OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1841-1842, January 29, 1842, Image 3

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By This Motaing^s Seuthem Mail.
Ceneareof JIr. Adam??JSsankruptLaw in
the Senate.
Correspondence of The New-York Tribune.
Washington, Thursday, Jan. 27
In the HocsE of Representatives to-day, the
f rst question?being that resulting from the point of
order heretofore made by Mr. Adams that the
House had no right to entertain the resolution con?
cerning him (Mr. A.)?was taken, and, after much
confusion of the Members and the Speaker as to
its preeise nature, being decided that it was toe
question of consideration, was.carried : Yeas 11?;
Nays 7i.
Thus the house determined to consider the reso?
lution offered by Mr. Marshall, of censure of Mr.
Mr. Adams 3aid he would now take the first
moment to demand in his trial the benefits of the
Cth article amendatory of the Constitution of the
U. States.
Mr. Underwood then spoke at length, con?
tending that the House had no right, and that it
was unconstitutional to entertain this resolution,
as it charged Mr. Adams with crime- over which
they had not jurisdiction. The only cause for
which they could try their members was for viola
tion of the rules of the House. The resolution as?
sumed the motives of the gen tleman in offering the
petition to be base; and by acting un it, they arro?
gated to themselves trie power of omniscience of
the motives of man. He referred to and defined
his position as to the right of petition, holding that
it was not unlimited, but consisted in tie- right of
a-king from a body having the power to grant the
petition, for whatever affected the petitioner?,
thence concluding that the slaveholding States
alone have tho right of petition on the subject of
slavery. Hi: deprecated the 21st rule, and the
suppression of debate on this subject. It ought to
be-deliberately and thoroughly investigated, as the
best and only way of healing the difficulties be?
tween the different sections of the country, for the
effecting which and the preservation of the Union
in a patriotic manner he expressed his ardent de
-ire, and willingness to tukeall necessary nseusures.
Mr. Botts briefly defended Mr. Adams, con?
tending that his motives were conscientious in otter?
ing the petition for the dissolution of the Union,
against which he had moved instructions to the
committee. He said that the present Secretary of
the Navy had declared unblushingly and boastfully
to him that he was an advocate/or the immediate
dissclution of the Union; which, Mr. Wise de?
riving, Mr. B. said he stood ready to prove when?
ever the Secretary desired it. Me referred to the
course of Mr. Rhett in voting against laying on
the tublc the resolution, when he had a few years
ago presented, or endeavored to present, u resolu?
tion fer the dissolution of the Union. This called
up Mr. Rhett, who explained the transaction.
Mr. Arnold went ut length into a spirited de?
fence of Mr. Adams, and opposition to the resolu?
tion. Ho commenced by deprecating the want of
freedom of speech and of action, which was be?
coming prevalent. He likened these scenes to
those of the French Revolution ; and in illustra?
tion stated a matter ef fact; that on Saturday last,
(when, it will be recollected, great excitement pre?
vailed, and Mr. Adams attempted to speak,) after
he had culled to order Mr. Rayner fbr what he
considered irrelevancy of remark, a gentleman
from Louisiana (Mr. Dawson) had come t? him
while occupying bis seat and " bullied " him,
threatening if he did not stop his cries of
" order" " fo cut his throat,1" and at this time a
gentleman from Alabama (Mr. Payne) hud ap?
proached them seemingly aware of their subject of
conversation ; which gentlemen he considered were
the agents of a party who had determined to
silence him, and subvert all rules of order; the
same " modern democracy" who had acted so n?\
torious a part in returning all the business of the
country at the Extra Session, und through whose
agency a most disgraceful scene had there been
enacted, in which he came very near losing his
life. He now gave thwse gentleman winning that
he was a peace-man, and would turn them over if
they wished to fight to the few reinuinuig Semi
The House at a lute hour adjourned.
In the Senate, petitions were presented1 on the
subject of the Bankrupt Law, principally against
its repeal ; also for other purposes.
Mr. Simmons presented resolutions of the Legis?
lature of Rhode Island tor the postponement of the
Bankrupt Law for one year.
Several communications from various Depart?
ments w ere laid before the Senate, relative to their
expenses for IS4?, accounts, vtc.
The bill to repeal the Bankrupt Law was debated
by Mr, Bayard, who advocated it, contending that
the law was unconstitutional, partaking more of
the character of an insolvent than a Bankrupt Act;
and bv Mr. choate, who contended that it was
constitutionally, politically and morally right) and
who, while u ?reat portion of the people were
weighed down with an oppressive binden of debt,
while danger threatened us from abroad; and while
from discordant councils Congress had neglected to
pass the necessary salutary measures of relict,
wtfuld rejoice to hear on the 1st of February tin*
skjund ot the silver trumpet, proclaiming delive?
rance to the naptive throughout the land ; uud by
Mr. besten, who said the law was an insolvent
law,] enacted for the abolition of debts, for the
plunder of the country, and whoso operation would
be a tuockery on the forms of justice.
Without concluding he gave way and the Senate
tol ourned. Akoks.
2Z~ Terms rrduccd from Teu to
rttUKK dollar?.
ACADEMY, 281 BROADWAY! opposite Washington
Mr. GOLDSMITH, the Amerirati Unrivalled Penman,
pledges himself to impart to the Ladies and Gentlemen
of New-York and Brooklyn his much admired System ot
Mercantile and Epistolary
or return the money at the expiration of the lessons.
Mr. G. hn> ohtaiurd tho
First Preminm
ihree successive year* for the best specimens of Oil' hand
Writing exhibited at the Ktti.-s of the Amuricau Institute.
Rooms open during the Day ttnd Evening.
The Ladies will meet dai'.y from 11 to 1 o'clock.
Opinion* of the Press.
Ma. Goldsmith.?Ju.-lginp from what we have seen we
must prououaco him to be unrivalled in the use of the
pen. [Boston Mornmc Post.
Mr. GolVsmith ? He is we suy uuhesiutiugly the most
Accomplished off-hand Peuwan we have ever seeu.
| New-York Evening Si^duI.
New York. Jan. 15, Igg-._ j? 6r
tjntted"states in miniatukz
at the climax,
149 Fulton-street and 1$ Ann-street.
Thus says the Editor of the Planet:?
" Free Reading Room.?Without doubtone of the best
ifid one of the most convenient places in the city to ga?
ther the news of tho day is at the Climax Eating House,
No. 1J Ann-street, running through to Fulton street. At
this well couducted and popular establishment there are
twenty nix marble tables, with a leading journal on each
table, representing every State iu the Union : thus citi
zen? and strangers havethe opportunity of taking their
cotfee. &c. ami reading tho latest papers from all parts oJ
tar countr> on the same table. It strikes us that this ar
raugeiurut is superior to anything ever attempted in thi?
city, and we have uo doubt will prove a great fwiturei
thu extensively patronixed kouse of refreshment. Undo/
ihe management of its gentlemanly proprietor, the Cli
max, we are pleased to learn, is rapidly increasing in pa?
tronage and popular favor, aud we doubt not will continue
tu recoi?e its full ?hare of public support. Stop iu."
Salee at the Stock Erchaage, Jan. US.
GBankofAm. Slij 65 do. 57
18 Am. Ex. Back.... 62 j 50 Harlem R... ?$
5 I Del. Sc Hud- ..s30d 95?! 50 do. Si j
50 do.i?mthi 93 2511 bland R.. .-60d 53
223 do. 9" j 25 do.tfOd 53i
25 do. an" 96}: 50 do. 53i
50 do. 97* j 50 do. 53*
10 Aub. A Roch. R- SI ; 25 Patorson R. R. 4&j |
25 Mohawk R...?15d 57j| 10 Stoniogto-?. ..b^Od 16
50 do.tGOds 57 \ Hi do..."..sind 15
25 Del. & Hud. (j7 . 50 Harlem R R. r*
Commercial and wiener Matter?.
Friday, P. M.
The operations iu Bauk and Road Stocka were very
a mall and without auy material caanye in rate?. Harlem
and Long Island improved ; ; Mohawk d*-chne-i 1
la State Stocka the sales reached about $70,000. In?
diana Bonds closed at 24?', a decline of : per cent on yes?
terday's sale-, and Illinois at 23?, a decline of j por cent;
Corporation Bonds sold at 96j : State Fives and a Half at
75i ; Ohio Sixes at 70, a decline of J per cent.
The nales- in State Stock? were :
1,000 N. Y. 5's, 1361 -- 75i 3,000 do. 23i
2,500 Ohio Sixes, '60.. 71 j 4,000 do. 23$
10,000 do.70 \ 4,000 do. 23:
1,500 Cor. Bonda,.96} L,?;00 do. 25
3 OOOIIliuois. 23 j 6.000 lad. Boads.24i
1,000 do. 22} 6,000 do.,104 24 j
3 000 do.22aI 2,000 do...sow 24$
5,100 do.sSOd 21ij 1.000 do.233
2,900 do. 21*1 2,000 do.a 10d 24;
5000 du.23? 1,000 do. elOd 24
2;0P0 do. 23J 1.00? do. 24?
10,000 do.ilOd 23 j 1,000 do.?3d 24
2,000 do.s30d 22?!
The Long Island Bank has declared a dividend of six
per cent.
A letter from Philadelphia states that the value of the
Girard -lock was fix^-d by the Committee of the other
Banks at $9 to $10 00. The notes were selling at 5 per
cent discount;
In consequence of the failure of the Legislature of
Maryland to make arrangements for the repayment cf the
money loaned the Slate by the Chesapeake Bank of Balti?
more, tha' institution eo'. into difficulty, and a iuu oa it
was the consequence. It is supposed that some arrange?
ment will be made by which it will be enabled to proceed
With its business as usual. The following was its situa
tion 011 ike third iustnut 1
Bills'and notes discounted. .$467,435 73
Loan to the State of Maryland. 167,198 83
r.unkiup House and lot_. 16.04 0 00
3134 share* Chesapeake Baak Stock. 61,135 60
Stut* of Maryland, City Corporation *nd Bank
Stocks at Market value. 16,917 03
Due from other Banks,inctuding notes & checks.31,942 02
Specie.".. 28,5*0 51
Total. .T..S791 13d 12
Capital Stjck.$431,801 00
Notes in circulation.* 82,495 00
Surpia?. 82,175 47
Dividends unclaimed. 2 37e 25
Due to Bunks. 132,931 33
Due to depositors and Commissioner* of Loan
Special Deposit!. 101,489 07
Total.$794,139 12
In a statement in the Alton Telegraph llie Stale Debt
of Illinois is thus sot down ;
Caaal Debt.$4,525,679 04
Internal Improvement Debt. 7 300,444 08
Bonds held by Hanks. 0 665,000 00
Bunk Debt. ? 15,5*0, B?
Debt duo School Fund. 807,885 30
State House Debt. F.s.000 00
Making iu the aggregate.$16,173,723 32
The nuniial interest upon this sum at mx per cent is
$978,380, while the estimated revenue of the State, les* its
ordinary expenditures, is but $332,000, leaving a dnticit
of $638,380 to be raised by direct taxation?a sum which
the writer assumes it out of the question to bi raised from
tho tax-payers, iu addition to their prcseut hardens for
tiic support of 1 lie gorommcut.
The writer thru recommends the liquidation ef this
debt by the sale of the Bank Stock. Lands, Canal, Rail?
roads, <kc. belonging to the Stale, aud goes into a state?
ment to prove the feasibility of doiug this, and reducing
the debt to about $3,000,000, the interest wn which the
writer ihiuks the Stato would find no difficulty in meeting
IVevr-York Market*-.
AS1IF.S?The principal holders still demands $7 for
Pole, ami ?C far Poarla, b';t bnvo lio^n runde ?/"HO barrels
Pots at t! 50, aud Pearls cau be bought at 5 S7j.
COTTON?The market is rather firmer and the salts
to day are variously staled from 600 to 1200 bales.
FLOUU?The improved feeling continues, and therj
uro no sellers of good common brandsCcnesne at less than
$6. 500 10 1U00 barrels have been taken to-day at that
price for Eastern markets. For Ohio we quote ;> 81J a .*>
87"f. Iu Southern there is more inquiry, and sales '.'.On
barrels (icorgclowu have been made at $'">, cash, for ex?
port. For u lot for England $6, time and interest wiu re?
fused. Wc quoto Howard-st $C; Braudywine 0 1?J;
Richmond City Mills 7 50.
GRAIN?For milling 1000 bushels Illinois Wheat, pan
of the Frankfort cargo saved undamaged, ?old at 1 50.?
One or two parcel? of Com hare appeared in market, but
are unsold, held at 65c. No sales Rye. aad no change iu
Oats. The former we quote at 70 a 72c; ibe latter 50 a
."?2. for North Rivwr with retail >alen.
?uciiom Male?.
Uy Wilkiiis i Rollins.
REAL ESTATE?Two story house and lot, No. 254
William sL 22 ft front by 92ft U its deep on the northerly,
and 88 ft in depth on the southerly side, >oy for $5 00?.
IIou?o and lot N'ai. 7 Rector Et; Icujc from Grace church.
10 years unexpired ground rent $125 andt-.\os, the build
iugV to belong to llie lessee if not renewed, 28 ft from, 26
ft lO ms. in rear b> -15 ft?S?,00?.
Brick house and lot No.9 Rector st-held under like con?
ditions from the Church, one foot lees iii depth on each
side; jcJ?.si.
Two st?ry brick house and lot No. ltrl Varick >t. lease
t'r. in T< iuuy Church, 12 years unexpired, ground rent
$I0U and tuxes, tho lat 24 feel 1 iucb front by 100 ft deep.
Buildings and lot of ground No. 7 Thames st 24 ft frvni
by 52 deep, $3.700.
Three story house and lot of ground No. 72 West Broad
way, near Duanu st. 25 ft front by 50 ft deep, $5,t 00.
Two story house und lot of ground corner of Vi'ost
Broadway aud Leonard st. 50 ft ou West Broadway aud
25 ft from Leonard st. >4 sen).
By E. H. Ludlow.
Lot ofgrouud ou Greene st. ue-r Houston -t. i5 ft frout
by 100 ft deep, $2,400.
Sia lot. of ground ou Union Place, between the 4th
avenue mid the Bloomingdulu road, eai h 25 ft front by t?2
ft deep, e?eh $11 000,
Six lots of ground oil iStb st in iho rear of the above,
each 25 ft front by 92 ft deep, each $ 1.000.
A triangular lot ou 18th st.57 ft front, by 47 ft 1 inch on
one side, aud 33 Ii oa the other, $925.
Three Story dwelling house and lot of grouud corner of
Bleecker st: and Broadway, 70 front by 75 Jeep. $13,750
Lot on Broadway near Bleeker st, with dwelling house
and stores thereon. 32 ft 10 mehr? frost, by 75 ft deep ou
one side, uh.l 7s ft 111 depth ou the other. $16,00 I;
House and lot of ground corner ofMcDougal and Har?
row sts. 2~ ft C inches frout by 12s ft deep, 500
Minint art- ATiuanac.?This Day
Rises 7 5 I Sets4 55|K.s?s 9 3 | South 2 15. 10 46
Latest D u t e? .
LlVElte^OL. JAN. 4 I NEW-ORLEANS.J-u. 17
The u e x t Steam-Ships to Arrive
Caledonia, leaves_Fob. 4 | Acadia, leaves.March 4
Tho next Steam-Ship to Laave
Brituntiia, loaves_Feb. 1 ! Caledonia, leaves. .March 1
^hip Hellc.poat, Etli<. Havaaa, Spod'ord. Tilsston A Co.
Hamburg Bark Telegraph. Schalar. Lagua* ra. Scun.idt
& Balchar. , , , . , ..
Brigs OLhello, Butkman. I-raakliu; La. Ne.-nuth A:
Loeilf: Sub, Worthiagton. Hamborg, Mot> A Polbtx.
Sehr. Wm Hart, Cerson, Wilmington NC; Sultana.
Hall, Bermuda, Middloton Jc Co; Porl Leon, Katun, Ber?
muda, R R Buck.
Ship Edwiua, West, 15 ds fmMobile, cottou to E 1)
Hrig ssterlsug. Risley. 2 ds fm Bostou. mdz to ^cott i
Hrig Madisou, Bulkley, 5 ds fm Savannah, cottou to
Dunkam Si Dimoni
Bn? Emetine, Fish, 11 ds fm St Mirks, cotton to L V
Hurlbut St Co.
BrigTecumseb. Haiisou,4ci hours from Hamptou Roads,
white oak to J H Baker.
Sohr Whig. H&nsmaa, Virgicia, oysters.
Skip Frank/art,?-There apj>ears to be no hope that this
ves*?l will be got otT. She i? uo? buried sa deep ha the
saud lhat the tiJe rises over her deck, and it is probable
she will be abandoned in a few days.
Ship EmtraltL?The persons employed iu raising this
vessel have abandoucd it for the present, until more fa?
vorable weather will unablfl them ta work.
D" CnltiTBtor !?Jaat received, a fresh supply of
the January number of the ' Cultivator.' Also, a supply
of the past year, at the corner of Fulton and Nd*saa-?t.
Cito jTttr?tgEKCt.
Reported for the New-York Trib?ne.
Before t'ae Record?r. Jurfje- Lynch an-i Noah, 3ad AI
dermea Timpsoa aid bee?.
Fr.uay. Jisuary 2S.
On motion of Jonas 3. Phi lips, E?q . Mr. Jana K.
Haek?tt *u admitted a conme 'or of this Court.
Case of Charles F. MiTCHEt-ti ?Is ens. .j ier.ee of &
motion previously made by hi- c uasel, |"-ucui? the pre?
paration of a bill of exception*, r'.i.ri'- F. Mitchell *^
allowed to enter bail in $y ?OO, inroad justify iue security,
for hi* %ppea-anre to Answer. as from the complete prostra?
tion of his health by Ion? coii?oeraent it was naturally ap?
prehended be would die in prison, if mach loceer ccc
biied the-re. Tho r:*c?s-fery security had cot keen fur?
nished at the adjournment of the Court for ttie terai this
a?y. _ '
Before Judge Noah, aa'd Aldermen ThnpSwu atsd Iut^es.
FrjdaV, January ?.
"vVilliaai Cornish and P.ufu> Miller, colored men. were
tried for stealing SI in mon-y from Asn Cooper. adjudge"
not guilty. Daniel Crmia. nesiing a quantity of pir iron
Samuel Thompson : guilty?Penitentiary .70 day.-. Henry
Jack-on and John Williame, colored, stealioe a pair ef
b< Ota from John Ken: guilty?Peniteatiary 3 month- sach.
Ellen Fit7.;>atrick. stealing a rug and !0 yards of muslin,
worth $7, from Richard Bent guilty?Penitentiary 66
da}*-. Eliza Prendergrast, D=-;uilt and battery on Hugh
Murphy ? zuilry?Judgement suspended and she dis
charged. Patrick Mullen, stealing a muff worth $3 from
William Brown: guilty?Penitentiary 6 months. M:i?d-'
liae Hures": and Magaret Bealj ?teaiing silk and satinet
worth $24 9" from Messrs. H. A Jf. Hall guilty?City
Prison CO days ???:> h i.e*i= Cardem, colored, stealing an
overcoat worth $5 from John N.Steven.- guilty?Peni
leutiary 30 day-. Edward Francis, colored, -tealirir a
ramp of beef from Edward Lynch guilty?Penitentiary
3? day-.
Adjourned to Tuesday next.
FRIDAY, January
Stabbing.?A colored woman named Henrietta Oliver
was arrested on Thursday nizhi f?r stabbing another col?
ors,! woman named Mary L. Davidson in the face with a
knife, cutting her severely. She was ordered to find bail
in $300 to answer, and in default was committed.
Fighting in a Theatre.?One of the illustrious John
Smith: of ibis city, having become considerably obfuscated
with strong drink, on Thursday night, kicked up a row iu j
Chatham Theatre, and fought most lustiiy those who ,
dartd to cross his orbit. Officer Durand-, to restore or?
der, lodged the belligerent gentleman in the watch-home,
and he was tlm morning brought before Justice Merritt to
answer for the-ins of the night As he appeared sober
and sorrowful for what he bad done, the Justice told him
ho would torgtre and discharge him on condition nf his
going immediately and'joining the Temperance Society.
.Mr. Smith thankfully iieccptcd the terms, promised to take
the temperance pledge lbs first opportunity, and wo* then
?!i? charged with some wholesome ad vice.
The Case ok the Disinterred Bodies.?Wm. Boyce,
the carman who was arrested on Wednesday nicht a ad
committed at the Upper Police Office for carrying three
dead hodie-from Potter's Field in his curt to Crosby
.-tren, iie:ir tiir Medical (lollcgc, wns brought out of prison
to-day for ,i hearing; The keeper of Potter*? Field, Mr.
George W. Scliuylerj having been called by the Magis?
trate of the Upprr Police Office, ht a witneM acaiust Rovce,
ccine there, accompanied hy his counsel, and refused to
answer the questions propounded to him, on ihe plausible
pica that his answers might tend to criminate himsolf. He
was then discharged fiom further uttendhnce as a wit?
ness, nnd may possibly be discharged frcm further atten?
dance as keeper of rotter'* Field, if the Common Coun?
cil do net deem his pica of privdece available. Boycc,
the carman, \?a- then remanded to prison fora future
Shopliftinc.?John Carter to-day Hole -3 yards of
tlannel, worth *- 40 from the .-lore of Messrs.Lord A; Tay?
lor, No. 03 Catherine-street, wjj caught iu the act und
committed to prison.
Receiving Stolen woods.?Some days ago, two col
orcd men, named Johnson and Campbell, were arrested
and imprisoned f?r. stealing a large amount of clothinc
from the halls of homes up town, and to-day a colored
man named Joseph Pace, who resided ai No. 7.5 Laarens
h/reet. was arms led by officer T. M. Tompkins for receiv?
ing said clothing, knowing thciu ui be stolen. He wa.->
committed lo ao.-wer.
Passing Counterfeit Coin.?'J'wo females, named Ann
Nugent and Mary Kelly, were arrested by officer J. S.
Smith and t.iken to the Upper Police Office, charged with
ait< inptipg to pies a ccuoierftit Mexican dollar to Wra.
McKenzie, of No. 304 Second-street, for which they were
eoromited, but afterward discharged for want of sufficient
evidence to convict tl.em.
Fridav, Jauuary 2z.
The Corouer to day held an inquest at the apartments of
Job:. Weancis, No. 70 Canal street, on the body of his
daughter Mary, aged 15 weeks. The deceased was weak
and delicate, had been unwell for ?everal days, hud no
medical attendance, and died suaMealv ou Wednesday af?
ternoon. Verdict?Died of congestion of ihe luuijs.
The Coroner also held <iu inquest ai ihe corner of
Bank end West-streets, on the body ef an unknown undo
infant found in a basket uaked wu ihe wharf iu West
stroot, iu lii advanced state of decomposition. Verdict?
Died from causos uaknowu to the jury, aud placed there
by -nun; person a!?o unknown.
Also at die Alrushouse in the Park, on the body of an
unknown female, aged about 25, who was found ou tlm
bottom of the rivurat the foot of Warren -st roe t,: ou
Thursday aftrruodii. She was ' lad in a cummon calico
frbi k , black cotton slot hug- and .-lo.es, and appeared to
bave been in the * uh-r set nral d*>?.
"LV Particular Notice.?Those persons having
furniture of any .Ii ?criptiou to dispose of, or who are
tir-.iLiu.' up housi -keeping, will find a ready sale for auj
j., rtion bi all oi their ro./d-. b) -eliding their address, <.r
calling:upon the subscriber Gdods to any rtuiouut pur
based. u.TI (2) K COLTt>N, 197 Chatham stroat.
itt a x x i t ? :
In this city. Jan. 25, Abrain Cirariuati to Henrietta M.
Uuouie, both ol this city.
In this city, Jail. StV, by the Rev . D Duubar, Charles
Cunninebam. jr to Elizabeth; daughter of John Maitin,
ij. a''! of this city.
At Well-. Vu. Jhii.1I, Fraucis Graves ef Rupert, to
Esther Ann Bowe of Well?.
D i e ? :
III this city, Jan. 27, Mrs. Mary Johnston, iuihe 42d year
?f her sire.
At Root; Montgomery Co . Jiu. \-. Remhold I raugott,
(>. | t-j ,[.. w IS . (i-rtuau veteran, who accompanied
Lai iyettc to this country, ..nd was ai the batik? of York?
'own .-/.Mt
At Kiucitou, Canada, Jan. 20, Cecilia, wife of Hon. J.
Kirbv, aced '.7.
M'ulvM vTION WANTED.?Ctiarlea
m_'V Gardner, Ladles! Shoemaker, left his home, comer
of 22d street aud Third Avenue, on the 7tb of December
last since which time be has not been heard trom. He is
five feet ten Luches high, -lender bnilt and has a number ol
warts on his band?. Information rt?pecting htm wtII be
tbankf?llv received bv his wife, at tue above mentioned
place. ?_2_}
Vll.LK U\l!.K'?\I) KOND-s'.?Notice is berebj
ttiven. that the interest on the Bonds of the EUiabethtown
SomcrviUe Railroad Company, due on the tir-t day ol
Pebraarv next will be paid to the holders or their attorneys
at the State Bank at Elizabeth, on and after the said t:r>t
dav of February next . ' _;
JOHN J, BRY-A> I i : ? isun
Office of the E. T. S. R. It Co.
.El-zabethtown. January 21. 1S42. _J-^4t::
Cll.K 11 AT N^AItNLSII. tt superior ttrti
O cl*. foi - ? ip, at No. IS Ann-strei:. Ith story,
j..! 1 GEO. \ AIL.
BILLS i?V ~Y. X < JI i ANGPo? all parts
of England, Ireland, and Scotlasai, in sums ot 51 10,
15: and 201.. lb auv ?.:nount for sale bv
.-. J. 5YE\ ESTER, 22 \>all-street,
i2y and 130 Broadway. _
v purchasi I it thi test market rates, by
J. SYLVESTER; 22 Wallstreet
25 and 130 Broadway.
OLLEGT IONS ou all "parts of the
v ' United States made on the most favorable terms, by
>. J. SYLVESTER, 22 Wall-street
j29 ard ItJO Broadway.
I Railroad. Baffalo, and r-.ifetv Fund Biriks
. St. i awrei ? . 0 ? in, Jan es, and all the Free o: Red
Back Banks, taken without any discount for ClctL?, Cassi
meres; Vestinss, Flannels; at the lowest casii price, at
431;Gre< nwich -trcet near Canal_j!5" lrais::
HOSi'-lTIO S. B A KT LETT is requested
to call at No. 35 Mirion street. THIS DAY. jS9 If
G^"|j"ti"eS'T?I made lo orJer at asoderate price* ai
the Establishment,229 Braadway. American Hotel.
An ass?'rtcient of Goods in nehecs* and variety unaur
pa-sed. co?staaUy ou hand. W. T. JENNINGS.
j20 eodtfis_
oiT?RD?Two or three Smirle gentlemen can be
L> accommodated with board sad pleasant r?mi wi
pnvate family, at N. 5 V anck st J? *
-NO>. 10 01M> SLIP.
L1 DW'D CORNING i Co. hav? on haad st the above
?Uid_ a .arge ati-Weil selected stock of Hardware,
Cu l?ry. Prus'sc-. Nails a^d other article* usually found j
in a wholesale Hard-care Establish men: which they are :
prepared to -t:-po?e cf for Cask or Jirsi rate paper. at
prices conformed to {he state of the times. Moder?:e ex ?
peases, ac-i a strict aJb>-*ence to their priuciple cf run
mag so r;?_<. wili enable tin tn to *e!l th-Mr eood* s: a
moderate advance on the ou
lu their assort-rent may be found Table and Pock't C_t
l?ry cf a'! description* ; Clark'- C-ut Butts, eouis-on snd !
paien:; Janie? i_-? other Srr-wj. Saw*, hand ard panel;
do mill aud X-cut: Bihe; Wei..; File? sfail kinds; Car?
penters' Tool? Locks of every description ; Tea Trays
in sets and single: Tea and Table Spoon*. Plated and
Britannia; Shovels; P?ope. Bed Cords. Scythes. Hair.
Cloth. Paint, White Wash and other Brushes with vari
ous other article? of their own importation, and domestic
VT BOWERY?Graham'sLa y'sand Gentleman's Msra
zine. edited by Mrs. Ann $. Stephen?. Mrs. Emna C Em?
bury, George R; Grabsm. C. J. Peterson, aad Edirsr A.
Contents of the Febrvary 2fo. f 'oLMQ. flo.2.
Harper's Fvr.-y. illustrated,]
Harry Cavendish, by the ?uh<.ir of the " Reefer ct'T?.
?fee. Ac.
The T*'0 Dukes, t, .? Mr-. Acs S. Stephens.
My Rotel- St*erl, by Alex. A.Irvine, illustrate.!.'
Original Letter from Charles Dickens.
Soce of Nydia, the Bund Girl of Pompeii, by G. G.
The Duello, by II. W. Ilerbtrt
Dream? of the* Laud and Sea, by F.r. R. yoell Costes.
Rosaline, by J^iucs Russell Low-iL
Sonnet, by J. R Lowell.
Mr,. Norton by i'ark Benjamin.
Tue Veiled Altar, by Mrs. K S. Nichols.
The Lady's Choice; by Mr.-. Emma C. Emburr.
Tan Bine Velvet Mantilla, by Mr*. A. M. F. Annan.
Aratba, a Necromant, bv L.Fitzgerald Tasistro
The Daughters r i" Dr. Byles, by Miss Lobe.
Sonnet,by P.. II. Benjamin:
A Few Words ih ut?rain?rd. hv Edgar A Poc.
A Drwam of the D< >..! b} <i. Hill*.
Music,.'1 The Dieam P.v-t.V written by Edw.FiiB
A ii -11ti. Esaj composed by Stephen Clover.
Review of New Boobs;
"My Bonnie Seccd," a splcndi?! mezaotiato, engraved
expressly for tins Magazine, by H. S. Sadd, Eiq.
Harper's Ferry, ?ncrave.l expr?.sjl> for us by A. L.
I ?ick. Ere,.
The Spring Fashion.-. S Figures, London style, in ad?
Mu*ic, two page* "Tbc Dream isPaaL"
T?rms?S3 per annum, in advance, or vi5 cents a *iuiflc
Nc Published monthly. deliv ered in any part of this city
and Brooklyn, and sent by mail to all parti of tne United
State? ?ml the Canadas; by
yj(J It ' ISRAEL POST.SS Bowery.
Hl N I ' * it A N S? J* T i< K Ii T XAI.O O > ,
No. 436 Grand, cor of- Pitt,?Tin* splendid Saloon i
is fitted ui> in eiosi c mvenicnt style, and is ju?t th? tiling
that was much needed in lhat part of the city. Hot Coden, j
f '.-.k **, I'i.-*. Ac arc served up in a superior manner, with
Ci ufectionary, Fruit, and every thing else '.he visiters re
quire, jlii liu !
T ? <) KfJ A N & WALKER have removed to !
? '* No 53 John-street, (up stairs,) where they offer for
VVIXDOW GLASS?400Q boxes American Window
'11-i-s. F'anklin, Fulton, .Morn* and Delaware bran.!*,
comprising a complete astortmeut of sizes, from t'v< 3 to
FRENCH GLASS?TOO boxes French Window mid
Picture fib.** i f supi ribr ? ) ia!i:v ( sizes. 7X'J to 31X 43
CLASS WARE?.Id packages Druggists'Glass Ware,
from Harmony Factory .embracing the usual assortment i
of Vials and Bottles: j'J; 3taw.2w
4 iTlEKIUANi ?lvIrTQ?1 TIBi* and Research
t\ es nit-, trie Origin and History of the Red Race: \\t
Alex mdi r W. Bradford.
Reverend Sunur! Davie*. A. M. Preside.ut of New-Jersey;
with au essay ou the life and times of the Auth ;r of Albert
Burns Stereotype'edition, containing all the AuthurV
Sermons ever published, i- 3 vols. l2mo.
THE PARTED FA Mil Y and other Poems, uu offering
to the a (Dieted; and a tribute of love, to departed friends,
by Mary S. B. Daua, author oi ' Northern and Southern
Harp " Published Slid for *al>- by
j23 Corner of Fultan aud Nassau streets.
J*~4HI.N .-?lcC-% aK dk sjo.'a INTELLlCENCf
OFFICE, si'.i Nassau st.
RErERESCES :?Hou. M. H.Griuuoll, H. Brcvoort, Esq.,
W. Irvinsr, Prof. Renwick. jl3 tm ,
MT6 BtfiiVT?Tko Merchanis' Kxchainje Build
inc wj',1 !,e entirely finished on or before thu 1st of
May next; and contain* fire proof otfices, calculated for
It u:k*. Insurance Companies. Merchants, Brokers, Law
yr.-s &.c., Coders for Storage, Wine and Porter Vaults,
and atiicrooms for Printers and Engravers, all of which
are offered to rent:on low term-. Immediate possession
chu be given of some, aud the residue on the l-t day of
May next; For farther particulars, apply at the ofTi.'e i.f
the Company. j'35 Iwis
CHEAP GROCERIES, atNo. 153Norfolk-st?
Coiiil Butter, l*. Gd; per- pound;
Good w hite Lamp Odi5s. per gallon.
Good light brown Sugar, 3*. ."3d. per 7 pounds.
E^tjs. 8 for Is., warranted irooit.
iitiirr articles equally as cheap.
Conee, ti-f*li roasted and trrnuiui . very day.
X. B.?Conee Roasted and Ground for ^r>..-ers in the rear:
j27 lvv Rl CDARP ALB RO. -
rp()\\ N'S AXA l7VSI <.? Y.xtract from
jL the R??jH>ri of the lte._r.ijt* the University of the
Stateof New-York to the Legislature:
Toven's Analvsts of tile derfvattve words of our lnntruage
has lieen intioduced and very thoroughly tested, ft is a
v.-ry v;ilual.|? work, connected with the acquisition of lan?
guage. The very ingehioas plan of first collecting and de?
nning tiso.e pnrtsieparately which enter into the conpo-i
ti"ti of so many thousand wnrd*. results in the saving ot a
vastamountof.time andd?bor. By tin* simple process ihr
mere English scholar; in a few week* at farthest, learn*
most ot those foreign parts, i.e., whirn has com the classical
scholar mnnv wars ot "laborious studv to acquire:
r shed'by < 1 E.MENT \ PACKARD, IRO Pearl-st..
and for *ab- bv the principal booksellers in the United
State*. "_.i-fr
"V VA\ HANK ~ < '(FF P E E-HO I SlT.
. 1 (Lately ( ccupietl by M . I H \RI.KS BROM NE,) IS
William street, near the Leather Manufacturers' Bank.
Tb.- present Proprietor has bad tie- above establishment
thnrougbly repaired sind }.ut in complete order, ami is now
ready in serve tin* public:
Those who patron!;- Public Eating Ilr.u-e* have ju.*i
cause tu complain, and make objectibhii to most ef^uibse
now in Operation; the proprietor ot' ib.- above, has iteter
inined to remove all real cause of prejudice: And would
request thonO into whose hands tiii* circular may fall to no
tic tti" f?llowing particular*, vir .
First 'I'lu* establishment i? managed ami under the en
ureicontrol of the proprietor and family, and.noi-servant*.
a- i* usually the case.
Second: 4fNeatness, Order ami Health,? Is our motto,and
the puli'ie may )?>? assured of mir consistency In observing
it* nrihcipIrN
Third. The markedhg provided for this establishment
-lia.'l the lie-: \?!::c!i can be obtaihe?1,.aiid snail be pre?
pared for the table in the most genteel and healthy manner.
Fourth. The proprietor is conndenttbat the far^e pro
ponion "t the community who are from New-England will
and this e*inbii<lunr'nt to" correspond with their view* nearer
thaiianv nther in the city.
FsHb.' No spirituous i qudrsi shall di^-race ti..* establi-b
menii The; friends.ofitemperance and tr<.-?l orderrthe re
-?.ectaliie portion of the commuiiitv', who would beannoyed
by the fumes of ATcobol; shall not be trouble. I pa tbi* jsiint.
>.\:.? With the foregoing particulars belore the*Public, ;
w e pli-.iite in addition, es-ery r-tii-.rt in our power to please
all; and now extend the invitation to CALL, that you may
be ? the. belter:judge.?'_j23 lw j
Jt OKK.MH.K. W A I Eti-V iH)ii h
AND DRESS BOOTS.?The subscriber makes lo
ordir Boots of the above description, of the finest I
quality ol Freucii calf-skin, a-_d iu the latf-Dt ?:yie. .
and at very reasonable prices. Gentlemen who have been ?
in the habit of paying extravagant pnee? f r inferior arti
clea arc reqoe>?ted to call ami be convinced that bis prices
are from teu to twenty per cent. tt!o? other stores iu his j
neighborhood. Drawings being taken of the feet, and a j
p.or of lasts s. pt for each customer, liier? is no difficulty
in Celling a handsome yet easy du
Constantly on hand a large assortment of ready mad?
Boot-. latest styles, at prices varying from TWO to SLY
D . irs per pair. Ovcrsh >, Half-Boots, Dancing-Pumps,
Slipper*. Ac. Ac. st equaUy low prices.
JOHN L. WATKINS, 114 Fulton-street,
;i lv between Nassau and Dutch-streets.
?An infallible remei y for coughs,colds; induenza,
and in fact for nearly every primary affection of th*
luces. This celebrated compound is off-red by the pro?
prietor ?iib the fullest confidence of its efficacy and use?
fulness. It ?..* made of the best materials, and contains
the extract of nearly every herb famous tor medical vir?
tues, improved by a pre ess known only to the Propn
etor, ar.u h; warrants it free from every deleterious iu
gr?0i-r.t. He caallesges comp-risoa with any other ;
vegetable compound in this city, knowing as he does lhat
mvaiids will, after a fair an: impartial trial, decide that
hi* cacdy is '.he much wanted, ibdivm ta Parso.
For sale bv the prcprietor. No. 43ri Crand, corner of
Pit-street Price 6i cents?or 50 cecu per Ib. j'.O Im
riTliE P?B50.> advertising in Spring-street,
1 nr-t unJ:r-nonvmous :n:ti..!*., then as W. W. Tay?
lor, an? auaia a* W. W. Thayer, has not new. cor never
has had anv connection with the establNsnjpnt at 375
B wery: 3 ne b>'-e proprietor, F. A. Thayer. haa r-ut ane
brother, named Wtu. W. Thayer?he ha.* not beeu m the
h^ase o: hi? deceased broiber for several years. Ab-Dat
four vears ago he opened a store at "241 Spring strret, and
advertised R?jcrs" Balsam cf Liverworu and near two
vears a_-o came before the public in support cf Burntt i
Co.. in ltHitating Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort?aad
a^arn comes forward cla;miLg the proprietorship of said
medic.ne. when it was well ksown that at the time the
proprietor, the late F. A. Thayer. first introduced this
celebrated medicine. W. W. Tnayer was about fourteen
years of age.
Be careful where you buy.?Purchase only?mi?d this
Only?at the old orn'ce, 375 Bowery, between Foarin and
Futh-streeis. Our agents -*ill pleass address tu for?
merly. d30 lm
JVc. 37 Bowery.
Hp KB EVENING. Jsn. 27, the eatertainneats will
?- conn?n? with a Grand E-.ir.re? entitled the Four
Quarter* of the Globe.
Mr Conover ?ill appear is ais wonderful performance
eailed Dislocation.
Mr. Sweeay wjfl ,ip?ear wi:nhi? Pupiliaa preatyari#tj
of popular Negro S?n?* and Breakdowns.
Herculaan Fejtson the Turkufa Column by Mr Derr.
Mr. Oscar Stor.- will appear cn h:s favorite Horse in the
celebrated act a* the Plying Indian.
JZT Boxes 50 cents?Pit; 25 ceuis. 'Doors open ?t fii
sad P'rlonnasce coc:rn?ncr? ?t T o'clock. j'i)
FIELD will be happy jU a call from his friends s: Bass
ford's Billiard Rooms, over the Climax Kating House,
where are cit;Ut splendid table? with slate sad marble
beds. India rubber; cloth and spring steel cushions: iron
and mahogany;:frames. Entrance 149 Fulton and \ Ann
st. Tables s;.d Cloths for sale j"> im"
pOBEY'si lady'" BOOK.-OS? No. 5?
AMERICAN MAGAZINE, edited by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale,
Mr*. Lydia H. Sigcurney, Morton McM.ehael and Louis
A. Gadey.
Mir^ C. M. Sedgwick, Miss E: Leslie and N. P. Willis,
regular contributors.
CojfTESTS of phe February No ?Vbl 24; No. 22;
Mary Ryan's Daughter, by Mrs. S. J. Hale.
Soni?The Snow. The Snow, by J. E Knight.
Tn? Disputed Wedding Ring, by N P. Willis.
Wiltoa Harvey; by Miss C M. Sedgwh k
Hide and Seik, by Prof W. J. Waiter, (illustrated.)
The Widow and her Child, by Mrs. L. H. Sicouruey,
(illustrated '
The Votary ofTashion, b> Mrs, Eliza Vauhorn Ellis.
a Father's Lament, by R. Slielton McKenzie, LL. D.
.Mr. Chancy's Cooking-Stove, by Mrs. a. .M F. Annan.
Sumetbihc from the Old School of English Poeuy, |
W. J. Waiter.
The Beacox; n Sketch, by Miss Leslie.
Cause aud Cure, or Conversations by.the Fireside, bv
Mrs Hale.
The Season of Love, by George P.Morris.
St.11 ^?l>. by Mr*. L. H. Sigouruey
Music?f The Old Sycamore;! a Ballad, Poetry 1 y lb nrj
B 11Tsi. composed by Prof. Tlios. H; Vandeuberg.
Editor'- Tattle.
Editor'.- P.ook Table.
Hide*and Seek, a beautiful sicci Engraviur, by A. L.
The Wido*-. a tine Engraving on stoel, by Dtck.
Fashions, 4 ("curi'-, handsomely colored.
Terms?$3 per annum in advance,or 95 cents a siujrl>
number. Published monthly, delivered in tiny part of
this city and Brcoklyu, and sen: by mud to all pail* 01
the United State.- and the Caua 'is, bv
j26 'his ISUAEL POST.Bowery
Office of JErrr.aso.n Inscbasct Co. (
New York. Jan. 13; 1842. J
\N ELECTION f?r Director- of this Compuuv for lb<
. ensuing year will be held mi then office; No. 47 Wail
street, on Monday the 7th day 61 Fob uiry next.
Poll open from PJ o'c ock M. until I P.
jlS till f~ GEO. J HOPE. Secretary.
Office or riu: L. I. I>--io;.?ncf Co. (
No. J Front -i. Brooklyn, i
DI VI DE IVD .?Tbc Board of Directors-have d<
dared u semi-annual dividend o! '> per cent ou tbt
capital stock, pav able to the stockholders or tboir legu
representatives, ou and after the I5lh inst.
Brooklyn. Jan. .r'. IS43 . j7 lm
rr52fc. Counting Rooms of C. C. MJRSILSe1 Cede:
1 street, coulinue open from '.' A. M. to P. >f. in or?
der that merchants and others may avail themselves o* a
course of instruction thut is truly practical; one thai em
braces a complete routine of mercantile transactions and
mercantile calculations; and one iu wnicii the student ac
tually keeps a set of books in a counting house. To lho?<
who -ire unacquainted with ill a advertiser's reputation
he desires to say, that his principal work ru book-keep
inc has passed into ten editions; thai it receive- ihn pre
fere nee in the New-York Public School- und other large
i?.-titutt-ins ; and that he, himself, has the honor of being!
re-appointed teacher of book keeping for the '? Mcreuntib
Library Association" of this city. Prospoctuses; with
terms, may by had at the counting rooms aa above.
jig lm*_
derriguod begs leave respectfully to invite the alien
liou of sau captains merchant*, and ?ll others interested
in the navigation of boat- and vessels, to his nowly in
vented Life Boat.
These Life Boils are made upon an uniirely different
principle from ihos-1. now in use. Thay are warranted t"
b?: every way adapted to the purpose lor which they are
desicned, and can be furnished for nearly one half the
expense of what is irrnieu " Francis' Life Bouts.'"
Those foeling interested on thin subject *rc invited to
call at the establishment of the undersigned,No. 4tifi Wa?
ter slreet, und examine for themselves.
Jtj" There is one now building, winch the public are
invited to examine as fhe work jir.>eres?es. if
jjATl?:."v-r ?.'s je.-fan; ar oTb. a.a.ria,.'?^
scriber would invite the atte-iition of the public to hit
stock of ?? GREENOUGH'S PATENT LAMPS," which
from their beauty und superior qualities, are destined lr
supersede ;dl other- now iu u?e. The oil which ia burned
in them is a chemical preparation, very clean in its proper
tijs, and gives a very bril'iaHt and eoaomic d iori.t. Tb<
BHrniug Fluid is a portable light, '., ee from all smoke
smell, or grease, and will neither soil nor stain; Commot
Lamps can be altered.at a trilling expeuso, to burn tiit
tluid. The subscriber is kindly permitted i-j refer n> sonii
of our most respectable families, who ure now usin/ ti:
saicle. J. C HOOKER) 4M Broadway",
between Grand and Bronmo ?t?.
N. B. There It no dancer of ex; losiou iu :thi:r one ul
diese articles; ?<'1\ ir
?l i\NE FO KJD'M IMTH-.^'r l-HpRoVHI)
produce n he?llh> -t/t? of the System, l>\ Friction, wiih
,ut tw.' n-k tearing the skin, as all the < r liucry llor.-.
Hair Gloves are liable 11 i".
The great value >f the Horse ILir Renovator j
therapeutic agent, when applied to ihn human bo s.:
now too well known to every one who has paid the Ih .-i
itt i tion lo thi importance of a healthy action of iiie -kiii
to require farther comment
For sale by Ii B. SANDS St <7<? , -7:t Uroudway, i r?i
Chsmber nt. granite buildiiiif. |20 tl
I* til Hi it il I. A .TS V OH '~ Th.^-L-ral com
plaint of the quality of Lamp Oil for family use, ha*
induced the siiii-crib'-r to open ami ollice io the Heehanica I
Lnmp Depot of Mr. Diucoti, il-TT Broadwa) for the sale ot
an article of refined Sperm Oil. prepared by an iniprov*
process, and under his persoi il superintendence, wh.c
for purity and brtllianc|'of light will be found io unti th?
crishes uu I we'rii toe patrouage of every p'r-.iii usins it.
3 unpb -i ma) be seen of various qualities a-,.! prices at th<
office, wheraorders will be promptly executed, cither foi
family u>u or the trade, on the most reasonable term?
Orders fur Brooklyn will bo received at the Refinery, th?
Chapel ?r is- Bri.l/.' si. KDW'sRD DOYLE.
d2S if Agent for the I'iwon (li! R.-f'oiery
| )K1 I A I 4 iV.%*R.K.--f:o'"-",i.,- ri'..o- t.,.v.
l> a ereit varietv of TAUNTON, DIXON Si SONS
TV? and Coffee Urns, Tea Set?, ?fce. loj^eiher witli a cuf
plete as;^rtme?it ?' common Britannia nn<i Block Tu?
Ware, which they olTer ot extremch Io* prices,wholcsah
and retnil. ELISHA KNIGHT .v -ON,
jl lm* 98 John-*lreet,bctweeaClilTand Pearlsu.
N. P. ? \i-.i P^tfit ('nt-rti piiin.: :< superior article.
ALi.TioPi: i.< \ aT?7
HOAV:often it is said of oar friends wh-in tliey ar.
supposed incurable from Cousiimptiou, when Sle-r
man's I^ozenges would cure them in n few week.- Th
Rev. Darius Anthony ?kI ihe K-\ uu Sircetei
have both beta cured of Consumption by them. Th?
Rev. Dr. Eastmond cud the I ev. 31 ? i: i ? n. k have a U*
witnese*d their woadcrful ?fTects i.. ? ..? Consumption
Colds, C c!.ri-, VVhooping Coughs, a i. v.u. dtc. Mr ita
der, 46 Chatham-street. Jtm Grunt, 4j ina-slreiet, hav*
aL'o used them; and kao:vn mcuy caj? - -'.iLre they ^uri^j
Within the b<-: year, over
have brr.ii reported cuied by Sherman's ''-ash Lozenges
bfisidrs cirej innumerable throughout the country tan
have not been reported.
and many grown people suffer for life wiih various
ea-e> sri-ine from Worms The only sure and'cttrlaii
rem? dy for a:! kinds of Worin is Sherm .u*.< Worm L< z I
enrss. They have cu?ed ?:nce tn.-:.- .i oUuetion ui^r.
ir.?n 1,400 000 CASE?-.
mild have never b<*en known to fuil in a ?tn?le iu?'.ance.
of the Heart relieved m from 5 to 10 minutes ny Z *r i n
Shei.ian's Lozenees. Iiis really surprising no - quici
tber operate. Individuals of the h'.eiiesi re?pcctabd:t. j
can be referred to.
-;rpiin in t'rie Hack, sides, breast, or it'.r^maiun:, cure
bv Sherman's Poor Man's Plaste:; price only 12? cent*
sold a year cf them, and warranted s'up'.rtor to a!! otbc
Plasters, :ost what they msy. They also care Corn
craw jpe ikem out by the ro^u. Ask f.-r S:-.erman's Po<.
Mac's Plist^r. -;ud *w that his Signatare; thus,
with directioas, is on the back of each, and Aroufl'. p,r
box of tn^ *cnuii;e Loze?<;e-. Avoid all other* as tn?5
are worthless, or else injurious. Dr-Sberiaan \?tv^
Medicate! Lozec?-; ManuiV.cturcr ir America; "ts wa
house i- at 106 Nassau-sire t. one doer above Ann--tr. ?
N.Y. No. B Sute-street, Boston, and 29 Sooth Tbtrc.
?treet. Philadelphia, are brancbe< ot ^'"^J-?- .
?shme?. Agents in this city-UO^d 2. j ^h*;,'''
East Broadway, 188 Dowery. 221 Bleecker. ?Dadsoi
an.< 86 W?lia? street* ; in Brooklyn at 58 ^ I
F *ay. corner of John street, No. 5 =ecoud 5tor> .
?21 cteod
A L* C T I O N S a L E S.
BY 8. DKjlPKB, Jr.
S'.jrt 54 ?iV.Vtaarn-.<-r>e<;:. oj--.-?? pf" Pi&i^irZC
On TUESDAY. Feb. I v. 10 o'clock,
at the A action K' em,
Packacb Sale.?Peremptory saicof H *le?y, Gloves,
Pla.d Ginghams, unbleached Lineas, Thread Laces, A.c.
Ac ?; 6 raoLthi credit, for approved endorsed co;r??Con?
sisting ?f
13 cares ladies aad g?mV colored, white ?ad black Cot?
ton Gloves.
47 ca>*s German Cotton Hose.
3 do Plaid Viingham?-.
17 do Unbleacr.ed Linea?.
5 do Blue b at.k Velvet?.
3i) cartoons German Thread Laces ?f new pattcra*, coai
{?ri?ia?T ta>* iiarsisoroi aswornoente?'erotfentxin?mo< it) .
20 cases sniperior Gold and Linen Tapes.
5 do iierman Yellow Nanheeus, narrow -u-3 * ide.
Catalogues and samples ou morning of sale
A f PRIVATE SALE?100pieces 4 4. 5 1 and6 t white
and red Canton Matting.
J o 11 a b Richard*. A u c J : o i. e e r .
SY S.4 \1. i*. RIPH.4BD? A PI. ATI .
Store Ho" Srocihou\.
At 6r o'clock, at the auction rocm,
Ay extensive and valuable Law Library.
ThirtT-tif>.h New-Yovk Trad** SnUr.
TUESDAY, Marc i 22d;
Agreeably to the regulations, the next regular Ira le
?ale of book*. Writing and Printing Papers, Stationery,
Stereotype Plate*. Leather. Arc will be commenced ou
Tuesday, the22d of March r.<*\:. It -*iil be continued
under the direction of the Committee, and under the ?sine
regulations ns heretofore
Invoices should be furtiL* ,'d by the first o'l February,
when the cstalogue* *tl| be put to prc?s.
Cs?h ad ranees will be made on recneipt of goods; ami
sales will be guaranteed aud cashed when required;
is\ ROS A3, t;i SiJ.^v .
Stobe KW.Bkcsdway?New-Y? rk ' onc Ivo? it
IVI O 1'K' hi.?Tho suhscrib t. .?? ndu li g the Gene
Is Auction and Commission busiaess, having assi . i. ?? t
himself with JACOBS ARCULARIUS thcbiisi eVawHI
ta'Tuture be couductrd under the firm of R1ELI r- VB
BV < >RDER of \shl. v Sampson, Esq.,
otic of the Supreme Court Commissioners residing hi
the County of Monroe. \ot:ce i* ln-reliy that an at?
tachment iia? :?>!ied a:rnm?t tin e?uti-.?f Martin K. Sibley
as a rion-resident Dt4)tor, on;due proof to him pursuant u>
the direction* of rite statute concerning attachments against
absconding, concealetl and non*rt'sideiit Debtors; and that
the same will i>e sold for the payment of his debts unless In?
appear and discharg-> the said attachment according lev*
within nine nionthsfrom die first publh atton of this not i ? ;
and that the payment ofnny debts one to bun by residents
of this State, ami the delivery to b:tn or for Iii* use of any
property w ithin this State belonging to him. and die tran?
ie: of any such property bv him, are forbidden bv iaw and
are void' Dated Rochester. October 13, 1841.
.1. I). HUSBANDS, of R?chest? r,
"If Iaw9m Attorney for Attaching Cn diior>.
BV OR I) ER of Gr?ve l.awrnwv. |.s,j..
n Supreme four: Commissioner, residing at Svra
i-ti*e. in the County of <hiondntxa, Notice :? heivby given
pursuant to the statute; authorizing attachments against the
estate.;otTabswh?lnigi"cdiieeajexl and non-resident debtors,
that an attachment has been issuer! by tbesnid Commission! r
<i.'a!u*r the estate of Paul Chace. oi Fnbius, in ?tesaid
county, a? .m absconding debtor, and dint the same will be
sold tor the payment ofnis debt?, utile*? :he*aii! pnul Choice
return and discharge the said attachment within three
months from the first publication ol tin* notice, anil that the
payment ot any debt am! the delivery of any property to
the Sald'-dehtbr or for Jiis use, and tlie transfer of any pro*
nertv bv bun for anv'purp>?e whatever, are forbidden bv
(aw and are void. Dated, the ?Ith day ofuVovenilierj 1841. .
n9 law3iu Attorney for Attaching Creditors.
V nKDF.R <?f the Hoil Michael I I
;iTer, first Jurtge of the Court of Common Pleas
for the City and County of New-York, notice ft hereby
given pursuant to the provisions of die statute liutlwrizlng;
attachments against non-resident debtor*, ?bat an attach?
ment ha* issued against the . ?tute c>t' William Fawcett. ?
resi lent ot London, in the Kingdom of Great Britain; and
that the ?utiie will I?- sold for the payment of !-.i* debts, mi?
le** he appear and discharge stich attachment according to
law within nine months after the tit*t puhllcntjpii ol this no?
tice, and that pavment of any debt* due :?> hiui by residents
of this State, antl the delivery to hhn or for his use of any
property within this State belonging to bint; and die traiis
icr.oTany such pr?pertv- by him are forbidden: by law iml
are void Dated. 16th September, 1841.
sis law9m AttorneyTor Attacl?n? Creditors;
V ORDER of John iVT. \To\\ex, Esq.,
Supreme Court Commissioner in ami tor the County
nt'Wayne, nonce i? hereby given, pursuant to the provis?
ion*: of the ?taiute authorizing attachments against hon-resi1
dent debtors, tfmtan attachment has issued ag.I the es?
tate of Philip Slack; Jr.; a resident of die State ol < thio, and
that the same will be sold for the payment of bis debts, un?
less be appear and dlscharg-*1 Buch uttacUn.t i.'ding *? ?
Inw within nine months from ihc firsi publica?oii '>t' this
notice, ami that the pavment of anv debt and die deli very Of"
any property belonging to said debtor lo him er for bi* use
anil the transfer of"any property by him for an) puqvose
whatever; are forbidden by law and are vriid;
Dated Ji. 20, 1841. WILLIAM CLARK, dr.,
jy7 law9m Attorney tor Attaching Creditors.
BV ORDER of 'riiom.t- J. Oakley,
one of the Justices of tbe.Superior Court of the City
of New-York, notice i? hereby given, pursuant to the provi
uis of- the statute authorisingiittachnients ogainsi non-re?
sident debtors, that an nttiichinent has Issued against the es
tat. ot' William lt. Stanley, a resident-df-the Stnteof Soufh
Carolina, ami that die sinne will besohl for the payment "t
hi* deia<. unless be appear and discharge such altBchineiii
accorrling to law, wiunn nine months from the first publica?
tion ot'ibis notice; and that the payment of any delits due
to bim by residents of this State, juiu the ilelivi ry to him or
for hi* ii*?', of any property within this State belonging to
him and the. transfer of any such property by him are for?
bidden bv law, and are void. Dated 8th day of September;
18-11. W M. S. SEARS,
o^i law9m Attorney (brattnehing Creditor.
? \ ORDER <?1" NTatitan K. 11 all Baq.
a } First Judge of Erie County Courts, notice is herebi
given tliiit an attachment has issued against 'lie estate of
Ceorge.Mile*,./r.ami \rtbur ?dward.S'non-re.?idt>n.f debtors;
ami that tin- same will lie sold for the'paymeni of their debts;
unless they appear and ilbcharge such iitt.'iciuneni accords
in"" to lav* within nine inontlis:trom the first piibHcntion oi
this notice; ami thai the payment of. any debts ?lue to llieni
by residenL* of tin* State, .,mi th- delivery u< them for their
Use -if any property within this State belongiag to them,
and the transfer ot' anv such pr?pertv t>v tbem, are forbid?
den by law and are void. SETH i ILYWLEY.
aii l'l.t.vfhn Attorney for Attaching Creditor,
j> V ORDER of Gl^irles .1- IfulberL Eso~
I i Supreme Court Coinmisi>ioner, notice is herehv giwn,
pursuant to die provision* ol the statute. auUiorisiiig in lach
menu against noii-resident 'leblOrs, that an ntiacbnienl ha?
issaeilVagarr?t ?ie ??Uite Ol John Hi.Hen, Jr. a r.Sidem oi
South'pon hi the Territory "t' Wi*^?iwin; t dd thai the same
w.ll I..- sold for the payment Ol bisOebt-, unless he appear
ami di?cliarge such attachment, according law, within
nine months from tie' lir?t publication of tin'? i.j'.tjee; and
that the payment ot'anv dents ?lue tu lern by rC?dents of
tln? State, and tbe-delivery to hiinorfor his usev ofany pro? ?
perty w ithin tins State, belonging :" bun, ami tbetraiisfer ol
anv property bv bihl are forbidden by law, ami fire void.
Dated the 2>tth day of November, 1841; D. If. MARSH;
il6 lawOm Attqi ney for Attaching. Creditor.
y\' ORDER of Hon. Frcrlerick V. Ste
_)) veil*. Judge <?!' die Erie County ' 'Ourts, < tounsellor of
the Supreme.Court, Notice is hereby:given-tliai .01 attach?
ment has issued against the:estate ot.Jra Jolinsfin, iion-resi
d>-tit debtor, and that the same will be sold tor the pnymeiil
of his debts, unltrvi lie appear ami discbarge sncK;attuch>
ment,.accordingit? law, within nfi>? months froni the first
publication of this notice; and that the paymeni of ar.y
debt and the dehver>" of any property belonging to -uci.
debtor: to him or to his nv, and the transfer01: anv property
bv bitn for anv purpo*e whatever.are Ibrbidden by law and
ire void; Dated die 2hit day of': December; 1841.
jail lawtim Attoriiey'forAttaching Creditor,
X P?RSl AiVCE of an Onleroftlfe^Sur
rogate of the County of New-York, Notice .i)! herel;y .?
given to ail r^ersohs having rlahns against David Reeve, late
of the City of New*York, carpenter, deceived, i. present
tiie same with the vouchers thereoi l??> die subsi riber. Henry
U. Bolster, Sn. <:;i Fourth street, City of New-York,
m or before the second day of July next.
Dated New-York, the twenty-eishui day of December,
A. D. 1841. CATHARINE REEVE, administratrix.
d2S) lawiims HENRY 15. Bnl.sTKH. Adm'mistrator;
TN PURSUANCE of an ?rder ..f tin- Sur
JL rogate of die County of New-York, Notice ;- hereby
c':ven o ail persona havingicliums against Cathariwi Mclfe
ran, late ot' tie; City of New-York, widow, decease i, to;,re
-ent ti.e same, with the voucher* thereof to the sobscriber,at
the office of his Attorney, William IE Hrvlges, No. ?? Church
street, in the City of New-York, on or bet?re tiie Ec/ht
teenth dav of Juiv
Date.1 NeV.-Yofk. lit..- thirteenth dav of Fehn; irv; bJ42.
a! i law6m ANDREW ANDERSON, Administrator.
N PIRSI \.\CK of ;i!iOn|eroii!ieSiir
ro-.'ate of tiie Conhty of New-York, Notice
given to ail persons haviog claims against Richard
vrv, late of the Citv of New-York, Aucuotwer. >.e.--.i?' ?i. .0
;.re?ent the sanie widi the voucher.uVrwf'v- ""?'
at ber resi.bnce. No. ^ Spnn-str.:-r.'? | "
York, or, or before the eighth day ot Apn ?????^
Date.1 NVw.York, {:.e tourth da'- '^ "..'... ' /, ,V,' '
o? law8m MARY HALSEY, j I ? ' ^
^ , , '?<- an insolvent from his debts, pursuant to
? 1 '.-sei:.!.'' ?>. ; " j n , r,t- (i. thefittl
cha:>:er ot the secont. pa. t o. 1 ^. n? oom
ILES.?Persons afflicted with this pain?
ful and disagreeable complaint can have a re-rnianen!
\t\.l lasting cure guarar.te.-.i by applying at No. 6 and a ball
Harr-.*:u. street, near Hu'-!*.- :;. Also. Asthma, Dypepsia, St
Vitus' Dance. Drops'.-. Sore? and Ulcers, of recent or long
?tan.iiny. Office hoJr* from 0 o'clock, A. M. to I, and from
2u.5R_M._ jaJ2 I;;
> T low.?The snbscriber .- -? U ag ? - ": ' ' ?
?did and silver lever, anchor. f-*cape:nenr, i-pine and verge
Watches, Diamond Rir.e*. Pin*. <??>!?: Pencils, Keys. k& at
retaih lower tfiau at anv other place ill the city. ( Goid
Watches ?< low a* 30 to 40 dollars eacm W atches and Jew ?
r\r.- exchanged or bought.
?U watend warrariti-.t to keep good tim- or the ::. ???? ??
r-tun.ed. G, C. ALLEN
Importer >a Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and ?? 1 ?? I ???
W?l street, Up iUira. usu L ',.

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