Newspaper Page Text
Whiiat.?It appears from an article in the Obw Cultivator, ?n excellent pi-per recently es? tablished ?t Co'umbua, Ohio, th it, judging by the quantity of wheat passing the Ohio canal, the wheat crop of Ohio is decreasing, notwtth. -landing a gr.c-.ter number of acres is every year -otvt-d in wheat. The editor attributes this re? sult to the fact that the ?iil is yearly bsing the elements necessary to good straw and grain. In reply to the supposition that the decrease is caused by rnst the editor remarks as follows: As an evidence that the cause of the failure of the wheat crop is not generally understood, we can state, from our own perfional observation, that many fields in Ohio which were said to have been destroyed bv ru*t, theptst summer, were in reality very little affected by runt at all. The straw merely turned Irrown, because it had not the materials to give it a better clor, and the berry did not fill, simply because the plant could not obtain the proper elements for it to fill with. When will farmer begin to study nature's laws and conform their practice to the lessons which ?he teaches ? . _ err* The Papal ?Shnrrli not the Church of Chrlar.?The Philadelphia DAILY SUN or to day con? tain- the celebrated Sermon preaciied nt the request of " Tiie American Prote-taut Association," l.y Rev. .1. 1'. Berg, P. 1>. ?a Sunday evening last, at the Central Presbyterian Church rf that City. It can be had uf Wm. H Graham. Tribune Building?, ami of the News Agents gene'ally. Price 2 cents. 1 llALi.rv'h MauKai. PaIS Extrai tor?Henry llalley In? s-enter. Proprietor am) only Manufacturer of this '* H'<mH*rfui C-iBp'rund," has oHtned a lsepol for its cielusteesate, at No. 18 Fulton-slrce'.. Sun ISuitd-vgs," wliere Healers nnd Acut' wtil hereafter be supplied. J31 ?' MAKKIEI?. At Philadelphm. on 30th ult. by Kev. Dr. Jone? GE *?. W. PHY PK or thr* city, to CAROLINE. daughter of LeviTay. !ef, Kvi. of Iho former place. _ - Jan. 30. Henry B. Jones to Mana Wick ; Win. 1. Hick" to Margaret T. Lawrence. , ;? _ . At Potsdam. St. lj-.wrcnce Co. lath Jan. \\ m. L. Knowles U Miranda R. Portride .. At HeiUmor?, Jim. 28. L. W. Morston to Josephine B. Shel. ley ; John Smith to Ann Caldwell. At Bataria. 16th inst. Jacob Roeaser to Christina keitz. At Watertown, 13tb January, Solomon H. Knapp to Marie VVaketield. At Poiighkeeptie. Jnn. 28, William R. Dokin to .Sarah Ann Churchill. At Ndes. CoynraCo. Danl. D. Dew IU to Marenret A. Cere. At Albany, 2yin, Henry Brown to Elizabeth Seymour. DIED, In this city, on the 1st iust. WILLL\M HOWARD, E-o. are.! b8 > ears. The friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, without further notice, 'his (Monday) P. If, at 4 o'clock,Irom his late residence, No. IU Dey st. On Sunday mornitirt, at three o'clock, of croup. MARY ELIZ ABETH MURRAY.only child t.r Wm. S. and Mary line Murray, nged ihreeyears eleven months nnd eight days. Futteral this (Monday) nflernorm. nt three o'clock, Irom trie residence, of her father. No. 140 Porsyth st. Jan. 31, Mes Blbabeth Van Wyck ; Mrs. Jennet Robartaon, teed 55; Robert McRitehie. aged 42: Jnme? Donaldson, need '6; John C. son of G. W. Co-tcr; Mrs. Harriet C. Frost, aged 9> years. ^^^^^^^^^^ Commercial and Money Mattere. 8T" For Commercial and Money Matters, see ImsI. Pace. ?? Saturday, P.M. In ihr. Stock market prices ndvuucud to-day; and Ike lancies were especially buoyant. Pennsylvania'? im. proved somewhat, mid the p usage of the Intcreil hill in both Houses will no doubt have a favorable influence on Uie tran? sactions of Monday. Clinton. Long Island, Norwich &. Wor easier. Ate. affadvanced, and were-wdl sustained at the Sec owl Board. There has been no i>erceplible relief in the Money Market: hut the mujority ol operators, now thnt the n port day has been weaUiered, look for a turn-buck in the scenes. IV? think ease in tho Money Market will mil come at once, al UVsokIi there will undoubtedly ho less tightness than has been frit for the lied week. Two of the Bank KeporU havo been ?jraady published and present the following comparative po? rtions in the lending items; jYtUwnal Dank. 1th Ward Dk. Nov. Keb. Nov. Feb. Loan? nrid Discounts..1.359.227 1.270.058 958,047 9!n,rj9S fieposiUst. 7r*),847 62->.438 tttTJSK 887,0D9 Circulation. SS1.31H ll?.OW 256.833 2i?j.4tr7 Specie. 254.912 393,835 14.743 104,792 This shows a contraction in all tho items, excepting Specie, srhirh in horh these banks has Iwen incrcits-d. It is supposed that the whole niuount of specie in our banks is something irrer fivo millions against eight million-, in November. The tmount of the Seventh Ward Hunk is as totlows: Cash lAahititv. Cash Assets. Circulation.22-i,4fl7.(?. Specie.104.792.30 Sltwttee.3h7.ttai.73 Dee Banks.M.sSl.eO Dividends. SJS3.7S Cash Items, Bank ) ae Notes. Ate. ) bi.uKbo Due from Bank?.1H.4S9.17 ?189J9R81 Commercial paper, Ate. discounted.910,698.82 $1,679.597.03 A transient fhip has been put in ibe berth for Lverpool, andColton freigh's stand fid. for square bales. The Mediator for London, had, among other ar? ticles, tho following : 853 tel. Reel, 112 rruki Cheese, IRS tea. Clover. 1110 lbs. Oil Cake, 200 casks Athea. And the Cambridge, for Liverpool, had? '52"i firkins Butter. 100 bxs. Cheese, 10 tcs.?lover. 64 bbls. Lanl, 300 tcs. Plaxseed, 00 bid*, ('reuse, adtr-s. Boot. bU hhds. 'Pullow. The. ehip Rainbow, for Canton, look 30,000 dol hts. The Cambridge nnd Mediator had no ipecio. Georee Haw lev lin.* been elected President of the Mew-Yoik Dry Dock Bunk, in place of RussellSiebbias, Esq. who declined a reelection in consequence of embaikuig in iiier eantile business. The following gentlemen weie appointed Directors: '.'????? I Siehliins, John D mon, Ceorge law. Frederick T. Ilnye*. [Cdward Mdls. William H. Hays, Maldon Day, David Palmer, Abiel B. MilN, At the. itferchniit'a Kxrliancn to-day 50 tdmrcs ol Atlantic Dock Co. stock vyeio told at Auction by W. II. Franklin Sc Son at 25. On Friday the. 1'etinRvivania Legislature passed, so-' unanimously, in both Homes, thn following lull : An art appropriating money to thn payment of the inteo-M on tiie public Debt of Pennsylvania railing due on the first of f.'loimrv. 1815. Sri.' enr.eted. That thn sum or 9873.51 tl Or! be. nnd thesiliiie lamb* appropriated to thepaymeatof thu interest on the Milihc dr-bt ol'lhe t lommonwealth, which w ill full due on the Ndny ol Patiniary, 1S4 ">. inclusive nftnterest on nil certificates rfloun. issuesl tiir tho naymenl of interests? Provide.1. That it* payments hereby authorized shall !..< made in such funds ?< say be m the Treasury, and ?uch portion of,aid funds ns may at be at par in the City of Philadelphia, shall be paid in pro? portion to tho tevsral amounts due for interest provide,! for by Ik act. From the tone of tho Governor's message there is little doubt a?t lie will sign t|,o hill, nnd Pennsylvania will encn more vap-1 erect among tho S'ates with the stain of bankruptcy v.ped from her escutcheon. Another report froirr tho Stale Tfaoirer gives the amount of available funds in the Treasury m TIHh January at ?842,233 38. Tho above bill appropriates ?rrs^i? oG. A crent Canal Convention ?-?s held at Rochester ?tho J!*th to consider what action should be taken in the mm. teoftiie losses by tho competition of the Weiland Canal. The lathis year is animated at $lto,oo8. Tho Convention wns airsvsed hy Messrs. F. Whittlesey. Ceo. W. Cliiitoti. Allwrt iTrncsr, ?7. Darwin Smith, F. Starr. S. M. BoTroOgha, Ate. fa who laid before the members many facts lienring on the notion under consideration. Mr. Sneth thought the proiver *?>? w ould be t.) make tho tolls from Oswego lo Albany the aee as f'oin Baflalo to Albany. From Bufl'alolu Albany, eundea, tlm toll on a barrel of flout is 35c 3m : from thwego ?Albany. 209 mdes, 20c 2ui ; dtlTetenccl5c 1 mill. On a ton 'pork, bortet, lard,etc. samo distant?, the ditleieiicc is about 11?. Prom Lockport to Albany, X<3 miles, the toll on a ?she! is Sc inn ; Oswegote Albany Ec6m?dill^reoca tivor oft >,wego 3c 3m. From Albion to Albany. 3>M miles, the difference is ?3e 5ni; hm Brockport. So Im : from ItiH-hester lc Om : nnd the same ?Mapurtion for floor, beef, pork, and other varieties of pto. ?*?, A Committae was appointed to prepare a memorial to >? Legislature on the subject. The Weiland Canai, froin lake to lake, is twentv 1 Di'.es in length; and is navigable Ui St. Catharuie* for "steiboau and prot*l!en>. The work is inteptled to lio en ?dy completed by the 1st of May, 1846. The expense of tow *tl b mt through the canal is about $15. Steamboats arc *t(exeept propeller.) allowed to u-e steam. The tolls in 1812 ??? ?74,142.73-m 1844, ?H?a.i>J,7S. The following table will show the properly that paved ^ogh th--Wolland canal, and landed nt Oswego and other *? ports, in the year 18H: Wheat, bu-heri.1 .?29.346 Beef and Pork, bbls. lh',347 Ashes. bbU. 13,258 Yshiskey. 7H) *?a large qnaatfty of other articles, which statement agrees *f nearly with the umtmat receiied at Oswego?allowing Jtr-ltiiostUio whole trad* of that port is derived from the ??ieru State-. The Boot Mills Company, ot Lowell, havo de 2* a dividend of eight per cerit. for 6 months; tire Sahsbuty **larturinj Company a dividend of five per cent; and tbe Palls Combany a dividend of twenty dollars on each ?a* Jbe L'tica and Schetnectndy Railroad Company *tdeclared a dividend of four dollars per share for tho last 'scorns, pijableon demand at the PJbwaix Bank in this \ ?ne following sales of Slocks were made at Boe sej Saturday. Sthares UeaJiiig Railroad.24.V bo 10 ds; 2C0 do. do. 24^; Ii,*"-31-?? ? ?I" ds; 25 do. do. 24J.: 110 do. du. 3U?, s o 10 j ?du. Wtstern Railroad, 971,; 15 da. Long Island Rail W 5 d"' n?*t'>'1 and Maine lUitrotid. llOi,; *10O0 ^? Railroad Mortgage Bond?. "2',. J?t RanrirMph Manufacuniog Companv, o: ?<?-ruvilre,.N.i.. bavr- divided futeen per cent, un their ^KJ a35.iXS), besides reserving ?? per cent, for contin. .jUne of BritJah ateamere will be put upon Lske ^m. Iho Americans have now a monopoly of the ? on that la*e. A -targe trade is carried on with the Jky that routs io.W. York, and the duties recerved ^?Ap-irts at Sf. JoBni last year, go over 8l(?,000 JjtLeRisiatttre of lllinoiahaveabro-atori ihft en ^contract enteied into between Jas.Duulap, E?i,. u,? i>JP Uie Bank of Illinois, and the Governor, for the recep McAluter and Stebbms bouds, amouuting. princi" ^?torost, tr. iJie aggregate, to tnrec handred and thirty 1 ^ *>ejaod dollars, in payment of that amount of stock " i~Jk, belongirtrto the State. By tiie terms of that co_. K^ftoctract. the Legislature was to repudiate it by the I *'|?ati iry, or it becrinie obligatory on tbe State. \l^flalo ir e demand fur bank uccommodationB ?^17 pressing, nor u there any unusual amount of un V "Tsnng for discount. The mUrs remain tho same. ^?JRineiis of milling at Lockjiort last ?eaton ?e?*1' vvtT con*iderabiy. The supplies came prina ^ titttfaio, and for the two past sjcst-ons compete as I Wheat received m 1843.bush. 346.313 1944.COJX? Cora ** ".hri?h. 8.350 " . 12,840 S?lt " ".bbb 13.075 " .14JB7 Mdse " ?*.toes 1.121 " .,. 1.742 Tis- <|tiantitr of Flour, Itc. ihipped from Lockport, wa*? Tolb received.177.939 $1I3,T7? Kkjur.bbl?. 71.-C3 I17,7l_ A'hea. S70 <*74 .tns. 3.337 1.98>,. 69.bS8 i>:.eoo Tlie arrivals at Boston for the month of Janunrv were Z&, of which 247 were cm'twise and 51 foreign. Tlie c'eanmcr-s were 233, of which ISO were foreign. In the Bgt;recnte not leas than two million pounds of wool were imrvirted ir.Ts44. The business of the New-Haven and Northamp? ton Canal tlie pa?t year *how* an increase of 30 per cent, over the preceding one. Number often* transported 21.862, ?r 49. 381738 Itn. f ?firm amount 30.996.0S? went up the Canal, and H.7_w.711 down. Tlio amount cleared up and down at New. Haven in 184L was.33418.483 Do. in 1843. 24.067.500 Increase.83.050,963 The receipt! were.26.1*5 If" Expenditures.3U,73j 82 Es cess.S4.553 St Tbi* excess was occasioned 1)7 the heavy repair* made iieeei. sary by the great Hood of 8th Oct. hut. The Company owes SOO.O&O at 5 per cent. The ?3.(40 received annually from the City of New-Haven i* regularly applied to the interest of this debt. The Baltimore Money marker is easy, and the Hanks di?count freely all good paper otiere.1 ?t 6 per cent. Maryland .Sixes were 76a 77 ; Coupons, 1842, 75; 1842. S0&S2; 1844. 76. Mr. Disney in the Ohio Senate has moved re? commit the Bank Bill to a committee of rive. His object n to havethe State Bank portion stricken out and the whole bill simplified. A bill for the adjustment of tk* Louisiana State debt proper, meaning the debt no; incurred for banking and improvement purposes, has be<n introduced in the Legislature. The Lafayette Bank. Cincinnati had on the Gih January, 1845-_perie $79.199 45. Deponite* 102,963 ?l. Cr. cuia' ion 196.894. I^mn and Discount ?932,379 W. The Report of the Board of Public Works rives the following table of the amount of WOel received at the outlets nf the canals of Ohio. receives at Cleveland. PorVuiimilii. Cincinnati. Marietta. Toledo. 1B39 . 38.176 49,926 . 1840. 4" .222 15.127 . 1841.107.805 28.548 . 1812.I99.W? 24.B-57 . . - 1H?.391,128 asJUI 3.117 91.840 IM Vm.848.878 129,916 118.861 128.750 2,330 The aggregate* for the lost two year* stand thus: Recieved at Cleveland, Portsmouth, Cincinnati, Marietta and Toledo. - lbs. In 1843.~.?3,090 jo 1844..1.844.435 In theaggreirate not le*n than iwo million pound* of Woo) were imported in 1844. A Company o' Boston Capitalists huve secured n tract of territory for two mile* along both bank* u\ the Mem. invk at Andover. where they contemplate the establishment or manufactures, on n large scale. A petition headed by Sam. net Lawrence, was presented in the House of Representatives' on Saturday, for incorporation for manufacturing purposes, and to bui'd a dam BCroai the Mernmack River, about seven miles below Lowell. Aa the point w here the dam ia to be made, it is slated n full of 23 feet can be oblauied. and the hill at Lowoll is only 31 feet. Toe Company for the construction ofthedam and creation of the power, will employ -"Capital of half a million of dollars._ Markets.... Girc/u-'/r/ reported fin- The Tribune. Saturday, Feb. 1. ASHES.?There is not much doing to day. and we bear only ol 75 bbl.* Pols at ?1. Pearl, are stvndy nt 34 23. , StuiK on hiAXn Feb. 1,1*45. Pirat ?ort of Pots.tibi* 7125 Fiist sort of Pearls..bbl*. 7051 Second do. ti!3 Second do,. 853 Third do. 148 Third do. 182 Condemned do. 101 Condemned do. 17 Total.7.997! Total.8,103 COTTON;?The'ale* to-day are some 1.800 bale* without material Variation in prices. (>ne line of 700 bales fair I .'plant!* was sold fur Franco at >'?-, cent.. The *aler lor th? week ending Friday evening atnounl to 9,850 bales, of which 6.500 were I lp. laiid and Flonda, ordinary to good ordinary at 5a5!.. cents, middling to good middling 5 ? ? 0, iniildlmg fair to fair 6!f a and lullr fair to good fair b'.'i a 71., cents: 2,750 bales Mo? bile anil New < Irlean*. ordinary to good ordinary 5 a 5 : . mid. Illing to middling lair5'i a C'-4. midttling fair to fair 6'-n7, and fully liurit" gotitl fair 7s u 8V. The ntrivnl* du ing the same period were 6,050 bales. Freights nre ,J?d. nt winch 10me pari-?!- have been taken in a transient ..hip. FLOUR AM' MEAL.?Holder* of Generee nre very firm 1 a'. ?1 8C4 and some are asking 64 Ki-i liir good common brand.. The nates are imall. No change in Southern. Alar, ther *alo ef 150 bbl* llrrunlv-vvino hn* been made nt $1 75. Georgetown, &c. nre $4 68 GRAIN?We notice a sale or 7000 bushels or Southern Corn on the spot at 43 ctnts tier bushels, weight, nnd 30i"J do to arrive at 46 cts weight. In other grain there 1* nothing doing. SEED?Clover ia dull. We notice taillier ?nies 30 tierees pood at 7',. Clean Flux is worth 13 a 1320. We notice sale* 100 tierce* rough nt 1800 and 1500 bushel* Knara nt 130 cti cash. PR! iVISn INS?In Pork and Beer there is nothing do tie.? Holders of Pork are firm ntu! buyers will not come up to their mark. We quote $8 and $10 a* the nominal price. Of Lard there have been side of 5uli bn.beU to unive at 6;i ti 7 ct-. IRON?Holders of llaruiitl Pig tire very tirm. nnd price* nl the latter may be snid to tend upwind; of English l!:ir, 300 ?.011? told nt 159 a ?t>", winch show.* no improvement. LEAD?Missouri Pig 1* very tibiet, and we know of no sale-.; the l"*t which enme to our knowledge were at ?3,73, cash. LEATHER?There was a bettor feeling exhibited at tho sale on Thursday, when 5351 -nie. Sole were disposed of at prices considered an advnnce of fully'4 of a cent per lb. On noddle and heavy weight.*?(there was no light on the cat alorjue) as compared with the <ale of ia.t week. HEMP?The market continues cuiet, with ftutltei small sale* .Manilla, at $140; it) bale* fan Dew.rotted American, $73, 50 Water-rottcd, $160. 6 mouths; uiulbO Italian, *i00. 8 mos. RIDES?Thesalee ine 1671 Rio Grande, (vm Rio <iw Ja niero.l? lb. nt 11 ;i eta. 7 mos; 1HI0 Tampico, merchantable, 10X, less 4 per cent; and 330 dry Cub a, 9, cash. (il I.S? The remainder ol the Flora's cargo, consisting of l.Msl bbb. Whiil". bti* l>een sold on private lern.?; besides 2300 bbls. to arrive in twenty days, 31 cent*. cash, all lor export The sales of Linseed, are 200d gallon* bor?sn at 70 cents; and American, in lot*at81 n OS for cask*, and 69, cash, lor bbls. 30fi0 gallons boiled English,were sold a few day. since nt 76 cents,cash, und 7H. 4 mos. About lion r??kts. tiiivo have eliinmed haads ut $i>>;'. n S3; a hirher price is now demanded; and 100 do. ertrs. S3 ls.t mos, VVeouote unbleached Win. terSperm,:80'a98 centa, ami I'all, ."8.4mo*. Hy anction, 50 cases Lynch olive sold nt ?5 2". 4 mo*. SUGARS?The matkat ia very (inn, with a good demand for ti, ' Irlean* from the trade, and til* salt-- below leave hut 100 hhd*. alloat uiisoKI; tho trniisnclioin include 350 lilnl... at 3-, a 5X1 cents; ?huvring an improvement of \. ??'tu cent since la*t>week; and of Havana, 20U b.v*. Brown 7 n7'3; and 60 White do. 9. 4 1110*. Ml (LASSES?The market 1* very firm, and for the present entirely bare of NeW'Orieant. The tale* comprise h"l hhds. and 15 '.i s. new crop Mainn/a*. on tirivale terms; and 5 a tuU bbl*. New-l Irleun*. imetly to arrive, at 23 cent-,. A mos. By auction, lo hhds. new crop Mutunrns, sold nt 2Jsj cents, 4 moa, ??ale Hopped. COFFEE?The market is very dull, and wheie larite |mr i ci. arc dMpated of, sonic concession is made on the purl of lioklera. The sale* include 2500 bags Brazil at ti a 61; cent*; 150 Java, H'.,;200 Maiullu.7'j 11 B: 130 l.s^iiyni.6J., at 7.4ni!ii6 mos; llU-.i St. Domingo, 5'., a 5^, cash; ami 4U) Suiniitrn, on tenns not made public. WOOL?Sjnce our last there has been nothing of conse? quence done in Foreign or Domestic; about 4Ui link's of the Mary Smith's cargo, of Smyrna, ju?t received, were soid pre. viou* to arrival. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK.FEBUURAY 1. HINIATORX almanac?this oat. Tne Si n. I 'Pita Moon. | F?llSia. gJset, .71^1 .-"?-?U.S IG I Morn. 2 U |.J 43 LATR*T PaTEH. London....Jan. 4 j Havre.Ian. 1 Livep.KKil.Jan. 4 I Ncw-Orleani.Jan. 23 Oy SKK t~iST PAQE._ Cleared. Ship New-Yo'k, lleldiiilc, Bremen. Bark Regina Victoria. Stons, Trieste. Bngs Reindeer, Wibon. Gibraltar und Leghorn. Poster & Nickyrsoo; 1 dive, NUaven; Camilla. Mandville. St Thomas; v\ \N- Pratt; Savannah, Sturges ftCleorman ; John R.Gard? ner, Pcderktn.N>wOrleeji*. Johnson & Lovrden: New. York, Newman,Georgetown; Penaacola, lladett, NOrleans; Elliot. Watts, do. Senr Maria, Latourette.'Baltimore. Johnson ItLowden; Kh/Mbetli. Beast on, Philndelplna.N L Nh-l.'ready k. Co; Ellen Rodm in, Ellis; NBeoTord; Judge HitcrKock.Ratbavvay.Nevv. bern; Splendhl, Howes, Boston ; Henry Oay, Johnson. Plnlti delphia, J McKee A: Co; Fnotid, Bacon, Boston. Arrived. _ Bark l Hof Wyk. (of Bo-ton) Meacutii, from Rocliclle. Dec ith. brandy. ,V.c to mister. S hr Miller.Chattan, 6da fro Plymouth,\(\ com nnd naval ?tores to Uape] stc-r Wlntiiiarsb. Sid in co with sehr Elizabeth iluikuc-s. \\ icks, Rh N York. Schi \un Hrmao, Totton, 6 es im Newbern, NC. cotton to IViieyster .V. \\ lutmarsh. Seal Select, Johnson. 6 ds I'm Newborn. NC. naval stores to master. Sehr Amanda F Myrrick, Catlicart. 4 dl fm Baltimore, flour to master. Sclir Chesapeake,-. 4 days from Baltimore.with mdse I B Gaset . Sehr Ja,*pcr. Hamilton. 5 d* trom B..?ton, mdse tu E II Hrr rick. Sehr Rollen. Brown. N Bed ford. oil. Sehr L A Acberman, Virginia; oysters. ** Sloop RejiuMic, Soule, fm NBedibru.oi!. No vessels iu sight from tlie at latuct, Sailed. Ships New.York, Bremen; Louisa, New.Orleans; Sharon, do. Barks U10. St Mark*; Eliza,ApaJachicola. Brigs .Eolus, Ciiayamn. PR; Joaephute, Bremen: CordVaha, Ponce, PK; Sa s-unnah. Savannah; Reindeer, for Gibraltar and Leghorn, and o?ieis. Wind .\NW. Memoranda, The packet ship St Nicholas, for Havre, reiiorted sailed, is detained until Tuesday morning. Tne North and East River* ate somewhat obstructed by held* or tloating ice. __________ {tar* Mull's : MunTa I ana Knr?-So!hng by retat! at W!K ILESALE price* for thin wkek onlv. nt No. 4 Cott. landtjtreot. near Broadwny. Ladies, doot forget to call sod sap:-!y yourselves in time. n^J 3nus* < XT' American lnstltM?c?f-'nrmera' Clnb, AND CONVERSATIONAL MEETING.?The Farmers* L'ln!> will tnr-rt at the Repository of tbe Inst tute in the P irk on Tue- lay, the i:t, in-t. at 12o'r'ock M. Subt-ct?*' lnthi euce ot Rnilnuils mid t"anal? on Aericulture." Free. Siran. *rer* inv led. Conversational Meeting Wednesday Evening at o'clock. Subject?" Fermentation." Admission Iree. 13 2* D3~ The Vlaltors ?ltd Members of the ?* Association for the Improvement of the Condition of trie I'.ior. aie hereby notified, that in Section H' Wm. M. Wil-on, 34 Yanilam.sfrect. ha* lieen appointed in place of J. Foy, te S. ction IS3. Gideon Peck.?!' Maren.street, ia plnce of J. Peshine, refigncv!; and 111 Section 190. J. Allen, 355 Brootae-ftieet, in place of Thomas L. We'l*. resujned. {J_r* Victors ae<! Member* are requested to make the above change* in ihcir Directory- Heieafter the changes which oc? cur will be published in this paper, on the hrsi Monday ta rveiT mo<Uh._: ? ? i'3 if R. M. HARTLEY, Cor. Sectary. DC?" I"jilted Irish Repeal Association.?A 'ice- ng ol the Unired Irish Repeal Association of the City of | Ncw.York will be held on Wednesday evening, fhe 5th m*t. atTumiukny Hal) at ft o'clock. As important business 1* to be transacted, members are eai nesily leuuesled to attend. By order. n 31 B. O'CONNOR. Secretary. _.??", P?*"*0?* Childs bts removed to No. 86 Chamber*. ?reei,ju5t west ot Broadway. M lwi?* KT* Biographical and Historical Dla soarBei-The Herein Institute would -esp--*<ful!y inform lb* public ?bat the fii^Ls-ctur* of their c.i'ir-ewiil !?? delivered next Tuesday evenmg. 4th of February, in the Roc:et? Libra ry. Broadway, ny \ViLLlAMsW.ALLACE. E<-;. fttraeet? "The L'feof the ceieliralesi Harmah Blevnerii MisrT. and his connection with Ainu* Bi er." A doo-ur.-? eompil'd from original d-ieuine-nts a? yet onpublislted, cim'i-'ing w Oti ginal l?tter? of Aaron Burr to Bler?tiertlTs"sTssA; 'he Private Memoranda kept hy BWrnnerh?k?*t; the Brief which lie pre? pared for bjj t?i*o bad -te.1. with Burr, (brtretumi roroinrt the litotes ; I Irieinal Letter* from Henrv Clny, Entrant, Lord Anglesey. Eail Brtthur.t. nnd oiiic- ; tg '? Letters of Mr*. Itlennertiasset. Ail of which are embraced in th? Discourse, and will throw much lieh: on the** of Burr. Tb* doeo mji'J tlienrelvem will be u,eq )n the lno-mirse. floor open at tall-part 8: Discourse to commence at half pan 7. Single Tickets 50 cents. Tcket? to aiimii twn, 75 cents; whicn can tie had Ktthe! bookstores, ol the Librarian o! ttie Society L-brnry. ami a: the d<-ir. 03" To Families.?Wishing t ? give per=on? every tae?ritj to attend a discourse on thi? important nibiect, in company with the routli of tiieir families whn are studying tfi* HuWy ol tl? Country, the Intitule have provided n limited number of Family Tickets, admitting Tour, a' One Dollar-; to be had uabore. EDWARD STB \HAN, If 2: ._Secretary ol B. lastete. CT" .*Techftnic*' Institute?*?lrtnlhly "-leer? ing antl Conversational Meeting'.?T-:*.---g'.i 'ir Monthly Meeting of ine Institu'e. will be held in the Lecture Room on Tue-day eeemne. 4th instant, at'.), o'clock. Alter the chne of the regular order of bovine?? for the evening, 'be ?oe.?ay will revdvp th?m?<-lvei tii?m?elv?' into a CONVER? SATIONAL MEETING for the invest ?n'iorj of Iron and its UK*. OS WEDNESDAY EVENING. 5th m-t. at 7-, o'clock. Mr. T. Jo?iin'? Firs' lecture (of a rour*e of nx) en the ? rilK.MI.-'TK V OP AN1MALAND VEGETABLE i'UV Sl( iLOGY." will be delivered. Th<r-e lectures w-rli be h'ghly instructive, as it ?? comparatively a new branch ( ar.d Mr. Jovlln proposes 10 rn-e aameroos pnicticol instruc ON THCRSDAY EVENING. 6th met. atSo'clock. Prof. Rcid'- Eleventh Lecture 00 Chemistrv as apohed to the Arts and Manufactures trill be dtlivered. Tiie application of these lectures to practical pursuits m life, makes them tlie mr?t desi rnble und valuable Cour?eof'ec.luies over given in this city. The course srill continue throughout the season. FRIDA V EVENING,7thirisL at 7% o'clock, the Mfttce. matiralnrd Mechanical DtawlUC Class meets. SATURDAY EVENING. 8ui nut at o'clock, the De? bating Oats. Tickets for the Course of Lectures $3. To member* free. Terms of member<r.:p, which gives privileges in the School (01*94 on ea-.h pupil annually i Library and Bend, mg Room 5,1 initiation lee. ana J niinnol dues. By order; J. J. MATES, Pr?'. !-o\ ChaHLX? I.. BATUtrTT. Secretary. il3 4i*i? Cr"*" Gnorl Clillrlrcen and Self-Iniprovc mcnt, or the means of eti'ecting two of the greatest objects that can engross batman attention, will be expounded sciks Tim si.i.v at Lt Luke's Buildings.comer of Hudson and Grove-st*. on the Evening of Monday. Pen. 3d ; at Franklin Hall. 175 Chatham Square, Wednesday Evening, and at Chn ton Hall Thursday Evening, ril7', o' I >. S. Fowler. Seats ti'a cents on'y. Professional esaminations daily at Clinton I fall, and at 24 Vese* .'t. where the female chus meets toietrn now to exam? ine beadi every Satmday, at 3',' o'clock. f 1 3t:.* Al.l.l iM e mctcal Ins. Co. Feb. let, 184h. C3~ Siotlce. - The annual Election a f nine Trustees ..t ens first class, and lor three Inspectors ol the next Annual BieerJon, wdi lie h?ld at the olfice of the Alliance Mutual ln?uranc* Co. No. 40 Wnll-trtet.o.) Tuesday, Feb. 11th. oie-n nt 12 o'clock, M. and close at 1 o H.irk. P. M. 12ti 11 JAMES LA U S< i'.. Secretary. res- Seventh Ward Bank.- QUARTERLY RE PORT.?Statement showing the; true condition of the SE? VENTH WAKD BA.NK.on liie mtirningol the Ltday of February, 1;45: Rnso,.R(-F, L-.nns and discount.W.Utl ?1 Loin- and discounts to Di r-c.tor? of thi? P.-ink. C7,5S8 4S Loan- und discounts to lu"ka"? 4^%iojgeig I/>a-?holil et'ate. _ 4,b'tJ 10 lion l- and Mortgages. ?fi."00 f.f?rks . 7.1121 50 35,531 -VI Due from Directors of this think otlierthan fur loans und discounts.? - Experiaa account. 2.*21' 52 OverdrnRs. Mg? Specie. lsM.793 39 I lash i ems. - 53.2.1 65 Bill of sol vent hanks on hand 14.3-15 Due from Banks. In. isi 17 Bunk fund. lO.tAW LIABILITIES. _ ^ Capital.?-(?.'.tMO 00 Profits. ')5 Bank Notes Issued....$11^70 Hank Notes Issued and ou hand. 3,535 . - ?8.4:15 Itecisiercil Bank Notes received In 111 the Compl roller.X'-l.tC'j Registered Bank Notes received from the Comptroller mi hand lt?,8*<-217,:<72 -a2*s>,407 00 Due Depositor! on tlemtuid.... 387,099 7 Hue Bauks. 34,491 CO Amount due and not included under cither of the above heads For dividends . . 2.225 75 ?1,158,872 12 518.618 16 ti 10.221 08 $1,138JJ72 13 City and fJoutrty ofNew-York, ss.?Gilbert Hopkins, Presi? dent, runt Alfred S. Praser, Cashier, being duly .-w orn, depose and say that the foregoing stolemenLis true nccordmB to the be?t "I their knowledge mid b*l-f. <;. HOPKINS, President. A. S. ERASER. CusHuer. Subscribed and sworn tu licfore me this fust day of February, IS-t?. 13 lt NIEL GRAY, Cotnmrjsioner of Deed*. P.isT Ornci. Nkvv-Yorx. Jan. 22d, 1845. iXT" The I*oat rtlastrs- General having approved Uie recommendation for the estahlishnrenl 6fa PLUM A N ENT POST OFFICE, and sanctioned ihe selection made by the Post Mnsi.-r lot its location on 11I1ATHAM BOX) VRB, comei of.East Broadway t* has directed that the removal from the present Pnrk office to the new Post oiiice in Nassau street, and 10 the Branch utrlcea! Chatham Square, bemaile slmultarseous. ly. ThelwoorTicsrS will be reudv lor occupation durii t Iba ensuing week, when the pre-etit Post Ouice in the Park will be vacates). The Post Mn-ter congratulate- his lell-v. c.ti/ens upon thecosrspletion of anangementsso well calcuhued to pro mole 1 he convenience of nil detisiesof-tbe commuaity. 123 lot JOHN LORIMEK GRAHAM, Post Matter. IV- r-< 'mCK, N'kw-Vork, Jim. 29th. 18*5. frj"" 'S he I'l'-t?mtstei- Ocitt-ritl his ..r.? EXPRESS MAIL !?> be run from Coviogban,Georgia, to Montmunery. Alabama, und back, with the view of expedtt lug the eoHiiuiiiiicnlioii. betwe"ii 'he Lastern l'itie: nod the Cities ?f Mobile ami .Newt irleno-one day, mid in enable those desiring to use it, to 11 vail tliein?elves of the despatch it will af? ford?notice 1? hereby given ot'tho arrangement! LeUen phepaiiku and marked " ExraBss," p.nd new-pa per slips from Publishers of newspapers miitressecd to I't k Ll-llEllS OF FaTKRI OXLV, and s?:iil :n lieu of their ex? change, done ..op in light wrappers, open ni one end, it the onlv matter Oral can !w allowed to be scni by the Exprcsts. j292wii jnllN LORIMER GRAHAM,P'M. {Ei** Boa?tlinir;.?'l'a%-?> or three Gentlemen can lie accommodated with -ingle rooms, with grntei, nt Mm. June Hindu V, No. 21 Bur lay street. Abo i< Room and Bed room to let With Board. Reference given and required. >3l istf U on nil ni.-.?Mrs. GOSS having opened the new and Commodious house, 2r! Ve-ey-'t. near the Astot House, protTers 11 choice of ih>irtihlc rooms t.- transient or rsearnanent Boarder*. I'ri.ion shower, warm and cold Baths, free. The location is rery central, yet uutet and sluulv. Tenni rnodertue, ani His 5r*r Batabllatxed HT95 -SOAP I ANDLES AND BT ARCH.?J. D. ir.W. LEE, Itianufacturers, No*. 81 and tCJ Ren.le street New-YoTk, have constantly on hand a^laige ns^orlnieiit of the above articles, which they will sell at thj lowest maiket prices, warrantesj etntal, if r..-t superior, to any miuiuluctured in the city: delivered or shipped without charge f..r tKises or Ci.rtucf. Merchants, Grocers, Country I^aien and Families, whoare in w ant of the above articles, will furl it to thei rifitere*.t to call on tis, Iveliire yurchn,-;ir.i' ehev-herr?. nia 3mis J. ?. fc W. LEE. 1X5*-Dr H. Kimball'a BXineral Ti eth.-Tir celebrity w hich these Teeth have obtained, and the high value set upon them by those u ho juive worn them, together with their known intrinsic superiority over the great nini* of Teeth that are made in'his country, bare induced Hr. Knnball to make such arrangements a< will hewn tier cnnble huntosnpi ply the increasing demand for them to any extent : he has been confirmed m this design by the uniform succees which has at teudeil his practice in tlus iepirtmeiit of his profession, um! by the Inert encomiiirns that have been passed upon these useth by many ol our mo?l distinguished Citizen? who lire now wearing them, nnd by several of the mixt eminent Physicians mid lieu ti-ts of this city. Win? Imve oflered tic most am? ple te-tini.mi'.ls to their excellence. These teeth am nnd will continue to lie made by l?r. Knnball ezefstiealu/oT hist men practice; Uiey are set in the most elegant manner, upon heavy gold plute. and iiiinpted to the mouth in such a ? ny a- to corn, buiethe lughe-t utih'y with the greatest rsosrable Com loft. They fir* warranted toi>e nasatpaned by any that are made 111 the Unitotl State?, and are guaranteed in all eases to Ii; [terfectly, and tonnrwer ailme puri^ise, that arUficiaJ 'eeth can be mode to rntswur. Dr. Kimhall w-i-hes it to la: particularly noted that his arrannrnents ure ?ach aa will eatable liizn to offer Uiese teeth, mad* in the style above mentioned, cr tie$emt }.-nc-.< thai are charged fur the mast inferior kinds. Siiocimens may tse seen nt bis bouse, N?. 522 Broadway, nrar Spr?lS-street. alOJmisr* _ BOARD WANTEIJ-lii n private family, by a steady Vuung Alan?locution not to be above 12th si. nor below Brownest. Terrrrintustbemodera'e. A notenddres-ed t.' 1. 'P. W. ctthisOffice, or u*. 2^4 Grandstreet, wdl beauended to;_ 13 2t? DOt ?? A.Mi BED.ROOM TO LET?With Hi 1 ARD, to IV one or two single GentJenien. Apply at 51 Cham- -t? -.. Reference* exehiuiged. J*1 istl ^~VAn"'A13iiE ltJ-AE'ES-rAl"!" AT PRIVATE *r-r?? SALE?37 lull lots on tb* 5th and titn avenues and l?''ir?l on the Ss'uth side of 77di street. Price $20J per lut. $4t'<i may remaii on mattgoge. Inquire of Mr. CBAIG. JO Chanibeti sl 31 It* LE ASE FOR SALE?The unexpired Louse for6 years of No. 34 Bsrciny-st. uear (Aurchsue?jt. On Ute lot _ is a two-story bnck-fruiit house, w ith ba-einent, and 11 iwo-story buisding nltachetl. For particulars inquire uf A. J. BLEECKER t"' >. 13 Iw 7 Broilil meet MPRIVATE S VLB.?The well built Uiree-story : rick hou-se Nu. dSS Broad n ay. I?t is ?5 teel b> 124 fee:. For p.articulers in.pure of taiw A. .1. BLEECKER .v. Co. 7 Broadjt .JL_v BROADWAY AND SIXTH AVENUE PROPER wr.**> TV? Ft 11! SALE?Seven tots on Rhrommsdale Koad. jSB 87th ?treat, arid 6tn Avenue, including the NW comer ol ttn Avenue, 1.--e from iwt ami about the tilt; grade. Co>*d iocaUon for a Church, or any oil er Public ItmWoig. For price and terms apply ;o A-Vi lION V J. BLEECKER ? 1 i. 13 lw_No. 7 BrtMu-s' 3STH AND*tn;im^;WpS.-A"large nieeet' rand on the Nona side ot 2^h street anil South side ol '-<ii _ street, near ihei'rh At enue. co:itaimn;29 ft. 6 on 28th street and j2 It. E on ~nh ?'.reet. Suitable for several houses or a large manufactory. Apply to ANTHONY J. BLEECKER & CO. f31yv-_ _No. 7 Broad-street. MHOUSES IN BROOKLYN.?Foi Sale, the new throe story Dvrellmg Houses. No. .??> and 91 Co lnmbia street. Brookrru?lyvts 25 by 100 feet?Houses 2> by 45 feet, with ander rel.'urs, marbl? mantels, tolduigdoers, ttc are well built, and conveniently p.anued. The?ituiti-n i- \vr)-pleasant, ccrnxurindmg a view of the Bay, New.York City. Ate Terms easy. Apply to S. S. VVO?D, N->. iol Ptrarlstiect, New York. _ 13 It" jc? FOR *X)N1X>N?Xegnlor ParUft rflOViFcimarv.? >MVThe ?plendia ti.-st.clas- fast-sailmg Pack?; ShmSWlT sSfWSr'/.LRLAND. Capt- E. Knight. w:,l po-.t:velr ?il as Kbove, ber re-rular day?having xrry superior accommoda? tions for Cabin, Second Cabin and Steerage ptivngcrs. Per. sons wishing to embark should make immediate oppiieaUon oa board, foot of Maiden Lane, ?to^ Ml.>1L-RR AV, f3 _H?3 Pirte-street. comor of S. u'-h. ~~t^Z P\ss\GE P'OR NEW ORLEANS.?Packet of ?$2sS. t>K<tihFeb. Tb* splendid last soiling picket ship ?J?f'LOI'ISVILLE. Copt- Hunt, will sad p."?itively as above, her day. Having impanor aceommoilation lor cabin, ?*coiul cabin and steerage pause- n appbea. lion should U- iiiasic '>oJjeajd, !.?;t rf Wali strrei. t r tu Til W. J. F. TAFSCorr, 7b South st, cor. Maidea lane. WANTED. WJ~ \\"TED?Afrtuarjon by a r?pectab'e Younc Woman V V with f., -d city reforence. a* 'i?ok. wa?her aad iron m a small private family. Apply a'- ITS M?lt *t- -.I Jt? S,-, 7 ANTED?Ry an" enlightened FR RN'CHMAX, ?Teeri ?V nt am. who speaks the Spanish language v*ry weli. a silca'ioii either a* Porter in on Importing House, or as Serv. ar.t to a iingle gentleman, lift appfieaat can give unexcep? tionable rer-reeee*. Add ran X X. Tri b nne office. 134: W- "TnTED-A boy in a lawyer's Office. Apply at X?! 12fior'> Buitcing. Hsr-os^r-street, corner o' Exchange Plane._'_ f3 If \%TA NTED? A- biteffigeat b?y ta a Ijiwyer'a Office. ?t j V T *\aa?aii.rrreer. up stair?mom No. 14._t3 If WANTED-Bra Youeg Mulatto Man about ]:>. a Situa tiou as Wa.'er in a pnnle fanny?can drive and take care of horse*, and would b* will rt to make h.iruelf genera !!y useful. Good refer?w asr^v7- CX!I at SOS Mott-st. i_ -Jt" C2ITI.'ATK?X WANTED?By a YOUNG MAX n a O whoresaJe Hardware or A?ie???e and Oonsasjaaera house, n a-? *taNt bookkeeper ? -,-*-,<-.m Elect Can iraka himself ii-#fu! in aay cspaci'. and bu'a moderate salary -?cju'ied. Befereriee*. u-ptw .-n-.b.'e. Please address DILIGENCE, at the office of The Tribune prenoto to I0*b insi. 3f N'OTICE.?Ce*>. B. Grannis havinr taken in'o partnership Charles J. Gilbert of Hartford, Conn, rhi? B.sot and Shoe j Bu?ine*s srfll l>e coatrnoed at i-ii Mneh-n bine, hereafter, under the arm of [f3 lwj"_GKANNESS At Clt.BERT._ T V. F. V 'FiWLGIAN B?K IPOX-1C0 tons 3x\". for I. snl-by Ji'S TUt'KERM A\. ?'. .1 R SPRING PRINTS.?A large assortment or very elegant r?w style, ChintTT. Lawn Pla-rs. !ubt and medium fsn eies. infant Plan?, blue and two blues. Mourning Prints, _.c. jest received and |t.r?a'e by McCURBY, ALDRICH ft SPENCER, f3 rjt 47 Excnaagc fince. IVFT IKON?5'on. U ret [roe for sale by j2t a j-'- TIYKEKM \N. We?t. t. PATAPSCO 03NABCRGS.?Ali the vanota widtiis of this most approvers**)* Cot^n Osmborgi anrf Twills, for sale bv M '- HD, . ILDRICH Jc SP i ACER, f; _4/ Exchange Place. STEEL ISfiN"?SO t.-iiis " Dar.narnorri" Bar Iron, a very tu. pentr article fn? Seel. for?aler>7 dlS i Ji tSEPH T: "i ;K_jatA3T. 9 West a. ClTF.F.I. IBi ?> ? ? S?e.!es Iron, snitab** <br Steel,HJr j ? sale by J*>S rUCKERMAIsf; j3t .s n> sVe.l.strrct. rlf' V. K. NORWEGIAN BAR IRit.N'-lOO tor.? 3x5J. J for sale bj JOSKPfl ITJCKERJrLAN. daS i._'ft tVesro THE. TREASURER OF THE FIRE HEPAR FMENT ITNl , with miii h ii;c.i?ure, acknowledges the receipt ot 'he following don?tiooa, viz: From Greenwira Insurance Co. p? e, hT-ney, Esq. Sec? retary, $100. From Bowery Insnrance Co. per Wm, HibbarJ. IWi. Secre? tary. ?100. New York. Feb. 18i5. Ji 1' _Juli N St HEES. Trea'ttrer. F. 0. Fund. BRITANNIA WARFAFamilies in want of Britannia Metal Goods sviii lind every article in that line at the well known stand foot ofJoha street. Whole ale detuers are itip pljedofl the mo-t tav imble terms, and retail patrons will find it foe their interest to greens a eaii. alihowrh our st?re .. "downtown." Tea Sett*,!' itfee I"rns,Pitcher.,I.MleaJ^unpa, Candlesticks. Casters, t 'ups and Plates for children. Iii.h C> ver. Table and Tea Spowit, Tumlrer?. tfolaiNI Cup., Spit to,>n?, _c. 4ic. For >u.'e at tj Burling Sim. by tl 1 _Bl 'Ai I 'M \.\ II \RT. Fn ? thsPtttaburg Weekly. T7 B. PALMER, No, 160 Na nui street. New York, No. V . 16 State street, Buattin, 59 Pmejttieet, Philadelphia. S. E. Bait, runt I'u^i'it -i.-iri-., Baitnn re is out duly au. Ibortzed Agent to receive subseriutions arid <u!rerti<ements, and receipt of any monies due the Poubu'g Daily and Weekly f 3 It_ DAGlJERRE?fVPES. BURGESS' GALLERY ?| CF Colored Dag^ncrreotypes, 193 Broapwav, N. Y. iUB tfii .\. F.tTtCESS. Principal Ojverator FIRST PREMIUM DAGUERREtTn PE-?PL?MBE Darraecrian Gallery of Patent Premium Colored Photo, graphs. No. _jl Broadway, above Murray-.tnet. Nesr-York, awarded the Mesial, four first Premiums and two 'Highest Honors,' nt the Exinb tion, of the Institutes ot MassscniiM'tLs rfew-York and Peao>7lvania, res-.v?ctiveiy. for most beauuftu colored Pictures and beat anparatm ever exhibited. WAN i EH?'- or 3 'k.?ful ofNtatOR. CUO is DERTTJ AMBOY FIRE BRICK.?The ?ih-enbfr?. 1 Agents for the above Brick, are prepared to furnish any af the following ?hnpes: No*. I and J. usual ihnpe. Large -mall Bull Iltads, ( npola, 19 to 22 inches. (?iiircrl, Ijinre and Small Key. Soap. s(.bt. ? do do Wedge. Crate Bad Jamb. C'a!e Brick, itc. These Brick are warranted conn! in iiHnlity to any maile in the I'ni'cd States. i Irtleis received and contracts runde for large and >mnll niouiHtie* nr scry low .-nte*. Samples for tnul or inspection ai the office nfthc Aeents. fl SflKlt.M AN ATWATER k CO. 30 Broad. WINDOW SHADE DEPOT?No. 7 Spruce street.? f'Ju.dr! wortli of Shades. The luhecnber*, ever anx? ious to plecso, have enlarge,! tlieir eatablishniant to ropply the increasmg demand for tiieir ?iii>erior shades. Persons buying of them can rely on having ti good article, 81 they era alway? willing to a*change them. Their pattern- eontiM of every kind which could bo indented and they lmveagre?j?a**ortrnent than all the other estab hahment* pot together, and they take great pTwaanra in show, tng them, and aie never f.ticmln! irtney do not MIL People oftaEia would do well tocalL Sign Bannen au.l Interior Dc. cinitioiis done not to ''c sitr'iT^.1. Tnmtn ng of all kinds rheup. n2J3iiits BAuTMLfc HE MAI'NI'.Y. lV F.W I'ARPEr A N11 'ULI LOTH STORE?No. 61 l\ East Broadvinv and 71 Dirvisinn^t-?W. H. GUION, (of the lute tiiin of P. E. Pnrdy ft Co.) woiil.1 rcspecllislly in? vite the attention of hi- inend- and th.e ? fiitmlie. that have favored bun with lli--"ir patronage white ia Pearl street, and the public generally, to lu> axleniive Ware RoonM in the spit ctoi's itorarrontBTg im No. 'J Baal Broms!svaj and 71 Div sion strect. when mar be foundthe most thrteiistre assortment of J nil the various .tyles of Carpeting, I'd Cloths. Buirs, Table and Piano < Soven, Window Shane*, Stair Bods, A:c. Fami? lies in want ofCarpeting or any article in the lino, may l?e as. miedot being enabled to make at satisfactory selections and at prices lower thtin at any olhei .tore in the city. N. B.?An eya-eri'-uee I upholsterer will attend U> the mak? ing of ('nritets und laying Oil Cloth, nt thetliortett notice. jal"U" is_ , NOTICE TO FAMILIES. ALL Famibe* who use Coxant** Pimnre Yea^t accord. | inc to the simple direction*, maj rely up/gi it in at heavy, sour and unwholesome br-.-ad wtl! not lie found on iho'r ta hie. ; ami. what .often of .he create-' c iin'ort, the very lies bread can beprepared as soon u? tue 6re is ready to bake, nnd whde the tnble i? itrderiBg for the guest* to eat it. SeJd.wiKdesaleand retail. 25 cents t-pr pound. A liberal discount made to tlo-e wh i buy t.i .ell nimm. M. P. Ml F8SEY.I Knton Hall. cor. Baekraaaand Nai?. ChaMPN-VAc Aller.76 SoOthot. cor. Maiden Lnne. (,As?NElt Yoono. 1321'iiiiiiihers-st. Ciiejtkk iiRiuiis.bvt Broadway. Jona H. Browd .<c Baornxa*, 136 Eigbthat, StaVLES (V Fottn.JSJ Bowerj'. S. V. At BftO, K- Bowery; '? .roe. orBond-st. T. At A.S. Howe. 132Chambers- :. ia3l*U VV(-7()i>Y>(?K'l'li's l'L?Nl.Vil .MACHINES. FOURTEEN YEARS' EXPERLENI'E. togetlier with many[iro.r"r.L':j, an-l lulditiotis to hi? tbririer tools, ennblei th..- su'-.-rib-r to iu.m.s'i, at .kort notice, ami of the moil perfect eonstnictioo. materials nnd workmanship. Machine, to P|htnevwood in all it* varie'.ies, iuch as planing or surfacing only, or cutting rnouidmg,. Also; iilaiiiiiir, longiieing and grooving, jointing, 01 rabbet, ting, nnd plaaing clapbttani*, Apjdic'itiou may be made to the robscriber. at his ?-dahiidi. men', in Fosboro', or'it hisnflicsr, corner of Commercial and Lewiut*. Boston, where Maebme* may lie ~^'n, and anr infrsnnation relative u, liie?ame. may beobtanted, as well ns etJosiah Blackwe Co. New-York, orof J. w. Schenck. Albany. lyitten of mere inttuirv must 'ie post-pajd. ? t SAMLEL il. SCHENCK. Foahoro'. Ma-. April 1.1844. jl7 istf TO D ?UNTRY MERCHANTS. i ?mv noon* ami \o\tii warehouse. I V. VAN i;ps. No. 103 rear! street.'<>oe door below Han *s . osv tsuoiii*. h i..r ?ni^ by Use pack sr.-... to lob t.. suit buyer", n lull stock of the foli.iu ing good-which will be .old on tb.- most reesenable-terms: Fine gold watch** and jewclrr. SpoofCutton. shoe l.iccLs. nnd ri.Met lacei. Isoiy. Bone and metal eyelet, and bodkins. Hook* and Bye*, silver tlmnbie* and penctl cast,. Spectacles. .jNHin*. linen tii-end*. ft*h line*. Scinon. penknives, i?sreiisiinii caps. I>ad..bag*. gold, jewelry. *i!k purses. Pia.tic stuperWlen and carte's. Button-, gut. l.i .t.-ute -iiu j-t of r!I I: od*. Ij ra--, nor;- c .?,!,., ?| every ?tze nr.d 'iiiahty. 19 u > twist black comb*. 19 do quill top do, 4 do needle*, ration* mokt r.. 5 do jiins, plum and fancy. 24 di> perfomery at every variety. And a ercat variety ofother article.*, suitable f..r country aud city trade._ iliendlmki Ty" ESAN S< IAP!?1 he robscriber has ju.t receirad, by the >bip Pnnthea. from Cronstadr, a number of ca^ of lm* incomi-arrble Simp, which,' fur Siitn nig and for the Toil is unsurpassed. It hi now ris-e year, since Ihn article wo* in. troduced into thuCity, and ! has been sold tr. upward* of thirty thoosand persorrs! . red t!i?;.'ire?t and cheapest fo mi'y Soap now .u use. rr^ Druggists, Hair Dre**er*, and dealers in Fancy Goods, will linil this a very inwahl* article. For tale, whole* att aim retail, l?y SAMUEL W. i BEECH, f/a-r Drttttr, No. 9Treroont7Ioate. Boston. Opinions of the Botin Vrffs. Ke?as Soap.?Mr. Creech, at hi* elosant ?bop under the Treffmnt llou-e, hn* a ?tuantlty of tins excellent article for waving or WYuhlag. It is the be<t thini in the market deci? dedly. [Morning P..L Tue Ri sjt vx Ke*a>.?Soiiios.x yc-r* *:-ee. a friend who uiniie a iupereargo's voyage to Si. Peter>t>urc. lirought u* liome. by way of kind remembrance, a [aiund enkeot Ihc genu? ine A'i.-:a -oap, wninh he earnestly commenced to our shaving cup. We tried .t ami loond it goodr-very good: so good, ia deed, that had not our beseareJeal Ir.end admirable s?jap compsiunder, Daten, of C3Uii.;idge, .uaplied our necessity by a generous donation of hixbj -d'all sorts, we know not what ws should have dor.e with o:. razor?unlet-vto use it 00 the threat of a certain dog. w ho r.^ay consider him*c!f a dead lier in;. if be keep* not quiet at niaht. To revert, iiowever, to the Kcjom soap ; after all tlscs non. scitse. t>.EE< n, under the Tnmoct House, ha* a small ituan tity of toe genuine article, which ho is lellmc iu>t as fast as he can attend to cu>u>mer?. a.-.d make chance. It u a rirst rate article, and no mistake. Try it. [Evening Transcript. KesaN Soa?-?All who have ever used the Kesan Soap, whe-.ner f->r ?haviug or any otner of the various purposes lor wlncli it may be used, will .tirree with in ip ir'vi-g :t the pre. lerer.ceover ever) oilier Kir.:;. !' is, however, in ?,that it. ni|?orioritr u taemnst evident. It possesses the rare and va'uable quality of being eqnal'y good, whethrr it be ttsed with !i't water or cold, i -jd ? r?.ilL, If any one doubts it. we nd vise him n> call at toe shop of Samuel YV. Creech, under the Tremont lio-js?, w!>o reeps th-i geauine ancie, and who will soon remove hi> utcre>iu.iiy. (Daily Alles. j29 2we-Hin_ JUST plT?LIiSHED, PRICE REDI CEI). rHE NEW-YORK B( S1NE3S DjLRECTORY For 1?45?Trnan Enrnus. Price 75 Cent?, BUSINESS MEN AND HOTEl-KEEPERS will nod this Busmess 1 lireciory s err u-eful. For sale, wru.lesale and retail, by B UBG ESS. STRIKGER k. CO. jlSlmis t\2 ii oftdivay, ci.r. of Ann.-t SCROFULA! SCKOFULA! SCROFULA ' PUBLISHED THIS DAY. RESEARCHES AND O?s?liVATiO-NS o.v SCROFULOUS DISEASES, BY J. G. A. LUGOL. Physician to the Hospital Sr. Locus, *c. Ate, Translaled from the French, BY A. SIDNEY 'anE' A.M. M.D. First American Edi?.m. Price SI. Pubhslied and fur s*Je by J- S. BEDFIELD, C96td W Clinton Hail, NEW PUBLICATIONS NEW ROMANCE BY LEVER. iV?iT SOVEL BY SUE.' NOW READY AT THE OFFICE OF THE NEW WORLD. -4 ANN-STREET. Sot. I and H. for January, of the REPOSITORY OF ROIAXCK. Double number, price 12's, cents?Ordy Oae Dollar a Year? Ii?- chea-vs* Maearine in Ammca ' Content* or thi? N'r-stBtR. 14THE O'DONOGHUE. - Tab? <>f Ireland Fifty Year* A so, by Charles Lever??ie rirst Chapters, received by the Cambra. 2. THE HOTEL L AMBERT, a new Novel by Eugene Sue. published exclusively in the Repository. 3. THE THREE GUARDSMEN, a capitai Tale, by Du ma??Complete. 4. HORTENSIA, or ?>e Transmural?.trs?? Rurnrtuce of great beauty, by Z-chofcke. 5. REVELATION'S OF l^NTON-Intensely exei'm; br Ainsworth?Several new Chapter.. ri. The*revi!:es o*'(.vsrre:*tnwn?Continued. CCf" Six Novel* for a Shilhr.g! or One Dollar a rear. Pub? lished semi-monthly. CT" The WanJensf Jew?F?.ur Voluiies ol the French edition, complete, Xos. 1 to 13?c'v cents each. It <>:'ri.-e24Ar*?.-t._ E. WLVCHESTER. Publisher. CHEAP PUBLICA HONS. No. a Astor House 5,000 < topics ofHaxper'i Chens Publicatien, Eugene Sue's Works, ??:?MYSTERIES OF PARIS. MATILDA. SALAMANDER, ARTHUR, HLt'E BEARD. THERESA DUN( IYER; COLONEL DE Sl"RVILLE..r-.nd The WAN? DERING JEW. Next week we shall receive a new work by '.be author ol the'Ro.c or Tik.-tle I.lsjid.' Agents should send their or.ieis early. The MYSTERIES OP I.ON DON-S numbers publLshed. This work has excited a great curiosity with ail the readers of the Mysteries nf Paris, and the sale is fast increasing. THE INVALIDE, by Spindier. A new edition of ibis ro-k 1. instout. ISABELLA, or the Pride of Palermo. We invite the lov. j ers of tiction to the petnsa' of this most interesting novel. THE IRISH SKETCH, by Titmirsh. A few copies of this humorous work are left. New- supplies of AofsrorRT. Chimes. Earon Mt.-s. nsr ?sts. Poor J*i k. Lai r;e Tod. Parrxcs Svapprac.on; for I snlc. wholesale and retail, hy JCHD jr. TAYLOR. I' THE BLACKWOOD OF AMERICA. The New Number for. February of THE DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. Embellished hya tine engraved Portrait of Maj-r A. DaTKZaC. Comprizing the following attractive nn.1 varied literary contrbutions; 1. Mr. Cilhrnin and the Democratic Review. II. Major Davezae (with an Engraving on Steel. 1 HI. Line?-By H.T. Tuckcrmrn. IV. Revo!Olli n in Englnnd, V. Army (iriianrzntion. VI. Pascal. ? " . VII. The Shot in the Eye?A True Story o|Texv Boruer Life?By C Wiikim Euni. VIIf. R.vhert J. Walk-r. IX. Louis Devrterit?A Sketch.-By Mr'. E. T. F.lleL X. First Eight Days in England.?By Judge Carleton, ot New Oilean-. XL Tue Poetry ol Bryant.?By II. T. Tuckerman. XII. Rome: asseen bv a New-Yorker. XIII. Line?" Little Mary." X' V. Sonnets?Aj Arme C. Lynch, and It. S. S. An'rot. XV. Monthly Financial nnd Commercial Article. XVI. Monthly Literary Bulletin. XVIL K-w.York HistoncaJ S-mety. XVIII Note to Article VII. HENRY G. LANGLEY, Publisher. S A?ior House. Br whom Subscription! i'-'r ;he wink $1. are requested._ NEW NOVEL BY EUGENE SUE NEW ROMANCE BY LEVER. THE REPOSITORY OF ROMANCE, For Jnnunry 3 I, contains the following Novels : I. THE O*D0NOG0E,a Tale of Ireland Fifty Venn Ago, by Charles Levtt, Author nf Charles O'Mal. ley. Ate. ft THE HOTEL L'AMBERT. a Romanee by Eocene Sue, Author of The Mysteries of Paris, The Wen. dering Jew, Ate DX THE THREE GUARDSMEN", by AlexanderDu? mas. IV. REVELATIONS OF LONDON, by W. B. Ams. w-'itth. V. Il< iRTENSIA.a Mesmeric Romance, by Zicbokke, Concluded. VI. NEVILLES OF GARRETSTOWN, by Dr. I-escr. ?new chapters. I'r.ce for these -:x Romance-, I2li cents, or *1 11 year?being the cheapest Magazine in America. ?JUST PUBLISHED, THE CHIMES, by DicJterts, new edition, 6 cents. THE WANDERING JEW, No. 13. the last in the country, m advance?six cents. OfHce 24 Ann-street. 13 !? E. WINCHESTER. Publisher. BISHOP ONDERDONK'd i RIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THF COURT Convened unrlerilie ThircLCBrioh ol 1S44. for the Trial of tha R'. Rev. R. T. OmJcrdonk. D. D. Bishop of New York, on n Presentment made by ihe Bishop of Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. 1 vol.ovo of 321 pact s. Priceriftw Cent*. BISHOP ONDERDONK'S STA FE HEN P. ?\ Statement nt f'ne's .snd t'lrciiHi.tiincesconnected wHh the recoiit 'I'nal of Ihe Bishop of Near.York. Price 12)? cents. For sale al II. It S. RAVNoICS Book Siore. ?30_I_*6 Bowery. .11'ST IMPORTED. ICNIGH l"S WEEKLV VOLUME, FOR ALL READERS Price 37 per Volume. History of British Oonuncrre-. 3 volt. British Miiiiiif uriircs?1 "iiemicul?1 vol. The Camp of Refuge, 2 rob. Civil Wars ol Rome. translated by Long, I vol. l.-te i-i Sir Thomas OiesbamJ voL English Woman in Em p'. 2 vets. Fairfax's Translation oCTbim, 2 volt. History of the Elephant. I vol. Dialogue on Instinct, by Lord Broughnin, I sol Sketches of the Ili-rory of Literature, a volt. 11 be Chinese, by J. F. Davis, 3 voH. \ Volume nf Varieties. I vol. Tales from SiiHfcsiienre. by Lamb. 2 vols. Rambles hy Rivers, I vol. Life of Cnxton. by C. Knight Imported and for sale hy WILEY 5c PUTNAM, lo'l Broadway. OST* Single eoplaa ofEoglish Books impotteil to order by every steamer or packet. _ 13 THI> TRIAL REVIEWED D. A PPL ETON ic CO. ill f> 11 b I i s h ort W e d n e 3 d a v, THE TRIAL TRIED : i'lie Ui?linp onil flic Court ?iT THE B.1R OF PUBLIC OP/AVOsV. Hv Laicus?Price 12J cnnta. Junt Puli?siieil, THE TRIAL OF BISHOP ONDERDONK? Campleu?331 pages?fopyneht E?l ition? Price a rts. I 3 2t:s SUPPLEMENT TO Dr. URE'S DICTIONARY. ; Ii APPLETON & CO. PUBLISH THIS DAY. I RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN ARTS, MANUFAC Tl KJBtS AM" Mlfs'Eei. ti^ nc ,1 ^miplsnssem to his DseStssrs. nry.] Hy Andrew I-re, \\. \:. P. R. 8, &C. One volume, Svo. oisoO pages, aod eegmving'. Price in paper cover $1. bound in lea'her tl Ob. RECENTLi PUBLISHED FOURTH EDITION. A DICTl?N'ARV OF R PS. M AN I- F At.TU It LS AND MINES, enntaininc a clear exposition ol their principles and practica, illu.trated with 1241 Lngmvines. Strongly bound i5. " We are eonvineed ihm manufacturers, merchants, rtades men, students ol natural and experimental philosophy, insen tive rnechnnics, men of opulence, members of legislatures, und all Mr ho desire to coiupreh-nd something of the rapidly ac? celerating [Tugre-s of tli-ee discoveries which facilitate the supply of huFHin ?.vanls. end 'ho augm',ntat...n ot s.e-ial com t.irts with the national wtul. will bud that invaluable Diction? ary ? r**Tvnnial source of lalhl ry instruction nnd odifriac en joyment. _[ffitisjj_[N'aL Intel. IN PRESS, And will be published toward the end of in February, an original work entitled WOMAN IN rHENINETEENTH CENTURY, BY S. MARGARET FI LLER. 1 vol. 1'mo. . 'Plus w.-rk wdl compreo a sketch of the progress of opinion as to the cap.icitiei and destiny of Woman, illustrated by many reference* to historic facts, and to the idoal standard in the ramdl or poets nnd artist;. Positive principles are laid dow n and suggestions made an to improvements desirable at the present time. A work on such a subject can only pretend to be, in the stricle-t -cose, aa Es,ay ; but the author has the advantage of various arid familiar acuuaintance with tbe men? tal history of Woman in many conditions of life, to on extent which has rarely been the lot of any one. It will firm a fair 12mo. of over900 pages?put up in paper, 30 cent=; in muslin 75 cents. OrJen are solicited by GREELEY It Mi ELRATH. IT Tribune Olfice. lrjO Na-sau-.t. THF. ART OF WEAVING, .1 near S/ai. Fiinme. Just Published in plain, clear len guage.fulti' Illustrated with some 300 Engravings un IVood and Steel, plain and colored. By Clmtots G. Gilroy, Practical Weaver and Manufacturer. Will be Tound uselul to WEAVERS. LOOM.AI AKERS AND MACHINISTS, numbers of whom, inch rts Benj. Marshal. Em. of Troy, Thomas Roger?. Murray tfc Kyle, P. Magiums. Wm. Bradly tfc Bo thers, and John Traver? of Pitierson, gentlemen well known to tbe manufacturing community, have given their tes? timony in favor of this book. Published ami for sale by JT_G EO_ I>. V.\LD'sVIN. & Spinae.?*, EXPLORING BXPEDFI1?N. Tun SpLgvntp National Woes 13 now pRnoKCHsirrti j rapiplv t-iw.\roh a?sB(axso% A Vorxxe or it, pons te IN THE STYLE as IT WtLt r.C DgUVERCO to j SmsCRtSERS. MAY BE SEEN at WILEY ar. PCTNAM'S, 161 Broaowty, W ter< Subscriber-.' aames are ?tili received. CS" Tin - magmiiceiit volume, printed in the best style, with new type, on the finest paper, constits of <7d pages, and con? tains : 4 rlr,e Portraits. Hi large Steel-Pia'e Eng-avices, 11 ex.iarsite S'.ecl-l'iate Vignettes. 4d Wo-al-Cut?, nn-t 3 Map?. U n-o rou be indisputahly tbe Snm pabticatioa ever produced m America, nod will not be surpassed, if | equaled, by auy wiwk puhhsHsal in Europe. And the oiher volunies will be eqaUly ?imbeUohed. Parties subscribing soon will be insured carlv copies, with choice impressions of tbe plates, at WILEY Sc PUTNAM'S. 1? Btoadsray. a trrriST" the RIGHT REV. FATHER IN GOD RICHARD LORD..BJ.-HOP OK ??XFORD. On the dwrtrine of ROMANISM rts held in the English Church. By Rev. E. B. FUsKY. D. D. In tha I/srtcr all the topics now under discussion ar.d form? ing the ctmir-d-work of t.bedrsput? bettvsren theTTiaitarara or H ;h t tiurehiuan and the LowCnurchman, acl which thre rt ?a to produce a rupture m the Church ot Englnnd are luL'y set forth, Pricp 25 Cen.'e. _ ForsTjeby J. S. REDF1 ELD. Cbnton Hall, J3s isf ccrner of Beekaiso and Nassau su. BALLS! BALLS! * SHI.AXD ?ALL-THH ASHLAND^. ASSOCIATION j\ will eise the-rtirst Annual Hail, at Niblol Saloon, oo Morninj Evening. February tf*. L*& , ,, Ticket' tX to hs.1 st the Vtor Hoar*. { ;ty H-tei. How? ard'? Hotel. Amerx&n Hotel, Nibiu's Saloon, at the oihcc ?I the Tr.bune. _J*> ,w_ ?MUaSEMKNTS. ACONCERT op SACRED MUSIC be given in the j CHCRCH OF THE REDEMPTI? ?N In UilTh Hint' eeertfat Bowvrv. m vJ of rt-.e Church, on M< INDA V i:\ ENING. Feb. 3.:. B6' PRiM-trst. vocal rtaroaMER** MRS STRONG. MR. PEAKS V MISS PEARSON. MR. SIDNEY PEARSON. A?i?ted brother Eminent Talent. Mr. TIMM will prmrieM theOrrmn, Tbe rtoot? will be open at half i'a?t e"; Concert to rotunrence at half past 7. Ticket* 50 m:~Tu be hail a: P.urtn-tt's S-.?r?. com?rof ; ? A LSI Mark'? Place; Crowen\ Book Store, toraei of Broadway and BJeeeker street: Geslatn'* Mine ' Store, ?" Broadway, and at the door oo tire evening ot'be j performance. _tS PA LMO*S OPERA HOI 'SE. t >. ?bers street, on Mon.lav Evemns. the Orphan Family tike pleasure in announc ire t0 rfw.rfr ends and the public that they have.secured this ?"?hl- nab 'e oince of amusement P-r a ?erieii ot ( ereerts.: >e tintot which will takee/aev on MONDAY EA ENING. reo. 3d. The following wllbe -mong the p'eee* Ci>ntame<! in rtieir prograrr ? i'hj Welcome. New England s S-imny Hills i t cm of Yankee Doodle, Weeoiqi Mother. Row Bro? ther* Row. The Kai net March, Sleep Oo, Sleep Cm, V?-. York Roar Ul-e. Oh that I had Wmp. Gipsy Chorus The i\: K-nae!*-. Mn. Suva! Horn. Mutintnipeer's Invite. Hon. Grave of Napoleon, Funeral of Napoleon, Ba-tk* of Al? lan vVaeer. Sp'.ler and Mr. F.?r*?ter? .mud thss Oheertal Hom. Miller's Maid, Ate. Ate. Door? <v*n at 6J$?Concert to comm-'nceat TS. The Box Office will iseopen trom 10 to 3, when sent* may be ?ecured. Tickets to lower boxes and par uuetie SOce^t* ; upper boxes 35 Cent? ; pru ste boxes, capable of contains ru pcrsoB*. *4._f * It JERFSALEM IN NEW.Y?BK. MR. CATHERWOOD'S Now Panorama will be opened o-. Tuesday. Feb. 4 It a a most main-rieentview of JEKL SALEMand U vicinity- Wh.*?*, er ??es it * ill be ertarrtwd by Us beauty and mosred by the Association? connected w:th the wonderful city ;t-o fiitlifuMT represents. Open Bny and Evening at the Gr?mte BniPisii*. Broad. way. Admiss'on 25 cents._ 13 2tn* jTsiERlCAN* MUSEUM?Cornet of Broadway and Ann EVERY DAY AND EVENING THIS WEEK! Common ein a MONDAY, re'. 3d, 1946. ' SPEKNDID PERFORMANCES ! Every Evening at?Jt o'clock, and Wmliwday and Saturday Attemoonsnt 3o'i-!iwk. ENTIRE CH INGE OF PER Ft IRM xNOES. <>NF. WEEK MORE OF THE Ol R ING OCTANG. MADAME R< ?'KU ELL, the wonderful PEl'KOLCGlST ! The splen o ' and highly ituaeestma Diomn a ?t THE U VrTLEOF BJ SKER HILL ! Also enraged, MADAME ElTLlNG. one nf the frsr Voc-T-t, of the nee: MR. and MKS. WESTERN ; MK. RE.MEK. Comic Singer. Gen Tom Tbumb'i Court Suit; Automaton Juggler. Rope Dincer, Acc. Admission to the whole, 25 cep.ti?children under 10 yean ot age. ?s?cents. ( 3 NXW-YORK MUSEUM AND PICTURE GALLERY, BROADWAY, opposite the City BallT?M? H. Bars witt. Man?n?r. PUN ! FARCE! FREAKS' FROLIC! FOLLY! AND Ft ilBLKS ! PERFORMANCE EVERY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. LAST DAY BUT ONE or' THE FOUR WHITE NEU KOKS. These children are bom of black parents, and amidst all the extraordinary trunks of nature they rank pre-eminent. They oiay on the BANJO, BONES, VIOLIN AND TAMBO. RINE! and lorni a tir^t rare bund. Their style tar surpasses the present race of Imitator?. DK. VALENTINE will btrodece a variety of Queer, Quasar, Darttjct.', ('miicl Charnettrr. K A v WAII. the celebrated Iri-h Comic Singer; LA PETITE 1'A it LINE. Mr. LYNCH. Me-sC. BL.ANt.'HARD, wili ulso appear. 03- ALL FOR ONE SHIU.ING.ja), Perfonnaace to commence every Evening at 7!? o'clock. DRY GOODS. V FANCY SILK (iOOnS, Newest Styles. PE( K, NICOLSON k WRIGHT. No. 139 Pearl iiiidlV Beaver stres-t?. New.York. Would respectfollv announce that they are opening a large and newly -elected Stuck of Sil.K GOODS, allot wlin li are of thojttct Fall styles. nmptwin a full as? sortment q,f DRESS GOODS, con-,sting 10 part of rich Cashmere D'Eenese, rich prin'e?! Mm liu deLaincs. ('ra|>e llo Dalnet of new und elegant styles, rich plain CatneJeon und Setinlstripe Repeakir?. ai.ew and lasluon able article; CanwKon, Brocade, and Broche.atiped Silkj, black and Colored Alpeceai, figured and plain. Sil \WLS. Brivche and <'a-bmere Sin?!?, re-v patterns; Camelwon and Br cade Ggured 3ilR Shawls; Damask Woolen Stmdillaami ricli Damask Alnpaccha; Merino, Thibet and Muslin de. Laine, in great variety, acc. RIBBONS. A full astertnjen' of llwnnct and Cap Ribbons, ol the richest Paris stylet. LACES. Figured Cap Ijices, Triniming Ijices and l.ace Edging*. Thread, Lisle, Plaited and Brussels Edging*, Acc. GLOVES. Consisting of Kid. Silk, Cashmere, in great variety, together with a large assort meat of Fancy Mitts. Alton full assortment ofj'uns Cords, Gimp* and Fringes, together with every article usually to be found in a Fancy Stock, which they are prepared to oiler on a* favorable term* auiiiy establishment. If Ijyl NEW GOODS.?Just received UOOpcsof English Prints, new designs. Cashmere pattern*, lite handsome*! ever offered. .7 ...1, .MO |is wide, very rich pouts, fn?t colon, at Is pr yd. Also. 3.i0 ps line elotM, fa*t, three colord prints, 8.1 and 9d per sard. Also, 250 p* various color*, bird and stri.i-. 4<l aiid 01 pr yd. Also, several lot* of new abd desirable 8ilks, veryeheap. Also, several lot* i 'ashmeie and de Lnines. new patterns. \ l*o, I large -lock of plain figured and stripe Alpscca and Eotlans, AI*o, a large p.**'.itment of White Good, for Ladra*' l)re?ses. Also, various other .ivies desirable for the season. r> BAR KEP. At TOWLE. 71 Calharine-st. INDIA Rl BBER SHOES.?We have on hnnd Tor salo a ?plendid I,s ortiie nl of Ladies' und Gentlemen*' India Rub bor Shoe, und I hretshoe* ofevery variety in the market, mami fucturcd from the pure rum, and sot iii> in the nm.t desirable ?tyle? and w.irrn-ileil not to rtiffeo wiui the cold. Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine the re? cent improvement* made in our manufacture, bet?re purchas? ing elsewhere. We warrant our lime* not to pail in the seams and to rrroin ttier color undar nil circuinsUuices. fXT" IVe si I! che ij.^d) Warehouse of the Newark, N. J. India Rub. ber Factory, 53 .Maiden Lane. j3U .*??' HDTCHIN3QN k RUN YON. TEE7 II! TEETH !! TEETH !!! rfp L. LEWIS. SURGEON DENTIST, 310 Broadway, I , 2d door below Mnsmuc Hall, bee* lease to inlorm his friends and the public that ho has made the following great reduction in Dentistry i Teeth plugged with tir.e sold, *1 0(1. Do do do tin foil or silver. 60 c's DoeIeaaad.9L extrnctrsl, 50 cts. 'J'osith. ?.i::ir c -''2.''-_dj .Ions" fPIME-SAVING ANSWER,?Froai advertiwmenn that a. frr.pi.-ntty nrioear in the payers, and from eireulars that are sent about the city nud country arnl left under the doors ol many of our friend., we are almost every day called upon and asked " :! we ate itwL in piirtnersmp with a Sir. Dodge? " (if order to prevent any farther mistakes and interruption from such coits and inquiries, we beg leave to state that we are not, nor never were, in partnership with any Mr. Dodge, and thai we have no new, superior, or pr.lmt modes, either of set. ting or fasteniag teeth; nor do we know of any that are net thoroughly rtndetstood by all well.-nitructed Dentist*; and the Doctor who may be his partner, and who has. by rnirtuke or otherwise, published hi* -iame in such a way as to make it re ?emOM i Urs, so '..'"it i' ? often '.'.ken for ours, we have not the pleasure of ?r.nwnig, either by name, person, pmfesnon, 01 i- PARMLY, J. PARMLY. a253mis*_No*. 1 and 3 Bond.street. T N OUR LAST COMMUNICATION we said that, if Mr. 1 Doooe stjioxl thing, as they were, he shonM have no word of c.jiiter.tioii from us. but ho has not told i hem ns they were, or a* they are; ud urepronounce hi. last article untrue, ami we 'lefy lnm, and all tue world with him, u, ;irnveit otherwise. We mall tjike no farther notice ofany thing he may soy, and regret exceedingly that we were compelled, froni many di,? greeable i ircum>tances growing out of iiiisreiiresentanon, to nnuce him at ail- IU ncknowledgriient of the facts rir.t pub? lished by u< at what we wished Uie public to understand. We therefore luko len.e, thanking b in for the assistance he has rendered us in making them known. dJ is'i"_E. At J. PARMLY. Triii in pliant Success! MR. BRISTOW, Finishing Writing Master, presents his most sincere acknowledgements to the inhdbiwiiti ol New-York a"d P.r.?.klyn. lor the very distinguished support, and the many tlaitenng ptnofi of a pprobntinn they have heen plenseil toliestowon hi* tfiortl du'ing hi* jireseot Mr. B's Academy. No. 156 BrorjJwny,(R,OTm No.7.) willconrmuc OPES lor pup 1*. Day and Evening, fur oxly a limited pe? riod lonoer?it being hi* yosnrre intention, turtu m the sprine, to return to hi* Academies in London and Liverpool. BRISTOW'S SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT COMMERCIAL SYSTEM OF WRITING. ACADEMY, No. 156 BROADWAY. Mr. B. urjLKA.vTEg.<* to impart to Lndie* and Gentlemen ol stl. AOEit.a-impeTKir, Jrts, '!<:icm<:,r:vnitt.iuiis. r*,mtifuland pleasing style of Penmanship, executed 111 an elegant olf-hand manner, IN TWELVE EASY LESSONS! no matter how boA'. ulrcildc or cramped the writing is. Evg.-i the veaemhlc matron feeis debgbteii in going through this proce?*, to revive the study of the sernui owirn of life. CS*" Extra Lessons jeiceu (free of charge) if reouired.? BooK-KiEPim; and Siiobt-Haso taught as u*ual. bit. B. n to be veto Irom 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. or 3 to S P. M. C 1 5 -x v, p ^ e u *.* Vi?itep.? in New. York coo take a course of Writing in three days.'! j N. B.?Specimenvof Writing are exhibited on the awning post._._jglmeori rs* No Twelve Lesson Humbug ! I WINTEKTON'S WRITING AND BOOK-KEEPING ACADEMY. No. 2U BriMilway. Mr. WINTERTON uuorms b? rnends aal the pubfc that I ?.i,^.??.' ?'Tlir 'or instruction io PENMANSHIP and BOOK. KEE1 ENG ircwoMB at No. 281 Brrsiilway, dunng the day mWrTmgfVlvTl^liil^lisTWEATY UXSOSil ' ?S,r: ^Ki^^ii'l^H^^^ r*rf.?n*neeofimno*. "i^Sft '^ ,^>KL\E LESSONS, but he doe* mrsit tolly Pleuse himself toi impart to pupils olordma/y crmacrty and at. j teotion a tree, bold said eiegaat style of * | Off-hand AVricinir, suited to all the occupations of life. Double Entry Bookkeeping taught ia the ni-rst thorough and practica! manner, and term moderate for an anhmited course of mstru-ty .a XA^^^i'n??CAeJs!.ni'c.:ear,' ncauiuiil Uautiful stylo of 7 P M ,1"ur,lA-M- Gei5t!(rinen'sC!as*es.9A. M. 2an | ??'Private tesaons if deured. ? lmedtiia* AUCTION SALES. BY BANGSTkJ?mK? Sl PLATT.-Store ** Br?nd. svay.-Libera; cosh adianeements made on e?ounin*nta "' ' ' VOXrlfcnm TRADE SALE-** March, nad following day*. _ Tbe next regular Trad* SrJt o.' Boob. ItC t?y.g?g* Uonof the Comm. ttreof Trad*, will UUIUIB>IIWt^^y?<? date, and will (*? conducted aider tbe ?am* reeuiatioc* ?od terro. a* r-errtofore. _? , Trsr sal* of Stationery. Writing and rVntmg Pap*r*. I .n.l m'Leatl^WMu4an.*^?l??l!l be b^WonMondv. Sfch..! ^fircoices will be received irntfl' 1st Mm f **? "rn*B.'j** Catalogue rviil go to prens. nnd the usual cash advance* will '>* maite. if required, on recc it of goods._ R. M. BAKER. Auctioneer. BY MORGAN & JOHNSTON. Store215 Broadway. THIS DAY.sulOo'eJoek. A large and general assortment ot Dry Lood*. Cutlery. Oo.e and Silver Watches. amorTst which are -mw sopenor h-i gitsh Lewr?. Jewelrv. Far.fy Article*, tie, 4ke. Liberal ca-n advances made on all cocttii.nmeoti. Out doo i UenrJed dal 4m* F. COLTON, AurtKsneer. FCXjLTONAtCl'. Auction and t^ommsssion Mercian's, . No. 113 rNiltnc-street und 34 Ann-street.?Uoeral adva o c? on eoinygnmeot.*, ami prom ist return* mads", ON MONDAY. Feb. 3d. Vi l? Vo'chsck, at the turner of Pirt and Riviogton ?is. SngRirrs Sale?A large and genera! asaortmeat ot Gave . nes. comprising Segsrs, Teas. Corte*. Spices. Butter, Che*-'-, Lard. Candles. Salt Pork. Flour. Indian Mea , Pieeesies. to? gether with all articles usually found in a retail grocery. Abo. Wine. Cordials. Cm. Brandy. Rum, Beer. Od?, \ ?? egar. iie. &c Also, one puncheon of Irish Whtskv. _ ON MONDAY, Feb. 3. At H o'rlork at 34 Ann street. By virtue of a Chattel Mortgage, one Bookbinder's StacJiof; Press, one pair ot squaring Shears, two Boost binders' Presses}, one Plough. &c. At 2 S o'clock. P. M. at No. IS Third Avenue. MoRToaoc Sat.g or FaukTrcu?OajafetJar* of a Book Case and Rook*. Tables, C?airs, Carpet*. Oil Cloths. Lamps, MatOng.jCjrockety, Kitcbea Furniture._* W. VV. SHI RLEY. AucUssocer. HOUSE FURNITURE SALE.-Mood?v. Feb. 3d. at 11 o'clock, generai and neat arsottroent ol Furniture contain esl la the l ouse N* 244 Boirery, near Prince street, itontistmc of Ingrain Carpets, Rugs. Pianoforte, stool and cover, mahu?. anv hair seat Saas, t bun. Centre and other Tables. Oil Ct?th. Stair O.rvsrrs. French and other Bedsteads, Bur.sao,, Feather Red.. Mafreseea. Looking Classes, Clocks. Hantal Lamps, Girandole*. Chirn, Glass and Crockery, Kitchen Fur mlure, Jtc Sale iscssiiive. _ . The house to let?powi ion i? mediately._lei 2:is* KEAL ESI APE FOR SALE. TT7TLL BE SOLD AT ACCTION, nt the Merchants' Ex. V V change, on Tuesday. the 4th of February next, by Win. 1! Franklin, auctioneer?:f not sooner imposed of?the fol? lowing VALUABLE PROPERTY. vis: No. 197 EIm street-2 stoty Brick House?I.ot 23 fVet S inches front and rear. 35 feet 9 inches onorto sida and s bout 33 feet on tbe other. \"o. 2t3 Hudson.streel?Comer ot Dommick-street?Frame budding? Lot 21 feet front and rear, by 70 leet deep, including rtcht to party wall. Said kit may be im? proved for tDi t?to produce an annual nrnt of $700. Title of the above props tut indisputable ; warrantee deeds given, and a Portio? of tlw purchase money may remain on bond and martgage for a turn of years. Apply to JOHN' S. GILES, trS Walker-itreet. New-York. January 4?. 1845. jfibtrs* CLOTHING. OVERCOATS AND CLOAKS. AT THE NEW.YORK CASH TAILORLNG ESTAB. L1SHMENT. 11*7 Uroatlway. 3 doors beiov the Fmnkltn House. 'Die subscriber* have an assorttaent of the different styles o f Overcoats and Cloaks, whith they now offer for sale at cost. Any person wishing such an article will do well to avail thorn selves of the opportunity now offered to get a fashionable and cheap ganneBt. J. (X BOOTH fc CO. j90 8wis OVER COATS. CLOAKS, tkc.-A large assortments ready-made Over I..sits. Cloaks, i.e. still on hand, and will besoldet greatly reduced prices, in view ofthe advanced state ol the season. W M. T. J ENNINGS St CO. ) 18 istf_ ffll Broadway, American Hotel. NEW TALL AND WINTER GOODS! Men's, Boys', find Children's Clothing. OEORCIB T. GREEN, No. 110 Chatham-at. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF mejts, BO YS', AXD CHILDREN'S CLOTHIXQ, ol all descriptions, made in tho most vashmmabli style, to which he would rospeirtfully invite the attention of thus., m want. As he bos made arrangenieats to receive CLOTHS, CiSilMF.KF.S, VF.STIXQS, 4c. by every laicket, and has secured the service* of exportenced" Cuturrs, lie pledge* himielf to give perfect satisfaction to all w ho may purchase. A*. B.? Garments made to order at ike shortest notice, and tcith strict vunctualitv._ Jsst! istf WM. TT JENNINGS & CO" OKA PEES AND TAILORSi Iuiiiortere of Clcitlis, Caaaiuierea. Veitlugo. Fancy JDresa Artlclea, dtc. 231 l>roadway, American Hold, opposite the Fountain, Solicit attention from D'Oxarss and Strangers raquirinc Gar? ments to a large assortnunt of new Goods for Fall and Winter wear, selected with a yiew of rendering their stock a* rich in qnaUty and variety ai can be found in the city, eon-prising Beaver and Milletl Cloil^,Twesabi,.4tc, for Overcoats, Cloaks, tic,; French und Engl sh Cloths for dress nnd frock Coals; various new ttylcs Cars ueres; nch Velvet, Merino, Silk and Satin Vesiings?w hich will be nirule up to order at pricti to sustain our tepiitiitiiin as the pioneers in the progressiva refor? mation that i? averting ths causa of complaint that cash pur. chn-i-m are tnxeil for others'delinquencies. The stylo and tin. ish of our Garments will compare with those of any other es. tahlisluneiit, and in this is tho sequel of the extensive patronage elicited. A large assortment ?f First Unsi.tTT Ready-made Car merits, comprising Overcoats, Cloaks, Loss* and Frock 1,'nuU, Pantaloon,, Vests, tee. constantly on band, w ith a full iiipprV of Fancy Dress articles. Including Sear!*, Cravats, Handker ? clno!*, Glov.-s, r-n-iieiiilers, Dremsmg Robes, Str.. 08 tfia S~7)DA BISCUIT AND SUGAR CRAC'KERS.?The ?ub icnlxr wishes to make known to the public, that raurh o f the biscuit nnd crnekem which are sold in this city hy theahova nnmes, nre entirely dirl'sren' from the Sons BtwctriT and Sir. riAR CitAi'KKnM iiinde ut his llakery, which have been osed hy invuhds, particularl}' those who suffer from indigestion, for more than twenty ream, with the best results; while the mu? tation, which can be mndo for a leu price, though perhaps good lor r. |ierson in hei.lth, are wholly until for tbe sick. 'I ha above Bisi i-fr and t 'rackerm, also BtTTTIR BlscctT, VVinc Hisri it. Brn-gR Cr-ickkr.?, Water (.'rackirs. Pilot and Navy Brkad, all of the first qunhty, nre coastantly for sale at tiie well-known establishment, 275 Wruhinglon-streei, CJiriierofWarren-streel. EPHRAIM TREAIJWELL. jl" istf _ IXTHOOPDr? COUGH AND CROOP.-To Partnin. W Jnyne's Expecbirsnt is without exception the mostvalu n. ble preparation in use for the above diseases. It converts whooping cough into a mild ami tractable disease, and shorten* itsdiirniion mota tlmn one half, nnd produces a certain and speeily recovery. From one half to one tea spoon fjll will certainly cure cruop in infants and young children, in ball' an hour's time. The lives of hundreds of children will be saved annually, by always keeping it on hand ready for a emergency. It is prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne. No. SO South Third-st Philadelphia. Price 01. For sale by A. B. k II. SANDS, Druggists, 79Po.ton.rt. jlS lmi* 27! Broadway, and 77 East Broadway. Brown's Pencil Paste. No lieltsrevidence of neatness, when yoo enter n dwelling, than to notice the Stove* and Grate* ire well polished. W: would recommend for this purpose VVM. BROWN'S PENCIL PASTE. It is put in rolls, which costs hut ISM cts. and has many advantages over the British Lustra and Black Lead, ns ita lustre ia brighter, lasts longer, and is used with much less dust and trouble. In one iinmito after it gets dry, hy arrtlication of a brush, you get a baentiftt] polish. For sale st VVM. BROWN'S. 481 VVashin?rtoT sireet. Retailed by all the Druggist and Grocery Stose* in Boston. Sa? lem. Lowell, Worcestrr. Portland, and Spnngfield. Dealers and Familie*ean be supplied of A. B. dr. D. SANDtt, Druggists, No 79 FuRmi st,; 273 Broadway; 77 East Broad, way. _jl7 lnii*_ CHEESEMAN'S ARABIAN BALSAM has long boen known and appreciated lor the etlicacr and peculiar pro? perty it possesses fur the cure of every kind of Wounds, Bruise*. Sprains and sores; and it ij a never failing remedy for acut? and chrouii: Rheumatum. The Balsam air'ords immediate re? lief for coiinhs and sum lungs, pain m tho tide arid breast, weakness in the buck and loins , und is warranted to core any case of the piles or fistula of however lone standing, wlien every thing else has failed. This wouder work ng Balsam will restore numb or perished limb*, stiff joint*, or numbness in any port of the body, and is a sure nnd pleasant application to bums, scalds, sore thniats and quinsies. Numerous and res? pectable eeruflcntes mny be seen where it has effected an en. tin cure in all the obeva coses. Price 01 :n large, CO cents small. Sold wholesale and rrtail b7 A, B. Sc D. SANDS. Druggist, 79 Fulton street, 272 Broadway, and 77 East Broadway. jI8 lma_ perifooal spectacles At No. IrQ BROADWAY ?A NEW ARTICLE ot 1 American manufacture, in discing ease to the weary ere and strength to the weak. Numerous bisrtimooinl* ot their superior merit will be shewn, among wr ich are those of Dr. Lardnerood other noted scientific gentle item But the public ore invited to judge fat themselves. Difficult cases of deficient vision solicited. N. B. Every other description of Spectacles at lee* ihn araaaon miesss_ si 3 >sJko*>o><' ? ? s^mEWSS^^S^bxb^S^SSSm >N D? rV 44 Merchants Exchange, comer of Wall and William ?To ?troeo, (?lutruic* 1st door in WiUiam.) bavo received 3?m addition n> their previous stock, an assortment of he* cot eqe.ale.1 in tbe city?consisting of Chronometer, Duplex ami Lever Wat-else*, both tor and gentlemen. Merchants from tlie Ssiulli, at well as the city trade, snll find (when quality is ci^iipurta:) pnees Sow. A general rosortmert of Jewelry ofthe best quality. StAtThrigsilver wore it manalacturers'imcea. An kinds of vV atches repaired equal to the originsL Monte Clocks regulated bv n firsf rate workman. aS8 ?stf ^ HjJBBARII GOLDSMITH STONE.401 Broadway, corner of Walker street, is constantly risking ad ditio?* o. h? ?tock of VVatcha*. Jess-elry. Silver _ Ware and Fancy Goods, H. G. 3. invariably buys for craait. thereby getting s-oi?|, at the lowest raws, hence he is imvblesi, by keepius in view the principles of ?tack sale* and moderate return to pleas? his customers, both ui regard to quality and price. All kicds'of Jewelry mode to order. Wotrjiss, and Jewelrr carefully repaired. Old Watehe*, tfohl and Silver uken in exchange or bought for easb. H. G. f^NE, dl3 istf 401 Broadway, comer U a!ker-s?. FINE COLD AND SILVER WATCH IX who ivrsli to purchase '.old or Silver Watthes or Jewelry, will rind it greatly to their adranusg? to ssssss;eall on the subscriber, who l* selling all descriptions ot nne liold and Silwr Waiehe? at retail lower than any other hou-e in the City. _ ,. Fine Gold and Silsvr Rnglnh Patent Lever W atches, ?? " l>ftached Lever Watches. - s. ,. Lepirie Walch?. Ladies and Gectlenen's one Gold Guard Cbaiax. ?? ?* Brennt lins. Ladies* Bracelet*. Gob! Pencils. C<*1 Watches as low as 'Hi to 825 each. Watche* and Jewelry exchanged or bought, * All Witehe* warrintH to keeTi goo.) Tim- or the rrxmer retorped- Watcltet, Clocks and Jewerry repaired in ij., (JL. manner and wnrrar.iel at nun h le? than the usual nnrsi GLO. G AJXI^'L Irnpowr .il a??,,