r?rovideit.~e hi'' hetoed 'um out of them nl>. fiml iherefoH ?,nMnot nowdespair. Let us take lime to consider thi io??tion. ami thentt!<-r I he responsibiUty and vote ll> 1"?mmmeeol Use Whole. "s|r.I'kkjki.n'S,el N. If rente Htntdst calls R>r the Vj^, tleiliSnoicnotr vrh) bnthren should be '?> mncD ?Kd oTlight from the Brut. Pome weaken had said the? wen KT-ed Perhaps he would i.o fatigued, ;f i,U?ome ot Lbern Stau! ipoken two boon upon ibeqnestton; bot be was fresh *4VVo', i:.. and he ho|vd a new issue would not uo made \,? England should be heard. Like !>?? tnen.l Cart, be wa> m fcvot ot a i tommittee of the \\ hole. *Mr! l'"u waa ""' " '" chance the ground by , -V up thepmposition of the Bishops, It tin* were done. 5*2srbii has already ipoken at length miaht occupy the time ?E?sxl.nof those who had not bean heard at all. He 'X,o nr.?i"U? to oak on the subject, bot had not .iioi-ecd. ' ? the door: it' a new proposition wer.' t.ikcn up. be i-dtiem ct.t not be atdctosptak atalL I j'tie cssinniuuication ot the Bishops was Ilten ^ neiltillto morrow p.rnmc. . tJJ7L)?rJJI> moved to take up ilie resolution t.-. ?Vna j p-i^n Andrew, in order that the brethren Inim the Rrgjchtbave an opportunity ot cxprewmg their views, I ut aSTniot those I Vlecute. having Stated tint they did not u ith ?eeak ?t present, the motion was withdrawn, )lr. Porter, <>t N. .1- moved 10 restore the rule naiimrTf speakers to fifteen minutes, which had In?n suspend ?Jrn"fonneet;on w n:i tin- discussion ot' Bishop Andrew's case. Sir. Randall, ol Maine, said he had very little Dttr eo Ih? ?ubject; I.i.i he did not think it hardly lair lor -e mho hail turn their view, at treat length now to restore ?./ The fronthern ami Middle Conferences h ut been while the Xew.Kngland had been nimwd and inraaed SsMttldnotsa] inteiit:imaily?without aneopportunity of Sief her views. 'i iwever.the Ivo',? Conferences were in Ckbi"** ?f their friends, and would cheerfully submit to any ether "?'fibi He would not say, "Lord, save us from tnetui., am', we will lake '"me ol nur enemies!" but be ??ujd isythat t.'," friend] of Now England?the Middle ot ?cat-Wat r Coniercnces. a? they had i??:i called?did not St her c.\irtly a. .-he wool.' like to b* treated. If brethren Cetbl it to adopt the proposition of ?ie ?isliops, ther ?ci3do*o. The ron?'.jucnces ol doing so were not doubtful, ^? :te > woulu have to wail tour > ean t<. tee t hem devel?pi d. Jdr. Early hoped that no Southern member ggokt vre aga -i.t allowing New-England a foil opportunity ik?:i? bet sentiments. i?r. Durbis then withdrew Ins motion. On motion of Mr. Kirt.it. the Conference tunk up Lt Report ol the Committeeon the Hook Concern, and; while Eti luoject was ander conniderat on,tlie Conference adjourned. Ar'lTHM.'D.N SESSlOS. Bishop Morris in tie.- Chair. The session was atfly occupied in diseumng ?? utter connected w ith the li.x.k irrem, but w.thout taking t'mnl actioo. We .hall give par. eui?r> ?Inn the .id jvet is disposed ot. Mr. .M ?ktim'?i.i. announced the following preaching ap ge?rbenu forSunday next: mokninh. ai TKRSIOOtV. KVItNlMI. ?I?MtSimp-*? . P Ackers. ? Ut-st .1? I erryman, .1 Perk i ? rfttVrt-rr?Bishop 1, . A B Lonestrect. A Wiley. iitorp st?A Bddy.S Lucky, 1! lUiuotn. jfadison $t? .1 K Wright. S Chamberlain. E Scott. jlles it?EH Au?-. W A Smith, PCartwright. !pl-st?0 Pickering, II Slicer, J B Alverson. J>!-C. M Loner..?; Smith. I. .M Lee. Uta tt?A Hunter, s s M.ly, s Kelly. (!..?w palten, J Drummond. rJ/A-.r-W \\ inai ?. Ste, le, H K llavanaugh. KrJr'erij ?-C Elliot. J Haul. .1 P. I'mley. jfo '. -r-i. t' Pierce. .1 A Baugbman. J C Parker. 0mneii OkarcA?A Billings. tR4 i i: I Blake. P Dono. JJemi. Suiliran .'-II Slicer, B-Thompson,J Porter. I'rstrwst?I! M Unike, I) Thompson Greta st?J I' Durbin, 3Comf?rt, WCunn. Mariners'eh. (>,*rru tt -DS Kiic.J Kim. A LP Green. Dutmt Bonne, J Hamilton. A ti Berryiuan. ttumus. st-JU Uowi II W Iteed. S Beaten. YvrhriHc? G Baker. I. P S'i.er. i/ar.'.m -W W Itediuau, II F How. ?:???: . ?turr.i..t V a rick anil i .night *t ? \V Kvtiuev. .Vets diet 1.1 bristie ?! i. Hilat,\\' 1)Gass, D B Randall. frabiitenanclt. Brooroe.ucai Elm?W MWighunan.L Pierce, S Segnr. Olumbia //,!.'.'. 163Grand it?M Hill. W Patton. BROOKLYtt. Sand st?R Paihe: G F Pierce. .\ Rounds, fert-st?W Ii Knurr. (1 Garrett.G W Bru?h. WashinxUiH si? HJ Clark. B T Crouch, J B MeFerrin. Cenicnnarp?J Lane,TJ Thompaon.C IJ l ippei. Utarzrr?G W ClarR.SPatten, J VanClcve. 6a??icirjt-J llolines, .1 II..hurt, .1 Spaidding. ,; iltiamsbureh?J Early, .1 T alitchell, .1 K Shaw. Utmpstead -.1 A I lollius. <' Adams. .1 I I'" k. \ew akk?Haiti n:-i?(. Fiimote.L Swarmstcdt. traukti* st? LScott. Bishop Andrew. Ctintonrst? L Sivannsteih, L Scott icr*r\i Citu? t; Webber. I. Fowler. rTAlt.v i?LAHO?.\Wrktli ?d?A Wood. /'err litckmund?i Sinclair. M - ttfittd?\ Reed. (Junraatiae?J .Milier. Pjufhkttpsi?il OSheldon. Tirr- '.?//???T Seymour, J H Houebtaling. Zisl Che-tn-W Hunter. S Wi k itiel: s/ktU Haas?John Clura. Pt'kfkill?l: W Sehon, E Bow en. Vrrii rah?Jii I: Morgan. Jntut xi.jr?v^ Langar, Vno Roche le?A Ii IV. k Rye FG Uibbard. Jnaafco? K Stei eivoo. Sstorio? Hugh AC Walker fttshime?i IVGteun, I . Robinson. AVaV/iara?F Upbnto. 1, Salisbury. ftwiitind. .V ./.?'I iioinu? Ma.lden. MtTstm?J Lovej y. Stjusclcttock?E i rime. .\>f^ /;,.w ./-.I Fence. Xts //open?Wnt McMalian. C*U Spring?J M Snyder. ko?ur;??It A Shepherd. tttmfvrd?A I'm-. ygaek?A Fragee. ttcktand Lnkt?.1 Spencer, t,.m i ..,. ? \\ Runnels, E Vocum. Testers?0 \\ H Harris. Bi: ' roicn-ii Weed._ MA Kit I LI), Miiv the jm.'i by tho Rei. II. Lall.rop. Tin.opoiii: I . Si oK\ jJh?. Makv Goudmar, ?II oi ihm city. Us Wednesilay evening, the 29th inst., by the Rev. Allen Me, .Mr. Epwako .'. LotVBER, ol Batavia to MKa Uuaiu. i \ i i bawoRTU, of tun city. OlhD, At Bergen, New-Jersey, the 2">h inst. at the residence of her ?L?enjamin F. IVeUb, Mrs. HanXaH VaM Clief, in the Um.r ot h, i age. On Fiiday, Mu> .-!l?t. of Comuuiptbin in the 23d year ol her iplL?n\ ruwLea, wift ol George P. Fitch aMdaughter ?Dta Henry Fowler of We?lfietd, Mass. to which place bet anna, ?ill he taken tin interment, feserday morning. May 81st, Elusaoetu. daughter of Mkamand Elizabeth Event, agedttyeaisand6mouths Tis friends of the lamily are respectfully invited tu attend thfuoeral thu alternoon ;it 5 o'clock from No. AN Bromuc Mr. _ Passengers Arrived ,h the I'uckrt shiji I'trstiu^it, from Licerpcol?Thotau iaaer?lf-1 iteerage. IstAasAni I.ouvtvillc, from New.Orleans?Mrs Green, 'Jiktien nud Kirvnut ot New-Orlenns, .Mr Davis of do, .Mr Ottaiarri ot do, MrKingsbaiy of .W ork. Messrs Ponce and Bw?and Iti iu the itaerage. hthtshtp Cohota. ir.im Liverpool?Jamts Pringle. Cans it;?H Hastings, Esq. NVork; s C Lurniet and .t II ?Ibear, Vtcsn, Ga. Jsiac bng Jadson. from Demarara?Dt F 11 Stewnrt, Mr DCkug. Mrs JUobndge, I* Uii Ship, St. George from Liverpool?Francii toon. tak.. Ari l veil. '?Ma.st. Heor.-e. Ferris, from LiveritHil April 27th with Tyaoaviil i igden. aasJt.st..p UiIIimii and Ebza, Koge*t .of New Bed lord, fftyjrscuicOcean via67days from Kiodo Janero, with \.wc Bu:,e ut order. ?W, & i.. tailed from New Bedford Octobei 23d l\>. uS?10.''? Hadtey, 40 days from Liverpool, with ?*ttoTu>loi&Meiill. ??"?er?.. m.fc- Aioetika, r-i pliersna, 31 cays from Itor 'Jtla.tl: lltandy and me to John llumml A. Co. ?nkT,5t.r'l.T *'irginuui, Allen, Irom Liverpool 27th April, EKS* hermit ii Co. Mai 15. lat-M 30. long *a 30. spoke ?uf'j?'?n'? Llizniietli.atid. I'm SunderUml for Quebec, m ? aw '" ' -''' '"? " "?a"1*0 bin in;; broken hi, leg lit days pre sem ihrin all necsxiary assatance. May IT. Igt M 3u. "W**"0' " aanibei ..t ice la-rg?. -2*?tbip Monlezuma, Umber, fm Liverj.i May 1st, mxew{ ii Marsball Sc Co. Sfvjneta, IJepburn, fm Liverpool 23tli April, to N L es Kl Peerage pasti ngers. v i?^..?....... Hunt.20iL tm .\i irlcans, cotton, provision, Su' v *v(-ull"a bi Co t^ltb\litl!?>d*chureh'Ca>J*fa Liverpool, mdse. to i^*Aaario, i'rnuli. fm Stockholm viaPlymouth.mdse and ^T*;>r:.,!? McCreckeo & Livingston. ' KiJ? Arr/ledure. McNi u40dt Im Liven.I, suit ami ig>af??.u? John Hurdn an. ta iT''.1!"" Chatletton. Cattertnale, nake and 90 passen iisSo"!'" s" Isaac Newton. Weienholtz, S3 days from |^fj?d?. to Schmidt St Balchen. BSS, v IVoSf0' 1 : ? 4" ds fm Liverpool. nid>e and pal ? SteaVni"'""JfcGoioii. tat ir .".5? Atlantic, lieurmann, j4 d? from Bremen, mdse 8sh>??eos*r?. tu n ^WL'ifl'Sr"^-"1' x "odttevtie, t?'d? tin Antwerp, mdse Bras.-''? '' ' ^a* i. BtJu l"1' "a,,"'tt,n. S3 ;!ay. from Liverpool, mdv; to I Lfru;,'.'^^!^ r,ton? ,,u". 51 dj fm Kio de J^ie.- ro. coflce, to *^!^<^i^,-"u'",1:^- lJJ' Irom Cardiff via Fayal. EJ^^va fc Brooks. *;:?.tu u ?, ''' "? 11':''"'1 ,;,urtu vi? Tarpaulen Cove, Cjsaw**? lnton.Sylvester,-.raj-..*..-, to Dulilh 4i ??"tauft 0,1 n''" fraOemnrara, via St Thomas 2Ut l1^. SadTTk' ';''"?'':?':-, Sl'i m <-?. bark Itosalie fvi Pbila I^??^1^-??1? f'? ?"?os Ayr,*, wool and t:U,l>'f' U "i0*' "* l a>al' SSuaf^V'V^fa Havana, May ;'dst last uight and night be j rnf'?re, which has killed com down to the ground, and every thing '.-Ue 'hat Frost can kill. Corn will come again. Wheat, the folks ,?, was never so heavy; but the Hessian Fly is at work upon it in romc placet; ; Extract of n letter dated " CaROKXAS, May SI. i j " The severe drouth still continues,aud the stock j j of molasses remaining on hand is being fed out i ! to the cattle." j Tun Wheat Cttor.?The papers from th< in j tcrior ali speak <>1 tiie forward and promising ap- J I pearancc of the forthcoming crops. A few ex-1 tracts are appended. The Indiana (Rising Sun] ' Blade of the 18th says : The prospect in this portion of the country for abundant crops is favorable. The wheat :s unu. Bually forward, and we arc informed by farmers that from present indications it will be ready to harvest by the middle of June?some two or I three w ekn earlier than us:ial. The Norwalk (0. Reflector says that the I fields of wheat m that vicinity have been matc j rially injured by the !ly, amounting in some in. : stances to a total biss. The following fiom ti e ! Springfield ((.'lark county, O.) Republic of the ' 17th inst. isao instance: The Weiiat Crop?We regret to learn that j this staple crop, which diiriiip; tlie early part ol j the season promised so fairly, is now suffering con3tdi rabl) from the ravages of the Fly.? This is said to he the cr.se in the Puck creek settlement. .Vilcs. Mich. May 13. j Wheat CRor,?T.'te Hessian fly is making I nf> iifx.ri the wlipnt in this vicinitv.? j One farmer informs us that ihcy have destroyed twenty acres for him, and that the destruction is (/cm ral in the vicinity of Portage Prairie. [ Register. COMMERCIAL AND MONEY MA TTERS S:iles nt the Stock Exchange, .May 31. $2.0001 S5s.'53.... coo 103 I SOshn Vtcksburg P... .11 3.000NY's.*49. f.i ih. do.l.Ou 11 3.400Citj 7?.'52.llr.i I 45 rltfUS Hank. 13 1,330 1 thro Bs, i'<. !*''-il7i do... l.';. I.OUO 4|2U0 do do.bio 65 1.500 Nllav&N 115?...t? I 25 do di....3d uf op 64^ ?a s.'.i-Fuimers'Tr. ..!.2a .32 . 25 do do.bite 4 ? 50 do do.b3U 52 Iii do do.ops et 50 do do. 51% 25 do Mohawk P.. U'i 1? do do.bl6 51>al00 do Harlem Urd. W 150 do do.b30 5D&]00 do Nor tr, VYor...bl5 62 .135 do do.MfellOO do i'o. 68.'t 209 do do .d, l tu do do.bJ0 51 I 50 do do.blO H?J do do.blO il \W do d(. "?'? , 1? do do. 50X150 do Peterson Kd.87 i"J do do. SO.'.I W do "1. B'' Il do do. M |U?J do L Maud R. 87}4 io do State lik. N. Y... 8J 475 do do 4? do l!k. uf Com..lid lOfSllOU du do.IftJU 55 * J? do d.Hit 'o 100 do do.h7 DO doN. Y.Trust.Ill Zu do di. 87 20 doKeutorfcj Rank.. 7.3 41 do Stoningtun.53 ;o do Com Bk, Natchez 24 | 50 do do.blOoll do Grand Gull UkCo 16 i 25 do do.bl0 53y In do Melts'Ex C.at ;I|JI do do. i.t .'4 doMecScTr. S.S.. OB I 50 do .Morns Canal. 15> SECOND Bl 'ARU. ?3.000 Illinois. -v> luo .1 ? do.blO 713; *|,0U0 Ohio 6s.'50.111" *S0 do do.bi5 72 In I.".t0 1 ihm r.s. 'Kl.IcJOUUV 33 do Morris i .'anal. Ill ;.'?? do..baOlOcVj 25 do do.tnw ?0 25stira Nor ds Wor..opg 70 100 du Readina Rrd..b30 I I'iU do do.cash 51>a 40 do Nor &\Vor..ca?b 083li 33 do do.bnw 51'; 52 do d.cosh t?j 6U do do.b3 51Ja 25 do do.|il.irjs-: A) do d.cash 50>4 VI do Philatt VViL.li'O 57 .vj do Canum Co...ops 64 5u i per cent., payable on demand. The Mechanics' Hank of Baltimore has declared a dividend ol 3 pet cent, for the lukt six mouths. The estimated expenses of the Slate of Connecti? cut for the next sear tire S73.4JU ; resources s73.lW. Che Connecticut Committee on Hanks have re? ported ui favor of allow ins the Connecticut River Uaaking < tompanj to declare a dividend on &tock. The prent abundance ot money is shown by the following lads made for the Stute Loan of 6500,000. Not long ago. Now-York Sixes were dow n to SO, und now Fives are I0ui a 102; Ontario Savings' Punk.SSV.COOat !* per cent, prcia. I Thompson, 52 W all >irec:. 3H.0Cki 1 55 " VVinsluw steferkins.?t.*" l '? .viO.WsJ 1 '.. " ?? .40?.UUU '. " V. W. I ?leott.lH'.KJU 1 111 " Pei.I. Hoffman Ten Brook.. 50.000 1-15 " ?? - .. !O,i?.i0 Mil ?" " ?? .. ?U.ttW 1 ?' .. 50.WW MJ " ?? .. 50,000 -to " ?? *' .. 50.UW d)0 " " '? ?? ?? .. isu.you par. .Iliiivs Taylor.EOO.OUO l .M *' ;Vatts Siiermnn.Ku.?nO .W " Rufus II. King. 5?.U00 % A pruposil.rom John Ward ,t i o. f-r S1W.000 nt 1UJ u :? r 'ceiied almut un hour after the propositions had been opened. It will he seen tout .lames Taylor, t'uslner of t.'ic Connuetriul Bank of Albany, obtained 6480,000, and John Thompson. 52 \\'all->trect. the remainder, $20.000?his being the highest hid .nude excepting John Ward .v Co.'s. I he following were ihe sales at ihe Boston bro? kers'llonni yesterday: *>wu Reading Railroad Bonds, 75; 9 shares Uamilton Mnnulttcturiag Company, USVi ; 4 do Nashua do, 5o7i? ; 23 do Western Railroad. 74??; 36 do do 75; ID do l!i?loii and Providence do, 10S; 200 do Reading do, 'Si' i; UW do do, s o 30d, 3S'4 ; 50 East Boston Company, 13: do Hamilton Bank, 10Jl=. The Philadelphia Spirit of iho Times says: We understand that such arrnugcroenls have been rhadea? will i* cure the Philadelphia. Wilmington and Ualtimore Railroad against any future competition, giving them the entire South? ern and Western travel over the great thoroughfare between the two cities ol Philadelphia and Baltimore, which must, at au distant day. with judicious management, (and the road is now in good hands, I make thu one of the most valuable Rail road Stock, in the country. Expenses Mime as in 1543. Inlet est on louus.S*vfe ? me itutii ofttoating debt. *".|-*, .-inking fund.,,?'-,:! Dividend uii i apital. .V: l-er rent.lis.>U Total....,.6650.1100 The receipts ut the Philadelphia Office of the Phihulelphia and Columbia Railroad are {i*1. 5S2 since Nov. J\ 1?43. Suit s! of Real Estate at auction, May 31? Bs jtntAons J. BleetkerSr ( o. I lot on 4th as. between23d and ^'4;ii >!.. 18 It. :? in. by o.$1.750 I " ?* " 20 " 7j..l.t'lsj I ?' " " 'M " 7S..1.9W I ?? " "311 " ?? ?' _2>.,aV 1 " corner of lieh st.3,:C5 1 - "goihst.3.HO 4 lots South side23d each 25 tt. by 9S It9in.2.2WI j lots un 22d st, between 3d av. und Lexington av. eacb..l.ixi I ?? ?? ?? " ....l.isO Markets....Carefntla reportcaTfor Tht Tribune. Fruav. May 81. ASHES?The market remains as bet?re, limited, holders asking 64 31'.. ami buyers olTenng unlj 4 25. Iho mas are uuseiiueutly limited, some 7-3 to luuhhlsbi 4 3i. Ol pearls about 150 tibi? sold at $4 l2'j. , _ ,. COTl*0>?There i>? slightly improved feeling in Use mar? ket, and sales ate tiriu. i be sales wtrrday are reported lo ex. ceed shglitl) t.ak-3. and to day the sales ate about that tig u.-e. Snippers have taken about tour-filths ol_usa piucbasra. FLOUK AND MEAL?The market is still iiiactive and heavy. The arrival, are moderate. We Quote Geneseeai tltV',. Mulligan and Ohio 4 50 n 4 Xhi. Sales3Q0bbb 1 my sod Genese?atA lot ol lOOhbh " ltr.?.:.l>ii Mills f.s lra,"anew brand brouebl 587>?, the highest lancy-price.? There a -ome lartbei enquiry lor England, bul the rate ol freight prevenU operations: There is no improvement ta da niauM for southern sorts; Georgetown is 84 7o Ouierdescrip. tiotLs nie nominally higher. Rye and corn S3 00 a 3 tti a. Jer? sey nival 2 Bag meal 'M a 10>. ,, , GRAIN.?A nar.el .1 3.000 bush Chicago Wheat sold tor milling;at ICO cts. Corn is in lair supply and steady, ^-s'* D.tUJ liiuh. Suithern atlii to 4ii, rls. oca. and 600 do. North Carolina at 48 cts. wt. delivered. N?*thern is not plenty, and dull at 48 a 50 eta. A small lot of Rye, 600 bush sold at 66 eis. in die slip. Oats are. lower. VVe quoteSOaSlsin" River and Canal. , WHISKEY.?The receipts are fair, hut we hear ol no lorther sales. The asking price is 23cents, HAY.?About .'i0o bale* tiuse been sold for shipping at Ai a 36 cent?;i?-: c? i. ' RIDES.?Wenoticesales 390 AoxCpTesand a 1.1 of Bue i do* \ rns on private term*, and IS5 Trx'n? ai 10 rem., cash LEAI'^?.A ?alo.it IiA'tiMc In. !o-n uia.io >.X. .-. |. ? l 'II..?Safes IJUO barrels ('r?de IVhale ut cents; rash, in? I exm ft; 20VJ more v-cr* orTcrcd a", that price, and 33}*centi I bid ."KIXS.-H".' i'H'i-<- t?i<~ ?inj i or-... - ? : J rr?. f tt?. FISH.?There are some parceb DryCod nib*!, which are I selhncnt2H7'r n3 00. Sales 200 barrels No. 3 Mark?re! nt ! xiiiiirl'iiic . ?)'<: li>. S?. 2uro .rar..-, and tirrn at L a > ?'. ? am; Wa?p|enty noil >!?:!! ni Ii'59. , PROVISIi'NSi?Tlierecontintiei sorne demand foe Pi. ! Pork, and to eft) bbb; bare chanced bandl at 'i l&U*x6 27. \ It ua? offered al 6 ?" ai ibe ! lote. A lew tmnll lot* were re. polled ...id ?t m! I2S ? 2d0 Idilv ?nur Prime mil at ?t 2V < M Mr??-mp2U?bbl<. .old at S* .v. There ? : ??-; ulr n, Beef, aodiOObbU. Troy Prime sold nt *::. and 550ifn Citj .Mw nt i > 37 ii ?.*. ?'?'. A inle bf40 bbb. inferior Beef Harm ?a? mad* at I rent per lb. We notice farther sale. 500 W ?-. Lard at 5? g 6 rear?. In all. 11?%) bbb. have been taken Ibl export. .-a!-- :.U hhd?. Smoked Ihm? nt J', a .>: =1 b'!-. :?? ?d 10 tel. Pickled do, nt .1 n :{',. and 4J t<-?. do. ShouUlers ;:t2n 2??. Fflsh We>tem Butler sells al 9 a Ii i "tits a, it comes in. A ?alo ofSO COO Iba. (I d was made nt 7-, rent.. Cheese b I erj dull all ??_ Sands"*. Sard ir>RtLtwL?-TTncoses of the .kin ha re attract ed"coun>arativety but little imp .rtaurc until within a short pe? riod, and perhaps liiere never was a t;ir,e when so much inter, est has been manifested as at pre.-ent. bath on account r,r' ths loonl ravage* ol this class of maladies, and their - the at? tendants ol the most ob-linalc chronic constitutional disorders. The complexion, mberwise transparent; is rained by pimples, pustules or eutodubu enlargements, festering under the ?? , which not only endanger Matth, but lite. In other can -. dati, livid .pot?. l-iofeh.. ,.r i-iirboncli^, approaching a ?t?te of sup? puration, are observed. It would !??? in vain to portray the dif lercnt shades ?ml vanet c\ of cutaneous affections, but enough ha* been averred to show conclusively these diseases have their origin in the general system or constitution. How ''an health be enjoyed, or lite itself ptove n blenbig, when tier blood, the eram! lountainofl?e ami health; is impure ! SariiLvs Sarsaparilta has bean tr ed, proved and acknow. ledeed to be nl! li.nt :.sein .ni.it to pur,f, thet'lood to cleanse and renoyato the general system. The triumphs it has obtained over disease arc lueli as are not furnished bom any other source. By iu use thui?ands have been made to re. joice who we.-e fast verging to a close, when death would draw a curtain over this world's ?'-r::e?. It purifies, clcanses and strengthens the louutain-rpriugi of fife, uad inficsa new vigor tlirougboul the whole animal frame. o.i- For certificate? rent numerous testimonials ?ee pam- ! phlets and > noon, papers. Prepared and sold wholesale and reiail. by A. B. 1?. SAM'S, wliolctale liruegi-t?. 79 Fulton st-. -New xork.? .-.old nlvj nt 2,3 Broadway,// East Bioadway. and by druggists generally throughout the United States, SpRRtfl Menu i\g.?At ties -ensou ofthe year every one should purity ;be:r blood; We adi ise ail to use1 ^rnstock's Sarsapa ruin, use cheapest and '',:>, article ever ?tTerred to the public lor tint purp .se, ui n.-en."? arising trom iiimurity of'.! o blood, a*? Cluonic RbeiinsalfiTn ;7e"e~.' Ilc!.i|ii.-. Scrofula. King's Evil, Eruptions of the Skm. Mercurial Ihseases, Swelbng ol the Butte?, kc tec.at21 Courtbindtstreet, New Vork?BO i.ts perbottle, or i I per dozen. _ lit: ? i\i.?-.?lb. MeXair's Acoustic Oil, a certain curelbt deal. AI?i. the East India llmr live, will colorthehair, 'mt will not the skin. Dr. Spohn's Sn-i, Headache Remedy, warranted tu cor- any case. At SI CourUandt -? RatEi WATisji.?How important to those who have Rheuma. tisui. tlout, i tont? i.?1.i Muscles; isthe Indian V'eceui tde Elixir ami I.miirior.t. wjm e lin. never laren kim? n t" ful in a s.ii^'iir case to eiirr- these complaints. At 21 Courtlandt it.? Warran i CosrrEL'a MaoicaL P.its ExTRACToa, New Vork. will run- nuy of the lulhiwiug complaints?Bums, Scalds, Sah Rheum. Rheumatism, SoreEyt-i und Nipples, Piles and I'M Sores, Chilbbun?, all Ilchings, fee. CaCTIO?.?T&i srnuimt /'?im Extractor to Im had OMLV in ibis city at 21 Cuurtlaudt street. Lookto vpttR Pantries .vm> Bed whims.?Have you Roaches, or Bed Itiu-. in your bouse ? A sure Exterminator of these noxious vermin may be had al 21 Courtlandt st. Bo i ? \v Consumption be i Iurep ! t rdds ;.!'?.. mc! thai n question which a man who lived in a dissecting-room would laugh nt. How many peop e do you examine who have mm;, luberculatcd. but winch nre otherwise sound I Wua r n Consumption ? it is tubercles on the Inns?. Thon if these tuber rles were healed, tue patient must ire* better." So says the celebrated I Ader.netiit. And ? hal did he use for curing tubereolated lungs ? Some of thevery ingredients that enter into the composition of Ur. Tavi.or's Balsaji ot Liver w ort, from 37j Bowery. This valuable discovery and com bination affecta the whole constitution i me ofthe mosi pop ulnr ?liter- ol tiie nire gue. a, the result ol his long Observation that pulmonary tubercles me but the development of general disease; hence the reason ofthe practice of the great " S\ pln iiam ui this disease, one of the best physicians to w hom Eng land evct emu birth," und tin venerable Dr. Holyoxe, of our own country, | whose ow n life was prolonged to the age Of 102 years, i and of Ur. TaYLOR, my friend.) one of the brightest ornaments of the University of Pennsylvania, to whose talents and experience this unricaJed remedy will lej a hutin; monu? ment, spreading his fume throughout all lands. Beware of couiilerleils! Buy nothing instead. See that the name of Dr. 'J. J. Leeds i who is now sole proprietor of thai ar? ticle is on the engraved label. Buy only at 2715 Bowery, or 177 Water-street. " . -_ Hkhiv.im:.., SwtMXtso or the Hgan. a Roaring Noise in tlic Ears, lleadaclie, PalpitaUon oftlie Heart. &c-?Wright'a Indian Vegetable. Pills urea certain cure f>r the ahme un. pleasant complaints, because they purge from the budy tin s? stagnant and corrupt bunion w Inch, when floating in ti e gen. eral iiinss ol circulation, nre tue cause of a determination or rush of olood t.. the head, giddii. loss of meniury, dimner: of sight-drowsiin.-?, pain ui the head, and many other symp? tom, ofa loadeil nod corrupt state ofthe bbiod. Wright's liiilirm Vegetable Pill? are al.e ofthe very in-.t medicines in the world for the euro of Indiees?on, und tin re. lore will not only remove all lite above unpleasant symptoms, and entirely prevent auy evil consequences resulting from n rush of blood to.tlie lieail, but wiU most assuredly restore the body to n state of sound health. Cai "i ion.?A? eounterleitii are abroad, avoid all ttnres ofs doubtful cliiirncter, and la?particular toa,?k lor Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill?. I illicit devoted exclusively to Hie ?nie of the Medicine. wholesale and retail? No.2S8Greenwich street; NewYnrk; No. ISSTremoni street. Uostoa: and 1B9 Race street. Phibuleliihia. 'Tis a pleasure in life In possess and be cheer'd By a soap that will sullen the skin and the beard Make n fathi r thni'. creamy and fine. Thai will In-t. ii: r dry np, 'fore tlie shaving is finished, The rnzoi col ready or the tough beard diminished; Gentlemen,;&e greatest comfort yiaiever fell in shaving is caused by tin: use of the Old Naples Soap, made intaiapei fumed pAAte by .Inno?. This f?rrawd ti e long sought ior de>id tleratuin of tsbavinc Soap, viz : to make atliick rich lather, that will notdry. It uiiiul.sir.it really does ihn softens the beard, makes the.skin soll and sinooth, und gives a fine frag? rance u> the nose; Gents.tiy thss once. Sola at v2 Chatnam and 3.'o Iii".: Iw.iy. t,:,d Iff l u.ioii .t. Itrookli n. jel iw.nl Femina, Femi.na Oxxia VlSCtT.?* Wonsso carry every thing before i hen;.' Bui when they iiiu.t possess youth, heriii ry. cherry lips, merry dimples, pouting mouths, vermilllon cheeks, and '.hen there is no inirtake but ihat such ? woman will indeed carry every thing before ber. Now. the grand ?e erat is to retail* these attractions. Aucndezpour un moment; and we will reveal it. If stray superfluous hair ;?stealum over your polished skin, your brow or lip, tor instance, pel n aoult iifDr Felis Gouraud i Poui re Subtile, and, lo and behold, ev ery tilire vanishes; i. e. if you use the article?it the roses, thai n ere ?vom to bleu.I with the lily, on your chesks, are Red, get his Vegetable Liquid Rouge; it sickness, mtiio Solar beams have discolored, und roughed, or chapped your tender fLsh, where i? there so sovereign a remedy as lu? Italian Medicated Soup > whose virtues, above nil, nre really beyond crcdenco.? In n w ord. lite I 'r. has every thing to renovate decayed beauty, mid the most romantic maiden, who moans Over some trifling defect in her other* ise enchaaungly attractive face will be sure to tim! ii remedy nl B7 Walker street, tirst Store FR< 'M Broad? way, jel 2t eod fCi" .V?.*r wof it ntaa be c ry thirroujihla pottcstedbp the demon Jiparta tocxeiciso his ingenuity in palming off upon the suffering and niHii'ioi! community a worthless imitation nl the-wonder-working Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor 1 Va who nre tormented with bums, scalds, sprains, sores, bruises, piles, blind or bleeding, be sure to get Dalley's. The TRUE DAI.LEV'S, and that ?? to lie obiuu ed ai Dalley's Agency, 67 Walker street, tir?' Store FROM Broadway. jel 2t eod Cry The Itev. Dr. Dm bin . ... a h in the Greenest, Church to-morrow morning al U'1.- o'clock. 1* ? I tie Rev. ti. Pierce, ??!'..gia.will ureacl ui toe .Muiberr'. Street Church tn.morne.v morning, nl l!':.. o*. clock. _ If CTi" Second Comln? ? Second Advent of Christ al IIniui::: Lectures on this thrilling subject are continued ai St, Luke's Buildings, cornet Hudson and Grove st*. regularly every Sab. bath at ll'' j A. M. and 3?- und 6 P. M. Abo on Tuesday and Thursday evenings nt S o'clock. Brother Bliss, of Boston, Ed dor ofthe "Advent Herald and Signs ofthe Times Reporter." and Brother Hutchinson, of tins city, uro expected to be with us next Sabbatli. m I* . J- Si eoiul ( niiiiiii; nl' flirlst Ni^h at Maud.?Ehlei EI."N CALVSHA will Lecture on this nil. important sul?ect at FrankUn Hall, 175 Chauiam Square-, to? morrows Sabbath.) June 2d, momingand afternoon, and LI derGEORGE STORRS inllseevening. Servicescmnmence ai ri:.- :i?.::.! hours lor public worship. Seats free. Ths public Itend. _ 1* :;- The Cliristla.n Cnloil have remos-ed to ths /'re, um of Jfatural HistoryK3 Broadway, between S,.r.:._ and I'rince street.. ? here a iliseourse will !?? delivero,i Siindin , June 2d by W. II. Cliaaniug. at 101,'o'clock. Jilt" PO-Kutirc Sniictlllcntlou.?Dev. .-. D. I hi will preaeli on th ? subject in continuation to morrow evening ut 7:- o'clock, in the I ree Congregational Church. Medxrall kd lege. Crosby ?tieer, (3d story 2 .J Broad w ay. a lew doors above Grand street, where he i< prepared to see tu? former patients and idl others w l.eed hii profe?ipnal ser? vices. in.i252wU.-od is" L. LAC a. CLAY AND FRELINGH?YSEN. '"'T^,? *, to- Second Wrard.?A meeting ..r u*t Second Ward Clav Club will be held at J..ue?'? S-.-und V\ nrd Hotel, No. S. Nassau -t. at S o'clock on Monday evening. June 3d. ItEVO t H AM t. Chairman. wi-TuowtANt.. \ ^?t',!lf"- il2t Where'.- the Loco*' Nominations. Things look quite blue. . For Silas Wright can I stand the light IVith Kentucky's Ham the true. tO- PifUi Ward CUy As-ociaiton.-?\ reg. ul ir meeting will be held at the >larion House. Itu \\e?t Broadway, un Monday Evening, ut 7:. o'clock. Punctual at teodanco of the member, is ?? itiestcd All those desirous o aidiue the election of "Henry CUy ,and= Fre[???: >">? ??11 pleaseauend. J"H.N i ? UAMIL ION. Pres t. Ch J. Sn ward. > gecretaries. ,to % Jasi. Law rence, > t _ COT Se vent??? nth ? rd. ?A regular monthly meet? ing of the Seventeenth Ward Isemocratic Wbisj Clay t Itib will be held at the Henry Clay House, corner m A.veno? A. nn,l First^reet, on Mooday K?eiiiiit. June drei. I?+I, at B f":y^a^r..NN.^-^__. W* try Xnili r.-A Public Meetii e ? beheld thisdayto eoounue from 7 o'clock A. M. until 13 o dock I. M. at .No . Bowery one dooi BboveCroton Had not tor the purpose oleoo. Iidertng the recent Riots in Philadelphia or the .Nominations re. cent /made in Biillituore. bin lo :nke into TOO*deration tee propriety of purcbasuc. each. hV Uieir own petwmal tseoent, one of J. M ini: Mi'.'? SI'I.K.M'I!' HAI>. l"! other establ sbtnenl can In- found a more elegant a?v?rtnicnt o. Black -.nil Drab BeaverXutnn, Moleskin, Pear! and IVhite (^tssimefe ranamaand Leghorn llatj. .Vbo a lame iu??o:. meat of Caps, Canes, UmbreUas, (EC ti. I' The above goods nrr ?o!.l tor less pncei timn at n:.y othei [Establishment m New- Vork. J. M. TICK Jel It A. BANCh-LR. J. W. DODGE, HlnJUxtnre Painter. yj: li.-.n^-THCET. ml7 3mrs i (KT* Fifteenth Word Clay Club.?A meeting u , (i?- ptfte*ath Wort CfayClhbwill belseldat Constkutiof Belt, ? No. 650 Broadway, on Mondi y event nr. June 3. ?., reeeive the i rnsumificei I liar- erto be t-'je-i i.rcsented to the t !,;!.. Tue Cmur wiR taVtnkej by '?e I resident nt S o'clock pre. The' !!-.?-r ?rlil be presented br James s. Thatee. Esq. I Itwil be reefrren on behalfofthel bv 1 lamitr. i Mr. I*. It. U-P.--. tlwAmericna Vocalist, willtintseveral ? glee, and song.. . TheCltiy Glee flub ?rill :?*> in attendance, and will ?ins ? the miet popular \Vi.:?r sons*. ! A Rand ofMnsie is ensnced. I Allthe fnends of Oar and Frefi?rhor?en are invited, 'nclnd me !??* M<*? J..- --S-m -e-st. ? - 1..-0??!.?:. Py order. U E.NEY f HA VIES. Preodcut .1 rSl PH ALLEN. \ re Pr-^der.:. At.nrnT A. RnCEK.*. ' - . UaI l. \. U \ ^ n*4t I i xf~- Seeond W"ard.?At a mectine of the Democratic ; Whs EJeclon of the Second Ward,.convened on Ttwdaj ' evening, the 27th ie-i. it Jones's Secnr..! Ward Hotel, N >. rT .\ .-.,,? >l Mr..-. It. P RA PER was eaJ ed to the 1 pair. *"d ' j John L. LkrrxBTsaid Parsit (. uri.-txl were uw.:;.cil ; M.?liaorje A. 1 ood, Reer. I ". Hance and James Kelly ' j wereappomtedta ?Jonmittea o>nomiiwrejnitablecandidatei : I to bo supported at Uierommc Eitction tor school Otri-er?, who 1 1 reverted the Ibbowbg t.cset. watch wcj unanimously adopted: For Comnoaiooer of Common Schoob. BARZILLA UEilLNG. Fnr Inspector. CALM S. VVOODHCLL. For Trustee. WILLIAM ADEE On motion, adjonmel. S. P.. DRAPER, Cbairmaa: John L. I.KrFKHTs.r ^, , jei< ! U~y~ Courier, Exprcs; Amencan, and Commercial, please CopT. ?r:V* Barnhiirs Indelible Ink. -T ? 1 iritj of this Marking Ink :? tow very genera'!;, aekrmwledgedby ; uSe dmggists and consuoen of the rrt.i-l" in Philadelphia?a j btrge number of whom lave alreaty tested it, as maybe^scen I by.their advertisements, and have pronounced it suponorto any other mdelihle ink whether dfdomertic e.r foresail ma*-. | 'i'lto whole process of narking il maybe completed in three j minutes, even at mid nig it if desirable. It is called liar:dii:l'? btl.-iib e Ian aivrtbel hnstian name of one of our tino, who invented it Mannfte^rrdand for sale bv potts, linn ^ Harris. Wholi-s.d- Uruggist.. N ?. Z?ii Marke: .'-ei-t. Philadelphia. From the I 'hited State* Gazette of March Pith I.hdcublk l*X ? Mews. PoUs. Lio? tellarris. hit. SI3H Market ?Wo? 1. "(l ivc ath, manufacture ami have tor sale among articles in their line nfbosil ess* a- druggist*, n-i admirable ink truly indelible. It ?ill, by ii. beaoty mid ti.e iimpiictty et 11? use, commend itself to the regard "I those wbo like 10 set a mark upon their apparel and would like that mark neat and ^From the Editon of the North Arnericaj1 of MarchTfth. ! IsritUDLE l*K.?We hi ve tried some ol Bnrnhil, Indelible I Ink and cheerl'iily recominendiilo all those wishing to mark on linen or cotton. It rum freely and r^jmrcs no previous pre? paration. It is tor snle hj Messrs. PoUs. Linn & Hams, No. 1 5J3H Market street. . , I opy of an advertisement ol Anr:l Rttli. BaRMULl's IsoELiata !>?.?Just received a supply ol tors celebrated Ink. and having tested it ihoroughlyani tue. 1 iaredtownrrnntit equ.nl f nol superior to any made in the I neeii Stales or the imported. ^I^,_|ir:;_... Medk lies. Paints, and-. Ilie StutTs, And.. ' Varnishes fco. &X. whic! will Is* sohl on the 100-t r>a:^mnhlc : 1 ...?,,' hi ll.KXAiVDER HARPER. I m312wis IVImrcsate lirtiggist. Market >U nbore iah. j Ite?. ?VHIlatn ;{.?>; ?-.'i bub ?j" Summer Hats*?Pearl anil DrabCassimere and ! other Mat., suitable for the coining ?eason, now leadr forhr ii:;..\.M"' I'lrsH s.. ajtl 137 Broedwny. spection a . J3* To Tnuin rnnvr Friends.?The rnends ol ! lempemnee are reminded thai ' health, quiet and eorntint' are wiind, as usual, at .13 Barclay sl 'l*hi?esmblishmenthavjng ins.ni relitted and put in complete order; all ?tmngersand Irsendi vaiting our city tor a trio oetii may. who would tike to lest the raperiority of n well chi?en regctable diet, uie respectfully m vited to call. ' '\mmm l!' '"'A '':''' ''' Ilnnttitssn. Bortlttr and P'ire ItUARIi PRINTS.?J. I!, .v .: M. PK .TT. No. 3! South IVilhnmand IT Slonestreet, nave on hand an extensive a* uirlmenl ol Paper Hanging-. Borders and Fire Board Prints, ivhich they oner to Countr} Merchants and otnen on the mei lavorabk lerm*. mli2u iiinis School antl Miscellaneous Uooks, dtc. WILLIAM IC. CORN WELL, !>."? Beaver-Street, two limirs from Pearl-street, K?w OfTen ai I.OWEST RATES. Sei.I and Miscella. neons Rooks. Blank P.ook-. Papera, Cluilh and Stationery is geneml, to which he unites the attention of .Merchants. nib 13 3mis ^^^^^ try- Martin K. Tliom|>smn. Architecl ami Builder, 1 mice No. I \\:',. street. 1- prepared Ui furnish Plans and Super, ntend the Erection ofBuihlings. Itesulence No.9Eleventh street. 3 doon east ol Bowery, where he may be seen in the evenina. mi.10 iltns ; rr> Cotton <'.n7TTi~r COMPRISING HEAVY SAIL DCCK, LIGHT I: WI NS. BOAT SAILS. \WNTNGS. let Also. IIEAVi TARPAULINS, PA? PER FELT1XGS. 82 to 72 inches wide; BAGGING, plain and twilled. 22 and H ineh. Abo, Grain and Meal Bags. 2.', and 3 bushels. Forsalehy CRLVCKERHOFF, FON fc POI.HEMCS. 7f6mts _ 37 Beaver street. NEW-Yl IRK Cash Tailoring Batabllshment, 143 FULTON-STREET, NEAR BROADWAY. This establishment i. furnislied with nn entirely new and splendid Stock. Gentlemen about to order their supply of Clothing for the amson nre respectfully invited to call and exa? mine our large and varied assortment of Springend Summer Goods, which have been selected sritli the greatest possible care ; as to quality of tnnterii I and style of patterns "embracing the finest French and English Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting, to be found at any house in tbb or any other city in the United States. The t utting Department will .till he conducted by Mr. Fisher and Mr. Couch, of our firm, who have been long nut wc believe favorably know n to the customer, of tin- house, and wc flauer ourselves that we will lie able to furnish Gentle? men's Garments equal in point of tit and elegance to that of any other establishment in this country or Europe. And by ad tiering strictly to theCosh a;,.! One-Price system, we are ena? bled to supply our customers with first-rate articles of clothing at greatly reduced prie ?. A. S. FISHER fc Co, mSSlmis JCT Tin- InvUible Wig; so closely resembles the real bead ol hair that icooticsami connoisseurs have pronounc? ed it 11.s* naud pertael and aalmordrnary invcotiou 01 the day.? 1 The great advantage of tin- e nd and unique Wig 1. its be? ug a ade without lew ngor weaving, which cause? its appear? ance socl.i) toreseinble the natural hair, both in lightness : and general appearance, asto def) detectiiin, it- texture being . so beautiful, so porous am! so tree that 111 a.I can... of perspire: ! lion evaporation is unimpeded; and the great evils of other . Wigs in tirely avi. .'ed. The sceptic and connoisseur am alike invited to inspcetthis novel and beautiful Wig. and the pe culiormetlHal of litting*the bend; at the manufacturer's, .\. C BARRY, 116 Broadway, corner of Liberty-street, up stairs. myS Imi* U'ANTKIt-l'anel'-swanteig go .d-en ar.t-eau ..uttTieiu ?lve.at6ti>. Walker-t. 3 doo... from Broadway. 1' UrANTED?A situation as chambermaid and waiter orto do housework, by a very rospecttble girl w ho hat lived 3 >ear> in the jast pbtea. Please inaaire at 4?;: Broadwray.? satisfactory city reference given. _ 1* 1X7 ANTED?To sell or exchange for productive pripcrty VV in this eityor Brooklyn, unproved real estalc on Long Island, 26 null's from tin, city. Inquire of I VRNSWORTH, sEDG WICK fc MERRILL, jel If 15 Ceniie-street. U'ANTlin i.M.MKiil VPKl.V?7\ ?: .-. g.1 Agent., To diirposeoflJUIM.E'S LIKENESS of HENRY CLAY, in this and some of the neighboring Slates. A very liberal dis. count w::! he made to agents pro ing 1 lash for the Piigra? Inga. None others need apply. Iri addition to the favorable opinion already expressed of 1I11? Likeness of Mr. Clay, it may l-cjiro t>*r to add '.hat the recent Convention held :it Baltimore, tin. picture was universally pronounced the only true and sauslae tory likenesaofits illttsttiimsoriginoleverpiibbSined. Apply to J. W. im i| a;E. 126 Ilenry street. m'.'l lm* Mr. < U\\ 's Opinion. I consider the porttnil of me; by Mr. J. W. lv tDCE. n; admirable one. atxi excelled by uo.other Ukenesa ol me that I have ever seen. The L.igrav.ng from.it. now bet?re me, by Ii. S. Sa Id. :?evcuvd wi'h |?t'e-t fidelity and with great elegance. II. CLAY. Washington < its. .Iprtl 30,1844. 'i'b- splendid Steel Pi ite ll::gra% mg, alluded to in Mr. Clay's letter above, wdl la- !i>iss*,i ot to agents at a r.ri.' liberal dis couoti. for cash. Retailpnca 63. Apply to tue Painter and Pol,;.h. r. J. W. IH'IM.K. tu23 3mis Henrj street. ?^^..1 H fl t s... Saiislactory arrangetnerits will tie made for paj ing the interest annually or sami-aaauallyrw this city. Address A. C. tD Courtiaiidt st._jel It* L>| 1 \l;i'?1'1.- ir tv ..? can aerommialnted wh Ij pleasant rooms vn t::e ???..: :loor. bj applying at ?31 Broad way, corner of Spnnj st. Also, vecaucK. for single gentlemen. _m?J2w,. PRIVATE R?ARPiNG.-sA rentlemao and litswil can I is- sccomnyodaled n ith board iu an agreeahle Gunily at 112 Leonard -t. upnosrw the Cturttun House. no taxi P\K \S< 'LS?A : -v. srd IrautoUl article is -old at the ma ?? ::f.i ..: J. S CAULKINS, 1- 71 John street, near Williaai C; HEP ARD. 191 Broadway, opp?~i!c John -t. w:?ties once iT3 uioreto remind tlie public til a: he has ye: remaining-oine . ofthat vrrv elasup S at.ers. via: Letter Paper. >i. 7J. 101. ltd and IrsJ ps-r ipure. I 'ap Paper. SM. 10J. 12.1 ::=.: l?d per .juire. Note Paper, lad. .-.!. Is W. 2s3d per quire.. Blank Books, lull bound, 2? yarr quire, g.-.s! enough for any CAST l?FF CLOTHING" /GENTLEMEN OR FAMILIES desirous nf!converting VX into ca-!i llieir -ui?t Office,or otherwise,will reeeive prompt attention;_je nn-* VM ERIC AN LITCVIN' ICS CO VL.?THE CREEK O Ml'ANY me now roil ng, at their Mmes in Chester? field Co. Virginia. Bituminous Coal of very ,u:ier:or quality, which thev offer tor ?nie. del:x enible on shipboard a: the r Var-i in Manchester, ot ether of the following grades, viz. Scjeeieal. conrv- and free lr?m tine. Average, the run of the Mine. - and Fire Coal, according to order. The Lump and Screen- -.11 -sai from the Creek Mines, in con ?eiTuenre oi -.is big i!y bituminous diameter, its great strength and purity, and the rare that is observed to deliver it ol large ore. ha. ntiumed gre-it celebrity tor it- peculiar ritnes fur Urates. l/>conio:i*e?. Steam Engine?, Glaas Factories, Sugar Refineries, and for all Furnace purposes The Av-rage an! Fins Con I. rai-a! from a drReient scam, has no superior, enher t-.r ligbtSmrrJieries or heavy Forges. Consuoiers w!-.-. J<^.ire a puscru iL ri.sT of thai C'-kI. will lie furnished, nt tha currant shipping rite., w ith any quautity; bowevei small, :bry may order. A A-eat. N. \ . June 1, 1644. jel '?im AWAKE! TURN OUT! THIS MuRNING. u:ll be ri at-i.-iiFD at tiiv orrirr r.r rm skw wnsur. 30 A?M-?TKCitT. *ru-voHK. PAKT Vit AM? LAST I. [ FE F N T I! F.* N E \V W 0 R L D; BY SF.ATSI'ILLD. TnR 1 |NE !>< ILLAR. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. r.iHT r. <*y THE Ml S T B K I E S OF LO.NL>'> \. A work id"extraordinary and exciting, interest, which ?rill >ot attain an immeasepopniarit/. Thoxewha have not read it can \ form a very imvleeuare idea of it? thuding nature. Pr.cc 13>. centsenrh pi.:t. Office SO Ann-st. JL'ST PUBLISHED. V D MIR SALE AT 3U SJIX-STREET. THE HIGHLANDS "I' ETHIOPIA, with Tl.tres. hand? somely bound in Cloth. Price Si 25. MEM01B ? IF MBS. '.KANT, wife of Dr. Grant, Marion nry to Persia. 20 cents in Paper, 37', cents in Cloth. Also a'! tiro new work, by popular author.. fXT* Bookseller, rrnd agerrt.? supplied on liberal t*mrs. J. WINCHESTER. Publisher. 30 Ann ?l '? CALL AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE." !?? N ?...\i - r::? y '4f "NEW BOOKS." No. I HARPER'S PIGTOKI VL BIBLE. Persons ??? ng early can cet Use PROOF IMPRESSIONS ofthe ENGRAVTNGSr-tber.'Will then have tbe Work in its highest ?t?te of perfection. Single .N.w. ii cts. LIFE LN 1 HI. NEW WORLD." BY SEATSFIELD. No. 7, and the whole bound complete. Price itnile I21, coroplete 51. GIBBON'S ROME, No 13.-Pr;ee25cts. Till'. OMNIBUS, CO.NTALNI.NG Kul i: ORIGINAL NOVELS, Bj ii. w. Ilerbi rt. PriceSS. Til t. LIG 11 1' DRAGOON. Price ISM - our,. All the New Novels. Weekly iv.pcr?. Periodicals, ?,?, be nad at the counter in too i nterne i "fice. Aleut. suppled on tiie nio?t hborsl terms. ?I W. ii. i. It AHAM. 1-" Na.sati -t. VALUABLE NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. BURGESS. STRINGER & O ?. Ilu?e o'it pui.lu.hed in an elesrant netavu volume, A BIOGRAPHY Of JOHN RANDOLPH, Of ROANOKE, With a .election from his Speeches, by llov lkmiki. SAWYER. price thirtt-atVL> ami \ || M.I lk.m>. Tin. wort, ?o longa desideratum in our National Biocrapbr, is one ofthe best ol it. kind. The author, tor sixteen years a fell iv .member in Congress weh Mr. Kami ilpb, a Reprcsenta. live from a neighboring State, had excelteul opportunities to become fully acquainted with the eventful lite and singular character ol this talented nml ecconlrie statesman. Thai he availed himself must happily of these opportuaKtes. this cm pliio. truthful and most interesting Biography evinces. It is a credit to it. author, worthy ofits distinguished .id ject; and an important addition to the literature oflho couniry. iel ELEG \N r LITER VTI RE i>\ THE CHEAP PLA'N. THE LIi ING AGEnrrived llu. mormi.L'from Rf^lori,ami lor sale at Uic counter ol .1. MO WAIT , 174 Broadway. Tin. number is unusually attractive and contains, among other articlesofpammounl interest. Ill mi.. A.Mi Iiis IM i.UhWCE ON HISTORY. i I IILLING. AND ITS PI N1SHMEN i S. POLECATS OFTHE PRESS WELLINGTUN AMI \ IPOLF.ON, &c. ti fcc.l _PRICE 12 ? i KM s._ ;-i READING FOR THE .MILLION. to-The publication of tin. New Serie? was commenced with the year ISM, in an elegant urufonu style, each volume stereotyped fron new type, printed on beautiful volute paiier, ?1 nd cot uji in ihe neatest u miner. Nu. I. THE AMERICAN IN PARIS, *?* I ti s ii to til e r : A Picture of Parisian Loo ia the Court, the Salons, end the Family Circle. By M. Jules Janin. Price 25 cents. No. 2. THE AMERICAN IN PARIS, I n W inter: A Companion to Pun. in Summer, by M Ju'es Janin. Tin. volume, the literary gern ot 1843, as was the otherol 'sit, is i.y many consuleted .is superior, and both toaetlier form ?!:.? most graphic, brilll int. and interesting picture ol Europe? an c vilijaition .".er given to the world. PrieeSScents. Bor sn leb? BURGESS. STRINGER & CO. it 2tis 223 Broadway, comer of Arm si FAND M!l> ENGLISH POETRY. BURGESS; STRING Ell O '. Have nut ready for publication. TALfc? < -I- I'HE II VLL, HV KM . ck0rg? 1 11 MtHK. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.. These poems form a -ei .c. ol .-lories ol English _' lottags Life, remarkable for their minute ridebty, their powerful portrayal* ol the passions and affections in humble nie. und their tone ol genuine party. It i. upon then- poem, that the fame ol Crabke, as an author, is principally founded. jel I IIK CULTIVATOR FOR JUNE. " fX'J~ The June number of this valuable Agricukural period, ical is receved bj M. II. NEWMAN, Bookseller, 199 Broad? way, where ii i Use previous numbers und volumes can be had. The lirst series ol this work, consisting of lu vol.. form, a let? ter Library for the Fanner than can be obtained in any other shape lor double the money. *' We ?peak advisedly where we give The i lultivatorlhc pre eminence in point of maturity of Agricultural knowledge, in every thing ? hieh appertains to the tan..er or the forming inter cat, I ts terms are reasonable. Many ulken, besides the pro fe-od Agriculturalist, be improved and ioteresisd in u. rend iug." .Northern Advocate. MARK II. NEWMAN. Pubhsher. it 3tis Bookseller. Stationer, tee. 199 Broadway HARPER & BROTHERS will i i blis1i Oil Friday Morning, May rjlst. 11 1 II lid N -a DECLINE AND FALL OF ROME, No XII. "." This relebraled work will be completed in Fifteen num. hers, at Twenty Five Cents euch. The present edition will comprise a valusblo series of Notes, by Rev. II. H. Milmnn. embodying those of M. M. Goizot and Wench a. It will also compriss tevcral Mop?. On Satnrrlay ."'loriiliiq, .June lat. No. IV OF HARPERS ILLUMINATED and N E W I'lCT 0 RIAL BIBLE. Price Twenty-Five Cents. *?* Thajrnail tuprrtuntu nft?rlpproof imgresMunu from ihe Engravings w ill ui-ur; to those who inks the work in | .VmiAr- the possession of it in the highest st tu ofperfection, j and those only who take the work in numbers can bens.ured ; of the possession of the best impressions, n% the probability in that the plates will he worn out before the work i> completed. ni2! 2t _ -songs: riONGS!: songs::: JUST PUBLISHED AT Till-. TRIBUNE OFFICE Till: LARGEST COLLECTION OF SONGS f.vk.r PCBBLISUED?COMPLETE IN 3 VOLUMES BOUND IN CLOTH. Vol. l. Patriotic. Vol. 2. Naval. Vol. 3. Military. Price 32,01). The thrr^ Volumes contain nearly NINE HUNDRED hr. Elements of Chemical Analysis. Eil. Iteil by Ifulbn-k. 12ino. iciper. 7.i cents, cloth. I Cn LlEBIG*S Famdiar Letters on i.'heim.try. I8mo. u 25 PARNELL, E. A. Apphed Ciieniistry in Arts, Manu faetures, and DomesUe Economy. Cut?. 8vo. ynjier. 75 cents, cloth. 1 09 I1. APPLETON CO. Publisher.. m3l 3tis 300 Broadway. ??Tribune o I";" ice. " all the CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, PERIODICALS. ?tc Are for sale. Wholesale anil Retail, at the TRIBUNE OFFICE, ltd Ntessaii :treet. lO- Agent, ?tiBpiaed at the PUBLISHERS" PRICES, end I the works sent in advance. Addre-. an?.' ..tt_\\ ? II. GRAHAM. Trihuno Bmidir;-. PLEASE HEAD THIS! \I)l>fiESSEI) r.i Ciereyinan, Country Merchants, Postmas? ters, und ail per.oi> win, may wish to acta.? Aoe.nto in disposing ol thesa n?w and beautiful volumes. SEARS' I'oHl LAK PICTOIUAL WORKS. Historv ok the Bible. 3 vob. in one, svttb numerous f.ne I'nemvings.4)3 00 ! Bible Biography" ~.M Plates. 2 50 Wonder, ofthe World. SCO Plates. 3 50 Guide of Knowleitge. .Vl> Pinie?. 2 50 1 Pictorial Illu-t. of t'-o Biide. 3 vi.l?. ?sjO Piatos.5 uti 'IHK Must SPLENDIDLY! ILLUSTRATED VOL? UMES lor families ever loii-sI on the American Conunrr.r. containing more than Two Thousand bsautifol Eneravirgs, desiened by the ihiki eminent artists of England and America. ;? . shed ? . ..! by SEARS 4i WALKER. 114 Fl.: in tt New Vork i Sty. ? . rjj- AOEKTS WaXTEP.-The Pobllsbers ol tlie above Works are animus ui establish Repositories for their sake in i every town and vi! age throughout rm? Cn.ted States and Brit? ish North American Provinces. We. therefore, mvue the at toni .... of Cleruyxen, I'osTMA.sTf.rj. Supenntenden? and reacben of Sabbath Ss^ioob. hue to uns matter. Uur terms nre?We require to he made mfr. either fur the return of the books in eood order, or the proceeds when sold; and we ihnll send n bot assorted. a? sinm as we receive from each applicant \ ?.ho no. .iM-nry inlormation. Persons ortlenng books will bej>ar- i tirular in giving their Post-Office addrssa. and also stating now i the ox shall be sent?them. For tur.her particulnn please to adilress, post-paid,j E. WALKER ft CO., Ill Fult-n street. New Vork City. CrT" Persons from th? coantry visiting the City, whe may lie desirous of emraitmc in the ?aleot the abosre works, svill please apply a- above. The most Idieral i-umniii:iin allowed. mi l Im?. _ __ _ KlBINEAU NE\V SWIMMING BATH at the foot of Da '. treel near St. John's Park)North awaMV open for the season. A Swimming Bath is exclusively devoted j to the ladies every day m the week. Open from sunrise until i 12 o'clock at night. Admittance 12:i cents. Uot aVa Baths ai all hours. - j A f*"iRAXD PROMENADE CONCERT IVETi:.-\t the Ur-i.anl reuue-t "i a large number of l uhei an i gentlemen, a series ni' these cooceru, ?> faxhsntiabse end popular in par*. ?riD be green during the present innnner at :ii? Metrtspolitari Roorns, .V*' Broadway. cmBMncia : second Tuesday in June. Vocal and U?trumental pertofmer of the first rcr^sertabitit) mil engage,!. I ever:-. ? v. ill !?? !e '.?> <"..ure the highest decree of in!e.'k--'un! and - id eniojinent. Subsenp UK\l.rs NEW YORK MUSEUM AND PICTURE 1 GALLERY*?Broadway, upi ? - te the I ity I loll. .Mr II IttNstrr. Manager. AN lor ONE SHILLING. EXTRAORDINARY! tSTONlSHING! WONDERFUL VNU TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS! AFTERNOON PERFORMANCES EVER) DAY AT :? < i"CLOCK. For the eonvenienee of the .lay visitors. N i e\tra choree to Uie performances. To commence in the evening aid o'clock I AT GIRL, DWARF AMI GIANTESS, til \.N r i;OY IG YEARS ? iLD, AND OVER SEVEN FEET lili.ll \ uiAN r t;i!:i.. Fourteen Years i lid, weighs 430 Pound*. A UW \l,F. Being three inches -hotter ihsn lu.M Uli Mit. A GIANT ESS nenrli SI !\ EN feet high. E1G1I r PERFi IRMERS. CONTI.\G K V Pit tS OF FlIE CHURCH ES IN PlllLADEI PHIA. Destroyed during tha late Riots, t.xki n vros tt't sroT : ?. v> kmim-vi \uii-r, Tbcsa Pkturescorer some huitdredi of square feet el can vn-?, embmcttic the m bole of the stage. GREA l' SI i i I SS OF THE WONDERFUL ORPHAN FAMILY, t 'r Penny Beg \'??enlisis, i Nonsuiting of a Father. Moiher. and Seven Small Children - i ha-; are the real Orphan Melodist*, as they .mg ollen. eat oftsn and iln ik olteti. The follow ing P. rfiirmen ore engaged? Mr. WINCH ELL. the Ci rnic DeUnenlor. Miss MARY BARTON. Master BARTON, and Ml? A BARTON, the much admired Y.vai..',. Mr CONOVER. the Protean Performer. CELES I'E, the graceful Uansih te : nud Mr. H. CONOVER, lite Comic Singer. GRAND O ?Mi ?K \M \. SELF-PLAYING MELODE ON. SPLENDID 1TCTI RE GALLERY, AND fiOOO CU RlOSl'l'lES. in-*" 4 MMAL MAGNETISM- \ UI'.MI.nY F. ? DISEASE rV?Mr. Johnson, ? ho has devoted several >eiir- to the inves tigation ol this subject, fias; at the re.pie.t of many friends, opened an office at IIa Chambers -tr-ct. where he will treat diseases by the use nf this igem. He has secured the services of seveml eminent Clairvoyants, who will make examinations of individuals while under the maamctic induenee. as well at magnetise those that requite if. The attention ofthose persons is particularly invited, who have long standiog ?.iplainu, aad who have been treated by physicians to u i purpose. Mr. J. can reier to numerous persons in this City, wbo during t lie last tear have been relieved b? tin- agent. i lltice hour- from 10o'clock A M. tillU P. M. N..B. Families t iseted at their houses if desinal. mJl tmisua Ml.'s CARROLI/S MEDICATED VAPOR AND SULPHUR BATUi?. :l'2."> Brontlwny, S floor* nbove lite Hospital MRS. CARROLL respectfully announces to her patrons the M-.hr ,1 Fncu! y. and the piiblie. that she lias re,:?.v ? ed fmm Cortlandl street, and established her Meibcal Vapoi and Sulphur Ita lu in a mure commodious and central.situn tion, at No. 333 Broadway, where b) her constanl asai'Uitv ?and strict attention, she hopes to merit the patronage which her establishment has received for the last eighteen years. N. |t.?Sulphur ltiiths require one hour's notice. Portable Baths sent to any ptrt of die city or il. vicinity. Bathing Tuns for hire._jel eial3t*_ ABRAHAM II. SANDS Jr. CO. CHEMISTS VND APOTHECARIES, GRANITE BUILDINGS. No. '373 BR< I AD WAY. comer of < loambers ,t. nAVE comtanilyon hand u elMsice assortmenl ofMSDI CIN ES. CHEMICAIJS. PKltl f.Ml.s. BRUSHES. FANCY ARTICLES. MEDICINECHES'l"S,et?.?tc Ike. Among their assortment will be found every variety of new i ihemHMHand I'ret aretiooa, approveil and usesl by Physicians, new Perfumes, fresh Drugs, Afx. Also a eon.tan: supply ol Irtsh and healthy Swedish and German Leccher. SYRUPS FOR SODA WATER Abo constantly lor sale, of their own Manufacture, n large variety of the choicest Fruit Syrups I'm S nla Water at lowest market prices. Among them nre Soawberry Syrup, SarsapariUa Syrup, Raspberry do. < irgeat do. Blackberry, do. Lemon do. Currant do. Ginget do. Pine Apple Syrup. S A It A TOG A W A T LKS. A constant supply received fics.'i from the different Springs at Soratoga, viz. " CONGRESS," " UNION." " PAVILION." Always on hand, and delivered in nay part uf this city, free of e.xiicnse. Physicians' Prescriptions, Family Medicines, Medicine Chests for Ships, Families, and Plantation*, put up w ith the greatest cure, accuracy and neatness. Medicine put up at any hour of the night by a competent person. jl Inns IT" ALL TRADE?SOUTH AND WEST. Advertisements X tor Southern and Western Newspapers are received and lurwarded by the Agent. V. B. PALMLR, al The Coal Ui lice. No. ldo .\a?-uu street (Tribune buildings,! opposite City Hail. Iii- Agency embraces some ol the ti-st Newspapers in the following place-, which may be seen al h.- ?rhee via : Alton, Huntsville. New-Orleans, Augusta. lodianapiius, Peoria, Burlington. Knoxvsiie, (Ttumcy. Charleston, Lexington, Raleigh. Chicago. Louisville, Savannah, Cincinnati. Maysville, St Louis, Chillicothe, Memphis. Sprmgtieid, Columbus. Mobile, Wheeling. Fayctte, Nashville, Wilmington, Frankfort, Natchez, Zaaeavdle, _ Frredericiuburg. ?Vc. lle-ide! moat ol die principal towns m the Eastern and Mid die Stales. jel ImSaUtWed BEFi IRE THE VICE dl VNCELLI IR I ?FTHE FIRST CIRCUIT.?Frances V. Kenn, es J.M. Fenn.- Bill lor divorce.? S. S. fit A. F. Smith, ol ine? uy of New.York, Complainant's Solicitors.?J.uno M. Fen', the iJtfeudant.ia tin. ciui-e, whose plro'M offtaiidane? is m i o.ing^, in th? Stute ol New-Jersey, is teouired to appear in tin. cause by the lour leenthday of July nest, ur the bill tiled herein w:li he mkeii ai confessed by him. :?1 lawltw N E A P o I. I T A N B I? N N E T MANUFACTORY. CTT" The Ladies a:c respectfully informed, that tin. new am! beautiful article is now produced in the greatest perfection at the MANUFACTORY. NO. 103 BOWERY.UP STAIRS, where they are sohl at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at the lowest prices. A large assortment kept constantly on band to select from. Merchants and Milliners roppued on the best term.. mlO lm is* s_< \ < ' iTTAI; R Tl i LET i 'it FOR SALE- Pk. ?Vr-A antiy situated on Stuten Island, about one and a halt * m.la from Staplelon, near the dwelling of the subscri l>er There is hallanrn.f land with a barn and good srell ol water. Tbe RicJimoodStages pass the door in connexion with the Ferry. Apply to W. EMERSON, ?Wallstreet m^a 3tawis tf D OOMS TO LET.?Centlemi ed with plea. 1%, mm hed-nxuns, at reasonable rents,al :i" lirorulway. The Metropolitan Circulating Library. lUading K<>om and Chess-roum i ope . ever] ?! ly and evening. Gentlemen should pa'r ?' .-?' ?'? .-!-ti..-ni. 'J'ertn? fijair nrimiin. ap30 i*tl REFINED SUGAR rOOI^Ei AND WOG1.SEY from this date offer their "'Standard" HofULK REFINED SI GARS at me lot rang low pro-e,. viz.: leiei .11 cents per pound. 1 When less than five packages an >purcf . Snddd Tlie cisive are nui-keri BJ follow ?. Iy.asi.-Sj jg ii\, ol U>j llrt.> Crashed in tilds ol HW " / No charge for packages. Powdered in do ofSSO " S Apply to the Ne* York Patenl Sugar P.etinery. cor. rd South and Montgomery -is. or a' 1? Wall ?t. N. ii. i irder, out of the c;ty um,: Im accompanied by a remit anee_-el 1 m * V 1 i M M I 1'" * I"; ;'"'t and plviuuig address, who 'T? Atjt/0"._can command one or two thousand dollars cash, a chance is offirred to engage in a genteel and useful blUtaoaa, on Brosidvvay, N. Y.and security given (or tiie iaveatmeoL? Address t;. p. Tribune office. _mSutf VAN Lw>llfc..\ S SOLAR SPERM OIL? Warranted su iiernj in awry re-wt to tha best Sperm, ami much etwop er, wxh as a beautiful burning OIL and upon inacn;r.err.? l/ea'ers are rcjne-tei! to call and examine lor themselves, a' ne i ill. r-T' 'UF.. '4 \-w .Itk^i aoi3mts OILS?5.000 gallon* Sperm I) i. l?.LOl " Solar Si erm < Hi. j?J bn'rels Ijird ?lib 200 " Stearine of Lard. For sale br . J. L. V AN IxiRK.N. m31iatf_Alanulaciurer. 34 .New iireet. spHEAP WRITING PAPERS.?JOHN i'AMPBELLct V,' CO. U0 and 113 Nassau street, have on band a large as sortnier.t ot Writing Paper? inanulacture?! by Arne?, Plainer ? Smith. Bradley, Owen 4c. Hurlbu'.. Canon. South svwths, and other celebrated makers, which Uiey ofler fot sale, togetlia with every variety of other kind*, on reasonable terms. mJlmis _ CHEAPEST CARPET ESTABLISHMENT IN THE L.VITED'STATES, N?. 98 B< AVERY.?ANDERSON it I)< lilHS have just receive.1 a largr ar.J splendid assortment Carpeting patterns tbav cannot be found in an] other est tnei.t. fine ami common liigralo J "arpetimr, VenetiaB, hnll and stair Carpe^ fmor oil doth, totted and 'lurkey hearth rugs, onrli - ilosir miit?. table and pi.ano covers. D BLE SUPERFINE INGRAIN CARPETING !!! All of who-h werermiehased at low pr.ee? ;or cash, and will he sold cheap at No. '.y Bowery. N. B. 3U.0OO yards, ail wool Carpeting, t?. per yurd. a,.*!) do, i-ommon no, 3?. per yard. ANDERSON &. IXIBBS. No. 99 Bowery. my38 2wi* the first Carpet Waiehouse above Hester-st. vv CrushedH do do > purehased, lialf a cent pe pound Powder'd 11'. do dp i additional. i RANi.s. RICHARDS? a. PLAIT. Store .No 904 "o*ilwnr ? IjK*tbI ra?', advances made on cnmignmeni* ' at*]**. B3r H. R tc p. h,.. R y\\i iVED to Xo.?l Broad war. a I?? .l.K.r. ?,h..v,,ll?.ir (,.,?? ?!,? Y*t?''iV' P V^'-J"- Sd. .1 T o'clock. ,??oi. L,~vB-k...-, ?,? .ejected O-m pri r* Work? 4?c ' "* ''"a;!!r ":>e Eo*b,? ediUoo*. Hlu-tra: Amocethcoi ?aeopro/ Vodoboo', lt.ra.of Amen** ? . ?..^?overaihuniirru .; .-,? desaVasad p.,tea; WV 'A r i tli'. Memoir.. 2 n Beoj It ?iUBfbroke'iwO'k. 6 ?? Bork'1 "Orks, 3vs: IFstorv Ol England. 12 v?; Join son-, work I v.; BatweOl Johnson, 3 vs: K-"ike\ Rsstary ..f the r<^r.' - Burnett'. Ii ?torv or the Rrfurm,l?>n. U aipole". Sie" ??. 2 Hurt ? I . e r. ?? ?.; llo-nier'. norlii, 2 n Ijimb', works, 2 >.; Thier*? French Re.olui .fl. 4 v.; Sal*'. .Ko.-an; Huot'a Merchants' Magazine.'.' v?: Ih.m-nt's Mua . ..in. ie tte. TUESDAY BVEXLVG?June4th, a 7 o'clock. Law LlMART.?A ?? liable Law l..hrarr.enh'aciii(iulate n am.' Johnson's ? . I h/v. Fart, AiC. WEDNESDAY ANDTH1 RSDAY EVEXTNCS, At 7 o'clock. Fsrgvuve SaLX n? Book? in lit a\Trrir?.?SeversI arge consignments ol valosble Books trr.li stoeJt including , .. u School and Classical Book. Stand trd W'-ik?. library ? t.tioui. Bil'les ami Prayer Book?. Blank Books, Eagiaiinr*. Ac. Catalogue* will I? re,dr on Saturday. STOITF.NBI RGII .?* FAKR. \iictioneen. ?JT1 IRE .No. 2' i anal street. National Hall. I ? i tut Door sales of Furniture. Groceries, Drr.Goods, tte. Itters led to in person and promo' letuini made. Sale, ot Ren l..r.'iirf mmleni ine Merchant* Kwhurie-. MONDAY, June 3d. ' SuKRiyr's Sau or Dar Go ids A.c. IVi irDot^Mooday. June3d at IOo*eiock A. .?!. al No.-2P i anal M e. i. by order ,.t t ? Sheriff, i large assortment . Sanas Mouslin de leiine,, Pruned I a ? i , it dket nit. Cravats, Shee?ing,. Dnlling*. Sommer Goods oivahoos kinds, Straw Rats. Cas ? ii k-. Linen, a.c. iic. F.COLT?N. Auctioneer. I,' ITOLTOX U CO. Auction and i looimissioa Msrcbaacs. I . No im Fulton street and ;>t Ann street.?Liberal advances oiade on con.icnm. nt,. and nrompt Mum. made. ._. VALUABLE CUUNTR\ SEAT \M' fS? ?rr.yV FARMS, al Flushing, Long Island.-Will be^fSf i' .old ?i public \uction, on V\edoo?ds r.bthJUl I A ,r |j oVi.M-k. al the Merchants' Em i ge A NTH [NY J. Ill EECKER It CO.. Auetioneen. By order ol the Execu r. ol'Kotwrt farter, decemcl. the Farm or Farms, at Flush ng. L L. lately oeeupiedb] K. < arter,deceased.sind*utBiairy v Joseph Shot weil. Esq . Ii tow n ai I ?? Ltxocx Hill Farm. as follows: Nu.l?Comprising SO aeres more -- ti ibks i?nd. in the liigbeMsUUei?fculUtation, ?ith jo acres of ?a't meadow mt i iche.1. i in said premisN .- a ? rga tseostory doable manitort. 0 ith kitchen attached ? the n bole bmh in the best manner, fir i.livd througboul in Use im dem ?t> le, and in every rcpect sai table for a large family, Abo. Stable foi .even Ikuht.. Car 1 ige House, PaintShop, Granary, Smoke House, lee HotM dli-,1 with ice. Carpenters' Shop. Fowl Houses Pntary wRA uilei hoii^ nnnexei!, w ood house n d r,?il i-ellir. large Bam uihhovei. wed arranged Cu cattle, subling forJann riopes indoxen: attached to the barn is a bniklingin ?mch i? a iiorse power of the must approved kind, with winch all tl? iir?hing, iiwnik and >hell nc com of the tarmcan ba done, iiie whole in ?j". l or tuithei informaUon ol either parcel of tha hImivc pmper 'v. apply to the Aucii meers, .No. 7 Broad street, or TI i IKER.CI ? ?PER .t CO. 7u South si. XoTg.?The Cop. un parcels XoS. I and 2 h ive I?h;ii put iii. Terms Ol sate?10 pet coin, ot the purchase money to be paid iki thouiay of sale, 30 per ceol. on tha delivery of the deed... und Uiebaausce, botng tSQ nerceoL, can remain on bond aaa uiorigage nt n per eent. i,l m7 till JuS is ! 1'\ llil'..NH-Thi. Boa- In Hireclonnf lh? llowanl Inm \t rn ??' Company have lared i Dividend of eight p?i ami on the i iipital, payable on and sltei Tuesdsy. June Ith. \! . ... i-!i m!?'Jwis] LEWIS PHILLIPS.Sec'r. IJLtXI.MFIEI.D INtyPI'I'UTE.?HAVID \ FRAME. \) A. W., PnneipaL?A Boarding School for boys! 12 nute* from N. V. I lity ami I miles noith ??! Xewi irk. Esses Co. N. J. Terms moderate. Cireulan a' tha Bool, Stores of M. W Hodd. BnckCh.Chapel; Laavin, Trow Al <'?? IM, Snxton Si MUes, 2Uj Broadway ; add J. S. Taylor. 14j Nassau-st. ii>7 linn* OK SAYRE has removed to tne^X'iirth-West comer ol _llr,..ob? . > ai d Sio.mr ??. l'r..io 121 HmU.u -1._m.'i Inns WT NIH IW SU \ HKS ?" WIND) >W Sil AI IKS ? whole .,,1? or retail, at WM. BERRIAN'S. 131 rhnthnm? ,lusl received 7,iso pairs, which, together with In, tonne* .Pick, will make the largest and best assortment in ihe City. which w ill lie ?old jlj per cent, hover than ntla r .lore, charge for the .nine article, t phohterers. Carpet Dealers, and Conn try MercJianl* lupplied with good washable Window Shade* t ,.r. ?. s varyoig ftom Jl to$25. N. B. There are no uthet goods but window shades and hanging, mild nl 131 f iiiitham .r,?.|. ml3 Im i.? MANUFACTI It Kits DEPOT Fl ill STRAW GihiDS. ?HATS, CAPS, fee.?Removed to H? Penrl ?treet.? ihe-lock is well worthy the attention ot' purchasers as tha -nod. are of the latest style, and the subscriber guarantees ihni both goodkand prices shall give entire latisfaction lo.hrewd anddttcriminaUng buyers. i;Kii. lllillxiK. m2 Imis* REMOVAL OF THE MEW-YORK CASH TAILORING EHtnFrllwhment, From I (3 Fultoti'Street tu I?7 ltromlicay. I'ha lubscribers have removed their aslablisboieDl to 187 Broadway.3 door, below Iho Franklin Hotraa und are now prepared with n full ami varied assortment iff Cloths, Cessi mere, and Vfeatings, to vv/iuii they would invite the attention ?I' their old eiutomers and the public In removing to a more central location, with Increased facilities for doing busmen*, we shall be enabled to orler still greater induceniants to tho ? ash paying customer, as wo shall always nun, by adhering to ihe Cash mid I 'no Price System, to retain rhe confidence of our cijstomors, Having in our employ the most exiiencuoed cui ten, and employing none but the best of workmen, and having the wholn bu.tne*.. under our own immediate lUpervision, v/e can lately guarrantea that our garments will compare in stylo and etaianea with those of any house in ihe United Stute?, in addition to our forme* ?mek. we have on hand n lull and com? plete assortment ol ovory article usunll/ kept in n sontloman*. outiit'Jug tuiiise. where our cusbaners can always depend on suprjyirist'rJieiiuelvet with a lint rule article. m9 ?if J. c. BOOTH ?t_CO NEW SPRING GOODS! Slcn's, Boys,' and Children's Clothin?. O E O It G E T . GREEK, Xu. 110 Chatham-alreet, WILL KEEP CONSANTLY ON HAND A FCLL A.Mi COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF -Hf.V'.v BOYS', .l.V/> CHir.DREJTS < /.oTtlf.Yn. pi ii, desMptionS, made in lue KOST fAgHlOKAlLI ?TVLg.lO whn h he would respectfully inv te theatxention of?n seui waui. A? he hn-, madearrangeirvenuito rwv,. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. VESTINCS. ttr. hy every packet, and has secured ii,e lervicas oi_*i|ING8. tte. And solicit a call from Cititizent and Strnngom. under the as nirance thatrjieir price, will lie lound to oder irrealer uvluce ments tluui are held out by any oilier eaablishment furnahuig garments of the same style and quality. They would commend to the attention of Travellers, the now .tyle of Road/ made ... ,. I) V K R C O A T S , TOR SPRINC Sc SUMMER WEAR, Being mail* particularly light, and weil adapted f ir Traveling purp.ee?. when a heavy garment would prove cumbersome.? Wttii a large assortment of TRAVELING PROCKS, D'ORSAYS, SACKS, DRESS AND FKtx;K COATS. PANTALOONS sc VESTS. Faney Ilrc^. Art.rle* in great Variety. WA I'l 'IIKS?The largct and rn.^t splendid a*. Kftmeiit ol VVntciies in the eity .. b, lound it Us* ?wrsenbers. Heb: constantly rrrrivinrnil dracrio |t.on. nf Gobi and Silver l\ atche*. of the newest styles, irorn the itMnuwrturers in England I- nmce ami Swit? zerland ?ml i.? er.aliied to oiler a larger saatiftastnl, and al much l?v., prret at retail, than anc other house in tiie city. GoU Wiitche, aj luwr,. 42uto J25 each. Wnlche, anil Jewelry exchanged or bought. All watches warranted to keep good tune or the money returned. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the !>e?H manner, and warranted, lower than at any otoer piiice in the city. ('?. C. ALLKN. Imimrter of Wntc ei and Jewelry. ja8i?rl w hol? ale and rlail.ao Wal'-st. upstair *?X FINE WAT' IIKS?BENEDB.Tft HAMMOND. JcV\ ? Merchanu' E.\-han?e,corr,er of Wall and W ili.am Jp^ '!b ?treets, lentrnnce tint dmir in William) have received JaUAjgiti addiuon to their previou. stock an nstnrtnient ol Watches not oqualleil in the city?consisting ol Chronometer. Duplex and Lever Watches, both for Ladies ?nd gentiernon Merchants from the .South as well as Uie city tra..e. WUI tind I when uuality is eompnre.1 preo? low. A general a.-.rtrmmt ul Jewelry ot the best uuahty. Sterling ?ilvor ware at manul ioturer, price,. Allkind? of Watches; reimirwl eqttsd to the onginnl. M.intel Cock, sezuialo.! by a tire, rale workman. au22 iuf HUB BARD G STONE'S STORE OF WATfHKS. JLWLLRV. cover V\ are, tc, 401 Broadway, corner Walker ?t. New York. . dlk??ls of RVpoinns earetully done. Old Watches, Gold ii J Silver, taken in etcnaa.e. or Bought for cash. my'Jtnui ? G. STONE.