OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, June 15, 1842, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1842-06-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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Ii pabllahed r?rrT mora.nr, at No. Jr. Aon
.VJNK t ?.N T5 pei week, a,,,^ ,,,,?? Xw0 t rtlU._
MA I ?>ul^<iri.rr? At pel m Hum. ?ii*.? e, aad Ihr {.?per
n, a., raw rT..,onue.f bryead the um* r,,r ?bJch 11 1? paid
>yti- iTiptiww kwu lor .?ai Monllla.
Term* al A.UrrtVai*.... Pnr IW ., Advert), -nwi.t of
1 r n ?????... ,e?. ....... . tl f,,,, ,^.t,,.?. s?j <??,..
??'?? lor ra i. ?ul,?ri(oent lliHTllon. ifi "
do. (nr BIX insert"*... or one wrrk. tl 50 "
on. "<rTWr.NT\ KIVK oe-r- ,?,?.,*j St) "
Uui|f. r Ad>rni.riMa.t. at equally ?aWJtalda ratet.
Murr ?k?, Keti|(K.?a and ? uneraj Not.ce?. not rireedine
8?r 11?, ?"> c rat? ^
1 " Ttw ?KKKIY TKIBINr.a.ervlarce paper 1. r
|i-t.nimrT,t? puM.died every Matiir.tay BK.rning, at the
low pr . ?? 01 ft pe, anaum. in advance. *
fareigarr* TReir IwlrrfereBr* ,? ihr l.e
ktfl.it Jon ef Ihr < ??iintn.
/ . t*r Ed*/a ..r ra* JValnw
'PuWagMtia," ?y| a in'?t ? ? ? ? Tat Hm..Ii
*m iii?tori?ii, ?? wer* perms tgiaaarr roaataatl) presrat
tat <o re?i.|e in ?ther,., IMJ, k*g WTOag ' fr?. and la-rvrr'.
Weit r?.imi?.i feoai im,?, am Tfcey are bold aad per
aar aheri ha Um [oniaanni In latlag aad a RUwnMihein
ar. l a law wa? pn??e.i nmk i v ?elM. wle-.r a nK..|e?t tue
it rapital lor ii.?m to mrij.'e ririin w<-ol.| n???r l.at* ti e
lata kaa wwraebtwaol Iba j.e... a.?ui?m a t? a star.? 1 intir.
pie.'" [from M.?*l?.r-.>. 'in rs/ o.fc
l.'lbt Ihr Tariff, ?rr 'f'l'i'inr
fir Mmi 2>
f?.. >*.. . xtia.1? alii- ll I hll\C ?HM pl.irr.l in
ja?ta aaaitiaa extnoii a sltSkiag ceatraal iRMwaaa
the ?t?te of ibJagi which Misled rimon^ ihe rr.?.?r
enli^hli-neil mil l?nral nation of aiUbtoitj a?"l
tl..a arktak aaiaii at tin* time ia dm own cotta
try. In reference t.. af?i- ..?itin-t, I beg leave
kriaft) io apeak, aad I uaal I ikall do to with
prepef daaaraaa. Taa toMiftioaeeol Foreigner*,
(aj aka h barai I auras ttfieat, aad mi other*,) who
kB' ? tnkf :. np tlw?n i. inj ,,i ji > roai.il are ninuar n?
euli tu, hrABataaa ti kathiMag eiitrea*, in th?- !??
c tiatioa *e. l pakKe aalanr ot ihiacoaDtry, liaaleng
I? ii kaaraa aad ftlt. Eapeciall) aai thia ?bo
eaae la r ?|? t In that |eeat measure nf bumanity
aatl jaaiice taa htnktMM Law. I at?crt, aiih?
mil aVar af coatradi tum. tlmi the dogged and mi
aet apaloai apptiajUaa front tbi? cky, wbii I. at mure
tli in our pertad. Im le fait loldaal l?reaer tue linji. *
aaa praapaata ?! ikwa aaea ol nur eountrrnien,
pr im eil, ,| raainlt Irom.l?c ngtttea id Fureigner*.
ladl abjea at leaf ik taa cwaee al katnaiiiij did tri?
uirp-h, aad tMeaiaaa area pror batroetl to the rap irre,
adbt amaag bi avrt at ittU tapetttii mnl vjftntmt
m lim "rtTf'ig /A. hin-ii.? tttttt tmme FortitmrrtI
Bat, not to ealarga fartbi r apoa iln? tunici l< f mo
come at once to atiotln i ?ubjeel in ?liii Ii the pro.'
peiiu of tbe eoontrj mnl the daareal iatere*!* ? fa
lai?o porti.in ot der oara citi/i aa are nail !'??? deep
rj uiTolreo lhao in the former: I refer tu a I'ao
t?. im I a it i a r. It i? NaPtili nuc?irv to n
aaurk Ikal tbe ioAereal if ike I ureign \\ intilaetur
er prompt, tum (q ileeire, had aalt free admia*lon ;
fiat I i? cood* into ihe pott a mt than country, i ut al?n
tin uaal aaaikilatiua of tin- laame pnalaeer. Tue
Aaeni bete la the atero ??. be of tin- M inofa 'turer
aktaad, akaoaaadle* aad farm are aa tbebrraik
to hit no-ttil?. Aceordia|lj noted Idm ?ttatnitig I
every treeaa ta iprtad ib" apeciiaw I"" fatal iheo
rie* of Vi ri Triiii'. The p iltlie. print* are *ol> I
?laUaad mnl ika fntntaiaa of a pular inetrai lion am
?mmpohteaod. Palaeiaanei ireanfully preaeoteil,
aattcaaaiaglj dVvunil ami deceptive nt^iini'-tit?
are laamu ii i.-. tu Im wil'i. r im.l in a lead ihr public
miad. Mut tbi? i. not ii I VVidi a per*everaoce that
ksaaPI no n'at. c mgreai ia laakthnrvd arith memo
riul?, petition* ami documt au. Xoihinji that ran
ba ePwi ted by tlie neratmal attend*. in Wa?h
melon tt hraiTI-ttrrH reprreenmtive* i< left un?
done. In tiie Ini.r nn_ i. < | y.i ii n i. ->| i.nd. iit?
'? HaQ Bia ImiI.I and peraevi n r. and will thru*I
?aaataerrea akaaa a m*akaai Aataekaa would aot
liiaa?? ilie- Bawafaaee to enter." Now, whih" I would
i-xpn *? tatt laaiaallfied ii1?nppiadjati*>n ?>i il.e tare
gaiaaiy aaaga aa the Athenian*, elrvadj referred
aa, I aiauld ia all awiMaaaaaa aabmii two i|uea!idna
fot iba eaaaialeratlooai allpartiea: Kir-t, wheth*
at 'lie rotea of a Faweigjaer, who comes amuag ua
adtk ike ?n!e parpaae of aaaiehia| ;< com pete mi)
a- apeedita as poaMibte, aad, kavatii done *o, of
turtum: I. . back afaaa aa luawvai, i< eatttkd to be
iM'iinl in IBM ball* ?f CottflCai < qUAllj ?i'li llml of
an \Miitn *n ClTlXBP ' .inil, leoaadh/, whethet a
little BBora tnoil. <t\ lim it baa kaea ihcii wont to
prnct. woiiM aatkelier heed me these tame For*
J,,,, . > /.,?/ tt Htntt Ltttgtttt, Agricultural So*
eaeAb ?. JaViBaai'i*' Atattriati <??. </? / /<> ihr
PVteatfs of Atatriemt htfattry tkrovgtoitt tkt
f 'mintiy.
1 I The Aiaicricnw Laharerapubliahedon llie
fir?t .lay at tvery ?mUA. The Ant aamber ?a> pabibhed
m \p ii la.t. Tin- whtda woth i? t-1?- taweptated bt Iwelva
aaahsca Tka-ashaae, ahaa caatpletrd, wiM kona a com
ie-n.iiiiiiioiinoraiaiii.il ssaasetsd wbh lbs afgrttaltarr,
BjaaVaaw .tit,, afVadttwad Paaiwtir*tt tin- Iaattd >m?ri
n a 11?. Ahn. to b* foaad m >.ny vohame.
Tat i*i ?n ?> LkBaai * ?ill BBkmaad laatataaa Hi* ihv
Be) oi taaaaraghag ami BMHfaaghy aha h gataihia Bar at
awAwhaaeat wol graaria m oar pea any id aew or yet we
hht heaaehMai ladarry, au.ii a? itie CaHura *d s ik. die
Mmml*. Hire ol wlMte*rr tnLrir-oi BfOSl, t'"ll?>n. Ima, he.
mm lie iieee??arv lor Hi* ?npply "' ob? "?n want* and to
Metre aad peim. i aw twwpttaJtara. It wil draiiwatratr
lli.ll the true and panBOOCat WAirrnll nl ?11, lint e?pTi*lly
"f the Aeririilliital and ?..ikn; ChMMt nnner?allv, w ill
In oiiallil.ly and atyaatt) ptaaaaed by BdwWUng and carry
n aal the Prot.-, toe Poll. v. and ll.at the W at'e? "I Lahor,
the average prireid il? PrOdafti ind tlie a-cr> ^'.ite Pro.turt
ol the Nat onal ln.lu?lrv. will Im- ?iirelv and larsily en
haarod Batawhy. tothaet, iMa aatth i? taaraded la tana a
romplete teit hook Inr t'.e Aieadl ol Prole.-n.in, and a tho- j
rotiyh ret'tii?tion at erery point, of the parole too* fallacies ]
put forth hv Ihr loreiL'n and milgaMod Amrm-ari Bpologkai
|..r tl.e |v.1 ey oi one .nl. I PitC TloAt.
Tm tMtan ?> LABoaaa will bt pahttaaed taeaihly m a
lar^-e iK ta?o lorni. each inimtier oaaMhaag lhirtV-1* olarce
dciahlorolaaiapage**ol ckwrlyprlw)*?^aMil*r, Rarhnam
hei w n .-..main nee yrun s[.>h, IvrVirt. "r ?her i ..nvin
rlaB dorum. i t.and a . ir.rlv ol ?h.-rier mil. In*. The woik
will I..im one complete and . aaptWaWWtVe VOhaOW Oi .11
Bags and la i par,., aa,| will lie albrdl I 10 RflgR Mtwefi
htiatwi lavBRTV-eivi om. each, ihrraeopha lor Two
Dollar?, Baa ? aghr*, lor Thrr* Hollar*, nil* rop >? fmt K rr
|?AJRt, / i Payawm R rewahad a advance, m aB ra?ea
Th* lo*e*t pratRdaprice baabeeo Baad Is orderUial B*clr
cahaioa may i<e leadand aaiveraal, a\waM th* work re
(, ?.- the approhat nu M itie puhln .
I r Tin- July aamhei adl ba read) '?r stAtvary on the
tratdwywi Rat Bwaah. I nr Ast I, May tad Jun* numtwr*
mav anil t* praaareak Tim kdhrwht] an. the
i ?ti? MomslaraastTi (RdittarwJ] .t'u;r v.
It .Ms MtiBTiaaToa't IRaiKB^Rdaotwi).?rj
III. ? Taa Obbat Qeatnos ot Pastcttion, stc^Rd "7
rV..Tai 11.*? too .n?\?(C?< awauj.?a
V..AtReBoi rat Tiass^Rdanriai)..M
XI TBS TaBlH^Al W ??h.m.ii>n? tl orie.|?.ii,|i i? , i .,
VII., I hi. tit sm* at II ?ii iMiMki
\iii Bet-axnor Ma HvsTtaa.ro?.it*toi.a
l.\ ,Paoarctrtat raa^Taaarr (L'attaayoadrase).. Ita
llawie lailunr) t'anveaiiea.
AlTr.mmn [OaaRi * I hwa pogt ?
ABT, i Im.ii foil..*, Ac. with 5:at:?uc? i""t' IB to 103
L.Tobacoo, w in Stat>?;i.?.HJBto RR
. L.tRiAaa, wnh BtatMic*.ISBBt M
L.Baot ins Li itmks Bi?i^?-?, w.iii sna
ion. v. .Ii? to HT
I. .*?i uta. with Mal ?t,i?.HIT to IM
o ? seci a Rasi rat Ttata, with rttaBatk*. RA to RR
i T..t ?i-iai r Pvaarrvai . iw
l..Rpscta. toy
,h' battai araan*?< -^wkwiij . Ii?
l*- AaTKt.ta paying ?i lalfrm ?,?, rtprci
Bt RwRw . tin
II..flu a?[By Ma J*c?jiraa]. lie
IS. .flatTiatica ?m.win^- tnr aetrreirate
niuounl .?? WooA, ToBAicO.Rki Cot
ion aa I *ti..?* ran..ta',. I ?i,|l|
HL.RVATismt ^i.....nR aw Mgtegwii
amount I . <s ft,UaaM.t,and ethei
fluM plirrMld, nun,Int. ol \|, N ril).
pkite.i and t antai. iaaaated ia u,< r
fcstta.. .-.?..in ,? ||2
U..T*sirr*oi k..*iiu?. n*u..n? ,,, . m
ij. T*?i t or lit i n? os teraccat .IMta 1M
adasaaaMf. IM
n..CeVBTSBvaikiasO*jTtaa. na
It..Dcacairrtan m Piaroa? m Ui* I mte.i
!?late??iWlall-IM ?i. lit
I?. .Aaol tti'i lan.s Manu ai tuie.l n tlie t S. 117
. ?..Co*i. Rataao iu the f. B.?i*i*ti?l .?) .. 117
?'i Awecai ol Baica and araoi ti .-..
budt. WooosB Itutraaa, a .nr m iik
Zi. IvM \ i : i.s.s. 1 . .yitahi.r ,k. . Bun k.
ami Li?11 Manuiu. lined 111 llie i Ill
M,.A*tOVai U HlTt, I ?r? and B.issi --
Manuiactored a ihr Palled Mate?. II*
P.wi Ma?t. r? are a obnr I n. t. n .1 BBlOe) ?nharnp.
No. M Aaati New-Tortk
VOL. II. l-f*.
Eiwrepnl ?Jawvewliww -Thcairirnl Kew
New CI?? I'nprr Pickpocket-..
Cr.rre*p-?i.*enrr r>| Rat Tritnjne.
BuHui, Jon? 11. IS4X
Thi? hu? l?een ftmiltOISBIJ week natonc the
Fpiecopeltans. 'J h< taaeal Coanartoa af th*
Pi .,.?.? of Maw at Ii leetu usembled on vVwaWs*
day morning ai Trinity Cbattrh. \ large aaaaher
'if rlerfMnon and lay drl?gfllBB, fr> m <lif.-r. fit
parti "f tb" romamRwc-alth, aere in atv?a<bjBpe.
Tbe veneiabJe. Bishop (iai?v? oi r> pissltM. The
bxwaaeaa of the Caaatuittea being msnratkiil Cot
Divioe Sere ice, raoraiag t rayt r ?n. r.-Hil by I(e\
Mr. CUade, assisted by Rae. Mr. Lambert, Taa
Ceaweetiea Beeaatw waa ptaaehnl bi Rev. s. I nl
h r of %aaVwer. Ii n?. ? pfatrtbtal and aktem? i
forrrrn.-iil of tba duty of ih.'( huirh to labor for 1
lha ?prrn<l of thr- Goapel fa avetj pmt of the ;
world, riie oaaaaianiaa ?m- then adudaisMied
b\ the Bubiop, assisted bj Re?. M???i?. \?at-.>n
ana (. UaaVa.
Mter Divine seraioe, lie Hoard of M1-.100? I
pie?e..t.-.| ibeif |{. j...rf: from which it appeared,
tint a debt of |t00, the begiaaJag of tbe year, !
and the appcopciatieii* lot the \<rar, aa.atiag t<.
akawl |!,SO0, iia.l all beaa paid foam itie- eoatui
ba i "I Hi" r hatches, lea visa; the Boaid miem
bainww d.
Ia the aAaraaaa, Rae. Isaac B n/le, D. D., was '
i.-< |. rt.-.l treaaararal lbs leoaveatioa; miJ Bee.
I Btt jag, D. 11 . Koe. Mo?.-. | M, I laik,
John IVeart, aad ( hartes Mosua, ol tbe clergy,
ir,.| Hon. Robert ( . vYiotlnvp, VViliiam Apple*
ion. aad B. Howard, Ksajra. "i the laity, were
'ho.i n il?o. to tba 0 s?e ral < lonvtmtioa. 1 be
reiaoiader *f tbe aftaraaon ?a? occopied la the
readiag ol lbs paroahial mpmia, which were ol
an eacouragiag chat achtt
Ob I aufudaay Muralagilm Committee war upaaod
with aaoraiaa, proper by lha Rev. I. IV. liaow.
Tba 1W. II. \\ Loo ..t gprtagbeld ap*
poiated prsaobir hoc lbs ?>? ?t Convention, und
Iba Rev, \. ||. Viatoa, id Beaton, sakatitata. 1
taa subject ot Missiusn v?:i? then taken up, awl
after ceesidoratioa il was voted t.liaue the I
Ali?- ?oiii? kTwsea, and thai all mom.-., wbetbet
fat lorciga ? IXnw.'ttic aperntiena, ba received
and disbursed by theta. lbs I h .<???- >wa* rbea I
divided, ?a Missionary purposes, haw i .m .h
irici.. in oeder that the ?"U nun be dnas more 1
ill. ientlj i),,.,!-. t ...
Ine aahjcrt ol sppxdnling sn assiskaat ha lbs
Bialiap Wim brought for ward, bat i In l.'oaicoiiua
voted it?elf perfectly satisfied with the bibubm ,,t
wrrviee which that reaetable Prelakn, rtotwitk*
*tandin| bis advanced at-e, t? embhad ta reader,
anil thai lhure was nuneed of appointiag ., helper.
B- - ol... ihe ofleial na ??niin? ot the I. oaveiM bat,
liters w< re other aecvicea ot an interesting ebarao
?er. i in ruesday afteroooa, the H<-\. Dr. Milanr,
<?l New*1 nrl., i>i1,.*.I an sble diseoarse la Grth s
Church) aad la the eeeaiag Iba Bee. Dr. Ka-t
bum, ot New-York, pi ear bed from Eph. i?. IS,
<ii vVedaosday ntoradiag, al ei^iit a'tariak, ?
ineetine \vn- Held nl St Paui'? Chapal, ill wlorh
nddre??ev were made by the lto\ I'r. Btoae, ot
H.blyn, \. \ . and tba Rev. Hakan of Iowa.
ii, VVedneaclay ovrninit ? aieetahig ?a? held al
llraee Churrh, in aid ol the MaMarbusaati Board
ii Missioan The Rev. Mr. Mason, s-i-retarv al
the li.>anl. lend a Report : after arhiek addaaaswi
id n deeply interesling cbaractsi were made by
the Rev, .Mi. Leo ol Smngfald, und tbe Rev.
Dr. Kastburfl of .New-Vorl.. Ihe latter .poke
with |reat ehwpience of the Liturgy, n< eoatairdng
the g-wpel in ita i'nib ?ml muity, ami nrjui?,
iipoa his hretliien the duty of extendiec ^ know,
ledge id ita dwetrioet and discipliaa. tin rimr?
daj moraing, u deeply mtarestiag meeting, in Im>
half at* the Genaail Bimrd of FoeelgB Mis?tims,
waa held al lbs ('Impel ??! SI. IViPi Church.
Addrastea were laada ky Rev, I>m. Mitnnt nml
Ivi-ilmrn of New*York, aad riguroai tneasarri
adopted to procura aa aecassioa "I foadi bsr for?
eign operation*. In lha aAereooa ? termaa ara?
praaebed ia St. Faol't ky Rev. I?r. Stoaa of
maakJya, N. V.. sml in the avwriag aaataei
tweeting for aaaalaaary patpasas are* baM, si
which the Rev. Drs. klilnm aod Vaoghn, of New* 1
\..rk, ina.le nhl.' ami eloqaeal a.l<lie??e?
TheConveatiofl i? inid to hive been ibe largest
evri bald m ih'1 Si tte, an.I the BMettagl were all
pcif.t'lv banaaaiaaa. The anaadanoc of tin
ciergyasea from New*York added mock to tbe ia*
?eresl of the ia i ailaa
Last nicht there wn? quite a row at tba Tre*
mont Thaatre. It originated ia * aersaaal qaar*
ie| between Jehasen nn.l Field, two of the n- tst.
?it the Th. ntie So\? i;ii davi iijo. ihoj bad a
brutal acarUe, nml Johnson published n Card,
wkieb induced kis frieadi to appear !??t evening
and than thek dlsapprobalioa al Field kj (.i-'ine
ami siampiag w beaa eat he oame upon the ?tafe.
He Mtempted to beal ihe difficulty I j explanati mis,
but witboal laccas*. Ce;t.?. applet xnd eci-?
were tlnvuii upon the Mage, bat aa great harm
arai doae to aay kod1y,oftbe merit* ..t the aaarrel,
ii* it regards either party< I know nothing, Bad
ihe public will doubdeas can less.
It i. a ii.l thai MtM of ihe ar.l. nl lUppottt r? ol
Mr. Clay lor the Presid*ocy are taking measures
to establish m thi* rJty, a new ps|mt t.. ba de?
voted to ih* advocacy ot in* riHim*.
I In. rity nnd the routet leading to il ore new
ioCssted Whb pickpockets. Ifsstri'daj rnoraiitg
two gt nth men from Maiblehead were rifled .i
ikaif po. ket books, aaa sf wbiobooataiard *r,0'':
ami on Tharsdaj a geathaaaa had tb>- ?k-.it of In*
coat, whickooahaiaedhit pocket hook. . ut rdf al
the WoeoastBf Railroad depot.
VN'c um attpericaciag to day mm af tkosa niddaa
aad severe clwrrgeB ia?daat to aar clhaata. \i ?
t play wa* .hat'und ?ultry ; MMhaj atagj b -dy i? 1
ibirarirsgwak oald, aad aeajenaaM aad 'ire- .
? ? ? spensab . I i ?on Iort. Kr? ILO
INCREDIBLE?Bllt *t is true.?Bar?;Hiu*
a* Um Lsillti' Bplll straw IbbbiIs, sew aad haaaa*
ml_Vi cent* W * <li?ll*' m U?Mrv B?kFK, Vhaalsr tt,
|4doan nwm Qmmhir.) tab day epsas marral fre?h cssrt
?>l rkeWI rhrSkaMl BeaiMtt, at abo?e price-. Ttawe wi.o
weaM buv, inual net delay. Such leaatM at ?u.-h price*
,-miiM>t remain laag on ban). 'el l-tir
I i i '.i i .er I.*-, lot ^ bees aoemtwaed M ai i< Aa the
pobiic i i hli a nuwiiwia tret i lrcsw*t*WM*r*haTaraaagr*l 1
. ut ii at. an i be i?.?. boat aecawdiy, waoen i . %rr\ .-?
to thsas arho, fbi waat ol tirae or saparienee, taaj reqalrr
h.? aid. He enahl j? le-i?l?e any c?ru|?>?n.i.ii m pn??- nr ,
?.-r-e. w.ib.n the aogl Sf hh talent. ntliSCtlag which,
anil hi* tharacar. rat ata lory redrseama wlB he gltea, A
n >te i l.lre???^l lo \.v, ...ta. '?? .il i?--. .?e pevni|.| an . c nt;
dertml alleiitbw at IhnoBk-e. .'r'' lw
jja^RElNCIi AM? Ml SIC. No- I"l Kd?t
r Broadwav.?MAD.tMB 011X19. a aa?vs Praan
rreentry ainve.| m th? . .unt-v, i"-g* ir**e ta Irdbna
fie waehBaaM ol Baa Brwsdsray and t? > rkaky that
. , iwtru.l? yauui: i?.lie* :n tl?r Frrnrh lnf'u*i;e. Il -
Pa o.aad Fase) wnrh.ai bei own reabWacr,aaa woohl
ai-.'i;i?e afpWpriraa arwwu OO ? raumatlt re ?u. Ri rr
en e? and teeni? made km *n en aj pl.cat.oti a* atairr.?
Bif iLlt?RY ?O?U? below tust, at
if J. ?I Maiden Ijine.-Tlie .ul-M-ntx-r lia?ii>i; rr! . qrush*
?T: the ni !:*:? Im?.new and tenaite.1 tit "food* fit an !<**
Ii >ad??iiv to tt Maiden Lane. n..w offer, to ?eil hi? entire 1
amek_ci?i*i*t'ar SI Rwor.l?. Belts *t*?he?, Bp*uleite?. '
I ace. Buimu?, Plume.. Mj-b Iv Rj"-. V k - ?
PaikWS makiag umloims oSrrer* ruu pp n? them--l?e?, ot
^..parrbaang to ?eil again w.u do wiV
('LOTHINO, ? Chatham streeL?Per
j warn la araot of good Cbahiar aad w i.hinr t-. ??>r ,
He il..?e hard im.e?. would.b? well lu rail M W II LMM
:mI m\. ...? 4. ,rr- \ ,. .i< cbatliam ?u-\ <? :
aeha nach a -eadv raade < kaj rag, '??t -rr purchawng
?hwwheie a? he .? .?rllconvnceit th?t thrv will m-t ilupute
?he pnre J?-' s'"'
PATKNT Iniproveil I'ortahlc Shower
B?lh?, Bathing Tub. and II p Bath*. ft rOSSt RWJ
man BW raard ;-r .-r.. WlBeared c*:den KagMe* and
Syriag*. ba n *01 big plami. k. **?! ??*>? rdtcbnd in r*?e?
? tin Maneaactared aad *oM by
'H I in- >*M Ml I.L AM". -?; .\a*?wj ?sreei
Or, Pnocipl*. of a Tm? Orgaaixat.on of So'.rtT
' .r^T~.n' *f **? '?'?aan ?i ?\.fi?'f f m tKm' >.f
, Hu T ,).?-r AiU caj ;,. , I. aae*-M*t, ** A. (.?!??<?".
, tUnAn.rt. 7C /^'.w?-//..fr,,.
l.erlnre. \ Lector* ? .. ? d*g**otd Ti ? t>e.
fm"- Jura- IB, at the Lector* Hall pi Hie PoBBIBB
tariam,411 Broadwi. ?- ?-r ?? ? ?
arlerlpl**j| aVaaoeaatiMorertb* ro-trnini i?nt*ieii 1?.??
ImM*. ..r -v.:,:, wt:irfc grata merer* f*f*.l\ i WBBMN
?ratem of I.ober, mr Orgnni* alien ml In
V> pnrt "I tno tn?vharii?n ot Aaaoraatiea i? BWBTi
imra-otnn* *lian it* ?\.tom ?f \ mtnIT, ntvl tJ*Sj who
with to ? ,,.'er*t**>d o.jr |t..rtrtnr aboeld h*vr a
clear aBOB *af ihr * hg trii/v t raf t bo ?iro .a? Mad
ScfaBB,?1MB irreao? ny wi.,.-n Jjihot will be ft?
der-d attractim. \\? a110ii he r.m. i**- Ifi our
? aplnnation*. I? jt we will . r,-|. a\-T bd ? ?
mmmtW, 'tr tin- BBBMtMBB ??( Indu.tiv. ' BJ MBBBTJ tu
human health awl pby?: -?l d??. ; ipn cnt : Man
'??n take eaeiclae in bjoatfa z. I ?hing, riding, Ar .
it i? true, hm thai air oo apaclimm with abash !'>it
little thought Mad ?ocnce arc i BMBaB tod : ? b .th lt4
which bo rentier* in addition |a mere SBBIri
BMBfCtaM in ord-r t? enjoy rtfaaj ),ta!th ntul full
plrnivrt. TIm' panoftl '! I- I'i 't* are in them
*.-lv** (aleaeiag and dedehtfu!; the tanManjaiea
with ?Ii the If irtttfal ?<'t,f>* and creation* of
Natnti',?\? ith Irr mitern. Iinatitre* atul har?
monic*. Ulrike chord* in th?* ?.?nl that thrill ?ith
delight In the occupation* of I nd'.Mr r, all tl?e
Sri. tu-..*,?'Vmn'p.. f i' M nr- ii tgv.\' '??
BTti nl*o nen *?*ir. ,ind iti nl.r.l.on, ih-rp and aclue
ihoaght; th i* the body ? eBf>iehatNj, :h' retaaea nir
doligbletl, Bad tin- ikiihI i? a?-livf. Mut., in enjiiy
haMasiaaaaa Baad li'-alth, tnn*t d<*\olr llrflBBenf IB lB>
.In.irv.?'nit in parr nee ir \* itV> pleMawBe, it mu?t la* ,
reBtlered Ittbuctitb.
To laaadea ladBatM) AMiBBtlie ia tlin cn-a; prar
licaal objert fiB ?i...ii mmj uro UbBVaBff, nnd the
?wi'tn ine 'ii .ni.? nrwt Sori?1* i? th?- tr.rnna by j
\h'rh k?attain tin' iinpoeMuM 'Mul. v,e tea lion' i
im re-??ry it m In h aWa*BHni it. We ?luill tir*t j
give tkri de id.r in ioVa iMsrale ol tbat praMtMBtl i
? 'i '?tt'n ii'iti ?l ihe fimai|aa and Beriea( ao tlntt he
mav aee i-xnctlv hnw l.nL'.i ?i'l -m? rvti iaril, und
eeery pertoo will I.- paid fin bl mark. We will
afteramnia eaplaia tin ii full [iniiiBnlBB
Hiii lam .\.i-m.ul 1 .aal ?< *t oi aaadnalry hare been
lievieednd eaiahliahed on th? l.aitli. Hie bral
l< the S/>irr ?mmttm, wMHi mal<<-? rue "I ibe
aad nthtrr poniahrBetMi i? fofca Maa latoJt' tho I
other i< Iba ayrdeai at Hir*)t\ Labor, m Laabaf i"t
\\ .i".-*, wbieh araakea naa of Waat, Star- Mioa aad
Vnxii'ly for tin- l?MaaM tu ntt.iin lim *nnio BMal
lloth ajatafiM BIB t\ dfaa^raea to die pulitirul und
leg! la tire _i-nim af M?n. and ballt ?Ir^mdi- BBaj
nppraaa tha LauMarlag Ma?-, arbo cottuaoae tin
r11:11..i jiv i.i MaajhaBaJ. Otaa awaraa toriiiri-* th-.
Be b,? aha .Mb-r iIm> mind and arHaara i\<r aaaal
arllh ucciiniulnteil nnaie;ie*j to imp**! man lo it
I low loiitrriiptihle Hrp our pijttii-al errtrtTrrvrr?tr.
?I m ii it oonal ituiionnl triaialkiea, mid lino enia aad
-'imIIhw I? our DeaiOCIWey, wlatVa in"?\ie? of tin
iajaetiee nnd oppraaaioa thai wei?h down tbe I
i'nn ntul ttanenoVal Ma**, aeai nnd rawaaaareawaaa
no IiikImt Libert] limn ibt Right lo votf, or
i|iialit\ mt Right bi aVwa the I.w . Tba (l^enMleBJ
laf Kurujio nrr in :i frightful rendition, had the '
Working Cbaiarit wllb a* nr** pliitirins Bsarattataj
into the laane ?lum, u? faal h* uat baMwaaa "f
|ai[iBBMMM r.in rare* tbaai,
T/baaki to the tirnii* of Ion, irr. n Syateai
?f Labor, <>r ii bow Organitatton ol lndn?ir\. i?
diieiwerad, whioh will digaif) Latot in.1, readoi
it boaarable and eureactive, nnd which in *?> doirlg
will free the Pariah, th?- s n\.-. the Seef and ih.
Hired Laa>orer, nnd mnke of ibeta badaaaew*ba*l
und latalHcaal bahiga. In nanpariaaa with what
it will do fir the roal Ubarrj nnd Eleaatiaa of
Mir,, nil the work* and ptatlag roniri.MT'iea of.
Politician. *itik into in*igaioi anre.
Thr more fOMMnirlloa or BneeheaieBi of ihn
(troopi nnd Seriei i? aiiiaaaiilji -impln, and it
wi n! I not .in thai thoy could piodii m tka im*
porliikt IBMBitM which wo hBlh i|iBlr from thr tu ;
hut wbew ?e conic to crpl.iiti httar ibehr full
proprrtic*. it w ill h*1 ?oan to ?lint glBMI rc*u!|a
tln v will lead. Oa lookiag nt the m mlirt*. 1, 'J.
I, l. "?. 7, 8, ?. wh ? would aappoae tb-- prt>
fonndnat calrnl.ition* of tniithnmatical KiaMBB
coaM In- derleed from them ' flraal eifaajti are ',
often praduced bj ilrapla ngaata.
We wiah fltBI to ibow th it tin- ijati ? of Qruaai
nnd Setio? will gire to etrarj paraea?1 lw Ibe
prinfiU of Iii? or ln-r Labot . Sd. Tin tier choice of
larttiBBlloaa: 3d. I IsoanwiaB frnai nil tahtdlean to '
other indi\idii.-il.?.?MMth Bl I.mnlorr-r*. iKonpni..
rathiBBMata. Btt PtMcticaJ MrindM BrM daaita fcat '
to h..\\ llgNB erd? whi h ?r>* tba lotBBlvBtJoB of
real Liberia, can he attnincd.
Wo expln ned in nir la*t irticl" the nionni'ir ot
t|ic term (iroup, and Set tirou;1*. \ Group
Ll ii number of |m"r*.?na?aevn. twelve. Rfteea or '
ritoro?niitti d tn?>'th. r for thr p'irjn.j>t..-e.
ctt'np anv hninch of Agrkuhuie, Slainrnct .?? -
and Mechanic*, or Art und S -ience.?lorMilag aa
iodel't'inbwl bod] or corporation. auli|e,-| |o no
raaMnl or dictntior.?ninkine tla'ir own RegB
bttioaa and By*Lawa,?and aloetiag the m.o.t
akiltful nnd active aa CtfFiccr* The men der* I f
nfiioup r.rr npni aid u*oi iatcd part tier*, who
coaihine for the nnrp.>?c of app'ytng their Luh. r
aad Skill in a jodicloBI miriner. atid ?<> at to pro
diice the mo?t pOeilhbi and who divide the pfW .
.hu t af their LaJaoi mim! Skill bmbmbj tboMtaarlwM
iccording to joM arid BI|BMablB law*, each re- ,
cciviiig hi* patt of the |BMBiaJ pimlurt accord;:if
to the time which ha ha* worked, and according
to the inReiee aduah hit Skiil, Taieal or Rapa
t ience ha> rendered.
Some of th,% IMB which unite prr?on? in a t ir.*ir>
,,-r?fi?!ltiC* of ftiendjliip?dcirc af BBBMatshk
tnofit?taitc fjr i:? lareBfMtioB : there are rarioo*
other*, which will explain later .MnU a lil
BBtMralfa lik< tire .y.tetn of QfBMBM when once
e*taioi?hr?l. he. au-1' he i< a ?m-iai U'irc. he?*nit*e
he diaiike* t.< he or to work a lot"-. ta*cau*e hi*
*ivial fee!in?a will find *ati?factioii in them, end
liBCBMBB mt >'an apply hi* BflaarU bo much latt--r
.nl..intagc. Boom aajeotate, wh.?m" ?.eil* arc
?mppe*l up in dollar* and cent*, in CJicla*iTc ,
?einahoe** and pstaaaal VflMMJ, will carinim that
ti es wiah to work attMha. Lai tiien da aa aaj
da not wi?h Id iltaturH them : we addn*** nur**!??'?
to true HaaMBritT.
The niemberf id an A**ociatien ai!l join ?ucii
(iro.ip* a* ibaj ?i?h. participate in all their pri.i
icec a;.,i receive their ?liare of the praa**tt?a Bj
I hi* aeraaa, constant Employment ani the fttit
f their L inor wiii h*' cu?r*nteed to all.
? OiV. IUWE 14V, lwli\
WTKI'? \ place bi I aieo,capable
Won**) *a plain BOoh ? f ti 0 p?*?.>tk. An; t ?'
vd v. j? 14 .1
r ANTED??ooil Proti -r nnr Si ? . its
*aaa> MM raja**, raaaShfc ai fl rt? ? Ml -
??I ? iy rrlrreai.-.. ?( Cit\ ?>*?'?. 7h>CatMl ?tr?
barge. jrMSl*
tNTED?By a yoHMg nan of an
'(Ue t.'.l line V>IVWI'. ? u'n 1? .all- .
anner i i ?? --? vt b* am .. j a-??i aay taaat T
pi. im tp- jv city oaVe, JS i mala. ?: I ?
\\ WTKH?A young man i- Pi Uiei
hl ra?!i nil, he r. ,aire.i Ihr MM* MB r i-reM. A t ? t> r al *9
l.lM-nvu. -li
\NTED?Tenor twciir active, in
Irll vent men to pr.iri.re ?uU?. r am
117 for tbr ponalar pnaadacab nt tkm dal Mt-a?.:- Im
her a rr.ja.v I n tear I oc ta I ! u -.r? i - ? -1. - ? wil - ; ?
terred. Ho I r*i***>m erwdepely. Pod itHrd re*tlmr*wal?
?: rhaiaitri eilt im rtnatred.
BR.tDBf'R, rwrOErta.Ce ir* Naaran ?I N V
iell mt I W BChOOl B. BcMM.
\\ ANTED?\ jroung woman (Protrs
* e la' 11 nbeaadeOBaad* ?"<??? v i.li M an.! n
nr. I- .an ? ? ? N aff la moki herwlf m ro a ft ly
a mo in In tr..m rtte ? f. (t I" Hat I? ?'. ir? a naBath, nit
i <ar b4 .i m alattahh ? imimm by Bppt) > - ? > M? -. i.n-n
nan, 'Hr.*.i ar> t Barr? ,?,,??. ?? w? ?H-t
ami EM Broadj... Refrrrore? rrrj -..i rB lw?
BUAROING?(Jowl Ro?ms with Be>artl
ran lie lud WBtie Btttl OB arnl |>lr-..-n t Un-i
era, by applrlaarta tbe ?WharrfWi n Nm it K-.i- Mrert, a
? . .... ..I nl B la ara I? \\ lit OLM IK '<
I><?\i;iHNi,._\ FehhI} . top-hi- with
j) j Etat mi fir <?. iitlenirii. ran tw'a.-,- un ..Miitr-I ill1
tfeOOMS, with or without Breabfasl and
H Tea, at 114 l.iavWeet,at*a -
OARDING?Two geatlemen and their
? ?e? --an t? i ni.ini ? .it. il arint alMBaBl parlor,
an-l board at M <"l '1 ?trrrt. Al~- l?" Dttareoi . I - ?
lirni'-n. mt- il
|>< I iRDlN(r.?Mr*. J.Vt ilflnn bes? leave
I j> ? ...... ri tbn
IM ? a* * ? aaoved n> ikrlit ck boddlntJ Ti ann '? i Catbl i U* '
tali ante No, I Itoarnr-trTvrt, ?ben ..mbi-if.aatnatarei
an... ..-.p.ium? Boardert bi ti? .1 , aaraadt.mabt
ttort eeaaaooBie leroaa, Tbe HMMbva la* rrry i.i
tatioa,aod evary attaatlo* pant u. ??.?n.i..rt anu tnaieab
(Ma. aiyll i ni
,E \sANT R(M>Mb, withf^o.1 bo-vd,
ned to auidjlai it i'ai
(M 'M.v >\ ith or wnhiMit Breakfasl sad.
T'-a. al Iii l..rn,ard ?trri'l. .1 iVoOl ?8MB)Bj|t
in a tOWll fMllll lie I
e^ur S M.K?Forty Knaptmcks and H?
I Cartridrr Bnxe. nearly oew, India etei
Obafoe aa*. will m add mj iboaa laMbaat ltd*aBbr*.
layM loH
PI\\t? FORTE I <H. SALE ?A first
mm bMranMO*, Mart* bo**, i.v a Aral-ran aadbrr,
3] be m>iu loa i..r ra-ii ai u (iiiu rwurr, earner in Mad ?
?.n-.lrrrt. aJS Inf
I>ALM LE \l' H \TS ? .1)0 doa. Palm
Leal Har*,**ior1*d anldiea lanaae eery llaal jf ?!<
a ., Pak a. up na - DI NH im v ..Ht t ?.
an it Im Moote and S Pi.i?.
tirrn-r ut mr. Howard Intraam i Ci <
Nrw.y. as, Mav ntb, i MB I
HE Pret4dent a\od Disextors ha?f tliii
day derMiad a BiikWM of mom p,,r cant ipe* ibi
- - . apilal .t n k. t"i tbe la?i .it nvinili?. payable m and
iBerlbrJRil b*i LBWIB PHILLIP?. H v ml ? .m
MOTELS, Stiyaaaboats and Families
?u-.pii.id witb ltkmi oaeaata M n a iH Otbce^MBI
Prart-atiert Waletina pba aa wppbed eitb Cnwka. Wall
rr?. Cliauii?imaid?. and in.llr ami Mmal? .rr.ani? M ?II
kinda._ [Ml la
JOHN MrCM.K ?V CO.'S InteHwiict!
lin.fla.aaSaaraa.si. Rtrr.Kr.aiiF? linn. M II Hi n
.1.H.II. Ir-inrt. Ra?. W Ir.in-r. I'r-t. Rr.;? rk 11 ii
X' r.? ForMRfMMl Fitaad cheap Cloth
J.T a bay,call at R. bPPLK rOWB i a*ta Tail ae Ei
lafcaaabajeot, 'mi t*>andaaeeet, aon er id iMnmey mrlt .
tit ALL'S END Newcastle Coal, now
rt dmcbnr; air, <d tery Mia>rmr naality, aad for tab
m baa to ?alt porcbaaer*, bt WARD b BRn?\K.
i~3 til WaabbwrbMi at. tot. nt Lnkibi
Hiyden'S pKBbiHm Peaa.?A Siieer
Medal on* awawaed 3. Heyden Ihr bia " 1.
rM I'm." in mm atnarbmn bMiiuir at hi u?t Par. Tb.
bmeenaaem ha?.- ;?iTrn Ihem Hie Prrfi renrr. and lb* heal
arriiuntanl. ami n.any nf thr puldir im(ilnt-nn. will aae an
nih.r I'.-nv Tiiry ii*?r iu.iiv ebtaba .1 the bliebt d rape te?
non, ami an- nut .urpa?*ed hfeaaavled by any in the n intrt
rba Inmle ate aappntd M tii? Maaalaetaiei'i prieeahy tlir
?4pratj J. k p HATOBN,? Pban-^irrei
AMataaMa mr I Mnaaafi Bcbmal ami Coeni nn-ti ? -? I ?
Star.ds i.u'lrt
?llrel, tat Ott al It-it n.*n ?.ret. S. I'tlrr lia- upriml
a la^rr a-el oeortM laaoenoem m l*.i ?Mnarv aiai
CMIdernaT (J.mrr BooM and Bbm .. ..f ihr i Bi tl] - ?.
in r*ri? ?anety--a -~i maiei M *n* wnrkmaaablp. ^ a
Met/a and Vi.iui. . II.b t. aad Bboea, arhjch are adfeted ai
aaacca eaartaaaodbai * m tbe tbnea
N.B. Oi at.irv NeteBamM ?applied bj th>- eaat nt rloaea
M BbF bwaaat BNaam mvli?U
rtlRUNKS, Improved \ali*e?i. Carpel
I Ban*, Uni r?' and droMtmen'iWaatMmad Ttarrraaa
Traabi aad Hat Rn*.? ti?> Men 'i*?t? Pack nt Ti ? .?.
mann:*, t ired and Car tab at pnre? uiirmpiiaillaa ?nn lbs
lime., al Y. II NODI \R'B Vr ? k It-; Ore,
a . k .tr-el. n.rn. r Bi Ben My. ? * '
i.M\t v FEiRT?r \ i PappTrT?
I ?? t\ POM ? Mil BB MS Bread a . .
tetelitd a aptamlbl aaaortmenl mt erenrh feiharaied Pi -
da de < !a?dt| <b> d-> N.Pa|?r: da l> * ? or Board*, ? r
riaeaaMm -m Mel* Bnrefop**,nil
?I k H lia.r Jl~i .n etten.ne n??..runi tit i 1 PVllaaairi ,
?ta- ma ry, v*. v . k..
BE U A IM III I L ni foBP Heidth _|):.
r aaabaib'i ttrh-e it aoa \i* Baairy, 1 .? t
moved tln-a He rr.lt|..|? In? feiet.'-, le- rvn'u
twfat* ami hui?.wrt*. ?i?. arc ae. .m> a* ikaceiee Mat aa
w*r\ Rrmrtnbei l>i BraadretaVi OBVa .? .tl. tan tit
Bnwerv. mi in ha*
BOVS1 ClotOMMJ !?rhildren*' Clothing
k ?erv MaB t*aatMBMt-??an ?'.?l nualu ?>>-r
rheap?Pen, t Hoyt b Co. Mo. It Bowery, woakl reipert
lallv inform their jialroiHi anil Hie puhl c uenrrally. mat
ib. ?? harr igamheapaad?aBcatenae*perpatal mt ir;i.<
apr i % and mmmet tra.'.a . an-l l.<?r BOB M i.an.t a 11 I.
hrfljef amoraaaral oi B">?' ami Chihtraa*1 I knl
gm? eeer be knee bate had. Tbe nebbe ere hrWiad io ad
an feapn.me their geodl arRb parwrajar reRneacean iual.is
ami C* 1 enna .-a?b. a* Bat'
ONi; PRICE store.?-Il I- (reneralij
known that ?.?in*-t .-.-k. eper? *>k fcabM tb* pTME*
the Brtkctr ? ?orrt.i tberefoe* any rarrao* wfabiae lo par
rhar jrood rbran rhhinc rat fir tt Y ?>*, <?< ibSmd abk
trlleba at the f iBiiarlny price* ??Tnetl !:?:;..??' I k
ra M ... BSj ' -tb i.*nt. SSi, io B* V. ??t ??? : t
f I - . te. %i vi l i nii.a Kf.l i i., i .-.
HAIR COLORINOT?JfPi Maha woiilii
inform i!h.^ at? u?ed bbj rele'iraied ft Menu- mt
T\ rr, be i bonokaj red or irre* IIa ir In .1 |*rn.a:irnt Mown
or Idark, ti.al ?r ha? tetu.ne.t t-. ho old -uinI, Ho, W l>
ihm Min I. a bur* he aaVrvMbt aatbafe*ol M tent*, ?
crom aad RI. Tbh Hair P). km bee* baaRlonae. and
m ?er aBed toRiee eaBee?ai IaBMfcaa. Tbn*a dnaldina **
-*.??-. ? il la- rra* iv ronaiacrd by rail Ma} at the *k .?
ulare aad il M trial tt i J arr not mlldkrll, tbe m-ne? wn
be lifamMM. -I lm'
*.*. Mi Pe*r! ?t. uupojibt Cedar.?E. IIOV BT maa
0l*?lyr'? ai. I a.-ep. r..- ahaBtty M haml en rv drarnpMMi
ni Tr?te.lea and nebieg r-.n.?>. I arpet R?S". ka.iaea,
he. ?I wlxilesile and retail, Cmtf (ui Ott "t app-. red
paper. a.* in.
BOYS ind ? s cloth.
I NO, e:ti -r at ah. .-^|r or ret? I at OULHiX'-i new
t loiliia.' Miore, No in t bath M -irerj, cheap ?? -tie cheap
e.t ?n-l ?< rio.l a? the '.I.at ran b* IMM M i"T i thtt
part i* the nt? |etSm*
OERSONS TK W ET.IN0 -re remiml
I it I Ba r E> ilen* \
*j M* den iane. ha.r ana a rninpn le ??aurtrienl at Urn
Prr?ar.? r?. Br.t. tad Jacbela*ait ? j-lirf>n?, ?iaj.- pdbtwa, i
a-r kea* a-nl pillow*, water pmo' mil ami p^-t>. mt I i *
in i**d p*a4*,orer^berawbe be. Order* tor e**ty .-t
rM :n tt.e fin. . T'-rute.l wrta :?watotneat
HORJkCB H. OkY, ?ac e??,r t..
-it Beabot) i R ' Ma any
L< 1ST- i ?n Batkwday, the I Ith metattt.
in me CRy Hall, a ooail n?miir *l*peaank r aoaaMs
an *?a.jr,inM?nt of udi.-nieat, ami ramli* Utbjt paprtt -l ??
e?e toanr one bin RaiUWMr. Tbe f der * II r- n'r' a ?*.
??r bv leavmr tbe um- at ihe*-tn - n tlw ?ni.^nl?-if
it hin o. ?"t r. all na I Lao > Cba
jeI4 Rra __
OUST,KEEPERS' Haa-darare, Cade
_ _ ry fc.- kr ?Tue ?oh?*r.l?rr. are laoririi jj ire.n?up
.?lira. ?"m! h*?e roortantl> ?u band a M taMrVBeM of
MmM '?ff;?-.' Haedware. meli a? eomnr* a- . ?> a
Kniveaaad Pork, m Jncle doten. or o-t?. am: jaMtaw ?
mecra Abo, I'* Ira. s V> T'J K' 11 rl ?.
I ..fT.-e MUM, !*h- ret* aiel Totia:?. Holbmaare, br.. he . .ill
ol whirb the* oder at market mvei.
atj .1 ii-tlliiKN a. I IT I LB .1 P
/ COLLECTIONS on nil purts of the
1'niie.l *:a'e? maoe on the mr.' ;a,n. tbl* n n.?
raEASi'Bt NOTEB i?.jcI t ?l the ?m> l market rate*
DRAPTS a im be I - ?- ? il
* J STLVBBTBM*S .. M reel.
II amt . a' Broavtway.
it hole wo.
I/IN ?? I in" ln?iirancW'X<'i>i|>anT of N.
i V -iHU-e V .JR Wl I? i -Wl i '.| Imij
eawaegs bv fl-e 'mV gwrtdgag henna ??'?re. r'urn'Tnre
t,?..'. in.' . r .r_ ? . n Mfl MM property geenaR*, on
** lawiraMr |rrin a* an? ???her off. -
I'lKKi |.?k
< . ? T *n. '" i n ?? ! .: . J.d.n T. ?taer.
Jnka imm, laWnrgw fnawse**, B. B. nnt?,
Pred a Pi It, P. Lw?foBB.*, <?'-' <"^trat?-.
II.? IS . ' i M \ ??. ? ? lane L Pu:t.
i beat , \ ... V. ,.. ? I if ?i ? ?. r M. Bti. a a all.
! m.H' . .. Wm. a. r. Pa . it W. Co :.
B f? **k ..i u, m I.. M I >.. J.innev.n,
R. P*gg. J.I Mailar, Jawhee Jone?,
?. W.Tn.ten. tan.Vaal - k. Rda* R an L
Tl.-. n? kaWbaay, Darnel l_ tirm . Wilneai II. T orn.
ciia*.LFS TdWR p- .
II 'May I iTT. B, <-f?a? ?.
aJ6 Ja Rk'.??o P. n ... Parayar.
?B ? Bf \ a M n all ?. Tina
i ? on) vi? ? Ma .?.1. ivndk* i ?., aneeaga na :<??? nr da**.
i^.- ? ?? i;,, a.. i In ?: .. i? 11 o?*
I) Rl rTfVRS
H .? lUi??.' \. K I .. . ?, (Vi w l,a*'r*nre.
' PI rRpa iv.r *i aaiCraaca, M rab Battfjnia.
i ha Rnrraaaa, B I. w.? -v. Nathane! Weed,
it \, nil- aa aTa Raahha,
I ? M ?? ?> B- i.-.-a ' - l> Wn Bt,
i - i' II -i- .1. ? i M I r., mi (ftfimm,
II ? <; i r. ii i? BKS, p-<- . >l
La a aPifitLiri Bermare. <at
tV.f FKR8?N l\si k rpfCECompRRT.
tf _\... r ? mi t, rnrnrrol Itaiawrr-antl. ria
? i* rontkaaecn naer* ?.?*'r-?i Imam aasBBM '>ySr?
I ? .?? s'ir ?iivrrk.intl.fr> teneialiv . a Ian.
aavrnaak an1 irenra ifniaal km nr ?'?mar?- hy nlana
>.i? ,ai a.oaa* i orabh inm? a. a v i.iher >.?'? ?r.
I iW. 1 ' -hi, c. Memtt,
I ? . I B It ' W -??? rj. krr, Thotn-jn P> re.
?t . i: R ? ?o, p, i a ? P Saga, hRaa n Lra,
H Ii i? El . Jeaw* R> MRhaSB,
\ . Bahrr, Wot. K. P >rn. J??ti? P. Monrr.
Mattiall rf nin. Janiv II. V>|;it ri|f. BaaaMl l'uilrrl. II.
? ? ph A ? I laph drake,
flrn. T. Hatrr, Se, rriar\ I **l U
l i i \l INrtl k \m r.._o,i Dwall
ine II ajM . iml Parnil if* eni?, amfati r, tun,eti io
\. i Ii r ll< il -r HOI di K B Ml TL' \l IR
>i it ax B < IIMPANY, 1MB?* M WaB tu, tnt WpflMhag
ot 0"i ng Hi aaaa ami ParniuHW Irota Baal
? laanrca ami Mar. baraflaa,
I. . arvfl h na/n mat iliiH'.f ill the l'vea*. iiieurre.l in Rai
i aaii e.. ??! ineui inee, an ine ;..uii "i tie homing of aalua
I *lnr? ? an.I , ,w>ly 'joru'*,
ThJaincn arathi raamaeol BaaMaaca hi Rat haanaaM
? -. in ' a II prm ' IJ ?? ?> re hhaol the ?ery McBlRy inr
which in1 i>a>. aaa praaaaaaa
I ? aaa payairala <m> nreaaiaOM Ibraa I fmd, nhlrh, ai
ter pa. 1../ ? aperaam >ad aaara,reprrraBoiaBl i?v m>rip. ami
- ??u. i m the aaaan i la i'r>a> rt aa u> th* a-mum el their j
Pa . i laaaa] i? praaand i<> n.u ?? ?.*? an i<>^ or <i?'n
aeeh Brr. Owelliiig Heu*e?, nreapieil ia whole or lapari
????.?? Ii awlaahi Pal iRon and all Rkaaarhaal Pmpertv
rhepi i dwelling hoaaea. Raary aeraoo aaan
nt withlhl? C In) at MiUed hi "in' >t>le ml rarh liun
.1 ? g demtn kwavadL
IHitl ( I nit
(1 , r.Yendanrh.R ? Braaeronn. Rtephaa Cjaaaaeahaag,
i! * I llenry'Lut ?? . -.Me n. prr>h r ek Rep , ??? '.
M na II Ha P'd'h Behucbanlt, Daniel Beyamar.
I It RODtfRR-d, P ,
wyH?gal I? C TAVLOR. Berrrlary, _
\| BRCH \N I S FIRE iRBHivajictiCrir
T I ; Capital Half a M I' ,..???? M
VI Watnti n ? < aapaa? roailnaaa aa hwara agaant ana
Iranagi I Pire, laillug hoawaaarrhoaara.aadoMaai
.... ... ii p. u, a* r,handln ami hoaarboM land
lore, tad ererr drarrapthaaol pei-aial pmuerty, on BBaBa |
,. fai able ai any dmilar inMilatkm ia u.. ? iv.
iiikh roRR.
InaathaaLawrarace, RVerj K B.n;eri,
rl .ma. Bbravlgnod, I nib* ail C Ro??aire,
Jl ha \ Bbatiaa, Rjrea* favlnr.
i: .>,r 11 '. - ' .j-.,. <?l ai i (kwwta,
h if It B rntt, John I. lawrenre,
i ,| inrreaee, Charha Bagory,
.lame. It.oil. il . < ha le. V TaRjet,
WBiaaw al plna, .ia,nr? n Biaray.
UOOtgr U.i'..a>. Ataifvh flnne,
1 Jarrni I* Oiraad, .t,.?-pi, Id,.Urn,
Ha. ri M. P? I Indiaa Pooler, Jr.,
I , ., II ... k. M...<? U Urinnell,
ill rer II (i.. '..n
Ion ITH AN I. tWRRNCR, Pr. ddeat
a? M. MobLBB, Retrriary. iri*i?i
(1 \ TS Kill. M<?i NT A i N HOURS, Rl
j ih< Phwthrehaid URL? Tio? laaaaMa; aad Bah*aia
. rraaet wUI bo aaadaaawl dariag the prawat aeaaaa aw
derthrd ret ion i I ?aperifHrailaara of the aahaaribae, It
1 i.a? nn lergoae n ? n*apl?ie aad ti araagh lepair. ami ? mm
i . n ..- aw re*' i i >n at vhaaw*. fan rflmt wlB he (pared
. maintain -be ibwerrrilly hbrbi baracief ?li eh u.a. tu r?
mforr .jaij' < ?'. i? i eeeaoanre, hi tatdra *? il be lara dw?i
liat the Rew-Torl i irkrt aaa adawJ i
and ei rj inawilih ot ni.ouiliai ran aroenM* Rar caaaaaB'
rnreawlei lyiaeat ia patraai will lie (>miiiptl>. In
anwed. Tim road hradlngta rhw ratahRalinieia ami r?pe.
ebdi) ii.at part ot it oaUM woeaBRa, aaa been rtanVrrrd
I M rell. -ill... Ii il.?I salr.
m. i. f Be?eh it ??"'? riceBrat that at itagci will
ran i- l.eretomre reg.ilarl? bKWOSa the Lindlar ?ml the
Mawata i II. <>n th* arrival at Iba i...ai.
? l I .in JU'_Br V ?'? '?'?'I'netof.
'I'iii. I'A.s.-dTONld Illustrated with Dra
aa rhe paidkr f iVrw.Toih,(Rat, MthesaraaM
tatmnot a age aeathag el Ms haeada, h*>pea>aoaes ba
? . ab tfc ur?e ot three La-ctare* on the Caidawl PBa
i i ba I. in wRh ?'? moih weawa m Beaaa ami
a I Bat seati ra 11 is
The I ?' Led an ?ili take place st Rat BoeaRg Limary,
Broadway,!* Tseetsy, the fRa -t BMijeet?lat?*e, .a
haara ...... ?? ?'. r,, i., a , un! beginn bam Baaaa
,. IIa I. m .? tf* I'll ih.. I..?l. B?rn..hie lit'
i ? ? i ..??a.i.awl Ihe Lamentm Tawa, Venire Pie.?r*eS
v. r>H il Haw i >...k v..he.
I ? - .. . i Leei i a r/NI t >ke put Baa Ttaaraday, the 'f.ih
asm. Ba 1 * ay Uatred aad Rs**age, la ahn
? ?' ? I. i. rreRstinai will I." ^o.-n fraai Hamlet,
ii eki BaraOb? l^>-i Palhwk*a Oaara* *i Tim*, Caiio,
M, ? ? ?. Hi i int \ en ???. I' ?? ?' >? age, he, he.
i i. .i - i Leerare w N pi an aa Paaass*, the ltd -
-. . pel?r r \ nb 'em, .11 UeatfSlMM ST wt.irh reri
1 wIi Mi th It ? i.ir.i tu , Haan
vtii . h ???? ? m mn . 1 ?? , ??? .1 Parad w l. -t. PoRoi h ?
1.. ,r- T sab P- larnat, be
Tivketa,adi I roocpera 'totheL'oarwoflhrreLrct
ire. .. . bdht ej '. in be bail n l > Boohatorn ??! Hwara,
1. \ .|. w ir, a. Pautaw, Brnadwayj Me?ar.
la-.le, t ?all. a'ii -I" ? m> Nr-?">. eaTBH WaB au.1
W am .t...:?; a>. 1 ai Uw '.ar ..I the I aaed Walea Hotel
- . 1?. TVketa SB rent* ew-th,.*!,*?? at the .Io>>m >.r the
S..,. iv l.n.rary "ii ra n e.riiuia' " b" iura.
Li tare In eoowsrnre .it I tri Im k pnihsly, Bs? BBB>
fame iienf nn nr. ounl lg ueailier. I.II't
KEMOVAI.-The Mihstnlier BBB re?
in ,.. | im in I ?< Vkatrr ti' PaWii atr-et where Ire
.r> ng ..'I b?? Mark at ?ery rwlaced ra i r?-.-r-m,^ini' Io
part .1 Cou k asd Bsmocba B| tg*
.lo .t? Asle*
do do Nb .,1 Mail
d.i ?. .. H .? ib ji I Lamp*
?in ? ..it, rid Br b 1 .in e|
I. 1 a Robtwv 1 . .11.
Pan nt I ea SB*
I.a.-. ?? > . ng Cord
Baddb rrvca, Hogahbai
W..u| and Ima Haine?
P. 1 . B Bt ??"' "?. Wet.-.,,
Bdb, 1 kakaa, I mat L*?-k?
Baad ra, r . Tkw a-i
and *n ?rtfle? in 1! ? arb ... Rad.Rery line, be ke
1. 1 IVti B. SI'MMRRB r.t ee?i uta,?.. p.i> .reo.
TAW RF.Poln^KH lor June.?Con
j rr nt- -Cireenleaton R-riiWare; Baahraat Lawi
haparb Paaser, ?'?? rt * ? il i ?* >>i an?. I a ? it- ot the
pr party ?' i'*ni?i ipt*, m awsae aroei ??. ? dweaawd with
i'.e u-jal akagta ?ad dlwiasdsoaaaal that b'aratd Jarkat,
J 1 ,. -1. ?. . W a-.- igtaaa B i vk >. "ihuitrft I u.u.l RjM
? Ii ? ? I) _? K kI .I. fa--, labriltgeaer and Mi?
? rRan) Bankrupt, in Ma'ne, inrlurtin;? all wl*i bare pe
e ileetan Baokrapla 1 Mam' a;. H Ma> Mb,
. aaawhw IJR Baafcrapw hi Man ar bawd* eaa.
1 . i.agUw .,???.., prtitasaer* Baas Asrd a*h
May J* i- v ? I' ; at *a iMrattiary Rwttor*
The LuM ' H. ?ropU kl R*w-Tor* will he r ?i u-aed in
, 4 lilt MJill KS -"DI N . < "
127 Xawaa-a New-T'aa. and m Beboal *t- Biiawa,
A 1. tiooeer.
?v . . II pranklin, Auctioneer
Ft iK s\I.K IT AtWlONe?WUltRBg
ti y ti EBOAT.Jam
?I laCL wIto'.k at she MeerkaaBP Bschaage, all aaa
" (|. .- wiib tie- Lattol Onoad laMswaata hahaBR
, . th-irnrthwew < easT otlhs wwtt Asvaassad
irvh areei TW II i?" ?entragebeiR,arnaadeakanw
I . , . ..1 mn l.'t.oi ilrouid. e*'-h ab feetwi.le
|,v lOU *el i).e>. Tt.er.- 1 a jriaul Strahle intbe rear <a Uie
11 .... , the aria a !.*** le-et, ?et not wiu,
tree* A -"??! pan'P"' eaeellenl water near rhe door.
1 ? iputab** t"rnr..wiu tie astaaaaaaat in! and
....... aaOO Ih* dar ..f .ale.
Rl : j- Ik" par' nia,?. anijy to
??.-?' I.r . UM')'.I- I' -.1 ar. a' Law,
BW/S! t I2J Ba, Its C .erry-^ree-. >. J.
TO I'MNTKKS?To Painters.?Cheap
. .n a-r? pan Amencaa R hit* Lead;
IW a-.. . to 10
?<a .|n .10 Rnflidi I 1;
....1 aa Para <;->-en; .
Bl Chi .'ire lirren. ' ' '
a. Mur pr tT. BB Piaai asMt ?*'?'"~''r\
Htrtlw* ? Healer,
, rail th- ron*m ?? "**~-~?.~
\t .penor trtmotmatnmm wmm,
? ? I.? baale ami "????" *Z 2
.... pejaai aa aag.ssRae BAaahaiarPa
i;rnMi\IV -aad F\SHH?V
i . . .?? i..rahlr Hat- war-ante.i lar
lj:r-:. ??-'t'.
. * P.l*2anl tum ?mt bn-k i^nrrr 'r, tot Mf
klar. . ??, w in I"- awwe H*wlb*theprw-r?an
' ! w rblI.ic? V
-..rner 01 Tiaxnpaon.
VT l!...f .,, ?.| i ??-n.-r.44rm. njVO^ToA?J*?
? . > Ii, i;..h .r?i,e.: tka al- >>r lu.wiw??. bet le??*
10 emrro the ruioV il at lire* ria.r n.?i* *reBnc'OMr?.? fat
n-> eieine dad* a. MfOI II i I - k IB llie '?" ?"*??. 'nwi
?Vmk nv live New Y?.k Mid k t Km It * ' a ?I ihrtlrOf*
???> tri ?? fo" od *?!h i^,?. Mil h. ?Im*? tbey ? II
?ell at m? aOOWf Depot ?t 0V r.-.!uo?.l |m-h.e .?I Kl??* Ceata
par quart
I'l e? a -? - ? - < r.CRBdJB OBd
III i I i K Mil R. whir*. ? OF had M ? MonrM 4? tee*.
Tie not? rrrraii.ii. rv.lalw* far .u>..ajr'l.rn. oder for their
M . ? .. i" > . n-M reaped,
all? ?.vi., led to .-eh an-1 lun.i r MMfel im*-l?e?.
T Ullhkl CO.
N h ?Tbl ibawe - ?ta! M - rsl ? ara r< . .in , iram
?nVka-a in ihr ??n>n; ,o t o'rbaV ? Oat e.rnioy.
Ma-w-Tork. Joae ?.MMR rRRM
Ttiia .plen h I i:inim,aiaatt?1 na ihr bankao: the
lia.ieoi R.?-i, .,.??, ,H i.ataViiaat/al ayaw*aa aarr
Nea Yorhi ah ? ? a! k iMal ?nrohi*?r?,
rhama, and l"i..?>rr? ,.- Ihr finer* ai I;, are?* khaMt Poaela
nile.1 a 'h Hoi.1 and *..>.- Pah, >. fco? apo.i re play al
** ,v" tlie ?arUre ?* ihr a Ma i ? ?. tori i.tceetl ro tbe
area. ark**, ih.- v rpeot nr Walk*.MR U I bv ebafctta W ??
"'s"Set irretivtilde ati-ar|.nn? .h iloral ramble.
Ii i ? r , j, i ?., hern 1IllWd,OBd
.nua'-? Rmorali have ba-ea laal out' * Mmiirv t orn pa
rdrt rn practice Target P ..?..
v ? I - i ' t*. ? ? ial M.iwerv -,-r
?alealtfK-iJiril.ii. Ilarh-tn, May. I <?jl aTT Jrn
DRESS MOOTS?l.Htr,, French *jU
The sBhaarkBBf n ?iw-tmliv kaahea iha . nitro, a
f i r T at. and) nraap .r.oxad hINN
- ?.,,.?. am. ??in. vr a i a're I aratweri af l?r. a Baow
? ? iIbo la!r?i Spi n_ Ka?i ?>?., ai... *i ihe fcaeM l"ren?h
Call *U a.
tirnllemenrar haWO B-v.i. nn If < > iwi | ihr Se.< man.
irr at a | .uilai > an i?a . wname.1 eaael to a?v faa-le al
...... Mbar. 4?.| a hall*, aal a? Ihr i-n 1'eakra*11 'akeydran ?
?It .i die leeta. 1 ae. t? UaM tm? rar-. .i?t ? aar, lie . an in
? lee an p0*y yrl har l?-ine til.
i oatiaii n i?-> kaad,PaahaaoobMRaajbi h ' .ai die hdloa.
kf re.|...-e.f pr-ee?
!?.??, "am Oi.t.Rom ?; M a*Rl i\
i 1,1 ?? ? . ?? 4 ia? t.? n i?a
Hi Itonra.I .?i
im f. p..i\
!<(:.???.MB i so |o I 00
Pirn,-, aril Moiptfra, k kc ;.o?aevli--.a'.ly la>-? .
rernaa,CaahaaiDeirerra inilN I WkTRINR
Wty\? 114 PahmAi hrlirroo Noaaao aad Oui.-h
r'\ r\\(;u:i) Cccoi NTS-TtU??
I j i i.4 \ ? a ? B Rroadwajr, tpm i M H B .
aa Hak.? t-' ?rrinfe an.i .idJaM BakMBOM M e.ery ilearnn.
T'-'i.i-e aim haar apt hoBB ahlBkBihtaBa aun.|4a
. i i4i.\ aaaaJaad .>i ?taalartlai Ihki draaartaaaoi. Bar a.irer
er, ailh I at .n. e drflBval trtmi inii.ti ei|?rri.nrr,
? ? . illy n. i h'w aaaaattner aa ?aara?aiit.r Mara iaraa)ac
anenam haakaaa an aaMajaBptaRiokaVy pm . uiar r?ui.n?
. ???. lu ... ? i . ? - .) partBa-raoip adhiia or roaBaaad
a. I BtaMttrd a.- .Mini, he p'e.le.? i-a-> i' to ?a"^ri ib all
a.e? .in rOJBaahla and id^|>'ilal>!e BiljtiMmert
P IdUdrril an.| tor ?al- l.y the aullea a? ?i?>?e. "Jone??
P. Ii i; V ami Pr li-'i.. ol B k'kkeep il"." ? n:. ft .? alrra.lr
larleubnnk iaihr Mredtag aWodrwaj Bairiiion?ni ik>a
? ? i-nt'V. Bail the mil. k -leri.-an vrirk no Ilie ?uhieri I flat
i> laero priotrd ha Bnoiaod l'..r$iM in.Oii
/m;i.i.nuh'!I POTTEKV.aJKI Ei.h
\ T urn ? ? rr i N Blk lad l"eret] i.g^.ie? t?
buraOaMedi ..-i . Ihr only nariaTlha kail n Tjilt, and
thC larr>?t in Mir Siali. lie ?.1 ?rril>er re?|?r,l;ulU nl'nnna
ihe pnldir tii.it I. BiaMBatiarra aad udkia aar aaar, aa Bar
aaal r. i?on?l>ii- term-, tl e Maowtaaj ?rtirl???, ?o.
? ? I . . i Ware, Po.iahlr Panaarri Ploaer
??? -. iu, T - i r* ,?<i?. I ... BlBOBaaBg.
? a-, y ? Brich, Orn II la I ..?!*?.- T.iV..k.. *.
N'. B I t eai ral a id Onie^;?l W ,,n- lo nr ler. All ardera
tar Po?l OBVa wiB n? oam taadh r,r. uied
? ill l,:i Wr,?.|!|\e. r?>N BMITH
/ '< > UZC()A? COAL?B?BI Pi u hOr
V ' -Ii ir.l Red Adl Col I II II ki n and N Jt ? ira -
i he at Ii laRai d ia aaajRortad aa aaka ardan Ra BrOaaR.
... I I j . it ihr ?. r\ U.*.-?l pn.-e., eitlaar (.v Ihr carjfo
a lati. i'el.vi-r. I Iron th. ' ?.i-ajf i(e ibbiw part
.i th ? rill rn Bnt.khn.
Ihn llrav l-h BrhoylkUl, l.ek.^h and LarkaaaaB Caaai
P ?? Aaarraaa Bataaaaataaa i oal. for tin rraBr, rqaal to
lioi Lin i-?.| Beat Virrima Coal, Sa Idarkoaah'a aar, al
thi ,erV loweat price. IOBI PH P BIMPBON.
OBko NO, III N MM u .irerl
N B Ordert tar one hai will raceita the oaoe atleoRaa
a. Iii m '? < .1 laiife. .(ii iBRy, MJ 1*1
11 I SIC at Throe Out* a PRge, at No.
?I LMoaoardMiaot. Bora?l M Baaadaray < IIAB.
I IBBLAIN. MoarPuidiahri ?coiwtaaalyrrrrirtaearw
Hi lath mahh Meak Mr the Piaia.. Oaitei aad Time,
ah . I. he i? aril Bp; al ihr ?er? loa |>r? I ?<?? I I nit. a pare,
retail Alw>. da hand, a ?mall k.t oC M o:. ai laatraraawkk
i, I heoald aery tear. Tawaaala are baaedMaaf]
?smI i.rine lor ihrirwelvra, Wi.?|r.aie oralen MBpRed
1 . irvrr IhOO al a.ir other e?i.|li|i?hmrai la BWI I *<iale?,
v B Piaao K hitei i aned at 7A i em.
atyll Ira CM *s T OBBLARB.
L THB WOMLD CONatMT,tt? Oread oaaat, kaa
aoa oobaaal.ol the laMO Bariaa laabaaaj a-a nrriient a*
. iruaeat B iw Mai? ? BaVM, ?n i e*?a iideal aa ?i
..... oo each bat fnaa aaoiir peMflh kba a ajaawtar
irtirlr >< Par Hat For BL rtmal to amapM mibe aRf for
It MandRh Tin-pul.lir are rr4pe<itully invited to rail.
\ eoo.1 a?a?iruiwnt ol Boy.' Hat? anJ C*(i4 on baud.
MRlf Im lillNINT. BM liraid ?i .near Allen
OFFICE ?l" the I.iihiIoii ami American
PakM Water Pr?otiiir r.anpaev?reiuore I to No. eai
Pottiai-atreel. wheie all ooh r? will he promptly Mtraded i*,
i, rnienti, cialba, Re W itn Piwaledb) the rheadralBio,
-en patraied hi il. ? Caapaaaa, are BMIBaOd tree from
rn. Tbe appearanrr anil tettore ol the artirMa are out
i-baaeed, aad the anraa ai rbeRanan beba] ana opea, paa>
?i> iat on w.ii freely rarapa ml? laa
Bpei irnewao/WaMf Pwad Clnthi and i ert'R ao. ..i pel
.,i i id t t hi In 0 n apoi lahiiay, may i?- area at tbe orrory
1*11 la Sell Inatriirtor .iiiil Journal ol the
I aireraal Lycram, br J awk Hidbnaok. M pokaaabad
k.t.il .r ai [bar Racbaaffe LyreBIO, MC Broadway, ai 'at
oi*a year,paid Bwltaaca, k bkaial daroaoi will i>e
iid to aeetM* who bar lb tbeqaaRiay. AaeaMel peaai
iurr? ? Ii kad il a liiohlald? ? ik. Por -air al Ailoril'.
an*. in. Ii iel M
/N?BINE1 \\ Mtr.llul SK. 70 Kant
\ - Biwailway,eoraerid tlarku arael Wew. nie?.?n
v Tripe wool < aMawai ahelr rnaaaaarei *i..i BM pui.n.- m
rnerai thai lb*) i.i.ea rrrj haadaaaa* a**anoaial "i
f'hair* and fcaaBj* aad Cabiert eandiare,afl ol iheb own
inanalacinra, whteb will be ar*ld low lor ra?h. I' H Mr.
w Hum Paln.er, .rmrrly ol l i ('aiharine at ,aaeathW Mr
Tnpa M tbe aaar* roraari aaraM br bappv to ?ee n ?
r?.i, ami ipanel n )ell iw
\EWCA8TLE CO IIa?Now <li*i harn
. la ' od al?o from kba Irai'l ie Pour
Baohheea, u aap haal M BPaaafcRaaB, n r. m Mpera*r*aaab
n, ititabh fat faialliri and 'oi Bafealoeterri., lor tale in
* ill line. t.. an I pur. had r?, al BHrdl ratr piaea. by
W Ulli k HRuW NP.
iH III W l?l. l,,-t. II. roil., i laHitllt al.
r|RITANNIA M.nl Wara.?Tea Set?.
I? Tea awl Coffee Pro*, t'a.tor?, I awpt. Bab Cover?,
.1 ..r I'lat. ., r.imiii.ini .n Tavkarda. t apt, Plot.. B*pli?
? ft I A* Plate*, fcr. k.- , aaeaajOartared Imei re
?,^.| rolled in i ' by M-?ara. I moard. Wfril h Barton, ol
: i MM ".. Meat . aad Barraatrd?Opay.ia* to any iHlver BMBB
i.-ture.i inibw c?aiitry.*ad roaal MBaM baaaiiedi Ml
lie by their nnlv aeeot ialhMCRy,
\ w i rnntr.i i. i, i i.m.
N. B - Britaoaia w ir. ?* rvi ry dejcrift on an* pa-iem
-.ade to order at ?|.?rt ajotfi e_lelt
/ ?OLT8 PatBBl llejM iitiiif. Hitiea. Car
V 1 i ar*, P*w*ttaa PWee* aaaf PWaab o^ aow atBrrad be
aah, ai rr lured pr?cr? al No 171 Broailnay. Reo Vork.
Hide v oVaMhrrii, Newdbbraaa
II i ..Ir... U?* ?k Ca. I farle.i mm, B
la net I' MrKroo, Peoaaylaaaia Areeoe, Waabaaftaa,
I?. C,
kiwi, Mprev*d Powibrr Plaab, Cap Brbaari aad tbe heat
Pro-e i*M n ('ana. Ir Mle at No 171 Broa-laay. jell laa1
O TIM*. LOVERS of auperior Klack
Ti a Mo* rear* Mlater* I Tbl* etueiaoP/ debclna*
tea, tn bigbh talihraM'l a Ch.n* *n>t
i I . ia..v -'..r -a!-- al o.e Canloa Tea
.r, , TVn K?taiH, .Inn.-lit, UM.Iiaibain-aueei,
Sea-York a Cbioea* taarkaajea, pricefa>CMaod |l e*rh.
arytl it_
a IrM rate BMk le al Rolled and Plalrd Bra... .an
tlwir* he foaadM JAMBB u MtiKPKTT. l.-l iw* ai .
near WraaOer, at the lowe.t niarkei pr ret. LhVBBQ *_*M
uaooriar artirle oi Ca
Bra-. '? *
1 LI E ? :fl?0 l.arrela ol <lUu>. varioti*
\MN'l>owVii.t?i? ?MboaealewprleedM BdewBMb**i
? . ... . v??!...?,i Oil. wcaak. Ochre, oBb ao aMortaMM
"? Painl>.?Jib and Varnialie., Il the biweal market ral.a, f.?r
klv hy JrWlll'A 4IILBBRT b ROM,
, j m < aaaa ? Ma Meat bkaBa, M t W ater a.
nK.NTISTKY ? ?tm. Thorn. Dentiat.
?.l .-,!? Ihe .menlio.1 ?d'lh.we who wear Art.". al Teeth,
and llriae who IB*! rreuire then,, to Ina method ol aapjily
,i, . n.r mniMary lam.lv. ?ii the teeth hiaiwaat' ihal there
? ad -af reeanle ta?n M the aaMta* ol Uefce wlai bad il/e in
a da, retoh nr <<"<? tbe trtioa of th* *rbl oa tbe pekd ?**?*?
a'. ra?e. that admil il. I,e inaerl? teeth fr.Mn <ei* to ?
. ? ?et, w Ue, jl u?.i./ oOt l>ar u |e at inelal mt any de.
? pram. rnS Im' IT ?t f HtMBI.B*HT.
| ? KU P.I.K'" KU kl PlaBWR ML0MBB*Od <?traP?4
radarea heatd . . t rj^em by g*?^ wMBaaaa*
n?k -J leannc the .k B, ?all d ?nrdiaa'y Morae-Ilair Ula?**
i " Tra?t .alue r* Ike lf..r?. Hur Be?,y*0* *a * il^T?.
rU I-e,.t whea.ppl >dMtbekBIBBOIIii?MaBMMawaB
,.,,?-, U- rverv .Kie > h* I IO - "* ' al.e,.,.,n to tfce
,,ora*r <>l ? l-ewilhy arleia oi U> Mio t* 'e,.Uirr t?rtl.er
BW ?le ar A. B - t.Nf>- k C??.. JW Br.?.dw.y. eareer
... er er .. rti K\.. CO\L?Keat .juaJi
.")'f tr Pea.h irr-lart Red Adi <<?al freak
\ ? r one-, ai Ii* lollowiat.' mw pfiret?
y - ao.1 Bn.kra.B* ?
*u,?e. larye.??
Mm. im . ,
e KreeiM-i aud lrli?ered any ;aitoi therity. wncheO
. a ? - r er. Var l ? - rner f I ^^1?^"^
?. < atreel? JtB. rl.K??i
\ H ~ ! ??? ? ?>? P?? arel t) i-i . I.eao. *s "
BILLS OK KXI'MANOF. on all parts
. far'and. Ireland and *Wotlao*. in ao*aa rat aV',
t' at' laCBkib an? ana.Mint. ' ' "aJjal
* l.?.VLVE?TKB*.? W.llarm.
,u and V H , ?ar
TOHN WARWICK. Sweep Srael^r aad
Refiner u* reneeal, Smy. H J'-bn atreet, Nea-Yark.
P-rrhaae- of JewekrCt arvd HilyaraaulV. Po4?*,r?r?. "a
aiar ru/a, Lrarrlifc Partin* Bar*. Cnart? B.i.ee Bar.. U?,
Uli an.1 Plaie.! Mrtaai B-rvklnadee-a Baet. ha aa-a i.
1r\illi:R.MKNS Hank Note* wanted
Ja * J *. LVRBTERB. 22 WaBai/eet.
,, aad ? Batiaiiway.

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