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?-YOKK TttililiN: ti NE.V-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE IS PUBLli gyERT MORNING, SUNDAY EXCEPTED. ?? r.?tsso-sT. (orposiTK City Hai.l() New.Yi M?t'lto City Sub.eri1.ers for NINE CENT ?4ati ?''Ir when they prefer, they can pay m advance Il ?,vr ?x mout*.?. or r? year at the same rate. I ^- TWO CENTS. Mail subacnbers ?6 oerai *?__??i_fie ? and the papel in no case continued beyo **"* Ar Wtah it i? paid. SuUcriptont taken fc ?Jootni- j-.j B1 0f Advertising. _.??* I*<ES or ?ess. {over Six.) First insertion... '?0 ft-Pi ?*-V, for each sub-?ev?neiit Insertion.-t. ?? for six insertions, or one w<~k_?1 So ?? forTwF.NTY-FiVK insertions.5 00 *\ ?tirt? REL-K^lofsaud FCWKRAL NOTICK-, U< ?&???-***":_ -THENEVY-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE . v/-y Large Paper, for th.? Cniint * ,. ?l-FLUHKl? ?VI IU IATUHDA.T MORNlNii ..". pnce ol TWO DOLLAKS i??.rauu:im.iuad'' ffK T R j_B U jpg ?limpses of lEurope. njnaE** S*'-? Bv a TRAVRi.iNr. New-Yob foreign Correspond? nee of the New-York Tribun?. c0MO?DILIGENCE TO MILAN'?DUOMO. The La?& of Como, with its uncqualed r?< tjes of water, carlh and sky was at length qui ?withslow, reluctant, amorous delay,'as At and Eve might have left Paradise; though i doubtful whether any of the hikes of the Eden was disturbed by steamboats, while ll of these unromantic but convenient i.iventi daily traverse the Lago di Como, and are aln rood enough to be American. One of these c veyed us down the Lake, past the Villas, whl along its shores, both give ?md re?oive bcai and which have been favorite resorts fur twoth gand years, from the time of Pliny ('Jic of whose colonnades are now half buried in Jike) down to Caroline, Princess of Wales, ? Madame Pasta. Como is a fine old city, which lies so chai ingiy at the foot of the lake to which it gives name, that Ugo Fose?lo used to say that it v impossible to study in its neighborhood, for natural beauties which for ever < the attention away from dry books. The inh: itaiitsscem to appreciate this, and live aim wholly in the open air. The shridy sides of 1 streets arc lined with workmen at all tradi shoemakers, seamstresses, and blacksmiths j their tools in friendly neighborhood, exposing the mysteries of their arts to every passer-by. Families dine in front of their houses instead inside, and all seem to look upon their rooms mere Seeping placc3 for the night. The bro arcades of stone, the high buildings, and the g colored curtains which hang before the shops a: cafes, instead of doors, indicate how important is in this region to exclude the sun and admit t air. Figs, Grapes, Olives and Pomegranates a piled up in the streets as farther indications oft. warmth of the climat.c. Another curious circumstance, assimilating tl tropical oasis to the era when mammoths liv in frozen Siberia, is the existence among the coi mon people of a tradition that in the ncighborii hills lives an enormous lizard, more than six fc long, which may be a lineal descendant of tl Saurian reptiles (the Mcgalosaurus, Ichthy saurus, &.C.) found by geologists in the co. mincs of England, and which also prove tl former prevalence there of a tropical temperatui Our own Yankee ? sea-serpent' is also parallel! by an enormous ?sh, much larger than a mai which browses at the bottom of the lake, and on; occasionally vouchsafes to show himself, like ? sea-serpent off Nahant. Quaint old Churches abound in Como, and < these the most remarkable is the Cathedral. Tl: richly colored marble of which it is built, is dec rated with fantastic carvings, and with perper dicular rows of statues on si?.net?, risinjr in ihr" niches, one above another, to the very top. Arouncl the doors are delicate and graceful seul] tares of fanciful arabesques, entwining birds an beasts, serpents and children, internally a din religious light prevails, barely sufficient to sho* the statues and paintings of the altars, and the bin and gold of the ceiling. But tlie Church is mof identified with the locality by two statues of th elder and younger Pliny, which arc attached t its front, and protected by marble canopies. Th inscription announces that they were erected i the 16th century by the inhabitants of Como I 'their fellow-citizens.* It is well that even sue! a slight connection between the dwellers here no*. and then can be established, for it would be har to trace any resemblance between tlie ancient Ital ntns and their -*e?j-cncr-itc descendants. In the Austrian dominions, to take a place in ; diligence, it is necessary to show your passport and at Como, a new instance of their suspiciou watchfulness occurred. On presenting mine a the office, the clerk said, " Your passport is ou of order; it is six days since it was endorsed a the other end of the lake, and you have just ar nved by the steamboat. How do you explaii that?" '* Very easily," I answered. "By m) having passed that time at Cadenabbia, half wa*, <Wn the lake." ?? Ah yes, yes." said he, as i the possibility of that had never before occurrcc to him, and then apologized for his over-careful t-ets, saying that being so near the frontier, thej were oblifTcd to exercise a very strict scrutiny o -*1* arrivals. The regulations for passengers by the Austria! ?diligences show still farther the minuteness wit!; which that government directs the smallest ac tions of its subjects. The receipt for the fare ^ntains no less than nineteen long rules, putting the passengers under a sort of military discipline They must be at the office half an hour before the time of starting, and have their luggage there two hours previously. No sick persons can travel hy the diligence, unless their friends engage all the seats for the whole distance, lest they should mcommode the other passengers. The same ru'c applies to children u&dcr four years of age, and this part of it all bachelor travelers in coaches will heartily approve. If a passenger is taken sick on tae road he cannot go on in the diligence. This seems rather cruel, but probably is not very rigidly enforced. After luggage is brought to the office, its owner is not allowed to go to it again except With the Conductor. Dogs are not allowed in the carriages, but pipes, * well closed,' arc permit ted, in kind consideration of tiicir being necessar? ies of life to the Ucrman subjects of Austria.? Thus the rules run on, reg.-iating the minutest Points, and finishing by * severely ordering all the Postillions, &.c., to conduct themselves toward i>assengers with gentility, moderation and deco? rum, and expecting that passengers will also treat these persans with suitable regard and courtesy.' These directions for traveling in Italy arc signed y the * Imperial Royal Aulic supreme direction ?fthe Posts at Vienna, 1836.' It is a part ofthat 8ystem of centralization of Government, which is the characteristic, of Austria, and which is so di? ametrically opposed to the spirit of all our Araeri ^an tristitutiuns. How would one of our sturdy kack woodsmen, who has gone to the outskirts of the country to escape the trunnnels and fonnali BY GREELEY & McELRATH. voi.. m, uro. 208. ties of the older settlements, like to have thrust in his hand, when he takes passage, from Chicago to Milwaukie for example, a long list of rules, made out by an officerat Washington, five years before, and ordering him what to do and what to avoid, and scarcely allowing him to sneeze with? out special license ? Leaving Como for Milan, you enter upon the great plain of Lombardy, soon after losing sight of the Lake. The roads are broad and well Mac Adamized, and generally raised by a causeway above the level of the surrounding country, which i?; very rich and fertile, and therefore, like Flan. ders, gener.lly flat an?! uninteresting. On such roads an English coach would whirl over the 30 miles to Milan in three hours, but the diligence takes twice that time, though often changin_- its big horses, which never go fasler or slower than their regular pace, and would no more think of running away than would tlie oxen who move houses on rollers in America. A dragoon lides beside the diligence as a guard, but with his mus? ket s?) securely strapped to his saddle, that he might be knocked down a dozen times before he could gel it ready for use. At each little villa-re through which we pass, the Postillions snap their whips to a regular tune,p!.aying a scientific duetto to astonish the natives, who congregate in tlie streets in dense masses with an air of comfortable do-nothing. At length the villas grow more fre? quent, and soon after passing that of Mr.nbello, where Napoleon established himself after the fall of Venice, and where Josephine held her brilliant Court, you reach Milan entering under the mag? nificent Triumphal Arch, first erected in honor of the Victories of Napoleon, but now dedicated to his Conquerors, the Allied Sovereigns, il is a still more imposing copy of tlie Arch of Constan? tino, (which yet stands beside the Coliseum.) and is of brilliant white marble, adorned with sculp? tures, and surmounted by a bronze chariot and horses. Milan is the least picturesque in outward ap? pearance of any of the great cities of Italy. Built in a plain, none of its Churches or Palaces rise prominently above the general level and though all its houses arc lofty and massive, few are striking or beautiful. All look like modern and every-day affairs, and they arc indeed comparatively new, all older ones having been destroyed when the city was utterly razed to the ground in the twelfth century, by the neighboring rival towns, and the inhabitants dispersed in the surrounding villages. But though the buildings are not picturesque they look comfortable, which is much better. There seem to be no mean suburbs to the city, but all the streets arc lined with uniform ranges of lofty and solid houses, apparently of stone, of a light yellow, all with balconies to each of their numer? ous stories, but with no other ornament exter? nally. There is none of the rich carving so pro? fusely lavished in other cities, but all the labor seems to have been more profitably applied to the production of substantial wealth. The same shrcwdnct-s has also led the inhabitants to turn all their streets into railroads, by Jayin-*- down wheel-tracks of smooth slabs of granite through? out all the thoroughfares. On these carriages roll smoothly and cosily, while the horses have a firm footing upon the small rough stones between. A similar experiment would be worth trying in the Broadway of New-York, if that can be called an experiment, which has been here practised so long and so succcssfullv. Of all Churches in the world, not even except? ing St. Peter's, the Cathedral of Milan is the Queen. Imagine a marble pyramid miraculously sprouting and shooting up from every part of its surface, spires, pinnacles and statues, ?and you will have a better idea of this most glorious Da? mno, than by comparing it with any other Church. ' None but itself can be its parallel." ' Facile princeps.' The Cathedral of Coloeric is indeed inspired by the same feeling and akin in some of its details, but it is only the bare single rose, while here in the more luxuriant soil and more balmy sk\* of Italy th?*? flower puts forth so many new leaves and so doubles and redoubles its petals, that the luxuriant double rose of Milan can scarcely recognize its prototypein the single wild flower of Cologne. This mountain of marble sends out flying but? tresses on both sides, and arched bridges connect them with the main mass. From the front also, six buttresses project and rise above the sloping summit of the body of the Church. All these are filled with statues, each with a niche of its own, and from each buttress rise pinnacle!? on pinnacles, and spire branching from spire, each crowned with statues, so that the whole church is cov? ered with a marble population of Saints and An? gels. The whole front is also embossed with sculptures in high relief wherever the statues have left room, and these pictures carved in stone record the various scenes and events in sacred history with more distinctness and expression than could any words. Between them arc fantastic heads, smiling and frowning on you like mischiev? ous sprites ; and among other whims of the sculp? tor is a female head, covered with a marble veil, through which you seem to see features, which in reality have never been chiseled out. Days might be given to the study of all these devices, and at every visit much would be found both new and beautiful. But, great as is your admiration while you aro below, you find when you mount to the roof, that you had not yet seen the tithe of its splendors.?? A winding staircase conducts you up, and you find that the same lavish and tasteful labor is given to the most secluded and seldom-scen por? tions, as to the most conspicuous. The artists seem to have been deeply impressed with the feel? ing that nothing was too good for the service of the Divinity, to whom their labors were conse? crated. The slabs which cover the roof, and on which you walk, are of fine marble. The backs ol" the statues, which can be seen only with par? ticular pains, are found to be as highly finished as the fronts. The richest ornaments arc in the most out-ol"-t_hc-%vay corners, and every thing shows that the workmen felt themselves engagea in a labor of love. Every part of the roof seems perfectly alive with statues. Each of the spires and pinnacles, and each of their branches bears a colossal sta? tue. Among the rest is placed one by Cano va, and the fact that this passes unnoticed among the rest is a sufficient proof of the great merit of all. I The inhabitants of tjtis city of marble Saints are ?__2 *.___ ??S OFFICE NO. 160 now nearly seven thousand in number. Thirty five additional ones were raised to their places on the day of my last visit, and when the designs are fully carried out. ten thousand marble statues, each different and each of itself a model, will peo? ple this noblest of Cathedrals. The readers of Wordsworth will remember his fine allusion, in his poem ou - The Eclipse of the Sun on Lake Lugano," to the darkness shading, as with sor? row, the faces of these Saints antf Cherubs. The interior of the Duomo presents a vast ex? panse, paved with mosaics of varied colors, roofed with elaborate fret-work, and divided by Gothic columns and arches into five ' lon^-drawn' aisles. ? he massive and lofty columns are surrounded at their tops by statues of holy men in harmony with those outside. At the farther end, pulpits of dark bronze embrace two of the pillars, and are sup? ported by gigantic bronze figures of the four Evan? gelists and the four Doctors of the Church, lean ing forward and bearing upon tbeir reverend shoulders the superstructure. At the extreme end arc three immense windows of painted glass, each, containing a hundred and fifty panes, and each pane being a picture or some sacred story. When the morning sun strikes through them, the colors glow and glitter as if the artist had melted in the glass all the rubies, emeralds and sapphires of Golconda. Like every other beautiful object which excites the imagination, the Duomo of Milan is finest by moonlight. While viewing it thus illuminated, with its buttresses and pinnacles of white marble half shadowed, half shining, like stalacties, half ioc and half rock?, and when all the details were melted in the general effect, the idea flashed across me that the Duomo was an imitation of an ai? guille, or {? needle-rock,') of the Alps. The Aiguille de Dru at the side of Mont Blanc, as seen by the spectator looking up at it from the source of the Arveiron, is almost a perfect model of the front of the Duomo. It has the same gen? eral shape and outline ; the needles of rock which shoot up from every part of it are facsimiles of the pinnacles of the Church, and the snow on these peaks may well represent the crowning statues. If this theory have any plausibility (and it is iu?ne the less true because never before suggest? ed) all our admiration of the Duomo is fully jus? tified, for its beauty is an imitation of Nature.? All analogy is in favor of the probability of the suggestion. Gothic arches are generally sup? posed to be at first imitations of avenues of trees, and the similarity is very striking in Rosamond's bower at Hampton Court, and Voltaire's grave at Ferney. Church spires were doubtless first sug? gested by the tall and tapering cypress tree. The Edd3'stonc Light House was constructed by Smea ton in exact imitation of the trunk of an old oak tree, spreading at the bottom and swelling out at the top, and it has stood, while all previous ones disappeared. Sea-walls for resisting the waves of violent storms arc now shaped in exact imita? tion of the form given to sea-shores by the wa? ters. It is thus that all the most perfect and most beautiful works of Art have been exact imitations of natural objects : and why then may not the -?loriou?- Duomo.of Milan be a copy of an Aigti?U of Mont'Blanc ' \V. M. G. TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, So. lt.n NASSAU-STR KF.T. All k i u d> of J o li Printing, fachas Pamphlets, Catalogues, i 'hicks. Cards, Insurance .'.iL'cits, Bills ok Ladi?-?., circulars, Mammoth Show Bills, Lkcti'rit Dills, Coiccbrt Bills, Tl.tin land Faner, Political Bills, Circulars, (neat) kc. PlODiptly executrd at 111?- Office of th?; Tribune; No. ltO Nas? sau stieet? opposite th*.- l'ark. TRIB?NE BOOK BINDERY, Wo. 7 Spn<re street, (Tribune liulMlngs.) JAM?.3 PRINGLE, T LKW A W D ORNAMENTAL B O O K BINDER. JOBS OF ALI. (-?NT'S EXECI'TED W.TH CARE AND P'.::?XTt'AI--TY ON THE BIS ...OST l*-E..SONA*f?LE TEEMS. No. 1. The Tut ; or P-_ttlea Trie.1 bv ttetr Acts. No. II. The Ccrrescv. No. HI. Thk Tariff. No. IV. Life of He**ri Clat. N... V. PoliticalA?OLtTior?. N.i. VI Democracy. " 'V\;e-ie little pamphlets are worfcin;: infinite good to the Whig cause, .?mi we ob* rve u ith pleasure th at they are be coming the standard publications among oui party." [ New Or lean- Bee. "The J;mi'? Tricts .-?r- becomiii-; the standard Whig pttblu .?ti.-iu foi tl.-- present campaign.'' [Lexington Express, Mi-snnn vry Ti, - Series ofPolitical Tract-., from tite well known .V.ithnr of" The Crisis of the Country," m 1810. urn!..-*-? m stt.e and prie?, is published ami for ?ale it the Tribune Other, Sew-York, at S2 50 cents a hundred copies, or$20 a ?hou sand. Orders from any part of the Union supplied with des? patch. Remittances by mxxxx,postpaidorfree, at the risk of the proprietoi and publishers. None sent ont out on commis? sion. . . rTr" Orders must he accompanied with the cAsh. ***-* GREELEY & .Mr ATI I, Publisher* for th* Author. try. ijcaiti:? (?, nnd Comfort.-The Grv bam, .i Barclay-street, New-York, profTers adv-ctacrs lo .transen ?t"? ?dug a few days or weeks ia th- city, such f?s ire i irely offeied. It beligibly located on . c\e.\n and airy <:-???(, very rear the business part of the "-ity, and in ti.e im? mediate vicinity of the principal steamboat landinc*-. lu .panin.Qls are r-.:;!Vi?_ti->-it and neat, while its tibie is -apj.l.rd wiiii th? best \ ? ??-tablrs a-id Fruta that csn he procurai, el eluding entirely Animal Food au-_ stimulants of all kin?s. L'harves ?iiotler.-.u*. .*.nd every rtftirt nude to reud?-r Boarders comfoiuble. -"iiow.r Baiha frer. Remember, S3 Earclay ttr-?-t. iv_ft tf ?_?__?-????-??_--..M ?- il???-----.?????*???' ' '" ? ME?ICAN FUST OFFICE.??The American Fx.lA.uer Mail Company have esUblUhed Fust OlFic-es in New-Fork, Philadelphia, Paltimirre and Boston, and .will transmit lett-ri daily Com each city t-? the oLVrs?twice a ?lav between New-. --rk ami Philadelphia. Postage 61 cents for each half or. payable always in advance. Stamps 20 for a dollar. They wUI carry only letters. Their purpose is to carry letters by the most rapid coayey u.c-s. aud at the cheapest rates, and to extend thru operations ( is Cast a3 patronage may ?usury.) ores the principal routes of t!ie country, BO as to gire to th.- public the most extensive fa dlitiesfor corre=i>outlt?<_Jt-i-it can be afforded at an ui_iforni rate o! i*??-taste. The Company ?Jesign al..r? (if sustained by the public) tho ronghlyto a_;i?te ti.e qu?sstion, and ttst^theIcoaantaoonal ru-ht oi" Ir.-e competition iu t!?e biuineis of carrying *-''-'rr*~ Th?? ?rounds on which they assert this n_;ht,are published aud for sale, at th* offices, in pamphlet form. ( Letteis containing money will not be r?-c-ived. Until farther notice, letters, on arriving at their oesrinanon, unless promptly called for, will be delivered hv or deposited for delivery in the Government Post Cffice. The mails for Philadelphia will b_ chised at hail p-ist ?. A. M. and quaru r past i P. M. Those for B?*ston at lialf past 3 P M Mails will commence rnncins from New-York to Bo.tcn and Philadelphia on Tuesday, -.he.3-1 P. M.; nom Doston ,.u Wednesday, fr ?m Baltimore on Thursday. Of*"--* in N?w-York, 66 Will-street: Philadelphia, 1094-nes !iUt--tr.-. t; BostOO, 12 ?"Ute-iuect; Biltimore, Jl_-_eum _iu?.v. ""lt?fer in Ne-w-Yod.. to Josiah Htnre.Y.sq. 50 Meichants" Exchange; *>tZar Jon?*. Esq. o(J WaH-street. If the public approve th?? enu-ninse. Oiey are re-iuestr-d to give it.heir.nppoit/ri,?*. the -gg^^ sr00SElL Ne-tt York. January 20. ?S44. ' ja__l'3d? ?m??_ Tjr K K SPFltM ?lL,"CAMPHt-NK, CKJi.M 1 X GAL OIL and Buruins Fluid, for sue and deliversd m invrart of New-York or Bro-hlyn.-. y _ __ au>1 DIETZ. BROTHER Si <-O. No. 13 John ?.. New-York, ?and fel4 g--*_. Hick>--t. Brooklyn._ P~X?E?T WATEK. FIFE"**-Lead, tin. wood, ?heet, cast and wrought Iron Pipe, coated inside^11 hvJranlic cement. so:a.? to prevent OxydatK? and ?*?-*??? and duxaW? conduit for water, to be s?.u in rear buUdir-K. No. 142 Fulton strteC ?1 ... 1 N. B.-No letters etcept post-paid and ^.ir-^ied to_J. BALL. HO Ftilt.'ust. N. Y. auiwered._L?Ei-? ilEATHLN'ii CUFFE1..?100 case- English, ^lw? %sX^S&)7m^BN fc CO., 78 Scuth-sL S NASSAU-STREET. Ri\I\G, FEBRUARY 17, ??S44. Fm The Tribun-. Ban?s Paper, or the Clrculatini? Medium. NO. HI. In precise, and explicit lansruacfc, what const.? tutes the C mo-latin?.. Medium of the United States, and of what does it consist ? I assume that it consists of Bank paper, and of nothing else; and for the simple reason that there is no other medium that circulates. Coin, or money, is in no sense a medium of ex? change ; but when paid, the actual giving of real property for a consideration. When a half eagle is given fora barrel of flour, no medium is nude use of, but one description of j property, ?s by the transaction given for another. It is just as much a matter of barter or exchange, as giving a barrel of flour for a ton of coal is. A medium implies something midway between, in the transaction. A person who purchases a ton of coal, and gives his check on the Bank fur the amount, makes use of a medium in payment?the check is the medium by which the transfer of money to the amount specified, is made by the purchaser to the seller of the article. A bill of exchange ?s the medium by which an individual living in New.York, makes a transfer of property in London, oral some other foreign place. A deed :s the medium by which a house and lot is conveyed to the purchaser. A transfer on the books of an incorporation, is the medium by which the capital stock of the In? stitution passes from one individual to another. The Pot-ash Inspector's bill of Inspection, is the medium by which the barrel?- of ashes speci? fied in it, are transferred from one individual to another, without removing them in the ware house. But none of these mediums circulate, because they ilo not possess the neccssarv re? quisites. Bank bills arc the medium by which the spe? cie, specified in them, is transferred from one individual to another, and by which it may pass t? a thousand individuals without counting and without being once withdrawn from the Bank. A thousand dollar note may pass through one hundred hands during the day, and earh holder of it be as actually in possession of the money on deposit, as if in his own house. Without such facilities the thousand dollars must necessarily be counted at each transfer, by the payer, and by the receiver, and were this in all cases done, there arc not clerks enough in Wall-street to make and receive the payments of some day's transactions at the Custom House. Banks arc a description of warehouse, for the storage of specie, the deposit of notes, slocks and other securities, and are uniformly used in the United States : and when judiciously managed are the safest depositories for this description of property, and afford facilities, indespcnsablc to a well-organized state of civil society, and are la? bor-saving to an incalulable extent. The fact that they arc the depositories of mo? ney and the lenders of it brings the whole com? munity, in their immediate neighborhood, in con? tact with them ; thus rendering them uniformly known, and the ronmiunity froni the nature of these transactions bestow on the Banks their con fldencc; for this reason, Bank paper passes from hand t*> hand, and being uniformly known, from a medium of transfer (which a check is only) it becomes n medium which circulates, and is for this reason called ''the tirci'lating medium," taking its name from the office it performs. By the use of Bunk paper the quantity of spe? cie for the transaction of business is much re? duced and the wear of coins, which is considera? ble, avoided. Losses to the community in trans? portation, and by fire, arc to a great extent pre? vented ; the loss of a bill by water may damage the individual possessed of it to the amount ; but the specie specified in the bill remains safe in the institution by which it which was issued. The question has frequently been asked within the last few 3'cars, how a Bank can be safe that issues three hundred thousand dollars of bills, / when she has but one hundred thousand dollars of specie in her vaults:' andas often affirmed, that if the bills were all presented at once she must inevitably fail. This is unquestionably true. But is there the least probability or possibility of such an event? A certain amount of specie for every day's transaction is required by every Bank ; and this amount is known with as much certainly as the quantity of Crot?n water required for the daily consumption of the city is known; and there is the same danger of the Reservoir failing in the one case as the other. Tii6 water runs into the Reservoir on one side and runs out at the other, as the money is paid in by one set of men at the Bank and pai*4 out to another. Banking and exchanges are governed by laws?as fixed and certain as those that govern the tides, or as the laws of gravitation : they may be impeded in their operation by the acts of communities, or by Legislative enactments?so may the Crot?n Wa? terworks fail to supply the city with water, be? cause the high dam on the Crot?n river has been destroyed, or the Crot?n Aqueduct broken up.? Under such circumstances, the Reservoir must necessarily fail ; but the mistaken enactments of legislators, or the acts of vicious men, or the mis? taken policy of individuals, cannot be urged against the utility of the work ; neither can they be urged against the utility of well regulated Banking institutions. If all the Banks were to be simultaneously closed up, there is not specie enough in their vaults to pay the demands against them is an ex? ulting declaration. This is true not only in refer enceto Banks in general, but In reference to any one of them ; and it is as true in reference to the long established profitable business of individuals, that if their business were suddenly closed up, they would not have specie enough to pay the de? mands against them. But Banks were not established to be closed up every year, or suddenly at any time ; any more than the Crot?n Aqueduct or the great Western Canal was built to be filled up. F?l up either of them and it will not pay the debt contracted in j making it. It was for use they were put in their present shape, not for destniction, and it is for ; use that Banks are organized. A Bank with a capital of 300,000 dollars with 100,000 dollars in specie in its vaults and 300,000 dollars of circulation, has more than, FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. * WHOLE IVO. S?9. 700,000 to meet the demand against it. It has l-r. [tsCapital.300,000 2d. rts Sjjecie.?. ?.100,000 3d. The Securities received for the loan of its notes in circulation.300,000 Total.:-.:i>'..0<H) 4th. The Interest that has accrued on its .capital and circulation, say at the rute of 6 nr. ct. per annum on 600,00. 18,000 Total.7 IS.000 But what certainty is there that these securi? ties in the Bank will be paid ' it is again demand? ed. What security is there that the City will not be burned up or overflown ' The stron?* probability is that neither of these disasters will occur?and we act accordingly: and the strong probability is that the securities received by the Bank will be met?and the Bank acts accord ingly. Suppose all of the securities of the Bank con slst of six per rent. Stock of the ?State of Xew. York : would not the certainty of the Bank real, izing the amount of her loans be as certain as any thing human could make it ! and there is an abundance of individual paper that is as ample security as the Stocks of the State of Xew-Vork ?>r the Stocks of the United State?-. P. CONCLUSIVE PROOF OF THE EXTRAORDINARV EFFICACY OF WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. LVew-Jersey, April '20. 1843 On orabopt the 13th -lay o I" October, nut. I was taken with i violent pain in the side '.;<'?- the liv.-r. which continue- for ?bom fire days, tml was followed by the breaking of an ulcer, or something in- irdly, ?huh r*-li-?f-.| the pain * lutl<-, but caused me to throw up a ?Treat quantity ol offensive nutter ?and also much blood. Being great I ) llarmed at thb. 1 ?: plied to a physician, but he s;inl h.? though he could .lo bur littletot me except givi hi,.. *!>m.? Mercury Pills, which 1 *? fused to take, re* ling tatis?ed they could do me no ?.->.<.i ;? m.-tiiy oti-r remedies were then procured by my wit'?* and -???ml?, tint n.?r,?' -knie in?* nu v (rood, and the discharge of ?-^u anticorruption still continueil e?,r\- few days, and al last be* ime jo offensive I could scarcely I.the. I ?*??.?- tlso '^ .'.n,V. lv,?\T'r V ,?*???? wh,rh ? ??me- caused *...- to raise much mote blood than I had done before, ind iny dise ise .?:;ilnn..-'.!,:!,lu?,w,.,.;in ,*.lWlll, worse ?mil vlbrnlrj, i 7\,} ",TS M "?>,'*"'''"IV r'"-1*-'" -?Kandmy friends ill thought! would dieol agallopingconsni?intion. At this i.ioinent. ?In Dmi 111;- ?as :?i.p.,rr?tly dr.i?A,i-ur.,-ir itaclose, I heir, loi I), .Winter's Balsam ol Wild Chen y and got a bot? tle, which relieved me immediately, and by the use of only three bottles oi tin* mediciue, ?II my ?unis were couch -in?, splitting nt blood ??id corruption entirely stopped and in a i?*w weeks inv health was so far n'st-.r. .1 as t.. enable me tu work it my trade (which i.? a car-wnterl *ud no io this tima I hare enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. Kern-Jersey, Gloucester County, as.?Personally c ?me be? fore me, the subscriber, one of the Justice* of the Peace Inand lor the said county, Thomas Cozens, and beiug duly iffirrned iccordint* to law, saiththe above statement u ?nail ihings tru... Affinn-d before me .?u the -i>th day of April, I8i3' J. i'li \r?*?r. J. P. Another of 10 years standing is cured by tin? Balsam?so Axe all diseases of the I uni:? and liver. No medicin* nm qu il it. We can refer to scores t.? prove this whose authority will not be question-**!. /.'< waren/ the counterfeits und imitations which ir.? Offered on the reputation of this liais im. Sold only l'y Isaac Unit.;, 125 Fulton street, corner of S?assau, New York: Dexter, Atbauy; Y.. W. bull, Hartford; (iorham, N- W-H i? -il. te'.i Im SANDS'S S AUS A PARILLA FOR THE REMOVAL AND PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THF. BLOOD. Olt HABIT OK THE 8YSTEM; NAMELY: iCROn'll.OIl K life's EVIL, RHKl Mit ISM. OBSTINAT- CUTA N?.*.0fl ERUPTIONS, eiMPl.l-'.t.OR 1?L*8TULES ON 1 HV. FACE, BLOTCHES, BtT.ES, CHRONIC SORE EYES, IHN-? WORM OR TETTER, SCALD HEAP, ENLARORMBNT OF THE BONES AND JOINTS, STOBBORN ULCERS, SYPHILITIC ?\ MI-TOMS, -<< IATICa OK LUM? BAGO, ami diseases arising from an in? judicious use of Mercury, Aseitics, or Drop .y,exposure <ir imprudent e in life. A!.?;i> Chronic Constitu? tional Disorders will be r? moved bv this preparation. The attention of the reader *s respectfully called to the fol? lowing certificates. However great achievements hare here? tofore bet-n made by the use of this invaluable m**dicin?, yet daily experience show, results still more remarkable. The proprietors here .?vail themselves of the opportunity ofsayiug it is a source of constant satisla* ttou th it they .we made the means of relieving such an amount of suffering. Elizabeth Town, December, 2. lit 13. Mes;r*. is with heartfelt gratitude for your klC'J..-?? *?> UN) 1 in.ik.' .. public Ji?]tiwl-?lj_f lu-iit Ol the benefit 1 hnve received from your Sarsaparilta. lli.oer-.eeu for manyycars afflicted with a cancer in the breast, an?l for foury* irs it was as 1 thought incurable; it spread ~eryfaat,so that h hul nearly Covered the whole breast, ami fur many wt-rki I .vas so reduced with th?- loss ?>( I.|.>.<?1 and the pain ?.l tbe wound, that 1 was unable to turn mystifia bed. and my sufferings during th?- whole winter wet? more than I can tell. \V itli the eiti ice of my friends 1 called two ?>f the most i-mi uen t physicians of th?- ??lace who recommended youi prepara? tion <?l Saraaparilla, kuowing pi nothing thax^would be as likilyto h"lp me; which advice I readily received,and be? fore I had taken one bottle I found a chance iu my feelings which induced me to r ike more, and when I had taken the third bottle 1 was like another person both in health and strength. I h iv? taken your preparation since last March, and although the wound is not entirely healed it i? in a very favorable staff, ami I believe it will be the means, ultimately, of my entire cure; and tint the afflicted may all find the relief which it aloue C3il give is the wish of their and your friend. EUNICE WOODRUFF. ? am the niece of F.unic** Woodruff, have iV****i brought u|> by her, and know* what sh- states to be true, lor 1 have had all the eyre of her through her sickness. _..,_,_,.- ?, THERESA DENT?N. I am well acquainted with Mi?s Woodiuff and knew her situation prei ions to the u?e of Sands's! have witnessed t!.K* surprising eftect produced by it, and can there? fore endorse fully th- above statement. MOSES M. CHANE. Baltimore, Feb. (th, 1843. A. f?. Sajto? & Co.?Gentlemen: I luve used your Ex? tract of S-TsapaiilU since ?ta introduction into this city. Jc rrlves me pienso re to state I h<\- found ir to answer my most sanguine ?s-cp^ctACton?. 1 believ?- ?ctobeth? b??c preparation of th it V lluabl?article now in ns-. With mo* h respect,you?, JOHN' WHITBIDOE, M. I) . 16 (? Prepare?! and sold wholesale Mil r??--?il, and foi rxi>o-tatiou, by A.B.SAJNDS i_ CO. Druggists and Chemists. Granite Bnililings, ?o 2'i BroHdwav.c.rner oft ih unbei i-street. New Vork Sold abo by A. B. it I). SANDS, Druggists, No. 79 Fulton sti-eet; David Sands 8tCo.,.No..77 Easi Broadway, corner of Market str-et; and by Druggists nenerallv throutii the Unit-d Sratei. Trice SI p-*r bottle: sit*-. lor S.'i. I I? TLT?*?;' pl^lJ?^h?Tu hewi?t*_ oPlknuji - J LY IL.-USTHATED EDITION OK THE BOOK OF cow -ION PHAYER?Edited by the Rer. J. M. Wainwrighe. D. D. and embellished with upwards ol 7(r0 en* gravings. Th. - work has been got up at an e.pen.?- ol aoout SI"* COO and Is COW offered n the low price of $a iO per copy, superbly bountJ wi*1' -Ut edzes, ?n An elegantly ?-mbos??*?! Turkey Morocco' cover, reprftsentitts the iotenprand merior ofTrinity ChorcLL -New-Vork. II. W . hr U K I, ,) .j- 23! liro.niw.y. r\^(> PAl-ENT-"?.?The subi-ono?*--, ?it present X teaching School ?o the pleasant lud healthy villi_e.,i Stratford, Conn.. S wife? distant from Bridgeport, to which place steamboats ply da ily, would take a !i..Mte,i number of \11!- Boarding Scholar.?, ?it th? small charge ?<* 21 dollars p?*r w-rrk, for whiebstun ti?--V will l>- provided with board, wa*h. ing. schooling and c-v-ry thing necessary lor Lheii comiortaud he?Jth. , _ . . ? ? The Hammer term to c*vameneKWthMgthAml^<na. tinue 21 w-eks. I rlLODOKE LEW IS. Stratford. Jan. 27th' I8t4. . For further information uiqnjf- of Henry L. Scott, 2a r__i*t Broadway. ....,.? , , ?. Inference to Hon. W .;!iam Johnson > Stralford, Lewis H. Ku???-I1. >?.jq. i ?lev. >' E. CoTuwall, Souuiport. William Benjamin, Ksq ) -?? Yq,^ ja27 lin* Lewis Curros, Ksq. S" ? "-HE C< )y? A* ? i*-' ?IAL A ? D ? ?OLLK( ? I ATE 1 SCHOOL. 4jWestWaabingtoD Place. . Theundeoigiied. Jthankf?! for the ?le_ree?,l distmguish'-d favor which has already attend, d '...?ir net? euttrpo .??? md bt - lievingthatdieirgeuf_-aIprtneipleaca instruction and au?ip line ax- s-ich as to ?ecu re tie- approbation of the community. !~ tpectfully nr. ice th-attention ot pare?is and guardians to the location, the pi in, and tiie t-?c--?lent ctiaracter of the lasu tutioa under their caxe. ... , . ?,:_,_ In th? absence.>f iay School ol a very hteh otaer, nniung the several depart ment? of English.F?*-*rh and Ua?ical learu ing together with the advantages of public aod prij at? .-ujica tioa. t?iey hare located their Sch?^'contiguous io Q?*?jW ?and bbe?sea,and yet so ntat ro Washtntton 89??. ?*#* commodate th-it iiatroos of that tmniedx?&nesghbotuood. Terras of taltiou vary from M ? f? P**' ^^ w?., be A Juator Luis, of boys u?'-,.''r **ia '-"'tls of **' W,il M fcrm-rdearly in trieenauins ??'^rinz,^^, ? UUBBS. 1 if M WkS3.? (^()- W- 'CLARK ?'_ DA y a \U K V fciN IS O ?VlATHb.iMA'J'lUA L SCHOOL -t 231 P-.vl-stre*?r, (Fiana ni S*iuare)-i.ou -,.. VVe 1 ?'POWERS. Civil Engineer. (Author ol M?Sema?cli Tables for Suneyors, Engineers, and xNariga tois. etc etc) cU?iiAaUimt nf studie*. 1st Class.?Arn or C?_xo_atiao Mk>-tali.y?(an unpro T*d syst'-m.) . ,. ?id CU** -Arithmetic. Az-opa*, 0-co?t?r?r. 3,i L'Z-ai.?Taioo.*?o*-CT?r. Mt>u'R-tio.**, Lomc-SEc r\'l Class.?Mkchasici, Hydho?tatics, HyDRODTi?a m5th Class.?Sf?TEVirr?, Nitigatio?t, CiriL-Effr.i-.EER '^Ctais*- meet at 10 o'clock A. M. and at 2 and 7 P. M. A thorrju?.*h knovrledse of mon of th? abore branches u guirant?*ed in about on-*-half the tim*? usually r-Kjul-ite. P-J reot?, Mechanics and Students are respectfnlfy to call. Terms moderare. n w Rr?reucei? Prof. Jam?*s J. M apes, Wm. A- i'?rt.',vl, Prof. Finh?-r. and numerou.? oth?*rs_ l*?-W " (TVER COATS* XXTM. T. JENNINGS & CO. 231 Br?-*_gJ-% W American Hotel, (opposite Park Fuuntaiu.) w?? ?T" off the remainder of their stock of ready-ma-.* \>]' ' COATS, consisting of B-ver. ^^J^%?___\ Surtouu, at very r-duced pnces. Als^ the lew ?*?- j? Winver Frock*. WANTED?A place by ?Girl who lived 2 years ?-?w.n-1" s^':','-c<\.*Vf chambermaid, washing or plain .* --?Vgj?*_a? Z?2 Molt s?. No. < ?*??-?*._* \\ ^^?-.rHni^lovnient by a thorou_i??_rrt17r at ITS Br*ia?_VK; __! ''V*"* 3 ycd,s *? hu li5t *****??? A*'lr B^irof1^.^5^*1^^1- -wcl his wie, from the of Bleeckerstand *?^-??t-*-b!t'rn"Mt*' f-?m,?>"ia ??? Ve,B**" .???I bedroom will he ~.^. _"*"-'**? Anuolurn?sh*d parlo ?.See ?^?'?'**--!. Add.*?? W. W. L.. ? thi thi? ?? ?SObt " ""S<K>1 -^-?- -aiBrt w.attnisoBmt-._f?t6 siu?? Abi?ie^rV.^- W,th thf ^ Ba"U^ ***&&?? \.\ ANlli?.?A young man to learn the jewel ?" * ry a?.-.::e?>. One who h is had some knowledicr of the 5"*"*"iJ_? "?"?"?M te. prefer--.). Those who cannot hnn? un? ?-onb:?-?d tc.tiinoni-i's ??pectai*.' hi? rnvr-b-txl iut?*g'*ity.n?_ed notappty- '?'K.?-'.MAN Si WALLIS". ?' - * : ' USCh.sih.imu. "TA-NTED?A " iMigme ol 15 to SU Howe V. POW er. Address M. L. K. at the office of thi? paper, jot lw* PK.OF.: GOU?AU-D-? SYSTEM OF MM_ MOTEC CSV.?Having eaioyed the personal acquaint* ince of VroC Goortad tor some .eagthof um. bv bem_a re? sident member of the familj where he board?, find beinj- one .?I the first of th-? purare members of hi? clas.? whom he inn te?l to examine the men** of hi? discovexy for the i urposeof -1-1 at their public testimony in favor of its value, as was done in rhe Tabernacle at his Iiitr?.uctorv Lecture,?having -Iso intr?du? i to Prof. G? Mi Hoyt, one of my teachers, aii.i three ol my pupils, whose r\?u >iii<su_ wtjre so satisftcto* rj aiMin th?t occasion, f nO?r have the ple.-sun? to direct th? attention of Patents .im! Guardias? oi youth to tte Commer? cial and Collegiate School, i. \Ve?i Washington I'lace. under the trap? ol \l.?sr_. Hn!.'..? & Clarke, where it i? our intention, (with thsuonsrnt of Prof. U.) in th? course of a i?-w ?>eek?, to introduce his system of Muemotechnv n. *<.n?eofit$ in portant applications to the acquisition of know-ledae. '??'* 3t_GKO. W. CLxRKE. T ADIES, DON'T USE COMMOJN CHALK, it A-i looks b*td, ?i ??.jures the ?kin. and makes it !-*ok yellow. Try Jones's Spanish Lily VVhifc , it gives the face or neck a pure lifelike alabaster whiteness. S?>!?l at th? .?ru of the Amen. t;i Eagle, S" ?,'hatham street. New-Y?>rk; an.l at 130 Fulton-street, .???1 'oi Atlantic ?'re,t, Brnoklvn ill 1m V0? WHO USE SARSAPAKJLLA?Try X Jones's Extract of SatsanaiiUa Candy; 'tis etcel'aat, p >wi*rfui, A!-.:l i pure extract ol thetoot Sold at 2$ cents a package, .?? ..tor $'?, at th? si.n o( the American Ka?:le. S-t Chath m? ?r. N. V. or 13-1 Fulton and .vii Atlantic ?t. Urook Ivor? f*\l 1m DOCT. HOUSEIttAN'S GERMAN COUGH DROPS. PREPARED and sold wholcsaie by JOHN J. JL DA VIS, city of Hudson, Columbia county, N. Y.; and for sale hi this city at wholesale and n*uil by J.vMv.1 S. Asrtmvau.. 86 Willi.un-strrt t, General Agent tor this citv; .n?l bv most ?af the principal retail draggista ?i New "_ ork and Brooklyn. This >? not i neu* nifdiciue. It has heen known for yeas?, and its healing influences have been felt by thousands in the vicinity Ifheie it ha* been sold. But no ert'ort has ev?r befow bo- si mad-! to intr.-ilii? ?? ir to the public at l ii-?e bv niraus of the pn-it It has btea l-ft t?> work its wav silently by its own intrinsit wenTf.*,and to depend f->r its celebrity ii|??in actual ienct Ti?</ the trondeijul cures it ha, effected. Th*? extent ..i these, indth* high and ju?i reputation whjehithts thus .??-.?iiii..|, u?* manifest from huudreda of testimonials, loluntarily lurnishedito the proprietor by gentlemen of the medical pro&ssion *nd other? wno have tried it. It is now, for the tint tune, idvertised in the public journals, m or?let that its iirn-K'.e?s penelit.?? maybe made known, and enjoyed I m.>ie widely by ihe alllicted who an. suiTv-riug without s knowledge of itz h.'.'.ir.c powers. tColds, Couchs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Lroup, VVoriu?, 'a.-m.?'. .-- (,,T rai.?inic -*?' blood), und the whole ?-lass of diseases affecting th* breast and longs, lading to cousiimivtion, and oth?r kmdre.l ?li*,-.?...--, are coutiolled by ir as by a clnrni. These complaints ar-oTanioit insidious character. They commence with a -?lutht cold, or with some tritluig ailment, which, being at first uegtected, leads to m uammation-and ?lowly advance step by step until the cou (titution gives way, aud the victim is brousht to thejvery verte of th<- era??. No Person who has anyrecard forth? inestimable blessing of health should be without this mild, pleasant, safe, and ret powerful Balsam. In tin-.climate, wIih(i. ;haugea of wealnei are so sudden, and their effect? .??> injurious, it iaunmensely important. A timely u?e ?>( it has saved -ml will ,_\e thou sauds from the pains of protracted iflness, frombe?is of lan? guishing, from w?sr?-.l frainn. debilitatedcoostiturions, and ev-ii from death itself. The tiiuiag sum paid fot a bottle of this eitraonlinary curative, has often saved vast nuns of money which must have been paid for medical attendance during a TOOK c??ni-!?e of painful ?ickne??. Willi ill their wonderful andeffieacioni powers Db. Iloutx UXX'i l-KUMaN ('?*?i ?;h Dbon are free from every ingredient of a dehilifatins or dangerous nature. They are a purely vegetable compound, ami .nay be taken with entire safety in all kind.? of weatherand under all circumstances. Th?? use of this ?nvalnabla medicine has also caused ur?*at improvement in th* health of pencils constitutionally fewde, as its effect it to imiwrttOue and vigor to the sy.item, while ?tin no instance weakens the patient. It acts as a mild healing expectorant, and at the same tune as a very gentle tontC It I? in short the H ka Li *.'? BALM which restore* health, ?trviinth, vi?*.-, e'as ticity, and cheerfulness t?i tlie weakened frame and the ?les ponding mind. It is the -.i.-n of triumph over sickness and pain in their most oppressive form?. This i? proved by the infallible testimony of thousands who hive tried ; it may te proved by nil who chose to try it. Price M cenia a bottle of 4 O'ln?'?.. u2l 3tawly lm# RhAi) What Sherman's lozenges IIAVK DONE.?Mr. DAY. boot m.ker, No. 20 Til laryrtreet, Brooklyn,^?uflered ??really for eighteen months with emaciation, debility, sickn?-?- of the ttomach.loss of ?i> [?-tite, ihootius pains in the bowels, his itomach negUc?ed al most ? very kind o( food, except suirar. He had beeu attend??d by rarious physicians and for two months by the professor? oi the University, n??l .?II to n?> purpose. On reading Dr. Sherman's Book descriptive of the ?ymp^ tom? of worms he thoaght they met lus es--; s i he purchased i box of Sherman's Worm Lozenges. A lew ?loses brought ?.? i,-. is hejudged, ?bout two .jua/ts of w>>.uu, and intimly cur?I him. A multitud? of similar eases might l>?* meution r?l where children and adults ha?l luffeied all but death from worms, and nothing ?ave relief but Sherman'? Lozenges. Congru, < ?ids. Asthma, Whooping Cough, and evt-u Con snmptaon, are a.I sooner cored by Sh>rman*s Cough Lown ges than any other known remedy. They allay the tickling in a few ?ecnud-, in?! enable those afflicted with the most har rassinr coughs t?> ,l?-p whole myiits The Rev, Dr. Dnnbar, llev. Mr. DeForest.PfeV. Dr. Eastmoo?! and hundreds of thou ? UtesttO tlieir happy virtue* as others cm to the efficac. of Sherman's Cough Lozenges, for headache, palpi? tation. l?)Wiies-i of spirit.?, sea sicklies* anil las*ltude>, from bod 11.- or mental e-eiMons. and for the wonderful properties oi Sherman's l'o??r M m'a Piaster, which costs but i_i cents, an?! i? a warranted enrv for rheumatism and lutnhaito pnin or weakness in the breast. ??I?-, back, or any part of tlie body.?? Ask for S?iermau*s Foot Man'? Plaster, and se?? that hi* name lud his facsimile with directions for use are on the back. There are a great many worthless imitation* hawked about anH sold by unprincipled ?Iru^uists. Kemembei t?> Ret Sher inan'i Lo7eni4es au?l Plasters an?l Tnus?none others, or you will be deceived. Dr. Sherman 's Warehouse m 106 Nassau street. Agent*? 227 Hudson street cof?ier Si.rni-t ; IW Bowery corner Spring ; 7" Kn?t Broad wav corn? Vlark.r; Wl William street; I Id 173, IV)and ?dl Broad-way. In Brooklyn, Mre. Havs, IW Fulton, and Mountain's tima si?>re ?J33 Fulton. Simsou corner from pect and .lackao?! srre*ts. In Jersey City, K. K.iriilall, iiro?er. In NuwaiU, J.K. Trippe, Broad street. I'hilldeli.hia, Zelber 8cCo.,-3 Ledger Buildings. Boston','Redding krCo.. 8 Sute sTreet. Albanv, A. Outhrie, 1 Stanwn Hall. Dr. James A. Kee.l corner (Jav and SarMf/.^a streets. Baltimore. Jones He l.'lnli, Wuhinatnn City. A. Head, Charleston, S. C. O.K. Thomas. li7M.nn street, Cineiunati. L. M. Boye?*, Clnca go. Ao?lrfw 01#?er St C?>., .N.-w Orleans. D'Antignac At li i r? v ._A u tru ? ta l>. tl..?.i-.o.i. lUrrinbiifir. \aT1 Imp St W Uli INTER? AND ?lJHm'.HJ vv/uvr.KOO?v?? 1 .*?l?S. 2*3 and Jl Oold-str.-er New-York.?The " HOf. ' Printing H-es-, Machine and Saw M in o factory, beiiiif un -the management and dire tion of Jtn:h.r?l M. He? ads, . paperwork. A\ cou*nlerable number of these machine? aie now in ilailyoperation in this city and elsewhere, doing th? work very rapidly an?l in a tuperioi manner. ',.j . : _._ ..... :.. .!..._ M_11- /-..i._J_n..._-. -._?_ and Smith Pi -s?e;, which -ire so extensively u-e.l by printers throughout the ITiute.J Sraten and Canadas. They call the at* ;.-n?i..i?f I'riritt-ni to tfceir New Machine Canf: Press, with whicii one bo-, c in print 1500 car ils i?-r houi in the be^t style. This machine i* very ?imple, and not liable to ?et out of order. It; inking appartusis sell-acting. The " HOK"' Co. a!*?? mannlactnrea t-ylinder Job Press, of large foolscap *n-, which requires two hoy* to attend it, who at the ?ame time drive the machine with their feet. It will pri?t from ? v.u to '-??')') impressions ?.?-r hour, and do good work. T!.e " IIOK" Co. asfure their friends and Printers generally that no pain* slmll be .pared to maintain the r?putation of their esUbiistunent,and that all orders en-mated to them will re? ceive prompt and carefnlattentiott. KditOTSAbd publishers will b?* supplied with estimate? in detad fir Printing Office? or Binderies, by in form in* us of the style and quantity of work winch they ?lesir?fo do. Ho?& Co. also manufacture Cast Steel, Mill. Pit, Cross? cut, Circular, and other Sjws, a supply of which tliey keep constantly 00 hand. Jobbing ami Machin? work in general. N.B. Publi?h*?r? of NeWfpapers in the United States or Canada, who >viil insert thi.? a?lvertisemetit three time? before th* 1st of next July, and send one copy of their paper to us eoncainiag it. will be eutitie.i lothe payment of their bills on puxclusing four times the amount thereof. New-York. J->... ?7th. I?wi. ?7. 2mS_StDitW_ DAILY f-.XPjK.ESS.?The Sutwcribcr? run their Express rejfularly ev?ry day (Sunday? ercepted) via Honsalonic Railroad, to and faom ? New-York, Albany, Buffalo and the intermediate pliu.?-, lor the Tran.ixirta i?>n of Sjw-cie. Bank Not?. Buodl??s itr-d Pfluges of Goo?Ss, Collecting Bill*. Notes, Draft* and Account., with despatch. . ... . From ih;* City at 6 o'clock A. M. arriving in Alb.n7 tha i^roe ?.vening and in advance of the ?LLS. Mail, ft5 1 m 1..-, i YOMK'AOY k CO. 3 Wall-it. CM' EOONlTyWl??D~b'Av?DON.?Thesubscn L3. ber h-s r.-?io-?-d his s?p?*rior imitation M?.l*?*kinHaM oD *&*?f-jr bodies to theextreme lowpn? ? ?2 23 The above areaneWanf DressHat, tad will comp-re advantageo.asly ?y.Iw'Tmd atS2 5 a. d S3. Also .orsraotly ?"??*??'?????' b'g vlti?a Silk it the tent quality, lat-sipaite/ns, and at the ^-^S^Htoi ?PPlW b? *? ???? tow. if BW low.,, than any ^^Y?lLoGO, 132 Canal street, corner qfTkompsOD-fnteL ?127 3m? "HULL'?TitU??i;a.??N?tice to Kup |-nr<d Persoi..?Persons afflicted with ruprur'B i; -, ..\y apon the best instrumental aid the _r ??+%*? world affords, ou application at the office. No. 7TT' mi^lZt or to either of the agents in tTrs principal town a * u'r r??f?.l '-?rates. Be CArefal to erarmu? the b-ick pad ?f ?S l^ 4??^ wsee ?f thev are endorsed ?y Dr. Hull ?n wri? ting. Noneaii ?.enuine, o; to be re.ied upon as good, wilb I ^mssfSSShJOt undertaken to vend imitations of Hull's e-LV.raiedfra.-JO-and thousands are imposed or <>n in eons?. 'feAiVve. These iiniutiotu canmu be .?died apon; they are mad**by nnskilfal mech?Uii.:s, and are no twtter tixtxn ti\c ord?n M*y } rtt *Vti'*****^ - i i^ ftcoms hav. Iven fitted op at No. . V-*?y street, exclusively for Indies, having a separate entrance Irom the basine? ?letwn oient, where a female u in CousWJJt ?ttetldajic? to wut ^fA* ?Hit pitventt. m* w