Newspaper Page Text
CS^YOUK TRIB?NE !nV-T<iPK DAILY TRIBUNE IS PUBLISH-. Kol MORNliNG.S V,.\V EXCEPTED, " -i i'i -l ri i i rv H M i.. \n\s -\ n?? ,i ?. .- - ?'? ' Mile Ci'iiU H-f?< s .?U***!,, Mail .uhx r:'-", |',vo I',rll .r p r?o i the i'",- 1 i'i "?' euae ?'? nw?o*?l I ejnMi I v.. ??' ffciefc it* ' '?" Six Month* ?iuijj>r *D??TU?tso: ^ t*l?' fnsetlwti .T-o-r'i. ?icJi ???(> ?-)??? ? msetUon.?' rJ ? r ?)V?i'lM insertion..W .lf?t*-K*?hM>'1,<"ncriilin^,|iii?ii.Si " ' * t"r ? ? sn ?? : fere? :. ? ?> ?? juacral ,\uticc?. Aic. nj- new ax.trc ^ g> )?<?,???? .i tin 1:* lines mtli -Hi _.; , . . , ?? ruts u\ p't isuro. atis'rteiU.-w "*"' >-< ''?" *)W ,. rtf'-fr,.,. ?., ? ?per appear both :r12223 in lb t.?.-. ??us. o"v.V?>i-U WEKKL1 TXC1BUKK, rev i irge 1Xi 1 r",: COUNTRY 3l,?^"! 'u":'':|'n:;- ?etannum, in idvnnce TiTlTTk i b U N I . ?tttrarji Notices. rBi ColdjuiaS Magazine jur Jim: is out. .jniucu t.'.i; best issue since the commence -?oflnc enterprise. Mr. TucKcniiuti cum. Ceti?*-'"''" '' papers on th< Poets', the ^y^ t critii t! notice of Alfieri. The other pipers arc " The Bar's Vengeance oi Ztfi'ta -Hist ben's best >-iyU; a "Sketch o! ifiejfWestern Lakes," containing much in utr*, Interesting incidents of the old time, I C onscriptions by Paulding, and " Thi .Irtin-buvcr" by Arthur. Tue embellish u arc a fine mcszotint by Sudd of two pjj children of Mr. Jonathan Ogdcn, and ?i/jfbitane-.Teller," by Gimbcr, full of chn We extract the following fine sonnet by German: ej hearts are r.ol disloyal: let lliy trust ga deep and ch ar and alt-confiding still, ?/?hough Lore's fruit turn on the lips to dust, ihe ne er U tray b her child to lastiug ill: 'iwiph leagues of desert must the pilgrim frr on Ids gaze the lady turrets rise: fcoosli the long, sultrj day the stream must flow ?,?*?* can mirror twilight's purple skies, j: back, unscathed from contact with the vain, keep thy robes white, tin spirit bold and fn ??. ? calmly launch Affection's barquu again, HopefulI of golden spoils n served for sin-' r-ougli lone the way a.-- iliat already trod, ?"agio thine own integrity ^ud Uud! 3f "TheChemical aj-.d Physiological !! :!ut:-s rjauic Nature : An Essay by M. J. Don \s nnd Ii. BooSSLNCAPtT, Members of the Institute ?nacc; Edited by 1?. P. Gardiner, M. D. Lax -ran Agricultural Chemistry, ?See. from ihothird ?jl>lition, with New Documents." This VV(?k jibe same class with Prof. Licbig'g, ni;.], li'.ie it' \&ftt truths of the hizhest practical importance Tee Bovs' am' Gini.?' Mortuly Library for l^.etliied !i.v Mrs. Colman, has been sent us by ?jess and Stringer. It is an interesting little f,iod trill be eagerly si.-ua'iit after liy the chil yTiiF. Ommkis: A Collection of four Origi Novels' 'PaulJones;' 'Milfred !.'>*<?!;' 1 Gne i, the Cliarih l!!!-! :,' by*llE.xuy Wat.Herbert, Julia Cornell r. u Romance of the Alps, by T. SkiTTA5, is published for "1 cents by Win. II. iLam, in the Tribune Office. y Haum.v O'IIeirdox, the Navigator, and i Tales of Ireland, \>\ Sam. Lover, lias been u bv SaMoii \- Miles. ?jtlav letter-PAPEHi with a u ES 01 i Clay Lbereou, ia sold by D. Felt iV Co. 245 -dud34 W all-st. "j*A Uii lithographic Portrait of James 11 vu l Mayor of our City, baa just been published l?\ ifbtli? Je Cuiperi, 111 Nus.-aii-strtet. Tut \r.vr KIovements.?The VVrxahinston Cot apsdsnt of the Iin.-ii"ii Court or writea: -.1 Urge numbi r'ofremovals willrukc place aftei ? CeoveiitkHi; b-.i the probability is thai the laigpfhly inclined' portion of the Tylerpany [Batsutier. Gov. Everett will not be remover! owhere he is, ilioush Mr. Jenifei will not be^Euf riJloreraain at Vienna. The foru ? r is < -"a ider Ltaoablea nun In !?? >m tn Covi-ntry. Mr. llil kd^wrCfuirgc d Affaires i" Belgium, lias fortncd xty rood resolution to cuino home, us he inigln jiJibfrwise liine lien iuviio-i in du t.'."' iJATE the Omjjib?s Npisasce.?Last evening, ktiit seven o'clock, an omnibus belonging tn the (! boa Fi rrv Line, and nuinben d 50, and one ol (he E-jiire Line, in rai iiii; fiercely through Broadway, r Grand s'ret t, run into und n jis.-t a carriage con Ituoing Mri. Coiirsan, child and nurse, of268 Fourth igtet. We uvre noi ublc to ascertain which of ihi J>ouiniiiliiirer ran into the carriage, but b.?-. ve ii |s?stbat of the FultouF? rry Line. The concussion ??*of such force a? siioj) the iron lore nxlotree ' ibe c?rri:i^e short off. l-he horses attachad to liaecarriage, alaimed, would have r:m away bui fui fee presence of mind and daring courage of th< rivrr, Cornelias Berkley, ?!i<>. at ihc rs iil of hi r,Binl bruised by his full, resiruinetl tin in. ItUDoiied Uiat" I iose who witnessed this niTiir. ffld wfioroow mure i.bout it ihan sve do, (who aarewere passing at ihe time,1 will cive such i> - ?tiiiiuiiut Mayor's office as will lead to thr I >ttction ami puninhment of the culpable parties. [Basalarajr unsafe through the practices of the Wtt attached to the oinriibuaes, nnd we hope ?"?nr action by which the nuisance -wiil be nhated speedily made. There is no good reason I *3> ihis nfuriti. so ranch needed, should Dot I?' .'??cnin advanceoTsome other, f?rwMch there d?-. yiniit so jiica; ir cessity. [Aurora. t-S. District Coort.? rhornton 11. Frei tri in, rriedwiiii the robbery of the mail at Carrolltqii ' this Siate. waa arraigned before the D. States Ctwt,now siitin; in thiscitv,on Thursday und plead fail). Evidence was then introduced iur a uittign bvof punishment, but we believe the Court bod twdecided upon this mutter to the time ?>l adjourn kul It appears that the aihouut <>f Freeman's ^?btries w^re $3,100, of which he has returned his arrest $1,550; the balance be Ims spent. J*p0Di?hrnent provided by the act "i Congress '?>' such otTeDces, is imprisonment not less than ten, tor more t.Vati years. [St. Louis People's Organ. Faixti.\o ko:i Efcrct.? Madam de X. was Wer/ ?ping with '/.. a*. Paris. The dinner had pMsed off pleasantly, when, on rising from the we, Madam X. thought proper t-i faint She ^simnicdiatrly carried t >' the betl of the lady of ibe house, w!ic:c she remained immovable, ller hciDj was cut, salts applied to her rose?every lung was useless: Madam X. still remained itn oorablc on the elegant !>ed ornamented with silk dilate. Gne ol the by-standers, nioroscan, nlnathan the rest, pretended that this fainting r-*only n:i ingenious device for taking a siesta. ?nd he declared himself ready to go and faint r;'ja a soft in the ndghboring saloon. The mistress of the h .;:sc grew weary of being ftoploycd for so long a time about the same per" ^ja; her ennui made her little malicious, and, :n spread a s-i ;re for the fair Unter, she simply 'id, Do you know what makes her * her ?aa.-is too t:^!it: it must bo untied!" These ?onJs acted like magic. Forgetting every thing, ''-'.ran involuntary movement the f.:ir invalid put both her Lands up to her head to defend her f*!se '"tads from an aggn ?r'.i-:i which might reveal too ?"aehj and feigning t'> come to hers-.!!', " Where "alt" said she, in :i feeble voice " At my wHne,*s icplicd her fs it nd, " but your carriage is tae, and in five tninutcs you will be in your own." Moral of the story: Pretended fainting rc Saa'ca rtal hair. Cotirrivr des Etats lTnis. Sau Act mi nt.?We understand lhat an accident of a painful nature, occurred in this city; on-Wed r*xlav morning last. A Sittb* buy about two or jarec yt-air oi age, son <>f Mr. 1 hbrnas Casey, resid a? in HrrLert ?in-et, was left in company with two ?hrf older children, by ;he niollier, tor n lew min tates, yshile-sh? went into the vnrd. Tlie parent bad scarcely left the ioom when the child went to *?rda the hearth, where its clothes tvti'ri fire, and Wore assistance came to hand was rhosi dreadfully "imt. Tlie liit'e stifftii r'? agony was almost nt* atpportable and resultediilufii*,' which continued ,;ii Fbursday evening, when it* snfierinsa closed i'. ^?tb. [Salem, Mass. Observer. U' On Sunday morning the 19th ins', about t*o o'clock, the duelling house of .Mr. John Walker, in Exeter, .Me. was entirely consumed lire. Loss tibout ?1000. No insurance. BY GR EE LE Y Sz McELRA voa.. iv. .\?>. -ta. CONGRESSION M. PROCEEDINGS. BV the reporter of ritK m.w-y.'kk tkibi m. , Wamiinotom. Tuesday. y\n. Tins has been in luct a dies non u\ Con. ?^u;ss, both Houses having met accoroine to form but in no state either ol feeling or ol num. bers to transact business. In the House, after Severn] abortive attempts to nttmVra quorum, so obstinate was the indisposition to do any thing that the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Mc? Kay, expressing his regtet v.i this account at ins vote against adjourning over for the Baltimore Convention, moved that the House adjourn._ rhu*in the characteristic mode of proceed ngof ill Locn-Focu rutijority in the il iuse, two days rtkyc been i itu-red away without accomplishing i single benefit to the Country, two-third* of the party ocing absent, although shrinking from the rct-oonsibiltty of adjournment. In Sknatb, a more respectable number was i:i attendance, and a lew bills Were passed. After one or two petitions against Annexation, on motion of Mr. Huntington, the Committeeun Commerce lias discharged from the considcra. tiou ol* the Report ol the Secretary of the Treas. ury recommending a substitution of gas for oil in light hop* Mr! II reported a bill for the ap. uuiotraent and promotion of officers in the Reve? nue service. Also, House bill for the distribu? tion of charts ol the Coast Survey?which was passed. Unc or two private or unimportant bills won: passed. On motion of Mr. Batard, the bill reviving the Naval Pension Law of 1S37 was taken up. Vn amendment of Mr. Ciioatk, extending the provisions of the bill to the widows (.?:' those who ?lied (.?' disease from exposure in Uio service, gave rise to some remark?. It was agreed to?Yea* til, Nays 16, and the bill was engrossed?:20 10 lli. Dill for the Relief of the Heir-; of Robert Ful ton granting ?70,000. An amendment of Mr. tVoodbitrv, placing the grant in part on the '/reimt! of th'j great inventive services of Mr. Fulton, was engrossed?Yeas 23. Nays 11. The bill appropriating $100,000 for a canal tround tiie Fulls of St. .Mary, at the opening of Lake Superior, gave rise :<?? a discussion, which was going oh, wills but little prospect of action, at the close of this, The House (or an apology for ;i House) met al the usual hour with scarcely a quorum. Some rrjHirts were made, one or two petitions from the South in favor of Annexation were pre? sented, and some other unimportant business was transacted. A 6:11 to provide for the payment of certain pensions, heretofore granted out of the privatect tension fund, v. as reporti ii from the Naval Com. miticc. ftir. Dickexson of Tenn. attempted to sus j>cnd the rules in order to take nj) and act upon Llic bills upon the private calander in order if pos? sible to achieve something of benefit in awarding justice long.dclaycd to the private claimants u;> >n the government, Tins ivus prevented by the jew Locos that remained an.i the House ad. journcd. Argus. Death or n Veteran? l.'uu??In Glenrille, Seh.eUwlji Co. on theS3J instant, Mr lOHN JACOBUS vAiN VORST, al the advanced ase of >SK II fr.PK K UAXDTil UK KA'KAKS KOUR XOM'RS AM" toi 11 >ays, bavins been i">rn on 11?*- 19th January, L74V-41. To a!i.iv any doubts that mig.'it ho entertained is to the correct age of this venerable patriarch, vc Have examined the records of the Dutch 'liun b in liiis ' it v. und ruid his baptism record. :d February 8th* 1740-41, uid stylo, with the ami - of 1>i.i twieento nn-l ths two srpwuttons, as iras-customary in ilms-i days. In January-last arc published trie following paragraph respecting lie charat icr of the deceased: tin rhursduy last, the 19lh iust. "iir esteemed idlow citizen," lite venerable Mr. JoHN j. Va> r*ottST, entered ttp<>n l*?e one hundred and fourth tear of his itfe. Gifted by ntitu'ro with.ahealihfitl md vigorous constitution, Mr. Van Wim has lived t Iii".- of activity, sobriety and temperance. Asa ronsenuencc of si-cm; vitiucs he bns acquired a de rent property, and appears lohave lnoi Iiis.full share happiness. A lew yearn ago, when conversing ? iOi a neighbor, he olwerved, tlitai during die Kev<> utionary \Vnr, froin Iiis aversion to ardent spirits. ir. cu ? inuti il that pari of his rations lor mom v. H? las been able, we believe, u> attend our annual e!ue iiuis until lite last year ; and though he in now en rotnpassed with the inflrii ities of ?rv, ?c hope tb" lime is t:till l?stuut u when the pitcher rliull be riroketi at the fountain or the wheel broken at the cistern." To this it i:t proper lo add, that the deceased had been a member of the Dutch Church in (Jim t'illc for several generations, and always in con venation appeared anxious for the cause ol vital eligion. Ho was nti ardent Patriot, a sound Christian, n faithful Friend, rm upright Citizen. Wc ird l also 'he dirtes ol tlia b ijilisui of his :hi!dren us obtained from the Church records: Oaptism. Aae. [aeolHM (J iraes.).May St, l"?3,81 rears, livnjc. InaehuniCersbom,).July 28; 170^79 Vnnun>ja (Xancy, widow r-lmrt. leff. .VtK 13.1<us. .7 ?:,!, i,.Oet 84, itth. cr< " dead. tdant.iseji. 19. I?j3, 71 " ?leint. Inhn .Norecopt. C9 " lnuiz. lelics (Giles).Jan. V-',17:7, '? dead. [SKbenectadyCebuiet. ScilIS*! Tilt: mokjjons.? Vh? W afsaw ?^iguai siatts tli .t a rupture had taken place iniong the Mormons?a respectable number oi he most intelligent members ol thai body having ioceded, under the guidance of William Law, ind set up for themselves. It docs not appear i:nt the religious vie ws of the seceders have tin :tir^o?.e any ni.i' change. They profess to Relieve that Joseph Smith was ouce a true prophet; but contend that he is now fallen from grace, and no innrer worthy to remain at t!ie 'read ol the Church. Private information con fui'ts tiirr above intelligence in i:s most essential features. _ [Alton Telegraph. Disease.?The Fall River Monitor rives the following particulars of a discas i which recently attacked a family in that village. Che man, Iiis wife ami tiirec children, were at tacked within a siiorf time ol* each other. They ire rational, ran cenvcrse, hut cannot move. Pliey eait assipti no probable cause for their malady, nor have the physicians been able to satisfy ihcmselvta of tlie nature or cause of the ?Ecasc. ^^^^ Ar.oMiXAn.r.?The black min employed at the mtrancc of ike Lafayette tim isr, 149 Broadway, a-as yesterday afternoon attacked and brutally leatcn by it gang of rowdies without provocation. (!is- clothes were nearly torn i and !::s fact iadly disfigured. Wc trust the City authorities >viil take the matter in hand. An assault of tliia iir.d in Broat'way. and in too, is not tit be passed unnoticed, whether committed on whites or blacks, gcntJemt n or servants. [Sun. A Small Mistake.?The statement pnin? the round of the papers, w the effect that the Rev. Mr. Nettletou, deceased has ieft S20,000 to the Theological department of Yale College, i. dotsbtvd by those who ought to know the fact ii [Now Haven Register. A Stmkk for \Vace's.?Yesterday, hundreds of men and hor<es were at work at the Railroad Tunnel, on Atlantic street. To-dav the whole line is deserted! Wc understand'the laborers have Ijcrctoforc received 81 cents per dayyJind they now demand a c >nsi.!cr ible advance. '? Th?s will probably bear hard on the com rue tors, who have taken jobs from the Railroad Company _ [Bw klyn?tar. D" It is said there is a PofiUuastrr in Arkansas who cau't read, and when the Mail comes is un d?'.r titc necessity of measuring tt?he sends three peeks to Little Rock, two pocks to Batesvillc, and dwindles down to a ga km to the out counties. Reo River.?The Natchttoehes Chronicle oi the: 11th inst.fays: "The wotcrin R d Rivet commenced falling on Thareday, 9.ii thi^ juiint. The overthrow has been very destructive to the growing crop between here anJ the Rafi." ?SU.??*? NEW-TOR Business, .Vr, at Pittsburgh. v ?rrcxpandeoc? "fTiie Tribun?. PiTTSBckou. )Uf 25. S o'clock. P. M. j liie principal excitement Tor the past two days I has been created by the first miuterings under the I new Militia Law. As if to ilo honor to the wfcdom I of our legislators, the citizens turned out in large i numbers. No doubl many of thein were moved by another consideration in shape of a fine, the amount of which was not generally known. Be the cause of the turn-out what it muy, tiiosc on duty c; nutnly acquitted themselves with .-. seal hard to beat. The ? hole affair was intended as a burlesque and cari? cature, uud risln well the leading actors succeeded, for never since Pittsburgh became a city was there so brilliant a set 11 (annuities as were marshalled through the streets to-day. Honor to the brave!? rhia new law U un~ the most outrugeuus in manv of its provisions ever enacted into a law on the .-jmr sui'ject. I reg-r-l the whole system as a miserable afftir, ' doing no manner of good, and inflicting a ?reut amount of evil. '1 Ins law has multiplied oaths without number: the solemn practice of ap? peal to the searcher of hearts is in a lair way to be? come as common in the mierior m in the Custom Houses on trie coast, and ns a consequence, a. likely to be uisie^urded or thought ligtitly of. It contains a provision liiut it, in uu_? uisinct where or ganization is not kept up, the citizens liable lo duty, neglect or refuse to assemble and organize, every mau of them shall be fined $2 every year. The Quakers, vv>.o were formerly exempt froth duty, are now iin?d without mercy, und all lilies are collected under oath, and tt penalty >.t rs.'jy for ueglect or refusal tu collect by the .surd or district t ix collector'. The ???hole, inuchiuery ol this law is worked under oath? there is no escape by any party or person. In addi? tion, therefore, tu toe onerous taxes, we must pay to the State, County, City, and what not, we have another in ihe shape ol iuilitiu iiu-s. Why not do the thing right and supersede the system by ano'hei I compelling every tnan to uniform himself and parade every month volunteer style? That would br something like business; but under this miserable Militia Law two days in the year ant wholly lost and nothing gained, or lines wrested to form a mili? tary fund ami squuudered in a way far worse than useless. Things are suing on here pretty much in the old way. I'hc Iron ?Iii,.!, are sv-!l under wnv. The 18 gun Steamer to be called ".lohn Tyler,? is verj iar advanced, und, unless something occurs, will be launched during the lir.-t high water in June next.? This will be a great vessel lor spied. The work men are nutting the engines und oilier internal ma? chinery ut as fast as possible. She will bo so fur ouipleted w hen launched as to he in good running order and probably the first thing after getting her launched will bea trial other capacity, lier spars, rigging, ?See. are nearly completed. She is to be propelled on Hunter's plan. The crops in this section tire very promising.? Ravages of 'the Flyarc spoken ofj but after all the ? x ess over 184 '? ?ill doubtless be large. " No dan? ger of ? faniim." ns a genucinau observed to me : ?? should i to crops in one hull ihe Union fail the bal? ance will raise a supply lor the whole." Fruit is coming forward rapidly. Strawberries are plcnn butlittle dearyoi; I8"e s per i|t. for the best. Cher ties ol ejrly varieties arc considerably plenty, Green apples arc offered in market, and of vegetables any quunti-ty nt a mere pitttance. Our Rivers are m fine order und at an exet Hem stage. Business ou tin in bus been prent good,und with many boats, profitable, notwithstanding the ex? traordinary low rues of In Lht. Nails und Iron an taken to Cincinnati and Louisville at 8 a l"c pei 100 lbs. und other kinds of freight in proportion.? Very different has been the fortune ol the transport srs on the Canal; if they hive not lost, they cer luinly.have made very little this season. The re ceipis of produce from b low have fallen ofi* consid? erably, ns is to be expecied from ihe early opeiiin. of the Rivers and Canal. The reeeints nf mil on >>.?-Cniml-r?tiibli u graiuying increase over 1843 imd tlii- is :: i;t ?' ? ? nil objection I? the sale of the pub? lic works. Says a country paper,1; Will the people eonsent to sell die hen that i- laying such golden ggs I" This would be a powerful objection if tlu tstlls bold oui; but the fuel is the great bulk of Wesl? arn produce Ims gone (brwanl, and there will lie/nun this to the fall trade a considerable falling nil*. .V loubt the revenue from the Works could l?e large I j increased, but ii will n it so long as they nr.: man aged i ". ?uch s set of ('anal Commissioners as w. have I look upon the election ul Canal Conimif sioners by ihe p epic as a huiuhug, ii is working ven much against the interests of Penn?) Ivania. VA e ne? ver had so uflicicntand business-like a Board as thai appointed by Guv. Porter, with John B. Butlei it :!s head; and the mt re election only serves in place men in the office out of his (the Governor'*-) reach. Canaj Commissioners ought to be the beai business men in the Stale; but electing them, while a cannot srtfurc bet er, will infallibly promote worse. So long us the works belong to ihe State their man agcimmt ?ili he abused to promote political objects, and iho leas! evil is the appointment of Canal Com? missioners by th- Governor, for ihi h we stand some chance ol getting such men :is Butler. Party i b'intl to ihe peculiar requisites for the office. Trade hos lallen off within the past week. f>,u business, however, is more of a mineral character, und remains stead) though comparatively dull, through May and June. Weather warm aud dr.. Fnoii Acx Cayes.?Capt. Crocker of b-iir Ce. cilia, arrived at this port this morning, from Aua Cayes, bringing dates to the bill inst. slates thai General Acpa, the commander of the insurgent blacks, hud possession of the place, with T.Uliu men. A battle Ii id been fought the day previous in his sailing, but the restnt hid not been ascer? tained when he left. The U. S. corvette Preble, arrived mi the ?ih from J ira iica, was outside the ?tar, und had her bouts ail armed, and ready lo ?rive any assistance that might be required. The following is nn extract of a letter received in this City, dated Aux Cayes, St. Domingo, May 6, 1844: " Ponce i? far from heine restored here. The inMirrectioun rr arm; now in positirioa of nearly the whole nfthts peoia sula. wi?i die exception of A quin, whew about .WO Govern, incut troops an stationed?bot as they ?re wrmunded by the oiiposit on, they w ill most likely have to surrender. We nave nu now. ol Presi? ent Uerard, who i? still contending with tt.e gparriards. All inland eommuaication is intercepted. Tbc town presents now n sn?l appearance?nearly all the colored popaJatioa have lied toJaimuca, leaving nil tbey i~is!ies.<o.| be hind. The: houses ure shut np?exposed lu ugnily inliuse, ? hieb ocean but too frequently." [Boston Mercantile. U. S ~mp Pkeblc. > Acx Caves. St, Domingo, Hay "sltj Sir : 1 desire to report ihe arrival of Has ship ai this port ou ihe aid inst, in ? days from i'ort Royal, Jamaica, and recently on a cruise on the Spanish .Main. The officers and crew of the Preble are all in good health, with die exception of Lt. Wingute, who re turns home on a sick ticket, iu the brig Cecilia, ol Boston. This City is in the possession of the negroes, and the whole Island is in a siatc of war, anarchy, und confusion. i'uos. W. Freelove, Commander. Riot.?An incipicntriot was nipped in the bud at Providence, R. I. on Monday evening, by the timely interposition of the Police. A company of some forty or li?y young rowdies collected together and attempted to create a disturbance and outbreak amung trio Irish, by making an at? tack upon their houses and threatening to burn one ?f them. The ring-leaders were arrested and i?.ki n to the. Lock-up. Providence is a very good place for the suppression of a riot. Drowned ?A young colored map, in the em. ploy of the Iren Steamboat Line, fell overboard yesterday, from the bar^c Brutus, while m the act of drawing a pail of water fronttrtheriver. [Albany Atlas. Norfolk.?TheGity of Norfolk, Va. has re. ccnlly been the scene ni a great number o! inysteri. ou3 aud daring burglaries. One day last week, however, a slave belonging to Mr. Bailey Adams, was discoveicd to have been at the bottom of all these transactions, and arrested. According to his own confession, he has had ahanu in twenty. Uro burglaries. ^ ID". A carpenter shop was destroyed by fire in Boston Saturday afternoon. Loss ?500. Als ? on Sund ly morning, in the same place, a brick building used as a steam-planing manufttc ton. 13 ? A child of Thomas Casey, of Salem, two years of age, was burned to death on Wednesday last, by her clothes taking tire. OFFICE NO. 160 NASSAU-STREE Ii, THURSDAY 5IORNI2VG, WLA Tlie Western Pork and Provision Trade? L^c?rrtte. lTih .Mny. 1st. 7'rt 'Ac E-iilitr nj Tht Tribune : . Very tunny ?: yu'.ir New-York readers inter 1 e :: ithe We-tc-rn Pnn'ision trade, a trade ? f great and increasing importance to tlie whole coun try. The expert of IVovi-iuns from tfie L'ast'd Start s is rapidly 'nlarziae. particularly to England r.nii i!;" West Indie hut such is :!:e prod it rive ca? pacity of the Mississippi Valley that the mark ts seem Dow. to be overloaded and sinking beneath the enormous quantity. The receipts of barreled I'urk a: Naw-I >rie-.r:s ?!;?? whole of last veer were but lit? tle more than 200,000 barrels, whilst the pceipts so far in th<? p-esent v.ear exceed 400,000 barrels! This (commerciafj year will long Se remembered for its ?? short crept." Every thing seamed short except public credulity, which npp-ared to have sufficient capacity for any absurdity. Co:toa was sloirr, and Hemp, and.Corn.and Wheat, and the Swine crop exceedingly short. The pbjs had all died, they said, and tlie maternal .-.vine were afflicted with a singular barrenness. The effect of these rumors was to bring to the Wesl numbers of speculators and convenient agnns of Eastern houses to make ads vances upon shipments, who, with oar own smaller operator-, ever readyio follow a speculative lead, soon advant ti.e price ol hogs !rom A>> to 00 per cent, uhovf taut fixed on as s ue by the tnoir pru? dent. Cincinnati, the largest hog market of the Union, aus the point where Iii? speculators concentrated, and where the highest juices were of course given; and in a few weeks alter the packing commenced it L" irame a profit ible busiuess to buy bos.- here and ship them tu Cincinnati tor sab?our Pork dealers re? gaining coo! and linn in the belief that there was no good ground for the speculation. The truth is now known, and ins-eitd of a "short crop" ol hog. and a drficiency in J'ork, a much larger quantity | was packed than ever before, and the sj>eculutois lose from 30 to 50 tier cent, on iheir operations. A Urge part ol this loss however will lali on laustem houses whose agents were so liberal in their advan? ces, as in many cases the speculators have no re? sponsibility, and little of the i'et* ot present prices will repay the money advanced upon it. it is not to be regretted that Eastern bouses should sutler a j little from this c tuse, as tin- system they Itaru pur? sued of filling the country with agents to m ike ad? vances is decidedly injurious in many respects, and should not be encourn gi J. The competition excited try il i: decidedly unsound, torving to drive Horn the trade all tue sol vent und prudeut, leaving it in Uta hands ol the hazardous auu irresponsible. Although Cincinnati is now the great poik mar ket, Louisville shows in each years busiues an in? crease over the preceding one. and in lime may rival ii not eclipse her neighbor. In the w:nt>:r ot '42-'-1? i'irre wer? slaughtered here about 35,01)0 Imgs, and ?luting the last w inter about ?.r;,!!! 10, exhibiting an men use of near one hundred per cent, whilst ui Cincinnati there no increase over die preceding lear. Hut we want more I u_\crs of ho^s than we have had. 1: is a matter ot astonishment to us that Eastern operators coming West should all Ectile down at Cincinnati, and thus, instead of going to where the ho.:* an-, endeavor to concentrate ilictn :t one point from ii space of several hundred miles, ttaneulntnced price of course- No where in the Union euii liner hogs be found than her-?no when: more skilful packets or extensive packing-bouses. At the establishment of A. S. White et Co. of this city the; can slaughter aitd pack 1200 lu gs per day t leal ? hu h is performed at no oilier packing-house .ii the L'uion. .ill the materials tor packing can bt aid here .:: the lowest prices. Freights and insur nice to .New Orleans tire lower fere than from Ihe point above?the difference in freights being fre lUeurJh S? cents per barrel. And, owing to thi causes ?fibre meiitioni ii. hogs have been lower here thuu at Cincinnati. Why,then,do not your Eastern buy. is ?iure.generally visit usi If they will look at the map they will see that no plave i" 'he West ha.- a Sner position for concentrating ho :fl th i" Louis? itu?. -.'?" ?.rr. convenient to the hog-raising portion ol Kentucky than Cincinnati, and it is well known thai "Kentucky hogs" .-tnnl higher tiian au\ otiier>. ('here'sre several new Pork houses being erceted icre tins Summer, am! buyers mny !?? assured iheir packing cau and ?Iii in- done here < beaply and well. Vr. mi evidence of ibe improvements now going on tiere, h't im- im iition thai brick have advanced in the a?i few ?i-<ks Irniii .*?! per thousand to ;>.>! In polities all goes ?vetl here. In die recent elec ion lor Mayor oi tbiscitt the Loco-Fnco candidate vaa i>o ten ?< to I, by bis Whig compeiiior; We iavc brought out u stionc ticket l?r tie- Legislature, :tal the puny are in capital spirits, moving in solid toiuiiin. Mr. Clay's letter on Annexation suited he Whigs exactly, whilst .Mr. Van Buren'? ii rew he Loco-FociM into convulsions. The leader* were alt cotmniited in fitvoir of immediate annexa? tion at ail hazards. Some have backed out, odiers ire sullen, while some have declared for Tyler, fnere aro mimt ot ihe privates however who stand with ihe Whigs on this question: and avert promin? ent one declared, u day ui two since, that if ibe pan v Iropped Van Buren on account ol bis letier, he was lor Clay ! An attempt was made here a lew Ins since to get up a Tyler-Texas-niceting, which iftnrded nr.' spoil. ,\ Ion? stiin:.* of resolutions laudatory of Pylcr and Texas, written by Mr. U.rtiev Marshall, editor of the Loco-Foco paper her?-, weie ?resented In the meeting by an underling of his office, which being pat upon their passage, received one cj!>\ thai ol Ihe miner! It is to he hoped .Mr. Ty? ler will not overlook the efforts of .Mi. Marshall to *ct up a Tyl< r party here, howeverunsucceasful, ns 1 can assure vuu he has as much success in that business us any other. A Jc.vioh. IT Prof. SiUiman, .Mr. Sheppird and J. A. Townsend narrowly escaped a serious accident a short time since at St. Louis, .Mo. They had been invited to ride ^ short dislanec from the city, md b returning, tho horses became iri^litcncu in ! r.iii, they saving themselves by jumping from the carri.-.c/e. The vehicle was demolished, end one of the horses kiiled. Mor.TALiTY ox the Coas? of Africa.?The bark Koderick Dhu, at Providence from Accra, reports that the British r?ri^ Snllman, from Sierra Leone for the leeward, was at Cape Coast. .March 25, with the loss of all hands except cap. tain and second officer. TRIBUNE JOB PULNTINI. fr'FiCE, No. IO0 X 13SA?-STHEET. All k i n i!. o: J u a Printing, i a c h as KaxraucTs, I MjorsinTH 3nnw Druj t italooczs. Lxcrcxa Bills, CliacXS, CaROS, Cos ^:;t Hi lls. Pin in nnu i Ksi KAS' t Poucus, Fancy. Bills I-xdimj. Polttical Bills, CntcOLAas, ? Ciac7L.uu. (neati tec ProtnprJr executed at tbaOfnee of Tr.:.m:c, So. Id?.".'i,Miu street?oooos?e ti:e .-u.-k. Tlse Juiilus Tracts? No. L Titz Test ; or PartJci T^J ar utelr Acts. No. II.The Ccrkexct. No. III. ThkTakut. No. IV. Lira or HexrvClat. No. V. PoLirteAL AaoLmorr. No VI. IrrMorRAC",-. Nu. VII. I.ador tsn TapitaI.. No. VILLTBb ^t I.asus. Price Reilw el. Tbe Price of "ri JOMUS TR ACES for the rr?:<!enti*! Canipaisn trill I$15 a thoosand. THE WHOLE ^LiUj'a?. L-and toietber. eornpri-a;s L= pa^i-. !<? publ ! -: .?-10 a hundred; .\-?=-1 - .;, tkprii j). lsiL < tnicrs i:;^?tje acconiiir:n:ou arid cash; GREE1.EV& MeOJLlTH. ai'i' Stan PaMifcrs t-.r lire Antbor. C?r* Dally rsnrnto:;'. Wblg.?Oi the day of 3d JnnersnLrand until the 1.' Jay'ol Septsrubsj hext, the sub Mjnb^r will publish every nHiraias fSoiidan'arcepted s Druly Newspaper, half tbe sue of the rs uautjra Whr. to l>e emtied iiw"l?.\i!.V SARATOGA \V!li<;." t?? oae?a besulrstbo pnliticaJ new. ofLbeilay ami defences -if Wae r.irtd.Jrjrc* and Whis principles, a record of tbe arrival* at iiotei- or sarn tOCS Sannes, public :::cet:ar=. amuremetit.-. t;-jrt.i of lectures, baiis, ai.d. vi ?u ?iej wil -ait.ierve liiecaue of jiut;ce and morality, crtnnna! irosecu'icaj. nad viulttJ!.., ?f L're ;iencc and ?'?-1 "reer of the ?illn;e. rotmint. a* Saratoga Spri'c* '-ex*- dor..>; lix raonrJa of June. July and Autrot, a kcusol mtw ret*, radiabge to e?erv impartuR ponil the I. ft on; it r? nrasred tie? a-:vau laaas '> d?dy P9:"'' publ:>! lerre duruu- !iae rnonUnr. :.. rnerehants and boiul-krepets in tlia pnnsiai cn^., v\ ti,e Qnasn, are onaarpssaed !?> thoseolanjr p?t-r -<j* J ebewhere. It?s ahn eoatidently expected tltat .t wil'p.e-eas superior aiivanta:e> over other paiiers to inoebants, nael-keepen ami others ?im ancatrondy. or de>urn to be. I'-cascr.: s-u.aa-gafor ?ie ei.-'iin^ .tiniraer ?.???.'?n. . Tbc teronol tbe "Daily Mrnt".-n " wDI lie $1 SB, Adee'f-i-ic. n.a more 1 ? Lrevwr. it o? tin; Keson. orM rent. t!.r Sr^; a-ert. n. ceiit? eachtukenuerj: in?erriun. K-btisineH director; will ooeup) s pmrninert pare. An sd djoonal charae'of fl 60 wiU be i!:n<!" f r rdvertanx dunng i|.Honn 'ler thu liei.i?oil r? a..eanct. tinier. IcitMitii H.P- Spotrner.Luy Bonk.Mason ar.iiTe.r. ?le Nsnn near Ann street, LB. Crook. rtrOin near ChtT jueat, Xew-Vnrk?A, Spooner. pa-, 10 Fm-streeLand E. R S^-Jiwr. FiilUiT ot)pi'?ite Hfck--itroer, Ircnklyn, >.\.. ronraided to dw e -i the Ua iy rsamt.xa^Vi tug, Lroad wsy Opposite the l."..?ed Ptiitn Hotel, t.-r New,pAd. vertrau?, or Juii PriDXiac, will tie ppmualinrt-.^iji^^^ Saratoga Spanes, iluy 7,1>H rod lsiw iw l\' SO. 1844. Criminal Carelessness.? We learn tt<ac t?t ? uniformeoiripnuiesthat wem down to Suiten Islur: yesterday to lire nt ;i tnri-e:. amused themselves af ler the e.%- rcises were over, with shooting a; titnr!; pin up at random no. frees?and that n linle cirl o: thf family of Mr. hVtmlo ph. near the Quarantine ?as pi us ? ; in immtn tni jeopardy by cureless f?in_ ?a ball pissing acros the table an I just over the plate fron; which she had, an instant before, risen Several ;??;!;- also passed over the (rvuls of tit<* men : at work in the Quarantine yard. We did not lean, whin these companies were, t;r we should them. [Sun. ] .- rhe Chicago Journal says it i* rumored .-.'o.;t town that a duel came off a few morning* \ since In tween a distinguished youthful litterateur . ofthat city, ntn! a tyro ut 'commerce, wlio promises, tu become the Roscoe of the West. Tlie meeting was held on the beach of the tranquil Lake. which scarcely equaled iti calmness die deportment/of the combatants. After n flesh wound had been'receired by one of the. parties; a recenciliition was effected; the cause of the meeting is said to have been an at fair of the heart. Sr"*New-Haven harbor is one huge '? fish-kettle." List Saturday over oc million of white fish was taken in two hauls. Selling at 50 cents the thou? sand, would give $500. They enrich the soil as well ns the pocket, ,'n every direction around .\e* Haven, the unsavory atmosphere indicates tha' pre -enre o! fish, throw n upon the earth us manure.? In this way some of the poorest and most sandv -oil is so tie eii unproved that i: will \ ield a first ra'e crop?not offish, but of vegetation. [Mew-Haven Courier. Rru.D Robcert ;s Albany.?The counting I room of .Messrs. Greene, Dorr & Englehcar; : merchants in Quay street, v.'.ts entered on Satur ! day afternoon, the sa'e unlocked and ?130 in ci sh and a otic bill for 5210 taken therefrom ? No clue of the robber has tern discovered. _[A lv? rtiser. The Clay Tribune Will lie published once t. week, tili the ch-se of the Presbtent Campaign. If will bs thoroughly devoted tu the r.dv.u.ceiiiet.t of the Whig Cause and the elecnoa of ILk.nri Clav. It will cootata subsianUally rll the Political matter which ap in tl:e Daily and Weekly Tribune, with a briefHirowarj ofthe Newt of the Day. and transmiuedta subscribers t?r the full term (aUttteover llXWOOtbsl :it the following rntisi For ii single copy.,.50cents. " Scopus.i2 " lj Eopics hi one package.?5 And i&UMuaer proportion lot any number below ICO, One BundredCopies wiU be imi to car one Pou tuBco (bribe s*i.v.le icnii f.r iCt'. or i-*.rct;y niote tliuu n cent a Copy. Those who may see 'itt.> favor us with their patronage, will ??blije as by sending in tbeir names as early ns possible, so as to secure full ?ct.. {X/~ Sulacriptiooi mny be remitted throat,!) the Post Otfic ? at r.ur risk. i?7~ Whtn sinsle copies are ordered, the price of which ii ZO cent* fiiz the term, tlie names of tbe tubscriberi will b-? ?ri ? - ten on the envelope, but In all other cases where c'uiis ol five w morn are formed, the package* must be dircslcd ta :u::u iadi vMnal ofthe club. ,.rm 'be Post OIBce. In die City ol New Wrk it ean only bo obtained at the Pul ? lisbing t rffice, or from the Newsboys. Ci* Maw e'ens. hiD.-.Rs sali euinuencewith the ljrst Bom? ber. Urtiers uro respectfully solicited. CREELEY ,<i McET.&ATU. Tribune Braidings, 100 Nassau rt. Acre Turk, .Icril 10. Wl. Price U ! - \ Cts.?37 1-8 < ?s. for i<5 Copies, Dan liipre be a Church withnul ;t Bishop i loutroveriy between Kcv. lip.. Waimrnghl and Put'-, erow iii- nut ?!< tin' incidental i.ition ol the lormer dial "-Thaw as a t Ihurch w ithonl a Bishop.*' TheuboveControversy ts printed iti a neat Pamphlet and done mi with printed covers. ? For sate at trie i ribuiw i Iflhee, CO1* Health, Quiet, nur! Comfort.?TheG th House, Barclny-streat. Ncw-Yotk, poiders advantages tu itrnnaen stnopinr a (cvvdnycor weeks in the city, web as are mrdy ottered, ft is eh'eibl) locnted tsn a ettan aml airy meet, >?ry nuir tnebusincH partofuSe eky, and in lias irnmediata rtcmity nf the principal steamtsnil lamfhies. It ? npartinonBi ne MMivanienland neat, whist Ss uitii^ i. ?n;.|.|ieil ?ith the l?-.i \ etetables ami Fr?h? Oral enn lsa poaicunsd,esrlUiluij| eutireb /Vtumal'Fimd snd stimulants of aH kinds. Chnrgei moderate, e d vii ry eiiiirt made render II laruen coaaortable. SlRnvei Italhsfree. Remember;63Barrnystreet. jyi?itf Ci" Irish Bmigmill <<>? ;<-sv.?>'oJlee.?\ Election lot olhcen of this Society for the ensnine year, will lie ! eld mi Mi IK MAY, tb- 3rd day of June in st, it ti?' <??.'.]? e ?iftheSocietv, C0IJI?rty ?t. Pnllvopen fn?m 10 \.M. to two . P; >i. Xew.Yurk. PJth May. 1Mb milt3djuiw me ^'i:i-i:sTti Ward lissx. New.Ybrk, May a ISM, ZZf Kleclio:a.? i he Stockbuldcni ol ti... Bank are hereby notified that an election lorthineen Director] lor tie' en? suing year, and tor ibree Inspect?n of Use next nice iedinc eh ?? tion. ?ill be hekl ut the Bankui;House onTUESUAY ihr. Uta rtVii. of June nut. \ 'i'be Poll will heopened at 12 M. and cl^sc at3o'clock, P.M. By order ol die Board. A. st. FEASQt, Cashier. I _ fx/* Tiie Books of Subscription to the Capital ^toel; ofthe Vi.ri, and Cr.c Riulioad Co. are DOW open at the Office of the Company, Ko. H Wail-ttreet, between the hours ..fin and 5. \V31. SL GOULD. Secretary. New-York, Aprii 3tth, IBM a-.s (XT' Tem{?ernncc Honse, 2D Yerej ktreet, near die V.'.j.- House.?.Mis. M Co.. In:.- tnken eh.- det'srhtt'n! s.tua tiun, and r,tT-r- t^ her friends and tne public its var.ousad raniaces mi the most reasonable terms. 'I be house i- neat and newly furnished?the situation airy, pleasant ana c mvenient tobusinesa and thestoambiiat btudiaar. A ;>ure recatabla diet for tie.-? ? ho prefer a?.?.?arm und add baths tree._ ni>i*tl" 1XJ" ."?rittsinl Lift Insurance Company of I ?evv? "i orlc.?Th - Inttuulion, durioe the month ot April, I In. issued forty-one policies, tot : i " i lereymen. 1 To Metrhaats nrnl Traders. 13 " PbysKiant.? " Clerks. 3 " LAwyer. 1 " Manulketurert.3 " Teaclietl. 2 " " J " GoverailsetaOSeerl_ll " Wnienmnker. I " Army Officer. 1 " BankTelba. 1 " Latl?k.a ?? CiriI Engineer. ! " Student. 1 " Printer. 1 " Sei-rct.iry to ln<. Co_ I " rs'at'.mer. ] " Car uiiui..j " IJuader.^ 14 27 [my4 od'Jeli Total Lives Injured....41 ?fLtst pcblished" tiii: iii.'mj: ^irnK.vr and ?j r'ASULY MO-MTOB,' a dexi-MosmiLV Periodical. conducted by an Associaboa et ?inistenandlJiyiiwn. and issued tn double numbers niter the rirst number? ttnbell diei! nut man's an. but liitile truth. Term, $1 j>er\i.;iime nfSS numbers, payable in advaaee. We respectfuUii solicit that share id publie pntrnnafe which the merits ofthe wink demand. Thu-e who bernme our pntrons are invited to rail ive die first number mailed t.i u friend gratis, office K l*sprace-tuect,N. Y.,oo the SM floor. E?.WILCOX, I'uiiltsiicr. mlf* Im np O ^TATinN'ERS, ENG RAVE BS AM) PREVTERd. J. Superior Bnantelled. Porcelain Ivry Surface wh to and culnrei! b'nnfcs. Cards of every descriptioti rs manufactured st the New York Cod iianvikctory, lor sale at reducad prtess by I,. S.MiTli. H3 Jobn .ircet. opposite Cliff sL_ciyt j t^ntTK & IfAI.L. No. 1 Krriaslin-.'iuare. have catstantis j V on hand ????i es'c;...?^ aasorniea: -.1">i I SIC - vi "I'.'.!. j s-Tlil JJENTS ??! all kn d?. PlANl? I1 n\ l'es ol :l.sicm:i I .:? '.i- .in ! fnasb: CI'iTAllS. irom ue besl Spi ifa poturas, l?r wntefa iliey have rcceu'eil premiums from Use Amencan hi- ( ?iltilu i.v<,rni! "tber makers, mat arc ut very -uh ' ? r tuee and ; .:??!.. ..fhmsh; PI.ITI>". -.fall k't-t. ha -ii. l-.r win-h they : aavealsors^vtrdrepenbsdpu ntunw I LA UP (nets. kent , BUGLES. IXIRNOPLONS. TRJ ?51?' ?NES. ete. all uf thasr .,?'ri mnnutiteTiuTj.-rr-l ?!:'?*'!: ''it. ..! .Mi >!< ..ndnli .? IrirabofMl S1C/VL LN'ra-J R?ilENl's.NEWM?SICrteerv- 1 alai iiemitspuldisheJ. JCS'i l'' i.l.lslilal?. ail ti;e suna'sol | th, ffOTCIlLNSoN FAS 1LY: ?? l<K!tTI.M'H mkt!! ' ; iti.. - ? e PIANi i also, the I iRPHECS GLEE U< MiK. be ing . a ctioa of --ie<-> l?r t .or male voices, with piano accna- j ra ?: ip-h! Selected ami compiled from lh? liest tjeiman and Kn I -. i.on. by ACSTIN PlllLLil*S. Price ? > -e l>diarpet : sat. Meretents, 'aal the Musical r^mamtnuty t^netaDy. are re ?'ss?S.;'.'.i ia-.ite?i to coil._iniieif_ T-.m'AL MCSIC AND KL< irCTK'NAR Y SCIENCK. V Mr. K. II. N/iSH liiely associated with Pro''. would respectfully inform rjsosc desirous d!"rievelopint:and cot uvnXinsr their Voices fbrSintintrand s peak nur ra eneueetive mannet ?it'ieul rau-inc hoar-ene.s ?T eximnsttna, thut he has ' ilttbed hiimelfai No. 99 Forsyth meet, m the c.ty ot .New Yuri, to instruct Individuali a::il t>maii Uasses on reosooa bieterms. He will mstroet Glke Cu b- and Chouis, am! jut Pnr-ite Instruction in all part, ol the city. For par- \ ticulan aad reiiUCOCes, sac Circulars at the iiook ami Jlus.c i St?ret._ rnj-21 lm* i-irs ;? piiKMiT'M" n.-?;n:KiLroiVp;:.s. DLTJMBE MAGCEBRIAN O.M.LKRV <-K PATENT sa PREM!! M COLOBJ2U fih j i O'jKAi'iiS. No. 851 Broadway, ut-ive Morray-street, New York?Awarded Ibe FIRST pkamit yt nn.l HtuilKST HOSOBa by Amencnn and | Franklin Institutes, lot tue most beaioifai culored Ijjguene.^ i ty;,cs e\er exhibited. .-..??- I ;'histst?bl jh:!^..t bra- ju- le-en sTT^atir enlarired r-.r.d :rr.. \ pr.,?tT!. by ti?addition nea'ly :t.e wbuk) of the rirsi liuor , abovetoAstreet; add embraces now no fewer thaoTWELVS separate spainnentsi 'P's; ?rak> upon which tiw iB..-:es? >. ? Cii-Jti' ted msucs advantages which are no where else to be :ne' sritl.- nnd teiwetae reputation Wlrtch this concern has always enjoyed, a. bemc the - ant ,u tire woral-'V Theaieamer CBJedouia carried out a new end impmveil epinntu. f'>r taking P't-nTre. rype Mmratares, ordered by n ..?.^..tine geo?etaaa of Eomburglt, ir;..n t"e eslabhshnirat ol i It..i. Plumbs. '.'.s fur superxr U? uii instruieei t cv.-r bc:u.-e . rnanulactnred." [BarSiamDensocrat t". abe's 1'iemium aad German Appaiotas, Instraeboa ; , Pales, Cases, &c et lowest rates. __"irr'JLi?? j TTAiX. KENSETt fc D I. 5? .\\thap.INi:-S^ , V i-.furm rbeir f.irmcr eustom-rs and the publ'e, that ibey have retaken tlie above store, and ..t!?for w.* au . a new stock of rvnue G.wt-. pqrrabaW tor cash ol tie-1 m nnd Au."..-er-, - hi. n w.ll be ?...' ??? .--?? " ? ? , mrly be found the fcllowmg: A large as r"'?;-'-ntofba!rr.r:r.os a no Bar..-'-- (rumS.tofi: cot d Lawn, .laeonetsand Cambric Musl.ns. Ib-nibazme, b k. and L .' v-d M. Paen Lustres ; a large assortment. ot Muslin lie Li esfrum ? tid.t.,3..: Ilaraw Sitt and VpbwaebhtwK bik f.lue.bUek and cokircd Sdfct, Linea CmnbncK Hdats ?ui.Lr...r.s. Linens and a good assorrment tor men s wear. ? ...... I cr wtth Silk Parasols. Prints. -Muslins .and a variety of o-iier aoods. which >ott are invited ? cadi and examine. ivlj???._-_? CHEAP FOB CASH. C. Y. VYEMPLEj s; i 72 cxoaR, ox? door ranji nassav-sTarkt. ?ft r--v >-ii :toU! .'.ucli.ia a great variety uf Palzcr times Printed l_i?ri*. <r.ins Gmgnafhs, Blond' !? ? n ^eedlesworked lianus, trik i.imps. Cotton t'rmge. Bonaet kusits. RibUms. Linen Cambric HaiidkA. Thread and Cotton things: Gimnun I.aee, Hosiery. Glove*. I-ace . Veils. &.C aii uf wnici will be told at greet bargains. mis I TT FIVE HOLLAHS A YEAR. WHOLE NO. SANl>5*3 SARSAPARILLA, * FOR THE REMOVAL PERMANENT CURE OF OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IM POR r. STATE nr THE BI OOO. ? iR HABIT OF THE SYSTESE Th:> medicine is ccvsamly performing s boost inrr-tl.'USo cures of diseases arising (torn raspurrbea ofrj-a b''?-l ar-d nncn! ?; URO- I: ha* arrested ami cured riumcmus run ..f-emfu'.ms rejections, diseases id the -km. rheumatic root, diseased liver, painful enlfiriemeot of the knee, elbow, r.rnl wrMjoiota, Cbro nie rl:eumn?^m.?<ire?hriiat. chronir cna?:ituti?<nrd.!'.~ir.! Various Otberdtsordars aiistnc from impure secret .>ns. In th:. preparation Gr? strongly concentrated nl! the valuable media nal'propeiues vf Sarsapsrii'i. "a whkh its activity depends, compounded with other remedial neent?. vch-ctsd ErofB the '<? getable kingdom.lhe win de strength of which is extracted or anentirelj new principle, which ha* cost man} yea.-, ot lubo; ??. i mi ch expense. The great object desired is now triam phantly tccc^ptisbed. in the production of a remedy poss??nng a eontmlbar powerOvar rap posed rncnrable diseases, hereto, fare unknown m the lirst.-ry ol medictna. The tes?Jmony el those a bo have bean cured by its cm w:'h their residence, has been published; from tiiM to data, and were't liesrrab'en mns? of life must overwhelming testimony cotiM I* br.iujh: forward, pruvin* conclusivcfjr its inerti mable value, as an and curative medicine in the above dtseates. The afflicted, or those who may have given up in despair, am! nil who are interested, are ins ae>i t.i make a trad of this valuable medicine, or to c;J! on those who ba;e conic forward and borne public testimony of its priceless value to tbem, ami ?a: ?;y t'-rrnselves ir.d:vi.i;:::!'v ofita power in arre?t inir and coring disease, and of what it has perforated (or others. i he following cure of an inveterate cn.-e of Scrqfm 1 is sub nitted to rhc careful eonsiderati m ofthe afflided: PaWTTK KVT. May 35th, t.-O. Mes?n*. Samps?Gentlemen: Having been relieved and nir.v ofooe ofthe rasistdntr?ssins maladica to which ta? minimi system is subject, by the t-*e of y?!:r Sonayanlhi; I leal II my du;> t,> Osaka known to the public the l.;c!i unend? ing my case, and '.lie inestimable tecei'.t 1 huve derived Ir^ui die use of your medicine. In the Summerol l v>\ hen at ca. I bad a swelling undjas my right ami; which fathered, broke, and proved to be ol a Scrofulous kind. A row days arter which 1 aooVd. ami m ineduuely applied tu a ph) ucian, and termed but little be refit. 1 was induced tu apply to leveral i t tlie m -'. ikiiful physicians the place arfonied. ana to make uso of various speciti-s : not w.-!?-ta.:.a.:s kuwev;r I cuiitiau-tl to gi.e.v .v?,rv\ until t..; ngfitshouMer, side, breast; neck*, and stomach, beeame o .. attending sure, which dbeharged matter in brae gunnnlnK and my life appeared t.. m< liul wastiua away 93) health m>much impaired tltst at times I was n-'t able to go out ol i!oor>: I was? mere eaucated ?kafeton. Every one supporeo Icoold'tivt buta short time, and 1 lud itijrtril ?e?pmred ol ever obtahnne relief, In Nos'ember bttt I accitfoiutliy saw yeut Sanapanlla advertuod in ???.e of tne uewspapersj v.lnci 'nduced me r.i r::-.kc one more tr:n! t.' regain my health : and I ..e>C'ite not to ?av thai it lets tlone rnoregood, then all th? medicines I have ever takers; By the use of one or two bot des I was relieved '"nun all p-.:n, my health begsh to amend ant! ; now teal pertetly v. eii; I ran u-e my rieht ..m:. which I wa> unable ti< do !...- \t-.y u\e years, t:iJ 1 nttribute the result en aeiy to a ie? bottfca oFynur ineahtaWa Sana pan ua. I 00? heartily ronimmend it to all stmiluriy ntTected; that they aw) procure the right medicine mi.! tlurcay >?'c ?!enK!ve??urlei uurand'espause. Thus* wnhinc to know lartber partieulan ia:i>- :iaJ ma <;t my residenea in Mill street, rawtuckat, where i tfa&Uba ptaueit to cuaamttaieoui anyunnir in relaUontO ua :aM>. I am, wrth gruutode, ri^in, see. CALVLN hau ding. Bristol, May iW. IS? The above named Calvht llardinz nerionall] rippciircil be l?te me and marie natfa to th- tnidi of the foregoing cerultcan by him lubscribed; COLLINS KAl'.l IN?L Justice. I da hereby cerufy ?-utth. above rs a eorreet Jatementofthi easeoi t alvin Harding, and the wonderful eneet ol your m.i Mtpai l!x I nsvc frequentfy seen hrs *orc? diesaed mal an knowing t.. the mediciua he mmte u?e ot THEOPHILUS CROWELL. Fur farther particulars and conclusive evhlaneeoi ittaape nor value and efficacy, tee pamphlets; which rrn, beobtainet K Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. tt v *.\.\\>*. V. bo ewde Hruggrsts, 71' Fulton street, N. ). S il l also by Druggists generally throughout the I. r",-.''c? Price Si net bot?i?-.\ btrtdes tor -5. IXj- tu ? puhi rar- respect fully wquested to remember In* itisSnml'aSarsBuarilla tbatlms and i? constantly aehievini ?octi lenmrkablecure ol the mostdiffieudebuw ofdMaana ti which the htunrtn frame is irulbecL rheralore ask lor Saud rtar>:.; .itiiu.:.; a take no otlier._aflt-lw REPINED SUGAll (X7tX>LSEV am' vvnii|>i:\ fnim thktfoleii?erdiei ?V "Sonklard" fs'i BLE REKL\El?8UGARSattlsalot lowing !o? prices, vi:.: 1 naf U cants pet pound. / When ie<s than hve packages an L'ruslstull .Ii ?!?? j> purctaucd. half a cent pe pours poweet'd 1D? do no ) additional. The idwve are packed as follows; Loavt*. in bu of 3J? itn.1 i'ri.hcii in Wilsoi -?-< " \ Nochargtt lor packages, powttered in du ofsJSU " ) Apply t" N k ork Paumt Sugar hennery, cor. of rout ? mil Montr . it8) Wall N. B. L'l lets .? P. I tbe city nio.l lai ucrumpiinied by a tern meo _ _ "al U MACK IE fie LEVERET T, C t> ."'I MISSION ?l E 11 c ti A N T S, No. loT Water Strkkt^ 'Below Wallstreet.) John F. KIacxib, late Mackie. ii'.klt-y Ar, Jeiiiuson. i ?? Josuu.S LavEirrrT,bite Levereu&Thtnna*. I4 In .i r in ? i;t and Iii rough! .Nn is miii Sinke*. /Vv?. I i Plate, Biiimm Tin. Lead, Copper. Zinc; S;?!tn. Win:. Eug lasts, American and ttuxsia Sheet Inin, I!. Iron. RraiSen Risk Bnml Iron. \ Spike Rod?, tsl.b. .?Spml.-. < sitcaf. Brads. Tacks ami Soarniwbul-. Brass Kettles. Tinners T.r-.v tch, English & Amuricaii Par In o..v. Fire Proof sale- and Iron Chests ail dies. ml? Im ALBERT BEACH, IM CHATHAM-STREET, N EAR PEARJUSTREET. OFFERS lot sale at low prices, on assortment ol the follow? ing gootb Brtmzed or Silvered Girandoles. Si !ar Lamps fl r Ijinl i^r (?.!. Sandts ieli, < Gothic fir (lonvei Ten Trays, in stt* or separaten Plated Cake Basketji, CasOrrs. Candlesticks, sjmarers aitdTraj i English ami Domestic Britannia Ware. Silver Tab e and Tea Spoons, etc. Table t 'utleryand n gem ml lot.'! fancy article*. mlti lm* I ADIES* BONNETS.?Neapolitan, a per.'ect article.^liir. J J)~; \- I.v .?; Iiui.-V.'le?, .Mcihuni.mid Extra tine. Itii a ami a superb article it Cbtp. wt'ha variety of fancy Bon neu. Also, Cenu Puiatna Hau, medium and Extra line, fin .ale clan,'. UOOTII Es LYNES, IIB Maiden Lane, ut floor, apH Smeotl4 Oue door above Pearl ?t. V 9. DONNELLY StCO., No. 887Grand-atreet, corner ol i> . AI ?? i, n i'.- on baud an extensive.irtmetil of the fid lowing boose keeping DRY GOODS, to which they invite the attention id purchasers, viz: !< I to il l Imperial und Marseilles Quilts o'-I to IfM by 21-4 Ihapers ::ad ftam-.-k Table Cloths oil Linen. ' i. ?I, 101 and Irt-h. Banstcy, Russia and Sil? Rush i Sei tch and Irish Toweling Diapers. .>-.;; land Diaper and Damask Kapkutt. i 'rash, Hitckabaek and Bmleye Diaper. i i and.' 8 Smiting and Pillow-Casa Linen of all iiualiUes, 1-1 heavy Undressed lamm. 1'rci.ri-. Embo-^eil 'hah I'.-.lile and Piano I "oven. Colored I kxton. Worsted and Linen Table Cloths. And ibo an extensive rusortment ofCbithii and Casslmeres, Drap DjEtes, Gambroutw, Linen Drillings, and other t>tapl< and FancyTity Goods. _ uySl rrio THE INHABITANTS <>r EAST BKOAlM'Ai 1 AND ITS VICINITY.?At the suggestion .if a numbei ? ! r-ii ectelile lamdies. residing in trie Seventh Ward, the Pro prictorofthe ALU A MRA. Broadway, lias been induced t .ipcii a Branch of ms establishment at No 16.? East Broad war, niie door above Rutger street. The bouse ;s a v*ry Irjr.'r aai pieaMint one. be:::e situated in the moat central part ofthe -'an. Tlie Saloons are mied up in a sty le of great taste and r,eutnos?. To thun WBO h ue visited his estKuiislnrieii'. in Broadway he need only say. that the some endeavors and anx lety to please his guests will oe evinced there us at lite fbrmei place. Th those who have i .it, Iw teapecfuily uivinrs Ihein ti cu.'! and jndga liir thatnsalves. The Stduuns tvill ba ready to receive couip?iny 'i'uesday, the 7th inst. N. B.?( roam constantly on hand, pore. mytilm TO THE LADLES. Sill ..:?.?its imi OTIIKES \H N RXSPgCTrCLLY invtied: > ea'l and examine our ?tock otStrma (i?*it. In part a? foUowa, rix.: Ladies Tuscan, Neapolitan, Bints Eye, Bra d. Chip and Hiaw Bonnets, Misses' sixes; also, Misses, Boy's ana Children's born. Panama, und Palm LeafHaU, arUficiaJ^weri,a>x.atc. All salhog off very \ovrvfirr cask, at GALE i i ' ?.'S, S8 IVnrl street, t"..-. Hotel Building; laia :uT) Im* Hi It'sHouso, New-York UEAU riFUL GRATE APRONS. tins of ii.irv". rJ1Iin largest assortment and mostelerront pauernsof ?;rate I Apron?together with Drapery for Looking Picture Frames?ma; be found at m2i II. Ac S. RAYNOR'S liii', 78 Bowery. t f?SE FOR THE CROTt IN WATER.?Tlte subset 1 e ll .i ??.%!?!.? at a reduced price a superior arocie i I , l' :i ot-r lhr.c. I.nvil and cov.-rcd wtii rSheel Itoldjer. and war ra.itiil to uear longer tiiac, aay otlier liije.n mnrkeL It is pu' together io a diHereat manner; and being eovaied it does no rnt. I '< iupl ings attached wrthoul charge; . Fi.- ale at LM Maiden Lone, and 3n Broadway, by mV) Im C. L ROSS. TTTRODGHT IRON STEAM I'll'K.s. gec?'P.-rsut, * V -^ra.ei- are now prepared i" lunnly Manulncruiers Engtneeis and others with Wrought and Cast lr..o Steam Water and tins Pipes, many quannt>. The Wrought, inn in lengrii? ?f&om 4 ineliss to 12 tret?put together with .crew. and capable ia sustainina ? prcn-ure of from JU<J t.> lU.tSXi lbs lothesqaaieineh. The Cnst-lron Pipe in ur.ifurm rengths, and alia joined by -crew., .-t&yn. licit. Also, always on Imiid. Brass and boa Lock?. Valves, Eihows, B^ud-, <pr,. gs;Tees, iTouplings, Redl uns Sockets, Steam Gus^ta. fMeam-Guag, P'l?. Pnmps, Expansion fubca, ar.i aiaicst every thiua 'jed lor Water, feieain nad WALWORTH Al Naso.Y. mr?Ira* _ No. 14 Ph,u -treet. N. York. BOILER IRON?The Hi baenhem a>e prepare.:!- fomisfe Boiier Inm. '?! t:r-t rtuautl end worranhsi, .ii any dimeo Rona?aisolroti suintbletor Locnnoi vesand Erricson's Pro [leiler. made at f-n.r.;l Ir.a Works, l bester Co. Pa. 11,22 _ y.i Kii a K. i.LA Vi IT at CO. 27 West st, \MANILLA fil-^N'S.?3casesveryanperiorQuality lor sale wh iesale ar.d rctad by JAS. S. ASIMNWALL, mi-' 's.' on VVlllam rtre^. STEAM ENGINE FOR SAL&?A second and Engine o? 16 horse power, boilers cud e" oompSHa and ige mod inter, ba* rig run iitit i.r? year, fiir viie low. Isyuire of J. t'. HODMAN. City Foundry. UO Warren street. mlo 2.n* CHEATUING COPPER?llil cases imi brands Lneash. IS - :?? .^2 hir^ale by alo GRINNELL. MINTCRN tt CO. ggocthst. \ ?l 'SC? IVA rs ISTJG AK?ft! hhds on board barqne General .'I Harrison.lor-sieby ,w.-oc . . _rnlu_t:hiN.NELL. MINTTJBN:kt 0?- '88"u!0^ C^nr/ ?\fT rslXOAT?W.MO liusbeb, on board i t'^tbVluiaiV GRLVNELL. Ml.NTI'RN & CO; Mu S.?llili-.tre# ship n, street. r - AMPHENL. CH'EMIC \L<HL. A Mi i!I HM.\(; FLY v "lit far sate, whuiesala and ^ - DIETZ BRtiTliLK it CO. Ka 13 John street, .New York, and rn'i* hiHtcha *reet. Brnofclini BOILER IRON.?The ?uli-^'i are prej^rod to toraisb Boiler Iron of first uuuiit, end unrrai.tec, ot any dnrien liuns: also. Iron suitable tor IajohjioLvc* and Lrrv son's Pro je?en, made at l-aurel Imn Worts. Chester Co. Pa. ml7 MLRLOCK. LEAVl'lT 6t CO. 27 \\ est su 'I'KN rXJLLARa KKW A Kl..- Vi. k--i wi Bs?* 9eo*M 7 ?,*",,>"itj? lor th.-v share* .?I V.'CkUai.g Bunk -S -ii Ihr nun?-..I |a? K. .v iV_ ? ?..IV>. *.H, ; wei i rUhmsey ???,,..,? wt, tM noSattirdar, SBQ March. ? v ' ? ? V:.., . ,| t.?ay ?? UVJi.!, Tl( ibos-a wdlbe paid by baric* Bust TtionimXc < ..rfiee. i8 Wall ; _ Bthg 'j'.ij. v-w,-*, mwi ??? .\k:.k-.-w-.i a fit* A rate workman, to i axe wwlmm^ g^ .-".itu .t i: \i: i>Hmk.VK. ,,u I'uhon street, Brooklyn. WAITED?By a rocmg Lady, a situate 0 otT.-neter m a ?eh..... .... . ?p. la o/ tes>cMn? Us- fojMlamoe'al ."inche. ft at: I rwrdi education.and woiul prc.Vr *< SoUth. AddrlW Li f'^pnil. ;;.'|U? C'ALESM \.N W WITH-!-i a CVu, rg'st.n-e"inth.r iy 0 One who .? thorough!] caperseaced es SaJesinan in a 1 loth nr *' i '-y < lo. ? ? rt rr. may ko of a perm*nort ?it.?. ? on !n a<hutMU>4 ? note in.*:; real nn* to K. X. Y m>p?r rust i iti-ee. iu2??? AViii'w M W. a Gra iate, ? shes employasent la teaching for 2 or 3 hours a <!??>? .ii some seLsji of rYn.i. ! in th > city lor a ?mall compensationor hi. hoard, tie w ane* ... i ? makeup a thus m Laim ?.-l t;r??fc to occupy an hour in I U?eerfnin?a_JSrKpug ol Ur. i ande*..No. M Kar* f.ace. mgSat' i>ART\ER W \.V: :::: -In um WtolessuVand K.i.-ii Gro? cery bisenes?. wirft ,, cash Capitol (jf hlOXi to f.X<0. the advertiser bantu abool the saute means. A perron wetTae ! c,uaiet-.d with tee uihab t??."s of South Brooklyn and nailers itands the retail trade, would be preferred. Tlie i .-a ,,f refer : cr.-e? given and required. A Ime sddrss esl: i viit Brasca t'.-st 1 Uffice.with real name. -.l refer. . , will receive ;iurne>l?ate ; stt.oUou. m?*it* O KSPECTABLK Y??NG VVOM \N-Wa*.t?.|. a situi i iv riou to do olsaosberivorhorpJatn ?ew.rsr; has m> or?*r. tioos tu travel ?.th a lady as nur?*? with the best of city pttsr c- A pplr at iV3 Houston sr. miSa* j "l'ITANTEf)?By a respectob'e younc woman a situ at on as I v? rood coott aast stood a tabet a: irouac wttuM : tvoa o je? oos ? otreneral hoosevvi rk or chamber m.rk.? liioil i M> rr fat aces ?neu. Apply at V.*? Mc.-t .t. mi'It* U7AVfi:iV-.\ ?.t.iati.?R |,v fro ?.r!?. onets do Cookine. tva.h ns aid Innmc. the ether a? trhamrssr-na^d. I ?\ash ir..i Itvueror wa.ter?they can produce tise tteat cty : mo'enee. I'ease to call at if ik.-v ? c r. -t >-f BeC j lord street.tecood rloot. Ki??3t" 1 IV A.!:' VN U'\>-':'KU-A ?eend-nar,- thr.^wated i *V h>-*a?ay Waaua ?deren t I*. W. Otfeeoftlsa I rnbuiW;_ U* \vrn?-T.i get two or three Children Us board in a Os',,thy uertoi tne eouutr?. ?b.>nt tea in.V. f'r .m ttve I tr. snta an eascrty woman wr.e e there me n i children, and w ol be taken so d eare i f. Fort^irtheruar?euLn address K. M. th?offlce. _ _ ' ??S3f \ KAltK ttrPtiltTCMTY is m.w ..'(Tetrd. vai: bi sell a sXlirjl pate stanutactarmgand Ea ? Bu sfnrss iif Ions' stand ?g. TheloraUon is the UM that th.-.- :. .r>",rd. mid would Ot-besoUtflUtaWncrpai wasin s.hmI ii-nltn. Address A. It. at the Tnbune ofhee, ? th rool rune, which v?.n hecoa ? nein dandpfiwantty.syspocfoJto loJSfw* 8OAKl) IN lllKCOL'.VfKV-ln the pleasant MllaceoV ?'m ee. \..1. t?<ive i: v.. ? :i .\ ... Y?irk, neat to the >:ui?ra! r>prie.-. a. ji i::.t;^ the Episcopal Church, and inthas immediate vicinity of well kept schools, and several churches ol uul'ef i:t d.-n. iii:uat:oiis. Apply Bl trie prem's.-. to Mrs.Gll iiiau. KarlyapplscaUon lequested atsl resMeocas exchanged. The Morrastnwn tram iwws ilirect frtun Jerscj C t r ? t iramre. uul v >t?ge pastel twice a day. aJUatiiwluj*_ ?'V\r..v-\V.ri, t.:e:iMi:tr.s.;i...-,|. i?.> bad at -\ >. Sti Whilas stlecti fir oast or nets reotienten or a and bis irilt*; ommt will be furtissbed or i,..rur u-hed as reuuned, vr .vith fuller partial board. Beanance g ven and rtomred. BtM lw? } >i IA fei? \ family or a few single genta.n of g< <s! mo* D rai?, can have o.a.-.! <nd spnc.ou. r,K?ies in a pnvste tarn I.-, a very desirable lecation, 2Si hifrt. House and apart aeais aousually pbmstat and agns'iible. m'Jl 1st* BIIAItDI.N'G.- F imil es or s agle ge :l|en:.'U can I.: aecoio m.slairti with rooms and h. ar.I ai <2t' Houston .'revt, a .w .!..ors iroin Urea.:?.:). n:>2ii Im BOARDING AT aT I OUKTLAN? ST.-Ttes ettaUatbr Oinent' avmi ? ran taken ...i ? lease is ready to receive .mslo tentletnen or faaiitet who may wish permanent .?nilbiiahle apartments Kr..]ii:re of Mp llcre. 27 I'oiirtlaud "*<v su3)lm? VNil.l. \ l'i 'liHAt.i:-jtsj coah Manilla Conbuta, ?nu? ll? VV-.: dM Ml! ' CS \u:r..vxKs-ss P sTENT PLA "Y> >KM SCALES.?Tha I maiiufacturers ha.e pnwahttMM Balancaa to n raxy arcAt tatee ofpertietiiHi, and, .n tlicr ram us nxaflflcnrions, utva idapted them to all the poipuaas for which beat) traiiMu'Uoiis re reouired bv weielit |r, tlie m.v.'i.i ecal .rrr. r on. .-i.r? is token tosecur. bl RUNG i H. DI II iBILri V'.aad ACCt.' tACY?accuracy nt.i merelf a. a specific noun mid to an .mount, butinttfwrm arcurac) al eyi ry ancle ol the- I'latiorm a id throughuui the entire lauge, from the lowest to the high ?si Capacity ol the Balance. These scales keep their aibiusuneal i>e:nn-tly, ore never liable to demia"":ient. ami setdoni tiiany expense for repairs. They/ .re in us,: :n iiu?t ol the RailrsMids in the I 'lined s^tat.s. and in onMuf-thsisn they have bean tons .n o-e. the opctai Ion being lerfecL r5., alsoiu the Lb.rmani and I'ortauM scale, lor wtagb* ng merchandise. Merchants and utherswh? nave bad tlsata ,.tstani use tor a sm-. essinni if years, testify In the.r mutorm iccuracy, und lo tlvalod thai they appear uonrlecled b> wear. I'hcse ?calcs have been paienteil in bnglhnd. ?xtensively osed, b.Hi iu pnvatc wanshousesand public rail srays. ' Cl'W AKI' FIHI.O. No. 1 Watt ?troet. hud ncSeodly J. W. I Hi b.Sr.. No. Ilti ttrvet, N. Y. >Ti i'I'Ii IE,?The partn. rthiu heretoture exrsIUsa betwa en ihe I .ubscrifarts. u uei the I n ol I.I.I .lot. Bl KNAR* ItABCiXiK. s this day fl.!>?! Iii it. own ihnitalioo. Ail ? hui.ftheJatelitm be .ei V.I by GAIA'SC. HCR VAI' ami .Will AN IIAIII IM K. who Will continue we bu iinest under the firm nfBI if.NAi' al ?ai;? i ? K. at t3 John .?reei DA VIEL f 1 l.ll ' Ai \r- r. BUKNAP. NA'l HAN BAlsUOl K New-York, May l?t. IS I. ml tat VT-' I ICE?Archibald Gracie King, has fhu day been ad . a ?! .ir.s| a- t par?n-r, by ui3iin' PRIME, WARD <v KING^ HR. H. Bl ?ST? ICR. PHYt M IAN AND .- HRGEON. iiiti lm* No. 76Cii i..?t. I AW i IAIN Jon? M. Im i rigtn, oi N?t. rta*. 'Ml<?ss.;i, ij'i. will attend to legal busnies?. ttwM mat be coprided to fjim a th; I'ircuit Courts or Ailaua mil die biij cent couin\ie*i and nthes'uperiorI'oart.ol the State. \ favorable ptnisststooal on.lion in LouisiaiMi will enable bun to atlendin business ? !?? In 'he Paris!res ftltnt rjoue, uetu Natcbss. He isfaci to? . -Hi Barum, Van Arxlaie, CauklweU and ;lob. i'i -'ir in. i.-. nt lm Brownj Wamoek, Bn.Uiers aa < ... Malcolm & Gaul, lam. Cochran, Ihnry Lavetty. ?\ itliain Kain -fri iy J-sn. j; G. rTi^'E'lT hail removed to So S7 IVecckor-sL if netirltroadmty, N'ew-Vnrk. Practice confined tolitsiV> aitioos. Fractures, Ibp Dtsenscs, Esprains, Cimtractsons, I'al ded l^mb*. Riieun ati ni, Nervous Atfectton?.Teatterness. In. HammatNMis and l "urvatures of the Spine,! lefisrmed Shouueni, A in etSwellings, Weakness uf the Joints, aid Lbs easel of the Linths generally. References given on npplicati.ui t? |?r. n i?I? i,r,? VT? >TK 'E OF REMOVAL! -PIERI IVS PATEN V Hirst) LXPREiMHTM KITCHEN RANGE and Revolving Roast ?r E'tnbluhineut is removed to -'J Broadway, one door ?bora Iteii'le-.trevt. The pahhcarerespeetfuHy reqn?sted to callo-al examine a tew I! inge which has ia-eu introduced tiiis Spring, which ii>r durabslhy.Iimplfeity and economy, I as never been .uronsseif. N. B.?Pierce'* Raiigas MptttfesLby applying at a:"Ji)roaii wny. mis lm IkH. J. W. CRANE, Dentist, hat r,m,,w.r| from No. 5 \J Park place, to No. u Leroy Place. Bleeekerst. a3> lm } > I'M' A' VL- 1 liethTice and Pales Room oftliis New-York IVl.iird Manufactory i? leumved Run 71Fulton st.eet to 100 John stteet, opmssite < liffstreet. Apr,I III. nll3in| L^SMITH. WS:Joho-st_ REM'iV'AI..-JHI1N LOVEJOY, )><nt:it. temoved from 88 i'.-incc ?treot to CJi Broadway, two doors below Bleelivr ?trcet. mlSSa*. SCRAP III' IN- 200 tons Wrought Scrap Iron, on board ship Wellington, i..r=al.;ii> GRLNNELL.MIN I I KS (t CO. nil-; _ 78 ssoiith-stteaC D?PER of all keels ci n-.tanti] ?: ? n.l. utid b.r sate ui loU I to suit purchasers, by C YRL'S W. FIELD, mhi ' in No. '.i Burlingsh'p. C iii ItiONU " 1 Til ItS&'ErL ?7:!ie ~.N'o. 13 s\ lieeknuui .r.eet. AI.I 2u0 of the tirstphyti. . J/Jcians und surgeons of New Y'.r. b .ve given /^fic5??* their decided prefercoce to ?i 'fru.s, as you can O graduato the pratsure from one to fifty pounds on the rupture, without u back pad, which dees -o much injury 10 thaaoine. A bur trmi being the i*.t lest of its superiority, ?i b applied end six days' IriaTlgiven. and If it does not i ? tain die rupture, winle pertorming every of exercise or co?gb ng, Bitd give perfect en.?; in a word, if it is not sntislactoiy 11 every rasped, the money u cheeifully returiie.1. mid this u tlie only eOMSaon on which you iboobl buy any Truss. A per inaneul care tseasdy tulccteu.aisil warranted, if direction, are followed. Those s?nil"ig for tmtTruisnced only nieuuon the side rup. tnied and the measure round the hip,, us they can graduula lie prassuie to suit their cssa. ?uld wholesale and retail at 13 Bockman-street, mi?lm - HCLL'S i UCMES.?Notice to linpturnl Per Y ?ms.?Persons idltlcled with rupturas may rely I if\ i upon the best- tssstraasssttitl aid the world aJfords, \^-^-ttJ S on appUCSUoa ..I ti"; oltice, -No. 4 Vcvey street, "SeBBSS*7 or to either ol tint agents In the principal towns in the I i.i ei .?"ates. lie cureful to examine Use Lack pad ol Hull , 'i rust si, to sea il 'ie> aie endorsed i,y lir. liuli in wnung. N'oiie a.-e genume. or to !<e reUOd upon m good, wiihout fius sig uuxira. Many tiersons have ur:i>rtak?-n to rend irmrations of Hull's xU-t.muxi X'rosses, and ?mtisandi ure in.iKaed uy?,ri ui coiue These mutations l^r relied ii|^m : U>y are mule i,y unskilful ntechanics. and ure no aetter tium the urdia. try Trusses. ,.?,?, ~* RotMna have .been ihted up at No. 4 V.-j..> street, axclustvely for ladles; having -oparate entrance from the bu-iriek, depart. lOesit, v, iiere u letnola is in consuuu altenrtance to an, ui?>u le ir.a> pmi'i.ti. _ _ tf UrAG?N FOR BALE? A strong, rabstantial Country iVsgon,escellentl} calculated tor Rxivipga lansdy. or Ii r rough tu ?dl senerafly. Apply at ine Pbenig Buzuar, ,Sfer tar-street, neat Uotatoa. m? u" Jt;iiN GALER, [FoHMS.hLY J. V. TlLVoU.J LADIES' liOOT AND SHOE STORE, &> I'IiaTUA.M STRSKT. I Ja opening th-ni>ive Nos Pegs respwctfally to tobest the aUenUon of bu friend, and the public to lu> choice sston "lAOIES^, Ml^sSr?:^5, am? CHILDREN'S KOOTS AND SHOES, of Cuy ManuiacUirc. i?iu of the must approved style, aas at prices corr^sixuMing w th Uietim?. Also, ticui's and Yoiiua' Doou and sn'<.ut every aasccfp uoo. , , . H.-.vins had several years experience in u.e business, be can contideritly insure to purchasers tie host descript.oii ol wotk inansnip. N. I? ?l!""ts and sheet of every style mailt to ooler. mi lm "ffl.MIHOVEVK.NT.S IN BP.tH'Kf.VN-SMITH ic RHAK'J'rvllURNE are soppiyo.g UsoUsatsds with liOt/ia ^{ A.Mi SHOES which are easy Ui wear, bandannie and uurabie .i iii? Brooklyn uau Loug Island Boot and t-hoo ~.:,.rr ITQ Fulton n._r.SUj ji ... KtNlSHtO??ttaganiNutria Car liati ordj ' s?', oarilrterniedUeaveriai tn? lowiines.loftWtaupsstot g^SSj ,hon na . ..I Pro* in Moleskin -.t \Z. rhee H.iis are . ... id durability >?xl lustn UTthnse Sold u $4. Al?o an ar Uci*at.???0. avenr sssai;*r?a?bat. r:nlm* BRWsVN. I'r n tieal HoUer. IsSbCanabsL^ KCOVOMV ANU FASHION'!?The sulernljer has I W redui ad i' - ?upenoi ImitoUoa Moieakiu Hau on tur bo. ^5S>,),e, to the extreme low price of t-2 25. Iheaii"1'-' are an esegani l?n s. fiat, auu will compare aii vant.ige....s!> w th bars ?? Id at i'i 50 and 13. Abo, Constaotly nenuiaeii.riag r or ami s Jjt ul Use tost quality, latest patterns, and a' the lowest pre-s. .N. ft. Con tr> dealers .utiphed by the case as low, if not lower than any other house in lim e<ty. J. W. l??LLOC<;. 122 Canaj st, tr.ldlS 3m* corner ot Thompson .t. WOODWORTH'S PLANING MACHINES X-y^^S. |4 ^' EAR--" experience, together Witt many valu % ~Z' a able improvi menu and additions to kit leru.rr tools Hi fjfr. enables I be ? I iberto fornssh,al short r.oh re. and se efcfi' ol the uik! r< r;ectcoa?truc?on,ni?terji-lsiuid wurk marslup. .V-, hinestoplanewoodrnalfiU vagietV*. ,r -'"'-. iu< I. a. or suitocniconiy, urcuUmg moohi. _j . ' \ .... o!aninr.too?a*ingari,lgrooveiug.jointujg, t^g&V orra' It'Uitg, and plai Dg Clappboards. ^ \ i o:!^-nberst hrs "A* c: ' .-.'i.. t in I \ ? to', or st corner of ; i .is:., -a t>l ii ... -Ims-U I. "St. f. ?Lere ?ta .fi-T* "chr.- r.-ny be seen, si i any inMrmntioi. relaUsa ,Uie tame, may be oljtoice.1. as sseU as ot Josuxb ckwefl /B. Co. New-Yofk. .T f*f * chin.. to the I f>-: I Black Letters of mere irnuiry must be post-paid. .-AMi Kl. B. SCHENCtf. ' Foxboro*. Mast, Apt?Ut. 18r?. I aoiteJ