OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, February 16, 1843, Image 3

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Latir rRo? Vera Cruz-?Tb? sehr. Victorine,
ftrrfffd in this port on Saturday evening last, from
Vera Crux, having made the passage ia nine days.
Je?"1 verbally, that the Mexicans are still em
barking troops, ant! sending them from Vera Cruz
to Campeachy- Within a few days previous to the
,ailjig of the Victorine, a force of about a thou
?gadTtt) fifteen hundred, had been sent out, not en?
tity composed of effective men, for about 300 of
this force were vomen?soldiers' wives and attend?
ants. The knowing ones in Vera Cruz are strong
jn tie belief, that tbe expedition will prove a fail?
ure Tbe English commander of the war steamer
Montezuma, we understand, has resigned his sta?
tion, and left the Mexican service. Tbe Victorine
brought $9,000 in specie, to a bouse in this city.
_ [Mobile Adv. Cth.
From Tahiti.?Letters from the American Con?
sul at tbat place, Mr. Blackler, to Sept. 11, state
?bat the French Admiral, Deputit Thouars, ar
riTed there on the 8th, and made a demand on the
Tabitiana, of tbe sum of $ 10 000, in reparation for
abuses, and as a guaranty for their future ad?
herence to treaties. It seems they immediately
entered into negociations for the surrender of the
sovereignty of the island. Four of the Chiefs on
tbe 9th signed a paper to that effect, but tbe Queen
bid then refused to sign it. At the last date tho
question of acknowledgement of tbe sovereignty of
France was supposed to be settled, as all demon?
strations of hostility bas ceased, but the French
flag was not yet hoisted. The La Reine Blanche
was at Tahiti.
(rj'Oneof om hunter* this week killed six
deer within a few miles of thia city in one fore?
noon. [Bangor Whig.
From Ihe Baltimore Sun, Jan. 16.
SaSDS'sSARSsrARtLLA.?Scarlet Fever disarmed of its
terrors.?This dangerous and alarming affection, which bas
iwept frooa tbe stage ol time so many, hoih at tbe innocent
ere of iofsocy and the more mature and vigorous period of
Dtsnbood, bas at length met its bane and antidote, and its
evil effects upon the system are laid waste by its powerful
infloenee. A little grandchild of Mr. Patrick'* was attacked
with scarlet fever, which left her in n dreadful state ? her
little body was covered with patches of fcarl -t eruption, n
Isrirc lump something like a bile, and at least two inches in
diameter, made its appearance on one shoulder, which
broke and discharged an almost incredible quantity of most
offensive matter and corruption. Besides Ibis she discharged
?lirtje quantity ol corruption from the ears, of a very of
fecjive cuaracler. Almost despairing of ever stopping the
discharge, they made trial of Sanris's Sarsaparil a, which
rffected a cure, the child having taken only one bottle. For
llie benefit of those suflViing from Ihe baleful efleets of this
bwrihle disease, Mr. Patrick will be pleased to inform any
pfrsnn as to the correetnejs of this statement, it they will
call at bis residence in Kxeter street, near Fawn.
Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, and for exporta?
tion, by A. It. SANDS ?t CO., Druggists and Chemists,
Branite Buildings, No 273 Broadway, ?orner of Chambers
Meet. New-Y<nrk. Sold also by A. B it D. Sands, Drujr
Ifirts, Nos. 79 and 100 Fulton street; David Sands it Co., No.
77 East Broad way, corner of Market-street; and by Drug
pists eener lly throughout Uie United Stales. Price $1 per
bottle, six br?tdes$5. _
IT The Indian Chiefs stay at the American Museum all
Iiis week. No one should lose this opportunity of see?
ing a group of warriors, acknowledged by ail who have
teen them to be tbe noblest specimens of the race which
have ever visited us. They appear in ike dances, ?tc at 2
and half past seven. _
Is pablisbad at No. SO Ann-si. a new novel (original) entitled
This is an original production of great beauty and merit,
written by a Girl actively employed for five years in one of
the New-England Manufactories. The work is one of de?
cided talent, and an honor as well as nb ornament to the lit?
erature of the country. Tbe Tales are beautifully told, and
afford a picture of Factory Life which, while it will be new
to die majoriiy, will greatly interest all readers. The inci
dents are stirring and wrought out with great effect.
<w It is issued in an Extra New World, and for sale at Ihe
Office 30 Ann street, and Booksellers and Ageuts at 12$ cents
a copy; 10 copies for $ I?$8 per hundred. 15f 2t
CT Tbe attention of capitalists is requested to tbe sale of
ofSpanisb Scrip ($21,169 90) by Halliday it Jenkins, auc
tioneers, nt the Merchants* Exchaugo, on tbe 20th insu Per
advertisement In this paper signnd John R. Tracy. Full
particulars given en the day of sa'e. f 15 5i*
?alrs at the Stock Exchange, Feb. 15?
$2^00 NV 7s. 184!).1U4J
J.000 s tate 6s, 1862.1011
3,100 do.blOds 101A
300 State 5?, 1858.DO?
WO Illinois 6s, 1870.... 21}
&OO0 do.b?Od 22
I.OCOKenturky 6s.8-1J
1,000 do.81
47)00 do. to;
$l,0U0 Oiiio6s, I860.66
75shreManhat Bk.65j
20 do Bkof Amer_86
6 do Del. Si Hud.82*
27 do Canton Co. 16$
60 do do. 16J
35 >u do.17
40 do Moh'k r.,. 27<
50 do Harlem R. H'j
3,61.0 do.83} 41 doUt&Schlt.115
S.M0 do.b60d 84 I 25 do Au At Rech R.... 90
second board.
$2,000 Kentucky 6?.?4 ,200 shrs Harlem R.161
b do Canton Co. 17 j
MOO do 5a.70
2 000 Ohio 6s.663
5,000 do.s3d 66?
5 do Lafayette R.54
Commercial and Money Ittntters.
Wednesday P. M.
Tbe sales at the Board to-day were not large, but at im?
proving rates in State SecuriUes, excepting for Kentucky,
which declined farther 1 per cent State 6s sold at l;.nn
advance; and Ohio 6s Improved 1\ per ct. Mohawk de?
clined \\ Canton improved }.
Not much doing in Foreign Exchange. We quote Ster?
ling 5J a b\\ Francs 5 45.
Alabama to-day is selling at SO d;scount. The letters
from Mobile stale that mailers were rather on the mending
We give the following condensed abi-tract ol tbe Bank
Commissioners' Report- Tbe process of contraction has
been steadily going forward since 1839. The domestic ex
changesof the Stale indicate a depressed but healthy ac?
tion on the part of the Banks. The redemption lav/ bas
worked with admirable effect, and has prevented tbe es?
tablishment of free banks at places difficult of access. Tbe
circulation and debts of tbe Lafayt tie Bank have been paid,
lad the stockholders will receive about ot.c-fourth ol their
capital The embarrassments of the Bank were owing to
large loans to directors and others, for speculative purpo?
ses. Tbe Watervliet Bank was enjoined hi March lasL Its
failure was occasioned by allowing the Caihier to control
the whole affairs of the Bank. He committed, previous to
Sept 1841, a series of frauds, concealed by false entries.and
finally absconded. The Commissioners consider their
powers too limited, as they cannot arrest tbe operations of
? Bank until it is bopeles*ly insolvent, and until unjust pre?
ferences have been made among its creditors; and suggest
Ihm they have authority to arrest the proceedings of a Bank
?t any moment when they shall believe the public good re?
quires it. Tbey object to oflicets ot Banks being engaged
? other business. The Clinton County Bank, and the
Bank of Lyons, (ailed by the same causes which have pros
tra'ed so many Banks, being managed exclusively by the
President and Cashier, and ihe funds of tbe Bank loaned to
favorites for speculating purposes, A detailed statement is
gives in relation to the over issues of tbe Bank of BufTaio,
?sich have already been received to ibe extent ol $237,731.
The loss to the Fund, from the over issues of tbe three Buf
Wo Banks, amounts to $425,f00. It is recommended, to
prevent a repetition of these frauds, that tbe Banks be re?
quired to deposit their plates with an officer appointed for
Uie purpose. The hem 'Bank Fund,' in several cf the
Bans ?Wiemenu, is an item of no value, and should be
charged to probt and loss. The Commissioners recommend
that tbey be authorised to visit a Bank and require its an
W?l MAleraent, not at any stipulated lime, but at a time
daring the yearwben the Bank doe* not expect such a visu,
*nd cannot prepare itself by contraction, 4ic
the receivers of tbe old Howard lnsurar.ee Company
!**? declared a final dividend.
Edmund Hanison bas been elected President of the Mo?
bile branch of the Stale Bank.
Markees? Oarefnlly reported for The Tribune.
Wednesday, Feb. 15.
ASHES-Tbe market remains quiel, and we hear of no
taesactioua in either description. Hoiders ask 5 50 for
Pots, bat wouM probably take 5 371. Buyers offer 5 25 a 5
Pearls remain nominal ut C 50.
COTTON?Tbe market is not active to-day, but prices
?Ppear to be firm. Yesterday afternoon there was cousld
j-fsbie don?, and the sales ot the oay reached 1200 to 1500
"?lea. To-day we hear ol but 500 bales. Some of the re?
tail receipts nave beeu sanip.ed, but ol the middling
Trade*. We quote fair Upland bj a 7; N Orleans and Ataba
21,47 a 7$. At C ha: lea ton sales ot tbe week were 897^ bales;
^eipis 10,756 bales. Prices were aboul jc lower than the
previous week, Quotations middling and middling fair 6 a
Hi '"sir to tally fair 6i a 7J; good fair 8. At Mobile the fo?
reign advices were looked upon as calculated to give the
??rkei ac?vity sud iirmness.
FLOUR AND MEAL-There is no variation in tbe mar?
ket for Western, aad tbe sales are quite limited. For Otn
-t 50 u gencraly a?ked; Michigan and Ohio flat 4 4i>J a
A parcel ol i&uud Ohio, a favorite brand, sold at 4
Troy u nominal at 4 57? a 4 4iJ. The bolder s ot Ne w
Orleans are arm Bt 4 12,, and we notice sales of aboul 18?
obis at 4 12} a 4 18J. About 1200 bbD arrived to-day. 1c
?-?ttihcru we bear ol only retail sales, and we coauuue our
^lauoo.-Oeorgctown 4 12J a 4 25; Howard, st, Peters
wg. Alexandria, Baltimore City, Ricbmontl Country,
?niuyWani^ kc. 4 00 a 4 lij; Richmond City dull at 5 2i
* 5 5>> tfraudy wtae uominal ot 4 50. Rye Flour, relall de
n*** SWiJiij. Nothing ol Importance In MeaL
Jersey 2 50 a 2 56,; Brandywine 2 62J: bbds 12 25 a 12 75.
Shorts 9 a 10c, dull aale?; 1(00 bushels Ship [Stoff, out of
?tore, at 12c. At Cincinnati, large aale? of Floor at 2 56
a 2 no.
GRAIN?Farther sales of about 1300 bushels of Illinois
Wheat hare been made, on terms not transpired; the quota?
tion is about 80c The demand is not huge. Of the recent
receipts of N Orleans Com, about 8000 bushels, including
the 2330 sacks per brig Emily, hare been taken by the dis?
tillers at 45 a 46c, the Utter delivered. In Rye we bear of
no sales; the nominal rate is 54 a 55c. Barley 42 a 50. Oats
are in fair demand at 30 a 31 for Northern; Canal axe scarce
Jersey are worth 26 a 27.
SEEDS-Tbere is a good demand for Rough Flax for
crushing and cleaning, and several of the lots recently re?
ceived from N Orleans have been taken. We notice sales
of aoout250 les at 8 75, and 1000 bbl, for crashing?100 to an
ont-towr. crusher-at 4 12* per bbL Clover remains as be?
fore; orders limited below the views of buyers. Goo<i new
is nominal at 6 a 6,; oid 5 a 5J. Timothy $14.
BEESWAX?Within a few days about 5i00 lbs good
Southern and Western have been taken for export ai 29c
t/m E_A 551,6 ?f 155 lC*' commoD qna,ity> w? made at
TALLOW-Salesof 10,000 lbs fair Western, rendered, at
7jc, cash.
OIL?The market for Whale, which has been bare for
some time, has received a small supply, the Frances Hen?
rietta, at N Bedford, having brought 1200 obis Whale and
1500 bbls Sperm. A small parcel of 40 bbls has also been
received. It is generally supposed that the 12C0 bbls will
bring about 37ic. There have been sales of 300 or 400 bbls
Candle Sperm at N Bed.ord, at 57c. Manufactured bere is
r,ither dull at 50 a 55 for fall and winter.
PROVISIONS?We notice a sale of several hundred bbls
new Mess Beef at 6 50. Iu Pork there have been no salts of
importance Lvd dees not go off easily, many of the large
orders for export being suspended until the arrival of the
Reamer. We notice sales or about 1000 kegs at 6c; small
sales City rendered at 7J. We quote smoked Hams 7 a 7J;
pickled do5a5J; pickled ShouldersS; sm^k-d Beef 6k; and
Beef Rounds 3j a 4c- In Butter there h little or nothing
doing. The better qualities of cask Cheese have beea in
request for shipment to England at 6 a 6ic. The Cincinna?
ti Gazette says that the amsunt of Hogs slaughtered is
234,000. One house packed 42,i Oft. The business was nenrly
closed. The hogs surpass in sir.e and quality those of any
previous year. Each bog is estimated to yield 50 lbs laid,
which gives 11,699,350 lbs?worth about half a million of
dollars. The following is an estimate of the disposition of
the Lard: Amount purchased and sliioped direct to France,
in round numbers, 5,250/.()0 lbs; amount shipped to New
York, 1,125,000 lbs; to Boston, 1,125,000 lbs; to N Orleans,
1,125,000 lbs; to Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Baltimore,
l,125,C001bs; which leaves,as Mock on hand, 1,919,350 lbs.
Court Calendar Ttaia Day.
The Calendar continues the same as on Tuesday. Judge
Oakley stated that measures would be taken on Friday to
make some disposition of it. and rt quested persons interest?
ed to attend.
?itP I-ntclli'Qcnce.
' Wednesday, February 15
Board of Assistant Aldermen?Present,
the Prerideat and a quorum.
The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dis?
pensed with.
Pe titions ?Of R. S. Schefllin against opening Thirty?
ninth-street. Of II. R. Carow to be relieved from lax: re?
Resolutions ?By W. Dodge, That the order of business
be reversed in this Board, so far as resolutions are concern?
ed. It proposes to receive them immediately after repo.Ls
from departments: laid on the table.
By Mr. WdliamF, That the Committee on Laws be in
strnctedto report a law permitting interments in all vaults
constructed for that purpose: referred.
A messsge was received from His Honor the Mayor,
transmitting the aonual report of the Bank for Savings in
the City ot New-York, and also the annual report of the
Treasurer of the Sailors' Snug Harbor in the City of New
York : ordered on file.
A communication was received from the counsel of the
Corporation, staling that a bill had been recently introduced
in the Senate of this State, the object being to permit own?
ers of land in Brooklyn to build docks and piers into the
East River in front of the same? that such an act would be
an infringement of the charter of this city, and recommend?
ing a remonstrance to be forwarded to the Legislature
against the same: referred.
An invitation was received to attend a Grand Temper?
ance Celebration on the anniversary of Washington's Birth
Day (die 22d) at the Broadway Tabernacle, it being the
presentation of a splendid banner to the First Company of
Washington Guards, representing Washington crossing the
Delaware, fcc, with suitable addresses by distinguished
speakers: accepted.
Important if carried out.
Tna New Police Law.?Document No. 42 was then I
called up, it l>eing the special order of the day. and entitled I
" An Ordiance to create a Department of Police."
Title 1 creates a Department of Police, the chief object
of wi.icb shall be the prevent ion of crime: adopted.
Tide 2 provides for the chief otticer of the Department, to
be sailed the Superintendent of Police, to be appointed by i
the Common Council, and amended from holding his of- '
fice for six years to that of the pleasure of the Common
Conucil, at a salary of $2,oeo per aunum, and no fees what
ever. It makes his station at tbe Halls of Justice, his office
never to be closed, and to have tbe same powers as the
Mayor, but to be under his authority; likewise to issue
warrants for arrest, and commit when the Police Court is
not in session, and in case of emergency. The great object
sought for in the crenlion of the Department beirg the pre?
vention of crime: adopted.
Till** 3 appoints an Assia'ant Superintendent, nt aa annual
salary' of $1,250. who shall hold office at tbe pleasure ol the
Common Council,(amended from 4 yenrs,) bis duties to be
the same as the Superintendent, excepting as to the issuing
of warrants and commits for examination ; to be also under
the direction and control of the Superintendent
The Board took a recess for 30 minutes.
AtLtl-e re-assembling of the Board, leave was - ranted to
present the following:
Assistant Aid. Nash presented the draft of a memorial to
the Legislature and an ordinance to ubolish the Superior
Court of this city, together with a resolution thai, if ap?
proved by the other Board and the Mayor, the above me?
morial be transmitted to the Legislature for its sanction: re?
Resolutions.?By Asst. Aid. Atwill.That the Committee
on Laws be instructed to apply to the Legislature for the
passage of a law extending the jurisdiction of the Assistant
Justices' Courts to sums of $100: referred.
By Asst. Aid. Brown, That tbe Committee on Streets in?
quire into the expediency of renumbering such parts of
Hudson-street as to procure regularity in said numbers,
which was amended so as to include Wall-street: referred
By A?sL Aid. W. Dodge, That it be referred to the Com.
miitee on Police, ice to district such parts of the City as
may require Day Police supervisions, and report a plan for
the employment of a suitable number of Policemen there
in. AssL AW. Brown moved as an amendment tbdt James
R. Whiting, David Graham and Robert Taylor, Esqrs. be
appointed a Special Committee to prepare a Police Bill, or
such alterations in the present ordinances as will remedy ex?
isting evils in the present Police organization : laid on the
The Board then went into Ccmmittea of the Whole on
the new Police Bill.
Title 4 was taken up and discussed. It provides for an
appointment of a clerk, at a salary ot$ 1,000 per year; part
of tbe title making him a receiver of ah property, stolen or
oibcrwise.whichmay come into ibe hands ol the Polic*,was
stricken ouL The remainder was hdopted.
The CoHimittte rose at this point and reported.
As?t. Aid. Sco!es offered a resolution tbal all die resolu
tlons, itc on the table relative to the re-organ izalion of the
Police be referred to the Committee of the Whole:
The Board then went again into Committee.
A;st. Aid. Peltigrew moved that the resolution and
amendment offered by the gentlemen from the Third aud
Eighth Wards (as mentioned above) districting into Police
Districts Ac. be taken up: adopted.
A long debate took place ?n me propriety of the amend?
ment to ibe resolution rcquesU>g Messrs. Wbiting, Graham
and Tuylor to prepare a law ou the subject of Police. Af?
ter baviup pro?!eksc4 Uius far wiiai ibe new law,
The amendment was hnady withdrawn. Assistant Alder?
man Scoles offered a resolntiou, That the whole eubjeel of
Police xtetormoe referred to a Special Conuuitiec ot tour,
to reconsider the matter, and report an soon as practicable.
Tbe Committee reported progress, and asked, to be dis
eharged from the further consideration of the sabjecL
The Preridenl took hi* seat, aud the Report ot the Com?
mittee of the w hole was adopted.
The Cbatr,in pursuance ol ine above resolution, appointed
Messrs. scoles, Waterman, Brow n, and Mead, the Special
Tbe Board then adjourned.
U. S. District Court.?Before Judge Betts.
United State* vs. Durant 6( L'Auge, on bctudf of L.
PxetUnna, of Paris, claimant.?la DecemDer, 1811, 12 cases
of Ootuoozuies, merujoes a..d iu-juss?line de Imnea Were im?
ported by deteudanls iu tae ships V? e de Lyon aud L uca
from Havre, ami seised by Mr. Curds, Collector, on the
ground ot Lisc invoice, the goods ben g valued at $1 ,000,
out asserted by the appraisers to be worth 65 to 75 per cent
more than that. The present acUou is io test the question.
Mr. F. B. Cutting appears on behalf ot tbe claioiaut-s, und
Ogdtn Hoffman and W illiam WaLson, Esqs. on the part of
the United Stales. The caae will be continued to-morrow
(Thursday) iortoooa.
Superior Court.?Before Judge Oaklet.?
Helen Sophia Lupenard and others vs. Robert Stewart.?
j This trial was continued, and several witnesses examined
manyo: them ladies, and several of them having resided
with Alice when at her father's and her brothers booses,
when boarding witb strangers, and when in the family of
Mr. Alexander Stewart, ai.d all agree that she was imbe?
cile from her birth, unable, from want of capacity, to read,
write, sew or count, and totally without qualification for
business or capable of understanding tbe nature of a will,
preferring, even at tbe age of 21 or 25 years, a cent to a
quarter of a dollar, fcc The inquiry will be coutinaed to?
morrow (Thursday) forenoon.
Marine Court.?Before Judge Hammond.?
William T. Dubrovo vs. Charles A. Jack ton_In Octo?
ber, 1341, a man naaed Moore left two g,ey mares at tbe
plaintiff's stable on livary, where tbey continued about two
month 5, when he look them off and sold them, one of tbem
at Philadelphia, and tbe other at TattersaU's, leaving a bill
of S56 for their'keep ' unpaid. Tbe law gives to tavern
or hotel keepers a lien on horses left in this way. but it does
not extend to the keepers of livery stables. The defend?
ant is a merchant in Frcnt-street, and, being sick, gave tbe
horses to Moore to sell for him, who kept the money; but
Mr. Jaeknm replevined and got the animals back. Actioo
is brought against the owner for the $56, which bad been
charged to Moore. He denies being liable for them. Ver?
dict to-morrow (Thursday) forenoon.
General Sessions?Before the Recorder,
Judge Lynch, and Aldermpn Crolivs and Jones.
Case or Ch*cncey Larkin ?Th is notorious individual,
who bas swindled a large number of citizens by false pre?
tences, forgeries, 4ic. not of divers kinds ot property, mon?
ey, fcc, an 1 who w s bai led ' on straw,' was last rsi^ht re?
captured, and bis trial will taks place on Friday next?
When arretled, he was disguised in a full suit of naval uni?
form. This accomplished rojrue will now donbtl?ss meet
the lull reward due to his infamy. He bas a-sumed the
names of Lieut. Wilkes, Gabriel Ravel and others in bis
fraudulent transactions.
Bl-rclary.?Jacob Smith, impleaded with William
Adams, was tri?d for a burglary in the third degree, in
breaking into the cellar of P.Balon k Co., 186 Front-street,
on the night of the 8d of January last The Jury found
him gui Ity. He was then sentenced to the State Prison for
2 years.
Disorderly Hocse.?James J. Turner and Robert Tur?
ner were tried for keeping a rio'.ou? and disorderly house,
and a resort for prostitution, at the corner of Centre and
Pearl-streets, under Monroe Hall. Guilty, and judgrment
was suspended.
Grand Larceny?A youth named Franklin Thompson
was tried for purloining, in January last, from No. 12
Courilandi-sinet, an overcoat w*rth $20. belonging to Da?
vid GouK, and a cloak worth $W fiom Horace K. Hudson.
The boy was arrested in the street with the articles in his
possession. Found guilty, nnd sentenced to the State Pris?
on for 3 years and 8 months.
Passing Counterfeit Money.?Catherine ii earner alias
Moore, (who was yesterday tried, and the J ury disagree?
ing,) was again tried lor forgery in the second degree, in
passing a $5 spurious bill ol Die Tolland County Bank, in
July last, at the dry good* store of Messrs. Lee k Price, in
Greenwich-street. Tbe Jury, after an absence of nearly
four hours, rjturned into Court, and, being nnable to agTee
upon a verdict, were discharged. They stood four for con?
viction and eight for acquittal. Having been twice tried
and r.o conviction ,on motion , she was discharged.
Police Oftice.?Stealing Money.?Caroline
Morrison,colored girl, wasarrerte? nnd committed for steal?
ing $3 in coin lrem the pocket of George Brown, No. 71
Duane street.
Theft of a Watch, kc?Jeremiah McDonald, who had
been caught on Saturday night by officer Stephens, and
committed for passirg n $5 counterfeit bill of tbe Tolland,
Connecticut, Bank, was complain-d of to-day for having
stolen a gold watch, worth $100, from the store of Henry
M. Ri?rrban, No. 6791 Broadway, on the 20th January last
He snatched the watch and attempted to run ofl, but being
hended off, sprung through a large window and escaped.
He was committed to answer this charge also.
A simulated Naval Otficek.?A man named Chauncey
C. La rkin. who however had assumed the name of James
Wilkesof the U. S Navy, and who was clad in naval uni?
form on Ihe lGih January, purchased a gold watch, gold
chains and other jewelry amounti?g to $!12, lor which he
gave a check to that amount to Michael Reese, of whom he
bought tie goods, purporting to be drawn by James W likes
on the American Bank, saying he was a Naval Officer and
to have the command of the Isomer*, and that he had $3.400
in tbe Bank ol America. He trx k off with htm $0'J worth
of the goods and was to call next day tor the residue, but
did not. Tbe check was presented at the Bank and pro?
nounced worthless. He had also committed other similar
Crouds, passing as Gabriel Ravel, i.e. and was committed
to answer.
Arrest of a Curl Merchant.?A man named Eugene
Barron was arrested on Tuesday evening lor having on the
night of the Illh inst. stolen a cap and bat worth il l from
the hall of the house of John S. Weeks, No. 8 Carroll place,
and on the night of the 13 h lust stealing two overcoats
worth $35 from tbe ball of the house of William Walker,
No. 157 Chambers-sireet, in this wise. He wem to each of
Ihose houses with a small box of curls and ringing the bells,
handed the box to the servant,dem indlng two shillings (or it,
and while tbe servant called the master or mistress, be
would slily fix tbe night latch m> that it would not fasten
and on being told the curls did not belong there would ?:?
out and soon alter re-enter and rob tbe balls; This trick
haviBg been told by the children of Mr. Walker to those of
Mr. Augustine Averill of No. 77 Aniity-Mrect, at scboal, the
story was related to Mr. Averill and soon aller the curl mer?
chant rung the bell there, was admitted, offered his curls,
demanded two shillings and was mstandy seized by Mr.
Averill and sent to tbe watch house. To-day be was com?
mitted on boUi the at?ove charges.
Stabbing a Mistress.?A man named John Chapman,
was arrested late on Tuesday night for having subbed h's
mistress, a female named Sarah Gansford, three times se?
verely in the left breast, the same night about ten o'clock,
and lodgrd by officer Bird in the 5th District watch house
It appeared that the female had lived w ith Chapman as his
wife (or about three months, at bis residence corner of the
Bowery and 7th street | and on Tuesday nigbt having bad
a quarrel, she lett, and returned to him about 10, whea the
quarrel was renewed and he stabbed and turned her out
oi doors. The watchman tounrf her on the step* bleeding
at one o'clock, and she was taken to Bellevue Hospital.
Chapman was committed.
Bigamy.?A man named John W. Bower, a native of
Montreal, Canada, by trade a tailor, was arrested to-day
by officer McGratb, charged with the crime ol bigamy. It
appeared iliat on ibe 20 ih of January, 1337, be was married
in Philadelphia by Rev. T. S. Allen, to Rosanna Khney,
and on ihe 27th May last he was married in this cily by
Rev. Felix Varela. to Ann McGorner. Botii wives were
in the office, Tbe accused confessed his offence and was
committed to answer.
Coroner's Office.?Death from Small Pox.
?The Coroner to-day viewed, at the residence of her pa?
rents, No. sg Sheriff-street the body of Elizabeth Griddle,
aged 5 years, who was attacked oo Saturday with ihe small
pox, and having no physician died on Tuesday. Tbe Cor?
oner, deeming tt unsafe to call a Jurv. as the disease was of
a very malignant type, gave a ce: tificate of death by con?
fluent small pox.
Another Case.?Th? Coroner also, at No. 12S Cham?
bers-street viewed tbe body of Mary Jane Hughs, aged
about one vear, who re-ided as above,ami being attacked
with snail p^x, died on Tuesday without having a pWysi
cian. Certificate given as before.
O" The Democratic Whig Electors of tbe
2d District, 16th Want are rrqur sled to meet at the Black
Swan, corner 2Kb street and 3d Avtnue,on Friday the 17ih
insL at7J o'clock P. M. u> electotficsr*and organ:*- for the
business of the ensuing vear. T. N1MS, Chairman.
G. Whittield, .-ec'ry_ flo2t
IT TOcchnnics and Working ITlen to the
Rcucue.?The Mechanics, Woramg Men and others, who
artt in tavor of the ascendancy of Democratic Whig princi
pl?s, are requested to attend a meeting to be beid at the
Henry Clay House, on Thursday evening, Feb. 16, 1843, at
7J o'clock.
A punctual attendance is requested, as business of import?
ance to the community al large w ill b" transacted
II MERR1TT, Chairman.
A. Schwartz, Secretary. f!52t*
ET Cheines? sLycenm.-Prof. TAYLF.R LEWIS,
of tbe University, will Lrciure heiore the Chels-a Lyceum
at tke Baptiit Church in Sixteei th-stre? t third building
esst of the Eighth Avenue. This Evening, 16th inst, at7J
o'clock, P. M., on 'The Idea of a StateJ It*
TT The Exemption Law wit! be debated at
Washington Hotel this Dight- Justin Newhoase, J. w.
S,rang, E>q. J. T. Bradv. E?q ar.d L. D. Dewev art ex?
pected to take part in the debate. This is a question ot
much interest, as is evinctd by the numerous petitions for
and against it sent into tbe Legislature. Tickets 1 ^ cents,
or 25 cents for two laaies and a gentleman. 16i It
TT Capital Pnni-hmrut.-Loit Evening of the
j Debate between Hon. J.JL U'Suilivan aud Rev. Gee. it
Cbeeve-, at the Tabernacle
Tbis Debate (which was not closed on the last evening as
announced.) will be renewed and concluded on Friday
evening-, F?bruary 17, in pursuance ol' tfae invititioa Of Mr.
CVSulhvan on that occasion. , _ . ? .
THE TARIFF.?On Saturday evening the Debate be?
tween J. Blunt, H. Greeley, P. Godwin and S. J. Tilden,
Esqrs. will close. The sense of the audience will be taken
at the close of the Debate. Tick-is I9j cents.
HUGH MAXWELL, President,
W. B. Wedcwood, Secretary._
TT Inward Benson of Christianity.?Henry
James will deliver a Fourth Lecture at tbe Muyvesant in?
stitute, Thursday eveninz, 16th inst Subject?L mty oi
God and man. Lecture to commence at hall-pan 7 o ?ocR.
Admittance free. _ 101 -l
ETZYew Graham lioune.-Tbe uew and splen
did Hmse No. 42 Vesey street, a tew doors from ue Aster,
bas jus: bceu newly fitted up in the most ample and con?
venient nianaer, regardless of expense, for ciuzens and
strangers who may prefer to test the advantages ot tue
Graham System of Vesetable, to the exclusion or AnlroaJ
Food. The choicest Fruits and Y'egetaolesthe nwrtet
may afford, with the rich Milk aod Batter of Orange txma
ty, will be at all times on the table, and every rffortJ*Lfl'
to demonstrate the truth tbat a Vegetable Diet is mosticon
ducive to Happiness as well as Healib. TheJ??*? b
ceniraUpleosanl, and convenient to all the ?tesunt^??
ing?. Terms moderate. Gendemen vtsiung ?iecBJ loti
few days are invited to give this System a trial. T"?*?*"'
menisire large and airy. Shower Baths, with Crown w?
te., for the accommodation ol Boarders. N o efforts wuo
spared to please and accommodate those wbo ?*/ j."*0'
this Hons* with their patronage._ x in u
TT Good Board and pheasant Rooms ?an be obuiner
' at No. ;G Chfl-flttcet (2) ?16 "
TT The Cheapest Work erer pubitsned in
the United States.?The first part of the American
Family Magazine or General Abstract or Useful Know?
ledge, a work eminently useful ia families, and calculated
to arrest the attention, awaken the curiosity, and enlighten
the understandings of the young. IUnstmted sith 5000 ?>.
tytxrmzu To be completed in 16 Numbers of 203 to 240
pages each. Tbe first No, contains 108 pages, royal octavo,
and 2C0 Engravings and is sold at 25 cents!
Tbe above work may be obtained at the office of Tat
Tribune. In Philadelphia, from Burgess It, Zeiber; Bos?
ton, Redding L Co.
TT Spencer announces to gentlemen that his arrange?
ments are now completed for supplying according to pre?
vious intimation, a tine Fur Hat at a price (S3 35)
which shall render it emphatically the cheapest as well as
lowest priced Gentlemen's Fur Hat ever on sale in this
city. It is prepared in the same style which characterizes
our finest article, and like that article is offered at a price
which it cannot be continued without an unusually rapid
sale. The undersigned with all confidence arffirms it to
for tbe gentleman aad econom ist the most desirable Fui
Hat yet offered. (o20U) SPK.VCKR. 245 Broadway.
TT Tribune Job JPrinting Office, 160 Has
All kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as
Checks, Cards,
Insurance Policies,
Bills or Ladinc,
Mammoth Snow Bills,
Lecture Bills,
Concert Bills, Plain and
Political Bills,
Circulars, (aeat) kc
Promp?y executed at the Office ot The Tribune, No. 160
Nassau-street, (opposite the Park.) dI3
TT Useful and iBnterentin* Book??Recent!
published by U. APPLETON & CO. 200 Broadway :
General History ot Civilization in Europe, from tbe Fall
of th* Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Transla
ted from the French of M. Gaixot, Profess?r of History
la Faculte des Lettre?; des Paris, and Minister of Public 1
struction." Third American edition, with Note?, adapted
for tbe u?e s>( Collect-* and High School*, by C. S. Henry
DD Professor of Pmlosopey and History in the University
ot the city ol New-York. One handsomely printed volume
12mo.?price $1.
A Descripnve and H;*tnrical Account of Hydraulic and
other Machines (or Raising Water, including the Steam and
Fire Engines. Ancient and Modern; with Observations on
various subjects connected with the Mechanic Arts: illus
trated by nearly three hundred engravings. By Thomas
Ewbank. One handsomely printed volume, 8vo. of 600
The Daughters of England; their Position in Society
Character and Responsibility. By Mrs. Ellis, anlhor ot tbe
Women of England. Complete in one handsome volume
12aio, 75 cent*.
A Manual for Communicants; or the Order for Adminis
tering the Holy Communion; conve*jentlv arranged with
Meditations and Prayers from the Oid English Divines, be?
ing the Eucharistie? of Samuel W?beriorce, M. A. Arch
deacon of Sorry, (adapted to the American service.) Con
venient si/.? for the pocket 37J cents.
Carlyleon His ory and Heroes. On Hero-Worship, and
the Heroic in History. Six Lectures reputed with Emen?
atioris ami Additions, by Tnomas Carlyle, author of the
French Revolution. Sartor Rvsartus, ate. Elegantly prin
ed in one volume l2rr.o?2d edition ; $1 OA.
Pictorial Life ol Napoleon. Hi?torv of Napoleon Bona
part*,translated from the French of M. Laurent de L'Ar
Weche, with five hundred spirited illustrations, after designs
by Horace Vernet. and twenty original portraits engraveii
in the best style. Complete in two handsome volume, octa
vo, about five hundred pages each?prict- $1 00.
Tue complete Poetical Works of VV'm. Cowper, including
the Hymns und Translations from Mad. Guion, Milton, kc.
aud Adam, a Sacred Drama, from die Italian of Baptists
Andreini, with a Memoir of the Author, by the fiev. Henry
Stebbing, A. M. One elegantly printed volume of 860 pages
16;*o.?prire 1 37.
The complete Peetical Works of Robert Burns, with Ex
planatory and Glossarial Notes, and a Life o1' the Author
by James Currie, M. D. 1 vol. l6mo?price 1 25. It
TT New-York Fire Department Fnnd.?
The nndersigued Committee of the Trustees of the Fire
Department beg leave to call the attention of the friend
andpatroasof this charitable institution to the following
communication, viz:
kindest manner volunteered to perform the Grand Oratorio
of DAVID AND GOLIATH, for ibe benefit of the Funds
of this noble diarity.on Thursday, Feb. 16th; on which oc
casion ihey will be assisted by Mr. Colburn of Boston
who has been expressly engaged lor the character of Da
vid; and will also be assisted by other eminent talent.
Tickets$1 eacr? to be bad ol the officers of the Depart
ment, at the principal music stores, at the door on tbe night
of performance, or of either of the Committee.
MARTIN W. EMMuNS, 14 Spruce-st
FORSYTH LAB AG H, 14 Grand-st
f 8 7t JAMES PRYER, 245, Front-sL
TT Elxhth Ward Taxe?.?Th* Tax-Payers ef
the above ward will please take no?ce that one per cent
will be added on the 20th instant to all unpaid taxes.
JAS. G. MOFFET, Collector,
121 Prince-street, op stairs.
Office hours from 7 o'clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M. f 137t
Important to Merchants and Clerks!
TT Briatow'a Writing and Book-keeping
and Short-Hand Academy, No. 235 Broad way, near Park
Place, continues open Day and Eveiling for Gentlemen of
From Twelve to Six Dollars I
Mr. BRISTOW, of London, guarantees to reform any
writing, however bad, illegible or cramped, into a beau
tilul, tree, expeditious and finished Mercantile style, as
adapted to all the pursuits of life aad business, In Twelve
Easy Lsssons?for only Six Dollars.'
Academy No 235 Broadway, near Park Place.
The Ladies are taught an elegant, graceful and fashion?
able running-hand. Tney assemble daily at tl o'alock.
TT VrsrTERs in New-York can take a course ia Three
Days. Mr. B. is te be seen from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., or from
4 to 8 P. M.
rt c * r\d 9 <n *v ?5*s 1
Or tbe amusing art of Short-Hand Writing, taught by Mr.
Bristuw. in 12 lessons, for taking down Sermons, Lectures,
Trials, kc. kc. as fast as any person can speak.
N. B. A work of the author is presented to every pupil
O* For sale at the Academy, upstairs, a "Guide to
Short-Hand." j22 S.T.kTh. lm*is
the sun the moon ifull sea
Rises 6 55 | Sets 5 34| Sets. 8 19 I 9 53
Latest Dates.
London.Jan. 3 1 Havre.Jan. 1
Liverpool.Jan. 4 | New-Orleans.Feb. 4
Ship Panthea, Dennis, NOrleans, W Nelson.
Bark Z D Basselt, Venice, S W Lewis.
Brig? New-Orleans, Alden, New-Orleans, Badger k Peck;
Georgian*, Bedell, Apalachicola, Siurges k Clearman; Br
brig j? rince Albert, Stewart, Liverpool, Barclay Si Livings?
Scbrs Alabama, Harris, Tampice, J Ogden.
The French bark Bayonms, Higgins, for Tobascc: bark
Ovando, Nichols, for Apalachicola; schrs Ostrich, Ellis, for
St Domingo City, and V icior, Hallet, for Boston, all cleared
on the 11th.
Ship North America, Lowber, fm Liverpool, Jan 7, mdse
to C H Marshall.
Bark-, 19 ds fm Mobile.
Bark Washington, Pillsbury, of Thonaston, 28 ds fm N
Orleans, molasses to master.
Bark Rio Grande, Cousins, 19 da fm New Orleans, cotton,
pork, he. to Nesmith k Leeds. The R G has been 11 days
West ot Hatteras, and has experienced very severe weather
on the coast
Brig Black Hawk, Robinson, 60 ds fan Rio Grande, to E
Corning k Son.
Sehr Judge Hitchcock, Hathaway, 3 ds fm Newbern,NC.
turpentine to B Blossom.
Sehr Harriet Hannah, Smith, Baltimore, flour to Mason k
BELOW?1 ship and a brig?Wind light NW.
Brigs Emelie,(Sw) Wolff, Hamburg; Yeoman, Weston,
Scbr Control, of 127 tons burthen. was sold on Tuesday
at the Exchange, by Messrs. Pell, for $360,20 per cent cash,
balance 9u days.
Sehr .indes, of 74 43 100 tons, was sold cpon same terms
lor $530.
Tbe Liverpool packet ship Shenandoah, West, from Liv?
erpool, about 65 days, has arrived below in tbe Delaware
The sehr Jew, from Baltimore for Providence, with a car?
go of com, went ashore on the Hook while running in tor a
harbor. She lays on the Beach, is bilged, and full of water.
The vessel and cargo a total loss?sails, riggiog, ate. have
been saved.
The brig Carleton, Jamieson, from New-Orleans, bound
to New-York, put into Charleston on the 10th instant, in dis?
tress. , ,
A letter dated Key West Jan. 25, states that a bark has
been seen ashore en,tbe American shoaL Her'name not
known; said to be Eastern built
At Eastport on the 5th inst the sehr Teaxer, of that port.
Capt. GrnoUw, a regular trader between Eastport, Saint
Johns an New-York, while lying at the wharf in that port,
parted Ler fasts, broke her windlass an< drove against the
wharf. Tbe schooner's jibbooiu and bowsprit were broken,
bows stove, he
Tbe sehr Samuel Phillips, Prettyman, of Vienna, from
Georgetown, DC to New York, with flour, kc went ashore
about 12 miles North of Baraegat on the night of tbe 5th
inst The flour (which is insured in tbe Mutual Safety and
A?antic offices in this eity) w?l probably be saved in a dam?
aged state. , ...
Sehr Only Daughter, of NYork, Tucker, from Portland for
Lubec. dragged ashore on Moose Island, near Deer Island
thoroughfare, night of the 5th, knocked out part of her keel
and bilged.
[From our Philadelphia Correspondent]
Philadelphia. February 15?P. M.
Cleared this day?Bark Mary Cbiltoo, Benedict NYork.
Arrived this day?Brig Joseph Cowpenhwait, Lyle, 13
ds fm Cienfuegoa. Spoke, Jan 30. off Cape Saint Antonio,
brig Bullo, of Boston, from Trinidad de Cuba, bound to N
Y Below?Ship Shenandoah. West from IdverpsoLDec l(h
bark Renown, Watson, fm NOrieans; brig Pearl, Harding,
fm Boston, scbr Watchman, Im Atiakapas.
Wind-West '? t, ,
Tee navigation still continues considerably obstructed by
large masses of floating Ice.
Tbe City Ice Boat, having in tow the barks Mary Chtitoc
for NYork. Navare lor Pernambbco, aad sehr Esther Eliza,
tor tbe West Indies, proceeded down the river at Hi e'doci
this morning.
I K7* Health. Quiet and Comfort.?The Gra
? bam Hotue, 63 Barclay st New-York, proffers advantages
! to Strangers stopping a few days or weeks in the city, ?ca
as air rarely .offered. It is eligibly located on a clean and
airy street, very near the business part of the city, ans! In
the immediate Ticinrty of the principal steamboat landings.
Iu apartments ire convenient aad a*at, while its table Is
supplied with the best Vegetables arid Fruits that can be
procured, excluding entirely Animal Food and Srjauiants
of all kinds. Chare es moderate, aod every effort made to
render Boarders com ?nable. Shower Baths tree. Re
member 63 Barclay-st. _
?7" Particalar Notice.?Those perse s havtnr.
ftnurare of any description ta dispose of, or who are break
log up bonse-keeping, will find* ready sale tor a ay portion
or ail of tbeir goods, hy sending their address, or calling
apon the subscriber. Goods to any amount purchased.
At private sale?Two Piano Fortes.
je? tf F. COLTON t CO., 197 Chatham sL
At New-Rocbeile. on Tuesday, 14th inst, by ibe Rev. John
W. Le.evre. .Mr. Berjamam D Lefevre to MissEIiia Toole,
daughter of Thomas Tooie, Sen.
On Taesdar, 14th inst. Mary, wife of Lient. T. Augustus
M. Craven, U. S. Navy, in the ?6Uayenr of her age.
The triend* of the tamdv,?.f lier fath?r, Robert Carter,
Esq. of Fiu*h;ng, and of T. Cr*Ten, E?q. are requested to
etieod the funeml without further invitation, on Thursday
at 3 P. M. from her late residence, corner of Pierrepont and
Henry sts-Brooklyn. ?
On Tuesday. 14th inst William Chamberlain, son of Jas.
Robinson; aged 2 years.
On Tuesday, 14ch instant, of consnmptioo.Miry Addison,
aped 41 years.
On Tuesday, 14th inst, Eiitabeth, wife of William Chave,
aged 47 y arj.
A' New-Oilesns, on the 3d last Mrs. Eunice, wife of CapL
A W. Tufts, ag.-d 46 rears.
AM Eli i CAN MUSEUM?Marble build?
ing, opposite St Paul's Church.?P. T. BARN UM,
MaDger.?Visit of the Indian Chiefs prolonged.
Every Day and Ev-nin? Ulis Week.
O* The deputation of Indian Chiefs, iic held a "talk"
on Saturday, ami being assured through their interpreter
that thousands who have been prevented by th? weather,
are desirous ot seeing them, they have consented to remain
at the Museum one week more, and have voluntarily offer?
ed to give tbeirSPLENDID WAR DANCES and CERE?
MONIES every afternoon at half pastJ o'clock.
H. ?. Sherman, the Ballad Singer?T. G. Booth, the un?
rivalled Comic Singer?La Petite Celeste, the admired
danseu?e?Miss Hood, the Vocalist, Ate.
JOT No Free List during the engagement of the Indiaus.
Price of Admission, 25 cents?Children under 10 yean
half-price. 13f
GALLERY?C. H. Devoe, Manager.?Every day
and evening this week at an extra < haige of only one shil?
ling, the Norwood GIPSY WOMAN can be consulted la:e
to face in a private apartment. She does not pretend tu be
a Fortune-Teller, but prufe?s*s by her knowledge of Physi?
ology, Physiognomy, Philosophy, Phrenology, Mesmerism
and the hidden Sciences, to be able to instruct others o:
good intellect. She will inform them if they are married or
not, givi ig them a history of past limes, the present and die
future, as if she knew Uiem from birth. She has no connec?
tion with or knowledge of Madame Adolphe, an account ol j
whose in>position and runaway from Ulster appeared in the I
New-York papers recently.?Admission to the Museum 25
I cents; children' half price. 19 ;
pets for Balls, Parties, Weddings, itc, consisting of
wime and black Satin, French Morocco and Kid Slippers,
made in the latest French style, and equal u> any in the
city. Ladies are particularly requested to call, sew and
judge for themselves, at J. B. MILLER'S, 142 Canal-st.
f 14 6teo?lis" between Thompson and Sollivan sis.
AISTED?A Boy about 18 years of
age to attend an Oil store. Apply at 76 Front st. 1
WANTED?By a very respectable
young woman, who thoroughly underttands bei
bu ir.ess, a situation to cook wash an I 'iron. Inquire at
535 Broad .vay. Satisfactory references can be giver. It*
BOAR ? WANTED.?A Lady wishes
to procure Board in a Private Family residing up
town, on reasonable terms, and where sbv can enjoy the
comforts of home. Please uddress B. W. at this office,
f 16 3?S*
BOOK for March, just received and lor sale whole?
sale and retail, at die old established stand. Orders from the
Couutry prompdy executed
Ifif BRADBURY, SODKN Sl Co. 127 Nassau sL
TO PRINTERS.?For sale, 1000 lbs".
Long Primer type, in good order; 600 lbs. of which
is nearly new; the remainder i? somewhat worn Al?o a
sinele frame; al?o a small fount of Lnng Primer Astronomi?
cal Signs. Inquire of R. D. WEEKS, 112 Fulton si, ihird
?tory._?6f 2is*
YORK FERRY COMPANY.?The Stockholders or
said Company are informed that the Free Passage Tickets
can be taken at No. 47 Stone-street any time between tbe
15 h day of February inst. and the 1st day of April next.
it, IQf lw*_
WTT) Ann Tu $15>090 WANTED
tyP j_ \7 9\J \J \s for a ter M or years at 8 per cent in?
terest, payable semi-annuaijy. Would be secured by men ?
gage on productive real estate located in the Bowery and
worth twuiu three Kmc* t:.? ..?.., ,..a,n.>.j. .Applications tu
loan on the terms mvutioned will be received at the store
No. 14 Bowery,_ICflw*
LOOK AT*THIS?Just received, lot
good Sewing Silk at2 cents, lot Lady's Cravau at Is,
fine Muslins at 6 pence, lot good dark Prints at 6 pence, lot
fine Broadcloths at 10* 6d, lot superfine black Broadcloths
at only )8s, Satinets at 2* 6d, lot fine Brown Linen at Is, lot
good Cotton Hose at Is, lot Ribbons 6 p?nce. Receiving (mm
auction daily, lots of cheap prods at WILLET HAWKINV
Slore, 481 Grernwich-st hrst store above Canal-sl* 16f3tis*
LUNGLEY'S Great Western Indian
Panacea?Compounded entirely from vegetable sub?
stances?free from calomel and all other minerals, and re?
commended in the following Diseases:
Asthma, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Kidney and Liver Com?
plaints, Coughs, Colds, and as a family physic it is un?
equalled. Its success thus far in ruring the above disease*,
in all climates where it has been tried, is truly astonishing.
The P-n.icex is a palatable medicine, and we ask our fel?
low citizens to try it, and it it does not commend itself be?
yond our report, lh??n condemn it; but if it prove a remedy,
the most plea<ant in its operations, ami most certain anil
valuable in its results upon the system, then vay so, that the
world may have the benefit of your experience
Hitherto the proprietor has not been cbie to give the
Panacea a universal circulation, because the Immediate de?
mand has outrun the supply; but he is now prepared to
supply till the cities and principal towns in the United
States, British Provinces, and West Indies. With this field
he must he content for the present
History of the Pamacea.?In the year 1833 Col. Long
ley was on the upper Lakes, attending the payment of the
Government annuities to the Nortb Western Indians, where
be bad a violent attack of bis old complaint, the Asthma,
which threatened bis life. After trying in vain the usual
remedies, an Agent of the Home Missionary Society In?
duced him lo try a remedy from the hand of a celebrated
Indian" Medicine Man," ?hieb proved effectual, and raised
him from the verge of ibe grave. Wi.h much trouble mid
expanse he obtained a knowledge of the compound; and in
gratitude to bis Indian benefactor, be conferred upon it its
present name.
The following certificates will show ibe estimation in
which It is held by some of the roost distinguished men in
our country:
From Hon. Robert Morrell, Circuit Judge (Sixth Circuit)
in the S ale of N"w.York: Greene, Nov. 25,1842.
Col Longltry?Deer Sir: I have used one botlle of your
valuable Panacea for myself and in my family, and am
well satisfied it is an excellent and safe medicine. I have
found it the hen remedy for bilious attacks, to which I am
subject, that I have used. My neighbors, also, who have
used it, speak of it as of great relief in Dyspepsia.
Your obedient servant, Robert Morrell.
From Si!is West, M. D., a distinguished Physician o(
Binebamton, New-York:
CoL Longley?Dear Sir: I have used your Great Western
Indian Panacra in my family, and bave repeatedly pre?
scribed it for patients under my care, and am satisfied that
It is always sate, and la very many cases an invaluable medi?
cine. It operates as a laxative without nausea, or pain ;
and while it effectually obviales costlveoess acts upon the
stomach and liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, and
restoring tbe healthy condition of those organs.
Very respectfully, yours, S. West.
From A. G. Ransom, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at
Law, Jokn-street: New-York, Feb. 10,12-13.
CoL LmgUy? Sir: 1 feel under great obligations toyou,
for furnishing to me, and Inducing me to take tbw Great
Western Indian Panacea. I had been an invalid for twelve
years, much of Uie time incapacitated for doing business
from dyspepsit?constantly costive; troubled with a dry bard
cough.' s?re throat. Ate I bad sought and obtained the best
medical advice and prescriptioos, and had made fair trial
of mo.t of the popular medicines, in the lorm of pills and
syrups, but was not materially beoeotted until I took your
Panacea. I commenced taking your medicine nearly one
year ago. 1 bave used in ah some three or four bottles, a
part of which other memben of m v family have taken. I
can most coafidently say that your Panacea is by far tbe West
compound ex?anL I consider it a sure cure for dyspepsia,
asthma, kc I know of several gentlemen who have used
it and speak very highly ot iL My health U comparatively
restored under the use of this remedy. I would not be with?
out it on any consideration. A. G. Ransom.
For sale at 305 Broadway, and earner Grand aod Mol
TU LfciT.?The Store with front Cel?
lar of the building No 53 Caiherine-?L below Mad
IClTsTreet. from the first of May next Rent $356. Apply
to A. A. WEEKS, No. 67 Wall-st. 3d story. 16f 4us?
TU LET?Those extensive, conven?
ient and weh lighted Rooms recently occupied by
gJT F. Cooledge as a, B hink Baok Manufactory, situate in
tbe rear of tbe subscriber'* Bookstore. Tbe whole or a
part may be hired, at reduced rates.
N- B- Tbe three-story brick House adjoining is also to let
Apply to
f J4eod3
MA?LON DAY &. Co. 374 Pearl su
TO LET?The spaciouo Store, No
- 71 DivisSon-streeL running through to East Broad
? x v. iS feet by 140, now occap?rd as a Carpet Warehouse
possession given on the 1st of May next. On the 2d fiooi
fronting on Divislon street, a large room suitable for i
school room, and possession given immediately. On the S<
door, also fronting on Division-St., a large room adapts
and now occupied as a school room, possession oa the Is
May aexL For further particulars enquire of Thompsoi
i. Company, No.3 9pruce st. or Charles liickvio inept em
WATCHES, Jewelry, 8ilver Ware, &c
by JE. fc S. 8. ROCKWELL,
jlS 3ods* No.9 Astor Hotue.
Jcsitth Rictsroa, Aucucc-er.
Store 198 Broadway.
Liberal cam advances made oa coor.?7Bmeata fer isc ?oa
I Thirty Sevsnth New-York Trad* Sale?To com ?
raence March 28,1843.?The neat regular Trade Sale will
be commenced on the 4th Tuesday or March ant, m ac?
cordance with the reflations ot' the Trade. UwiU be
co od acted, as heretofore, under tbese regulations; and un?
der the direction, of the Committee of the Trade.
Invoices of Books, Stationery. Paper, Stereotyp* Plate*.
i lie., are respectfully solicited They ?>?ould be furnished by
the first ot February next, when the Catalogue anil be put
to press.
The usual cash advances will be made on receipt of coed s
when required, and the sales will be guaranteed and cashed,
il desired.
B" Y 8. DRAl'Elt, Jr.^tr^i>i VYil
liam-ctreet. corner of Pip^rtreei
THURSDAY. Feb. lt>.
At 10 o'clock, at the auciion room.
French Goods?10 > cases compri?>pg a talrableassert
meat of French, German an? other Foreign Goods ot re?
cent tmcortations adapts >o the spring tr?de.
Also, 2 cases triple chain mode ro.\i gr? de Nap.
Also, 1 case rich w il*> old poll de soie
AI?, 1 case triple chain gro de Nap. tor parasols
Alv?, extra run coTd satios
Also, rich hg*d cap and taffeta ribbocs
Also, pott u'soie crape riooons
Also, extra rich pon d' soie
Also, 2 c-ses silk and worsted drsp d' e'e. extra fin*
Also, 6oe bem stitched aud comnen hhdkfs
Also, 4 cases blue black boauviz DrS
Also, an invoice of Grrniin cotton hose, white and co.'J
Aha, S4. 36 and 38 inch Italian cravats
Also. 2b cases German thread lace
A'so, 2 cases common pongee hrtkfs
Also, an invoice of cutton sail duck, with wb'ch tfco ? . >
will coanntnee.
Terms 6 months. Catalogues and samples ready cn tte
ruorn.ng o! sale.
At 10 o'clock, at the auction room.
Cloths and Cassimeres?From U.e shelves?on a credit
of six months, for improved endo sed notes.
TUESDAY, Feb. 14.
At 10 o'clock, at ?fce Auctinu Room.
Cloths and Cassimeres?From the shelve?-or. a credit
ot six months, for approved endorsed nous.
Isaac Lewis. Jr. is requeued to call immediately and
settle bill of Feb Tib._.
By K H. Ludiow, Attciioneer,
REAL ESTATE, Judgements, Notes
and Book Debts, brloDging to the Estate o. Joiiu P.
E. H. LUDLOW it CO. will sell atauctionon Friday, the
17th instant (February) at one o'clock, at their ?aua Room,
No. 11 Bioad street, by order cf tue sub-cnoer, Assi^ne-,
the following assets, belonging to the E?ute of John P.
The House and Premises No. 414 Houston street, subject to
a niortgoge for J?.Oi'O, now due, with btteresiat s. veu per
ceaL tcom 1 February, 1842, to 1 February. I84o; and
Also, a Mortgage due lu June next, tor $2,300, without lu?
te rest.
C. G. Salazar, of Mexico.$7.;;75 43
Tbc* S. Whttaker, New York. 180 I ?
Mvad and Dempsey, do. 7^6 50
George Wooldridgc deceased. ..- DO
R. C. Rogers and Son, New Yoik. l.-t'JJ Oo
Do. do. . 1 617 79
Do. do. . 1,771 16
Green aud Weymans? protested 13 January, I8'i9 353 So
Do. do. do. 15 co. do. 220 99
Charles Squires, do. 9 August, 1S37 1,132 l*i
Balance due by T P. Gonzalez, of Mnuinzas. 1 545 22
44 M John baura,deceased. 100 00
" M W. Carpenter, N York. t>7 Ul
" " VY. Frean, da . 60? 91
'* T. J. Purroy, Caraccax. 1,310 59
" " G. W. Tvs-in k Co. N. York. 1.717 <ri
" " Jno. A. Gonzalez, Mexico.S?S 91
" " C. S West, Havana. i~ ? i
" " Garcia, Arm. At Co. N. Y ork. 456 61
" M J. B. Carrion, deceased. -il.'fc7
" " Juau Auger, Cuba. ;7 ->z
" " Jose Carrion. Havana. 178 '
?' " H. Parlorr, Maine. IM 05
" Corn's Oakley, N. York. i7 50
" '? V. J ilyou, do. 200 00
" " Apf ztequiaArrecheait Co. of Tri?
nidad oe Cuba. l.'u U>
Heury Holduue. Jr. N. Vork. 15 33
" " L.Mintbrop, do. 22 SO
?* ** G. W. TysoO, do. 5') Od
" " M. Balh-boras. Curacoa. 3.? 71
" M. Hone. N.York.1.214 12
f 14 ists WM. H'Y. THOMAS. Assignee.
' A'Principle made practicable is a Principle made u?e<ul. '
ESTABLISHMENT, 14? Fulton-at., New-York.
The undersigned, in announcing to their patrons their de?
termination to adhere strictly to the priaciple of cash deal?
ing In their busiueas. would lake occasion to say that Uiey
have become well satisfied of the practicability a.... useful?
ness of such a plan by the uniform success which has at?
tended its operation in their house from the commencement.
The advantages derived by the customer from the adop?
tion of ?iis system?thereby realizing a gain ot 30 per cent
upon credit prices?they conceive perfectly obvious and
therefore need no comment. Of the merits of their house
and the facilities with which ihey are invested of furnishing
a cheap axd rich garment, they will not dilate?f ully a -.
sored as they arc tli.-u this simple fact in (oo wtvil knovsn
their celebrity too w?Il established, to require further re?
mark. And in calling the attention of the gentlemen of the
United States, and New-York iu particular, to their assort?
ment of choice goods, they will merely observe that undo
viating punctuality and dispatch In answering the commands
of their friends is as much a part of their system as cash
payments._n30 fasti* J. C. BOOTH At CO.
W~^TClifES lowcrtiiaaTverT-^Ia Con?
sequence of die reduction of duties by the 1st?
tariff the subscriber is selling bis stock ot Gold and Sliver
Levers, Anchor Escapements, Lepine, and other Watches
of new and splendid patterns, and Jewelry at retail at a
considerable reduction from lormer prices, being rout it
lower than they can be bought for at any other plucr ia
the city. Gold Watches as low as $20 to f25 each.?
Watches and Jewelry exchanged or bought. All watches
warranted to keep good time or the money relumed.?
Watches and Clocks repaired In the best manner, and war?
ranted, at muchivss than the usual prices.
G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches aud Jewelery,
ol7iatf Whol**afe and eUlLSO WalUsL. up atadrs.
ZINE, the bestand cheapest Family Periodical in the
United Slates, established lor the diffus on ? f ("< lul Know
ledge, embellished with several hundred fine Engiavinga.
In monthly parts of 40 or 50 large imperial octavo pages.
Terms, $. a year, invariably in advance. No subscription
received for a le>s period than one year. Single numbers
IH cents.
tCT Persons in the city who may find it inconvenient to
subscribe for one year to the Magazine, can be Miippl.ed a*,
their own doom, by city carriers, at iBjceot" per number
payaUleon delivery. KOBERT SEARS,
Publisher, 122 Nassau streat.
Agents supplied on tha moat liberal terms.
Elegant Premiums for Su&tcrxbert?A very Liberal OJTt*
?An easy method of procuring a copy of 4 Sears' Biule Fl
ography,' or ' Wonders of the World.'?Any .person either
subscribing himself or procuring a new subscriber to 'Sears'
Family Magazine,' for one year, and re/nitiing |>7, current
funds, fr*e of all expense, to the publisher, shall receive t?
copy of that periodical for one year, and a volnme of > iiber
of the niMrc works. f 13 Inii-"
OILED SILK, mauufactured in eveiy
respect equal if not superior to any In the market, at
16 cenis per yard by J. it R. W.,RD,
Essex street, Newark, N. J.. Manufacturers of Patent
Leather, Japp'd Linen, Muslin, Top Hides, itc. tte.
Merchants and Dealers are cautioned agaii-M notie^ %
what has been said against us as Manufacturers of the ah*,
article by a firm in this city, who have had almost the ex?
clusive sale of Oiled Silk. We hold ourselves responsible for
all silk not fins-bed equal to any in market.
Orders received for us and samples to be seen at O. W.
GORUM'S, 125 Maiden lane. We refer to Smiih, Wright
ii Co. rnaperxin; our re*pon?lbilitT. j*24 eod2mi?*
AL ?The subscriber has moved his office from the
second to the first floor of Dorr's building, corner of Ex?
change and Hanover-streets, into the rooms lateiy occupied
by the Clinton Bank. , ,
This agency was established forUie purpose of procuring,
by residents and special agents, information respecting the
standing, responsibility, he. of country merchants residing
in the States of New-York, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, I lit- ,
nois, the New England States, N?*w Jersey, parts cf Ml<
?ouri and Pennsylvania, and the Territories ot Iowa and
Wisconsin, for die benefit of such merchants in this city as
approve the object and become su sciibersto the agency.
The principles up*>n which it is founded are inch as recom?
mend them to every solvent and upright meiclient in the
community. The information obtainrd is from atiorseya,
caabieis of banks, old merchant*, and other competent per
a?us. The system is similar to that merchants usually em?
ploy?only on an extended plan?of ascertaining whether
persons applying for credit are worthy ol the stme, and to
what extent.
A large number of merchants In this city, in various kinds
of business, approve and patronise the Mercantile Agency,
and the number is constantly Increasing. The geratest care
is taken to have agents of intelligence, good judgement, ex
tensive information and integrity, and the information ob?
tained is imparted to the subscribers confider.tJa?r.so es
not to injure any one. Tbl? agency has already been in
stmnsenul in saving to the subscribers Urge amoort?,ana
in preventing worthless and unprincipled men obtaining
goods on credit from the merchants of tht? city. It is not
known that Injustice has been done to country ira .ers uy
this plaa. The tendency of tbe Agency Is qoue ?ej^reerae.
and many merchants in the coonL-ywbo have <\?mir*d
into :? merits dtsioierestedly unite trtK!," J"
city, who understand the V^^^S^e^^
proving it.and recommending it ?> . are ?d
k?on of the m-rcantile community. M?^""?;"? ???
. to call, when the terms and ^SSSffnM^^^Sto
? * l*"5^ SSS^aekS The agency is now firn ty estab
I ?&i*c?Jpo*M<. U bis been.
j ' i? ^ .,ri^^ mercantile agency for the- vde pur
- and will be, sricUy a nxiw LJEWH TAPPAN,
r aST corngr Hanover ansl Exchange-ttreeis.
? X1C?NOMY IN DRESS?229 Broad
i Hi mt, opposite the FOTntaixu?I would wggest to the
t ^?U^tv tMtl am furnishing every article of Clothing
* s^nr^c^onably moderate prices, for which nur^Sack Sur
l SffS*been ?fforded, ane^would soliciiaaall from -hose
capable of appreciating good work, that they uay judge ot
- weindawments cflered to those pay mg read y money
Stranger, in the cUy ^^sB^ffil^,
^WSS W? reaper and Tailor.

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