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Atlantic and Pacific Canal. The contract entered into by the Barings, of Jjondon, with the Republic of New Granada, for the construction of a ship canal across the isth? mus of Darien, provides for ceding to the. Com? pany the line for the projected work, with eighty thousand acres of land ou the two banks, and four hundred thousand acres in the interior. These princely merchants do not appear in this transac. lion as tho agents of the British Government of? ficially; but they arc British subjects protected by the Government, and doubtless many impor? tant advantages will be secured to Great "Britain, both political and commercial, by the completion of the vast work here projected. The tune has been when the construction of this Atlantic and Pacific Canal?a work of world? wide concernment?was in our own hands if we had chosen to take up the matter. Other nations on the other side of the water held back as though it were expected that our Government would ex- i . cute an enterprise to which it seemed called by position as the foremost power on the Atlantic continent, and as a power whose commercial spirit and energy would hardly brook the inter- i ference of a European nation in a work so pecul? iarly American. The occasion, however, has been Buffered to pass. Through our tardy indif? ference the work which we would not do has fallen into hands that will do it?into hands which will hold it with a steady grasp when it is done. The key of the whole American continent is to be in the'kecpmg of England-?there being, ! as it would seem, no proper guardian of it on this j side of the Atlantic?at least none with spirit enough to step forth and claim the function. The completion of a ship canal between the two oceans, as projected, will mark an era in the world's age. The event will stand forth to give a distinctive character to t/ie century. It is to be a five years' work?to endure for ever. The whole aspect of commerce will be changed by it. It will accelerate the revolution now going on in China more rapidly and more thoroughly, than all the force of British armament?and not there only will it work changes, but in all Polynesia and Australasia, and the Western coasts of .South America, which are now reached by doubling Cape Horn. Wc observe that a writer in the Alexandria Ga? zette is of opinion that a better route for a canal between the two oceans is by way of the river St. Juan and lake iVicararrua?much better than across the isthmus of Darien. This latter route is through a mountainous region for some forty or fifty miles, while by the other the distance re quired lo be cut will not exceed fifteen or twenty miles, and as rivers enter into the Pacilic at no great dibtaticc above lake Nicaragua, the infer, ence is fair that no great difference of elevation exists between the lake and the ocean. [Baltimore American. The canal, upon which 4,(K'0 men are now en? gaged, is to be completed in five years. The toll is to be c francs a ton. The Government of New Granada ceded to the Barings the whole line of the work, with 60,000 acres. [-Newark Daily. Pennsylvania Erie Canal.?Wc understand that Messrs. Watts. Colt and Roberts, authorized by ihc Erie Canal Company to negotiate a loan for the completion of this Canal, are now in this city at the Merchants' Hotel. The Stale of Penn- , gjlvania has expended upward of $4,000,000 upon this important work. The amount now re- j quired to complete the line, according loa careful estimate made by the Company's Engineer, is $311,000. For this comparatively small sum, this connexion of the Ohio River and the Lakes may be finished and opened for use by September 1st. 1844. Its length is 13b* miles, of which 11 ('? miles, extending lrom Beaver to Meadville, in Crawford county, are finished and in regular use, and the tolls arising thereon, although derived from a trade altogether local, exceeds the cost of superintendence and repairs. An important busi? ness is anticipated on this line when opened to Erie, in the coal trade from the Shcnango Valley to the Like country.?This coal is spoken of by Professor Rogers as of a superior quality?being free from sulphur, and admirably adapted to steam purposes, &c. It can be delivered at Eric for 8 cents per bushel or $2 -ID per ton ; at Buffalo for about $3 j(J per ton ; at Rochester for about 8-1 per ton, and at Kingston, Toronto, &c. in Canada, for less tiian ?4 per ton. It can als? be ! carrricd to the city of-New-York and successfully be brought into competition with the bituminous I coal of Virginia. In addition to a large coal trade, this line will also secure the carrying trade between the Ohio ' River and Western New-York and Canada, and a considerable portion of the trade now passing through the Ohio and Eric, and the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. It is the shortest connexion which can be made between the Ohio River and tlie Lakes, and the capital required to effect its compietmn being so very small, will en;:ble tho Company to obtain complete control and thus re? duce the cost of transportation to its minimum, fhe charter of the company is very liberal, ami , authorizes them to lower the tolls to any extent. The Company is also authorized to borrow money and to mortgage the whole of the finished im? provements bet wen the Ohio and Lake Eric as security. This opportunity of investment is worthy the attention of our capitalists. [ Philadelphia U. S. Gazette. C I T Y 1 -N T K_L L I G E N C K . Wedsjesdav, August 33. -Marine Court.Before Judge Hammond.? Johe Singer vs. Wm. (J. Carpenter and others.?Action lor fc**l>ass, in consequence of a levy upon tlie fixtures ami pro? visions contained iu the ' Bowery Cottage Meat Shop'ou j f>e<uiiou aga nst Clark Van de water. Mr. Singer is a ! batcher in Kssev Market, hut claims to have owned the shop 1 * the Bowery, and to have hired V.uidewater to keep it, who got out a license in hi* own name. The e\idnuce itemed conclusive to this effect. Mr. Carpenter, who is a Marshal, sold the property in Chatham Square, and it was j touiju in by Mr. S. The Jury could not agree, and were di?ctarged. i [It vrai stated in the Court room that all the Manuals in ! tl'< City are uow acting without warraut or having given any security, the Mayor having called in all the warrants in May aad bf?a too much engaged since to le-issue them.] Police Office.Richard Johnson, a colored ?fc>, was arrested ai.d committed for stealing about one d?l "r m change from the store of T. Boutou, 3? Bowery. . . .David Cochrane was committed for stealing apiece of Blown muslin from A. &. it. Hull, 29 sr, . . .Owen Moore, who at present resides at 22 Prince s!. ' complained oi John de U Moutayne,253 Mulberry street,its UU? ,v>: Owen :o,,k shelter uuder the awniug oi the house ton Moniayne lives in, on Sunday evening, daring a heavy ?oower ot ram. VYhile there, the latter opened die door, wited him, and took from his person sixteen gold sovereigns ?ud i few othei articles of little value. Montayne was com anted to prison for the robbery , and Owen, being a non-re ?Weat, as a wituess in the case. ?. .Christian A. D. Kracht, now in the City Prison, was complained of by Louis Kionk, 116 Cedar street, for bavinc OBthe 12th iu?t. stolen a rose-wood dressing-case from luni" 'or which he was also held to answer. Upper Police Office.John Bums, of 492 Bowery, on Tuesday applied to Justice Gilbert for a,war ^'t against Peter Nesdale for assault and buttery, and, as is "foal in such cases, at this office, was requested' by the nia 5*?tr?o to bring some corroborating witness to sustain his *?a?neut. Burns said that a man named Terence Pitapat ittkwvi the transaction, but would not come to the office Jtolesa subpoenaed; and a subpocua was thereupon given hitn mt magistrate, which Burns served upon Htzpatiick by Tading u to him. The latter, however, swore he would *Ot t'bev K) jjh! ln,i_?|>en Justice tillbert issued an at ^hinctii agaiut against Pitzpatrick as for a contempt, and * officer J. X. Smith arrested and brought him to the Office. *?CRj h:- cursed the magistrate, denounced and defied th? JMv, and sw.ire he would not > ield to its requirements. Af w ?u appropriate reproof for hit law less conduct and his Piloting and profane language. Justice Gilbert told him he convince'him that the law was his master and that h. M bound to obey it; and ?s he said he could uot pay a fine jj 51U ke would imprison him for 30 days. He was acc od 75 J Conducted to prison, swearing, resisting and righting as fa,W*n}' ? -'Elii* fellow, who is said to be a confirmed nif uj*? rowdy, has thus been justly dealt with; and it U ti trt ut w* Ciic w'u serv? as a suitable caution tooth ? like character who set the law a; de?uuce and disre ?A<a?.d abuM, iu officers. Po?r?U lhu eveoiu? of the31st iost. aa John FarreW, of U?d i*%v;u' *ilr"P 00 lhe ?tK>r of th< house of Johu ! Biakb Ii Norfollt sUt,,?t< hil w?lch worth $3 and $25 in j *kr.? ' w"r?,tol*n from his pocket by tlie said Louden, j w? commuted, to prison to answer. Lake Superior.?Captain O'JBTara of Platte Tille, has just returned from the copper region, and after having given it a very thorough ex? ploration, speaks in very high terms of its miner? al wealth. The party of which he was a member, passed the St Croix in a canoe, over the portage and down the Bois Brulc to the Like. Thence by the same conveyance, they made the entire South? ern Shore of the Lake to St. Marie a distance of more than two hundred miles, stopping, however, to explore the rivers, and the country adjacent and between them. Thcv took possession of tlie notable ' copper rock,' and sold it to a gentleman from Detroit for $1,400. The Captain returns in a few days with a sup? ply of provisions, which are represented as exiior bitantly high at the Lake. [Wisconsin Grant Co. Herald. C. S. Ship Lexington.?The U. S. store ship Lexington, Lieutenant Commanding Glcndy, ar? rived !a>t evening from Mahon and Gibraltar July 26; We learn by the Lexington that on the 1 6th of July the Minorcans declared in favor of the Queen, [Christina, probably.] The following deaths occurred on the home? ward passage of the Lexington : August '2, Al? exander Campbell, marine: 3, Thomas Ware, seaman, from the (*. S. ship Delaware; and 20; Samuel White, carpenter, late of the U. S. ship FairJield. fEvcBost LEARY & CO.?GENTLEMEN'S HAT?. FASHIONS FOR AUTUMN, 1843. At the urgent solicitations of many of onr customers from distant parts of the Union, vre shall introduce this day, at our sales rooms, the beautiful new style of Gentlemen's Hats for the coming season in order to iccommodate them,?.* also the numerous straugers now visiting'the cit3 who may leave here prior to the date fSept. i) when it his been our custom in former yeTs to effect the Autumn change of Fashion. LEARY & CO , Hattos, No. I and5Astor House. OuH IK' I I.Alt OF FASHIONS, containiiie drawings, dimensions ind othei illustrations, will be forwarded by mail ro ihosi w ho r< quest it, and who address u-. post paid. New York, Aug. IP, 1813. aulDCt* MONEY ^MARKET. Sales at the Stock Exchange} Auir. '43. 16,000 NY5?s,'61,.b30 103 l?Oshrs Phenix Ilk.. . . B8j 3,500 N Y 6s,'54.107 ? 50 shrs N \ Tins-. . . 4' 2,000 N Y 6s, '5 >.100 j 10 shrs Ohio L ? Trust 83 3,000 N V 5s, '56 .... 993 63 do Lafayette U, ( in 33 9,000 Kentucky 6s_97AI It) do NO Canal Bk.. :x 5,000 Kv 1 urge bonds .. 95 7.000 Ohio6s,'60. 01 ...110(1 ,1,, ,|f.\>M) 01 5,000 do d.1.30 91| 5.000 do do. . .. b60 Oil 50 do N Y Mar Ins C KM) 5 do Eagle F Ins. . . 105 25 shrs (' uiton ' 'o. .bl5 -Jt> 50 shr.s Farm s. Tr. .slO 22j| on .dir:, Harlem R.381 20,000 do do. 91.} 1500 do do. 3Si 5.000 Ohio 6s, '70.. . . 8Sj 60 do do.h60 36J 1,000 Illinois Special.. 35 150 do do.a*; 1;000 do do.nw 35j 50 do d<.s30 38J 4,000 Tennessee6s.. . . 04 j 100 doL 1 Rrd. . .cash bii 1,000 Indiana bonds.. . 33$ 75 do do.b30 ?'.?.< 17.000 do do. 34'I si ' ONO BOARD. .'1,000 111 Special.15 1100 do Harlem. . .MO 37J 15shrs Mutual Ins Co. 105 I 50 d..LI Rrd.. . .sin .-yj: Public, Slock E xc hange, Augitid '?53. 1,000 N Y6s,'6?. . ,s3108f| 1,000 do 35 ?.iiOO do do.108$ 5,000 do do.bl3 35 1,000 Ohio 6s, '60. ,b20 91 1.000 do do.sl034jj 1,000 do do. ...sli) 91 1,000 do do . . .bnw Si 5,000 do do . . .cash 91] 1,000 do do . . .bnw 342 15,000 do do.b3 91] 1,000 do do . . . .sl5 34j 1,000 do do ... .slO 9l| 3,000 do do.1-3 34: 6,000* do do.b9 91? 100 shrs Farmers'T cash 22j 1,000 ladl bds,25y..sl5 33?| 7? .!.. Harlem R. .?30 39 do do.s30 3-*; do 3Sf do do.b3D 382 do do.3Sj do d.?tili 37i do 3s ' do L I 52{ do 52 i 1,000 do do.s3 34*1100 do d<.b20 52j 1,000 do do . . .cash 34 5' 25 do do.53 j 1,000 do do .. .cash 341 50 do do.s30 52J 1,000 do do.s3 34* 52 do do.s2~ 52i 1,000 do do .. . .sl5 34$ 100 doPaterson. 54^ 1,000 do do....btw 3s 50 do 53 J second boa rp. 5,000 Uli 6s, 70. 34? 1.5,000 Kv fis.b60 03 1,000 Ohio ?s, '?0.Sep4 91}!'50 do Harlem.37^ Commercial and >Iou?-y Matters. Wednesday T. M. The sales at the Board this moming were large. Illinois Special Bouds improved 1; Harlem Railroad I; Ohio Sixes \, and Long Island Railroad J; New-York Fives, 1S?8, de? clined }. At tie- Public Board, also, the sales were large. Illinois Sixes improved J, and Harlem Railroad and Ohio Sixes J; Farmers' Trust Company and Long Island Railroad closed it yesterdaj ".-< prices. Thf Eastern Railroad Company has recently created two hundred thousand dollars of new stock, all of which has 1?.-.-: 1 ta!o?ti u]i. The Maine Railroad has also iucreased its capital 5100,000?taken up by the stockholders. The Worcester Railroad will, it is said, soon make two thousand new shares, increasing its capital to $2,900,000. The receipts on this road art.- more than 510,0( 0 ahead of hist year, owing to the great increase of freight on the Western Railroad [Boston Post, 22d. Couiierfeit $20 bills of the Harrisburg Bank have just made their appearance. The engraving is well executed, hut the paper is very tlimsy, and the signatures arc had. Ularltets?Carefully reported for The Tribune. Wednesday, August 23. ASHES?The market remains without change: about 400 bbls Pot* brought $4 371; aud 80 bbls Peails 5 31] a 5 35. FLOUR?-We have no matt rial chauge to notice in Flour. There is a fair demand holders are gem rally linn S-5. hut shipjiers are unwilling to pay that price, a:id the transactions for English account sre light. Michigan aud common Ohio may be quoted at ft 37}, with moderate <al-<; for good brands of ?hib 4 01 is asked: 550 bbls Trov has been sold at 4 87}; Georgetown is held at 5 25; 300 hh? Petersburg, of a good brand, sold a; 5 25. Rye Flourand Corn Meal are with? out change; 400 bbls of the latter has changed hands at prices uoi inaih- public. GltAIN ? Sa'es of 1500 hushels new North Carolina Wheat, for milling, at 102c; 2200 bushels Northern Ityeat 67 a 63c. Oats are selling at 23 a 29c. 2000 bushels North River Corn at 58c, measure; 1500 do do 59c, weight; 600 do Jersey do at 57. measure. PROVISIONS?The article is firm, and holders are not willing to sell large lota at our lowest quotations: S> 11 31} was offered for loeO bbls Mess Pork, and refused. Sales 100 bids at 11 37-, and 400 bids Prime at 10 12sJ. No sales of Beef. A good demand exists for Lard; about 1000 bbls of common ha\e heen sold at 5J a 5 SI, mostly at the former rat*-. Export from 1st to 16th August. Beef... . .bbls. . .529 Poik.bbls. . 1.5S3 Lard.I,? .. .4,365 HE Ml'?We notice sales of 70 bales American at $80. Baltimore, August 22.?Flour?Wo note a sale this morning of 100 bbls Susquehanna Flour at $4 75, which W4S the amount in market. A small lot of Ohio Flour has be< n sold at 4 75?last sales of Ryu Flonr were at 3 75. Nothing done t;>-day Grain?We quote Man laud White Com, with small sales at 48 to 60c, and Yellow do at 50 a 51c; Oats 23 a 24c, and lire 52 a 55c A sah' of 1000 bushels Pennsylvania Corn was made this morning at 53c per bushel. No Pennsylvania Oats or Ryt selling. Richmond, August 21.?Tobacco?The accounts by the Hi hernia steamer, are quite unfavorable for inferior descrip? tions of Tobacco, and Lugs and inferior Leaf are sellinc lower: Lugs at 1 70 to -'j, general sties 2 K) to 2 30; Inferi? or Leaf 2- to 3,-; Common Leaf3J to-!J; Good 5 to 6j; Fine Shipping 6j toSj; Fine Manufacturings to ?0}, Flour?On Basoi Hank $4 75. Wheat 05 t? 100?quantity increasing. Savannah, August IS.?Cotton?The sales of the we? k amount to 272 bales Upland, vi7.: 43 bales at 5; 2 at 5}j 13 .: ? >-; 3at 5-; 55 at 6; 2 at 6}; 52 at 6jj, 51 at 6}: 13 at tW; tnd S hales at 7c, with 3 bales White Sea Island at 20, and 3 I'ux s St :iued do fit 5 cents |>erlb. The demand has been principally in the better sorts for Northru account, u:d in some instances an advance of J to jc, has been obtained. The accounts from the grow ing crop are still of an unfa \ or^ble character. The Sea Island crop through the middle and low lands has also been seriously injured. As die same cry of" too much wet" still continues from the planters of Alabama and the South Writ, the frnitfutness oftht plant is, no doubt, mste r'i\']\ lessened through the entire Cotton region. At this time last season w..- had received some ten bales of new Cotton.? This j,ar, we have but just began to hear of an opening ball here and th^re, and can hardly expect arrivals before the be? ginning of next mouth, the seasou being at least three weeks la'.er thou the last. AUCTION SALES?This Day. By L. M Hoffman Co. and Minturn <$- Co. TEAS-r-Per ships Lowell, Coromando and Mary Ellen. i?ER>u- N?t? s at six months, pavable in this city, to be uiade ntuuactor] to st Hers. Hyson?30 chests at 43 cents t?er lb; 19 do 38: 10 do 35;, 24 do 35; 30 do 321, 14 do 32; (395 do w ithdrawn.) \ Ottuc Hyson?16 half chests at 47; 6 chesU 41; 20 hf do 3s; 10 chests 37i; 60 half J? 37., 15 d0 do and 55 chests 36; 24 uo 3oi; 40 hilf do 35: 50 do do 34t; 50 do do and 30 chts 34; 2o hail, 33}: 3S0 do do aud 251 chests 33; 102 half do 3li; 54 etirits 3U; 5 do aud 256 half do 29; IS chests281; 25 halt do 1P.?; (619 .lo Jo -,,?1 147 chr.r, ? itl.draw-n.) Hyson Skin?ol ch-sts 43; 34 do 42; 15 do 4U: 10 do 39; ?so do 23; 77 do 26}; 95 do 26; 107 do 125}; (*S6 do wnth drawn.) Twankay?35 half chests 34; 35 do do 33A; 1S5 chesu 32. Imperial?19 half chests 56; 132 do do $o}; 60 do do 50. Mol [sea Pouchoug?93 161b boxes 50. Souchong?26 half chesu 27; [783 do do withdrawn.] NingyoDg?25 half chests 32; [135 do do withdrawn ] Caoei?25 half chests 25j. B \ 1. TIM ORK I ATTLE MARKET?Aor. 21. Lat?e?There were about 400 bead of Beef Ciuk offered i , i,*1 th~ acni^ morning, of which 340 head w-re sold, j be prices pgid ranged from $1 6:A to -2 o0 pet 100 lb* o;i toe h. of, ,? ,j?a|,ty. which i? equal to 3 25 o 4 75 net. rhe*e prices show um variation from those ol last week. Of the balance, about 40 head were dnveii North and a few remain in market unsold. *. sxrjap-*-n,it-la.?The amount of stiff-tin;: r leveii ..y rh:*_ :m,:,:e |- .. ... u ?;,?.,?, pralle! in jne.nistory..of medicine. Thousands lure i*~n restored to neaitn oy its healing and regenerating efficacy, who were con? sidered past thei reach of remedial means, as various c*rMficar.o heretofore published abundantly prove. It has received the entire approbation 61 many practitioner* in this ->nd other cities, and ir< rapid growth in the estimation of tl* public h as placed it beyond tie- reich of detraction or the efforts of com petinon; Disease? w hich ari.? from imparity of rh- blood or l-,t,:?:ion t,,t' nu,nor3 Benerillj. inch ta Scrofnla or Kim;" K\ i!, Rheumatism and Incipient 1 It ut, Salt Rheum wd th< r cutauepn* diseases, Fever Sor.-s. Internal Abscesses, Fistulas, Chronic Catarrh; Ulceration of'he Throat and Nostril?, pain tjjjAffections of the Bones, Chronic I flammation of the Kidneys, Female Derangements, General Debility and rw tratiou of th. System, are all removed t>\ its use. For,concl?iveevidenceofirisuperior vain- and efficacy, see certificates publi bed in this -tnd other citv papers. Prepared and sold, wholesaleand retail, ar:d iVr -xitorrarion, A. B. SANDS &< o.. Drneeists, (Granite Buildings.) 273 Broadway, comer of Charober?-'treet, Nevv-York. S Id ?Is i by A. B. D. SANDS, 79 Full n-street and 77 East Broadway; corner of .M irker-str?t. Price fl per bottle; sis bottle* tor Original documents mav been seen at oat itoi ? ' We ar<- glad to hear tint Dr. Fleming's Medicated Diarrhcea < is becoming known, for we know it to be a valuable compouud for Diarrhoea and Bowel ( omplaints. r r om what we have seen of its rlfrcu we believe it i< fil? met certain cure rh ?r can he obtained. This much we fi ?! at liberty to say for that invaluable a tide. IHsWorm Candy we have never personally used, but we have seen a number of Persons who have used it, and from w hat we can learn from them we nr.- s^risf:-d that it is a Specific for Worms, and will in all nrobability, as noon as it becomes generally know su percede all otlier medicines for such purposes. We would therefore advise those who.havechildren to use 'his remedy. From the list of agent* advertised, we find them f-. lale, wholes,I-! retail,at Dr. Covert's office, 1.15 Nassan-stre*t; ilso, 150 Bowvry. Til Hudson-street, 208 Greenwidi-st, 141 Eignth avenue, and cor. i'lst su and :?d avenue, Harlem, N. V. and K. Kandel, Jersey City. Thomas I'iim'. Age of Reason.?Wl loever among the ui our f.ui/.ein has a-id this work will doubtless ac? knowledge, aftur all that has been said abbot it. th il thereis but little reason m it; but after all, there is as iT.uch reason in his work as there is i,; many or most of those who have b>-.-n and still are in the habit of using medicine foi diseases, for most persons do noi teem to have any discrimination will? re? tard to the character of tin- teotimonials, or the rej utation of the medicine they pun Ins.-. p.,r instance, a m rdicine vend r comes out w irh a flaming ailrertisemehl i.i which he, inst-ad ol gi? m .? the real certificate of " tue w ith tlie leal ?ign iture M tached, yoes on to tell the public that Mr. 15. purchased so and ip; and the effect was ?< and so; and that Mr. C. tried our ar licle and was cured. Now those who purchase mi dicine upon siicli statements, must rely of course uponithcstatements of the vender, who himself is interested tos? II the article. He may speak the truth, or he may go beyond the truth. Now I would ask if such persons-act the reasonable [art, to spend :h-ir money aud run tlie ri-k delaying a core by purchasing upon such statements, when there ar- other arttcl-s before the public, for the s titi? complaints, w hich com- recommended by the highest .tutlii rit e, and with the red iignatureof theimli v idu tl attached to the certificate: certainly they do not. We intisl say here that we feel satisfied that t!.? who are afflicti d with C"t <;ii?. Colds, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Bron l-iiitis. Asthma, Crocp, Whooping Cough. &c, would fuel it greatly to tlieir advantage to call on Dr. Covers and Lxamine lestimoniais in favor of Iiis Balm oi LiFE forthme liseasi-s. They are certificatesiof Physicians who have been made acquainted with its compound, and from Clergymen ion others who have used it, with their real signatures at- i ?ched to them. If this course were pursued we are satisfi d i.s to the result. Th" Balm or Lifb is for sale at Dr. Covert's office, 135 Nassau st.; also I"'1 Bowery; 227 Hudson sr.: 208 Or en wich it.; hi Eighth avenue, and corner of 121st st. and Third aven le, Harlem; ami E. Randel,Jersej Cii\. At Pittsford, Aug. 11, by Rev. J. B. Richardzon, James &. Shepard, attorney at law, Nashville, Tenn. to Mai\ A. logswell, daughtei of William Cogswell, Esq. of Pittsford. At Mixville, Allegany county, Aug. 10, by Rev. H. K. Stiinson, Truman E. Goodman, merchant, of Warsaw, to Julia A. Uuu'e;!!'., of Mixville. At New-Haven, Ct. August 22, bj Rev. T>r. Bacon, Rev. Phineas Bl ikeman, of Jefferson, Ohio, to Lucretia D. Stiil inan, of New-Haven. At New-Haven, Ct August 20, by Rev. Mr. Teasdale, William Cooper, F'.sij. of Sheffield, England, to Elizabeth B' irdsley, of New-H iven. In this citv, August 22, by Rev. Benjamin Evans, Ja<-eh Miles to Rebecca Hurley. At Hadley, Mass. Aug. I?, Rev. F.. W. Bullard, ofFitch imrg, to Harriet N. daughter of Di icon William Dickinson, ifHauley. DIED, On Wednesday afternoon, of consumption, Harriet E. ;vifc of John C. Hincs, aged 32 years. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respei t "ully invited to attend her funeral this (Thursday) afternoon it 4 o'clock, from 31 Hubert-street, without farther invita? tion. In the citv of Hudson, on Monday evening, August 21, Miss Sarah White, daughter of Samt. White, M. D. aged 30. In this city, August 22, John P. Miller, a native of Edin? burgh, aged 30. In this city, Aug. 22, Helen Cutler, wife of John W. N'untz, aged 38. In this city, Aug. 21, Robert Honey, a native of Perth [hire, Scotland, aged 53. Aug. 21, P. Reely, formerly of Old Castle, Ireland, and late of Washington, D. C. At Gnilford, Ct Aug. 17, at the residence of her father, Hon. Reuben Kihott, Harriet, wife of Lewis Lee:-. At Albany. Aug- 1!', William Southwick, brother of the late Solomon Southw ick, Esq. aged 64. At Fairhaven, July 12, John Gelat, aged 82, a Revolu? tionary pensioner; At Ramree, Arracan, on the 2S:h of April last, Mrs Sarah Davis Comstock, wife of Rev. G. S. Comstock, missionary, formerly of Brookline, Mass. aged 31 At K-iimore, Scotland, in the 96th year of hia age, Alex mder McNaughton, father of Drs. James and Peter Mc- | S'aiighton, of Albany. At Chatham. Columbia county, Aug. 16, Hosea Birge, tged 93.?Mr. Birge was a soldier in :!.?? Revolution, a-.d ivas iu i.i of tlie engagements during the war. He w is intimately acquainted with <ien. Washington and La Fay ?tte, and "for a long time served in Washington's Life < foards. [Ie was univarsally esteemed among his fe'low-citizens, ai 1 lied lamented by a large ciicle of relatives and acquaint uices. [Troy Buc'get. Passeutrera xtrrlvetl hi ltritr Moon, from Charleston?R Hem:, w orth and lady, T P P.-well and lady. N Brest and lady, Mi,s L S B ibcocit, Miss Kenwood, M H Barrett, H L Elliott, J Creemer, J W Perguson, L Sherwood, C EG uham, P II Loremesti n, I Earl, Miss S 0 Allen, M Taylor, 1) H Kip. S 8 Lewis, \ Hunt. J II Nicolai, J Niseuboud, M Brown, J C Stulls? and 10 in the steerage. In brig Augusta, from Savannah?B Sondheim, L Soud iicim aud J Mulwer. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK, AUG. 24, 1843. mini ati're almanac-this day. The Sun." j The Moon.l j Full Sea. Rises.5 '20 i Sets.6 44 I Rises mom 4 00 Evening. 3 12 Latest Dates. London.August 4 I Havre.August 3 Liverpool.August 5 | New-Orleans.August 15 Cleared? Ships Ville er Lyons, Stoddard, Havre, Fox k Livings ton; Gustave Edouard (Fr), Negret, Gnadaloupe, Boyd ii Hinckenj Superior, Gallagher, Hull, Eng, Barclay St Liv? ingston. Bremen hark Josephine, Saudsheet, Amsterdam, via New Bedford. J C Muller. Biigs Terra Nova (Br), Percy, St John, N F, G & J L m ri-; Fairfield, Wilson, Portahi Prince, Skelding & Ferris; Henry Lee, Tibi}, Richmond. A rri ved, Ship Thomas Perkins; Graves, from Manilla and Canton April 1?, wiih hemp, teas, matting and cassia, to S T Ni coll. Left at Whainpoa, April Is, Sarah Abigail, Prescott, for Macao?the only vessel at the Bogue, U S ship Constel? lation, Com Kearney. At Macao, ship lsnthe, Steele, un? certain; Alhu, Henckman, for Whampoa; .Morrison, Ben? s''::, :? pairing. At Hong-Kong, bark Lark, Tibbits, uncer? tain ; ship St Paul, Osborn, from Salem, for Manilla. Passed Angier May 10; left St Helena July 13?no Ame.-i. can vess- Is. Packet ship Sheridan, Depeyster; from Liverpool July 13. with mdze. to E K Collins Co. Biig Moon, Hayes, S ds frum Charleston, with cotton and rice, to Dunham m Dimon. Brig Betsey, Mill-r. frm Havana, with molasses, to Sp< f ford. Tilesti'ii Ji < o. Biig Victor, Gorham. from Boston, arrivjrd on the tith inst. The V. saw on the Bahama Banks, ship Monsoon, on the outer ground. Bug Edward B! k-, Cole, jusi from Boston; same day, brig EUsworth, Louc, 19 dir. Irom Boston. Sehr Tyro, Arey, ti tls fm James River, with ship timber, to Fukett ic Tom. Sehr Wm P Bryant. Everton, ti days frm Ocracoke. N C. w ith cotton u:d wheat, being part of cargo of ship Memphis, to Capt Sturg?s. Sehr Republican, Sharp, 5 ds fm Philadelphia, with coal, to master. Sehr Star, William-;, 6 ds fm Washington, D C, with na? val stores, to Bryant &t Maitland. Sehr Abraham C Tutten, Whitmore, Virginia. Sehr Oscar, Baker, Boston, mdz*. Below, Two ships. . .Wind S S W; weather clear. Spoken, On the 2d inst, by pilot boat Joseph N Lord, 50 mil-s north of Gay Head.' w hale bark Willis, 16 months out, fall ?did not learn w here from. Sailed, Ship Saracen. Cave. Boston. British bark Elita. Warwick, Quebec. Brigs Snllivan. Waite, Charleston; Morea, Edgar, Mo? bile; Mary. Norris, Georgetown. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL "STATION ? / ERY WAREHOl'SE.?L. FRANCIS informs the Mercantile public, and particularly strangers, tiiat tl?y can find at his establishment, No. 76 M.udeu Lane, a larxe, gene? ral, and well selected assortment of STATIONER* at un? commonly low price*. Person* visitins; th* city to purctn>e Sution-ry or BI?nk Book.? would save considerable by J iu?;on the subscriber before purriMsinge'tsewhere. as they w in find his i.rico to be lower than auv other establishment in Uw citv. Blank Books and Blank Work of every de^cnjnioo, Ruling, Biuding.Stc. executed at short notice. Steel tens, Quilts, Ink, Sealing Wax. Wafers, Letter and Cap Papers, to gether with a large aud choice asaortment of Iukstaads, among which are some splendid specimens of English Cut yi"?. Traveling and Pocket Inkstands, Ate; also, the Pate at Elastic Inkstand, wholesale and retail. L. F RA>Ci ?? aa8 lmls 76 Maiden Lane and 1 Liberty-st B Q OK S. NEWS FROM EUliOPE. The New World for August K will contain a.majl portion oi tlw iPLKNDID LITKRARV BUDGET -- cmv-,1 by the Au.-uit steam-rs. Amon? the brilliant articles 1 toJ*; containeil m that numb-r we mar mention onlv -lie RECOLLECTIONS OF THE E.MPEROR NAPO LEON.dunng his Exile in Hekua?anridandnioat interest tag article; A NIGHT AT 1'ELEG LONGFELLOW'S, a story by " Bon Gui.tier," th* most amusing -ton in al! the magazines', burlesquing Atnencm men and mannen in t't.r most ludicrous mar.n-r.-Fo.- fa.-ther pardcnlats see paper* of to-morrow. j, Tne, Fnrmers* .Manual.?Just published? I :r hann-ri ?laruusj, a particular itise on the ua anfand value 01 niiiiiiff, tounrJed from experiments on various crops, with a brief account of all the most recent discovers iu ac ncnlranl chemestry, by H. Falkner, Esq., and the author of ttrttlsn Husbandry," in one volume !2;r.o.. on good papei and large type, price J;j ctnti in paper cover, oriOceuts bound in < loth. It is the object of the present treatise to explain the ratiire and constitution of mannte generali,? to pom! out the means ul augmenting the quantity and preserving the fertilizing powerol farm-yard manure,therarious sources of mineral ind other artificial m mares, an! the canst- of their frequent innres. [Author'* Preface. PnoDtjCTivE Farming ?Also recently published,; price in cor? rs .;!i cents, or in cloth 50 >:rnt>. Productive Farxixg, s familiar digestif the rect-:,t discoveries of Lieluc. D.-.vy and other celebrated writers on Vegetable Chemistry, show; i?g bow thr results of till ige might be greatly augmented; by Josei h A. Smith. For sale by iu2l Iiis D. APPLETON >v CO., 200 Broadway, Deleuze on Animal Magnetism.?This day published by D. APPLETON it I "O., 2uu Broadway, tocticat Instruction in Animal Magnetism, by J. P. F. De leuze. Translated by Thomas C. Hartshan, with an Appen? dix: ol Notes bj the trmrslator, and letters from eminent phy? sicians and others, description of cases iu the United States, i vol. l2nto. SI. '' Mr..Hartshorn has vtiven rr.-at attention to this subject, sud we know of no person better qualified than himself to favor the public with a full history of Animal Magnetism and it. various developements in this region.*' [Daily Courier. The translator of this work ins certainly presented the profession with an uncommonly well <iig,sted treatise, en liam ed in v.ilue by his own notes and the corroborative t> >;: mon) "t eminent physicians." 1 -1 3tis _[Boston Med, ui.l Supg. Journal. ? Usury: The Evil and the Remedy:' All exposition of the vices, defects, and e\ il tendencies of out present Monetary System ; with a plan for iu elfuctual Re? form: being a tborcngh elucidation of the nature of Money. <j| Interest, and th- tvils of Usury: is published in a large and well printed si.t by BURGESS St STRINGER, 222 Broad way. In order to induce all opposed to Usury and in favor of Monetary Reform to unite in extending the circulation of tins easaj. it., pi ice 1? put at the b ue cost of printing off the sheets: Ihret cents a single copy; *2 per hundred. Orders are soli. cited. attSitf -? ? Eleven Hundred Pages for $] 00. To the Friends of Mr. Clay. Life a?td Speeches of Hexet Clav.?The publish er? of this work are now prepared to execute orders to any extent. The work is comprised in two < ctavo volumes, con? taining in the whole upwards nf 1,100 paces, and is illus? trated by a splendid steel Portrait of Mr. ? lav, a View of Iiis Birth jd ice in Virginia, and a Fac Similt of one of his letters?the vhoh for One Dollar : It is believed to be the cheapest work ever published in America. These Speeches form -ii important portion of the History of our Country for the last thirty years, and are interesting to all elates of readers, without reference to politics. PRICES?IVtlldone up in strong flexible covers, ;'?: ihr French stylr : Singl ? copy, 2 vols. octavo, upwards of 1100 pages.. .51 00 Tw lie copies for.10 00 Twenty-five copies for.20 00 One hundred copies for.SO 00 Bound with Cloth Backs& Gilt Lettering. Single copy.s| j.s Twelve copies for.J-J 00 Twenty-five copies for.24 00 On-hundred copies for.P? 00 None sent on commission. Terms C ish. Ordt rs must be addressed to GREELEY & Mr KL RATH, New-York. Pai> in no: Sim: \m- Breasi . Headache Stc?Wright's Indian V< getable Pills are indirect purifier of 'he blood, ai d a certain run- for every description of|iain, because dl?v rx|>el fiom the body those stagnant and corrupt humors, which are the cause of. verj malady incident to man. The Indian Vegetable f'ills also aid and improve digestion, in\\.!| is purify the blood, and therefore not only drive dis? ease of every name from the [??dy, but are one of the best, if hot the t cry best, medicines in the wni Id, 'or the cure of colds, d\ sent' ry, cholera morbus, and other djse ises of the intestines. B( wart of Counterfeits.?The public are cautioned against the maily spurious medicines, which, in-order to deceive, ire made,.in outward appearance, closely to resemble the above wonderful Pills'. It should be remembered, all genuine medicine has Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills neatly printed on the sides of the boxes, and that, if the w ord Wright s cannot be found, all is posi? tively- wrong. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the medicine, wholesale t?<) retail?Nos. 2?.t Greenwich street, New V<uk ; {Jo. I9fl Tremout-street, Boston, and No. iC'j Race-street. Phil adelphi i. 77" Ajnerlcan Institute.?An adjourned meeting th< American Institute will be held at its Repository Thjs Evening (Thursday)at7i o'clock. A general ifie-danceis requested GURDON J. LEEDS, au2l If Recording Secretary. fCT* Orlando Pish will introduce on TUESDAY, (this the22d day of August) the Fall Style for Gentlemen's Hau; to the merits of which he de.ires the especial attention of the public, and requesU of them to call and examine. ORLANDO FISH, 137 Broadway, au22 3tij" 2d door above City Hotel. fTT* Boarding School?Irring Institute, Tarrytowit, N. V.?Circulars at76Bowery, N. V. jy22 ums WM. P. LYON, A. M.. Principal. \ry~ Walter Forward and A. XV. Mario, Attorneys at Law. Plttabnnrh. Ps mil Hin is* C77* Particular Nolice.? persons havinc Furniture oi any description to disposeofi or who are break im: iij) house-keeping, w ill find a ready sale for any portion or ill oi their goods, by sending their address, or calling ujn-u the subscribei. Goods to any amount purchased. F. C?LTON; 113 Fultou-street, and mv20istf i* ^\nnistreet. ILT* The De?tructlon of Property for the last 2 or 3 days Ins been immense, occasioned by the great llood of riin, while many are now brooding over their pecuniary losses they keep out of >i-'ht the most serious, that which is impoi tant to every one. Perhaps thousands have sot wet feet, or by some mishap, have contracted a slight cold, lirtle do they think of the subsequent misery it brings on. unless the consh is allayed and the cold removed and rooted out of the system by degrees it grows on them until consumption his possesiion of the e,-, medframo! Having stated the cause, wlial will cure tltem? The answer i-, Pe ise's Horehound I landy! And why can tint be selected from the many pretended cures of the day? Be? cause it has cureil tl.sands, from the Head oi the Govern lie .:t down to t e private riti/.?-n? *M have used it. all have ex ... i i.-net-1 its henehts. It is sold, wholesale anil retail, 45 Dl i ision-st.; 10 Astor House; 110 Broadway; 86 William ind 70 Fulton-st.__^_?"21 11 * ? Heads of Hair.?Barry's Ventilating and Goj . on r Invisible Wig 10 closely resembles the real head ol b ur that *ptics and connoisseurs have pronounced it the m..s ; perfect ind extraowJinary invention of, Thegreai ad \ uit?ge of this novel and unique Wiz is its being nude witii ont sewing or weaving, winch causes its appearance so clos. iv to resemble the natui <l haii both in lightness ami na tural aprs-arance, as to defy detection, its texture^ being, so beautiful, so porous and 10 free that in all cues of jierspli i tinnevaporation is unimiwded, and the ^reat evils ol -ill Olper Wi^s entirely avoided. Th^ septic and connoisseur are alike invited to iusncctthis novel and beautiful U'is and thj pe? culiar method of fitting the head, at the sole inventor and manufacturers, A. C. Barry, li?;, Broadway, comer or Lib eriy-street,uj stairs._ au2! lmis ??'-?Cheapest Carpet Establishment in the United State?? .so. 99 Bowery.?ANDERSOiN x DOBB5 now offer theft whole stock ofspUndid newpat t-rns ttt superior English Thiee Ply double ?uperfine_aud ime Ingrain and Venetian Carpeting, Hearth Rugs, Window Shades, &c- Stc, all of which having been purchasedat Ion prices for t ash will besold 23 ;e;r cent, lower than any other establishment in this city. . Superior Three-Ply Carpeting.3s. peryaru. Double Superfine Ingrain Carpeting.6s. u Fine Ingrain Carpeting.? Common Ingrun Carpeting .2*.6a. . Transparent Window Shades from $! to SIU a pair. FI >or Oil C loths, any width. Is. i-er yard. \NDERSON it Di'^BBS. No. 99 Bowery, Bnl6 Cwis* The tirat Store above Hester-st. py Gouraud's Poudre SnbtHe,^^rillcomplete? ly-and peiinaueutly eradicate -uperiluous human hair Irom f,'-mah-.s' upier lips, the hair concealing a broad and elevated fo.-el.ead, *.h- .stubborn beard of man, or any kind of superflu? ous bair. Be sun- to get the genuine at the original offict, 57 Walker-stieet, onedoor fiom Broadway. il .i?r bottle? Uireciions French and English. AgenU?Guthrie, i Maiden lane, Albany; Myers; New Haven; Brown, 76 Chesuut-street, Philade phia; Jordan, 2 Milk-street, Boston ; Gray, Poughkeepste ; Green, Worcester ; Carleiou, Lowell. . ( i-i b- seen tested beloie buying; proof positive this ami r.o misuke. _ | _ atti6 "n's* rr-p> Wire "Window Shades?Manufactured to or [er of any ?w, ^ha;>e. or figure aud hauiLomelv fitted m ma? ll rany frames to parlor, basement, office and other windows, ndl doors, scrteiis for public rooms, Stc. by LEE St CO., 18 Factory-street.. These beautiful Shades, unlike all others, adin't all the air and lisht into the room aud a perfect view into the street?at the sinie tim? they obstruct the view from the street into the . mn and keep flies and oth^r uisecu out, and are very onia loonj" mental. _ rr*3r* To Cure Weak and Intiamcd Eye? or r?Lids?the Roman Eye Balsam is the very best applica? tion that can be made. It will cure the most severe cases, and ;,msnv iust-uices superced-s the necessity of an operation. Pi ice 25 cents. For sale by DAV.D SANDS Sc CO., 77 K-tV Bioidwav, comer Market-street; 79 Fulton-street; and ?3 B.-oadwa-..'_ _ati23 Im... PARTNER WANTED ?Any respectable Ame? rican vs'no tau command immediately S8OC1 or SlOOO.. may have an opportunity to do so in i Temperance Grocery, in the lower par: of this city, wiih a good run of genteel cash cus ..-inirrs. For farther particulars address (post paid) "u23 2ti?'_ WILLIAM F. WJLLIA MS, Jr. TANTED?A Situation as Chambemiaui and , / Laundross or Seamstrcsi. Good reference giv-n. Ap? ply at S3 Crosby-st._au2i2t? WANTED?Bv a votms healttry woman, a situ *ation as wet nurse." Apply at No. 57 Liberty-street, 2d tloor in the rear._aa23 2t* 7ANTt??Families supplied gTatis at Broad's w / Office. 224 Grand it, with the best cooks, housemaids, chambermaids, uarses. and other servants, in the city. a22S? Pn^rJEJT?PTDRlFT?A small BOAT, about twelve or fourteen feet keel, was picked up in Long Island Sound, between Point Judith and Block Island, by Capt. Os borne, of tbe schooner Amelia. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. Applyr at NLI VINS $1 MA WEINS'S. No. 25 TompkiaMt-, ?. j Vi W , R. a24 31? A MER Ir.AN MFSEFM. AND PERPETUAL XX FAIR-GREATEST NOVELTIES IN NEW YORK.?The new Saloon attached to the Museum, is now open ed as > PERPETUAL FAIR <>K BAZAAR. For the exhibition and sale of a. rick* of trade. nj.tnnf?etiires tne arts, iuv entions, See, the admission to which is Frw to all visiterso'" tlie Museu n Among the hundreds of articles ex? hibiting there, is French's Eaittuf Loom. The'wltote ope? ration of Knitting IS PERFORMED BY A DOG! And it kni"> ti irtvpsirx of stockings in a dav, *M whole an?1 seamless! Also.a ROTARY CARD PRESS from Mr Wm. Applesafes i nuring establishment?prints tC? cards per hour. Cards printed on the lowest terms ever h?ard of? encateJ for this week. Mis* M. E. ADAH*, the charming vocalist frcm the fash? ionable Concert-. , La Petite CLL EST F, the admired danseuse?;just reatrre from Boston. T. G. BOOTH, the comic sin.-er. his first appearance in ?ix I monrjM, lle w?l sing several/new iud original Comic Sorg?, j being capital '?hi*.* ?t th- tim."?." GREAT WESTERN, the Etbiopton Oi it u md imitator Ol ttie locomotive. .Mr COLE,.the wonderful Chinese Nondescript.and his i ! educated and, SINGING DOG BILLY,: is bei . tivetv his Ks: w-ek GRAND ETHIOPIAN CONCERT, wi ill ? ? ? w ' md popular N grosongs an.i duets, .mi,x by th Ken? tucky Minstrels, a id others, acconnanicd with bvne casfinets, tamborine, and other ins t?'of music Used on the >OUth,-ii pitlitatiot s MASTER F. DIAMOND.the grt itesi sJ i .? negro danc-r in the world. The I >tv Br.s* Baud oi fei; rc.n.i. i . . The Garden on the top of the Mm< nmi? delighnul place in the city. The L < tun ;?? . n ? urged at:d thoroughly veutilaied. Ballooa Ascensions and peribrmances in ' :ii:< !'> ni take place Irom the Garden every , v-- m ? v.o.... ud > Wedn-sd-y and Saturday sfierno ?>..: I . ' ' IT?" Day visitors admitted the sain- eve in? Fr.v Admission to the Museum, Ganieu i tertainment?; 23 cut.; children under tt u years of age '., il: ;. > . .w :\ pT-:ALF/S~\KW Y? IKK Mi <E1 . i iKfi A G-.U-ry, Broadway, opposite the City Ii ill.?Mr, H. Bi n uetr. M m iger Respectfully informs the public of New-York, thai the above establishment will open on Monday, August 2Ut, and with peculiar pleasure announces he is enabled to pre? sent to thek notice the greatest LIVING CURIOSITA IN THE WORLD, cousistim! of i Colored Child w ho is only 13 Wars Old. and of the enormous weight of 405 Pounds) J Au affidavit ol h made Ik fore i justice of tin. peace, can k seen in th- Vnn*i;m. The follow in/ performers ar?' also _ eng e.'ett: ? MM. WAL? TER, the much admired tenor singer; MASTER D1A %k'C\[), th- unrivalled banioplayer and Ethiopean ikncer: MR. S. BROL'WEM. ihe.-el hn.-d comic *iiu-r; MISS S. F. ADAIR, the charming vocalist, and LA PETITE CE Mi l O, the um tc< fi! d uiseuse. Performances:on Saturdayaftenioon, at 3 o'clock, and eve ning entertainment in the Lecture R iotn, to mmi nbe .'t S.. \ Admis-joii to tint wholeonly < IN K SHILLING. npB?KEN.?Increased attractions.?-Free In? strumental Concerts, at the Pavilion of the Elysiau Fields every afternoon. A superb Brass Ban! will be in at? tendance on the lawn in from of tin- Pavilion,anil perform a va jety of new and popular airs, overrures. marches! &c. This additional novelty to the far-fameo beauty of its si en ery cannot fail to incre ise tie- pleasure deiived irum a v iait to this very favorite re.ort. Tre ferryboats ply to Hoboken from Barclay, Canaland Christopher streets. Fare mil v 61 cents. au7 is rIMIi; EE D( ?LLARS K KU'AK D?Lost] be -L tweeii Prince-street and St. Paul-, Church, or in the state, on th- 19:h August, a Gold Pencil Case with asquan ton, i_ c deodar ou the . ides beat the top, and the poiut split. The tinder w ill receive the above teward bv lea* iug the same ar;?i Menei-st. .,ii? :t;? BOARDING.?A pleasant furnished room, suita? ble fora gentleman and hdv or two singli gentlemen, in i quiet", private family. Inquire at No. > Chamber-sL a2l 31 * B0A.RU1NG?Pleasant room? furni>hed or un? furnished, suitable for families or single gentlemen can be obtained on moderate terms by applying at ?5*? Beekm m-street. One l uge, airy front room, unfurnislieu, on the >??< oud door/ to let with board. Reierences exchanged. aul6 lmb* HATTER'S PLUSH, of the diflereni qualities, forsalelowrby THOM AS P. ( IJMMINGS, auII [mis 72 Pun stieet, mar Pearl. RIDDLED in ew-l 'ASTLE (:< ?AL afl( i?t ?Suitable for Smiths. C^xen of ' ru ( ere., for sale iu hu. to suit, by WARD & BROWNE, ?oi j i_cornel Laighi ind Washiogton-sts. I OTTON SAIL DUCK AWN ING CLOTHS. HEAVY COTTON < AN VAS FOR TA RPA?LINS. PAPER FELTING, 8tc. Also HE \\ YCO 1' PON BAGS AND BAGGING. r*snn bolts ^ea>i i,,,,h S;u! |uirk IvUU 700 bolts light cotton Rivens, for Boat Sols.Awn- I ings, Sec. 150 bolts heavy 40 inch C mvass foi Tarpaulins, jkc. 50-bolts, measuring 00 and ?om.- 7J inchex wide, heavy No. 21 invas, designed for Pai>ei Felting, and an excellent article for covering Baggage Wagons; Steamboal Decks, &c. 300 pieces ' lotton B iggiug 20 and 10 inch. Also i i .. r.., b |oi (ii-iin md Meal, measiiriux zl to :i Bushels. F.<r sale by BRINKERHOFF, FOX it POLHEM1 >, au23 linis _69 t iu-street. STEEL PENS.?The subBcribens have now on hand a la?ge assortment ofC. C. Wright Sc Co.'s su|ierior Stud Pens, suitable for schools, general mercanUle purposes, and extremely fine writing, which are warrauted equal jo any imported article. The new mode adopted in buniishiug the points of these Pens', enna** them to write with all theease ! and smoothness of a quill ; aud the manufacturers solicits j trial by those who have not used them, feeling coufideul that 1 they will give satisfaction; Theyare put up in the iu t?s style, on cards and in boxes, and sold at moderate piics.? Deakrs si...,.i...| by J. C. BARN ET St Co., Agents for the manufactuieis, b',7 Broadway, between Caurtiaudand Libert) ?) . Please observe each Pea is stamped " C. C. Wright & Co., New York. au23 3?S*1 PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS?Under the care of Rev. CD. JACKSON, A, M.2x> Green street, near Waverle) Place,?The Fall temi will commence on Monday, September I.?The design of this School is to give to a very small number the means of a thorough and accom? plished education preparatory to Cojltg- oi biivinesi, under the per? instruction of the Principal. Circulars contain? ing t-inis references, 8tc. can !?? had at the house, aul!) 2meo?lis* _ ?\/ri.s. s. cTreid's ir?Tut?lNt; and day IVX SCHOOL. :;u Fourth--tre.t, near the Washington square, will reopen on the. first Monday iu September. Pa ieiits will please h- ar in mind che impoilance of rln-ir children being punctual in attendance on that day, that they may Im present at the organization of the classes. Mrs.Reid will lie at home irom the 1st of September to the 'Id, from iu o'clock A. M. until 2 P. .M., and from 3 P. M. until 6 P. M.; to receive those parents who may wi.h to confer with Mrs. R. relative to her institution. Mrs. R.will k- happy to explain her mode j of instruction and her t-rms to those parent., who may ? ish to ( place their d mghter* under her charge._ ! - ! BOARDING AND DAY SCHOl L F< ?R GEN EM A L EDUCATION. 122 Houston-,trs-r, (within a kw theirs of I' undersigned w ill nMipeu his School, after die Summer vacation, on Monday. September Ith. Applications foi admission into either department cmi be made personally or by letter during th- present mouth at his residence. Tkkms?For Bo irders, Sief) per uinumj (for boys under ti n ! years of age, or lor brotheis, a reduction is made): this charge includes every txpttut except music. Terms Ibr ?! \\' scbo us i S30aquarb*r. R. TOWNSEND HUDDART. WANTED?A resident French Assistant; also, a Classical Teacher, of ihiliri and experience. Apply as above, any time during this month._auW tS2is TO CONTRATORS ? Proposals will In; re? ceived by the Commissioners of Highways for the town of We-tch-st'er ho building a-Stone Arck Bridge over the Bronx River, liear the Bl-ach Work The pi in and specifv cation can be seen at the store of A. B RAVMOND. All proposals must I - handed to A. B. RAYMOND^ iu W-?t F Mim, sealed and naming lecurity, by the is- day ql Septem? ber. JAMES BOLTON, 3 Commissioners GOUV. MOKRIS, \ of A. B. RA ? MOND, } Highw >ys. Westch"ster, August 22d, 1013._"'?21 lw? TO PAVERS.?Sr;tled Proposals will be re? ceived at the Street Commissioner's Office uuti! the 3d day of S-pteinber, inst, to regulate and lepave Thomjison-st., between Canal and Grand-streets. To regulate and pave 22d str-et, between the 3d and4th Avenues,and ro tkga space four feet wide through the northerly side walk. Also to pave the >th Avei ue from I5ch to 2L.t streets. For further particulars j apply at the StrevC Commissioner's Office, where specifica I tions of each particular work may he ubtained. JOHN EWEN, Street t'ommissioner. Str'-t C ommissioner's Office, August 21, l;:i i. _an22 BY ORDER of William Inglis, Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for tli- t.'ity aud < louitty ! of New-Vork. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the piO?> sions of th- statute authorizing attachments against non-resi? dent debtors,that an attachment Ins i'-iird i.-iiiisC the estate of DAVID STUDLEY, resident of North Yarmouth, Sute of Massachusetts, and thit the same will be sold for the pay? ment of i is debts, unless he-appear and discbarge'snch litacn ment, iccordiug t<; law, within nine mouths fiom the first pub ' licarion of thi* notice; and that th- payment of any debts due I to him by residents of this State, and :he delivery: to him or ! for his u.;e of anyjiroi erty within this St ire belonging to him, j and the transf-r ,,i iny such property by him, are forbidden by ? law. and are void.?Dated the 22) day of August, I3t3. BURR. BENEDICT it BEEBE, au21 Law9m Attorneys for A't! hing C.-e.itor. FARM F< )f' SA LK?The sTih.-?.ri!>--r rj..w <n'i"r for sale the wrell known Farm and residence of William i butcher, late of W-s'ehester Cou-ity, deceased, in jiar', or in I whole, toiuit purchasers. This Fom i< beaarifullv siruateii on the banks oi the Hudson in the town of Greeiiborgh, wert rh-ster County, opposite the New-York ami Erie Railroad I Depot, at Piermont, a short distance Sooth of the resident e of Washington Irrthg. 2k miles from Tarry town, and 25miles from N-w-iork. it consists of Ii" aerosol su;ierior land, uu '? tl-r a high state of cultivation. There is a two-story I dwelling honss with larae and excellent barns and out-houses, ! on the premises. There are 21 acres of orchard, consisting of the best and greatest variety of grafted fruit in full bearing, I with a great abundance of other fruit, snch ai pears, plumb*, cherries Stc. This farm will be sold ou reasonable terms on application to th-subscribers, ISAAC LEE, JACOB C. DUTCHER, Executors of Wm. Dutch?r, deceased. Tarrrtown, August U, 1813. _an2l lawOw ORPORATION NOTICE ?Public Notice is hereby given to the owner or owners, o-~cu^a,it or occu? pants of all and lots, imprevrd cr unimproved LamU, alfecteii thereby, that the following Assessments lyve beea completed by the Assessors, and are lodged iu the Street Commissioner's-Office for examination by all persons inter? ested, viz:_ For paving *0th street between 5th avenue and Bloorning dale Road, and for digging northerly sidewalks between th ?4th and 5th avenue, emoraong lots ou I9'h street between 5th avenu- and BloomiDgdik R').id, on the 5th ivenu-, east side, betwe-u !8th and 20th street and the north-west corner oi' the (th avenue and !0th street. ALSO, for letting curb ami gutter stooe in 23d street be? tween the 5:h and 6th avenues, embracing lots ou 23d street, between 5th and 6th avenues. ALSO, for building a aewer in 20th street, embracing lots oa 20th street berween 4th avenue and Blnomingilale Road, oq the ith avenue west side, and Btoommgdale Road east side, between 19th and 20th streets. ALSO for paving nth street, between the 5th avenue and Bloomiogdik Road, aud for flagging the northerly sidewalks b^t\ve?n tike 4th ai.d 5tb wonvs, v:n!,r tci->,- lots on 17lh street between the 4ih and 5th avenues, and on 5th avenue, east side, between 10th and 18th streets. All jierscns whose interests are affected by the above named assessments, and who are opposed to the sune, or either of them, are requested to present their objections, in writing, to the undersigned, at the Street Commissioners Office, within thinv days from tin- date of this notice.?Street Commission? er's Office, August 24,1843. JOHN EWEN, Street Commissioner,and Chairman of the Assessors. -__4^CTljON_SA L ES. B^^vKICHARDS * PLATT ?Score TniB.TvEir.HTH Nt-w-Vo** Tn?cv Sui.i^V;iVI sfthi* important <a)e of BOOKS. PAPFR STATIo^i. RY. STEREOTYPE PLATES. BINDERS' l tAT?" - R and CLOTH, Xc.SiC. ,.ow published, aad r?Jv for di" livery. The ial? u ill be commenced on Monday Morninr Aam.r it I 'clock, wit STATIONERY, and will' mclcdV sveraf extensive and valuable invoice* of recently imported English \r-ii French Stationery: also, large inv. ices of Fl.nk Books, Quill*,Steel Pens. Sealing W,;x and Writing Ink, '? isiting nid PlayiDcCsioLv Foolscap, Letter and Billet P?l v s t . i. ?ml and Marble do, ( nthry, Lead Pencil* and ever ???!::: Lead., and every v ? ri--: y i.f F.'"-e'<n .?nd Deno?o Sta ionery; alw>, eveusive m\.>'?,,,of Colored Skivers,- G*at, r.oeco, Ra??ia l.- her, K slishn ? American Sheepskins', Book Skivers, Bookbinders' Cloth. &c, BOOKS.?The sah . : Boot? will !.. comm. need on Tue? !n Morning w i ti Messrs. Lea a*. BfaacbartTs invoice, snd oi!v?eil by Luve andattractive mvoiees from nearly all of he jTi-icinal pub'i-lu rs i-i th l*nir?d ?"'ates. S I ER EOT i PE i LA ! ES.-l beCataloeaeabo embrs on un bei of ?~ts.-(_? finable Srereotjpe PI;te?, including hose of Hoene's It*t nductiouj 2 volai Syo; Dick's Theology, i 5vo: Godmau's Natiiru Hi?:orv. 3 vvl>. Sao: Phi?itel >',u Pearl Bible; Homers lllfsd 2 ?oK. iNmo: the Stereotype ? :? I b. ! incius to th ? esM-. 6f the late Nu,h Webster, de ? r^seJ. kc Sec. A oi, plejiwntatv Catalogue, embracing additional Invoices, ? iv,in-don the first moniin? of *.?Ie. Invoices! in ? -i in it should be n-ceited by Use 20th of August, at which i! w ill l>e (Kit to orvss. AT PRIVATE SALE. 13 v. lumetol the New-York P.i.-e Current and Shipping Li .:. 11om IU2SM l?tl. inclusive, lolio, bound. pRA'NCIS'S HIGHLY IMPROVED m'w L FOLD WRITER.?This article has now beeu befvre. he public I uta short tune, anil has gained a reputation Iv . oad parallel with any thing ever know n, and the man) th.?u vand copies daih in use i? a proof of the high favor they has* >? tainrd. h has entirel) taken tiie prectsleuce of the Copying Press; and many of Our merchants after paying from $23 to $ji'for s Fr?-vs have laid them aside and giwn the Manifold Writer the preference, rinding thrin to he neater and more ev edirious. The Copying Books aie done Up in a varietj of .ires, the paper being ruled or plain, varying tu price fiom $' to $5. Business men and merchants who studv ecoaomy. will please call and examine the article, and we ? ,<| guarantee tint it will recoinineml it.selfmore than a column of advert,ting. ??tr?ii^t:s iug the city are cautioned against buying nun itiner.ut Venders on hoard Steamboats and at hotel*, selling a worthless article for a few ?hiiliuss. at the-expense of this crul) mi aluible article.- Sold wholesaleand ntail by L. FRANCIS, 76 Maiden lane, J>3ltlis Junction Litvrtv-siieet. [ C. BOOTH sV CO. at tlie New-York Cash *J ? Tailoring Establislunent, 142 Fulton-street, netu Bi ??' way, still continue to take the lead in economy and elcganc* in the manufacture md style of the vinous g.uineuts belong ing to a geutlem in's wardrobe. Tin.? superiority they ar* eiiibled tomaiiif tin inconsequence *f the general adaptation Of the cash piinciple b> tltre public, esulring from oast experience, that system uecessa* rily imposed a heavy-tax on the prompt paying ru.tomei to ?upply the losses from that class oi the cominumtv which must necessarily be excluded from this establishment. By ad aerring strictly to tin c?*hsystem;enables the subscribers to fui ? lish th-'ir customers with jtarments of superior style and finish ?t a wry ^rvat redm lion from credit puce.. Gxutlemervwho coutemplate refittintcoraltering the trrang* ments of ih>-ir wanlrohe would do well tOgiveusacsill, ??* our assortment is one of ihe mostexteusive in ii?ecit>. m nuom <s the changes of fashion, embracing all the different itylesof French Elastic Cassimeres of the choicest patterns, foi which this establishment has become so celebrated. Si:.- .1 others visiting the city are particula'rly invited toi -I! andex iniiue for themselves and test the abo?e tsaertions b) patron izing in exclusive cash house. No deviation in prices and strict punctuality otuerveil m tilling oideM. J. t . BOOTH Js <'<?. jym?tl \\T.M T. JKNNLM^A- Co . ! >tjp.-rs uiiil Tail \ ? ois/'jl Broadway, American Hotel. Foun? tain, sidicit .itteiitiou te. an usortinent ol u upuable g?rO<U, including (.'/loths. Cassimeres, Vestings, &;c., in ill the uew uni varioua styles. I'nder me assurance that the system of " small profits and quick returns," which elicited ?? liberal a patronage, will becnutinued, w hilst our arrangements are such as will enable us to fill all orders in luture with promptness. A t> itura in a? establishment which must commend it tn those re>iuiring articles for immediate us?,is the addition to mi stock dl un assoitment of first i;uality ready made (Jar ments, consisting of Surtouta, Frocks, Dress Coats, Pan ? loon-. Vests, Otfi< e Coats, Traveling Fiocks, Dressing Crowns, Stc. A choii - si lection of Silk and Satin Scarfs, Cravats, Han ', lo-ri hiei's. Gloves, Siisirenders, Hosiery, Under Vests, Draw? ers, Muslin Shirts; I ollars, Ike, at price* which must oner inducements to \ urcjiaaers. _jvl6 i^1' \XT1NI)0W SHADE DEPOT, No.7,?pruce-iM. VV The oihs.rtl.eis iiivit- the att.i-.llion Ol th.' J u 111 If t?? siileinlwi oaaortinem ot Decorative vv unlovv nhatle*, il! liavinK tx-cn sni np with gieat c re, and warranted to please. Shades paitittid to any p.altein or ui'/.e. The assortment consists of ?nleudid American Landscape. Paliau do, Wi'd etfes, Freeh Scrolls, Vignette and Roset Centn s, Scriptui il View*, Fancy Sketches,and Gothic Landscape('eutres, 'Pimum Abbeys. Mooulikht Views, Sec. Sign Banners and Decorations done in a style not to be surpaMied by.any oilier establishment. Southern and We*U m Merchants supplied with any rjuan iiBATVrOL & UK MAUNV. au22 Imis rp; ' PRINTEIIS.?WELLS \- WEH? h iving JL taken the store No. to Ann-street, are prepared to receive 0;t saJeali kinds of SECOND HAND PRINTING MA? TERIALS. They also ke^p on hand Wood Type Cases, double and single Stands. BiMs.i Jt-oltom and Wood Gallies, Furniture, Quoins, Sec, lite._ ^_aulfi 3w \?\\ ESH STOCK FALL 0?0DS.?Boots, Shoes .1? and Brogans-Tlie snbscribv-t h? now on hand, about 5000 cases, comprising all kinds usuNly fonnd in whoksala ^tore<, among which mal befound ivoo men's thick pegged Boots fioo ?' " kipp ?' 7.,<l " " cot " and sewed Boots 123 " boys thick and kipp 300 " " and " Brogans iioo " iu??rr* " A! o, a I.irje and extensive . Siortinent of ladies'and child' ren's Boots, Shoes '?airers, Sic. with 500 dozen sailor Hat?. Many of the above goods are on consignment and must be sold to i iay advances.. Purchasers are therefore particularly invited to call and examine, beforejiurchasiug. C. IL CARPENTER, ut VVater-strnet, aull'Jmi-i _ Cornrr ?'f Pine ?TAT? OF NEW-YORK, ss ?In Chancery.? lO Frederick Tracy vs. JesseHoyt, and other*. Master? sale. In pursuance and by virtue of a decretal order of the Court: of Chancery of this State, made in the above entitled cause by ihe Vice Cnancellor of th- Fiist Circuit, will lie sold at pub? lic auction, by Anthony J. Bleecker k < !o., anciloneere, undei the direction of the undersigned, one of the wasters Of'said Court, at the Merchants' Exchange in the City of New-York, on the fifteenth (lay of September next, ai twelve oi lock, noon, of that day, all those two certain Id's, i i>*ces or parcels of ground siiuaie in the Seventeenth (late Eleventh) Ward of the ( ilv of New-York.OH the easterly ride ol the BoWvry, be? tween Thirteenth and Fonrts^Uirsrreet*, know n by the street numbers 511 and 5lS Bowery, together bounded and containing, as follows: Commencing at a point on the easterly line ol the Bowery*! distant one Iniiidied ami sixteen fe^tsixindie* inn- h-easterty from the north-east comer of the ^nwery and Thirteenth-street, where the northerly line or lot uumbei 5 ua a map made by George B. Smith, Cit> Surveyor, il^t.-d New-Vork, February 22d, IH:in, known as a " map of the pro? perty on tlie Bowery and Thirteenth and Fourteen til-Street i, belongiug to the Estate of Thomas H. Smith, deceased,'1 now on file iu the office of Register of the City and County of Nsw-York, iniersecta the Uowcry, thence running e- .^ierly along the noi tln-rly line of s.'id lot number 5, as laid duw n OH said map, ninety leet live inches, thence south-westerly along the rear of said lot number 5, as laid down on said map, and in a line drawn in continuation thereof forty-three feet seven inches, to lands now or late of Jonathan I. Coddingtpn ; thence westerly along the lands uow 01 late of said ( Adding' ton, in a straight line sixty-nine feet four inches to the Bowe? ry ; ihence northerly along the Bowery forty-feet six inchai*. to the pi ore of beginning, being the whole of lot nurnbei 5ana part ?I lot number -t on said map. Dated Neyr-York, August 2i'h, hin. LUCIUS ROBINSON, Master in Chancen' Joii.t R. Tracv, Solicitor for Complainant._an2l 2l pw , . MFjOR SAI^E, or to exchange for otherpro perty, five Ten-pin Alleys, Lease. Bar-Stock and i,x tuies. No. SIS Broad-st. aui 2ir,is* MTO LET?The Boarding-House So. 137 Broadway, to the first of May next, and longer if t> q,iiired. There are about 30 room., partly furnished, and it now has about 20 boarders. Pari of the rent will b? taken iu board. Possession given immediately. For farthei PHrriculan iiir}uireofl I he premises. au23 3tr JTHREE' DOLLAR BOOTS !-^qtwhb tCsqding the rise in the price of Boots and Shoes, those celebrated fine Calf Boots, sewed with a for sritrh, and still ?o|d at the original price, at flu? Old Stand, 115 Maiden Lane, oue door below Pearl-street. N. B.?Hunt's improved Napoleon Taps put on at the sain* place. Pleaae note the number?115. an23 If GEO. E. BAKER. O^X WATCHES; CLOCKS, JEWELRY^SIL (Tr-.-i VERWARE..6tc.Sic.-E.ScS S. ROCKWELL, ''S&j/ No. 0. Astor House, have a large assortment of fine Gold Duplex, Patent Lever, Anchor Escapement, and Lepine Wstchev, from some of the best manufacturers in Europe, w hich they are selliur at prices very much reduced from form* er rates, and which they warrant first rate time-keepers. A beautiful asiortment of fine Paris Mantel Clocks, also warrant? ed first raiefoi time. A rich assortment of diamond and othei jewelryi of the newest and most fashionable patterns A very exorllent assortment of Silver Waie all warranted of the fi ,est silver and best of workmanship. ?Also, ahmdsome assortment of the bc?t Sheffield Pla'ed \v are Watcher of every d-scription carefully repaired. au22 lw * Oj^kTH E Subscribers are now prepared to se'f ^3Watches and Jewelry as low, if nor low-r, than *ny other house in the ein ?to wit; Gold Watches from $15 to $100 each; Silver do, from $5 to $50 each. AH watches war, po<t*-d to keep gocd time or the myncy returned. Watches, Clocks and Musical Boxes retired, and warranted, h>wer "Jan any other house in the city. Second hand Watches or old Gold and Silver takeu iu exchange, or bought for cash. THOMPSON St F[>HER. Importers of Watch*, and Jew? elry, wholesale and retail, No. 331 Broadway, New-Vork. AMOS R THOMPSON. au!6 Imis_RICHARD FISHER. QffnS. WATCHES ! WATCHES!?The largest HEHgand most splendid assortment of Watches in the city ^25ru tobe found at the subscriber's. He it constantly receiving all descriptions of Gold and Silver Vi-atcliea.ol the aew*at style, from the manufacturers in England, Frauce and Switzerland, and is selling them at retail at much ;?ss pri? ces than any otlier house in the city. Cold Watches as low as $20 to $26 each. Watches and Jewelry exchanged or bought. All watches warranted to keep good time or the money returueaL Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, rei>aired in the best manner, and warranted. lower than at any other place. G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Warche* and Jewelry, my 17 is'.f Wholesale and retail. 30 Wall-st.. up stairs. ^"'lignlllsv rrtJLL'STRUSSES.?Notice to Hfcp (f (jp\ ]|tured Persons.?Persons afflicted with ruptures VJH M>n\Y rely upon the best instrumental aid^he ^??^jb^sv^ world affords, on application at the office, >o. I Vesey-strent, or to either of the agents in the principaltown! in the United States. Be careful to exan irw &3&?zlZ Hull's Trusses, to see if they are endorsed by Dr. H"rVain.Ti,i;< ting. None ara genuine, or to be relied upon ask-ooa. "?". Many persons have undertaken celebrated Trasses and thousands are irn ^ "P^ tJ- ^ quence. These imiutions caanu". be '^^jkn a?oriu> Uo'Xio been ?tt^rl-P - ^?i?^ male prUaei-*