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New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, November 12, 1842, Image 3

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gaie? aft tbe Stock JE-cha-ge, Nov. 11.
_A*iV.V.Lr?an.l858... 53 i 1? ?k of Com.fuU-?a*
_?._/ioN. Y- 7s I'M??? mil ? Aroer. Ex. Bk.58
g f. ??K*ky Six.?-*. ?'?Si 30 IV. Y. Marine Ins.85
__M0 Ohio ?Six?. 185G... 70 I 30 Harlem. 151
_4'o.-o ?llftiol-i 6*. ITro-18 225 Mohawk R..35
?i'nori do.?-Od 15 50 do.34|
]6 Union Bank. 99 | 25 Stonington R....s30d 164
?io ??!??>. ___?_
tttioraerci-l and money ITC ait? r*.
-"?UDAV, P. M.
tbe saler- ut tbe Broker.' Board to-day were small, and
without iUtliclcnt alt.ralion to notice. About 20,000 State
Seven? ?M ?*? 101', City Five? improved J, and Kentucky
; per cent.
* Foreign Eixlwog- aie fluiut, with not many bills effer
p,j. We ?riote Sterling 8 a 6{. Frances 5 ? a 542*, with
limited tales.
Alabama i:- v or-e to-day. opening at 14$ and closing -t
IS. at whicb it li difficult to make sales.
VVf .uott- ?
Postor.? ?" ?jApsilachicoIa.I? a 2
Philadelphia.{ a ".?Mobile.15*a 16
Beitimor?-.1 o i Montgomery.? a ?
Virginia.li a 1* T_g_aloosa.? a ?
North Carolina.2 a J^N'ow-Orleans.lal* prem
C__)?''lf"*.Ha ? "*?**> ashville.4 a 5
gavannrih.lia ? Louisville-.- a?
Au.asta.lia ? St. Lopis.>? a 2
?"-olm-nbin. 2 a ? Cincinnati.3 a ?
Macen .2 a 2*?i?ndiana.'?!'
Iron. Florida.?*0 a ? ?Runt-viHe.? a ?
South. L. -Tru? Co 65 a ? | Interior ?f Ohio.? a -
Tbe cash liabilities are about the same as last month,
lhe -_?-i _-ets have increased $?350,000.
About one huji.lred a.d fifty thousand dol?ais inspecte
?vent by the New-Orleans packets yesterday. About
$200,000 were received io that place on the 1st. Mexican
Dolbrs atv worth m Wall-street { per cent, premium.
Thompson's excellent Bank Note Reporter iays : " Amen
can gold is scarce, and readily cd?mand* a small premium.
We quote it at j a i premium. On tbe other hand, silver is
a drug. Spanish quarter-. eights and sixteenths, and de.
tac.d dollars, aie refused by the banks, and it is difficult to
(jctrtd?fany quantity of tliTn at par. In weighing Span'
?ihchange, winch 'jonsututes a large portion of tbe retail
circulation, vre find its actual valae in quantities to be :
f_0, in sixpences-(tHc.) weigh $17 12_M" per ct. loss.
$_.,ini-Utiogs?.(1-ic ) " 17 85_10. - "
j?Mn quartet-.(25c ) " 18 45.... 8 " "
Dime- a?id hall dimes, vrhich have been in circulation five
year-,and mote, are found to have lost 2 per cent. Sove
reigns,t?f the diagon ?It?, have lost .,and other sovereigns
?percent, on the standard weight."
Ourr?tiers Lhould ba on their goatd against altered
no tes of almost every kind. Tbe most dangerous now in
circulation are 5'?, 10's and 20's, on the Troy City Bank.
JO's on the Phoenix Bank of Westerly, K. 1. 10's and 20*? on
the Seventh Ward Bank, and 100'? on the Union Bank this
city. The ?atih of America has issued a new twenty dol?
lar note, not r.uthciently guarded against alterations. Thc
de,i*omir.a??i-, in large Ic-ttors, should be stamped upon it.
Perfectly new notes, purporting to be ones of the Mont?
gomery Cou-ty Bank, of this Sute, appeared in Wall-street
unlay. They were pronounced counterfeit by some of tbe
brokers, while btben thought them genuine. If counter.
feit, they were very excellent ones, worth neatly as much
us Hi'? genuine.
Amount of lolls received on the Canals of this State dur.
ingibt- lust wetk in October, and the totals to tbe 1st of No.
veioter, In eachot the years following :
Last week in Oct. Tollit to 1st Nov.
1R-.$84,237 84 $1,353,446 73
?836. -,153 7.'"' 1,431,127 23
1?37. 71f?9 S. 1,072,091 50
1S38.lul,390 32 1,390,172 80
1F1-9. 89.113 92 1,411,667 08
1840. 99,927 66 1,530.526 52
1841.114,661 74 1,79 .4- 52
1842.102,855 13 1,525,525 49
The lulling oil" Ibis year, us compared with the last, is in
the last week in October $11,806 61, and the total falling off
?the 1st of November is $266,960 03.
The Bank of Washington, D. C, has declared a dividend
ol three per, eut for the lasl six moiilbs.
The following Pennsylvania Banks bave declare?! ?livi
d'ii'ls - Diiylestown Bank, 3 per cent; Easton Bank, 2?
percent; PitUburg Bank, 3 per cent; Wyoming Bank, 2
percent; Min?is' Bank, Poilsville, *? per cent; Bank of
Montgomery county, 2J per cent, York Bank, 2 per cent
Bank of Chester county, 5o cents per share ; Lancaster Sa?
ving liiMtiniiiii, 3 per cent ? Bank of Gettysburg, 2i per ct.
Tlieslmre of the Public Land money coming to Pewisyl
t__a is $60,3J3.
The Bank of Charleston made arrangements sometime
mce io protect its balance in the Bank of Manchester. The
*W,0?f shipped lor New-York by the Virginian belonged to
Wie Bank ol Charleston. A letter from the Bank of" Man
cbeMer says that the balance can be drawn out io 60 days
bill, or moi?? promptly if desirable. A bank of Liverpool
h<t'i an order eonietime since to receive the balance ?lue the
Butik of Chat lesion.
Tbe Portsmouih ami Roanoke Railroad Company have
upplieif io Ihn Borough of Norfolk for a loan of $12,000, and
Hiequestion is lo be submitted to tbe citizens. The whole
?Bio-nt expended has been $1,207,753?receipt? last year
MrSM, expenditures $60,403.
The supply of Eastern Exchange at Louisville is large,
"tiii it has declined to 1 per cent, premium ftom the Banks,
?toil j per cent ?>ut doors. Specie was in ?lemand for Ncw
Orlea?i, and the Banks were about to draw to stop the
Al Cinciiiiia'i business was stagnant. The Banks had no
circulation, nml did no business excepting to receive de
posit.? ?ml make collections. The currency was nude up
of notes of ihr State Bank ol Indiana, which are received
ami paid out al lhe Bank*.
Not much doing iu Exchange at Mobile. Bank of Mo?
bile drawing al 10 per cent. Private bills, sight, 10percent;
6n Jays 8 per cent.
The oflicial statement of the New-Orleans Banks gives
the following result*.
Liabilities, ('ash Assets.
Bank of Louisiana.$901,919 $1,123,008
Canal and Banking Co.S10.298 115.15.'*
CaiTollton Biitik. 75,432 12,646
Ciliiens' Bank.888,121 221,469
-ity.Bi.nk.385.918 411,907
CotumetcMl Bunk.452,180 251,aiB
t'Oflsohilutt d Association.449,629 228.026
Louisiaut State Bank.654,789 750,885
Mechanics and Traders'Bank. 532,209 615,167
li.ion Bank.781,359 817,66?
Toral. $5,436,859 $4,540,391
Coromercial Advertiser and Journal Office, /
Buffalo, Nov. 9,1842. s
The wind, which had hern blowing from the N. E. tor
ferae ten or twelve day . suddenly chopped r-und ui the
Wt*i yesterday afternoon, and has brought the fleet ?if sail
which were beatinc down, safe to port. The aggregate of
principal urticle.. landed were over 100,000 bushels Wheat
?id 30.000 t'.irrels ol Flour- No transactions have taken
Wheat in ibe interior ol Illinois is down to a very low
price, only worth 25 cents at Peor?a. At Chicago it is now
bringiug 40 cents in coin. The shipments from lhat porl
d?nne the month of October w ere 152,000 bu?hels, notwiih
flandio_ iherc were rot ample facilities to carry it away.
Mark--*-? Caretully reported for The Tribune.
Friday, Nov. 11.
ASHES?Tbe remarks previously made will apply to
?O*. The _les of Pols are about 150 bbls. at 5 50. Ol
Pt-ftsa lew bbls. have been sold at 5 94, but shippers are
??"?yet unwilling to Rive ibis price generally. The bills out
?????ay ai?- ab-riit -?Hi bbls., and tbe arrivals nbout 200 bbls.
Of both dercnplioni.
C0TTOX?The receipts yesterday and this niorniugarc
"??rly Bi'iHi balrt., which wll probably cau** some anima?
tion us th- market. The sal?** to-dny are 5t:0 to 600 bales,
?""-??tly to ship pars. There is no apparent alteration in
rite?. We quote Upland fair al7j a 8; New-Orleans and
?-Uabania, fair, S*? a ?i.
t-OUR?Genesee holders are firm today at 4 Sl_, and
""Uly occ-sional lots can be had below that price, still it
?aoocv be considered active, and buyers only operate for
:ratnf_iate wunis. Michigan and Ohio we qnote 4 25 a
**3U.bti( dull ?t any thing over 4 25. Round Ohio 4 2?"? a
?5 t^~nct plenty and demand decreasing. Troy we quote
^?5 - d y li for fancy, with ?les some 2<X> bbb. The re
r*'Pts (>f Mour were net very large to-d<?y, but enough for
J|"> deruaml. In Southrtn we notice but little doinc A
?****hnmlred bbls. Georgetown sohl ?t 4 50, cash. We re
?????'8 our nommai quoutions for Brand y wine; there has,
we beVeve, rx^n do sales. We quote Brandy wipe 4 62.
Richmond City 5 7?s, R-cbniond Country, Petersburg and
Alexandti.A 4 31. a 4 37;, with nothing doing and verf ?-mail
sapply. New-York Mills is held at 4 S7J. Rye Flour was
?tarce it.'? morning,and some 300 bbls. sold at 3 12* a S 25.
t'prn M. M r. mans inactive-, Jersey 269 a 28U; Brandy
? ? bbb.|5.hhdr.isa5.c_h, 1375, 4 mot. Bnckwbeat
mlairdeoi-r-l at 2 75 a $3, for good, and $3 a 3 25 for
?_!"*?- _ BuflKBl"_ K1?Ur Ia5 slend>' al3 -* ftney brands
. .se. Ourlns, the firM week in November 18 980 bbk were
tKolreA. Th- total of Flour arrived at tide water to 1st
Noveiob?r?b lfll4,m bbs. At Baltimore Howard-street
??as $4 a 4 nisi, for selected brands. ?\t Alexao.lria 3 874
dull. At l?ouisville 2 62A. *'
GRAIN?-Several parcels of Illinois Wheat, o? the recent
r-i-ipt-,, haw ix-on taken up by Uie millers, ia the __m
gat* 4-00 buslicls, at 3? a 89 cent?. There is ,?U a fair sup?
ply . and -t js held firmly. There is .?otmuch Cora offer-in??
but the demand is too limited to free tbe market. We no
i ?? .?ik-.s of 2500 bushel? Virginia and Maryland at 49 a 50
??eut?, measa?-, lor ihe EasL New Northern is wonh 45 ?
4? cent.?, old 5- a 53, weight, 55 a 56 een's, measure. A loi
ol 1500 bushel? Rye .sold in the slip at 6-* cent*. The Bar
!??> winch ha.? been in the market lor ?e veral days has touad
vent ?ur d?lUling. About 2300 bushels have been sold for
lii.ii puriK>>t- ?u 43 cents. Oats are rather dull at?Sa-t*,
few- bringing over 27 a *-7*? cent?. For a loi of Southern 21
c??nu is deciincd. Shorts we quote *_ a G ; Ship StulT? 9 a
&i. and dull. The amount of Wheat received al tide water
i*y lire Canal? to 1st November, is 7t>3,ucj. hush?-? At Buf.
?~o Wheat ? a? selling ?te-'ly al 66 cents for fttir. Ai Balti
more prime and red 30 cents. Pennsylvania red at 54 cents
? Old White and Yellow Maryland Corn at 42 cent?, new 41
Ai Alexandria Grain was plenty and dull, red Wh_-at t?o a
7*> cents, prime White Corn JO a 40, Yellow 45 cents.
HAY?W? continue tr? quote Bundle 06 a 4?, with limited
demand and large supply.
HOI'S?The market L? rather quid, and we only hear ol
20 baies Western at IH cents.
PROVJSIONS-For barrel meat? th? r?? i? a steady do
mand at old rates. The inquiry f?r Mess P??rk is betl__i
than for Prime. We quo." Ohio ? 44 a 5.50 and 8 .V? ; Low.
er Country ??> ami $_?. Thi? Stale Pork sell? a??out tin
?. mr as Ohio. The market for Lard ha? a tenri-'n? y to <!?*?
clin ., ant! tve hear sal?-. rfponed at _>* a "-j, in lib!?,. Ship
persdecline paying 7 cent?. In Butter and Che .?.?- there i?
not much activity. At 6' rents teere h_**e Been soroe biet
Shipp.ng Butter, which is a decline. Wesiern is wonb If?"
a 13; Goshen 13 a lc>, pails 16 a 17 crn!.. Ohio Cheese >i *
b\. This Slate .*?J a 6*.
STEARINE? We noue?? a -_|p of Gormo lbs. at _-j r?=n?-.
OIL?Sales 400 bb"-. Whale, for export, al "io cent*.
WHALEBONE?Two parcel., about 2Q,M0, b .v? b*en
taken on private terms, but below ?3 C2_K
SEEDS?Clover is quite dull and sales hav?- been made
at *4 cents. Timothy, nominal, $11. Roa.;h Flax, for
crushing, is quoted at$in, but sales ere reponed at $9 a 3 50.
NAVAL STORES?About 1500 lbs. North County Tur.
pentine have b?en sold durmc tbe we?, k at 2 lb. W ilming
ton is held at $3. Southern Spirit?, Turpentine has been
r.lling from the ?-.baifat 40 a 41 cents, hut the arrival of 600
or 4?0bb!_. yestei?lay has.applied t>*?* mark?-'., and the rate
c?.n scarcely he obtain*.?4.
KrviDAV.No-.?'_-ber 11.
U. S. Dl-iRtCT C'H'RT.?In Bankrupt?;.?Be?
fore Judge Betts.
D_C!sio.-s ?William L. Eoct>>.- The petitioner had b( ? ?
agent, up to the year 1335, for the Bank of S..Al?a_o_?U
redeem its paper, and became indebted to the Bar?!., m
that capacity, in ihe .um ol Cl*.2"*.-. He ii dow opposed
by t'?.e Ban?', on the ground ol its beir.": *? fiduciary ?f?!?t.
Tbe Couil decide?! that where.? petition.? owes tbei d< L'l
besides fiduciary ones, Le i- entitled to a i?_-:l detre?. ol d
charge for Jebts provab!-- under the act. Tbe debtoi i
still ??pen for those of a different description.
Abraham Mitchell.?Decree ol l>-.iikmp.'.y allowsd.
John M. <iuac{enbosi.?Mr. Q, was one of Un- fini "I
Griggs, Quackenboss \. Pay, wi.? .n t _ile>t in Nov. ii...?,
ov/ing about $I00,0(.>. A decree ofdiscbarge is oj-pose?! on
tbe ground that in 18_0 he had given preferences in con
tempiation o? tbe passago oi the Bankrupt Act; thai hi l.-.l
doDc so since tbe passage of the Act; that he bad _..?.?*ii
preference, .since 1st June 1 oil. and that he wilfully con?
cealed prope-rty in his possession at tb?? tune he tiled bis pe?
tition. It was shown in proof that m Dt_. Ici'), the bin.k
rupt declared to Mr. S-ikonstall that bis house would pro?
ceed to arrange their affairs, sell their .-leek of goods at
auction, make an assignment, and ?? await the passage et"a
General Ba_!'.rupt Law." He answered Mr. Bogen, j
clerk to one of ihe creditor?, by v.-ay of threat, tbat Cons-re -
would pa*_; a Bankrupt Law, and they would go in for that.
Testimony was also offered showi-.,*. that be had expressed
dissatisfaction at tue Bankrupt Law. Ad.cr remarks, io
which he alluded to tbe decision, oi Judge Sloiy and oth?
ers, Judge Betts remarked thai the Judgement ol the Coum
Is now placed specially upon this: that the bankrupt, in -o
far as he has made preferences of payment in Dec. 1840,
made them in contemplation of the Bankrupt Law ; and thai
the preierences made alter the 1-t Jan. J341, bar bis re?
ceiving a certificate-, whether made ih contemplation of the
passage of the law or not, ?here being ns> ..?sent of a majo?
?ity of creditors not preierred, tosa.e tbe disability. De?
cree of <!!-_!'Hrg. -'"iii!'!.
Count? Court?This Court re-assembled on
the trial of Justice Parker. Trier Collins, Peter Mulk.r
mnn, Peter Adams and others were sworn, and testified to
having been brought dpwn, carried u? Doyle's, an?1 from
there next morning to ?fie p?ill?, where ih??y voted, o,.? t,f
the men said he got .?o intoxicated through ihr night that
be was unable to t?.ll afterwards what be had done, '?'he
wholesale illegal voting was further confirmed.
Jacob C. Forbes, a Watchman of the Eighth Ward Watch
House testified to seeing th*.' men nt the Watch House on
the night of ihe llih, and they all Iclt a little before 1
o'clock. The Watchmen, on starting on Ihr 1 o'clock beat
all went up to the Captain's desk, which was an unusual
occurrence. [Considerable debate here look place as to
the admissibility of the testimony, anil the Court adjourned
to to-morrow 12o'clock.]
Common Pleas.?Before Judges Ulshoeffcr, In
glis ami .ng>&bam.
Wm. J. Applegate, printer, vs. Adeline Miller. ? Action to
recover $730, with $30 interest, being the amount of n note
given for the sale of a printing pr?s?. The defence is that
the note was given for an immoral and consequently an un?
lawful purpose, and is void. It appears Ihat Mr. A. had
?lone the press work of an obscene publication called the
Flash, the proprietors of which wen: indicted in December
last, and Mr. A. objected to printing it any longer, owing
to the risk. He suggested thai tbe publisher*? (Snelling,
Wilkesfc Wooldrcdge) purchase a press of him and keep it
for the purpose. The press was purchased at bis sugges?
tion. Mrs. Miller (who is celebrated as the proprietress of
a certain description of e?t_ibli?:hme?>t) gave her noic for it,
and tbe press was taken over i<? Jersey City?Applegntc's
foreman and one of his hands wccoinpanying it and putting
it up; and the paper was published there lor a short time,
when the press was returned to the office ?l Mr. A-, and r?
mains en storage. It ??also averred thai the press was worth
only $200, ami that the difference was intended as a share
ol the prefit?. This was deHie.l, it being c??ntendeJ that
Mr. A. hud no interest whatever in ihe paper, and never
had any other connection will? it than to do the pr?-??s-work
on his power presses. The case was still on when the Court
Court ok Sussions.?Be-fore the Record?--!-,
ami Judge Lynch.
The Court pronounced the following sentences:
Thomas Butler, ?-onvicled by confession ol burglary in
the 3d degree : Stale .'rison for 2 years.
Charles Stanler, alias Anderson, colored, convicted ol as?
sault and battery, with int.nl to kill Mark Quonn- State
Pri?on lor i.' year...
The other sentences were postponed to Friday next.
Plea or Guii.tv.?lohn Williams pleaded guilty lo n
grand larceny, in stealing goods to the value ol !?-ll ?"t?, from
G. .1 W. Hastings, No. 1 Hanover-strt it. Sentenced lo
State Prison for 2 years.
Trial kor Forgery Rbsumeu.?The Court resumed the
trial of George Fawcelt for forgery in the third degree,
charged with having, on the 3d October last, passed a $5
eounterleit bill purporting to be of the Manufactur?is' Bank
of Providence, it. I., to Edward Story, corner of Grand?
street and Ihe Bowery, inpayment fora glass of liquor.
Belorc the testimony on the pirt of ihe prisoner wa?; closed.
the Court adjourned to Monday next
Si'?ciA*. Session*?.?Before tlir* Recorder, ?in?I
Aldermen Lee and Crolius.
William Campbell was tried for ?tealmg lour shirts worth
$3from Benjamin Andrews, jr Guiliy. Pcnitentiary2 mo_
Patrick Collins, scaling a number ot wild low I? Irpm
Mahlon T. Cooo. Guilty : Penitentiary 2 months.
Margaret Hamilton, stealing a pair of fowls from Carman
S'.ringham. Also, for assault an?, halt-ry on Solomon D
Willis, a city watchman, while in the discharge ol duly.
Not guilty of the larceny, but guilty ol tbe as.-J?ull and bat
terv. and sent to the Penitentiary for ti months.
Hairy Ryan, stealing a trunk ol cloi'iin-. worth $?!>? from
Mnry Riley. Guilty: Remanded for sentence.
Christian Consten, -.??aling wealing apparel WON h $12
from Chrt?iian Bailen. Guilty . Penitentiary <*? month?.
Henry Canahcr, a_?ault and hauery on Jane Taylor.
Adjudgrd not ?_;uiltv.
Several persons chafed with as?ault awl battery w?-rr
discharged ! or want of evidence ; and ihe Court _?lj<?urn?*'l
to Tuesday next at _ o'clock.
Police OfTtcs?Thektor Swine.?-A colored
man named John Williams was found on Thursday driv?
ing four large swine worth $36 across tbe bridge at Harlem.
stolen from some perso?, unknown. He was arreste?!, said
he resided in ?1st street, and picked oakum lor ts ?ivius, but
being unable to account satisfactorily for Ihe swine, was
c?ii,initte<l io prison.
The office.s about Harlem and Yorkville are on the look?
out for bog slealer*. aad robbeis ol hen-roost-- Such ou.?:
Hess until recently lia.? been suffered to goon at these places
without any attempt to arrest il?c orfender?*.
Cokoner's Ofku k. Dea i h kr?>m 1 n tempe
RANCI", The Coroner held an inquest to-day ai the Aim
House in tlie Fark, on the body ol a female named Walker.
a native of England, aged between 3n and 40 years; a wo?
man of intemperate habits. Verdi:*!, died of Apoplexy,
produced by intemperance.
A Second Case or 1n_ anticidk.?The Coroner also
held an inquest last evening at the Alms House m tlie Park
on the body of a newly born female infant, with whom
Mary McDonald, a single woman, residing as a domestic at
No. 166 Bowery, wn? confined in her own room alone on
Thursday night. This morning the child was lound dea:!
in her mother's bed, with livid marks about tbt neck, sup?
posed to have been caused by str?*i.gula?ou. Thsre wa?
ihe accustomed eviilence, by the hydrostatic test, that.it
bad been born alive. Verdict? Thal il caine to its dea'.h by
violence committed by its mother. The mother was ?u
rested on tbe Coroner's warrant and cotumitied for exami?
INFANTICIDE.?The coroner also held an inqu-^t at the
Alms House in the Park, on the body of a newly boru fe?
male infant of Kllen Council, single woman, about four
months from Ireland, and a >?rvanl at No. 65 Cherry-street
The accused was conrined on Thursday night, alone ; ana
the fact was ascertained from appearances, and the infam
fontxi in ihe privy, with tbe parietal and temporal bones or
-J*5*?*?*l>adly fractured, and the skin round iis neck abra
oexl, as if irom a cortl jje<j ^?bdy around it. Drs. McComt?
and Hosack ma?e a ; mortem examination ot ibe bo?ly.
A?id under tb.ir advic?? ihe jury !?*>*-'?d l?jat KUen c?*?in*'!'
was Uie mother of tbe child, ami ihat she (the child) ca_?e
to lit r ?leath by violence feloniously inflicted ou her bead
?i _ 2Fi ? .y hcr n-oiher. The accus**d confesscHl she threw
tue child down the privy, ?.ci wa, ..rreued o?. a Coroner'.?
warrant. *.?,?t ?omm&Md to answer.
FT Read tbe following Rfaiarki-^li Cure perforzzed by
Bristol's SariJapari-la-?
Nf-w-YoKK.Oc.. _?, \U2
Mr. C. C. Bristol? Sir. The roouve that prompt- me to
address these lirj? to you, arises from a conviction para?
mount to that of merp prai??* of vour valaable Sarsapanlla,
for if that ?#_* mr desire I shonid fail in the attempt, tor I
feel a.-. _?n*b it'wof-d r.-viir- ?*?- more powerful pen than
mine to do justice toih ! *'-. ? '????-'? <"?f to valuable a medi?
cine a? Bri?iQl'.?Sr?r?ar?atiHa.
It i> tbe obligation fowe a., one of the vast fcmlTycf ?-W
t<? ti--?*-", lik?- myself, wbtwe misforiaoe it iras becs v)
be- ruBicted as I ba**< been for Kven? vean" past, that indu?
ce?, me, without solicitation, to make known t?> ?ie world
whaibas been an effectual remedy when and wbera the
hope of acure wasalm?tt*"x__ct.
I had btrren iuf*ormed tfeat yon were to visit this city tbn
lall, t* beb I e_ptt?d n r-r*-<- t!i- ptensnre of ?tatinc in yon
what yonr S_"rp,p*iril? bas d?_n** for n:e; ha'. In th" ? was
disappointed, you ba*Hn_ ?? rr the r.'ty before I?lew it j ?
bare fberefcre va"n ?hi?"r*ethod to tntorm yon, ur.-d through
yoo, all who may ??e.-rre to k.""?* *- i'at _:y afmctipna " ere
and alao what h?- p."ved an antkfote t ?< the lame.
I was attacked wuh Scrofiila in av/ery alah??rg (crm
aboul five years -ince. which -pecad rapidly throughout my
head, i-tce itivl throat.internal aDd external; there ?rr?
r,. [_| boles in ihe roof of my mouth and about the pa'ate.
whit b was nearly d_troyed?-my speech and beMing so
much .?r?t-cted as to leave hut little hope that toos_
sense;- *?? ? '1 ? ' rt__r_ to me again _ i'r?*y now are. One
"i my ?ir- vsa pari ?' t ?- ed;. ny uc.-e "and the gre-ter
pan of my fac? to all bun*?n ?~pr??. ? nfest ne?? _?
sann fat?.
My TIV?- '.--r..- dreadfully affected -o as to deprive to?
ol rem. or sleep thai was any thing like natural. h-Jt as one
frenzied I p_.'.ed my tli ? ?? ? ights and wearisome deys.
My _<wer extremities were deathly cold and inanimate"?
"ily leet were greatly exten led in -etc trcm ?\hrit was called
Dropsy, nrrd in addition to ibis, fot many years I was at
?feted with P'.'.cz in l?ie-r most ?evere and distressing ttwm.
wh?h is now rcmctfJ, log* lb11 -.T-b nost of mv gre.t af?
fliction-, through the _s, of year S*_n_parilla alone, alter
'Mvin-r '.'ic best n;?.?iCd! ireatr?-nt?b- city arTcn!e<l.
I am now ?earl*, weU?myfa - ? _ bi - h -1 ?--d, my r'lotitii
and throat healed, my speech and bearing restored, my
tight improved, which was very doubtful, my sleep become
naiuril and my appetite _ood. in a word, lam a differ? nt
penon in feeling and appearance,-tid t!,?*r?: remain? rota
doubt bin that Bristol's "sarsaparilla will effectually acccm
pbr.n *>. ihorough and lasting cure of all my afflictions.
I ?rr? ai ?' loa for laugua_< and terms strong enough t'j
-r-'-r!. ol yoi Sar ip?ilia 1 1 de ervss. It bas been to
m. every th'n.?rr? it I n-.tr r,'- preserration ol roy !i:e un
,(., i-,? (ijrec-onol 1 ?**ls4 ProTidence and were ?capable
I would pfi - i ?'!! 1 ? all ils*, world what Bristol's Sanapa
rila : dorn ? me. i', v '!' afford ine pleasure at any
timt i' inform anv person wbo may _es_f? to know any
thing I Know of Bristol Sai in irilla
Yours respeco-lly. OPHELIA GORDON.
*?>'-. 10 Or3."!.-?.-tr?et
N. B f 1 all? f ?i the office ol IheSuu papei this atl-*r
noon and r**quested the publication of the above letter lor
one week, and was refused by the person in charge ol t-e
ottii-f ?rvbo ftaled that ine letter could f*ot bepubl?hedin
the Sun, as others ha ' the preference in sneu advrrtisc
ment . I enquired the ?-au-.'.- "i so straffge treat?lent. 1 bav?
111^' bet 11 ?' subscribei for liie Sun fr?m lhe tirst uur.'?b_r to
the present lime . bclievlnjr, an I did, that I was entitled to
the same ?-riril-gi with others in giving publicity to that
which I ci nsidered to be my dntyto the community, a.? well
?1 ..' 'jreat iropouu.t- to" ih? "affliclfd, that they nnghl
kn'iw what to apply as a safe and ^are remedy. But I ?sas
told that my letter could net ^o in the Su.i at any rat-. 1
w-a.-, alvi told that v. I would wan three montl? tliry nir_ hi
pa?, it in the Sun for iuc. I then left the office.
Cavt.'on? Ai tie f__eof_*i_ vVooderinl iiudlciue ex
(ends, numerous preparations are springing up lo r'-np a
part of its* reputa?on The afflicted, thttrtTere, should be
careftil, if tbey wish the irue article, to a-k ;ar Br:?n?.;'-.
and M-r that tl;e wniten --i?-s?.turi- of C. C. Bristol is acrosi
the cork of the bottle.
For sale by reputable Druggists and Agent- throughout
th?- country.
William "Burger, whole?tie ?t?cii!, 50 Court!andi-strc_t
and 188 Greenwich-street,and <v. retiil at the following
pl-ict:. Milbau's Pharmacy, 183Broadway- Rut?tou*c As
pinwall, 110 Broadway, se William street and 10 Astor
House . J">me.- Syme, M. D., 63 Bowery ; Kotiert L**ggett.
M. D..I7 Avenue D; B. C-Oackenbush,709 Greenwicn-st.
A. H:K. 3)8 Greenwich street; J. G. Reed. 143 Fulton
-.tre-t. Brooklyn ; J. i?. .f. Coddingt?n. corner of Spring and
Hndson-StreciS . f>. U. Burneit. Third Avenue, corner ot
-ighth-street] fhilip Merkle, S&3 Gran?l-?reet ; Daniel B.
Tucker,3S0 Grand-street; Dickinson?V Goodwin, Hartford,
TT?" "\r.ii-Vork *i"?cel.ly Tribune for the presen
week ?.uiiiriiii- a?. Extended Review op Dickrns's n?w
work or-- America,besides various other Reviews and Liu
rary Nelict-sol n?-?v publications; The Ghost Ball at Cun
grcsi Hall, by Willis ; Ao Italian Mad Hou.se from Black
wood; \ ?sit lo Paiber Mathew by President Dnrbin of Car?
lisle, Pa.; The Election Returns, and Editorials on do; An
niversaiy of the rtlrrcaiilile Association with Sketches of
lhe Speeches <>n that occasion ; Interesting Correspondence
of The Tribune from Boston; Numerous Editorials and
several columns of Miscellahcous reading, New York Com?
mercin! and Money Matters, and a very full account ol the
Markets,tk -. kc. ?r.
Prier bi cent*?. Office No. JlOO Nassau-?-tr_kt, in fron
of die Pari?. Subscription price'for the year by the mail
$2. Gtt-KLKY .. McELRATH.
!H>"A Front 5??rlor 10 fl/Ct, wiib Board, on the
lirbt floor, suitable for n Gentleman and Lady or two Gen
tler_eft. Also, >?-vf-fal apartments for Single Genilemen.
Location within one minute/s walk of tbe Post-Office or the
Park. Apply at Na 12 City Hall Place. n4 tf
?D" S>;?iti-ih*. "t'eiv Work on America for
sale at die Tribune Office,-apposite the City Hall. Price
121 cent?. (2)
tmrlcdicni Society of the CJily and County
of *V?--tv-*_orlt.?a stateii meetingol Hie Sociely will ue
hclit atine Sessions Courtltsom on Monday, i-sth lust., at
4 o'clock P. M. II. D. BULKLii'V, M. D.,
nil 3t F?r?ordtog Secreiary.
FT The llnptini Cfam ?rh nnd Congregation under
the pastoral cliaree of th?- Rev. J. O. Ciioules having .?ohl
th-ir Irtt?* place ol worslilp for ihe purpose of creeling one
in a more t-li^ibtc situai.on, have laben tbe spacious L- c?
lure Room n( the Sluyvesant Institute on Broadway, and
will commence Public Worship 10-uiorrow. Service at
hall past 10 A. M., :: P.M.and7 P.M. every Lord's Day.
ID* E<ectarea ?n Phjuioloj:)'.?Several medical
gentlemen desirous of attending f>r. it. Nelson's Lectures on
Physiology having intimated to him that three Lectures a
week would iutrr;'?';'- with th? ir professional engagements,
he has consented to limit tbe iiainhci' to two Lectures a
we?*k, which will he delivered on Tuesdays and Saturday?,
at 7J o'clock P. M. at the New-York Lyceum, 411 Broad?
way, over Mr. Roe Lockwond's bookstore? near Cannl st.
Price for the whole Course$5; ?ingle Lectures25 cts. n7 6t*
?lay _ _
T ? 'EndlcEM IHiaery Examined.-Ilrv. I. I).
WiLLl?MS'iN will deliver a coutse ol L??i;tur?,s in the Kouttb
(? aiversalist Chuich, -liiabetlt-sfreet, ngainsl the doctrine
of Kii'lless Misery. Tbe fir.-t Lecture will be given lo
morro**' (Sanday) evening, t-ominem-ing at 7 o'clock. Sab?
ieel: The D-ctrine Anli-Chrislian in its spiriL The public
lire invited to attend. nl2 If
D _ud of the World ?o l^-S'>!-L??ctiire-! on
lhe Second C.'iitiii.?* of the I. Mil Jes_1 Chitsl will be deliv?
ered (God willing. This Eveuing (Saturday) and To-Mor?
row (Sabbath) ai the hours ol U>\,3 und 7, and ?very even?
ing ilurmc the next week, service commencing-at 7 o'clock,
m ih? Church cornei of Catherine and Aladiaon-.treet^?
Seats free. "Surely I c ime quickly ? Amen." li*
D" Notice.?Tin; Rev. .Mr. Cheevei will repeal hi".
Lecture on Roinaidsm, on Sanday Evening, (to-morrow)
in th?? St?ioud Wesley?m Chapel in Mulberry ?ireet, near
Bleecker-sL Servi c to commence at 7 o'clock. U*
O" The Rev. B. P. Barrett. Mini?ter in ihe New
JerusPleni Church, nmII ?lelnr-r hi. fourth Discourse from
die fir>t Chanter of Genesis, at the Lyceum of Natural
History, No 563 Broadway, on Sj!?b?ith(io-morrow> Even
in. . _ervicts will commence -it 7 o'clock. It"
FT The I_er. John Liillie will on iho morning of
next Lord's day,in the ."?null Chapel of ihe Univer.::y.
conlinae Uis exposition ol our Lord'? Fi-.-pbecy, conraiae?!
the 24?I chapter of .Matthew . and in the evening will dc
Itvei a Discourse fioni the 14th rente, on the Design anil
Rt ?uli of Gimpel Missions.
s- rvices commence at in} A. M., and 7 o'clock evening.
ni: it* ____________
TJ~ Church in ??ixth-alreet, near Second
A venue.?Tins Church, known as Se Tintothy*. Church.
will he opened tor the services of the Protestant Episcopal
Church on Sunday evening,tbe KUhinst. ai7o'ciock. A
sermon wilLhe preached by the Rev. Dr. Ambon, and a
collection made in <r.;: of the purchase "I t.V edifice. Rec?
ular service will be held on the following Sundiy?. morn?
ing . ??iiernooii and even1";', at ih?* u?Uf.l hour." It is de?
signed 111 this Church to put such a valuation upon tbe
pews a? will hnn;; H? m w libra Hie mean? ot those who can
not ha accomrnodat'-d in our larcc.md wealthy churche?. It"
O* W. Ci Rayncr, Teacher of tbe Piano Porte
Or__!>, and Sm*,in_, No. _ K>r.-.t Avenue- ol3 lm*
"D* The importance which all age? bave to the
Head ol Hair is a clear index of the value ?ft upon person?
al ficur?', and ??jen by s .??e capricious freak cf Nature
the human icrm is deprived of us fair proportion, Art ?re?
sorted 10, in order, by artificial mean?, to supply the defi?
ciency. Hence bave arisen thos? wonderful diicovent-s
which bid Nature defiance Barrv'.? V*__lating aud Gr*"?
01 realheaiis of bair, which only can be bad al 146 Brond
way, corner of Liher?y-stivet. ap stairs. o26 lm
FT Heuaeniher the K?uiarul of the Ben I
C??-phi-T-C Oil? SpiriL? and Improved Burner, to La
Fayette HaU,507 Broadway, opposite Niblo's, at ?ori?"***-re?
dire? d nearly 50 jser cent- G. W. McCRKDY, Jr.
o 15 Jm (-)
FT Redding ?V; Co., American and Foreign News?
paper and Periodical Depot, and General Agency Ofhce,
No. 8 Siate-o'ireef. Boston. 'ol7 u"
- iUB?
ID" Gournud'ri Blanc D'Enpagnc, tonmprov
?h??; the complexion is rf^rorumenili!-- u? the Laaie? wilh the
Utmost ri('-?rre of confidence as the most exquisite produc?
tion in the universe ihr benutilying the skin, without the
possibility of doing the sli.bt?t injury. The common arti?
cles of this description ?ive a cadaverous and unnatural
?.vhiieness to the ?kin, while on the contrary, lhe Blanc D'
E?pagne. which is not a dead white, but a natural, lively,
fair rle_1 color, communicales the most brilliant and natural
fainle? that can possibly be conceived, and possest-es this I
pre-em'ner.i excellence, thai it is not be ?iiscovered by the
most scrutinizing observer, but leoks like the native Bloom
of Health, taken from the neck of Youth and Beauty. Pat
up in banasome boxes at 25 cents each, and to be had only
at G7 Waii;er-*lreel, 1 door from Broadway. Thr rapid
sale thi? article lm obtained since ils intrtxiaction is the
be?! test of its merit. Lsdit-s a.-e you aware thai the article
called " drake white" is prepared from Corrosive Sublimate,
a deadly poison t o2_ im
IT BlickenH _ lYcrw Wark on America for
sale at ihis ofhce. Price 121? cent?. A discount to agents.
IT Fall Styl? of f.catienten*_ Hats?BIRO
_o_T_er?***f Pine and N-?_rau-?5!_rei_*t_. ?bas now ready for in
**..*?:Le? a-?i ;cl? the Fall Stan-iarri Pattern for Gentle?
men's Hau?. _. 66 PSMkW
XT Spencer announces in gentlemen tTia? h_j jmmg?!?.
nients are now complrted for supplying accordine lo pr??
viens intiinaiion, _ _ ine Fcr Hat at a price ($3 *i5)
which shall render it emphatically the cheapest as well as
?owest pricer! G'tjileraen's Fur Hat ever on sale in this
city, ?t i* {rre-saret? .in the same slyle which ch .racteriies
our finest article, Bud U?s th<:t article isi-rTered ata pneo at
which it cannot I?. continued vriS??i rr*. untisaally r.rid
:?_!?" Tl:?* yn-Ir.-.-igTied .? ilb all confidence aArrrr*- *t tr* I??
for ihe gentkir.an aiid ?jcoooraist ihe most desirable Tzr
H?! yet oflered. io2>nS"i 5?E.>l'il:.R' *-"1?5 Broadway.
. XT ?P. j?isJsj FKMhionnble Hat EaUibli-*??.'
i usent. _.<->. 13*r ?5.roa't?v._y, morro?, tbe pcblir
ib-it he conunues toc_ant:f-{ct_re H?ts of a <l?_>criptio*?. in
iiualuy, lightness and tinen_s? of t_.xir.rc fo? 5-1 oO, fully
*? :ua! to ail, a..il r_cp?rior lo most, :_.r which _*:'??"? paid.
His newest ?t7Fe__.pa-_.c_r_.r-y becM?t-g ac. unique, ?.*?
iroprovemeni 10 be tound ir. Haii of bus :nan?jfacr?r. nnly.
It consists in a gracetu! cuiv. and set 0 the h._i;>, then
which uoilnng more beaal:!.! or erpr?....-. ha? '?? tra ' * ?
erto seen. a?d which non?- can fail 10 admire This t_u>_*on
1.. the resuit ihu 01 mere ex pen men!, bet 01 elaborate study
in toe certain rale, for adof?ng an t?> nature, in which th?_*
Spb__riber r-as .l?v_y? be~n mo.-: successftiL On this point
* h-> h?v"iul?ii?uot us assert, t.i__l in style <0'1 hi retaining '.be
?eto the lia:, (that ?.:-?t de??raWe -.u.?ttv.i bis Establish
ment s_.?!i..'- 3s_Tr__Se_L Hi? Hats at $i r-11 .**e * really
beautiful article; tbey irk but little inf?_icr to the other
m material, while they arf pu_..?I ?? .-!>>. wci __uai_.hio and
durability. Rerocinbtr. 13r Bmad**? _...* olOThSTuTS
D" Orinado Fit?.?, Fashionab!.- H-iitei.lJ7Bio.i-i
way, would inform the gentlemen of New Vork that his
Fall and Winter style ufHats 1? now ready for their inipec
tion _nd cr'tic-i! .lodgement. CJ**iming the distinct!?:*-? of
ha**Ln_ ' *e:! *'_** fini to project trod abide by a strictly
American style ol Bats *>'-.?????__??_ serrilely copyirgi.be
Fashions of Europe, which are oft.-j __Ba_3_iSd to our cli?
mate and manners .b?- r?joices t" perceive that otbers here
s-een ht to follow hia lead, ;-nd th_t now- the following of
European Fashions in Hats is ai'.nost entirely abandoned bj
the leading inni)____-_?t_iret_.
He oners a Winter style of Gentlemen's Nutr?? Hat, ai
1-3 50.and w?ii__.i'__. them equal in material, finish, fashion
a_d ?J-jrati'lt? to any Hat" sold ,-?.-, h?. as v? in th- city.
But Ii?- wishe? it distinctly U!?de?.?.*.ood that bis best Hats are
!:-.-'. *-';ld at this prie*?, but at .*4 _?'. The_e 1.? -?. -.."nraend*
aseou?lto ?nybat ?old in New-York at $5 or under, aad
challenges for ihci.i a compsnso'i w?th any other.
c?en?emen-.-?siting ucr city are respectfully invited to
? .ill and examine i-.u new -i-y'l. nt NTinter hats and judge of
their quality. He is confv'rnl that, whether Uie cheapest or
the best Hal is desire?!, the inquirer will here be s?tistied.
Try him. (s20tf) O. F13H, 1.77 Br?>ad?vay.
XT Conant, Fanhiennble Hatter, i"_.0
Grand-street, would inform the _rent!enir.n ol New-York
that hi! 'all an-1 winter style of Hats are now ready for
their inspection.
In strict accordance v. ilb [h'_ trie criacicins of economy,
tbe subscrib? r bas introduced ior ?h'e E?t?ncm?s: a b?*auii
ful, 6ne ft?ished. Fur Hat at Ihe low price of 5-t. which he
un!:?rsi.aiingly aflirnis i-, equal tn those sold "in more e_p _n.si re
paru of the city at $4 50 and $3. F**r_on. who bava bteu
in thr habito: paying the lauer pricrs lor their Hals can
now furni.?h themselves ?*_ h nn anicle equ*?! in every r<
si;?-cl for the sum of four dollars. To iLcxr who wish a low
priced Hat be offers a flue, finished, substantial article of
Fur Hal? at $3, equal to those ?old lor $_ii.O. or even the
fnnV'U? ?3 62J Hat AUo, a complete a?S0rtment of Silk
Hats, a: extremely low prices.
0I8 1m CONANT, 2?ti Grand-street.
?I, !.nrp?tin_??: Carpeting.*** Carpetin??:
Cheaper iban ever .'?All lUo?>e who are in .vant oi Cjn?.ct
incs, notice the following :
All wool ingrain Carpeting, only ?? per yard.
" t-:Lra " " 4s ,:
" super * 4s 6J "
" extra sup f' " ?
" double " " 5s ?d ??
Tiirte ply, _urcnor patterns and colors, Ss.
do do do do extra quality, 10s.
En__l.--.ti Br?ssels, e_tra,lt?<_
Jtoyal Wilton and Velvet Carpeting, equally low.
Together with a lar?re assortment o| Drugeets, Oilcloths.
Rugs, Door-mats, Table nn-l Piano Covers, India ftlatlinff,
Stair-Rod.?, i.e.?ihe large.-t slock of goods in the city. Pur?
chasers Would find It to lheir decided interest lo call an?l
examine ihes?oc?"? before !ookii?_* elsewhere.
P.. SMITH,Jr.? 4-18 Pearl-street.
?)_7 _.?.v _Opp?> .tc Williani-streeL
D" Carpeting?**, Floor Cloih-., DruggetM,
kc?Just r?-teivfil, and for >a|e cheap, an invoice 01 Tur?
key and Patent A .inimter Carpeling*. of the most costly aad
magnificent description. Also, an invoice of Brussels, Sax?
ony. Royal Wilton an?! \'?-lvrt C-rpetings, of ihe riclioi
d'_'sciipii??ri of colors and entirely new pattern*? not to Ic
obtained of any otaer dealers, the patterns being registered
in EnghmdbyauT Agent. Al??, an invoice of Kidilerinin
sier, Ingrain and Turee-p! y Curpeliiics, very neat and small
heures. Also, an invoice of French Druggets, the fir.t evet
imported : Lewpard, (.?iraffe and Mosaic Patterns, oak am!
mahogany colored. Also, an invoice of Knglish Floor Oil
<:i?)iii?, among wh cli is a very splendid Tasselaled Mosaic
Pattern, not to be had at any other establishment in this
coumrv ; toselher w ith an extensive assorttneat of Table
and Piano Covers, Hearth Kugs, Door Mats, Stair Rode,
J. 1*. 4ic. fc.i*., nH of which will be oll'ered for sale at price??,
that cannot fail to meet the wishes of ihe most t/ce-noinicnl
purchasers. Oar motlo is?Large sal??s at a small prutit.
nO 6t -?31 Broadway, opposite the City Hall
?D" Goarnurl'i Poudre Mnbtilc. lor completely
and permanently eradicating superfluous human hair from
females' upper lips, ihe hair concealing a broad and eleva?
te?! forehead, Ihe stubborn beard of man, or any kind of su?
perfluous hair. Be sure to get the ?renuine at the original
office, 67 Walker-street, one door from Broa?iway.
$1 p?r bottle?Direciions French and English.
Agents?Guthrie, 4 Maiden-lane, Albany; Myers, New
Haven; Brown, 7(5 Ciiesnut street, Philadelphia ; Jorilnn,
_! Milk-?treet, Boston ; Gray, Pou_.hkeepsie; Elliott, ??o
shen ; Wells i_ Humphreys, Hartford, ?Vc. o!3 lm
!? .'otirimd's Kan dc llraule, for thorouchly
exlfrniinaiintr tan, pimpl?*s, freckles, sailowness,and all cu?
taneous eruptions. This beautiful cosmetic is U?o well
known to need another word. Tbe genuine is lo be had al
the original office, in Walker-street, one door (rom Broad
way. $1 per bottle. oil. lotis
- Tf
Passenger? Arrived
In the brig Philip Hone, from Coquimbo?Win T Allen
and Isaac Van Tassel
In the ship Clinion, from New Orleans?Mr J Wilder.
In the ship Newark, from Savannah?Jame? B Cole, D S
Lord, anil ?Master J Smith; all of Florid.?.
In thr ship Ivanboe, from Sisal?Mr It W Dixey.
Pasuscnger** .tailed
In ?hip Ar;;??, U?r Havre?Archbishop of Camerino, Don
Laurence Valence, auditor, Don Thomaseo Galurcbi.sec?
retary, and two servant?; and Mr J G-iudvi, lady ami two
children, of Carthagenaj Mr Julian of Lirons; Mr A Fay and
Mr L Drap??r and son,?if Paris;Mr Jules Renard, of Amiens;
R?-v Mr Raymond, Kev Mr Kelly, and Mr L Beyer, of Can
?.?ia; Me??r?> J a Suydain. T M Suydan*.,J c Martin and Ro
atta, of New-Ynrk;* B P Pool?*, of Newburyport; Franais
Waterloo,of Franse; and 13 in the steerage.
In ibe brig Selma, lor Mobile?L Merchant and lady,
Mi*.?-? RosCiTournier and 0 Hills, Messrs Bennett, Wehste.*,
Stantoii, Avery, Robbiu?, Randolph, Cowby, Parish Walk
ley, Murebouse, Brown, Stewart, and two others.
In the ?hip Mississippi, for New Orleans?Jacob Branda
?ee, J C Motley, Miss E Rum?. A B Lane, ol New Vori?;
7-?eo Hillinan and lady, M Hill man, B M Norman, H Lewi?,
Wm Kinney. <" Tickaor and lady, Ma?ier S Ticknor, Mi*
RTicknor, Charles Tollen, Sam'l K Morgan, of New Or?
leans. Mr?? A Miller, of Brooklyn; Jas C Kemp.ol Pbilad;
H- nry K .Mount, of Boston.
THE SO** ? THK MOO!? | PtJLt ?Ei
?ti.e?. 7 4 I Sets 4 .*.|Morr? 1 II | Eve. 7 ?9:M?ir. S 13
Latest Datei.
'???*"?"?? .Oct. _22!havh.e'.,...?lc?. 3
LIV-CE.rOOL.Ox*t. 211 ??EW-ORL**?\*'J.Nov. 3
Ship? Marv Flower,, Weeks, Savannah. Boorman, John?
ston \. Co., ?. Biddle, Trneman, Taylor t Merrill, Hil*h.
Hammond, New Orleans. Johnson *_ Lowden.
Bark Galileo. Lombard, Apalacl.icola, J. .Macy L Son.
Brisrs E D. Wol?e. Renton, Buckkville, S. C. J. Elwei! k
Co.: Le?J?ne, (.Br.) Liswell. Antigua v\a Hal.(ax, G. 4_ J.
Sch?x?ners \ ictory. Penfield, Alexandria. *?turges? Clear
man; Lady .Mary, Axteli, ?-t. Johns, N. F., C. Bunicomb i:
Beckwtth". _
Ship Clinton. Hurley, 21 days from New- Orleans, witbcot
f-n to captain.
_>h?p ?owditch.Crowell, 2P davs from New Orleans, with
cotton, kc. to captain. The B. lias nnchored at the Quar?
antine grounJ, having the small-p-^x on linard.
Ship Vistula, Scbaenden, 27 days from New Orlean?. with
cotton, isc. bountl to Hull, (Eng.) put in here in distress.
Lai 3n, long "2, experienced severe gal*s from PL to NK.
carried sway the head ot tbe rudder,loosened the gudge?b?-,
lo-t the !>oai. and rect-ived oilier damage.
Bark Lvon?, Scofieid. 18 days from Ne er Orleans, with
mdse. to Nesmith k Leeds.
Brig Ivanboe. Outerbndge, Sisal. IS day?, with logwood.
b.c. toE. Richardson k Co.
Brir Ber-jamin L. Swans Benjamin. (3. New Haver)
Ircm Si. Kilts, aad 11 days from St. Thomas, with salt.io
Bnr Madrid, Anderson, (of Philadelphia,) 23 days from
St. Anns, Jam., with piiuento, ??c. to order.
Biiz Terry, Tnompson, 4 days from Charleston, with cot?
ton, sugar, ?c. to Dunham k Dimon.
Scbr Ann Eliza, Jacmo Poetare, 35 ddys from Maracaibo,
bound to Boston.
Scbr Heroine. Coats, 7 day? from Baltimore, with flour,
kc. to Johnson k Lowden.
Sehr D. M. Messerole, Young, 2 days from Brandywine,
with corn meal to Allen at Paxson.
Sehr October, Crowell, of Kingston, Mas*., from Peto
CalM-llo, Ocl 17, with coffee ?o the master.
S?^r Juliet Ros_?, Gains, fro-n Ptiiladelp?ia, with coaL
Sehr Hope W. Ganby, Gandy. Portsraoatb, N. c, ami 3
Hays from Ocracock, wiih sugar to F. G. Thantnn.
tjchr Herald, Edwaids, from Philadelphia, with coal.
Sehr Weymouth. Couch, 4 days freru RkbDoad, with
fia_t?-eed, ?k.c- to Allen it Paxson.
Tbe packet ship Siddons, reporte?, in some of tbe papers,
bas not arriv _??L
A.-roTHER Vessel ashobe atBar*?egat.?An h??nnaphro*
dite bng nainted black, with a red streak, and apneared io
be loaded, no person onboard, as seen ashore Thursday
forearon, on the north side of Barnegat. Had colors dying
?bal f rfd anci blue stripes?red no and stripes down.
Tbe Carthagenian brig Neura Grenada, Atwater, New
York, 12 day3, bourd io Cadiz, has put into Norfolk, leaky,
baviag experienced very _*t__iYy weather in the Gulf.
On Thursday evening. 10th in.?.- by the "Rev. Dr. Waio
wngbt. Dav.d'R. Allen to Sarab, daughter of the late Mi
clrael En.a__.l, -*il of thtscitv.
In Bolor, on Tu?-?dav. 8ih instant, by Rt. Mr. Barrea.
?Wph Trvon. of New-York, 10 MLv? Sarah H., daughter
of G?*?? Lane. E__j.
At Vershirr. Vt_. _?_ in-taat, bv Rev. Edward Potier, Al
bertS. Soutu?-or-_!,of Bcrstoii, ?o Mi? Lo?tsa R. D?a*.-;bt,
of the former place.
Re-_Iarrie?I?On the _:b instar-., bv Rev H. P. Arm?,
Mr Asa H. Bcrchar. to Mn_ Emily BcrcKakt. lu this
re-uniou o." n_pi_-.-?i lk _? ;?. ?<vn ooe ?.I the iriu:iipb> 0! tern
p*"r_??ce. A !_anlv i,.- . ...r? detracted. dumei?t>ere<t and
r__<Jer?Nl wreich_^l bv the .tt>n??*m ot strong drink, is by the
-?i."??:?* ?-harm of lb. Wubfoglon niedre, re>torc?i to " llM
walks of ?*tr_____*_u life." Pea??e au?, happiii?--*-. have returned
to ihc.r Ir-oig.e .TeH!r-g,an?lhop?? herim. upon it>?-ir tuture
pro>peci$. fNorwichtCt.) Conner.
<?n Friday _ior_it>g. 1 iih mstant, niter a .?h?rt ?tid ?c*-_re
iOlM?, David Mining.
T?V liiend?ci the family,and tl>c_?. oi his brother. Ch-fie.?
M .-m.!?_. _?.?.! the memb?*r..ot Hcv?e Co. No. 13, ami Fire De
.- ?r*ir??Bt in gen .:_?!. are rt-sp?ctiu!ly invited to attend hi?
? :ocraf this ?Satur. .-.y ? _t1t*Tnoon, atS o*rI?xk. f-.?*>in tin* r?"
?denc. et Ins tatiler,561 Hoason stte*?
On T!:urs...ay. _*."? ?sotant. ??? ihe FSth ve*r of her a^r.
.1rs, Eunice Byrne.
On Thursday morum.. i??.b fn__f_f ~r 'apoplexy. John
D?rIrrv?n.??*?. m t_e 48:h year of hi? a_> ??.
At South Bo-.tou. on Monday. 7th in>_jo!. Mr?, Sarah S.,
w\tt el David 3. MitcbeU, *__<_._ 27.
._?Ch?l>"_, 3d i???.., ot Gonsuroption, Augustos S. !._?*?
ley, tge?X?.
Ai Hail?)*?? !i. "?le., ?lit ul! . Mr-. Etiiabeth P.,.t
Cap? Sam! U. ttrookinf Sged ?. r_.>-"**:.-rl> ??! ?t.?ston
TM___t-.i i. ?-??u_j-?iiaggms mm . . ^s'^'tWilse'^nsfmmnmmmnmaKwomt^
GAYJLORD Agent of the Home
League Cash TahoR?no F..*-..;i tsvment. ha>
Re?.ov_;d firom No 14 to No. 9 John. .tre?-t. 3..<l has on i?,.?i..
a bandsome assortment of Fashionable Winter Goods, pur?
chased ai tlie lo?v??3t cas'-? prie???consisting of Frenen and
Engli&h Beaver?, French an! English <"?o"h_.,I_ itucb Ela-.
dc and Ahe&ICA*. PREMll M Ca__>i_ic-r.. C__hu?ei._i, Fig.
. ? i-et and Salm \ estings?all of which will b- n.adc up to
order in. fashion..hi?;>tyl{? at ?bort notice. Particular atten?
tion pant to Cutting, Making and Trimming Garments,ano
all ~ori>. narrante?! to fit. Terms, Cosh on delivery.
November 3,1.12. nl_ lwis
Oca! System.?A new Class in tl5 .*?hove Language
will meet at the subscribers roo_i.. No, 3 ?_*-*-.ie-sir<*et, on
Monday next at _?? o'clock, aud continue every Monday.
Wednesday and Friday, from dj to lOj P. M. Genilenu*??
di-ip-Uied to .??-?id the said Class will please to call in lb*
course ofthb wrek, ?bat their names may be entere?! in the
hi?. Terms $10 for ?/ne Courv.? of Thirty Leasoos. Private
Instrn(_iion,__nd Translations ir. Mot-tern Lnny \u _r es, as u? nal
at 53 Bowery,where may be found ml qualities a:.?'
??olors of Broailcloiis, Bt-avt*r ami Pilot Ciolhs, C_.-Mtiiere?.
Vesting?, Saiir.ets, Trimmings, i.e. ai most <_Ai:*a_>rdinary
low pnces. A great variety ot Cludis suitable lor tap-inuh
ing an?! ctirriage trimming. N. B. No deviation in prices in
any instance. Any p?.-iw?n dtoatisfied wnii Uirir purchas t
at thh ?'.ore can r?.mrii the _,oo?!s and rec eve tbeir money.
WAT. YOUNG, 53 Bowery,
nJiwis" 2d door below Walkerei.
mm, Manager.
Entire neu Scenery, Drop Curian?, Proscenium, ??.?*..?
On Tnestlay mor?i??g the HEAL FKJEB MERMAID
will arrive l?i?in Boston and be ??"???ibited the remainder 01
the week. The eccentric Dr. VALSNTtjtB is engaged ano?
ther week, and will apptar in .-.ix new characters. La Pk
TtTE Celest. , the Gifsy Girl, the LILLIPJTIAN FA?
MILY', Miss Hood, and the Albiho Lady will ab., appear.
Admittance to all 2b cents?children half pri?;?-: n7
r* REAT SUCCESS ??Tremendous At
V? trac?oos!?Splendid Performances !? NKWVOHK
MUSKL'M and PICTURE GALXBRY. (opposite theCm
Hall, BroadwaJr.J?Admission ONE SHILLING!?Mr. H
Bennett, Manag? r, has the honor to -?nnouoce that he ha*
?fleeted an engagement with Mr. ?, D. JENKINS, the in?
imitable Delineator of Comic Character, popular Vocalisi
and unequalled Ban. ? Play r ; M*?st. FRANK DIAMOND.
ill.? unrivalled Ethiopian Danc?-i will apper; also Mr. B
Botce, the celebrated Comic Singer; Miss Kosalie, ih?
cbarming^onci-tres.; Mr. Delarue, will give au Imitation
of Hon. DANtct. Webster, with extracts from Ids speed
delivered on Tuesday last, also Henry Clay; Mr. Wright,
the wonderful falsetto Vocaii.it. There will be a Day Per
rORMAKCE on Wednesday and Saturday al 3 o'clock. Tl?.
entertainments in il?<? evenine will commence at hall pasi7
Admission to the Museum. Picture Gallery, Performance!.
ANTED?? youn? woman to rlo
hewing in a family. Enquire of Mr. Parker. Sontli
Ferry, York side._??12 It*
for sale low at 597 Broadway. nl2 21
OARD in East Broadway (lOI) with
fine front or bach rooms on second door, may be had
by a family or a few ?higle gentlemen ?>t good ???oral.?.?
Il'?U!.c mu? ?ocniion unusually pleasant and desirable. Pri?
vate family. Term? very favorable._ni- Ht*
ed.?A young man who niiderslands keeping Bool.?
and Lsa good penman, may hear of a situation for a short
time at a low salary by addressing C. K. W. Park Po. t oi
signed is in receipt of a large assortment of entir?
new style woolen velvet Vesting?, by ilie Western, which
will be made up to onlerat the usual moil-rate prices foi
ready money. Wit. T. JENNINGS,
nlJ til is 2_!) Broadway, American Hotel.
?A Job Priii?nu' Ottice, well located, nearly new, am:
which cost about $l?W* will be >o;a cheap, anil bond an?-,
morigiige taken in payment, if applied for soon. Address
FADST, at llie office of the ("ourier and Kn?|uirer.
ni2 3t.
"R ?NK'b'?ARDS?40,000 as. Trunk
B')i?n!s for sale at Manufa ?turei's price?, by
Iil2 GAUNT i. HORUICKSON. l?D ?oiilh-st.
PRINTING PAPER of all sizei aod
quality made to order, at the sliort?*sl notice, at mat.
utacturers' pric?-s, bv
n!.! GAUNT k I'ElUtlCKSON, 15_J So_.ih-si.
PAPER FOR SALE???-6000 assorte?
Green Hanging Paper, 20 to 56 inche* wide ; also SOW
a??wiited fine whin??!o ut) inch, f??r sale at mauulactur? r's
priccjiy_QAITNT k DORRICKSON, f_> Sonth-t r.l_
HARDrWARE^ PAPER^600 reams,
??ifferent sizes, "?6 by 40 to 21 by 21; also?.. r?:ani
Envelope--150 gro?_. Bonnet Boards, f'*r sale ai manufac
turers' prices, by GAUNT k DORKICKSON,
nl3 1?"J .?viu?.?.-,.'. ? i.
200 Barrels,
.??'o Half do.,
4?','0 Quarter do.,
boo Eighth do..
200 Bags.?O lbs. each.
In ?-l-gant order for ?bippi-i?*; or farnii?,? a_e, for iaie iiy
nli It' 200 Front, corner of Beekman .tr??er.
STORAGE can be had in new fire-proof
it ore No. 06 D'-v-M , n?*ar W.shington m. Inquir?* oi
nil 2t- J. HOPPOCK _. SON. ?t?i Fulton-.i.
?Vf OTIC? is hereby given, that the an
_L i nual election of Director? <n ' Th- Howard Insur?
ance Cornpa'iy " will be held at ihe i._fic>? of the Company,
No. 54 Wail-street, on Monday, DecembPT 5. n?*2t, com*
nifncing at 1 o'clock and clrttrine at 2 ?>'clo?-lt P. M.
New-York, November H, 1842. n9 1d?_>
?A great variety of uew and spl.ndid palters adapt*.!
to IniantS children and boys of all ages. Also, laditr?
Ridmg Caps ot very beautiful patterns, an?l (rendenim'*
Sporting and Dr.*.?? Caps. The ?.u .s?*nb*-r tst?Jas bftMeil
be h_L_ Ihe largest and bts*. a5_.-ru.iri t of Cap? iu tlie city,
and a furtii?.r recommendafwin is the exrreme mod?rai'
prices at which they are veoiied. Wholenale and retail at
WATSON'S, 1?4 Chathata_treet,and
s8 jgf_1 fiOBo-A-rry.
NEVERS resDectfnlly invite their friends and \b?
public generally to call at'34l Broadway aa_l ?-xamire
the a__.)i_?neni or LAMPS, CANDELA?RAS. GlIL-iN
GOODS ot every description, which they have jast opened,
and offer for sale at prie? tbat carmot tail to satis! y pur
Enjoying unusual ?dvantaae*? for the selection and manu?
facture o? tbeir Lamp?, Cai.del.iB2a, Gihahdoliu, kc., C.
k S. are enab_?*?d to offer them ui a great variety of pa.t _r:,
and finiab. soitable for Churches, Hotels, Stores, Dvxllbigs.
and Steam or Sailing Packets. These last arc a _.ew and
mot desirable article, well wortby of the attention o/
owner? an?! shipmaster-.
Attention U particularly invited to the Solar Lamp, so
justly c?l?br?t**-, for it*? superior brilliancy and economy.
This Lamp, a? tested by accurate experiment, afford!
twice the licht of an Astral, ?while It ban? atiriisg an
equal number of hours at half the evpekse.
COUTHOUY _. NSVJSfig will keep constantly on band
acomplete assortment of the article? at-ove cHomerattKl.tUJ-4
bope by their enileaTors to ?*onsult the ta?.te_ and wUb<-? of
the pcbUc, to m?rita favorable sb-_ue ol ibe patronase no ?
solicited for tbeir esUblLthment._nl2 5ti_?
TO PRINTERS.?For sale, an Adams
Power Preso, double medium ?iic Also, an Impo?
sing Stone; one set of Octavo Stereotype Blocks, one ?et of
12m**? and one set of quarto. Apply at 133 Fnlton-*tre?*t,
4th ??tary, where the thing? may >?_; _een. n7 lwi?*
?W. C. RA YN ER ta?es Piano Feries ia any part o?
the city for fifty cenLs. Also, gives insirnction on the piano
forte, organ, and in singing, on very rfbderate terms. Apply
at bis residence No. 22 First avenoe. o23 lora*
Stora ws Biwlwav.
^Liberal cash advaacre. made oa coiMga-enu to iNK-oa
MONDAY ?VK?vt..o, N0v 1?
At 6J o'clack.
Mkoical Books -A .arge coUecUm of ?_*.abl? Medical
2_%.conwstinc of wotkson Me?i>c;ti??. Sarstrrvsaiid Mn
?g?*g?- Popular Kiemenur)- Work?, sSXrt T??..
u?L*TE!amlV* L:ra,J'* ?^w*'' natt..io|w,c.-.
P ? ? j* Anatomj-.S v?, q.?rto,c?t.?n-t_ pl*Ur. Jo?-?
ton ?Nf-frctvChirurgica! JctKt?_,?S *>, Mm:.?;r. _fth<.ju," .
doa Medical _3ci??,-,6 , . Kxsh oa Disease-o? uve K?
ium.--vs.qa.no, colore-t plates ?---000*-. l*r_cl_u
?^, Grt?-?orysPracuct,. _ v . Decree's Practice? Femk?
.m Children and MMw^fcry Ji^;^t;. .-y ?n Prrv??.__cy.
FW____r--_B__ ?V'-W ?Vilenie. *. ?% Ve!pe_-o_
the Bref-l; Duoglesoo ?. ??_?_-?*-. Medka' Dktiooan? The
rapu_c^aiid.M?r?ncal Ma<leDt;Coop<rsl^tur^ 0?. S_v
-ery; BO?tDC-.I-ys-Io-y.3 v . Mononon ConMi?npti?>->
colored piale*. 8ij?b> .? Midwi,.rv. Tweedi? on K??pira-'
;it>n; t??XKl'sNo??oiafy .n<! Medic??.,5 v? Cooper*^ I e.
tures._ vr>; C?x?per'sSurgical Dire.iotMiy. Chltty's >l
Jun.?prudt-irce. Huiitcr on the Bl?>od; Thoamoa no the
Liver and Spleem Bet? ??.?: ibe Teeth; Rot*. _-oo <?o Dr
aruii ? Modern ?^urgerr; Asaot-*. RIe_eats ot Plivnc*.
Trail'* M?*??':**! Jurisprudence, ALVu ?Soryery,,.?., ?p?. y. .
i>'? Practice; Bcchanan's Domestic Medicine- \.;??iin*s Do
mesuc Wedicine.
WKDNfc'sD.lY. Nov. h.
At ?J? ??'clock. ;n the Auction Room.
KTCrsrsc B_LC or Books in _L"?.Nrmr.-~-Et?i5->nieio?
a large variety of choice S fane ard Works, it? r?w ?ruf
F.xri !? binding?, School ?indCU-si?-.?! Boot-*, mid _ getKra'
assortment et rali*?ble pttb?cfttiont. and fancy Ix-un?- B'-ik?.
rd.-r.--t ro die season, ?n lot.? to suit piireh-s?**;-"*.
Pi a culars hereafter.
MONDAY KVENING? No?. 21, ai ?? ? . l?.tv*
GreatSalk or Damac.o H'?-.?- Iboat ?AWvc-roone?
t>< 5oolt?,slij't)'?ly dam.tgetl hy w.?ter -*?t the l?u*rn_g cd
Messrs. aupes.' c-abluhiaeu
Particular? hereafter.
at 4 o'clock.
Hatter?", Focket-Boc- .M?\_er.--an lBcokbindei ??< L* r
About ISO deten colored Skia?, --?-rted color.-.
Also, an invoice ot Binders' Muslin, -.jricu? paiten??
Aiac, an fctoice of Marble Pape -.
A ntof Stercotyt-.-Plate; t_ Fl????iwii?d'- UfeofC?H***,'
?06 r <-* '*?? 'Vtavo, witii Bagravin .
Y S. D_*_-_?J_i_t? ?T.--m?ton 54 ??&
__MT_*??iH.<*orn?*TO( r'-fi ?*??
SATURDAY. Nor. 12,
Ai 10 o'clock, at th<* AucQon Room.
Cloths ano <".*.*?????krc???Fn?? lh- ?.helves?on a irretht
of six iii..::_:?, for iippr.veti endors***?' noie.?ft*, ps siiper
We?t of -oicl-tcd Cloths and Caasfa?re ? (ust imparted, cum?
??rising wool-dyed blacks, brown.?. i.ivis>iL*ie green, ?Utr?-,
citrou gieen. claret, tlahli.?, be.
Aifto, 100 pieces plain ?uni ?ney Cat-bneref,
Also, an Invoice ot extra supfrr West of F.n?ludtt Broad
Cloths, lp.iptjrt?.d esprt?Iv tor city.
Als??, blue black and tn.ligo blue Bcavei Cloth.
AlfO, (with which the ?ai*, will cotir.i;t-.'i?>.'> Stock {* I
Tho entire clock of a retail??rgl vin?? ?|> bqrdn*?C, ?-??isisting
Klai.kcL?, bleached anil brown SheeUnta und ?iau ii'. .
Cantonaodscarlet Flannel, f.mey Prints, Cloth, Ca>.
mere?,Satinets, Ho>e and half Ho??, Sp.???l Cctton, _e.
Also, for Cash, lu bal-> Kussi*. Dan? r.
___ 20 cases ?_cn's thick "-t-.g'-.l -.-r-a.
TOESDAY. Nov. i?
At 1? o'clock/ "H the Auction Room.
Cloths and Ca.?im_s._s?Pi?sii ihe ibelves?on - credit
of ix moutl_, for iiiiproved eiuioisfi u.-it?>s?.-??i plrcei 'tt
.crior We? of England Cloths *.l?d l'n?inicrc.-. .i _I _-v
At 10 o'clock, at Hie Am-,on R?-*??.
FR.r.NCH Goods?By caul-oxue?Ko.-n-.f.i.'v^d ?*iid?>i-????*l
notes at 6 _onib'i credit?11? cases l-'r?-i.>-h ?'<>?>?'?, com
."rising a great variety and extensive auortnieQtOl staple
?ml limey articles of ircr nt nnpirta tmns.
Catalog-?? and samohrsen wie morning or'sale.
V ALBA KIM BALL?Ufncfc [No. ?
.. Bread, corner of Wall ?reel.
A. K. will give his attention 10 the tale of Real fcilaia.
Stocks, Furniture ami Out-Door Bales generally.
( C in h lar.)
ALBA KI.MBALL offers hi?, service? to .Merchants c.n
oihers for the sale of Stocks at Public Auction.
For the accommodation of dealers, h?? will hohl ?laily a
public sale of ?.u-b Slocks as are ofl'eied, la the Rotunda of
'he Merchants' Exchance, where buyer? and ??-!!??***> b?mg
.r?cent, can regulate their transactions satlst?cum'y to
The publicity of thes?* -ales will obviate tii? (requentcoii
?roversies arid law suits which aris?1- under tbf post*at SJ ?
tern; lieing subject to the same tule?ni business as Mer-?
?hantt' sale.?, and open to inspection, where every' l>er?on
ran exercise bis own jud^enient
Principal? will have iht? liberty, whenever ihr,- so elect,
?o make me Uansf-i- direct to the pincha? i ? ?t"! receive
'he proceeds.
Dealers will ?Icrive another iroportatat aih-jntigetliiounh
die medium of the Auctioneer's adverlisem? nt?, .if Srnck
?re frr?juently ?old at ihc Board of Brokers :H ? let_ prie*?
than coold have been obtained,had they b"cn advertbed
ind Un- ?le made public.
FRIDAY, Nov. 11.
At 12 o'clock, ai the Merchant?.' K? hange.
Menick vs. Hillon?Chancery Sale?Under th?? direellon
of R- C. Whe-ler, Esq , Master in Chancery?Theuoe?
pired term of a certain leasehold eslate ituated tin the
?ouiherlv ?iile of Dlvlsloo-atreeti known on a map ot the es
?Rte of Hendrick Rutgers, deceased, dated N?>vemb?-r 1Mb?
1813, and filed in the oflice of the Register in and for the
City and County of Ncw-York, as lot No. 19 on ?nid map
See adverisement in the Commercial Advertiser, signo?!
R. C. Wheeler, Master in Chancery.
A new tloee story Dwelling House and Loi in University
Place, the fourtlijinu.se above BlevcnUi-t-reet.
AUCTION GOODS at 649, Broadway.
Received from Auction This Day.- ? ?ot ol Girl?'Net
' Wool Frocks ami Boys' Coats, cheap.
A lot of fine Foulard Silks, only !_t
A lot of fine Linen Cambric aod Muslin Cuil. "" wotkeil
Chimezettes, only 6s.
1 very rich Broche Thibet Shaw!, t>l net ?"Tool Shawl?.
A lot of fine Mous and Uncut Velvets, and black und ?ol
ored Plu*li.
Blue black Silk V'eivnts, first quality, loi -V. 75.
1,000 Silk, Plu--.li an?! Vel/et Point-.
ino rich striped Satin Gravai?.
Rich Willow and other Feathers.
A large assortment of Bonnet Ribbon?, Wh t, Ln?tring
nnd Satin, from 1 s to I? per yard. Km?- Frene h W ie?ih_
Mitts of all kinds, ?n dozen .spotted Gloves.
For sale by H. C. ?MOORE, it .ii?>v<-,
nlO Iwis* and at !_-l Bhrtr? ?or .
MENT, ?4QI Fulton-street, near Broadway.
The subscribers are prepared with it lar?;e and exlerisi1 ?
n-snrtment ol FALL AND WINTER GOOD., u.e-t-.
cute orders for garments at the shortest notice, .md .il a imali
advance from cost. Our purchases are made exclu irv?l*/ fot
cash, and we coraincnce our fall busies? fully detenninn^
to sustain our unusually luv/ pri<:ca, and famish our cuatOO-?
?rrs with u fir_t rule article at a small profil l-.?r re-il y mope y
Strangers and olliers visiting the city who arv in want ?,.
_, outfit, will find it u* tbt-ir interest to call and examine. ,
gcrods and style of work lurfore leaving their orders.
Full suib turuisbed in 21 Iimuis.
Strict punctuality observed in filling ordert.
sl2 islf J^JIOOTH k CO.
FALL GOODSV?T-o -mderaigiie_;;w
prepared with his usual er.teBsive assortment of serf
suable Goods to execute orders for Garments In a rtyle
which will comport with any hou.ie in the Trade, ?t prieta
which mu-X offer i-dacement-> to those paying ready iu^
Atttntioii i?. solicited to the ?tyle of Pantal???n-lurnfbed
at this oubtishmeni, a? particular ciste i? directed to this <>
partment,**itJi the vir-w of giving?eiitire ItUtftCtfoa
Those who hav. ?jxpeiicnceil any ?lii_caity in '?euuig
s_ied, _e iisuted liut d superior fit can alwey*" be realised.
French?i?l English Cus4imeie*>iti .1 p.teal v-iir?iy t. u?v/
patlcrasjust received. The ?uwrtwieot of Vesting-tshicfa
gave so mu-rb sriiisfcction through tb<* flpring a on Sum_it
?ea-ons, wiil be kepi up.
French and Enpiisb C?Uu ot sun-i and nitiSain <ic.-?li
tie-, for Dre-and Frock C??--U, Pd"'. and Besets dotai fot
Surtout, always on tiarrd.
Fancy dress amcl?, inciudiig Siik tnd Safin Scju?.
Cravat?, Handkerchiefs, Glov.-. lio>;?-ry, 3uip-jud?rs,
Shim, Collars, Ice, *t usual -^ggfam^
Late Lyndc ir. Jeuniogs. 223BioadAay, Ani?-iir^?n Hule'.
OURTOUTS, CLOAKri. &c. m a va
_3 riety of styles, ready made at -.:. * Eslabllshinvr.f. for
garments of the first quahty. No. '2Zl Broadway, Ai*erJean
H"te,._]______?_': ;N1WGi? t,*? lall
WATCHES lower than ever.?In coa
seouence of the red.c?on of dune* by tL?* ?ate
tarifTtht? suf-criher i-seHing bis ?h.-ck of Gold and 8?lvt-r
Lever?, Anchor Escapentents, Lepin*-, and other Watche?
of new and splendid patterns, a?.d Jewf-liysir'reuU ?-ta
considerable reduction trom former prices, be?ig mU'*li
lower than they can be bought for at -my oilier place in
the city. Gold Watches as iow as $.0 io $25 eich.?
Watches and Jewelry exchanged or btiugbt. All **? -
warranted to keep good tinieorti? money returri'?d.?
Watches and Clocks repaired in the l>e?t ?____-, aud wai
ranted, 81 roach I<**js titan the usunl price.-.
G. C ALLEN, Immirterof Watche? aad Jewl-ry,
oI7_ tf Wh?>l??-fe and retail. 30 Wall-v., up rta>w.
SOUTHVVORTH'S Patent lardTTmpi*,
For burning common L\rd without any prep*"?"'-"
ai an expense .ne half Itss than oil e^n be had, whole?tw
and reuil, at EDWARD FILL-Y'S Crockery "Srcf.,
n7 ImU 125 Maiden Lane, aad OS'P******
kc; also Jame.'-. Screws, Clark*?" Butt., Coopen'
Glne, and Hard ware gen*?r_lly. _'____# ??i-__.?__i .
?.asjjB?* van B__BCOitfc__!fy____________Lt
N?T?ork. The ne*" ?aulogiies ot this ?v??bh,-;?em.
coramising the U/gest collectmi. of lires and planu m Aine
ri^?tCTrwWpricM w,'i<*11 average 25 per cent
???than are usually charged elsewhere, wi.'lbeseoliMtven
oMmUmt^m?OA 1 bey may td? be obtained of T.X.
?_am^ell 2S P_e-*_*eef. and at 70 INassau-street ; and all
orders -ot per mall wiil be _ rorapHy execn?etl aod for
wwded a, directed. Fiusuiag, Nor. 9, 18_*.
aloiw? VVM. R. PRINCE k CO.

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