS! hats ! I? *T?* '. Ladies' ?tra? II its, of ail qualities, worth from 5(1 cents to >' 5b; ulso i g u.f Leghorn Hats, of superior i|ualitv. M '-'t WILLI \M II. i.AV. ?- Grand-.?. ffe NEW FASHIONABLE It it STOKE.? t'B The subscriber respei fully informs Iii? friend- mid the publii **?? dial he has opened tie-Store No. SO Chatham-street, ami in vitcs their attention t.. a superb assortment ol lints ami Cups manufactured from the choicest materials and in the most approved styles, which I.fters nl us lo? if not loner price, than ran be ob- 1 tnincd at any otlier establishment. He i- nol confined t? n oue-ariced Hat but has a full assortment, and feels confident in his ubililt to suit the tastes and pockets of nil. ANDREW If. WILSON, No. SO Chath in st. between Pearl and Dunue. Benutiful style of light Summer II its now ready, consisting of fine l> ili Beaver, pi liu Drab ami Pearl Hats: also Men's, Youths' and In? finit-' Leghorn ami Palm Hats. inSCslm hats: hats:: easy C. WATSON respectfully reminds his customers nnd the **?N? public i.rally, thai he b - n full supply of Hats, of the D'Orsay pattern, ns well as oilier models, to suit -tature and ia-ie, at the ol i etil iblishcd prices, ?i/ Silk, Mole, $3, Nutria, $3,5(1, and Bi ivur, $4,50, which arc 25 per cent, cheaper t':iiH the same quality can bo bought elsewhere. The regular hier l?se to In- li-t ofcHstomcrs for the last three year-, bears ample testiii uny to tln ir quality and durability. WATSON, 154 Chatharo-sL, and ICO Bowery. N. IS.?Also, the most extensive assortment of CAPS of every description to be found in the City, at pri.torresponding. Wholesale dealers are particularly invited n> look at his Stuck of I Hats and Caps while purchasing, and he assures them that every article i- thoroughly inspected previous to deiner?. m73m /-us- con A NT'S mB FASHIONABLE HAT KSTABLISILMEXT, ?*?,& No. ' Grand- .tr. .:. New-York. ffij cheap and good. l||* all who want lo gel Boots and Shoes of the best quality and latest fashions lower thnn h oe hitherto been offered i i the city, will please call at the CLINTON BOOT WD SHOE MARKET'; No, 2il4 Caaal-street,;northcnst corner of Hudson-street, where can be found almost every tbing in the Boot aud Shoe lite, cheaper than ever. Ladies, you cau gel Gaiters, Buskins. Wnlkhig Shoe- and slip- .,i th:- establishment, ?f all colars nnd kinds, suitable for tlie spriujr and summer ?e-r. cheap as the cheapest and good as the best. Country merchants are solicited to calt'and exanUne our stos k of gooilf bef re purchasing elscwheTc. N. It?Don't forsct the name and number. Ool Canal-street, nerth east corner of Hudson-street. A. KNOX .v CO. mil Im ffi the <:>:.:-.?*' catharine boot 6v BeSHOE MARKET, 73 Catharine-street, corner of Monroe. JBSCRIBNER Si CO. would inform the citizens of-Xew'-York, ?s**^ Broiiklyii, and the surroiui ling country, that thej bave.opeaed thu above store, with Boots and Shoes Enough to supply halt' die Nation. The Cheupesl ana Besl it II Creation. Ladies, you can find nl this -tor" a ?vteie?d i -lettm lit ofli'aek am! colored 1 i itors, tipeil Cloth Bnskias, Morocco, French Buskins, Slip? pers and Tics, at about t--ttiir.Is the usually asked fur the same artu les. Gentlemen, you too can find a splendid assortment of stout Bad fine Boots, Brogdus, Shoes und Pumps, io..::./-r witli an) quantitv <>f B6ys',.Misscs! and Children's Boots and Sh., all of wJiich will lie sold lower thaa the same articles were.ever sold before. Come one. come all, and examine for yourselvi -. Please recollect that thisutore is 73 Catharine, corner of Monroe street, the tii? i conn i b k>? Leu! ,\ Taj lor's, and ucxt ia-rr to Hull's !arue Drj GoO Is store. N. It?Country merchants and other- in ihetra>!e, who wish to buy, (cheap for cash) would Uo well to call before they purchase else? where, mil Its' s; tYEtV estabx.im517ients. im OLD BOSS IS.ICHARDS has just ojtened two of the most J?" splca lid Bool and SI.tor.the City?one at 500 <;.- ti u. ? " u ich, corner Sprue.-, and one nt ?.4 Caua!*strci t. ?:tli all new goo,!-, best quality and cheapest in t!.<- L'nited States. All ?.!:?? want ilir real genuine, at the greatest bargains e\,-r heard of, will give the old chap a call fortkwith. tnltf to tsh: v vshion.-i j. b. mller's fe^Siii: VDIES'FRENCH SHOE STORE, 142 C ial-st sstweeu 'I hem] son and Snllivan-sticets.?J. B. Miller t.:i,.-- thisropjuirtunity to retiirn his sincere thanks to die ladies ol New-York, tii- friemls in particular,) for ti.e kind and liberal patronage e? ini ed toward him since his coaimenccment in basine>s, and hopes, by mi uureuiilting a? te i-a. to merit a continuation of their favors. J. B. M. would also b :g leave to inform the ladies in general, t'nat the whole of his ladies* shoes will bcconiplntcd in thclatest French ?tri.-, under the supcrvisiou of .Mr. Alii a. fwho for m vetial years con? ducted the business of Mr. Lane, I Mnmiy-st, now n tired in tin couu trv.) and where every article of ix-te. fashion and a ity can be ta-ned al the lowest poswil 1- price, and uucqualed bj any in the city. Misses'and Children's She.- in grcal ? iriety. N. I^idic- ar.- invited to calk anil are assured ihat the rii liest va rietv of colors for ibe .-.a.-.n. a? well as the quality ,.t" th? ?ni. >e. caii not'be superceded by any in the city. Merchants and others will find it to their decided advantage to .-al! und niirehrtSK. \\ holesale und retuii. at COIrTE AN i) SEE. ^*re*S IN toe buildice known as the CO * % LUMBLVN HALL. SC3 Gran I -t- . t. v the most spacious wholesale and retail ' ' . SALES ROOM in the United State-. ?V v the largest and besl selected assort \\\ - --s- mi st of Ladies', Misses* and Children's ? B_._^.._^?T>? SHOES exclusively, inull r varie ?'?^r"' '"'-"'-''"^^ li"- of pattern. vri.Ith. color, shape ami material usii.tih called for, of our awn manufacture. We w ould inform toe.-* la.Iir- w ho have former y !>een compelled to ro to Broadway and elsewhere; t>.: tiiey are under lae oe<.ofih.ins -.. iu> IohC.-V: we invite rte iu to " r.nue and an.! save froji tv o to eight snillings p. r pair, and be better - rvr,!. wiilieut the delay? and disappoiatments ai:r?.!.n- being measnreil We wouW also say. thai having fr>^n C to300 persous in ?ur em? ploy, ami having been for a number of yours the largest manufactareri in America, that oar work is ?eil known, approved of and sought after, in ever) market where good work is sold. The citizens of New. York, Brooklyn, WiUiamsburth, and the surroundmgcountry, are ro ?pectAdly solicited io call and exaicine theautdros. VVholesal; an.l retail dealers for citji aud country trade, wii! find it tu their ad vantage to cafi before as not only quality and quantity, but prices, shall make :: a great in luceawnt alOdia* SMITH. BRISTOL!. A HALL. nciate* of x!:e (:<>? fra.n?:i!. I Irish lii?<ui carried c IW-YORK. TI11TKSDAY* HIAY 27, l? i PEOPLE'S f.IXE OF STEAMBOATS. ??- D*"0 *> FO? iLBASy....FARE $1. I Vi -'!'?? .team Ural VORTH Tin in i 'i-AMERICA, r :. M. H True-Jell, will leave the pi.r between CorUaout and Libertvstreets;This Afternoon, (Th?rs- J day) May 27th, at 5 ?V lot k. The new steamboat ROCHESTER. Cnpt A. P. St John, leaves To-morrow Aftern tol . Friday Ma;, Seth, at ."> o'clock. F?r passage or freisbt applv to !'. C. s( 1IFLTZ. -.t the office, or nn !<o.ird. n. 1$. All kind* of property takea only at the risk of the owners thereof ui27 FOR NEiV-ORl/K?S'J?.?X< 1 1 N ?S"?Orleanj Line.?The ui irior packet-ship AUBURN, N. E Durfey, master, bavin: the largest part of her cargoon b ? ltd ?i'l -nil ... above. K..r balance freight ..r passage, bavins handsome famished state-room accommodations, ?; I? ? board. :i Pine-*trcei wharf, or to JOHNSON A: LOVVDEN, ?<? WaR-street Goods bj tin. In... destined for St Louis, and consigned to our | Asent. ;Mr. Peter Laidlas,, in N. ?? Orleans, will be forwarded fr.>i commission. m22 FOR LIVERPOOL.?Packet of the 13lb of June.? j ?^TTt Tl ? p ? tel ? lip I VI rEB STATES, A. Britten, master, ?dl | ""*"" tail as:above, her regal r lay. For freight or passage up] !?. md board tit ihelbotof Maiden Lane, or to '' ROBERT KER3irr;;T4 Suutii-st The packet .Inj? VIRGINIAN. VY. II. Allen, will nu.I lie- I' died . ind . ui .in the 13th of July. ni'Jj | LONDON I.JNi: OF PACKETS.?Packet of ggStjlOth June.?The pad t- WELLINGTON. D. Chadwick, ~ -roaster, wiU-sail a. above, her regular day. For freight ?r I passage, liaving superior accommodations, npplv on boaril, f?ot of I Maiden-lane, or to GR1NNELL, .MLVTURjr & rn, ni22 South-street i -~: l-Oa8 LIVERPOOL.-P ket of 7th June.?The ?CT'A ??.t?hip GEORGE WASHINGTON, A. Burrows, master, *" ' will *nil as above, her regular day. For freight <>r sage, having superior accommodations, npply on hoard, foot of Mnidea-lane, or t< ml!'if GRINNELL. M1NTFRN & CO.. 7? South--ireet. ?t FOR ST. THOMAS?With despatch?The superior ^C.^C1'. ' sailinc sehr VIRGINIA. J. P. irroughs, master, will ail as -mr',u..:-. For balaace of fr igbt r passage, bavin- elegant . stite-room accommodations, apple on knar.l. i Me :i- w barf, or to in21 JOHNSON A I.OWDEN. SO Wnll st /-i house ?'AXTED.-Any person having a ...... j!"; jf House, pan of a well situ .:? <i tw? .i--v House, sritllia I'm ?* -or ten minute*. :k oftbe ?? New W.rl i ?fl? -." may perhaps have a smrl tenuut by a ..ire. ulars. E. W. .1 litis office, .latins panic. inl- M" J X to let. .: ?j A r.RICK STABLE iu Gi.i-street lir.i. """' ' ' Inquire of ? above Bl.k ml., if ALFRJ !> RfiACH. 42 I! ekmnn-street office to let. 7 Tae splendid Basemeni Rooms in the Merchants' Exchange, ?* m comer ofWail aatl llanovcr-strefits. Apply to Mr. Pearson oiiiee of the Company, comer II- ?" and ; xchnngo Place, oi to u2? if .1. l\ INCIIESTER. .Jo Ann-street 4 |j to 3. i't. The third story of the rear building No. 29 Ann-stieet It one of the best Rssotns hi tin- city for n Printing office, or any ngni uusitiess, u nig. lighted on three sides. Item ?150. Apply to a2S?if If. GREELEV. ? J. WINCHESTER. :tn Ann-t fashionTihTe hair ccttinc am) siiatitvc PA LACK. wig ash toupee Vjtyr/FJCTORr, ia. '2 I 1 i?ro::<lii :i? , Two door- from Fulton-strcet opposite Si. Paul's Church. PHALON, formerl No. 200 Chatham-Snoarev bess leave to JLJs atmounc ihm !:?? has REMO\*EO to the above premises, ? hieb in- has lilted up. reg i Hess . f ex|seuse, in mich a manner a- to render it the most elegant as ?. II as fashionable establishment ofthe kind in New -York, and will he governed by the following prices : Hair Cutting. .i". cents. Hurl'urling. ISj " Shaving....;. GJ " 1. No extra ? luirge for Curling if .1.;.t the lime of Hair Cutting. \. It.?A private apartment i'?r fitting Gentlemen's Wisrand Toupees. m26 Im copper, j'CV A\? zinc roofiivu. rTMIE undersigned would inform bis friends and the public that he ? is prepared to cover buildings witir the above materials at ?h?rt notice, am! on favorable terms. Refereni .? a ill Iw given to somi: eftlie tir-i buildings in the country for workmanship, A.-. Buildings covered in any parr of tin- couulry. Gutters, Cornices and Leaders of the ahme materials made and repaired. Bl the !>;,! St .nd. No. 3 I Canal-street U. I!. SWEET. Summer oven-, that the subscriber w ill warrant to Bake or no sale. Tin Ware always an band. Also, tin- Alhmior Cooking Stove; the only place ilie-.'.' .u he !: ui ... the . itr. W. II. SWEET. m22 3m J,' 'I'. harris. Tin ?,. I ;?? i Roofing, Tin. Sheet Iron, I is and Copper Ware Manutaclurcr. wholesale ami retail; No. 5 Avi 'uo I), betwei u 2d and 3d streets New-York. I irticular uttention paid Is ad km.!- of Jobbing. Order, addressed a- abort ?;!! !>?? promptly attended I >. v Ik?Constautlv on baud, late and improved Summer Ovens. watch It 1KI>"g, jtevi elrv, Ac. rAMES R. HOBBY, at 224 Grand-street; (2.1 d.^.r from Bowery) s* ..i!'--.-- :'..r - d.- .i spb ndid assortinent of Watches, Sj. Spei ta cles and other fushionabie Fancy Articles, at low prices and on the ni"?t reasonable tera:.. Wati hes, A..-., repaired, and all his article, wan anted. m22 iw ' -7000 ' Winter pr.! Sperm Oil 5000 ?? Fall -'.rained do do 4000 ?? Spring ilo do do .'tiMHJ ? Elephdo G000 ?? Rebned Whale .1.. 3500 ?? Linseed, English, Dutch and American - Olive Oil 150 bbls Liver. Straits, Sank and Sb^re 200 ?? Taillier?* O? 23 '? Neatsfont Oil; for -al- i.i lots to .nit purchasers, m20lf by rl.W. VAN A'OORHIS. 148 Front-st *iTAnOGANi YARD. ". . '? '.'.. et, New-York. .'I E. G. STACV keep; ? large -- tm it of Mahosnav, Rose, Satin ami Zebra Vf.,,al. Holly, Birds Eye, awl ended Maple Board.-. Plank aud Veneers. Cherry, Ash. Pine, White Wood, and Maple t....i ds an.! i'lai.k. Also, ::!l kiads of Turned Work, sold on a. favorable terms as at a... ether Yard. m6 Im CLOTIirrV? EST *- ?LISHMENT. fT^I'F. Subscriber having opened the 27 Bowerj a- a fashion l able Tnilorin; Establishment; offers to lo- Frieads aad the Pub? lica very superior ucorunenl of Spring Goods ..'tie' latest style, which It-- warrants t" :i: to t!:t- taste ami fhshioa of .-.II who will favor ROBERT A. BOUT?N. t. ailed by .Mr. Charles Bouton, n. A good assertmeut of re uly a2t3:ttm t.-i.eats of the first quality, rea :aii Hotel. The will be ? irnd Strfincers who in ? a?- of les. \'. 9.T. JENNINGS, Laie I., ml.- ,v Jennioes. him w Uh tu.-..- patron ige. The ?*ni;:..Deparuneut i- ? formerl* of the firm of Gray A Bo made Clothing always <>n band. rriSTABLISHMErVT f 4-i dj made, 229 Broadway, Am found of great convenience to Cltiz emergency may require tic-.t rat - ai i24 rolled GERM \\ sila ;;!{. y \MF-.s G. MOFFET. 121 Priace Ptreet, ucrrr YV.ter, wouM.par ticuuu*ly call tin- attention of Hardware Dealers aud Mauul?cturers to bis superior'artw 1- ofGerniaii SHvt r. which fceotf..r> for sale whole? sale nn! retail, of all t icknesses. an i warra: :- it equal to auy, either Fbrcimor Dornest ??. f- - n]or a: : rofknrss. a2P " IJands I line ati? :.3,::? & crane, silver platers, COACH AND CAB LAMP SLAN?FACT?RERS; Elm, between YY'nlker aitd ( t.. 11 AND E ?IM'., i I : MOULDING, of every descriptiisa. o. SadSery am! Military <.'.ip Mounting; Block Leiter. Huhn iloUterTips, fFr ;.. and every oiinrr articlein-the ? V. B.?Sili r Plated i id brass Door Plate* Also, Church pew Number Plates made aud eneravad at the ?bortest I itii e. PllOl . _MILLER & CltANE. IPS Eim-.treet. y.y < viii> for the :. i?->:::??. T>OSS RITHARDS tender- in- graa-ful acknowledgements to the I.> amny thousands of who hav.- alrsadj patronised ionablu Big Window Boot and Srn.e Establish'tnect, it 174.Chatham, square. N. B.?T ? !'. s W.-.:... ??? . Sondays. cu every day in the wee) ???. e m22 Iw" PIRE < Ii \i kjei L lurce st.M-k of everv .1 1\U S YYrORKS.?A on. for sale on the mo-t reasonable ternw, bj <? t>*.M a i'Ql N'g. n... 132 Chatham-streec opposite Chatham Theatre. New.York. iq-K? ijt4 BEJIOYED TO ?.'33 BROADWAY, OProsrfE THE PARK. TAR. H. Vll.l.KRS. Dental Surgeon, 25 vein ejtperiecce.?The sJ original inventor of the .lt- tt kind o:* Tra?slncent Jlineral Teeth introduced to the public ir. Is27. Dr. 11. V. performs every operation in !m profession at one-third le.- than t- charged elsewhere in this city. He hope, hi- long tried aaJ well knowu abilities in every de partmenl of bis profession will be a suslcient guarantee. Pupils taught Mechanical Deatistry?fees ?bree-fburtbs" reduced. Terms cash. _____ ?u^s Iw' .o HOl'SE KEEPERS. I MITCHELL, Lam) Ha I6M Broadway, in the si ? rea:.- I.a taps, Lanterns ami Girandoles made to order, on re.i -onahle terra?. Ali ktt.l- of I. _r.-- Cha: i?::-r-. . . -epsired. altered aa-l rtifiaished erts._; t0 * n22 tf ? U ::othinv. mare. QTiin Intdligenrc. Report* ; tot the ?e*-York Tribune. Eoi i's Offii .-?/.*?' ? -, IThe passengers of the ?1 it Ar.--. g .:? rise tl torannne Ground, ?tatea bland, baring been rubbed bv breaking the hatchway of the hold, whence were taken on? i ta lies cloak, worth S?O. ladies' shoes, merino shaw gloves, belts, corsets and geademens vests, pan talc ins, .V -. .Ti t'nf arrival of the vessel in the stream yester? day morning officers Denniston and Cockfaire went on board tiie vessel to discover and arrest, if possible, the offenders. They accordingly -irr tsted four efthe crew, named John Smith; C tries I?- ;.- a, John Christopher and Jack Bantar ani ou 'arching tlje forecastle, the stolen property to the value of $10! 50 was found. The guilt, and were committed. Patting Bate t ?Tv Pat.-'.-s. Ifiley, wre vesterd half dollar to .-. \Y. U*i. bad acknowledged their | ne::. named Teddy Green and ! irrested lor passing a counterfeit ! . , clerk of Messrs. Eh? Ips .V j Dodge, at t' e con er it?'HtTand Fultonstreet which the- ? i- e in part payment for -SI- w orth of tin they purchased. They j were . immitte . to answer. Attempted Burglary.?Watchman Nichols, at 3 ?>'? lock ves- [ teniay morning, bearing a uoisc in Franklin Square, reset ab. ng the bre ildug of windows, called another to his aid and going to the rear of N ;;? iV :rl -tree:, f mud the window shutter j forced; and three or four pane- >?;' .'la-- broken. They found there a man name . William Wilson, leaning against the wall j and pretendin;; tobe drunk, s he only wanted to .tot out j of the rain He was lodged in the watch house, and yesterday j sent to prison, preten ling be knew nothing about :t. Stealing llammetr-fyc.?A man named John Schbonm ker was arrested for stealing a stone-hammer and some iron, worth | 82 ? ><>. Crom Josep? Pato, of No. In." ileade street. He con- j fessed the theft and told where the articles were concealed, ami was sent to prison. Capturing Crockery?A black fellow named .lack Johnson, was found on Tuesday night, with six pitchers he had si >h He was yesterday .t.. pris and an owner is wanted for the article- a: the Police office. A becond C urge.?James Bryan, whom we chronicled two | days since Ibf stealing a watch, was yesterday complained of for stealing n Britannia pitcher, a shawl worth SI ?-.*>. fron, Mr... | Hannah .Ann Tin vi low, al No. 24 Dcy street, on the inst-, lor which he was sent toprisrn. Incendiarism,?The Justices of police are still engn gc i hi investigating the several of tires that have recently oc? curred, in order if po.-sible. to ascertain the authors of them, as there are proofs tiiat they were the work of design. ConoNEit's Office.?The Coroner yesterday held an in ipjcst at the City Hospital, on tlie body if Michael Dougherty, a. native of Ireland, aged years.; The deceased ami Fe? lis Gatlagh were it work a- masons on Tuesday afternoon nt half-past:! o'clock, on the top of the "!?! fashioned house No. ' Beaver street, the roof < f wh;< h bns a double pitch, and de cease taking hold of the ruiliu? to descend to the part where Galiaeli was. the ratling gave way and deceased rolled otT the re..; tlieyard. in the rear of the house which is 2 1-2 stories u:?'i. He was tik-n up -?:.-.-.!?? and conveyed to the f.'itv Hospital, where he died about two hours afterwards. Dr. Oreacan made r.n examination before ,:eath and found the *kull fractured and the bone depressed : lie trephine-.! the sk'-.II. but could n : save the patient. He also made a post mortem ex? amination nod discovered that the fracture extended to the base ol the skull, and a very large quantity of extravastated bl.I around the brain.?Verdict thai he came til his death by ncridennllj falling, from lite roof of the house Xo. 7 Beaver Also, at the house of Thomas Riley, on Ellis Island, on the body ol nn unknown man, found in the water near the Island, by Mr. LTley's son. He iiad in a bell around him, 30 five franc pieces; aud i- supposed to be one of the persons who w-r drowned on going dii board a French ship sometime since. Ver Hi ? foun . drowned: II!, name has since been ascertained to be Frederick Heury nged about 59, a native of Bavaria. An in?|ue t was yesterday held by Aldermen Leonard; on the body nt John Goush, which was found ilonting about three miles up the North River, by Mr. Starkins, who hud it taken out of the water and brought to mis city; The deceased was a notive of Ireland; aged about forty years. He had enlisted as a marine nWiu: ten Jays ago?three or four dollars were found in his Docket How he came to be drowned has not been ascertained. Verdict, fotmd drowned. Also, i ?: the ly of an unknown infant, found it: a fish-box in the river at the foot of Morris -treet. Verdict not received. CASE OF JAMES B GLENTWORTH. In ti? CoritT i'?F S'-s: ?The trial of this individ? ual oti an indictment for misdemeanor, charged with having ? urruptly a-d fraudulently caused numerous persons to come to this-city tj vote illegally at the elections in November, 18'J'. :.-..! April, IS3!/, which had been called on Tuosdn; night, and two jurors only obtained and sworn?was again moved; on yesterday by the District Attorney*; The follow? ing jurors ' afti r the rejection of a creat number for the pre? vious formation of op nion as t i the guilt oi innocence of the accused.) w sr* finally obtained and sworn, \i/: William Bishop. Cluirles Spraigbt, M..-c? 1',. Faylor, Clement M. Edson. John ii. Hyle, Peter J. Pew, John .Mount. Dennis Mullens, George VV. Gerard, Horace P. Athcrton, (this juror iva-i .-worn linder Mr. Graham's exceptions.) John Towrisend, jr.. a id Hercules iL .loir,--. detailing thi fti is uud evidei ce should produce to pi eve Jonathan J>. Sie 'ei h n sworn?I ana acquainted with J. 15. Glcntworth; Iliad conversations with him in September arid i i.-tob. r '. :-t. on the -u > . et of his L*rin?ri.-io persons from Phila lelpliia her :-iV.>? ? and carry tlie- ele ttion in tin- full of 1833 a;; i spring of 1839. Fie was appointed Tobacco In spe ' r in .1.. .. try or beginning of : ebruary. The rent ..i the Tobacco Warehouse was to be -tIiUJUO a year, and to be ' ptiiil monthly. I was not to receive an; portion of the profits. He ov :J: his aeci unu faster than iyas agreed to, or the it] l< !-:.:;?: ai .1 Id him thatdte could not hjivc ! any more money unless .Mr. Pearce would ogzee to pay it on : his own account. 1 t-.i-i biro thu: his Whig (riendj were in censed against htm, and that ue could not be reaptHjir-.ted. lie said .i ii ul the means in his power to secure his appoint? ment; and he would prove i: it" I would come to hi- loom. He said tie had control over tin- ti ivernor or of persons who had hi.-ear. i went to his room and he showed me some ; for moaev] t;!d to '? rit.g on voters from Phifadelphia. li -ail be ,_.-ri by persons oi" the \VhIg :>arty to go :?? i';. idito j . - .:? persons 11 come on here to xm? the \\ i. . tic u ? : ; :.. it the persons so engaged .lid come hen?.? that tin" persons who came here by his instrumental? ity, by . i. . . . . Ward- rncrcased tie- voteahoui LG?0. S m . : ::. :a voted in every ward and s.;me it: ~> oro' ward-, at the fall elecdon in 1838; He said he employed certain indrvidtaals?he called captains of gangs?to whom he paid various sums: to Jam.-s Young *SG8 or ?:?.>:;, Robert-Miller s i .r "JjCO, Joint Sanders in ail about $300, RobeitLoo ..... ?700, Charles Swint $1J)25, a man named Thornton. I think upward of $500, a man I tutak nanied cTatnerfelt some 58 to ?100 : and that he had paid him a largo amount for bringing on sorneilO men. The sums paid averaged $30 a voter or II.- said he wnsinduced to go on. or went on at the instance of Mr. Dlatchford. Jam-- Bowen, Simeon Dmner. R. C. Weunore, and Moses Ii. GrirtneU. He went on in romrsnv with Ro'tsert Swartw'outr, w'.o was -elected from the Old Mews' Genera! Committee, and Gkntworth by the Young Mens GcaeraJ 1 itomitteei Mr. Swartwout re? mained I'hilade-o'r.ii a -!'..?:: rime u I returned. Glent 0 F F I C E \ 0. 3 0 A LV N ST. V<>5.. I. l%0. H. worth remained, a longer I nc. That while in Philadelphia and before he had finally completed the arrangements for the rh in :n come on, h< received a communicationendo*ins f .'iOtl rcqaesdng him to abandon the enterprise and come on tw S '.wA ork. This was received on the Friday preceding the Election. The letter was brought by a man named Ford. G nworth.ret.ied I >m Philadelphia to New-York by the ? n ?:; cars of Saturday, and had a conference with Blatcb :' rd, B en, Draper, Wetmore, Grinnell, -n.i ethers, at the ?fHcc if Bluten >rd. 11 ? said tltcsc coudemen wanted him tq gh ? the -1 cerprisc on the ground of the waUtof tunds. That he informed them that the thing bad jane too far to* recedt>, and if they abandoned it the whole affair would be exposed. That after considerable conversation they separa? : .:. irreei grto meet at Mr. Draper's bouse, at lO odocic that night, and in the meantime they would sec what could .! i in regard to raising funds. That thej met at Mr. Brnper's that night, and after comparing note-. twt> , ;1 ? drafts were placed in his hand by Mr. Draper for$l8tXp ??ich. on Quirles Gill of Philadelphia That with liar** drafts ondndier funds, he left in the carbon Sunday morning for Piiiladi Iphia. That on reaching Philadelphia he saw Gill, who cavo him two cheeks on a buik?thinks it was the Eniti i States Dank?for the drafts. One of these.checkst was ashed, by die keeper or proprietor of the United States Hotel, Mr. Durance, anil the other :by George Riston, a broker. With this money he paid Young and Miller, at the bouse of Brisiuu on Sundoy. He completed his arrange :nts with die other pardes?paid them w ith the cash re teived from Riston and returned to Liew-York. I think he said some "t" the men came on with him, but <>!' dial I tun not tcrtaiu. To satisfy mysoll that dii* was true, I went to Phi ulelphia. Glcntwurth -aid in April he wont to Phita d Iphia to make :t similar arrangement for the Spring Elec? tion et i,:;?>. He said while there be received a letter signed Stotr, which he said came from Bowcn. That the. next night after the letter wns received, he said he met Mr. Havens near the Railroad office, who handed him a letter conta ning $2,000, which came from Mr. Draper, and for h ch be was prepon ? ! by the letter of Scott V\ hen Glcnt? wurth met Havens he (Gleutworth) was in company with Swii:?that they three got ititu a backend went to Sender sou's Hotel, where he opened the letterhe had received from New-York and paid Swint $500 of the money it bod con? tained. That Mr. Havens entered a fictitious name on the book that night, and returned to New-York next morning. That the next morning he (Gleutworth) paid Swint s>.v_,.r? more, which was on the 8th \piil, Monday morning, lie said be also gave Loouey $700 ; in pursuance of their ar? rangements, the men canto on here and voted. Some of them, I think !.riey's gtyig", went to the Alms House under the charge of n keeper?ray imj ression is that it was a iium named Raymond, diocmnkcr?also the Doctor of the Alms I louse knew about it?he designated these iwn. Two named particularly, Bin Isbaw ami McLean, fighters, w ho went op p. site te Congress Hall. In addition to the money received by these men he bad to pay dieir bills, as the) became bootcy and troublesome, f think be named a man connected with the I 'ehtei. pri ;o??, who knew of ihe men at die Alms I louse i?have forgotten the name: should recollect die name if ment ? ned?i District Attorney says McArdle)ycs that is the name. !(?? bad been at the Alms House when themcnenrrre in. hut was subsequently at the Debtors prison?exhibited no letters, xc. He showed me l< tiers puqwrting to come from Bc'a Badger?-t?te 1 jhot be luul made airangements with Behl Bhdgi r to -end on a certain number of men?lhat they came on, and that Badger wrote him in relation thereto as " Geo. W. Rawhn"?and that tho invoice in his letter, to r pn sent the men, mentioned them as "'yarn." (Is shown 1 -rtiT-?which die witness says tire the letter-.) District Attorney wishes to read them. Graham objects? savs be wishes to cross i nomine the witness on the subject of the letters. [Remaindei to-morrow. J THE NE.N 1 SPEAKER. '/.? Editor: For The Tribune. Having1 attended diu lost Session of Congress, and been pn -' at die princijwl part of the time in the House, I hud a L'nod opportunity of forming an opinion with regard to the q ratifications of Membi r- for the Spcakership. There were three thai particularly struck :n? fancy in this respect; viz: Mr. BttKHJS of Mnss." Mr.CcsHt:.f Mass., and Mr. Wtsjc of Va. Mr. Briggs occupied the Chair more frequently; I . vc, than any other Membci of tie.- House. He bos been ! lung in thai a ly, and understands the duties of tin: station, and di c! irgcs those duties with energy, promptitude and : dignity. H'' is popular with both parties in tho House, and highly so with die moral and religious pbrtibn of thecommn I idty. He i- a man of sterling ability and great mural worth, and would make , most excellent Speaker in every point of view. Mr Cl' was - Idom in the ('hair; but when bo ms in it, he m tde things g i like clock-work. No doubt be would make a first-rate Speaker: bur he is needed as Chair i man of che ' u mi tree ? f Foreign Relations, for which post he is win-: admirably qualified. Mr. \\ i-> was likewise sel? dom in the Chair; but be went ahead like a steamboat when ' he dul occupy it. These three arc the only present Mem ? hers that struck me as being peculiarly qualified for the dig rl and important stati< n under consideration. O.l". R. Epigram in reply to d Coquette who.a a seal with :i burnii . ? die u d By, with die motto, ? Dun't be n fool' I am a fool, and know it well, Though ho ? n ? thought :ue so before; f enti red first a I 'oin lette'a door. .M to ExpEiiizHcr.. :fZT The foilowi,? crabbed, crooked, shameful story, is ? i-y ih ? poet Crahbc. I!" i"._:h! to b: ashamed of it: S rets .? rls, ii'.e loaded gjias with Loy?, ' Are m v r vnlaed till they make a noise: To show how trusted, they their power display, To show hnw worthy, they their trust betray. " Li . pence chiidr tn's pockets, secret- lie la ." IM. ' ?h'/' ' ? ?-' bun: or fly. Tea.?Th '"? ' f tca is carried or. to a cons? erab.V at in . .. wd. A trial lately took place in Lon? don, at which it ? as ascertained that th.-'individua! orraigaerl had an immen?e nssornnsat of a sptrrious article made of bhick-tl . . hawthorn, md fern leaves. He had a regular ' wmfb ' ' >th Jryina apparatus and nil. Various sam? ples w. r- exhibited, infused with different proportion* of pure tea. which it is said were extensively sola. ' Important is thk Hot Seaso.? <?>? thj; FeabI?Let 2 b of 1 raks soak four, fire or six day ia a pail full .if wa? ter, and w-i-h your picture or any otle'r ph-ee of furniture w ith it. The flics will never come near any thing so ?\ ashed. _ [Boston Time<. [CT The Picayune says Jpeus as.l -trawberries are t'etting out of date in New-C^leans, bur that a very comfortable din? ner may be made of new potatoes, cucumber-, snap] and ar? tichokes, widi a few blackberries to top 0? w^th?alwav*. promising to say nothing about the mujketoes.