Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE IS FUBLISHED EVFfcV MOfcNINC, i* 160 Itasuru-rU, (orrotitt t\: City Hall,) tfezo-Fork, awi delivered to Ciiv ^subscribers 'or Fine Cent? per week, ?inele copies Two Cents Mail Subscribers, $5 per a-jicra. fn advance; Mit! the j<ijwr i.i no cas* continued bemal tbe time for which it is paid. Subscriptions ?aken for Six Month*. TEitMS OF ADTKRTISIJCO: ?cu lin-f or less, (over six.) first inwnlan.... 50 Cents. ? ?* for each sab? quem insertion. 25 " m ? for ?tr insertif ns, or one week.$1 50 " u ? for twenty-fix? insertions. 5 HO " i/Tfiper AdvertLw-nients at equally favorable rates. Marria1"^. KWiffious and Funeral Noiio^s, not exceeding I? fine*. S5 cents. TT THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a very laree paper, <? -The Cooa?y? b published every sntnrday morning, at tur price ?f *2 per annctn, in advance. ^THE TR 1 BUNE." iiteraru Notices. Tut lMER":A>'' ECLECTIC and Museum op Foreign Lit isatcre. Conducted bv j. h. Agnew and e. Lillell. 836 Broadway. March, IM? This work comprises by fur the best selection of foreijR periodical literature now presented to American reader* and must acquire, we think, a wide popularity. The present number contains srticles from sweral of the ablest and best known reviews, beside* copious extracts from the best weekly and monthly journals?presenting late sci? entific discoveries, mechanical inventions and what? ever el*e would have a general interest for the great body of American readers. Among the ablest lit? erary papers aro the reviews of the " Souvenirs of M- Berrvrr," from the EdinburgV, of the " Glacial Theorv,'' by Mcnchisar,f:om the Edinburgh Philoso pbica!.bHiinal,!hearticle on English Criticism from the Westminster, that on the " Honey Bee" from the Quarterly, and many others which we have not ,-<ace to mention. The selection is admirably nianted to the purposes of the work, which is very neatly printed. Each number is hereafter to con? tain an engraving on steel, and the series is intem! (.1 to embrace the whole range of Modem Euro? pean Art, illustrating the different school* and pre? senting the work? of the most distinguished Paint? er?. The mezzotint in the present number is beautifully engraved by Sartain. The Eclectic de? serve*, what we are glad to le?ru it en joys, a wide and increa>in? popularity. 'jHr Meotco-CHiaoRciCA Review?Quarterly. Vol 13, No. 91. January, 1S4S. K. \. ?. s. Wood, No. ici Pc3ri street. This is an old an ! w* 11-establisbed Medical pub? lication ?f wide celebrity in England, and Riled, go far as we cart judge, with matter of general in ti test to the profession. It gives a record of all important modes of treatment, with full and inde? pendent reviews of all medical publications. Each r.umker is a large, well printed octav? of three hundred pace?. It is edited by James Johnson, M. D. and H. J. Johnson, Esq. We observe in titis number a notice of the celebrated case of am? putation dining mesmeric sleep, which created so much excitement in the foreign Journal?. The re? viewer gives a very different account of the pro? ceedings before the Royal Medico-Chirurgienl So? ciety svherc the extraordinary narrative was pre? sented them by Dr. Elliotson, from that given b\ the Time* und ruber newspapers. " The whole." he says, "amounted to this miserable non equi tor, this ' lamo and impotent conclusion,' that von-r.rprcssion of pain is proof of its non exist trice!" " Is it not humiliating," ha adds, "to medical science that a barrister, a physician and one or two surgeons should come forthin a learned and royal society to uphold such a piece of ratiocina? tion as this at the present day? " Kr* " The Book ok the Navy," IS.<. 2, ha* just l.ccn published by D. Appleton & Co.. at 200 Broadway. This is a most interesting and valua? ble work, and presents a capital summary of the exploits ?f our gallant Navy, with eloquent tribute* to the noble heroes who have acquired for them? selves and the country they served, unfading lau? rels of honor and glory. The edition is vezy neatly printed. ' CGP Tfto?fiHTs on Spiritual Subjects, from the French of Fenelon, has just been published by S G. Simpkins, in Boston, and is for sale by C.S. Francis in this city. It is comprised in a neat vo- i l?me and contains many admirable selections from t:,at most amitihle and excellent writer. Kara! Court Jlnrtiitl on board the 17. 8. fthip North Carolina? Tuesday, February 28 The Court met as usual, and after the usual prelimfnaties the' proceedings were resumed by the examination of Peter Tyson and Joseph Sears, Uvo of the apprentices on board of the Som?rs, v bose testimony given on this occasion was iden- j t al with that given by the.m before the Court of j Inquiry?their cross-examination not eliciting any? thing of importance; and that of the latter not being concluded when the Court adjourned till 10 u deck Wednesday morning. Mutilation of a Member ok Congress.? Toe predictions of the Editor of the Louisville Journal, as to the degree to which Mr. Sprigg of Kentucky would reflect honor upon the constitu? ency that returned hirn to this Congress, seem to 'have been realized. Toward the close of the last Session he signalized himself in a fracas at the eatiog-house under the House of Representatives, and received a severe wound in his hand from a i <?!iisi,-.ri wi;h broken glass ; and last night, at an eating-house in Pennsylvania Avenue, he got into t ii^ht with a person named Drudge, a miller's Wit-driver, which terminated in his opponet. | ? >iing the largest portion i>C 'is ear off! Dr. I ivwall did his best to repar ti i mischief, but the fragment of Mr Sprigg's ear, (which is now in the Doctor's possession,) was too much lacerated to be restored, and the Hob. Meriber will of course carry the mark of thescoille to his grave* Were this tale to be related in any subsequent " Notes for General Circulation^,' woulo it not be.J ?et down as a signal instance o? the menduiyty of travelers ' And yet Such things tif?t And overcome u< like a surnn?Ks-ck-ud, Without our speciaT^wontler-t^- [Cora Adv. Railroad Fair prom Rochester to Alsany. ?We published the proceedings of the Railroad Convention last week. We learn the reduction of j tare on the railroads will take place the middle of fcext month, as follows : D Distance. Time 1st class. 2d class. k'Vuestfr to Auburn..78 miles. 6 hnurs. $195 $i 17 Auburn u> JJyittcus?f..26 2 ?? to 40 j S*?cnseto0uca.....SS M 4 " 122 su tttcato Albany. 94 " 7 M 2 35 1 48 j 231 tH |t6 17 $S77 i? the metn time, the canal packets aro to be ' ;' in first re.'.e order, and will be f;nder way at aing of navigation. As compe'uion is the life ^ne<s, we may expect to see plenty cfTt the ' r. g ?euson. [Alb. Daily Adv. Hi \r! Hkar!!?Siieridaa once succeeded ad : , v i'i entrapping a noisy member of Parlia ;nenr, . . ?vas io the iiabit of interrupting every speaker \? Fth " hear! hear!'' He took an oppor ronity :^ allude to a well known political character 01 the time, who wished to piny the rogue, but had only sense enough to play the fool. " Where," excUirrit;d Sheridan, with great ecaphasis, " irker* *Jall we find a more foolish knave, or a more knav? ish fool than this ?" " Hear! ^c?r."' was instant? ly bellowed from tb? accustomed bench. The wit ?owed?thanked the gentleman for his ready reply to the quest on, and sat down amid convulsions of laugQter from all but the unfortuate subject. BY GREELEY & McELRATH. VOL. 51. IVO. For the Tribone. The Alm? House. Messrs. Editors,?Believing that any infor? mation relative to the present organization of the Alms House would be acceptable at this time, I will endeavor to show y?u by a statement of facts that the present organization is good enough to be let aleae, or at least that it needs but alterations, und that tho-e can be made by the present Board of C ^mnussioners. The public, with yourselves, appear to have formed .jr-jry erroneous opinions concerning the establishment of a workhouse in connection with this institution. It would, I believe, be more in accordance with the dictates of humanity to have a work house in connection with the P'enitentiary than with the alms house, by which those known as vagrants may be made to earn their living, and yield a revenue to the city, and nof remain as they are now, associated with vice and crime of the very worst dye?in circumstances where reforma? tion would be almost hopeless. There is also an impression abroad that there is no Useful labor performed by the inmates of this establishment, whereas precisely tbe reverse is the tacr, us, the following correct table will show: There are 77? male inmates at Bellevue, inde? pendent of those in the Hospital, of which number there are employed as follows:? Carpenters.12 Shceiaakers.19 Weavers and Winders...1*) Tailors.22 Bakprs......22 Blackraiilbs. 6 Wheelwrights.4 Tin Smiths. 3 Misohs.j 7 In rope shop. ? Urooni makers. 4 Orderlies aud A's't.. .44 Barbers.10 Labor? r? in eon) ) .. 8c wood yard, kc,) ?oitmen.15 Waslihouse. G Teamsters, iic.10 Employed a? coop-) ? er-i, gate keepers, I ; sndlers.turnerssoap ! s-> makers, e nks and f ' hatchers,domestics, .j Total.L2I Making 321 employed in the various departments, to which may be added ;J7G more who are totally incapable of performing any kind of labor, con? sisting of those who are blind, paralytic, crippled, disabled by old age, i&c. By the above statement, it will be seen that about 175 remain, and this at a time when the in? stitution contains 100 men'more than ever were in it before ; and these have been from time to time and now are employed (for want of betteremploy ment) at picking oakum. This number consists of men of fill nations and of every age from youth to extreme senility, many with broken down or impaired constitutions, incapable of doing any work of a more laborious nature. For the correctness of all these statements, a Committee of the Common Council or any citizen may satisfy themselves by an examination. A statement of the Female Department will, (with your permission,) be given in a few days, with other useful information on this subject. Allow me next to present a similar statement j concerning the Female Department: It will be seen that the number of those incapa? ble of pet forming any kind of useful labor is larger in proportion than the men, but constitutes a sim? ilar class. Women from being more industrious nnd tem? perate, and requiring less to maintain themselves, are of course fewer in number, (but more perma? nent residents,) than the men. The principal number of the women th*i are young .And healthy, have infants, and form n parr, of those denomina? ted Domestics, Scrubbers, The whole num? ber in the establishment, (and the\ are much mere numerous than that at any previous period.) is 480?fit" which number there are employed as fol? lows : Nurses.S3 Shoe Binders. ~i Domestic*.Scrubber?. C Kitchens.20 Ironing.13 ^pinniuf;.;-IT K tilting...13 Total.'.1*5 And 200 more incapable of performing any kind of useful labor, consisting ol lame, blind; simple, subject to fits, extreme old age, ?See. making l>20, and leaving 155 who are employed in making such necessary articles as are specified in the Statement of Matrons who have that business in charge. There have been made the past year, ending December 31, IS-IS, the following nrticles: Under garments_6823 ; Pillow casts.'MW, Frocks. y.i Bed ticks.5 Snort gowns. 904 Pillow tick*. Petlici ats.1419 Spreads.574 Shrouds.litil Aprons..1333 Shirts.i.8..B P'rs stockings kmc..1246 Making 27,7(!? diderent pieces made and used in the department; and this by women of almost every age and condition, who cemld not earn their living by the needle in the world at largo. Of the Hospital I will only say there are about 350 patients, and some. 50 men are constantly and usefully employed?having been taken from the Alms-House. There is also a considerable number of men ta? ken from the Aims-House for tbe Long Island Farms and Nurseries, and when unable to work they are sent back, and their places supplied a? before stated. There are also in the Colored Aims-House over 100 persons of both sexes (not included in th*se Statements,) being neither useful nor ornamental, and therefore not worthy of any particular consid? eration. Bellevue. DS* The Alabama Legisluture has refused to receive the State's quota of the Land Distribution Fund- The State's finances are bankrupt, and ler people are oppressed with taxation. Tfce bill to lay oft" the Stute into Congressional Districts, upon the white basis alone, has passed both Houses and is now a law. A revenue bill, raising $'J.i>0, 000, passed'.he House and would pass the Senate. The Judges of the Circuit Court have all been re elected, f he number of Judicial Circuits has been (educed to nine. What can a revenue of $250,000 effect in & State which has a debt of mors than $18,000,000, and which requires ubout $730,000 td defray expenditures for the present year. [ American. BCP The editar of the P -iladelphia Evening Journal has received a lettei from a correspond? ent in Bradford country is thru State, exposing tbe depravities of a professed minister of the gospel, a Mr. Lefever, who first won the affections of, and then seduced a young lady of his congregation. 1: is stated that upon the disgrace of their child be in" disclo.- ed to her parents, the father gave one groan, fell and expired, and the mother went into strong convulsions from which she has not yet re? covered. Union or all the Ferries.?Petitions have been in circulation for some dnvs past, and an ap? plication is now pending before the New York Common ouncil to unite nil the ferrL*s between tho cities of New ^ ork and Brooklyn under one lease, and the control of one company when the present lease* of the Catharine nnd Jackson street ferries shall have expired. [Brooklyn News. A WutNiNO;?A stage driver in Albany, was re? marking the other day, tha: 15 years ago be drove a stage route of about 50 miles, upon which resid? ed 5 drunken tavera keepers. Four of tliem have died of drunkenness, and the fifth is in the alms house OFFICE NO. 160 N VT-YORK. WEOIftSSD?I Travel* in ine *Ve?t. rr Oregon and ihr Rocky Jlonncnin?: A full, clear, grnp!i:r and authentic account of the Fir West, ! by Thomas J. Farnham, a recent Traveler to and Sr.journ j er on the Backs of the Colombia River? will be pcblixbed March 1st by GREELEY it McELR*.TR in a Mammoth Extra Trii.une of 96 large double column octavo pjg'-s.on new and beautiful type. Price 25 cenis?.S copies tor $1.? Or.icrs froia New-iaeu, Book^hers, Pesunisters and other are respectfully solicited. Ail orders most be accompanied by i! t --ash. Important Work* ET The Improvements in Acricl-ltuke. Arts, i.e. of the Called States, a* set forth luminously and a length in ihr recent Report of Hon. W. II. Ellsworth Commissioner of Patents, will speedily be published at the office of the New Vork Tribune, in a neat and convenient Book, of % octavo pages, with double columns. K is oup of the most valuable and instructive Public Documents ever publshed and should be in the hands of every man in the Union. The price will be 25 cents by the 'ingle copy < r $1 for five. <>rderi :-trcompar.ied by the cash, are ?olicited irom Pust-n.aaters, Newsmen. Booksellers and others. American f iimiiy .Ungnaiue. 3 Tha* 4'heaprwl Work evt:r published ia the L'uifed SttiU"?.?The first part of the American Family Magazine or ?lenerai Abstract of Useful Know? ledge, a work eminently useful in families, and calculated to arrest th<- attention, awaken the curiosity, f nlighten the DnderStaildiBgl Ol tile young. Illustrated aritA3000 En? gravings. To be completed in IG Numbers of 208 to 240 pages each. The first No. contains 308 paues, royal o?-iavo, and 200 En^ravm^s ami is sold at 25 rmU .' Tbe above work may be obtained at the oilice of The TRIBUNE. Id Philadelphia, from 3argi-.? Al Ze?ber ; Bos? ton. Redding L Co. O* No. 2 is now rei I v. GKEKLEY 8t jtcELRATH, Tribune Bailr.ings. IjCcIutv* on 4SeoIogy. D' Doctor Lyei.l's Lectlhes on Geolocy.?The second edition of the^e.celebrated Lectures as reported tor The Tribune is now ready. It contains an Engraved Frontispiece exhibiting an ideal section of part of the Earth's crust, with expl inatians. It will al*o contain a general In trt?duction to Geology not bet?re published. Lecture I. embraces the following subjects: Auverzue. Lacustrine Period, Volcanic Pfriod, Eruption of Cosrguina. Mount Dor. Lecture II. The Earth's Strata, Manne Strata, Pe? riods. Auveryne District, Sub Apptmioes, Mount .Etna.? leo L'tlE iii. Upheaval ami S?luiilcnor of tbe Bartb. Nn. pips, Tempie of Sernpij, jMnnte Nuovn. Lecture IV. Co nl iteefs. Coral Islands. Lecture V. Originol Coal. LEC? TURE VI. Fossil Foot-prints. Lecture VII. Recession of tbe Fails of Niagara. Lecture VIII. Boulders and Ice? bergs. To the above i~ also added in this edition, a Sketch of the Lecture nf Dr. J. Augostine Smith, delivered'before the Lyceum of Natural History on Uie inh ol December last on llie Different Races of Mien. TT Price per single copies 25 cPnts. Postmasters retak? ing One Dollar will he entitled to rive espies. GREELEY k McELRATII. Tnfcnne Buildings. New York. 1^?? ??^?^?ia WANTED?A situation by a respecta? ble Girl, with the best city referer-ce to no hou?e work or chambermaid. Please apply No. IU Heeler-street. 28 f 2l* _ "?NTED?A filiation by a respecta? ble Young Woman as Nurse anil Seamstres*. She is a very good plain sewer, and is very fond and well ac? customed to the care nf children. The best city ret*-rence given. Apply at27;Howanl-st _f 23 2t* AiYPED?A situation by a respecta? ble young woman a? chambermaid or chamber? maid and waiter or nurse or tfoald have no objection to doing plain rooking in a small private family, ami is a good wa>h'er:nnd ironer; also a young woman wishes a situation is wei nurse. 1 he be>t of city references can be givrn. Pleuse apply at 95 Sierifl si._2flt 2t" WANTED?A lady wishes to obtain a sitaaiion in one of the public schools as a teacher, she has had considerable experience as a teacher, and can gm- ihr ^.'?tfU'^Uciurv-rfilwnnf a* to c*pability,?ft*rac- ? icr, kc. A line addressed to H. J., Bos 173 Upper Post of fice, will meet with immediate attention._2?i 3iis* W^NTElJ^^ook's place by a wo man who can produce good recommendations from respectable families in the city. She will assist in washing and irranint; in a privat?' family. Apply lG9Molt street, o' at 11 Olson's otbee. Sollt Pearl hi. 27r'3t* ?KW^cril^?Xt:?Pe%v No. 33 in the Sou'h Dutch Church in Murray dree;, corner Church ??l is for sale. No pew is more eligibly situated. Apply every Tuesday afternoon to Mr. Thorbum in the basement of ?a*id Church, or on any day to Aaron Clark. 102 Liberty street. 27! 2?v* T i) CABINET RAKERS? Cash ad varced on Furniture at 317 Pear! s:. 23f Iw* OARD or Room Wanted ? In tiny I pleasant part of the City in exchange for furniture and ana Address M. S. A. I pper Post otlice. 20f Im* a piano. Address M. s. A. I pper BOARDING AiND DAY 8CHOOL for Young Ladies, No. 10 Carroll Place. Bleecker-st., New-York. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey would inform their pa? trons and the public that they have-reduced the terms of tuition in their Institution to >uit the_pres*ure ol the limes. ThHr next term will commence <,n the 18th of Feb. inst.? Great attention is devoted to Keadiiit?, V?riiin:r. Elocution, Grammar, Arilbmelic, Mathematics, History, Composition, and Music. The whole school attend daily to die French language; and French is spokm in the family. No extra charge for Latin, or Singing in cla-m-% The Span'^h and Italian Languages, Drawing, and Painting are taught on tfcc usual terms. For further partirulnr?., pico'" apply as above. f6 Im* YDRA?LIC LIME.?Ur:d^~lefi~?t box M, Mechanics' Exchange,will receive prompt attention. Price $1 per cn^k of300 lbs. 9fU ABIJAH SMITH, the oi.iv .?nanuficturer. "I'VERPO?lT?i >A L?For sale at the Yard of J. S. Lewis, le-i Washington-street, foot oi Rector-street, "?une: ior Liverpool Coal, at 8650 per chal? dron. (25fJ GR1NNELL,M1NTORN itGO. S~E?I7l)i\^C)(K) gaTsTViuTer-bleacheti Seal (lil for wile low for cash by il? W. V. KDDY.2J Old Slip UOK^"rOT?^^5~flrn'ajFsize"_Cook C , Pots, fuiiahle for whaling vessels for sale hv i? Im >. V. KDDY. Slip H. RIONARQUfi'S, 224 bowery, ? Fashionable Hat. Cap and Fur Store has on hand, be.-t quality Lynx and other Moffs, fur trimmings, at prico? Ii >uu the bines. New paiterm Velvet Cap for children. rpHREK DOLLAR IJATS.?Elegant I Short-nap Mole Skin llatsat^hjs low price ot *j w. Thi.->.e Hats are ed,3aJ to any sold in^^v citv lor rj l t>"; als* an artii ie at j: Lo-u w-rv i r-aidte-'; l,,tl Etccl:-,., Nutria Bats (ordinarily termed Beaver) $5 on. BROWN, 17 Im* Pra.-tiftil Hatter, U? Canal su_ TOOLS : TOuLS : i . I'ooLS ! ! : ALBERTSON'S, CONGER'S. HOR TON'S an'i GIFFURD'S warrantrd^ Cast Sie^l Coopers. Carpcnt*'s and ship Carpenters' EDGE TOOLS, cnt! tie had a. wholesale and retail, of OStiBORN ?: LIT TLE, Uli Fultovestreet, Hew York, (10 per cent, allowed to merchants); aa;i who keep on band a full assortment Ol CooperV T?wls, Iron Rivets, Trass Hoops, Stave Jointers, Utoc? Howells and Crozes Also, a full assortment of Hardware, Cutlery,Nails,tc kc. CHARLES OSRORN, j23Sm* CHARLES S. LITTLE. COAL CHEAl'.?Thesubscriberintend insrto remove to the cor. King and Greenwich from his present yard; '315 Greenwichst will deliver, in good or? der; the balance of his stock of tirst quality if Prien I 'r. o ard, Red Ash, Broken and Egg, and large Mov-, a; tne low prii i- of $5 per lyn, weighed1 os u City ?Veieher. 5!: 2w- PKTKlt CLINTON. rpO GKOOERS and De .lers in Porta E bie Furnaces.?'Ihe subscriber rerpectfuUy ca - atieotioaol ttvrpuhlic w Iiis targtt stockref Kornacesnow oo band,and for sale a; io a p;.ces. The Furnaces ma.i j .dctureJ .it ihSeslr.bli.hmer.; are warranted superior to.u ?? soitl in the cay. N. B,?Stoneware and Rarthenware in a'.l tlicir varieties. All orilers packeu and sent to any Dart fit tb- ci y free of cartage. WAStlTN9TON SMITH G.-eeuw ich Pottery, 261 West L^ i.t^t / between ;':h and U Lb avenue*. i f6 m R E Fl NED SUGAR AT THC LOWEST REDL'CFn . XlCi.S. OOLSEY V> OOLSriY con lint}" ; > jelbtbeir >:ar,dan< quality doubl- Ker::,ea Su. r at ' lowest re<: ared caifc prices, name]} : Loaf?-10 cents per pound W in n lev; tL^n ave packages CrL?t.e,i?lOeentsper are purchased half a cent per Powdered?10i " " " ) p'iuud additional. r The above am packml a? ipUows: Loa--15, in box?-,?; jof p? 1 Cm&bed, in bbi>. Ol 200 " No charge for paciag". Powdered, in bbls. of230 " ) Apply to the New-York Patent Sugar Refinery, corner Soutl? and Montcomery-streets, or at r9 Wall-street N. B.?Orders out of tue city must be accompanied by a remiu.anc?.-. _ If! lm* CASKS of LIME, of a good qual _ _ , ?7 250 casks ol North Rl*er Liae 1? barrels of gocd Hydraulic Cement 100 hbds. of noslncked Lime, for manure. Any pan ol it wtli t>e sola or exrhaaged for groceries, cry goods, crockery, hardware, ho! aw-ware,carpets,turniture. toap, candles or provisions. Address BARTER, at tbe of ?cc of Tbe Tribune, 9ftf 300 'ASSA?-STREET. MORNEVG, Iff ARCH 1, 1?43. WINDOW SHADES!?WINDOW SHADES!?Tbc subscribers respectfully irwr.rm their trends and the pHblie that, having leaded tne "spacious store, ,\o.7 Spruce ?t.-?e:, a few doorv irom Nassau, they an* now prepared in execute all npler-s for Pa:nti-g-?f every description. i? :U; n? atr.e--, eci.nouy and despatch. All Kinds of Sign Palr.tinsj done In a style nottoWsrnS passed by any other establishment. Gold Si ens. warranted n*t to A large iisORmrat of well seasaced Siga Board? always on ba i. Banners Interior Decorations and Transparencies done to order. Designs fan ibed and executed in a superior style. Specimens of work can always be seen and reference*gives by calling at the ?bt ve place". Tney cave on hand nr;-j are constantly manufacturing Transparent Decorative Window Shines. Strangers in the city, keepers or hotels, saloons, public placesol resort, and landlies, can always tv? supplied with Shades of the best de? scription, and warranted. The assortment consists of splep did Italian Landscapes, WQd Vignettes; French Scrolls, Vignettes an?l Rosette Centres, Scriptural Views. Fancy I Skeich and Gothic Lindscape Centres, Tintern Abbeys.? i Ali kinds of Shades; no mailer how difficult, are painted in a superior style at this establishment. They would call the attention of the public to s most splendid Gothic Shade,got up ib good style, and war? ranted to please. The trade cm-rally supplied on liberal terms. Trimmings furnished and Shades fixed if required. BART OL k DE MAt'NY. Samcfx F. Ba&toi., Lewis F. De Mac.w. ill ti IS.THEKE 1NO BALM IN G1LEAD? ?Wa? the pathetic exclamation of the prophet of Israel a= he beheld the degradation and miseries of his people? and do? s not the heart of the philanthropist move with ? m - tions of commiseration and sorrow as he witnesses the hope? less and helpless condition of thousands dying all around him with Consumption, and niher pulmonary affections, and to ask, '? is there no balm that can heal them f' acr phy? sician to revue them irom death ' Yes, there is a balm dial will heal them, and at once arrest those fatal diseases ,-ind restore il.em to health. It is found in JAYNE'S EX? PECTORANT, which never rails to relieve. It is prepared by Dr. D.Jayne,305 Broadway,New-York, and20Sontb Third-street, Philadelphia. Price-, $1 per bottle. lOf lm* H" AVK"WlME VK R TRI E D IT??If not, do not delay another day, bot send immediate? ly ; it you have hi en one of the wise* and prudent, and al rendv l-ouL'hi a hotile. the question i? settled?yon have re? covered'your hearing. S AR PA'S OIL EO.T DEAF? NESS never falls. It is the will cure. Thousands of deafpersons will give their testimonyia its favor. The beauty of the thine; is, that it cures you without producing any pain. Prepared by Dr. it. BELL, and is sold on agency nt Dr. D. .lavne's om're, No. 305 Broadway, New Yoik. Price, $2 a bottle. _flOlm* Ali. 1 WAR. r W A R .'?The Wig Makers have deciared hostilities against our neigh? bor, DR. JAYNE, on account of his [TAIIt TONIC, which is knocking all ttieir business into a'rocked hat-' Lad;rs =?d Oentiemen, old and youcg, are flocking to Hie Doctor's standard. Heads long divested ol even the ri.-st rnsliments ot hair, aller using his Hair Tonie, soon appear with Hew and flowing; locks, which Absalom himself might have en? vied. Beardless boys are seen with large and bushy whiskers; and ladies smile again through their own raven ringlets, more beautiful and bewitching than ever. Bald heads are doffing their wigs, and throwing them to the 'moles and bats;' while the wig makers stand aghast as they behold the demolition ol their bu.-iness. What will be the consequence of this war we know not, as the wiggies are outrageous, and the Doctor remains firm, and declares that '* some things can be done as well as others," and that BalcLHeads may as well wear their own hair as the hair of others. [Weekly Messenger. Prepared onlv by Dr. D. Jayne, No.305 Broadway,New York, and in Sooth Third-sireei, Philadelphia. Price $ I per bottle ; 6 beitles ior*?. 110 Im* C" ]5Ns?^^ Pulmcnic Syrup.?The subscriber heing about to es? tablish an acency in this City. No. 491 Courtlandt-SL woulil call the attention of Ute afflicted portion of the community to his Pulmonic Syrup, which he has discovered for the cure of Consumption, Liver Complai it, and diseases ol the Lungs a.d Rr?pira:ory Organs A lew years a::o hp was L'ivpn cp a> lococable and was pronounet-d to be in the last stages ot consumption, but. he has l.eea entirely cured by Inn Pul? monic Syrup and enjoys good health to this day, and numer? ous others have been cured, certi6cates of which can be seen at his office. He ha^poblished a pamphlet describing the nature ol consumption and the n'tanuer in wbicb his Polmooic Syrup effects a cure which can be had gratis al .his oilier. k\r wuuIU ?cMj'.TifuUv uxmie.Ute.MUsMauSBcall and sew him and any advice will be tendered gratuitouily to all who may call upon him. JOSEPH H. SCHENCK, 49* Cnurtland-sL 17f lm* 3a door below Greenwich-st. A~ sthma C?RlT?^Th]9~^st^^ tressing complaint, which baffles the skill of runn physicians, lf? always cured by the u.?eof Loogley'sORKAT i WjCSTERN INDIAN PANACEA. The following cerutieate will .show one ca?. from among I many of a similar kind wiiirfi have be<-n lately received. From James Rxgler, Merchant, CTetebufgk, IS. 1'. Col. Longler?Di-ur Sir: I <.eem it my duty to testify to the merits of your Panacea. My wife was severely afflict? ed with the Asthma, so thnt shecould notsle^p or restnigbts except by being bolstered up in n sitting postur-*. I pro cored a bottle ol your P in.icea, and gave her n tablespoon* lull. Soon after.taking it-slie retired to bed and slept qui? etly through the night. The (jo>e was repeated for several successive nights, with like favorable results, until she was re.-tured to health, in using buta part nt the bottle. I do not he.-itate to say that this Panacea Is a perfr?t rure lo; the Aithma, and that as a Cathartic I know not its equal. fl7im JAMES B'GLE-R. For sale at 305 Broadway, and corner Grand and Mul beny-streets. 17f lm* NOTICE.?Mr. ROBERT H. DAVIS, who has been in the employment of the andesigned as clerk with fKiwer of attorney (depo ited in ihe Merchants' Rzchaage Bank) to draw checks on said bank in the names of the undersigned and do oilier acts pertaining to their business having left their employment with a view of em bark'ug in business for himselt, lb* aliove r**wer of attorr.ey has been revoked. New-York, February -iJd. 1313. 23flw _ DOWS i. GUI TEA 17. IS S? L ITT lbN .?The Copartnership ol sti vers St Greenman is tt Is dav dissolveil by it;u lual consent L. M. STJ v KNS, S. E. GRUMAN. New-York. Feh. 22d, Uli)-_gTfgl D j W \ Ti BARKELS OF LIME, of the ?J V f V / V/ ^"*sl quality, will he contracted lor, or any part of it, during the coming season, and irood city bonds and mortgages reeeivej m payment Address " Llme,?* Tribone I ?ihre. f)f tf R^R?~BTNSON, 257 Elizabeth fit, Fashionable Clear Starcher, Enibroidered Muslin Lices, kr, maile tolookequnl to new. Mennos. De Luines, Shawls, Foulard Silk*. i:c. carelully cleaned. N. B. Mer chants can have soiled Capes. Collars, Robes, itc. bleached and done up in the best saleable style. f2i! 2w" RaTOIm akR?Wni??TTa'aup^ rior quaiity, in canisters of three and five pounds. B.iy Rum. finest quality, at a reduced price. English Calcined Magnesia and Calcined Charcoal, in small bottles. Hydro-Alcoholic Extract,'theefficient new preparation of Sars'aparilia, containing n-i ii- virtu-s. For sale by J. iL L CODDING TON. Apothecaries. J30 In:' ivJ7 Hudson st. corner Spring. I1 10 JOHN JOHNSON, aud to all others whom it muy concern.?Take notice that, an l^s. previously redeemed, 1 shall on Monday, ihe Gtli day of March next, at 11 6'cl <ek, A. M , expose lor sale on ac? count of said John Johnson, or whoever it may concern, it puhiic aucima at Tutteisail,, kept by George W. Miller, No. 4-46 Broadway, a certain brown horse, about 15i hancs high, lor the purpose of piying certain expenses incurred in regard to said ii"r?e, which said bone was left with me on the "?2d dav ?? November said John JohKSon. HENRY ?. HATHAWAY. New-York, February 23,13-13._341 1 w Cn.niEHrGlFs Sottish MT4sical~Ett tertainment will take place at the Apollo Corcert Rooms, on Tuesday Eveuir'g, March 7ili, !S4J.; Concert to commence at H o'clock precisely. Tickets SO cents each, to be had at ail the Music st.rtrs and of .Mr. Clin hJi'i>, s.'? Broad a ay. 27n_w* O VKRN ESS W \NTh D immetli?tely, ? to ^o a siiort di-t.uice iu the country, to iak>i ciiar^'e ol live or ?ix chiidirn in ? privat.- family ; sbe must he qu.uified to tr?i:h the English brancbts acit MumC. One t:.a; c-ii; t*-ar!i French wonki be preferred. PU-ase addr?^ t> . ?; Is ?' WiUiam-streel, slating terms, which must beio*". References aiven and ri quireil. S8f .t KELLY'S Ciiroiium Cream Caudy.? A new and dMic:;nj-. i-'.:.>ri,or,ary, ro^ib:oi..g all the rieb Bess ar.d j'-ivor oftb< Cacdiei! Citron, fo.- sale only attbeinrentot's store; Ootbam Confectionary, i67 Broad? way. L'.dies and gentlemen are politely ir.vitetl to call ard rxamine the a-.ove article. 2S(" rpHE WHOLE WORLD SKO?1D X know it that Dr. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT is a ceMaia cure f*r as:hn;a. and tuat for cCBgbs, cowls, con sumpt-on. wboopin? cougb,cTO(|P] bMi.cDi'.is?and er^ry oth? er disei-e of the Langs r_- throat it is ?-ure to produce the most decided benefit. It is recommenced bv thousand?, ?so have trifd it, and all sjv that tt is the best remedy, without any exception, for ail Palmo.'.ary Dt?^a?es that have ever i>e^n komvi:. for it always ^.ve relict, and cures when every other means have fat.e.t. Prepared only bv ?r D. JAYNg, 1-i SotlMi Third-strret. }1 iiac^ipina, and No. 5^5 Broadway, New-York. Price *i per bottle. 28flm Cheap lor Cash. pLASS! GLASS!! WINDOW Glass! ?5.tX>C boxes Jacksoa W-.r.dow CUss of ail sixes, 4r^?n do Monroe do do do Tfaisistbe best American Window G:ass made; it bzs the rao.-i bri.iiaut laster ar.d is perfectly free Irom stain.? Just reccKed Unreel frora the Frxtory and for sale by riO Im* S. SCHANCH. co Divisioo-st. AMITY SCHOOL.?TfaU institarion wiil commence its seventh annual course May IItb, under the direction of Mi? Ann F. Day. Pupils will be re? ceived at any time previous on application to Miss Day, at No- il Amity ?r-et. I? ecusm* FIVE DOLLARS A TEAR. WHOLE IVO. 5s9. PERKINS* CARDS, Enamelled and Pearl Surface.?Prinfr?. Engraver*. Bookse?er. and others wr?o buy Csrris, will riad no card* in tnc coanury ! equal to tne*e tor quality and che- pr.e>s. Great improve i ments have heea made :n the*** Card* within a ?fcort time, ? and tee Enamaled Cards are now warranted suuerior :or I Copperplate Printing, Sty It Writing and Later Press Prim? ing, ano are a heuidfaJ article for Andrew and Visiting Cants, bemj of a clear w;;ite complexion, and a >mootii glsssv surface. The Pearl Surface Card, for a business rsrd or for uina! purpose*, are the be?t In use; they are not surpassed by any other in point of quality, and are wa-rant eu to print -.veii in every respect, to hear a strong body ol ink from lar^e type, and all to work eqaaily well. T hey are sold at prices cheaper than other cards of inferor qual? ity. Scales of sizes and prices given to any who wish then, and the cards for -^ale, wholesale and retail, by the ruanuiacturer's ageni. JOHN ALLEN, dis 2*w3m- 139 AVALUABLE REAL ESTATE, near near the r ty ol Schencctady, far Sale. On the sth day ?: March next, at 10 o'clock, at the Court House in tl e city of Scbencctady, ?111 be sold, at public auction, by the undersigned, about 4.-0 acres ol the choicest and most valuable Land, together with spacious and admi? rably arranged Buildings theieon. Lying, a* this propeny does, at>out ore mile frcm ihecnv of ?schei:ecia>iy, the Erie Canal and the Railroads to the r;i es of Albany sod Troy, and also the L";ica and Scbenec tady Railroad, aa opportunity will at this sale be offered an enterprising agriculturist, or to ^ gentlemaa wishing to retire t- a delightful country residence, such is is rarely presented. Proposals for th" purchase ot the whole, or for portion** f this property, will be received t>y either Ol the undersigned ui"il the time ol sale. Terms made known on the day of sale. A. C. GlBsON, I Of the cttv of H. S. Van' INGEN (Schencctady. F. N. SILL. Cedar Hill, Bethlehem, Albany Co. A?signeesof Theodore W. Sander*. Scbenectady. Fel.. r<. 1843 f 133awtMS* C~To.-,L YARD~T? LET.?The Yard J No. 158 t. For teru>s npoiv to I2f3aw2w* WILLIAMS'* FERGUSON; 28 Oak-rt. MXHI) G?N Y~s aTvYETTs.?w anted several experienced Mahogany Sawyers. Apply ?t tne orhVe of the Sawmill, No 19 Canal >u, or t.> GEOrltiE BRUCE, No. 13 Chamber st. XT Scroll Saws and Turret's Shop to let. and Other shops with steam power: 23i 3t* AYDEN'S Premium Peas.?A Silver Medal was awarded J. Ilayden (or his " very supe? rior Pen-." by the American Institute at its iast Fair. The Government have given then; lite Preference, and the best accountants and ninny ot tue public institutions will use n> other Pens. They have justly obtained me ntghest rtfpuia lion, and are not surpassed it equaled by any in the country The irade are supplied at the Manufacturers prices by ih' a?r?-nt? J. Ji P. tL.AYD.8N, 5 Plait-street. Agents also for SUliman'i School am! Coutiwn<;-bt>us-? tr.< Stands. mySHI "M PORT A NT TO MECHANICS and other-;.? Warranter! ra<< steel edge Tools may be hau at the subs.-Tiber's old establishment, 33 Attomey-sL, or ai George Briggs & Co.'s. 115 Maiden-lane, New-York, at re? duced prices to sen the tinaes. 10 per cent u? dealers. nCfl.Sr.i* JOHN: CONG RN. GHllWrTLL, MINT URN & CO. 7S South street, offer for sale? Knfrli?h Sheathing Copper?100 cases from 14 lo 32 OZ Swedes Iron?60 tons, well assorted. Tin Plates?2r(> boxes, assorted. Try Pot??24 Try Pots; 140, IfiOand 180 gallons. <;-\,\ozri Flour?1200 barrels, Ire.-b. Rio Coffee?2-.IWI hags prime Green. Havana Sogar?500 l>ues brown. Havana Suirar? 500 \>c.xa White. Rusda Duck?500 piccrs,S4 ard 30 inch. Russia Ravens Duck? 3ifl pieces Russia Holt Kope? ISO roil<, assorted sires. Russia Diapers?.VI bales. Russia crash?25 bales. Russia Sheetings?-20 bales, brown. Florette Paper?10 bales, entitled to debenture. Madder?2'' cash*, prime Ombro. Ivory?50 prime Teeth and 500 Scrivellns. Chinese Soy?50 jars j 20 ca*es Chinese Vermlllion. E. L Rhubarb? 2U cases.; 10 cases Lac Dye. Wj-jier Nutria Skiu*?4 bales prime. Earthenware?8 c.atvs superior Tea Sets. Olive Oil?4f? pipes. Candles?300 boxes Sperm, assorted. Winter Oil?iCOO gallons u?bjeachft<4\ Clralk?"200 ion*; SU9 toSS Steamboat Ceab. Also?An assortment of China Silks, viz: While Pongees?20 ca^es SO inch. White Pnng??e Hrikfs?5 cases. White figured Pongee lidk Is?5 cases. Crimson Figured Pongee Hdkfs? 5 cases. Satin Damask?I case, assorted colois. Crape Shawls?20 cases, emoroiue.ed, various patterns. _f 7_ P~"H?TOfJR?T'H IC LI KEN ESSES, by the Dnguerre?,iype process, are taken WviMo tt AND, upper story ol Granite Building, conier.of Broad? way au.i Chambers street, New-York-; [entrance 73 Cham bers-streeL By Morands improved process a perfect hke ness is produced in a ft w seconds, ol any site, having any Shade ol color wh ch may be de-ired, und in any position, witii any expression o: countenance,! or in any uiess. Pru'e $3, r 'Uip'r-te. in a hh:ic:v)ine case. Likenesses wtieu froni 7 A. M. until sa.i-!ywn, in any kind Of weather?i-lear, cl> 'inly, or rainy. 24l lm* ND1A RUBBER SHOES?53 Maiden lane ?A lull and perfect assortment of India Rubber-, embracing gentlemen's sheet and cloth Rubber Overshoes, with leather ami *o|rs; L ?die?' Overshoes, sheet rubber and cloih with ruld)er end leather sole*,; Children's Overshoes, lor girls and boys; common Rubi.ers; Rubhers liued and trimmed; Ladies' Walking Shoes; Gaiter and Half Gaiter Boots; Silk Elastic Top Boots, a new article. We have greatly reduc-'d our prices tor the rein tinder of the ?Pit-nn Ladies and gentlemen vsho have not supplied themselves should net d< lay doing so. Tub is tbe seaaou m ist nectya ry to protect the 'eet, and with a pair of our new ami un? proved rubbers you may-put colds, roughs and consump? tions at defiance. Our shoes have always been warranted, and from the unpnraileh'd demand we think the pubi c are iatfs6< d oi ibe|e pei ioi i> nvt-r Bnj olh? r^ In the market. 23I l>v HOT< HINSON at Rl \ VON . '-'> Maiden I << ?? jJUKE F lK E !: i IRE." ' ?A t any sea - . son of th? year, and at ^.ii: ire especially| (when ac? cidents by fire ure of frequent occurreacirj ih<* subscriber would call the ntteuvon o! ihr- puhhc and j<arrn!.t inpurtxr uUtr lotbecelebralec Kire Ointment of E. C. ii IL E. Mo.s-s, long knowH and used with unparalleled ?uccess as a sure anil sj,?-<-dy cure for Bums from whatever rause, and in their worst starre. He wnuld also state, that in almost all cases, i: immediately applied, it will prevent blistering ami Ihe other unpleasant consequences which ensue,and would therefore advise every one to have a supply re*dy at hand. It is also an infallible mmedy for chill-blains or frosubites. In order to make it an inducement, and v? that no aiie neal be without \t, he has ii put up 111 po's at 2s and l? each, with full directions lor use. REUBEN E. MOSS f3lm* S?H and 508 Grnnd-st. \TfTHO CAN DOUBT THE VIRTUES V V OK J UNE'S HAIR TONIC ' StiMMKRVtLLE, N. J. Nov. 2G, 1342. Dr. Jayne : Dear Sir?I send you the following c-rtihcate obtained from Air. Gulicit. I would Just state that 1 became acqusmu-d with him about two years ago. At that time he was entirely bald, with the exception of a lock of hairo'n me backpanof bis le-ad, about the size of half a dollar, and that lock of hair be told me had_ been made to gr?>w by the use of your Tonic; previous to which, be positively avers that he hau not a single h.iir on ha head. The hair now covers his bead completely, and is horn fnor to live inches long. Ver*. respectiully, yours, i:c. P. Mason. Anothkr Proof of the Efficacy ok Da. JAVNt's Hair. Tonic?This will certify that 1 was entirely halo far about three year*, when 1 was recommended to try Dr. Jayne', Hair Tonic. I procured two bottles'of Mr. Mason, ;n Sum merville, and Using ihe TouiC fo,' about Jilteen months, my hair came in all uwr my head, and, although nai quite as lliick a.5 before, yet it is constantly ^rowin^. Tnis surpns ing restoration of my hair has excited the astonishment of ail my acquaintances, and made me aa ooject of curiosity to many. I am now- 55 years ol ajje, and have reason to re gird ilie inventor ot this matchless Haii Tonic as a puohc oenefactor Joachim Gulich. New, N J. Nov. 26,1M2 Prepered only at No. 20 Scutn Third at, Philadelpi ia, and Sr?BmaJ^ay. Pric?-, f. tfv?6 (/-lUles for W. i': lot" 'Tyrvil^s^EX Feu T< TrTnt^TdIs Medicine lias already proved ?tsHi to be ail that it has Oten recommended, bylthose Who hav?? gnen it a fat: test in this country, antt ice^drmandfor it increaseadady. W?; haveja-t he?i'i o? t:n important cute <A Akkma, which haj t>eei; w-?Vcted by the use of it, in a nei^ii'virtifg tour-tbe rase wi- of a temale *I:j hail lor a ionK' time been oi d^r the cjie of a pbys'c an bui liad received to re.ief, ar.d hi r c ise oosK.-r?t boneless. AS ?? i:is; ;e-ort ?ne r ur cba>ed a h-*jUie of Dr. J iym-'a Kxp?cu*rai!t. wuich cauved h^r to expectorate ir-t-i.r, jrraditauy cejtsi:.; to cougl , and is rapid;y'reMOfn.g hi-r to hlMlis. We have na h-snatton In saying th it tbjSptep irati oof Dr. Jayne tor iheccre of coughs. fs>!d?, l.-uae^.T,, asthma, consumptions, tc, is the m.9'. vmliiabie rti?-ji jin? ".er orTrred u> tue American pub? lic Ti.e'e.s r;t, q-jacfe-ry abost tl? Dr. Jayr.e !?oi;eof ih^ 3j'?t skiiiul praciising pbystctans >n Pennsylvania; and wherever b:s vinous preparations have b.-en lhorou^'.:y tes.eiJ, he U looked upoaasa gre?t paonc henrfartoc. [Somerset (Me.)JournaL Prepared.only by Dr. JAYNE, No. ?i? Bro*n:v.av, New Yc-k _ 24i lm MPORTANT T(5 THE DEAF.?We ' take pleasure in f alling the atlprtion of our read? ers to "aJCARPA'iJ ACOUSTIC OIL,1" lor ihr: cure of Deafness. Fn-.u die mvc-rahJe accounts we have heard of j it. we ;.-ei a satisiaction m irecommeading it to ihe attention 1 of al! who may --^rfT .root D*a neas l cds is .he only meet- j icice i-vrr <i:Vere<i to ihe rye ;- 'or cur ;h:s divaie trji ! w^e feil ?* conSdeace in, an I :ls etfect in difTerent cases which | have com? whJila our know;e?i?:e l:a?? been such as u>e ! most sa??uine c<"Aid wish Persons have been cured and : r? Heved wco had gt%eu up ail i.?.p^s 0f ever being benefited. ' Iiis a Itllic surprises to u-. wsde so r.any are sufferers from ; cJeainess. no successful e?'jrt b?s been tn^tde sooner to produce sotnethibg wuich would effect a radical cure A I medicine, however, is now before the psbiic. by the use of wnich, all may be relieved of as exceediagly disagrrcable 1 disease, and enabled agnin to enjoy the sooiely of Until j friends. We say to all aflicted, by all means try it. _ I Alexander's Messenger. Prepared by B. Bell, nnd may We bad at Dr. JAYNE'8 Store. S?? Broadway, New-York. lOf im" SAXDS'S SARSAPARILLA. Improvement in whatever regaroj ihesappuiess and we rVe of our race b constantly ob the march to pert*<.-?ioo. and ; w-ib each succeeding day >*aie new problem !??iveo, or ? some profound secret revelled, havi&p tg imporuat and direct bearing ever man's bign-s-st destinies. U v.e ?jur a I retrcsps-ctue view ovtr the past tweuiy years, bow u tfie : mine strucX w:tn wonder.' What rapid ?irides has scteoco mace u: every .Separunent of ciriitxed lue '? particularly iu that which relates to the knowledge of the aoraannynciM m health and eben?*. How valoable nad inuispenwble are the curauve means recently discovered through the agency of chemistry'. How does the imagination kirola.and our ad. miration glow at the ingenuity, the near proacb to the standard of perfection, of the present tiro*: Through tbfl elaborate isrestigatlons of Physiology, or the science of Lit z, and the Pathology of prevalent diseases, much valua? ble practical knowledge ha? been ?a::>ed. In consequence of becoming acquainted with the organization, the ?lements of the various tissues and ?traccures of the system, remedies have !>eeo sough: after and discovered exactly adapted to combine with, neutralize acd expel morbific matter, tLe j cause of disvase, and substitute healthy action iu its place. T: ?? : eaut -i s: itp r ty of this mode <v treatment is not n:-:r ,ted by the pAthnli ;y of di< ffSx ?. not Oftt] gnt* fcl to tlie ?untrer, hot perfectly ;n consonance witfctbeopec? if Nature, and tatistact >ry to the views and reasonings of every intelligent, redecting'intrHt Ii lsti usihatSAXDs ? SaBSAr>.KtLLA,asi::en:-riccoinbmattono:'essentia< princip lea cf the most valuable vegetable sut>sirto.-es, operates upon lhs? system. The Sarsapanlia is ecttltttned with the most eneciual aids, the most salutary productions, the most po? tent sunpies of the vegetable kingdom; and iu unprec?* dented success in the rest >ration to health of tbcaew'^o baa long piued under the most distressing chrome maladies, baa given it an exalted character, rcrnishing as it d<>os evidence? of its own intrinsic value, and recommending it to the tlicted in terms the afflicted only can know. It has long bent a most mportanl desideratum in the practice of nedi* cine to obtain a remedy similar to tbi??one that would act on the liver, stomach and bowels with all the precbuOa an<l patency of mineral preparations, yet without auy of their.deleterious ?fftvt? upon the vita] power*of the system The attention of the reader i> respectfullycalled to tke following certificates. However great achievements have heretofore been made by the u?e m mis invaluable medicine, yet daily experience snows results stillmore remarkable, rbe.proprietors here avail lit inaelvesol the opportunity of saying it is a source ol extant satisfaction that the} are made the menus o: reues in; such an amount ot suffering, Kim u\, N, j. Dec. is, is-fi, Messrs. $r.nds: Gent?Ward? ramwt express die KiatK tude 1 teel l?r your treatment to me, a stranger ?uflerln?r under one <*l the most loathsome diseases Uai oa ure Is ca? pable ot bearing. The disease with which t was afflicted commenced with inliaiumauoii oi the eves, in the year lHoo, which caused almost total blindness. ror Uns 1 was treated and.finally relieved, hut the remedies were such a* locaux* the developement ot a scrofulous afiection on my lull arm near the eilxnv. " The pain extended from the shoulder to the end of my fingers, and lor two years my sufferings were beyond di*> cription, I tried various remedies ami consulted diflereat Physician'in New-Yet k aid amongst Hem the late Dr. Busbe, who toid me the disease oi the arm v as caused oj ike large quantity ol mercury taken to cuie Ike indarazua lion oi my eyes. My sunenngs continued, the arm enlarged, tumours formed indifferent place-, and in a is v.- months discharged, mak lug ten running ulcers al one time, ,j ? above and some below the elbow, and the discharge was so oriVnsive ?.nai mi person could bear u> lie in ibe room wbwre 1 was_ I then applied to anotl ei distinguished Physician who tom me amputation of the arm n as me only thing that cottidsive my life, as it was impossible wcurcwdreatirala disease] ou; as I w as Unwilling to consent to it he recommeudnd me to use .Sw ami's Panacea treety, which 1 did without d^nving ;>u:. little benetit. " For three year? I was unable to nit* my bam! to my head or comb my bair, and Ihu scrofula now wade its appearance ou my head, destroying the bone-in diflerent places, causing extensive ulcerauons. ai d llrared it might reach and destroy the brain?the bead swelled very much, accompanied with violent pam, numerous exieruai remeaies were recommended, but they did no good.? About a year since I wa? takeu severely ill with a swelling ot the body Irom bead to loot, so that 1 was entirely lielpif??, the Doctor advised me to go to the llospitut, for be did not understand my case ; lor the lost tew months 1 Bud beoii afflicted with a severe pn:n In both sides, nt ?Utes so hard 1 fould scarcely get my breath. A hooting cough constantly annoyed me, and lb is combined with my .?ber maladies, rendered me truly inlserattle. Suob, Bentiemen, had been my situation for seven-years of my b?e when 1 commenced the use of your Sarsapa' Ilia, but as mycase was considered hopeless, and the near prospect ot a speedy disNduiion et med inevitable, I :? it hut lutie encouragement to ptrse \.re. The persuasion of friends Induced me to try your Hiedicine, which iu a few days producui a great change in my system generally, by causing an appetite, relieving the pains,und-giving me strength; as success inspires c?mhd ence, 1 was encouraged to persevere, my pains grew easier, my strength returne.t, Iboa relished, the ulcers healed* new tlcsh formed, aiwi 1 once more icll within me that f. might gtl well. I have now used the Sarsapariiia about two nontbs and am like a di?erenl being. The arm luat was i? be amputated has entirely healed, a thing that seemed Im. possible, lean scairely believe die KVtdenceof my owa eyes, but ?UCh is the fact; and it is now a> useiul as al any period of my life, and my general health is better than u has been lor years past. Health; what magic in the word! how many thousands have sought u in foreign lauds and sonny climes, and have yught in vain! Ye; it came 10 me when I bad given u\t to die, ami as 1 feei ibe ;,uisj;'oiis of health coursing through my veins, uy whole heart and soul go toitk In lurveni gratitude to the author of all our sure mercies, that be has been graciously pleased to bless the means made i use of. ''Truly have >ou proved yourself tbe good I Samaritan to the afflicted, <m next to my Creator my file is lnd< lied to you (or i athei / th? use oi ? ^. ii > du o.l^ >.irsu pkrill?. The vslueol mj^u a medicine iscouutifesH beyoout price, money cannot pay id.- it. I have been i.Ksed irom deaih, I niiiy m) ,ii r my ;::??[,,s ami i..v*eb tli.'"ie+1d ini posmblc I could recov nr. Add now gentli men ?oifer ciet.? add another proof unified kk> by;.:, friends and guardian* asajust acknowledgement ol tiie virtues bl your ueuitii f< storing Sarsaparilla. That the all) cted may also uxe U and enjoy ih^ benctits :l aloii" can comer, is the'elt, let ^t>m wisN 0! Uielr iwl your iriend. MARTH? CONL'N. I know Martha Conlin and believe what '-he states in ibXi document to be perfectly true. JOHN POWER, Vicar General ov Nkw-Yorx, Hector of St. Peter's Church, Given at New York this I b.h day i>i December. 1842. I know Martha Conlin, and have known of her snifrrlng illness. f JOHN DUBOIS, Bishop of New-Vork. I plnce foil confuleiiCe in ll.e statement made by Martha Conlin, havnig known her tlie past twenty years. I will Cheerfully give any particulars hi relaiion to her case to those who may wish turther inlurm^iiun . Ht. BLKZABSTH, Superior of the Roman Catholic Orphan A.ylum, Prince* fctreet, N. Y. Dec, 14, 1842. I have confidence i" thp represent'Jiona made by Martha Conlin, and have full knowledge ol nercas.-. , ELIJ \H K. PL'ItDY. Alderman 10th Ward of the Cityol New-Vork. Dec. 14, 1842. Martha Conlin has lived. In ;ny family the last 13 yearx, and 1 berebv certify the foregoing Statement made by her? self is correct. Mr*. MARY U. LLOYD, No. od4 Broad si. Newark, N.J. " Sands'* Sarsaparilla will also remove and permanenlly core diseases bavmg their origin in aa impure state of the blood and depraved condition of th>. general constitution, vix: Scrofula or Kind's Evil, in Its various forms; Kneuma tism, obstinatecutaneoas Eruptions, Blotches, Hiles, Pmi pie? or Pustules on the face, cJjrenic,8ore Eyes, KinK^orm or Tetter. Scald Head, enlargement and pam of the bones and Joints, stubborn Ulcers, syphilitic symptoms dtseksesj arising from an injudicious me of Mercury, female derange* menis, and other similar complaint*. Prepared ami ?o!d at wholesale and retail, and for export* ation, by A. B. San Is ii Co. No. STKI Broadwny, (Granite Buildiogs,) corner ol Chambersstreetj New York. Also M<ld by A. B u D. Sands, Dru^'i;i t..,, No [79 and ion Fulum-st. ; David Sands it Co. No. "37 Enst Broadway, corner ofMar* ket-streei; and by Druxsist* ceneraliy throughout lue United States. Price $1 per l>otUe,irix botttes i^r$.j. Mote?The original docom< Bts ui^y be seen by ca!lin> a; our store, No. 273 ?roadw ly. czl ~\"si/l'eb toK Qu Slit y of brok< o, eg/, and r:ui siie COAL, broken irom lump', hand?ooM?>y icreened, and delivered free ol cartage, at tlie red'.'?d pre'- |4 j? per ton. Or ders receiv-d at the Sjg-r Refihety, \j onacd otreet, and at the yard, 215 W?st,.sueel corner of Pranklln 18. tw : V. ' K it MAPES. S. A. GOULD & GO'S JEW YORK PATENT MEDICINE AXD PER? FUMERY WAREHOUSE. At 357 Broadway may be had, wholesale and re? tail, a general assortment of the choicest European and Asiatic Perfumery, Soaps, Oils, Balms, Cosmet? ics, and fancy articles, together with a select empo? rium of the best English, French, German, Ameri? can, and Indian approved Patent Medicinee, of all descriptions, and for all diseases. Also may be had, in large or small quantities, all the medicinal prep? arations of the celebrated Dr. Dyott of Philadelphia, which have stood the test of 40 yeara* experience. Here aleo Physicians and Drugg?ts may at all time* find a supply of the only genuine Charpee. This uni? versal Bazaar of beauty and comfort is intended for both stxes, to the ornament of nature, and the resto? ration of heaiwh. For details, call at 357 Broadway. N. B. A lady will be constantly in attendance^ and, it is hoped, with general eatisfaction. John M Bradhurst, 366 Broadway, W. W. Bradhunt, Buah tfc Hilyer, Roahton tt Aspinwall, Geo. H. Purser. 70 Wall-street, Comstock be Tyler, 38 jfcWclay-st, Dr. Falea. of Boston. Rev. Dr. Brownlee. Rev. Dr. Knox. Rev. Dr. De Witt Sev. Dr. Peck. Ed. Methodist Quarterly Review. - Rev. Valentine Buck. A. R. Wetmore, cor. Veaey and Washington street*, CvL tT9soh Mstm, 7 Fuiton-st, WkoUsaU DrxggitU*