Newspaper Page Text
' a9mu?mowsss*?sssssss?umm~""^?~?~" t TICKT CALENDAR. This Dai. . ^-,t covkt ?Nos. nr. -rA 4, 20, 1,36, 48, -12, ?ffi?*i? 38,14,24,271,30; 39, 6. Vomm?; Ptr.^-.r.2.^12JK.V,%r,W,.v,. ill ' ; "V(.r'*,.lK Coprt?This C.uri ha?reached No. gg on the calendar. c ( T V I N T E L L I G E N C E. ITHDUUr. SUPREME COURT. VMterdav was occupied with " deferred No. be CUtCUiT COtJKI'....Ueior,sJudge Ki:?<t. , 1 i? Ckivk: i es. Leonai d M i r. - In - J bmn' ?ci.n..i-. l I...:..-, rcl'err, .1 !?? ' - : ? ^ _2r^ a*"?^tKH1 wvrral I'"1"-"1- J"r' eotuaapt ^ I t 1mschajj : GEO. W. Mil.LER -Ac JiiH> o> Vrr -jqeof ? span of hones claimed by plain is?l?]_^_?isall?. on livery. Miller, the proprietor ..i ?jiT.stwaLJJiM,r rim' '?? Usern Di lerauKirtga el.n V,tter?slK Kcbcy. ?!,.. original!- lafl themal _n isun*0*7~i. allowrd to lake them oui one daj uabl'.'?'!t" JSSi tbrrn ilhei were mid to be worth MOO pka?sAse*"^! < viti'i feeddoc,aod m-u foi oU* r expense*. ?,^uli*i 'thiwrr". to New Jersey, and lett ibemthen . )](.carriedthem.^??,,,,.,,..,.. hut ?ero Im u.-l.t Inrk hi ?rls?**sissMjy?^ ?cd k>i on the er .uii.i that .Mr. P. Mr. M- &fMTels?asnt, and tum Cunninghamis .rel] a I SJayie? ?SSJr Molii'u ihtii.'i!. "flu- rn?e "ill i--.i,!:???! geti-eo?"""- ? ." rpTiil'ii'MMCN PLEAS..BcfureJudeeUlshokfcr. TfL0JUj Coi.i ikk rv. Jas. tit i ii k.-- The c! u ? Jtm. Cebck. being a militia fine collector, went to Uie Biia' f. f.i| Ctaner.satiatein-tJie Bowery.accompanied ^'f*?rimeii -ih1 entered ilie apartment of .Mr.. 1 "II er, .. .^jj wban bet huslmnd absent urn! can.u a '?'?r: ?? na.! ? ..oh'. ???: , tul.l.. .. *F"?Z"',U '? R? $8. Mr. Thomas Collar el dim to have ^'"'?tir oreperty. and tohave.lcaujed them tun?s?ter-in ?""S'{ he vrbo were acw luiu?cfccei>ers, therocking * ?_wn ?miihiI with a view lo anbtdtns comfort m S?::h?!.;i r,. ,,.t...i,:,. r.-. ..w-r toe Mil.: - Mr. Rob!. ? iT?r ? - ? toM?)"'. wn.i-..iiiiM I i..r iiiiioititr. and Mcssn. u* ,l lf' furdetendant. The as to his be ?X,K)n.,^it!.s w? not much fione into. joHv Si i.i.ivan r.?- Mayor,, &c. Vork ?'I I* i'lainutf lues to recover for 33 days pay as llru n-i the bring of Canton Water pipes, to which he iJSSraioted in MS. but removed by .Mr. \\ enmun. Ir was j"""'.'.!,., n> kr"? .??.litcd.liiu.? 'i tu ho incapable ol dfflar the dottes of the situation, nmi i.^,k work in digging ?j^i'iT. A noufliil ? ?? POLICE OFFICE*. ? LiJtCXXtEa.?William llnrTcy wua catigitt and .?Miird fei ?tealiai a '?nj". -lurt and cravat worth $J 23 ^Ji'leiih W<h>k?. No. It" Broad street. LViun> Kerritw, a i-tiuit boy, was arrested and im -isunrrt for ~aline f t hO, and also other rums from the mo J?fini?eroi Juim U. Montross, Xo, 7t Bayard sUeat. CORONER'S OFFICE. DtOWXED hv Ai i mi n't.?Th? Con a-i held nn ! ?-Jet to-dny ?t ihr bouse of Alfred Martin, So. W<-t ' Ss9**r?entls5body of his lua ased 6 .? years, who while ?suarbut evening on the wharf foot oi Iwh.street. North I gaT^II into the dock and'was drowned. Verdict death by giikatal drowning. Dkow.veo is a Cistern.?Also at No. 70 Beek met, Uli the body or l&lward VV. m of Juho X. Soyte. 2.rears. wlw yesterday anernuon (ell into Uiecistem in ^.ndie''* yuril and was drowned. Piei' Suddexlv.?Also ul No. 149 Christopher eMg.anthe body of William Cornell. a'sedSS. anaUveof l-liiiil. whodied very -iiilileuly >e-tenluy ulleti.u. Ver 0,<l(lriiili trom opoplexy. Death of a CHti.n uy a Fall.?Sarah the child of Ana Collioi ol 336 Pearl ?i. aged I >ear and 8 months, hum t__rautd, ataboul "o'clock tru. morniac, feillhrough ihe bjtfaSstsol the stairs, from Ute?Jd to the Lt floor, producing rrtKU?'?"' of n.e brain und death ml'., bout nfierwaxds. [Irow nkii.?Almut noon in day, James Groomer, ireJsyears. of Ann Cr.urr, of .N". 88 Attorney Jtrect, while ul " house cornel of Norfolk and Uelancy streets, tell jui ikeeisiem and >mi? drowned. Fkom Ccba.?Capt. Leach, of the ship Flo rence. arrived yesterdaj from Matanxas, whence lie sailed on the '-'l-d inst. informs u- that n numbei ol whiles ami negroes w ere arrested on the 20th for al? leged complicity in ihe meditated insurrection. A Court was silling in Matanzas lor the triul ol the prisoners, 3ml as fust as any of the negroes were condemned, ihey were taken to the estates of their icasiers and shot. When the triuU of the slaves are ended, the turn of the Irre blacks is to come, almost every one-in the place having been arrested. The prisons and the tort were full. ?3*"- The brie- Thomas H. Benton, CapL Roberts, aiived here yesterday morning, last from St. John's, Central America. Capt. R. stales thai when up pn>acliin_r thai place on the 29ih April, be was in? tercepted by IL Ii Al. >< hooner Hone t. Lieut. Mil? ler commanding, and prevented from entering i!?> port. He mills that iln* prohibition had existed for" some tinee months previously, but could noi under stand the reason ol it. The British vessels ate regulativ relieved on this duty every month. FioiM Nvsir.?Ily the l'r. bris Cora, arrived at Charleston on Saturday tost, with Bahama ml vicet to the ll'.th inst'iiil, inclusive. The inhabitants of the outer islands were in greal liisuc;? for the want of corn ami flour, and an agent has been despatched by the Government, who bail distributed these necessary articles very liberally amuntr tinm. The agent in n letter remarks : ?? I tm positively assured by geutlemen, ihui ibis >uj> fly of provisions would keep alive many persons who must have died of want during the ensuing seek." Great distress prevails throughout the island for lie want ol lam. there had been hut one shower for lereral months, and fears wi re entertained i<>r tin tooling erops. The llut/ii! Gazette of the 1th Contains the Pro? clamation of the President of the Republic ol llayii, C. HERARd, Sen. fr. which we extract the luui iollu?i:u: articles foi the iiitbrtnation of persons trad? ing tu those islands: Art. L The ports ofll.astern part am closed, ami this closure * declared to l>e a blockade. "Art. i. The lim "I closure commences front the Auseaa hue, takieg in Uie bay of Neybe, and the ports between this psks sad Cape Ssnutna, enveloping Santo Uomingn aiul it*, and run. tnun theie tothe northeast.and ends nt lapHM ol Nlounl i 'hhst. "Att.o. The entrance to Uiese ports is interdicted to vet* l< of every nation. Those who violate ?iis order, have violated | ii* law ni natiom and the lerritory ofllnyti. eowcqucully they ?ill hate to abide tin" eonsequeiigtis, and the vengcauce of the astioa "Art. 4. Merehiitit ve.^1. who enter tli-xr port- utter the saweation oflbepresenl pruclaination will becanascatexl, 'ind Um Captain and eren will be judged and condemned accord ajg a. tl>e ru-er of tin present m w.",.?They had a glorious shower in New Orleans on ihe 21st, after a drouth of s:.x weeks. BT* The Weekly Tril>unc.-TheW< .1 ? for wie ni the Counter this morniog. It contains 48columns ot matter, printed on so,>,l pa pel und With cleat type. Il.? cim trail f..r the present week in part are a. follows: Gisipses of Europe, bj a Traveling New-Yorker, giving oVsedpUons of travel from Venice to Florence by the regular FareigB Carrespondeol of The Tnbnno: another <>f Mrs. Chikis'ibeautiful Letters from New-York; ti nii"tul Wieg Soag to the tuna of 1 Lei a woman hart A>t icny :' Abstract of the New Pmt i Iflice Bill; .N.eee of Hr. Durbin's Travels ?iih nu Kitnirt on the Charactei of lac Irish i European Ag rrultiire. an inlewatiag article from Cuhnan*s Report; Arl'ain inTeva?, Annexa?on, lea from an intelligent correspondent f TbsTr baneresaling at Calveston; Proceedings of Cong. duntii tin' ;>n<t week retHirted by The Tribune Reporter ut iVssbtagtoa; ?M Van Buren Convention at Baltiuioie.Noniin twns.fcc; die Tyler Convention:! Arousing ofX.Jersey?Tea Tliou..?ii.l Whigs in Council -it the Convention in Trenton : n vaktable artiele to every ciUzenol New. York on the Internal Imprcireineut Policy and Finances of the State ol New-York: tlie Bargaia Slander; our Arm , and Navy : Seuatur Barrow's ab# Utter on it,,. Annexation Texas; Magnetic Telegraph; G?rdan Vegetables, Cucumbers. Asparagus, tec. ; Protestor Goaraud ; Great t ue in New (irleanr.; Texas Military?>pera tions; leA-eraJeatunu-aof MiseeJIaneooj itemi ..I Neu.. Liter, ary Notices,<ce. ire.; Comiaercial and .Market Intelligence, Monev Maiu-n. fcc .<.'?. fXJ" Fot snle by Newsboys ar,<i at ti.e Counter in wrapper! renjy i?t muilmn if roqurred. The Ct.iy Tribune Will be Publnhed ooea a wwk. till the elose of the Presidential ."',n"'? ?' '? V'"-"'11"" aVwoted to the advancement oi taeWTugl aose and the alectioaol llsxav Ci w It srill cxmtam sut^tiall, .U usa fo?tie? ,mtw, which ap pears m the I Holy and V\ eekly Tribune, with a brief nimm arj of the Nesn of the Day. ami transmiuedto lubscribeni f?r the lull term an:: eover six month; nt Uietollowin- ru'e? f-'*r5~m,y:-....? cents. 31 opjes.*2 " 15 ii. one package...".."as And in the latter propomon for any a um bet below loo. One Hundred Copies will be sent to uuy one Post Otbca (br Uie whole term lor 830,01 vnrcel) more tii.oi n cent u Copy; Those ?hu may ?oe tit to favor in with their patronage, ?iit nblire na t>y seadAOg in tii.-.r names aa early a? powdble.'so as In *e<-ure full sets. IXjT rsur?e.rn.(:oni n;iy be ri'iitiltcl through the i*.>t I l?ires at our rakt CrT" When linglecopies are ordered, the price of which n "Orenuior the term, the aamesof the ?ul>.eril?'.-s will be writ, ten on the envelope, bat in nil othet cases where cluba ol live or more ire formed, the packages must be dires'cd tosoroeindi Tsiual of the dob. or to the Post (?l!i.-e. In the I Y.v ol New York it c an only I?' obtained nt the Pub Baking ('hVe. or from the Newsboys. U-T" NgwSroscauucas stilt o mmence with the fust nuoi ber Omen are re?pe.-il'ully solicrted, GREELEY McELRATB. Tribune Boildings, ltii Nassau-st. AVtf- York. .1vr\l 10.1m4. Sabscriptlona for The Clay Tribune, ThMrtdag, Man '&>. Dabb'n, lud. J Im. N. V . 3 Chatham4 Corner?.N. y... ZjManchester,N II . Bkowbegan, Me. 6 Red River Iron Works, Ky. . (Jratton. Maw. Y> fjoanesburgb, N". \. 5 beetfielii. N il. aiCairolltoo, HI . JWt Kumeaiai, X. V. ... : Burlnteton I lab. N. \ II Youogstown, Ohio.,. Z| Wast Burlington. Df. Y . 3 North Londoodeny, \. II. - Singlesubtenben st >uuiir> Mriho.Maw.3h places_ .. 7 L>?atider. N. Y. 'i\ HeaRT-BRNDIS? Otet'RRF.NCK.?A snn of Mr. Halsfead Pecorof Baldwinsvillc, "jrcd six years, was so BCwreJj injured <>n Tburday afternoon oi last week, that Ii" dud at 10 o'clock Ihe 11 .\i morning. The boy was strolling below among the machinery of a lath mill, and having an apron on. it caught and wound up on the main shaft, which was in rapid motion, carrying the child with it. The shai't is about two feet above the floor. Tiie men above, hearing something thump In low, supposed sum;* pari oi the lirfhiri cry had. given way; and closed the "ale. < m go m-r In law. they found ihe child fastened to the sliaO? one of his legs, v, Sieh produced the thump? ing above alluded to, was broken into three pieces below the are. and the flesh horribly pommeled?and th ? of its ribs broken. It is astonishing that the lie satterer survived a mo? ment- The rapidity the shaft was such, that nol particle of noist was made Irom the lips of th. child. LMelam holy and Singular Suicide.?We learn that John Adams, a young man 19 years of a^c, clerk to .Mr. Darwin Chaffin, who keeps the gentlemen's furnishing Btorc, No. 80 Wash ngton-ntrcet, committed suicide yesterday afternoon, about 5o'clock, by han-riii.; himself at his boarding-house, Mr. George Gibson's, in the same street. [Boston Post. Sw:.-' Sarsaparii :.a.?Diseases affecting too blood land fluids generally ;ire very numerous, anil comparatively Iili ! tile undentoad. The ulood w a Bum! sau ?.*> writ. enter, every organ thruush the circtttation, mf.-rding tiounmlinient t'> e\ i ry texture and tiie ...urn-. t each secretion. Wlien, tliere. lore, ii is impure, disease ji currieil to the remoti si fibres of the aninrat traiiie. in unc ins ance eaosins osoneatiuii ol the arte? ries; or turning tliern into bone in another, white swelling ur disease nfthoj lints : ?.!-?? scrofula ?.r swelling: ofthe r-lamfs in ? rious parts ol the body; rheumatisin nUendod \vitn palpiut. tiun of the heart; gouty aHiHaions.alsotVon tne sarne cause, and a vai eti i f other maladies, which soon harries the victim :.. his Brave. SA NI ?'.- A RSA PAR i I .I.A.:: a cgi-tal.;- raedl ? -. wl ieh is 'be lesull of yean ut tabor i-nd chemical re. search. :n ! ringing il t- pn sent state nfperfcetton, will nr rest, and, a Uiim l> administered, perfectly euraitJiesediseases, li) purifying the *. Hal lluuls. resetiernling the coattitui. >?>?? pMUuadrseatcd ucrioo, giving tone to the general enemies of ibe system, and ?niabling the blood to course no freely, and bringing with it liealthand renewed visor. By it. use ihe pal i .1 rni*ek will lire it. piih-ue.-, and the .unken ere regain its bright in ss; tiie 'kin will resume it* natural funetjous, und the liinh?their accustomed* ty. . >? for ccrtilicatcs and numerous testimonials see pam? phlets and curious papers. Pamphlets, wiUi full particulars, certificates, fcc. can lie had grata ..i die Proprietors mid th.-;r Agents. Prepared and s,,ld wholesale anil retail; by A. P.. &. D. SANDS, wholesale Druggist*, 79 Pulton .... New Vork.? Sold aho at2Ta Brondway.77 Past Btoadway, and by diugi*:?i generally throughout i!kj I'imv.1 st-ir<. . Loorto vii ;i Pastries asn Bed-rooks.? lime jmi Roaches or Bed Rugs in your bouse ' a -are Ketncey for th ! noxious vermin may uebad al 31 Courtlandtat; Preserve v-n Beai tin sour Hair.?Tlte BalmofCo lumbia, which has tuet ?mri- opposition from iniaeSi nostrums and counterfeit articles than any thins el e. is only sold genu? ine m 211 'ourtlandt strei t. und a Uie only thine to be relied an -dnee new hair where it has lullen out and keep off ii*.' ndnff. Dr. McN'air's AcocmcOtt. a(Vrk rnit Deafness.? IVIiy aartll persons continue lo sorter ? hen a remedj n at hundl ! it. McNatr's Acoustic Oilw ill furnish rjiccdy relief in nil who are afflicted wiUi periodical deafness, buxziog noraes and tie ptent pains in the ear. 'i'lrere ean l.. mistake as tolhe ? Sect ol the m!. ami any one by enlline nt 211 'ourtlandt ?treet andexaminingthe certuicatea and li tter. ?.t recomrrantrdation irom those who have used ibe article ami lieen cured ny it, we have no IterataUon in saying i.hal they wiil be prevailed on to give the article a thotoueh trial at least CaI nor;.? The genuine, .\tagimi Pain Kxtraetai?the greal llealing Salve is to be had oxi.t al 2t CourUandt street Pn.vs.? 'Plus distnasins complaint may be cured by tin tiae of Hay's Liniment, an urtiele which lias never, failed to ejve relief in Ihe worst cases. 'Pins article we warrant. To be hud .: 21 CourUandl -t. to- TO THE CJTIXEXS up Tili: ?. STATE-?.?Im? provement in whatever rejrurds ihe happinev and wellara "f our race is cootinually oo the march to perfection, and with each suei i edioa day some new problem is solved, or aooie pro Ciund secret revealed, hayina an important and direct bcarine over man's or. woman's hisheid destinies. Ooe word, then, of ad vice. VVriaht's Veiretabla PiIh bi.Wj veeetnble, and ptrndueequalities of the most mild and bencticwl nature, which not only dispel "II diseases; hut at the rn toe tune restore and in rjgorati lite; system; VVhen.fint token into litesUimnch. Uiey imnrreilintoly diltuke liictuselves like vapor through i ? ery pore, pfodueine efleetji al once deluthtfiil, salutary and iiermaneut I here are many ysaine irersoiis oi *? dontnni oecujmUOti i, patli: r-ularly feiimka, lio lire htltictcil with an oppression ol lite in? terne! orenn-. which is -renernlly Uieellecl of an iinesiual de*, ?r liution of the litooil conaeipicnt on ?ieir employment- Such itllii t ous, thouah aliglil in ihemaelvea, loo often, hv inn usible '. arm lay die luumlation ofiulicrcles ? n tiie lunss und other inaladies which ihow themselves, when arrived at an incurable le. Ifisby cnlnable neelccl in sucli ?lirhi cases thai ??. many Rood constitutions are ruined, and many nervous and pulmonarycomplainu brouehttm locinbittet existence. CAtmos.-As countertar* are abroad, avoid nil stores of a Inubtful cliaracier, aud be particular to ask mr VVriirhl's Indian V'eeetable Pills. Offices devoted exclusively In ti><> snle of the Medicine. ?. i.ale and r: tail?.\o.2S8Greenwich street NewYork; No. 158Tremontstreet Unaton: and W9Bi.ireei, Philadelphia A FlRST I! ei E ^haVTKO Soap, in inn!;e u thick, rich, easy, i-isiin*; lather, to Hillen tl?* bcnnJ ami lire ^m. i- lit* prepare. lion ot old vaple. stoap?okl for3siiillinira a jar al 323 Iii.I ?*ay, or '?J I 'hatham ?t. < Sent*, only try Una once, m?l Stood PlMPtES ok tue FaCE, Si?niria tSD ?1.1. C'lTASEolts rhisEASEs.?I 'one ti? I- Co.'s cimcentmu d eon ixiund tlmd D.vtmct of" rjnrsap"rilla, from its established efficacy, render, it i n..-an' to pa-- any encomium* upon its virtues, Its as. toundiiiB ctrecti upon ihe ii!.I art' known to the world. It is innre hiahi).idei.I than any article of the kind over poe duced, ami fur ulcetnl.a.ol Iis? thront ami limb*, pious ami ivellingioflhe I.-. icimral debility .chronic rhe-imatunn.scjtl) eruptimu ?a 'lie ?Rio, pusiules on the fitceaml affi etiorra of ihe hvei il i- uneoualetl in a. effect- To purify and expel fmm tiie liowefs all 'heir unhcaliliy par* ties and secretion?lo eivo the i lual ifnids tlaeir natural cireulntion?in slmit. to reinlbree ih .I hole idiysical rystem to that il will I?- in n condition to lesisi disease during the nproncluiiR heats of Summer. TlreretS nii preparation which can fijual Coiustoct \- I'oV Snrsaparilla. \ll who Imve ever u-cd this Extrai I invariant) remark thai it il.not leave tlte bowel? coative ike most other Extract', hid ivea to Ihe pat: ni M' inetcascd appetite Ibr (bod, promnlea di .Mn.n ami eive*to il?* slomnch renewed rtrcneth ami vigor. To !-? l ad at il Cuurtlamll it?Price ."si cent, a bottle ur erdoxen. _ _ 'I'm: asTER White, given to the rliceks of lad..-, by llie i.-e of ihe Spanish I. I) U lite, i- really beaulilul -a i- -old mlyin tliii cit) id S2 Chatham ?t, oi Broadway, and I3U 'iifton st. Brooklyn. _ in3I 2icod 03* DatLEY's Maoical P\i\ Kxtractor "Reduceillo IS Cent*.*' says the imiuitot of Unlley's Salve. Tlirsmenda. ?ion assertion is aulBcienily refuted bi Ualiey's statcmetil un. ileroaih: "/ hurt uut tupplird Meters, Comstoek a- CV. witkaboz of mg Salve since Pet T. 1843, atn- ever tn/l."? ,;^ad'*r. buy at Pallea's dgtncu, to Walker rtrect, t-t tore FKUal Broadway, and see thai fialfey'a natut I- WKITTEX with a pen mi list cover, of every box. mJB3teod Commercial axad Money .'?Iniiers. 63- /.'.ir Commercial end Manen Motu rs, sre /.,:<t Page. - 'I'm rsdav. P. M. There was n considerable fall in some Slocks to lay, for which rwrnteappcriredabletoprea reason excctitins inat n re?clion must lie looked lot after a rapid rise. Cxchnnges nie in lair demand at premium lor Hid Sterling : Franca ?*'.-? .. The .Money market continues very abundantly supplied. ( ucurrenl Moneys | l!r, Vi a Hani. Mmrp. ilasteru, banks in Boston... !i Bank ol lisweao.2i> Vliiany.Ttoy.Sehen.,ate.. '- i ommerciaJ, ijswego.40 Jersey. *. Clinton County.?". Philadelphia. kj VVatervltct.-iy Baltimore. ^iliaited .-tales.HO ?saiety t "ux Red lt.u k.'a a ^(Hamilton Bank Notes.25 \ irt-iiuii.I^jlphasnix, Cbarltntown.-lo i'am.1 |.\ewbtirypotl Bank.&j Indiana.- iBank ot Lyons.i'i Vlichigai.3 llllinuii Siate.Bnnk..'st1 .\iirth t 'aroiinti.I'., .ISnuk ol Iii., --im.ym-clowii.lli South Carolina.I iCoinmercial. ituilah.l? Col. Pratt. .Member of L'onsress from tins State, has given nonce of mi intention to introduce a billtoestubliah ftoe liaukuig in tba District of Columbia. A new counterfeit of the registered notes has made its appcarnnce. It ptirporUtobeaS5 notcol the Bank i.l" Itochesler, eounu rsigned lt. M. liasbrnuck, nud signed by II. W. Have. Cashier, .1. Seymour, President. The appear unce of the note is very light,ami the engraving of the moat iniserable execution. The receipts over the Western Railroad for the week ending may ?j'ii siiou an increase of upward, of s3,0U) ? ner the com ipoodmg week of last year. Tin, makes llie ex ? e-s this year about S s>.lkSboukl the summer monti-a con '...ue to gm- the saute weekly excess, the ? titter earnings, in i-utwetiiicni-e ol t!iei>p.-.un,.' n! lue I 'Hei, ? en-iie. K. to freight, will much Larger than last year, ami Ihe excess will probably reach *- l3u,isjy: in addition to which, liie ? tpen i- an- considerably leas than last ycr:r. ihe saving in the cum petisBtion n tiie Worccslor Bond being tome i'iVA" for one item, 'i'he (bllowujgnri tne receipts for the week ending t:. .jtli inst. 1644. lif^. I^;.473 S?.iW freight. &c. .$~,S?> *-t.-.Tt.7 1'oUil.Sli.-iisi ttS&l Tiie follow iug slin ks weie sold at uuciion al i 08 t mi yesterday: IT ..' Boston and Warceatet Kailroad. ISA? percent, advatice ; SdoTaunton Branch do. Wi adv : ID do Western do, $7j p,-r -.hare; 2 du Hanultou Manulkcturing < 11 i adv ; 209 do East Boston Co. S13a SK . per share ; 23do American Bank, Imfancedue, per share; 10 do New-Eng I uid Hank, i', adv. The Rillow ing were the -.'iic< at the Bro? ker.' Board : S-Uv Ala irre Cs. Isi>. M'~: S?0?0 Beading Rail i ted Bond.. Ti1, ; JU shares Norwich and Worcester Railroad; ;0.Vt; lo do do 70>i ; -110 do Heading lUUroad, l,; t? do do 2sra: 60dodo,ko30 d. ??',: -'? dodo, b 1 ?. IJ'j; SO do do, I.o20d,28 ..; 83 do Wi stern do. 7.V., : 75 do do. - o hv. 7 '. I n do do 75!?: G? do do 75; ITUolioattui Worcester ee. bo Ijd. US. We noticed yesterday that the New-Haven and New-York Railroad had been cltartered bj the Li g?latuiool Cooueciicut Tiie Journal of Comnier.I ihiam irning mys Unat a genUeuau from ?erby. Conn., vvho caine fr?tn .New Haven ou Tuesday; states that Schuylet and others are incor pointed, aot lor the eonstnict.of a railroad from New Ha. untuthe New Vorkboe. hut a? Trustees of Iba Houaatonie Railroad. The road from New Haven to New York, be '"'' l->ei " act<.! on. but it hi I been -ictei-d in committee to 'ei?.it in favot o/an act including ail the applicants, designat? ing three points, viz, \,.? Haren. Bridgeport, and the weal .r.e .a Greenwieh. which acneratea Connecticut frem New i ..i?.. leas -acta? ,.:.,;?. , ,( .,, , ??,???.1Crs. ? onnterleit -j:?l |?U ?, ,|?. ,'.mercia| }{?.k ol -. aicoed J run Cashier, dated in Slay. I838.are e.c.rcuiatiou m SotahCarolina. J. Kuan never -was l ash ?:SA'? -Mr d.f -e*?o'-"'i Vl".VV BmoUDl! of the precious metals c.-n-t-duuhe la- auttemeni of the Bank'of St Mary?. Co !"",,:,"'tU3: Antiar? .o make an atimptto hreak m,.-theBankonSundaj nigh, The exc-r. hke the Bank. wu, t.?-. itroog to le broken I be anionnt of spi cie r.-eiv.-d a, siwi 'rlenns, ^?JwCoraaaarcral'l ntMcript. is ?7^n*??S same tun?.'last year. The av-inni.-of ,he ,;iriirtl ffokhive adver toed lot pubbe v.!.- .?, s1tma.,v noit n, t(i_, &chaw,, mm delphta, at ooon.25 *10WbondsOf tba Stonintton Railroad, i**f aliarc? ol the atock of dieaame Company. *5MW of Pet.... sylvnmn Fivc?, 705 ?hares of Um Morn. Canal and Rnnkine Company, and 6M ?harcs ot" VrcJtsburg Batik. Tin? ?nie i? made in pursuance of a law pa?*cil at the kul us<<m n| the lyPSiNinture. Th?; Bank holds, or did hold, D t.'w week, om, n much Inrir"' amooiU ..I' Ihc .t.irk? advertise.] than are t.i bfl offered, Ry the statement made to the recent meeting of ?upholders, we lind noticed among the .t-^oi? 8195.000 of Stoninglon Railroad bonds, 4.051 .hares of Stoningtou limi n>nd. l.u-'>? Canal, and *-7 shares ol Vtcloi burg, besides a large amount of oilier securities. ASHES-The market i. very quiet, h. Iden generally being nnwdhng lo accept 84 25. Ab-mt 100bbb. have I. .'. i tliatpnre. Ol pearb 100bbb told at 8-iCSki. Tba,: nre small to day. i fTT? IN?The resterday went up to CO" Male*. To? day we hear ol about ISCO. Tier,-? nt|efainge to note ni rate?. These w mit an active demand from shippers, but sortie en? quiry for manufacturing. FLOUR AND 31EAL?The marcel rontinui very inac? tive, wiih n tendency tu decline. Genesea we Quote S l ES2 . n 4 <??. nothing hot ??md tirnn.1-. brim.-i.c 'lie l:ighr?it"rntc?*? Mw-hig&n .'.nil I lluo good streight brandiiel] -I iwly a: $i.'i, ? I 'i.' .. and mixed low oftwo Ui twenty brand* are to In.- had at ?450. Thonrnvab are not large, but exceed ihe ileuianth Fancy brand* range (mm st-*'.- to 5 37 ... Round boon n without enquiry. In southerndescription, the-.- ?. wMliing do? ing, and Germantown not bring over 54 7". Trie other kinds are nominal al 1500, bul without sales. Ree and com is 43n :'. Co . and dall. Meal silo-.''.. f..r Jersey. J 75 tor Brandywine. Sales ICO t.i SCO bbdi Brandywine at private bargain, SI i 1?stun- 9 a ICc. and ! urge -?!.... GRAIN?AsakofWheal of about I OOP bush, was made yesterday tu 1 eity millet nt 1000 renn. Com 1% m fit - nipply and mororaled-inand. We notice sales 200 bush Delaware at46>4. meai ; ? 00 il<>. inferior at 4.">. meat.: ICOO do. North Carolina nt I", men'. ami 5O0do. Northern VeUow at?iieeiit-. Itye i- ve-y heavy, and3300 bush -"lit m the slip at 06c. ami ilr. i v.laltMC. 'liiere rsonlya retail demand h.r I iai? at31 a 3Jocnt-. \\ IlISKITi ?The sales U hsski r noticed yesterday wet* made at S3.1-? et?, at whtrli 100 bhls. State prison sold to-day. The nit111:!" were <un.itlorahle day. IIA V ?The supplies were mi her large, but we hoard of no large eilts. The rule of chipping qualities i- m3 a 117 cts. TALLOW.?Wo notice a sale ol 3u,000ih.. Wc-tern Ren dered nt cts. Ibrexp at. .-T ? Vi> ? \ enrgo I' i- been .old nt bur quotations, which are While Oak. Pipe. ?50 t 5=3. bhdl. ?35 a?S6: bbls. J2rj !;,-.: i ink I.!..:-. 823, hhd. beading- 840 a St.'.. PR! iVISII >NS.? I bereis a be ter a mend for Prime '...-.lay. nnd about 1000 !>:?!- have been mild nt S';.!*'..-, "i,'.33. tue Intier ? ? the close the as' ins rate. Mi?aid I bh a! 88 09. anil .' ?- I ?. Sales 50 bbb. clear Port at s:',75 anil 450 dp wmiet'ntiieni 64.50. The amount ?I Pork "hipped from VewOileaiiato New Vork ibb se.i to the latest date ;? bids. uiore tliun die enUrereceiptsatthat ;ilnre bist leason lo the tametime. The who1- reeeu u tbh teason at NewOrteatv have h?m 407.134 hi.1-. kv?l hhds. nnd T,:3j.(!U) i'.r. inbiilk. aeaui-t !n t > ?t ?um. IHj.?l !?!?!* '?}?! Iii?!?, an t ?J, 130.330 lbs. in buH. There it some vn .nn for Beef, and 700 bl Is. Prime have been sold -it SSJSihi ? 83,00, For Lard there is Mime enquiry, and 500 hl.l-.-nld at 53? cts. and ?0 do-at 6 . \ iaJe ,.i 4;" kegs " ai made at 0 . ct>. ("iira-i.tence ot Livingston o: Oo'i Express, No. 2 Wall st. BtrrraLO, May 28. The Markets nie becoming languid. Two lots of floor iv^u off ni 84, nnd corn can icarcelr find buyer- above40cents.? 'Hiebest samples of wheat could be had below 8/^ though the quantity afloat i- n<4 large enough in afford a wide choice- I see by rhe New-York sales, some Milan samples Imvo been offered. That article lias long hekl luprerneswar in tin* qoaiter, and the trade here are ignorant of any parcel! having pasted ea-i t^r want of a market. Could it have been UUI ? ?? Jokks's liAi.ivs Ciie.mii vt. Soap?For disfigurements or eruptions, nnd making dark sunburnt yellow -km clear and white; it eure, pimples, blotches, freckles, sunburn. Ian, mor pbew: never faib; Beware of a poisonous counlerfett, A-k fer Jones' Soap; get it only in this city, al the American Ragle. *a i Ibatliam ?tr<ri. Broadway, nr IS1 Fullon.streer, l!t,?,k. Irn._ m3l r'<-,?i To Siiav y. K?sv.?A eelehmted writer Imsdefined mnri to be a shaving animal. Thia? iloubtleM true. ... h.r ii. ralatea to eivilnted man; but*^civilized roan cannot sbai-e without a razor, and lie canma ke>';> hr? razor in good unter withont n strop. We would thctelbrejusl hint tu mir readers thai Saun, der". Metallic Tnhlei nnd Knzor Strep, wi'h lour ??des has withsUiod the test of time, it having been before the public mure .linn a quarter id n century, in d it probably has irn n , perior in giving ?ial desirable keen edge t" u e.ioil razor, ? whicli rendcis ?bavin-- an operation thai may be pauently en j iliire.1. !lti.;t"iii Mer. Jour. ! Manufactory liT! Broadway, between Courtland and Lib. ! itrty streets ro393teodis Kj? The TgaTraojflAW of the B.?toauhine efficacy of Hr. Felix Goumud'i Poudretfubtile arc universally accompanied by the FA<' V ibal no inconvcnieneei of any -"it attemk it- op. pemtion, bul thai tile individual iioc> not leel the operation of I lie preparation and'the skinis left whiter and smoother thsn be lore. Buy uo whereeaie in New Vork if you want the gen ume but at Si Walker it red isl Store PK? >M Broadway. Ihrertiuii? accompany each bottle. mSi?le?d B73? To heal harsh, rough and chapped skin and render it heaoofullysuit, lir. FelixUiniraud't antic Molicated S"n;. j,v - properti - of nirprising energy; m prndueing delicate white arck, nambi und arms; and protecting them from tl. hir lieiu. Its ?outlungaml ameli.iraiing properties immediately allay liitsuiiirtuie irritability ofthe -km produced by the lilting of masiiutoos,?<! "ilier can-es.assuagos intlnmination, reinovi - c'utaiieotaeruptions, pimples, blotcties, tan run) redness, by its dilating properties it prevents Uie formatiim of wrinkles, and banishes iMui when present, and eliciu a beautiful uvemle appearana To lie lind nowhere else in New.\".-i I? but at tu Vv alker st IdoorFltU.M Broadway. Bcwareof^spiirions im ilntions uffie celebrated cosmetic, oftlie most deleterious ??titinirtcr, ecntaining niineral asuinaents inr.-r 1 v ruinous tolhe i comi'lexmn. mil by iiieir repel lent action endangering heu lib. niyS9 2tei il MAKKIEU, At Gaylonfi Bridge, New Milfbrd, i loan, al the residence of Ii.i Gaylotd. l.-u. CiiARtes W. Lawtom. oI' Daniclson viile. i It to Mi~ I 'haRIaiti e L. Seelvk. of the (.inner place. ,\i Brmijtlyn, L I. on We?l lesdaj evening; the23th insl in the Wii-hinrtotStreet M. B. Church, bj the Re* .rir. Peck,Mr. Ciiavxcet W. Wrioht. formerly of HarUbrd, it. tn Mist Jas* Futrrorr of Brooklyn. \t Alexantlna.on Sunday.the SCthimt, by Itei. Mr. linn, forth, lion Uon. Asram McClellax, late 51. C. of Sullivan i "o. TennesMe, la Mr-. Mary Huusto.n ol Afexandoa. DIED, ? in Thursday morning, the i.'Jih tnst, Wu-liam IU ve. aged I iii pears. The friends of. the family are respectfully invited in attend ... funeral *'n.ri ihe residenc-a ?< h. Wtn S.Da.ka UivingUm-siieA. this alwruooaai 4 oclock, lit- renuuni will he taken to Harlem fur miermont ? la Wcdni ulny, <B*h rust, buddeuly. bj falling in the ili-tern. En? \ro IV. onl] son of John X. Sayre, in the 7th iear ol his PaaMUgei'M Arrive:! lu paelti tAiv Oncida. from Waerc?Thomas A Morris, . .. . Morrif. Wm I Moms. ??! Now Vork; Wm M Palmer, Mr IvKvai.i |??.r. Philad; Mrs I. kVGox. Portlaod; Mtsae, .\ I i lover, A Ward. X Ambe? ,. Eng; M Ftssen, RChaffeux. A Ichle, mis nnnricsto t lanada and f^uuisville: Sand P It icnarrt., 1 Jersey; Ii d r 11! Gooch, Va: Arliry iSittnir, NYorfc am! 183 .tcerage. iacob Mullen, a citizen of Philad, died on the pas sagc; /11 lit ha '*,' a i Jaseokiui, from (luayama?Samuel Tracy, of New ' iiImu-, MARINE JOURNAL. PORT <?K NEW-VORK, ,MA\ MIMiATURK It LM AN At?llll- DAT. Tuk St v j Tug Moan. I F?ll Sea. Rises..433?Sets.." 2o I M"r,i.rises. I M-rn . I. LaTkst oates. London.May :: I llavra..May 4 Uveruuol.May 4 I New i irlcans.May2S fCfsjea Lai Page. A rrlved. Barquo (Dutch) Libra,Trip.01 d, I'm Roltcidam, with n.d/e. toGrianell, Minium & ? o. llnrque Southerner, Hallet. Bdaysfnrl nrdenas, I 'uba, with hiigar uud mobi. i<> master. Left brigs Eliza, loading rot (Ii ttott,! r! i> -: Nai.on, .!?? ilo, M days; Rocker, uncertain; Peruvian, do; Itiqieit, lilt-. 11..mer. ding, from Boston; I Inseo. t..r \.'iv.^ ork; nevl iln\: David Pratt, Idg; Motto. >!": 1iwa do, li r Boston: If.. -r.:. lot II Itinaire, next day; Bordeaux lor Itttitoii, ? daj ? Sehr i Inzembo uncertain; Passed toe barque Highlander ashore, coming dot* n the harbor. llarqueJ.pbine, Mitchell. 1- *" t'"1" (Jnayaroa, Pit, with -u^ ir ami in lasses.Ui lieniami i IkaForest & Co. Left barque Dun Juan. Sanlord, fiirNlla?en sooii Urig Portland; Caiugli, 3? dar? from < leniiiegof, * uba;? Ith sugar and iu..!ii-e-. to Spoflbrd, TdesUm 4k I ... Left barques K Ian, Uunlianu lot .\\'.>rs in O days; Klhirt, Watts, do. sum: llacus. - ti kesbury, do 4 days. Bnga Panthou, Fata ol Tlmm luaon, .1 -.. Mary sort. f"r Boston, 6 d.ii-. Melumora. White, do, soon. May 22, off* Cape Florida, saw sehr Florence, ol ' Schi I IJanish) Jorjtiane, Anderson, 37 da fm Km de Jnneiro, with coffee. tt>J L Pli ppj >>- Co-? . , , ifclir Michigan, Terry. ud? Ini Balbawre, with Rour, tobac? co" <ve. to Johnson K Low hi i. Packet -lu|i?Incida, Funek. fm llavra April L. ?ilh mdze, in Itoyd .v. Uinekcn. April 20. Start Point, bearing .\K 4u imli*. exchanged signals with ship Prince Allwrt. hence h-r London. Slay 8, tat 4.'>. Ion 41. exchanged signals with -learn? er Acadia. hence for Liverpool. Sailed, 2s::i|i .1 bark?wind F.SK. Spoken, dtc. May -j4. La CO 50, Ion 08 10, brig Exchange; I'm Portlnad, for Havana. . . ??? ? .\Uy 2b', tal3534, lon634l, bngLwinora, hence far s* Do DUasi.cri., Tire Packet Ship Virginia, from Liverpool fbr New Yort, and brig Levant, Brown, ol and Irom Bath, Inr GaudaJoupe, ?? nmriii contacl in n thick log on tlieLrtli May. in lal 4I-S. Ion US51, whim U>eA'irgitiia wo-Muncwhai daimteed and ihe Le vanl waterlogged, 'i'lic captain of the Levant was about aban . ilomng her?she lieing a perfect wreck?end taking passage in 1 the \ . lor .V.? Vork. ? The Cnrner Moiie of the r'ir-l ?5.n; NKItS' METHODIST EPIStX^PAL.CHI RCII in Chert) kticet. near Ciinbin. will be labl this nfteruoon, Friday, May 31?t- Services in commei ce at 3 o'clock, Addresse! may be expected frooi BabopSooLR. who will or.le outhe occasion. ?ud from the Rev. t.. F. Pucai k of Georgia. A collection will betaken opto aid in ihe erection ofthe Church. Friends of Sean en and the public generally, are respectfully ioviled to at? tend. S uld theweather l>e unfavorable, it will be postponed anlil further notice._ m3I It - rjnltcd BrotheraorTctnpe?-am c. Stam rmal. t't.? .Ne. 1 of the State of CVonectieuu has been opened with the most ffattenng prusneets. VVe tha tl liejtappy lo receive out Bruthi.t the order and visitors io ii- ?. Irom time to time. A.X.SHERMAN. Ree-Sec mol Ii* 80Xnssaa.cor.Fuhoa-st.N. V. :.- ? Second Ward??Ai b meeting ofthe Democratic Whig Electors of the Second Ward! convened on Tuesday ixming, the27th inst. t.t J..n.-s'? Second Ward Hotel, No. S7 \'a?saust Mr S. It. DRAPER wascalled to UieChair. and .hois l.. LcrKKRT^and ParricR ChkiiiTaL were appointed r-ivr,. tarns. Masts, tteorge A. H.I.Uevo C. I lance and James hell) wi*te appointed a Commiuee to miminaie suitable candid itcs lobe Hipponcd at the coming Election forS^hoolOrhcers, who resortcil the following ticket, which was unanuutrusly adopted: Fur ofl Common Schools, IIA KZI LL \ DEM INC. For Iniipector. CALEB s. WuODHCLL. For Trustee. WILLI VM U>EE On metioo. adjoomed. S. B. DRAPER. Chairman. JoHXL. Lai i srkts. t ^ . PeterCrristal, >6*cretalU!*' ,? m30;t X>-Conner, Eviiris... Amenenn, and Commercial, please copy. [ST" FlftccnUi "Ward Clay Clnb.?A the Fifteenth Ward Clay Clnb wiff Isalield atCoestittttion llalll Nu hMi Broadway, on Monday evening. June ?, u. receive ihe mac ufieent Banner to be then presented lo the Club, 'i'lie i 'hair will tie take ? by the Pre-ident at 8 o clock pre The Banner ?ill be presented by .U^ks S. Trater, E??i. It be received <?<? behall ol iheCiub by a member. Mr. P. Dt 1^- Ree. Ihe Aroenc in Vocalist, will Hag several glee* and songs- , .. TlieClay Glee Club will be m attendance, and will the? i.I popular U big tongs. A Bund "t M' - e i- engaged. . All the friends of Clay und Fre..r.--;,uy-en are invited, includ? ing ihe indie-. lOTwhom leati wil beprnyajeil By order. HENRi E DAVJEar, Preside i JOSU'H ALLEN, Vtrx FresaleaL \LBERTA. I: iHiERs. <sveretane? . Harvey A. Wliu. . ' ?'ar,f*- mil 41 J. "VV. DODCK. Miniature Paintrr. 139 Hlvrv-'trcet. ml? 2-ri TV BarnhUPs Indelible InU.-The tract ril of tl-'? Marking in* a now very g-rrcmMr aclniowledged by tb?* il.-itgt;i?t. ukiI rui nt'tin: nfcle in I'littarlfrljihtti? a . large number of whom lime alrerty ttstetl tt. as m-iy lie seen I by tnnr adirertiseuMUts, and hare pronsstioceH it ?iit?rtnrto 1 any other rhdebbta ink wt...t!,-r ol <l uue-tu- or lor-urn malt", i Thm wliok.-pr.? es., ufmarki'.g it maybe completed in three I'es. even nt midnight ifdesirahle. It, led RamhilPs 1m] Itbte Ink after the Ciristuu ?: ima 1 of irne i.i ??or firm, who invented it. .MirmfncturnNiMi for .-,1* br pears, linn h \rki$. Wholesale Druggists Ni*. 213,' ? .Varke: .:rret. Philadelphia | Fr -in the Unii -i Statt* i;a_-t?- of .March 13th | Im>EUBUC ls?-V..--r . rotw. Lino & Harris. No. Sir". Market street,above 5th. rnrinufar-titre :ir..l hate t. r. ? .,n:l. article* n tlrea lino of btmnesss an u'rugg -t?. an admirable ink I truly It will, by t- bennty at:-l tl ?? ? u ;.!a-ir, . f at uv>. Lttelfto the rcsard pt thove wan :l- to ?et a mark upon th-.r apparel and would hka that mailt ncn: nr.d j -"iVrom the Editors of the Ni ith American of Ma-rh ICtlt. Ispeuscs !\k.?UV have tried rotne ?'. I'.arr.: itt*i rndelible i : Ink. and i heerf lly recommend il to all those wishing lo :n_rk i i on linen or cotton. !' r. fn and requires a., prerrooa pre- ? p* ration. Itisforsafc by Messrs. Pous, Linns. Harri-, So. 2l3r_ Market -tn-er, i"npy ot an advertisement ol April tilth. Ri-.-.Hit i."- lytncuBLE Isa?Jost received a supply ,,r ? Ihurrelebrateil luk.and lis-ring tested i' usorottgxdysni pre. parrrd to warrant ir equal if n..t ?upenur to any roaae in the I United States or of the imported. ? \!..e-|irug-. Medicines. Paints, acul*. Dye Staffs, Acids. I Varnishes. ?v.-. which will Ik? .old on t! e most reasoi : la Umns. by VLEXANDER HARPER. m31 2wh VV:.??'.-Prugg-t. Mark? ? ??.. hove 12th. Cyjoiiii Brtrtlell. /?? ' ??? - ? . city fur riveor six weeks, Thosewnn wish to lee him before : he leav? will pk-i?*> rnli in th- eoiirse ?>t a week nr ni st 362 Broadway, corner of Franklin ?L niSi ?us* I ??I--' C_P Rev. William Boysc iute rb t.. preach next Sunday in the pleasant School Room oi Mr.. Justice It8 : Duane Park at the city hours of public worship A. M. and P.M. Lord bless u?. _ tn25 4t? DSP" Pianos?Three in aranf of n ti'?t rate Piano :' rte \vrilon well to '-all upon the subscriber; win. lias on iinud f..ur of a. in-triinicuts :ls cm i-' ;?..!??!:?:-. d ill toe <:ty. and nt verv moderate prices. Will I?' wnrrante I Mr one or two years or the moi ay refuroled P. O 'L'I"N. H3 Fulton*!. m30:5 PoST iIFFICC. New-York. Mav 2*. 1-44. Irr?" Encllsli 5tai!.-1> tier !:? ?? ? Royal .Mail ; Steamer Kritannra, will be cinsedal the I pper an.; I^m?r ; Post? UBces in this r. ty, on I'' day th? 3t?t instant, ?t l? mm utcs past 1 o'clock; P. M. The overland ; nageof li'u etnt? mi each linele letu r, must he laid. "uT, 'jnnsj^KiMVM GRAILXM. P. M. !Xf* Gentlemen's Summer Hats.?Bird's ..I Summer Hat-, comprising the lute: patterns, exceedingly light and beautiful, are now ready. BIRD, iii2Tj 3uis* j jar. Pine and Nassau, i jr Gentle melt's Stimmer Hats.?A.M100X.J ! corner Wall und Nassnu-sireels, :s now prepared to l'ur:;.sh hi, I I Now Style of Summer Hat-, which are very light and of : beautiful gyle and finish. myStlmat UV Stimmer lltiM.-!'-<r: \r-.i DrabCassimere and other Hat-, suitable for the coming wason, now ready f?rra : .p,.,t,-mat ORLANDO FISH'S, iiiijti __'.m? Broadway. tc>-To Teinircrnnce Prientis.?The fri - temperance an- tcmindcd that' health, -pi - and comfort' are found, as usual, a: Barcbtrst. ThtsortabhsbmenthaTing t?en reliucd am! put in eom[il?? order, all strangers and rriendi yisitine nUr eity lora transie it ?nty. wiio would like to lest the superiority of a well rh.~en vegetable d .-t. are r. spectfnlly in- I sited 'ii call. _ _ Ri e?\VKI.i. fJ( iss. KT" Hardware, Cntlery, etc.?LEWIS BENE? DICT Ai co. re?i.'fully inform their friends and the pu!.!ic ; generally thai Uicy have rstntrrol to Oils city, ?ml have ukni the Sn?-e 81 Pearl-'pvt. Inpnosite the Pearl-street lion--., where they ere now upening? large na.l well-selected assort, ment ?i Goods, botli Foreign mid Dornettic, to which they i would cull the Miration ..f those washing to purchase. apS?lf est" Pnner Hniicrinsrs, Boriler and Plre? BOARD PRINTS.?J. Ii. <t .1. M. pratt, \?. l'I South iVilliam and I* Ssonearect, have on hand an extensive n. sortrnent "t Pojwr llancinrs. Borden and Kir- Hoard Prints, which th-y oiler to Country Matebants und others on the ! rnust favorable lerms. ^^^^^ ruhSO 3nu? ' Scliool nutl miscellaneous i!oo!<^, Jtc. WILLI \M K. CORNWELL, 0."> Bearer-street, ttao doors from Pearhatreet, CCS' Often -.: lowest R vtes, School and Miseella. 1. -...i. Books. Blank It.i.fc-. Panets, Quills mid Stationery i? general, '?< ? hieh be invites the attention ??! Merchants. mhl33mis tj,, fr^ Martin E. Tlionijvson. \ chiten and B nmce No. ?> Wall ?treet. i. j reimred to furnish Plans ami Super. : intend the Erection of B?dding?. RrsadoiiwNo.SEIeyetith street, 3 doot cnstol Bowery, where he may ls> seen intha .?vemng. mhlO Sous rv rt:?loo rnavas, COMPRISINO heavy SAIL DltCK. LIGiri RAVENS. r?i BOAT - Ml .; ? VWNINGS. fee. Also. HEAVY TARPAULINS. pa? PER PELTINGS, rJ l..72 inches m de; RAGCEVG, plnia ami twilled; 22 and it inch. Ai-?. Grain and Meal Bags, 2sj and 3 bushels. Forsnlehy BRINCKERHOFF. fox ft POLHEMUS, Kf6mh ^ _37 Beaver street. | M \V.\ i iRK Cash Tailoring Establishment, I 5 2 FI7LT0N-STREET, NEAR BROADWAY. This cstablhthment i? furnubed with tin entirely new aisl i ?idcndal Stock. IJeitileincti nlmtil to uplcr their supply 0| j Cksthing for the season i.rc respectfully int itcd lo call nndext mine mil largo ami varied assortment of Spring and Summtr Goods, which have been selected with thegrentesl possibrcea.'e I ns to qualuv of material am! -i vie nf p.ittern*? embracing Ike finest Prem h ami r.ugi-li l ', I \r ? meres and Nestings lo he found at any house in'this or any other city in Um United Suit-*. The Cutting Department will .nil Ik? conducted by Mr. Fisher nnd Mr. Couch, nf our firm, who have been-Ioeg I ?j ... i..i;...? ???~i...i.n.ii um cosomers brnas hmssr, | and we tlaueroiiiselves that we will be able to furnish I.fe? rnen'* Garments cpial .n p ? nt oft:' a..l .iegan l-t.. that of I iny otlier establishmcnl in this country or Europe. And by ad . tiering strictly to tlieCash and One-Price system, w*e nr.a hied to supply our customers wtlli llrstt de nrticlea of I 'loth a- j ntgrea?y reduetslprices, .?.. s. FfSHER & ('... in221rars , DJS* The Invisible \Vi? - el resei . ???? real head secuti ? unil cimiimj curs have pronnune? ed ii the most pnriect i ml extraordinary :m enrion ofUia day ? The great ad vnntnge of this uuv.-l ttml unique V.ig is ::? te- ! ing marie wilhmil sew incur weaving, which muses a- appi ir mc.rdoscly to.resemble; the natural hair, both in lightness and general appear::: ce, asioilofj iltlectii.n, its textureiiesig -o beam ifutl so pomu? and hi free dial in nil ci,.i-s of pei pint lion evaporation uninmeded. und ihn great evils ol ouet Wigs entirely avoiiied. Tl.ptic aiidconn.eurare al e mvileil to insiNrct this novel ami henntilul Wfj. and the te euliiir melhiMl nf liming ufe heail. at the manulacturer's, A. ' r RARKV. 146 Bromlway, corner of Liberty .ir.-.-t. upsta r-. mr29 Inns K-TT ANTED?A Protestanl woman to do the wirk ofa vi ?mall l.iiuilv. She inii-i understand coking, srnslnig, ironing, Jtc and be well recomnieuded. Apply al I Tl ! Spring -t. nidi &' UrANTED?A iierson who bus been uteil inwa>h, pack and wir? Boll vs. to .;?> to the Saratoga Springs, \it 'y So. 2n' I'liniii-s -ttect. m3l It* UTAGON WANTED.?A lighi ?.,,-,i?.; hand three seaieiI llockaway wagon. Address E. P. \\. Office ol the rribunc m3l It* URANTED?Actuation ai plain ??'.ok b> a respeettble Proti-taut young woman ?ah ^ishI my relcrenres.? PI.?:.. apidv at J. M -i'..!??'., 90 N'aasau ?:. m3l If Ujr?NTED.?1'he be?t Trvantsin to- city want ptacrs? charge to eiepluyi ;- 23.ets. bU'j Walker-?t mat If Ur?NTED?Bytwo pr-]k.-.inM- girl?. ?ith the bf-?t ol i.'.ty relerenec, situations, one to .hi cooking, wasliing and ironing, the oti irr n ? cliaiiiliermnid and lo take care ofcerdre,'. So ? I lection torn I iWilltansburg. API lyai No;212Mul. hero up slain._ roll P.* '?'.i TEACHERS.?WASTED?In a Voting Centfen in's I Boarding School a French Teacher. To a competent iiers -n. weil rer-nini:.. ii.ii-il. ti.e ..tiistam will prove pUsnaat and permanent. Ileiuuslbc n jVatiec Frenchman ??: (.? ?? mm. and unineumbered wHli Gundy. Apply lo Ii. .v S. Itaynor. To' Bowery._niy2S fTETANTED IMMEDIATELY?A few good Agents to *\ drs|.? INiDGE'S LIKENESS ofllENRY CL\Y, ?n this and some of the neighboring Mates. A rery liber. dis. count will bo made toagentt paj ng Cash tor the Easrat ing?. None nther? rated apply. In addition to the favorable opaiion already expressed 11 mis Likeness ?l '.Mr. I lay. a may bepru; per to add thai al ii* reeenl Convention held al Baltimore, tin. picture was uniw r?aJly pronouneed the only rrn:' und saiutae. lory hke'i?. of a- illustrious urigiaalevet publebed. A| .? ? to : J. W. DODGE. 136 Henry itrcet. m2I luf Mr. <"laj '- Opinion. I [ consider the portrait of me. by Mr. J. W.-D0DCE. at an j admirable one. atut excelled hy no other likeness ol me that I Istveever teen. 'l*hcEngraving from it. r ow Iwfuro me. b) : Ii S. Saild, is executed with ircrfccl fidelity end with great elegance. IL CLAN. fVashingtenCitn^lpritX.'lSU. , , .... The splendid Steel Plats Engraving. aBud-id ?.. .a Mr.CUy . letter ?Uwe. will I*disposed ..t t.. agents at a rrr.w iitir .:.; - ?Miunt.f?rew*. Relau1 pnee io. Apply ui tiM-Pairiter and Pnb'isiier. L W. DODGE. mSi 3m? 'i' Henri ?trscr, f>lDARD-Oi?5ortv.-.>fitmilK3 ennbe ? commodatcd wjih l> pleasant te ma ..a the second .floor, by applying al a3l Broadway, comer ol Spring >t. Also, vacancaa f?r gentlemen._P*r*'5L DLEAS \NT APARTMENTS t.> ? t lo rronttcroen wtji or i ?it.1:. ut breakfast and tea. at uJ5 east Broadway; ? aoor above Rutgers streeL_;_ _ niy3? Sn?_ iRlVATE BiiARDLNG.?A etmtleman aod^hawif in he n.-Vomnu-dateii with board ta aa agreeable family a IL. ?eunrd st. oppi -ae the I'nrlton House._"i^ stl , rvOOMSTO LIT.?A delightiul unit i |\ ti. anil !:?;. I'- fill - rjgle gei.t.ei..en. ttiaj ??? h i ..1 I jl3 Broadway, ?.ta a familj eoMstteg of only two peraojs. my3l "t*_ Ol ls?3 000 gallons Sis.-rui Oil. uhw " Solar Spetr.i i'd. ?U0 barrel. < >:l. ,. , 3U0 '? Siearine of Lard. Forsalebr J. I.. VAN D?REN. ! m31 is tf _M-ihuni-lu-cr. A N D ONXET .'? ?ARDS -Wh t.-. and ? in large .r -mull quauUttes, by L I UV my 31_!~ i'rVr1'. EMOVAL-?E. PI. VAX.Surgeon Dentist asrei INSCRIPTION OF GOODS MANUFA'TUREO AT , Til > ElV-YORK CARD M VNI FACTOR1 EnaiueW, Pi rceb.o. Salin.Gold Bordered, Emboss* : ... I l-ilee'i. F?i..'i ?'??!. P-nf-'e). M.uirne g<'?.',-. '. -t I" en Blanks nf every desenpuonami c.d?re.l and eleu Vmencaii. Frcnci,. German and Sjwnah FIruring * ?-?-- ?;: ,\en vtnetyofbrtck and quality l Uuadrdle, ^eandsii Comic and Social i.ersatton I ards-i extra true. Lohued Cant for Railroad riek*L?. Pencil < nxa*. *?'? i Irden froni all ?t?-1 lj<e> re->- tied, . and wi l be faiinfiiUy exe. uled bv L aMWH,. n.v?l Im B R arucle al? ..:.l..nda large -..oitr:.ei:t of pIHp-"l "r<ii COVERS '' 1?A large supply of 'he above J ? seas? ^ ^^^--4'\:u;ViVLM..RE_T..Rr;rv. T ESSUrS LAID LEGER PAPERS -Tho sotecrilers, -nie ?I ?"?.it- of ihese well-known I'm--, hare now ? n hand as U.U f.-.-l.e.S:-.t.iw-tn die iK^preseed and satinsurtaxe, w hi :h adapt 'hern f r< t ery el ?-< ? ?' ? njw?r Su..eriine blue hud ?per Royal hot pressed and tattoa u... do d? I*."^.3" .i dn do Mediutn no <]?? do hand-mad-vrd n bite MsHbtftndo do i'-Jal^rr^cie-.;- 'de- I .Ml Letter, -upernae do. r.r-t tn^namn^nnmmmmmmmumammm^mmmmmmmmmanmnnmnmnnnmL-. AWAKE! TURN OUT! for to-morrow. will be rTlLtttJXJ) at the Ofrlt? OT THE .new WOIU>. 30 ann street. new-t'irk. PART VII AND LAST L I F E I N T H \:'TS E W W ORLD; PV SEAT5FIELD. This is by tat lue be*; work on Aruerirau Lie. Manners and Seenerv. ??er ?ritten. lu rivid arid life like portraiture of our national rh-t?.r:.-ri?tic??tuI e-pcctully oliheOreat West?will b? ren.l and admired by itery Aniefican. The plot of the .tory n r.-ry pretlr, and the character finely drawn, lr is now com- j piete i.j vfv.i numbers, r.t \T 3 cents each, or I (?UND Ft IR - '.\F. DOLLAR. VI SO. ON SATURDAY. "WA T r. es T II E M V S T E r. I F. S OF LON 0 0 N, A work of extra urinary -,:.J ezeitinc interest, wbkh wuTyet attain an iinraetue popularity. Thosewbo have not reed it ran fjrm a very trjaderiuato :dea of its thrilkn; natiire. 12'j cent* each part Office CO Ann ?L. JL'ST pilsT.lSHED. oo tor s st.E AT 'JU anst sTREFT. TlfE HIGHLANDSOF ethiopia, with Piete*. hand? somely boitnd in t loth. Price f 1 35. MEMOIR OF miis. GRANT, wife of Dr. Grant, Mjmoa arr t.i Persia, 2? cents in Paper. 27-.. eents in Cloth. RURAL LIFE IN NEW ENGLAND. rSiceSScents. FATHER c;. (RIOT, by iL I"- Balzac?3 cenr?. THE BANKING BOUSE?12% eents THE FALSE PRINCE, or the Comroonityol the Seven Deadly S, .?12% eent?. BEETHOVEN COLLECTION OF SACRED MCSIC One Dollar. MUSICAL ALBUM. Pa:: 1 to rents each. Abo a!! tlie new work* by popular authors. ?Cf Booksellers, and sjrcntT supplied on ?betal terms. j .1. IVLVCnESTER. Publisher, 30 Ann *t. THE NEW WORLD AND BROTHER JOXATI1 \ \. Of thrsAreek. are rich numbers, and contain articles that w ill plea>e all ta.tcv Pr:ce 6\i cents each. Office CO Ann-.:. I: | HARPER .v BROTHERS will r; Bt.tsti On Friday tHorning:, May 31*U ? i B B ON'S DECLINE AND FILL OF ROME, No MI. This celebrated werk will be completed in Fifteen nun hers, at Twenty Five Cent? each. The present edition will comprise a valuable series of Notes, by Rev. II. H. Mdman, embodyins those of M. M. Goizot aad Wencke. It will abo cnmprise several Maps. On Saturday Blorning. .lime 1st, No. IV OF HARPER'S [LLUiMLVATED a n? i) X E W 1' ICTORIAt BIB I. E. Price Tv/estt-Fite Ckxts. *.' The great tuptrioriin ofeartp proof-imnrtttiont from the Engravingi will utsure to these who lake the work iu -Vt.niArr.. thetH-m.-..of it in tlie KigJUtt st ,tr efperfactia*. ami those only who take the wotk innumben can be assured of the possession of the best imoressions, a. the probability is tlint the plate* will be worn out before the work i- completed. ra21 3t "SONUS: SONGS!! SONGS!!!" JUST PUBLISHED AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF SONGS EVER PURBLISHED?COMPLETE IN 3 VOLUMES BOUND IN CLOTH. Vol. 1. Patriotic Vol. -. Naval. VoL 3. MlLlT.vRV. Price J2.00. The Ihtee Voluna.lain nearly NINE HUNDRED SoM.S. W. II. CK Ail A.M. Tribune i itti.e. m3l fli*_100 Nassau Street. A SF.COMi l.E I'TER OF THE R I'. RE\ . BISHOP HUGHES II.\ THE CAUSES I IF-THE EVIL SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. IS PUEL1SUI n THIS DA V IN THE FREEM IN'S J) ?I RNAL. No. A CITY MAI I. _PLACE n.:-:i iti.> HOOKS <)N THE 1 SEE I I. AIJ PS. Agricultri re. FALKNER ou Mann.-,, and Agricultural Chemistry, l2mo. pniier.'tr1.. cents : j,, PRODUCTIVE FARMING?A work ..n Tiltajte. Ity" .heenli A. Smith, l-'iio |iii|?er. :U'., ct.. cloth. SO FARMER'S TREASURE-Coinpri*ing above ?ork bound tocetiier. ISmo. cloth. 75 Art*. ?laiiutnctiire*. ami Agriculture, (JRE, Dr. Dictionary Atts, Manufuctuies, and Mine* ?illustrated with l:UJ cuu. I vol. 8vo. 5 00 nrin3 v?h. 5 0") LAFEVRE'S Bcauia "t Modem Agriculture. Forty oicbt plates . 0 UO LAFEvRE'S Staircase ami Hand-rail Construcior. Fifteen plate*. 3 to t licmiai r\. ITt KSt AII S. to l>,.w. mi j.eilneal Annty.i.. K.I ibal hy Itulhck. iSow imi,.r. ,.i..,i. i ra I.IF.BIC'S F.iar. Letter* on??iwi.-trv. ibm. u 2o PA KNELL. F.. \. Applied Chemistry in Arts. Manu f?etures, ami Domestic Economy. Cuts. Svo. paper, 75 cents, cloth. 1 uj D. APPLET) ?N .v C)'. Publishers, m3l Stil Broadway. ?? T r ibii"n c I > f f i cjs."' Al t. TUB CHEAP PUBLIC VTIONS, PERIODICALS, itc. Are for -nie. Wholesale mid Retail, at the TRIBUNE OFFICE. MO Nassau street. S3- Agents supplied at the PI rBLISHEKS' Pliii KS. and the vierk- tent in advance. Address inySil i-if_U ? II. CR All AM. Tribune Buildim.". _ PLEASE READ 'i HIS! \l il ill ESS ED to < 'lergjmen, ? lounrry Merchants, Postnm* ter-. and afl persons ? ho may wish t.i act n* Auents hi j?n.gol tin-" new ami beautiful volumes. SEARS' POPULAR PICTORIAL WORKS. History, or the Bible. 3 voU. in one, with numerous j tine Engravings.13 00 Bible Riogmphy.500Plate*. 3 50 ; Wonders oflhe World. 500 Plate. 3 50 Guide of Knowledge, 50Q Pluto. 3 C) I Pictorial lllust, of the P.ibl-. :> vol.. rtw Pl.ite*. 5 isj I THE MOST SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED VOL CM ES li r laniilies ever issuedon Use American Continent, | .itaintn: more than Two Tmiusand beautifiil Engravings, ill . riteil br tlie most eminent art et-of Emrland nml America. Pit .he*] mdsuld bj SEALS ja WALKER. IU FultonsL New Vorl. City. a j- An; -, i j Wantkp.-The o! the n! '.Vor!- , me anxious to establish Depositories pir tlteir sale in j ever.* ton u and village throiighonl the tinted Statir* nnd ltrtt- I i.h North American P.-ovnu e-. We. theret?re. tin the at teiithin of i LERriYMlcsr, l'u*r-: ?-tkks. Super nteivIcnLi und i I'euchjen of Sahbath SehooU. ?? e. totbu maUcr. Oorterms are-we reqiiiie to be made naff, ehlier for the return of line Im? k- in good order, or the proceeds when sold: nod ire shall -. nil :i assorted. a? soon as we receive Irtan each applicant the cee.'?ary iiilbrmatmn. Persons orderuig ?.* ill l?tmr ilar in giving their Pnsl I Hnee address, and also lotting now ih? Im>s .-.rill I.j --ill to ?iein. For further:? .r*<? uh.r. |i!..iim. to iddress, (post pud.1 E. WALKER St CO.. Ill I uliunstreet. New \orkt.ity. {XJ- P>:ks.-.>-? from th* country visiting the City, whamar bedetirous of engaging in the sale ol the above works, will please apply as abm e, I lie most liberal commiiwion uIIow.nI. my] Ilms. REFliTtTER ATORS !-lt EFRIGER ATORS!!?REFRI OER Vi' 'KS ' ' I?The atnive -iseo.-iable art.cie ot e\..ry j'.-t received direct from the manufacturer. They are miidelu a pmctical workman on an improved plan which p.sMcntsilieirever becoming foul. Su'il mi commission at the nianuiacturers tmces by the*ub -.t bei*, at tlteir new and cheap Fum?hing Ware Rooms, No. 15.Maulen Lane. WIIITTF.M'iKE A- TORREY. iu3l Imeodii 1) Mil.' 'It liP.CAN.?A beaut.fully - ft nml dein ate toned I Fingt n Irean, in a handsomeeate, v?it.'i -ilk front, r.:nr ly made lo order by Mr Janbue, the wll-liiioivu builder in .tnlhony.*triN r. or the lot wiuoocl materials, and warranted; I will h- sold verv low, in eon-, qucn.I tue owner hnnne no larther tue for iL I'n those who nr.- fbmt of the inrtrutnent, liie nbo-.e I-.iliiler.tly reeoiometidial, u . from it! eon.lructloii I keeps in TOfcct voice and tune, and i* easily moved: can readily and without additional expen?e, be made ? 11rii? entlv ;m,,i ... in! ihr ii -iiiuil church. <"un be wen b> applymg at 103 S;iri'Pir*treef. It* ^ NEW SPRING coi IDS! "iles's. Boys,' and Children's Clothing. (J E O it OK T . <i K E N', No. I in CI>aUiain-?treet, will KEEP CONSANTLY ON HAND A FULL AND D IMPLETE ASS) ?RTMENT ' iF .WrjTS. BOYS'. dJCJJ CHILDREN'S CLOTHfXf) ofnD dercrhainn*, made in tue mo-t rAainoxA>Ti sttle to which he would respectfully invite tlteatumtton of tin -eai want, j A* he Im* made arrangements to receive CIXX1 Iis. CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, ?sc by every packet, and has secured the ?ervic?- ol_CA|ierie.'.epil Cutt?r*. ho pledges buwelfto give perfect sathraction tool! wh. may purchase. .\". If.?Garmentsmade to uriiratlke tkorttit notice, nia With ttriet punctuality. u.Cl i?tf THIS is to certify to whom it may concern Oust one ot my daughters of about five years ol axe was taken with an lines, and soon after we ih-eovere,! by her cnniptaimng the \ ... II of the glands on t! e side of her neek. which was pain, liih We then applied some hnaroefltlortJje pojposeof driv. ins away tumors of this kind. Vfter applyingrthe linn men t i two or three times, the tumor* of the nek dtssppertred. It i was but a few days bet?re ?he complained of a bimenesa in the , ? at. At first ?e could not discover the cause, but in a lew days tlie knee begaa to .web' s-ery gradually, nr.d tinnliv uecame rerj painhil: ?o mu h ?o ina; -he became a mire .kef ioH. The n:i:n ans so itrveretbat we thonght she could not live, Ti.e case tsras a iwofulous ? bheswellmg, so pronounced -.i.le physicians. Finally ?e concluded to try the old man of color. l?aac Tobias-.Obe roordoctor. !!?? came, and when hi one of?ic vioi^nt parox smt of pain ami distress he admin? istered a portion of medicine to be t-ken u.tcnially. whuth gavaatniasl immediate relief, and tie? second i*..|miii cured her of tine- violent pninr, ami thi? med.cine drove the di-ean; out io i lurfiice. and soon after broke a-i discharged freely. II" eoo?nued bis appHcatioris, and ia nhom one >ear from the rime he commenced her hen :li was Ksttired. but there i* a t?rTHcsi of die joim ??> that she i? obliged to u?e ? erateh. wt rwhe ner Ilealui .?;i?tfeetly good. ADAM A. IHK I s*mithtovrn. -..-'il lo. 1SU. This i* In certify that my wife an,l cl.ihlren were leverely afflicted wiui the Sal! Rheum and >-rter rjring various preserip dims from different physicians without anr benefit and the ? !i-e-.-e continued t-> mcren?e until we u*ei! Tobtaj s ? cr?r<w'? ijmtneaz wh ch erhscted a complete cur*. Sumhbiwn Ann! 11th. I8U ^ ^ wnEBLBR, Scttolk CocirTTss. Riehard wheeler being duly sworn .'.rpo-eth and .a.tii t-nat ihe fact* and itattcoenU in the cb-irc certiricr.ieare true. ., ,, ... stt?r,i M,,re rae tru- lllu day ol \jtiI i-ll . JQN?S B. BLYDENBURGII. Justice. rcc vp wkitim; p\pf.5:s.-john campbell& i_ CO LtO arid 113 Nassau street, have on hand a Innre a? mnmantol VVrtthw Papers nsanut^red by Arne?. Puitnei St >nutn. P.mdler. Owsja'fc Hurlbnt, Car?<n. SoiRhwartha, an.I otlier celebrateil mr.ksrs. -eliich Iber uffer Kir nie. togetl e with ?very variety of other kindr, on reasonable terns. ni31nui \~FW-YOUK SACRED MUSIC S<X*I ETY -CK AND OB AT( UUO .11the Tabernacle, on Friday Even:.;*. 31?: instant. Principal Vocal PeiaVnriers, MRS. SEGUES'. MR. SHRIVALL MR. SEG1 IN, ?ruh a larr- ami efficient1 htdjcatra, ami ihe whole ?jr-igth of ttV S. M. Society, comprising over lit) pelnrmmg mm,lien. ClarioM Cbnetrto. bj Mr. ?V. T. Gfneatck. Director.....Mr. II. C >iiIt. < beam*!.. .Mr. Wm. \!:<r?. PART I. 1 iie Sror .it" the lU '.l. i .Wnii-m Cantata, by Andrea? Rom bertr?roetrr by Sefuller. i'rnieijioi s-.f-ran..Mrs. Scguin. Tenors.Mr. Shnvall. 'Pie Master.Mr. Secoin, |. ]| in.! Qos.-trtte-O uim?) Sotyn?. M../art. } . .......3D. Sbrixnll. Art?--I- wi the grabet Mater?"Pro pec _ eatjs .?,1t. Seeoin?iionini. Wu.-.rut: ?o ;o me Music?Messrs. Strong, Mansort. I 'rarm and Tarlor.Cmer. ?jran.1 Ana and CtMrns? from the Stabat .slater???Inrtr.matus"?Mr*. Segun andt > S-v-ieiy.Rossini. Diet?from M.~e< ::i Egypt?"ParUr SjMrMnr"?Mi'.Sbrtvall and Mr. S-rum .Rossini. Solu i . -nonet?Mr. Groenvert.B?-rman. ?..ran.I i her." from the Mount ol ulise* ?"HalWqjah t.tthe Falber*".Baexhoveu. rVrf.irninr.ces to commence at 5 oVioe); .inv K , Tidier. ?I each. fcsateal Firth Mall'.. Pranklin Square: Mutton A. MtlCS, ;\\> Broadway; at Uw Musk Store? and at the door._,?30 St VTIBI.O'S GARDEN?GRAND HORT1Cm.TLRAl EXHIBITION.?The New York H< rt cultural and Flo r cultural Society ?rill hold their Annual Spring Exhibition of Flower*. Frurts and \ egctnblc* at Niblo'i SaJona on \v rants day.June ?th. It will open at 1 o'clock, P.M. aridcocsnnue the t?o following da>?. As it h intended tu make this the rine?t display of the .w*.n, ail amateurs anil gardener* are requested to contribnteplants, Sowers, ice worthy of exhibition. l*be Committee of \rrance meats ?rill be in attendance enrlv on the imraimc of Wednes. i ay to receive artirle* liir exhibition, and contributors will aid the Committee by dclrrertasr their articles a. early as possible, when they "ill reeen ?? theo tn-t-'t. ofaomtssion. Members al the Society will receive their tickets also on Wednesday inornme. Exhibitors' and Members* tickets a?t mil during the day only. .\.r. Roof*, who ha. charge of rbe i 'oi:?e-va!,>r.e* it N bio's Clarden. ? dl be m atrendnnce. and reader every asti*tam*c . ontrtl ?? and .. u agers._ m ? v /"?RAND PROMENADE CONCERT D'ETE.?At the \ T.? irnest resyuest ol a huge number of in,! e* an '? gentlemen, a series of these concerts ?<? faahi ?nable ami popular in 1'a::.. will be given during; the present summer at the Mctmpolitan , Rooms, 999 Broadway , commencing second Tuesday in June, Vocal and Instrumental pertorruen of the rir*t tespeetabibty will lie engaged, and every exertion mil l?" rrrtidc to en.iire the j bigliestdegree of intellectual and -maul enjoyment. Subscrip lions for toe season, 95; tingle tickets SO cents; yearly sub seribers lo the Melrom.htaii. tJ the ?ea?on. 2> cents .ingle ? :. Subscriptions limited. Subscriptii n lumk now open at 599 Broad** ay. l!y order of the < lomnuttee. mSlistf SNELL1NG ItTtSDALE. ?. M ERIC AN MUSEUM .F.KI.M, GARDEN, AND PER -V PETUAG FAIR, t'onier Broadway ami Ann ttreet. P. r BARN I M. Manager. Evert DaT *np Evgsairo This Week, ? oju?e.ii t\? Mo? dat, M .v -~. GRAND i r.t.t ? ik >t INCES Bach nfieruoon at half past 3, and each erening .at ?. '///.' i.l.i.vr .i.vfi (tt.MfJ'SSS, Mr. and K iNDALL: who, together, measure n n less than rnCRTEXM FKEr?making them the TALLEST P.tri -ver known, tire to be teen even day tro n 10o'clock A. M. till I P. M.. from2till.": .. and trout 7 nil 10. i he Manager is happy to announce n reengagemenl with the ? >:;riii: in FAMIEY! ? Uiive persons, all Mtuietansofthetirstiilass?oneol whom i? a I ITTLE MISS OF* ONLY MX YEARS I Tb-* family appears in a ranetr of St-NCS. DUETI'S, TRIOS. QU tRTETTES. ttc GREAT It ESTHRjY will appear in his C< I.MIC Y VNKEE LEtTTDRE I >N AXtMAL .'/ Kf.vy riSJtll andabohis [mitalionol a Locomotive' MB. s. K. ,. tlte ttintt born wiinout tinii?. w ill also appear in some of the A-toni.nmg Feat* with his To,-., win, h [UUSt I?! MeatO ik" tit-lievc*!. LA PETITE CERITO. the Daitseuse. A Iwauiiful ??? lie, nun ol iv.ix Figures.GiratTe, Ice. fee. The GIPSY QUEEN, the fortune teller, may beseen and privatel) con at all hour* of the day and evening. \ Im ssion to the whole 35 cent?children und?! K> yean Imll price. tj- '& cents extra forcottsiikina with theGipsy Queen pri. trtf Oll STE \M ti \ Ii III.N Open from9 A. M. to." 12' , cents. mSS lm* DEAEE'S NEW YORK MUSEUM AND PICTURE I GALLERY -Broadway, opposite the City llalL Mr II Be?nktt, Manager. All tir i ?NR SHILLING, EXTRAORDINARA \STOMSHINGl WONDERFUL VNTI TREMENDOUS \i'n: VCTIONS! AFTERNUON PERFORMANCES EVERY DAY AT .'I O'CLOCK. For the, convenience of tbeday visitors. No extra charge to the rieriatrmances. Tocommence in the evening at 8 o'clock, i FA I UIRL, !>'* MM AMI til \.n IT.s>. filANi' HOY ir. ^ EARS OLD, AND OVER SEVEN FEET IIb.II A <.l IN l UlKL, Fourteen Years Old, weighs450 v. \ L)W VKF, Berne three inches ?b..iter than TOM THUMB, A GIANTESS nearly SEVEN ti-el high. EIGII r PERFi IRMERS. Splendid Paintings ol the CONFLAGRATION OF I'HE CHURCHES IN PHILADEI PHI \. Destroyed during the late Riots, TAKEN UPoy THE SPOT Bl IS KMI.KJO'T ARTIST, ' These Picturescover some hundreds'.of square (eat of can* cass. ambrturing 1 ha whole of the ?teste, GUU \T si i < t ss i ?F Iii!' W< INDERI I I. i 111 I'll VN I VMLL*< . it Penny Bee Vocalists. ? ? ' rig of a Father, Mbdier. and Seven Small Children!? Ii. nre the ranLOrrthan Hrlrirhr*" ??-ib?? ?-? -??... ?? oneu ami urr ik ouen. The following Performer* are engaged Mr. WINCHELL.theComk D lim itor. Miss MARY BARTON, Mnster BARTON, and Miss A. |i\l!ii>*. in.ich admired V.rcnlisis. Mr. CONOVER. the Protean Petforinor. CELES ti-,. the graceful Dansuese; and \ir. Ii. CONO\ ER, ilie Comie Singer. GRAND O iSMi ?R CM A. SELF PLA\ l\'; MELODE' ON. SPLENDID PICT1 RE GALLERY, AND 5000 Cl liiosriiFs._mg: j \ MMAL MAGNETISM?A REMEDY FOR DISEASE, i IV ? Air. Johnson, w ho has devoted sei ami yean to the mves ?gation ol thissultjact, has, at the request of many friends, opened an olfice at 115 Chambers Ureet, where Im will treat diseases by the use nl this agent He lias secured die services of several eminent Clairvoyants, who ?rill ruake examinations of iitdis'iduab while under the magnetic influence, as well as magnetise those that require it, The attention ofthose persons is particularly invited, who have lone Handing complaints, and wno have beon treated by physicians to no purpose. Mr. J. can retor to numerous persons in this City, who during the 1 l??t year have been relieved by this agent Office hour, from 10o'clock A. M. rill9 P. M. N II Families viseted at their hou*es if desired, m.'l linilua ' RKFINED SUGAR W'OOI.SEY AND WOOI^EY from this date offertheir ?*StaiMlard" IKJUBLE KEF1NED SUGARS at tha bil? lowing low prices, viz.: Loaf .. .11 cents iier pound.) When lest titan five package* are Crushed 11 do do (purchased, bull a cent i* pound Powder'd ll'in.. do J additional. The above ire riackeil a, billows. Loaves, mi bxsof 300lbs. J Clashed in bbk of 300 " > No charge brrpackagas. Piiwilered in do ofSSO " > Apply lu lite Ni ? York Patent Sugai Refinery, ear. ol South and Montg imery its. ..? at <> Wall H. N. II. ? bders out ??! Iba nity mu l Im Bccntnpnriied br a remit an^e jel 1m* rj'HE j it i* now wen that it acts upon entirely ififlerctit principles from anythingcteof the kual. l^-r the principle never La forgotten ihal ktaltAu pertpirtlitn ami txputtUn t.j fertig* matter i*the beginning and aim of ail physi? cians in restoring a patient t-? health; Tbi. the Salve will do in nil ea-e*. It open- the pores, rushes in ? hen- the seal of the disease is, expeL ti.e vicious matter to the lujriaee, and thus makes ii cure. Ask any physician u tin* principle is true .,r false. Thu- in Sores, Salt Rheum, nil emotions ol the skin. Pile.. Sore Throat, and a thousand Ihme?, itcieates a healthy per ration, draws out the diseased particles to the lurfaceand e?ei l. eor.. that would take )erir* t" Recomphftl in ?n? other form. 'Fry- it?try it. J. Me A LISTER, 136 Division ?t. Sold also atofiB Pearl. 133Sullivan, f?> Joim <t. S09Stanlnn, 131 Allen, 3331 leeker.SrjSSecond. 1U4 Cherry, and cor rhry*. tie i. ..I Uivm-'oii, ZU |{r.I .t..Newark. N. J^ liuS I vi VIDI-..*. Ii?The lb. ml of D.rertor* of the Howard ln*u. \J ranee Company h ra declared a Dividend of eight per cent mi the capital, pat able on and sflet Tuesday, June 4th. MaySS ISM. [m3ri2wisl LEWIS PHILLIPS. Sec'y. / SROTON VVATEIl PIPES.?The manufacturers having \_y put in-opemttona new and i.,ti> improved machine Ibi making l^md Pipe, invite ilie attention ol water companies and dealers to the excellence of their im?., believed lo be equal to any oilier known manufacture. Being made by machinery, it perfectly true in Calibre, and un n.rm in thickness, the bore completely polished mrotigbontr-tree from .nil Haws, Kales or other imperfections, ami fiom the ai lion of the machine Mim/u ol the greatest possible sobility und strength. It ran !?<? rriadeOI ai >? i aJibre. weight i?-r rani, or required length, thu* otier.iig ducid-'d adviiiitugi-* to u ..t.-r eutnpanie* i. mi other- e. saving ti.ven-: of numerous jointingr. A completeaasortmenl constantly on hand and tor .ale at the lovresl market prices, by Ji >ll.\.-< i\ BKl 1111EKS. Sole nireutj lor the Manubu tursr,. hi \\ ater-sL N. i. , ml'j eodlniis* / s|IE\PF>T CARPET EST?BI.ISHMENT IN THE I I M FED STATES. N'o. 99 BOWERY.?ANDERSON ii. DO BBS have just received a large and splendid a*sortment of new spring patterns, ol luperior quality. English IMPERIAL TIIREh PLY!!! Carpeting patterns that ntnnot be found in any other establish. ! uiei.i. tine and i'ointnoii Ingrain Carpeting. Venetian, ball and stair Carpets, floor oil cloth, tufted and Turkey hearth rue parlor .loor ma'*, table and piano cover*. DOI BLE SUPERFINE INGRAIN CARPETING y! All of ?iii. ii were lairehased at low price, lor cash, and] will be ?old cheap at No. 93 Bowery. N. IS. 20.1)01) yards, ail wo.,' i arpetmg, I*, per yard. 5'ui do, common do,3*. per yard. ANDERSON ^ DOKBS, No. SO Bowery. niy28 3wi. the flrst Carpet Warehouie above Ib-ter.-t. tj> i ii IMS TI' LET.?Ge lie nen can be tupi ???) ?:,.... ! V huh bed rooms, si reasonable rents, ol 389 Broadway. The M?*rop]olitan Cireubuing Library. Kerni ng and Chess room is off a every day and evening. Genttemen ihould patrom*e Uns e?Uibli-hm-nt. Term* ti per annum. uy3) utt CfljUUl T [ i dd ess, ?ho r> [i/i/O. ... Ini ? h, ?i chance is offered to engage in a genteel and useful businea?, on Broad way. N. Y. and security given for tie- invesunei :.? Aidre.. G. P. Tribun? . nr?i i>lf VAN DOREN'S SOLAR SPERM OIL-Warrni.te.1 su ; ?p.rftrt every ma+rt ti) ll e |?-.t Sperm, and much cheap er.) both as a tieaotiral burning i id. and upon machinery.-? Dealers ire requested to call and exanune tor ihemaelw, at he PIT.siTl IRE. 14 New ?U*?H ii?Joiu OUERIPP'S SALE.?By virtue of a writ of fieri fieias, to .7 medirecteil .? -..!. I willet;e *etor saloon Mon day. tha27th day of May next, at 12o'clock M. at the >-?n bole of the City Hall ol the IV; or New.Yortr. anbuss ngtit, title .:.'! rnterest ol John Murray, which be bad on xa ua> of March. Dil. or at any time attcrwardf; in whose banil* lo. ever the same may be, ofin and to all tho*# certain lots, pieces : tbeba d.t./.t.?f?.?".??oate.lytt.gaml hein:al Harlem,in the Twellth Ward oftke Cityo New York.situa.n the Eastern side or thc/.!d Ib^on I ?t .t.-of. wbe-etlie lamcts intersscUsd by the Spotherly tide ol lJitn street: thence Sou- . We*terls. abiog .tbe said B'?stoii P.s*t Ron.! t? f.rmerly to W nimm Brady r 100 feat; ? tlsence North Easterfr. *>?og hin.) rcrmerfy tieaVmciog to the beta of John P. WnWism.totheianitol inonuu Brass: thence Wester l along uie laud oi Thomas Bm s*. in the So- im-rly side nt t?tah street, to the old Boston Post Road, the place ol he- i .. . Dated Neu York. Apnu3th. 1644. "n 1 WM. JONES. Blseriff. ! Taoe F. Peers, Deputy SbenrL al&lassOw i The above sale ? postpooednnlil II o'. iock, A.M. ot Tucs- j ?ge: the 3d ?!">' of June, IMi. at tie- mum place. WM JONES, Sheriff. Tsoa. F. PtKR-, Deputy Sheriff m3l lawulea I . JOSIAH RICHARDS .Auctioneer. \ BANG8. RI'-HARfw Jr.,.*, IT. St?r? No 204 Broailwrty.?Liberal cash advances made on coraigiments for ft'!Ctlon tJlKT*, CT |{. k. & P. hav? R KM? WED to No.SM Broadwuy. a tew door* above their f,.rr?.-r Hnr?. MONDAY KVKMM;.j,:r*3u.nt7nV;o<-k. \ aLI arLk llonx*. A linrte ?nd collection of >tM)iirtril mix] Mivvf.aneiHi? Book?. m p?rt .elected tr.?n pn 1 ? *?? ?*. ateladmt many fire Rngi-st, ernt.ons. Ifhistrat .-.1 V\ Ott?, f.", Amoog thtm ??eon ofArsrubons Busk of ArnefW, 7 rs royaJSrr^seversJI ?,,ir...r.-.i ?plend-d.Cotored rdetes; Wnverfy V 27 vt. I-*! nburgn Lucycl t-d,., 39 |s|,rot'i Fretrch l_we*n^edr?. H ?? quart..; spl-udid dlu.tratrd rob) of -i-.-perv in Syria. S-oieind, Ireland. Switzerland. WaVtensit Ir. tia. Cboftantjnople: Jcren-y Taylor's Work-. t> vi c?!f. But* row", work'. 7 v?: S?-others Conner. US v. cnlt; Kdwsrd's > 10 ?-.; PnriMTCb'i i.'v.--. ?'? ??: Popes srssrks, 4 rs .v rnxslPi Memoir*. -' n B?oj IWIingbtokaj's w.ek. 5, ?,| Burk,'* works. Sec Hrstory of England 12*?: Jobt-sosvs work v.. ll-^Me'l* Ji'h'w". 2 *?: Rankei ll.eory of the Fines .' V. -::<-<:'? [listen "' t!?> RettstmUoo,'t Me. nioirs, 2 v.. Hum". IrxlioaJor, ",' v.. lloooer*! work*. 2 v?; Larcb'i works, 2 re TJirers French Revolution. 4 v?; Sale's K .rin; Hoot's MercnatiU' Magazine. 9 ra: Ihunont's Mira bean. fee &.r. TUESDAY EVENING, Ju:-e 4th. at 7oviock. Law l.tBK ist.-A valuable Law I lbrary, embracing rrynst if trie New. York linorts; also, popular moder a Reports, Di. tests and I I . itarj Works sfee.?ana<>us tliem are be Reports ofAVsr?slen.Gawan, Ha ire. J. hnsoa and J'hmor.'s. han.-err. K-nrt. 4ic. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENLNCS. At: o'clock. ExTS.Vsrvg SsLS OF lt.."k> :\ Ui wtitiils.?SevenJ arge contiarniTtents of valuable Books n'resh s>i?-k including ipttiai School and Classical BooStandard W?rk?. I.brary sbtioaa, Billies and Prayer Books, Blank Books, Eintrat mgs. kc. rats bleue? will be ready on SatunlHy. F l"i M.Ti IN. Auctioneer. 0 ! Ti >N je D I. AueUon and Commission Merchants, " .No 113 Fulton street and 34 Ann street.?Liberal advance! Ii...'- .in cun.urnnier*?. ind tirmniS n-i:irn. made. _ Si'i 'I I KMII RGH k FA RR. Auctioneers^ CTuRKXnJu anal street. NaOooal ItalLl >~ thit Ihmr sales of Furoitttre. iJriw^n".. Dry Goods, tzc. :U n.led to in person ai Ipt.* returns made. Sales ot Kea ??'"**' -Se Exchange. _ 'i _ VALUAULE i.'??NTRi SEAT \NI'"^B?,' ?;..-?[ I VR.MS i Flu? g Island.?Will i._ icAuct V\ i it. i?- An I-??'?' ek.*' ibeMen ??' Fv. anga A\TII.?NvT. I'.l.EEl KER feCX*^ Auctioneers. .a the Execu ? ? of Robert timer, deceased, the Farm or Farms, si Flush ? .?? L I., ustel] rjecuo tslby R. Carter.deesaued, an.:f..nnerry f .1 ?-? i M..<?vi. Esq . known a. the Ukdk? Hill Faaat. rts loilows: No.1?Comprising 80 acres more or lass tillable land, in th* lugnest srrite otcultiviitioo^ with 4) sen-, of salt meadow at tat-hed. I m tatd i remsses i? a ian:e t?,i,t.?y double mansion, i\ Ith kitchen aUacbed; the w hole built in the heal manner, lin . ad throughoul In the awde? ,t> !e and in every r?i>e?n sni atble for a large family. Also, Stabkr for sevsm hunes Car nage Hottse, Pa t Shop. Granary. Smoke Htistae, l-e i louse died w th ice. Cat smlers Shop. Fowl House. Pgery with '?iiier hoi:?e annexed, ?i?sl house and root eellnr, large Rarn w-ith hovels well nrrnurcl 1?>r cattle, stabling for tann boesaa Old oxen; attached t? the barn i? a building In wmch is a me power of the most approved kind, with which all tri ihreshing, sawmg and shelling corn of the farm can be d?ne, lite whole in good orderand neatly iwuut.sf; also. J larse bnr raeks rmelosasl tor grain, 2 Ivgecorn cm?, garden house and ? houw. large barn 25 by 75 liir buy. ?>-. i >n mid premises there has l?n-lv been built a h.-incviuie.-.ttane tor Use hvmer, ir-;j ?urticiciil >? Ia-ge to ucc.muii.stale tiie men on the farm, die whole place enclosed w ah ?tone ? alb.and stone fcN.t teneea if lite best kind and in good order: abu a large garden well ?ml out. entiUtining ewty var-ety ol choice small fruits, such .. gonsberries and currants.grapes, asparagus, and ?trnwl-erry noes of IJW! best kinds. The lawn in trout ol'the uiausion ta handsomelj In out and adorned with :r?-s of every deaenp nn and oflarge size: ehernes and pears in alaindanee of the -ort. 2 apple orcht rds ;n gisnl bearing am! of good kinds; he whole premises i.soung the nsret?ary qualiricaljons for a rentJeroan s e>Htntry sent. Those desirous of purchasing are inirticulatly invited Ui examine the property. No. J?I ^unpiiaing 2i' acres, more or I e-?. of tillable land o be Ik--! k in-.l. " na 4 sens ol -alt meadow, attached oi near a land, i Mi sud im-nn-s-. |, a l -rgc cottage limit duelling suitA .;?? i..i a large family, in good order and pleasantly situated: ?s'llh a well of good watei at the door, rioagardao. stable and ?,.rri.-..-e house. Innre barn and hovel sml in eveiy n-nisrct well .uiie.1 i-r a summer or seintari ism tilouisi. \o. 3-ComproiOg 70acres, more or te??, ot tillable land in a high state txf r^lbvatfon. with 13 acres of (all iiiendow and 7 li-fe. ol wmsl land, m? ?.tIy hickory und hn-u-t. i In laud preini ,,:-i.have been erc-n-d within the lasl 1> months, a laige ilweUing. with khehan attacbssi, of the Graciaa order, built throughout -nthe lie-: manner, comtwanding a tine and vnned prosoet?. being on the higlicst part oi die whole farm. Tba la wn in front of the h.- handsomely itm! out. with tree*. of good line an I ol t'1 varieties wi II.:.-d. and in which no expense has tseen sps?vsd; with grtrsjen, in which is a gmtd as ENtragua bed . a!*o, ol" the usi?t approved plenty of irotstabeniea and currants: a tine apple orchaid of uralled fruit, in full bearing. Also, a Inrue !?nrn 3U by 80, with stabling and carriage house: underneath ihe whole nm stalls tor cows and oxen; fowl house, corn cub. with granary above ; wagon and (ool house, carpenters' shop ; also, n well ? a' watei ol Ihe sollesl kuu! ; the same i? led into the barn-yard ... the use of the stock The bun yard is enclosed ?vidi ?ton? wrall 80 bj 100 leet, in which, from a? armngernent gr>:at quan Idles of manure can lie made. Abo smd preuusea . 11 large Farm House, suitable for Ii?' farmer and his imurts, ... :!i garden ami stabling, large barrack capable of holding 9J tuns of hay. leacesol -tone ami bUmic fool walla all n g.??! or lies ui.l man* of them recently made: the ?hole pniarjaala, every tlnmr thai could lK-ib-s:nsl by ihe Gcntleilian ..r Furnier. The ?hole rani ?- situated Itl Ihe village of Flushing about n ms from the landing. Among ihe man] advantage* <d Fundi? ng for a rcsiileni-e. an-tin- S hooMor male and femn'es. ? Inch are of the best kind. Stores ol every variety, Churches of the i piscopal, I'resbyterian and MethudistdoimtatnalMW. Access ? in he had to the city of Nest York twice a day in .iiuunerand re a day in winter, either by steamboator stages, Thedia. mnce Irom New York by land carriage >? bushiI 10 miles. For hirthei infiirinalion o! ...ihcr ji'iicel of Ihe above proper? ly, apply to the AuetMM.r-. .No. . Itroa.l .tr.-et, or TI i Kl .lt. i'" >< ?PER fc CO. 7u S.uith it. Nora.?The i-rop? on parcels No*. I ami - have been put ip. Terms of -ale?Itl per cent, ol Ihe purchase money to lie paid on the day of sale, 30 per cent, on Ina ili-'m-ry ol the deeds, md thebnhtnee. being 60 per cent._ ean remain on bond anci nortgaga at 6 per cent i<4 m7 till JuS ia nLWMFlELD iNSTITUTB.?DAVID A. FRAME*. 1) \. M.. lb.ipal. - \ lloar.iin_' School lor boyaj l'J miles r .im N. V. i "itv .md 4miles north ol Newark, Esset fo. N. J. I trm? mmlerate. Circulars ?i the Hook Store, of M. W. Dodil, Brick Ch. Chapel; Leavitt, Tow & Co. 194, Saxton i.. Mile-, jo Broadway ; and .1. S. Taylor, ll? Nassnu-st. ml Inns* ! ?IL S \\ RE has removed to the S'mih Wm corner of ! ' v oiil Senn.--I. Irom 124 lluil-on-r. ma Inns " Mi-.^fVVV.^l'vM.KRV, No. 247 Broadway. N. V. ? IKENESSES r.S THE l?tPROVEU DAGUERREO 1 i TYPE, various sixes and of ihe must delicate execution, nay be obtained nl 'he above Rooms during the day. ? THIS GAI.LERYxonUuns, as e. name impntts, ?evr-ral .Ired perfect likene.f EMINENT AMERICAN STATESMEN and othssr distinguulied characters, and is constantly receiving additions. CHEMII U.S. I'l. \ FES.CASES.INSTRUMENTS, and oilier APPARATUS and MATER IA LS connected with tha Art, eonstnnll) on hand ami foi tale. Tb- nlu*.- articles are lelected ?ith great care, ami warranted in all rrsjiects. i Irden promptly attenoad to. m>25 Iwu AN I'lli i.N H. EDU'ARDS &. GO._ WrINTK)\V SHADES! U lNlsHV SHADES! wbola Mle or retail, ai IVM. BEIUUAN'S, 131 rimiham? Just received 7,000 pair., which, together with Ins dinner a ck, will make the largest ami best assortment in the City, which will be sold 30 per cent, lower than oilier .tores charga for the same article. Uphsilsterers, Carpel Ik-ale's, and CsHin try Merchants supplied with good washable VVinoow Shinies a prices varying from >lto$25. N. II. There arc no otliot goods hot window .hade, and luuiging- sold at 131 Clinlhujn ,iris-t._mil lip hys A I \M I' \i TI 'KKRS DEPOT F??R STRAW G<MJDS Irl?HATS, CAPS, Si.--Removed to PrJ Punrl street.? I in- stoek is well worthy the nUention of purchasen as the ,.i- aic of the Inlest rtyle. and n.ibaeribet gitannteea that both goodsnnd prices shall give entire wtadaeuon to shrewd o.d ili-i-riuiuiiituig buyers. _ _i;K<?. ltltllM;K Mi2 Inns* N E A PO LIT A N K?NNET .?>1 AM K,\<ITORYa {ZlF The Ladies are respectfully informed, that this new and beautiful article is now produced in the greatest perfection at 'Si \NTFACT< dt V. .V i 103 B< ?WERY.UP STAIRS, where they are mid at \\ IP 1LESALE AXD I! ETA IL, r tic* lowesl prices. A large assortment kept constantly on hand to select I mm. ?ierchanls and .Milliner.-upphtd on the best terms. _? mlOlmfa* KEMOVAL OF THE NEW-YORK CASH TAILORING Establishment? From 112 Fulton-ttreet to lb7 Broadway. Thu (ubscribera have removed their, establishment to 187 Broadway,3 doors below ihu Franklin House and are now prepared with a full and vnned assortment of Cloths: Casst. ...?re- md Vesting*, lo winch they would invite the attention oftlu : >ld customers and the public. In removing; to a more central location, with increased facilities fordoing business, we ilmll Ira enabled to offer still greater inducements to tho 1 ; yin?T customer, ru we shall always aim, by adhering, to ?d-.e t 'a-h an.l I me Pn.e S) item, to retain the confidence of nur customers Having in our employ the most exiienenced cut? ters, and employing none but the beat of workmen, and having ihe whole business under our own immediate lupervkaoa, wo can safely guarmntea that our garments will compare in style md eh its nee with those of any hi Mise in the I 'mted State*. In addil ion to Olli I inner .lock, we nave on hrtnd a full and CO0I? plate assort men tol everyarticle usually kept in n gentlenmn's outfiuim! bonsa. where our eusosiscrs can alwnyv depend on -i iPb "3i ?lunselvea with a lirst rule article j. < ?. bimith ^ca_ WM. T. J ENNINGS ?t CO. 1) RA P M II S A N I? T A ILO kS, IMPt IRTERS OF CLOTHS, CASSLMEREsi, VE3TINGS, Fancy Dress Articles, &e. No. ZJl BROADWAY, AMERICAN HOTEL, OPPOSITE THE FOUNTAIN, Are prepared with an extensive rusortiueut of New Goods, for Spring and Summer wear, eorriproing CLOTIIS. CASSIMERES, VESTINGS. DRILLINGS,ate. And solicit a call from Cititorens and Strangers, under the a*, surance thai tlieir price* will l<e found to otf.-r greater induce menuthan are held oul !<> any other establuhment furarshuig garment- of the lame ?t> le and quality. They woulil commend to the attention of Traveller*, the new style of Reaily made ii V ER CO A T S , FOB SPRING ?t SUMMER weak., Be:ng made particularly light, and well eaiap^for Traveling purposes, when a heavy garment would provecumbersooie.? n un a largearsorunenl ..f TRAVELING PROCKS, D'ORSAYS, SA( K S, DRESS LVD FROCK COATS. PANTALOONS & VESTS. .:: Fnncy Iharsa Article, in great Vanety. WATCHES?The inr.-c-t and m.?it spiend.d a*. Y-', \ lortmenl of Watelsa in the city a t,, \*. biund r.t the K-lVo .,,1^,-nle-r'.. Hei? con.iantly receiving all desenp. Et&isZestions id* Gold and Silrei Watches, of the newest Ss& Irom tlie nianiit.e tii-ers in Englaod FraaeeraadSwit. rerfand ""I i? enabled to otfer? larger .-utsortuient. and at much. r . , at retail, than .my other house in live city. <JrM ;V ? ru, low ai yS)Ui 425 euch. Watches and Jewelry egehanged or bought. All watche? warranted to k?*p good the tnone) retunie.1. Wau-hes. l.'loeks -,nd Jt-welry red -i ihr lisna mannet, and warranted. lo-,,,.r' than at rmir other p ace in the City. . G.C. ALLEN. Importer of W?U n und Jewelry. IM ntf whoksalennd <*f.ii.Sfl Wall-st.. utuMur Fl N E W ATI ;nES-?BENEDICT?r. HA?MOND. to- ... 44 Merchant*' F._. narige.corner ofWall and William K-i -o ?treet?. entjaisee first door in William) have received _in addition lo ih. ir previous ?lock an nttoitnvenl oi Wntci i^ ni>t erpiallesi us city?c.-cetinr oiThmtiometer. Dupbx n;.l l^-s.-r WrUches, both for ladies and jentlcnieri. Met '? rVooi the South as well as tlsr? city trade, wdl nod w?r:i qua] ly;.iiro! p'ic.-. low. A general assortmetit otJeweln ..ftlie fa?>.t quality. Sterling .over ware at maoul?rtarer's prices. . AllkindsofYVatehe*rapaurerLeqiialto theorigtaal. Blanlel Cl<?-li? reeuluttsl hy a lira n'e - . . ?man_ncUl oil fll'BH UID t; STiiVETS -TORE OF WATCHES. JEWELRY. Sd Warf. Sie.. ? _ , i2 401 Broadway, tcntm Walker *, New J ork. . ads of Repoinns csreiully done. Old \\ atefces. <?ol and Silver, taken in esc/uvnge. or bought ?.r rruh. B372 lrust U h- tSTV^fi,