OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, February 03, 1845, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1845-02-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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For The Tnban e.
*/ vriu Katovit*, younj s?r*.'?Jonx.
Ys exe not strong tva yos should be,
{tor fear!?*? in the cause cf Right;
The ray received f'oni Deity
Sheds not abroad its holy ligbt;
And while a glorious trust you bear,
Ye seem but creeping children, when
Nerved by a high resolvirig care,
You should Le vigorous, workin? men!
Untouched ae yet by weakening years,
And r,inn's if ye bend (hi will,
Why be the alavea of ease, and fears,
And shrink when Duty crits?Fulfil'
Where is the calm, stern aim of life,
The love of Right, and hat? of Wrong ? *
Why thia withholding from the strife,
When Truth is calling for the wrong 1
Deem it ignoble thus to live
Inactive while therein work to do;
To Truth the earnest efforts give
Of Talent? God has given you;
Drug not th? Soul with pleasure, w hen
Full armed and laboring it should be?
Dreams are for children?not for men?
Tbey tell not on Eternity !
Upl then,each duniberiDg one, and forth
Where'er the gloom of Error lies ;
Cry, " God and Troth !" and thus give birth
To one more 8tar in rr-idnicht skies :
E'en ihough at firirt it flickering bum,
'T will steadier grow from loftier aim,
And if one Soul toward it lurn,
Earth will be brighter by ite flame :
A. I?. F. Raxdolph.
Land SLir?On Monday evening last, ft portion
of the hill adjacent to the Steep Rocks on the Hud?
son River, comprising an aren of six or Heven acee
and about 50 feet in depth. b?oke. off in ihre? maaees
at three several tiroes, and slid down the fate of 'I
hill to the beach below, a distance or about 200
yards. Upon striking trie level each mass brok
into pieces, piling up a cbnon ofgiganic frogrnent9of
{?are clay, interu?ngled with tree?, > .m- of them ol
arge size. The perpendicular hig'til of the hill in
perhaps 150 feet. The action of the water, and the
rapid succession of freezing and thawing at inter
* mis, will account for the p'tenomenon. Providern
tially there wnn no dwelling in the conree of the
avalanche. [Kirv;?ton IN Y ) Jour.
Boston Improvements.?We barn from the
Whig bulletin that Iba llnptisf Church in Federal
street baa been purchased by a gentleman niwl that
a line of stores will be erected' on it* wie in ihr
Spring. Gragg's stable, which o*i !em than
$20,000. will probably be sold for $80,000, and
a splendid row of warehouses l>? erected on itn site
and alao on Atkinson ft. A magnificent hotel it <
be built in Burastend Place, to lie completed in 15
months, which ban already been leased to Major
Barton and Capt. ComMock. In addition to.theM
the now structure of the Mechanics' Associtttion in
Bowdoin Squaj*,fheHortieuHuniledifion in School
?t. and the superb Gothic church in Hanover street,
with thousands of alores and d Welling? to be erected
in the Spring will afford some indication of ihe in?
creasing thrift and prosperity of the Hay .'"tute city.
tdf A Indv in Cincinnati, who lived opposite to
Mr. D. A. Powell's Foundry, nnd hnd her nrm
broken a short time store by the ezplotiion of n
steam engine in the Foundry, instituted n suit for
damages, and recovered $3?U. It whs shown on
the trial that the boiler used in the Foundry was
unsafe, and that a boy, wholly unqualified lor the
business, wan employed as Engineer.
Mormon Morals.?The citizenB of Montibello
precinct, Hancock county, (111.) have had n meeting
to organize a plan of protection against Mormon
thieving. A schedule wn* exhibited showing that
property amounting in value to $1 ??ii m) bad been
stolen from the single precinct of Montibello.
Death I'Rom Rum.?A man named Booker wap
found dead four miles out of Gardiner village, (Me.)
on the 10th nit. having frozen tu tieuth Din r.Uy
previous. He was intoxicated, and periahud from
eicesaive rum drinking.
X3T Francu Balf.k haa nscuped from the jail
at 1 unkhannock, Wyoming County, Pa. He was
under sentence of death for the miirdxr of Robert
A boy namml Blalmslce, about 12 years old,
stabbed another boy of the saine uge named Mnyo?
with a pocket knife, in Hartford, ou Thursday last.
The wound came near being fniul. *
BP* The sfenmboat Tigress, which plied for
some time from t'hilndelphin to New-York, has been
?old to a gentleman in South America.
PasianKara Arrived.
IntheAng- CmiVtr/rein CAur/r.rcn?Mi?s Elizabeth H...-!-.
Mtaa Adehu* I'unly. and i itecrage,
PaM-.i ni.er? Settled
in fJUaAi'p Cambridge for Lincr;it>oi?V Rirkartl and ladf,
?rs Solomons. MiMlmitbol Canada, W t'rowiber of line
ad; G ('aimi of Uuebec.
Skip Lmiisa.Leavitt, NOriVnns, IV NeLoa.
Rarlti Klira.TallH.t. Apainrhicolii. E L> Hurtbut At Co;
Baker. St Mark?. W W fiatt.
Brigs A2olw. ilaler, GuayajrM.puoacoatb At Reckwith; Jo?
sephine. Sandstedt, Riemen, J C Muiler At Co ; Cordelia.
Hatch. St Thomas.
Sehr New Dahabt, Gihb\ Philadelphia.
Sloop Olive. Auctir. Mlaven.
Bare* Porpoise, Brake, Amhoy.
BtigKmily, Sharwnod. t ds I'm Charleston, cotton to Dttn
ham At Diroon. The Emily rnuie In anchor on Thursday eve.
? rung at the Hook. On t'n.lv., working up the Bar, earned
away m*m top?nil yard.
Bear Win Ceaibe, Houstmnn, James Rivur, oyttcr.
Sehr Lrcurgus. Willi*, Richmond, coal.
Sehr J Bulling, Wescott. Philadelphia, coal.
Ships Mediator, London; Cambridge, Liverpool; Rainbow.
Canton; Couner, Richmond: i.,.iii,:i, M ?rie.nn; Wabosh.da;
Sharen.do. Rrurf Hive \Huven. Sehr Julia Aun. Salem,
and others. Wind NNW._
Dlaastvrn, &c.
Arrived at Holm?*' Hole, tk'th ul-, m-Iu Eaon, (efFieder
teoenegj Basalgrove, inmi Akacandrta tor Halifax, carro
I flour, corn an<t wheat, put in in .1., ...... having aprttag n leak
Sid, the tirti meht out; fun mndo iiUempti. t , lata Vor'.,
and Newport, but not succeeding put into 11. H. with both
pumps goiog.
The sehr AUgU'la, Cove, from Bath for Boston, put into
Portsmouth Lr?wer Harbor Harbor un ibo'J?ih ult. having on
board Capt. IVeletheu und crew of sehr Anoxia, of Bort?.'
mouth, from Norfolk, which ,c*>ul went ashore at Rye Beaeb
?Sth, in thick weather.
Bark lien Scott, of and from Beaton, via Cape Good Hope,
&c at .Manilla, was earned n?liore on Bottom Island, in Straits
of Sund a. by the Umng current, nicht of Aug U, but got Off
at 5 o'clock next inormug, lcakm< iib.ml four rnehea |irr Koor.
Maiweojd 'heave out atut repair, at im expon?e probably uf |
Spoken, dke.
Jana. I?t SOS. l.su?*.>. Eseuing Star. (ROSjds I'm Liver
pool for NOtlettns.
Jan IS, off Si Ikuuingo. Satolltte, (RO05 dsfn laverpovlfor
Jan 16, ofl'Little Caymani. Victoria,(Bd ? ds fin Liverpool
for N Or leans. _
To Kfjax In era.
Dkpas r>iKNT or Svats. (
WnshiugtiMi, .Itin. Jf. issr, \
The following Uespatcb has beta received tmm ibe ('lire jo
d AAuaa of the United States at Cttxieahagen, IVnmsrk. re.
speeung Uie establ&luneiit of certs.n lights by the Danish Go v.
?ruBMnii; whicli is pubb?h?l tot tin- mlorrr.auun id' ttirtc trad
tag U> that quarter.
Iesratioa of the l'eite.1 States, ^
? Copenhagen. October ii>. ISM. S
Sir?The following notices iwve just bceu uiuwl by tbo liau
i?h tKiTernment, via;
GaaxT Bklt.?A fiMNi hiht has Iwn cL-ibtrdied on lhe |
?m?t Wasietly point ot V>a'.aiHl. calte.1 ' RetknuM,' at iho
NoithernCDtmuceof theCwat IV-tl. The Ught K?mU ou ;i
tower at the tuxht of 70 feet above the level ot the wa, ami n
VBubie at the liittan -e ,<\ three .;ii!.tt?? North, aw! Northwest.
*'Serogo lsknd hi lit revolver lour tioe* in a minute, end
will ?hu? every ulcht.
"Lrrtt.* Bblt.?Tfae fixe.1 bebt on the hland ol" Hnairo
ha* been elevated w> the luxht of a, teri above u?- letet ol s be j
sea, and r, now visible on all b?um;?, except tlselaf Sooth,
west by West, wbere il uosifwcVo oy the town ftl >la?ro."
1 have ?he honor, ?sc. [Sigoed) W. W. IRiV IN.
foreign Port?.
Arr at St John, NB. Jan. H, Grace Daran?. Calhoua, '
New York.
NCW-\ORK..-'Uu I..-U..1?1..p. dutuig the month cl i
January. asOed SevenU*-Ooo Fohciea, viz:
To Merchants.,...&;'IV Clergymea.
To Maauracturers.4i"l\? Lawyen.s i
? \? Broken..IPro Taysicuus. t
' ?0 Clerks. j\V? Meebau.cs.g
' ^ Agents.1 1\) Farmers........\i
' VsCeahienofBank*. l|Vo iHwxseacr*.^.l j
' 'o Seo'y oi las. CoV.1 1 o l^<ssn. 3 i
' V> 8ci?otit5cProfessor. 1 l> IV??...... l
Teacher.1 !l\>Otueerol U. S. Amir... 1
Total Lives Iner-.red.It
&uft*i IUkkat. Sf'ry.
MirrriTtN F?tor, Pay?:?sc fl In
ri'HE" HOW \RD INS; :; VNCr. COMTANN tuaie. ui
Mi rur&acea agaiRM lo?.or dauaage t>y fire and ir.lauo aaviga
tum. on terms as fttvorohie as any o^her siuular icstitutiji> la
the c.ty.
Capital ?t?.!?0-Offiee No. W W?U tueet.
MaacTORs. , .
R. Havens, Caleb t?. Ha>iteii. John Kankm.
N*^T?T'"t. Wm. W. Todd. Meigs D. Benj?nu=.
J. Phillips Pbcerux. Wm. Couch, . Nalhrui*! \\ eed.
Fanniog C. Tucker. B. L. Wooller. Ferdinsind Suydeuj.
Oavsd Lee. J. B. Vamuai, HVRiyti.'I norcpsca,
John D. WolCi. Michael Baldwin.' Peu>r L. Nevroa.
Edward Aothouy, R. HAVENS, rresaHont.
Lxwu Pgtmre. Secretary. _ dls tf
y O^CBAINS". TRACt: Cit.VLNS. ic-5 Log
' 16 calks
\* c*?ks " SV-ks M,.a, und Hinge*.
Wilkrru^a > \ ht? ?n.i axtiIj.
jW WOOD. Fv>LGf.U ifc MriSSilR. 219 i'catl??.
GUBATRLNG COi'CtUi-lt aar Irl at fur ?.!? by
Bales at the Stock Kxehan$te....Frs. I.
SS? Oh?.TnjiKXrCantnn Co.bX -5?V
J,M?Hi!n .?.2? |13) do.?
5.0W do .a^iiifO Nor t Wor.
lO.oiii) Pennsylvania.'? 1100 du.1.1 tS%
7.TO0 do.71-f 50 do.?11 t~'
3.00? QV>.Tl?i| 60 do.ho
LOW City I>. 1-*?.lot 1 50 tU.6/Ji
50 ins Firmen* Tr.HS'-i'lOO do. ?in
ISO <.<>. .T.'v^Lonir Island.s3 74
Z'H'.ix of America.ftS ;2S0 do.?. MS.
10 N River.95 iKO do.Aus 1 77
?SNaixmal.?5 iSK d.>.?3074
MMorra .27 i 12 Pa-entf.r..TP
50 A..raw 27&1&E Bcetoc.?
Zj do.pc ?l-?Svin'eiU.n.?}'?>,*
lt?) Kendmc.? 25 Co.....tC 3*".'
M? do.47 1 5 Aapura Koch.1?*?
?V.COSB r '1/.R.B.
73shsCantna Co.4fl ilOOHhilen RR.fgi
50 do.i) tOO Hun ?i '-.Mil.b3 29
i0 do.U0 49 i 75 Stonm-..- a R R.
2?O Lope blend R R.7-Ci 175 Nork Wor.
ICO do.. 75 t I'M Readme R R.i30
1&> do.bnw 75 !
Pnbllc Stock fr.seh.:Uitre-FES. 1.
1*000OhioC-i.M0S7?1 25Hud t Berk? ER-Ij J
/5th. Furors Trost.M'i fcij-'i SS ??n"wv.*J'.'?,- '
.r iflLone l-iur.d R B..U39 Mt
25 do.aK|J*o <;o.....JWi
I? do.>80*ViuK do.it-i:
60 ri-? .e35*4i50 do.bb <4:?
i<x> cantor, r.,.w 4.) he d?.<?. ?. ?
HO Nor & Wor R R.^I1* "?.
60 oo.nw SJK] oO do.buw ,4
ItS <Jo...'o tr
Sale* of Heal #? state..Fits. 1.
Bp ,",. flo?eui.
L?t on Nintl, street, between 2,1 end 2d avenues. 21 by 75
ft with a ?table of 11 sttJb tnereou.*2.300
Kv A. J. Murker tr Co.
Twelve acre* of ior.d at Flatboth. about tire m>? from
J'rookJya. IK, the precaitea a two-TUny buiklme, barn
By F.. U. Ciuiloic &? Co.
4 lots S. ?ideof Woodhol) and N. .?'.* of Kapetlameats,
(??iwren Hick* and OJonxbiameat, Brooklyn, each
2> bf 110 feet, at $110.;.?1/40
1 do. do....'.. V?>
1 do- do. 4?0
VjPl.KNltlf? BNCUBrl PRINTS.-J. <>. TAYLOR tr
?ur|?^?1 in Pallern' cndCol<,r:iir. In (?rleclinii uf il
'.i*y are fariuperior t? aoy prevtooa IrapoTtaxjont. *Ji i re
ceKml, yftrteninr?2 Crve? of" GALBOTA GINGHAMS."
M**?otjua the riebeai patterai awl Cbkmoe.?AUforcaik.at
ifi" lowest nsexket prices.
J. T. ii t.'fl. r.ie no.v opeoim the clmii?st ?tyle. of
?:?>?!., froaievery Foraicn amval: and if those who visit tii?
City u. buy line C?>ods mka it iheJi bntiaeai to rail at hJ
Ceilar. the laun'. faduous and nowest Goods may always be
eg _ j3i
A ed. a c^-d n<*nrtraeiil of Pni?cr Cejabpos, of nil color and
Ul^'ior'pialily ; ali.> Iri.l? Linen, Klncb will fie toU ?' ' BTtal
baxaam. Af?> Thread Gimps, Brussels, SitkandRobbioel
Ltie.'i, F^ljinc:., Iii.err:iir-; new .tvjc* I^i'-e Cup-, of various
k!nd?; Velvet IJeiiil Bur,; Printed Qutibrtcs: French Crist.
ed Mnsjuwi [%tllippeaa wnsjsatn*; IJeaiery, Gloves, Ate
dla Joble-r. ~& ( .'?. ..- .to-et.
SPItIM; PRLNT.-.?J..t rireV.H n I-:- - ?? ? ?f
Rieb Chtatsea, i>nsvn Plnte?. Licht ami Medium Fancies.
Blue mid White, two Blue* and Mourams Priul?, Ir.Tii the
American print Work, at Fall Itiser, Ladt, and others. For
j29fi? 47 Kschai ivee._
ELI.IN?; OFF t.'HEAP.?Tlie *ub~erilieri hnv,r,; ., . :.
?na well ^.lecieil stack ofFall ami Winter I >ry Goods,
Iseiiic nnxioiu to make room for the roininc Spnn:: Goods,
willforailrarttittia'orler ercat beiwun*. Tney flatter them,
tehroi I hat they riripjr siiprrjnr fhdlitiea for ?elliue fu? n? low
a??iiyolb?e>ta;.ii.liiiieiil in the city, an llier purchase tloil
Gorsls enurely from Auction and the Importen direct ami for
m?h. Ladic in want of IIihkI- may Ii- u-.ured that they u-iii
fiiid n complete aivrtmcni of Funcy,Staple, Forejgn and I'o
uueiiic l)ty GiikU mid at prent Imrrriuns.
jl?_W._l>. CUKGORV U IT':-!. '>'. _
DRV IJ'ioliS AT BAIti; \l\.-'.-'l ?.??!>? r :?: ?
tilk opportitnity ofiiiforuiins ihe Ijidies Ol New-Vork.
fcc that tlmy are now prepared,to oner crem harsaiaa in Dry
Goodi: Kien stork raoMti .n part of Broad Cloth*, ? ?wintere*
aiid Satinet*. B:imba7 inv. Merinoes rind Arpeccas. Linen
Slinlintt, Table Iji.eu. 'loweliiut, N.Hikui?. Diaper*. &cc.
Cash mere de LaUaes, Cinctuuna, Pnnla, fke. Cotton Stteetinai
and Siiiituiir?, und nil otherstyiea ofaaasosiableGood*. Ladle
are invited to call und examioe Iheii stock und make there*
selves acquainted with their inircs before ["ircUiikin-; elsewhere,
iW W. D. GREGORY ?fc CO. 175 Springst.
l.sr SPAISTON, 4 0 lleiiver.street, offers for ?ale
Yj. lowincdesinLbla WOOLEN GOODS:
BATINBIo?Low, medium mil superior Black*, ribbed ai
phlio. OxJ?tda Steel. tluUct. Gtey and fancy mixture,,
wove, plained nnil plniu.
CAS^l.MEKPS?I'm'' and low-priced wnwl and piecadred
Black*, t Ixlbrd und Ir.m-, mixeil, striped und plain.
BEAVER CLiri'HS-a-4 und iel rVool Bfatcl .
CLOTHS?Browm. (Hive. Green, Blacks, wed and piece,
dyed, of various qaaUues.
PI.AI1' iJNSEYS?3-t.nuperioi article.
SHEEP <-ItuV ' 1.: Mils?>i. tuediamaitiele.
SEWING SILKS?Various qualities, a fin* article b I
naInki.vp, inrro.N yarn, madras handker
CIIIW'S. Gl.NGHAMS. itc. &.e. A.c. iil7
I.'RUIN I ?S <?F ItOBKRT it. GAtlK are luf'imKsl that iio
haj lneated.il\n. at UniRTT^TSKIT.
DRY GOODS at the smallest p ssiblo ndvaoca.
fAR'iii'i't.sH ATTKartoa.
Is re'ii'o.led to his .toi l; ? ?:'
which will always In kepi full urn! COtnpkfte, piewiuilngOU
shown!t the Iure-' au-! In'!'>i m-oi Tent i i ivr u'S> Urn*
TJLTJE PAPER-aoo Beams DruceisU' Bltti Medium.
J > ho Keami Fine nine Medium.
ISO do Cap Tobacco Paper.
160 do Crown do do. Formleb*
?23 OYKI S W. I ir.l.U.'J Bmliiut ? in.
?i \ REAMS !'""!; PAPER?
*>,Ot/U l:'v2i lb to SO 11?. -iws 80 to CO Ih*.
' 31x27 S3 lbs. 41) to 5U litt.
24x2H 24 to HI Ib.. 4lx:*l HO Ib..
j!8 Fol "de t>y CYRUS W. FIELD, '.' Burlm_- Slip.
IVAPERi? lOJW poundi Green Hancins-Paper. Crom9to
.liehen wide, for Mile a', uvouile'tiir.-r.' pr r,^, i.v
;ml7 G AI 'NT A- DERUK'KSi >.N. U> Sou'h-,1.
4ijTR AW R<)ARKS?Fitly loot, of various m/es ?ml 'l?ali
t^t^tarntehrE0CENEELYkQ01. ,,ult?n>t^t.
BINDER'S {10 ton*Glazed Straw Binder's ltoanls.
F?Ti! 'CYRCS"^!-'^^'/......!!..^....^^.
tgDERS' B< ^I^^W
Straw BOARDS?Five to umbers, for sale
joj " t,y i:. lt. CI.A VT< 'N v. SOX.84 J.M
]">?NNET BOABDS-Fiity eroce. in roll*, wlute. yellow
BIN Dl" RS BOARD!*?^'x tons, bnnil make. n:nl well tin
B^.utfece, a||ee ,
BlND-BOX BOARDS?A lot of superior Quality, ju*t
^vceivWunl.oiinie:.^^. ^ ^ .,,
15 i:trsc...B avare:-.' ..ft*W Jjvh ^^TE SHAW.
20 awCOd_54 Escl.ai.ee Place.
avm'-UVIli's?l"''AUF. i.n.l FLAT IRl <X?i-tt.nr, ii.-.m
nVer.";:???:??.? KS Bat lion, amtahle to: Machinery. Car
rinaa work. ATVvATF.lt fcCO. 90 Broadot
I C?srs. Ibt ^j^rjS, OKI IXKIOTE & Sil AW,
x?9weod? . ._??' '*.?"??.?.
M'\RINFR'< STRU'ES?58 Bales. Miitable fori xxwrt, lor
ITTO?ND VND Stil' VRE IRON?10M buri?ic*5 JC ?9 i';
K r,u. ?i ivn- to)d..7.,.';s.iuato, ol ?uperJwQuaht*,
T>(iVM7P L VWNS-Se\ irai ease* plain and ihined oftlie
Choicest ^^ITm'mltffiS
^l.KACHt.D SUFCi'.NG^?e^:,ivVr' j ?
KD'TlClV* ?" f'f-t Trk. very heavy -t?lor. 1 ?
Ij-t?ClTABLE MIL**SJIEITTINGS?C**?*trmttr oa hand.
I1i lor sale by ADAMS. TIFFANY .v O '.
H13 75 Pnwjtreat,
tJCOOP SHOVELS-'? ii 'en. -I.wbv
k?? \n MACK IE is, LEVERET!', IP Water at.
IRON WlKFe-IC'V b?ndle?, a?*.^ted ?>?es. f.i' nie liy
jt;_MACK IF. fc LEVEKETT, jg Water at.
HORSE N \i IS-50 unc Grifiir.'. Er>t. f-rsale bv
il7 ' MACK IE ,t LEVERETT. 107 Water sr, .
IRON WIRF?'? ?? '? " v Wire, ?... -.
cV for *,!..'..? GASS i WARD. JJ Broad St._lf_
Pill IRON?iO tons \er.' ;n eol.l b.rot P.g
Iron, fortele b) GASS ."c U VRP. 71 Broad*C If
rj?lNF. SILESlAS?20cnxes 7.S au.14-4 twilled SiVsias, of
A^stttlvretititua.,.,-. & SPRING; SJ p ,, .,
?jaa EWJERSEY BIj K '.ViS-t 10 lo is hast t'baicoril Ulooma
IS t" /Jo by SilERMAN^Vi WATER & Ot k
,jj * 30 Brovi.slreet._
W- RODGIrT NA fl ^-80 barstkl M.awl ?1 fi?r sale by
jl7 M.U KIEk I FA KREt'F. 1^7 W ater M._
Tsl'MICF STONE.-;.. ; en* d, far ? ?? km toi
rv;!"i^rusmt,hy SH1T.MA.N. ATWATER& CO~
jj^I .XI llr.ia.v^t
rr-IN PJUATES?KMlwxe?h X hof ' , ... v
I . tee, foraalclowhy MACK1K ft LEA It.
IT 1U7 Water si. tviow Wall _
MXNCIHVsrUR LONG Cl.oTI.S-wf ttw '.
a ......,-for tele ha WELLS Ac SPRING,
HOVLI.S AND SPADES?600 dozen low one, I SJ n
rnd Spade*, sortaiahy SHERMAN, ATWATEK ft CO.
,til H'ilj-.ci-.ir.v:.
OTl'M P Jt >lNTS.-!OiX> dtwT Axeexwan Miaufar nre? as
k^ert-..! ?;rr?, trsht ninl b>o?e rnvt-s Urr sale by
MifilV.O. V'-.V vi'ER fc OA. IM Broad ?t.
1> EA1. "JAMES ""Sv'REWS.?S^OO^arroasasso :
i\ l inch, ? at seoeh >i i et " Rochesti ? "
.?IM WOvlD h\>U.EB A. MILSER.21:' Tscxl sx.
PHI 1 RON?00 ton* GartsfcerneNo. 1?&1 do Charval No.
l-k>i ?ia by id_\CKlE Jt LSVERKFT.'
j!7 PIT Mrr K.
APA.N'D tA>CK St iiEWS-otOsri^s?->o;te-.:- m
.WK wood. KU.t;i:'tt v:-..?".-!
iiy _2? l"ea?f street,
OL?t'f. t i.Vt I' klBBONS-l r*?c -.fi>.--.- ...
D Good*of t!*thl>?nrat w.virjufromNn..Wiwr. ?
ivsaehred bv i- 9-aJ? iA .
j^j y ?t Boater street
i*^Oti>'Src7\N'i t.?N~iT~A^Oflil4.?-I0 casts u'rah. red
i,:uc. brow.- ?:-t -ee?t-'r's.e'-.
dl? AV ELLS t. SPRING. 521'irrt^aeet.
IKE SILKS! \S-S1 ca?e* and?MTwitiest S.i>:a-. of
. d.'V?iv!it ipiahix-*. lor ?ki bv _._
,13 - y. WELLS &. SPRING. 53 Pinett
sjjtt?'VKLS AN!? r^ADES-1000dozen a^rtedk:av>and
? iioce*. lo: fcale let* bv
1 * MACKlE & LV.VERETT. 137 IVatrr^:.
jl7_A-Tcnts tor tlw MnJiulactsrcrs.
rk 'I'UKISH PIPE fiOVVT^N?SSO 'Park.A pipeS>v-l*. :n
J. traoe* ofiflOO esuiKfeir sale few, by
^ JOHN AiNi'EUSON (k C -2 \\ t . -'
DR AB SATlaETSC?LltW ami dark aliaucs. a n.ec;u.n
i-.iab.lv, suiiahki th< ^arrayre-lin??, fzc A\c?Just re.
oe,r?t and lot sale fay E. ST'A.VsX'N. 401^?^^-2
5"iT?.?"EY TfO L'.n N ON M< >K1 ? ?'???.:-'-. smt
is I LiiftiiKla!*. Incuurs of A. J- Bt.F.tX'KCK AsO).
j37 iw 7Uioad*t. txMVVailA
EB. CLAYTON k SONS hire for nie at their Ware.
. bouse. No. Hi John street, rt most extecatre a?r?raent
of Pr.:.:ir. V'. rr BC. Envelope, .cukvresl and o?b?r Pap-r?:
P.rde.-s. .--aw Bcssaat, Bend boi and ". nad Press
Papers, Arc. , , ? _,
Their stock ?f Writror Paoerv, adarited f.jt ?Utiooers use,
sr,I) he I?ad isr.rtscally exteBstve.
Coastarrtiy on h?r>d? .
B'> k andftevn Fr rsUr^.Essortr-.: stsea, swilru and qca: ties,
<>s!orerl Medium. Uooh* ?^s?: ouvr cas.
Cover Papers, ve.r oos Ci.kas as?! weights, tor Marrazioca asc
Cherp PuMieaifcsnsi '
Ledger Wn-a;, fine and ssper do. tdu" and white, wove and
laid. , . , , ,
Fiat ar.u Out Corn, P-atP ass rust*., wove ass. Aid. blue and
Letter, raletf n?d plain, white sad b'oe. wnv? arid laid.
Parke! piis.t.t.'prrirr.'Tc.-.l -o. r'o ? do. flarrk ri i,
il.-. - k N"v Paper. Ti-b-.c-od-,, Envelope do. ?
Shoe and Tea B>. Straw Wnppfete ri.i.Paim Leaf do.
Held ?s SIS and Cloth Papers, in rre-.t vrre'y.
Silk and J^r Pap-r. S-usd i' Ssncic i >T.d;e Paper.
Pinri"'-. HsBer?", BbCZme. Druggists' and "I ?-.t? Papers,
N. I'..?Piper of eve-7 d??criptK a nwde to order. S3
/-?n\C.i|SSl!>N P.\PEP. WAKE'i?.CSL\-CYP.l= W.
Vv FIELD, 9 Horing-i:-. ir?hn ramie?
WKJP-. NO PAPER-6?/1 n-.rr^ t ap as Letter. phiin k ruled
IWXl " e !-.*. Can. fire end sirperfine
:jp " Leayr Pa;s?r>. a.v.n-.-. -
PRINTING PAPEB-slWO rearm Book, a-orted sizss
OXB " News
ENVELOPE PAPER?' ><>... :PvC4.22tS rr-M 21i3o
Sai " Glazed tSstH. aad3rrrJ5
HARDWARE PAPER?KrX! r. ., . IT.-.21. -j> < iVi i. 21t
; . ItsM. , >-?.;-. _j_>
f LOTH PAPER?300reams2ci+u. 80x10. 86x40, 40x43
H A NCI SO " 40 tons whrte, bhie, pink, brown, Av.
W RAPPI NC " 5GQ0 reams ail * res Rax a nd Straw
I! 'NNin' B ?* !:????*'r -v- wlvs, v. :-.te ai.-t j-eilow
PRESS PAPEK-1O0 erne* 21x31 and Stxtl
COLORED " ?1000 r?uns, a complete r.a?rjrtrr>e.-.t
STRAW BOARDS-10 tc.n. a.-oned at mbcrs
BINDERS " ?12 ?? " _j2? tf
Jtio. %4 Job rfstreet.
i? D. CLAYTON At SONS nrrr inconstant receipt of Pa
jLV.pe.-i adapted toevcrj branch of Iba trade, embra.-ina en
um suaiiy inrjre assortment of Blank Book. Tap a.id !.c-t-r
Wntme. together with ever- description of News and Bc-k
Prir.tiuc Oihirerl Paper of Medium and other sires. Envelope,
Tobacco, fh: e ?r.:i Ten, Straw and Rae Wrapjenff: Hr.nl
ware and CUah in great varictv; Sun and Loe. Tissue, ; la 1
end colo'ct, fee. fcc. Reside. Straw, Bonnet, T.'un? e'l-i
liv...j a 1'. .^:.:-. i'/e;, Pi:-;r.. 4tc. it.-._.
j!7 tf_NO. 43 JOHN-ST_
Comxuissiou Paper WnrehoHse,
;r-o. 9 Burling ?lln.
?_^NEW-y. <RK_
IV SAP'L?Warranted drr. as weil as fire ard thief proof.?
The fobowin? rertiiicatsss irora soineol the cfiyt rfspeet*.'''?
mercitaats and orjreri m (lie city of New Orleans, p.staMuiies
their i'.reprisnt -uahfes uerotxt alidcrobt:
"TM endersrgred isave 'Jus day witcesied trv> tr.r,! of oneol
Rich's inproved patcat Saiaioandor Sales in the fa.rr.acr/ol
?itwSea Bird.
" The Sal" was placer! m the farsaee at 10 rr.ir.ute. euer H
o'd'-ct A. tf. end remuiced thfite three hoars, tXMKtaatiy er
poee? V) iho most intense heat that could lie created by 'he u-e
of pitch pipe and cotioowo?*!. it wo? tuen taken loti-> efi :?.
of Sir. Rich's ?cent in uns cty tr.d ot?ned. when they foerai
thntt:?r^>nter.u were n?iH>^r burned for scorched, a
th? wood work bore no appeatr.r.ce o! having b?cn expr*ec
to lire. .
Tne i ;. ra-il are ronv.-n.-d ihn: -ale ws. subjected
to greater Meat shun eookl [-ossiblr exit', at the burning ol any
buildm-: in ? l--c r '.y, howevei e-.Mtmtttbitr i? es-i,t<-?-t.; a.-.i
tbey therefore have no hesitation in saying tr. a Rich's ap -s
areamirtenLl* s..-cur? against Jie i?k ol Ibe.under any c team.
tun aces whaierer.
Nrtv < ?Rt-Lsr?, IClh Junr. 1844.
Jerana B. Ballaist, Matteroftti-rri-r Sea '
Juha Uoer. Fir, Itatpectt r ol VVcatara Marias and
IFire Iciturr-.n.-e Compariy,
'l"ho*. n. Chooowtth. Joseph Grant,
H. McGregor. J U.StanffisT,
A. L. I.,'.. Beriarcn B. Cook.
Rene iL Bromt.
One nf i.ni cuitorntrs snvetl ?4iU'iJ in ow> .-.r Rieh'iSaAa,
although the burglar had sir .or eight hours to trv mi : till on
be t.
The s'iotHm-s are sold in this city only by
A. S. MARVIN; Agent for tue ^Mof?ctorsn,
tg'l r< I3a>i tValer.sirecl
T H E C A N TO N T E A CO ,*w i' A ft 1 ,
Branch tfoies t
II" Rieecker street. Nevr-Vork.
Kd tlrand street, near SoJJolk.
IBI Gresnwieh rtroot. rwr Irultoa
ll-j Fulton street, Br'k>?lvn.
Klt;htsthiit aid Vort'i IMth-it. pbiladoipii ;
11 Han.s'.r?\ i<-nttm.
jNVITF. the =o(.ntn,n c ? and L'ou?ir> Famiiie^ ?n-l
.1 Pu'chnt-Ts to lhfirss--.crn!cs?abi!s1>n:ea;s. where Ihtfy Uihxk
w.:i tio hsuiid by far the tie;i sr lections or purs and unrtduitcnt.
ted Tests tu the l.'mled Stntaa. The universal popu.a.Vy km!
rcnuwnol thrii hollJ<.? with refr-ieoc* to high uunlities. low pr..
cos. end epr.gltt daalirur, is I .. (ml tadirrstood to render far.
thnreommenn: necessary. QrtalBa] and on'y sratehousc lin
tr. i tti;,.: llo v.|u'.': Black Ti a-"! i;.? r. .:"?.-.ira- e.-.-. v. -l
he partieciar to rememlier Iho iiiir:il>er of life principal siore in
il'tatttam or.- t. vi/.: |gl. I^tw-ecn Pear! nod U?tcve*t stmrts.
The public will also lsapl?iS4e,l to tak? n.itiee that U.o Cantoa
'JVa IVn^.i>r.ry hnvecotuinsj toi'.-j with any nlh.?? stnti i -i;.i
Ih.ise itttsm.'^'j at tbs. tsio ol thir edvfirlnroTr.'.nt .-. i'
IN r'IIANCER V?Beliee \>e CWee;:..- of Ii,- I'.r.i i -
C tun?Gessrge I'.ulo vs. W ili.-uu, J'm o h..d nl. Rill u" lore
closureol Mo'tcnge?S. 11. t tlapp or the Clt? of N-w-York.
Complainants Solicitor?Wiitiane Tice, ana of the delendants
in this canse. wbsssa place of roaidence u in the Slate ol Mis.
sonn, n reiiuipal In npjienr in this cm-e ny the fifteenth day ol
April nest, or th-j bill hied thereia mil be taken n> rni.li - d l.y
inn _'_jaa01aw3w?
VJOTIi i . --A CF.R'Pll'Il 'AT!', lor tlerf, .haic
1c mil Stock of the C- nroenna] and I!?ri Roan Basjricoi
Vicvssoae, issued hy N. G. Ogden. Trartsler Agent, Now
York, numbered 3,02*. in th? name of Bulkier ?t peck, was
lo.t in the City of .New. Yotg on : <? 2.M .ti.v of Mnreh. IMI?
and 'he owner hatrihg m ule appl cation for a new t IrMiucate,
the public ate ciiutMuied araitisi ptrreJtrtjmeoeUaHiits; for tlw
ran.. . J, 0, BIBBY. Cash, and Sae'y.
ytrkxbure. Dec. 28. It'll._juld laatlsr
J>V order "i Iba Don, JacobC. GonsiDg, Supreme Court
) t'oinmi.-niiH r, notice is barabi g;ie:i. pursnantto the
plot isions ol Ihe statute riulho.i-iug rittarhn.er.ls agan.-i hl<
sconduig. coiiccnieil und non lesidenl dehtors. that an lit
Uteaisv nt has b nked against tlte e-r-ite ofW'?bam II. Wright, .
laM <>f LsUtsirutbarth. Ifensisrlner I tuinly. ru a non tt?t lent I
debtor, i.nd that Hie same will besohl for the payment ot hrs
ilebts. unless he appear and discharge such attachment nc
coiding to law, within nine months Irom the first publication
ol this uolieo, mid that the payment of ?ny deia? due to him
by ISSsdaots of this St?l??, fiild ihe deiitery to him, or fur h:s
U-e, of nil; propt rl> wuh a lies - 'tale. !,- ongioi; lo bun. end
the transfer of.any such property b? tum, amfrsiidddenby
law. und aru void. Dated Lamt?grjurgh, Seirreiiilitr 6Ul
liiw ?m_Attoincy for Attaching Creditor.
I N PLTRSUANCEofon order of the Surrogate of fJsoOrstin.
A ty of New.York, Nonca is hereby given to a:l rstrxoni
having chum, niraai-l SuiHNI I 'I. nigh. laM of the Ctty Of New
Vorl.. rdorcyroan, deceased, to present the same w.tn the
voucher, ihefeofto. the sulsictilier, at her rrasitenee. No.301
Brooo O-Stp et, in in- I ',;> of New. York, ? n i ' Uli. .. . ntth
day of June ues3..?Dated New. York, the 30th <lav of No
tr?mbor, 1844. MIN Est v A < :.? ?I GH,
d2 law b'mc AdmiuisaTalrix.
No. ItiO N.\SS.M'-.<PREET.
All kinds of Job Printing, sura a.
PsMrut Ki-t. I M*My.oTtt Snovr-Btixa,
Daxal or.rgs. I (o.iTfitL-RtLi.s.
CnccKS, t'-iRPs, CoNCXKT-BtLLa, Plain and
Issi'rsm'K Pouontfs i Fancy.
|t|l.l> ?ii LtatNO. i politii a!. B1I.i.h,
Circoijlks. I ?"iri ri.sKs. (aeati u.'.
Promptly executed nt ih.H" ufice ol Use Tribune, No. IS) ,\nvi.
J';t.tUL'"sjt? EOOIi liiXilr-Ur
No. 7 Syr.ucB STTtatr
thiko frrtirtv.
Are propaie.1 to exucute Bin?-mr flir BOv)KSi?.lJE!RS,
PUBLIC LIBRARIES arid povshMadtvidoals.
N. B. paiticulnrcttMiilUio paid to ti 'hi-idloi ': d B okt.Pe
tioilieais. Music, etc.. in go.1! style and at resxouable r-.tn.
Persons vuitinr ti
sfcon aiUice.
I 1 :l ami 114 I- alton-stt.
Thesuriscriber continues to give hu special atieatmn to all
descriptions of
and niMt-'s I.irjrajSans, nil petsnos having charge of RiK-ik In.
:,tii! o:.s. and n-'lsn.t'ii having Libraries, tncall and m-;ie-t
ins iiimpje and snisiaui-ii nyle* of Bonkbindrns, and begs to
trier lo the t;r?t lt.--l.-ii er> and Librarians m tha ruty.
'Xi~ For d'litibTIity ef workmanship, wi'b evcrv variety ot
taste, and very reasonable charges, t!ii>c\'eii,ivcesrtl.hh.'rirueut
stcjids unnval.-.l. ED WAR I' WALKER.
E. WALKER, lteokselleraruirubh-her.114 Fulton -treet.
Always on baud r. sisrwi aisortmcn! of School B.?-k* ; Standard
Works of Amerieaii and Kngiuh fabtiur-: MtsssellaaeoM
Books and Stationery of evety kind, at greatly roducsV. pt . -.
for cash. Country dealers siipplual. -_jq^V
No. Joiif-sTtuu.r, Nevv-Yorx.
ah'D N?. G'2 Fli'LTOK-STRSET, I>tat*.KT.TS.
Original icttrntors and wie nwaufac-nrvTs oi ihe genciae Doris
Lamp. Also, inarmfwrturcrs and lieaUm io impronv i -
pheno Lmcio. Stear L-.mirs.Giraodolea, Hail Lamps and lyuv
Serns, Astrti and S--iiu S.--> .t-.. Can sties and Lamp Giasaes ol
ai! k'n.a, L-r-.i WcL. P:1 re Sperm Ui', l.itin^heue cn : Bcro
hagFlnn'. ?11 .sfwhieh areofTripad at whckjjjJe aid rrtail.rt
low prices lor rasa._ Setj Y
rpnE SUBSCRIBER oiifes for sate the follouraiic deitrribed
X roods :.i very loss rsneea;
Tea, 'Prays ia sets at singly, a s-arrely of patterns.
S.dnt and t>let?static Lamps, new patter:..-.
Girnndo-es, wuh ami wttbout drops. eleg-trt!y ct.raed.
Fine Tcbla t.'utlery, Insm best SMmefcl mriniitactiirtfrs.
Silvsv rl*ied ware, cottsaCini of t a-:.,i., 'l>a Trays. Cake
Kask^s. Candlesticks. r*nuilers.'f tat-.. Sic.
? BestaanjaTea Seta, f'ix"-, ,t s-.i. s StM rbsM.
WM. E. STOUTENBURGB, 143 Fu!tm ?t.
j30_jietweon llr.ia.lwa? an.! N'as<a>ustte. t.
T?F.A TRAYS, &SS?A. W, SPOSSfcCO. aU PsatUt.
A have^ tsl issoeised a large n/wor'i.wc; ofGoihsc rtndSand
wich 'Pea i'rays to ??-u. Am, a lud assirnm^nl ul al. ?io?
eommou Tex Trays by the Joieo. New ?lyse. 1 i;\on'? Bnta?
uia Ware, soir-e very crecant pancrus ; UsjetheJ with a gen.
om! a^-s<-.iuenl of line 'labie ami Pockol Cutierj, Sr-j?ir..
kc kc_na
ItalNERVA PEN.?Tlie subscribers have rust recessed a
1*1 I? ot the aia'sss Pens, Irom the eelebrated raanufacUirv
of C C. Wright? Co. These bssng on cotirefy new hranv'.
,-sattsCulor atl?ut!oa hsus been paid to tixir Urms*r and n-ioh.
t'ts-y are reeedmeao^.! tnr rua.-eantue or gen?riil wr.tuig.
5?. wialeiiaicautlrcta;: by FRANCISstr. IJOUTRJ^
i? 3w Maaialacturirig StnTieom, 77 X-_,.v? Lcjic.
e*?0 MU.K>iEN. AtC.-The' ?ubs.T-.hers offer i.-r Laie R? I
I bbK lloeiw heat Floor as a sub-atiite for Od Meal Ktf- |
iee.iii; Cattle, It a now saaeusivelv used tot that purp =? on
acvouut t.t ?s being consaierably cheauir. Also ltki U;k. and
id fijui bbls. Litrrt, lartuir use or shi|*;>ing.
..ja?'._ WRIGHT. LOSEC A: CO. 2> Moores:
EMERY AND s?OR.xJC?100 casks best geauioe London
Emery, aaeartag ?.os.
WJ cc?> EaelL-h KetirnaJ liirax. tr. ca-e? ol IB Jbs. each;
to: -.^?irt any q'iactity. by X
d38 SltERM.AA'. ATWATER iz CO. 30 Rroarl-st.
FUMFS.?Dfjcue acaoo bght ard (.me pumps ol' all sizes
to raise from ??ltosUL.' ^aikira wap?r per nui-.cte,
t!ast iron Fountain ot vam>os laitrrTis.
F.te En<u?* and Hot?, Ate. ainsulicttrre-t by
daSra_D. U FAKNAM. Si r'ortoa ttreet.
Zh~)f\ scuspohsbodnef! Fre In>rs.
4r\JU dJO MACK IK k 1.EVEKK Ft'. 1?7 Water tt.
AN \ ATTA ? X baa kats fres'x hv rale by
rSl L-YlllKOPi: BA;:i'LETTT.t7P?irUt.
tit.'J-J 0.\?W iCJai rv-paC?r.1, rtiitabt
/ ot Twuse, Wies an.1 iiatio. fnt sale bjr
Hi_ADAMS.T'sFFANYi CO. 75 Pir-ejt.
rtUM OiP.\l/-S0 env : ?
Ua_LATHROPar. BAgTLETT. C? l>erUt._
Droimgs?lor eaie b. WIOLS i. Sl'lONG.
Oil -
eca omr it - ?
ther -ri made sad fi3.-|jH -sras wy ow
hands; t3V.rsrrr-rs ( can nwamaaead ihera:
ao- t: George Brisri & Co'*. 8 pSirx tt- Those Tool? orTeres.
by C*jbr?7.<? L-yc.'-.r ? Fas.-*?s-t*.or*!otters-feres.-trunr
?' ''?'--rtrrer " -re r?i; zry raai*. r-=J are i*.'.F-?-J :.> lectMvt
eu" To? ran,. C1f j. Coarer &srr b aSo a-tiis'.?ha hav-cg
??? .-? ' j ?? orr-TJSi. A liberal ar>r.-cr-I to I"?~ii-rr? ?
r.is^?L-?.slA-r;p. &5 2m? JOHS iTINGEH.
SpllEAP Ta-'ljEi' 1 TL ER Y-?Tr*? Klttcnlwr .T?T*-rt f:: Hy
?. faea;- H'.a?*-rt.rnr*rt tag >-.??,?. ?? a'
sorfjrrai of Table arm Tea Kmves, from in tri ti > t3 S.i per -et.
* Vi ?>.-.?--. j: ?' .????? la Dsate--.-a3t'--cs> 'cj- '"V ; :: .:t
PoCie* :r.: p-~ Kmvs. Also. "?~r? .-.er s? _P.rt.-j-a a
T*a aadTciite .--po-ns, and a good ruBoruneitofBritar-na
Wire, ?eh zi C-aFoe arc ies P --=. i/i-nr..! ;*-?>? ?-?.
terns aart ?ae?, fee tc. Aso.Tius.-h1 Japparrt?.*! Ware, aid
Ten Trays of y--r-.Hr? sa? end mriiaae?. ASn. riant ware
apg Ho')- --c-wrire. such as Pels, Keitlet, ice." Samy-as. Brsis
K?'d-r?, fcc. ; t'a-jrnten'TooB, cheap aim of the liest ..uah.
tv. ?ich ?? planes. Saws, Cbrsefc. be-. NsiL?. Locks Cearet
T-v11, ^ _?__, ?-.ceilent vnne'r ar-, of Wood-wsra and
Kajk^T-T, ?:cup-.S, U ?h?'?*!??.'?. Chine* Horses,
Wonder Bowlsami t~.o;--. rg Tr:?? ?. B.-.-a... Crs . ?.
?tet Chairs, French Traveuios; Baske:', tee.; Carpel, Straw
and Sp'int Bar?, fcc. Lii-n? Bra-hes of aia.?a every
S.i:.r?I u.tn-r... Ii"-.-. S-u'ir.r..: Pa.:.: !.-?_ ..ir R:.
> -?. i .r- TV-:.j j-.r Erencn l'iessirr Csenir?. i.^. *ir,
P'*u* ca.!l at R. iL Jo?.vjTorr'j. 2S I iiwrffrtr. - here
roc wiililbd an excellent iw.ris?i . rrei -. ? t^ry <?>w.
K- R. JOitSSTOS. >i :,-a.-.r...:-Ttr???t.
K. V: T-.js cf all descrpt.ee., at vrt-ilesaw and reta-I.
d iij 3m 7*_
rxc-'Vj. :/ carl the atrenrioo cf cciren? und oracrers ?'iitjns
tfse ciry, to fcit splnrri d c-vleetiea o< 1 rrijrx^rrsforrpe Permits,
cngie oric erocps from a to 14 p?rso-a on the ?nre plate,
ssrhyh Tor beatirr snd ?.arrem.-.? pt a^fioeatiaa eaoaeS r>s sar
P3J?e.l. PtsRrs-Jtns.c ma; s:_ s of w?-.t,a?., e-Je. r s 'ti et
s-r.hoe: rha colors, the prices of wtio ba aas redceed -i tic--e
ebrrsred *>r nio most me^rjerteoce-t m the hisrr>s?js,
JT ac Atrjerirnri init-tTt? at its isle cihri>it.r.n swarded Mr.
W Mt^the Fm Prem irrrj forte* beK f HirtiorTes^TpeLrkcr^-r
ex. Tor crotipiactea rcen-rvl eflisc:; wiu-ft j pc: arotaer prucf
to tha superierit- of ha Pcrtr-io.
*sfr. White issoleager.t in New York f?r the eerr strperior
imported German Cameras, and at no other citallniirviar in
thecu7orsta:ctsntheT tieobtaised.
Is". 3.?Import? Cer-m".cCai3arai,aao Freaen and Ameri
eMiristruraFatsofraoTCTTher rroahtr. w?a Prates. Cases
Cbattufafj ?o??ntr./ matena1?, i.e.
.Vr. Wiu:?'? Dm .V>.anfadr,r/ tseinr the lanres: and most
ex ecris" in ir.e I nne.1 Sr.at.-s. ae is fcaailed (from the curtn:ir7
he ariBDxae^Wi) to sell terncrrwitspe Mimaiarc Cases. 10
Do* c*nr or.er thec ray n-h/e cons- in I ifi??>. i'.* ra
Crrner r.J U--ndxeoy n>vl Fttlta:'. iirsci. cntrar.ee
tiiir-l Hovr,
T Y/TiEi. K may Iss r.a/1 MIX1ATIT.E3 which, for heanty
e w ol color, tone and eff?rrt. can at all times commend
themscHro.: and it Dot superc.r, are etnnl to any that have
been heretofore taken. Sir. 15. d-^s not c.'.-im supenen-y for
hnn e'!'. (,ut l?nv?s his p:ctnr?s- to the c-itici.r-s ofn.i-ta.d
in'efoi-rrt ritlUte. ?K sj well as srrwrer?. are invited to call
at rJmGaUatl l-^f rra ;oine elsewhere, whether Lhev interTt! sit,
tirrr or not. Likcneise. in all cntes warranteii to n've -.itisfac
tir n, rr.d colored m n most beauufuJ rnnrmer. end in which da.
partrii.'t.l Mr. >!. .', ??< claim strpenordy, t betas riitcd byi
mnii>?tcrt ami practical ?rsiia. Taken n a!i tands of weather,
from s A. M. fill 5 P. M.
?,rJ**Tras America-! Irrstitnte a-rarde?! a First Pro-ciamto
M. B, Brady at the late Fair.
Instructions carefcljr given in the art.
3m'T ?_M. B. BRADY.
DaY*3SrjEET BOBBER OVER-SFT tES, Leather Soles.
?No person who has worn tins orti-rie hos. within the
knowlcdr-erd the manuiactamr. disapproved ol them, whiie
thousniuL. can testify their cret'.t superiority. Bnyoi? oft ivot
SltMs are'reqoastad to examine Da j's ajsartaient. Buy them
or not, come am! iook at ?juality and prises, a: ~ M eoen-lnrtsi.
Pulife attention to ncti an ', poor, old and young, on I mwarate
tjike N'ewn's.N. J. India Ruh - r Factory. %1 Maiden lame.
whereruny tssfoimd m ve-y l. w prin-i e-.-.-ry nmrie m fh*
Rubber Irne, inclini ng lee Sheet Rubber Overshoes, with
leather .oles. Rexibje?hank. &c. -.sh.c'i rorbeauty und dura
hilltyw caaileng.' the world liir "?one.a-litioii. Lsdiel
(J?ii!?iiien de-iru-g an en-y-litting. benulifully ?haped nnd du
r-t.v. (iverahoe itslneh we warrant r.nt tn part in the ?eam?-,l
will do svell to call and e\a-n.iie our sl-ick before purchasing
elsewhere. 17*5* We sell cheap. _r-fl
,M III IClilN.-i'.\ U. l:f .N VON, 53 Mienen i.nr.e.
ijVrn-is \\|i -;!??:.- i- ;t THE NEW YEAR.-M.
Jj? It-.lev RlruWNa. IS Chnthaiii-sfs-et. basnowenitattd
a large nil-! j-.en !??! n-ortinent ol Centiemen s ime rail sowed
., . I o'l-egfil Root- and Shi.'-. >'.ngle and double soles, miutool
iiie lie-t mat-nai. and irananted first n.te. Ladierand Mtrsw
(iaiters, Birskmsand Slippers of all kinds, cheap nnd ea>^\.
Boys' and Youths' Boots in aDOTManee. Sailor,' mid l i b
men's ss/ateMWlofso-sed and pegged Rmits.witrrrn.tftl to keep
the feet dry. Now. I.a>|ie* and tientleinen, plrasc tssxiveme a
cu'l tjc'orviyou goel-eisheie. and examfhe for i .?irj-,.es.
M. RTPLBV BLAKE, No. 130iatham-?L
jlTHw* -I Di.-or_froi:i cor. iifJUH^ev.-lt-.tr-et._
tsTj r-'ii 'I'S,"sTi.iL-, i.liV'i'i'riit.ic. ^^-j..
& f,i.s.;:.ti:.. ? ? ?.<.?-. '.? ' .
JS .i .,.--i-.-is C,.-.. ? - .V. ... l/ti? ?
Sferrf. n ive a hrc s- ... '?..??-'.. ' . ;..';?/. V. I'D THK
H'E.s>.:.-?.%?. rutj-.v f-iTY i it ?<;>!?.
an I nrecuir.t-: ??rfr.t.t i" ??>. '?- elr n.i?.ti"s-rs, fhaai
beriam. Cutset i I -. Booestoa and A B. Coidtl-wait tt {Jo.
East SUiningti-n. Mass. fnrih srvpp.'ies, CorrhstiBg ot
-Cens' and Roys' Kuss.: -^-i lloct ptfged it?? gurr
Dm do. Kip and Calf do.
Do. do. do. ?tmn am! do. thing pnrAl Uoou
Iks. do. do fi ad ikv. sesvert Urogiuti
l?ttiai'Calf. K fl ud Gaitat Booti
Da. do. wr.'k r. Bboes
Do. 1-Jv!, Mor.-"co do. ,
ToECther-viti a van?tv of c'.':?r Mi.elea in the Boot end
5h? .int. whipli they wnl s?ll" low as any of the.lv-i ors cr
Batfera mamtlnr.tBmi foe e.s?:! ..? ?..u.-.e-a-d e?-i i*s.- i ??
CCT" Li- -? ' f dvsncr: sied: in Cs.n ?rtme-ts ?H I"
optMirrjni'y of calling the attention id tr.e trmie. as well as
the public r..|. :ralh tn the suoerior advawag--* ol adopt mt hie
,m.red In tot] anil shoes, In wh? h ba iia- mtrod ooed the Pa
Uul I'.in-t.c Metallic Shank.
Totba wearer >t pnrwi'it? tho f ? lowing, -imon^ man/ other,
odvantagi sovei ?? tsU mt land ol ?tiilcen-t th- soles oj btsou.
und dme? by several Layers of leath..-r: by the dasbeity or the
?hnnk. which i< place.! in the innersole.lt gm-sa gracefal titln
:., the loot: to the -Irian it gives ease, rsrevanOOg the loot
(?,,..;. prCvViDC forward in the boot: whil-t to lla'. t l?tod i?-r
n is r.|im!iy ndvantaieoiis. ns the arch or hollow ot lip tool is
soli preserved t mul by tin- priH-j -. a svallranc lx?.t nt shoe may
?sc mtldc with a low lioel, nnd the hoPow ol Ihe tool not be ev.
ikhciI in the mm), as in the old BMtbod. It gives siippmt to all
liio rtitiv.e.-. o! thet-.it :r.' -ana-. '.. d ? r-e a-."I :> ea-v
to tho-e wlionre troubled with crnt. Persons retruiredustand
at th? ds>k vail limit:-mi rrr-t.Vider.fji-!.
A,; tlm_--,il--'^.'"'iil ' 'K'~- ? Fiilton-.t-e. t
I) A ft] A Ct E I- ?i I) ti L> S .
fS.000 PAIRS of Boots nrd Shi?s, damniiud ^
J by water and smoke rl Hie lato tire m oarQet-=r*e?a>
? \Vhotatale Smre, 308 PearL-treet, "sew-York, onered
_sale at the Brooklyn and Long Island Store. ITU Fuitoc
Creet ?All to be nd l. ifpeasihle, within thr.-o wu L?.
V. R. Marryoftna above ar tickzl an- very slightly soilesl, and
no' i?jurt-.l in the lea-.t r-.rscrvics. When there n r.?.iii to get
nr.- ths) stoic, irr.-al ir.rgiiii. n.i r tw ?tjwcit.l.
AS. _ r?i'li t llARTSHiiSNF,_
KREMOVAL.?E. DOWNS has rrmov-sl his e.nensisa
Jt ,t.?*;; of Iii H TS AND SHOES Don No. ? to tSCalh.
'J'heptTbbe^ara rrsspectfnlly informed that be has ef lnts rnrul*
vet- largo additions to ha stock, and ihnugh always ahead,
and cheaper thun the i" . ^ ? ?. now iietrrimiicd to ls? a
rttrJe cheaper, as follows?Lmho?' Gn.ter Iba>u nt Kh.lJs.
Ijidu-s* Buskins, thick Miles, as to St, ticsuipassed fi t style
uiiii durability. Hteos' ti ntet Buskins sad B-aits m any
ounntity at tl:e<.rap--st prica, basales Chthln-n flnit-rrs amt
Sboesof all sorta-ond de-erintion>taouuTuess-us to mention.
An} quantity of G.-..:!eutea'.- Units jr 13,. 14j, ir?, nod ?0 od.
A ho. Boys' and xonths* Root, and Bootees, etc >?'?:, Alto
getlier the nur.t cvt.vi-ivc -.ssortruen'- oi I!.h.u nn-.l Shies to be
found ... the city, ttase -^j^^^grjr.
N, B.--43nperinlai?rlents of Senday School*. iukI i^ler char.
Rabis insaitutiaas wdl be ?upp'Jad u: taa very lowest priests.
dig 3m-_
UETl"S. lad FeilCO ?t. ict d-air East ol i.tron twsy, keep
00 hiii-i a !..rg" '?? '* irtment ol as and Sao??, mm n lrsths
bp-a- -sh-on ' 'v- :'./:e .-.r.d ul Jisi ./jst m-iUnals. N. II. Made
to Order asTdatcnpttonol Ro-.:-aed Shoae. Iii? waaantad
and pnees low to rait Iho U-ats. st IE
/"tl'MBERLANii COM..?Tie ntrrteribeh are bow pre.
V> par?<t to deliver 10 1 en? order fi mi Yard, the above cehs.
brct-si Cool, which tor family ose a crmsidercd equal, if uotsu.
per . t? tue best Urerpoei ^ mhh^
jj .Jt* TT) \x i?-icr. i.e ;r ^1'r,Ilg sr.
~?7?t~"-r'-l'EACL 1 "ilARI ? i'< i.'.L. R/.D
_'\Sti. d.-c . -ging from boat*, csinvaatlr bruKen
luiJ Egg?Store and Nut?lU-btered iu above, free el ckarge
for r.-.rtjire. AL-.', I? nigh 1 "...ii. White A:h, Schuylkiil, Liv
erpoolaiidSidoeyCoai. A^.^^ ,HCKE
e'.O if 1" \-.thony a. 1. v.r Rror.if.vny i - ? rubric.
BGNE BUTU?INGtSj . J . ,. .
COAL?I't the ucs! iiiai.ty. ct.trittd ix kindj ?od, rr.es to
the respectu-*s. for ssie at cejN pricts. at L'J) Nasa-tu-it.
(Tribune Buddings) or>t??>ite t Sty Mail, vi-ir
Peach Orcharii. W: .? ? A-h Sen,.)n. Car.nel,
Peach Mountain, <Jaiy Agfa Sciiuylilil, Sydrtcr,
BieailMiiuii* liu Lab jl 1, New-ru-::-.
Turcaroia. Laser;'-- i. Pirt..c, i.e.
in U" V. B. PALME1L I* A'asau-it,
CPALDING t CO- r-e manufaetuiing tireler Ltters Pa
? tent grantad by the L'aiwd StAte?,a-; improved Lnctii?t
Match, to bum
-They now oSer for saie, on very rcr?ioiialiie term--s
Neatly put up in Tin. Wood aaJ Payer, ia tzy sized pa-kiges
an.! ui+a. tu ?a.t rmremnerti
These Matches are highly a^?P^?Ted of cad recommejule-! t>r
tanuly use bv Pbystetarss end Cr^ttmsts, in eur?r.;uoiJe of the
absence of aajphtn rrs-thea niaiiuiictnre. the fbasas of ?.r?ch
are so disac-cc-.ble and deletenous to all. anJ partkularly in?
jurious to pcrsoru. brtvmt weal.! -nirs <h itelieate coJur-rtat...rrt
They are jcirtiaiiariy .-ecsiui-ijecded to the anrmltac .rf- ?hii.
persas tiioy iiavelre-iuectly beenlakerion ii?g voyages and
c-;?..-ed to ?.-ii'.-xti.-n ciirr-sto. ?? 1 -on'ghv-* in.
r-Tf- , , SI \LDLNG sc CO.
horsaie by'.be principal |>.-;-3 sn<i (irocers m thrs Ci't
(ic-rrs seat at Shepard'. r>ot.t.rfe. ?l ?nxUw-y or at tso
Qflcs dMi Co. Ita RleecittT sr. _ Jl) \m
30.*i Pcorl-atTect, Sew-York.
n. R-?Peacock Fealh*r V.J Brauws made to order. o*T- y
THE SIT?SCRIBER:< as ve in.- dsy formal a '-ooertner
amp for uar.sacti-vg a Usmotic und f*eneral (h-y Goods
( ...-rr.lv...-. /. ........ a: lei ??- brrfl cl ST ANTON. Uli 31.
ARDt- ?? In iLLCsTER. Tt-rrciiy >-- f-jod f.Ktr?- prs-serit
at tee store Nu. 4ti Kerarw st. iL C. ST IN fi >N.
G. D. EICH A! ft?,
' .. ^ - . W. H. HOLLIrTKrt.
Ney-1 ork. Lflth Jarmary. 1-sJ?._jj; tf
pO-PARTNTJ^IP.-Tha ?ub9t--ieri have thaoay cater
V/ c! nga c-B-taurneisa-p lor ths purp-nv of tra-jsarJinr a
rreoej-Li lTyC-a^i. Importinr em! Jehbiaa Busurs? octicrthe
rtrm of M INNING t PlllCHARD. a?i will r.ccir.-.y the
store N3.54 Reaver^trwt. R. iL MANNING.
jal Im_lviL.;i- PRICHARD.
CstiPARTNEl^iiIP.-TbeSai!>rririenhBve formed a co.
.' partnerstuti under the came aod firm of S-ewat je Hoo?
kies lor t.i? tnn;.ar;t;ug cgeceri: !-ri;.?.-i H-j-t-en el No. >
Cedax-sL J. RoRkjns STEWART,
Aew.\ crk. Jan. ZfcS.. 1515. _>X J v?
VT-M.i.N STRINGS.?? W. SPIES fc, Co. here j?Ts*.
? ceistai aa invtuce of Viotta Swags, best qurjiity. iut 'ale
km ? ?;? rs. ut -T: P.-a-i .t._ -3D
C1 AKl'ETlr??J pieces tog-un Car-sto.-.g.--o.(sctj-g ot m
' ;<er?io>. ?s? and cumny-r., ot new stjte ami ps.us3-?t-, i?r
?alo or VVELLS ar. SPIUN o. ii ta* if.
FOIS gAleE*_
?59 3> Waii-d-eer. Ncve-Yur?.
^Tl For *r> a Farm it Saitatosvn,? ?nie \ i!
la^U*?.Hiand.39 miles from .New-VerMdJasTreeof ??*
rTwell ratavated. and 30 acre, of woo.!. 2 ?* rr Dwellrns
H-tae Ks---* rr: ! otrjer e'i.b-iiiiine?. xli fooi 1 no sod is ler
?">. md ar.U prxwrth-wi. Crr-st i irchard.. c: choice r raX
Tfce srx?k at.1 furaso? uieajd, -a-::l be tarn with .: if destre?.
Price oolv ?0,000. AI-o 200 acres of iaod ufioixsES the above,
with bniklmc* and impruveiDetifs. ai a moderate jwie*.
Hl *D&avV? ARNOLD. BUFFCM & rn.
sneer at all seasons to ran Vi LSOO iptt-tkes. The dams, wheel
ptu. med?. Ate. treail completely ready, arei the present own?
er vrr.nH Ik willhqc to continue ha rnieie?' m the same, if im?
proved, to ihe tod extent. Any mxaax?t? of rand can be pur.
cbajed iricixinc :'ne pmp.-rv, For ter.-.s -.ease apply to
iaU Irr.* WAT I KSTt IN PRAY Jr. CO. Bos*
!j Lota. earhiShy KO t?rt fituatad >w -v^theny side ot
Elerenta street, between Rrradwar and I T.ye^i1' .'Y*
AppJyS jfihtDOCK. EnAVrrT&co.
TO IMPORTERS OF PRY C.X)R5-i>advert^.rswill
exchanee a pit of sixteen Home Lotsot rr.iun.!.eie?at
7 Titciied. ?hont i no and -. ! reis* Nnrt.1 ?d L r.ion 1 -ce.
bts-i - - ?:..; i .-. ot the Hn'-or. R;<er.trtr v . : WjT.es
?at tJagrn?ffbrens learSoi to the property. Acures*
the Conner and Enquirer office._ue
TT'lR SALE <"HE \P?Two brick fr-nt modem bud: houses
l? and lots, situated ta North Fotjrth street. Wiil.arr.-'.u--,
If'r.z bdaad, '.??me m aeoodlotassion.aa: ntaamtrtrr axtxtatea
? t tiie most business pert of the rlla-e. for further part*,
ulars apply to Aaron Hsrdisac. Aren-, 143 Mtiib*rry *7i
batssten Haccr sad Grand >tre*-.<, between the huurso'li ana
2 o'clock._1J?_
tj TO LET OR FOR SALE-Store No. 5 CedarJt,;
Ssr% also. the 3.wry Seoaa 9 W.Ve.?re*t. r.e.'.t Brord.
*? ?>?< ttjr. Pi?on may !?* ha.! inine-tinteiT or on the
irtTrTh-;-,-v. latpiiieot B. F. VVHEEI.WRIC.IIT.
j303tawtf _18 White street, or 68 Pine ?treet.
FUR ?= \LE?Fiv?*hrck bow- a-,d tots on Essex.
? street. Ecquirc ol A. j. BLEECKE3 itCO.
1? _7 Broad.st. near Wall-st.
"FOR SAL1>-Two valuable Lot-', each 23 by S3 feet
? n S.n.th *"V ot'Sevenu<esth.>t. .?'wren rtth and t0"
Vvenuei Enquire of A. J. BLEECKER .t CO.
fw 7 Br.ia.:-' "ear \Va!!-?treet^_
"FOR SALE?Lots on 34th street. 3?. 2?. 40: as also
? :7.:i ??.-?.a-:-. :-.??iw.vn 7*h an i ti-'.u r.veti'iea.
In -uire A. J BLEECKER* CO.
_No. 7 Brccl. near Wall atreet.
Ft R SALE?Several3 >t..-- P.-.. '-, I! n S -n
.?A., r.u B. Pctueon S.V.h '???.< r-evi'- i ?tr-e!'.
tj?riiiroof A. J. BLEECTvER fc CO.
jS lw ? .No. 7 l!r.-aii-?::ett. :ie?r_\\ r, i .:.
. . AT PRIVATE SALF.-T't.>vaior.hle three rtory
Bri.-k i?!.G?** and Lot?. Nc?. 2s5 run: 251 Tnir.l Ave
jL^niie. .war*! da.:, r,, on?
j-n ]w 7 Broad.st. nettrW aiLt.
FOR SALE?Bmne ami Lot No. 1.V3 lajianc--?treet
The booae is a twe^storr bnrk front, vrith alley-wai
JOB. an.! ?tabtj in the rear. The Botnebai six rooms, wt _
tirc-placcs s:..'. nr.rO : eil.rooiiti^_j3) 1??
T(^ L!71'?Two three stcry Houses in Broadway, rext
I ? i corner o/21st street. Stajre* and Railroad Can
_ jiass every tivs mtnu'.r?. Th07 will be ia: low :o a
i tenant,
A"so. lor .rle, the lot and [arte brek St*.t->. \o. '1 Second.
?'.ee!. r.ear flio Bowery, a d a vii.-'int 1.1 ot'tr.'ii.ul i.i Twenty.
Fourth street, near the comer or'9th Avenue. Inomre of
S. At, s. flALSTED, No.tSCMar.st.
?JL'Jw* 1 l|.;-Jite llie New Pint Odice.
'>_? I'l-il'.-E F'i.1 r-Vi.i: OR ENCIIANCE Folt
fee* BROOKLY'N LOTS?A eniTectent and ;i>n?intljr_
BT'"ejj lora^l2<tiiry House laCharlton ,r. *riH l*'..M \o\v
arexchassed lor property in South DraoMvxt. Inmnreof
?2_WKidiS Ai SPRIXC. & I'm- .t.
hiehiy Inipwved Country Seat et Jainarca. with
jebh ar*nntlOaere?of land Irontini Pnlton -t 7-ntiet,?
fin ~,c a^! new and namenittx.n !sr^ tj<ortXDmtofwlccted
fruit am! plan', in tn'nr.iiir. also. 4000 ornamentlI trees in nur
sery?a most desirable proper.y for a cer.tlcman doittf btismj-vs
in tlw> i.'ity. Appl) to or addre-s
jnl Im*_No. 3 Atlanticrt. S?'U<m i'erry. nr. pt rn.
r. ttlCN't i.i ?3A PS >.-..? FARMS FOR JA!,i'..
fe-JVt; The ?ub-'n.*: n'li r> tor -al?. on ntiern! term.', seve.
Jtimi. rai Coiint:>- Saatl an.'. Farmaoo the lUi?t bank of the
Hi:. -. , K:v *. ? ??? - '1'i.rri t. >vn?unions ??? bie.n are :
'irie FARM ol tlie .ubienbe: now occnpicu by Mr. Crrser,
with trorc !? to \!') arres.
I he FAl'.M of the fata William Dutcber, eraxtahxa Iii ?cir?.
A ?n. setenl entail Places suitable for Country Se'its or
Farmine purposes. Inquire ol thesxibacriher.
oM Syr S. it. Ti ?MPKLNS.1M Wi??t rr. N. V.
?ys3s ? \ ><ry desfrahle and pleajj.T Country Beat and
y'e.t Farm on Slntoa [.land. N'ortii tide, two milestielow
Port RieJuni n '. fhxruoi thai beannful .'wsst of prater. New.
ark Buy. The Farm contains eighty acres of !and, noe iinll
ot which :> abeauaftd youn; erowth of wiuxlla.nl; it hvi a
water front or" mer one thoosertd ie?r, where you.may in the
ataaon. catch any nnaatity of fath : also, the rear froalsona
mad Uuckly mmetled, iea Una to the Coiintjri Uotase, Rieh
ni...vi am! New It; n. i nrbe prenii.e.,a'e two hon.?-, the
one tiie o'.: ia.hio.i..:l faun bouve; one ?tory huh ; the otlwr n
new nu?'.jni ballt bouse with a colonnade front, a new barn.
c."aehhoiiMr, ?i~,l i.oi.-o. ? i > .; !ioi;<e, and n.rrLCnb,?.iiron
?i.ei!, h. _- pen! and eoja ibsd.al] huilt irithin the las: two years.
The fiiriii i! ail newly leneed witn picket fence In front and
tu?.? und rad in tiie r-nr. Th s lar,u fa only one hour's sail
ln.ni N'ew-Vork. The ?tenmbnat riin? tbinuefa thstilay nt th.r.
ty iloitnn pt rrr.r eooiioulati.H>. Thier? Is ait old an.) fomsa
Orchard00 the premises, COnslsttne of aup'e?. r~nr. plnm and
eherrisa. The above It n tu. et desinhlo <iiiuaitnii lor n peru.u
iovme a country Iii-, ai the same time ?vatbiharto do business
intbeeity. There s pilScient ma it tire on the preni'-es that
wiUazsswexthe fhrtn for ye irsto c"T.e, Also, a small farm
adjmnine. e?:nt?iiiliic alwut 23 acres, fronting on the river mad,
a most Isaaittifal bmldine ki>ot b'r a person who would
like to put upaeotsaae lor a country leaMaoee The above
property tsriO be sold reasonable if app'>M t.r For par
tKUilais, enrniire of JOHN CRAY. No. J l^otlrtkindt sbtsst,
or of CLARKSt IN cii' IL1CS, Esq. No. 11 BanurUtrstet.
i37 'w
?.'oil SALE?Four i^.tsoi Groendimi north ?nie ot Fourth
JP ,ue~i. Forpartieolaninqoiranf
jJ7 tw _ _ 7 Itror.d .tr vi. iiH.n VV-iII "r.vt.
1710R SALE.?A valuable bnildinx led, kSalCO. on the
West side of Filth avenue, between 'I'en'h and Eleventh,
st. Inquireuf A. J. BLEECKER At CO.
jJ7 Iw 7 Broad St; near IVall St.
en9r.FfjR SALE OR EXCH ?NGE.?A FARM at 47
civ," :?? ?< i t Se -aueut, New Jei.-ev. w ill be ..:.!,-/,.. ,. |.,
3h-, quire of A. J.^HI.FI.CKlill dr. CO.
7 Broad >:. near Wail
r - v .
C"-V ' ..??? tor City pfpetty. rot paitietiars im,uire of
ZXL A. j- IILLLL'kEII & Co. " Hr..-..! tu
?^^TTvv Near Wall slreeL
fflK3t,F\P.M Fi >K SALE. OR EXCH ANCE.-!'?r sale or
Sjtfsi.1 exclktage property in this city, the well k.a>wa
J3aw Farm and Tuvcru.Str.3il, containing hbotil 1W nercs
ot choir., Perrmfnf Lam!, [foonerly owned W Joaalhan Gid>
ney.Exq.l inxiated on thaC.??t!ectiMi or Wexteru Turnpike,
2-,'ii. lesfrom ftewhurjh, frranee r?. and le.ui.deil by tl.e
Little itritai0:Reed on st,? s.?itli. Tue wi| a particularly
adaptedto the raiasnc of Kram,,erasi. a:c ; i<j acre- are nibi.
bleend tmderfirst rate cuinvaiiou, con-a'iune an oretxanlnf
ir:.:t. and Id aro> of eo"l wood.land. The
i.mi.en,-s ron'i-t ot a lur,e tv.oJtory home, w.tb mi addition,
m e\ce'lenl order, and a basoieent kuchcn uuder the audition,
u larse barn, eood ihed , -tab nt, t-c. Two vreta convenient
to tiie honseahd <lie.S-, that ttiiord plenty ut the 1 e*t of water.
What in niumr.? deutre* enhances live value of this property
is tl.e inexbnuitibl?teu(uility of tiie last luneitone imnrrtes in
the country, with a kiln ready to manufacture. E ther for
firiniiie or i place of public IwaiDeas, the biratioii is desirable,
as it is easy of ncces*. <uiamboats plyiny d uly from Newhureh.
Apply to B. ?'. Wfiirjlt. on tiie premise* ; or to Wrurbt, Lo
? 6 Co. N-i. Z' M.?irs..f. New.York, where ail information
will beciven liiit 1? neitessory. . - jp.l?tf
CKJA FAILS! FOR SALE?Contrucine 150aere?, situated
s^?N: adjnminx the villas* of l>imac, Sinilbtnwn Township,
s>?Sn:r..i'? < '..-::ity. Lons Is: :r.d ; acre, u under r. eienl
it-iU; of niltivntio i, the bnlanec in wo"d. The bmlilintf? coit
?,>t ..I a rt'-sl DtVwbnc sn.l Barn., and all other ueee-.ary out.
?ionsea. There are 4.KU Fruit Trees, all hudded orsrafteil, iuch
a. apples, r^eas, puorlies. plums, and cnerries, -ml of choice
mahuea; al.oa ?utlicie-tcy of xmalVrr fruit. For further par.
nertqutnof CADMUS tc CLOCGH,
jlilm* i.'.j We", street.
v.'?* tb: K.r;.!j-- r...n!. hot wem t.'j an.! <-;tii aventisrs
.?jr.-h?u and lt.Ttfi Mrceta.cor.tainnt; V acres of land in rood
coll atioo. am! aUiundme in truit tree*. ibiTihherr, ?c. The
rrouisdMsdevated and eommaniU a noble view nt the watars
of Hurlsr.u, and East River, and idio rrn exteiuive view of
Lone !?s.r.i!. Tenii? readeeasr. Aprdy to
Exfccb>ii ol Ainlretv Mel town, deceased ; or
tttf _ J. AI'RI.VM'E. 5d_Ju':ii-.i. N. Y.
C:T-?- 1 !VO!M lop. SALl->-s.'i...te ?t: the r.?.d t'r?m New
sgtjW Ri-thche t.i Wiuie Plains, aJKMtt equLiitstniii frorn each,
ii if ".ah '? VM acres of and, nil of which is plough
lau:i, exc.-p;::iit ten ccri>. wh ct. u v.....J >.zi..\. Tie? place is
di. ided by a tana, and is ia;d out hito convenient lots tor culti?
vation. AUtiie fences are of rtone. ua good order, und the
ernuod in a Inch atote of culttv?tioc. The baildOnc* ell of
goo,l charaeter and in ooier. ?For terms apply to
ts. B. KEXYON, on 11? pref-ttses, or of
?: ? f_J. ADBJANC B. 56 Johnjt, New-York.
CTi":\M POWER To LET.?Frani 5 to 15 hone power.
O with a pr.rt or the whcle of aboiklinc now ereC::n?1 20 by
50 ftet. and 5 ?Uir.es bijh, on the East River o,|e nea' P.ke
??? ?? !- ....?"I UECKER & BROTHERS.
J? .:>,? 2-Kf cherry ?treet.
5_j PAPER-MII.L TO LET, ::i comp?to order. It h.i [
" -'??' vr:S'.r-e-, tuoiia ?:.e.': machines, crai r.jar roQs.
n. i. Ait. nc Csvcneeted w?:h tins Mill ui.M)taM:*t
Inn.:, i.tw.:^ ?.vi.skI, on which ;.ow str.ndine one Saw-Mill,
*t LpM .'.'-..-.hiceShnp. B'sckinnlrw' Shop, a good
Store, end thirty lHvei:.r.g.||t>it>ea, ai! of which u tor sale or
fas rutiti-r. naatwalua term- and poesoe.oa given inxiiiesiuiely.
rov iartber r urticu..irs luouiro of
did CAE NT a l.iERhlf;KSON. 153 Sot.ti-str??rt,
?. i.oi KS.?The mbsenber, who w-.v
awirried aTJiplonta at the New-York Suta
'Fait* of 1?I2 aad ISO lor the rsesttrnied
Church 1VI1. and rEs? a Silver Sioit.tl for
the bot Ik:;, and Diploma for Town i
Clock, exhibited at the Fair of tr.c Anveri
cao ii?titete in October tat, i. ps>w pra.
p.-tn?!athv? Fonudry at West Tr.,y, New.
Yeai lo fernah Beib of from 3} to Ib'.tXij
it>. made of the oe?*. marenaj, tin! warranted to s'asd and
tone to purr.-..?la-ie-.s lo them improve,) Ca.st-I:r.n Yokes wttli
Movtalilo Arsis. . The meieaatas dcotand !"<ir his Bells is the
best estiieocs tnar can be riven ,.f their eacelUmce. Onlers
have been rsce-ved from the Caiiailai and almost ail the Stares
an . g>tv*jt'4ni tiKve hee-c furnaned to CiJ?rent p la res iu the
State al New-Yecfc ir?-m hts Foundry. Town Clocks. Lrvel
laj and Suniyiag Ir.?trinnenu, C'.-pper and Braai Castn-ss,
Av.. ii-c nil rioii AS DREW M EN EEj-YT
\f ANT ? F At.TLREKS AND LMP<JRTER.S of Per.j'oekti
JAi and Table Cutlery, Razor., Sr.jiv/rs, F.les, Sawc, Touh,
a.'.<! other desetiptixsil of SiietCfd^ood*,
oJ 3 ?;? (S . PLATT^TREET.
j\TATF.R1.\LS fat Gen SSroit.Hi.Gna Iyiekt and wtru of
??j^' GanK?L^ts ??ne*. PeitUBBirai C->. and Pi lb,
RrwtVex..Ftatuts and ghut Beits. Co.-iea ao<l Wrswhes. niha
Rodt. sVonss. Ate, Ate for ??? in quactitrhy
"?y a. w. hinten fc \ft
Beits, Ixr.tes and Wrencbm, flj^,
Kl Pssssrt it
iJJ Uxs BetleT lr..o. No. Z to Id.
ill " Hue Iron. ** 10 to ii.
?. for ?alj ir 'ots to ??itpirrehaasr?. by
125 _ sHE^MA.N.ATWATr^^UJ??B^|rW._
Wf^L?2u.CW lbs American Fk-ce Wool, consettiss ot
apjt) lbs SMur/my aod full biood Menno
do ,Jo H and K Mead do
2fxsi do comracci Woof,
ris3j do tub-washed do
?CCfdo uosvashed _ do. For tale by
jSL__\YELL3 fc SPRING. ?t Pme rt.
Lt tCBKD SHEiTPLs^S?U mches srnirf. CK ,ale fay
JU W?LLd At. SPRING. S31--o?J st.
?* ir 1 'If f_; Western K.-ii-'w'*-?1 "to
g ?!bs>TSM of Ba"w
fc _VV?TBR MAIL l-l> r. n-K A ..A
^PcTnt. T?lTw*l|-f.. ?Ye^from^_Cohl
Point. CaV.w-.--li <. ???-?.??.
~ ' - .r-n. liomotirrn. and rntighkeepste.-rare
? vouch to Albasy. by Steoriih.-U nnd Stage. 8*. Pare tc.
s .- --. :Jr.-:,; :-.'Ver.l.scck's. 7.5 cut*- ,
- : .- at t fli ? l. t aptam T. N. Hole* ^wMj?
sten.rnho-.: 1 .ertoot ot Csiurraandf-street, (south side) L\ LR1
M' >R.\ INC. at 8 o'clock. -. ? , ? . ?,_
? r-are tor A'bauv. from both ?de? of the North luvcr.
. ery onyihe armral of the txv?t at Poueaseepsie.?
Pss-.-e.igers arrive :.i Aihaay early on the felwwuig nvorouJC.
as 'nc -ivul. -_f go..!, and ?'eighiiig Mre. _ ,
Par rNtssage ? - Freight, appQr ou board, or to P. t, ire.
at the oiiice on the wharf. _ _
tAi , J f r JIi-Ketown, Goafcen and intermediate places.
.SforJ-faE- -r Pa*seriger>. the steamboat - leare?
2E9B3tfie root i ;' Ifuane street every morning, (except
Sundays.)1 at S o'clock.
Ear Preigit, the steamboat ??? leave* the foot of Du
ir? meet -very Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday afternoons
at 3 o'clock.
For fun her particular* esquire of j. Van Rerjsseiier. Agent,
coiner of Dunne and West six. II. C. SEYMOl'R,
vey Passengers to Ithica, Owcgv\ BingbamptsMi. Carixindale,
Horstarlala. MRford. dec. _dlrj_
"?Ha????"' NEW-Y* 'Ktv AN!) ?AR1.EA1 R. R, CXVl
^?Ml&^On and alter Octvaer 2f, the cars wiU ran as foU
!Ss5 .City Hail f!1.-Harlem (ir&hs'reeO Mor-ian?, Forth, j
ham. Wilhams* Bridge. Hunt's Bridge, I'liJertulPs Road. '
Fuckab.*?. Hart C >?.cr? and WhrtO Plains, at7 3Ua. x. ; 10
?> a. st.: t r. s..; 3 23 r. a.
Inures WiUiarits. Bridge lot Ctty Had at 5 45 a. x.: 11 45
a. M. : 9 4d r. si.. 4 4.5 p. s..
I?vos TtieJtahoe for Guy Holt it S SS a- H.: 11 36 s. x. :
1 55 ?. >r.: S ?3 p. jr.
U-.n.-i White Plains for City Hal! at ? s. *.: 11 a. K.: 1 3)
r. x.: I r. -t.
raurhi :min ?will !r-nve the City Hall atRI45x. Iienvo
White rtliDS at B a. x. <
The We lesiei traio wiH (top onlv alter leaving the City
HalKatthaeocsei orRroomasLaad tba Bosrery. Vnuthail
G . 37th <t. An e-. ra ear will pre*?>ie eneh train 10
?.-.nil--.- -s ;..-i> :i:e lime ofstart.ug trom tCcOty Hall, oad will
'ike up '.r? i- oi.gvr. along lire line.
Es'ru Hawam and Jbjrrnoanio Traim, fir Momsiaaia and
inremiediate places.
Leave City Hail for Harlem and Morrwiana at 7 a. h. : S a.
leaves HOTrttiana for City Hail at 9 a. sj.; 10 a. sc.: il p. x.:
? if e. x. By order of the Board.
W.U. S. CARMAN. Sec'ry.
>_.ta.' *1 B WB \7 Rt IH- Laru;:o< atl aid weif VV est
^?Si5SsKi&s''o."-. Eoldsprinx. CmwaU. enii Fiihsm
JAMES r-i M/lAIN. Opt.ttnChane? Rai
?teed ?rill i^arethe Wrtrren KMat Hal ivery loev'.ay and
Fridayat4ocloekP. M. h.rtureiajf, will leara Newburrh
ever-r'?" !lines t? r and Saturday at ao clock P.M. .
ill ir -i -i. ig?? ? : P ?:.-<?:?. Rank oil.rer r-s,*-::. pat
an -board1 tru loat without heing entern! on the book or receipt
?J for. ?: .-.: Ire ?:' ico : 'Uil l.-...<iwiirrsthr.-e..:._ivs It
?C*NSWRI }<;;!-:?i^iidm- atCaMweU!a.W.
?flkPouil. Cold SPjjj-S ?r..lC.irniva,l.
IFT.-.' -.? tct?ll.A.M.ER. Cspt. K. War.ls.sp.wt!!
leave the p R font W u-ron H. every Moudd/. rhufkitay
sod Salunlay st 4 o'elocx. I* M. . ._..?.
u.rttirnip/ w.l. .enva N'esrbnrg.i every Mota.a? st / A. M.
ud Tuesday art-! Prtday at i P. ol. t , _
For frairht or oesto-e. apply to uhc ? aptr.lit or. bstard. Baa
- .,: .? ..! . <i~scr.pi.s>ns. bant htiiserroeesepcton
board, em*; be ?I the ;-.g of owaers iiiersaif anl-ns a hill ol la
ri'ay it leeoilst kst StglSi ? fisr1 he ertrne. o5
__i<YopK AMi Bt Ks PON ,B A It ROAD
:;?zzzzri^i |\RVia VORWICII sND Wt?RCBS
TPit^olitiKijed ot the following superior Stea eers running
' - .... i ivuhtfi Norwich and Worcester and Boston
and YVoceester Itailrnnds:
WORCESTER, i ?nt. Vantlerbilt
CLL' IPATR ('apt. Dii.tan.
NEW-H i VEN. i ".-tut. Ykii Pelt
One of ?hu :i will leite. PwT No. 1 North River tii.weekly.
Th^ New.Hasei . Ca ?'? Van Pelt, on TAtesdays, Thursoayt,
?ind Saturn n r. a' 4 i.Vi.ick, P. M.
Pnf ngso on ihe nrrivu' M Ihe ?teame.s at ,1.1.1... rs
riii?.'i" hi I ba iinmttiiataly.forstauietl m the splendid aau
eommodious Cars of ;he Railroad to BOBTOrl, without
chi.ol ? srs. For pn?tago ..r r>ei?h? apply n-i board or to
iS tf_M.I.E\.-*4lltea..s.lsy.lip .tain.
rrr?^, s. - WINTER \ R RA MG EM ENI .?FOR
*~ _^Js>?w (RT. PR( '\ IDEM E AND P.t ?>
Mts55_,-|'i iN.?Passage to Pneridenco tit to Boa
DnaSoU. The splendid tteiuiiia.al NEPTCNE,-'apt. Wie.
Ri.?.n?, ?rill leave pisr No. 'J North River, every Monuiy
aii-l Thnralay at 4 P. M.
Ail kinds of (reitet Piken nt the lowest prices.
'.' .v rigor*by this'boat will arrive in Proviilenc?< in tnneb
take t>a morimw train Of ears lor Boston.
Por'.oiher ini'.irirnfion. niu're on !?wird ot the txmt. or of
|34tMh1 _3. N. DILTS. No. 19 Westjt.
. t.-'-i '? ?...?.!!.i.- ' \ : ?-? v\ i VI BK
VHRANCEM EIST.-fjnmmeavana Monday,
rs..v. ti-jt. liAi.
? o'elock \. jjj.
r^a?9 I^avn
Dv't oel \.M. 7 o'clock A. M.
4 r. M. J " P. M.
"aiteugeti bi ;h- Morahtf 'Prtln in HI IBB. ISTIIVVN, svill
arrive ?H>a i? I" , o'clock, when, Stagei will let in rea...iier?
?i.'ivi v :l.srsri to Seh ^,ley'< Miuiiitani, Washingtnp. Bwivu
dere trid Boston, daily; to Succasnnn. Stanhope, Newloo,
Mnlbrd and Owegooa Mondays, Wsuhesdays,ana Friday-;
Hisd to Rocantvay, liover, Spartn and Newton na Tuesdays,
Thnrsdaysand Bnturday?; ea^h Line returtnug the sUrw,?-ueat
'In . -1 S:.i,-c v.-..: nit., leave for Rockaway and Dover every
p ? oval r>| th.s Can at Murnstown, and for
Bast t tudire ovary evening.
' - to :n to and from Jersey City without
earo.jing Cr.- . < la leaving. theCuy Pr-'vngers will deiamt
?hiar 1' i.-ga-??? in the Car nt the foot uf Corthuiill i-treet, wheie
an Aceat ?riTI be in atianaanea to rieteive it.
Pas?earen fnun Mnrristiiwa will orriie in Newark in time ts>
Lain the Morrun??cd ARerooon Trruiis for Tranton and Philo
All packages rrr bundles mutt be anwsred en the way-bill, or
thef.iinpnnv- willnot hi-W tliemtolvea pajpot dbb>.
1'REK.H I'v.dl be l.irwanleil iiii..ie.liiiiely to Morristown
fron YVutahall, by Stepheoi it. Coaxlit'i Line ut sioopstn
Netvark, or from the Traaspa-tAtioo Ottice ol the N.J. R. R.
und TiW-Co. t'Mit or Liberty-street. New-York, nnd, ir de
sired, *i!l be ci!!*l for ttj any nnrt of the City by nuplicnuon
at snui iinico- cd_IRA In illp. Siiporiiuei-ileia.
j'j] (ii \Nt.EMENT.?on und alter October lit tiie
^'Ijcave PaXersoei DepoL
At 8 o'clock, A.
At llXo'eioek. A. M.
At J o'clock. P. M.
i Is SctrDAYV
Ai M o'clock. A. M.
At3o'ci.?:k. P. M.
'Iscavo Now-Yo'rk
At9 o'clock, A. M.
At 12V o'clock. P. M.
At 4 o cloek. P. M.
on BtrtrDAYe.
AtSo'cl.^k. A. M.
At 4 o'clock, P. M.
Ail bn-giige nt risk of owners. Ollices ut 75 Coeitlnndt-st.
and it I lop.,:, Pn'epnin:_ ?20
L.?-r A '?>' it-NT.?N BVV A RK und N 2W-Y? >KK>
-?. . :? i ?: ,.
. riLAiN BOVY.CnrHJ.GnflV. on and after Tues
aay, Bapt. 10th, will rsncefdhwi. daily:
Leave Ilewark. ujav? New-Yorx.
f.mt of CnQtre-iirrat. of Barclsy-slietst.
a o'clock, A. 8 o'clock. P. M.
>'--. . sr.-isd at very tfasonobl j rate?. ?SO
- "- N<r Iii 11.?r'i'Ai'EN ISLAND f'ER
1 ^^s=s--< "iRY.-On and ull? Sunday, December 1st,
*.~:r-Z?xZrta,*'.l*! Bo/ti will leavo us follows until further
Leave Suiten Island at S'i and 10 A. M.; 2 ind 4^ P. M.
" New.York. a " 12 " 3.*. Bid "
On St ???:, !he Boat will leave at II A. II. in place of 12.
PITTSBURG, PA ?The undersigned tor !a>t six
yearslnr.d at present) Agent lor Bimoiiam'-* Link
_Xroru tins City to Pituburg. Ph. takes this methotl
? iiitenti.ng Ins numerous friestds and tlio Public, that having
mrulc extensive arrangements lor lorwarding Merchandise via
Railroad-and Wagons, during the Winter (Season, to the
Wet. he is now prepared to receipt Ihr Conds from lies C.ly
to WHEELING, Va. tet Baltimoreunil.tliimbfrrlatid. Mil. or
toPITTSBDRG via Philadelpbia and Cbambersbttra Rail?
road. Ail gootU entnuteil to h? care wii! be forsrsjdeu with
out delay, and nt tba lowest current rr-.p-s, to either of t!ie
above points on theoluo River. Alto Merchandise nnd Pack?
ages forwarded by Gaivt.s's Express, ihrouah ui threo days
t;..:., o.-. ii-i.i re ??. vYiieeiuig.iiiitxirig ;u all ?;x days from this
Citv to Wheeling. Va.
'Ihe bu.ine.s will !-r coral net ed by
W M. TYSON, 10\Ve?t.?L n. Y.
J LMES WILSON. N'orth Howard-it, Bait,
H' d.i.YD AY ^ EDGERTON, Cumberland; Md.
J iMP-j H. FORSYTII ti C' V.i.eel.ng, Vs.
WILLI \M RINGHAM, P-.u-hur-. Pa.
GoimN gtendedI for the Wheeling Route should be marked
" .V--1-. rrri unJ K'her.i r.z Line.''' cart of James Witsun,
U ? in. c.; ruiu thou; !,,r P.f-lmrgii, " P.inzhr.vis' Line," as
berat fote. WM. 1 x*SON, 10 West-ft New.York.
N..W-Y- Jan. IrVh._jali till March 1
FOR LTVEdTpOOL?Rjmiolak Patkit or Cm
yfwS^rBBRt/AitY.?'I'iie -i.i.nil..! fir?lelu,-sfast sailing'pHeket
3EE^5e:?i< P P V.TKICK HENRY, Capt. Delano, will pou
tjveiysuitJl? tlbora, bar regular day. Having very sutierior
gccooiiii^dations f.r caliin, secoad cabin niui steerage passen?
ger.. Person? srishmg u eral^trk should make immediate
pacaSan or. board, loot of Barfing slip, or to
_j27 _^ 100 pu#tt. corr.er of South.
.-- : - -.. E '; ?? ?NTOTS?H GREAT BRI'I'AIN
fiesE Li;' ?L PAI EE'I^.?Tlw subscribers bes; leave Ui m
tuose person* about seedins for llieir friends, that they
fa -. . rnade en tensive arraaKenientj for the year W6, for bring,
ijut out pasvingerj from any pert of the I Md t.'ountry ir. a com.
i'-.rt.ti- ? on..: .<-: ..:..! ...i tue u??i favoratileterms inanyoftiia
siiipt of i!w above tavo-it? la-*, vsiltug irom IJverps?! on the
Lt and loth oi"each month: aim, in first cIiim American ships,
eomciaprh-d !>y ilie most experienced master", well known in
the trade, .ailir.' entry vvoek tiiri.ogkout the season ; and to
pre .?.'. 'ein-/ or imrvrotion arid annoyaree from runners at !
Livecool. Uie-r cgeni th*re is uttermintd to attend ?rrsonally
to the forwarding of all pas?enr?n eogagad at this orilce,
Trsi Old l.tr*- of Packets eompRsetthe following ships:
nl'A'-YoSK, england,
COLUMBUS, ^oxford,
V. hen :? -r.ro? oiteeii for declina cjimmg out, the maney it
immediat!.-./ retnmeil to their frier,;!? here, without cjiy reduc?
tion whatever.
Drafts for any amount can be had. payable in all the priaci
pai towns of f .r-s.t Krtam ami Ireland. Apply u<
?, ?_-. yZll'JA *t GTJION, 40 Fuiton-st. N. y.
d30 3tn? PITZIIL'GH Jl CO. Gore..- P:.-rx?. l.iveq-o'td.
?- NEW LINE OF PACKi-lW Fort LIVEiti't .< if?
t?'?Tj> '.?! -!;: i-i-pisn ?'l-he splendid and fisradla
^2id!?l Paeket S?n [i Rl ICH ESTER, law lota tmrthen. CV.pt.
j; ^ilttoa, will ^id on Friday, the 2!?t of Eehrunry, hVr
regular day. 1 heship? of tint line being all ICtTI ton? and up
wen!?, persons about to embark for the Old l^iuniry. will not
io the odventai-ei. to Uidenved from lelccaini; this line
in preference to any other, as their great capacity rerulers them
every way more comfortable and eor.?eflu.iit than shiiss of a
?mal! Irtan, end their accommodations for cidun, second cabin
and 'ttera-rc ptaengers. it is weil known, are superior to these
ol any oilier line of packet?. Persons wishing to secure l*rtla
slrtcid not fail to make early applieaUon on t?,ord, foot of Bur
hag Siip. or to vv. tc. j. T. TAPSCrTP,
s.t Uitir geoei..! Pittsnrra Office, To South it; cur. Slajilen fane.
Ttie ROCHEBTER w.li sail from Liverpool on the 6th
of April. Person? wishing to lead for their friends can have
them bmrjsbt out in th-j magnificent packet, or any of the
re.-uJar line, sading oa the 1st, t'Ui, "tit. llth. Ifith, 21st and
2b'ih of every month, on favorable terms. Application to be
made as above.
Drhfts lcr any amount, payable on demand, without^rLa.
count, in all the principal towns of England, Ireland, Scot?
land or Wales, can at all times be obtained on apftlieatioc, (tf
by letter pon pud) as above.
Afeois in laverpcsil?
V.U. TAPSCOTT. or ? < U Gorca Piantas. and
GEO. RIPPARJi li SON. i?'. Wat/.rlo-i Road
THeelegant n-.rket ship GAR,KICK will succeed the Rri-h
ester, and ?exl February UUli, her reguiai day.
Lr W&ng Co.igVS^JV^' JTM,rf
hshed ? lie r?.f safe,^SS? and cxasL?^5, "ur
leredto tbe mihi?:: :a u* Bett* En ?S*P- 1ta*iT.V^ ol
preparation W been re^ :L^^fJL^
ish^ns IsUWineiTee?ee g
i he estimation ?l many of the most respsiWie^^iSs S
thi.citv who give waJ-Bee^.rthe m| opIBK^tb-y rn;?
tim ol its menu a* a re reedy fur Cs-oths, lt.- by
roemi.cs "J use by their patients. Tbcw ?ho havV b?en oau
various preparrttjoos without tasten, and bare become riil
courage.], are earnestly invited to try thit; many mpeetaMe
residents of tba catyniaat rendntts of MrttoU pUers ', who
i. ,ve !*-.-,. -e ored to aeaftb b} ii..i of i. rarwort Lr-u
#h?> have n rohxtancoto t.'reir raaxeeaeMMgag in the naraaT
hare left their name* and adttran with trw proprietor,and jprea
pennisston to refer a' r person t??t r; wao may wnh to mate
inuuirnM relative to the success that hns. etiriHt*! 'is us*. prlrB
per N-ttio. For?)e. whoksssil*. til Maulen lane ; and at
at Adamses & i ti:;ti. B Bowry Mtd li* Broadway ; J
Je J- tVddmrton, J18 Hudson t W. Ws.tv.it, % Catherine J
Tsrni,'. Jr? Green wich ; C, Shan:. Fu toa n. BttxiaJya, aad
of L*r::xCiiiJ generally. - j
Atirxs, Oct. 1, is*.
Mr. dame* D. Nowill?
Itear Sir?In the rallof 1S3T I contracted a severe cssld, which
kaified alt the effort* of my aGend?tf phjnuciar.? to coo.-oer;
atleneththey rmiikdlv Ul formed irte taey could do Botaw
more?Uiat my iInsw had evident!? am tee at the laststage ol
.?'ion. In This ?rate, laboring un ter a severe anil do.
(xesuug ci'iish. Pain :n the nullt snle and chest, excessive ?ur.
nient expsi'toration. sive?cd feet and legs, uutht sweats, aad
mittm [ of blood, a friend brought rue a !>otrJe of your invalua.
Me .? (3eXMtioB. from winch I recesvwl so mnrh benefit thai,
with my plirsifinu'? earnest reopest, I p -.sen red half a deren?
five of which at an expense ot i. per t>tnlo?has, to the as.
Uiirshnient of al! my tnemls, perfectly eurvs! me of a disease
prorHMJiH-ed hr three phyatexnns Oo-urm t-mt?and past the
possibility of a cure. In a short time 1 will *md you eertiri
iaresfo'mthediKtocswhoatteiiileit me. It you are not up
n.??>d to it, 1 wtih you to raus?! this to lie published in the pa.
J.^?tor I think every person ou;ht to tare it by them; it will
save many s-aJuabie hve<.
Ik-heve mo. dear Mr.
liver yeur grateful friend.
jgguw _JOSji?A P. HOBSBY.
Uicbarslaon sfc Co.'a Clelcbratad
ypiUS Yodicwe. compoundetl solely turn vcrrttibio mausr.
X ireefroinadnwrdion.and svtirrarttidtrwi i mm any mrra
djtntu .'?trimerrt.il to health, was disco s-ered aboot evw
since, hv an .- ::*?.? v.c.y *t3icted ' '?< KKA1 bl)
SWOr?LA. and who n.as been uu-Jei- the trealmeotoJ the
mostenunent phy?ii-aji* ia the Umtad State* for ?.sht yeara.
without th* kcrt apparent hope oi rwtoratton to health, and
was by them pronounced incurable, hu: who. alter lakme tna
*b?-?enam.M mediae tor Eva weeks, was rwttiwd to oerkset
?heait''. That mesliotne has been aoid with unprecedented suc?
cess, aad ha* never fa-ieilin.anyin?t.iflc*:whentakeain accord
d ml- w.-'i :??? toe !'. ?: perie.-t .-.tre el v ...? nt
dtaaM*.to wit -s.M.T mwm.s<"Knn-i.v t u;br
KING'S BVH1.. TtnSrTEUi lM-'l...lMVATt?KY. AND
SCI KW.. MUfN'.l Si Ki; IO 1>. Itld'i us,
\K'5iNs:n;o>! AN fwi n;t-;<i!:s; si:()F.MF.RcrRY
OR AN IMPURE STATE OP THfcl BLl?.'l). TheeitVa
ey ot thu meiiie.itie biu been te?ed in all tbe diseases above
enuniaratrs-!. a.id its etrestts aro truly anrooishitic. Only one ta?
ble ipsnuii:! to be taken (by na adult) - ? rioraina beloreoat
ine wlvich usually pnalncea a 6.nic eflV^:t,whiei<in moat traaeal
? ?wactiasa gentle catiutrttc, tncrenaia? no appetite and
sprier:.! health of the patJanC, cnusicg a. I ule>rnted sore* to dia
ahariremoreproltttely.and'nrodneiBg itn etlbctual aitisrnt.ve
ol to.' vp ?'?tirs'"^.purifyiogand ptoducinga perleclacttoa
nfth* llliiud. ... ? .. r i,
...is.?.. ataxing it, ?hnuM refriiafrom the ?oofaU
itirjiolatina drinks or Irghlvseasoiied io.*l. For sale bv
01 laiaed it was I ?e eof TIH 8. G. TA I..MACE,
. .,,T.t.a)Piivo-?'reet,op.- mi,o. ...('lus'o^i llouss. New
N .. >; aa?larine-strsert; .N.i*. ;^t aa.l 'Ul Peejlstreet: No.iu
i ..' fem, J- W.Srntth.corner ot Fuiton awl tJmnbeirT?
?troeta; and 'Vm. Blaenove, S,uiro'? Bttiktlrtr*. corner A d
i. w and APaatic sts.. and by ail the prtr.cipnl Jrugr.nu in tna
Umlff: States. _ ? ,
irr v ;t. i^ctrow. No. H Roaver-?:. Clnitoa Utuldln*?,
Becieral H holesale and Retail A rent lot A'.banv.
T VV. Hj-ottot Son. No. l'.i N i th S.o..,. I it.. General
Vv'h. leerde taentfiw Phila le .lua B ish it Hihyer.
t: i . ILBY, No SI Pearl street, N. Y
Instnie.ti.ius for takins tae article, ittd a great number ol cer
ttxcareaaad taaumonhxtsmay be aeoaand abtaut?ul an? ot
thl il._nlMesidlmlv
!? sWAYNK'S l'i >MI'( ifMi SYlti P ' )F W'u.j)
cof.ns. covans. >;v/'7 /.v. 0FBJ.00D. BfifA
ASTHM !. r.iLVi.v i iiy. :-!hk. BkRAST
A-e. dee.
The above is tbo ORIGINAL and only GENUINE prepare,
lion from !i'' valuable tree, all others being ncnuotpand
.interleit. Only prerwired by ?r.SWAYNB, wnoaa-oflcei
is removeil to the N. W. comer ?.i Biabth and Knee sireers,
Philadelphia, 'Pbi? nmhcino is iirkuowlclced by the Prides,
lion ana ofiier?, throughout tbo llaion, to excel by far all
other remedies ever i tiered to the public lot the cure of the
above diserues,
OTT" Keen ibe name of HR. SWAYNE in view. Eighth
an.! Knee. Philadelphia!
Aokmts?Havilaad. Keeesi Ac Co, New. York t Dr. \Y. H.
Milnor, cor. Broadwav nu.l John..; : R. A. Sunds. 1SS Uow.
ery ; C. It. Warner. 4)5 Bleecker-st N. Y. 1'iiv ; Mis. Bay*;
Brooklyn : \V. <!. Wood, Harlem: Benjamin Olds. Newark ;
John Pearson, Rah way : John Terhiioe. New-Bnimwiek, N.
J.: J. S. Uairwoa, Salem, Mat*.: W. H. Pierce, Albany ; lu
It. Swan ami .1. M. Winslow. Rochester, N. Y.t Itacku* Ax
Bolt. Tr..y: Ht.uMin* a. Uamorrton. nn.l J. i:r??n Co.
VVoKeaheri INla.s., John P. HallAttlo. Iloston; UnrvevSey.
more, Harti.ir i t'onu.; E. llollid.ve. Ilullalo, N. Y.; William
Montgomery. Lanttngburtr. N. Y-; P. M. Cohen Ar. Co.
Clmtlestoii, SC.; Amhew Oliver it Co. New < Irlenrnt H. fit
.1. Vilnius, niti) !?'.. Seleine, St. Louis ; Win. Thotii, P.It,burg ,
E. I!. Hinrnan.Cincinnati, jag8xa*
REWARD?Tn arj imtsoii who ran prove that
Dr. O.iVEI.'S KHEUlVtATIU PII.I.S are not
trW. beat article naed for RlieiimatisM, both chronic and in.
Ilaninialiiry. They have and ici/truni who.: all oilier teniedies
liui. IV?, however, a<k no one lo tr.ke our word for the truth
of 'be assertion that they will runt, but go and see some ol l Im
nianv that have ussol them. We give the ccruiieute of Mn
A. Welch, <> Nusviu-street. kei.-|i?r ol'ap entinir house :
Nrw-ViiKK. ivc/nilier 17, IHil.
Dr. Covel? pear Sir: I eheerfully *ay to you that I have
taken your Pills (bribe ((S.-iiiii.i/m.i. after has mg tried the pr?
?.:t ptioftl ot perhapl ticrntu othnr physicians, und can ICC.
mend them as a sovereign remedy in the inflamni dory stngea
..I that complaint. I experienced rrem relief in taking one
bsix ; they produced the eneei you sind they would?driving ojt
the morbid matter through the imr&i of the.skin. 1 buvethn
gl lUUti otiliileiice in them as n citritivo l.u th" iheiimntisiii.
(Sliroed) A. WEl.t'lL
Will nlso refer to BS men] morons any one will take the
rrenUeol ceJIinennon. None gonnine without the wrtiten
signntire of J. It. Meneie* on the red label attached In each
bos. Wholesale ami retail ntBce !'J John street; nho, retailed
in the city ],y A. HiU.itWGreenwjcJi 'trcel; J. Covel, I? Sul
bvanst; ElaJIocks, 176Spring at; f^abuudan. Hi bib avenue;
Powler's, comer Broadway am! Cht unite is >t. ? GuiOfl, corner
R iverv andGramlat; It. )?',. Moss, -J)tiand 8 Gland si ? mid
P. P. Wlsaelet it Co. Iiai'lmtry street. lit! im"
I J COLO IN THE HEAD, und euro lor Hoarseness and
Bronchitis, made and sold by
J. At. I. COnrilNGTON. Druggists.
3'Jtl Hudson >t. cor. Spring.
Its mode of cure is thus explained: The I/i/enge houig per.
mitted to dissolve very slowly in the mouth, uxiieads its aetion
upon the mucous membraneof that organ; which henco re?
lieves by sympathy the parts aflbctcJ, whether of the thruat or
she nostrils.
It is in ail cases innocent ami snlutnry. Price 25 rents per
box. fii Im*
_ sent to the public a lew l.'ettilicntes in relation to the etH
cucy of this remnrkahh, medicine. We rnnnot, llnough th*
medium of the press,makeknown one. hnlftbe eures it has
performed, therelbre invite nil persona atlheted witht^ormnstr.
Ttos, i.tvrt? I'uMi't.si.vr, Aariiiru, BnoNcmTta, CatioH,
WitooeiNO C'u'oii. Acc. Aic. At-. r,i call at our oliice, Cfl
Rrospway, ami receive gratuitou'ly a naniphlci containing a
lull description of thn Invaluable Southern Halm, togelber
wi'h a Treatise on Conrumption. Certificates of Cut ex, and
Opinions oftl.o Press and description of nurseveral medicnes;
all ot which we havo complied in t. neat Pamphlet for gratm.
tonsdistnbuTlon. (.CaJt and net tnic,) r.n>\ satisfy yourselves,'
or in case yon are unable to conic lend your friend for one.?
RemtnOitr the number of the proptietors office, "sift ftnmdway,
Inuimrntn?ee.. The medicine i? 1 jr sala nUo at the pniKipel
I -nil.- St?ret in 'be UniUnl Slate*.
iXJ~ Now read the foltowing OrtiticnL-J, and if you dorrht
vet, call and see the people whose uiwaturesnnd allidaviU?Kiy
Our daughter, Amanda Bell, loot fr- m chiUhixxl been af?
flicted with severe cough and phUitxic. She had been confined
to the house lor months. Since n.nrringe hor ceugh increased
abirriiiiif :y: severnl physicians were consulted who were una?
ble Ui relieve her; herstrength was prostrated ; sheexi? cbK*.
ted much blood and matter, and ws confined to her bed. Mr.
Hell saw the ailv?rtt?:meni of Dr. Sheeut.s Southern Rahn.xml
pniposcd procuring a bottle, but she ikocbned, saying nothing
can help me father. 1 must die. Her physicians and friend*
consiueiesl tier ctoo lionsi rs; wodelermtnett, however, to try
tl.oS. utlivrii P.niin. At lir>'?lie Latiugnt it did riot nlTopl btr
relief, hut in a few days the felt hitter and daily improvede
The cii'e u now noi o.ily complete, hut minxuloia. |)r. B.
during her illness r.pplied the vtetliescope and prououacol her
Innga diseased. Frani 'his deolonbH c<ir.dition our slaughter
lin? recovered, and i? reiiovrtnii if. henl'ii and ipint* by tbe pro
vid intiai use of k>s than two IxU.'oi of the Ssiuthern Itstal
which may truly lie cuiled a blessing to tiia orlbcted.
.:< IfN C. HAM. an.1
To the use of less than two but lesof Dr. Sheestt'a Soutlera
Balm I owe my cursr from the tl utiou descnoe*
in theforegoinir certificate tlr. und Dr. H. prooouaenaBBS
fir gase in eonsuxnption. Both ti,?_-se respeetable ; - a-tee
timated thr.t they di-spatied of ir<' cure. My husband aj?P??
rent* deroruur.ert tt> try 'he S,uti>>m i'.?lm. and Ihe resnit 1?
iwen net only a restoration to aerjith but a gr??iterci.'j'ryii'**
of thatbleuing lliiui I havecver l*forn [eeiseiicd. . ?'?
C'tyarwi County or New. York. ??.:-Mary Ham nn.1 J?>5
C. Ham and Amanda Bell, each being duly ,w..r.-i,dep?>wai?
?...:/. tl.:,t the facts vet forth in the urfeguuur certilienf*. aro ifl
every reAeet junt and true.
Sworn before me th ^ 4'ls day nf Decenii^r, 18U. , .
THOM AS S. IIIfWBY.Com.onJe?d*.ft?V,
P'opnePirs otficv, Uro:: il VflJ. A liberal disronnt Mi?
trade. . _l?L,
cor. Spnnj; O. T). Coe^csruJl, tl Pearl *t-, e0VJrJtr
T. R. Deforest, 42 Greenwich *t.; J.Tarraxit. ?-0 JgJJ"
wich et-; J. g. Aapiuvrall, M William *t- la BrooW
atApoihecarie?'Hn:i, FaIumst-eor.fJsJjd*v
Nt/THTE'fo-f? iNTRAf Vi ''^?-Enlirer\nenttf^
tu Caei2/.-l'rop.?abi we! he reeeiveit 6t the <??Ltin
*lorris Canal untiiTliursday, tieCth of February oex-s
Eoiargement of the Morn, Canal, from Newaf? U>J~L
ware River, a di-taer^ of cuthly-nine miles. 1 TZJ^ty lo
consist pnnctpally of exeavnino, to t* mov*d fJ^yZtaO>
aaventy.five feat, Siwcjiications can he hod ?1 'heeTjsx,
nal utlice, Jersey Ciiy.'at 'he I Vllector's "lf.ee a*^"^ :iat.
and at tiw Weigh I>ick nt N?? ark, on ?nd ?'*/ i Xi" _
hiorru Canal OtEce, Jerasy C^. Jan. il, l?tt, >"

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