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NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. T j,vN,?.j*i r-*rr. (orroarri cm nu r. jntw -v<mK. ? Jil*reredtoCit] SutHcriherslbt Mw Ccnia >??:???. ak, An^ ?l ^''i..-vM.v,... the, can pay in ..dvam e nl the Ik*. I :. t rssmthS <.r > mir nl the .?im ret*. Single Copies. 'r..-> Centai Mr- Isul-scnber*t^veJJo?at?iwrannum. * v. I Hie Cl ?:: no cw rtoutfflned l>Oy?rid liM aue: ?Vv ha* :tt? pok Seh<?riptian?takea lot Six Mouths. terms ?r *:>erti?ino: ; ..,?. rr leas-First Insertion.B cents tot each ?ubieo.ueol insertion.I.? tv. TJnet and ova* six?I .-t insert; in.jO /f? *-t5 .??. r;? h ? :i - QUcnt imerUon.|| .. ?? For one wet ?.J 50 j, ?i ?? Fur one month..........a 10 Marriages. Funeral Notice*, fce. no. , wJ n- t re _ s-Ji".1**-- jtf, ! 1st? SS ? sw pn \" reciting adroittsemeets ut pwasure. ; ?rnl'te qoartetll. '"=?'?? yvuriy in advance, .10 00 ~y- Ml idvcriisemcn'J inserted in tnm j>.ii.crn;'j>i.-:.r both in theVrr:nri".- and in "??' ??*>?? '* editions. IBBaW".? t%BTGr-YORK W GEKLY TRIBUN?, . TEKY LARGE PAPER, FOB 'Uli: COUNTRY. A MpntLuaaanavean sat; rdah ssorsixo. Alto?!"* pta-enl ' t" 'U-AIsS pet a;.., . . -.'tr. THE Tli [BU Mctl?e.:ll>t General Conference. TWENTY FIFTH DAY.-Wctxe?pat, May ??. SPEECHES "f Hishop Sonle.and Rcr. Dr. Durbin. KeiKirteJ lor The Tribune. SPEKi lI OF BISHOP S?ULE. The quealion ol Buspcndinjj JJi>in?{> Andrew mi acceuit <>i tu? connection with slavery bviuf under con ttderalmo, i Ui-lion SoULE stud that tl w was, perhaps, ;i fsvutaMe a time ?* he should liave t.. address the Conference no "imuhjcr'. He had uu particular solicitude a. to the nine ?heu iie?iwuM?|iesk. He only wished it to boa tune ol i a in Bt>.anil rrfleCtK'U; and, hoping Jial tiie present was such it tine, he ivmitii now proceed to give his sen intents. lie rose with a., the calmness trhich ?.casiou re amred?not ibeealtciist**. however, thai preceded tempest sn-i the storm, and not the ealmue** "I indifference? bui with thecalmoi -?> >?! conviction, ol prmeioie. rf be could be pel ic&dti that h^ respected ir'ro'ii.' from the Pittsburgh Con fftgn^z wn? rijl.t in ravin; th .t nl! the light which uu :?? tied uu iha Question i t been given, Im should nut raa to speai. It was possible that brothet was mistaken. He would rut vi) iie should u?roeari e?en .1 ha k It thai no change could be pioduced in the minds nl' brethren, und ilia case were pet Jei Uy hope'es*. I'ncre vet" pel.. :? n. t:i- I :<? oi tvery loan, sod especially in the l.fa ol u man vsno lilted any important Kation in society, arisen individual character ru.d iulluenee nupt not !r* nentrrdiaed by tic htws nl association. In the atewf which he should'take of the .pie t i n now before the, lie involved no man .but nimse i. Ilia venerated eaiiaagries had no resin isibilitj lot what im should say?I ? sjuiit.'i ?u? in,! iovolved?the .Nortii wn? not involved?tic nr a! m in tins rc?;?-i t. though he trusted nut oJoue in the senti mei.U no ?.-.> a...i:.t to e.\prC-?. Brethren were lolicitmn to enme to tlie rote. He would n>k if it was not ptesibte, uutwithstunduig ute tune pent lu the assCBsstoa..and the enlarged views wbi di bad been presented; tact?' te'ti now would be premature, I Society; whi hi; ^ Dr itl'gaius, bad much more to fear from the passions t.: men than irorn calm icvestixati n and sober reason. He wash atraid of invesUgcticn v. here, cutter here, before the Ai - ?Ml Oesfbrences, or bet?re ins great religious eommunit) bat lie did '.-a: the of paasiou and eacilonieut, !!. would show that greatei cabi tics hod lesuited from Ui. cause, than from ..ivc-'i. ??- i. tciw. ier protracted or exten sir*. Tim trumpet of alum might be sounded within tic-. Ubaavenee walls, and that suuod might go forth upon lb* wi .J. of the wuij or of the wmrlwiud ovci toe ieuglh a brtael'.h ol" the land; but ?heu It died away, when to. bootetous eleincnti should subside into the calumets ol m edgy and u voice might bu walled back uti sonn rsiuntcr breeze, which, though it did not ?iie.ik in the czrtli c.aaieaiid the storm, night pteico tlie veil ofspecul ? an tne.ry. and ask, ?? t\ bat w Uw causa 1" It would b^ tin of Beason to answef u.:- question. IK-: - it ?.. then, spread out before the Coolerence in t so staUtmeul ? factsSnhmitlf^l i > 1? .n..,. An 'r.o\. lie had noi h -nol .t ?r. by an> brother, either from the North or the Soutli, iii-.i lliei weteauy oth. r Lu is or c-ie-. tunce? lint mg a bearing on fir ra?e. lies, men, war ibecause ofwlmtevcr ahum ureaciu ?eat had spread Uirougb our Ziun, or been luaiuleatcd iu the Coolere! tee. Before ne proceeded farther, i;e would I eg i!i* indulgcn. the t ituteretice while Iki read an extract from the *. ? i ? t r - ?. i tasjEsdnermteudeata lo the General Conference of isib. 11 b pa'sages r-'un were on iha subjaci of Savery, as conneclo wiusUmi .vi.tliiul.o Choren, au'i the* presented !-??> sis g. losbow that no faitliei k^tstata u uu Uie subject was required . He had lead tln> extract .n order that members ? hu were m nreseut at rlu- last Geneml Cmd'eroiice, and tliis luumuit assembly might unsfentaiid precisely mure he ami hu col leaanes ?Iih<I. He desired tb .t his imme uuglil stand reconh a' to> .eioiioenia till he ..:cpt tu the dust ol UieeaitU, and i: woul.i leave them as a legacy tu his children and his children'. chi inen. und. d he might say so. lu the < Ihurch. He wallten no nihil to urne li.s ep.trtph or In. lit;?he w ni l do it hlinscll so tat as ha thought it would be lor ti?- beuelii ..i poslenty aim the Church of God. He regretted thai the document Irom which be bad read bad not appeared in the Hisciidine. in thauked tue autbot 11 the liis'or;. ufMeth alism l)r. Bangs for giving a a place in that work. He turi met it in England, ami he item wanted Ins nnitru dcUtchcd from t. \\ nan ii was presented, the SuperintetideuUi believed, and tbej believeti now. tin: it wll^ in ncciHdanee with the advice civen by tin General < Onfetence in 183d. He would make oofj one further remark bebire he proceed ad directly to ihe ehlei object which he hud iuview. Itwa thai he hoped Ihttnotii lue influei.would be given lo In remati.son account oflns peculiar positimi. This was not il ? place f; r .-ynipaihi? reason alone sbuukl now pievruL Unlj one wbjeet had been alluded to in Ilm debate wiuch bad awa ketie.; bis sympathy ami drawn forth his lean, and tfi it wa Um.condition of his suflenng brctbren n| die colored race. '1 his he could never contemprate wiIIkiui deep cuKaiiui. .v matter ? beta be met a colore : man, the sy inpull iei of bis ua tare were always awakened; be could restore bka hoi Alr.'v. b.r rtgLts,he won.'.I mosl eestainly do it; but d t. could noi burst her cluiins, he would in teust do nothiug u ?Mngthen them. In the proseeutttm ol the work witli whit he bud been charged, bad lie thrown i round bis title of offic any bonur, any a reaths of fame I He had never attached ti it ?ic iib-a? of splendor and glory which s.e bud thron u uvei it. He lind iievei seen the moment when he would not wii lingly have laul do wu his office atfrncall ol the Church, Ii who.e voice be hoped ever lo recognize the voice ofGi et ? though he bad unpaired the energies ol both body and mind i her service. IJo never could have sustained hitmclf under Ha mental and physical liilmi. id' In. station, d" he bad nol m dots a on immutable principles?principle, a. changeless as lbs tori me ol God, Tha alone had sustained bun in thedutie winch be coHceived to grow out ol his relation to the Chui ?in the city full and iu ilia desetl waste?at the North ami in the Soutli?m the qumten of the black man nurl me but nftla red man. ?Shakc bun from tb^s.. principles, lunf he ??as dune Was the M. E. Church dependent No. Herintei ens d-d not hang ou his shoulders?she could do better ?ithoul him than be could without her. He wished to bccousidci then ut itanding alone, lie hoiied le? observations woukl have tnnly tlie ivcightl which, in the circumstances, they were entitled. He must m>. explicitly, that if the Bishops were only oniccis, constitute Metlm officers ?rre, und iinbie to be deposed at willby? sunpi.1 majority, without ti rm oftrial, then every thing lie had tootl'er beieatter would fall powerless to the ground. Urethrci would jK-rnn! him t,. say mal although he bad been present at ?very General t on kit ei tee since the organization of tlie church, be had heard this doctrine advanciil now tor the lit-'. Una ? and it therefore ?irurk him as n novelty. Ho was not going ti aotar the arena ol controversy on thrs qucsiton. lie only dt sired that bis own 'position might tie deiiiieil. and to know his bmdiiiarks. He bad always understood that be was u Iti.b. p efthechutch. n..t ..i the General Conierenee.i rofan Annual Conference. and he had supposed that hi. doties were deCm ? in hn tows oi ordination, in the parchment placed in his hands uadei the signatures ol'the .'?:,? ? rt?-.l dead. It aiRirdedhini plea iure in,tand rupomibleto tba t ioneral t 'onference, and he wi - ?ter p-iury lon.ect any chanre which might be brought againsl oiia. Hedeaired a present hra grateful acknots ledgemei tstoih UotrantUce on the Episcopac) fur their Uciioit approving of h eeaditet, and to the Cuaterenee for ft.- cordial acceptance ol that Kepmt; and he did it with leehngs ol sincerity nil tin note cordial in view of what, porhai?, was yet to come.? Thouyh l.etreiiiblcd under u sense et ins responsibility, nud lull luinseii in the seighborluHKl of menial incapacity, uu account ol age. he telt bimseb, acquitted in le- um n eonseiei ee, and he huped he ?heu Id lie at the id tiisl. He baden rleavoredtodnclmrge his duties with diligence ru.l lideltty. and hecou'd say that he liad never given an appointment to n preacher w rh u design lo punish or alHicthim. Il lie coul bareeVme tha. be should tian- abhorivd htnaelC Whethci useQoofetence would sustain bun in the views which he en ktrntmcd, they weretodetcrmuieb) Uicirdec?ionrd tlie case sew betomthem. 'f'hc) were lo decide wbatbei lliey had .. tight, without the formof u trial, to depose a Bishop whi n they had elected and ordained. Sec ye lo that' It is a, lo b sewn whether, without any rpeciticalioa ol wrung, und in tie face nt the at inisfiun on all -;.:cs that, as a t hi sttan, a >lm: ter, hiul uu utheel nl ike Uhutch, Bishop Andre? ?a.s tt ithoul blnnie, they would depose htm, and that; too. when ha bail not teen .-niieii upon to speak in bis own defence, lie bin ?iipiK*?-,i that tha Discipline contained a special pn i - Mr the trial of a Bishop, an! tmat he could he proceeded ?faint! oid) in tha hum prescribed. I'bat Provision was the saera important to be observed, because he was the only Mm* liter oi the Church who bad not tlie right of appeal, 'ihedc rauon in this ease would go bet?re the world, und be ?islmi to t*r dtstinclly known on what ground testood. Hedtdnci hcsitaie to iay, thi I :i his relai on lo ti c< hurch stood np crouud tu?eu in ihn debate, be doubted ru > ma: would be- willing to take ha place. KreUireu would see tiie dahcaey of his pus lion. Heie were brethren from Uhio, with ?inuii be Int.l lung urit'd in harmony, but lie had aireaiit mithat then were periods in thehiMur] ul cn:> iiiauwbeii . ?.uuiridiiai charaqlei und influence could not be utral zed 11 the law. ul ?!? cintion. lie must be unmooretl from bis pus. uon?? Lr p.,K ? , 11'.sc pi ne.and unsettled in Iiis reliance up i on nri.ic!..>,??.,,..-e|;. .... ,, change his ground. Neiliierthi asstl oiTuulh isur the experience ol age c.aiki drive biiu iron, insposiuoa. Convince binuhat be wrong, and n. woui yiem. He reminded here of an observatiisri m ch hi made some dais rnte, and whtcl .'. id been niisundcrstoud. ti I hedsaM that be c mid nut;? imrnolatetl on a Southern or ? Nwusstu aliat, but that he c uld be munolaU?d on tue allot i : ( Ukaasdun ufthsiMethndort blusMropalChurch. lYbatdalM . astaabi loa Ha meautlhs doctriucsnod provisMawoi n .? t daciplineouwhclialoi.elbe unity ?r uw ?.'bun j could bi . mamUima. Uem Isaptanted hat tesrt. and base be woukt I ad He would net bo misunderstood on anolhei i He held t thai tlie Gcneial Cuofco n re had > nS::t to arnsut i p ihuos loaad them guilty and w expel ibem. 11? whs a;?.v. ,v' I lo meat lux respoosibihus? in 'hu restiect. But not lorhitsav, not Oast ot ha coiiengue.-;..: their own si kes aud fui the lags 1 ol the Chutch, he entreated them m.t to ru?h upon the r- loli. . twoaowbet?r?them. Pi?ter>tywouid read it; it?..uhllH I spread nut b-lore the tie. ,.| men on the page of h stun lie wu not sutpr.setl that he heard men arouud mm crying ? "Pau-e:" and thai the) approached this thing wiihfeararui I heath lag. Brethren apprehended peatdifficulties in cua aecUeu wiU) this quesriim, however ~it might be decided. 1: i thervsolut on were passed, .t was mid tha Sou h would be ru . raeo?.r : ?t n. m i pa?vi!. the North tlk>mghttt"wouhi be i ! not:-1., them. He ? as n.n.. ? b .i acquai ited tt ith the I Ihurch I b>iUnr toe S.mtb and at Use North, n ..: nein,.', imdoavottd to j look ujmii: u with r.u uupartiaicie. I!? mightert.:. judgment, " but be dul no-, l.-ok upon thediffieultieaon either Imi?asui t sorasouutable. S?une .: the Northeru brethren I.- knew roui.: i ??.'er "-t" uo comprunuse. because a imrwiple-was involved t\ t*t ua. 'J,at principle ! It wa? ihm?thai rrfatvery undtr a'., t is a siu. 1'hey were honest in thts?he knew it ? ~aud withooi gu.le. It it r.? itie principle avowed by t.^ woi thy Utah. t l ass, and could he compromise tt.' 1 Mr. Ca>? explainetl. He had nol said thatSla 1 ?ery was a im u-,i er all circum-raa.-.?. but thai t was a sm as j U cxared in the l ulled States and in the Methodist I hutch. Bubop ^iillk slu,i explanatipu afJordcd him I great pleasure and increased his ru < f a compromise. L^W??ithsla'iding bretluen tbougbt they were ready to act, ( P* Cl tod '"'! t'u! thmk that present act run would be iiremature. , lie ?uu^! n\c one t.r tw.j reasons lot ti... opinion. There were ? KU t'"'1'-"'*' anddocumeati on the subject < f Shivery, which t !?* ?wn wetted to a Cammittee. would do duubl gm {?em a impecunl comideiauoo, ai lliey ?ere ander solemn .: ? t to do. Ws. .; pot pon-blc that lii- II. ol t.. ? V>sini Ike would throw light ui rnthe subject 1 II would mi . Ooulit ri.torvi u,?| O.r nuir.'*-r> of the i-etilioi'-ers and the objects ' , * r? prare.!. si <r then ?e-rr. I. wna' ;.;.ip?r i Thsw- uiembcfibip '.-.c; lent uptheti prayers r.. this b siy i wrerc unt local, but. gvoeru! in Me-ir l-enrrngs '.eiavSn! j ?ad?'J=be nuraVe. -. ? i'he?-? ",e ?. "tK ? -j, "... . ff^?uy,Bv ile tosuggesi oho that the views of J "??real ts dy .-t iheChurch ^->r not represented ii-re ; ami ?' ^'Wt;,';!1r;olV1'?l?'^'"-'te'oa.-t without lattln-t .leie. KS!" , . u""l"I'f delegates from New-York umlertake ?o tell what were ffie sentiments of the great bod> ..! tie . ip???"1 He ba.ll?n surprised that the o ?vre ^ ?psaiuoni from the aiies of -\ew-York Phikdeluhia Bus. ^.sVc.ann Prepare*' li ^ ?'i? HuoT i'-L- J T' pU< a ' ' ' Uss nretiir-t. U-,: t fcV. ,'n. .',:'".M'-! ?'"'"'?*'?'?'??' hurch in that Stab ! I g"2*."u iwtoaay ihst the resolution before ii*) UadVi.'.r. w. ;roeetll api ? ival of b.-etaren U, ? , SJjI 1 "Z-T^Z: ' v?'?' ?',w'?iiy lave tumie,i"aln"?p,n . >'|^-'-. when it bad nut even been presented toi i., t ?wnierauoti I Hu mind wu let?ad upvn Um b??] that t'bi BY GREELEY A: M; DLR Al VOL. IV. NO. 3 8. Confer -tiro had n?t sufficient i-f-ir-rr.nt:..:! on which to act. un-l ?l'-.t ft WQtlld pO. \n .Til* '(l li.l Ml. Won:, titen. should be done ! That ?< the .jnc tmo wh c!i i?Ank>v.r.i the stteotfoa uf every Itroihor. lie woubl nsk if t -en? ?*.".?? inn c'i Bxcitcmenton thislubjcct.iltst brethren were lUtwilliae I" v. .live nctian cm! tend "in Ii? facts In lUnffi. il Ibrmrortbe enrtsinentiun of.the Anminli^nfcjnctsl ll> bad already said thai be afraid ofinrettieat on, but of p3?ion. i ould it be possible tlmt the course be bad suggested would cause an earthquake 7 lie was hot prepared to believe :t. Tlii* then was lib vww of the case, lie beheved thai the: Providence ofCnd could cnatrol the whirlwind nt:d '.lie -t<irm. Let not n human ann be tiirnit in to prevent ?ach r. result. It migbt-be that bo and all hi. cullerus... ? would pas* away he t irothc meeting of another General i U nlerencc. and thus the whole difficult? be obviated Let not brethren be snn>rf>sd. then, when he tiegged them to pause: Perhaps, if they did so. a ray of light from Heaven would illume ih.-.r path. Itvras the solemn convtruon or In. mind that the course which be had injrg-e-rted was the safest which could be pursued; Bishop A no re w Im passed without, ? nsure, and let the facts in ilia case lie sent nut to the Chii'<di, in mi'it!'.--:.! form, 'is the basi. of < future net ion. The Conference must know, it conld not but know, that Bish? ??> Andrew ?-.. not alone involved m tin, matter. The resolution would seal his own fate, and it involved tlra wltolc rclnuonui a Bidiopto the Church. Having given bis opinion, be would leave the question '? the decision of the I lonferenco. pmj mg that God would guide them to a wise r?-u!t. REV. DR. DURBIX'S SPEECH. Dr. Purbi.n rose, and alluded ui ihe diwuivatitat of his position in making an aAer-dinner Speech: but. as .Id m>t be avoided, he would mike Ute liest of it. if lie could secure the attention of-the Con lere nee, he would try to remove some erroneous impressions .which he thought had been made m the eouriio i f t:.i. .leimte. The tir?t remark that bo-had ui oiler was io restird Ui a statenuait of Judge Long street, thai in the early Church, tins nggrc.ns ul Popery bad dwnys been resisted by a pure und steadfast minority. What was the noptical on ol this remark ' Did the brother mean to ray thai the ???? lion ul the >1, l.. i horch in regard to Slavery in any way resembled tlic growth of Popery 1 ?ir did he me in tu ? iy, to tin. use of the world, and in this c- or.try, that lite in tercsU i f society, whether ciul or religious, ate safer in the hiinds of the Mi-n.nty than "i tlie. Majority ! Sir. the voice of History d ?> pot say so. The Itatitutisiiui of our Country d" not uiyso. The brother will not go befjre the world and say *o. i im brother had also stated, very broadly, that Use Leg > laUon oi the M. K. Churcn on the subject of Slaver] hail alwaysdouo harm'. S ?. then, the objection is not so much Igainsl our BCUuli in this rri?c '.< ii"u...-t the luuf .rm actum ot Uetliudisni i n lite general subj ct Sir, 1 wish 1 could gn be. lure the world, run! toi the l-ar of Ci-i, with ns cleur a con? science and as firm u trust in regnr; to every other part of our legislation as m :? .-.r<' to our action on Slavery. Gut we.a re told :.i-nin Mid again liiat we are rolled here to judge id' t.'.c law* ol siivcu ic. m tics ;?thai in ;.bs case of IJiirdeit--nnd in every ftniiiar en>e?we iiitist in? judges ol luv.?i bu-a,.' urith vs hieb we I. ive uothi ar to do. .Nay. tue:'. Mr. we arc told that in tan v. te on ||- rdeu'a case, tii * bud; u i on.'., icted above the law 11' the land, but above me law <?; .ii..-ii?th it we voted;,. utstnin, net the Discipline of the * hurch, but simply the asegt of the Baltimore Confers i itnve henrd this repsate lly oi; ih? lloor, arid ha' ?? sceii >t i \ ucalediy in until: mi l i tear that the public mind has realli 'eren misled by these statements, ?>? confidently reiten test. But; s.-. i deiiy the wh ile itaiemeut. Ii :- utu rly cruuml. less; it i? unjust; both with r-eur.t t > the Italtiinore Con lerenee anil this General Conference. 'I'm- sobs iiuestion we had to judge "f in Hat en', case was?Will t'-'-r il teas pro. ticable for kimto emancipate his Slacr* ! We found; r-.r, Unit it ira* prm I. ah.-, il i- to day; pra-.-tichle. < in that :round, aud uii that ground only, ui full coniutiiuty with tin provision* of the Dlsciptiuc. wo voteil agnrnst llio motion in reverse tbe decision ?; the Bnltiinore psulerence. We could not do uthervi Sir. with 'he Lhse pi ne in our linruis. I did ??i vote, no-, I believe, < d ruj brethren m the majority, lu - i-tai'i tne i or tin: Baltimore CoulcrcnCe, but to sustain ii- law* oi Methodisai. V\ e of th- .\ielh n-ve been rr[^-..te rnUlltC/1 on this I! with our dirlertsnces<il ? piuion on the subject ol Slavi ry. .-;r. whatever otlici difrerenees of opinion Uieie mar benntnng us, ttt oite point there is none. Our inimls and haart and feelings .ue uti undi d un this one point at I a.t,?tsal the Kpiecop icj ? I' tit' McthoJint Epitcopnt < hurch nugki ??' er tram mated icith Utirccrp. < In that pnin , Sir, our minds tire as lite iiimlul one la. i, and the Itr-tiircn of the South Will tin I it ?i. Nor .* thisnny slid Ic i purpose. It is u a ground we linvs always nein, and weshall I? Kuind standing up tor it. slmui ler to ?hotuder, to ibo end uf iIk battle. We have aUo b cu told. Sir; tin' the cvrly Methmlisbi. in ucir protests against Slavery, went Crier than Chri-t und hi Vpo.tle.- bad di ue .Nay, r-ir. wo li me had arguments to-d.n .? !?;? frouitiie Bible to sustain Slavery. What do brethren uean, r-;r ! I. it men intention t? plead the Wool oi Cod in leiens-e uf Slavery 1 Dullic) really be.icvc, with lie brotht i min South Cntolinu who -poke tins inorning, that the system ii Slavery is to find its cuthoruy in Use Decalogue, wriuen h> iud'sown hand ! rsu. 'hey cannot mean ibis, 'i liey will n a itbruitbis. And \>t wo were gravely tohl that because lln Commandineiil speaks of lite ox ami llio as. and the num. Msrvantaud man', servant, m the tauic connection, ilml i! ri i ire 'he r eht ol proper y was "t-?ttts-? d on the .nine ground lor he latter as f t Ilse formet As well go n little farther ami issuine that the ?i/etoo was ti eJiaiti I. according to the intent if tlie f^ommniidnient. oh: Sit, 1 hope we shall never be ciaiipctled to bear the Bible,?the record of God's trutli.?tip .'harter of human Freamun and KighU.?uppcaled lu ui support ?i Americiui Slavery. We have had si in" strange -tatementj lien in regard to tliele. i- slntion ot i hi-1 lharuh nn U e.u'j-ct of Slavery. urcUirell have iriod to make the imprtssion. to u-e one of their own (ik-nre ihat the .\orih has been puuing tliescrews on tho Souib. and duiutiiuil!? pressuu; them harder, until ,.t hut Use comprcseaon ?so be L*ndur*jd no longer. Sir, the lie ', in the east) are ju?l die reverse of all this. The liislery "t tlie Church shoiv* th ? iHiint indisputably; 'h it the highest ground thai has ever lasen held upon li.e subject, was taken atlhtr very organization oi? the < hurch. and iluil i ...ic~.-i.iiis li?i'? bean made i>. ihe ?. . Ii continually, rroni that tune to liu., sis view of II: ? necutitits of ihe South: that while the Aut; Shivery priii cipla lias never been abondiaMd, our rub- have been made i. ind less stringent, a:,.I our language less ami leu severe,? [seenuse experience has shown it to |.e uh.'olutrln ntcestartt for tlie sveltare of the Church in the South?and ilna-e eon eessioaa have tuen made, too, while the power of the (. hurcli ?ins been continually pa-sing from the Sl.ivcholdiiig tu Non SlavelHihlilig States. I bust brethren wili ticai this in m ad. ?Villioul ksyiug sire? upon Mr. Wesley's vehemenl denuncia? tions of Slaver)', what was ilie nVclarntion of die Church i 17891 " li e pn*? our disapprobation on all our friends tehi iucp Slaees.and advise their freedom." The language . i>4. ?In n th-1 'hurch was organized, was equally bold. Al pricatc members were required to emancipate.: llieir tlasres i ::.? States w here the law- nllow?d of mnriuuiission. The nc nun taken was loo strong. Sir, and in sot months itwas sus nended. in accordance with ihe -emus of Methodism, winch ?h*-s not nil ?ie good 'he Would, bul all she Clin. The I then made a i*aMieessiau to the boulh on the score uf access its Ksen Ihe lanrmiR'- of the question on Slavery was indurated. In CL'o it was, '? What regulations snail l?- made !>-r ihe i jtir nation of the rrvma evilot African Slavery I " In 1804 it was. ?' W hat shall he done lot the esUrpaUon of the evil of Sla? very 1" In lSW, all that relate* to Slaveholding amqiig pri rale members wax striken out, am! no rule on the subject has ousted ..lies.. 1 in ghl advert to oilier point* to show i. c truth of my position that me < 'hurch bascrtmually innde eoneessmn. to tin- isecessitie* ofthe Slaveltokling Slate-, until our hretl rcn from t ,i- South sny in.-> s-aod iiirnly on the around of Disci ohne, but 1 I or boar: it will not lie denied by any who are conversant with thehistorj of the Church. U hneeessaryt make stall anotlier concession and allow Slavery to conneel it sell w ith our Episcopacy ! Now, Sir, I iiu not menu to -ay that diese r-oocertions ought not to have been made, i lur I'sLbei*wisely made them, on ibj ground of iieccisiity. Tlie Methodist Cnurch could not have caiated at all n th- South without I'lem. This should I* i. if btike to our Abolitiiui brelhien everywhere who would urge this question to itxtromiiie*. itakeiny ttand nn tbe eeaserea tree ground of ihe Discipline, as far Irom extretne opinions ui ine North us m the Suutii. 1 hare no sympathy with cither.? I would not. I dstra not, urge isu our Sisutlierii brethren to a pi-. -Uloii v. here'ihey cannot stand. The I Mscipline ha* placed lh? Cnurch iu the proper relation to Slavery in the South. She does not propose Ui disturb the relaliortsol our Southern breth? ren to the question of Slavery in th- South, bul leaving tlieiu free to contend with Ibeevil in the best manner they can uu del th- law ..of their several Sa-iies. But while I stand up tirnily fortlieii rights and privilege*, and shall be ever ready to lend irleit weight I canto protect them if assaulted, I must I.e.- out Iiiciiirea of ihe South, notto return the question of Slaver) upon the North in connection with our General Superinten ilency. Th;- is the real auosliun: Shall Slavery la- connected with out Episcopacy which i- common to nil parts of our i ?hurch. the .North us well ns I he South; and.thus rause the Churcli t" give bei example io fnor id tie- "srent evil ul Sla? very." in a Ibrm which Will he pleaded n ? decisive ol her judg nient on the general Question, and in t!u.s<< part, ofthe country where no necessity, lor swell a declaration and w here ,t willtearfull) agitate mir Sm ieti<-s. There ii no iwcessity intlie South I.-r any of our Bishop- to h .l I Slaves in nrdei to do Ii I work iht-e. Tin? ;? admitted on nil hand.: while it i. as read ?l> admitted, even by the South, that tbereare many Cooler meet ?* m which hi* .???necttoii with Sinvcrj would reader hi* ?erv ices unacei ptaWr." I come now, sir. ?itli r.s mneli del racy ui p'w.jblc. to exam ine the question ofthe posrei of the Ceneml Gonterenee ovei die Bishops. It ha. been uiaintained here, sir, that tho Gene rat COntcreuce has no power t-> remove a Btshop, ort-so: peml the exercise of his functions, unless by imtteachmeut and trial, in regular*sune olteure regularly cbnrgcd. It :. in- true, sir, | have greatly misaiiid^tood ?ie nature ot"our l-i's. opacy. line whetti v :. its power derived ! I>i we place it upon the grtmud of divine r?ht.' Surely not. - r. Voudu iplcnd nuy. su hdoctrine. VVhenee. then; i? it derived .'? Solely, s r. from t e rufTrece* of tlie Genttrat:C^oierence.? l*ticre. and there only, :?;;.e s-mrceof l-;p..-.|.p.u power in nur Church; And the same power that conferred ihe authority can I? move it; il tin y see it neceswirj'. .Nor is ti:i? a new doc? trine, sir, Thetiui.- >?: C-\'> uVc'arethn: at me orgi nizati.-n , ; r:,. , |,.irrh, die '*E;it*copal r.fbcc was n eelective, and :':.? electeil Superintendeut or Iti-i op nmci a! I- to tne body of ministers and preachers " The Motes to the Discipline assert that the Bishops are "perfecttp nub cct to the General Confer ?succ... their power, the.: usefulness, themselves, ure entirely atthemerey''.i>fthat lsody. Again; -ir. t bring ynu the au? thority id ii wiUKsj sauetioned by the Coiilerenee of 1T?J. and by Btshop Asbury, und whose doctrine on this subject ts en? dorsed bv our bte beloved Btshop Emory. I do nut mention im-se venerated tuunet lor the mere purp<*e ul nvvakintthe leeliog* of breUircn. I would not call the sleeping d->ad from inc-r honored graves,some have .lone on tin. itnor. No. sir? they er- escaped Irom all ..or -triie. and warfare Lel thi rest, sir?let then rest. T hey never saw ihe Melh >iii?t Church threatened with so leerlul a storm as tnut wrhieh now bangt ?wer ns; be knew isot what they would say or do were th.. wt-i, ii, now. But hear my witness. It-.-v. John Dickens, ttsi most issurnate friend of 15 sln.p Asbury, in a panphlet publuli. edin 1758, a. already stated, with the sanction ofthe Cener.i! . i lonterei ce.thus amu-e-redaqiiestion put by Mr. re ? fetei ce lotbis very point. ~ Now wn>.ever saiu the supertori* I ty of the Iti-li. p. wn* by virtue of a separate ori-teiauon1 if I Uu- cue fltem their superiority, bow cam- they t-> be remove, bvtae i 'mitereoea .'" " We u!| know Mr Asbury derived j his . fl i \j puwei from the Conference, and therefore hisoltice sattbii^aasposaL'' "Mr. Asbury was thus r^hsssen by the j Confespiee.Wb before and af'er he was ordained a B&hop: 1 and he i? .til: tssnsidered a- the persnn nf their choice, by being 1 - -;...?.1 ele to IV fjoqierence. wlw have power to remove him. and to i ll Io. ji.-ics anoUier, if they >? it iiecessary. An | j ..v he is i.:itdeever?v.,r ?, be removed, he may be considered , ulheir annual ciKHeyi BbhopEmory ?tatet that Iba may ' becora lerssd as express-^, rjie views of "Btshop Asbury in ! lesmUon toihe true and oN..:n| character ol Methodist Epuco. i pacyj and gives it the wtion of his own authority, by ! litKituu and using it in the 1>\ ^tioa ofthe " Delence of o? t j r aUirrs. l ii-ivetl-us. S.r.esor.-.-d ntiav ,nK ?.aintaincd my views ol UseanUwrit, tin General ?,-.1.;.rt.llr0 jn ?._.?-,, ;., ::,. : ! ?M: 1 ?? "?';>',? '" 'Mhat tins opiuion .' rt.-s I ?S" T"r"S2' 'j t\jA Permitted to add.. ...... ...? ,,, -,.?..,, - ,-,-.l.-iiii.i ii.,, ?.r now ueton iL?. We are told ihnt it i* in tact a t"1,*",*' ,.,, , ttepasi Ih-li .p Andrew. .?-.r. we do .ml so I'd':"'''!?. . vetsrrabla man who .novel It does hoi so regard -t "v ' " . be does not: I know lam well?he bat cnlleu me J"l .. V' i irom uu u?h.e d.-ciij en the day when beotfeed tv '?' ' st.tute, lie called t.,nie i.rros? the pew?" John, exi laiS r lor as*. UadersstandiDg Ins views ofthe sut-ttrLte, I ."?, , propose toaxplain it?having the.,; -.. rtunity of doing so tbtr] first lime. It r>- ids,? " Ifhersas, The Discipline of our Cfmtch forbid* the doinc ofany thing cwubtesl bdeatro) our It nennt General Siiperin t. ndency ; and ic.w.'taj. Bishop \: drew na.bccooie connected , with Slavery br_mamar.e and iitherwise, and lota act having 1 drawn a to if circumstance*which, in the estimation oftba Ceoeral Conierrnce. will grexvUy embarrass the exercise of h s office a* Cencral S^puintendent, if not in some p.luces entirely I preve it it: Lherelore. : " Hesolvcd.'Vhtit ,t is the .enseof ibis Ccnora! Conference, i that be desbt from tbe exerciie of this office *u Iocs as this tin i petiimeiil reiwains " I Now, sir. this action is not contemplated without cause.? I Tl"* prwvmbi* states Ilm ground ofthe scuoti elcarlr and du evew-yor: ttac??. ma Statement of uudi'nuted end indi-pi.Snbe fact*.? And what does lite fesolutiun propose ? Expulsion ! \ ?, IhrnuMii'ii! ? .N.i If I um pie.s?.) t.? u i kl.-ion of t.ns ca-e in it. present tonn, I hniiv. tr fof that .ul. tin.-e, nod ?.tr.ll many o?:m;:,: hut if. after we Acre voted t..r it. any mnn should c m u;:: t. ! i;- p-r-mail; Chat vre have voted to ekpott i; shi p An :.???-. we thou d consider it a personal?shall I sc;?insult, sir! Tha substitute proposes only to v-,pres, the. setae ol this Conference in regard to a matter which it cannot in duty and eon eience pass by without aitable eTpressi-u: and baring m nie ti e solemn expression it leaves Bishop A. t.. a<-: r.? in senss of duty .hall dictate. Will any of the brethren mi the other (ida of the house. :e!! u* that if such is our deliberate ?eese, ami we deem it our duty to the Church to my 9 . we ought to suppress 1:. 1 me brother antvyers "yes." I will n 1 Hike that brother's answer tor ine am wet of tlie r-,.utii. 'i i..: 1. loo much masn.aniin.ty ami ne the orethrea of that region . 1 chuitlry b: allow <il such an nu.w-r irom l.'i.'in. In par ing this substituti?:t wedo pass it, wemaKcacieardeelaratiiinngrunst the connexion of Mover? with ear Ep sCupacy?a declaration which we can imt avoid maikmg if vre would, and ought nol if we could:?a leelaraUoo, sir,.which ::.<? world ?rill approve. 1 m 11 Lahe the excellent advii e you cave us t us moniitig, >:r. aid not appeal to the passions ol t;..? Conference?nor to theaudreneein the gallery?bot if an appeal must be made, sir, in .any tnbuiiaj out of this body, we ore willing to ab d- by tha verdict of ilia wot Id,sir, and far the decision of a tar higher tr biinal. 'i here, sir, we .-ball l-;nr no reversal ol our action :a his ease. On! .r r, when we wore left to mfer this morning, from the : : irksol llie Chair, that the passage ol tin. substitute would all-i t not only Bishop Andrew, but Perhaps otben pi ? ut ISi hops. 1 could not b:.t K-el mat a nr?sieutory cloud gstbeied before my eyes, to dim the cJerunessol my vision, 'the tee lug which that remark excited w ere nut calculated to giva gient.r freedom to the actiou of ray reason or greater precision to my judgment. But strong as wo e ami are thcjse lee Um y ?? inn ?! ,!:t!e my conscience or darken my understanding. I have rend in the. public rcpurts of the proceediugs during my absence, tonte things that gave me great pain. Jleouan has been made here ul proccedmgs at law?til toe possibility 1 1 obtaiuuig an " injunction" upon the Bonk ' 'oticern. und st..; pi?g 0111 ine??-. 1 iiui.iirr; li.jt st;.-Ii wore, leite weil UUerui here. Perhaps such an injunction ought 1* naued: I do not ?t.iev but a Judge or a I lumceliur ought be found. Ith .ngi. I do notbelieve rt) wicked enough to rejoice in our difficulties, ami exulting nvet oui 1 rift?ah, sir, w icked men would indited exutl in it: Satan wuukl exult in it?periuips, I mr, such so injuiicUon mighl b: iibtoined. but whatthen ' Vou maj lay a:, iiijuuction upim ti,?-? and presses im.I newspapers but lhank injunction can be laid upon en hon?: con eeietsceandan uprightmind. 'tin- Book Cimcern! lucre is no men her , I am sure, whose sou: is .0 mean and paltry as to be inttueni eu by such ?? motive. Sir?dial Book 1 Oncern was burned down mice, and 1 grievedover itsdsrtrucuon ; but glad ly would I see ?' iWroyed again this night?gladly would 1 welcome the :?;?: flash 1 f lien' ttiat might burst into ibal ? n. d w?eventhougfl thecouSncrat 111 bui'dings, types, pri., er. plates and all. were this :: gl.t to be destroyed, .1 it j euilvijilace the Church back where she waa only ?ix moiitus i asp. oefore I .it down, I desire to call the attention uf fin.- Cor ferunee to a pn?ition matte b) the brethren from the South ! ?1 t;.e Commiueeol pacifir-attuh. The language ??( part ,.| \ tliat proposition was." tn'.t fti-hvp A..drew shall not lie rs quin 'i to pro da in any An: unl Conlerence in whicii his cm-i. ! nectiuu wuh Slavery would re.' ler ? . tervicesiiuaceeptable." i Xow% sir. here wiu n clear admission of the met Ilia! Bishop : .-v."? pTsiUon did render him nnac *j 1 le in ma :y ui th" Con- ! 1. renc , ami a pn p-roiioi, {???:??? v ? ui oa it. Kiepmg 1:1- \ m ?iun in mind, and recollecting wc arc Surotddcn by t'ie 1 Constitution to do any thin* that shall imiaur our . Gonerai Supcriuleudeney, I lieg the Conferenceto ai the 1 bearing of this proposition, nnd of sun ?r 01 s? tint', have e m | made here from time lo time. It 1? wrong to du that 1 .r on ? ?.! j i in* BisIkmis, w hielt, if done b:r oil, would be structtou to tile system. N'ow.sir, suppose that you should becoiuehuAboli- j le-mrt. ami th..t on tire aeeounl yon could not go t.. the South ! ?i >r the ???.!! e reasons precisely, a resolution might be liroi -?? t hereto confine yourservioex tu ine Hast. Suppose soinesiiui lar eontingetrey t?? conhue another Bishop in tiie North; am! snot lira* in the West,?at not out ttiueraiit flenernl Superi.T tendeiicy erlectually destroyed ' Assurcall/ it is.?and itseems 1 . me that we cai.I lake the first slsrp towards such a re-ull '. ithout violating tin-1 constitution as it now stands I inn irve to ue-hire that ? <lo not wish in come to a direct ru.:i t. is momentous question : I have look-il long and vir nestly for some way to escape. I liove hoi-al ..or bretliren uf 1 he Sou'.hcotild agree tosaj 10 tin. Conference, "Itrethren, we biive fiecn very uiiexpeetedl) and uninleiitionally the i?-<-a. -ion. in the person ?<! our beloved Ituhop, ol bringing the Church into great danger; we had nul spprcbcniteil such n cloud a. now rove., our /.mu : we have stood up for what w. believe tob* ? ur rights and th- interests ot the Church in the South; wo have heard you leelingly end plainly declare th certain danger which llirentens you in t!:e North; the sacrifici nflhc peace ami unity oftheChureh i< ton costly a sacntice to la- mad- ehiM -t by accident; patpooe nil pniceedmgt in lb s unfortunate cose, and ?? will s-e it:\i the 1 hurch dinll sutlei noPtrtliet hami." r-m h an am.on 1 cement as th s would mine .1101 tlie Conference and the Church Ike a message/-fron Heave .: nnd no mnn would a-k you, how. when or whet ar you going Pi deal with the care Ties Conferorice and th 1 'hiiii h would tru?t your word nnd your religion in, a-.d a-k you no questions ? I will copelmfe, nr. by laying, a few days agn Brothi ? Siarly, from Virginia, threw< ul a suggestion ai the close of ihe -.., V/: might nut this matter be referred back to the, ? hurcli ur the! loiilcrences.' This course was disuhctly advi-ei! by yourself, sir. tin- morning, in your adibess to theCetiier ence. Theie weighty lacts lend me to believe thai the North would meet me South on the following resolution, which I would willinglr?.tier if I bad the b ast inUniation that oui brethren from the Stmtli srmild meet us or. ;t, viz: Itanlccd. Thai il": case of il slurp Andrew lie rt f-rrc.i to she . Church,and that the judgment of the next General Oontei j .-nee be deemed and taken to tic the voice of the Church, whether Bishop A. shall continue to egerrtisehis funetiuos ?- , a ileneral Superintemlentin the !>U B. Church while he sits. 1 tains the relation to Slaver* rs state.! in In. cnmmunieauon to UioOinterencc. reported to the t ?.inference by Ihe Couiki i j : J !pn ? ipai y. fcy f ?-? s? 1?ii, tliitct. ? ml t omtort.? I ' eGraham House, tvj Ua relay si reut( New Vork, prolfcrs advantages hi str?ngen tuppipg a few nay-or week, in tltechy, inch asap o.i.-, ufrbred. In. eligibly heated un a clean ami airy street, eery near the business part of the city, ami in the iminediats 1 vicmity '?: ihr principal steamboai burnings. It. aisarmsrsnu are convenietil and neat, while its table is supplied with the heal : \'. ^1 ':.,.!?- a,a! Fruits that eon be irmcured, excluding eutirel; Auunal Food anil stimulsnts of all Kinds. Chnrges moderate and every elF'n made to remler llosirileit" cmiifortoble. Slarwu: ; Itcilis fr-.e. Itstuember. t!3 Barriny street. jylSif (XT' Irish Eniitr;r*c.uf Ssycloty??STotlce.?A BlectHin for officers of this Society for the ensntng year, will he held on Ml i.\ i i.\ V, the Srd day of June iif\t. at the office ,.i th'- Socictv, UOLibertj ?:. Polls open from lu A. M. to two o'clock, P. M. New.Vor?, hau .May, ist!, raliffidjune ine SgvCMTH WaF.p BaXK, New.York. .May 22. IBM. OZT~ Blectlcn.?The Stockhofdetv .1: this Bonk are hereby notified that nr. election tor thirteen Directors for the ?uuig yeur. nnd tor llipse In.pc -:ors of the next succeeding > . ? on. will he held ai the Banking House un TUESDAY the I l.v. i/ji. ef June vest. The P ill w ill lie oiteiifsd al 12 M. and clese nt 2 o'clock, P.l! By enler of tlie Bonrtl. A. S. FBASER, Cashier. in^'Jtll ______ l?-r The Books of Subscription lotheCapita Stock of :he New-York an.! Erie Itatlroad Co. arc now open al die Office of the Company, No. 'M WaU-atrcet, between the hoursoflOandi. W.M. 31. GOULD. Saeratary. Ncn York. Apri 81th. 1841 :..?! Temperance House, Verey-street, near il V r House.?.M i. F. !?l <;. ?t. is lakon this dehabtful s.tua tioo, and nflers le her friends and the pubhe its various ad vantages on iIh> nrast issssonable lernst. The house is ncil nnd newly turnt.hetl?the riluatioa airy, pleasanl and convenient to business ami the steamboat binding A pure vegetable diet tor those who preter it?warm and cold bnlhs tree. iii> JLt! fx^~ Mntttnl l,!:\- Lnanrance Company of New-Yorks?This lisstituuou, during the month o| April, ha. issued furty.ona policiea, via ?? p.. Clergymei. I To Merchants and Tradcri.l'i " Physicians. J " '"leiks. ;: " Lawyet. 1 " Maiiiitacturers.L " Teachers_. 2 " Mechanics. ?.' *? Government Officers_'i " Wotcnmakes. 1 " Army Officet. 1 " BankTelhrr. 1 " Ijidies.11 " CivilMguieer. 1 ?' Student. I " Printer. I ?? Secretary to Ins. Co_1 " Stationer. ! " Cartnmn.._! " Builder. 14 "?T [my! edulel) Total LivesInrured....41 ? r-cj-? t- FULTON AND SOUTH FEIIR1ES? ( IfA._t^FAB-E REDUCED. The Brrmklyn Union ?V"?T, SE BaatFerry Company have reduced die rates ul fefnuge ..-.-I, ieedbyt! i former Ui the' onimunCopn cil ul the city of New York, oil the 2<th day ol December ia.-;. !,!'' i-Voi Pn-.sengers.2 cents each l 'nrriaces. - lu rses.'J? do. Pleasure wagons; 1 horse.? IS ? do. Curt" .am! fletght wagons, one bone, loaded or empty. Market WHgocs. I hoires, beided.S do. lh>. rio. 2 d...^ .lo. Do p.. I horse, loaded or empty.V-: tlo. Wncittss with, hay or straw. do. Sotld 'e hor.-e.y do. nJI if H. \Y. VISSCHEIVS EXPRESS will leave NEW YOBK en Mondany ami Tbursslay in Steamboat N1MK0D. at ? ... West Stockbridge via Honsatonic Koilrui Keturn loive .Vest Stoekbridge for New York Tuesday and Friday iWltsStrannrortai on ofbuudfe*. packago. Money and produce. * Iffice No. 12u West Street. _ in3u 'im FIRST PUF.MI?M DAG I EltMEO TYPES. I)i.I MBE HAGUEBRIAN GALLERY OF PATENT PREMIUM COU'REO PllOlO.RAPOS. No. 351 Broadway, above Murray-street, New V'isrk?Awarded Ihe fik-t HKKMii m and DiaiiKSi uoNog, by American ami Franklin Institutes, ti.r the in b.autitill colored Daguerteo i) (m-s e\ei exhibited; llir*cstablisluneiit has just Isa-n greatly er'argcl and im proved, by the addition ol neatly the whole uf the lire, floor above the street, and embraces now no lewer than tu klve separata apartments. The srnie upon winch the busuiess is ein ducted insiife. advantages w hich are now'hereehe to lie met with: and hence the reputation which this cuncern has always etrjoyed, a- larmg the " First m the world." "* Tlie steamer Caledonia carrnrd out a new and improved apparatus lot taking Daguerrei type .Miniatures, ordered by a schsoUoc.gentleman of Edinburgh, from ti e establishment cf Priii. Plumbe. Ii is far superior to nnv instruinesit ever beiiire inanufactured." [Bay State Demoemt. PltitnbeV Premium and Gcnnan Apparatus, and [rjatructiiui ; Plates. Cases, tue, at lowest rates._ in2alm* \'AII.. KP.NS1.TT 37 CATHARINE-ST. w...:M v irrlurni thsir lorrnsr customers and the public general!;., thai ihey have p;i!i>ie;i ihe above store, and ntfisr tor ..ale an en? ure new .t.rrk of Spnng Goods,purchase,] tor cash of the Lm ;.oitcrs and AttCtioncers, which will be lold nt greatly reduced prices, among which may ie found the Hallowing : A large as snrtmentof Batzariacs amr Barrures 4.. coj'd Lawns, Printed Jaeptietaand < arobric Mushns, Bombazines, blk. am! Colored r\li Pa -. Lustres : a largoossortmenl of .Mustin De I-Tie- tram Is. 6d to 3s.: starrt re Sdk and Cashmere r?hnwl. I blk. blue-bhck and colored Silks, Linen (?.::r.:..-ick Hdkfs I Gambroons, Linens and a ,'.-h1 assortment lor luen'i wear, together wish Silk Parasols, Prints. Mushns, and n variety ot other g <"i*. u hich )nu are Uivited to call a.:d man. ::e. oiSV DESCRIPTION OF GOODS MANUFACTURED AT THE NEW-YORK CARD M \M FACToR\ Eerxraeled, Porcelain. Sattn. Gold Bordered, EmMesed, C.?i Edged, Fancy Colored. Bordered, Mourning Cords, and I'm; eta* Blanks of every dessenptmn and size, cokmed and plain: American, French, German and Si>ai:..-ii Playing Cords of every variety of back ami quality : Quadrdle, large and inntil Comic and Social Conversation I'nrdst extra thick Colored Cards for Railroad l'ick?t?. Pencil Cards. u.c. ace i i.-,ier. from all sections of tha country respectfully solicited. I od will bo faitM'uliy executed by L. SMITH. ! -jy^i im liv .1 ihn j-.. lata .1 f rtltoa-at CHEAP FOB CASH. C V. WEMPLE, ji \. i tr in, iiNg door rui'M NxssAtT.rntcrr, J.'.?M-! received from Auction a peat variety ol Bailor L^ioaVrinted Iah < bina Er lesion Gmgharna, Blond i linnet k'riedle-worked Bands, Silk Gimps, Ccsrton F.-inge ? an Ct.t'mi"', liibbons. l amhnc Hanclkrs. Thread I VmSIs Ate sliigings. Cnnpun Ijice, Hosiery. Cloves, Lace 3FFICE SO. 160 NASSAU-STREE K. SATURDAY SORWIXO, SI". IVrnsLO'S GArsDF^X-GR 1X0 HORTICULTUR *L -\ EXRIBXTKI .?'1 ? New-Vnrk Hcrxiculttirnl and Fk> ricnitaral Sucieij v.... toldtheu .Aiim>nl *rprt~-r,'..e of Pkiwer?, Frnits tr.i Vests* Ida it.". btVi Sei?*? Wednes? day. -! ??- ? ?? 1 Open nt 1 *>\>.Kk, V. M. and continue it..- loo iuliovnoz A? it ? intended to rraie rhi. the Ime-t rlrsp"ay f tl ? -.? num, all amateurs aixl r-.:J? j*n u-" .-? attested to u plants, Ib.w.-r., ?-?!l.7i:'e?h'!?.t.'.-:i. TbeCommittoeof' ?'M?.-.. meid, wi.l ho in atteutat-ce ea'lv on tin' morning of Westces ? ay to re.-e|rr articlesfbr eihiintoe. and contnmrtot; w th-' 'otnnuttre by delirerinc the r r.rt cla n early it paid ie. wh... t-'ry will rscciv; tbeirticKsts of nami**wr>. Members ol Ua He: :; wni rsvcerva m-ir liehet* abort Werfoesday moraing. ?khi"b:tor?' aaJ MemketV t jkets ad nit during the day onl? Mr. Rui :T. who ha* harr? of the Conservator ie* r.t Ntblo's (?rtn)?T. mil :?? in afeaiacre. er.' render CTvry ur'-'anr* to coothbntor> and rnaiMrxtr*._roll 4t QCHOt :. FOR , ? i'M. l.A!iIf>-I^-a?! in ec toftlM ? mom etmrsnii g t New Cur la id?ea.y ol' aceest and not too Nr distant Iron the Metropolis. Every sdvac tage :?here ofStred Ii lasil <.'r ure e-.-x:.'. enltore and' mteiiee tua.l uapruvenieatcl t..- pupils?i ? prepare young jji-he* to graca and adorn thai tprereof life in which they are to more? : ? iconIre ? tnienugti s rsiwledge ol the useful &j treil an the arnamcutat bra.-.eru.. ftdueation, while they avoid the heavy expense* erne ?? MocEiitBoaasbtoScHOOt.? The Villase = -.i-.i i i-.-;t:t:t:ne-?the mansion t? eomraodioiu and replete eitn elegance rat are!! i.niort?th Prin ripal devotes herl mt exclustvi i? r.> the Papib?u..l, ? iih n i reneb ? ?? ;-.<?: ?? : r.,.,.|ietent and experienced issut mis?n sidej in the attnily. Thus the Voting Ladies are never unattended nor ungrarded. .\* an e.dvcrtii.-:ncnt con i:"t enumerate ro'l advantages utTwsd. parents are assiir-rd tliat ni'tiiing will l-e onurted tint can con'-rbutn to Lhe iveitirj n::.| happiness of t;,.' . airreri rvmber of Voting Ladies admitted int? Ulis ?zLKi t I'.vMir.v ; i uool. T? at-:? But ni bi id Tuitn ra in the Enelish Branches in eJuduig Ibiteny, the K:. Language, Drawing, Painting. }:<:? I : > ! finno, vr. fc?O 00 (itjr ?ear. Circulars e.mta..i?is i'*r* -. with t'irrther iotcrmatiop, may be bad ?fJ. CAtwilt, Eru^* Music Store, jn Broadsray or of Dr.Hodge. So. 5 Chambers street. X. V. ml lawgnui* iivr pi Bi.isnEi). the p.iilk student ans? *J FAMfLV SlOMTOR, a Sgat-MotcTiiLT PgatoptcsL, conducted ii an Association ??! Ministers and Lapnon. and i-.ueii in d ruble numbers ?iter the lint number?embellished wit by man's ait, but with Bd'le truth. Torn.- 41 per volume of2S niimhcm, pnyabje in advaace. We raperUiilti mlicn ihatsharei.l public patrooaee ?hirh the nsents oTthe wuik demand. Th<?e who boeame m,r patrons are invited to call and have the first number uiailed a t'ncn.l ">at i rffii e No. ? Sj r.i ?c^trect.X. v..t'ieC: ::,i..r. E. II. VVM ??X. Puhi.-n.'. _ _mlS Im rilu STAT50.VE11S. EN ??? \ .:.V~ AN1' PitC.TEKS. I Superior L itmeilraL-Poreebi:n r- .; Surface-white am! tailored i..!.!.-, i . :r-..:' every daauriptiou ..j manufactured ?tti.c V - \ irkCani Manutaetory, toc,s.ib>ntreducei!prie?> by L.&.MLTJ1.1 - John ?trec;. opnusito Clitf st. _ uiy-t J.11!.'.' II .*i HALL, .\<t. 1 PranklUHinuaic, r.aie cramrtatr; S ma ha ml ?? es.i?ve>aaM?rtrDenti>r.VI!SICam!3]l7eii(?At LVsTiti MEN"Ts of alt kinds PIANO EOKTES ofditTereia style? ami lir i: UUITAJW. from the best Stmnih patterns, u.r wb ' u i s n-.-e.ved pre.inn from tl.e American Ii> .I.; im ..v?i uliirhcr nntee?." ami Jim iU very-supcrioi ti.i.e arrd tyleol inieh: PL?TES. "t ail kind, nr-i nml:. ? r whichtlicj ha- ? ?< - - - - - i.?!!?'?NETS.KI NT BUGLES. < i iRNDPLi iNS; TRI 'MB( ?N i>. en-, a? ,,t"ile ( awntoanntiurture ? -oraided. i.-ni??trf. .".'i"SIC-i: : kin I...i'M. St ALU.Si ':i Ml'\ I S NI-'AV Mt'-'ll' >? ?.I a. ?lniWisfeeil. Jl'sri'l il!.IS||EI!. i?: t::er thellUfClliXSALN PAMiLV: BERTLM'S METf ODfor tb? I'LVXO: aim, the ? .RPHECS GLEE !;. h iK. I ?ni ti r?neetiiin ,-f glres fin Um: ? '?? roiees. w if; pis .? aecon ? pi ??-,. at, >??.-. I mp led fir. ni rue German anil En glish autli ??. \, \l -Ti."-. PHILLIPS. Piiceline Diitlarpir sex. Merchants, end the Muskai cmntnnr.ity generally, ara rs ?iKifiiily nivittal tucail. mhctf ifevetupingantl cul livruing iher Voices lorSmgins and Speak m it in an effecti* i manm , wTvIiout causing h. ar.. ??r exnsusUoo, that he he. eatafdisfntd hiut-elfal Nu, Forsrtli .treet, in the i'itv ol New Vork, ti. ;?. t ict in liriUuals ai d Vasaff Classes on reasm i. bh: terms He will ? , sjtru t GtKK Clcbs and Choirs, und give Prieate Instructinn in - ii parts oftlie city; Eoi par? ticulars and reterences, sue Circulars at the Book and Music Stortrs. _ iny'Jl Irn* CHEAP DRY KOOD5. ? '. V W EMPLC Nm. T3 Cedar, one dmu frian Nassau -t.. HASju.t received ii.-m Au-tmu maji.ii;. en'. French prititv'' Muslins, iich llroehe Ptani and rtripttl Poult de S ie. ol superior qualiry. black .rr.n-d Barreee. New Style Urtlzu. rine 1(1-4, .-nt. i -r,:.! Barrege Shawls, Ladies' Cravats, rich Hal and i.'.ip iti In n... !..u.. . Tl;-ead and A-hlnif Urn Laces, white and black C"nlinaK c>iiored Shaw!? Karnskry rsbeetuut. Hosiery, tlhives. /ic. Person' puridiasing fur ca-h wd rju vs ell to call ami examine the stock before pur. cha ins: their g-u'ls. rnf? 11 >.-' I I' S I. A ID L & !CK PAPERS.?The mi 1...-^-^. so l" *J agents of these wall-known Papers, have now oahand as fitllows, finishei both with the hut-pit-* .1 and sutia surface, which adapt ill ra foreverj class of writers: Superfine blue laid Super Royal; hot prossod and satin 'urfnee du do Itoyal do d i do en Medium do do do hand maiieandw'hiteSIcdinmdo do d? Wu?kiid-Demv do d.. do do and-hand-wove Flat Cap i!-. Also, ? f?ll assortment of?? otlser description* oTJ Hup'. manufactiirc, cmliraciiig.tiiiii l ud Folio Post, inner blue laid s "tit s ap, Brstelns* super blue la-tter. supernne d . first das? h ind-madu " baa ?!?-. uiperSne do. 4tc mv l_1^ .0_t V|j i.V er, f i\"S. ."4 .lehu-st. \: .-i.lsi.VNhi.l.Vt. . .wt t:.-...l .t,*.t. ounorol . Allen, have >>n haml an extensive assorunenl of the fn lowing bouse keeping Hi; V GUI IDS. to which they mvite the atienUon of pnrcruuer*. vir.: t'- l tu H-l Ii ipenal and Marseilles Uml'j b4io PJ-4 b] -4 4 Drapen and Damask Tabts Cloths oil Linen. 4. ?4, ii'-l ami 1-' I Ir ih, Darnsley, Russia tad Silesia Siieetings. Rnssta, Sc rteh Irisfi Towelmc Diapers. 5-8, 3 4 end I I tiuiper arid DniiM.k Napkins. i'r sit. Hock back ii-.l IStrdeye Diaper. 4 4 and :'-e SI irttng and Pilluw-I ,.se Linen of all qualities, 4-4 heavy I n : Ijmm. French Fun? med i kith Table nr.! Piann Coven. Coloradl otton. Wonteil atid Unen Table Cbtths. And also an extensive assortniesl >.t Cbitns a id Cnw:m'-re'. Drap D'Etes, Cambroons, Linen DriUing*. und other top.. und Fane? Dry Goods. myiX 17 A11?BANKS"S PATENT PI. \TF. itl^S.'A!.i>.-Ti.? JL mauufucturers have brouehl r: ? - Balances t>. a very crc.-.t degree ofpsYrlection, and, 111 r?c.r, various modifications, have adapted men. i i all the purpose* for winch heavy transaction* lue required by weight. In ti e mecluinicaJ cmistruction, care is 1 ken to* urcSl'RENGTII. DL'RABI.LiTV.and ACI I KACV?accuracy not merely n? a spceit:e point mid to nr. an..'. but uniform accuracy at every:angle of uSe l'tatiurm and throughout the entire rause, fr.un the lowest to the hig^ e.t eapaeit) ol the Bnlanee. These scale* keep their adjustment pertoctlv, are pet er Ibtbk to derangement;.and seldom to any expecsa tor repairs. They aro ,11 ii-? hi msotof the Kailrnads in trie I fnited Stul amt in some of them 1 sey h ive been limy in use. the operation I" < . |h-iiie-t. S<> am. in :h-- Donruusi and Portable Se.-.i^.. for weigh' mg merchandise. Merchant* and others u-bo have bnd l cm in ci'ti.taul ir-e li.r a .uci-es?:.m ot'ye.r., testily to llie.i unisnrm accuracy, ami t>> lhe 1.-' that they appear unruTircted b? wear. These scale* have been;patented in EngUnsL w-here they are ?xteaaively used. Imth in private warehouses and public rail wnvs. ElltVAKU Ptl'.Ui. "Vo. 1 Piu? Itrcet, and oJiie.dly J. IV. THORN E. No. IIS Broad street. N. v. MACIvIE & LEVERETl', coaxatrssi o .n y. euch a kt s, No. 107 U.iTKt; STKEiT, iBehiw Wnl! street.) Jkhs F. Mat k;e. lata Ma. kie. (takle, At Jenni Jostau S Lcverktt, late beverelt St Tho Tool?, Scutch, Engbsb & American IV Iruu.4cc Fire Proof Safes and Iron Chests of ml sixes, mlS Im ali;ki:t beach, 111 chatham sl'reet. near pearl-street, Offers for sale at low- prices, i.u assortment ol the follow. . mg goods? Bronzed or Silvered Gtrandolea. Solal Lamps t .r l^ird or lid. Sandwich, Gi th It 1 u?v. \ T-a Trais. ::i ~rii or ler-arntelr. Plated ( ake It- skets, < y :-. Cat rl esbeks, Suuirers and Tray 1 I. d Domestic Btitanniu Ware. Sdvei Table and Tea Spoon*, Ate. Tale- i 'i.e.-rv m: i n <c e ml lot ol fancy articles. mldlm* X>| IXXET Ih 'Al-DS-Wn te. urn: Blue and White, form'.' J ei large ,: >malJ quantities, by l. s si ITH, 11. v "1 _102 John .tieet. C: 1 O i 14 U1 To L'.tAX?On Property in this ( ty, in one ? ""^ V >ums, at ti per ei '- .era! ?mailer amounts. To Let?A ne?t two-story House in ISth .treet. Apnlj 10SAML. S. IILNMAX, lit t u t.m.t, 13081* DIVIDEND.?MECHANICS' BANKING ?SSOCIA 'i Ii ?X. 1 ? r*. Mi; SUlh. 1544 ? Toe l!.?r.l of Inree : rs Im veil tdai declared astrmi-aunualthvidendoftar^easid one ha>j'i--i cut on theiapital .ti^-n. payublenn and aficr ti e Ttn day . ; June 1 ext. 11. ? i ra: iler-liook? will he do- .'. fr?:n itlic'?idaj ofJunc. JOHN 11. CORNELL, n?'i 11"_Cashier. jVP iTICE.?The >*nehinery. Toobj. lie. lately belonging t.. ^.tl thel'ous keepxie Loe^srnocive Enaine Comismy wilt be ?oldat public auction on the premise* lately belonaine to tire jaid Csmipany in tiie vilbure of Pouebkeepsie, Dutcliess '.'..i i; ty. Stateof Xew Vo*k. onWedmsday, the 12th slay ..1 June next.ct mmencingntSoTehick,P. M. Thestoekol machme ry and to..;, is rer> exrensivir. ami of the ri'-t urder and is n.,t iurpa*>ed by a ly other shop in the L'uited Sia'o. Ansangst it will t?e found .... , 1 buge :?ee Laibe t fest check. 1 .maller du. incompistc. ?i hirge Ei t ?-? Lathes. 7 Gange Lethe?. 1 Piamng Machine. 1 Slnbm? Maehine. wnplete. 1 ditto dato mcoroptete. SaaAiug'PttlbtysajrfBins. \ great variety ol -mad Iwl'. , , , ' A nea- variety of Pruternsand Modes, t pu ebiag Machire, geared lor fleam power. 3 ditto d.'.r^i r.aiei. 2 lit adlOg Machines. 1 larrr SbcariRguJ. 5 Anvils. 4 Su :ns' ??? Iluiri. , , A grent variety ..f Smiths' roeb. A ereat (rarjaty of tmobed and u.mnuned wors tor E.V"? to he oilereu in iots. - , of Sale?Cub lor afl porch --sot $100 ar.B under.? For ah purchases over silO. byprovcti erdorwu paper a*, nx month*. - - 10 The buiMings in whieh the above Machinery is situated will I,!... b.I ..t ; :.-- ate -ni- on very favorable Uruis as to and credit. TT? prtspert:r btantirolly ntnnted ra the North part of lite vilkeeof Tnnahkeepsiear>4erm*a4sol s dock u plot of e:, und is) led frootor the River by ?*> mat da : whieh is erected one Urge brick building -?? by ijj i- et. two ston*s hieb with eiur.r.- house2S !.y S : n Boiler Shop by 40 leet one-:..rr?a Smiths'shop 114 by35 feet, ten t.-rses one story. All put up in the mo-: lubttantml manner 04 brick and coverts! wt?i W?|eh ?Inte. There is a nrsl class Sieain tincina of 24 e.-rse never 111 perk-c: onier. The boildinci and location, are weli caicu auti loraCotton Factory 0110.CDU spmdies and wraensiveMachuwSbop. ... _ _ ? , For further particulars inquire of Hen ry F. Ta?rmdre. No. I Hanover street. New-Vork, or of Grilfia St Uavens, 85 Merchants' F:..' New >V:k. _ _ r:J7 tJelJ '!"? THE INHABITANTS OF EAST BROADWAY j_ VND ITS VICES1TV .?At tJie suggeatioa of annmfcer , 1 resptsctable mnulies, resaluM in the Seventh Ward, tlie Pro prietoroftbe A LHAMKA. Broadsray, ha* been induced t; open a llrancii of In. estabiith.-isat at No Ibis Last Bn.-.o way. one d...r above Rutger street. 1 nt boote is a very I ie ?ad pleasant one. Ivems ?ituatevl in the m.e.t centrm part ol '.he itree'.. The Saloot;. are titttsl up in a styie of great taste and nesUnesa. To those who have visited h s>hrren: in Broadway he need uiilysar. that the wme endeavor, and am jet] to ple-i-e..;';. Btiests ivill 1? evtn-ed then? s* at th- formt r place. |'-< those w no have net. be .'tspocttudy uit :trs them to call and judge for Uitrrr.selve*. The .-oiisn:!* will be ready to receive company Tuesday. b? "th bist. . N. B.?Cream constantly on hand. pure. isyn lm CTEAM GRIST MtLLTO I KT w ?th Ii hrr-e r..-?: r, .: 0 2 ran ofstood in perfect order. Can be use! tor h ./ ?ream business it re?ri red. To be tut cheap to a g.wd uriif ?_ EnmifrrJOHN M< ?.UiINGER.S. Pitt st N. V. m>i?v*_ PAPER MILL TOR ft.\L_??VI 1 be tf . ghhe si 1 !--n. v. ifi.iu! ?-?cf.v :n tire -" :?? ! t. u.-i .'. o.rtesdr-. tbetweltih day ot'June ;vx*. _l2o*r_ ? p. M. oatb ? premiss:*, _: esters.- ? paper i a lufrctniT. three good dwelling boast ?. barn, and about tin.-:; ????-???? land. The buildings were erected a few nnce bv the WestfieJd Paper Mills i and ante been slwnys used atst iirriip??! tor pnrv-r tiuititirVtur t ;.isr;?~?. ami are now uttered rot ?nie in ??.:: ?nent of the cs?..'e of'lie bile ' ? ?es ! iy, deceased. The sittra-?Mi I? most rmrantaireotis. he-ng wnhir. about two gtuesnwn thettourish itssriibigecf Weslfielri. twomrjeifn n theHompden New HavenenmiL and'two mites from ? iVfste.-.i Ka.hv.d. winch genres nee-.-?_ u? both BostiM r. i New V'cirk at all seasons ..frhe year. ? he mil! has lourea einest an-; t!.r mnciiiticry ;?rn.rtern orle. Tr.e Tcnr.s will. * hi-*rrU. but u-?!! be.paxtieutarly announced atthe rimae/tele. Pom the- ya.-ticr'.irs. ennntreol ALFKKD i" 'ST.Nete '?urert. X. V.. or EUGENE ELT, 'X Fniton street New ; York city. Executors of Mo*e* Ely. nee?*?ssf: m <?! lion. P. BOISE <r N. T LEONARO. r_sq. IVeMneM. Mass.; ?f CYRCS vV. PIELD. No. 9 Buronr-slip. New-York. mTuie'. _ jL_t FOR 5ALE-VFarmofTJ u??. athe e unly SSa M Ulesex.N J.M mile* from -Wurth ^mboy nod 2 JL...L ;::-e. fretr. the Railroad. There r> on the Cvm a e? ?.! fioo>e. I?rn.a >i imt-mruse*. 3 Apple Orchards, and oil .r , Fruit Tree*. The Farm wtt: bet rid drrMp.nrtd immc Imtept - session given. For particulars, apply to G. Schiller, cor. Id ! avenue and _ntu-?trr.'U A letter directed tu A. it: thai ? :\. ?'. vi ih l?r r'ten.lei! to. uylO ni i FOR-sALS INTrlEeriT OFNEVVARK-A - ? ??? *? /V indSSacr ? >l Ija l.s-tuarr?l in Britta tlrreel ?t, I .. ' -i"---' 1 i e ii-.c? a 2S feet liunt by ij 'i.v;.. t - -: hipn. , trttn farce piaxza -ri tae r-^r. giaiwelj tmhthed rhrsstuth?Hnt 1 VI?i,gitndrstabhss.Krutt-Trees. tsr, the ptera -. Ft?rmitnerparrieuhus. imi ire nl ISA?V':?;'. i-.1: :; ,' ?rWillii.-sd Waxhm_1<?stieeu.orol VVUXIA.M PAI I.. or. the oieiintM._f 33 tro* I yZ* TO LET?The H ere NO. fi AiWrney st ?et,! eins a fasS dtarirnh'e lewtlenee tut aeenuatof it< eo i?en JtViT """ between the litiesi fstace* on f' ist Bro n'wnt a id ; Grand street, as well n- a very quiet neiehburho<?l aim In ' fron dust and many/ nuisances common io the City. Itis.n etimpleta nriler. basins r**en lr_lyclearsrsi an<1 painted; witli ;'ie 0"tun t\ ater carr.e^ Ui the rear ol the rue.iv; Any p t j son wishing to nlsmin a eood siturtiiirn. woit'd do well to ex? amine i!,e pri'tni.'.. w here inform lUisn will l>^ gives. _r at Use I .tri. - ??( ti,-.- Comimssioneoi of the Aims Hmt?c. i mS03t_ ELI VVILLtAJlS. 1 a,..i M-VVBiri-t.M SUMMER RCTi5l_?/l\--Trie snl' - seriberw?mld respeetfnily inform the puhhe rt;:'" .__.*. House it :. w open for 'be reception efsuch a*ma) w..i io enwy tho aUvai asre f a ct?l ami heathy ?rmospher? i'iie ?:eu-i' i* Irtreeantl couiiamhous; um! prertmn?ysituateil ?? i ?ne ?otrteiny Usli, wtthin n.e minutas wantnfUis^ieamu?iii _'ii!nf. Platprnspectiinneol :r~ r c'ie?t un the Hu.'-ci River, ?'? ? ? 1 an ino ntr irted view of t'ic e.itir? Newhrtritb Itav. a fi ,< view of West i'mnt. the Miehkuidsi imunt ttis, scenery . <tvamb)>aU. fee. I ' m :e> or ? nsle persoru can tie accommodated w.tb h, a:d by 'he day or wi ?? al :?? retrn nable prtee. !'.>.- tart tier p?lticu urs, irtquirc ot" Kichard Warren, L..i.-?i Bcarei srt-et, New y rrrl !.. P. I'I IGE. Newburgh. Mat tith. I8H. mT ul,l> ,_, A RARE niAXCE?AT AUCTION.?The tub {~,-*$ senber will sell at public auction, un P- premises, on JliiL Mond y. the i rxl day of June next. atlO o'ciock ... "<i. Ihe pleasant and very desirable olace, fir many rear. ev. n. ed and ncenpicd by hunt. !h at the t. rt . ;-f etimer ??!' Man - ?:. ii d W ash net "i Street?, in rh" Vdl icv of Poogbkeep* e, w thin a lew pals of Main l?teceniml and business part oftlie Villnge theJ 'ourt-lionse. Village HaUnnd five ? 'bureh e-. ? im ?.gbt? ti..; l^.t being seventy e.cht feel Ironl on Washington -::?.<?:. ami one hundred ami h:"r reel on Mansion ... s.;. it, ? er.,.!. beim: tiiieii withlieanng Fruit Trees oi al most every descripUon?Itaidreri) Goued try, - i I' boshes, and Gri|te Vines, and a very extensive vai? ly ol oma .niii! tn---. Shrubs. Bushes Vioes,.Butbous, Fiowet Ke Flowers. ,vc. .sr. On the prerntses a sinnll and vory~conve? nient Uwellinr llmise, with n line brick Cistern, and a good and lasting Wellof Vvhter, crrored by a i rr.ur fnl Temt calculate i to receit-e the Shrubs ami Flowcti. dining ti:; Sum aver SesMin, from the Green House on the premises, Arb ???; the loentioi being ?n the strecl leailing Irom .New V. rt t.. Albany, through the Villuge-7-eonseuuenlly a :i. rntighf re at all seasons ol the year, bit business and pleasure, as Veil as one of the timtt.'mei pleruantand healthystreets in tue Villnge. A!-., i.t the . one ' me anil place, the only two vacant uuts npiin tlVe t-astsideofWrufhtngtini streets, tsHweeu lite bU >?? property and Mam nreet.tlia Lots being each ihirtv-feet I'm::; on inid streeL ami one hundred and sirtj seven tect deep?the title ind?putable terms easy?made known on tlie it.iy ol sale. DAN'L IV. BE vni.E. No. SS Wathiugton street. Pougbkeep?ie. May llth. ISH._ mlP-twullJ3W&S* ''_>r'- '' ' SALE?A Farm of 12"i acres, ??' sisni Uy s In ? S**V ici! in a bei lt!:y ! o n' un in S-i-it!. BruiKwa s. N. J. 1 ? nr ,.sk?the ."-.'e.v York am! I'h I drip hi Pa lr r:!. !S roths frotn New York; AlmutHl acrcf amina hieh state ofcnll mi a .'is.ii fence. epiJe and peach ote.Vuds. imiber land. _c.: house, liarn, shop ruid other out buildings, good ami conveni? ent, with gond water?pumpnear the door. \ls,i, the stock, irons, tools, farming ? tens s Among the stock ar? Durham alto Berkshirt. id ti>e rirst iiodigTees. Ilia Etrmmg utensils err .I and sufficient! ran improved system ufurgrtculture. In .r.M. PALMER. 11 Mow, or rn37 P..' A. P. SMITH. Kj Lilierty tt. POUDRETTR.?A choice article o_r this vnlnahle Fart! IZCr?< 'Up JlaaufactPrtd?\i>:io ..<Iii- .lr'iir-i it State* .'si'.rn . .Vttd Material?'For sale ci 2J 1 Ihaihl er?-!.L A'CB? rrtJcr the tiaialvr. ii I iiam'iers?treel, between liie Bail r. ad ami I slant's, an i neat the Post (Knee. . I'll! DBKi'l'K r. in v applied to (era. nr.! most othei erap< ilrrwsed with.the a._. .. .tb neutie as rood eif " hrvt, and rrm at the .' hoeing, as .1 applied at planting? and when used al the hoeing, it will mature the crop n wck or'en day. earlier than any other manure rh ordinary irse. When applied at planting, the dilferenco in maturing will be fuU two weeks over ordinary manure, ?ine famier, last year, used, ten barrels an Long Island ; this rear .ha ha? hodovei ninety barrels. 'I he article prepared by tlie New-Vok? Com? pany, in the I Sty, ha* _/.-? anil ? i'l ?Uli ' t totind ? ? ? In any other prepared in the nieinitt. It ?? so as a mutier ol course, as they c; I'ect the matenalin TViVand CVxravr, wbitsi other* colicct it m Boats, mio winch 1? thrown lite muter' I. ???rn: and wnier, as taken from the -inks al night, when no dis? crimination can be used?bul net so with thi* Company, who i.ate day light til (elect the good and discard the worthless, .1- they have done than 100 loads this season. Be careful, then, to call al the right nksee, 2: Chambers ?treet, where it can be had ?amtitd__'jprv barrels lor i?. or 10 barren lur ?15, ?or at tlie Manufactory. I3th-street. comer of Avenue It, o? t__tdai30eeuuaburdsel. [ai23if] D.K MLNOK. FOB THE PERM \NENT CURE <T .LL Dl?eitaee mill ISi uptiona nt tlie f?!-ti?. MA.\ V llpiusttnd? in all psrt.s nf the Union have been cured alter tt>uig every remedy in vain of dirt" reut tain diaeates, such as Pimples, F-eck!oi. Sunburn. Tun Morphew, .???alt Rheum, Scurry, by a singlo rr olieu ha'fn cuke) of the genuine Jones'Italian 1 hemical Soap. Baader, tins mssi although adver tiled, is one of the most sumrifing und iilf-ned romedies evei liscovereil, and will get?tally do all he.e stated. It e'eurs a::d whitens Park Sunburnt or Yellow Sk n. rendering it healthy and clear. I have scan wl_o every thing else taiksd Cure 1 lid S ue Herd.. Ringworrh, _c. Sail Rheum. Rough Skin. It 1. made 10 Uie form of a beautiluJ piece ot soap, and is a pleasant temcdy. Live ,t wie trial Dut; reader, this article is counterfeited, rci you mutt be very particular and buy itnowhemesssin V V but al the sign ol the American Eagle, s2 Chatham streut ai d -;2J Broadway Agents, Redding; ? State meet, Bostnn : SCeiber. A l^algei Buibhiigi, Philadelpliia; Unyx, 139 Fulton ?treu;, Brooklyn. nil? Im J > AGS AND CANVASS, Wh te an I stored, wanted n. f X c'i-n at Manufip tl "its' ; r.erst, by ar.ln un GAI NT DEitKlCKSON. 1'? Sontl. .t. CT?AM ENGINE FOR SALE?A second ,and Engirt k^oi l? h..r.e power, hod.-rt mid ail complete and in good nr.icr. have ~ run but one ye.r. tbr .ale low. Inquire of J. P. RODMAN. City Foumlry. 113 .Van.rect m!52m* Hi?'. F.V.-A f.? h..-.e.i b-au'iful white Comb Hun-r :? ? mie by GASSN'ER VOUAG. in J _ o_l ...ilhan. . ANTH!: VCITE PIO LRON.?SCO tons 'or sale biw.tii ' "o-c un account, by MURDOCK. I.P. W IT1 c. CO. in)? iS Weat-svtreet. Sil? 1VKI.S At SPADES?'"1 dosen, a low priced article for sale by MURDOCK. LEAVi*lT.& CO. a\\~_Si West street. AGS.?White and colored old sails; do rsountry mixt, wrr.ttal bir cash in any quantity, by ??!.?' i.' W -I .v I ?(?.!: III. 'KS'iY :." South-sr (11>. r>'V??;r'?>Aitn.r.A. CANDY?Each 2i"<-mi*pT I containing i ounces ol Uie medicin?l propert-Cs ol tht nit. Soldatffil.linttuim -1.ami _ Broadway. is? la R ; |>ALE RiiPE.?Ct>tt?m waste andbaggjrir;e msec! nan IS ufacturei'sprice*lorcas I ,!?;:! ii \i NT it DEI! BIGKSO.N. ff EAS.?5UJ hsll chests Young Hysor1.CanU1n-pacKed.iul 1 mie by CRiNNELL. MlNTUItN fit CO d7 t? "* r-..i.tii-.'.reet. Ir?*'R THE I.''.!?!!>"-H ack 1 l"'.a'n...ij.; Sh r.-. ni-t rc eerred -ad 1 rsa!? eheai>?3a4s m-.v SMfl Ii HARTSHORNE.OFnlton-st. spl'T N.?.H> - P?tic.-..k ? f sn eicei ..-at a.,, :::: - r: r rai. V Um '.oc...- ? an 11 -..1.1.1, bv n 3_KURD " K. LEA VITT <t Co. 27\Vest it. 15 1.GS.?^The highest narket prices '.11!! be paid inca-hfli IV al kind of Rues, mi ! m CYRUS VV. HELD. No.9 Purling slip ? NTHRACITE PIG H:< IN?COO tons, fhr sale low 10 close .'\. an account, by MURDl K K. LEiVVlTT it I?1. iel7_T. \\ <?< ?t:.? t. / t|iAl r? AND A CHnRS?Irom 1?? inch to if. doaa \_, civ its from 5.000 \ tu 25 II V >-.??: m exchanged b) ?;: 3 GAI NT at DERRICKS*iN IMSomh-st. ?B11WN HAVANA SI'ltARS?-fJ'-t-? ?r. !?<-nrbark 15 i.'eneral Harrisnn.for alt 1 mlo GRINNKLL. .Ml", ft'UN Ac CO. ffl South sr. FAti DYE?30 eases prime quaItsy. fbrsaleby t si? i.RIXNEl.1. MINT) RN >. ??? Vo.ith si MAI'UEK-'- cask.- prim-' 'mbro. '. - mie by i.l5 1 :.i\.*.EI.U VIVM i.N _ 1 ?.!..:? So.-ti To Force trie Growth and Dnas tii* Human Hair?To Stop it Fallina ?Iff Carr- it ol Dandrtuf?Benutir* it, _c. Prrce 3. 1 and B ...illmg. a bottle. 'PHESn are Uie real and actual quaTrriei ol Jones. Coral J Hair Restorative. It will torce the t.a r t.. gr. ? .... ar.t place where Nature intended hair n grow, ?top it Ijiling ott. cure S<-.irf or I ' and make light, rn! er grey hair gr vt dark. For dressing ti.e hair wilt and s.iky, mithir.g can etrred r.'.i.?1 makes it truly beautiful, and hcep? it so.. It is, rn leed, trie tn.-1 eeonomicai, ret ?uperior art cie made for :! ?? Hair.? .??'..j.)?J.5or8still! a bottle?at the ?gn of the A n-ocati Eagie, ilt'iiatnam .tr?-t. New York: 139 Fulton ?r. Brooklyn; ? .-? ?_? -t. I! ,:,ir.; ~ l.eCgcr Pi...a.:e.pi,.a; JilK:::: street. I 'harlesPin. S. C. nil? Irn rTtp LADIES WHO CSE CHALK.?This ihm itheskm, _ ii ntleadiy biu sh win!.;: but the Spaniso Lilly White, ire sK o ? rinc I te-hke ahthastarwhite; ladn-.try it. Sold, prce 25 ce:.'.-. at 323 Broadway. 9State st- Boston; 3 Ledges Buddings. Phtmdelphia; 121 Fulton sr. BtuoUra._mlTIm r 1 't' TA KEG I; EASE SPOTS from Clotbes.Carpetx.Wac4 i ens. Ate. hoe.?"The Magic Emxrve Soap removes ad grease spots, stair.'. &.c. Irnm clothes mt.'ioul irtjormg ?M tetture.but on '.ae contrary br?htet ing i ad Deaotirirag ti.em. Slid at ?i CJ atham ?t. J23 Broedway, t.; l'."' Fu.'to? ?u Br'-Al)a, uilT Im_ TO TDE LADIES. Mit.t.ifr?.s t?i. '.t.'ikp.s .tp.r, 1:1???.' 1;',. rail and exam r.e ? nr ?? . k 1 f&rcue Good*. In part as foil iws, viz.: IjuiiesTu'can. NeapolrPui, Birds Eye, Brnal. Cliipand 3ran Boo at Moaes' .rzes: also. Misses. Boy's am! Children's Leg i.or;;. Panama, and Palm Leaf Hats, anrticial fluwtn, ficc. ike. \i .ci.-ir orf very low. for cash, at GALE at CO.'S, 28 Pearl street. U. S. Hotel Building, la" iri23 lm*_ _ Hob's House. New-York rsiHE I'd 'NTItY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 1 AoEScr o? V.B. Palmer. exMnsively known throughout the I 'ruled States us embracing most of the best Newtpapers ol ihe prrncinil to?ns ;n the Union, is established at l?! Nasiau street. Tribune Buildings! opposity City liaii. at toe Coal f iffice. ?* FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE NO. <??->. WS$r tabfahioenl m the beautiful village "i Flushec. am* i ?-::.>: i kept !>? Mr Cur*? Peck, b now read" t" i tne rtorpuoc of i?jini.>r? end Cremten! vis tot. 'I be v eloiij I? utecity.the;?>la teoi uses icat ? ? i t> ?h* ??n.'c?even I t ?-> ? ilxi by Keunboata and -tn;;.-.' tl ? Nu-* re? an I ? >trci Carder, in tiie village, tI;e dehgbrful ride* in in. neiehh?!!......!. the hen-rkln nc? eft;? p-..-e. the ?-twite : ? ?n-l the indaeen-eiu to ?p?,r:.:nen u the shape < Bas? !'?? to>ck-Shs>otrnr cannotbeturpowed. Th prnpncbn --.take* ibe oppprtunttj of ioforming hi* fucix? that h? hit n g.-.t supply ,,f jv. n'T-!.' >/., i.i:r?. Bents si' i*:?..:ug Tackle, to supply rhatn srub ?>:, reuuued and II.? ?>-> rind Ce mares to let. constantly on band, to tun up. ca; an.: see and ju.;,:e l?r fotuarrlvat. HENY IVOOLBT. Proprietor. Flush.n-.'-.'?: Mar. :-44 P.S. The sieambsai Sietesman ??ill tease rnttnnMarke4 S'i:> rteiee a d*>- ? n tie first ot June; ksars Pbtsbiae *t o'clock..* ?'. \e-.-.- VorkbalfpasidA. M::Fii^bmg half pass 8 f. M.; New- V. ? s So] ? ? --s. K M._n.>j. ? ^_i v.- i, L. ..-iv tabactrtni lenders a ? r^tS th .n?Jt?his frii nds nrel patrons for the liberal patroe _i. age reo ived at ha nid ss-labhVsmstit rn Main iw. er* ' ?. . ? . a ' ' t -?? T. .?? Illov*. ? ? n.f..---| t.i hi. (iwwi derirehle hotel, No. Ho V irketsircet. whi>h basbosa then u.-h I? renovated and eersrged in all its eanoas department*. '!' fonubet, ?.'. ir men riesrr ??? ofn eotnfoitMbli* rttttdeoeein ?j:..etau ?? itral. n ntton, n ? i ?ii tbea Ivuuacesofa prime risvvdhnc Ihm?, the present location otTer-ere-v Uvtueentenl Th crhirsaral i-.-.'r-s.m? sns ?'tut convenient, and th. I.ich .? anmiifailtoplrase. ALANS! >.N SIMPS' *\ .? r/4tbiicep?ie, May Stb.ISH. my93ni ex -?-.s SUMMER \i:i: Wr.KVI'.NT. t.. r..m _iin;?R.~. t.i ?2.1, u>44 r ?Hic KapiTcao. _,XEVV-V()RK ?. BUTTON R.A1LKUA1 l.i.*n?.. ua Norwich VVoreett r. daily. Snttdsjrsexeepi 'd. at S.Vks-k P. M. from i'wr.N.a! \.-t'i li.trr bait i K Rfry Ptaee, the ?renaler WORCESTEH, Opr. J.I< Vai ilerh It, knee r ???? Mi re ?r, VVe.!':??dar ?>? ! ?"? ' ?? - rhn Of ' |J ' \T? \ J'.'ot, J. K. Dust .. will leas ruesday. rbursdayand Saturday, l a- encers lor !!?>:'. n .? ?! -e ?? -warded by !*ai!-.w srttliout barest 1 arsor Bagcace. unmtaliattdy oatbeiram ral at A: . e.'< PotRi. Korfiul ermtbrmetroa ButntreofD B. allen. St Brnai or ol i) II?yvVO??. Fteicht Aeem fur this Line, t"? erSce t-n "re ? hrtri N. Ii. VIIperyun?areforbtd tru?tina nay one on account) und Boar orl'wnar._?JB ? ' ? . .:" . \E~.t I IKK, ALBANY \N U TU ?' 1- _:"si kam::?>at li.\k-K'?k alb.\N> ^-''?[?iriTi-ii VNI' I'KOY.? l4xa from tl The rtetunerTKi.iY. t, a. C-.r~-.rn Vb ? Momma, at '', -.- ??arnei EMPIRE. Caut- S. R. It. e. Mond .? M. -n a; r.t T o'clock. Ereninc I me f-oa' the (boC of Corfa-idi .rr*-?. tiree; I lie 4eamei AI H t <Y. ' a t. R. It. Maey, This live Ins. m 7 o'elnek I' ie ?eaaur sWALLOW. CapL A. McLean, on Morula! EwUiji, i' T o'ctnc . i'j?I r.r it-. t.oi tu.? l;iw. owinc to then lisht dmueht ? r.ble a*, all time?to pass the ' its. sad reach Alban lime to take the Momma Train* of Ca id i-,-->> n amide t-n - the ' ? i ? si. end freight of all deseriptbtOS, bank hills or ?ueeie mil ... I must tie at the r -k nl owners ihoreoC unhssi n bill '?! ? .?^Tor Passtura ur r-'reitfr-.' apply on board, or nithe i Inlf the AVhartre*. n*W ALB VNY l>-iY I.INE. at 7 ?'dock, v ^jfs-'M? Kor Albans and internxsliota landinca "'o' of Ri binsou n. in- steai it d '"' tl VMEttlC l.Capr, It C Crtiit? u .;! leareasabure on Monday, Wed assday and Inda :: ? ..i'iiir? at 7 o'. I.w .. Tlie -- liriil AMERICA. C?pt, M. IL Trucs-Wl. wil I. ava rue-day. ilnirsdaj and Saturday moraines at 7 o'cloel Kol p usage, apply on bjS7 ? -v "f :>-nPI.K-S UNE Sl'SiV-MBOATS Ft?l _ ,-; Al-BANi?Daily. Sinnli?y?esceptetl?? S-?e-T. ."V-^rr.? ". r.Miab Ihre ? -Al"o r is - P M. Fron the Steanib ? .t l*ier bei ..em limrtlandl ami l.:l--rty streets. Toe steamboat KNICKEKBOCKER. Captain A. P. Si J.-hn. Monday. tVeih.e-.iay and Friday esasninrs, at 7. 1 steamboat BfM.'lIESI Ktt. C iptaiu A llousthtoa, Too daj. Thursday and Saturday artesin-s. at 7. . i.* ;'i o'cioi k?LnndiHki ?U uti- rwettiate ji-'nctt. Tlte Meamboal OTICA. Capt R ilyatt. Maid?), Wen i;e~l ly, Friday and Sunday, ?i ? P. "i. t he suamboai COLUMBIA, Capt Wm. II. Peck, Tue? day, Tbursdaj and Saturday, at S P. M. I'riweurers takms tin- -a-ol hoa'.. ?dl arrive in Albany i ?mule time to take the Muftuug'J'rains of fan for the l>.*t i r.3r?Tha ab ive hosts are now and mbstantial, are fumishei >, nl -?-\. . qpint Stan Room*, sad for speed and accoir nMabttions nre unrivaled on the Iliicson. For passage oi Geiaht, apply on buard,ot to mJ7 P. f. tiCflCLTZ. it the I - iireonthe Wharf ?. to?i OPPOSITION EVENLNti LINE FOI i _ft A L it A .\ 4 Hl i: E i' T.-1 be new ai l^tJiT^sgSja-splenrl'd "ivim-boat NEW-.IKRSEY. < i| tain ii. \ Fumy. >? II pier tool ul Barclay rih sale mi WEDNESDAY EVKNINC. May hVh. at ,*cl ck. Regular days from New-York Monday*, Wedtat. ?lays ana Fridays:?from Albany, Tuesdays, Thursday* i.. Saturdays. , , , Tr.- NEW-JERSEYhm '-en rebuia and remodeled, am lituxl up in the be*I ,??? il-iimnnner. She bass large numl i| elegant -t?te niomi, a Isuge and eommsalio i? iirntnenadi i.-k . a Saloon w.r.i. taping *ccommo.buiotrs for 10 persons, elid uxtetouve and *'rv cabin*. Alt"gelber. .bet.. .. mg iccnmmudaUoni Irir nearly 7U0 persotai, Her dnsugti ,; . lere lieht, so that she will be able W cross th? bars with it .ie-..n:ion or tiaii-'npiuent. mill ? i?r. s ,. ?]-. iMWiT.L &" '. u.'S LINE Fi t I- ,-'%! iVHI ItCII?Land igai Cahlwair*. W , ;jS?.i-e'-jg- ,I'.? i ., ?i.;.r...c mil Cornwall. The.-'... ..? IIICfiLANDEIL d.d. R. W.-.idn p. ? . .j.. ?.,.i\,?t ui'Warren sr asnerr Moiutay, Thursnay aw ?-.lurdai -ii 4 o' tkiek. P. ?*'? Iteturning. wius-ava Kewburchevery Monday attv* A. M se.l Tuesday and r riday at j P. M. For treight or |ir;."iice. apply t-i 'Ii.? Captain on h.mri!. line gage hoard i line or raesapt be netted for the tarne. a'1 _, ? ? ? ,-. Ft It NEWIIL'RCH?Idling at UaU _i~_^ well's, w est Po int. Cold Spring, I orawa! Th'isteri ?-,''* >.s MADISON. Capt, Chaa llabtead. wil Cat l*i ar.-aa: Jiree.' pM'r evxry Tu.-mIu; and Fralai allurn.e.n .. 4 o'cbick. \ . I; rgage,. a tkagsstot Parcels, Bank Itdi* or Stieear. pc on I ard 'hi. boat withont being entered on the book >? reecipi eil for, iiiu..'. L~ at the ii-? of the on neis uSeresiC mblil tt i MUKNINfi BOAT A . SEVEN A. M. i'-Fnt: I EEKSKILL, VRRPtaNcx's'CRA? PiUNT, Sim. Six;. IaRKVTiiWS iMaa'a Faaav, IIsstisos and Voaggaa?Breaktbsi ?m liinnsri on Bi u : ? i be n iw and spiend d stestmboal I ' 'I.'' VI BUS. Cuptain William II. Frazee, will leave New York ii. n ii.e l. ot ot i nnii.Ieirs stre-! uvery iii-.riimg at ?"?eu o'clock, Fridays excepted.?Returning, leave Peeksgil(*amedai at !-? o'clock, P. M.exceiitSsgiday, when she will leave Peekskill ai ao'ciock !' M. I...nding at uSefoiituf llammood Kract carl way. Freight uikeu at teduced rate*. Jverjcc?AllgiMiils, freiglit, baggage, bank teil?, specie.oi ?niy otbei k ndolproperty, rakan. inippad. or nut oa baud th" ????a', must le- at Uw risk of the owners otsucn g.nsds, freiem, baggage, fee. mil rX r-ajsei *. SUMMER AR RANC GMENT. . . .--j'.'-.NF.'.V.\ilK and NEW-VI d(K.?Faroonh it.ti.tti*'tv, t:apu Joli.i CaRy. on and t,fa;r Monday. iia> 13, will runa* follows: Leave Newark, Leave New-York, f.eit oi Centre-i. tool oi Barclay at, 11 r\. M. ami Hi P. SL at Id A. M. und 4 P. M. ON SUNDAYS*?Leave Newark at8A.M. and i !'. M and New-York ai iOA. M. anil 4 V. SI. Fraigbl ".ir.-.r.l at very reetotiuiile ralas. n4 3m ?e^anev NEW-YORK AND HARLEM RAILKOAI ti i J COMPANY.?SUMMER A K It A NC EM ENTS iTZffiSJs,?' 'a am! after May 1.1, 1-14. Iba I lars will run . ? ssaEieii uw? Lenvei riali ?ir Harlem, [>env? Harlem Leave Wm*. Bridgi Fordtia hkWoii. Bridge, fort .'y Hall. for City linil. n 00 A. M. a Jtj 3 isj a. M. 7 " 7 40 7 20 8 S 6v> *j 3J ?l ? 40 9 SO " 11 oO " 13 4- j U 1? " I 1' >L 1 ??> 1 P. M. i a +) i ?> 3 S d> 4 ?) 4 4 rl 4 JO " 6 " 5+y 5 '?) l? " 0 4il ?; 2Q " 1 7 40 7 31 On Sumbir*, ,| th* weather ?- Htie.tht Curs will run ever hour from ( .:-, fl u. to Harlem and rVilhim*' llr-.ine. 'I he (' Ij Hali and 27th ore. t Line will no. every ten minute through the day. trow a ;tu A. M. uifM P. M. The Extra \ /hi Lme wdl leave "Trh street forCity Ilall.i" 9 - , I?, '0 30. II. 11 ?. Leave l.'ity Hall for SRth stree at :?. 9 ,,. li. 103(1. II. II 80.13. By order of the ?3oard. JIBUTI_ _ '.'. M. si. CARMAN. Sec'y. ^ FOK M)NDON-Pncket of 1st Juriss-The spicr.d ' itfa fast sailmewutkcl tlsip ?tEDIA'tt>R, Captain J M. &??? CI1ADWII K. .v; I pum tunlly asuhove, her re. . a. day. Ties superior packet lias very fine accommodations P?r cabin, seeond cabin and sietnage passengem, who will \k taken al very reasooeble rates, u early applseataM tie madeo.i hoaidortu W. f\ J. i'. i'AI'.-Cti'iT. a; the 11...i !? isangc o:f. ?-. j/k ~'i Si uth street, <-,.r Maiden hia.aje rry- Persons svishing to send fir Uw friend* to come out in hu ... p. .r U ho ul out remiU ns money, um make la vi? able or? ?. by npplyins a- above. myS9 >???.. \i i iri i. gh \ f i; aprons. '[TI!L largest n-sortmenl and most eleenni patterns of Gra'e I Aproi?Uigetberwith l?ra"-ry for Locking Gluvcs and Pictur ? i nune ?may foiintl at !1 .V S. RAYN.OR'S linokstore. 7C Bowery. I i ti \ f H !f \ ' ? de - Bo I."!-, assorted Not. medium i'/. ?.>.-..' ' ? d double cap size, i. ' - Strai Board*.a**oriedNo?usuptrlorQuality, ?,.--- .in Bamlbi*x it ard*, atsnrtcd No* -. a do Cap Makers' Board*, extra huge au?, B.COO do Trunk Boards; swrted No*. 500 irross IJonnet Boaraa, various qualities. I'r. - C.-iwintern;.! brow.i,, tlirsale in uua;.'. tie* to mil purchasen at l'a;.er Warehosise, No. m John ?trvet :.y ?'??-> L. Ii CLAY'l'i.N & .?O.NS, GJ.LOBES. Cl/.KES. VEItV CHEAP.-A soeond-hanil r setul ext.-asizc Eagbsb tjlobes.SO inches dnuMter^tand ing over 3 feel hen. The above Globe* are owned I.; s i?; son v. bo has no turther u?* f-r them, and will (<? sols' very Ion II, *; .-. RAYNOR, Hviksehers, To Bowery. Abo I^.rmg s 12 n eh :.->v. t,,30 lLAR LAMP??iji various patterns, manulactunsl ar.d for tax, wnuiwiic and retail, by DUffZ. BKfiTIIFKS u co. No. ii Jona it.. New V.^k. an?! Hi ft?*_ 5H:cksst. Br.siklyn. 0" )lt|i LAMPS, for burning Comphens ?'J'he?e Ijimtitar* ? mp e in '.heir con.truct.on, easily trimmed and give a verj at int ught at a cost of one cent an hour. Manufac? tured and for sal-, wholesale and retail, oy DIET/, BRt/l'HER it CO. No. ? John-it New-Yo't 14 hin* _ mid 5 Hick?-.t. Brooklyn ]\rTRS. ROBINSON, fmm Eluabetb-stmet, fashionable * Clear St ircher.89 Mercer.stretrt. tifih door above Sprme street. Twrietoa anil Embroidered Hr?es. Lace>, Frenrh V.orsed Capes, Coliars, 4te. made U) look equal to no*. Shats -, Silks. Meriaoes, 'i'abia Covers. Silk Ho*e, -. cleaned in t:.e leat manner._ my23 Irn*^ \ LARGE ASSORTMeVt^SCMMER COATS ; com - x pr -a,g Linen, Jean. Camlets, Cashmere*. Bombazine. Merino, Frocks, d'Orsays, 4tc. li.r *aie. ready made, at 2ii Broadway, oppmite the Fountain. nJ?:f WM- T._JENNINGS & C0. PORTABLE BUOWER BATHS of the bett ma'ke m the world.?bt sale w.iolesa eand re>a;l, by U .M. WEST. 1 S3 Hudson street. A new- Shower Bath which every usly ought to have ,,t u.e low price of JO cent* each._rnUbtm SHOVELS AND SPADES.-Mdoren. a low priced art:, cle, tor sale by MLB DOCK. LEAVITT & O ). ni)^l_i_Ti VVest ?ueeL IfWUUt beams BTKAW WRAPPING PAPER. 1U,IA/cj b.uu reams Rag do do. I..VJ0 do White Tea do do. 1.000 do Assorted Colored ?hoe Co. For sale by CYRUS AY FI ELD. >Bui aeslip. a i* BOILER IRON?The Subsenben ure prepared tj furm-a Boiler Iron, of tint quality and warranted, of any dnncn uon*?al?o Iron suitable tor locomotives and Emoon's Pro? peller* made at Ijiurel Ir^c. Works. Chester Co. Pa. m2. m UK DuCK. LEaVuT fc CO. Ti We?t tt s PEN i" 'M.aks REW ARD.-Vu tutvM Rarrg Sroc? a. - , rtrurw-nii. n* ?f V rtsbt. y B el Hi** in U>iMtne,>rHiKkU>r?( Peek. nn< n,,m:<i(ri.?>. ?Ith Afi.riD-/ ni ... .-.,1 l.., ?fl-.?.??'.,? tfSd Marry t wn. nah?.mi iMogkim tu Wal| ,t. in? '?* '?'?-? ??? u at Thor.,^.,.-. ulk?, ? wm _ mhj> P.h.W ^. 1. (xM'tl^>"Wi>t~to" take the .courts ??; *?'.'.*.'" W.W***. -vi Bc ontrj Mi re, with rom-.< ..? .,...,-. ,.a,h Th, ?i.r? s c.?????-??! wort? ?.hi? bet.-....-, St..HO -lollrr, p., week. *i h, rd.rt-.i. w wifl put in an equal ?tu tint. 1n?ttujtas. an.| .. eon<tlit r increasing. Addze** KING, at Tribai.* iVffi.r ? m30?t*_ WA.Ni ED?A Profest-nt woman to dcTtha ~wi.rfc of a ??all She mux: unerr.'and cm-kmc. ? ah a* '?nun*. 4vC. and - mc.: re u.xmeridfd. Apply ,t 171)2 Spnof -t. r 31 ?* WANTED immediate*. ?JO ywnng itmo. Anatriean*. to r. whaling voyage* m att;,.; B;.,, waotc. ;ftr. aalet?, per? ami bl.. ?.tn lbs, to wbom ? ?i will be . ivcn. AUcsoUmig nodotbef rwc.-.-iri attBewa win be fur shed ?1 tLc ceu.i ol t.-.c vujo?e. Apply at 167Potiia HisaL upstairs. rrs301wDo.BmW* URANTED?By a respectable female la'elr from Europe, a situation to tapetmread the Srri* lint bus iro, which ?ho u"..icr?tr>.r.d? to nil iU vsrwi. br.rre.'cj oft waning. K eaci ng. Bfodrng. Dying, ice fee !"at.:???: i e baMpaaalor - me oftr.e v-wctiai h n.?..? re ' - .* r. ,.K ,?? .(..,?:????,;? the male tteoartment of the tur trade. N ? i ' ? thai '..j ?. : too mted States. Address) byletter, pre paid, to A. It iit ion. cord street. Brooklyn City. _ m'Ji31* W'.lNTKI'? A HtuaUou by a refpectableycung. Woman inaismaiipr ?family; .. a good Cook? .. ... . r ?r.j '.wer. Appiya! St 7th st. near the 3u avenue. n-TJ?* JTTANTED-A eontnettnl first band -? ton firun the ?V l\V?tend >>fT> idea wfche* an engagement ?? .5re?a E. U?_ 15 i ' -. ?? M e. t. rrSl'St* ?Ii ?JOCKNI VMEN SHOEMAKERS.?Wa :m. a art L rate wurkraaa. to make ce llenw n'? ?b. SMn II at HAKTSHORrVE. ?a2 170 I- ujfc n tuwet. BrtKdjJyrK VB \RE OVPORTtTNTl V re bow rdTered. etat to ?eil a n ?t mte Mrt iu >etiuincand Ka .-y Buai wwof lonaKaad. mn 'I be loeatinn I, the that the c t> arT.rd? and ? -ukt tot be ?otriif tlie Prineipal waa in food health, .\iblre.? .\. R. atrbeTribune otntx.wntkiMlnaate. wmeh ?iii t?con de.ifai an.! . r. inotiy .^t*ontle?l '?? io> 1? * /"a. it ill in ??.'?:|i aini?e.\ plonMiit ronnw thr ?inji- *~?<irj?. 1.1 o -I pi -. at i ami ti.c.r ? .rwt at .No. 3) Veeey ttreet .?ortt'r of i hurch. _m30 iw* t>i i IRIi?\ eeolleman and hai ?:!?. Met several .mile eeo O tlfineii. can t>e acioniinotlatett ?iih nt 41E.U terw o. ., milt Im OOA Rl>?A fitmfly or a few tincle rentlernen ?>f et?>t m>> 0 rap, ran h?ve*uanland ana onerttrtmeiira prrrate/kov ...a eery ocitablr loeatitrn, Si lifftt. Hucw aiaaapait ?en;- unuiu illy pleas ?? l and aarveable. ualJ lw* ?>' 'A DING 1 ...... ;la eentremeo canbaaecom ? > inr-l.tttst ? th p. m* and I . ai ! ar wb li. u?t.'n Hreet, a . e ,'?h "* ffrtti Broadway n<>3i lin ty ??OMS TO LET.?A i!el;ehthil ?>? t of rrmrn* for a i*a?? l\, Uornati an.i o tin imele ft* t emeo. may b? rod at li lit ? I way, w.I. a fami v coaartios ? foaly two peito.t*. \TOTiCE.?Archibald l.rur.e King. ha. On. day been ad r milted a. a partner, by Iro* PRIME. WARD te KINO. DU. H. BOS*l'\VU*K. P.iNr-iri \N \Sli SITRGEON. .no tm" .N.' 75Chanibent-st. IW CAHI>?JoH* M DrrrtKLP. of XaTewaa. Mimmeip 1 .p.. wiD ;tim I lo leeal bo*iaoet thai mat ik- euntidkal iw bun . tlm f... ii t Courts ..f .\.!aat* i al the lityarerd .???tiutie?, na?l i the Superair Court? ul t;;e Stale A l?vutahle puNMiKial iinnecuoii in lyoiUiitrta will aimble 1 n I ?t.11.. i......k~a ?o m die I'ar.-ii.- ..i ?? ai "IVr. "eai Notcbes U* -"fer? to? rant it Barton, Van Xt-uaie. CsuidweU au'l i lOchmii.acoojttM Brown, \\ amoek, Br- r.i-r-. i'.i. Malcolm at Goal. ? mi. < !oehmn. Ileorv Lavetty, VilUani kam. kid ly ?K. J. G. ITEtVEIT ha* removeil to \\. ?rt>., . k.i ,i. near Itmadwn?. New.i ..r?. Practice . until c-i to lii.lo atioi .. PntCUtre.. II.o (I ,?. ,\?. .,?. ..... .??... | K\. Ntd I .nut.-. It eim ... im, \er,..ii. Alfem. i emiermn. In. Inmin ii.- im! Curvaturw ol th* r-pine.I eton .if-', u.iler?. a hlleSwellmo, IVeakiie** (heXiinb, nr"l Dbeaae* of t!?a .jijllw tfeueril v. Kmereiieea e- rcn ou applrcataai to Pr. II. mtS tin* Ni'TK E OF RFJIOVAU?FIERI FTS PATEN !' PK EMU MKI'rGHEN RilN'Geland Revlvi ?- Rnejt ,- E'tal I rhmeutminuved to ?'2 Broadway, one do.-! at?ive llendctreel. The public an reapeetnilly requected t.. ci?l| and eaanuue a icw Ranee which has been intrtsduced ihh) "?[?nur. ? liieh fiir oii ab bl> , .11. v? c r? a:.,, eceilouiy . has never b.H'11 -nil nsmsI. .N B.?Ptetce"* Ranee* repaired by applying ai ttt^tl llroad *ay. mlh Ira REM? IV?L -E. Ii!; VAN. Surgeon Dentist, has remiived In No. et Warren ?t. my3l 3t* Ul Mi fV Ali?The! Sal.-- Cooin ufthe New Vorn. Can! Manuwetnry u renmved ttum 71Fullou stie-.-t to lotl lohn -i.e. i. opptsKito?!liil street. April 10. lolj itnil I. SMITH, KU Jolm st._ }> EMOV?LT--JOHN LOVEJOY. Dentist, removeil from I !>a Prince .ireirt to rife Broadway, twu doors be uw pic-kcr .treat, ml3jui (?HE BEST SHAVING SOAP IN THE WORLD is the I prep.irnt.on ol the i lid Nepie* Soap, mode loto u iiei'iim ?I p .-to by .>. Jone*, i ho lotnwthe lone ssiughl l?r iteaaleratum oftjhnviiM Moap.viK Ui .1 IKEA I III' h RICH I. ITH ER. bat will not dry. reaUy doe* this) Millens the beard, makes the skin suit and smooth, ami give* a Una I'm raneotothe n to, Gent?, try ihwonce. Sold at3SJ Broad? way. U Chatham ?t i r?tate d Boston; 3 LxdgerBnildinc*. hilrnlelphia; U' Fultonat. Brooklyn. _ ml7 lm IMPORTANT DISCOA Eli Y. Kioliartl <>;i cv Co?*rj i elebritted A HtKlCAN I'.i.N.Vi KA. ?pills Medui, c. cumpoumledsolel) Iron; regetnble matter, I free trooi aduBerauon, ami warranted free from any mjre lientsdetrimental to Ismilth, was ihseuvered ii.F*ooe ;ea* ?nice, by ao lod.vidual ...r.di Btflieted with ULCERATBU -? Uni I I.A. am] who lies been .ler the trentnieutol the mostemi ent pnv.ywiu ii-e i nttedStatea fbr eight yenrs. witltttut tlat lea.t apparent hope of mstomusMi lo hsailia/nitil m/as by them promiunei d incurable, tint who, afti i raking th? sbcina lor tiva weeks, was rcUrred to itorltct. lenhn. Htat medK'iess has been solo with unprecedented arace a pi i n never tailed in any u..i..n. e ?? hen uken in aeeord* lance wilh ibret tioi.- r.i elleci a perlbcl cnre..i il.r l..ll..wing liseoses,tu ?.i ?SALT RllEI Sl.SCROFI I.A. 1 LfKK VTED SCRi Hi i.\. BRONCHITIS, FEVER SORES. KING'S EVIL. THISTEIrO LNKIwaMMATf?RY. AND IIHn.Nir P III I M A'ii.-M. PILLS. l.l(\.-IPEI.Ar?. BILES, M ICRs V,CIIRONI< Si 'It U E\ ES. ItLiriCHES. ?IMPLES "N THE FACE. ALI? HEAD AND ALL CliTAN'EOIJS DISEASES nit PAINS OR HLCElS VRISINCFKOM AN INJCDICIOCS USE Ol MERCI UY IR IN IMPIfKE STATE OF THE BLOOD. Theefllca s oi toy. ineilteilte haslieentaste.1 in all the disease*ad>ove rfiurnemted. ami ilsi neets are truly astonishing. ? mly one ta ilespi'inluf to be token an adult each morning i?*lore ent a*r. w bieh irsualty produce* a tpmc ertket, while (in.?i ca.e?i tabu neu as i geutle caihartic. increasing the appctfteaod ei.-T..' health nl lie- paUent, causing all ul- emteii .ore. to .!.. eiairge more profusely, and pnslueing mi ellcetual alterativa of the ? bole lystera, purifying and producing a pedeet action of the blood. Persons. ... itakii it. should r-i.,:i from ih?? useufaU itimolnting drinks or highly .. n-.i . .1 e -.' Forsnle by Obtailied at wholesale o. 'IIP IS C. TAL.MACK, General agent, 90 l^ue-street, opposite the Custom lloVtse, New York ; and at 10 A'tor House . I iu. iXi an I ^71 Broadway ; r^rriar Broad way and Chambers-street; No. '?< Pronustreet; No. HI West sneet ? Nos, b? .ud iti Hovserv , No. JO Pultun .ii?-et; No. 327 and?? Hudson, and06 llammond-stiesrt. cor. Miidson ; No. SOS Grand street; No. 157 ami I7H Greenwackv ?treet : No. 112 and >y I hem itreet; No. I?! VValker-street; No. Sri < atharme-sueet; No*. Bl ami l-'l Pearl-stieel. No. IU I'anal -trt-et. Bntoklyn, J. VV.Smith,comer of Pulton and r-nnle-iry ereeu; and VV'm. Blngnive, Souire'i Budding*, comet Wil? low and Atlantic its., and by ail the principal druggist* in the United Stat. Dr. V. B. l. ickrow. No. M Baaver-a* Clinton Buddings. General Wholesale and Peta l Agent m: AUatuy. T. W. rv Son. .N... lO N . ui Seeon'st.. General Wholeu/.! Agent!"..( Philadelphia. Instructions for taking ti e urlr'Cia, an.I a grea' number ol cer ld oblaioed nt any of nJs eodlm ly I'RHSSES. IMBee No. 18 -a?V'*v-\il" s..., ii M, tb....i 2UI ot the lirst phyn. ss*j jl<*?>ns knd surgeons of New Yt rk have given Ihtmi**': ? rdei preleretice lot hi Truss, as you can Qj gffldimtethe pressure from one lo fifty pound* mi Ihn rupture, without a bark pad. winch does so much injury to the ipiiw. A fair triad being Ute liest test of iu *uis*riorttya ii is applied and ?ix days' leialgiven, andl/itdoet not retain the r..;.i ore, ? bile periorming evety kind of c?ercse or cooglv mg, und give perfect ease; in ? word, ii :i is not mustaetory in every respect, the money is cheerfully returned, and this at ?he only Cond Uon on wIn. h you should bur any I rus? A per? il-, i.etit cuie is eiisdy eftecled. anil warrantrd. if directimis am lid lowed. Phose tending for thisTriiss neeii only met "ion the sale rup. Pared and the meesura rouudIM lup?. ns ihcy can vradmita he prewuia to suit their cose. Sold wholesale asd retail at IB Beek mail-street. ; j-im spSStg-ZZ*. Ill LL> TKCSSP.S.-NolKeto P.u|rture.l Pe7 if ^^"a ?*a?.?Persons anueted wkb rupture* may rely J tfX 1 up-ni tl>e rnstrwDersiaJ aid lb* worbi niHirds. 'sj^jS^PV on applicatiou at die otho*. No. t Vcsey street, " as***' ?r to edlier of the a?-cnls in the prinrqn I biwna il/st Umied ."Uiles. P* nirclul tu ejjirt.iie tlte bock pail of ilub ? Trustes, to -ee it they amandorsed by Dr. Hull in writing. ' art t . or Ui lie rvlitsl u(>on .u good, a ithout his sig laiu e. Many persons have undrirtakeri Ui venu imilnlions of HuU'a elebrated I'ruase*. und thousands are unposed up n aconee* iuei.. e. 11 -* iindaooos eannol l<e reiie.1 upon : tney an* naile by unskilful unscliiuiics. and are no inter rb.ui ?.? ordio ar/ I'rutses. sj lbs, .1 ivebeen Rtted up at No.4 Voiey e.retrl. exclusively inr ladies, has ing a svpariu? entrance from the business depon nent, a here a temale i* in ciustont to wtu ui?x. i? rnale pare-nrs 1 tf WAGON FOB SALE ? A rti ag, lobstantial Cmmtry Wagon,excellently calculate.; lor moving a [smdr.ut tor rough roads generally. Apply at the Pnenix Ilaumr, Nier? en ilrrot. ne w llo..-p.a._niau JOHN GALER, [roHMnn y j. v. Tir.y i'.J 1.AD1K!?> BOOT AM) SHOE STORE, 1? < ilsTHSSI STRXST. Ouo;ienu.g the above Now Store, begs restierrfelly to solicit the attention of h.s friend*and 'he puabc lo hi. choice assort mer.l of LAI)IP:.S', HISSES' ANI> CHILOREiN'S MOOTS AM? SHOES, of City Manulacture, being of the taost approved style, and at prices corresponding theUmes. Also, Cent's and Youth*1 i and Hin?** of e\rry descrip Hon. Having had several years experience in the bus'nea. lie can conlideutly insure lo puicliasers the i.teit dmcnptioO ot M oik man.hip. N.P. ? Boot* and Shoes of every style made to order, nn lnt ?I.MPROVEMENTS'IN BR'X'KLYN.-SMITH-?V. ? HARTSHORJVE are supplying llioi:?aiids with KOt/TS JX A NL SHOES which are easy p. wear, handsome aul arable, ar the Broaklyn and l>mg Island Boot and Shoe ?ore. 170 Fuiton tt._rag ft JUST FINISHED?Elegant Nutria Fur HaU'ordT ;J& citnly tenneil Ileaserj at the low pnee ol $'i j supenor ?jsb n.or- nu,. ..I Prussian Moleskin at 1'bese Hats are r ,ual in a - lustre to lold at 6C Also an ar U lie at i'i tO, a n ry neat dress hat. malm* BROWN. Practical Halter. 1?Canal-st^ ECONOMY ANT) FA5IIPIN'.?The subscriber hag reduced hi* sa.^nur Imitation M"'?,'tin Hab on tur bo. Idle, to Uie exlrrme low price ol (2 ii. Theahove am an elegant Dreis Hat, and will compare *d vaata^gssaosly w th hat* sold at (3SO and *3. Abo, eonsinr.uV manilfactunng .L'.,r au-1 S.ikof U.e host quality, laUat patteru, and at the lowest pr.ers. N. B. Cuur.iry dealers supplied by the case as low. if eat lower ihta any other house in ihm J. VV. KELLIMIC. 123 Canal st, whi? 3ni* corner of 1 OOmpsOOSL V.'C()DWORTH'S PLANING MACHINES It YEAP.S eipenence. together with msny vn!u able mipri remeat* andatsditiom to ho lernvertool* enable the -uiarnberto furnish, st stairt nun?, and oftlie moal i ert'e. tr.onU7Uctior..nisteriBlsnnd work M ichine* to plane w ood in nil its ?runeties. lorhas planing or surlacingooly. oreurung mould. "'Absi rlan"". tmrgceingand groovemg.jointing, or rabbetting. and yuiniog Clapp boards. ' Application nry bo made to the in'scnber at hia esOilifjhroei't in Foxnoro', or at hs office, comer of Conm^rcuil antl I>ew is-street, Boston, where Ma? chines may lw seen, and any Information relative to the Mime, may he obtained, as well \i of Josuut Blockwell tt CO. New -York. Letters of mere inquiry must be post-paid. BAMUEL B. SCHENCK, F x's-iro'. Me**.. Apiil 1st. 18?, *j)|*rr*