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^SS'ORK TRIBUNE lvllill ^Aorntmem hm.i. *kw.y?rk. *T , i, Citt f^tarmbcwfiw Nine Cent? W week. ^?rpStb? can W in advance til Lb. LS5 ?'.?''""';,. , r...,r m UM ?n.f nil*. S.o.-te eoptei &':ViV*nt-4. MailluUcnben I ive Dollars pera?num_ Ait* Mid 3ob.crtptii.oi. taken for Sot >l>nths. .. ?ri^-r-t insertion.J-;??<???? ffji j, t?,. i iquenl niaeruon.? ,, JL i,.,ir?.l ovw six?rlist inwrttnn . W ,. 7V"''.. k*oreachsu '.sequentunertioo.--r-? ? I." ? r or? ac week.i{5 .. For one month.; rt*''urV~:??v.,; advertaauenH al pieaiurc, '<"'"' x erit?-i>i--- ?? insetted m Urn paper appeal botn in ??W-TORK WEEKLY TllllttWK, LARGE PAPER, FOR THE COUNTRY. 'f HE TK 'x {^ ^ , ,x. trtkt Matt Convention of the Whigs "f pr Aero Jersey, At TRa.NTes. May 29, lMf p^tt^'f^ Uvettandance Ik re to d iy 1- nn exception to a ." ral rule of conduct which 1 have found myself rlbhred ? prescribe. I have found it necessary t.. - etothe resolution of abstaining in-general from ^"' ?n, |nrs:e assemblages ol my fellow-citizens, tlrthe purpose of addressing them. Disposed, I kLc, to do mj duty, ?s a good <-:ti/"n. and a 1:00.! Vklii'*. incarrvin". forward the cause of all good rrwi and in supporting the acceptable men now Mb'rc tlie public, I must, nevertheless, as a general MCtice, sufferthe duty ofaddressing large bodies iTpedpie to devolve on others who, to at least an fflual degree ?'f ability, may add something more of ,i?r rind of effect. 1 am cnpisril, rice, nsnrily en? laced in private and professional pursuits, which frqaire attention, lint I Luve thought that, under ^circtunstances of the case, being near at hand tad bfinf wrongly desirous of complying with I lie ?abbs of some friends, I uiisht lorego my general .(wlution for the purpose of meeting yo? here to I bad the pleasure ol meeting m<- r-. rcsentativec ?fall the Whigs oil he Union at Baltimore. I have fincc attended a meeting ot the pcopla of Huston, jiicmliled to receive tin ir delegates, and I made a ??>ori?i-it ?o my native stat.-. Gentlemen, wiili ?iie and this occasion, I must beg leave to close graddresses to the large assemblies w hich will oc? cur ?0 frequently in the progress of the present rlretinn We are met, gentlemen, to hear the concurrence of ihe Whig? of New Jersey in ihe proceedings ot ayBaltimore Convention. We find that concur? rence to be, so fur as I know , unanimous and hear it. There is no disseul In re or elsewhere. The ftreritcs of the people for the first and second <>iii tssi are before us; nml so fur us I know or can Inrn, in cverv ('art ot liiw country with which I am icqaainted, the will becsrdially supported. Then p uo mistake about that matter. The stale of the country is Bomewbal peculiars? All that we hoped would have been accomplished bj the revolution of 1840 had no! been accom? plished. It seems necessary lorenew that struggle And so f'ir as we can now |udge the struggle musi br upon tlie same geueral topics of controversy as iboK we wem upon in 1840. We do not know at ii hour w ho will be selected to lead those opposed to the Whigs, mir ilu I suppose it to !?? very mate? rial. It is enough tor us to know that we stum.' ppon our own, our oar? old Whig principles: thai tie mean still to support, as far as may be in oui power, the true and genuine Whig measures we bare adopted, and, whether opposed by one, or b? anotlter man's name, whether the opposition l> stroiis or feeble, we mean 10 <Io oui duty, we mean lo achieve it victory, if we can. (A von e, ' we are toine to.') I think so I " No*, gentlemen, it would be unpardonable in m* 10 run over all the topics ol discussion, or questions of-dispute betwes-n the emit parties which divid tlie coun'rv. Tlu-rr are some leading ones already adverted to by the able and eloquent gentlemen w In have preceded me, and I .-hull say a lew, um! onlj a ir w words, upon them. It gives me uuleigned satisfaction to find that, in the adJresscs which have in're been delivered to you by tint abb*, and distinguished anil popular gciule ns'ii (rum t-vo uf the mosi iiupoitani Southern States, upon one ol these leading lopici?the lendiug topic I think I time si.iv?there was u conviciiou, express ed on brhall of iheiuaelves and the Whigs of tin Slates from which they came, a conviciiou of thi siiuiiil priiatiples and the sulntary leudeuvy of I hi great oocirjue oi Protecnoii i" Vtio*ricnn industry Our stsif Iims been eatremel* cbuuged hi tnis res p.ct !'s tlitevents ??! Out lust jeai; and I sui>pose 1 may congratulate you, geuileuieu, us I certainly laktLto myself gratulation, in the |h-rsunsiou I leci ihui v?e have um around n great point??<? have goi ou-r a ereni liii?culiv??i- have achieved a e,..,.t purpose and uc. omplishrd a great end in regard t. toe Tariff policy ofihe coutitrv. v\ hai I relei loi ? thai at the present session ol Longri.'Sf, in the 11 ohm of Kepreseuiatives has inj a tiisjoritt ol our politicn Miversarii s, a propostiiou substantially to aid r in Tarin" law has ot 1843 signull} and bnally lailcil Now the causes oft Iiii4 result ?re quite an gratify Mas ibd fact itself. And whul Hre iliese onuses t In the first place I think the question has beei ?dnirablydiscussed in Congress ai iis present ses? sion. Tlie whole subject has been explored will tew industry and with great taleut, b\ meinbers 01 Cencress from this Stute nml Imm other St?ter-, among the foremost in debating ami in legisluiivi taient in the countn. The Bources of its Constitu power have been explored. Tin* question has been traced to the times of Washisoton?in the times of the Constitution, and 10 the times be Km the Constitution; and from all this it haabeci seen ilmr, from the limes of i he distresses ol th country, utier the pence of '83, to the adoption 01 the Constitution, and afterwards, through nil the early adniinistraiiouB of the Government, unacknow? ledged object ni the Conetiiution was the pi.ction ol me manufacturing and otln-r industry ol the Uni ted Elates nsainst ilu- cheaper labor and the srreatei ctpiial of Enro|ic-. In tlie next place 1 ascribe much of this influence, anch of thin happy influence, which has produced the defeat of this measure in Congress, to the gen? erous, unenlightened, the uianl) manner in which the 5>ouiherti \\ hi^s has.- come oui uiul manifesteil their opinion on this subject. They have felt, and they have become willing to say, to declare, that they do not see thai all iheircotton fields have been blighted by the Tariff?thai all the of th< Southern planter, and nil lue comlorls of Southern lite hast- been destroyed by the system of Protection to our National Industry, They huso maintained th>.ir eriitmil in it high, a noble, a statesmanlike man Der. They entered boldly into the discussion, anil thry reposed on their own h:;;ii character?and oti ike merits of thia greai question itst If, and on :h< wtelljgence of the people of ilu-ir own Slates, lu ?attain the opinions ihe> have held, and lo answci lor the public policy thrv have pursue.1. And then reliance is proved not lo hav,- been 111 vain. 1? the third place, 1 believe that since ihesubjeci ha? been more discussed, ihe great body of the numing interest of the United Slates has come lo ii a great deal better. It bus been Red every where that ih<- protective policy favors tho rich manufacturers, the corporate bodies who have lar^e investments, the capitalists who hav. employed operatives under Ibein. .Now 1 (|,i noi ?oppose there is u muri' plain proposition 111 tin world, a proposition more capable of proof and de moMtration than this, that in the condition of things in this country, a policy which in protecting th nnaufacturing industry gives employment lo per? rons who are not product-is ol umu iiiuirnl commo? dities, but who are consumers, i? highly and sub KantiaSly beuefic'uU t.. all parties concerned in tin fariiuiiL- interest. Wtthoui going into any itretii theory on ihls mutter, withuut \u\mz ilown a'nv ?-t 11 er?l propositions, or .Iravsi,.,.. general inferences, lei me address myself lo thia aseemblv, mosil> com? posed ot lh<- tarimitg inti-rcsi ?I N. J.'Ti,e en ,'lt ,?(,.. rest of?{. Jersey w a fanning Theinteresl ol next importance is the nianufacturing. There can be little chance of mistake in assuming that ihese two interests make up the aggregate ol Xew-Jersev parsuiis. The appeal, false nip! delusive us it is, is alwavs made in the fanning inierest, thai the efiect oi ihe protective policy is lo raise the prices of those i;rii cles which the t?rincr has in purchase, ll it ;> were jiui", it would answi ronly half the question oecaust- every farmer is interested in the prices ou both sides, the price of ? h it he has to puicbase and the price of that which be has lo sell. It it w< ri true that the Tariff policy enhanced ibe price of dial wluc!i ha m iv. purchase, that would noi settle ilu question. He would inquire and usk whether 11 would ti^t have a corresponding or a greater eflect in enhancing the price <>i ?!i ?i Ac has lu sell. But now 1 appeal toy ou, and to all men every whete, w ho will yield ibemselvcs to lact?who will Rive up dogmas loi imih?I ap|ical. lo every man here if, in point of fact, those articles wh ch r?ro re quired ior consumpiion in New J. rs. \ cannot h procured cheap -r now than at the cotnmence ncol ot ibe protective pi l ey iuibc United Slates. I-1 "' tin-cloth you need lot your wives and children a cheu,.' Cannot y.-u obiaiu nil thecomiwdiiies, all the comforts ol lite us clveap ! I sopfNise iheri ibere is uo dou^t of that. The) are cbea|iei ?cheH|M-r not only in regard to the money price, but in ctaiiiinriMin to want you have to exchange loi whatyorj wish r.. p irehase. And now, gentleineu, "hat is the grcut mtercsl of the grs.ut body of the BY GREELEY McELRAj ! voi,. iv. wo. 47. I 111 !!? ? MI?.? IWI I ? I IWI tanner* of the United Stuten? I take the body of ' NVw.Jersey farmers as nn illustration of nil the n>r. I \\ lint is tlieir interest " Undoubtedly it ?< to have a fair price fur thm, wh cli they raise by tiliins their own lands?n reasonable price? e near and n per? manent market for tire producta of their labor: now how i? tlii- to lie Secured I Wo know it c-ntltiiil ho found abroad. As (or talking ol finding such a mar? ket abroad, it in nlle, it i? u mockerv. There is nu such. Where then shall we find it I Where but in thefo culh ctions of per .(iii< win, hie tint pr-Mlucern themselves, but who tire consumer?ill. who manufacture cloths mi l f-ihrios of all descriptions nu.I bring ilietti in pay for the agricultural products of other parts of the country I it seems tu me to lie the most destructive policy in the- world, to ch-rfc this domesticindu-try of ihe country, to put down these domestic manufactures, or eeriouslv t.' dimin ish their success, because it will annihilate, it will suppress, it will obliterate, ilmt ercn market which n is most important fur every American farmer that he should possess. Why is it nothing to the farm? ers of Western New J.rsey that the artisans ntul manufacturers of Philadelphia are flourishing and able to buy um! consume ttm produce they have to sell 1 1:. ii nothing to those fanners of Ni w Jrrsov who live near Newark and Paterson, whether the manufacturing establishments of Newark etui Pater sun go <m, mid giva to them what they have to but ?uiil furnish a market lor what ihey have to sell '? .And what is tine in this respect of neighborhoods, of Counties, of Slates, inual be seen to he as true fur the whole grain-growing", produce-raising, agricul? tural part of the community, and ol the whole country. I here is more, gentlemen, to be raid on this topic than I could think of passing before you. Hut there is one thing I will remark. Taking your ?n Slate nn example?and it is u f.iir one?Cur 1 consider New Jersey on the whole an agricultural communi? ty?her people-living by their industry in the culti? vation ut the land*, the times, the progress ofevenls, the general improvements which ?re taking place in society, in regard lo those who ure engaged in oilier pur-uits, have made rt peculiar case. Ii has been well said thm agriculture i- not a steam engine. Fur in the nature ol funning pursuits, it is a thing incapa? ble of such improvements a< the progress of the nri? .mil the use id machinery have conferred on o?ier departments ol labor. \ ou caunot plow by steam, you cannot hue your corn, or thresh your grain, or make your harvests by steam. All the labor of agri? culture is substantially, as it was a hundred years iigo, u manual operation. Agriculture thus sharet not hall the benefits?the ravine of expense and other improvements eflecli il in the mechanic arts.? I hope farming industry has been aided hy discover? ies of science, that there is mure thrift ntul ii liett? r economy in its details. Bui this great, broad, almost universal pursuit of sot i' ly. in the nature of the ruse is not capable of availing itself to the same extent us other branches of industry, of ihe inventions of sci? ence, nnd new modes of applying artificial power.? Hut meantime the general progress ofsociety goet on:?life becomes more expensive?the education of children costs more?the geucral habits of lili-re? quire mure outlay. If it it be true that the agricul? tural interest ims nut, mill em,nut. diminish lite cosi of production; und if on the other hand the neces? sary expenses ol the vast mass of the population of this vast country, are rather increasing, is ii notoi the first importance to the general happiness to keep up the prices of agricultural productions io a reason? able mill u just roll? u ran- which .-hull afford a fair remuneration to the farmert Am! ii it is just ami expedient, if it be the part ol political wisdom, ta imiiilti'in the rules ol surh prodisi ts s.i n- to uitiml n nir remuneration lor agricultural labor, ho hs to ?mthle. the l.iliinne inlere: I to liiniiilriiu it-.-if. then I ?my we run accomplish ;hi* only by finding some? where in our own country, a near market; some m here in nur own country, n people nol agricultur? ists, not pitKlucing ?iemselves, lail rend ; to buy ntul inv a good price for thai which the farmer has to sell. I look, therefore, noon it ns altogether n wrong .iHtemcnl ol ihe ?jje.- ion to say thai a ToritT for Protection is alone bem ficial, or maiuly hi neficial, tu inuiiufitcturcrs. I regard it us e-~ utial to the inter rsts of ugriculiurc, which may be regarded ns the loundation of the country, iuurniuch us it creates a uurket im its piodiictious. And I mn disimsedto ,in.->s ih- lew mmol i"- ullnwi (I iis i.e-e, in discussing lu-se limits win. h lie :u the fmiiidation ol the pros ifrity of tue country, aud which, it I understand ii,- inattar, form itie ;ilnt:oim ol ?? big priori.Jos. W ell, thri.. sbull we have tins Tariff or hoi1 Tie rariffis settled nu far?bui ii is u party question: ii as ii. en introduced into the party contents, and we know that uniting those who ure opposed to us. par v feeling is strong. There i? much concession, uuch tenacity, a great deal ol glue to cause linn to adhere ? What Ims been tiie resoli I? Vmi observe that nil th- drill aud discipline of ihe Party is brought to benrupuu it. A farifTnr no I'u11If i.; the Kreut und leading line of distiia - urn between the two pin ties, ll not, what is I Unless, us is now ihe questiou of the an lextition of Texas, of which I wish to say nothing now, i< in swallow up all otiieis. this question must still be rt-itnrilcii ns one of those in dispute iciwei ii the parties;now how do westand in n gard 10 it I Mere ure five or six highly res|tectahle t>-n tlcmen, some of whom I have the pleasure to know, representing this State in ihe Congress < fthe United Ssatus ' How are their votes lound ? We of course suppose them sufliciently aitached to their puny tu induce them, so lar us thi y can in coi science, io sup port tin ir party. Wbai did they do ' Every oneol hem, I believe, fell compelled, eiihei by conscience ?r bv his responsibility to Ins fellow-citizi ns, his electors, (which is generally a tolerably good con ricieuce tor a political man,) they felt compelled lo give their votes against tiirir I'arii mid in lavor of their constituents and in" favoi oi New-Jersey; Thus was the proposition to repeal this bill lunl on the table, avowedly, I believe, iis everlasting rest They belong, 1 need not say, lo ?he majority in the House. And now, whal i- lo lie the result ' What are we lo expuct I l*ii tobe supposed that these ti' ntlemen, thus honestly voting igainsl the objects nod principles und .-pun of thru parly, on their responsibility lo their constituents, will come home among you nnd urge you to support, for the llrM and second offici s in the nation, ineu who, they have reason to think, w ill labor not with them but against them?men who will be obliged to advocate views prejudicial lo the interests of New Jersey I 1 wish to speak with all respect ol those'gentlemen. I have alluded to them only as an instance in which conscience, ti sense ol duty and responsibility, have obliged tuen to differ on great principles from their puny. Passing irom this let me say a few words ?n ano? ther topic: In iheeontesi of 1840 the currency question form oil a material element. I -hail not now enter upon ihe discussion of that question, with anv view of examining the respective iiifii.-ines adopted or proposed m any lime by any parly, Ibr the purpose ol sccuiius a i-ufo collection of the revenue, or providing a proper currency fm ihe commercial transactions and general business ol the communiiv. I have nothing tosay of Sub-Treasuries, National Hanks, or Excuequer*. On all these subjects my opinions have been sufficiently often expressed and 1 have nothing new tu add. Hut the present state of things is interesting as well as gratifying : ami abounding hp it does in ma? ny blessings and much prosperity, it is nol without its dangers. There are dangers and evils, as well ns benefits and advantages, in thm mixed circulation of com nni! p iper which now exists among us.? Chat.that mixed circulation will lontinuc, seems certain. That far the greater pan will consist of pa? per, until there shall come another day ofdtsastei t(( tin- H inks, seems certain also. That this circu? lation, in its present state, while the Hunks which issue paper are solvent, au.I do no: issue, it in ex? cess, is convenient, and ns beneficial as any local circulatii n i an be, may he also admitted; Hut neither ol "these things is more certain, than ihnt danger hangs round Hie svsiem, culling foi care and 11 scietion, oversight and watchfulness from the Government, or in the absence of the exercise ol my powers of the Government, from the Hunks themselves, und from tin- community. 1 have ever ! eon. :iti;l urn -till of opinion, that tins guardiai shiji and superintendence of thecurrency,is "tie ol the Constitutional, appropriate, ?t <i necessa? ry exercises of the auitjoritv oi ihe National Go verntnent. Hut that point, I do nol now propose to nr?ue or l.i luii.ii. Hui I wi-ii tu state what I roll sider it e denger tu In . und whence it arises, to the ?ml ttiut the country inav nol he led to forget the xisteuce of that danger, although it be uot at ti e present moment; standing in an appalling attitude before iis. Indeed, I have nothing to civ hut whal has been often said and better eaid bet?re. The topic, how? ever, fceenis not altogether inappropriate, as it i likely to^mmgle ii.-eM", more or L-.s ;v,,i, th? ensu? ing election, us well s being at all times ol ni-li im |Hinanca in the public. What I have to say, 1 shall endeavor tosav, in die fewest words, and in ihe clearest manner possible ; without pretending in novelty, or regarding my oii uioos of iirare value than those of others. Gold and silver ure the universal stundard of va rn. NEW-VO j urn, and medium <>f payments, among ai! cl\i!ir.pii J nations. All ibe com in tlie world belongsto all ihr commercial nation* in the-world; each having na- ' luraljy it share ot if. proportion.-..! ?<> its commercial ! business nml use. It Bills of Exchange were un- | know n, then coin would exchange hands, from conn ! try to country, in oid- r lo pay debts, mid settle ba I lances, as the course of trade should hn?e created ; such balance, on the one side or th* oilier. Coin i the universal soheut ol commercial balances ; the gem ral paymaster, whose office ii is, to square ac- ' j counts, arising from the interchange of commodities. ] ii produce exported becomes debtor to produce im- j ported, coin uiuM pay thf ilirTrrf nee ; and where ex ports throw a credit ovrr import* coin returns to nil- , jusi the accounts. All this is as simple, in ihe order ' of things ns is the proceeding ol ? farmer, who goes to the market town, with the produce of his firm, j ami with money in hi* pocket, if he wishes to buy I more than he has to sell, or bringing home mor^nio uey. if his sale exceed his purchases. 15 ii t in the intercourse of nations, thf-r? ore thins* which ancci tlie simplicity of this proceeding aud render it s little more complicated, without chang? ing its nature. The tu.e of Hiils r.| Exchange is universal. Bills ol Exchange prevent, in a vert grew degree, in n sott ed nta<e ol trade, the actual transmission of coin, from country to country. They run ti e round 01 the whole mercantile world, bring? ing nations to a settlement, each one worth all the rest, one paying its debts to another, by drawing on its funds in the hands of n third, und leaving coin to be ca?ed for only whi re balances <>; debt are con? siderable, or appear to he accumulatingai seme ene point. London may be regarded ag thz centre of Exchanges for Klimpe, atw the City of New-York, for this Country; Put is. II:im!,ii!<r am! .Vn-tt'itlrtm l.ein;; auxiliaries to London ; and Boston, Philadel? phia, Baltimore, Mobile and New-Orlea bauxilia? ries to New-Vork. The -tat-- uf Exchange, then, m any tune, between New-York and London, shows suDstantiall) ibe state of trade, in the aggregate, between this country and Europe, and the balances actually existing, or soon to arise, on the one side or the other. Speculations, founded in calculations respecting future events, Mich ns the probable amount of the staple artich a, tor tlie year,or the ri - suits of manufacturing industry, the* probable rise or till of prices, and other such things, afleci tun certain degree, the in ttial rate, at which lolls ot Exchange am bought aud sold, and thus qualift that which would otherwise be the men: result oi fact, with more or less, of tho influence of opinion. Still, the general and the safe index of the state ol trade, is the stato ol the Exchanges. To an accurate understanding of this subject, however, it is necessary to I ear in mind that ihe nominal exchange between the United States and England does noi correspond with the real com? mercial exchange; by reason of the difference which the laws ol the two countries have estab? lished in regard to tlte value of gold, mid of the in- j correct estimate, usually mode here, in th? business of Exchange, of the value of the pound sterling.? In Exchange, ihe pound strrlini; is received m $4 44; its real value may be put at ?1 ? ">: and so the law ni Congress regards it. This difference nuioHnu) tot! percent.; su thai when n hill of Ex? change is bought in Ne*-"l ork payable in London, in st. rling money, it the premium given for it do not exceed 8 |>cr cent, itisrenliy purchased at about par; und in this state ol Exchanges there is no danger uf the export of specie. This topic may be thought to be not altogether fii for discussion lu re. Bui I have made these remarks upon it ihr n asona which I have already stated, nml tor the purpose of preparing the way a little for opinions which I entertain ou th<- subject of a mixed metallic and paper currency, and ihe influences ot tins currency on foreign iih.I.-; and which opinions I wish briefly to staie. And I wi-:i to do this ni tins lime, h cause I think I tun-re thai in the pro? gress of no great number ol years, probably sounei than must men supp the currency question will again come to be u question of greai interest. Gold and -ilver, as I h ivo n I ready snid, consli- i tu tc lin- standard of value, und medium ofpaymeu among nations. The same is true in effect, in do? mestic trade nml among individuals, lint her. comes in ihe modern use ol Bunk paper as the rep? resentative of gold niu! silver, which supplies tin plnce of coin, and almost supersedes ii in domestic iruiistii lions. Musi. mum. reinl .-nuii ri.-s nutliorizi the circulation ol paper,and llnsci culution isgreui erot less, according lo cironnisinnues and to I In luihiis ol the people, In the United Slates and Eng Innd ii i- Iniac, in Prance ii is less. I urn no- now Bpeaking ol "Overnment securities, ir? redeemable Treasury notes, or any t'img. f h .t kind : I in s|ieuking ol Bank notes promising puymcni ii. i s|vecie on demand, and circulating ns cash. In ibe Umied Sin ior. such Bnnk notes ate issued by many I iiiiiidn d iliflen in Hank-.. Tin j pu^s Irom band lo hand as money, nml huh- gold and silver is seen in the duly business ol lite. This, state of Illings i cniivenient, so far as local circulations are concerned, j und while the use ol paper is restrained within j isi limits. But then cmues the question, "A liai sre tin i;i<i limits 1 and who is lo preserve ihemT What i ihe standard hy which we ure 10 decide the ques? tions ol excess, or no excess ' and who is lo sup? port this standard I Is ihl r--. or is there not. or may there hp, or can noi i he re ever he, excess, so ]ous its the Hunks en able to redeem their paper 1 W hat do we mean hy excess,or o\er issues, ot injudicious superabundance ot paper? To answer these questions, we must remember, that the tiuc operation oi hunk pap r is u represen? tative character. It represents coin. But this re? presentative, like other representatives, sometimes tnigeis its constituents, am! seis itself up to be some body, or something ; when, of itself, it is nobody, and nothing. The one dollar bill which you have in your pocker, is no beiterihan blank paper, .-.\. epl so lur us run have confidence ihut it will, whetwvei ; von wish, bring a dollar into your .hands. A hunk ' Hole, proteasing lO represent coin, niul being ? trm representative, acts a respectable part in the drama ni commercial affairs; hut when it sets up furiiself, or offers itself in an independent character, it only "presents the person ol moonsbine." The security ot paper, lirst against the insolvency of bunks, nml secondly, against the general evil of over issues. ! und inflated circulation, consists in maintaining a just and direct relation bel/seeen the amount vf pa? per,and the trulil ami silrer uhich it represents. 1 do not, of course, say it relation oi equality, bui a just relation, and ti direct relation. In other words, 1 mean to say, that when the course of trade with? draws specie from the country, then the amount ol circulating paper should he proportionally dimin? ished. Bank notes will not pay foreign debts.? Strangers will not trust this representative of coin. They cannol judge of his credentials, and tln-r. lore demand the presence >>l the constituent itself. Here, I think, lies mi,-ot the great temptations to exces? sive issues of paper. Then trade is such, that bal? ances are rising ugniust ns uhioitd, und the exporta? tion of specie commences. There are those whoal waya desire an enl irgemenl of ihe paper circulation, io supply the deficiency,and lo keep up prici s. Bui enlargement of paper issues, under such circum? stances, i- the firststep towards a crisis, commercial distress,antl revulsion. Tuis country is full of .n terprisc. No people have more. Almost every man is active, while, ai the same lime, and for the same reason, capital is less abundant than in older coun? tries. These circumstances keep up a demand for loans and discounts, especially in times of activity ; and although it is doubtless true that a well con? ducted sy st-.m uf paper circulation may. to some ex? tent, act as expansion ol capital, and. in that way be useful in u new country, ycl men are too apt to de? lude themselves wiili the ideu that paper iscurrency. Bui, I urn now- considering mainly, paper curren? cy at home, in its consequences upon importations, und other branches of foreign trades, and a just limit to its, or these discounts. An opinion has prevailed, in England, and I sup? pose still prevails, thai it is safe in Banks to dis? count everj good Bill of Exchange, or promissory Num. which Bill or Note is business paper, as it i called ; that is, il it lias been given, in a real transac? tion, ol buying and reilini:. This 1ms been, hereto? fore, ibe rule wnii the iiunk of England. Now, il by this im more wen- m? am than thai it might be sale for the Bank itself, and so far as its own interests w. r.- concerned, lo discount ?II such pup- r. the proposition might be admin, d. Business paper, generally speaking, may be regarded ;i- sale paper. Bui that ail good business paper may be discounted by llnr.ks. and ih.- oi nl paid in Hank \ notes, without danger of injury to the public, tr.-m an excess in die paper circiiluti in, is a proposition \ w hich I do not admit, and which I think of danger mis fendencyi I um persuaded that enlightened Bunk Directors.disjmscd to lennrd the pub ic good, ..s well as the interests ol their ow n stockholders, can never tot on such a principle. It is a funda? mental er:ni ; und in a country so lull of enterprise, i und so much disposed to activity as ours, its practi eel tendency i- to stimulate business to., highly, to t inflate prices unnaturally, to cause over Hading, over production, Mad no i action, in all departments ol business. Ii swells ihe amount ot paper beyond nsjiist relation lo specie, and exposes ibe country ;.. Budden revnlsnui-. V\ bile specie is departing, to pav dehts abroad, it is the effect oi this shullow and ahorl-sighted policv to intreuse the paper circula- I OFFICE NO. 160 NASSAU-STREE: RK. FRIDAI fllOKTATTAG, ti .n at home. Ho* cnn <uch a course of tfiinrp Ir-r minate, !ui! in disaster nr..I distress ' V, e are no*- ju't recovering irmn a deep nnd bng continued depression. Ali [tranches of business Ei*e evidence of revival, nml of healthy action. ,'he danger is. that we shall not beconteni (o make luste slowly . tfiit a spirit of speculation m-tv -pringnut of our stale of prosperity, when i; shall brenne flushed. The danger i?. that paperwill be issued in excess, prior*? become extravagant, and the nvmp tm.'is nf en-is be upon u?. beforexve are aware* All this may;not happen.; Imr ihe only security that it shall not happen in :his. vi? : that hani" i-me? be kept within jn-" hounds. teith direct reference to the amount <</ troid and ttiieer. Let iuc illustrate my meaning by a snppos'iica??. Suppose tlie nmo-.:i:t of coin in the h-.nK? of N."Ebrk to be rive iiiiiiimis. Siiptwse them to haw i.--ir-j. in paper, tbree millions tor one, that is to say, ?,;*? t . millions. I do not intend to say that this b a just I proport on, Imt i: may !>?? assumed for illustraucn. Now, suppose ihe holders of one of these fifteen millions demand specie lor it fur exportation. Then i fourteen millions of paper remain resting on at of lour millions, ft k ?eo, .?' r:,I? 1,u of specie he called for. then thirteen millions of paper ;c?:.? on three millions ol specie, and so on. Nowi: isew dent, that if such a process as ihis besinn, nr..I I threatens to go <>u rapidly, without contraction, scu-1 eral distress, utui ji uimps explosion; ol tie- J': ul,. Themselves, won!.! be the inevitable nn<i immediate ' consequences. This catastrophe, ami th.r tendency of things to? wards it. is to h ? - ii iiitf.l ngnin-t hy just restrcinis upon the; amount ufdiscounls, by waiting the coarse oi trade, and observing continually the index ol Ex? change. It is not sufficient guard to look at the sup? posed responsibility of paper offered fordiacoanis, ? ?r to impure wheth. r it uruse in any case Ir.irniea! transactions of sale and purchases. If 1I12 exchan? ges indicate that exportation of specie tuny he ap prehended, nioir caution is necessary"; and when exportation ordinarily commences, it should be.met by nn immediate and corresponding diminution of the paper circulation. This-wi!| slacken that ex? portation, check it. mill dually stop it. The process umy be inconvei ient ti>r the moment. It mov nn>?e or lcs? depress prices, :ir. I dash men's hopes a litile. But it is infinitely better to meet the bv it* proper remedyin the begiuhing, than to attempt to hold up against the natural course of tilings, to maintain trade in an artificial nnd forced state, lend- I ing every il.av to 11 final, ruinous, nn.l overwhelming fall of prices, and loa gi neral prostration o: credit. Thai which 1 very branch of industry in tnis coun? try most needs, is reasonable ami steady, not ex travaganl or fluctuating, prices: sudden changes de prive men ol emplnyim tit and disticss families. Steady occupation, with reasonable gain, ccn stanl markets, with fair prices, with no appre? hension of sudden change, and ihe security winch a innii feels that that ii money, which he'has taken for money, freedom ttutn rtlnrin and panic, and no fear of disorder or violence, these things compose the elements of general and enduring prosperity among the industrious producing classes ol the community. In the present state of things, in the ni.seuco of nil oversight by Government, tire continuance .if tlie public prospi r.iy very much depends on the Banks themselves. Subject lo no control but iheir own discretion, they ought to feel responsible tor the exercise ofthat ?ti-t-r. tion. The great ?-ities nenr to u3, arid other groat cities, the sources ofn great proportion ol Bank paper, are jointly called on to guard the country against such evils, 11- it has already more than once experienced. There ought to be an understanding among tlie lead? ing institutions, nnd a just disposition to discounte? nance every where either 1 xtravnganl len ling or ex- 1 travngnnt borrowing. I do not presume to admonish ihe Bunk-; h it I hope they will receive these su; - ? gesiions, as made in a friendly spirit. If in-, ration j and candor, in iiii.? respect, be nol exercised, oui [ireseni Hate ot health will itself innig on disease ; our very prosperity will plunge tisin disorder We are well instructed by experience; h i us not lie lo 1 1 tu experience. Let not nil ihe good, all ihecomforrs all the blcssii gs, which now seem in prospect fur all I classes, be blighted, ruined, and destroyed, by run uins in 1 is duuger which we may avoid. The rocks h lure us are ail vi-ilde, ail high out of water. Thev tili tliemsclvi.- up, woven A wiili tin*, fragmeuis d 11>*?- | uwful wreck and ruiu of other nines. Let us.avoid | them. Let the noisier,- and die pilot*, nml the iielmsmitn, nnd nil ihe crew, be wide awake, in ii I jive the breakers a good berth. Gentlemen, there is anoihcr subject comfectcd with our foreigapolicy,. to which it may begjCropcr i lo advert as mie of those which will require the wisest councils of the wisest men, if we succi cd in j obtaining a change of ihe government. A cnmmi r eiai reform has liecmoe necessary ; we have heed lessly and ihnughtlcssly, in the exercise of an ill judged generosity in years past entered into whal ure called reciprocal treaties with other nations.? I'liey are all fallacious. Theic ii no such mine ns reciprocity in foci, in these treaties howeverrecipro ?cal ih. y mtsy be in principle. There i< nn real rec? iprocity between us and Bremen, or Li tween us nml Sweden. They are contrary to all 'he practice liiut i-< before us. to all former usagi -. 10 th ? great prin eiplrs of ?11 ourenrly navigation acts and thev oueht to be terminate,'. I do noi go into detail on this sub icct, for 1 know thm New Jersey is ni t as m terested in commerce ns other Slates. But the mat? ter is one of greni public interest, and which must be 1 oimidcred and disposed of within the next four wars and on that account among others, the great [ interests of ihe countiy demand tor the j uhli-- coun- 1 1 iis wise, experienced and sate mi n. There is another matter connected with tlie ad? ministration ol die Government of a ntture to touch ihe great principles of tin- Whig party. I see In r circulated to-day among the people some icmnrks made hy me some lime lince nu ihe iiier? n-o nl Ex- I ertiiive power. I am glud to ?e tliein attain thrown befiira the people I Rlund hy ihem. I hold now ns I lit'ltl theo, that the Executive power of the country has he.Inngerously increased, is increns ing. Hud ought lo be diminished. Now, g? nth mi n, in the organization of this Government, the great difficulty with your fathers and my lathers was how to constitute ihe Exi cutive puwi r. They knee. Iiom to make a House ol Represcntaiircs, for they Imd become accuslnmed to pujnilai elections,which they hid enjoyed lor n bundled veais. I hey kn-v how to ennetitute a Senate, for ihey might consiiiute thut as tln-v hud in the old Congress, by members rip pointed M Legislatoren ol the Stales. For all dial ihey htnl precedents and practice, ft was a high road and nn open way. But lhsy never had 0 Su preme Executive power, with high authority ; none of the Eun p examples applied. 'Ihe mnsi ol them In hi then p!ae?s l-y bcreihinry right, and iln y were only examples of inherent, monarchical, arbi? trary power. V? ith the ? xceptioii of a few cases, like the Polish King-, and some minor instances in the cantons of Switzerland and elsewhere, they had no precedent tor ihe esl iblishment, by popular elec? tion of an Executive, with snch power and limiiit tion as should make the office sufficiently efficient ami energetic to proteci ilie law, mid yet never he dangerous 10 ihe liberty of the people, nor encroach upon the libcities of the other departments. I do noi sav ihey foiled entirely in their cflbrt in accomplish this. I think they ih'd not I'u.l. I think tln-v provided tor an Ex. cutive undci the Constitu? tion such as would by prudence nnd wisdom and sober discretion on the part of the people, answer the great purposes of the Executive and yet nol en? danger the liberty of the people dot encroach 0.1 the other departments. has proved ii.? Washington proved it. and his successors proved it. Thev showed that the ibing was practicable. They nhuvicii that by electing good men. men of eminent virtue and eminent talent, men who should love lame ; more than office, men wiio would stand upon their their character-111 their own gi neiati 11 und upon Ibe reputation they might hi p- ?<? enjoy more ti un the immediate possession of office, the Executive pro? vided in the; Constitution might answer all public exigencies." I do no; say that the Constitution has provided ?n Executive olwai-s safe or wi-e, placed 111 soevi r inn-Is 11 might he. They expected no such tiling. Thev looked to the country tt uli time*und under all circumstani c-10 ti.l ihe high uffices ujiii men capable, patiiouc; and ot'iujii churacier. In mv opinion it has come to pass?I co not stieiik of rt?c^Ilt occurrences-^ but 1 go lack to th? statu of iliings upon which 1 have b.n uurkimr? it hascome to pass tiiat the Executive power has ? strong let rlen rv?a strong ieod?jncy?to the personal asgrondizemeiii of the um ti who, for the moment, bnppens to h.dd it?a srroiig t< n leucy to mnk.- him consider himself, in some vague sense, the represent alive of the American people, clothexl"with certain undefined autnuriiy; n? ti he w i re the Consti? tution *?a tendencv to leod him 10 assiune names not known to the Ccnstiiution. and to forgi t thai he is limited in authority, us be is lin-if 1! in time, and thut he is no more the r- presents ive ol tu- Am-1: cuii pei pie. iban he is the representative of all thi nations uf the eaiih. I adhere :<> the sentiments on tbis subject I utten c seven \ ears ago. There ihey are. I have looked them over 10 Sav ia the print in which ihey have been eiiculr-.teif There they are. I believe ?wy are all true, and I believe tt is one < I the lirs; duties of the Amen, an people to look with a sharp, 1 will r. Si. I ?4 4. nnf say an extreme jealousy, hur { will a?v to exer? cise a close wulrhfulness ot" the progress of Exeeu tjre power. Let ihem see ro it that the h- ad of that department, placed to exercise the officeoi Presi? dent, does not make it? patronage the property nf favoriti s or.dispose ofits power for his self-aggrand? izement. Let :h*ns go hack to Washington .md his successors and find there examples tor all who may come after them. Gentlemen, we arc assembled here as Whig*; Let us nnw nik* a short survey of Whig principles; a reasonable protection to the labor of the countn ? ihe mi in to nance of n sound currency?a'i practica h!e reform und e-ten=i -n of commerce?the conser rati it of the Constitution and the preservation of their respective powers to the several departraeots ? I "ike it nil these nw art tries ot" rhc Whig (reed. If thej are not it* articles then I '.rlrhdntw my sul - scnpliou to that creed. Nnw, 1 n<k it anv ot D . Illings i' inconsistent with the highest interests of ihe people f Is there anyone person here who does tot b.-long to the Whig party?I ask him, it in all diis, it i'in reason a hi ?? proteetion to labor, a sour..! :urrency, jealousy of the Executive, he can ? my tbing nor compatible with the best interests of :he country ? He will say. perhaps.not: ihe V. his prim iples are good enough, but iheir practice does ant come up to tiiem. I have for ibis a r n.u an ?wer. I will say ro him, you just then adopt Whig principles, carry them out and show thai you me better Whigs than wa are. und we'll give tnu the tcad in the government of the country: 'if our principles be good, sound and practical, then I say it is the part of a wise man and a good ci-;/.eii to ittpport them. We have ail the same interests in promote, no matter to what parry we belong. 1 lie arms we all cultivate adjoin each ether. Werne rovemed by the same la vs.?The convention that f assembled here makes a eon-:;: uion for you a!!. I'he sun of the constitution, the li rlu ? f eov. r; meat, alls on all as the light of Heaven and the lighi of li e imminent. If, then, we have a common interest, u i' not time tu consider what it i<: is not now an occa ?ion for coming together nnd holding conference to I o-e if we shall not all mitre in the support of that lummnii interest ? Why should we always be di rided bvaname? or why should we lie divided by j lu ti! My friends. let me tell you tiiar, in my es eem, men are nothing or next to nothing. In this ?real country, of twenty millions of people, what is my individual 7 A symbol of good or bad princi ties?n rallying- point for uniting all who may up io!d the principles of which he is the champion: iut niter all, what is am individual?or any indivi dial's ability and usefulness. Principles a"re cve.-y j hing ; measures are every thing. Wi ai we do now j - done for ourselves and for our posterity. Let its gn into the contest with nil these feelings : ve haveCL.irand FkKLiSCH?YSE.v,h morednnmrs! o cheer us onward. Hut our hopes?at least my topei?mv purposes, are not merely to carry an rlection, to enjoy n triiiitiph. I wish to establish treat mensur**, essential to ihe good of the country md tiie happiness of the people. Lei us do sou e hing now thai may remain. I would cull nponyoti ?I New-Jersey, and especially upon ihe young men vim are hcie, lo act upon this and:upon nil occa? sions with an honest, jiurc patriotic und intelligent levntion lo duty . Gentlemen there remains much to he done. I ike uli this di-plav?ihesc collections of good A bigs ami of good feeling; I like ihese banners lying, and all ihe show of ardor und of zeal, be? cause they are proofs of good resolutions. It vou i!i use in sny so, they uro the effervescence of a good ?i'iiit: but ihey uro proofs that a food spirit exists. Hut let m- loll you?let me tell y ou. thai the htim ?lesi ling which shall be found upborne and (looting ificr victory? ihe coarsest pie, c of bunting, shm hroiigh, though it may be, like n scive. m,.I all in rags and tatters, if after the battle it .-till remain Hunting in the breeze, is worth vastly more than a thousand glossed and handsome standards, which uefote th>' battle display ibeir silken lobls lo the winds. Lei us lake enre and see th it such n llag is liiirs alter the contest. Let us see someibing tloui ing when the battle is fought, and not be called upon to skulk away wirb our beautiful banners itud elorious badges, and to hide in some i.noble 'orncr. Now, gentlemen, we have much to do; at:.! you younger men have much and more than I. You h ue hi address the well-meaning, the well-disposed, ??ml there nn; lliousnnds such, in ihe oilier pnrtv ? Vim must them ?In thet ihey do purpose t.i sop |itul m> n, who, so lur its ihey atid von call judge.nie opposed in the interests of Hip country, ami whelhei they will leave what ili-v conscientiously believe he 'ill' ti e good of lot' eoiiuliy under itit " lulieilinnic low er of party, Voll most converse thus ninoiig your neigbbt is. Do your duty utitl do not i onsidi i die work accomplished till the Whig triumph has been made st eine, by a strong and decisive mejoniy in November nexr. Gentlemen, I will detain yon not a moment by say ing nni thing of the distinguished men selected at Baltimore, as the persons under whom you rally. I need no do that. The lirsi ?. oice ol id-sent has noi ?et been It 'ard. Mr. ClaT has i eon before the coun ri-v for ibirty years, ami has at several times heiore beeu ihoughl ol for the same high office. Circum siauces have prevented an unanimity heretofore.? l!nt ihere is now thai unanimity. And I not only hope, bin I believe, thai this unitedcfibrl will result m his triumphant election. Still less nei d I spenk n word to jou of Mr. FKEi.t>"6tiorsE>"* he is known lo von as well ns lo me. A native of your own Si?te, n (?!)? rished son ol New Jersey. he l!t worthy of all conlideiice, and b.joys it.all. I can only say, fur one, that if it were m liiy power to-dnj lo remove him from the plncc If holds as nomimiti d for the \ ice Presidency, ami in put any other man ai my pleasure in hia place, I would hold on upon him with both mv hands and all my heart, and kei p him just where lie is. Gi ntletnen. we nreassemhled us Whigs.on ground ilistitiguislicil by \\ lug cm dm i, hv \\ fig oi.durum r. Uv \\ ni_- auflertns, by \'. big bravery, ai d by U bit Victory in early limes, Pol uns. It i cla.'ntliing; but os n uiembertd the great Whig party I do claim ? participation inn noble and glorious ioheriiM.ce. I claim to be of that parly, and one id tin m by ireij lar descent from Washington ami ihe Whig? of ihe Revolution. And it t::eie be anv Whig- ar ihisduy, who sei themselves up as wiser, than Washington and hi.- associates and copairiots, Hiev Whigs with v* hem I do not associate. 1 believe consci u liousiv that if we were now to appeal lo every Re? volutionary man oil 'he face ol ihe whole continent ? w ho had seen those perilous liuh s?ii you were in rake every living man who hail n scar lo sh w from the Revolution, every one who limps Iroui the lose ??fa leg in Revjlutiooory limes?and pul to them the question.uni' ty -nine i ut oi every buudn d ol ibcm would erv out si.cct.-s lo ihe Wing cause! Goto ihr ne gbborhoi d of -mv baiile-tlehl y?.u please. I have tried it ai Bunker Hill; at Concord and Lexing? ton, ami I say ihnt none ol the men th- ro, whom God has preserved lo us from the Bceues ol ihe Revolu? tion, does not new Icel nil bis sympathies and ail his allectious running, voluntary and copiously, in favor of the Whigs. You live, gentlemen, in the neighbor! ood ol sc. ne's renowned in the history oflhegreal Whig part* tiutl its immortal leader. It there is any ihm? in local associations, it tne mind is moved ty what the eye sees, if it is touched by what recollection brings ro memory, I know no place more calculated loi xeiie ihe feelings, to animate the patriotism, "r lo console Whigs fur whatever disappointment ihey may if fo'ceil to undergo, than the scenes which surround us. Here at one rime die whole Whig force "t the country wns concentrated on thai .-otii ami l !o Ay winter of "75 and '76. Gentlemen, I never read to mv Ii e, f caunoi read now, ihe history of the trau - actions of I'renton during T5 and 70 without a Ihrill of emotion. More than thirty years ago, in the early part of my li'e, and w hen I was not known lo ten persons in New-Jersey, 1 was led to go through ell ibis - one. so memorable lor lhat campaign, to eratifv, I will not sav acuriostiy, but an anxiety, a patriotic feeling, ns I may calj it. lotiace the opera lions of the suffering patriots and heroic minds of our army. I followed the march of Washington from the ferryeigbt miles above, down ibe ii?er road at d the Pennington road, to the bir.ib; in which ti.e Hessians wen captured. 1 returned with him? examined the bat?e fields, and treed his Steps to the White House, am? so along the Utiokcr road to the Friends1 Meeting House ai Princeton. I examined alone the field w here Mercer feU?iho ho ise to which he was curried?the house in which he died. All tois I did when I was very young. I .:id it under the direction of a distinguished citizen m New-Jeisey,ever honored among you while In lived, eminenVfor serv'Ces in boib Houses of C n gresa?I m?-an die iure Richard Slockron, of Pi. ion. nnd a s..n of tbat Richard :>ti?ci.ion who set his name t" thai immortal instrument the Declara? tion of (hde{ieudence. And, gentlemen, ?heu 1 consider how neart'ie whole eau.-e ol Revolutionary Wnigs was to being lo.-t by the complete captme of the whole American armv with is in,mortal leader at its bead, and consider tl -ir Prbvideuiial i... ,.j>- iroin superior f- re--. I teel in ihe tirsi place a devout sentimeni ol gratitude to Providence for so leuiarkiihle a preservation, and r-.xt an overwhelm? ing regard i-nd admiration lor that <*il\ a;ui fidelity mid judgment which guided their leader, and tor ihe steady attachment, the loyal devotion to liberty of thai gullor.t har-d. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE NO. 97*. Ifsn sJnri.-.;:* rv?.,!:s followed Washington's more ; menu in "75 und 76", what battle-piece more m.<>rih\ i tn lie ii rallying-ground tor Whigs ol the present day ! this ! I'he dnv is not so dark as then. On the, dVk day the patriotic efforts of the Whigs tin I ligh j upon thi< bright day. Lei iha . [for:* ?.t tfie Whits( I this day spread over it a still greater and bright! light. and B superior lustre ' I shall not have the happiness soon again to sei ! such mi assembly ol V?. Jersey people. For on I rejoice, I sincerely rejoice, at the opportunity ol j baring met you. Let ua return to our homes. o rplaces 1f appropriate ?iuiy, n:i i determine thai for us and our household; we will adhere to tin Whig faith of our an estorsjtbat we will give ii not at all to any temporary puryose, to any person al ptirpo-e. to any p irtizan purpose, the lee?i g thi * we have a country, that we h*ve a public liberty hpugrtt by i i- blood ol our fathers, transmitted t" our nan is Ibrsafe keeping. Lei ushaod it down t. our children : let us teaeti them its value, and lell them what to do themselves 7 let us have them i. parents' blessing, connected with a parents' Mem: injunction, never to desert the true u.te e-ts ol the> country. .Mr. Websteh down amid the repeated cheers of the assembled multit ide. BXetltodlsst General Conference, Reported Pit The Tribune. twexty-SIXTfl day-Ttitm*iMT. May 00. B shop Hkdui^g occupied the Chair. Conference oyeue>l -?u*ual. !>'. Peck, from iheCommittreofCorresponde ice, reported a . answer totue address of tihe Rrn-h *\? icyat. lerencc, whith ? as read an.: re comcn tied tor antcndinent, Air. RVaPEK, trom the ? outuiiit>-e on die Boo'. Concern, presented a report which was laid oa the table uc ?!er the tule. CASE OF BISHOP ANDREW. The Gonli rencc having resumed Ihe cons ide rat) >i of the case ol Uishop A.tOBXvr. IV. i sri.Hs, of S. 0 made an able speech. Ooi of tun main point, on which he ii~i*te.l in,.. that the Church , ?toe in lier menibersli'p and ministry., nu,| heingso, the N. n Mraaas much nivolved iu .Muter, through rn-> ?.;? iiirniUer.leu oftbe South, ?? thceouhl he ihr ii?-:i a slave-hold log H -It 10. If Use arguments on tin. other ?:??..' NreiC run out t tlieir leaiUmme results^ thei hurch nuwt be thrown i..t i uite e>uifusion and ou t ir ibty nmkeu into trugm-M-. lie c uM n? -?v a .! i.e-li iiiiiinr Bishop would eat.I Stivers one thi North, and he ?i? urld thai ileauterisni n would I e ulti r at l?uft in sUcmptiig to actualize the idea. He .p >ke ??( tit the colored people, und ..m-rcted it a. in. si den i ...a el ..t.". t tJiesuspeiu nn of tile Bediop. would ettrri, lie .-?..- .> them, He begged and entreated the Conference to lor uenr. After he bad concluded, tin. Uukbi.' Su d tri.t one remark made by bin yesterday had l*en mi>uiider-luod. He bad been u raters torn lossy that bt*Southern brethren when ?t homo prenched ii favor Slave->. lie ion! Saul no such thing, ami beilid ihm be Iteve it was true. Ilerecogized bis bicdiren ufiheS utli .. Christian* and Imnc-t men. I'k. Pkck* having among many competitor gained the fl;>or. said that if the Conference was di-posed t ...i t nue the discussion, be des red to tjn ..k ; but if they cbos to ti ka the question wi?mut furtlier ueliute lie would sii down. . .nr. Hobart moved that the question he now taken. Sinnet Inaction being maiie. Bishop Axiihkw expressed a d< sire that the cpies tion .lioulii la- decided without further delay. it liaung been di-tei mined that the quest ion ?' Shall the main question be now put :" should Ik- decided bj res* m il nays, the i 'onfcrence proceeded to vote, and Jfl votee in the affirmative and 8D in tit- negative. As toe motion re quired a n ijor tr of two thin!., it was lost. Bishop Hki*i?i>c ihcn requested that tlic <'on fetencc inieht not lit this alb moon, in order that the Superiti tewleiits niicht have an opportunity to consult u selber with a view to lixinc upon a no to promise; and he requested the Conference to revive the Commit!.f Nuitheru and Southern brethren, ilisclinrred wme days since; ihn' they micht meet tin in council on this important question. Dr. Durhis hailed the proposition with delight, but he suggested that it would tie better in the circumstance) not to revive the i Vimnnttee. Let the tsaifiop meet together-; liixhop Andrea as well as the test?and lei them invite an] brethren to inet with them whom ihey pleased, lie wouU give them Pkruiputcnlian pouersin ?ioeo??. Tins HiggestMia vi?, asieed to. t ? r. OtlJi thi ii mm ed that the case ol Bishop An? drew lie rtefcned all to.morrow morning, Vgrned to. The i "oniereiice then took u Bepon from the i Jom mil tee on *iie Book Concern, which cot lumed ?w remainder ol the session._ i E.MPLE OF BUHDD \li, HINDOO "lllKACLES, v \m i.\ \ riON, ASIATIC J?CC LERY; at Tu* fa Kilt i ?: AVA, Ever v E veinng i h i a w e c k, a t U VSBINGTON 11/s.LL. BROADWAY. Programmes attlie Mn-icStore-. Botrh and I In ii. *dmis Sioi-tiiet-, Upen nl T:..? coir.t.ieiicc titS o'clock. lui'jf Tl ~?r it;:; ISHKO, the bible STUDENT A Nil ?I KAMILV MO.MTUR. a Si.>n IIontiiia I'aaionicAi.. cumlueted by un a.mtion of Munsteis and Laymen, no. tatued iu double number, aller the lira nunusgr aiabotbahei mjt bs man's mi but. with llitiie trutit. Terms SI per voiiitt? ofSB iMioiiier,. parable in advance. Wo rcspecUully -o.ici that share ol public paminaga ?hieb the um r;.- ?I the ? ri Thoao who beeonio our potmns are invited bical and have Uie lirst number mailed tu a friend gratis, tllhei No.9Spm< e..t:cet,.\. V.. on ?ieSd door. e. II. n 11A i?X. Puldidier. mis Im Tu STATIONBItS, eng HAVERS am; PItLVTERS J Superwr EnnnwIlM, i'oreelaui Ivory Suibice while aw colored blanks, Car/*, at every deseriiitioo as maoulaetuaa i,l the New York i lard Momiraetory, locsaie al loaiieod prjoe lit I.. SMITH. b? John .Ueel. I Inf St mil ITBRTH Sr. hai.i.. No. 1 (?'rankbn-squnre, hi I cunstantli t* on hand anextensivi.rtiisnil of Ml SICand Ml'sn AI 1 v s l it I MEN'iSuf nil kinds. piano euutes ofd .;y es ai d finisli. iH ITAKS, from ti?. Spantsli p uterm fbi wbii h ll-ey nave leceiveil premtnms from the American la mtula ?vorau mher mnkeo, und are of vary superior lone am ,tyl? oriinish ; ll.l THS. of all kii ds and ntiish, h.r winch tliei ? lvi uireceiveilrepetiteilpren.its; CLAKIUNLTS. KKiVl Iii HI,I s. C< IIUVOPIJ TROMBt INES, eti, allot uaiii own nmniiincture ami warrnnled l impurtcn nf SI L'SIC ami al ? Iii Sil ? L IN .-I Rl MEN"! s.M.W Ml SICi.? ..;.,. maspublislied. just hi ULlSIIED.nilthesiNinol the III 11 111N S> i *? KA *l 11A : ab?., IIERTINI*s mew i ill tin I'lANO; i:' o. ?io 11 rph El S glee III M 'l\. be big a collect ion id cleir- liti bur male voice., with piano BCOSM ? mm incut, ?dected mid compiled from the bwi German and l.i gbsh authors;uj AUSTIN PHILLB'S. Price One Dohm e let. Merdanus. aud the Musical community generally, am re spectfiilly invheil to cull. mnttt i 'in \i. musk; and rlocutioS' vrysciem b V Mr. i". Ii. N \sh 1 lately associated widi Prot Itr.osstiN would respectfully iidi rm itu des runs ofnevehiplnganil eel rjvobng their Voices lorSingmg and Speakim: in on .-ire, bsi mam -r. ? ithoal causing I.i.r exbnustiiai, that beim e-tnbluned himself at No. 93 For?yth treat, in the Cit) ol .*?< w York; to instruct Indietdmalt ar.d Small VUuwti on till ? ras lie will al.stand Glkk ClCBS and i iioiks, ?,.,! w Private Instrnctinn in all parts nl iiie city, for i> i? Ucalar* and references, see Circulars at the Rook sod Math Sioie.. _ nt}-l!l Im* Fills I I'lfKMII m HA'il l: l-.o IA I'KS. DLCMBE hagl'EKRIAN GALLERY of patem i I'KEMlOl COLORED WloTOi.RAl'BS. N?. S? i Broadway, above Murray-street, New Yiak?Awanled t? ! t:n-T psknicsi rind iiiobrst itosoa. by American aou rraokiiii In-t i'.to., t.,r the iimisi beautiful eoloreil Uagsjgirsw 1 t) ties ever This estaUbhme t bos ju-t l>cen greatif enlarged and on proved; byusaaddrtinn ol nearly trie whole of the tir" it. ?hoveUie street, and embracei now no lew er tluxn TWtxvs ..p .oiie apartments. The .cale upon which ihe hnaineM - eotidueted ursum sdvaolages which are no where ehe to Is met with: and hence tlie reuutation which tin. concern bio always enjoyed, es being the " rir?i m the world " " l'l,e tteamei I nie. ?nia esrr im out i new nn.l ei prcvei apparatus for taking Itaeueire-type Miniatures, urdenrd :tj a ? i r gentleman of Edinhurgb, trom f e astalilisl meat ol Proll Plombe. It is ihr superior to any.instnure lever btfort mnnulactured.*1 .!!?> StateDeuiocrst Plumbe's Premium ar.d German Apparatus, am: Insinn Dun . fh.ti-.. 1 i.~~. &.C at lo?,-t rutr.. mwlai* \:.\ii.. kenseti' .-.tu.::: iatb \: ink >t. *?> ? v \ inform tlieir firmer customers aud the public reueridly, that uSey h ue retaken the above Horn,ami nmrliirsale at en i re new >t?.-k ot bpnng GmmIs, purchaseil lor cosh of t!:c Im IKHters awl Auctioneer., ?Inch ?* ??!< I..-?. I.I al ereatl] r. ihieei prices, amona whh h may bo Ibimd liie K Hawing t a bxrge as .ortmeotuf Ualzarines ami IIa raget lruin&.to 4-. cofii i aw ns. Primed Jnconctt ami ' lambric Muslin., le.o bazines, :.!/. nui Colored tli Paeo: l^aares; a Urge assortment ol Viusha la Lanes frum I?. i'.I to3a.; Ilaiage &lk aa>l Cnshmere .-h??l blk. blucsblack and col ire.1 Silk., Cambrick HdkC liaiiihrnotts. linens and a good assortment lor men's *ear, t<rgelher w Iii Silk Parasols, Prints, Mi..In and ? ot oilier roods, which you are invited to coll und examine. qdSiw* __ CHEAP FO CASH. C V. IVEMPLE, no. 73 i itUsK. nXl poou FKOM ?assac .TRKKT, HAS just receised front Auction a great variety ol Balmr. ines, 1'riiite.l Lawns, < Innu E'!e.t .n Ginghams, Itlooil Edginp. Needle-worked Bands, ,-iik Rimpa.Cotbin Krniee. Binnet Rushes, Kibhuns. l ine: Cambric Bandkft I hrtni ? I Coitou Eiljais., Cirr,,.un Erne. I...ives, Ijih Veils, kc all oi winch uiil i?. -.Id at ereu' bargains. mm VNTBRACITE PIG IKON??00 tons, Itir sale low to close nu-ccount. by MUHJXM K. LEA VITT et CO. C'AMU.HS? I.?int.netmrsh Reliu^t Mould?Ht) U...-. Par 'me!ee'?i^M.o!ted II2es, lorsab-at mmon.ctiirer'. pncflt Bfi M It ICIiElt'lS. 11?- VVe.t .rr?^_ f IOTTAI.E CHAIRS AND CABINET FURNTl I I I . No. 1T4 Fulton itmat. N' ?-i orit.? BousekeitpersiMwoa? ot purchasi s of the Mormucturer, will please call atib? ab we number, a'here may be Gaind an ossortrrseot, and I ah. net \\ an ctrinttin"!1 on hand und warracted. n.'-'l Iwcod* I ,) i w o i T( i I.' IAN?I in Prot..'.-.-1 . ??) 1 ^,l/i/?* .: ? \>- turns, al b r ceni -.,.r. I smaller amounts. To l^i?A n?at I wo-ttory Boose n 19th -iieer." Applr lo SAML. S. BlNMAN, HI Fulton ,t. I .u3f BEAUTIFUL CBATE APRONS-B. &. S. BAVN?R, Bowery, have the ii assortment; and must elegant pattern.ol Grate \; run?. to:.- found in any in tie. city.. Ilru;s;ry. lor lx>.kirii Ida.tCt 'ind P.cture Framf?"?? colo n 3) I \IVTDEND.?MEtjfi VN!??" BANKING ASS CIA { f I'h IN. New-Yi -k. Mn 2<?n. IbU -Tie i! aid ? I I are* ton h ivs this dot declared a remi anaqal du- d'-nd "If thru and imt half let cent ?a the cap til ?tnese, rjarableon und aller in-; 7th day of June next. 'I he.Transier-ltouks win be eJo-ed trom ? S t.. !,..;:?. bi] ofjane. JOHN IE CORNELL, inUJ a*_ _Cotbier. L->K SALE-A good DoobleOjun: ? R *S?,r I mli> tX W. *i J. T Tsl'sl'ill I'. ii IVe? ?I 0 HnrTi |l IFFEE- 9??? *ii---, mr ? . ?ix <?HINNEI.I. MINTHRN *? i >' rSjIPBENE. aifMIGAi;ogj AND BURNLNGTLU L id. f..r-ax., who..-,..j.7i'v>;>,,K<yrl!KH t No. ?J* hp stTMt. New York, an.' ?. Hicks ?r-Tt. Itn?.klvn TEN DOLLARS REWARD.-VintWCTto Bis-/ Srot-g -A r-r finite l- r thirty : \ ck?ba * Hunk ^soek in Um name of Barki?y & Per?, mat nund?*Ted AtSi with towered Ata-rney !)t'ri<-h?i u *< on Saturday, Zll Marrh. . -21 " " u""rtorn ?*> it? way to Was ?t. The 552? h7 ^?mi it at Thoniii-m-. olLce. 6J Wall ?'rp*;:_ mhS P" PETER ALM.Seaman,nal r?ol Roooaby,.: V-"*, s?ln"JT lajbrraation ?. interest to him in ram ^r?k^t^^KBS? l" 8? Si Norway ?. P..~.m ?r,,n.nt?J with the bdMdnaJ ,hoTe de-rrbed oblige Hint nr* ?hlurr, by giving ,wh ..-,! -rm.-.tion shoot ?ms. I y ,~oi To th.. dru-ov-yy. _ mh? ..?1 Tm OARTXER IV ANTED ''Mapeterit u. take the roure I csirtfi* sr..l .!.y of r-i..ot a cni-itr- to ?,lh Frora to ..i .v..,-,;..t.,i. -in* Aitli n e*lalM*shirierJt S.-ts-* ?t ? . ? irb w..uU be fn ?, ? - d. " i?reot ^dV-T? -?r v> ill ;mt in sn equal amoaoc rise hmhu ?i ar*t u<Kr? ?r? coostantlr raCTeas;:..;. V:..-t-?s KI.Ntl. :.: Ti.uure ih">? rn303t* ?_- **?"****? U'ANTED immediately ?>i> y.mne own. \nwnran?~,~to. c.'i .i wbatraxvoyage*rnrrru*&r*?; niinirinlai) in is-nrer?, n>..per? ami bin ?srieih?, to whom extra pav will be ehren. All Clothing nn.1 ..tlirr nerrksarv articles will be. fur. ? edC4ltJ*ee*coUlof the voyage. Apply at 16*7 g?ejthjriw;t opvtair*. n>30 IwD JttieaW* U* AN I* I -1 >? A r,v ?ni. ii - i "i ?! '????'I |?ry Inns!? sore, ?tw that rjioroughb nnoerstannathe City trade and can '???me ?s;| recomn-ertdr.i l.i capability roxi rnteenfty -!,..!.-i-i.. . 1 .., . : 11 i ? my30J* UVNTED*?By a respectable lemaJe lately from Europe, a .Host.o.i to Mpennicnd the Straw Hal bu? .???>?, which ?he ar-Jer-tanda m it. rarioo* hrancrie-i nf?napiiiaj Kleeel "? Blackia?, IMnc.e^etc.havirurdcaMliariaeMMC inote. Ineprtm?oct'ktu?*?io l^iadoa; jtmrtrrtandi the t" nnli- ."..n'tuient of the tur trade. .No i.l'jmlion to any of the lei State?. Addies? br Jelter, pre.t?id. U> A. B,-rfl Ton. cordsireet. Brookljrn f:y. m?3r.? \aTAXTED?A?tiia?on br o rcpeetabli. toiinr Woman V in a nnall private tamfln a k-i?id c.?ik, wa.ber >ad n.ner. Appl) V -A Tin ?t. toe i: Me.w iikj0 3t* U^AXTE?? X ??our .'lent tir>t bund >ii.llen?r fr?m the Westeniol Lo don wadM* .m em ajieuient. draw E. <i. I'. .' T >. nna Street. ti-ai3t* ?P (JOURNEYMEN SHOEMAKERS?Wanted.a atet I tnie workman, to u;a?>' rv "?e....-u ? rhoea, SMITH k Ii IRTSHORXE. ' ?_ l? t uit. ii .invt. Uro. klyn. ? i ? ?' Mj M n uraduate, wtabea naplnjrnent in ? * ;" "' * r2.>r3h<Hir.n daf iiixime <eh.a*i ?>r faindf '!'? * eity lor a sin .11 coinpenutH.'n or his boanl. He wahet Ian to make up a c(a? in Latmanri Ijreea tooeenpr an hour in he evening, Eue ira Ulh.Candee, No.3) Park Place. atiBat" UMXTED? \ . tuition by two cirb one to do rookine. Washirur and Irontne, the ntber n? Chamberarai 2. lyjaxbrrand Ironer or waiter?they caa prodiiee the best c iy reference. Please tn call at 81 Uownuij ?treet corner of Bed \.rd street,aecood t'.s.r. siJ^at* ? R VRE < 'IT"K .r\n Y b now ..:r.-rr.|. . ??!! a .""Vrir-st mle Manularturmcand Ka rj Biuaneaaoi tone: ?tahd ag Tbehv-ntl * :> ihelajjl that lheot| ntt'.rd. an i would lotbe-obtiftaePrin i> Iwasin r-s?i hrvith. Addrax A. K. at the Tribun? othcevw tli rerd name, which will ta?con. de if. n-nl i?r .met'v .espom1!*'to DiSSlw* 'J,.i ; in-. Pleasant Eunoahed Ronnu ?.'!i Breatfaataad I. T-s.. ii ns|oi*e.i. '. .|il> st ? nr.nidwwy. inS titeod** ? >.';',. i.: ? Ml; i . . us:. I ?.uj|e ijent!?. 1.1 tuen or rentlernen and theirwivea at .No. 3w vew>) >t-.s<t ??oni ?? ??' ' loir, h._i.JO 3w* i> ? ttti. \ .? eman and he? wife, ami ieveraJ attiale cea* D tleinen, can be accomniodaled ?i?i .'?...!. at it K ,.t IroidwB) myU Im BiARIt?A taimly nr? lew ?..e!e reotleinenof cood aao rais, ran linv 'aianl ind time out r .si.n private fain. ... i very de?iiable locainm, 88iTirT?t. Hotne aedapart* ueot* unuauolly pleaaaut and asr.enlile. u^r !?? !>?' V 1)1X15. Familie? or ttagle centlemen <\m'..<? nreom Ii naalated w th moms and board al sifc; Houston ?'reel, a .a door. I fin Broadway. in>'J> tin UrU ii.i'l .-ii ill PIPES, tir.-The? utv -1-riI.rr- nr.* now m.t'P'ired to lupply Ma-'ulaciuierj, feiiirtacer*andlalhera with IVruuahl und i'i.?t Ir u Sieatu. iVatei ind *i?? Pipe*, in any qiwntitv. The Wntaehuiron ? i ieiMttlu i troni s mnhe* to 12 leet?pul toiretlier ind eapalile >.t ?uatainma ? preaaure ..i Irom *v ro iu cui Iba. i theaquaaa inch. The CaaUlroo Pipe in unrtorm leutttbi, ml ?l~.j..-n??l by aerews.staeai lunt. Abo, aiwsy^ on band? Iras* and Iron Cocks. Valves, Emww*, lt. - da, -Jprii Tee*. ??uplines, Urdu'- M( Socketa, Stenn ftUarea, ^!.?alll i.n.ico Pipe*, Pump?, Expansion Tubes, nu.i aliuot every thing ised lor \\ atet, bUrOUl "'"I GtU U ALWORTH ,?s NASON, in>23 Im* No, II Phot ?treet. X. York._ BOILER IROX?The Stibscriberi ure prepared toTundah ' Boiler Iron, of tir-t qjaality aral warrantcii, ??i any don*n ?oi.s?uIronaoitablelm l^icmiotive*and Errieaoa*! Pro* eilen madeal Laurel Ir-" VVo i be>>?i Co. Pa. Ml 1,'H'ii K I.EAVITT&CO 27 We*t?L ?VI \, mi.i.a bd v> *.?H case, very mperioi niralrty lor fil? wh lesaki and retail by JAs. S. ASPiN WALL, niii^t? Sti William sinvt. ijlIEATllLVO COPPER?100 case* ue*t brand*English, 16 i5 tu i? oz., ?,|s UHIXXKI.L MINT! RN I'".. ?South?C i ~i u\ illOSI l!AR?SI hbdson board barque Genera] . Ilarriion, lot sale by iii i.K1NM-.i.I.. MI.M'IKN k fi) TS South ,t. \ 5 VMiX? l.'i HiliAiik???.ih Manilla ('..rau^j. nil ii >{?, M .1 Hi iUKU'IS^, .,; XT' rTICE ?The partnership heteinforeexisting l^twinin tlm ? > ?ul>?crilw. under tlie Itmi "i ELLIOT. Ill KNAP k. HAHcitCK. ?thudnyd.Ivedby it* own liuubiuon. All ?i-,n.thelatelirm ?ill be .ntle.1 by RAIXSC BUR. \ %P ami NATHAN BAIU^I " 's. ?ho will rontmue the bu lirieta under lb" i rmofBURNAP *s It VBC'MrK, ?i 43 John .,?.,. DAX I EL KLI.P.IT. a MNS C. BL'KX'AP. NA1 II \N BAltO a'K: Mew York, May K 1*H. Ira iTICE?Areliilmld i.'rncie Kuu. hru tin. day been ad , .oitteil it, a partner, by ?i in ? PRIME WARD tt KLX'Q, DK. II. BOSTWICK, PHYSICIAN VXD SURGEON, rn6 lm* _Xjt. "5 Chiiinlier*-*!, _. C AW i iltlr?Jolts M lb rnvi.i.. ? ,'Ntr. nrz. Mi?iksi|s |_ini, willoiiend lo egal bui fmi irmi beesmmled tvpira in the Cirenit Court* ol Adanw aml 'be BdjaeeMe*Nindea.'ajid in-th'! Superior Court* ol Ike State A favorable proteaMoaal ??in i'tionin Uvutsiana ?dl enable Inm toatlemlu>buaraaai ..... i. live Part*!*? oTtlnl Stale, ueaj Natchez, lie rrirn lo? Irioit V'ii. Vioi \r-i!iilr. Ciiuklivel! and R<di.t%m*brnn,arenl.ior llr-.wn. Wuruork, It iners si Co. Malcolm At Hr.ul, -inm. i oeliran, llniry Lavettji; William Kaip. t.l6ty DR. i. G. HEWETTha?removeil In So.87Blerscker-tL near llruadvt i>. New. York. Practice confined to ufclo catio -, Fracture*, Hip Dneine*, Sprains, Contraetionk, Pal ot^i Uniba, Nervous Anection*.Temlerneta, In. HammatiiMt* and i tnrvature* til the spin.-.I tefiirmed Shoulder*, IVhiteSwi limes, Weaknea ol UieJoint*, natl of tho I .imlis generally. Ruler.? given on application to Dr. (I. ml8 lm* ,V..;i. K i?P REMOV \L.- PIERCE'S PATENT (first) iMpKEMII M KITCHEN RAXOK.I Reviilving Rout? er B-tablishnient is removed lo-'i Broadway, one tl.Mir above Re id".?treet. The public are respectfully requnjted lo eall and examine a new Range which mi- been introduced Ihii Spring, which liir durability .simplicity nmi cco*M*my. hai never l?.'ca iiiimi?il. V B.?Pierce'* Range* repaired lij applying at Wi Brood ii iy mla lm j > EMIIV I'l r "If -r und S:,l,.,.|:,,om ulrlie .\cu-York \\< aid Manulheiory i* removed Irom 71Eulion-*treei to luti Jolin -t-eet. oppw-ite ( liir-Iieet. ApriDU. loll 3ml I.. SMITH, KB John-**. >> EM?VAL.?JOHN I.OVEJOY. DenUst, removed Iroiri . k. -s Prince ilreel to rJ38 Broadway, two door* balow Bleeker ?trta-t. 'i.l .Jm wJ< Ii W IRIix - -'? ton* Wrought Scrap Iron, on board*hiip 0 Wellington, vn rala by CKLNXEIeL, MIX fURJS (l 00. Dilti **f Soulb-OreeL |> VPER ol all kimh i mtantli un h ind, und tor *ale in Iota 1 m suit purchaser*, by CYRUS W. FIELD, rahl >.m No.l?BorlimtfJtp. ? ^ TH" IMPSOX'S TRUSSES, Office No. 13 " ekroan u.t. About ? u of the tint pbyn riam andsurgeun* ol New York have given Ii, ri. ill . irl. ?<?..? k to li.. ' I ii..-...,,.Mil luatethe presiore from one lo nfiy p?iuntl? on the rupture, witlioul a back imii winch doe* m moeh injury ? i Ute -n r. A lair tnal Die ier?t tr-t ?t us ?oi?nority> it is applied and siyrtiny?' Inafgiven, ?udifitdoea not rrtam ibe ropturi , \, mir perlonmng every km.i of .lei-.v; or cough i.o ? v i?ri .1 .?:.? : oi i> word, if it ?. not mwlacUWJ li every ie*poct. Us* mooe, r* clieortHlly relumed, und thi* ta ?u? only ? omi Uou on ??i? li J'"" ihoilbl buy any! ru??. A per ...,.r,.i eon r? ? j-..> mUm irJ.uo.i wanruitcd. il direcuuM are "t"???? ?anding for thraTru*a need only mention the ?.He rup. lureti ind the nwaaure rouudihe hip*.a*iliej can grjMuata ha pruaura to *uit their cme. Sold wnole*ai? and retail at \z ttcekupjui-ftreet. mSBiYa ?x Ht LL*S TRl'SSl^-.N-'sf'" RuptQ-ed Per l'i i- n. ii 1 " "si wkh.ruptUK nu.y rely apoiiiiic >estinstrumeiitalaidthou ridadixda, uu appheouoM QtU.H i '- x?. 4 Vesey ?treet. ..j to either i I iheogeiru in Useuruicipal town* i lie i Atata*. bt?ear?luJ lo eaamiM me back pad <it lull Tru>h>. to see I ihey ?reendor*ed b) Dr. Hull in writing. are genuine,or t?I* relied upon a* good, whhout h*t ttg* i in. ?. , ,? ?\;, r, ^ j,, ,.,,?? have umlertagen to rend imtlaUon* w Mull* ... run- Tri ,??. ami th" ? ??" ,;* ?r- impeaed up..n in Cunaa . ,,. juiRauoni eaiioul oe ivia-ii upon : they are .n> in s .? ionic*, and are mi I tetter titan 'he ordin. 'co'iuo ba*? '? un ''' ?,i"- * y***" ITtm, e*clu?vely ol havBig ? "?paral? entrancerrooi ibe bu.uie?? depart uajtit, wherea 'emu...-1* m i .iietior allooiiaiice to win upoa t? rtale potieot* . 1 -I tT Ur.\'.'i.x FOR SALE?A Mrnng, lUbatai tial Cooiityjr Wagon, ex etlejutlji caleulatail lol mo* ug t lamdv-qg ilt ,,,?_?, i..-. .). Apply at the Pbenudrlazaar.Uer . .r itp ?'. ueai llouatou a?I tf JUH.N U ALE It, [fokmh.KLV J. V. TILYoC.] LADIES' BOOT AXI) SHOE &TORE, S^ChaI ham id it tar. On opening dieabove New St?re. is-,;, r.-siier.j^iij, .,,?,; r,-i Ihn Bltentinn *rl lu* frveod* and the public to tu> eaoiee ai*ort "TauIES', MISSES' AN:l CHILDREN'S HOOT** AND SHOES, ?fCity M inulacture, being ol the m.rtt approved ?tyi?. and at coin siMiiioii'i; wd'i tlietune?. A -o. Gent'* an I Youth*' Booti and Shoeaol every t.escnp tion. , . . ? , i i ? d ?eveiaJ years experience in live ouaineos. m can ointidently inaure to pureJuaarn i?e li?*t ieacnplioo of war? manship. . , N.B ?Boot* und Shoe* of every itylemmli? to ortler. m. Itn LMPROVEMENTS IN BROOKLYN?SMITH & HAlt'l'SHoRNK are lupplying Uioosand* ?eh m ?ii ri SHOES wbteil are et^y lo wear, bunuaoiiic and ble .?? ibr llr'n.klyn Long bland Boot and j Sr?re. 170 FulrtHi ?t. _-4 " * .-> i r i.MSH .Nutria Pur Hals "irdt ' i Si nanly temred Beaver al ibe l"w pnc? ..f si'i ?uperior ^Sjta ? .. .? IVu-.uo Mom M i-L Tlir-e Id's ara ! (TTTTi .:i durability and lu-tre bi Uloaa sold al 64. AI?o an ar ucle at a?3 W. a very neatdrea* haL n.4) tin* BRoW X. Practical llaoer. M8Cta>aLet. ETON. im i AX H F V.?IIIO*:.-T)io snlncnl-er h? i ii pslu. e.l hi* -iii*ti..r ImiUUo? Mole-kia Hat. on tor bo ^fcdies to the eiUeroe low pnee "l ?3 ?. ri-. ..i, .??> am uieleearu Uresa Hat.and wul rompire ad ? ? ? iy w-tiM-it. "tld st & 'JO and 13. Abo, eur*stor?ly .?. rrnrtn* F-.rand sdk ol the be*t quality, latest paturmv I "\ 'p,'T\,u,,t'ry dealrr* ?upiibc.l by Die case a* low. if not j *** "l>Xt '""j? W.^KiVi:rH;G. ISCamd *. rahMto* _comer ol Tboropaua ?t. WOODWORTU'S PLAN INC! MACHINES A 'JFtjVl. 14 YEARS ezpet rnce, intb many vain ?- able impcovetuetru amtaildroon* to ha tenner n?>t? i i.iiblr- ilie lubscnber to furnr/h, at diort rattiee, and ol'thenrusl .I* ??i.-tri.'Iioii.rti.iteni.boral ?ork ... i mal up. 5 ? hirjeatontanewoodiaallits v?net*e?, ?t.ri.akp'. n eor*ur&exiigoobr. orcorring ?,? u ?. inr*. , ... Api ? 1-,'oncue'n?-im! trriHO-inrr.joir.nor. or rabbeuii g. andplaojoa ' bppborudo. ApplieaUOfl niaj !?- matte tothe.u! senber at hi* , ,,,t. r-1 Fl I - r..\ or ^ h .other ronier.'l Con*rr*srard andL *.n ?treet, Boston, where *ia , i n ,) i- .1 liny inRrnnarjrra rriiU?o lotfM -mne. i. " ? htaimsd. Hi well as "I Jciah Markwell A-? .. New York. L?et>r. ft a an inquiry most be peat-paid. SAMUEL B sn:nyjiCK. Poxboro*. M.,?? . Aunt l?t. Pst*. ai-'E'