THE TRIBUNE. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2G, 1812. V A. W., v*Ko writes to us ridiculing ' the Divining Rod,' will find a very large majority to agree with him in opinion, bot they would not thank tut tor publishing any thing on that side of the question. ft/** For a Notice of Kane's Chemistry, a Letter from Saratoga, and an Association Article, sec First Page. f?/*For a Poem by Longfellow, and Hu man Sacrifices in India, see Last Page. The Prospect at Washington Is dark and uncertain. In the absence of private advices we can only refer to the doings in Con? gress, and ask our readers to judge from that whether we are likely to have a Tariff cr not. It will be seen that the House has resolved, if the Senate concur, to adjourn on Monday, Tariff or no Tariff. This shows no disposition to sit long con? sidering amendments from the Senate at all events. The Intelligencer thinks it extremely doubtful whether the bill will pass the Senate, and men? tions?though it discredits?a rumor that on Mon? day, if Congress do not adjourn, one House or the other will be left without n quorum. We see nothing this morning to lead us to expect a passage of the bill. _ The Next Congress). The following Members of the present House of Representatives have already indicated their reso? lution not to be candidates for reelection, viz : Millard Fillmore, of New-York, (Whig.) Joseph F. Randolph, N. Jersey, (do.) Gkoroe M. Zveim, Penna. (Loco.) Samson Mason, Ohio, (Whig.) Joseph Ridgway, do. (do.) Nath. G. Pendleton, do. (do.) Franois W. Pickens, S. Carolina, (Loco.) All these are strong men and valuable Members. Mr. Fillmore's retirement especially will be a loss not easily repaired ; while Mr. Pickens is the ablest and about the most reasonable and manly Loco Foco in Congress, after John C. Calhoun. The Whigs will part regretfully with an opponent in whom there is no skulking, no double-dealing, no insincerity; who always says what he means and votes according to his speeches. Gen. Keim also is au honorable and courteous adversary. The two members from Missouri are already thrown out by their party in that State, and most of the Georgia Members ef both parties are also drop? ped. There are indication? of similar changes all around. We hope fearfully that the general aspect of those chnnges may not remind the country ef the bitter old epigram: ' Heaven takes the good, too good on earth to stay: And leaves the bad, too bad to take away.' Iterenue and Protection. A correspondent asks us to answer this Free Trade cavil: "Protective Duties are hostile to Revenue. If we protect every sort of Industry at home, we shall get no Revenue from Imports." Now the only answer this needs is a reference to the fact that, our Revenue was abundant during the years of highest Protection?higher than u now contemplated. If any man doubts on this head, a glance at the returns of Revenue for 1829. '30, '31, '32, '33, '34, '35, '3G?the eight years of highest Protection?will satisfy him. This cavil against Protection is stone dead. It answered seme purpose in 1820-25, when heavy landholders sold (or threatened to sell) their Real Estate to avoid the Direct Taxes which they were made to believe Protection would render necessary. Since 1830 it has been a dead humbug. England buys very few or no manufactures from other Nations, yet her commerce is greater than that of any other nation ; so in Vier Revenue fioin Imports. Need we say more ? The truth is, that the first condition of heavy importations is ability to pay, and this depends on the activity and reward of Home Industry. Double the Production of the Country, and wc increes? the Imports, no matter if the duties are high. Let us make our own Cloth, Cutler)', &e. and wc shall buy twice as mush of Laces, Wines, Teas, Coffee, Spices, Drugs and Dyewoods, Hides, Fancy Goods, &c. &c. as wo now do?to say nothing of raw staples to whoso cheap production our climate and soil are not adapted. Let us produce all that our climato does not forbid or discourage, and such would be the increased Industry and Production of the country that a Revenue Duty of twenty per cent, on the tropical and other products we should then buy would amply support the Government.? At this moment the Laborers of Lowell doubtless pay mote to the Government than those of all Mississippi. Why 1 Bocausc they are able. But let Protection be withheld and they will not, be? cause they cannot. So in other cases. 03" No reader of tho Tribuno can need to be assured that we have never written one line for the Commercial or any other paper than our own in relation to Noah's rasculities. We never desired anyone so to write, and have not seen the writer in the Commercial (whom we recognize by her signa? ture) for the last month. We aro grateful for the kind intent of those articles, but we ask no aid to fight our own battles. Thnt we have ever said wo would not " eat, bargain, orreason with a Jew," is n monstrous Noakism?wo never had a thought of the kind. But what use in trying to keep track of the Union's libels ? D33 It is some offset to the bitterness of surren? dering the Land Distribution, to see such chaps as Charles J. Ingersoll and Richard D. Davis ' roped in' to voto for a Protective Tariff. It was a ?hoelcimg hard w me, know that the expression of any such fcenti.nent by me is impossible. Yours respectfully, Daniel Webster. From tbe Savannah Republican. Aug. 20. Good News from Florida?Fisal Close of the War.?Tbe U. S. steamer Gen. Taylor, Capt Peck, arrived at this port yesterday, bring? ing us the gratifying news of the termination of hostilities In Florida. For the Order contain? ing this intelligence, which we publish below, we are indebted to an esteemed friend, to whom we have often been under obligations for fects in re? lation to the late war. Col. Worth, to whom belongs the honor of closing our difficulties in Florida, accompanied by his Aid, Lieut. Sprague, came passenger in the Gen. Taylor. Dr. Harney, who has been for some time Medical Director in Florida, and As? sistant Adjutant Gen. Cooper, composing the Colonel's Staff, also came passengers in the same boat. They all left yesterday afternoon in the steamer Beaufort District, for Washington. Head Quarters Military Department No. 9,1 Cedar Key, August 14, IS 12. ) [Order No. 28.] I. It is hereby announced that hostilities with the Indians in this Territory have ceased. Mea? sures are taken to pass the few remaining within certain limits?those in the far South immediately, those West of the Suwannee in a few days, who, meantime, there is every reasonable assurance, will conduct inoffensively if unmolested in their haunts. The lands thus temporarily assigned as th?dr planting nnrl hunting grounds are within the following boundaries, to wit: From the mouth of Talakch.-'ko, or Pease Creek, up the left batik of that stream to the fork of the Southern branch, and following that branch to the head or Northern edge of Lake Istokpoga; thence down the Eastern margin of that Lake to the stream which empties from it into the Kissim mee River, following the loft bank of said stream and River to where the latter empties to Luke Okeo-cho-bee: thence due South through said Lake and the Everglades to Shark River, follow? ing the right bank of that River to the Gulf; thence along the Gulf shore (excluding all islands between Punta Kassa and the head of Charlotte Harbor) to the place of beginning. The foregoing arrangements are in accordance with the instructions of the Prosidcnt of the United States. II. With a view to economy and convenience of supply, that portion of the 3d infantry and 2d Dragoons, now widely detached in the Western District, will concentrate upoii Fort Stanabury ; that portion of the 3rh along the Georgia border, and South to the Micanopy road, upon Pilutka.? Companies posted in aahealthy positions to be withdrawn immediately?others when the subsist? ence stores ut each station shall be reduced within the means of transport present. III. The companies of the 4th will remain as at present disposed, except company F, which will take post at Micanopy. IV. Lieut. Colonel Hunt, Deputy Quarter-Mas? ter General, will make corresponding reductions in the means of transport, and other sources of ex? penditure, thereby rendered unnecessary. By order of Col Worth. S. COOPER, Assistant Adjutant General. Horrible Brutality.?A man named Wil liams, who resided at the time near " Lick Skil? let," in Winston county, same two or three weeks since took a little negro girl and swung her up in a horizontal pofilion, her head about two feet from the ground, and her feet about OHe foot, and while in this position, commenced whipping her. Every time the girl made any demonstration of pain, the fiend jogged her with a sharp stick he prepared for tin; ocension. In this manner the monster con? tinued his cruelties nearly all night, or until he was fairly tired out, when he released hi- victim ; she died the next day and was buried. The neigh? bors suspected all was not right, disinterred the body, held an inquest over it, and brought in a veidict accordingly. The sheriff with a posse of men went in pursuit of the miscreant, but they were unable to catch him, he having fled. Wil? liams has heretofore borne a good moral charac? ter, but it is now surmised by many that be has also whipped to death another negro girl, as there is another grave near the spot where the last un? fortunate victim was interred, which is supposed to be that of a girl who disappeared very suddenlv about a year sicne. [Atala (Miss.) Gazette. (G3 We regret to State that Mr. 1-Kvood, clerk of the Senate, has been so severely indisposed for several days as to prevent him from discharging his official duties. Col. John F. Bacon is the pre? sent acting clerk. [Albany Argus. CP An English paper says that the town of Rhode Island has been disturbed by a rebellion, in consequence of -which two or three buudi vd rebels were publicly executed. This is decidely the j " latest" news we hav* received. CT-J3 We learn through a letter just received, in this city from Springfield, that orders had beon received to stop work at the Armory and dismiss the operatives. Most of them were to quit last evening, and the rest very shortly after. [Norwich Cour. Wilson's Bank Lock.?A new Safety Lock, invented by W. Wilson, Northampton, Mass. has been shown us. com? bining entire security with comparative cheapness. It can never he opened except with the Key which belengs to it, ' nor with that except by *ne who is acquainted wiii it. No ' skeleton or imitation will come near it, while it defies vio leoce. fts cost is but moderate, and the valuables ot Banks, Merchant*, and others, will rest perfectly secure behind it It may be seen for a day or two at No. 6 Liberty-street, up stairs. 4 Tayle* on Wills.'?It will be seen by an ad vertiserneui in anoibec column, that a very useful work not only to die lrgal profession, hut to every one desirousof making a valid disposition of his property by will, is now issued from the press. Tho difficulty of preparing wUls conformably to the Revised Statutes of this State, has beer, lang felt and ac? knowledged by many of the most experienced jurist*. Tes? tators have been cruelly disapj*>inted in their intentions, and nearly even, will brought before the Court for the Cor? rection of Errors, has been either partially or totally over? thrown. We have perused letters from eminent lawyers highly ap? proving the author's labors. Tbe leading cases upon Tes? tamentary Dispositions decided in the Americaa and Eng? lish courts, are referred to in copious notes, with frequent rererencesjto the sections of our Siatute oft ses, Trusts and Powers, diligently marking the distinction between those aad die common law. We understand Jie author has devoted many years of severe toil to tbe compilation of this work, and doabt not he will be adequately compensated. BY THIS MORNING'S MAIL. Haryland Whig Convention. Correspondence of The Tribune. Baltimore, Thursday, s? A. M. The Whig Convention of Maryland met yester? day in this city. The representation was very full from the counties, and I never saw a more united feeling in any assembly. The Delegates were amt>ng the very be?t men in the State, whom nothing but the important crisis that has now oc? curred in our public affairs, and the importance of having a true man nr. the head of Government to save us from the disasters which treachery has brought upon the country, couid have called from their homes. The Hon. William Price, ef Washington City, was appointed President of the Convention, assisted by three Vice Presidents and two Secre? taries. After the regular organization Ge*?rga Howard of Ann Arundel, formerly Governor of this State, rose, and making some appropriate preliminary re? marks, nominated henrt Clay of Ky. as candi? date for President of the United States. The nomination called forth loud applause from the Assembly, and was unanimously adopted by the Convention. A proposition was now submitted that the Con? vention make a nomination for Vice President.? On this motion there came an earnest and inter? esting debate. And at length it was decided tu lay the subject on the table?the Committee rhu-* determining to make no nomination. The Com? mittee was divided between Gov. John Davis of Mass. and Senator Tallmadge of New York, but which had a majority is not known, as no vote was taken. Wc in Maryland will herenfter adopt tho candidate that may have the voice of a majority of the States, or wc will meet our brethren in genera! convention to settle the conflicting claims of candidates. Great Storm and Flood.?A northeast storm set in last evening which raged with dreadful vio? lence for many hours. The wind blew a hurricane and the rein fell in torrents. The shipping in the harbor must hive suffered injury, end whatever vessels that were in the bay, exposed to the fury of the storm, must have had a frightful time of it. The course of the wind and the immense quantity of water there fell caused tho tide to rise high in our "basin''?as the harbor is called?flooding the wharves along Pratt-street, and up the streets that rise from it up as far as Lombard or Waterr-sts. The stores along Pratt-strcet are Hooded several feet, as are also the stores along Culvert, Cheap side and other streets. (Jf course very considera? ble damage was done to the goods in the stores. Jones's Falls is also flooded, and along by the cen? tre market you could almost swim a horso. The railroad along Pratt-strcet'is covered with several feet nf water, nnd it may be that the tide will not fall in time to allow the train of cars to depart for Philadelphia, carrying the mail in which is to go this letter. No Western Mail was received this morning, which leads me to fear some injury may have been suffered by the railroad er the bridges over it by the Ohio. The Market.?Flour has given way futther, and sales were made yesterday of Howard street at $4 ?j7h; Susquehanna at the same rate. City Mills is firm at $0. Pennsylvania best red Wheats sell at 90 h 9?c, but the latter price they must be very prime. Sales of 387 barrels Pork at $6 50, No. 1, and 6 '-25 for new prime. Lonn Act?Adjournment of Congree??Pur. ??.-rw of the IMuvy? Revenue Bill in the sen? ate?Contingent Appropriutiona-Contcht ed ?lcctionMj At. Corrtspondence of The Tribune. Washington, Wrduesday, Aug. 24. In the House of Representatives, to-day, Mr. Botts offered a resolution, instructing the Com? mittee of Ways and Means to report a bill ex? planatory of the Loan Act, reversing the con? struction put upon it by the Treasury Department, so as to prohibit the issue of cirtilicates of Stock except on a clear loan ; admitting the rato of dis? count at which the stock may be taken ; and re? pealing the twenty per cent clause of the Distrib? uting Act. The reduction was rejected, Yeas 61, Nays l!2. Mr. Cave Johnson offered a resolution which was received by a suspension of the rules, and af? ter some discussion adopted, requiring the Secrc tarv of the Navy t? Report at the commencement of each regular session the expenditures of each vessel during the year, whether actually at sea or otherwise, the number of days in service, &c. Mr. Botts moved a joint resolution for adjourn? ment of Congress on Monday, ~0th inst. and Mr. Proffit objecting, moved a suspension of the rules for its reception. The rales were suspend? ed; Yeas 117, Nays 49. Mr. Fillmore said he was as anxious as any one to cluse this protracted session, but had voted against suspending the rules because he wus fear? ful that the passage of this resolution might be construed by the Senate into an intimation that the House did not desire them to pass the Revenue bill. Mr. Proffit offered the resolution predict? ing that if it were passed the Senate would under? stand such an intimation as wns feared by Mr. Fillmore. and that the consequence would be that no Tariff would be enacted this session. Mr. Botts contended that there was time enough al? lowed by the resolution for the Senute to act on the Revenue hill, as it was in the same form with reference to the duties as they had once passed. Mr. HiBritSHiM moved to lay the resolution on the table; negatived?Yeas 68, Nays 101. The resolution was then adopted?Yoas 96, Nays 71. Mr. Mallort reported from the Committee on Naval Affairs a resolution jauthorising the Secreta? ry of the Navy to make experiments to test the elhcacy of Colt's Sub-marine battery ; which, after some conversation, was laid on the table. Mr. C. J. Ingersoll moved to suspend the rules (objection being made) for the reception of u joint resolution authorizing the usual exsra pay to the messengers and clerks of the House and Sen? ate. The rules were not suspended: Yeas 56 ; Nays 88. The Senute bill fixing the puv and emoluments of pursers and warrant officers of the Navy was considered during the day in Committee of the Whole, reported to the House and passed. One or two other bills of an unimportant nature were passed. The House adjourned. In Senate, at a late hour yesterday, Mr. Ev? ans reported back from the Committee on Finance the Revenue bill, with numerous amendments. A message was to-day received from the Presi? dent, in answer to a resolution inquiring what steps have beer, taken to provide for the satisfaction of claims of American citizens against Mexico, de? clining to furnish the information at present, as in? compatible with the public interests. Mr. Merrick offered a resolution calling on the President for as estimate he may have caused to be prepared at the Treasury Department of the probable amount of revenue that would have been collected, under he (vetoed) revenue bill, if it had become a law, together with the daw. and reasons for the estimates. Mr. Evans objected to calling on the President for information touching the state of thoTreasuary or any mode of improving it. If the information was desirable he hoped the Secre? tary of the Treasury would be called on, whose duty it would be to give it and who is responsible to Congress and not to the Executive, aad he now as h? had years before protested against any inter- I ference by the President with the Secretary of the ! Treasury. If the President for the purpose of in ritrencing public opinion had required a subord: - ate officer to make a different estimate from th which the Secretary of tbe Treasury had alrea* . made of $27,500.0*00 to be raised by this bill. 1 > did not want it before the Senate. To ibe Sun. tary should they look if they wanted tbe infoim ation. The resolution was laid over. Mr. Eviss, from the Committee of Conference on the Contingent Appropriation bill, made n re? port which wa< agreed to, and thus the bill hois finally passed both Houses. The House bill to establish a District Court of the United States at Wheeling, Va. was pa--.-d. The bill regulating the taking of testimony in cases of contested elections was again taken up. Mr. Berrien's amendment pending, providing that neither this nor the Apportionment act shall appiv to the elections of .Representatives to the 2Sdi Congress in State*, where the general tick* t system is now in force and where the election has been or shall be held before the regular session ot" the Legislature. Mr. Archer moved to amend the amendment so that its provision shall be operative unless the Governor of the State ?hau, by proclamation, con? vene the Legislature before the limn for election. This amendment was adopted : Yeas 21; Nays 15?and after the rejection of several other amendments to that of Mr. Berries, as just ac? ceded, it was adopted: Yeas 30; Nays 6, as fol? lows : |\'ea>?Messrs. Alien, Archer, Bates, Benton, Berrien, Buchanan, Calhouti, Choate, Conrad, Cram. Crittcnden Cuihbert. Evans. Fulton, Graham, Henderson, Km.;, L n . Murreli, Morehead, Rives, Sevier, Smith ot la-Spnrgue, Tallmage. Tappan, Walker. W hite, W illiams, Young?SU Nays?Messrs. Bayard, Barrow, Clayton, Huntington, Porter, Woodbridge?6. The resolution fron, the House for adjournment was received, and Mr. \ moved us lay aside the bill to tako up an act on the resolution. The motion disagreed to: Yeas 18, Nays 25. Several other amendments were offered, dis? cussed and rejected ,jand the bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. Mr. Young moved to take up the resolution for adjournment. Mr. TalLMADGIE thought the Sen? ate were not prepared to act on the resolution. There was great necessity for passing a rcvenuo measure, and there were other matters ot im? portance before them, and only three days of the week remained. Let them first act on the reve? nue kill, (and it would be taken up to-morrow in good faith, and be acted on,) and then they could rix a day of adjournment. Mr. T. moved to lay the resolution on the table. Carried: Yeas 24 ; Nays 17?as follow.-: Yeas?Messrs. Archer, Bates, Bayard, Benton, Bei:ien. Buchanan, Choate, Clayton, Conrad. Cialis, Ctittenden, Dayton, Evans, Huntington, .Miller, Morehead, Porter Preston, Rivers, Sevier, Simmons, Smith of la., Sprague, Tallmadge?24. Nays?Messrs. Allen, Bagby, Calboun, Fulton, Graham, Henderson. King. Linn. Mangnm, Merrick, Walker, White, Williams, Woodbridge, Wood?ury, Wright, Young?17. On motion of Mr. Conrad the hour of meeting was fixed at 10 o'clock, and the Revenue Bill mude the special order to-morrow, and henceforth each day at 11 o'clock, until disposed of. The Senate went into Executive Session. Argus. Trial of JLicat. Chni-lcn WilkcN, l\ S. IV. NAVAL COURT MARTIAL. Reported for Tbe New-York Tribune. [Continued.] EIGHTH DAY.Aug. 23. The Court met pursuant to adjournment, and passed mid? shipman Sandford was recalled. Judge Advocate. Slate, sir, bow many times Lieutenant W ilkes ordered Lieut. Pincksey lo beave to when the sc boons r was under the bows ol tbe Flying Fish. Witness. Three times, sir?once when we were on her lee quarter, once while abreast of her liiizen rigging, and once under her bow. Hamilton. If when the Flying Fish was abreast of the mizen rigging, ami lo leeward of the ship, the helm bad been put hard up anil the schooner then kept off for fifty yards, then ber helm put hard down and the jib hauled close to the windward, could she not have been hove to safely ? Answer.?I think she would have fouled the ship, sir. * Mr. Harrison recalled. Question.?How many times did Lieut. Willies hail tbe schooner to heave to on the day alluded lo.' Answer.?'Turee limes, sir. Lieut. Sinclair culled. Judge Advocate.?."stale, sir, whether the repairs done to the Flying Fish at New-Zealand werenectssary to her effi ciency and safety. Witness.?They were, sir. Question.?Stale what was Lieut. Wijke&'s c haracter for oppression or otherwise among ihoie under bis command, his attention to his duty, industry, Answer.?Lieut. Wilkes's general conduct to bisotlicer and hi> reputatiou in the squadron was that of an exceed? ingly harsh odicer?one who continually infringed on the rigiits ot those under bis command. 1 never siw but one act of what I considered cruelty on bis part to those under his command. .Mr. Hamilton.?We cau't have particular instances, sir. Witness.? So lar as I was capable of judging, he wa? very industrious, I was but a very short tune under Lieui. Wifkes's immediate command. Hamilton.?Do you know of any rights of his o?icers or of toditvduals which he infringed.'' Coin'idore Stewart.?What was Mr. Sinclair's rank .' Witnc33 ?1 was Sailing Master for different vessels, and ranked then as Passed Midshipman. On one occasion Lieut. Wilkes told me in Ids cabin that be would disiale me and force me to doduty under my juniors, for what be alleged to be some act oi disrespect w hich 1 denied having committed. I have heard of a good many other cases, but I cannot give the particulars. 1 was ap? pointed Acting Master by Mr. Wilkes at Norfolk, but did not get my appointment as Mastei until we gut lo Rio. I doni know the date of iL f^urjtioti.?Did you ever bear that conduct spoken of before this Court was commenced. Answer.?Very frequently. Hamilton. ? Name the persons, Sir. Witness.?1 hardly think that a fair question, Sir. Jiulge Advocate.?You must answer it, Sir. Witness.?Well, I name myself, then. 1 could hardly ex? cept sin officer in tbe Squadron, Lieut*. Johnson, Murray, North and Pinkney. in tact, give me a list of the officers, and I will read ihem over to you. Hamilton. That won't do, sir ; you must give tiiem your ?elf. Witness. Well, with very few exceptions, I have heard all tbe officers in the squadron >peak ill ofbim. Qties. Did you ever hear Lieuts. Hudson and Ringgold speak ill of bun?' Witness. 1 don't know that I ever did. I was not in inter? course with the commanders of tbe squadron. Hamilton. Did you ever hear Lieuu. Budd or Carr speak ill of Mr. Wilke, I Witnees. LieuL Budd I never did, but I have heard Lieut. Cnrr speak against his acts as oppressive. I have al*o heard Lieut Tappan speak ill of his general conduct as command? ing otlicer. Hamilton. Mr. Peal or Mr. Dayton of ibe scientific corps did they speak ill ot him, sir.' Witness. I ihlnk not,sir. Hamilton. Mr. Agate, sir.' Witness. 1 lielieve I've heard him disapprove of some of his acts. Hamilton. Well, sir, then Purser Waldron and Purser SpeedeD, ilitl llj?-y speak ill or him .* Witness I think not, sir. I bad but little intercourse with those gentlemen. [Here the witness said that bethought it bard that he should be obliged to violate the confidence of bis brother Officers. And being again pressed by tbe accuser's counsel to say if the members of tbe Scientific Corps had spoken ill I of Lieut Wilkes, he siid he did not consider those gentlemen i as officers of the squadron. J t^ues. Wr.s you the odicer of deck' of the^Porpoise when ; she ran inio the Vinceanes, and carried away the jib-lxxjiu J anc tiie eai-bead and smashed the quarter boat of that ship aud was the interview in the cabin you referred lo, brought I about bv that circumstance.' j Ans. I was the odicer of the deck when tbe two vessels I fouled, but tbe occassiou of tiie interview I did not consider [ to refer at all to that matter. It was in consequence of a teller I had written to Lieut. Riaggold. Serjeant Bloom examined.?The marines for the Sxplorin" Squadrou were not re entered at all, to my knowledge In the vessel to which I was attached ihey were not re-entered. I do not know under what circumstances die bounty of $21 was received. I know diey refused to enl^t for the cruize. 1 left the ship in the month of July, before the squadron sailed. I do not know if the marines volunteered, but be? lieve they were drafted. I do not know If Puisyl Babb Smith or Dinsmore re enlisted, and I think if they [.ad I must have known it. They did not after No v J.'-JT or between that and the time 1 left the ship, which was in July, 1333, beiore the squadron sailed. I don't know that they received the bounty. I do not kno w that auv marines volunteered, but I bebeve tbe seamen all volunteered fur the cruize. here the Judge Advocate read a Dispatch, as follows : IT. S. -J-ip Vt.NCE.N.VES, y ... .. . , Sidney, 11m March, 1840. j Sir?I uaye the aonor to report that having completed oar outfits at Sidney, N. S. W., the Exploring Squadron under my command, composed of Uns ship, tbe Peacock, tue Pu poise and Flying-Fish, sailed inj companv Dec. 2Sih, with my instructions io proceed South as far as practicable and cruize withiu the Aainrctic Ocean. Copies 0; my instruc? tions were forwarded to jou with mv dispatch No 57. w? continue d in company until the 1st Jan. when we parted company with the Fl; ing-Fish, and the Pea^ck in a log on the 3d. I then steered, with the Porpoise in company, for our first renaezyona, Macquerries Island, and from Uience to Kmer aw island our second rendezvous, having passed over t'ie supposed locality of the la.ter in longitude 162,30, E., laL Fish?' wllhoat S^Og la,ltl or meeting with the Flying On the 10th Jan. being in laL6l, S. we fell in with die first ice Islands and continued steering to tbe S. among many iceberg*, which compelled us lo change our course fre? quently in avoiding them. On the 12th we ran into a bay of field ice, in long 164,53, j ?. and laL 64, 11, S., presenting a perfect barrier to our progress further South. A heavy fog ensued during wbicb we parted company | with the Poruoise, her commander having directions to follow my written instructions ia the event. j . I bad determined t'?bave each vessel to act bdependtnt. !y. believing it woold tend to ; ? IWe, 1 greater ?Is^rre of emubukw to a* ail, anil being wed sati-ted -tm owing to thr ice aud thick wendier it would be impovr.uIe to continue long tOgt Iber, 1 deemed it tx-tter 10 haiard o.? event of accident rather than rmbarrass ?nr opermions. 1 therefore submit the details of the proceedings, of ti < slop, as they will. w:tb-?ut do.jU, nearly . ... movements of the other vessels of the squadron, the reparts from which will tend to v?frify our operations. After an unsuccessful attempt to peneiratr t?roc*b the ice on the I2th of Jan., we proceeded to the westward, working along the barrier, with bend wind? and foe*: htnl on the 1'Gth we fell in with the Peacock in long. 15* Li E. lai. 6.5.25 S. On thcmonitng >?/the 1 ilA of January rjv ??rt land to the ? >. and f'.. --ith r tauy indications *>/"beine tn it, imsnediate riciwify : furh at ;>r-i-mn;?, ?rul the aifcoloralmn afvit water. Hut the impenetrable barrier of ice prevented our nearer appr^fh t-> >t \ and ibe same day '?f again saw i(?. Peacoeh to the S. and W. We were in long. 154. 27 E. .ind ? at. 66. 2?S. On the22d we fefi in with.Unre clusters and bodies of fee and innumerable islands: and until ihr 25th were :n a iarge bay formed by ice, examining the different points m hop? < of "effecting aa entrance to the S?utb, but were disappoint ed We have reached the latitude of 67 01 in longitude 147 30. h? ir.g the farthest siuth we penetrated. Appearance ef distant land were seen to the eastward and westwur?. bat nil parts except il.c one we entered presented an impas.s?t,!e barrier. W'? here tilled up our wairr tanks \Mth ice taken, from an :ce-t>erg along side thr ship. We made par Bag. nedc observations on the ice. The dipping ne< . S7 30 for tin- dip, and our aizuiath compass was so slug-.*;, on the ice that on being agiwed and bearings taki a again it -rave nearly three points difference, the variation Ktj 12 S5. A lew days alter, about loo miles west, we ba m variation, and then it rapidly increased in wesferiy taria tion, fron winch I am ot opinion that when in the ice-be.-., we could not have be?n very far trcrn the south magnetic pole. r This bay l named Disnppivntraent Bay, as it seemed to h put an end to al! our hopes of farther progress south. On the 27th we fell in with th- Porpoise :n long. 141 SO K. ami lab 6554 5?, and parted company shortly afterward. On the 23th, at noon, aller thirteen repulses, we reached Ion:: ICO and lat 66 S3 S. where we again discovered land, bearing south, having run over50 miles, thickly >tai> ded with ice-bergs. The same evening we had a heavy gale from the S E, with snow; bail ami thick weather, which rendered oursituatiou very dangerous aud conpelled I as m retrace our;course by tharioutewhich wehadrntered. During tili? gate we were* unable to see the distance ot a quarter of a mile, constantly passing near ice-bergs which surrounded tu, and rendering it necessary to kern all hands on deck. On the morning of the SOth the cale abated and we re? turned by the same route to reach lue land, where th ? dan? gers we had enoountered the preceding night, and our pro videnUal escape, were evident to ?11. We ran toward die Und alxiut ?0 nines when we reached ,1 ?mall bay formed bv high ice cliffs and black, volcanic rocks, with about GO indes of ceest in sight reaching tn a great distance toward the southward ia high, niouutaiuoui land. The brecxe freshening to a strong gal* prevented our holding, and compelled us to mi out after sounding iu SO tatbomsof water, and another 2 bours after that the ship was again reduced to h>-r storm sails with .1 heavy gale from the southward, with snew, sleet and a heavy sea continuing 3-d: cal officers representing l!ie exhausted slate of tiie men and condition of the >hij?. of which the following is an ex. tract: "The meoical officers on duty, under date ot the 31? .January, reported that the number on the ?ick list this morning is 15 Most of these cases are consequent upon the extn me hardships ami exposures thev Dave QQdergone dor in"-the list gates of wind when the ships have been sur? rounded with ice." " This annulier i*nnt large, hut it is necessary to 5 03 S.) we hud sim? ilar appearances of distant mountains, but the compact bar? rier, extending from E. N. w. by S., prevented a nearer approach <)n thr n'^ht of the ?ili of February, being the first clear night for some time, we witnessed the Aurora Australis. We continued on the lOtti and 11th to the westward, with south-east winds and fine weather, close along the barrier, which was more; compact w ith immense islands ot ice ea- j closed within the fielii ice. On the 12th we again saw The distai t mountains, but were unable to effect a nnurer ap? proach, being in Ion. 112 IC E-, lat. 04 57 and I was agnu compelled to go on to the westward. '1 be ice barrier trending more to the .oulhwnrd induced ne to hope that we should again succeed in approaching nearer to ihs-supposed line of the coast On the 13th, at noun , we bad reached long. 107, 45, E. Ia#6?, 11, S. with a tolerable clear sea before us and tue land plainly in stgbtj I continued pushing through the ice unfil we were slopped by the fixed barrier about 15 miles from the shore anil with little or no prospect 01 eflex ting a holding. I hauled oil" for the short night and next morning made another attempt at a different point but was equally unsuc? cessful, being able to approach on 3 or 4 miles nearer.11 It appeared perfectly impenetrable; near us were several ice? bergs stained niid colored with earth, on oneol which we landed and obtained numerous specimens of saad-Hoae, quartz, conglomerate and sand, some weighing one buD< died pounds. Tins Iain well satisfied gave us more sperimru* than the laud could, as we should, no doubt, have found it covered with ice and snow 100 feet or more in thick n?>s We obtained a supply of tresh water from a pond in the. centre of the same Island. Our position was long. IOC. 40 E. lat. G?. 57 S., and upwards of 7? miles, the coist in sight, trending the same as that we had previously seen. Although I had now reached the position where our ex- ; amiua?OM were to terminate bv my instructions to the squadron, I concluded to proceed on ta the westward along the barrier which continued to be much discolored by earth ; and 1 pect mens of rock, ice, were atterwards oh rained from an Ice island A sea leopard was.seen on the ice, but the boatssent.dtd notsucceed io taking him t?n the 17th Feb., in long. 97. ME., lat. M S. land was again seen ni a great distance towards the S. W. We now toir .! ourselves closely embayed, and unable to proc s, ? directlen, and the ice barrier extending around to the IV. and E., compelled us to retrace our steps. We bud entered a de?p gulf on its southern side and it re? quired four days' beating around iu northern shore to get out of it ; during this time our position was critical, lie weather changeable and little room iu eise ol weather; it fortunately held up until we found ourselves with a clear sea to the northward. Tbe ice banit.r bad now trended to about 62 degrees of latitude, tbe wind having set in from the westward with dark weather, little prospect of seeing the land or making much progress to the westward prior U> the 1st of March, which might tie .-pent to advantage for our whaling ;.iU' res*s at New Zealand; i determined to proceed North on the ev?n:?-j ol the 21st. Ttiere was ?1 briUUnt appearance of the Aurora Australia on the 17th February in Long. 97, 3'j E?Lat. 64,00 S. 22d " " 103,3* E- " 68,10 8. 25th ? ? 117,31 E? " 53.QUS. 1st March " 137, 00 E? " 44, 30 S. The results stated iu this report lead me to the following conclusions: 1st. From our discoveries from land through to degrees of longitude, and the observations madeduring this interest? ing cruise w ith similarity of information and position of die ice during our close examination of it, I consider there can scarce!/be a doubt 01 the exi-leuc? ofthe Antartie cont' nem extending the whole distance of 70 degrees from East to West 2d. That different poiats of the land are at limes further froui the ice barrier. 3d. That they are frequented by ?eai, many of which were seen, and offer to oar enterprising countrymen eo-< gaged in those pursuits a field ?1 large extent for their fu? ture OpcTUti'ijiS. 4th. That thv large number of whale* of different species seen and quantity of food f >r llicui would designate the coast as a place of great resort for them. The tin-back whale seemed rao-i to predominate. We pr.v.-. rded on our cruize to thr north and east, with strong ga!e?, until we r"ached the Imitate nf certain ;-lsr.