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NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. J?? VEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE IS PUBLISHED ?VFRV MORNINO, SITKDAY EXCEPTKD, ir jiNAi^it - jr. (er r oi jt k f ? jtt I1 .iXl,) N? W-Y 0 R E, .'^ Ui*e-*d 'o Cits SnWrsk-n f?t NINE CEN PS per ?rv?hen dh j p. fcr, l ? car pay t- adraace ? the rwk'for six nv.?iiihs. 01 a year at tlie wine rate, oaigie TWO CENTS. Mai' Subscribers $5 per annum, u! Jrauc?" and the paper in no case coutinaed beyond the j^fnr which it is paid. Subscriptions taken for Six SrfipVrence allowed on Daily Exchanges u ith any other f81*1' Terms of Ad ver11 a 1 ng . ?fF\ LINES or ie?. (over Si*.) FlratinserUon... 50 C?nts. . '.- f?r each s?bs?qdeut insertion." ?J for Sixinsertioii.s,or one week.. . $1 .'?0 " ') rrr Twkitt-Fivk insertions. ... ....'j 09 " r?tet, THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE A Verv Large Paper, for the Country, isri'BMMir.D KVKRYSAT?RBA1 MOUXlXfi h? Lcnxct An ? eruasmi >,:-. a; crjrclly f&7orsbli THE NEW-YORK*WEEKLY TRIBUj A Very Large Paper, for the Cou rsrUBLUHED KVKRYSAT?RBA1 MOHM.Vi ...i^iowp.ace of TWO DOLL Ali S per annum, in advance iftrsri':v?. R*3.f?lQ5sand FukkrsX Notick?, not ex t?eiuat n Die nui-s. THE TRIBUNE. Utters from Mr. V.rcd_No, lli. Correspondence of lli* Albany Evening Journal. Cot'RT3IASHktikv, (Ireland) June 23, 1813. lam here, with my loot upon the Green Isle? tjsj land of my admiration and sympathy from xivbood to the maturity of life. I left our good ship beating up the Channel (ttiosi an obstinate head wind at 5 o'clock , jfjl. yesterday, in a small boat that came off to i ^:and. aftor a t,.ii| bf three hours, made tthis -^before sun-set". It is a delightful spot. The j rtiiage is situated in the elbow of a deep bay, and ; toassts of a row or continuous block of stone cot- ; gallon one side of the street facing (he water, anile die terraces rising back of the village arc dot* (a?,with cabins, arid patched with fields cl??icd in itjoure and fruitfulness. The arrival, at an obscure town upon the Coast, rfomestrangers,with a formidable array of trunks, fcc, created rptitc a stir ; but when it came to be jrjH>wn that two Catholic Bishops from America two Priests from France, (though one of the 'ittcr is from Belgium and the other from Bava? ria,) itere ainorig tfsj the sensation was truly jaufiuV- The *? Repealer;' gathered ttbbut us 3 warm*. The C3ast:0fficsr and the Con. -aDulaiy Guard appeared embarrassed and ex? cited. I called upon the Excise Officer and avited him to examine our luggage. In walk, jug with tne over to the Hotel, he remarked that, ./our landing there in the somewhat excited ; elate of the country, would occasion inquiry and ' remark, it would be his duty to make his ex- j initiation more rigid than under ordinary cir camstanccs. He then proceeded to take our j niines, places of residence and vocation, and to tiamine whether we had arms or munitions con? cealed. He then inquired the ?bjeet of our visit ?nd the length of time we intended to remain in Ireland- All this was done with the utmost deli? cacy and propriety on the part of the officer. Wc :i!ormed him that we took advantage of calms '.cd head winds (o leave our ship and run through LViand to Liverpool, hoping that we should be bo irlunate as to hear O'CoNNELL, and to see Father Mathew. The Custdnt-House examination over, wc were Iealed to our first supper in Ireland. It consisted >l bacon and egg.?, fried in the bar-room, (a small "by 9) where twenty men were smoking their pipes; served, however, upon a clean linen table doth, with a fresh roll of butter and a strongly malted loaf of bread. After supper, the Bishops went with the resi? dent Catholic Clergyman, others were sent to a loijjhborin?? house, (iwo only lodged at the Ho? tel.) and I accepted ihe invitation of the Com? mandant of the Coast Guard to take a bed at his louse, where I passed the evening and night very pleasantly. The only mode of conveyance, in the morning, ttssan Irish "Jaunting Car'' with one horse.? .Nor could a second vehicle be raised in the vil? lage ! A messenger was therefore despatched fur an English shilling"! on foot to Bandon (nine Biles) for another car; and at 5 A. M. two one horse "Jannting Cars," and a scraggy looking cart for the luggage " reined up'' before the Hotel. The Bishops were up at 4 o'clock and at 5 Ksnt to the Chapel for Mass, where an immense congregation (the information of their arrival having been spread during the night.) had as. sembled. At 6 o'clock, having taken a dish of black tea and a boiled egg, wc set out for Cork, a distance of 30 miles. The morning air was pure and bra. 'iiis:, and tlie ride was far more intensely interest? ing than any I ever enjoyed. The whole scene was panoramic. Every rod, foot, and almost tray inch of soil, is in a high state of cultiva? tion! Indeed the earth is here taxed to its utmost opacity. But vegetable nature seems not alone. Tne -country is equally prolific in men, women and children, Ireland is in a literal state of in- | cubation. Ever and anon we came into elus. ; fc8of cabins and shanties which seemed like , intellectual ant-hills. And these shanties were shared in common by bipeds and quadrupeds.? j In numberless instances, I saw people, pigs, poul wjYjwd goats, iiuietly enjoying the same and [ ?ah* room in the cabin. We saw hundreds of women and children en ppd in spreading sea-weed and sand (inprcgna icd with salt) as manure. We overtook and Pwied many carts, each with 12 or 15 bushels of > Matovs, on their way to Bandon, where they i Matthe rate of two-pence (four cents) for25 >Jtmds. In Ibis way the poorest class of tenants I ?)' their rents. fie lands wc passed over to-day (30 miles).] [? principally owned by three noblemen, viz : tord Shannon, (deceased) tLord Bandon, and httd Cork. And for the munificent support ofj three families, more than a million of their : ?kw creatures are ground to an earth designed a beneficent Providence to furnish an abun-I ??ttee for all. '-b our way into Courtmacsherry, wc passed in ?Unew of the Old Head of Kinsalc, the rock gWj which the packet ship Albion was so disas DOQriy wrecked many years ago. The crew of the small boat in which wc came stare consisted of five men. They had a long, ^pull against a strong current and head wind. **of our party who had a brittle of while wine His carpet bag offered it to the men. Two of dnmk of it, but the other three declined, JJjQg that they had taken Father .Matthew's ^dee. These men added, that they wen- out Jyis boat through all weathers, and by night as jWasby day; but that they could endure cold ,C? and work 'onger and pull harder, since ^ took the pledge, and that with God's help "7 w?uld never break it. ^everal of the most beautiful mansions he Courtmacsherry and Cork are occupied by J?testant Clergymen, whose fields and glebes ^cb. and adorn their "livings;" and yet their rogations, in sonic instances, scarcely extend *3j>nd their own household. But these" Church rj&wbwents draw their support from the toil SWeat ?f *hc poor peasants, who worship cb? i ^e'r f&toers worshipped, in the humble at whose altars thousands are kneeling passed, every few miles, " Constabulary" ^?ns, where guards are jwsted to preserve the These guards, in neat uniform, arc the " looking young men 1 have ever seen. 'e. passed, also, the Fair of Ballamahonc, in a ?^Wul valley, where large herds of cattle, sheep, "ifr ?c- and " much people" had collected, jjjhe broad and fertile domain of Lord Bandon. iBef Wmch we passed, would have delighted ti^rf In?re, if I could have forgotten the tens of Usarids who toil and sorrow that this one man 7 and revel. ,fajot'tlMf object of the tnost absorbing interest X,jJ| maj<'s?c ruin of the ancient Abbey of *jdj ?ue' whosc moss-grown and ivy-protected J* ?and tower, could tliey speak, would reveal j, History of many centuries. Had I known wc were to pass this splendid ruin, I should j BY GREELEY & McfiLRATH. VOJL. HI. SO. 05 hare made arrangements to view it more at leisure: There are, ur-on its' tablets and tomb- j stones, written' memorials" erf more than three j hundred years; and within its crumbling walls, the exhumed remains of thousands who have been entombed there, have been gathered in beans, exposed to the view of all who enter the ' ruin, teaching Ic??oiii "f human nothingness, far j more impressive and solemn than language could j utter. J At Bandon, a large and thrifty-looking town, we exchanged our i Jaunting- Cars' for a ' Roval j .Mail leae!:,' 'Joon the outride of which I rode to \ Cork, and took lodgings a,, tee 1 .'ro^c-rial.Hotel.' j Cork is a busy, enterprising city, with Lifj,fj0O inhabitants. Its environs arc extensive, highly cultivated and exceedingly picturesque. The scenery which borders the * Cove of Cork,' a nar- j row, deep stream, extending to the British Chan? nel, is of surpassing richness and beauty. The citizens of Cork commemorated the visit of George the Fourth by the erection of an fcqiJcs trian Statue of him on a Public Square, by the side of their beautiful rivr, the Lee. Having arranged some Custom-House matters touching a box of favorite Havanas, presented to rric jus! as I was leaving New- Vori; by my friend j Stetson of the Astor, i called upon Counselor i Walsh, to whose lady 1 had a letter of introduc? tion from her brother, (Doct. O'Callaghax,) and j from whom I learned that Father Matiiew had , already gone, or was on the eve of departure for London. Mr. W. hastened with me to the good Father's temperance moms, where his .Secretary informed us that the Prelate did not leave until half-past six o'clock in the afternoon, and was expected at tee foo.v.;t? atiw?o'clock. At that hour I called again with. Mr. W". J\.; large num? ber of people were assembled, waiting to take the Pledge. In about ten minutes Father Matiiew arrived. When introduced as an Ame? rican, he gave me both hands, cordially and kindly, and expressed much regret that he was compelled to leav^ home so soon. The people, of both scxcs, old and young, who were there to receive the Pledge, knelt around the Reformer, who, in the most persuasive and affectionate voice and manner, enjoined upon them a life of total abstinence from all in? toxicating drinks. They rose with joy and grati? tude beaming from their eyes, received their cer? tificate and medal, and went their way rejoicing. I looked upon this scene with deep emotion, and would not exchange the luxury of feeling it in- 1 spired for a view of the proudest pageant Europe can present. Dismissing these people, Father Mathew en? tered warmly into conversation about America. Informing him that Bishop Hugues was rny fel fow-pat-seiiL'er, he look my arm and started im? mediately for th?: Hotel, to pay his respects to the Bishop, and remained with us for an hour. The portraits we have of this excellent man arc so faithful, that had I met him accidentally in the street I should have recognised and spoken to him as " Father Malhew." 1 say that J. should have spoken to him, because there is so much of j gentleness and benevolence?so much to admire and love?in his face and form, that you could not pass him. I have never seen so many of the bright and beautiful virtues us bloom and blend : in this good man's heart, displayed and revealed in the human face divine." At six o'clock last evening, Father Matiilw ; left for Liverpool, York and London, where lie : has engagements. This is, 1 believe, his first j ' temperance visit to England. The general expectation that this truly philan- ; , thropic Divine is about to visit America, will not immediately be realized. He has a strong desire { 1 to visit us, but nothing definite has been settled. If he should be led lo believe that his presence and efforts among us would promote the cause to which he has devoted himself, he told me that he would endeavor to cross the Atlantic about this time next year. My visit in Cork was much too brief, owing to i the necessity of hastening up to Liverpool to re? claim my trunk, and to rejoin my traveling com- j panions. But it was a. visit full of incidents and interest. 1 rose early this morning and proceeded lo the j Convent, where Bishop Hughes was saying .Mass, j and where I was hospitublv invited to remain to breakfast by the resident Clergyman. And at ball' p ist twelve, declining the kindest lendersof | hospitality from Counsellor Walsh and the Jvord Bishop Murphy, I took Coach for Dublin. Adieu. Cheap and Valuable Books: Tr' The followiug work* are for sale at th? office of the New-York Tribune, Nassau-street, opposite the City Hall, m thoCity of New-York. A liberal discount from the retail prices made to persons who purchase to sell again. Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, 2 vols. of upwards or 1100 paces, and S engravings.SI 00 AiiieiH toi Laborer, 1 vol. octavo. i 00 The Test; or Parties tried bytheii Jets, byJuuius; Si 'M per iw? copies, or l.noa copies ;.>.. 20 00 Tin- e iirrency, by Ji::iiu?; S2 .?> per 100 copies, or Men co!??-* for.2d ?0 Travels In Oregon, !<'.>? fry Mountains. &c;, by Karnham 2? tils worth's celebrated Report ou Agriculture, Arts, &c 25 Lardner's Lectures on Astronomy. .. 23 I liemistr] and E5i?erimeuts in Philosophy, by Griffith and Daltoti. 25 Political Economy, by Atkinson, i>it!i an Introduc? tion by II. Greeiey. 25 Sargent's Life of Henry Clay, single copies Gt cents?.to copws for $l, or 100 copies for. 3 00 liale's Elements of Philosophy..:. -71 Lectures on Geology, by Doctor Lyell, 2d edition. 25 Beautiesof Wesley, being selections from Iiis Works... l?i Whis Alii, tine for 1813. 12; Temirerauce Aim macs for 18U by the 100 or bylhe luuo Farmer's Peter Simple, by Mirryatt. ? i Jteob Faithful; by Marryatt... . Ii A full account of the burners M>:.ny with Uiagntins, .v, and all the Doi uim nts.. 12i Family Magazine, to be completed in IS Numbers, each Number. 25 O'Connell's Memoirou Ireland, with j Portrait. 25 Mi. l"l i) 's S|?ech on retiring from the L'. S. Senate and at Lexington, Ky.?Pamphlet. . Hi' Pleadings and Argument in the case of J. Fenimore Cooper I!"i ice Ore dey and Thomas MnElradi, with running Commentaries on the Law of Libel... t>? Lecture on Magnetism and Astronomy, by Itnhard Ail mis Locke. Gr Speei lies of Hon. T. F. M irshall, oh Alcohol and In? temperance and Fashionable-Wine Drinking. Gr , [TT- Orders must 1- iccompaniedhv the cash, and addressed to GREELEY 5c McELRATH. New-York. 1 -,-? CAMP MEETING-.?There will be a Camp Meeting on the old ground it Jamesport, on the Long Ulan I district, to commence on Monday, the 28th ot August, and close on the Saturday following. The prea-hers and friends on .idjoining districts ,?re invited !?? att?ud._ jy22 3tawtA28* S. MARTIN P A LF, V. \ CAMP MEETING will be held at Farming j\ dale, Long Island District, 10 miles from Bryoklyn, lluee quarters of i mile fromtheBaihbad, to commence on Monday, August 11th. and close the following Friday. Suitable arrange menu have been made for passengers and then baggage to .<e conveyed by Railroad to said meeting. Boats will leare the foot Of D-Iancv-street. and al><> foot ??! ..larket-str-et, >?? | Vork, on Monday and Tuesday mornings,only, to coin y ; use igars ind baggage in tiine foi the cars, for camp meeting. The preachers and people of rhc New-York District are in- j vited to attend. Persons attending wilLplease provide them selves with tents. Bv oider of . LEONARD M. VINCENT. jy20 3tawtA?&3tW? S. MARTIN DALE. P. E._ A GENTLEMAN of a number of years' cxpen *A ence in teaching, w he can furnish the highest certificates j of ability and moral character, i- nVsirousof takiut: charee I of a school in this city, sometime between tins ind the is? of Septeinbei ensuing. Any letter that may b- s'-ut to this office j .>ddres.-d to A. B. will be promptly respoiided to. jvi9 tSl* JOSEPH H. FOSTER, M. D. Surgeon Den 'I nst. mu removed from \*o ?t? Nr.. 11 P^rk nlace. m2 3rr> p R l "DE SPER M ?lL-:tH) bbb= for sab- bv U j 28 GR1NN E L L. M1NT 0 RN k CO. 78 Si ?u"t!i->:. B LACK. WHALE Ol L?fj(K) gallons for sale bv y>?. GKINNKLL. MINTUKN it ft).T8 South-sr.' C'?FFEL:--<?i?) 1, SimiaVrn. 100 do. Java-For sale by jy263*_J. HENRY WILLIAMS, 119 Front-st. REJECTED WHALE OlL-1500 gallons for sile by GR1NNELL, Ml.N'T URN It CO. j28 _p South-street. MADDER.?15 casks prime Ombros, for sale by GRJNNELL, MINT CRN 8t CO., ji 78 South-street. OFFICE NO. 160 ? KEW-Y?KK, *\TIRDAY i?I For The Tribune. .">I uslc. " Tlu man that hath do music in Iiis son], Nor is not moved by concord of -ueer sounds, Is: fit for Ueuon, stratagem and spoil. [SAuAupeare^' \\ ell aring, Bweef bard of Avon ! And for the j hundredth time, while frittering thy sunbeam penciled pages, we yield assent. There i" music . iu the footfalls of thy Muse sweeter thanis played : fr??*?, ibc garamut of the Ilouries. As oh the harp, the tone;, of one chord prompts the sympa? thetic vibration of kindred Strings', so doth thy magic touch upon tome chord in the harp of the soul, summon a full diapason of unwritten har mon) itoai all the thrilling wires. Music, sweet Music : Iwo charmer hath a more potent, a kindlier sway. The wings' Si the angel that brought the gifl from Heaven, must i have been radiant with beauty, moved by the rcry sou! of .harmony, and balmed with richer than Castalian devr. Pin-Is have lavished their palmiest lays in honor of thee: pf?lospnhcrs have sought thy aid in infusing the sublimcst truth. into tiic human soul ; voluptuaries have tasked thee to m die bliss more blissful : the warrior, ? TfrHh thy tr,ane upon him, hatli mocked tlie bat? tle; and the C iirisiian, on ?iy perfumed wings, Inth o;onc to heaven. [Music for the melancholy. Aye?let it t l?rcat!if?l over the desponding heart, and, even if it he buried in gloom, like the landscape at mid? night, ere long you shall see cheerfulness climb? ing up the horizon of despair, like the moon Ik?- ! yond the mountains, hallowing evert* thing with ? light, softer from the very darkness it illumines, and uiori bland than the noon-tideof unclouded jcy. Yes?p"ur forth the mystic soul of song, ' and the dpwrica'st brow shall lose its cloud of! care, the eye shall anon beam with it;; wonted i cheer, and the cheek grow radiant with smiles. Music for tin- mourner. Not tin- wild measures Lhat lead the dance or that rouse wrath in tbc tempest of battle. 0 no?soft as angel whisper? ings, and plaintive as the moanings of the an oruished heart, be the tones lhat would balm the stricken in heart. Lei them murmur of blighted iopc, and buried love, till the crushed feelings I tie identified with the sympathetic strain. But j bid not the thought long wander in the grave.? j Let the melody, em'oodied as it were, into a thou- ' sand lriscd hues, gild the portals of the tomb, and stream, like the auroral glory, toward Heaven. Let the measures of sweetness Btcal over the soul, charming it. to mistake them for the footsteps of the loved and lost upon the celestial lulls.? : Let them instill words of hope in the car that iches in listening for the voice that is hushed on earth forever. Let them breathe like the com. \ Immings of the spirit, thai, having left its mortal tabernacle, vet stoops from its starry sphere, to cheer the lonely sojourncr in the scene of sun? dered tics, and upward guide the aspirations of lis faith. And Music for the lover. What listener keeps i >ctter time to Euterpe's flute, than he ? Why, lis soul is itself a panharmonicon, ami its finest ?herds arc so tense and sensitive under the inspi ?ation of love, that the tiny cricket that chirps lis late serenade beneath his lattice, unseals a bntitain of feeling within his bosom, whose con cnts rush with a delicious thrill adown his icrves. A blithe and joyous melody will immc liateiy recall the llashes of his mistress's eye. or he smile he last observed lingering upon her | ip : while the plaintive strain of the distant flute, ionic at twilight, with step too soft to waken the j Irooped flower from its pearly rest, sends his pit- j ;rim thoughts hack to the sigh he once saw her leave, when he spoke of a long departure. Joy o the lover! vivid be his perception of the bar tionies of which life's morning is full: hut, alas ! hat ere Ion?; its sombre realities should cause his ieart to heat a tune less jocund than that which j leguilcri his days of romance and dreams ! ? Fie! it is midnight, and I believe 1 am ?rowing sentimental. Enough of music, until 1 iear better than this imp of a mosquito makes tround my candle. E .W. B. C. Stoi kbridse, Mass. TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 160 NASSAU-STREET. All kinds o Job Printiug, such as pa.MrHLV.ts, Catalogues, Ch* cks, ( 'ards, I.N.M tl ..NCV POLICIKS, Bills of Ladirg, * llRCDLARS, M lmmol ii Shots' Bills, Lectori; Bills, CortCERT Bill?, Plain an i Fancy, P.m.ii icsL Rills, Circulars, (im it) Stc 'roinptly executed at the Office of The Tribune, No. 160 Nas? sau-street?opposite the Park. THE TRIBUNE BOOK-BINDERY, No. 7 Sprucc-strcet, Tribune Buildings. JAMES PRINGLE respectfnllj informs Iiis friends and he public generally thai lie lias commenced business with > letei mi nation to do justice to bis customers, b.iiii as to quality tf-workmutshipjuid scale of charge*. He is prepared to exe- j ?nte Binding in all it- branches. Jobs of any kind ippe.rtaining to the business.solicited. Or lers left at No. 7 Spruce-street will be tliankfull) received Uld faithfully attended to. j>'!- Im ? rs? ? Sylvania Association.?Office No. 23 fi e -t. third story. Open from 9 to Hi A. M. and from 3 to i P. M. Information cheerful!} given. The Constitution riven. Wanted, six "ood Stone Masons and four Carpenters, as MembersoftlieAssociation. (Singlemen preferred.) jylOtf (*y- Xrw Temperance Guarding 7/evsc on the GRAi HAM SYSTEM at No. 42 V.-.. y-stre? t.?This house is lewly fitted up and furnish I in the richest style. Itstable iroffers the choicest Fruits, Vegetables, Goshen Butter, Or ingc County Milk, &c. Permanent Bbarderswill beaccom modated on theTnoscreasonable terms. Gentlemen and La lies visiting the City are earnestly iuvited to gise ita toil, vud are assured that they will find a <;ni---t and neatness not ittaiuable in Hotels. Terms. mo-Urue a-J'Hf " Health, Q.mlet, and CouUfort.?The Gra liam House. 63 Barclay-street. New-York, proffers ids. intages to strangers sroppiug a few ilavs o.r weeks iu th- city; such ;:s . ire tarely offered. It u eligibly-located ?_?n i clean and iiry , itreet, very near the business part of the city, and iu the im? mediate vicinity of the principal steamboat landings. Its , ipartmeiils are convenient and near, while its tibi- i.? supplied : with the b st Vegel ibles and Fruits that? ?ji he procured, ex. eluding entirely Animal Food and stimulants of all kinds. Charges moderate, and every effort made to render Boardi - comfortable. Shower Bath., free. Remember, K Barclav street, jy2Stf 1 N R S ORTH-WEST WHALE I TL?35 bbls superi? or light colored, for sale bv GRINNELL, M1NTURN & CO. 78 3onth-st._ "IT'tjVaLK i ilL^?500 bbls. selected, superior, for VV sal-by GRINNELL, MINTURN Sc CO., jv'>!> "8 South-street. ? ICi 1M < WD COUNTRY FLO i " K ?2001 ibls.Su -> iHsrfine, for sale by GRINNELL, MINTURN StCO.78 South-st. _iytz HEATH !N<. COPPER?100"eases English,' lb ^ to 32 oz. for sale by mis R1UJCNKLL. MfNTURN it Cn. 7? Sontb ?r. p?NGB ESS MTJSTAR D.?This mustard is \y warranted to be superioi to any 'itlier, it being manufac? tured from the Durham Black Seeds, by Wm. F. Alcorn, 1:1 li'Si street, between 7th and 8th avenues; Merchants and landlords are solicited to try this article ber fore purchasing elsewhere. ivi "lw?*_ TT1LLAGE FIRE ENGIN E for sale cheap.?A V small Fire Engine, made on the Philadelphia principle, double acting; w ill throw water with six men e.;ual t.1 the o d < lorporation Engine with twenty; very suitable for a village. Price $U0. Inquireof N. CLARK. jy222w Division, c<-ruer of Rutgers-strert. PROTON WATER^MILLER & COATES, Plumbers, 116 Grand-street, two doors east of Bro.idwav, furnish Tinned. Le.d. C?mp.?sitioji and Imn Piprs, H> drants. Fountains. Bath Tubs,4tc, and every article connected witJi the nse of Croton Water in dwrllmcs. warehouses and manu? factories Orders lor the introduction ol water are promptly exTUlad_._JTUlm* TVTOTICE?An Election for Trustees tor the ?1 Wiiliamsbnrgh and New-York L*:ih>n Ferry Association will be held at the Office of the Association on Monday toe 7thof August n. xt. The P<dl to oi>eu at 2 and close at 1 o'clock P. M. By order of the Trn-ite?s jygjwj* _ JOHJOMLLER;Jr^, Clerk. ?tficT?f the Gre-nwich Insurance Co. > Nr.w-York. July 20, 1843. .) THE BOARD OF DIRECTOliSot this Insntu tion have this thy declareil a semi-annual Duldend of Stock, payable on and alu-r Me first day of August next, at the office. No. 305 Hudson street. The transfer Books iASSA?-STREET. OKrVIrVC, JUJLY '20, ii, mil i i rmi i ?m. t._.??mm ?.. ?? Wool and the Tariff.?The Hon W. Slade, of Vermont, has recently applied to the office of the Register of the Treasury for the returns of wool imported during the first half of the present fiscal year, which commenced one month after the Tariff went into operation. The answer is published in the IVCddleb?ry People's Press. It is as follows : Wool costing 7 cts. <?r under.S81,363 Do. do. over 7 c's. 175,462 Which being doubled for the entire year, will stand ;is follows : Wool costing 7 cts. or under.1,762,736 Vc. do. over 7 cts. 451,924 Total.,.2,114,660 Now compare this with the importations of the year, ending September 30th, 1S^, which were zr follows : Wool costing 8 cts; or under.10,533,993 Do do. over 3 et?. 751,384 Total..11,289;3S2 From which deduct. 2,114,660 Diminution of wool imported this year 9,17 1,722 Here is the plain and satisfactory reason why American wool has advanced to"about a fair price, so as to remunerate the skilful woo!.grower. This business :s fast becoming a very important branch of rural industry, and well deserves the protection it receives from a judicious WhigTa- J ri.'T. Wc have no doubt but the amount of wool grown in the United States this year is :J."> per, cent larger than tfi? whole clip of 18 10. A Plurality ok Meads am? Hoi;--:.?We feel bound to caution the friends of .Mr. Van Bun n in the South that they arc paving the way for a blow-up. They are in fact making their candid, ate commil polygamy?a very heinous offenci , nnd ont particularly unbecoming so scrupulously decent a gentleman a? Mr. Van Buren. In Vir? ginia they have published him with Mr. Steven? son?in Alabama they have taken a license to marry him io Mr. King?in Mississippi he i? en? gaged to Mr. V> tiki r?in Tennt --sec he is actually married to Gov. Polk?and :n Arkansas. Mis? souri and Kentucky to Col. .lohns.-m. Is this proper ' Is" it. not certain that when thewhole truth e'?;:h'.: to be known, there will be broken hearts, blighted prospects, worms in the bud, and : finally actions for a breach of promise, and may ! be others for a separate maintenance ! It looks like a general system of political concubinage, which we feel bound to protest against. Let Mr. Van Buren take one wilt; ami adhere to iicr in good faith and praiseworthy continence. [Charleston Mercury. Precocity Produced by Education.?We be? lieve the following belongs to .lohn Neal : The hot-house system of education is doing wonders for the youth of our land. The boy kicks off bis diaper and frock, and jumps into calf-skin boots and long tad coat. lb' changes \hr nipple for a sogar, and the su? gar teat for a quid of tobacco. The nirl is either a bady or a lady. She makes one jump from her nurse's arms int'i her hus? band's and of course is finished. The Force o*-- Appetite.?The Richmond Star states that a woman in that city came so near dying from intemperance that her frirnds had a shroud made for her, presuming that she : could not live long. She, however, recovered, and the first thing she did w;u> to hasten and sell tin' shroud for liquor. \^HALEBO^E^207000 pounds for sale by l > jaa GRIN NELL, MIN I'L'K.N ti CO. 7a Sou'th-a. Q A A ABARRELS OF LIME, oi the beei ijnal e>\J v-*\/itv, will be delivered for. or anv part ofit, during any t' i thecoiuing season, and good city bonds and mortgages ceived in payment. Address" Lime." Tribune Office. 9ftf TTYDR AULIC LIME?Orders lefi ai J. I). Mil A.A. lert Dry Goods Store,421 Broadway, .will recei ve prompt attention. Price SI i er c isk of 300 lbs. ftftf ABIJAH SMITH, thw oulv manufacturer LIMK, LIME?Wanted in exchange for 1,000 irrels North River Lime aitdCement, Groceries or Dry ' Go ids. One quarter will be paid in cash for any amount ol ?ie above articles, or an exchange lor property of any kind, r.r personal^ will be rn ule on liberal teniis. Apply to J. I). lioyt, corner of Madison and lame* ?ts. mir? if QAA CASKS OF LIME, of good quality; 250 OUU casks of NV.rrh River Line'. 120 barrels of good Hydraulic Cement. KM) hhds:of nnslacked Line', foi manure. Any part of it will be sold ><: exchanged for groceries, <lry goods,-crockery, hardware, hollow-ware, carpets, furniture, s in. c mdles or prot isions. Address BARTER, at die office of The Tribune. 9f tf Fitif IsIn;i7yrre~glass wari:-;iot:sv7. No. <; Spruce street. I5RITISH I)( K LNG-Gl ,A SS PL A TES of su Jperiorbrilliancv an i beauty, I20inches by"2. in size.aud .i POLJ'SHED PLAT . GLASS FOR WIN DO VVS. which will not change f!i-ir color or becom - mist.-; rn I GERMAN LOOKING GLASS PLATES of the size of !'>j byOl to :il) by 22, for sale by m21 3m isaac L. PL \TT. A RTIFICIAL EYES.?DR. J. CRAY, frointhc | JljL CitvofLnndon. now .it No.G7 Bowery, N. lt., tlieohly m ., rtf the Artificial Eye in tie- Dnited States; and what is the mostsuVprisiiig in this invention. is the Artificial Eye i? 'nit 'he cause of any pain, either in lixitu or wearing. jy28 iw-__j ] OOK AT THAT BOY'S WHISKERS? 1 J YounST iwntleweiiwho leel ambitious to sport whiskers, should buy three shilling bottle of Jones! Co> -i IInr Resto; ative. Many think because this isnuffed in:the papers, it is j not good?let them give it one trial,''it will force die hair to : L.r..? ,.n\ |>Hit where iilti;re intended hair !..? grow. It is j soldatthesigu of the American E^-'le. 82 Chatham-street. . New-York, or 139 Fultoa-st. Brooklyn. jy 13 tut.? ?pTjK BE?TJTIFY1NG THE SIGN and Curing L Eruptions.?Thousands after trying ??ery lotion and inward remedy,.have been cured by one cake of tlieRaliau Chemical Soap, in cases of eruptions, pimples; freckle, and in clearihs dirk or yellow .kin. Sold it the sign of the Aine rican Eagle, 82 Chaih'.in-st. New-Yoik, or 13!) Fullon-.-.trc-et, Brooklyn; 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia; 8 State-street, D isron._iv':< '"' _ rpo MOTHERS.?-Mrs. Di.nglby would inform A. mothers in general, tLar htr Magic S.ih- i"<-r pi isters i-. a sovereigu remedy, and highly recommended by the fieult;.-, for Wliiv or Must Leg in e-. ,-. stage of rheduease. - Refer ,vei- nn application, to res;?- er tble lailii s in this city who nai e l. -n'tureil bv this Salve. R-.-i'l-m:.' No. 2?? Be^Ion m-sti ? t. where may be.had a cure for s ;!r Rheum, Scald Head,andall , eruprionson the face or.- trsof< hihl.-eu. al'.a rurefofhurns; Certitieites of cures performed by her Ointmentcan he seen bv apniving ot2ti B-eKin.n.->t. i v 13 lm_ TNDIA R?BBEB HOSE FOR CROTOJJ WA J_ XER ?The public ir? resjiectfully invited to e^ramine the article as manufactured by the buhscriber. Thesuperiorlty of India Rubber hose is already v.ell known, .-.nd while tie does ?..r pretend to say it is Utter than anv other, he warrants it fully equal and to bear the pressure ol the Croton.VVater. It i3 much stouvr than the c-n-.-.tiir-.- of this kind ol hose, an-1 ? .oWatlowPrices. Af.;!:-,-^^. jeW between Pearl and W ater-^treets. MyiTIN GAyJ^?J?D~Tailor and Draper, has removed from No.O.John to No. 76, NassausL, with J K. Goodman, where he is receiving bis Spnnsj and Summet goods, which he will make up to order in fashionable tofore received. Hi- rr.'.tto is a u'ood -trtirle, pnnctuality in filling orders, low uric.-*, ind c-tjh on delivery. a2t tf. L1?.U1D AMBER:?This .article is a certain ind speedy remedy for S<:alds, Burns, Chilbrains. Contu- I .inns Scrofula, Ulcers. Ringworms, Ruptu.-e* of the Skin from'whatever cause, Cmker of the Mouth, Curs, Tetter, Scald Head, ?V. ?c It is al?o die rn-?>t d-!ightful article for slavingi bathtub, removing tan, pimples, and for improving the complexion generally, ever nsed. Certificates of \u efrica cacy from 'he most respectable -*eut!em^n in rhis city Bad edse where, w'r" ditecti >m for nsing, accompany each bottle, and tnav b-senn at tlif office of the snbv.ribrs, H John street, : toitoffice, second.door, where it is for s^lf, wholesale and retail. A liberal discount will be made to lho,e svho buy to Acl?ri?Mr-i harlesTripp, !jS Bowery; Dr. H. Kim: k Co 961 Broadway, corner Graud-str-^t; Mr. Jno. Cook, 755 j3- a |w ij. conti EighUVstreeL A. WARNER it CO. ; ;m Sole \\ imifacturerj and Propri-tors. Fl RS T PR EM I 1" M GA1TEK BOOT AND SHOE STORK. THE SUBSCRIBERS would respectfully i:if"nn those Lidirs who are desirous of purchasing goo'd Shoes, that theirs are all made of the finest French material-, on las^s suited to the shape of the foot; that none but superior workmen are emjdoyed ; that our manufactory is under the superintendence of a Very competent foreman; and that We hive on hand, at all tim~a, an extensive assortment, consisting ofeverv fashionable style of Ladies, Miss?. Boy's and Chil? dren's Boots and Shoes :?and also, import direct from the first m ,k-rs in Paris, Ladies French Sho*s ; a Large assortment al wdvs on hand. TUTTLE St HAYWARD, No. 289 Brooadwiy, one door above Reade-street. N. B.?T. St H. received a silver Medal and Diploma for snperior samples of Ladies' Gaiter Boots and Shoes, at die late Fair in this city. . Measures taken, and orders, wompuj executed. jt39 3m T FIVE DOLLARS A FEAR WfSOLE SO. 7 36. coal: coal' i nPHE WOKKLXG fij&S COAL ? ^having beenremovedi is now .. ,. .. where wronneton are now receii ,.u .? i ? rectire;Jrrectlroni their collieries, >w. ,. Coal by the cargo. A ante throughthePost-Office will reeeivepmra.ection WM..DAVIS. wvafim JAs. FERGUSON. 1 BLTI MINOUS COAL.?The Mid L???ati Col I Mini::,-< ompatiy announce to their customer* and tie consumers i>f Bituminous Goal in general, thai the Cempanv by enlarging their ntsui::^ operations, are now pre] ire I to enter info contracts or to till orders (bi the supply of coal ol stijsfrior quality; answeriug well forall puipdses for which Bituminous ( oats arc used, and for many purposes peculiarly i adapted. For the information of such pej ions interested ai have not tried then Coal, they have in ? ( ircular a number ol certificates of consumers, showing the quality and adaptation of the Mid Lothian I oal for general n>*, and that through a series of ycara it has maintained a uniformly high character. They have also appended two chemical examinations and analyses of theii Coals carefully made at different/times and : places by scientific ( hemists, exhibiting uniform results and fully; sustaining tlie practical tests. With thest evidences of quality, the ComjKtuy feel justified in anticipatiic a fair ?!? manddor th: ir i ? and that it will give entire satisfaction to ?til who tn >v favor thctn ? i;!i tiieir custom. .V S. VVOOLDRlDGE,J?resident M. L. CM. Co. isT I inui i v, MM3. A"'dl> - ? RllHM1M>, VlHClMi. rhe above referred to Circular to be had <r this office. ?r ?'??'?_ je2l8w?a6tW? i J..Hartford Fire lu..tir>u<:t< (Vuipmy. ^IRE INSURANCE m the lowest rates by the . Hartford FireInsurance Company.?(Incorporated lsio? Charit , i* rpetual.l This long established and well known Institution, having been i;i active operation upward-, of thirty years, continues to insure Houses; Furniture, Stores, Merchandise, auil every de? scription of property against loss or d im ige l>\ fire on the most favorable renns. JOHN NEILSON, .Ii. Agent, j"2'i -ini ? M Walt street. rpHE HOWARD INSURANCE Company,? X Capital 8300,000; Office No,. 54 Wall it This Company continues to make iusurauc* against loss or damage by fire, and inland navig ition. dir ec i ons: lien selaei Haven. Najah Tav|< ,, Cor Is. W. Lawrence, J. Phillips Phoenix, William Con, h, Mic ih B ddwin, Ji bnM imson, 15. L. Woolley, Nathaniel Weed, Joseph B. Varniim, Fanning C.Tucker,.l?hn Rankin, David Lee. Meias D^enjamin,John D. Wolfe, Caleb O.Halsted, William W. Todd.Ferdinand Snydam. I!- ) G.1 homiaon, K. HAVENS, President. Lewis Phil.lips. Secretary. da COM M ISSIl IN PAPER W a R EH?1 ISET" N(? .|:i JOHN-STREET. J7 LLIOT, BURNAP A- BABCOCK are eon .1 j stand) iiipplied with ?. large and general .i^s Ttmeut ? f PAPERS, suited to ill departments of the trade, among which aie the fid lowing:. Hubbard's colored Papers, in great variety ; Boston Copperplate Papers, of superior quality; Cook and N?ws Prutting; Cap, Letter, Folio Post and Blank Book Papers; Printers', Clothiers* and G*r|>et makers' Press-Boards; Druggists-, Hardware uid < \ 't.h Pa? pers; Binders'and Trunk Boards;, t?heathiug and Wrapping Paners, &c &c. Paper-makers supplied with all kiudso stock and mate rial... _ ;e:ioit DRUG AND MEDICINE ESTABLJSTlMENT FOR SALE.?The Drug and Medicine Establishment of rh.. Late C. T. Bull & Co., is offered foi sale on very ac conitu alnting terms, bei. g No. TC Mairi street. Hartford, - tree ti cut. Everyarticle of "medicine;. Sic. was se'eeted \t i ? I i care and of tlx first quality lor a city trade, and the fur ititure and fixtures ar- very and appropriate', nod will compare with any similai establishment in the city. The location is one cd' the best, and t?> a young m iti wi!! ?< .;u ti it ed with the retail business of a medicine store, >' offer* first rate inducement*,, as the. term* will be very favorable. Foi anv information apply eirhei ley I? ttcr or i r 1 ? " i* . " ~1 ]l" ' JAB ER RIPLEV Hjutford, Conn. rno THE TAKERS OF CFi-OT?N VV ' ? . : X NOTICE.?The abuses piracticed in regard tr :' .t or wiudpw washers; connected witli the Crotu i Wa r i which, instead of being reasonably used to clean of the water-taker, and the street in front of Ins orcmisi ., ire in in my instances converted into fountains, or made lo dp nch tlw [leighborinK cart-'vay aud side-walk; and to aiinoy pnssers-b , induce the Board to give notice that the penalty pfa forfeiture of the payment made by the water-taker, and .< discontinuance of his supply, will be enforced in every well authenticated ca e of wilful and unreasonable v. i?te of the ?attr?New-York, June 14, 18-13.?By order of the Croton Aquetiuct Board. jytl [m A. B. BIGELOW, R .-..r-r. A" < ii M ;ii SHAVTNl i SI ?AP AT LAST?'!'., make a Good and Lasting Lather?The Soap tins is composed of ii toe,,id Naples So.,;.? it is kept in store 18 to 20 years before it is imported. Those who have used it well know its worth, and that it is tlie very. best soap.ever made for shaving?it makes a thick, rich, beting, easy lather, soften- , ing to the beard and healing ,to the skin?it i* now purified, beautifully scented and put iii neat sharing jars for use, at 3, I md 5 shillings each, by Ti JONES; ?t his Perfumery' E?" tablishineut, signof tlie Amcricaii Eagle, 82 Chathamst. N. V.; and by these .-.'.'cuts?in Albany; 57 State st.; in Philadel? phia, at / ilier's, corner of Third and Uock ?t.; in Boston, State st; in Brooklyn, ITi Fulton st. jyl'l Im* rpHE COMPLEXION AND ERUPTIONS OF X the Face, Body, or Skin, chap]>ed oi tender Fli sh; io:.? A miracle, a wonder, and a blessing, to cur- my eruptions or disfigurement of the skin, and tender or chapped flesh, is the 1 Italian Chemical Soap. The effect of this on the sl.iu i- ii most superhuman. It lias received the highest encomiums of the Medical Society of Pans, and i? wan tilted j nevei failing remedy for pimples; freckles, blotches, scurvy, salt rlieuin. tan, sunburnt, inorphew, chap|ied or tender flesh. It will ch inge thecolorof dark, yellow, or discolored skin loa healthy | clearness. It cures the bites of intects, mosquitoes", Sic, Sohl, prit e :,n i -nt< i cake, .it the sir-, of the Ameiic in t igle, oi Chathain^treet, New-York, or W Fulton-street, Brooklyn. jy!3 2 m LIQUID AMBER.?important to Families.?A. W 4 p s r rt StCo.'s Liquid Ambeh is an indispen3iblc ar* tide foi family uses, and no familv should Ik without it. It is a certain cue for Scalds, Bums, Bruises, Contusions, &c. ef d :ting a cure in a very few d iys. It is also certain to remove paint,r ir,grease,and the !ik" from SilkorWooliFor uses of , tt:e nursery,it is sii|)eiior to any other articleevero?eied to tic public, being most agreeable for ..having, bathing, removing tan, freckles,pimples;' cleansingthe;mooth incases of leyer, I and in-.king th- i-oinplexioii white ami soft. 'I'esfimonial.s i from the most, respi i-tah!- sources, with directions for using, accompany eachbottle; and may be seen.atthe office#ofthe Propriefsrs," No. II John-st., second floor in front. Prices 2s. i and Is per bottle. A,.i s i ,?'vir. Charles Trinp, 158 Bowery ; I'r. If. Kin; X Co , 161 Broadway; comer Grand-street; Mr. Jno. Cook,755 Bro i.lw.y, corner Ki.'htir-street. _ iylllin W.\M!!Xi .T< 'N ELIXIR?A sore ami lasting cure for the Fever and Ague, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Summer Complaint and Bilious Cholic. Theahove remedy is now offered with confidence by the Proprietor's Agent, E. M. GUION, 127 Bowery, comer of Grand-street, .uid corner of Thud Avenue and FourteenUirstreet. F<?i uviden*.f its virtues lead the following: Extract of a latter from G. W. Allert'-n, Esq., Alderman of the T welfth Ward: " I pur chased some of yonr Elixir and tried it on an old man'in my employ, who had used all othei remedies witliouteffect; he j hau become so-very weak that he,could scarce rise from his bed. I gave him the Elixir, and it w as astonishing to see the go ?! e&ects ou the old man; it revived him immediately, and 1 in three days, with being a little weak, he was able to no his ordinary"work. Myfamily,after:the old man had been so soon relieved, used the Elixiralso, and wi-re in e^ch caie ef? fectually restored to health. " I h?.ve in i severe attack of Dysentery in my family checked tutugrpus dose uf the Elixir, "A i" ? r woman in my vicinity who had tried all the usual remedies without effect for Fever uid Ague ol five.months' standing, was iustandy relieved ifter u.?i;.g about \ wine-glass full of the Elixir, and has not been troubled with the Ague ; since."' j Extract of a letter from J. Campbell. Jr.: " NEw-Yong, April 1, I hive used t'ue Washington Elixir in several cases of Diarrhcsa in my family the j;ast year, with immediate relief in evr; ose. I have i.o Hesitation in recommending the K.lixir as a safe and efficacious remedy in similar attacks.'' Price 31. i New-York, April 27, tr.u. K. "si. <;??!'>>: De,r Sir?Vou will please to inform the public that I have used the Washington Elixir for a severe at? tack of Diarrhoia about six months stne-, and wi.s cured with on* dose in Irss than an hour, i hi*.re not bad it smee. ! also used it in a case of my danghter,,who w^j very severely at? tacked, and one dote cured her in less than an hour,,and she has never had it since; the l ist in about four months sn:.:e. Yourob'tserv't, ARN EST FINK. P. S.?In all cases of worms it never fails. jyl Im "HE?LTII AND LONG LIFE. PARR'S LLFE PILLS; THIS smgulariy efficacious medicine is now being introduced into everyjamily, and rests its claim for patronage on the most credible authority. N imer?oi e of cures effected by this medii n:- are duly re.jen-d by the ' Proprietors. See the following: Washwctok >t., Bojtors, 18th June, I3t3. Gentlemen?With gtatitude and pleasure I announce the cure wrought on myself by the use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS ; my whole system wis deranged; I was so costive and bound up that existence to rne was a punishment. Some? times the heat of my body was ?uch that I jersj ired w ith the j least exertion, and so much that my clothes quite : saturated, which soon brought me down, and I became very thin and weak. 1 applied to rhrt-e different doctor.;, but g<n bo relief. I nextapplied to th- Infirmary, but all to no purpose. I th?n tried your Pills ; but never m^ii had less faith iu wver lised medicines. I took three pills at night and two,in die i morning : never was medicine more mild and soothing la ope? ration ; but these were the osly elTeCtJ for some time, yet they were to me a great blessing, f kept constantly taking the pih* for four months, and found tbem gradually overcoming my ailments, until I was at length restorwl to perfectheahh. lean now most cordially yield faith to the cures set forth in your little book, though 1 confess I was at first very suspicicns of j them. You are at liberty to publish this, for f tlnnk a greater ble-sing was never given to mankind than what experience tell* me ha* been conferred by the use ofyonr medicine. Yours, respectfully, WM. PEARSON Sold wholesale by T- Robert* & Co. 301 Broadway. POJP? of Dnane, ?nd reuil by th?* all the most rwpectibU druggy" in New-York. In boxes 50 and 25 cts. each. jy^lOltn? TTP TOWN GROCERIES??Sve~OiU w^ox foVs?^0 wch ?'^hrPr?st??^ jy?Viw Draggi*t,^l^Gi?a^ch-tt. 'TO PRECEPTOK5.?An able teacher ofGeo \iVT,rMVVV*r,bM- CiTa Ensuring, Book-Kee! in.- and ; ? . '. 2Sf,5 dmrousofmxW ?.:??? ?ni! n,V 'sl.HT . ? L M N.. bot ;oa>, lower P st Office, will ow-.'t ss ? h attention. ?7 f.^-d* jyl5 lv?' pOUNTEK WANTED?4 >n- suitable for n dry VV -oods ?Cor?. II Ol :? teel lose *nd 3 fe?t wi.V, ami u: warder. Eni]uir?tat No.62Cednrst. jt!S3t? CO H?H ? 500-^To Loan on 0 ?i.?V/UW Mortgaijt.?Appis to J. M ELY; ]V,fONROE MANSI? N HOUSE, comer of L*J. Mi'anv ind C J*erise-sts??Gentlemen . J tlieir wive* miy be accommodated with large >>r ?uiili pleasant front or back rooms <? i tlw v-con! ajyj third {iotirs. furnished or na far ished, with hoardj oi the tn^st nMisooabla terms; a!?o a tew iiafiif c- :\:'.>..;: -a. wrjth (all board; ,,, breakfast and tea only. Apleasd , ' ! ? ? in uredthem. EntracoNo. : .>;inv->r. I ; j -rvoj ' ? . .1 WILSON .r30 tin" |3l v\i> r?9? per week, ai the Manhattan Koose. ?. ft>ryouth? friendly to Teroporaace! ?vlio ln-re ire utoci* ted wi& clergyxit i ind others of the learned profession*. ;:iii:^. trusts, Sic. 6C.Daane-?tieetvneai Bio.?owa,- ani !'. -.. jvifj im* i"> ' vrd?A family or a few single gentlemen of is ^???<?i morale can ha*? board ind *; n ions ; m? in s pri ; " ? famih ; a vet) drsirable location, 101 East Broadway.? 1 ('???.?? md apartments unusually 1 leasx-.t and dtrree-ible. t) 23 1? ? D< Ai; ihn BROADWAY^-Gentlemen iinTtlieir 1 .' m it jtl single gentlesnea, will tind good board s>d ? ? t 648 Broadway: (next door to Constitnt^wi Hall;) A kilt parloron lirsltluor, hat m- a balconv m front, witli or w iM.oiit IVd rooms attached, to Irt, with b< ? K.'onis for :ru:?ieiit boarders. Term* model ite. j> it? ha* BOAi. 1UNG?A U.rge from Parlor in the sccoud story with betlroom and pantry attached, wil! W let with board co a gentleman and his wife, or to single gentlemei The house is in first late order, large ami ail >, w Uli a fin* Kar? den in the rear. The family is ?jui'.e small and about half 1 r 'ten bsszfari only will btr *^*a. a survey of tlie tueniisrs will anTortlt?e best evides > < ': 'ieneatness ?hdcleaijiin/jwof the place, and of the su pen ,y . :er of the RCCommod tions.--" No. 3j5 Greenwich street, or of the Editor <i I Tnl one office. 23 tf _^ Tu LET?The second story ol Hie Tribuce W Buildings. Possession given immediately, and runt sLmodcrate. Applj tn jel tf T. McELRATH, Tn . 0.<T:.-i ^ FO!v KXVHANOE?A boit.-.e at.d I s, I;MB erecting in Arenue C. near Seventh-street. ln<juireof J-^fc jntr, tf J. D. IIO\ T. cor. James indMidisoo-nts. ?gA FOR SALE in the City of Newark, ilijfl A House ind Stapes of Land, situated in Soutli-Brond. im rm 1 treet. No. 172, wrmin fifteen minutes w ilkrof theUail road Depot. The House is Zi feet front, and U ? , 1 ilh Urs - pia/r.a 111 flie rear, a:.d v\-ll hnished throughout. Also, ? good stable, fruirtrees, &c. attached to t'ie premises. Fpi faith r ticulars apply to I. NICHOLS, corner ofWiUrimun WAshiugtou-streets, or of W.M. 1'AL'L, on tiie |>remi! _ in . tal * Jtr\ "'FARM FOR SALE?Lying in u !e? ?ni l;;jn situation within one mile east of New Brnniwick, ^--i'o? I., and ,m einlud of n mile '"rom the rni... id, coi tain ing about forty a-re- of the ijualityof I uid, and nearly ?11 under:cultivation. The place has on it - neat tudsps >* Cottage, a large aiid well builtbarn1 and nhoiinds wi?i for? est, fiuit a:i<l ornamental tiees. The bnildinga a>- nearly new, and; together with the. fences, i 1 od repair. Terms easy. Fnauire of AARON ? lark, 251 Pea*! street, New rork, orof j25 6f J. TER HI' N E. K ,?., N-w D.?icl MFOB SALE?A C?tiHge Efotise and Eight Lots; also. Cottage House and listirii lot>, ip .lamaico, on 1 e R ?lroad. T? 0 Dwelling llou.-es and Lots in the \ ill ige of Riu? iton, Ulster county. Also, several Farms in tht town "i iom. ton. I "Istrr roiinty. A Kami of 300 acres, with convenient buildintts, lying within three miles of the centre of the City of Baltimore, with & cows and '2o head of voung cattle, a.ol its nppu'iten im es. AUo, 2f> acres, with two houses', stone born, In cows, fi u utensils, 10Ostnre hogs^-uuder IikIi improvement wi Ii ,' of a mile ol the ? Itty Hotel, in Baltimore. a trart nf MOO acres in Fairfas county, Virginwi w :; may lie divided i to thrweormore Farms. A Farm pt"5O0 acres?30 acres improved, and tln? remainder in tint-er. in Eaiif :x coiiiity, vv i:hin !2 mile-, ol V\ ishiugtOIl City. The. lauds in Fairfax county liave been exaaiii I In the suhscribi r. For terms anplv to jy2i ivs N. Ki.MB \ 1.1., |9 VViIlium- ? fSgS^Fl SA LE.?A Faim of 2?0 ueres, situ tied Vvt*SmiUitowu.:ShitolJt:Coitnty, Lmilo from tht rillait' MiLbf!Com mack, 31 miles from: the railroad On laid farm is a good dwell 1 tg house, two good bums with cowvhousi wagon-house, crib, and otliei oul buildings, all in goi ! otdei, a good young orch.\rd, a variety of ch?rryandotlierfi*uii tree . a well ofgood water and cistern, a fine pond near the barn.? for frtrthei 1 articwl 11 . iniiuireof CHARLES B?K EH. S 0 la.Motitxcmerystreet, otDAVlJ} BRYAN, Brooklyn; N?>. 12 FllltOII St.eel. JV j Im * e7;^;VA!.l ABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE '. loot 1. A Faim of 100 acres in the townshiti of Shrewsbu .. : .. iv. Mounioutli < o. N. J. 2 miles I'roni Red Bank Land :i r, Oil it i i a la.r.e IVaeh Orchard, now full of line i- aehe. ( ' nt <:i'd .<?? ihei'i Possession may behad in October. ". v Farm of 300 acres 5 miles from Middletown Point, N I 100 icn s are in wood ;o?w lit to cut. Possession April 1st, 1 It. Tie 1 e are good buildings on both thr.,? farms. \ 2 STORY KRIt K HOUSE on - I 1 I'bj 150in Con M .. st. Patenou, lateli occupied bv the People's Bank. P06 .ion May t-t. 1841. liiquire of WM. BLOOMFFECD, Es ,. 21 Wall st. or of JOHN CROES, Keyjiort, N. Jer* .. j) VI I'm* ($skA FARM FOR SA LE in Wcstchesrer Co . I6i mile fioiii the City Hall, 2V miles from the Steam ?dttu, h a,- Landing a: the village of Voukers, on the main road to^Eastcliester, (Adjoiiiini: the Farm ol the late Win J..n-> land 3 miles from die Hiiilem Railropd DepoLat Wil? liams1 Bridge, contai:iiuz.53rcres, 18 of which is good wood I mil. St:.I Farm istv.-ll watered by never-failing streams, and Ilm i beautiful prospect Of the surrounding country, ??. hand? some cottage house, '?: feet s?;u tie, with piazza in front, cot ? er 'd v?i:li grain's, I rootin, r>aiitries and InII on the fir-t floor, ind kitchen adjoini ig: finished rooms and Ojien uarjet m the attic, a handsome tluw-r g ar.l' 11 and lawn mi n-e.t of tie houst?? good b irni ?tableand otli*r out-btiiWiwgi. dso a g< '?' Apple Orchard, wtui a-variety oi i.ihe.- Frnir, cons?tin? of Pears, Peaches, Plums; Cherries, Gooseberries,' two kindi^til Currants, Strawberries, two kinds of Raspberries, j?c._ For fitrtlier (isrticulars iiiijuire of N. E. H hiteli 'ad; itor. oT/Elm a.-'!1 an ?.'->:>. Nt w-York, 01 of tliesubscribei on the prent? .):. 17 2? ? J. P. VVHri'EHEAl?. FARM FOR SALE.?A Farm containing tgK^abont 40 acres of Land, tituated in (In rillsgi of? ?>?.? JL Providence, in tlie county ol Essex, and State of-Ney* Jersey, about I t miles from Newark, and oil the .tage toad leading from Buskineridge to ElizabethtoWii) which stage passes ne?i the door lour times a week. The dwelling hou ?? . barn,and all other out-building * tint ire ncc< ? iry '?<>( comlort and convenience have been built bnta short rime,-and arr.iii eMeliniit order; a good well of water near rfie.uoori The !'?-.>:i.)ii is ter> plea, nit and healthy, the land '<??> a | I ud ^ ite of cultivation and e.ety to till, and is a d?,ii ible ?iM.jlion ' ' any person who may wish to reside in the^countrj.1 ill f?rm tint is pleasant^and productitv. The Morris and 1 Railroad car-, run within lour miles of ?M proper! ? W the cit> ofN'etv York twice a day. Terms of safest i Hire mad to_autt the purchaser. For farther particular impaire ofD '? \ '<'?> A A \ HKS, who may be found at the Merchants' Hotel, No. \z C?urtlandt street^-every Monday and Frhlay afteti.lind; or aSHBEL A. 'T?MPK7NS, on the , ? j>l7 2w? _ ??VALUABLE A KD HIGHLY IMPROVED e$?$ FARM FOR SALE.?The subscriber offers ?? 1 ??!? JJ.^. his Farm siruated in Franklin township, 3m ilf New Bruuswiclr; N. J. It consists of 120 acr< ?. ? 1 ?? hicli 10 are woodland and tlie balance highly imuioved nud cu-'tn rt land. On 1 h<- premises jre two good dwelling hou.i< of w liieh j< i;!t. ,iih d for the tenant or workmen, vvitkuarttiantl all theotlier neceesaryout-buildiiigs in gre*t ihuntlaiice; two Urse .ip;ile orchards, with an abundance of cherry a&d oilier ftuittreest 'almosl the entire farm has been newl; fepcwl; o welLof excellent waterat the door and t ni-ver-failiiig spricK near, which furnishes w .ter lor the itock all the 5 rai w itlaHii any labor. It will cut from so to lt;0 loads of haj^wkli any t 1 of a f. 1 ir ason. It is within.2 or 3 hours ride.oJ this City with which ir (.,? communication 1 or5ti 1 b> Ktilroid ind ,leanihoat at i md I ihii!iii?'s a p .s a.e. A iri.jre favorable opportunity can not be found either )? u one who wishes to retire from,the bustleoCthecit) to enjoy to rom* Psrts'of a country life or for an experienced tanner. The price, notwithstanding all the/adTantages, isven lovr. t25C0 tin remain on mortgage a? S p?-r cent, j ta.-: he seen i'<- 263 South-st. duriug this week wh*re information O^n he IsaVl at >ny time;_^^XJ^Jf^' j?'a 3t* CATSK1LL MOUNTAIN HOI se, ai ihc PINE ORCHARD.?This well-known charming "Sumini 1 rrtr^.- i?uowopen under the soperintendence of the sitbsc.-iber. To the Nau?r*l imlucemeula to visit,th* .Mountain, (sach is tie; :ilino,t boundles? \ i'-w from ihe prch ard, tlie magnificent scenery at tlie'Falls,'and (!.?? ;.nr.-, I f inspiring atmosphere,) will he addeil everyeffort u;-.. ???>? partof the Proprietor; in the shape of careful attention, w*U furnished tables, and all the delicacies as well as subsjaatials ut 1 he season, to afford comfort and pleisun- to ins visiter?. June, C. L. BEACH. / ' A regular Line of Pnsl-Coacltes is r.,taidi.h<??! f conveyance?*/ vi?iter? to the Mountain House,immediately altei the lauding of boirs at Caf.:kill. j.-27 2m IT min mill i AMF-ffTr!AV c< iopers' Toi ?'?> U B ??d TOOLS 111 gell-n!, c ??: e obi ? I? w all their vanVty, u W1IOLESALE and RETAIL, at 33 K U LTON-STRE ET, NEW-YORK, o? rr.- most celebrated .Maaufacturrrs, (unrranfrd Cast >'"'.) SUCll as ." . niiiiiitii ALBERTSON'S, CONGERS, BARTON & SMI 1 H >. HORTON'S, GIFFOBuS, indother ??:?:.???.. Also, AMERICAN IRON RIVETS, COOPERS' TRI 5S HOOPS, HEAD AND STAVE JOIN i'ER--. STOCK HO WELL AND CROZE'S BRA< ES, DOW? ELING BJTTS, BE'.K IRONS, TAP AND B1 NG BORERS, CO M PAS S E S, ice- fee. A liberal discount on Edge Tools CO Merchant*. CHAHLKS OSBOHN. jyl 3m* _CHARLES S. LITTLE TH( imipson's TR ?sses ? < removealto 13 Beekmau street About 2M ol the first physicians andsnrgwws of New rons hare given their decided p^'^^J ' , KJ TVim. as you can graduate(tn. i-re-sure.from t to 50 uound. on the roy**t^SSCTlS much injury W the spine. A fair trial Dew direction* are followrsj- pitman street.on- do- ? Offices are fitted "P " -J" :ivju2 this truss, and all arc invited Nasssu, ^cl^vj ^Z to come and tr> ior ? ri'ST FIN'^HED?Elegant Nutria Fur Hau /j- ^ril'v termed Beaver) at the low price of $3j id as, ?Wrt Wof PrusaUn Molc*kiJn at $3. Tlie wTfT^J'eoual in durability and lustre to those sold at $4. Mars le-'i. I . c2 jo a rery neat dn-s* Hat. A,Soaim? BR?WN Practical Hatter, I K, - f%"ECijN?OMY AND FASHION.?'I o lb. l^S who study economy.?Tlie subscriber, in accordance J&**>\t\;\\ the times, has reduce-1, his superior iit.itatiou Moleskia HaU 0,1 far bodies, to the evtiejne low price of $2 25. The above are an elegant dress Hat, ?ud wall compare advantageously with hats sold in this city at $2 50 ?.nd |3. and warranted to give satisfaction. Als?), constantly mannt.dur? ing fur atd silk hats of the best quality, latest 1*?*^??*- UlC , the lowest city prices for cash. An assortment or.yeivi W*> Cloth Caps constantly ?sn hand. J. W. hLLLOUG, jyH l?? No. 132 Caasi^t., comer of rnoai|*oa -